how amr spread amr antimicrobial resistance antibiotic resistance antibiotic resistance genes r plasmid drug discovery timeline antibiotics bacterial plasmid resistance mechanism antibiotic or antibiotic list distribution of honey bee apis genera species of honey bees types of honey bees life cycle of honeybees life cycle of honey bee factors of amr spread drug discovery pipeline antibiotic under trial new antibiotics antibiotic selection pressure bacterial chromosomes plasmid classification plasmid types antibiotics under trial new antibiotic discovery lack of antibiotics amr gene dissemination vertical spread of amr genes how amr emerge amr emergence joseph lister louis pasteur robert koch leeuwenhoek bacteriologist bacterial discovery conjugative plasmid novel drugs new drugs antibiotics drug discovery antibiotic classes antibiotic drugs available antibiotics xdr tb mdr enterococcus mrsa esbl e.coli multidrug resistant bacteria bacterial chromosome pandemic bacterial outbreaks antimicrobials
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