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El 10 de diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó y proclamó
la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, cuyos artículos figuran a continuación:
Artículo 1.-
Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y (...)
deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.
Artículo 2.-
Toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta
Declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión
política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica,
nacimiento o cualquier otra condición. Además, no se hará distinción alguna
fundada en la condición política, jurídica o internacional del país o territorio de
cuya jurisdicción dependa una persona (...).
Artículo 3.-
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su
Artículo 4.-
Nadie estará sometido a esclavitud ni a servidumbre; la esclavitud y la trata de
esclavos están prohibidas en todas sus formas.
Artículo 5.-
Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o
Artículo 6.-
Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su
personalidad jurídica.
Artículo 7.-
Todos son iguales ante la ley y tienen, sin distinción, derecho a igual protección
de la ley. Todos tienen derecho a igual protección contra toda discriminación
que infrinja esta Declaración (...).
Artículo 8.-
Toda persona tiene derecho a un recurso efectivo, ante los tribunales
nacionales competentes, que la ampare contra actos que violen sus derechos
fundamentales (...).
Artículo 9.-
Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado.
Artículo 10.-
Toda persona tiene derecho, en condiciones de plena igualdad, a ser oída
públicamente y con justicia por un tribunal independiente e imparcial, para la
determinación de sus derechos y obligaciones o para el examen de cualquier
acusación contra ella en materia penal.
Artículo 11.-
1. 	Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia
mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad (...).
2. Nadie será condenado por actos u omisiones que en el momento de
cometerse no fueron delictivos según el Derecho nacional o internacional.
Tampoco se impondrá pena más grave que la aplicable en el momento de
la comisión del delito.
Artículo 12.-
Nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su
domicilio o su correspondencia, ni de ataques a su honra o a su reputación. Toda
persona tiene derecho a la protección de la ley contra tales injerencias o ataques.
Artículo 13.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia
en el territorio de un Estado.
2.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a salir de cualquier país, incluso del propio, y
a regresar a su país.
Artículo 14.-
1.	 En caso de persecución, toda persona tiene derecho a buscar asilo, y a
disfrutar de él, en cualquier país.
2.	 Este derecho no podrá ser invocado contra una acción judicial realmente
originada por delitos comunes o por actos opuestos a los propósitos y
principios de las Naciones Unidas.
Artículo 15.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad.
2.	A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a
cambiar de nacionalidad.
Artículo 16.-
1.	 Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin
restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y
fundar una familia (...).
2.	 Solo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá
contraerse el matrimonio.
3.	 La familia es el elemento natural y fundamental de la sociedad y tiene derecho
a la protección de la sociedad y del Estado.
Artículo 17.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente.
2.	 Nadie será privado arbitrariamente de su propiedad.
Artículo 18.-
Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de
religión (...).
Artículo 19.-
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión (...).
Artículo 20.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas.
2.	 Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación.
Artículo 21.-
1.	Toda persona tiene derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país,
directamente o por medio de representantes libremente escogidos.
2.	 Toda persona tiene el derecho de acceso, en condiciones de igualdad, a las
funciones públicas de su país.
3.	 La voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder público; esta
voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de
celebrarse periódicamente, por sufragio universal e igual y por voto secreto
u otro procedimiento equivalente que garantice la libertad del voto.
Artículo 22.-
Toda persona (...) tiene derecho a la seguridad social, y a obtener, (...) habida
cuenta de la organización y los recursos de cada Estado, la satisfacción de los
derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, indispensables a su dignidad y al
libre desarrollo de su personalidad.
Artículo 23.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a
condiciones equitativas y satisfactorias de trabajo y a la protección contra el
2.	 Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación alguna, a igual salario por
trabajo igual.
3.	Toda persona que trabaja tiene derecho a una remuneración equitativa y
satisfactoria, que le asegure, así como a su familia, una existencia conforme
a la dignidad humana y que será completada, en caso necesario, por
cualesquiera otros medios de protección social.
4.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a fundar sindicatos y a sindicarse para la defensa
de sus intereses.
Artículo 24.-
Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una
limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas
Artículo 25.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así
como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, y en especial la alimentación, el
vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios;
tiene asimismo derecho a los seguros en caso de desempleo, enfermedad,
invalidez, viudez, vejez u otros casos de pérdida de sus medios de
subsistencia por circunstancias independientes de su voluntad.
2.	 La maternidad y la infancia tienen derecho a cuidados y asistencia especiales.
Todos los niños, nacidos de matrimonio o fuera de matrimonio, tienen derecho
a igual protección social.
Artículo 26.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a la educación. La educación debe ser gratuita,
al menos en lo concerniente a la instrucción elemental y fundamental. La
instrucción elemental será obligatoria. La instrucción técnica y profesional
habrá de ser generalizada; el acceso a los estudios superiores será igual
para todos, en función de los méritos respectivos.
2.	 La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana
y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades
fundamentales; favorecerá la comprensión, la tolerancia y la amistad entre
todas las naciones y todos los grupos étnicos o religiosos, y promoverá el
desarrollo de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento
de la paz.
3.	 Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger el tipo de educación que
habrá de darse a sus hijos.
Artículo 27.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de
la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y
en los beneficios que de él resulten.
2.	 Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y
materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas,
literarias o artísticas de que sea autora.
Artículo 28.-
Toda persona tiene derecho a que se establezca un orden social e internacional
en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración se hagan
plenamente efectivos.
Artículo 29.-
1.	 Toda persona tiene deberes respecto a la comunidad (...).
2.	 En el ejercicio de sus derechos y en el disfrute de sus libertades, toda persona
estará solamente sujeta a las limitaciones establecidas por la ley con el único
fin de asegurar el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos y libertades
de los demás, y de satisfacer las justas exigencias de la moral, del orden
público y del bienestar general en una sociedad democrática.
3.	Estos derechos y libertades no podrán, en ningún caso, ser ejercidos en
oposición a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas.
Artículo 30.-
Nada en esta Declaración podrá interpretarse en el sentido de que confiere
derecho alguno al Estado, a un grupo o a una persona, para emprender y
desarrollar actividades (...) tendientes a la supresión de cualquiera de los
derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración.
My first name is
My last name is
My school is
My address is
Activity Book
Reproducción, difusión, distribución y circulación de la obra sin
la autorización del autor.
Artículo 217.o
.- Será reprimido con pena privativa de
libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de seis años y con treinta
a noventa días-multa, el que con respecto a una obra, una
interpretación o ejecución artística, un fonograma o una emisión
o transmisión de radiodifusión, o una grabación audiovisual o
una imagen fotográfica expresada en cualquier forma, realiza
alguno de los siguientes actos sin la autorización previa y
escrita del autor o titular de los derechos:
a.	 La modifique total o parcialmente.
b.	La distribuya mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo
c.	La comunique o difunda públicamente por cualquiera
de los medios o procedimientos reservados al titular del
respectivo derecho.
La reproduzca, distribuya o comunique en mayor
número que el autorizado por escrito.
La pena será no menor de cuatro años ni mayor de ocho
y con sesenta a ciento veinte días-multa, cuando el agente
la reproduzca total o parcialmente, por cualquier medio o
procedimiento y si la distribución se realiza mediante venta,
alquiler o préstamo al público u otra forma de transferencia de
la posesión del soporte que contiene la obra o producción que
supere las dos (2) Unidades Impositivas Tributarias, en forma
fraccionada, en un solo acto o en diferentes actos de inferior
importe cada uno.
La Editorial se hace responsable por el rigor
académico del contenido del texto de acuerdo con
los principios de la Ley General de Educación.
	 Título de la obra
	 Activity Book
	 Es complemento con CHEER UP INTERMEDIATE 4
	 Student’s Book
© 	Derechos de autor reservados y registrados
© 	Derechos de edición, arte gráfico y diagramación
	 reservados y registrados conforme a ley
	 EDICIÓN, 2020
	 Coordinadora general del área:
	 Lic. Flor Amanda Oyola Gabriel
	 Diseño, diagramación y corrección:
	 Editorial Escuela Activa S.A.
	 Banco de imágenes Editorial Escuela Activa S.A.
	 Jr. Pomabamba 325, Breña
	 Tels. 332 6314 332 6667
	 Correo electrónico:
	 Tiraje: 3000 ejemplares
	 Impreso en:
	 Corporación Gráfica Navarrete S.A.
	 Carretera Central 759 – km 2
	 Santa Anita, Lima – Perú
	 Tel. 362 0606
	 Proyecto Editorial N.o
	 Ley N.o
	 Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú
Fourth Grade
What do you like to wear
when you're at home?
Modesty 7
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
2. Read and write the name of the clothes.
3. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
4. Find the materials and write them in the spaces provided.
a. This belt is made of
My closet
Hello there. My name is Pete. This is my closet. I have a
shelf in the top of my closet for my hats. There is a pole
on one side of my closet. From the pole, I hang my dress
shirts and the couple of suits I own. Beside it, there are
a few shelves with more clothes. The first one is where
my folded pants and my sweaters go. The second one
is where my belts and gloves are stored. The last one
down is where all my shoes, boots and sandals are kept.
When my friends come to my house, they like to try on my
a. It is a formal outfit, men often wear to work.
b. This is worn when it rains.
c. They are worn on your hands.
d. Girls wear this while at the beach.
e. This keeps your pants from falling down.
f. These are worn on your feet when it's summer.
g. You wear this on your head.
h. These are worn on your feet when it's cold outside.
i. This is worn around your neck.
a. What does Pete keep on the shelf in the top of his closet?
b. What does Pete hang from the pole?
c. What does Pete have on the first lower shelf?
d. What does Pete have on the second lower shelf?
e. What does he keep on the last shelf?
b. This swimsuit is made of
c. This shirt is made of
e. These boots are made of
d. This sweater is made of
f. The skirt is made of
w o o l e t o p
e r u b b e r o
l r z c j u m l
m o t o r y n y
l e a t h e r e
b i c t c l e s
r v e o p r l t
f l a n n e l e
t r d p l d i r
y t s g i e n e
k n e e p a e s
i f k a y a n z
i c e s i l k g
Fourth Grade
a. Some gloves are made out of wool.
b. My striped swimsuit will be worn yesterday.
c. His checkered raincoat has been dried by the hot sun.
d. Her flannel shirt is lost for 2 years before she found it.
e. My cousin's belt will be made of polyester.
f. My grandmother's scarf was given to me tomorrow.
1. Read and match.
2. Read and write the name of the materials.
a. It's softer than cotton.
b. It's a smooth and soft fabric.
c.	This	fabric	is	made	from	animal	fleece.		
d. This material is made from animal skin.
e. This fabric is made from the latex of a tropical plant.
f. Most of all the towels used today are made of this.
g. This is a durable and synthetic fabric.
3. Match.
4. Read the sentences and write correct or incorrect. Correct the wrong sentences.
1. She wants to buy this belt,
a. I think I need bigger ones.
2. He can't afford those boots
b. you should clean them now.
3. Those pants aren't wide enough, c. he can't wear it for his presentation.
4. His shirt is too big,
d. but she doesn't have enough money.
5. Your shoes are too dirty,
e. because they're too expensive.
6. My sweater is warm enough,
f. I don't need to wear a coat.
1. They are red.
2. It's dark blue.
3. It's gray, red and white.
4. It's light blue.
5. It's purple.
6. They are dark brown.
7. It's gray with white stripes.
8. They are yellow and black.
9. It is red.
Key language
Key language
Fourth Grade
Lesson 1 3. Choose the correct option.
4. Complete the text with too or enough and with the adjective in parentheses.
1. Complete the dialogue with one or ones.
2. Read the dialogue and circle the correct options.
A:Hello Suzy, I don't have too / enough clothes for my vacation. Would you like
to go shopping with me?
B:Sure Betty. I'd love to go with you, but I don't have enough / too much time
because I have to do homework. What exactly are you looking for?
A:Well, I want to find a swimsuit that fits. I've grown since my last trip to the
beach, and my old swimsuit is too / enough small. I need a hat too. The one I
have now does not shade the sun and it's not big enough / too, so I need one
that is bigger.
B:I know how it feels when your swimsuit doesn't fit. You need a comfortable one
that's not too / enough tight.
A:Exactly, and I want it to be made out of polyester, and not cotton. I want my
new hat to be made out of linen because that fabric is cool too / enough for
hot weather.
B:Okay, let's get going before it gets enough / too late and the stores close.
A:Good morning, and welcome to our store. Can I help
you find something?
B:Yes, please. I'm looking for warm sweaters.
A:We have some very warm 1.
Look at our selection. Do you like the
that are striped, checkered,
polka-dotted or plain?
B:I like the 3.
that are striped
the best. May I try one on?
A:Sure. The 4.
you chose is made
of wool. You're not allergic to wool, are you?
B:No, I'm not. As a matter of fact, that is my favorite fabric. I'll try on a large
A:Here you are. This 6.
is the warmest we have in the
store. The changing room is right over there.
B:Thank you very much. I'll let you know if this 7.
1. This flowered skirt is better than the blue
a. one
b. ones
2. These white shirts are wider than the black
a. one
b. ones
3. These striped pants are more casual than the checkered
a. one
b. ones
4. This blue swimsuit is fancier than the black
a. one
b. ones
5. These plain scarves are cheaper than the polka-dot
a. one
b. ones
6. This checkered hat is better than the flowered
a. one
b. ones
Happy birthday!
It's Susana's birthday. She received lots
of presents. She got a swimsuit from her
grandmother. It's red, yellow and green. She
doesn't like it. It's 1.
(colorful). She also got some sandals from her
aunt. They're great, but she can't wear them
because they're size 38 and she's size 39.
They aren't,,,2.,,
,,,(big). She also got gloves from her mom. They're nice and colorful, but they're
(long). Her best friend gave her a sweater and it's perfect!
It isn't 4.,
or 5.,
(big / small), it's
just right. She's wearing it now.
Do you like to
play dominoes?
Love 1
1.	 make a bracelet
2.	 do an experiment
3.	 play dominoes
4.	 get a haircut
5.	 make popsicles
6.	 watch the sunrise
7.	 fly paper airplanes
8.	 wash your dog
1.	Number the phrases with the pictures.
2.	Unscramble the phrases.
a.	sawh ryuo god b.	ylap modnioes
c.	keam sicpoples d.	teg a raihtuc
e.	ateredecor ryuo moor f.	 awcht het nussire
g.	og ot hte ilrbayr h.	esrach teh nietrent
Fourth Grade 5
3.	Match the phrases with the correct definitions.
1.	 make a family dinner
2.	 fly paper airplanes
3.	 build a sandcastle
4.	 have a water balloon fight
5.	 go to the library
6.	 make a bracelet
a.	 fly paper
b.	 build a
c.	 wash your
d.	play
e.	 make a
f.	 have a water balloon
g.	 redecorate your
h.	 get a
family dinner
4.	Complete the phrases with the words in the box.
a.	create a piece of jewelry that wraps
around your wrist
b.	fill balloons with water and throw them at
your friends
c.	visit a place to read books
d.	throw folded paper across the room
e.	make a castle from sand at the beach
cook a meal for everyone in your
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Read the text and put the verb in parentheses in the correct form Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
2.	Do we usually use these words with the Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Write them in the correct group.
I wake up early in the morning and
1. (watch) the sunrise over
the mountain. While I'm getting dressed, my mom
usually 2. (make) breakfast.
My dad is a chemist. He 3.
(search) the internet every morning because he 4.
(do) an experiment in his
laboratory. After we have breakfast, I help my little
brother make paper airplanes because he likes to
5. (fly) them around the
house. I usually 6.
(go) to the library to study and read. Now we
7. (play) dominoes with
my mom, dad and little brother. We like spending
time together before going to bed.
Monday through Friday
every day now on Friday right now always
usually sometimes at the moment never every weekend
Present Simple Present Continuous
Fourth Grade
watch have build search make flying washing
3.	Choose the correct answer.
4.	Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1.	What is your uncle doing?
a.	He is getting a haircut at the barber shop.
b.	He gets a haircut at the barber shop.
2.	Do you make bracelets to sell at the market?
a.	Yes, I do. I usually make bracelets out of pearls.
b.	Yes, I am. I am making bracelets out of pearls.
3.	Are you learning how to hula-hoop?
a.	Yes, I learn how to hula-hoop at school during physical education.
b.	Yes, I am learning how to hula-hoop at school during physical education.
4.	Is your mom making a family dinner tonight?
a.	Yes, she is making a family dinner tonight.
b.	Yes, she makes a family dinner tonight.
5.	Does David do experiments in his science class?
a.	No, David doesn't do any experiments in his science class.
b.	No, David is not doing experiments in his science class.
6.	What does your sister do in the evenings?
a.	She's searching the internet right now.
b.	She usually searches the internet in the evenings.
a.	He doesn't a sandcastle in the garden.
b.	She is the dog in the bathtub.
c.	We often popsicles when it is hot outside.
d.	My brothers are not paper airplanes in the house.
e.	I always the sunrise from my bedroom window.
f.	 Once the balloons are filled, we can a water balloon fight.
g.	We usually the internet to do our homework.
Key language
a.	She is knowing all the answers.
b.	Are they having a cat?
c.	This coffee is tasting bitter.
d.	He is hating to get up early on weekends.
e.	Are you remembering his name?
f.	 These flowers are smelling wonderful.
g.	I am not understanding today's math lesson.
h.	She is liking this restaurant.
Lesson 2
1.	Find and correct the mistakes below.
2.	Read the dialogues and circle the correct answer.
1.	A: John, you look / are looking tired.
B: Yeah, I am knowing / know. I didn't sleep well last night because I was researching
		 information on the internet to finish my project.
2.	A: My grandma wants / is wanting to redecorate her room next week.
B: I am thinking / think that's a great idea.
3.	A: My sisters are loving / love to have water balloon fights at the carnival.
B: My nephew likes / is liking to have water balloon fights too.
4.	A: They need / are needing to go to the library to do their literature homework.
B: I am understanding / understand.
Fourth Grade
3. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words in the box.
4. Circle the correct form of the verbs.
know belong like love forget want smell
Cindy:	 Hello Sam. How's it going?
Sam:	 It's going pretty good.
Cindy:	 Would you like to help me make a family dinner for tonight?
Sam:	 Sure Cindy, but I have to wash my dog Rover first. He is really dirty and
1. bad. My dad is upset and
2. him washed.
Cindy:	 That's ok. I'll help you if you help me. I've got your back Sam.
Sam:	 Good to hear. Should we go to the store for the ingredients?
Cindy:	 Yes, we have to go shopping before we start cooking.
Sam:	 What does your family 3. for dinner?
Cindy:	I 4. my mother wants spaghetti and sauce tonight.
She 5. the taste of the sauce I make. Mom says just
the thought of my sauce cooking makes her mouth water.
Sam:	Don't 6. about Rover. On the way let's stop at my
house and wash him. Let's hope my dad didn't give him away because he's
so dirty.
Cindy:	 No, he loves Rover and he thinks he 7. in the family.
a.	Have you noticed the birds in the park, they seem / are seeming to be everywhere?
b.	Hector doesn't mind / isn't minding loud music, actually he prefers listening to it.
c.	Rosa and Maria are loving / love making sandcastles at the beach.
d.	The bracelets that Mirabel made look / are looking beautiful.
e.	I am minding / don't mind going to bed early because I like waking up early.
1.	Match.
2.	Circle the correct phrases.
1.	play	a.	the internet
2.	make	 b.	a haircut
3.	redecorate	c.	dominoes
4.	get	 d.	the sunrise
5.	learn	e.	a bracelet
6.	search	 f.	 to the library
7.	watch	 g.	your room
8.	go	 h.	how to hula-hoop
a.	My friends and I make smoothies / go to the dentist on hot summer
b.	We buy ski clothing / search the internet when school is not in session.
c.	It is fun watching people learn how to hula-hoop / do their homework
during vacation.
d.	I sometimes wash my clothes / do an experiment with Coke and baking
e.	The best place to watch the sunrise / see marine animals is on top of
Peru's highest mountains.
f.	 When I was younger, my father and I would go ice skating /
build sandcastles at the beach.
Fourth Grade
3.	Write the verbs in parentheses in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
4.	Choose the correct word and write it on the dotted line.
a.	What does this word ?
b.	Do they in UFOs?
c.	We don't the movie.
d.	They to go to the library.
e.	Her sister does not to change her job.
f.	 Do you the telephone?
g.	She eating junk food.
h.	They to learn how to hula-hoop.
i.	 He playing dominoes.
a.	My mom smoothies with my brother right now. (not make)
b.	My dog does not like it, but we have to him. (wash)
c.	We popsicles for dessert at the moment. (make)
d.	On weekends, my friends and I dominoes because I'm busy
helping my parents and doing my homework. ( not play)
e.	When I am bored, I sometimes my room to do something.
f.	 Children like to paper planes in the park. (fly)
mean meaning
believing believe
like liking
needing need
want wanting
hear hearing
hating hates
want wanting
liking likes
Were you jumping
rope on the weekend?
Don't litter! 2
1.	Look at the pictures and complete.
a.	My little sister usually slides down the .
b.	My cousins can get really high on the	 ,
	 then jump off.
c.	The is where my sister and her
friends pretend to make meals.
d.	Juan would climb all day long on the ,
until his mom called him.
e.	The children make sandcastles in the .
f.	 On the Marcos and Julio go up
and down.
g.	Outside the school, Maria and Rosa play
by jumping on one foot.
h. Swinging from the is great
Fourth Grade 13
kick swing go up play slide jump
2.	Check the correct option to complete the phrases.
1.	play .
a.	rope
b.	sandbox
c.	hopscotch
2.	go up and .
a.	straight
b.	down
c.	left
3.	climb the .
a.	jungle gym
b.	hopscotch
c.	sandbox
4.	kick a .
a.	slide
b.	ball
c.	swing
5.	jump .
a.	a ball
b.	seesaw
c.	rope
a.	One of the best exercises you can do is rope, just like Rocky Balboa.
b.	Players the ball when trying to score in soccer.
c.	Many children can and down on the jungle gym at one time.
d.	My favorite thing to do on the playground is down the slide because
you can go really fast.
e.	My cousins love to , especially on a sunny warm afternoon.
f.	 I like to hopscotch. It's really fun because you can draw the pattern on
the playground with chalk, and jumping on one leg is great exercise.
3.	Read and complete the sentences with the correct word in the box.
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous and match them to
the correct pictures.
2.	Put the dialogue in the correct order.
a.	She (play) hopscotch when her
mom called her for dinner.
b.	He was driving to work when he
(crash) into a tree.
c.	The girls 	 (jump) rope when
their shoes came untied.
d.	The children (climb) the jungle
gym when suddenly the ground started to shake.
We were climbing the mountain when we
(see) an eagle swoop down and
grab a rabbit with its talons.
The mysterious man with a parachute
landed on the playground while the children
Oh just in case, did you call dad to find out if he's
coming for lunch?
I was leaving the house when I heard something
and I didn't know what it was.
Do you believe in ghosts or do you think they're
made up?
I think I heard a ghost upstairs last night. Did you
hear it too?
A:	Oh no. That's terrible. Where is Joel?
A:	Hurry and ask him to come home now. We have to
go to the hospital.
B:	Well, I saw something swoop down from the ceiling, but it might have
been a bird.
Yes, but he can't make it because he crashed his car into a restaurant
and almost hit a waiter. He's in the hospital now.
B:	He's climbing the jungle gym in the park.
B:	Okay.
Fourth Grade
3. Complete the story with the correct past tense form of the verbs in parentheses.
4.	Choose the correct forms of the past tense.
A group of children 1. (play) in
the playground one sunny afternoon when something
very strange happened. A man with a parachute
2. (fly) in the sky and landed on
the ground. The children appeared frightened at first,
but then they 3. (see) that he had
a large bag filled with candy, strapped to his back. He
4. (pass) out the candy when
everyone noticed the clouds in the sky getting darker.
Some children were jumping rope at the time, and others
5. (climb) on the jungle gym. There
were also some children playing hopscotch, but they all
6. (stop) abruptly because it started
raining, and the sound of thunder was heard. The children
7. (run) to the play house
because they were frightened. The man helped them to
get into the house because he was worried the children
might get struck by lightning. Then, all of a sudden there
8. (is) a loud BOOM and a bright
flash of light. All of the children were safe in the play house,
but the man with the parachute was nowhere to be found.
Every time the sky turns stormy, the children remember the
mystery man with the parachute.
a.	A thief was stealing / stole a wallet when the police arrived on the scene and asked him
to get down on the ground.
b.	My mom was cooking dinner when she was hearing / heard a voice tell her to get out of
the house.
c.	An eagle was swooping down from its nest when it pounced / was pouncing on
a rabbit.
d.	The taxi passed / was passing through the intersection when it crashed into the man on
the motorcycle.
e.	I was jumping out of a plane when a seagull flew / was flying right past me.
f.	 The children were climbing / climbed on the jungle gym when one of them fell down.
The parachute man
Key language
Lesson 2
1.	Choose the correct answer.
1.	I'm not used to up this early.
	a. get	b. getting
2.	My friends and I used to sandcastles when our parents took us
to the beach.
	a. build	b. building
3.	It's difficult to get used to in cold water in the mountain lakes.
	a. swimming	b. swim
4.	In order to be prepared, it helps if you get used to a list before
you go shopping.
	a. writing	b. write
5.	When I was five, I used to rope with my friends.
	a. jump	b. jumping
6.	In the mountains the air is a little thin, but you get used to while hiking.
	a. breathing	b. breath
2.	Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.
a.	My parents used to / are used to / are getting used to slide down the slide when they
were five years old.
b.	The backpackers used to / are used to / are getting used to the change in elevation
going up the mountain.
c.	The workers used to / are used to / are getting used to the long hours associated
with meeting a deadline.
d.	I used to / are used to / are getting used to go on vacation with my parents, but now I
go all by myself.
e.	It took a while, but we used to / are used to / are getting used to the altitude change
going from Lima to Cusco.
f.	 The alpacas and the llamas at the zoo used to / are used to / are getting used to
getting fed twice a day by their handlers.
Fourth Grade
a.	I use to swing from the jungle gym when I was a child.
b.	He's a teacher in Peru. He's used to teach history, science and English.
c.	We are used to prepare big meals when my family gets together for the holidays.
d.	School is something I'm get used to because I have just moved here.
e.	I used love going to concerts with my friends, but then I moved away from the city.
3.	Match the two parts of the sentences.
4.	 Find the mistakes and correct the sentences.
1.	I was not used to the rain,	
2.	She didn't use to climb mountains,	
3.	The children are not used to stretching,	
4.	Our teacher is getting used to	
5.	People are not used to seeing	
6.	We used to swing from the monkey bars	
a.	cars crashing into trees.
b.	the new teaching methodology.
c.	when we got together after lunch.
d.	but they have to do it for their P. E classes.
e.	but I'm getting used to it now.
f.	 but she likes to climb them now.
1.	Look at the pictures and write.
2.	Underline the correct verbs.
a.	Christina and Emilia like to play / make hopscotch with their friends on the playground.
b.	It's fun to jump / climb the jungle gym with Johnny.
c.	When playing soccer, Jose slides / kicks the ball the farthest.
d.	Pablo doesn't kick / play the ball the farthest, but he makes the most goals.
e.	Samuel climbs / slides down the slide so fast that he scares the adults.
f.	 On the playground, Catalina and Ellen love to jump / kick rope.
g.	Before you go running, it's a good idea to slide / stretch your muscles.
h.	It's great fun to make / climb the jungle gym with my younger siblings.
i.	 You can kick / swing on the monkey bars, but make sure you don't accidentally kick
j.	 My younger sisters love to jump / make rope after school.
a b c
d e f
Fourth Grade
a.	While / my best friend / climb on the jungle gym / he / fall down
b.	While / Jack and Jill / go up and down on the seesaw / Jack fall off.
c.	While / the children slide down the slide / they / make sure nobody is in their path.
d.	While / Pedro and Pablo / practice soccer / they / break their neighbor's window.
e.	Samantha and her friends / swing on the swings / when the wind pick up and blow dust in
their eyes.
3.	Use the prompts and write sentences using the Past Simple and Past Continuous.
4.	Complete the dialogue with the sentences a - e.
a.	do you think the alligators' ancestors used to be dinosaurs?
b.	My dog used to bury bones all the time.
c.	it used to be a lot of fun,
d.	others used to be as small as a condor.
e.	I'm getting used to the school's routine again.
A:	Hey Javier, welcome back from summer vacation. Have you started your science project yet?
B:	Hello there Carlos, my project is going well. I found out many interesting things about
dinosaurs and .
A:	Great! What kind of things did you find out about dinosaurs?
B:	Well, they used to roam the earth millions of years ago. Some used to be huge, larger than
a city bus, .
A:	I used to dig holes in my back yard, and then one day I found a dinosaur bone.
B:	Are you sure your dog didn't bury a steak bone? .
A:	Speaking of dinosaurs, .
B:	Maybe so. I think an alligator looks like a mini-dinosaur.
A:	Javier, have you been to the dinosaur amusement park?
B:	Yes, I have Carlos. And I would love to go again.
A:	Well, , but recently they closed the Stegosaurus Slide.
B:	Oh no, that used to be my favorite ride!
You must wear a helmet
for motorcycling.
Be prepared 3
1.	Find and copy the words corresponding to the pictures.
t a r g e t o m
e r i h u y k o
l r z y j u m t
m o t o r y n o
z w s z h l h r
b i c y c l e c
r v e c p r l y
s b o w o u m c
a r r o w s e l
y t s g i e t e
k n e e p a d s
i f k a y a k z
i c e r i n k g
Fourth Grade 21
2.	Look at the pictures and write the name of the sports. Then read and match.
a.	going down rapids in a small
boat-like craft, using a paddle
to prevent flipping over
b.	rolling a large ball down an
alley to knock down pins
c.	shooting arrows at a target
with a bow
d.	teams try to shoot a puck in a
goal with a stick
e.	peddling a bicycle as fast as
you can in order to win a race
f.	 hitting a small ball back and
forth over a small net with a
g.	riding a motorcycle either for
pleasure or finishing first in a
h.	using various athletic
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Choose and complete the sentences with the correct Modal Verbs.
2.	Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
a.	have to / may not / would rather not
	 You wear skates when playing ice hockey.
b.	would rather / don't need to / must
	 You wear a helmet when practicing archery.
c.	might / mustn't / need to
	 You have a bike to go cycling.
d.	could / don't have to / mustn't
	 You get a strike when you go bowling.
e.	don't have to / would rather / mustn't
	You play ping pong with a partner.
f.	 had better / mustn't / may not
	You be in shape to do gymnastics.
a.	play / have / rink / to / go / hockey / to / You / an / ice / to / .
b.	would / archery / use / to / rather / a / target / I / practice / .
c.	bowling / might / week / go / She / next / .
d.	ping / good / They / playing / need / always / don't / to / at / pong / be / .
e.	kayaking / He / go / a / must / kayak / to / have / .
f.	 pads / You / a / had / cycling / wear / and / knee / better / helmet / when / .
Fourth Grade
3. Match 1 - 6 with a - f.
4. Rewrite the sentences using the words in parentheses.
1.	I need to have a bow and an arrow
2.	You must wear knee pads
3.	We may use the balance beam
4.	He would rather play ping pong
5.	John has to go to an ice rink
6.	They mustn't forget their helmet
a.	than go bowling.
b.	while you are motorcycling.
c.	when I practice archery.
d.	when they go cycling.
e.	when we do gymnastics.
f.	 to play ice hockey.
a.	She wears knee pads when riding a bike. (would rather)
b.	I have arrows to practice archery. (need to)
c.	They eat junk food before playing ice hockey. (mustn’t)
d.	He knows how to paddle before he goes kayaking. (must)
e.	You get a gutter ball when you go bowling. (might)
f.	 I play ping pong with a partner. (have to)
Key language
Lesson 2
1.	Read the text and choose a, b or c.
I 1. to the soccer game
everyone is talking about. It 2.
place this Saturday on the main athletic field. My P.E.
teacher wants me to write a report about the players,
and on the game itself. I 3. to
write the best report my school has ever read. Before
the game, I 4. calling all my
friends to see if they would like to attend the game.
That way, they 5. speaking to
each player and making their own personal reports. My
friends can find out where they are from, where they
6. to go after they are done playing
soccer, and their future hopes and dreams.
2.	Write sentences with the words below. Use the words in the parentheses.
a.	I / call a friend / tomorrow. (will be)
b.	I / probably / have a piñata at my birthday party. (will)
c.	We / go to a game / next week. (going to)
d.	He / thinks / go to college. (will not)
e.	She / believes / learn how to drive a car. (will be)
f.	 They / study for the test tonight. (not going to)
1.	a. will be going	b. won't be	c. will be
2.	a. will be take	b. will take	c. am take
3.	a. will going	b. will be	c. am going
4.	a. will be	b. will	c. am going
5.	a. will	b. will be	c. am going
6.	a. are going	b. will	c. will be
Fourth Grade
3. Complete the sentences. Use will or going to.
4.	Below is Karen's schedule for next week. Read it and then answer the questions that
follow in complete sentences.
a.	I am buy my friend a present for her birthday.
b.	He thinks he learn how to drive a car by next week.
c.	John probably go to a game on the weekend.
d.	They are have a movie night on Saturday.
e.	We are go to college in the fall.
f.	 Perhaps you do gymnastics next year.
g.	I believe I play ping pong tomorrow.
h.	Emma is call her friend later.
a.	What will Karen be doing on Tuesday morning?
b.	Where will Karen and her friend probably go on Sunday morning?
c.	What is Karen going to do on Monday afternoon?
d.	Who will be listening to Karen tell stories on Wednesday afternoon?
e.	What will Karen fill on Friday afternoon?
f.	 Who is going to have brunch with Karen on Sunday afternoon?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
apply for a
play ping
buy a
present for
go cycling
call a
friend and
ask her
to go to
learn how
to drive a
car with
tell stories to
children at
the library
have a
math class
fill a
piñata for
go to my
with mom
do English
do math
play hockey
study for a
math test
have a
movie night
with friends
with mom
study for
an English
1.	Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
2.	Match the sport to the equipment.
3.	Unscramble the sports equipment words.
1.	ping pong
2.	ice hockey
3.	kayaking
4.	gymnastics
5.	cycling
6.	archery
7.	bowling
8.	motorcycling
a.	balance beam
b.	bicycle
c.	target, bow and arrows
d.	pins and bowling ball
e.	knee pads and helmet
f.	 kayak
g.	hockey stick and puck
h.	net, table and paddles
Jane likes to practice 1. every weekend. She has her own bow
and arrows. Her brother, Michael plays 2. instead at the local
ice rink. On Sundays, they play 3. in their house. They have a
table, net and paddles. Sometimes, they go ten pin 4. with their
friends on Thursday nights. Jane and Michael’s cousin, Joe likes more extreme sports. He
goes to the river and goes 5. on the weekends. He also likes
6. and 7. . He must wear a helmet
and knee pads when he goes. Joe's sister Emily is good at 8. .
She is very flexible and can do jumps and flips on the balance beam.
a.	enaablc ameb	
b.	gattre owb nda wroras	
c.	iylccbe	
d.	akkay	
e.	etn, belat nda dedspal	
f.	 eokhyc ctiks nda ukpc	
g.	npsi nad wibgoln labl	
h.	enke asdp nda eemtlh 	
ping pong ice hockey kayaking gymnastics
cycling archery bowling motorcycling
Fourth Grade
4. Fill in the blanks with the negative forms of the Modal Verbs in parentheses.
5.	Circle the correct answer.
a.	You will / are going to probably go to Arts College next year.
b.	I am going to / will play an ice hockey game tomorrow afternoon because several of the
players are injured, and the coach really needs me.
c.	You will / are going to learn to drive a car because your father has already bought you one.
d.	He is going to / will be apply for scholarships for the colleges he wants to attend.
e.	She will be / is going to calling her friend later tonight to ask for advice.
f.	 We are going to / will have a movie night tomorrow, we have already picked out some
DVDs to watch.
g.	I think the class will / is going to go on a field trip if everyone signs the permission slips and
pays the zoo's admission fee.
h.	My sister thinks she will / is going to go to the beach on the weekend. If she goes, she
needs to make sure to put on sunblock. The sun can burn her skin faster than she thinks.
a.	I (need to) wear a helmet when I play ping pong.
b.	You (must) eat just before you go kayaking.
c.	You (have to) have a partner to go bowling.
d.	Alison (might) go cycling because of the rain.
e.	They (would rather) lose the hockey game.
f.	 We (may) be able to practice archery if the range is closed.
g.	You (had better) have an injury if you want to do gymnastics.
What should we do
in an emergency?
Stay calm 4
1.	Read the text and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
2.	Read the sentences and circle the correct answers.
Hi, my name is Ronald and I study natural
disasters. I was 1.
a mountain with my friends when an
2. started. The snow
came right at us. It was very 3. .
Luckily, we were able to find a cave to hide in until
the avalanche was over. Once I was studying
wave patterns at the beach when the water
started to recede and a 4.
happened which is, in other words, a 5. . We tried to
run away, but there was nowhere to stay safe and dry. Unfortunately, all the water
from the tsunami caused a 6. in the city, turning the clean
7. into 8. . One day, as I was
studying different types of trees in a forest, a 9.
started and burned the majority of the trees in just a few hours. Another time,
when I was investigating the shape and form of a volcano, there was a sudden
10. which caused lava to flow into the city. It was
11. , but luckily everyone survived the blast. Another day,
I was creating a geological map when an 12. took
place, it destroyed the city and killed many people.
earthquake avalanche volcanic eruption flood tsunami devastating
forest fire water dirty water violent seismic sea wave climbing
a.	In Japan, there was a violent earthquake / mudslide.
b.	The Californian forest fire was caused by a powerful storm / extreme heat and drought.
c.	On Boxing Day in Thailand, a tsunami / a flood came in from the sea.
d.	Climbers on Mount Everest survived an avalanche / a tsunami.
e.	The volcanic eruption was devastating / peaceful.
f.	 Hurricane Katrina caused a levee to break in New Orleans, which caused a mudslide /                  
Fourth Grade 29
3.	Match the opposites.
4.	Choose a or b to complete the sentences.
1.	violent	 	 a. cold
2.	sudden slide	 	 b. light
3.	heavy	 	 c. quiet
4.	devastating	 	 d. clean water
5.	seismic sea wave	 	 e. small wave
6.	extreme heat	 	 f. calm
7.	dirty water	 	 g. peaceful
8.	powerful storm	 	 h. slow slide
1.	When there is an earthquake in your city, you should
a.	go under a desk or table and wait until it's over.
b.	run out of the building you are in and grab the nearest tree.
2.	If there is a forest fire, the best thing you can do is
a.	try to put the fire out by yourself.
b.	evacuate far away from the fire's path.
3.	When a neighborhood is in danger of a flood, the residents should
a.	travel to higher ground and wait for the water to recede.
b.	attempt to divert the water to another neighborhood.
4.	If a tornado is approaching, the safest thing you and your family can do is
a.	climb onto your roof and watch as it passes.
b.	go into your basement until it passes.
5.	The best prevention against an avalanche when you are on a mountain is to
a.	avoid steep slopes with a heavy snow fall.
b.	yell to your friends so they know your location.
6.	There is not much you can do when there's a volcanic eruption. If close by, try not to
a.	take pictures of the lava flow.
b.	breathe the smoke and ash in the air.
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Fill in the blanks with the correct Relative Pronoun in the box.
2.	Read and choose a, b or c.
a.	There were many people lost their homes in the tornado.
b.	There was a forest fire was caused by extreme heat.
c.	A tornado is a powerful storm occurs in the tropics.
d.	We were at the beach there was a tsunami warning.
e.	The avalanche, killed many people, happened so suddenly.
who that which (x2) when
I like to do research about natural disasters. There are so many kinds of natural disasters
that can happen. An avalanche happens when there is a sudden slide of snow and ice
down a mountain. There was an avalanche on Mount Everest that caused many people,
who were planning to climb to the summit, to reschedule their climb. There have been
several heavy mudslides in the past months that have made climbing conditions too
dangerous. An earthquake happens when the tectonic plates underground move and
make the earth shake. In Ecuador, there was a violent earthquake that destroyed the
homes of many people who lived there. Forest fires happen when the forests are dry
from lack of rain. One of the Californian forest fires, which was caused by extreme heat
and drought, burned the houses of many celebrities. Tornadoes and hurricanes are
powerful storms. Hurricane Katrina was a storm, which caused the levee in New Orleans
to collapse, and as a result there was a flood. A tsunami is a seismic sea wave, which
is sometimes called a tidal wave. There was a tsunami in Japan that caused millions of
dollars worth of damage. The volcano that erupted in Pompeii killed many people.
1.	Which conditions cause forests fires?
a. extreme heat and drought	 b. warm days 	 c. extreme cold
2.	Which city was flooded due to a break in its levee?
a. Orlando 	 b. New Orleans 	 c. Miami
3.	What is a type of natural disaster that happens on Mount Everest?
a. a flood 	 b. a forest fire 	 c. an avalanche
4.	Where did the people who lost their houses in the earthquake live?
a. Haiti 	 b. Ecuador	 c. California
Fourth Grade
3.	Read each sentence below. Choose the correct Relative Pronoun to fill in the blank.
4.	Replace that with who or which.
The volcanic eruption, devastated the
		 city, caused billions of dollars of damage.
Many people, evacuated the town,
	 were lucky to get out in time.
You still can't go to the forest fires
There was a mudslide caused the
	 road closure.
People, panic in natural disasters, are
	 always worse off.
The tornado, lasted for two days,
	 destroyed hundreds of homes.
a.	My uncle, that was in Peru, survived the earthquake.
	 My uncle, was in Peru, survived the earthquake.
b.	That is the volcanic eruption that destroyed the city.
	 That is the volcanic eruption destroyed the city.
c.	These are the people that lost their houses because of a tornado.
	 These are the people lost their houses because of a tornado.
d.	The avalanche, that killed many people, happened on Mount Everest.
	 The avalanche, killed many people, happened on Mount Everest.
e.	My father, that was in New Orleans, lost his car to the flood.
	 My father, was in New Orleans, lost his car to the flood.
f.	 The tsunami, that hit Japan, happened in 2011.
	 The tsunami, hit Japan, happened in 2011.
A who (x2)
B that
C which (x2)
D where
Key language
Lesson 2
1.	Complete the sentences. Use the comparative, superlative or as-as using the
adjectives in parentheses.
a.	 The earthquake was (violent) than the mudslide.
b.	 The avalanche was much (cold) than the forest fire.
c.	 The forest fire was (hot) an oven.
d.	 The flood in New Orleans was (bad) they had ever seen.
e.	 The tsunami was (tall) a building.
f.	 The tornado in Canada was (powerful) in 50 years.
2.	Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given.
a.	The forest fire is constantly growing.
	 The forest fire is getting
b.	No other avalanche was as small as this.
	 This avalanche was
c.	An earthquake causes more damage than a flood.
	 A flood does not cause
d.	If the mudslide happens slowly, you have a better chance of survival.
	 The chance of survival
e.	We have never seen such a devastating volcanic eruption.
	 It's the
f.	 A tsunami isn't as calm as a flood.
	 A flood is
Fourth Grade
3.	Complete each sentence by choosing a, b or c.
4.	Write the sentences in the correct order.
1.	A volcanic eruption is than a mudslide.
	a. dangerous	 b. more dangerous	 c. most dangerous
2.	The tsunami in Japan was the in the world.
	a. devastating	 b. more devastating	 c. most devastating
3.	The avalanche was than the North Pole.
	a. cold	 b. colder	 c. coldest
4.	A flood is scary, but an earthquake is .
	a. scary	 b. scarier	 c. scariest
5.	The forest fire was the one in history.
	a. hot	 b. hotter	 c. hottest
6.	The flood made the land than when it rains.
	a. wet	 b. wetter	 c. wettest
a.	the / eruption / the / world / in / . / volcanic / Pompeii / The / was / biggest / in
b.	sun / . / The / fire / was / hot / the / as / forest / as
c.	are / mudslides / . / worse / Avalanches / than
d.	worst / that / seen / . / was / the / Japan / tsunami / ever / The / I / had / in
e.	as / can / hurricanes / . / as / Tornados / just / be / bad
f.	 be / more / earthquakes / . / than / can / Floods / devastating
g.	flood / The / as / water / dirt / . / brown / as / was
1.	Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
2.	Match.
1.	tsunami	
2.	flood	
3.	forest fire	
4.	tornado	
5.	earthquake	
6.	avalanche	
7.	mudslide	
8.	volcanic eruption	
a.	powerful storm
b.	extreme heat
c.	violent
d.	seismic sea wave
e.	dirty water
f.	 devastating
g.	heavy
h.	sudden slide
a.	avalanche / volcano
When going skiing, be aware of the danger of an and stay on
well-marked trails.
b.	clean water / dirty water
Floods carry as they spread through city streets.
c.	tsunami / tornado
A huge seismic sea wave is also called a and it is dangerous.
d.	calm / violent
Volcanic eruptions are and the damage can be seen many miles away.
e.	extreme heat / cold
Forest fires give off and smoke while burning trees and bushes.
Fourth Grade
a.	Hawaii is an island. Many volcanic eruptions have happened there this year.
b.	There was a tornado. It destroyed many houses in Texas.
c.	My friend is a scientist. He studies earthquakes.
d.	Peru is a country with a lot of mountains. There was an avalanche there not too long ago.
e.	Forest fires are dangerous. They spread very fast.
f.	 There was a tsunami. It killed hundreds of people in Japan.
3.	Choose the correct answers.
4. Join the sentences using who, which, where or when.
a. The volcanic eruption was as bright as / the brightest fireworks.
b. The avalanche was colder than / the coldest the Antarctic.
c. The flood made the water go to higher than / the highest level they had ever seen.
d. The tornado was as scary as / the scariest a haunted house.
e. The tsunami hit harder than / the hardest a punch in the arm.
f. The earthquake was as big as / the biggest in 1000 years.
What can we do to
help our planet?
Protect the
environment 5
1.	Complete the crossword below.
2.	Complete the phrases.
a.	water
b.	 disasters
c.	 encroachment
d.	climate
e.	 pollution
f.	 air
g.	 effect
1 2
3 4
1.	 garbage in the water
2.	 earthquake, avalanche,
tsunami, flood
3.	 trapped gas in earth's
4.	 when you cut
down trees
6.	 causes global warming
7.	 fumes and smoke in the air
5.	 dumping harmful
chemicals into the soil
8.	 taking the land where
animals live
Fourth Grade 37
a	 d str ct n o c syst ms
3.	Choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences.
4.	Complete the phrases with the missing letters.
a. Global warming is caused by (climate change / rising sea levels).
b. Hunting has led to the extinction of many different (economic
losses / endangered species).
c. A forest fire is an example of a (natural disaster / animal
d. Bad air quality will likely cause (habitat encroachment / respiratory
e. Dumping too much garbage into the ocean leads to (greenhouse
effect / water pollution).
e	 r sp r t ry pr bl m
b	 nim l xt nct o
d	 r s ng s a l v ls
f	 p l r c c ps m lt ng
g	 c n m c l ss s
h	 is n t mp r t r s
c	 e d ng r d sp c es
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Read and answer the questions.
2.	Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
People in the jungle
cut down a lot of trees
to build their houses
and that is one of the
things that is causing
deforestation. What
would people reduce
if they stopped cutting
down trees?
Kate:	Hey, Jacob. What are you up to today?
Jacob:	Not much, I am just looking up endangered species on the internet. Did you know if
we 1. (continue) hunting tigers, they will become extinct?
Kate:	Oh no! I heard that if we 2. (keep) planting trees, we can
3. (help) the environment more.
Jacob:	Yes! That's true. That also means that if we 4. (stop) throwing
trash on the ground, there will 5. (be) less soil pollution.
Kate:	That's right.And if we 6. (try) harder, the world would become
a better place.
Some people sell
endangered animals
and those people
should be reported.
What should you do if
a person tries to sell
you an endangered
We know that burning
fossil fuels causes an
increase in greenhouse
gases and using solar
energy does not.
What would happen
to greenhouse gas
levels if we used solar
People are encroaching
on endangered species
habitats in order to build
homes. Homes should
not be built where
there are endangered
species. If you need a
home where shouldn't
you build it?
When people do
not properly store
hazardous materials,
they leak into the water
supply and cause
pollution. What can
happen if hazardous
materials are not stored
Certain natural disasters
are increasing such as
tornadoes due to climate
change. If people make
simple life changes,
climate change will not
be so extreme. What will
change if people make
simple life changes?
Fourth Grade
3. Read the text and answer the questions.
4. Match.
If we plant more trees, we will have less air pollution
which will lead to less respiratory problems. Also, if we
didn't dump garbage into the ocean, there wouldn't be
as much water pollution and the aquatic wildlife would
be less endangered. If we want to stop deforestation,
we should stop cutting down trees so they can keep
producing oxygen for us.Another thing that would help
is, if more people used solar energy, we would have
less climate change. Lastly, if people stop hunting,
there will be less endangered species which would
also mean less animal extinction. These are just a few
of the many ways to help the environment.
How to help the environment
1.	If we don't stop cutting down trees,	 a.	we may see them become
2.	If we had more solar power,	 b.	we mustn't burn fossil
3.	If we want better air quality,	 c.	we may run the risk of soil
4.	If we don't stop habitat encroachment,	 d.	we would have less greenhouse
5.	If we throw trash on the ground,	 e.	we will have less oxygen in the
6.	If we don't do something about 	f.	 we will be giving endangered
endangered species,		 species no place to live.
a.	What could be done to reduce air pollution?
b.	What do we need to do to prevent water pollution?
c.	What must we stop if we want to reduce deforestation?
d.	What could be done to decrease the chances of further climate change?
e.	What mustn't continue if we want to save our endangered species?
Key language
		 Can you	 How	 Could	 Do you
		 tell me	 does	 Why	 know
1.	A:
	B: Everyone is responsible for climate change.
2.	A:
	B: The North and South polar caps are melting due to global warming.
3.	A:
	B: Deforestation is happening in the Amazon and in North America.
4.	A:
	B: Animal extinction occurs when there are no more species alive anywhere.
5.	A:
	B: The ecosystem is being destroyed because people are polluting the air, land and water.
6.	A:
	B: Using solar energy is much better than burning wood to heat your home.
Lesson 2
1.	Write questions for the answers given.
a.	 are sea levels rising?
b.	 tell me what is causing the destruction of the ecosystems?
c.	 Do you if we should plant more trees?
d.	 can we stop soil pollution?
e.	 Can you how we can reduce burning wood to warm homes?
f.	 you tell me why the sea levels are rising?
g.	 know if sloths are becoming extinct?
h.	 When deforestation happen?
2.	Complete the questions with the words in the box.
Fourth Grade
3.	Complete the questions using the verbs and vocabulary words or phrases.
4.	Rewrite the sentences with the new beginning using Indirect Questions.
a.	Why are people suffering from respiratory problems?
	 Do you know ?
b.	How can we reduce water pollution?
	 Can you tell me ?
c.	Which animal is the most endangered in the world?
	 Do you ?
d.	Where are the polar ice caps melting?
	 Could you tell me ?
e.	When did the sea levels start rising?
	 Do you ?
f.	 What countries are experiencing economic losses?
	Can ?
a.	Why should we ?
b.	Can you tell me what ?
c.	What should we do ?
d.	Do you know if we need to ?
e.	How can we ?
f.	 Could you tell me which countries are ?
stop / deforestation
stop / water pollution
cause / climate change
improve / respiratory
stop / the destruction
of ecosystems
suffer / economic losses
1.	Choose the correct words from the list below and write them under the correct
pictures. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.
2. Circle the phrases that are spelled correctly.
a.	anamal extinction / animal extinction / animal exctincian
b.	destruction of ecosystems / distruction of ecosystem / destruction of ecosistim
c.	resperatory problems / respiratory prublems / respiratory problems
d.	rising sea levels / rising see levels / raising sea levals
e.	endagered species / endangered species / endangered spesies
f.	 rising temperatures / ricing temperatures / rising temparatures
g.	econoic losses / economic loosses / economic losses
h.	poler ice kaps melting / polar ice caps meltting / polar ice caps melting
•	 deforestation
•	 climate change
•	 water pollution
•	 soil pollution
•	 air pollution
•	 natural disasters
•	 greenhouse effect
•	 habitat
Fourth Grade
3. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses in the
correct tense.
4.	Match the direct question to the Indirect Question.
a. If we (not pollute), we will reduce respiratory problems.
b. If we (hunt) less, there would be less endangered species.
c. If global warming (stop), there will be more ice caps melting.
d. If companies (continue) dumping chemicals, there will be more soil
e. If we (need) less paper, there would be less deforestation.
f. If we (clean up) the oceans, there will be less water pollution.
a. Who is causing animal extinction?
b. What is causing climate change?
c. Where is deforestation happening?
d. Can we use solar energy?
e. Can we plant more trees?
f. Why are people polluting the water?
Could you tell me where deforestation is happening?
Do you know if we can plant more trees?
Can you tell me what is causing climate change?
Can you tell me why people are polluting the water?
Could you tell me who is causing animal extinction?
Do you know if we can use solar energy?
Have you ever run in
a marathon before?
Integrity 6
1.	Match the words in the box to their definitions.
2.	Choose a, b or c.
1.	steal money
2. stay awake
3. lie to your friends
4. run in a marathon
5. eat suri
6. win a competition
7. get lost
8. swim with a dolphin
a.	 not know where you are
b.	say something not true to people you like
c.	 participate in a long distance race
d.	not go to sleep
e.	take money without permission
f.	 propel your body through water with a water mammal
g.	to be successful in a contest
h.	to eat a jungle worm
1.	I've always wanted to , but I don't have time to do the training.
	a. steal money	 b. run a marathon 	 c. get lost
2.	When I go on holiday to the beach, I really want to .
	 a. stay awake	 b. win a competition 	 c. swim with a dolphin
3.	If you go to the jungle, you can which is a typical food there.
	 a. eat suri 	 b. get lost 	 c. run in a marathon
4.	Whenever I try to on New Year's Eve, I always end up falling asleep
before midnight.
	 a. steal money 	b. lie to your friends 	 c. stay awake
5.	You shouldn't because it belongs to someone else.
	 a. lie to your friends 	 b. get lost 	 c. steal money
6.	If you , they will stop trusting you.
	 a. swim with dolphins 	 b. steal money 	 c. lie to your friends
7.	I always when I don't drive with my GPS on.
	 a. get lost 	 b. eat suri 	 c. run in a marathon
8.	I am always trying to by entering as many as possible, but I never do.
	 a. win a competition 	 b. steal money 	 c. stay awake
Fourth Grade 45
3. Complete the text with the phrases in the box.
4. Number the words in the correct order and then write the phrases.
Angie is a 14 year old girl who has always wanted to 1. .
She wants to meet her favorite singer next week. Her father says she cannot do
that if she 2. . She has dreams of being famous herself
because she wants to 3. and she also wants to
4. . To make sure she doesn't fail her exam, she thinks
she might have to 5. . During her exam, she started
daydreaming about how she would 6. and use it to go
on a vacation where she would be able to 7. and 8.
fails her exam	 dance in the rain
sunbathe on the beach	 find money
cheat in school	 sing in public
meet a famous person	 be on TV
g. the sunbathe beach on h. a in marathon run
a. an exam fail b. public in sing
e. a person meet famous f. dolphin a with swim
c. school cheat in d. friends your lie to
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
2.	Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about yourself.
a.	I haven't because I've been studying.
b.	I have since I found money.
c.	My friends and I for two hours.
d.	My family has never .
e.	I haven't since I was a kid.
f.	 I have already .
g.	My sister / brother has .
a.	Have you swum with a dolphin?
b.	I have cheated in school.
c.	They have been sunbathing on the beach 12 o'clock.
d.	We have been running in marathons two years.
e.	I have never lied to my friends .
f.	 She has met a famous person.
g.	He has been staying awake too much .
h.	Jane has sung in public twice .
already never recently since
for before ever so far
Fourth Grade
3.	Read the dialogues and circle the correct options.
A:	I have swum / have been swimming with
dolphins for two weeks.
B:	Oh wow, I have always wanted to do that!
A:	It's really fun. Have you been / Have you been
going to the beach lately?
B:	Yeah, I've been / I've been going there recently,
but I have never swum / I've never been
swimming with dolphins. Next time, I'll look for
the dolphins and see if I can swim with them.
A:	I have been / have been working on vacation for
a whole month. My favorite thing to do is sunbathe
on the beach.
B:	Lucky you. On my last vacation, it rained for almost
the entire time we were there, no sunbathing for us.
A:	Really? You know what? I have never danced /
have never been dancing in the rain and I would
love to do it!
B:	The last time we got caught in the rain was in the
forest, we were lost for almost three hours.
A:	Getting lost in the forest would be frightening if you
weren't with a good friend.
A:	My sister has trained / has been training for
a marathon this whole month.
B:	Oh, I had no idea she was that motivated.
A:	Yes, she sure is. She has run /
has been running over five miles a day.
B:	Let me know when her marathon is
I have never been / have never been being
to one before. I'd like to cheer her on!
A:	Sure. She'd love to have you there.
Key language
Lesson 2
1.	Read the text and underline the Past Perfect Simple. Double underline the Past Perfect
Hello, my name is Jessica. I had been singing
in public for 3 years before I became famous.
Everything changed after that, I had never been on
TV before! Now I've been on TV five times. Before
all of this happened, I had only met a famous person
once when I was in Toronto. But after that, I met
6 more at a party last year. When I was traveling
on one of my tours, I had the opportunity to visit
Peru and perform in a concert. I liked this country
so much that I decided to stay for two months. I
went to the jungle and I ate suri for a whole month.
It had an interesting flavor. When traveling, my
best friend was my manager, but I'm disappointed
with her because I discovered that she had been
stealing money from me for 2 years! I think that
being famous is not always about money, but
rather about finding people we can trust.
a.	 His lack of preparation caused him to fail an exam.
	He because of his lack of preparation.
b.	 She was eating suri when the movie started.
	She since the movie started.
c.	 He started training his dog when he got home.
	 He since he got home.
d.	 A dare made him dance in the rain.
	 He because of a dare.
e.	 They kept stealing money to buy candy.
	They to buy candy.
f.	 She was running in a marathon for 2 hours.
	 She for 2 hours.
2. Rewrite the sentence and keep the same meaning.
Fourth Grade
a.	I had been hiking up a mountain when I fell down.
b.	She had learned how to play the guitar until she was ten.
c.	John had always liked to entertain people in his home.
d.	They had been training their dog for a year before he died.
e.	They had won the math competition.
f.	 He had already been on TV many times.
g.	We had been swimming with dolphins all summer.
h.	Kerry had been lying to her friends about moving to Canada.
3.	Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use the
Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous.
4.	Rewrite the sentences in the negative form of the Past Perfect Simple or the Past
Perfect Continuous.
a.	We been (study) all night, so we would
not fail the exam.
b.	She just (find) money on the ground
when she passed a homeless man, so she decided to give it to him.
c.	Luis never (meet) a famous person
before he was on TV.
d.	Because I been (dance) in the rain on
the weekend, I got a cold.
e.	He never (get) lost before he moved to the city.
f.	 I (have not) been (stay) awake late at night until
g.	They all (win) a competition to go to
Hawaii where they swam with a dolphin.
h.	Mark (have not) been (run) in marathons
for very long when he got injured.
1.	Look at the pictures and circle the correct vocabulary phrases.
2.	Match the phrases to their opposites.
1. fail an exam 	a. lose a competition
2. find money 	b. give money
3. sing in public 	c. be asleep
4. be on TV 	d. pass an exam
5. stay awake 	e. lose money
6. win a competition 	f. not be on TV
7. lie to your friends 	g. not sing in public
8. steal money 	h. tell your friends the truth
a.	get lost
b.	lie to your friends
c.	steal money
a.	swim with a dolphin
b.	eat suri
c.	dance in the rain
a.	find money
b.	run in a marathon
c.	be on TV
a.	cheat in school
b.	fail an exam
c.	sunbathe on
the beach
a.	eat suri
b.	dance in the rain
c.	swim with a dolphin
a.	steal money
b.	sing in public
c.	stay awake
a.	lose a competition
b.	meet a famous
c.	stay awake
a.	be on TV
b.	find money
c.	sunbathe on
the beach
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Fourth Grade
3.	Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.
4.	Use the words provided to make sentences in the Past Perfect Simple and the Past
Perfect Continuous.
a.	We have never stole money in our lives.
b.	Have she ever gotten lost?
c.	The new singers has already been on a TV program.
d.	Has your brother never been swimming with dolphins?
e.	My parents haven't ate suri yet and they would like to try it someday.
f.	 My sister has been sing in public since she became a performer.
a. Tony / learn how to play the guitar / before 1992
b. I / not / swim with dolphins / before
c. Wendy / never / run in a marathon / before
d. They / hike up a mountain
e. You / not / train your dog
f.	 I / entertain people
Helen / sing in public before she got sick?
Jessica / cheat during the exam?
What do you like to wear
when you're at home?
Modesty 7
1.	Read the text and answer the questions.
2. Read and write the name of the clothes.
My closet
Hello there. My name is Pete. This is my closet. I have a
shelf in the top of my closet for my hats. There is a pole
on one side of my closet. From the pole, I hang my dress
shirts and the couple of suits I own. Beside it, there are
a few shelves with more clothes. The first one is where
my folded pants and my sweaters go. The second one
is where my belts and gloves are stored. The last one
down is where all my shoes, boots and sandals are kept.
When my friends come to my house, they like to try on my
a.	It is a formal outfit, men often wear to work.	
b.	This is worn when it rains.	
c.	They are worn on your hands.	
d.	Girls wear this while at the beach.	
e.	This keeps your pants from falling down.	
f.	 These are worn on your feet when it's summer.	
g.	You wear this on your head.	
h.	These are worn on your feet when it's cold outside.	
i.	 This is worn around your neck. 	
a.	What does Pete keep on the shelf in the top of his closet?
b.	What does Pete hang from the pole?
c.	What does Pete have on the first lower shelf?
d.	What does Pete have on the second lower shelf?
e.	What does he keep on the last shelf?
Fourth Grade 53
3.	Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
4.	Find the materials and write them in the spaces provided.
a.	This belt is made of	
b.	This swimsuit is made of	
c.	This shirt is made of	
e.	These boots are made of	
d.	This sweater is made of	
f.	 The skirt is made of	
w o o l e t o p
e r u b b e r o
l r z c j u m l
m o t o r y n y
l e a t h e r e
b i c t c l e s
r v e o p r l t
f l a n n e l e
t r d p l d i r
y t s g i e n e
k n e e p a e s
i f k a y a n z
i c e s i l k g
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Complete the dialogue with one or ones.
2.	Read the dialogue and circle the correct options.
A:	Hello Suzy, I don't have too / enough clothes for my vacation. Would you like
to go shopping with me?
Sure Betty. I'd love to go with you, but I don't have enough / too much time
because I have to do homework. What exactly are you looking for?
Well, I want to find a swimsuit that fits. I've grown since my last trip to the
beach, and my old swimsuit is too / enough small. I need a hat too. The one I
have now does not shade the sun and it's not big enough / too, so I need one
that is bigger.
B:	I know how it feels when your swimsuit doesn't fit. You need a comfortable one
that's not too / enough tight.
Exactly, and I want it to be made out of polyester, and not cotton. I want my
new hat to be made out of linen because that fabric is cool too / enough for
hot weather.
B:	Okay, let's get going before it gets enough / too late and the stores close.
A:	Good morning, and welcome to our store. Can I help
you find something?
B:	Yes, please. I'm looking for warm sweaters.
We have some very warm 1. .
Look at our selection. Do you like the
2. that are striped, checkered,
polka-dotted or plain?
B:	I like the 3. that are striped
the best. May I try one on?
A:	Sure. The 4. you chose is made
of wool. You're not allergic to wool, are you?
No, I'm not. As a matter of fact, that is my favorite fabric. I'll try on a large
5. .
Here you are. This 6. is the warmest we have in the
store. The changing room is right over there.
B:	Thank you very much. I'll let you know if this 7. fits.
Fourth Grade
3.	Choose the correct option.
4. Complete the text with too or enough and with the adjective in parentheses.
1.	This flowered skirt is better than the blue .
a. one 	 b. ones
2.	These white shirts are wider than the black .
a. one 	 b. ones
3.	These striped pants are more casual than the checkered .
a. one 	 b. ones
4.	This blue swimsuit is fancier than the black .
a. one 	 b. ones
5.	These plain scarves are cheaper than the polka-dot .
a. one 	 b. ones
6.	This checkered hat is better than the flowered .
a. one 	 b. ones
Happy birthday!
It's Susana's birthday. She received lots
of presents. She got a swimsuit from her
grandmother. It's red, yellow and green. She
doesn't like it. It's 1.
(colorful). She also got some sandals from her
aunt. They're great, but she can't wear them
because they're size 38 and she's size 39.
They aren't,,,2.,,
,,,(big). She also got gloves from her mom. They're nice and colorful, but they're
3., (long). Her best friend gave her a sweater and it's perfect!
It isn't 4., or 5., (big / small), it's
just right. She's wearing it now.
Key language
Lesson 2
1.	Fill in the blanks with the Passive Voice of the verbs in parentheses. Choose the
appropriate tense.
a.	Those polyester pants yesterday.
b.	Those new belts tomorrow.
c.	My sweater in the locker since last semester.
d.	Some scarves of wool and others can be made of silk.
e.	Rubber boots usually when it rains.
f.	 These gloves for my dad because he has started working as a gardener.
a.	 it / is / is / A / when / put / on / raining / raincoat / .
b.	 paisley / was / The / pattern / shirt / on / a / printed / .
c.	 hat / holiday / worn / by / on / my / sister / The / had / been / she / was / when / .
d.	 beach / be / worn / the / The / when / will / go / to / swimsuits / we / .
e.	 be / skirt / by / hand / must / silk / washed / This / .
f.	 made / leather / are / Some / of / belts / .
g.	 be / snowing / when / Woollen / worn / gloves / should / it / is / .
h.	 in / the / The / has / been / washing / machine / sweater / shrunk / .
2.	Put the words in order to make sentences in the Passive Voice.
Fourth Grade
3. Choose the correct answer.
4.	Use the prompts to make sentences in the Passive Voice.
a.	The scarf / not be / wear / since last year
b.	This sweater / buy / yesterday
c.	Waterproof boots / can / be / make / out of rubber
d.	The striped skirt / must / sell / cheaply / to the poor children
e.	The linen suit / be / wear / next week / my dad
f.	 My swimsuit / not be / wash / since last month
1. The boots by the cobbler yesterday.
a. were made	b. will be made	c. is made
2. My polka-dot skirt tomorrow by the drycleaners.
a. was cleaned	b. has been cleaned	c. will be cleaned
3. My father's silk suit by my brother at his graduation today.
a. must be worn	b. was worn	c. will be worn
4. My mother's rubber sandals in Paris the previous month.
a. had been bought	b. will be bought	c. is bought
5. My sister's wool sweater since she moved.
a. can be lost	b. has been lost	c. was lost
6. His flowered hat at the garage sale tomorrow.
a. is sold	b. will be sold	c. had been sold
1.	Read and match.
2. Read and write the name of the materials.
a.	It's softer than cotton.	
b.	It's a smooth and soft fabric. 	
c.	This fabric is made from animal fleece. 	
d.	This material is made from animal skin. 	
e.	This fabric is made from the latex of a tropical plant.	
f.	 Most of all the towels used today are made of this. 	
g.	This is a durable and synthetic fabric.
1.	They are red.	
2.	It's dark blue.	
3.	It's gray, red and white.	
4.	It's light blue.	
5.	It's purple.	
6.	They are dark brown.	
7.	It's gray with white stripes.	
8.	They are yellow and black.	
9.	It is red.	
Fourth Grade
a.	Some gloves are made out of wool.	
b.	My striped swimsuit will be worn yesterday.	
c.	His checkered raincoat has been dried by the hot sun.	
d.	Her flannel shirt is lost for 2 years before she found it.	
e.	My cousin's belt will be made of polyester.	
f.	 My grandmother's scarf was given to me tomorrow.	
3.	Match.
4.	Read the sentences and write correct or incorrect. Correct the wrong sentences.
1.	She wants to buy this belt,	a.	
I think I need bigger ones.
2.	He can't afford those boots 	b.	
you should clean them now.
3.	Those pants aren't wide enough, 	c.	
he can't wear it for his presentation.
4.	His shirt is too big, 	d.	
but she doesn't have enough money.
5.	Your shoes are too dirty, 	e.	because they're too expensive.
6.	My sweater is warm enough, 	f.	
I don't need to wear a coat.
Do you usually use
social media?
Knowledge 8
1.	Circle the correct answer.
2.	Read the text and use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.
a.	Yesterday, my friend helped me install a computer program / use social media / save
documents, so I could play games online.
b.	My favorite pastime is watching Netflix, I love being able to create an account /
stream a movie / download documents.
c.	Whenever I go on YouTube, I always save documents / stream a movie /
upload a video.
d.	I remember when I first got Facebook, I had to create an account / save documents /
download documents.
e.	After I finish writing my book report, I have to make sure that I upload a video / use
social media / save my documents.
f.	 I download documents / watch a livestream / use social media like Twitter, Instagram
and Facebook.
Jimmy is very smart when it comes to technology.
When he was only 10 years old, he was able to
1. for his parents,
so they could shop online. Besides, he started
making money from his friends by helping them
2. for them on Facebook.
He made a lot of money! He was also allowed to
3. when he was little to help
him learn about technology. Twitter was his favorite.
Whenever he was working on his project, he made sure to 4.
and double check. To make more money, he started to use YouTube where he could
5. to show other kids how to watch a livestream. As it turned
out, the project he was working on was creating Netflix for kids! So children around
the world would be able to 6. and all thanks to Jimmy.
install a computer program	 save his documents
use social media	 create an account
upload a video	 watch a livestream
Fourth Grade 61
3.	Match.
4.	Read the text and write T for true or F for false.
1.	Last week, I went on a field trip	
2.	Joe visited a new art exhibition 	
3.	Jenny is performing in a play and	
4.	We all danced ballet 	
5.	The students attended an assembly	
6.	Fred is raising money for a charity	
a.	Meredith will be dancing ballet in The Nutcracker.	
b.	Her class is going to an aquarium on their field trip.	
c.	She is marching in a parade on Wednesday. 	
d.	She will not be performing in a play. 	
e.	Her class is raising money for charity. 	
f.	 She plays soccer in interschool competitions. 	
Meredith is very busy. On Mondays, she has ballet practice. At the end
of the month, she will be dancing in The Nutcracker. She wanted to
perform in a play, but the play rehearsals are on Mondays when she
goes to ballet practice. On Wednesday, she is going on a field trip with
her class. They are visiting an art exhibition at the museum. On Friday,
she is marching in a parade. She plays the clarinet in the marching
band. On the weekends, she plays soccer in interschool competitions.
Her team is raising money for a charity that is helping to find a cure for
skin cancer. She is a busy girl!
a. to help homeless people.
b. at the museum last night.
c. with my class.
d. she is playing the part of Wendy in Peter Pan.
e. to hear about school announcements.
f. in the dance performance of Swan Lake.
Meredith's routine
Key language
Lesson 1
1.	Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the
infinitive or -ing form.
1.	A: How about (download) a movie?
	B: Sure, how about (watch) it together later.
	A: Great, I'll bring some snacks then.
2.	A: I don't know how to (install) a computer program. Could
you help me?
	B: Yes, I'll help you after I'm done watching my livestream broadcast.
	A: Thank you. Can we start this afternoon?
	B: We sure can.
3.	A: I'm creating an e-mail account now. Once I'm done I would like to share a video
I've uploaded.
	B: Okay. I'm excited about (watch) the video because I'm
tired of watching TV.
	A: You will be able to see it this evening.
4.	A: Hey Henry, can you tell me how (save) documents on
my computer?
	B: Sure. I'm sending an e-mail now. Once I'm done, I'll come over and show you.
	A: That would be great. See you in a little while.
5.	A: It was great to (send) the e-mail to you. Did you get the
document that I attached?
	B: Yes, I did. I didn't know how (download) documents, but
I learned. I can do it now thanks to you.
	A: Good to hear that.
6.	A: Hey there Bob. When you have some extra time would you help me upload a video?
	B: Sure. What's the video about?
	A: It's about how to (use) social media for our business.
	B: That sounds like something important and could be beneficial.
	A: It sure is. We'll watch it livestream so we'll have the latest information on the subject.
	B: I'm excited about (watch) that video.
Fourth Grade
2. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
3.	Read and check the correct sentences.
1.	 a. You must create an account to use Facebook.
	 b. You must create an account to using Facebook.
2.	 a. It was necessary to installing a computer program for the new game.
	 b. It was necessary to install a computer program for the new game.
3.	 a. Using social media is needed to keep in touch with friends.
	 b. Use social media is needed to keep in touch with friends.
4.	 a. What about stream a new movie on Netflix?
	 b. What about streaming a new movie on Netflix?
5.	 a. The students know where to watch a livestream.
	 b. The students know where to watching a livestream.
6.	 a. I'm excited about uploading a video on YouTube.
	 b. I'm excited about upload a video on YouTube.
1.	 social media is necessary to keep in touch with your friends.
a.	Using	b. Use	c. To use	
2.	I need to download many files my English program.
a.	completing	b. complete	c. to complete
3.	 computer programs is not that difficult, it just takes time.
a.	Install	b. Installing	c. To install
4.	How about an e-mail account?
a. to create	 b. create	c. creating
5.	It is necessary to know how YouTube to upload a video.
a. to use	 b. using	c. use
6.	Carol is excited about a livestream on the weekend.
a. watching	b. to watch	 c. watch
Key language
Lesson 2
1.	Read the sentences and circle the correct answers.
a.	Jerry said he was going / is going on a field trip.
b.	She said she would visit / will visit an art exhibition.
c.	He said the little boys are marching / were marching in a parade the day before.
d.	They said the little girls raised money / had raised money for charity five years before which
made them feel proud.
e.	He said my mother attend / attended my ballet dance the previous week.
f.	 She said my brothers and I had participated / participate in an interschool competition the
previous year.
a.	"My sister will perform in a play." He said his sister in a play.
b.	"The children's parents raised money for their school." She said the children's
parents money for their school.
c.	"Everyone in my class is attending an assembly at my school." She said
everyone in her class an assembly at her school.
d.	"All the kids marched in the parade." They said that all the kids
in the parade.
e.	"My sisters and I are dancing ballet today." She said she and her sisters
ballet that day.
f.	 "We'll go on a field trip to the aquarium." He said they
on a field trip to the aquarium.
g.	"I want to visit an art exhibition after school." Sara said she
to visit an art exhibition after school.
2.	Rewrite the Direct Speech as Reported Speech to complete the sentences. Use
contractions where possible.
Fourth Grade
1.	Hailey said, "We are raising money for a charity on the weekend."
a. Hailey said (that) they were raising money for a charity that weekend.
b. Hailey said (that) they raised money for a charity that weekend.
2.	John said, "The students will perform in a play on Friday night."
a. John said (that) the students will perform in a play that Friday night.
b. John said (that) the students would perform in a play that Friday night.
3.	He said, "I march in a parade every month."
a. He said (that) he marched in a parade every month.
b. He said (that) he was marching in a parade every month.
4.	She said, "I danced ballet ten years ago."
a. She said (that) she had danced ballet ten years before.
b. She said (that) she was dancing ballet ten years before.
5.	He said, "The students are participating in an interschool competition now."
a. He said (that) the students had participated in an interschool competition then.
b. He said (that) the students were participating in an interschool competition then.
6.	She said, "I went on a field trip to the zoo yesterday."
a. She said (that) she was going on a field trip to the zoo the day before.
b. She said (that) she had gone on a field trip to the zoo the day before.
7.	Megan said, "I will visit the art exhibition on Saturday afternoon."
a. Megan said (that) she visited the art exhibition that Saturday afternoon.
b. Megan said (that) she would visit the art exhibition that Saturday afternoon.
8.	James said, "They are attending an assembly right now."
a. James said (that) they were attending an assembly at that moment.
b. James said (that) they attended an assembly at that moment.
3.	Choose the correct Reported Speech sentences.
1. Find the mistakes and correct the phrases.
2.	Look at the pictures and check the correct answer.
a. dance ballet 	
b. perform in a play	
c. attend an assembly
a. participate in an
interschool competition
b. march in a parade
c. raise money for a charity
a. raise money for a charity
b. visit an art exhibition
c. march in a parade
a. march in a parade
b. visit an art exhibition
c. go on a field trip
a. dance ballet
b. attend an assembly
c. march in a parade
a. dance ballet
b. visit an art exhibition
c. perform in a play
a. watch a lifestream 		
b. steam a moovie 			
c. instal an computer program	
d. downlaod dokuments 		
e. upload a vedio 			
f. use cosial media 			
g. safe documants 			
h. kreate an e-mail acount 		
Fourth Grade
3.	Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
4. Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
a.	to / do / documents / to / I / backup / a / download / need / .
b.	media / to / is / social / in / Using / touch / way / . / great / with / friends / a / your / keep
c.	learning / I'm / how / program / install / to / a / . / computer
d.	Nowadays / is / it / e-mail / an / necessary / to /. / account / have
e.	livestream / event / the / about / are / We / watching / excited / .
f.	 can / a / What / use / to / website / upload / I / video / ?
a. She said she march in a parade for a festival last week.
b. He said he will go on a field trip to the science center.
c. They said they visit an art exhibition in New York last year.
d. We said we are participating in an interschool competition in Ayacucho yesterday.
e. I said I raised money for charity to help the homeless before I moved to another country.
f. You said you will perform in a play about aliens.
Culture corner
How to prevent sports injuries
Whether you play sports for competition or
fitness, you don't want to be sidelined with
an injury. Time away from the game or in
forced inactivity is something we all want to
avoid. While it is impossible to prevent every
injury, the American Academy of Orthopedic
Surgeons says research suggests that injury
rates could be reduced by 25% if athletes took
appropriate preventative action. Use these
general rules for injury prevention no matter
what sport you play.
Be in proper physical condition to play a
Keep in mind the weekend warrior has a high rate of injury. If you play any sports, you should
adequately train for that sport. It is a mistake to expect the sport itself to get you into shape.
Many injuries can be prevented by following a regular conditioning program of exercises designed
specifically for your sport.
Know and abide by the rules of the sport
The rules are designed, in part, to keep things safe. This is extremely important for anyone who
participates in a contact sport. You need to learn them and to play by the rules of conduct. Respect
the rules on illegal procedures and insist on enforcement by referees, umpires, and judges. These
rules are there to keep athletes healthy. Know them. Follow them.
Wear appropriate protective gear and equipment
Protective pads, mouth guards, helmets, gloves, and other equipment are not for those you
consider weak; they are for everyone. Protective equipment that fits you well can save your knees,
hands, teeth, eyes, and head. Never play without your safety gear.
Athletes with a high number of consecutive days of training, have more injuries. While many
athletes think the more they train, the better they'll play, this is a misconception. Rest is a critical
component of proper training. Rest can make you stronger and prevent injuries of overuse, fatigue
and poor judgment.
Always warm up before playing
Warm muscles are less susceptible to injuries. The proper warm-up is essential for injury
prevention. Make sure your warm-up suits your sport. You may simply start your sport slowly, or
practice specific stretching or mental rehearsal depending upon your activity.
Avoid playing when very tired or in pain
This is a set-up for a careless injury. Pain indicates a problem. You need to pay attention to
warning signs your body provides.
6 Ways to avoid sport injuries
Fourth Grade 69
Emissions and Global warming
Once, all climate changes occurred naturally.
However, during the Industrial Revolution, we
began altering our climate and environment through
changing agricultural and industrial practices.
Before the Industrial Revolution, human activity
released very few gases into the atmosphere, but
now through population growth, fossil fuel burning,
and deforestation, we are affecting the mixture of
gases in the atmosphere.
What are Greenhouse gases?
Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the
atmosphere, while others result from human
activities. Naturally occurring greenhouse gases
include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Certain human activities,
however, add to the levels of most of these naturally occurring gases:
•	 Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels (oil, natural gas,
and coal), and wood and wood products are burned.
•	 Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane
emissions also result from the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid waste landfills,
and the raising of livestock.
•	 Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion
of solid waste and fossil fuels.
	 Very powerful greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring include hydrofluorocarbons
(HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), which are generated in a
variety of industrial processes.
	 Each greenhouse gas differs in its ability to absorb heat in the atmosphere.
What are emissions inventories?
An emission inventory is an accounting of the amount of air pollutants discharged into the
atmosphere. It is generally characterized by the following factors:
•	 the chemical or physical identity of the pollutants included,
•	 the geographic area covered,
•	 the institutional entities covered,
•	 the time period over which emissions are estimated, and
•	 the types of activities that cause emissions.
•	 emission inventories are developed for a variety of purposes. Inventories of natural and
anthropogenic emissions are used by scientists as inputs to air quality models, by policy makers
to develop strategies and policies or track progress of standards, and by facilities and regulatory
agencies to establish compliance records with allowable emission rates. A well-constructed
inventory should include enough documentation and other data to allow readers to understand
the underlying assumptions and to reconstruct the calculations for each of the estimates
10 Ways students can use social media effectively
As you move through school it is important that you start to work towards getting your
name out there for a career. Plenty of studies have shown that employers are more likely
to look at your social media background than ever before, so making sure you use social
media effectively can give you an edge in the market as you close in on your graduation
1. Be genuine
If you build a Twitter or Facebook profile
that is constantly pushing one aspect of
your skills and focusing only on trying to
come across as employable, you won’t
come across as a genuine person. Use
the same accounts that you connect
with friends and family to help push your
name into the market you wish to enter.
Just be careful about putting up pictures
or statements that would turn off future
2. Get connected
By connecting with people already working in the industry through LinkedIn, Twitter
and Facebook, you’ll slowly drop your name into conversations. Over time, especially
if you start doing this when you start college, you’ll be more recognized in the field
when it comes time to hire new graduates.
3. Use it as a job hunting tool
If you follow recruiters from different companies, they will often post a need for new
employees. Feel free to strike up conversations and make your name known at any
point, but pounce on these options when they show up. If you aren’t yet qualified for
the position, ask them if they would be willing to grant an internship.
4. Be curious
By following those in the industry, you can start conversations about what you are
learning. Ask specifics about what you are learning and be willing to accept what they
say without getting into arguments. Discussions are good, arguments are bad.
5. Stay semi-professional
Try to keep your posts on a casually professional level. Stay away from internet lingo
whenever you can. Things like "Dinner b4 movie gonna be gr8!" won’t look good when
those in the industry start to take notice of you.
Fourth Grade 71
6. Don’t be selfish
Self-promotion is fine to a certain extent,
but you’ll get more bang for your buck
by sharing the spotlight with others
that are doing great things. If you are
having difficulty on a particular part of
your education and someone in the field
comes through for you and makes it
clear, thank them publicly and help them
get some recognition. They will do the
same for you.
7. Be a little showy
When people in your future industry start discussing issues, jump in where you are
most knowledgeable and show off how well you understand the subject. People will
take notice.
8. Keep it clean
There are very few college students that went through life without dropping a few
choice words. Do what you can to keep the most "unacceptable" speech off your
9. Play the long game
By focusing on what you want to do in the future, plant seeds slowly. Don’t hesitate
to make it clear that you are heading into a particular field and make minor mentions
about your accomplishments. Give people a slow understanding of your growth in
your expertise.
10. Stay involved
Even in situations where you are not an
expert, involve yourself in conversations.
Ask questions to better understand the
subject and thank people that explain
things to you. Showing that you are
willing to learn is going to go a long way
when someone starts digging through
your profiles.
Activity book 4º Intermediate - estudiante - Completo.pdf
Activity book 4º Intermediate - estudiante - Completo.pdf
Activity book 4º Intermediate - estudiante - Completo.pdf

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Activity book 4º Intermediate - estudiante - Completo.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. DECLARACIÓN UNIVERSAL DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS El 10 de diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó y proclamó la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, cuyos artículos figuran a continuación: Artículo 1.- Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y (...) deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. Artículo 2.- Toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición. Además, no se hará distinción alguna fundada en la condición política, jurídica o internacional del país o territorio de cuya jurisdicción dependa una persona (...). Artículo 3.- Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su persona. Artículo 4.- Nadie estará sometido a esclavitud ni a servidumbre; la esclavitud y la trata de esclavos están prohibidas en todas sus formas. Artículo 5.- Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes. Artículo 6.- Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su personalidad jurídica. Artículo 7.- Todos son iguales ante la ley y tienen, sin distinción, derecho a igual protección de la ley. Todos tienen derecho a igual protección contra toda discriminación que infrinja esta Declaración (...). Artículo 8.- Toda persona tiene derecho a un recurso efectivo, ante los tribunales nacionales competentes, que la ampare contra actos que violen sus derechos fundamentales (...). Artículo 9.- Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado. Artículo 10.- Toda persona tiene derecho, en condiciones de plena igualdad, a ser oída públicamente y con justicia por un tribunal independiente e imparcial, para la determinación de sus derechos y obligaciones o para el examen de cualquier acusación contra ella en materia penal. Artículo 11.- 1. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad (...). 2. Nadie será condenado por actos u omisiones que en el momento de cometerse no fueron delictivos según el Derecho nacional o internacional. Tampoco se impondrá pena más grave que la aplicable en el momento de la comisión del delito. Artículo 12.- Nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su domicilio o su correspondencia, ni de ataques a su honra o a su reputación. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de la ley contra tales injerencias o ataques. Artículo 13.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia en el territorio de un Estado. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho a salir de cualquier país, incluso del propio, y a regresar a su país. Artículo 14.- 1. En caso de persecución, toda persona tiene derecho a buscar asilo, y a disfrutar de él, en cualquier país. 2. Este derecho no podrá ser invocado contra una acción judicial realmente originada por delitos comunes o por actos opuestos a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas. Artículo 15.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad. 2. A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a cambiar de nacionalidad. Artículo 16.- 1. Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y fundar una familia (...). 2. Solo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá contraerse el matrimonio. 3. La familia es el elemento natural y fundamental de la sociedad y tiene derecho a la protección de la sociedad y del Estado. Artículo 17.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. 2. Nadie será privado arbitrariamente de su propiedad. Artículo 18.- Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de religión (...). Artículo 19.- Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión (...). Artículo 20.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas. 2. Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación. Artículo 21.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país, directamente o por medio de representantes libremente escogidos. 2. Toda persona tiene el derecho de acceso, en condiciones de igualdad, a las funciones públicas de su país. 3. La voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder público; esta voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de celebrarse periódicamente, por sufragio universal e igual y por voto secreto u otro procedimiento equivalente que garantice la libertad del voto. Artículo 22.- Toda persona (...) tiene derecho a la seguridad social, y a obtener, (...) habida cuenta de la organización y los recursos de cada Estado, la satisfacción de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, indispensables a su dignidad y al libre desarrollo de su personalidad. Artículo 23.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a condiciones equitativas y satisfactorias de trabajo y a la protección contra el desempleo. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación alguna, a igual salario por trabajo igual. 3. Toda persona que trabaja tiene derecho a una remuneración equitativa y satisfactoria, que le asegure, así como a su familia, una existencia conforme a la dignidad humana y que será completada, en caso necesario, por cualesquiera otros medios de protección social. 4. Toda persona tiene derecho a fundar sindicatos y a sindicarse para la defensa de sus intereses. Artículo 24.- Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas pagadas. Artículo 25.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, y en especial la alimentación, el vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios; tiene asimismo derecho a los seguros en caso de desempleo, enfermedad, invalidez, viudez, vejez u otros casos de pérdida de sus medios de subsistencia por circunstancias independientes de su voluntad. 2. La maternidad y la infancia tienen derecho a cuidados y asistencia especiales. Todos los niños, nacidos de matrimonio o fuera de matrimonio, tienen derecho a igual protección social. Artículo 26.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la educación. La educación debe ser gratuita, al menos en lo concerniente a la instrucción elemental y fundamental. La instrucción elemental será obligatoria. La instrucción técnica y profesional habrá de ser generalizada; el acceso a los estudios superiores será igual para todos, en función de los méritos respectivos. 2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades fundamentales; favorecerá la comprensión, la tolerancia y la amistad entre todas las naciones y todos los grupos étnicos o religiosos, y promoverá el desarrollo de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento de la paz. 3. Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger el tipo de educación que habrá de darse a sus hijos. Artículo 27.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y en los beneficios que de él resulten. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas, literarias o artísticas de que sea autora. Artículo 28.- Toda persona tiene derecho a que se establezca un orden social e internacional en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración se hagan plenamente efectivos. Artículo 29.- 1. Toda persona tiene deberes respecto a la comunidad (...). 2. En el ejercicio de sus derechos y en el disfrute de sus libertades, toda persona estará solamente sujeta a las limitaciones establecidas por la ley con el único fin de asegurar el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos y libertades de los demás, y de satisfacer las justas exigencias de la moral, del orden público y del bienestar general en una sociedad democrática. 3. Estos derechos y libertades no podrán, en ningún caso, ser ejercidos en oposición a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas. Artículo 30.- Nada en esta Declaración podrá interpretarse en el sentido de que confiere derecho alguno al Estado, a un grupo o a una persona, para emprender y desarrollar actividades (...) tendientes a la supresión de cualquiera de los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración.
  • 3. My first name is My last name is My school is My address is Activity Book Intermediate 4 4
  • 4. PROHIBIDA LA REPRODUCCIÓN TOTAL O PARCIAL LEY DE LUCHA CONTRA LA PIRATERÍA LEY 28289 PUBLICADA EL 20 DE JULIO DE 2004 TÍTULO VII DELITOS CONTRA LOS DERECHOS INTELECTUALES CAPÍTULO I DELITOS CONTRA LOS DERECHOS DE AUTOR Y CONEXOS Reproducción, difusión, distribución y circulación de la obra sin la autorización del autor. Artículo 217.o .- Será reprimido con pena privativa de libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de seis años y con treinta a noventa días-multa, el que con respecto a una obra, una interpretación o ejecución artística, un fonograma o una emisión o transmisión de radiodifusión, o una grabación audiovisual o una imagen fotográfica expresada en cualquier forma, realiza alguno de los siguientes actos sin la autorización previa y escrita del autor o titular de los derechos: a. La modifique total o parcialmente. b. La distribuya mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo público. c. La comunique o difunda públicamente por cualquiera de los medios o procedimientos reservados al titular del respectivo derecho. d. La reproduzca, distribuya o comunique en mayor número que el autorizado por escrito. La pena será no menor de cuatro años ni mayor de ocho y con sesenta a ciento veinte días-multa, cuando el agente la reproduzca total o parcialmente, por cualquier medio o procedimiento y si la distribución se realiza mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo al público u otra forma de transferencia de la posesión del soporte que contiene la obra o producción que supere las dos (2) Unidades Impositivas Tributarias, en forma fraccionada, en un solo acto o en diferentes actos de inferior importe cada uno. La Editorial se hace responsable por el rigor académico del contenido del texto de acuerdo con los principios de la Ley General de Educación. IMPRESO EN EL PERÚ / PRINTED IN PERU Título de la obra ® CHEER UP INTERMEDIATE 4 Activity Book Es complemento con CHEER UP INTERMEDIATE 4 Student’s Book © Derechos de autor reservados y registrados Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. © Derechos de edición, arte gráfico y diagramación reservados y registrados conforme a ley Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. EDICIÓN, 2020 Coordinadora general del área: Lic. Flor Amanda Oyola Gabriel Diseño, diagramación y corrección: Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. Ilustración: Banco de imágenes Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. Jr. Pomabamba 325, Breña Tels. 332 6314 332 6667 Correo electrónico: Tiraje: 3000 ejemplares Impreso en: Corporación Gráfica Navarrete S.A. Carretera Central 759 – km 2 Santa Anita, Lima – Perú Tel. 362 0606 ISBN N.o 978-612-4348-99-0 Proyecto Editorial N.o 31501051900868 Ley N.o 28086 Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú N.o 2019-11758
  • 5. BOOK COMPONENTS Vocabulary Fourth Grade 52 53 What do you like to wear when you're at home? UNIT Modesty 7 1. Read the text and answer the questions. 2. Read and write the name of the clothes. 3. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box. 4. Find the materials and write them in the spaces provided. a. This belt is made of . My closet Hello there. My name is Pete. This is my closet. I have a shelf in the top of my closet for my hats. There is a pole on one side of my closet. From the pole, I hang my dress shirts and the couple of suits I own. Beside it, there are a few shelves with more clothes. The first one is where my folded pants and my sweaters go. The second one is where my belts and gloves are stored. The last one down is where all my shoes, boots and sandals are kept. When my friends come to my house, they like to try on my clothes. a. It is a formal outfit, men often wear to work. b. This is worn when it rains. c. They are worn on your hands. d. Girls wear this while at the beach. e. This keeps your pants from falling down. f. These are worn on your feet when it's summer. g. You wear this on your head. h. These are worn on your feet when it's cold outside. i. This is worn around your neck. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. a. What does Pete keep on the shelf in the top of his closet? b. What does Pete hang from the pole? c. What does Pete have on the first lower shelf? d. What does Pete have on the second lower shelf? e. What does he keep on the last shelf? b. This swimsuit is made of . c. This shirt is made of . e. These boots are made of . d. This sweater is made of . polyester flannel cotton wool rubber leather f. The skirt is made of . w o o l e t o p e r u b b e r o l r z c j u m l m o t o r y n y l e a t h e r e b i c t c l e s r v e o p r l t f l a n n e l e t r d p l d i r y t s g i e n e k n e e p a e s i f k a y a n z i c e s i l k g Quiz 58 59 Fourth Grade a. Some gloves are made out of wool. b. My striped swimsuit will be worn yesterday. c. His checkered raincoat has been dried by the hot sun. d. Her flannel shirt is lost for 2 years before she found it. e. My cousin's belt will be made of polyester. f. My grandmother's scarf was given to me tomorrow. 1. Read and match. 2. Read and write the name of the materials. a. It's softer than cotton. b. It's a smooth and soft fabric. c. This fabric is made from animal fleece. d. This material is made from animal skin. e. This fabric is made from the latex of a tropical plant. f. Most of all the towels used today are made of this. g. This is a durable and synthetic fabric. 3. Match. 4. Read the sentences and write correct or incorrect. Correct the wrong sentences. 1. She wants to buy this belt, a. I think I need bigger ones. 2. He can't afford those boots b. you should clean them now. 3. Those pants aren't wide enough, c. he can't wear it for his presentation. 4. His shirt is too big, d. but she doesn't have enough money. 5. Your shoes are too dirty, e. because they're too expensive. 6. My sweater is warm enough, f. I don't need to wear a coat. 1. They are red. 2. It's dark blue. 3. It's gray, red and white. 4. It's light blue. 5. It's purple. 6. They are dark brown. 7. It's gray with white stripes. 8. They are yellow and black. 9. It is red. a c h f b d i g e Key language Quiz Key language 54 55 Fourth Grade Lesson 1 3. Choose the correct option. 4. Complete the text with too or enough and with the adjective in parentheses. 1. Complete the dialogue with one or ones. 2. Read the dialogue and circle the correct options. A:Hello Suzy, I don't have too / enough clothes for my vacation. Would you like to go shopping with me? B:Sure Betty. I'd love to go with you, but I don't have enough / too much time because I have to do homework. What exactly are you looking for? A:Well, I want to find a swimsuit that fits. I've grown since my last trip to the beach, and my old swimsuit is too / enough small. I need a hat too. The one I have now does not shade the sun and it's not big enough / too, so I need one that is bigger. B:I know how it feels when your swimsuit doesn't fit. You need a comfortable one that's not too / enough tight. A:Exactly, and I want it to be made out of polyester, and not cotton. I want my new hat to be made out of linen because that fabric is cool too / enough for hot weather. B:Okay, let's get going before it gets enough / too late and the stores close. A:Good morning, and welcome to our store. Can I help you find something? B:Yes, please. I'm looking for warm sweaters. A:We have some very warm 1. . Look at our selection. Do you like the 2. that are striped, checkered, polka-dotted or plain? B:I like the 3. that are striped the best. May I try one on? A:Sure. The 4. you chose is made of wool. You're not allergic to wool, are you? B:No, I'm not. As a matter of fact, that is my favorite fabric. I'll try on a large 5. . A:Here you are. This 6. is the warmest we have in the store. The changing room is right over there. B:Thank you very much. I'll let you know if this 7. fits. 1. This flowered skirt is better than the blue . a. one b. ones 2. These white shirts are wider than the black . a. one b. ones 3. These striped pants are more casual than the checkered . a. one b. ones 4. This blue swimsuit is fancier than the black . a. one b. ones 5. These plain scarves are cheaper than the polka-dot . a. one b. ones 6. This checkered hat is better than the flowered . a. one b. ones Happy birthday! It's Susana's birthday. She received lots of presents. She got a swimsuit from her grandmother. It's red, yellow and green. She doesn't like it. It's 1. (colorful). She also got some sandals from her aunt. They're great, but she can't wear them because they're size 38 and she's size 39. They aren't,,,2.,, ,,,(big). She also got gloves from her mom. They're nice and colorful, but they're 3., (long). Her best friend gave her a sweater and it's perfect! It isn't 4., or 5., (big / small), it's just right. She's wearing it now.
  • 6. 4 Do you like to play dominoes? UNIT Love 1 1. make a bracelet 2. do an experiment 3. play dominoes 4. get a haircut 5. make popsicles 6. watch the sunrise 7. fly paper airplanes 8. wash your dog 1. Number the phrases with the pictures. 2. Unscramble the phrases. a. sawh ryuo god b. ylap modnioes c. keam sicpoples d. teg a raihtuc e. ateredecor ryuo moor f. awcht het nussire g. og ot hte ilrbayr h. esrach teh nietrent a c e g b d f h
  • 7. Fourth Grade 5 3. Match the phrases with the correct definitions. 1. make a family dinner 2. fly paper airplanes 3. build a sandcastle 4. have a water balloon fight 5. go to the library 6. make a bracelet a. fly paper b. build a c. wash your d. play e. make a f. have a water balloon g. redecorate your h. get a dog fight haircut dominoes room sandcastle family dinner airplanes 4. Complete the phrases with the words in the box. a. create a piece of jewelry that wraps around your wrist b. fill balloons with water and throw them at your friends c. visit a place to read books d. throw folded paper across the room e. make a castle from sand at the beach f. cook a meal for everyone in your household
  • 8. Key language 6 Lesson 1 1. Read the text and put the verb in parentheses in the correct form Present Simple or Present Continuous. 2. Do we usually use these words with the Present Simple or Present Continuous? Write them in the correct group. I wake up early in the morning and 1. (watch) the sunrise over the mountain. While I'm getting dressed, my mom usually 2. (make) breakfast. My dad is a chemist. He 3. (search) the internet every morning because he 4. (do) an experiment in his laboratory. After we have breakfast, I help my little brother make paper airplanes because he likes to 5. (fly) them around the house. I usually 6. (go) to the library to study and read. Now we 7. (play) dominoes with my mom, dad and little brother. We like spending time together before going to bed. Monday through Friday every day now on Friday right now always usually sometimes at the moment never every weekend Present Simple Present Continuous
  • 9. 7 Fourth Grade watch have build search make flying washing 3. Choose the correct answer. 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1. What is your uncle doing? a. He is getting a haircut at the barber shop. b. He gets a haircut at the barber shop. 2. Do you make bracelets to sell at the market? a. Yes, I do. I usually make bracelets out of pearls. b. Yes, I am. I am making bracelets out of pearls. 3. Are you learning how to hula-hoop? a. Yes, I learn how to hula-hoop at school during physical education. b. Yes, I am learning how to hula-hoop at school during physical education. 4. Is your mom making a family dinner tonight? a. Yes, she is making a family dinner tonight. b. Yes, she makes a family dinner tonight. 5. Does David do experiments in his science class? a. No, David doesn't do any experiments in his science class. b. No, David is not doing experiments in his science class. 6. What does your sister do in the evenings? a. She's searching the internet right now. b. She usually searches the internet in the evenings. a. He doesn't a sandcastle in the garden. b. She is the dog in the bathtub. c. We often popsicles when it is hot outside. d. My brothers are not paper airplanes in the house. e. I always the sunrise from my bedroom window. f. Once the balloons are filled, we can a water balloon fight. g. We usually the internet to do our homework.
  • 10. Key language 8 a. She is knowing all the answers. b. Are they having a cat? c. This coffee is tasting bitter. d. He is hating to get up early on weekends. e. Are you remembering his name? f. These flowers are smelling wonderful. g. I am not understanding today's math lesson. h. She is liking this restaurant. Lesson 2 1. Find and correct the mistakes below. 2. Read the dialogues and circle the correct answer. 1. A: John, you look / are looking tired. B: Yeah, I am knowing / know. I didn't sleep well last night because I was researching information on the internet to finish my project. 2. A: My grandma wants / is wanting to redecorate her room next week. B: I am thinking / think that's a great idea. 3. A: My sisters are loving / love to have water balloon fights at the carnival. B: My nephew likes / is liking to have water balloon fights too. 4. A: They need / are needing to go to the library to do their literature homework. B: I am understanding / understand.
  • 11. 9 Fourth Grade 3. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words in the box. 4. Circle the correct form of the verbs. know belong like love forget want smell Cindy: Hello Sam. How's it going? Sam: It's going pretty good. Cindy: Would you like to help me make a family dinner for tonight? Sam: Sure Cindy, but I have to wash my dog Rover first. He is really dirty and 1. bad. My dad is upset and 2. him washed. Cindy: That's ok. I'll help you if you help me. I've got your back Sam. Sam: Good to hear. Should we go to the store for the ingredients? Cindy: Yes, we have to go shopping before we start cooking. Sam: What does your family 3. for dinner? Cindy: I 4. my mother wants spaghetti and sauce tonight. She 5. the taste of the sauce I make. Mom says just the thought of my sauce cooking makes her mouth water. Sam: Don't 6. about Rover. On the way let's stop at my house and wash him. Let's hope my dad didn't give him away because he's so dirty. Cindy: No, he loves Rover and he thinks he 7. in the family. a. Have you noticed the birds in the park, they seem / are seeming to be everywhere? b. Hector doesn't mind / isn't minding loud music, actually he prefers listening to it. c. Rosa and Maria are loving / love making sandcastles at the beach. d. The bracelets that Mirabel made look / are looking beautiful. e. I am minding / don't mind going to bed early because I like waking up early.
  • 12. Quiz 10 1. Match. 2. Circle the correct phrases. 1. play a. the internet 2. make b. a haircut 3. redecorate c. dominoes 4. get d. the sunrise 5. learn e. a bracelet 6. search f. to the library 7. watch g. your room 8. go h. how to hula-hoop a. My friends and I make smoothies / go to the dentist on hot summer afternoons. b. We buy ski clothing / search the internet when school is not in session. c. It is fun watching people learn how to hula-hoop / do their homework during vacation. d. I sometimes wash my clothes / do an experiment with Coke and baking soda. e. The best place to watch the sunrise / see marine animals is on top of Peru's highest mountains. f. When I was younger, my father and I would go ice skating / build sandcastles at the beach.
  • 13. 11 Fourth Grade 3. Write the verbs in parentheses in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 4. Choose the correct word and write it on the dotted line. a. What does this word ? b. Do they in UFOs? c. We don't the movie. d. They to go to the library. e. Her sister does not to change her job. f. Do you the telephone? g. She eating junk food. h. They to learn how to hula-hoop. i. He playing dominoes. a. My mom smoothies with my brother right now. (not make) b. My dog does not like it, but we have to him. (wash) c. We popsicles for dessert at the moment. (make) d. On weekends, my friends and I dominoes because I'm busy helping my parents and doing my homework. ( not play) e. When I am bored, I sometimes my room to do something. (redecorate) f. Children like to paper planes in the park. (fly) mean meaning believing believe like liking needing need want wanting hear hearing hating hates want wanting liking likes
  • 14. 12 Were you jumping rope on the weekend? UNIT Don't litter! 2 1. Look at the pictures and complete. a. My little sister usually slides down the . b. My cousins can get really high on the , then jump off. c. The is where my sister and her friends pretend to make meals. d. Juan would climb all day long on the , until his mom called him. e. The children make sandcastles in the . f. On the Marcos and Julio go up and down. g. Outside the school, Maria and Rosa play by jumping on one foot. h. Swinging from the is great exercise.
  • 15. Fourth Grade 13 kick swing go up play slide jump 2. Check the correct option to complete the phrases. 1. play . a. rope b. sandbox c. hopscotch 2. go up and . a. straight b. down c. left 3. climb the . a. jungle gym b. hopscotch c. sandbox 4. kick a . a. slide b. ball c. swing 5. jump . a. a ball b. seesaw c. rope a. One of the best exercises you can do is rope, just like Rocky Balboa. b. Players the ball when trying to score in soccer. c. Many children can and down on the jungle gym at one time. d. My favorite thing to do on the playground is down the slide because you can go really fast. e. My cousins love to , especially on a sunny warm afternoon. f. I like to hopscotch. It's really fun because you can draw the pattern on the playground with chalk, and jumping on one leg is great exercise. 3. Read and complete the sentences with the correct word in the box.
  • 16. Key language 14 Lesson 1 1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous and match them to the correct pictures. 2. Put the dialogue in the correct order. a. She (play) hopscotch when her mom called her for dinner. b. He was driving to work when he (crash) into a tree. c. The girls (jump) rope when their shoes came untied. d. The children (climb) the jungle gym when suddenly the ground started to shake. e. We were climbing the mountain when we (see) an eagle swoop down and grab a rabbit with its talons. f. The mysterious man with a parachute landed on the playground while the children (play). 1 A: Oh just in case, did you call dad to find out if he's coming for lunch? B: I was leaving the house when I heard something and I didn't know what it was. A: Do you believe in ghosts or do you think they're made up? A: I think I heard a ghost upstairs last night. Did you hear it too? A: Oh no. That's terrible. Where is Joel? A: Hurry and ask him to come home now. We have to go to the hospital. B: Well, I saw something swoop down from the ceiling, but it might have been a bird. B: Yes, but he can't make it because he crashed his car into a restaurant and almost hit a waiter. He's in the hospital now. B: He's climbing the jungle gym in the park. B: Okay.
  • 17. 15 Fourth Grade 3. Complete the story with the correct past tense form of the verbs in parentheses. 4. Choose the correct forms of the past tense. A group of children 1. (play) in the playground one sunny afternoon when something very strange happened. A man with a parachute 2. (fly) in the sky and landed on the ground. The children appeared frightened at first, but then they 3. (see) that he had a large bag filled with candy, strapped to his back. He 4. (pass) out the candy when everyone noticed the clouds in the sky getting darker. Some children were jumping rope at the time, and others 5. (climb) on the jungle gym. There were also some children playing hopscotch, but they all 6. (stop) abruptly because it started raining, and the sound of thunder was heard. The children 7. (run) to the play house because they were frightened. The man helped them to get into the house because he was worried the children might get struck by lightning. Then, all of a sudden there 8. (is) a loud BOOM and a bright flash of light. All of the children were safe in the play house, but the man with the parachute was nowhere to be found. Every time the sky turns stormy, the children remember the mystery man with the parachute. a. A thief was stealing / stole a wallet when the police arrived on the scene and asked him to get down on the ground. b. My mom was cooking dinner when she was hearing / heard a voice tell her to get out of the house. c. An eagle was swooping down from its nest when it pounced / was pouncing on a rabbit. d. The taxi passed / was passing through the intersection when it crashed into the man on the motorcycle. e. I was jumping out of a plane when a seagull flew / was flying right past me. f. The children were climbing / climbed on the jungle gym when one of them fell down. The parachute man
  • 18. Key language 16 Lesson 2 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. I'm not used to up this early. a. get b. getting 2. My friends and I used to sandcastles when our parents took us to the beach. a. build b. building 3. It's difficult to get used to in cold water in the mountain lakes. a. swimming b. swim 4. In order to be prepared, it helps if you get used to a list before you go shopping. a. writing b. write 5. When I was five, I used to rope with my friends. a. jump b. jumping 6. In the mountains the air is a little thin, but you get used to while hiking. a. breathing b. breath 2. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. a. My parents used to / are used to / are getting used to slide down the slide when they were five years old. b. The backpackers used to / are used to / are getting used to the change in elevation going up the mountain. c. The workers used to / are used to / are getting used to the long hours associated with meeting a deadline. d. I used to / are used to / are getting used to go on vacation with my parents, but now I go all by myself. e. It took a while, but we used to / are used to / are getting used to the altitude change going from Lima to Cusco. f. The alpacas and the llamas at the zoo used to / are used to / are getting used to getting fed twice a day by their handlers.
  • 19. 17 Fourth Grade a. I use to swing from the jungle gym when I was a child. b. He's a teacher in Peru. He's used to teach history, science and English. c. We are used to prepare big meals when my family gets together for the holidays. d. School is something I'm get used to because I have just moved here. e. I used love going to concerts with my friends, but then I moved away from the city. 3. Match the two parts of the sentences. 4. Find the mistakes and correct the sentences. 1. I was not used to the rain, 2. She didn't use to climb mountains, 3. The children are not used to stretching, 4. Our teacher is getting used to 5. People are not used to seeing 6. We used to swing from the monkey bars a. cars crashing into trees. b. the new teaching methodology. c. when we got together after lunch. d. but they have to do it for their P. E classes. e. but I'm getting used to it now. f. but she likes to climb them now.
  • 20. Quiz 18 1. Look at the pictures and write. 2. Underline the correct verbs. a. Christina and Emilia like to play / make hopscotch with their friends on the playground. b. It's fun to jump / climb the jungle gym with Johnny. c. When playing soccer, Jose slides / kicks the ball the farthest. d. Pablo doesn't kick / play the ball the farthest, but he makes the most goals. e. Samuel climbs / slides down the slide so fast that he scares the adults. f. On the playground, Catalina and Ellen love to jump / kick rope. g. Before you go running, it's a good idea to slide / stretch your muscles. h. It's great fun to make / climb the jungle gym with my younger siblings. i. You can kick / swing on the monkey bars, but make sure you don't accidentally kick someone. j. My younger sisters love to jump / make rope after school. a b c d e f
  • 21. 19 Fourth Grade a. While / my best friend / climb on the jungle gym / he / fall down b. While / Jack and Jill / go up and down on the seesaw / Jack fall off. c. While / the children slide down the slide / they / make sure nobody is in their path. d. While / Pedro and Pablo / practice soccer / they / break their neighbor's window. e. Samantha and her friends / swing on the swings / when the wind pick up and blow dust in their eyes. 3. Use the prompts and write sentences using the Past Simple and Past Continuous. 4. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a - e. a. do you think the alligators' ancestors used to be dinosaurs? b. My dog used to bury bones all the time. c. it used to be a lot of fun, d. others used to be as small as a condor. e. I'm getting used to the school's routine again. A: Hey Javier, welcome back from summer vacation. Have you started your science project yet? B: Hello there Carlos, my project is going well. I found out many interesting things about dinosaurs and . A: Great! What kind of things did you find out about dinosaurs? B: Well, they used to roam the earth millions of years ago. Some used to be huge, larger than a city bus, . A: I used to dig holes in my back yard, and then one day I found a dinosaur bone. B: Are you sure your dog didn't bury a steak bone? . A: Speaking of dinosaurs, . B: Maybe so. I think an alligator looks like a mini-dinosaur. A: Javier, have you been to the dinosaur amusement park? B: Yes, I have Carlos. And I would love to go again. A: Well, , but recently they closed the Stegosaurus Slide. B: Oh no, that used to be my favorite ride!
  • 22. 20 You must wear a helmet for motorcycling. UNIT Be prepared 3 1. Find and copy the words corresponding to the pictures. d. g. e. h. f. b. a. i. c. t a r g e t o m e r i h u y k o l r z y j u m t m o t o r y n o z w s z h l h r b i c y c l e c r v e c p r l y s b o w o u m c a r r o w s e l y t s g i e t e k n e e p a d s i f k a y a k z i c e r i n k g
  • 23. Fourth Grade 21 2. Look at the pictures and write the name of the sports. Then read and match. a. going down rapids in a small boat-like craft, using a paddle to prevent flipping over b. rolling a large ball down an alley to knock down pins c. shooting arrows at a target with a bow d. teams try to shoot a puck in a goal with a stick e. peddling a bicycle as fast as you can in order to win a race f. hitting a small ball back and forth over a small net with a paddle g. riding a motorcycle either for pleasure or finishing first in a competition h. using various athletic techniques 1. 3. 5. 7. 2. 4. 6. 8.
  • 24. Key language 22 Lesson 1 1. Choose and complete the sentences with the correct Modal Verbs. 2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. a. have to / may not / would rather not You wear skates when playing ice hockey. b. would rather / don't need to / must You wear a helmet when practicing archery. c. might / mustn't / need to You have a bike to go cycling. d. could / don't have to / mustn't You get a strike when you go bowling. e. don't have to / would rather / mustn't You play ping pong with a partner. f. had better / mustn't / may not You be in shape to do gymnastics. a. play / have / rink / to / go / hockey / to / You / an / ice / to / . b. would / archery / use / to / rather / a / target / I / practice / . c. bowling / might / week / go / She / next / . d. ping / good / They / playing / need / always / don't / to / at / pong / be / . e. kayaking / He / go / a / must / kayak / to / have / . f. pads / You / a / had / cycling / wear / and / knee / better / helmet / when / .
  • 25. 23 Fourth Grade 3. Match 1 - 6 with a - f. 4. Rewrite the sentences using the words in parentheses. 1. I need to have a bow and an arrow 2. You must wear knee pads 3. We may use the balance beam 4. He would rather play ping pong 5. John has to go to an ice rink 6. They mustn't forget their helmet a. than go bowling. b. while you are motorcycling. c. when I practice archery. d. when they go cycling. e. when we do gymnastics. f. to play ice hockey. a. She wears knee pads when riding a bike. (would rather) b. I have arrows to practice archery. (need to) c. They eat junk food before playing ice hockey. (mustn’t) d. He knows how to paddle before he goes kayaking. (must) e. You get a gutter ball when you go bowling. (might) f. I play ping pong with a partner. (have to)
  • 26. Key language 24 Lesson 2 1. Read the text and choose a, b or c. I 1. to the soccer game everyone is talking about. It 2. place this Saturday on the main athletic field. My P.E. teacher wants me to write a report about the players, and on the game itself. I 3. to write the best report my school has ever read. Before the game, I 4. calling all my friends to see if they would like to attend the game. That way, they 5. speaking to each player and making their own personal reports. My friends can find out where they are from, where they 6. to go after they are done playing soccer, and their future hopes and dreams. 2. Write sentences with the words below. Use the words in the parentheses. a. I / call a friend / tomorrow. (will be) b. I / probably / have a piñata at my birthday party. (will) c. We / go to a game / next week. (going to) d. He / thinks / go to college. (will not) e. She / believes / learn how to drive a car. (will be) f. They / study for the test tonight. (not going to) 1. a. will be going b. won't be c. will be 2. a. will be take b. will take c. am take 3. a. will going b. will be c. am going 4. a. will be b. will c. am going 5. a. will b. will be c. am going 6. a. are going b. will c. will be
  • 27. 25 Fourth Grade 3. Complete the sentences. Use will or going to. 4. Below is Karen's schedule for next week. Read it and then answer the questions that follow in complete sentences. a. I am buy my friend a present for her birthday. b. He thinks he learn how to drive a car by next week. c. John probably go to a game on the weekend. d. They are have a movie night on Saturday. e. We are go to college in the fall. f. Perhaps you do gymnastics next year. g. I believe I play ping pong tomorrow. h. Emma is call her friend later. a. What will Karen be doing on Tuesday morning? b. Where will Karen and her friend probably go on Sunday morning? c. What is Karen going to do on Monday afternoon? d. Who will be listening to Karen tell stories on Wednesday afternoon? e. What will Karen fill on Friday afternoon? f. Who is going to have brunch with Karen on Sunday afternoon? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Morning English class apply for a scholarship play ping pong buy a present for Christine’s birthday do gymnastics go cycling call a friend and ask her to go to church Afternoon learn how to drive a car with dad practice archery tell stories to children at the library have a math class fill a piñata for Christine’s birthday go to my brother’s soccer game have brunch with mom Evening do English homework do math homework play hockey study for a math test have a movie night with friends make dinner with mom study for an English test
  • 28. 26 Quiz 1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 2. Match the sport to the equipment. 3. Unscramble the sports equipment words. 1. ping pong 2. ice hockey 3. kayaking 4. gymnastics 5. cycling 6. archery 7. bowling 8. motorcycling a. balance beam b. bicycle c. target, bow and arrows d. pins and bowling ball e. knee pads and helmet f. kayak g. hockey stick and puck h. net, table and paddles Jane likes to practice 1. every weekend. She has her own bow and arrows. Her brother, Michael plays 2. instead at the local ice rink. On Sundays, they play 3. in their house. They have a table, net and paddles. Sometimes, they go ten pin 4. with their friends on Thursday nights. Jane and Michael’s cousin, Joe likes more extreme sports. He goes to the river and goes 5. on the weekends. He also likes 6. and 7. . He must wear a helmet and knee pads when he goes. Joe's sister Emily is good at 8. . She is very flexible and can do jumps and flips on the balance beam. a. enaablc ameb b. gattre owb nda wroras c. iylccbe d. akkay e. etn, belat nda dedspal f. eokhyc ctiks nda ukpc g. npsi nad wibgoln labl h. enke asdp nda eemtlh ping pong ice hockey kayaking gymnastics cycling archery bowling motorcycling
  • 29. 27 Fourth Grade 4. Fill in the blanks with the negative forms of the Modal Verbs in parentheses. 5. Circle the correct answer. a. You will / are going to probably go to Arts College next year. b. I am going to / will play an ice hockey game tomorrow afternoon because several of the players are injured, and the coach really needs me. c. You will / are going to learn to drive a car because your father has already bought you one. d. He is going to / will be apply for scholarships for the colleges he wants to attend. e. She will be / is going to calling her friend later tonight to ask for advice. f. We are going to / will have a movie night tomorrow, we have already picked out some DVDs to watch. g. I think the class will / is going to go on a field trip if everyone signs the permission slips and pays the zoo's admission fee. h. My sister thinks she will / is going to go to the beach on the weekend. If she goes, she needs to make sure to put on sunblock. The sun can burn her skin faster than she thinks. a. I (need to) wear a helmet when I play ping pong. b. You (must) eat just before you go kayaking. c. You (have to) have a partner to go bowling. d. Alison (might) go cycling because of the rain. e. They (would rather) lose the hockey game. f. We (may) be able to practice archery if the range is closed. g. You (had better) have an injury if you want to do gymnastics.
  • 30. 28 What should we do in an emergency? UNIT Stay calm 4 1. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 2. Read the sentences and circle the correct answers. Hi, my name is Ronald and I study natural disasters. I was 1. a mountain with my friends when an 2. started. The snow came right at us. It was very 3. . Luckily, we were able to find a cave to hide in until the avalanche was over. Once I was studying wave patterns at the beach when the water started to recede and a 4. happened which is, in other words, a 5. . We tried to run away, but there was nowhere to stay safe and dry. Unfortunately, all the water from the tsunami caused a 6. in the city, turning the clean 7. into 8. . One day, as I was studying different types of trees in a forest, a 9. started and burned the majority of the trees in just a few hours. Another time, when I was investigating the shape and form of a volcano, there was a sudden 10. which caused lava to flow into the city. It was 11. , but luckily everyone survived the blast. Another day, I was creating a geological map when an 12. took place, it destroyed the city and killed many people. earthquake avalanche volcanic eruption flood tsunami devastating forest fire water dirty water violent seismic sea wave climbing a. In Japan, there was a violent earthquake / mudslide. b. The Californian forest fire was caused by a powerful storm / extreme heat and drought. c. On Boxing Day in Thailand, a tsunami / a flood came in from the sea. d. Climbers on Mount Everest survived an avalanche / a tsunami. e. The volcanic eruption was devastating / peaceful. f. Hurricane Katrina caused a levee to break in New Orleans, which caused a mudslide / flood.
  • 31. Fourth Grade 29 3. Match the opposites. 4. Choose a or b to complete the sentences. 1. violent a. cold 2. sudden slide b. light 3. heavy c. quiet 4. devastating d. clean water 5. seismic sea wave e. small wave 6. extreme heat f. calm 7. dirty water g. peaceful 8. powerful storm h. slow slide 1. When there is an earthquake in your city, you should a. go under a desk or table and wait until it's over. b. run out of the building you are in and grab the nearest tree. 2. If there is a forest fire, the best thing you can do is a. try to put the fire out by yourself. b. evacuate far away from the fire's path. 3. When a neighborhood is in danger of a flood, the residents should a. travel to higher ground and wait for the water to recede. b. attempt to divert the water to another neighborhood. 4. If a tornado is approaching, the safest thing you and your family can do is a. climb onto your roof and watch as it passes. b. go into your basement until it passes. 5. The best prevention against an avalanche when you are on a mountain is to a. avoid steep slopes with a heavy snow fall. b. yell to your friends so they know your location. 6. There is not much you can do when there's a volcanic eruption. If close by, try not to a. take pictures of the lava flow. b. breathe the smoke and ash in the air.
  • 32. Key language 30 Lesson 1 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct Relative Pronoun in the box. 2. Read and choose a, b or c. a. There were many people lost their homes in the tornado. b. There was a forest fire was caused by extreme heat. c. A tornado is a powerful storm occurs in the tropics. d. We were at the beach there was a tsunami warning. e. The avalanche, killed many people, happened so suddenly. who that which (x2) when I like to do research about natural disasters. There are so many kinds of natural disasters that can happen. An avalanche happens when there is a sudden slide of snow and ice down a mountain. There was an avalanche on Mount Everest that caused many people, who were planning to climb to the summit, to reschedule their climb. There have been several heavy mudslides in the past months that have made climbing conditions too dangerous. An earthquake happens when the tectonic plates underground move and make the earth shake. In Ecuador, there was a violent earthquake that destroyed the homes of many people who lived there. Forest fires happen when the forests are dry from lack of rain. One of the Californian forest fires, which was caused by extreme heat and drought, burned the houses of many celebrities. Tornadoes and hurricanes are powerful storms. Hurricane Katrina was a storm, which caused the levee in New Orleans to collapse, and as a result there was a flood. A tsunami is a seismic sea wave, which is sometimes called a tidal wave. There was a tsunami in Japan that caused millions of dollars worth of damage. The volcano that erupted in Pompeii killed many people. 1. Which conditions cause forests fires? a. extreme heat and drought b. warm days c. extreme cold 2. Which city was flooded due to a break in its levee? a. Orlando b. New Orleans c. Miami 3. What is a type of natural disaster that happens on Mount Everest? a. a flood b. a forest fire c. an avalanche 4. Where did the people who lost their houses in the earthquake live? a. Haiti b. Ecuador c. California
  • 33. 31 Fourth Grade 3. Read each sentence below. Choose the correct Relative Pronoun to fill in the blank. 4. Replace that with who or which. 1. The volcanic eruption, devastated the city, caused billions of dollars of damage. 2. Many people, evacuated the town, were lucky to get out in time. 3. You still can't go to the forest fires were. 4. There was a mudslide caused the road closure. 5. People, panic in natural disasters, are always worse off. 6. The tornado, lasted for two days, destroyed hundreds of homes. a. My uncle, that was in Peru, survived the earthquake. My uncle, was in Peru, survived the earthquake. b. That is the volcanic eruption that destroyed the city. That is the volcanic eruption destroyed the city. c. These are the people that lost their houses because of a tornado. These are the people lost their houses because of a tornado. d. The avalanche, that killed many people, happened on Mount Everest. The avalanche, killed many people, happened on Mount Everest. e. My father, that was in New Orleans, lost his car to the flood. My father, was in New Orleans, lost his car to the flood. f. The tsunami, that hit Japan, happened in 2011. The tsunami, hit Japan, happened in 2011. A who (x2) B that C which (x2) D where
  • 34. Key language 32 Lesson 2 1. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative, superlative or as-as using the adjectives in parentheses. a. The earthquake was (violent) than the mudslide. b. The avalanche was much (cold) than the forest fire. c. The forest fire was (hot) an oven. d. The flood in New Orleans was (bad) they had ever seen. e. The tsunami was (tall) a building. f. The tornado in Canada was (powerful) in 50 years. 2. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. a. The forest fire is constantly growing. The forest fire is getting b. No other avalanche was as small as this. This avalanche was c. An earthquake causes more damage than a flood. A flood does not cause d. If the mudslide happens slowly, you have a better chance of survival. The chance of survival e. We have never seen such a devastating volcanic eruption. It's the f. A tsunami isn't as calm as a flood. A flood is
  • 35. 33 Fourth Grade 3. Complete each sentence by choosing a, b or c. 4. Write the sentences in the correct order. 1. A volcanic eruption is than a mudslide. a. dangerous b. more dangerous c. most dangerous 2. The tsunami in Japan was the in the world. a. devastating b. more devastating c. most devastating 3. The avalanche was than the North Pole. a. cold b. colder c. coldest 4. A flood is scary, but an earthquake is . a. scary b. scarier c. scariest 5. The forest fire was the one in history. a. hot b. hotter c. hottest 6. The flood made the land than when it rains. a. wet b. wetter c. wettest a. the / eruption / the / world / in / . / volcanic / Pompeii / The / was / biggest / in . b. sun / . / The / fire / was / hot / the / as / forest / as . c. are / mudslides / . / worse / Avalanches / than . d. worst / that / seen / . / was / the / Japan / tsunami / ever / The / I / had / in . e. as / can / hurricanes / . / as / Tornados / just / be / bad . f. be / more / earthquakes / . / than / can / Floods / devastating . g. flood / The / as / water / dirt / . / brown / as / was .
  • 36. Quiz 34 1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 2. Match. 1. tsunami 2. flood 3. forest fire 4. tornado 5. earthquake 6. avalanche 7. mudslide 8. volcanic eruption a. powerful storm b. extreme heat c. violent d. seismic sea wave e. dirty water f. devastating g. heavy h. sudden slide a. avalanche / volcano When going skiing, be aware of the danger of an and stay on well-marked trails. b. clean water / dirty water Floods carry as they spread through city streets. c. tsunami / tornado A huge seismic sea wave is also called a and it is dangerous. d. calm / violent Volcanic eruptions are and the damage can be seen many miles away. e. extreme heat / cold Forest fires give off and smoke while burning trees and bushes.
  • 37. 35 Fourth Grade a. Hawaii is an island. Many volcanic eruptions have happened there this year. b. There was a tornado. It destroyed many houses in Texas. . c. My friend is a scientist. He studies earthquakes. . d. Peru is a country with a lot of mountains. There was an avalanche there not too long ago. . e. Forest fires are dangerous. They spread very fast. . f. There was a tsunami. It killed hundreds of people in Japan. . 3. Choose the correct answers. 4. Join the sentences using who, which, where or when. a. The volcanic eruption was as bright as / the brightest fireworks. b. The avalanche was colder than / the coldest the Antarctic. c. The flood made the water go to higher than / the highest level they had ever seen. d. The tornado was as scary as / the scariest a haunted house. e. The tsunami hit harder than / the hardest a punch in the arm. f. The earthquake was as big as / the biggest in 1000 years.
  • 38. 36 What can we do to help our planet? UNIT Protect the environment 5 1. Complete the crossword below. 2. Complete the phrases. a. water b. disasters c. encroachment d. climate e. pollution f. air g. effect 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 1. garbage in the water 2. earthquake, avalanche, tsunami, flood 3. trapped gas in earth's atmosphere 4. when you cut down trees 6. causes global warming 7. fumes and smoke in the air Down 5. dumping harmful chemicals into the soil 8. taking the land where animals live Across
  • 39. Fourth Grade 37 a d str ct n o c syst ms 3. Choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences. 4. Complete the phrases with the missing letters. a. Global warming is caused by (climate change / rising sea levels). b. Hunting has led to the extinction of many different (economic losses / endangered species). c. A forest fire is an example of a (natural disaster / animal extinction). d. Bad air quality will likely cause (habitat encroachment / respiratory problems). e. Dumping too much garbage into the ocean leads to (greenhouse effect / water pollution). e r sp r t ry pr bl m b nim l xt nct o d r s ng s a l v ls f p l r c c ps m lt ng g c n m c l ss s h is n t mp r t r s c e d ng r d sp c es
  • 40. Key language 38 Lesson 1 1. Read and answer the questions. 2. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. People in the jungle cut down a lot of trees to build their houses and that is one of the things that is causing deforestation. What would people reduce if they stopped cutting down trees? Kate: Hey, Jacob. What are you up to today? Jacob: Not much, I am just looking up endangered species on the internet. Did you know if we 1. (continue) hunting tigers, they will become extinct? Kate: Oh no! I heard that if we 2. (keep) planting trees, we can 3. (help) the environment more. Jacob: Yes! That's true. That also means that if we 4. (stop) throwing trash on the ground, there will 5. (be) less soil pollution. Kate: That's right.And if we 6. (try) harder, the world would become a better place. a. d. b. e. c. f. Some people sell endangered animals and those people should be reported. What should you do if a person tries to sell you an endangered animal? We know that burning fossil fuels causes an increase in greenhouse gases and using solar energy does not. What would happen to greenhouse gas levels if we used solar energy? People are encroaching on endangered species habitats in order to build homes. Homes should not be built where there are endangered species. If you need a home where shouldn't you build it? When people do not properly store hazardous materials, they leak into the water supply and cause pollution. What can happen if hazardous materials are not stored properly? Certain natural disasters are increasing such as tornadoes due to climate change. If people make simple life changes, climate change will not be so extreme. What will change if people make simple life changes?
  • 41. 39 Fourth Grade 3. Read the text and answer the questions. 4. Match. If we plant more trees, we will have less air pollution which will lead to less respiratory problems. Also, if we didn't dump garbage into the ocean, there wouldn't be as much water pollution and the aquatic wildlife would be less endangered. If we want to stop deforestation, we should stop cutting down trees so they can keep producing oxygen for us.Another thing that would help is, if more people used solar energy, we would have less climate change. Lastly, if people stop hunting, there will be less endangered species which would also mean less animal extinction. These are just a few of the many ways to help the environment. How to help the environment 1. If we don't stop cutting down trees, a. we may see them become extinct. 2. If we had more solar power, b. we mustn't burn fossil fuels. 3. If we want better air quality, c. we may run the risk of soil pollution. 4. If we don't stop habitat encroachment, d. we would have less greenhouse gases. 5. If we throw trash on the ground, e. we will have less oxygen in the atmosphere. 6. If we don't do something about f. we will be giving endangered endangered species, species no place to live. a. What could be done to reduce air pollution? b. What do we need to do to prevent water pollution? c. What must we stop if we want to reduce deforestation? d. What could be done to decrease the chances of further climate change? e. What mustn't continue if we want to save our endangered species?
  • 42. Key language 40 Can you How Could Do you tell me does Why know 1. A: B: Everyone is responsible for climate change. 2. A: B: The North and South polar caps are melting due to global warming. 3. A: B: Deforestation is happening in the Amazon and in North America. 4. A: B: Animal extinction occurs when there are no more species alive anywhere. 5. A: B: The ecosystem is being destroyed because people are polluting the air, land and water. 6. A: B: Using solar energy is much better than burning wood to heat your home. Lesson 2 1. Write questions for the answers given. a. are sea levels rising? b. tell me what is causing the destruction of the ecosystems? c. Do you if we should plant more trees? d. can we stop soil pollution? e. Can you how we can reduce burning wood to warm homes? f. you tell me why the sea levels are rising? g. know if sloths are becoming extinct? h. When deforestation happen? 2. Complete the questions with the words in the box.
  • 43. 41 Fourth Grade 3. Complete the questions using the verbs and vocabulary words or phrases. 4. Rewrite the sentences with the new beginning using Indirect Questions. a. Why are people suffering from respiratory problems? Do you know ? b. How can we reduce water pollution? Can you tell me ? c. Which animal is the most endangered in the world? Do you ? d. Where are the polar ice caps melting? Could you tell me ? e. When did the sea levels start rising? Do you ? f. What countries are experiencing economic losses? Can ? a. Why should we ? b. Can you tell me what ? c. What should we do ? d. Do you know if we need to ? e. How can we ? f. Could you tell me which countries are ? stop / deforestation stop / water pollution cause / climate change improve / respiratory problems stop / the destruction of ecosystems suffer / economic losses a d b e c f
  • 44. Quiz 42 1. Choose the correct words from the list below and write them under the correct pictures. There are two extra words which you do not need to use. 2. Circle the phrases that are spelled correctly. a. anamal extinction / animal extinction / animal exctincian b. destruction of ecosystems / distruction of ecosystem / destruction of ecosistim c. resperatory problems / respiratory prublems / respiratory problems d. rising sea levels / rising see levels / raising sea levals e. endagered species / endangered species / endangered spesies f. rising temperatures / ricing temperatures / rising temparatures g. econoic losses / economic loosses / economic losses h. poler ice kaps melting / polar ice caps meltting / polar ice caps melting a c e b d f • deforestation • climate change • water pollution • soil pollution • air pollution • natural disasters • greenhouse effect • habitat encroachment
  • 45. 43 Fourth Grade 3. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense. 4. Match the direct question to the Indirect Question. a. If we (not pollute), we will reduce respiratory problems. b. If we (hunt) less, there would be less endangered species. c. If global warming (stop), there will be more ice caps melting. d. If companies (continue) dumping chemicals, there will be more soil pollution. e. If we (need) less paper, there would be less deforestation. f. If we (clean up) the oceans, there will be less water pollution. a. Who is causing animal extinction? b. What is causing climate change? c. Where is deforestation happening? d. Can we use solar energy? e. Can we plant more trees? f. Why are people polluting the water? Could you tell me where deforestation is happening? Do you know if we can plant more trees? Can you tell me what is causing climate change? Can you tell me why people are polluting the water? Could you tell me who is causing animal extinction? Do you know if we can use solar energy?
  • 46. 44 Have you ever run in a marathon before? UNIT Integrity 6 1. Match the words in the box to their definitions. 2. Choose a, b or c. 1. steal money 2. stay awake 3. lie to your friends 4. run in a marathon 5. eat suri 6. win a competition 7. get lost 8. swim with a dolphin a. not know where you are b. say something not true to people you like c. participate in a long distance race d. not go to sleep e. take money without permission f. propel your body through water with a water mammal g. to be successful in a contest h. to eat a jungle worm 1. I've always wanted to , but I don't have time to do the training. a. steal money b. run a marathon c. get lost 2. When I go on holiday to the beach, I really want to . a. stay awake b. win a competition c. swim with a dolphin 3. If you go to the jungle, you can which is a typical food there. a. eat suri b. get lost c. run in a marathon 4. Whenever I try to on New Year's Eve, I always end up falling asleep before midnight. a. steal money b. lie to your friends c. stay awake 5. You shouldn't because it belongs to someone else. a. lie to your friends b. get lost c. steal money 6. If you , they will stop trusting you. a. swim with dolphins b. steal money c. lie to your friends 7. I always when I don't drive with my GPS on. a. get lost b. eat suri c. run in a marathon 8. I am always trying to by entering as many as possible, but I never do. a. win a competition b. steal money c. stay awake
  • 47. Fourth Grade 45 3. Complete the text with the phrases in the box. 4. Number the words in the correct order and then write the phrases. Angie is a 14 year old girl who has always wanted to 1. . She wants to meet her favorite singer next week. Her father says she cannot do that if she 2. . She has dreams of being famous herself because she wants to 3. and she also wants to 4. . To make sure she doesn't fail her exam, she thinks she might have to 5. . During her exam, she started daydreaming about how she would 6. and use it to go on a vacation where she would be able to 7. and 8. . fails her exam dance in the rain sunbathe on the beach find money cheat in school sing in public meet a famous person be on TV g. the sunbathe beach on h. a in marathon run a. an exam fail b. public in sing e. a person meet famous f. dolphin a with swim c. school cheat in d. friends your lie to
  • 48. Key language 46 Lesson 1 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 2. Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about yourself. a. I haven't because I've been studying. b. I have since I found money. c. My friends and I for two hours. d. My family has never . e. I haven't since I was a kid. f. I have already . g. My sister / brother has . a. Have you swum with a dolphin? b. I have cheated in school. c. They have been sunbathing on the beach 12 o'clock. d. We have been running in marathons two years. e. I have never lied to my friends . f. She has met a famous person. g. He has been staying awake too much . h. Jane has sung in public twice . already never recently since for before ever so far
  • 49. 47 Fourth Grade 3. Read the dialogues and circle the correct options. A: I have swum / have been swimming with dolphins for two weeks. B: Oh wow, I have always wanted to do that! A: It's really fun. Have you been / Have you been going to the beach lately? B: Yeah, I've been / I've been going there recently, but I have never swum / I've never been swimming with dolphins. Next time, I'll look for the dolphins and see if I can swim with them. A: I have been / have been working on vacation for a whole month. My favorite thing to do is sunbathe on the beach. B: Lucky you. On my last vacation, it rained for almost the entire time we were there, no sunbathing for us. A: Really? You know what? I have never danced / have never been dancing in the rain and I would love to do it! B: The last time we got caught in the rain was in the forest, we were lost for almost three hours. A: Getting lost in the forest would be frightening if you weren't with a good friend. A: My sister has trained / has been training for a marathon this whole month. B: Oh, I had no idea she was that motivated. A: Yes, she sure is. She has run / has been running over five miles a day. B: Let me know when her marathon is I have never been / have never been being to one before. I'd like to cheer her on! A: Sure. She'd love to have you there.
  • 50. Key language 48 Lesson 2 1. Read the text and underline the Past Perfect Simple. Double underline the Past Perfect Continuous. Hello, my name is Jessica. I had been singing in public for 3 years before I became famous. Everything changed after that, I had never been on TV before! Now I've been on TV five times. Before all of this happened, I had only met a famous person once when I was in Toronto. But after that, I met 6 more at a party last year. When I was traveling on one of my tours, I had the opportunity to visit Peru and perform in a concert. I liked this country so much that I decided to stay for two months. I went to the jungle and I ate suri for a whole month. It had an interesting flavor. When traveling, my best friend was my manager, but I'm disappointed with her because I discovered that she had been stealing money from me for 2 years! I think that being famous is not always about money, but rather about finding people we can trust. a. His lack of preparation caused him to fail an exam. He because of his lack of preparation. b. She was eating suri when the movie started. She since the movie started. c. He started training his dog when he got home. He since he got home. d. A dare made him dance in the rain. He because of a dare. e. They kept stealing money to buy candy. They to buy candy. f. She was running in a marathon for 2 hours. She for 2 hours. 2. Rewrite the sentence and keep the same meaning.
  • 51. 49 Fourth Grade a. I had been hiking up a mountain when I fell down. b. She had learned how to play the guitar until she was ten. c. John had always liked to entertain people in his home. d. They had been training their dog for a year before he died. e. They had won the math competition. f. He had already been on TV many times. g. We had been swimming with dolphins all summer. h. Kerry had been lying to her friends about moving to Canada. 3. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous. 4. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form of the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous. a. We been (study) all night, so we would not fail the exam. b. She just (find) money on the ground when she passed a homeless man, so she decided to give it to him. c. Luis never (meet) a famous person before he was on TV. d. Because I been (dance) in the rain on the weekend, I got a cold. e. He never (get) lost before he moved to the city. f. I (have not) been (stay) awake late at night until recently. g. They all (win) a competition to go to Hawaii where they swam with a dolphin. h. Mark (have not) been (run) in marathons for very long when he got injured.
  • 52. Quiz 50 1. Look at the pictures and circle the correct vocabulary phrases. 2. Match the phrases to their opposites. 1. fail an exam a. lose a competition 2. find money b. give money 3. sing in public c. be asleep 4. be on TV d. pass an exam 5. stay awake e. lose money 6. win a competition f. not be on TV 7. lie to your friends g. not sing in public 8. steal money h. tell your friends the truth a. get lost b. lie to your friends c. steal money a. swim with a dolphin b. eat suri c. dance in the rain a. find money b. run in a marathon c. be on TV a. cheat in school b. fail an exam c. sunbathe on the beach a. eat suri b. dance in the rain c. swim with a dolphin a. steal money b. sing in public c. stay awake a. lose a competition b. meet a famous person c. stay awake a. be on TV b. find money c. sunbathe on the beach 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • 53. 51 Fourth Grade 3. Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly. 4. Use the words provided to make sentences in the Past Perfect Simple and the Past Perfect Continuous. a. We have never stole money in our lives. b. Have she ever gotten lost? c. The new singers has already been on a TV program. d. Has your brother never been swimming with dolphins? e. My parents haven't ate suri yet and they would like to try it someday. f. My sister has been sing in public since she became a performer. a. Tony / learn how to play the guitar / before 1992 b. I / not / swim with dolphins / before c. Wendy / never / run in a marathon / before d. They / hike up a mountain e. You / not / train your dog f. I / entertain people g. Helen / sing in public before she got sick? h. Jessica / cheat during the exam?
  • 54. 52 What do you like to wear when you're at home? UNIT Modesty 7 1. Read the text and answer the questions. 2. Read and write the name of the clothes. My closet Hello there. My name is Pete. This is my closet. I have a shelf in the top of my closet for my hats. There is a pole on one side of my closet. From the pole, I hang my dress shirts and the couple of suits I own. Beside it, there are a few shelves with more clothes. The first one is where my folded pants and my sweaters go. The second one is where my belts and gloves are stored. The last one down is where all my shoes, boots and sandals are kept. When my friends come to my house, they like to try on my clothes. a. It is a formal outfit, men often wear to work. b. This is worn when it rains. c. They are worn on your hands. d. Girls wear this while at the beach. e. This keeps your pants from falling down. f. These are worn on your feet when it's summer. g. You wear this on your head. h. These are worn on your feet when it's cold outside. i. This is worn around your neck. a. What does Pete keep on the shelf in the top of his closet? b. What does Pete hang from the pole? c. What does Pete have on the first lower shelf? d. What does Pete have on the second lower shelf? e. What does he keep on the last shelf?
  • 55. Fourth Grade 53 3. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box. 4. Find the materials and write them in the spaces provided. a. This belt is made of . a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. b. This swimsuit is made of . c. This shirt is made of . e. These boots are made of . d. This sweater is made of . polyester flannel cotton wool rubber leather f. The skirt is made of . w o o l e t o p e r u b b e r o l r z c j u m l m o t o r y n y l e a t h e r e b i c t c l e s r v e o p r l t f l a n n e l e t r d p l d i r y t s g i e n e k n e e p a e s i f k a y a n z i c e s i l k g
  • 56. Key language 54 Lesson 1 1. Complete the dialogue with one or ones. 2. Read the dialogue and circle the correct options. A: Hello Suzy, I don't have too / enough clothes for my vacation. Would you like to go shopping with me? B: Sure Betty. I'd love to go with you, but I don't have enough / too much time because I have to do homework. What exactly are you looking for? A: Well, I want to find a swimsuit that fits. I've grown since my last trip to the beach, and my old swimsuit is too / enough small. I need a hat too. The one I have now does not shade the sun and it's not big enough / too, so I need one that is bigger. B: I know how it feels when your swimsuit doesn't fit. You need a comfortable one that's not too / enough tight. A: Exactly, and I want it to be made out of polyester, and not cotton. I want my new hat to be made out of linen because that fabric is cool too / enough for hot weather. B: Okay, let's get going before it gets enough / too late and the stores close. A: Good morning, and welcome to our store. Can I help you find something? B: Yes, please. I'm looking for warm sweaters. A: We have some very warm 1. . Look at our selection. Do you like the 2. that are striped, checkered, polka-dotted or plain? B: I like the 3. that are striped the best. May I try one on? A: Sure. The 4. you chose is made of wool. You're not allergic to wool, are you? B: No, I'm not. As a matter of fact, that is my favorite fabric. I'll try on a large 5. . A: Here you are. This 6. is the warmest we have in the store. The changing room is right over there. B: Thank you very much. I'll let you know if this 7. fits.
  • 57. 55 Fourth Grade 3. Choose the correct option. 4. Complete the text with too or enough and with the adjective in parentheses. 1. This flowered skirt is better than the blue . a. one b. ones 2. These white shirts are wider than the black . a. one b. ones 3. These striped pants are more casual than the checkered . a. one b. ones 4. This blue swimsuit is fancier than the black . a. one b. ones 5. These plain scarves are cheaper than the polka-dot . a. one b. ones 6. This checkered hat is better than the flowered . a. one b. ones Happy birthday! It's Susana's birthday. She received lots of presents. She got a swimsuit from her grandmother. It's red, yellow and green. She doesn't like it. It's 1. (colorful). She also got some sandals from her aunt. They're great, but she can't wear them because they're size 38 and she's size 39. They aren't,,,2.,, ,,,(big). She also got gloves from her mom. They're nice and colorful, but they're 3., (long). Her best friend gave her a sweater and it's perfect! It isn't 4., or 5., (big / small), it's just right. She's wearing it now.
  • 58. Key language 56 Lesson 2 1. Fill in the blanks with the Passive Voice of the verbs in parentheses. Choose the appropriate tense. a. Those polyester pants yesterday. (make) b. Those new belts tomorrow. (sell) c. My sweater in the locker since last semester. (leave) d. Some scarves of wool and others can be made of silk. (make) e. Rubber boots usually when it rains. (wear) f. These gloves for my dad because he has started working as a gardener. (buy) a. it / is / is / A / when / put / on / raining / raincoat / . b. paisley / was / The / pattern / shirt / on / a / printed / . c. hat / holiday / worn / by / on / my / sister / The / had / been / she / was / when / . d. beach / be / worn / the / The / when / will / go / to / swimsuits / we / . e. be / skirt / by / hand / must / silk / washed / This / . f. made / leather / are / Some / of / belts / . g. be / snowing / when / Woollen / worn / gloves / should / it / is / . h. in / the / The / has / been / washing / machine / sweater / shrunk / . 2. Put the words in order to make sentences in the Passive Voice.
  • 59. 57 Fourth Grade 3. Choose the correct answer. 4. Use the prompts to make sentences in the Passive Voice. a. The scarf / not be / wear / since last year b. This sweater / buy / yesterday c. Waterproof boots / can / be / make / out of rubber d. The striped skirt / must / sell / cheaply / to the poor children e. The linen suit / be / wear / next week / my dad f. My swimsuit / not be / wash / since last month 1. The boots by the cobbler yesterday. a. were made b. will be made c. is made 2. My polka-dot skirt tomorrow by the drycleaners. a. was cleaned b. has been cleaned c. will be cleaned 3. My father's silk suit by my brother at his graduation today. a. must be worn b. was worn c. will be worn 4. My mother's rubber sandals in Paris the previous month. a. had been bought b. will be bought c. is bought 5. My sister's wool sweater since she moved. a. can be lost b. has been lost c. was lost 6. His flowered hat at the garage sale tomorrow. a. is sold b. will be sold c. had been sold
  • 60. Quiz 58 1. Read and match. 2. Read and write the name of the materials. a. It's softer than cotton. b. It's a smooth and soft fabric. c. This fabric is made from animal fleece. d. This material is made from animal skin. e. This fabric is made from the latex of a tropical plant. f. Most of all the towels used today are made of this. g. This is a durable and synthetic fabric. 1. They are red. 2. It's dark blue. 3. It's gray, red and white. 4. It's light blue. 5. It's purple. 6. They are dark brown. 7. It's gray with white stripes. 8. They are yellow and black. 9. It is red. a c h f b d i g e
  • 61. 59 Fourth Grade a. Some gloves are made out of wool. b. My striped swimsuit will be worn yesterday. c. His checkered raincoat has been dried by the hot sun. d. Her flannel shirt is lost for 2 years before she found it. e. My cousin's belt will be made of polyester. f. My grandmother's scarf was given to me tomorrow. 3. Match. 4. Read the sentences and write correct or incorrect. Correct the wrong sentences. 1. She wants to buy this belt, a. I think I need bigger ones. 2. He can't afford those boots b. you should clean them now. 3. Those pants aren't wide enough, c. he can't wear it for his presentation. 4. His shirt is too big, d. but she doesn't have enough money. 5. Your shoes are too dirty, e. because they're too expensive. 6. My sweater is warm enough, f. I don't need to wear a coat.
  • 62. 60 Do you usually use social media? UNIT Knowledge 8 1. Circle the correct answer. 2. Read the text and use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. a. Yesterday, my friend helped me install a computer program / use social media / save documents, so I could play games online. b. My favorite pastime is watching Netflix, I love being able to create an account / stream a movie / download documents. c. Whenever I go on YouTube, I always save documents / stream a movie / upload a video. d. I remember when I first got Facebook, I had to create an account / save documents / download documents. e. After I finish writing my book report, I have to make sure that I upload a video / use social media / save my documents. f. I download documents / watch a livestream / use social media like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Jimmy is very smart when it comes to technology. When he was only 10 years old, he was able to 1. for his parents, so they could shop online. Besides, he started making money from his friends by helping them 2. for them on Facebook. He made a lot of money! He was also allowed to 3. when he was little to help him learn about technology. Twitter was his favorite. Whenever he was working on his project, he made sure to 4. and double check. To make more money, he started to use YouTube where he could 5. to show other kids how to watch a livestream. As it turned out, the project he was working on was creating Netflix for kids! So children around the world would be able to 6. and all thanks to Jimmy. Jimmy install a computer program save his documents use social media create an account upload a video watch a livestream
  • 63. Fourth Grade 61 3. Match. 4. Read the text and write T for true or F for false. 1. Last week, I went on a field trip 2. Joe visited a new art exhibition 3. Jenny is performing in a play and 4. We all danced ballet 5. The students attended an assembly 6. Fred is raising money for a charity a. Meredith will be dancing ballet in The Nutcracker. b. Her class is going to an aquarium on their field trip. c. She is marching in a parade on Wednesday. d. She will not be performing in a play. e. Her class is raising money for charity. f. She plays soccer in interschool competitions. Meredith is very busy. On Mondays, she has ballet practice. At the end of the month, she will be dancing in The Nutcracker. She wanted to perform in a play, but the play rehearsals are on Mondays when she goes to ballet practice. On Wednesday, she is going on a field trip with her class. They are visiting an art exhibition at the museum. On Friday, she is marching in a parade. She plays the clarinet in the marching band. On the weekends, she plays soccer in interschool competitions. Her team is raising money for a charity that is helping to find a cure for skin cancer. She is a busy girl! a. to help homeless people. b. at the museum last night. c. with my class. d. she is playing the part of Wendy in Peter Pan. e. to hear about school announcements. f. in the dance performance of Swan Lake. Meredith's routine
  • 64. Key language 62 Lesson 1 1. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the infinitive or -ing form. 1. A: How about (download) a movie? B: Sure, how about (watch) it together later. A: Great, I'll bring some snacks then. 2. A: I don't know how to (install) a computer program. Could you help me? B: Yes, I'll help you after I'm done watching my livestream broadcast. A: Thank you. Can we start this afternoon? B: We sure can. 3. A: I'm creating an e-mail account now. Once I'm done I would like to share a video I've uploaded. B: Okay. I'm excited about (watch) the video because I'm tired of watching TV. A: You will be able to see it this evening. 4. A: Hey Henry, can you tell me how (save) documents on my computer? B: Sure. I'm sending an e-mail now. Once I'm done, I'll come over and show you. A: That would be great. See you in a little while. 5. A: It was great to (send) the e-mail to you. Did you get the document that I attached? B: Yes, I did. I didn't know how (download) documents, but I learned. I can do it now thanks to you. A: Good to hear that. 6. A: Hey there Bob. When you have some extra time would you help me upload a video? B: Sure. What's the video about? A: It's about how to (use) social media for our business. B: That sounds like something important and could be beneficial. A: It sure is. We'll watch it livestream so we'll have the latest information on the subject. B: I'm excited about (watch) that video.
  • 65. 63 Fourth Grade 2. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 3. Read and check the correct sentences. 1. a. You must create an account to use Facebook. b. You must create an account to using Facebook. 2. a. It was necessary to installing a computer program for the new game. b. It was necessary to install a computer program for the new game. 3. a. Using social media is needed to keep in touch with friends. b. Use social media is needed to keep in touch with friends. 4. a. What about stream a new movie on Netflix? b. What about streaming a new movie on Netflix? 5. a. The students know where to watch a livestream. b. The students know where to watching a livestream. 6. a. I'm excited about uploading a video on YouTube. b. I'm excited about upload a video on YouTube. 1. social media is necessary to keep in touch with your friends. a. Using b. Use c. To use 2. I need to download many files my English program. a. completing b. complete c. to complete 3. computer programs is not that difficult, it just takes time. a. Install b. Installing c. To install 4. How about an e-mail account? a. to create b. create c. creating 5. It is necessary to know how YouTube to upload a video. a. to use b. using c. use 6. Carol is excited about a livestream on the weekend. a. watching b. to watch c. watch
  • 66. Key language 64 Lesson 2 1. Read the sentences and circle the correct answers. a. Jerry said he was going / is going on a field trip. b. She said she would visit / will visit an art exhibition. c. He said the little boys are marching / were marching in a parade the day before. d. They said the little girls raised money / had raised money for charity five years before which made them feel proud. e. He said my mother attend / attended my ballet dance the previous week. f. She said my brothers and I had participated / participate in an interschool competition the previous year. a. "My sister will perform in a play." He said his sister in a play. b. "The children's parents raised money for their school." She said the children's parents money for their school. c. "Everyone in my class is attending an assembly at my school." She said everyone in her class an assembly at her school. d. "All the kids marched in the parade." They said that all the kids in the parade. e. "My sisters and I are dancing ballet today." She said she and her sisters ballet that day. f. "We'll go on a field trip to the aquarium." He said they on a field trip to the aquarium. g. "I want to visit an art exhibition after school." Sara said she to visit an art exhibition after school. 2. Rewrite the Direct Speech as Reported Speech to complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible.
  • 67. 65 Fourth Grade 1. Hailey said, "We are raising money for a charity on the weekend." a. Hailey said (that) they were raising money for a charity that weekend. b. Hailey said (that) they raised money for a charity that weekend. 2. John said, "The students will perform in a play on Friday night." a. John said (that) the students will perform in a play that Friday night. b. John said (that) the students would perform in a play that Friday night. 3. He said, "I march in a parade every month." a. He said (that) he marched in a parade every month. b. He said (that) he was marching in a parade every month. 4. She said, "I danced ballet ten years ago." a. She said (that) she had danced ballet ten years before. b. She said (that) she was dancing ballet ten years before. 5. He said, "The students are participating in an interschool competition now." a. He said (that) the students had participated in an interschool competition then. b. He said (that) the students were participating in an interschool competition then. 6. She said, "I went on a field trip to the zoo yesterday." a. She said (that) she was going on a field trip to the zoo the day before. b. She said (that) she had gone on a field trip to the zoo the day before. 7. Megan said, "I will visit the art exhibition on Saturday afternoon." a. Megan said (that) she visited the art exhibition that Saturday afternoon. b. Megan said (that) she would visit the art exhibition that Saturday afternoon. 8. James said, "They are attending an assembly right now." a. James said (that) they were attending an assembly at that moment. b. James said (that) they attended an assembly at that moment. 3. Choose the correct Reported Speech sentences.
  • 68. Quiz 66 1. Find the mistakes and correct the phrases. 2. Look at the pictures and check the correct answer. a. dance ballet b. perform in a play c. attend an assembly a. participate in an interschool competition b. march in a parade c. raise money for a charity a. raise money for a charity b. visit an art exhibition c. march in a parade a. march in a parade b. visit an art exhibition c. go on a field trip a. dance ballet b. attend an assembly c. march in a parade a. dance ballet b. visit an art exhibition c. perform in a play a. watch a lifestream b. steam a moovie c. instal an computer program d. downlaod dokuments e. upload a vedio f. use cosial media g. safe documants h. kreate an e-mail acount 2 4 6 1 3 5
  • 69. 67 Fourth Grade 3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 4. Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences. a. to / do / documents / to / I / backup / a / download / need / . b. media / to / is / social / in / Using / touch / way / . / great / with / friends / a / your / keep c. learning / I'm / how / program / install / to / a / . / computer d. Nowadays / is / it / e-mail / an / necessary / to /. / account / have e. livestream / event / the / about / are / We / watching / excited / . f. can / a / What / use / to / website / upload / I / video / ? a. She said she march in a parade for a festival last week. b. He said he will go on a field trip to the science center. c. They said they visit an art exhibition in New York last year. d. We said we are participating in an interschool competition in Ayacucho yesterday. e. I said I raised money for charity to help the homeless before I moved to another country. f. You said you will perform in a play about aliens.
  • 70. Culture corner 68 How to prevent sports injuries Whether you play sports for competition or fitness, you don't want to be sidelined with an injury. Time away from the game or in forced inactivity is something we all want to avoid. While it is impossible to prevent every injury, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons says research suggests that injury rates could be reduced by 25% if athletes took appropriate preventative action. Use these general rules for injury prevention no matter what sport you play. Be in proper physical condition to play a sport Keep in mind the weekend warrior has a high rate of injury. If you play any sports, you should adequately train for that sport. It is a mistake to expect the sport itself to get you into shape. Many injuries can be prevented by following a regular conditioning program of exercises designed specifically for your sport. Know and abide by the rules of the sport The rules are designed, in part, to keep things safe. This is extremely important for anyone who participates in a contact sport. You need to learn them and to play by the rules of conduct. Respect the rules on illegal procedures and insist on enforcement by referees, umpires, and judges. These rules are there to keep athletes healthy. Know them. Follow them. Wear appropriate protective gear and equipment Protective pads, mouth guards, helmets, gloves, and other equipment are not for those you consider weak; they are for everyone. Protective equipment that fits you well can save your knees, hands, teeth, eyes, and head. Never play without your safety gear. Rest Athletes with a high number of consecutive days of training, have more injuries. While many athletes think the more they train, the better they'll play, this is a misconception. Rest is a critical component of proper training. Rest can make you stronger and prevent injuries of overuse, fatigue and poor judgment. Always warm up before playing Warm muscles are less susceptible to injuries. The proper warm-up is essential for injury prevention. Make sure your warm-up suits your sport. You may simply start your sport slowly, or practice specific stretching or mental rehearsal depending upon your activity. Avoid playing when very tired or in pain This is a set-up for a careless injury. Pain indicates a problem. You need to pay attention to warning signs your body provides. 6 Ways to avoid sport injuries
  • 71. Fourth Grade 69 Emissions and Global warming Introduction Once, all climate changes occurred naturally. However, during the Industrial Revolution, we began altering our climate and environment through changing agricultural and industrial practices. Before the Industrial Revolution, human activity released very few gases into the atmosphere, but now through population growth, fossil fuel burning, and deforestation, we are affecting the mixture of gases in the atmosphere. What are Greenhouse gases? Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities. Naturally occurring greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Certain human activities, however, add to the levels of most of these naturally occurring gases: • Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), and wood and wood products are burned. • Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also result from the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid waste landfills, and the raising of livestock. • Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels. Very powerful greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), which are generated in a variety of industrial processes. Each greenhouse gas differs in its ability to absorb heat in the atmosphere. What are emissions inventories? An emission inventory is an accounting of the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere. It is generally characterized by the following factors: • the chemical or physical identity of the pollutants included, • the geographic area covered, • the institutional entities covered, • the time period over which emissions are estimated, and • the types of activities that cause emissions. • emission inventories are developed for a variety of purposes. Inventories of natural and anthropogenic emissions are used by scientists as inputs to air quality models, by policy makers to develop strategies and policies or track progress of standards, and by facilities and regulatory agencies to establish compliance records with allowable emission rates. A well-constructed inventory should include enough documentation and other data to allow readers to understand the underlying assumptions and to reconstruct the calculations for each of the estimates included.
  • 72. 70 10 Ways students can use social media effectively As you move through school it is important that you start to work towards getting your name out there for a career. Plenty of studies have shown that employers are more likely to look at your social media background than ever before, so making sure you use social media effectively can give you an edge in the market as you close in on your graduation date. 1. Be genuine If you build a Twitter or Facebook profile that is constantly pushing one aspect of your skills and focusing only on trying to come across as employable, you won’t come across as a genuine person. Use the same accounts that you connect with friends and family to help push your name into the market you wish to enter. Just be careful about putting up pictures or statements that would turn off future recruiters. 2. Get connected By connecting with people already working in the industry through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, you’ll slowly drop your name into conversations. Over time, especially if you start doing this when you start college, you’ll be more recognized in the field when it comes time to hire new graduates. 3. Use it as a job hunting tool If you follow recruiters from different companies, they will often post a need for new employees. Feel free to strike up conversations and make your name known at any point, but pounce on these options when they show up. If you aren’t yet qualified for the position, ask them if they would be willing to grant an internship. 4. Be curious By following those in the industry, you can start conversations about what you are learning. Ask specifics about what you are learning and be willing to accept what they say without getting into arguments. Discussions are good, arguments are bad. 5. Stay semi-professional Try to keep your posts on a casually professional level. Stay away from internet lingo whenever you can. Things like "Dinner b4 movie gonna be gr8!" won’t look good when those in the industry start to take notice of you.
  • 73. Fourth Grade 71 6. Don’t be selfish Self-promotion is fine to a certain extent, but you’ll get more bang for your buck by sharing the spotlight with others that are doing great things. If you are having difficulty on a particular part of your education and someone in the field comes through for you and makes it clear, thank them publicly and help them get some recognition. They will do the same for you. 7. Be a little showy When people in your future industry start discussing issues, jump in where you are most knowledgeable and show off how well you understand the subject. People will take notice. 8. Keep it clean There are very few college students that went through life without dropping a few choice words. Do what you can to keep the most "unacceptable" speech off your feeds. 9. Play the long game By focusing on what you want to do in the future, plant seeds slowly. Don’t hesitate to make it clear that you are heading into a particular field and make minor mentions about your accomplishments. Give people a slow understanding of your growth in your expertise. 10. Stay involved Even in situations where you are not an expert, involve yourself in conversations. Ask questions to better understand the subject and thank people that explain things to you. Showing that you are willing to learn is going to go a long way when someone starts digging through your profiles.