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1. Universal Containershasbuiltarecruitingapplicationwith2customobjects, Job
ApplicationsandReviews, thathave amaster-detail relationship.UsersshouldNOTbe
allowedtodelete reviewrecordsafterjobapplicationrecordshave beenapproved.How
woulda developermeetthisrequirement?
a. Change the interviewer’sprofile toRead-onlyforthe reviewobject
b. Remove the deletebuttonfromthe jobapplicationpage layout
c. Use workflowtochange the page layoutto Read-only
d. Use a validationrule inconjunctionwitharoll-upsummaryfield
Ans: d
2. A developerneedstosupportmultiple currenciesforacustom objectin an application.The
multi-currencyfeature hasbeenenabledforthe organization.
What doesthe developerneedtoknow inordertosuccessfullysupportthisapplication?
Choose 2 answers
a. The multi-currencyfeature willautomaticallytrackhistorical exchange rates.
b. Roll-upsummaryfieldsonaparentrecord will calculate incorrectlyif the childrecords
have multiple currencies
c. Administratorscanaddadditional currenciesafterthe applicationhasbeenbuilt
d. CurrencyISOcode will needtobe suppliedwheninsertingrecordsindifferent
Ans: c,d
3. In a recruitingapplication,aPositioncustomobjectisrelatedtoaSalarycustomobject.
Sensitiveinformationsuchascurrentsalary,isstoredon the Salaryobject.All usersshould
be able to atleastviewpositioninformation.However,onlyselectindividualsshouldbe able
to readsalary records.
How shouldadeveloperaccomplishthis?
a. Create a master-detailsrelationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide
defaultstoPublicRead-OnlyforPositionandPrivate forSalary
b. Create a lookup relationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide
defaultstPrivate forPositionandforSalary
c. Create a lookuprelationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide
defaultstoPublicRead-OnlyforPositionandPrivate forSalary
d. Create a master-detail relationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide
defaultstPrivate forPositionandforSalary
Ans: C
4. Whichportionof Model-View-Controllerparadigmis representedinForce.comasa standard
or custom object?
a. Controller
b. Model
c. View
Ans: Model
5. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutfield-level security?Choose 2answers.
a. It can be controlledatrecordlevel
b. It isspecifiedforeachprofile
c. It determinesthe valuesdisplayedinavisiblepicklistfield
d. It isenforcedinthe SOAP-API/Itcanbe enforce inWebservices
Ans: b,d
6. Positionsisacustom objectina recruitingapplicationbuiltonthe Force.complatform.
Departmentisa fieldonthe Positionobject.
Whichtype of reportshoulda developercreate toshow hiringmanagersthe numberof
a. Tabular
b. Pivot
c. Summary
d. AnalyticSnapshot
Ans: c
7. In whichSalesforce enviromentswillthe Force.comrecordIDsbe identical?
a. ProductionandFull CopySandbox only
b. ProductionandFull CopySandbox,andDeveloperSandbox
c. Force.comrecordIDs are neveridentical
d. ProductionandDeveloper Sandbox only
Ans: a
8. Universal containerstracksPositionsasa customobjectina recruitingapplication.When
positionrecordsare created,theyhave astatus of New and are visible toonlythe position
owner.Once a positiongoesthroughanapproval process,the statusischangedto
Approved.Approvedpositionsshouldbe visible tothe entire organization.
How can a developermeetthisrequirement?Choose2answers
a. Create a criteria-basedsharingrule thatstatesthatApprovedpositionsare sharedwith
the entire organization
b. Create a workflowfieldupdate thatupdatesacustomfieldcalledSharingonaposition
once the statusisApproved
c. Create an Apex triggerthatautomaticallyupdatessharingonapositiononce the statusis
d. Create a formulafieldthatupdatesthe sharingona positiononce the statuschanges to
Ans: a,c
9. How doesa developerenable userstoaccesstagsin the sidebar?Choose 3answers
a. By enablingtagsforthe organization
b. By addingtags to the sidebarinthe home page layout
c. By enablingtagsonuser’sprofile
d. By enablingtagsonthe page layoutforan object
e. By enablingtagsforpublicgroups
Ans: a,b,d
10. In recruitingapplication,acustomobjectcalledPositionrequiresapproval.Whenaposition
record issubmittedforapproval,the requirementsbelow mustbe met:
> The hiringmanagermust approve the record
> The approval must be forwardedtoall membersof the executive team, butonlyone
executiveneedstoapprove the record
> The VP of humanresourcesmustapprove the record
How woulda developermeetthisrequirement?
a. Create parallel workflow rules,requiringatleastone executive teammembertocomplete
b. Create multiple approvalprocesses,one foreachexecutiveteammemberandutilize parallel
c. Create an approval processwitha stepforeach executive teammember,allowingapproval
stepsto be skipped
d. Create an approval processwhichutilizesparallel approvers,butdoesnotrequire
Ans: d
11. A usercan onlysee the fieldsA,B,andC ona recordof ObjectXuntil the Stage field value
on the record changesfromNew toworking.Once the Stage heldvalue isupdatedto
Workingand the recordis saved,the usershouldbe able tosee fieldsA,B,Cand D.
How wouldanapplicationdeveloperconfigure this?
a. Use multiple Visualforce pages
b. Use workflowtochange the field-level security
c. Use workflowtochange the recordtype
d. Use validationrulestoexpose the field
Ans: a
12. Whichis a validdata type fora custom formulafield.Choose 3answers
a. Checkbox
b. Date
c. Email
d. Currency
e. Percent
Ans: b,d, e
13. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutmaster-detailrelationshipinthe Force.complatform?
Choose 2 answers
a. The master-detail relationshipfieldisrequiredonthe page layoutof the detail record
b. Whendefiningamaster-detail relationship,the customobject onwhichyouare working
isthe master
c. The securitysettingsforthe masterrecordcontrol the detail record.
d. Whena master recordis deleted,the childrecordsremaininthe systemwithouta
Ans: a, c
14. Whichtype of customfieldcanbe an external ID?
a. Text,NumberorFormulafieldsonly
b. Customfieldof anytype
c. Text,Email.or Numberfieldsonly
d. Phone number,Email.URLand Text-basedfields
Ans: c
15. What isa junctionobject?
a. A standardobjectwithtwomaster-detailrelationships
b. A standard objectwitha master-detailrelationship
c. A customobjectwitha master-detailrelationship
d. A customobjectwithtwomaster-detailrelationships
Ans: d
16. Whichfeature isavailable forcustomobjects?Choose 3answers
a. Fieldhistorytracking
b. Assignmentrules
c. Criteria-basedsharing
d. Queues
Ans: a, c, d
17. In a recruitingallocation,salaryrequirementsare trackedina customobject.Anapproval
processisbuiltthat will route all salaryrequirementslessthan100,000 USD to the recruiter
for automaticapproval. Inthe same approval process,salaryrequirementsgreaterthan
100,000 USD are routeddirectlytothe vice presidentof humanresources.
What mustbe done to initiate the approval processthatwill route the appropriate records
to the vice presidentforapproval?
a. Execute the approval processbyclickingonthe SubmitforApproval buttononthe
record’sdetail page layout
b. Create a workflowrule thatwill evaluate salaryamountandtriggerthe approval process
if the salary isgreaterthan 100,000USD
c. Create a workflowrule thatevaluate salaryamountandsendanotificationtothe vice
presidentif the salaryisgreaterthan100,000USD
d. Save the record so itwill automaticallybe enteredintothe approval process
Ans: a
18. What musta developerconsiderwhen insertingrecordsusinganAPI-basedtool?Choose 2
a. Universallyrequiredfieldsettingsare respected
b. Apex triggersare ignored
c. Requiredfieldsonpage layoutsare enforced
d. Validationrulesare respected
Ans: a, d
19. Universal containerstracksreviewsasa customobjectina recruitingapplication.An
interview score istrackedoneachreview recordandshouldbe numberical,sothathiring
managerscan performscore calculations.The scoresshouldbe restrictedtointegervalues1
through5 and displayedas asetof radiobuttons.
How can a developermeetthisrequirement?
a. Create a formulafieldthatdisplaysthe interviewscore asa set of radiobuttons
b. Create a visualforce componenttodisplaythe interview score asa setof radio bttons
c. Create the InterviewScore fieldwithadatatype of radio button
d. Create the interview score fieldasa picklist,displayedasa radiobuttonon the pane
Ans: b
20. Whenperforminganupdate withthe Data Loader,the comma-delimitedfile mustcontaina
columnwithwhich values?
a. The profile namesof the recordowners
b. The createdtime and date of the records
c. The Force.comrecord ID valuesof the records
d. The logical namesof the records
Ans: c
21. A developerwouldlike toenableenduserstofilterthe datadisplayedonthe relatedlistof
an objectdetail page
How coulda developeraccomplishthis?
a. Customize the search filterfieldslayoutforthatobject
b. Enable AdvancedSearchonthe object’srelatedlist
c. Create a Visualforce page toreplace die objectdetail view
d. Configure the object’srelatedlisttoadda filter
Ans: c
22. Whichaction isavailable toa developerwhentwoobjectsare connectedbyalookup
relationship?Choose 2answers
a. Create a roll-upsummaryfieldonthe parentobjecttocount childrecords
b. Create a cross-objectformulafieldonthe parentobjecttoreference fieldsonthe child
c. Create a customreport type thatallowscustomizationof fieldsdisplayedfromboth
parentand childobjects
d. Create a cross-objectformulafieldonthe childobjecttoreferencefieldsonthe parent
Ans: c ,d
23. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutthe custom objectimport wizard?
a. It can import,upsert,update,delete andexportdata
b. It can performmatchingbasedonrecord ID onlu
c. It can provide successanderror filesin.csvformat
d. It can preventthe importof duplicate records
Ans: d
24. Give a three tiermodel ( UI layer,businesslogiclayer,datalayer),whichfeature of the
Force.complatformassociatedwiththe datalayer?Choose 3answers
a. Customfields
b. Customtabs
c. Customrelationships
d. Customobjects
e. Customapplications
Ans: a, c, d
25. Whichdevelopertool canbe usedto create a data model?
a. SchemaBuilder
b. Foce.comData Loader
c. ApplicationDataModel wizard
d. Force.comIDE
Ans: a, d
26. Whichmechanismallowsforauthenticatedaccess toa Force.comsite?Choose 2
a. It isnot possible toprovide authenticationforaForce.comSite
b. An active CustomerPortal
c. An active PartnerPortal
d. SettingrestrictedIPrangesforyoursite
Ans: b,c
27. In a recruitingapplication,amaster-detail relationshiphasbeendefinedbetweentwo
customobjects,JobApplications(master) andReviews(detail). WhichstatementisTRUE?
Choose 2 answers
a. Reviewrecordsmayexistwithoutanassociatedjobapplication
b. The master-detail relationshipbetweenJobApplicationsandReviewsisdefinedonthe
c. DeletingaJobapplicationrecordwill delete associatedreview records
d. Reviewrecordswill inheritownershipfromthe associatedjobapplication
Ans: c, d
28. What can be viewedusingthe processvisualizer?
a. Supportprocesses
b. Salesprocesses
c. Approval processes
d. WorkflowRule
Ans: c
29. Whichdashboard componentdisplaysagrandtotal across a setof data? Choose 2 answers
a. Table
b. Chart
c. Pivot
d. Metric
Ans: a, d
30. Users X andY needtosee the same candidate record.For securityreasons,userYshouldnot
be able to reporton the Email Addressfieldonthe record.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement?
a. Use field-level securitytomake the email addressvisible touserXbut notuser Y
b. Use a sharingrule to make the email addressonlyvisibletouser X
c. Use a customvisualforce page tomake the email addressvisible touserXbutnot userY
d. Use page layoutstomake the email addressvisibletouserXbut not userY
Ans: a
31. A developerwantstobuildanapplicationonthe Force.complatform.The datamodel,the
usersneedingaccesstothe application,andthe applicationbusinesslogichave been
considered.The reportanddashboardrequirementshave notbeenconsidered.
WhichstatementisTRUE aboutbuildingthe application?
a. The dashboardwill notbe visible tomanagementusers
b. The data model maynot support the requiredreports/requiredsecuritycontrols
c. The data model maynot supportthe requiredbusinesslogic
d. The developerwill notbe able toloadapplicationdata
Ans: b
32. How can a wirelessdevice userapprove arecord?Choose 3answers
a. Viavoice recognition
b. ViaApprovalsinChatter
c. Viaemail froma wirelessdevice
d. Viaa textmessage
e. Viaa mobile browserthatsupportsaccessto the Salesforce webapplication
Ans: b,c, e
33. For objectswhere dataaccessis grantedthroughthe role hierarchy,how isaccessgranted?
a. Users are onlygrantedread accessto data ownedbyusersabove theminthe role
b. Users are grantedaccess to data accessible byusersbelow theminthe role hierarchy
c. Users are grantedaccess to data accessible tousersinthe same role inthe role
d. Users are onlygrantedaccess to data ownedbyusersbelow theminthe role hierarchy
Ans: d
34. Universal containerstracksOffersasanobjectin a recruitingapplication.Once anofferhas
beenacceptedbya candidate,mere mustbe a value ina currencyfieldcalledActual Salary.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement?
a. Create a validationrule tomake actual salaryrequiredeachtime the offerrecordis
b. Create a fielddependencybetweenthe salaryamountandstatusof accepted
c. Create a workflowfieldupdate tosetthe propertyof the actual salaryfieldtorequired
d. Create a validationrule tomake sure thatthe actual salaryis notnull wheneveranoffer
Ans: d
35. Whichstatementistrue Sites?Choose 3answers
a. Sitescan leverage declarativepage layoutsaswebpages
b. Sitesenablesdeveloperstobuildpublic,unauthenticatedwebsites
c. Sitesare builtwithvisualforce pages
d. Sitesleverage dataandcontentina salesforce org
Ans: b, c, d
36. Whichfieldisavailableaspart of the translationworkbenchforavalidationrule?
a. Error Message
b. Description
c. Rule Criteria
d. Formula
Ans: a
37. Whichpropertyof a fieldcanbe editedwithinthe page layouteditor?Choose2answers
a. Alwaysdisplayed
b. Required
c. FieldDependency
d. Controller
e. Read-only
Ans: b, e
38. What isnot a componentof a custom Force.comapplication?
a. Defaultlandingtab
b. Data warehouse
c. Customtab
d. Customobject
Ans: b
39. What can cross-objectformulasreference?
a. Parentobjectrecordsonly
b. Otherrecordsof the same object
c. Both parentand childobjectrecords
d. Childobjectrecordsonly
Ans: a
40. A businessrequirementcanbe met byusingeitheraformulafieldoran Apex trigger.
Why wouldadeveloperuse aformulafieldinsteadof anApex trigger?Choose 2answers
a. Formulafieldsdonotrequire testmethodstodeploy
b. Formulafieldsallowgreatercontrol andflexibilitythanApex triggers
c. Formulafieldscanaggregate datafromchildrecords
d. Formulafieldscanbe createdanddeployedusingonlyabrowser
Ans: a, d
41. ObjectB has a lookuprelationshiptoObjectA.ObjectChas a lookuprelationshiptoObject
A. A developerneedstoruna reporton A recordswithC records.
How can the developeraccomplishthis?
a. Create a summaryreportwitha customsummary formulasummarizingbyA,thenB,
b. Create a customreport type thatincludesA withB withC
c. Create a matrix reportwithA and B recordsas columnheadingsandC recordsas row
d. Run a reportusingthe standard reporttype:A withB withC
Ans: b
42. In a customorder managementapplication,universal containersrequiresthatthe product
name and productcode are consistentaccordingtoa customobjectsetup withvalid
productname and product code combinations.Whenauserentersanorder,the system
shouldcheckto ensure thatthe productname and product code enteredare valid
Whichfeature wouldadeveloperuse toaccomplishthis?
a. A validationrule withthe VLOOKUPfunction
b. A validationrule withthe REGEXfunction
c. A formulafieldwiththe IF function
d. A formulafieldwiththe VALIDATEfunction
Ans: a
43. Whichstandard profile hasthe “View EncryptedData”permissionbydefault?
a. Solutionmanagerprofile
b. Systemadministratorprofile
c. No profile hasthe permissionactive bydefault
d. Standarduserpro file
Ans: c
44. Universal ContainerstracksPositionsasacustom objectina recruitingapplication.All
positionswithapriorityof critical shouldNOTbe openformore than twoweeks.If a
positionremainsopenformore than14 days,the priorityshould be re-examined.
How wouldadeveloperautomate thisprocess?
a. Create a workflowactiontoclone the position,assignedtothe ownerof the position
record,that isdue 14 daysafterrecord creation.
b. Create a validationrule thatcomparestoday’sdate andthe record’screationdate to
determine if the differenceisgreaterthan14 days
c. Create a time-dependantworkflow actionthatsendsanemail tothe recruiterif the
positionisstill open14days afterrecordcreation
d. Create a time-dependantworkflow actionthatupdatesthe positionstatustoclosed14
daysafter recordcreation
Ans: c
45. If a change ismade toan approval process,how cana developerdetermine the userthat
made the change?Choose 2 answers.
a. By examiningthe DebugLog
b. By lookingat“Modified By”on the approval definition
c. By checkingthe fieldhistoryonthe associatedrecord
d. By examiningthe setupauditnail
Ans: b,d
46. A developerwouldlike tomodifythe contentsof the hoverdetailsforacustomobjectcalled
What woulda developercustomize toaccomplishthis?
a. Positionsearchlayouts
b. Positionrecordtypes
c. Positionfielddependencies
d. Positionpage layouts
Ans: d
47. A developerhadaddedacustom objecttabto an application
Whichadditional feature will become availablebydefaultforthe objectinthe application?
Choose 3 answers
a. Create a newsidebarcomponent
b. Customreporting
c. Search
d. Quickcreate
e. Recentitems
Ans: a,c,e
48. In a master-detailrelationship,whathappenstothe childrecordsif the parentrecordis
a. Childrecordsare not deleted
b. A subsetof the childrecordsisdeleted
c. Parentrecorddeletionfails
d. Childrecordsare deleted
Ans: d
49. Hiringmanagersat Universal containerswouldlike avisual mechanismfordetermining
reviewscore outliers.Review scoresare capturedasa customfieldona customReview
objectandcan range from1 to 10. Anyreview score thatis >8 shouldbe highlightedin
green.Anyreviewscore thatis< 4 shouldbe highlightedinred.
How wouldadeveloperaccomplishthis?
a. Use customsummaryformulas
b. Use matrix reports
c. Use conditional highlighting
d. Use charts
Ans: a
50. A developerneedtoperformanautomatedextractof datafrom Salesforce nightlyat2:00
How wouldthe developeraccomplishthis?
a. Use the ExportSchedulerof the Data Loader’sGUI
b. Use the Command-line interface of the DataLoader
c. Use the Data Export service toperformanightlyextract
d. Use the Schedule Managerof the importwizard
Ans: b
51. Universal Containershasbuiltarecruitingapplicationonthe Force.complatform.In the
application,recruitingmanagersneedtosee how the numberandstatusof candidatesin
the pipelinechangesmonthovermonth.
whichfeature enablesthislandof analysis?
a. Customsummaryformulas
b. Dashboards
c. Analyticsnapshots
d. Customreporttypes
Ans: c
52. Master-detail relationshipscanbe usedto model many-to-manyrelationshipsbetweentwo
WhichstatementisTRUE aboutmany-to-manyrelationships?
a. Each use a junctionobjecttoconnectthe twoobjectsthat needtorelate toeach other
b. Each master objectrecorddisplaysarelatedlistof the associatedjunctionobject
c. Each record of one objectislinkedtomultiple recordsfromanotherobjectandvice
d. Each primaryand secondaryobjecthasa standardreportbut customreporttypesare
not available
Ans: a, b,c
53. Universal Containersrequiresthatsome employeesare able toview andeditrecordsof a
customobjectcalledPositions,butnouserscan delete them
How can Universal Containersaccomplishthisgoal?
a. Remove the Delete Accessforpositionsfromall userroles
b. Remove the Delete Permissionforpositionsfromall profiles
c. Setthe OrganizationwidedefaultforpositionstoRead-Only
d. Assignthe Read-Onlyprofiletoall users
Ans: b
54. In a recruitingapplication,all usersshouldbe able tosee positionswithastatusof Open.If
the status isanythingotherthatOpen,the positionshouldbe visible onlytothe record
How wouldadeveloperaccomplishthis?Choose2answers
a. Setthe organization-wide defaultforpositiontoprivate, thenuse acriteriabased
sharingrule to automaticallyshare openpositions
b. Setthe organization-wide defaultforpositiontopublicread-only,thenuse asharingrule
to restrictaccessto closedpositions
c. Setthe organization-wide defaultforposition toprivate,allowingownerstouse manual
sharingto add or remove accessas positionschange status
d. Specifyviewonlyaccessforopenpositionsonusersprofiles
Ans: a, c
55. Why mightan analyticsnapshotfail duringascheduledrun?Choose 3answers
a. The runninguserhas beenmade inactive
b. The source reporthas beenresavedasa matrix report
c. The target objectcontainsanApex trigger
d. The target objectisa custom object
e. The source reportwasnot createdby an Administrator
Ans: a, b,c
56. ObjectX hasa lookupfieldtoObjectY.Xneedstodisplaya textvalue fromaTextfieldonY.
To ensure dataintegrity,howwouldadeveloperimplementthis?
a. Create a roll-upsummaryfieldonObjectXbut thatretrievesthe value fromY
b. Create a cross-objectformulafieldonObjectXthatretrievesthe value fromY
c. Create a textfieldonObjectXand use Apex topopulate the value
d. Create a textfieldonObjectXand use a workflow rule tofill inthe value uponthe
creationof X
Ans: b
57. In a bug trackingapplication, Universal Containershascreatedatime-basedworkflow action
that will execute30days aftera Bug record iscreated.The developerwouldlike totestto
make sure that rule isworkingthe waythat it should.
Whichfeature isavailable for testing?Choose2answers
a. Bug Historyrelatedlist
b. DebugLog
c. Time-basedworkflowqueue
d. AcitivityHistoryrelatedlist
Ans: b,c
58. WhenloadingAccount,Contactand Userdata, what representsthe recommendedorderto
loadthe data?
a. Load Accounts,thenContacts,thenUsers
b. The order doesnotmatter
c. Load Contacts,thenAccounts,thenUsers
d. Load Users,thenAccounts,thenContacts
Ans: d
59. Whichtype of tab can a developercreate?Choose 3answers
a. Apex tabs
b. Customobjecttabs
c. Visualforce tabs
d. Standardobjecttabs
e. Webtabs
Ans: b,c, e
60. Customobjectsautomaticallyhave some standardfields
a. True
b. False
Ans: a
61. ________lookup relationsare allowedperobject
a. 10
b. 20
c. 25
d. 40
Ans: c
62. Junctionobjectisa CustomObjectwiththree masterdetail relationships
a. True
b. False
Ans: b
63. Encryptedfieldsallowformaskingdataforall usersexceptthose withthe _____permissions
a. Readall data
b. Viewall Data
c. Modifyall data
d. Administratorpermissions
Ans: b
64. You can upgrade yourAppsof the followingtypes:
a. Managed Packages
b. UnmanagedPackages
c. You can’t upgrade the Appsonce published
d. InstalledPackages
Ans: a
65. Whichaction isNOT necessarywhenusingthe declarative capabilitiesof the
a. Compile code
b. Configure anapplicationserver
c. Write SQL queriestocreate reports
d. Builda data model
Ans: a, b,c
66. whenconfiguring time-dependentworkflow actions,whichevaluationcriteriaselectionis
a. everytime arecord isviewed
b. everytime arecord iscreatedor edited
c. onlywhena recordis created
d. whena recordis created,or whenarecord iseditedanddidnotpreviouslymeetthe
rule criteria
Ans: c, d
67. A developerisbuildingacustomapplicationusingthe declarativeframework.Which
customizationisavailable onthe page layout?Choose 2answers
a. Addan existingVisualforce page toaninline section
b. Make a fieldRequired,basedonadata value inanotherfield
c. Create a three-columnsection
d. Addcustom detail andlistbuttons
Ans: a, d
68. In a recruitingapplicationusinganapproval processona custom objectcalledPositions.A
positionrecordrequiressimultaneousapproversinanapproval processstep
Whencan the positionrecordadvance tothe nextstepinthe process?Choose 2 answers
a. Whenall approvalsare received if unanimousapproval isrequired
b. Whenone of the approversskipsthe final stepinthe process
c. Whenthe firstapproval isreceivedif unanimousapproval isnotrequired
d. Whena majorityof approvalsisreceivedwhenamajorityapproval isrequired
Ans: a, c
69. In a recruitingapplication,all usersshouldbe able tosee andeditall candidate records,but
interviewersshouldNOThave accesstothe addressof a candidate andshouldNOTbe able
to see the birthdate of a candidate.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement?
a. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforcandidatestoEditsome fields
b. Setthe organizationwidedefaultsforcandidatestoRead-Only
c. Remove the Editpermissiononcandidate fromthe interviewer’sprofile
d. Use field-level securitytocontrol accessto the AddressandBirthDate fields
Ans: d
70. In a recruitingapplication,all usersshouldbe able tosee andeditall candidate records,but
interviewersshouldNOThave accesstothe addressof a candidate andshouldNOTbe able
to see the birthdate of a candidate.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement?
a. Setthe organizationwidedefaultsforcandidatestoEditSome Fields
b. Setthe organizationwidedefaultsforcandidatestoRead-Only
c. Remove the Editpermissiononcandidate fromthe interviewer’sprofile
d. Use field-level securitytocontrol accessto the AddressandBirthDate fields
Ans: d
71. Two master-detail relationshipneedtobe createdonObjectx.The firstmaster-detail
relationshipcreatedisthe primarymaster,andthe second isSecondarymaster.
What isan effectof the primaryrelationshiponx?
a. There will be noeffectonx
b. X will inheritthe lookandfeel of the primarymasterobject
c. ma are limitedtothe primaryrelationship
d. The primaryrelationshipcannotbe deleted
Ans: b
72. Users X andY needtosee the same candidate record.For securityreasons,userYshould
NOT be able to viewandreadaddressfieldonthe record.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement?
a. Use a sharingrule to make the email addressonlyvisibleto userX
b. Use field-level securitytomake the email addressvisible touserXbut notuser Y
c. Use page layoutstomake the email addressvisibletouserXbut not userY
d. Use a customVisualforce page tomake the email addressvisibletouserXbut not userY
Ans: b
73. Universal containerswouldliketoenforce anew policyforjoboffers.Anyjobofferwitha
salarygreaterthan $50,000 ishiringmanager.Anyjobofferwithasalary greaterthan
$100,000 isapprovedfirstbythe hiringmanager,thenbythe seniormanager.Afterthese
approvals,all offersmustfinallybe approvedbythe VPof HR.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement?
a. Workflow
b. Parallel Approvers
c. DynamicApproval Routing
d. Approval Processes
Ans: c
74. WhichscenariorequiresApex toautomate the real-time businesslogic?
a. As a usersavesa neworder( a custom object),the quantityandproductsonthe order
are checkedagainststock( a customobject),thenthe warehouse thatthe productwill
shipfromon the order recordispopulates.
b. Whena user createsa newTime Off Requestrecord( a customobject) andclicksSubmit
for Approval
c. Whena user entersaState andZip Code intocustomfieldsonaCandidate custom
object,itmustbe checkcustomobjectto ensure thatthe Zip Code entereddoesexist in
the State entered.
d. Whena user savesa NewHire record( a custom object),anoutboundmessage is
automaticallysentwithinformationtoanexternal HRsystem
Ans: a
75. What isa capabilityof DataLoader?Choose 2 answers
a. The Data Loadercan load more than50,000 recordsat a time
b. The Data Loadercan bypasssharingmodel settings
c. The Data Loadercan be executedfromthe commandline
d. The Data Loadercan de-duplicate records
Ans: a, c
76. How can usersbe allowedtocreate new recordsof ObjectY from the Create New drop-
downlistinthe sidebar?
a. Enable the settinginthe sidebarforeachuser
b. Create s newsidebarcomponent
c. Editthe sidebarcomponenttodisplayObjectY
d. AddY’s tab to the user’sdisplayedtabs
Ans: d
77. Universal ContainerstracksPositionsina customobjectas part of a recruitingapplication,
Newpositionsmustbe approve canbe filled.Onlyrecruitingmanagerscansubmitnew
a. Create a recruitingmanagersgroup,setapprovalstoprivate andcreate a sharing
b. Create a workflowrule wherebyonlyuserswiththe recruitingmanagerprofileare
c. Create a validationrule thatcheckwhetherauserwiththe recruitingmanagerprofileis
savingthe newpositions forapproval
d. Create an approval processwherebyonlyuserswiththe recruitingmanagerrole are
Ans: d
78. What isa feature of customreporttypes?Choose 2 answers
a. The abilitytocustomize the outputlayoutof a report
b. The abilitytocustomize the availablelistof columnsdisplayedinthe reportbuilder
c. The abilitytocreate an exceptionreportoranti-join
d. The abilitytojoinrelatedobjectswithinareport
Ans: b,d
79. Whichrelationshiptype shouldbe usedtocapture a user’smanageroneach userrecordin
the application?
a. Man-to-many
b. Master-detail
c. Parent-child
d. Hierarchical
Ans: d
80. How manymaster-detailrelationshipcanbe createdonone object?
a. 2
b. 1
c. 4
d. 3
Ans: a
81. Universal ContainerstracksCandidatesasacustom objectin a recruitingapplication.Ona
candidate record,the cityentryfieldmustbe inthe state selectedinthe state field.
How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirementusingdeclarative (pointandclick) means?
a. Create a dependencyonthe Addressfieldthatensuresonlyvalidcitiesare selectedfora
b. Create a Formulafieldonthe addressobjectthatlooksupthe state for the enteredcity
c. Create a validationrule thatchecksthe cityenteredagainstanobjecttovalidate the
state for the enteredcity
d. Create a Workflowoutboundmessagethatsendscityandstate informationtoan
external global database of knownstates
Ans: a
82. AftercreatingWorkflowRule withatime-basedactionthatsendanemail remindertousers
14 days aftera record hasbeendevelopedwouldliketotesttomake sure thatthe rule is
workingthe wayinwhichit wasintended.
How can the developerverifythatthe Workflow Ruleisworking?Choose2answers
a. Create a newrecord,thencheckthe outboundmessage queue
b. Selectthe developer’susername inthe time-basedWorkflow queue setup,create a
newrecord,thencheckthe queue
c. Selectthe developer’susername inthe DebugLogsetup,create a new record,then
checkthe DebugLog forevidence Workflow executed
d. Create a newrecord,thencheckthe time-basedWorkflowqueue
Ans: c, d
83. In a recruitingapplication,acustomJobApplicationobjecthasalookuprelationshiptoa
customcandidate object.The Candidate storespersonalinformation,includingname and
email,aboutanindividual applyingforajob.The recruitingorganizationwouldlike the
candidate’sname andemail addressoneachrelatedjobapplicationrecordaswell.
How can a developermeetthisrequirement?
a. It isnot possible foradevelopertomeetthisrequirement
b. Use a validationrule tocopythe name and email fromthe candidate recordtothe job
c. Use a cross-objectformulafieldtodisplaythe name andemail fromthe candidate
record tothe jobapplicationrecord
d. Use a cross-objectassignment rule andfieldupdate actiontocopythe name and email
fromthe candidate recordtothe jobapplicationrecord
Ans: c
84. In a customobjectdefecttrackingapplication,acustomobjectcalledBugisusedtotrack
defects.The bugsoftenhave arelationship tobugsina parent-childfashion
Whichrelationshipshouldadeveloperchoose tomodel the interdependencybetween
a. Hierarchical
b. Self
c. Master-detail
d. Many-to-many
Ans: b
85. Whichis requiredstepforcreatingamany-to-manyrelationship?Choose 2answers
a. Create tworelationships
b. Create a customobjectto jointwoobjects
c. Create a many-to-manyrelationshipbetweentwoobjects
d. Create the relatedlistonthe page layoutof the junctionobject
Ans:a, b
86. In a customrecruitingapplication,PositionsandCandidatesare storedinseparate custom
objects,whenlookingatthe detailspositionrecord,ahiringmanagerneedtosee a listof
recommendedcandidatesinsteadof all candidates,basedonmatching
How coulda developermeetthisrequirement?
a. Adda dashboard tothe positionpage layout
b. Addthe candidatesrelatedlisttothe Positionpage layout
c. Adda lookuprelationshiptothe Candidate object
d. Addan inline Visualforce page onthe Positionpage layout
Ans: d
87. Upon final rejectionof arecordthat has beenthroughanapproval process,whichactionis
NOT allowed?
a. Lockingthe record frombeingedited
b. Sendinganemail tothe record owner
c. Sendingthe recordtothe recycle bin
d. Creatinga task forthe record owner
Ans: c
88. Whichelementisincludedinthe securitymodelforForce.comSites?Choose2answers
a. Full CRUD permissionsonall customobjects
b. Read/write permissionsonall standardobjects
c. NamedVisualforce pages
d. RestrictedIPranges
Ans: c, d
89. PositionsandJobApplicationsare customobjectsinarecruitingapplication.Thereisa
lookuprelationshiponJobApplicationstoA developerwantstosee a listof the top ten
positionswiththe greaternumberof relatedjobapplications.
Whichdashboardcomponentshouldthe developerchoose?
a. Chart b. Metric c. Table d. Guage
Ans: c
90. How can a developerconfigure anapproval processtopreventarecordfrombeingedited
by the submitter?
a. Recordsare lockedbydefaultonsubmission;noactionrequired
b. Setan action to lookthe recorduponsubmission
c. Create a Workflowfieldupdateactiontomake the page layoutRead-only
d. Developasharingrule thatsetsthe recordto Read-only
Ans: b
91. A developerattemptstoloaddataintothe sandbox environmentusingthe DataLoaderGUI.
The data load failsdue issues.
What shouldthe developerchecktodiagnose the problem?Choose 2answers
a. The endpointURL
b. The user name
c. The passwordencryptionsettings
d. The mappingfile
Ans: a, b
92. What issupportedbythe Data Loader? Choose 3 answers
a. Performinsertandupdate operationsacrossasetof records
b. Load more than 50,000 recordsat a time
c. Performa rollbackof a transaction
d. Insertrecordsfor twodifferentobjectsinasingle call
e. Importdata for customobjects
Ans: a, b,e
93. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutEncryptedCustomfields?Choose3answers
a. Encryptedfieldscanbe includedinsearchresults
b. Encryptedfieldsare notavailable forvalidationrulesorApex scripts
c. Encryptedfieldscanbe includedinreportresults
d. Encryptedfieldsare notavailable infiltersforlistviews,reportsandRoll-upSummary
Ans: a, c, d
94. A developerwantstoreportontrendsin the data.
Whichfeature of the Force.complatformwouldadeveloperuse toaccomplishthis?
a. AnalyticSnapshot
b. FieldHistory
c. SummaryReport
d. Matrix Report
Ans: a
95. A groupof executiveshasrequestedaconvenientwaytosee dailymetricswithouthavingto
login to Salesforce.Howwouldadeveloperaccomplishthis?
a. Setthe user’shome page layoutstoinclude adashboard
b. Create a workflowrule thatsendsalinkto the dashboardinan email
c. Schedule adashboardfordailyrefreshandemail distribution
d. Create a seriesof dailyrecurringeventsprovidingthe dashboardlink
Ans: c
96. Whencreatinga workflowrule, whichactionrequiresaformulaasthe rule criteria?
a. Checkingif the currentuser’sprofile isSystemAdministrator
b. Checkingif the value ina fieldhaschanged
c. Checkingif the recordwasmodifiedtoday
d. Checkingif the statusof a recordis new
Ans: b
97. Whichoptionexistsforcalculationsoranalysisinreports?Choose 3answers
a. Maintaincalculationsfrompreviousrunsof the report
b. Plotmultiple setsof dataonone chart
c. Setparametersto highlightoutliers
d. Performcalculationsonsummarydata
Ans: b,c, d
98. Whichoptionisavailable whenconfiguringthe listif initial submittersinanapproval
process?Choose 2 answers
a. Rolesandsubordinates
b. Approval teammembers
c. Publicgroups
d. Profiles
Ans: a, c
99. Whendo usershave the optiontomanuallyshare recordstheyownfromthe recorddetail
a. Whena developeraddsthe Sharingbuttonto the page layout
b. Whenthe organizationwide defaultforthe objectissettopubicread/write
c. Whena developergrantsthe usersthe Share Recordspermission
d. Whenthe organization wide defaultsforthe objectissettoprivate or read-only
Ans: d
100.Which aspect of an applicationisaddressedinthe businesslogiclayer?Choose 2answers
a. Customizeduserinterface
b. Processautomation
c. Extensibledatamodel
d. Data entryvalidationrules
Ans: b,d
101. A developerwantstobuildanapplicationonthe Force.complatform.The datamodel,the
businesslogicandthe requirementshave beenconsidered.The useraccessrequirementshave not
What isthe implicationof building the applicationgiventhe available information?
a. The data model maynot supportthe requiredsecuritycontrols
b. The developerwill notbe able tobuildanyreportsor dashboardsif the securitycontrols
have not beenconsidered
c. The securitycontrolsmaynot supportthe approval processrequirements
d. The developercannotestablishsecuritycontrolsif notcompleteduponinitial setup.
Ans: a, b
102. Ina customrecruitingapplication,customobjectsare usedtotrack PositionsandJobPosting
site (e.g.Each positionistypicallypostedtomanyjobpostingsites.
Whichadditional objectisrequiredtorelate PositionsandJobPostingsitesdothata usercan report
or associatedwithagive Postingsite?
a. Junctionobject b. Parentobject c. Lookupobject d. Standardobject
Ans: a
103. What occurs in an upsert operationif the externalIDismatchedon more thanone record?
a. An erroris reported
b. Duplicate recordswill be createdwithmatchingexternalIds
c. The upsertoperationfails
d. Onlythe firstmatching recordwill be updated
Ans: a
104. A customobjecthas an organization-widedefaultsettingof private withGrantAccessUsing
Hierarchiescheckbox turnedoff.Whichuserscanselectthe Sharingbuttononrecord forthat
a. The record owner,a usersharedto the record,any userabove the recordownerin the role
b. The record owner,a userabove the recordownerinthe role hierarchy,anda userwiththe
c. Onlythe recordownerand a userwiththe SystemAdministratorprofile
d. The record owner,a userwiththe SystemAdministratorprofile,andausersharedto the
Ans: c
105. All usersof a Recruitingapplicationshouldbe able toeditall positions,exceptforuserX,UserX
shouldbe viewpositions.Howcan a developermeetthisrequirement?
a. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead/Writeanduse a SharingRule
to rest
b. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead/Writeandremove userXfrom
the role
c. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead-Onlyandremove userXfrom
the role
d. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead-Onlyand use aSharingRule to
all usersexceptuserX
Ans: d
106. Which processcan be trackedin the DebugLogs? Choose 2 answers
a. Assignmentrule
b. Roll-upSummaryfieldcalculation
c. Formulafieldcalculation
d. Workflowrules
Ans: a, d
107. Which API can be usedto create the data model?
a. Force.comAPI
b. Force.comSingle Sign-onAPI
c. Force.comMetadata API
Ans: c
108. The organization-wide defaultsettingsforAccountsisPrivate.A mangerresidesabove ateam
inthe role share some of the account data withthe team.
Whichfeature can extendthe viewingprivilegesof the teamtoallow themto see eachother’sdata?
Choose 2 answers
a. ReportFoldersetting
b. DashboardRunningUser
c. ReportRunningUser
d. DashboardFoldersetting
Ans: b,c
109. Which capabilitydoesbuildinganapplicationonthe Force.complatformprovide?Choose 3
a. The ability tointernationalizeandlocalizeapplications
b. The abilitytorun reportson configurationchanges
c. The abilitytobuildapplicationswithclicksnotcode
d. The abilitytohave applicationsupgradedwithoutloosingcustomizations
Ans: a, c, d
110. Which statementistrue regardingaForce.comdomainname?Choose 3 answers
a. It mustbe unique
b. It isusuallythe name of your company
c. It cannot be changedonce it isregisteredtoyourorganization
d. It cannot be mappedtoyour company’sdomain
Ans: a, b,c
111. A developerhasreceivedconfirmationthatsalesforce.comhasenabledinsertable systemaudit
fieldsforrecords.Whichabilityisnowenabledwhenusingthe dataloader?
a. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingthe IsDeletedfieldof eachrecord
b. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingsthe $MarkSyncfieldof eachrecord
c. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingsthe CreatedDate fieldof eachrecord
d. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingsthe SystemModStampfieldof eachrecord
Ans: c
112. Which Force.comfeature mostcloselyalignswiththe View aspectof the Model-View-
Controllerdesignpattern.Choose 2answers
a. Validationrule b. Page layout c. Customfield d. Visualforce page
Ans: b,d
113. A developerisloadingdata,inCSV format,intoa customapplicationfromalegacysystem.The
Whichobstacle will the developerencounterwhenusingthe importwizard?
a. The importwizardscannot importdatafrom CSV files
b. The importwizardsdo notsupportthe Userobject
c. The importwizardsdo notsupportcustom object
d. The importwizardsdo notimportfilestospecifyrecordowner
Ans: b
114. In a lookuprelationship,whathappenstothe childrecordsif the parentrecord isdeleted?
a. Childrecordsare not deleted
b. A subsetof the childrecordsisdeleted
c. Childrecordsare deleted
d. Parentrecorddeletionfails
Ans: a

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Salesforce cert my prep doc

  • 1. 1. Universal Containershasbuiltarecruitingapplicationwith2customobjects, Job ApplicationsandReviews, thathave amaster-detail relationship.UsersshouldNOTbe allowedtodelete reviewrecordsafterjobapplicationrecordshave beenapproved.How woulda developermeetthisrequirement? a. Change the interviewer’sprofile toRead-onlyforthe reviewobject b. Remove the deletebuttonfromthe jobapplicationpage layout c. Use workflowtochange the page layoutto Read-only d. Use a validationrule inconjunctionwitharoll-upsummaryfield Ans: d 2. A developerneedstosupportmultiple currenciesforacustom objectin an application.The multi-currencyfeature hasbeenenabledforthe organization. What doesthe developerneedtoknow inordertosuccessfullysupportthisapplication? Choose 2 answers a. The multi-currencyfeature willautomaticallytrackhistorical exchange rates. b. Roll-upsummaryfieldsonaparentrecord will calculate incorrectlyif the childrecords have multiple currencies c. Administratorscanaddadditional currenciesafterthe applicationhasbeenbuilt d. CurrencyISOcode will needtobe suppliedwheninsertingrecordsindifferent currencies. Ans: c,d 3. In a recruitingapplication,aPositioncustomobjectisrelatedtoaSalarycustomobject. Sensitiveinformationsuchascurrentsalary,isstoredon the Salaryobject.All usersshould be able to atleastviewpositioninformation.However,onlyselectindividualsshouldbe able to readsalary records. How shouldadeveloperaccomplishthis? a. Create a master-detailsrelationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide defaultstoPublicRead-OnlyforPositionandPrivate forSalary b. Create a lookup relationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide defaultstPrivate forPositionandforSalary c. Create a lookuprelationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide defaultstoPublicRead-OnlyforPositionandPrivate forSalary d. Create a master-detail relationshipbetween PositionandSalary;setorganization-wide defaultstPrivate forPositionandforSalary Ans: C 4. Whichportionof Model-View-Controllerparadigmis representedinForce.comasa standard or custom object? a. Controller b. Model c. View Ans: Model
  • 2. 5. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutfield-level security?Choose 2answers. a. It can be controlledatrecordlevel b. It isspecifiedforeachprofile c. It determinesthe valuesdisplayedinavisiblepicklistfield d. It isenforcedinthe SOAP-API/Itcanbe enforce inWebservices Ans: b,d 6. Positionsisacustom objectina recruitingapplicationbuiltonthe Force.complatform. Departmentisa fieldonthe Positionobject. Whichtype of reportshoulda developercreate toshow hiringmanagersthe numberof positionsgroupedbydepartment? a. Tabular b. Pivot c. Summary d. AnalyticSnapshot Ans: c 7. In whichSalesforce enviromentswillthe Force.comrecordIDsbe identical? a. ProductionandFull CopySandbox only b. ProductionandFull CopySandbox,andDeveloperSandbox c. Force.comrecordIDs are neveridentical d. ProductionandDeveloper Sandbox only Ans: a 8. Universal containerstracksPositionsasa customobjectina recruitingapplication.When positionrecordsare created,theyhave astatus of New and are visible toonlythe position owner.Once a positiongoesthroughanapproval process,the statusischangedto Approved.Approvedpositionsshouldbe visible tothe entire organization. How can a developermeetthisrequirement?Choose2answers a. Create a criteria-basedsharingrule thatstatesthatApprovedpositionsare sharedwith the entire organization b. Create a workflowfieldupdate thatupdatesacustomfieldcalledSharingonaposition once the statusisApproved c. Create an Apex triggerthatautomaticallyupdatessharingonapositiononce the statusis Approved. d. Create a formulafieldthatupdatesthe sharingona positiononce the statuschanges to Approved Ans: a,c 9. How doesa developerenable userstoaccesstagsin the sidebar?Choose 3answers a. By enablingtagsforthe organization b. By addingtags to the sidebarinthe home page layout c. By enablingtagsonuser’sprofile d. By enablingtagsonthe page layoutforan object
  • 3. e. By enablingtagsforpublicgroups Ans: a,b,d 10. In recruitingapplication,acustomobjectcalledPositionrequiresapproval.Whenaposition record issubmittedforapproval,the requirementsbelow mustbe met: > The hiringmanagermust approve the record > The approval must be forwardedtoall membersof the executive team, butonlyone executiveneedstoapprove the record > The VP of humanresourcesmustapprove the record How woulda developermeetthisrequirement? a. Create parallel workflow rules,requiringatleastone executive teammembertocomplete theirassignedtask b. Create multiple approvalprocesses,one foreachexecutiveteammemberandutilize parallel submission c. Create an approval processwitha stepforeach executive teammember,allowingapproval stepsto be skipped d. Create an approval processwhichutilizesparallel approvers,butdoesnotrequire unanimousapproval Ans: d 11. A usercan onlysee the fieldsA,B,andC ona recordof ObjectXuntil the Stage field value on the record changesfromNew toworking.Once the Stage heldvalue isupdatedto Workingand the recordis saved,the usershouldbe able tosee fieldsA,B,Cand D. How wouldanapplicationdeveloperconfigure this? a. Use multiple Visualforce pages b. Use workflowtochange the field-level security c. Use workflowtochange the recordtype d. Use validationrulestoexpose the field Ans: a 12. Whichis a validdata type fora custom formulafield.Choose 3answers a. Checkbox b. Date c. Email d. Currency e. Percent Ans: b,d, e 13. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutmaster-detailrelationshipinthe Force.complatform? Choose 2 answers a. The master-detail relationshipfieldisrequiredonthe page layoutof the detail record
  • 4. b. Whendefiningamaster-detail relationship,the customobject onwhichyouare working isthe master c. The securitysettingsforthe masterrecordcontrol the detail record. d. Whena master recordis deleted,the childrecordsremaininthe systemwithouta masterrecord Ans: a, c 14. Whichtype of customfieldcanbe an external ID? a. Text,NumberorFormulafieldsonly b. Customfieldof anytype c. Text,Email.or Numberfieldsonly d. Phone number,Email.URLand Text-basedfields Ans: c 15. What isa junctionobject? a. A standardobjectwithtwomaster-detailrelationships b. A standard objectwitha master-detailrelationship c. A customobjectwitha master-detailrelationship d. A customobjectwithtwomaster-detailrelationships Ans: d 16. Whichfeature isavailable forcustomobjects?Choose 3answers a. Fieldhistorytracking b. Assignmentrules c. Criteria-basedsharing d. Queues Ans: a, c, d 17. In a recruitingallocation,salaryrequirementsare trackedina customobject.Anapproval processisbuiltthat will route all salaryrequirementslessthan100,000 USD to the recruiter for automaticapproval. Inthe same approval process,salaryrequirementsgreaterthan 100,000 USD are routeddirectlytothe vice presidentof humanresources. What mustbe done to initiate the approval processthatwill route the appropriate records to the vice presidentforapproval? a. Execute the approval processbyclickingonthe SubmitforApproval buttononthe record’sdetail page layout b. Create a workflowrule thatwill evaluate salaryamountandtriggerthe approval process if the salary isgreaterthan 100,000USD c. Create a workflowrule thatevaluate salaryamountandsendanotificationtothe vice presidentif the salaryisgreaterthan100,000USD d. Save the record so itwill automaticallybe enteredintothe approval process Ans: a
  • 5. 18. What musta developerconsiderwhen insertingrecordsusinganAPI-basedtool?Choose 2 a. Universallyrequiredfieldsettingsare respected b. Apex triggersare ignored c. Requiredfieldsonpage layoutsare enforced d. Validationrulesare respected Ans: a, d 19. Universal containerstracksreviewsasa customobjectina recruitingapplication.An interview score istrackedoneachreview recordandshouldbe numberical,sothathiring managerscan performscore calculations.The scoresshouldbe restrictedtointegervalues1 through5 and displayedas asetof radiobuttons. How can a developermeetthisrequirement? a. Create a formulafieldthatdisplaysthe interviewscore asa set of radiobuttons b. Create a visualforce componenttodisplaythe interview score asa setof radio bttons c. Create the InterviewScore fieldwithadatatype of radio button d. Create the interview score fieldasa picklist,displayedasa radiobuttonon the pane layout Ans: b 20. Whenperforminganupdate withthe Data Loader,the comma-delimitedfile mustcontaina columnwithwhich values? a. The profile namesof the recordowners b. The createdtime and date of the records c. The Force.comrecord ID valuesof the records d. The logical namesof the records Ans: c 21. A developerwouldlike toenableenduserstofilterthe datadisplayedonthe relatedlistof an objectdetail page How coulda developeraccomplishthis? a. Customize the search filterfieldslayoutforthatobject b. Enable AdvancedSearchonthe object’srelatedlist c. Create a Visualforce page toreplace die objectdetail view d. Configure the object’srelatedlisttoadda filter Ans: c 22. Whichaction isavailable toa developerwhentwoobjectsare connectedbyalookup relationship?Choose 2answers a. Create a roll-upsummaryfieldonthe parentobjecttocount childrecords b. Create a cross-objectformulafieldonthe parentobjecttoreference fieldsonthe child object
  • 6. c. Create a customreport type thatallowscustomizationof fieldsdisplayedfromboth parentand childobjects d. Create a cross-objectformulafieldonthe childobjecttoreferencefieldsonthe parent object Ans: c ,d 23. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutthe custom objectimport wizard? a. It can import,upsert,update,delete andexportdata b. It can performmatchingbasedonrecord ID onlu c. It can provide successanderror filesin.csvformat d. It can preventthe importof duplicate records Ans: d 24. Give a three tiermodel ( UI layer,businesslogiclayer,datalayer),whichfeature of the Force.complatformassociatedwiththe datalayer?Choose 3answers a. Customfields b. Customtabs c. Customrelationships d. Customobjects e. Customapplications Ans: a, c, d 25. Whichdevelopertool canbe usedto create a data model? a. SchemaBuilder b. Foce.comData Loader c. ApplicationDataModel wizard d. Force.comIDE Ans: a, d 26. Whichmechanismallowsforauthenticatedaccess toa Force.comsite?Choose 2 a. It isnot possible toprovide authenticationforaForce.comSite b. An active CustomerPortal c. An active PartnerPortal d. SettingrestrictedIPrangesforyoursite Ans: b,c 27. In a recruitingapplication,amaster-detail relationshiphasbeendefinedbetweentwo customobjects,JobApplications(master) andReviews(detail). WhichstatementisTRUE? Choose 2 answers a. Reviewrecordsmayexistwithoutanassociatedjobapplication b. The master-detail relationshipbetweenJobApplicationsandReviewsisdefinedonthe JobApplicationobject c. DeletingaJobapplicationrecordwill delete associatedreview records
  • 7. d. Reviewrecordswill inheritownershipfromthe associatedjobapplication Ans: c, d 28. What can be viewedusingthe processvisualizer? a. Supportprocesses b. Salesprocesses c. Approval processes d. WorkflowRule Ans: c 29. Whichdashboard componentdisplaysagrandtotal across a setof data? Choose 2 answers a. Table b. Chart c. Pivot d. Metric Ans: a, d 30. Users X andY needtosee the same candidate record.For securityreasons,userYshouldnot be able to reporton the Email Addressfieldonthe record. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement? a. Use field-level securitytomake the email addressvisible touserXbut notuser Y b. Use a sharingrule to make the email addressonlyvisibletouser X c. Use a customvisualforce page tomake the email addressvisible touserXbutnot userY d. Use page layoutstomake the email addressvisibletouserXbut not userY Ans: a 31. A developerwantstobuildanapplicationonthe Force.complatform.The datamodel,the usersneedingaccesstothe application,andthe applicationbusinesslogichave been considered.The reportanddashboardrequirementshave notbeenconsidered. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutbuildingthe application? a. The dashboardwill notbe visible tomanagementusers b. The data model maynot support the requiredreports/requiredsecuritycontrols c. The data model maynot supportthe requiredbusinesslogic d. The developerwill notbe able toloadapplicationdata Ans: b 32. How can a wirelessdevice userapprove arecord?Choose 3answers a. Viavoice recognition b. ViaApprovalsinChatter c. Viaemail froma wirelessdevice d. Viaa textmessage e. Viaa mobile browserthatsupportsaccessto the Salesforce webapplication Ans: b,c, e
  • 8. 33. For objectswhere dataaccessis grantedthroughthe role hierarchy,how isaccessgranted? a. Users are onlygrantedread accessto data ownedbyusersabove theminthe role hierarchy b. Users are grantedaccess to data accessible byusersbelow theminthe role hierarchy c. Users are grantedaccess to data accessible tousersinthe same role inthe role hierarchy d. Users are onlygrantedaccess to data ownedbyusersbelow theminthe role hierarchy Ans: d 34. Universal containerstracksOffersasanobjectin a recruitingapplication.Once anofferhas beenacceptedbya candidate,mere mustbe a value ina currencyfieldcalledActual Salary. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement? a. Create a validationrule tomake actual salaryrequiredeachtime the offerrecordis saved b. Create a fielddependencybetweenthe salaryamountandstatusof accepted c. Create a workflowfieldupdate tosetthe propertyof the actual salaryfieldtorequired d. Create a validationrule tomake sure thatthe actual salaryis notnull wheneveranoffer isaccepted Ans: d 35. Whichstatementistrue Sites?Choose 3answers a. Sitescan leverage declarativepage layoutsaswebpages b. Sitesenablesdeveloperstobuildpublic,unauthenticatedwebsites c. Sitesare builtwithvisualforce pages d. Sitesleverage dataandcontentina salesforce org Ans: b, c, d 36. Whichfieldisavailableaspart of the translationworkbenchforavalidationrule? a. Error Message b. Description c. Rule Criteria d. Formula Ans: a 37. Whichpropertyof a fieldcanbe editedwithinthe page layouteditor?Choose2answers a. Alwaysdisplayed b. Required c. FieldDependency d. Controller e. Read-only Ans: b, e 38. What isnot a componentof a custom Force.comapplication?
  • 9. a. Defaultlandingtab b. Data warehouse c. Customtab d. Customobject Ans: b 39. What can cross-objectformulasreference? a. Parentobjectrecordsonly b. Otherrecordsof the same object c. Both parentand childobjectrecords d. Childobjectrecordsonly Ans: a 40. A businessrequirementcanbe met byusingeitheraformulafieldoran Apex trigger. Why wouldadeveloperuse aformulafieldinsteadof anApex trigger?Choose 2answers a. Formulafieldsdonotrequire testmethodstodeploy b. Formulafieldsallowgreatercontrol andflexibilitythanApex triggers c. Formulafieldscanaggregate datafromchildrecords d. Formulafieldscanbe createdanddeployedusingonlyabrowser Ans: a, d 41. ObjectB has a lookuprelationshiptoObjectA.ObjectChas a lookuprelationshiptoObject A. A developerneedstoruna reporton A recordswithC records. How can the developeraccomplishthis? a. Create a summaryreportwitha customsummary formulasummarizingbyA,thenB, thenC b. Create a customreport type thatincludesA withB withC c. Create a matrix reportwithA and B recordsas columnheadingsandC recordsas row headings d. Run a reportusingthe standard reporttype:A withB withC Ans: b 42. In a customorder managementapplication,universal containersrequiresthatthe product name and productcode are consistentaccordingtoa customobjectsetup withvalid productname and product code combinations.Whenauserentersanorder,the system shouldcheckto ensure thatthe productname and product code enteredare valid Whichfeature wouldadeveloperuse toaccomplishthis? a. A validationrule withthe VLOOKUPfunction b. A validationrule withthe REGEXfunction c. A formulafieldwiththe IF function d. A formulafieldwiththe VALIDATEfunction Ans: a
  • 10. 43. Whichstandard profile hasthe “View EncryptedData”permissionbydefault? a. Solutionmanagerprofile b. Systemadministratorprofile c. No profile hasthe permissionactive bydefault d. Standarduserpro file Ans: c 44. Universal ContainerstracksPositionsasacustom objectina recruitingapplication.All positionswithapriorityof critical shouldNOTbe openformore than twoweeks.If a positionremainsopenformore than14 days,the priorityshould be re-examined. How wouldadeveloperautomate thisprocess? a. Create a workflowactiontoclone the position,assignedtothe ownerof the position record,that isdue 14 daysafterrecord creation. b. Create a validationrule thatcomparestoday’sdate andthe record’screationdate to determine if the differenceisgreaterthan14 days c. Create a time-dependantworkflow actionthatsendsanemail tothe recruiterif the positionisstill open14days afterrecordcreation d. Create a time-dependantworkflow actionthatupdatesthe positionstatustoclosed14 daysafter recordcreation Ans: c 45. If a change ismade toan approval process,how cana developerdetermine the userthat made the change?Choose 2 answers. a. By examiningthe DebugLog b. By lookingat“Modified By”on the approval definition c. By checkingthe fieldhistoryonthe associatedrecord d. By examiningthe setupauditnail Ans: b,d 46. A developerwouldlike tomodifythe contentsof the hoverdetailsforacustomobjectcalled Position. What woulda developercustomize toaccomplishthis? a. Positionsearchlayouts b. Positionrecordtypes c. Positionfielddependencies d. Positionpage layouts Ans: d 47. A developerhadaddedacustom objecttabto an application Whichadditional feature will become availablebydefaultforthe objectinthe application? Choose 3 answers a. Create a newsidebarcomponent b. Customreporting c. Search
  • 11. d. Quickcreate e. Recentitems Ans: a,c,e 48. In a master-detailrelationship,whathappenstothe childrecordsif the parentrecordis deleted? a. Childrecordsare not deleted b. A subsetof the childrecordsisdeleted c. Parentrecorddeletionfails d. Childrecordsare deleted Ans: d 49. Hiringmanagersat Universal containerswouldlike avisual mechanismfordetermining reviewscore outliers.Review scoresare capturedasa customfieldona customReview objectandcan range from1 to 10. Anyreview score thatis >8 shouldbe highlightedin green.Anyreviewscore thatis< 4 shouldbe highlightedinred. How wouldadeveloperaccomplishthis? a. Use customsummaryformulas b. Use matrix reports c. Use conditional highlighting d. Use charts Ans: a 50. A developerneedtoperformanautomatedextractof datafrom Salesforce nightlyat2:00 a.m. How wouldthe developeraccomplishthis? a. Use the ExportSchedulerof the Data Loader’sGUI b. Use the Command-line interface of the DataLoader c. Use the Data Export service toperformanightlyextract d. Use the Schedule Managerof the importwizard Ans: b 51. Universal Containershasbuiltarecruitingapplicationonthe Force.complatform.In the application,recruitingmanagersneedtosee how the numberandstatusof candidatesin the pipelinechangesmonthovermonth. whichfeature enablesthislandof analysis? a. Customsummaryformulas b. Dashboards c. Analyticsnapshots d. Customreporttypes Ans: c
  • 12. 52. Master-detail relationshipscanbe usedto model many-to-manyrelationshipsbetweentwo objects. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutmany-to-manyrelationships? a. Each use a junctionobjecttoconnectthe twoobjectsthat needtorelate toeach other b. Each master objectrecorddisplaysarelatedlistof the associatedjunctionobject records c. Each record of one objectislinkedtomultiple recordsfromanotherobjectandvice versa d. Each primaryand secondaryobjecthasa standardreportbut customreporttypesare not available Ans: a, b,c 53. Universal Containersrequiresthatsome employeesare able toview andeditrecordsof a customobjectcalledPositions,butnouserscan delete them How can Universal Containersaccomplishthisgoal? a. Remove the Delete Accessforpositionsfromall userroles b. Remove the Delete Permissionforpositionsfromall profiles c. Setthe OrganizationwidedefaultforpositionstoRead-Only d. Assignthe Read-Onlyprofiletoall users Ans: b 54. In a recruitingapplication,all usersshouldbe able tosee positionswithastatusof Open.If the status isanythingotherthatOpen,the positionshouldbe visible onlytothe record owner. How wouldadeveloperaccomplishthis?Choose2answers a. Setthe organization-wide defaultforpositiontoprivate, thenuse acriteriabased sharingrule to automaticallyshare openpositions b. Setthe organization-wide defaultforpositiontopublicread-only,thenuse asharingrule to restrictaccessto closedpositions c. Setthe organization-wide defaultforposition toprivate,allowingownerstouse manual sharingto add or remove accessas positionschange status d. Specifyviewonlyaccessforopenpositionsonusersprofiles Ans: a, c 55. Why mightan analyticsnapshotfail duringascheduledrun?Choose 3answers a. The runninguserhas beenmade inactive b. The source reporthas beenresavedasa matrix report c. The target objectcontainsanApex trigger d. The target objectisa custom object e. The source reportwasnot createdby an Administrator Ans: a, b,c 56. ObjectX hasa lookupfieldtoObjectY.Xneedstodisplaya textvalue fromaTextfieldonY. To ensure dataintegrity,howwouldadeveloperimplementthis?
  • 13. a. Create a roll-upsummaryfieldonObjectXbut thatretrievesthe value fromY b. Create a cross-objectformulafieldonObjectXthatretrievesthe value fromY c. Create a textfieldonObjectXand use Apex topopulate the value d. Create a textfieldonObjectXand use a workflow rule tofill inthe value uponthe creationof X Ans: b 57. In a bug trackingapplication, Universal Containershascreatedatime-basedworkflow action that will execute30days aftera Bug record iscreated.The developerwouldlike totestto make sure that rule isworkingthe waythat it should. Whichfeature isavailable for testing?Choose2answers a. Bug Historyrelatedlist b. DebugLog c. Time-basedworkflowqueue d. AcitivityHistoryrelatedlist Ans: b,c 58. WhenloadingAccount,Contactand Userdata, what representsthe recommendedorderto loadthe data? a. Load Accounts,thenContacts,thenUsers b. The order doesnotmatter c. Load Contacts,thenAccounts,thenUsers d. Load Users,thenAccounts,thenContacts Ans: d 59. Whichtype of tab can a developercreate?Choose 3answers a. Apex tabs b. Customobjecttabs c. Visualforce tabs d. Standardobjecttabs e. Webtabs Ans: b,c, e 60. Customobjectsautomaticallyhave some standardfields a. True b. False Ans: a 61. ________lookup relationsare allowedperobject a. 10 b. 20 c. 25
  • 14. d. 40 Ans: c 62. Junctionobjectisa CustomObjectwiththree masterdetail relationships a. True b. False Ans: b 63. Encryptedfieldsallowformaskingdataforall usersexceptthose withthe _____permissions a. Readall data b. Viewall Data c. Modifyall data d. Administratorpermissions Ans: b 64. You can upgrade yourAppsof the followingtypes: a. Managed Packages b. UnmanagedPackages c. You can’t upgrade the Appsonce published d. InstalledPackages Ans: a 65. Whichaction isNOT necessarywhenusingthe declarative capabilitiesof the platformtobuildcustomapplications?Choose3answers a. Compile code b. Configure anapplicationserver c. Write SQL queriestocreate reports d. Builda data model Ans: a, b,c 66. whenconfiguring time-dependentworkflow actions,whichevaluationcriteriaselectionis available?Choose2answers a. everytime arecord isviewed b. everytime arecord iscreatedor edited c. onlywhena recordis created d. whena recordis created,or whenarecord iseditedanddidnotpreviouslymeetthe rule criteria Ans: c, d 67. A developerisbuildingacustomapplicationusingthe declarativeframework.Which customizationisavailable onthe page layout?Choose 2answers a. Addan existingVisualforce page toaninline section b. Make a fieldRequired,basedonadata value inanotherfield
  • 15. c. Create a three-columnsection d. Addcustom detail andlistbuttons Ans: a, d 68. In a recruitingapplicationusinganapproval processona custom objectcalledPositions.A positionrecordrequiressimultaneousapproversinanapproval processstep Whencan the positionrecordadvance tothe nextstepinthe process?Choose 2 answers a. Whenall approvalsare received if unanimousapproval isrequired b. Whenone of the approversskipsthe final stepinthe process c. Whenthe firstapproval isreceivedif unanimousapproval isnotrequired d. Whena majorityof approvalsisreceivedwhenamajorityapproval isrequired Ans: a, c 69. In a recruitingapplication,all usersshouldbe able tosee andeditall candidate records,but interviewersshouldNOThave accesstothe addressof a candidate andshouldNOTbe able to see the birthdate of a candidate. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement? a. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforcandidatestoEditsome fields b. Setthe organizationwidedefaultsforcandidatestoRead-Only c. Remove the Editpermissiononcandidate fromthe interviewer’sprofile d. Use field-level securitytocontrol accessto the AddressandBirthDate fields Ans: d 70. In a recruitingapplication,all usersshouldbe able tosee andeditall candidate records,but interviewersshouldNOThave accesstothe addressof a candidate andshouldNOTbe able to see the birthdate of a candidate. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement? a. Setthe organizationwidedefaultsforcandidatestoEditSome Fields b. Setthe organizationwidedefaultsforcandidatestoRead-Only c. Remove the Editpermissiononcandidate fromthe interviewer’sprofile d. Use field-level securitytocontrol accessto the AddressandBirthDate fields Ans: d 71. Two master-detail relationshipneedtobe createdonObjectx.The firstmaster-detail relationshipcreatedisthe primarymaster,andthe second isSecondarymaster. What isan effectof the primaryrelationshiponx? a. There will be noeffectonx b. X will inheritthe lookandfeel of the primarymasterobject c. ma are limitedtothe primaryrelationship d. The primaryrelationshipcannotbe deleted Ans: b
  • 16. 72. Users X andY needtosee the same candidate record.For securityreasons,userYshould NOT be able to viewandreadaddressfieldonthe record. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement? a. Use a sharingrule to make the email addressonlyvisibleto userX b. Use field-level securitytomake the email addressvisible touserXbut notuser Y c. Use page layoutstomake the email addressvisibletouserXbut not userY d. Use a customVisualforce page tomake the email addressvisibletouserXbut not userY Ans: b 73. Universal containerswouldliketoenforce anew policyforjoboffers.Anyjobofferwitha salarygreaterthan $50,000 ishiringmanager.Anyjobofferwithasalary greaterthan $100,000 isapprovedfirstbythe hiringmanager,thenbythe seniormanager.Afterthese approvals,all offersmustfinallybe approvedbythe VPof HR. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirement? a. Workflow b. Parallel Approvers c. DynamicApproval Routing d. Approval Processes Ans: c 74. WhichscenariorequiresApex toautomate the real-time businesslogic? a. As a usersavesa neworder( a custom object),the quantityandproductsonthe order are checkedagainststock( a customobject),thenthe warehouse thatthe productwill shipfromon the order recordispopulates. b. Whena user createsa newTime Off Requestrecord( a customobject) andclicksSubmit for Approval c. Whena user entersaState andZip Code intocustomfieldsonaCandidate custom object,itmustbe checkcustomobjectto ensure thatthe Zip Code entereddoesexist in the State entered. d. Whena user savesa NewHire record( a custom object),anoutboundmessage is automaticallysentwithinformationtoanexternal HRsystem Ans: a 75. What isa capabilityof DataLoader?Choose 2 answers a. The Data Loadercan load more than50,000 recordsat a time b. The Data Loadercan bypasssharingmodel settings c. The Data Loadercan be executedfromthe commandline d. The Data Loadercan de-duplicate records Ans: a, c 76. How can usersbe allowedtocreate new recordsof ObjectY from the Create New drop- downlistinthe sidebar? a. Enable the settinginthe sidebarforeachuser b. Create s newsidebarcomponent
  • 17. c. Editthe sidebarcomponenttodisplayObjectY d. AddY’s tab to the user’sdisplayedtabs Ans: d 77. Universal ContainerstracksPositionsina customobjectas part of a recruitingapplication, Newpositionsmustbe approve canbe filled.Onlyrecruitingmanagerscansubmitnew positionsforapproval. a. Create a recruitingmanagersgroup,setapprovalstoprivate andcreate a sharing exceptionforrecruitingmanager b. Create a workflowrule wherebyonlyuserswiththe recruitingmanagerprofileare allowedtosubmitpositionsforapproval c. Create a validationrule thatcheckwhetherauserwiththe recruitingmanagerprofileis savingthe newpositions forapproval d. Create an approval processwherebyonlyuserswiththe recruitingmanagerrole are allowedtosubmitposition Ans: d 78. What isa feature of customreporttypes?Choose 2 answers a. The abilitytocustomize the outputlayoutof a report b. The abilitytocustomize the availablelistof columnsdisplayedinthe reportbuilder interface c. The abilitytocreate an exceptionreportoranti-join d. The abilitytojoinrelatedobjectswithinareport Ans: b,d 79. Whichrelationshiptype shouldbe usedtocapture a user’smanageroneach userrecordin the application? a. Man-to-many b. Master-detail c. Parent-child d. Hierarchical Ans: d 80. How manymaster-detailrelationshipcanbe createdonone object? a. 2 b. 1 c. 4 d. 3 Ans: a 81. Universal ContainerstracksCandidatesasacustom objectin a recruitingapplication.Ona candidate record,the cityentryfieldmustbe inthe state selectedinthe state field. How wouldadevelopermeetthisrequirementusingdeclarative (pointandclick) means?
  • 18. a. Create a dependencyonthe Addressfieldthatensuresonlyvalidcitiesare selectedfora givenstate b. Create a Formulafieldonthe addressobjectthatlooksupthe state for the enteredcity c. Create a validationrule thatchecksthe cityenteredagainstanobjecttovalidate the state for the enteredcity d. Create a Workflowoutboundmessagethatsendscityandstate informationtoan external global database of knownstates Ans: a 82. AftercreatingWorkflowRule withatime-basedactionthatsendanemail remindertousers 14 days aftera record hasbeendevelopedwouldliketotesttomake sure thatthe rule is workingthe wayinwhichit wasintended. How can the developerverifythatthe Workflow Ruleisworking?Choose2answers a. Create a newrecord,thencheckthe outboundmessage queue b. Selectthe developer’susername inthe time-basedWorkflow queue setup,create a newrecord,thencheckthe queue c. Selectthe developer’susername inthe DebugLogsetup,create a new record,then checkthe DebugLog forevidence Workflow executed d. Create a newrecord,thencheckthe time-basedWorkflowqueue Ans: c, d 83. In a recruitingapplication,acustomJobApplicationobjecthasalookuprelationshiptoa customcandidate object.The Candidate storespersonalinformation,includingname and email,aboutanindividual applyingforajob.The recruitingorganizationwouldlike the candidate’sname andemail addressoneachrelatedjobapplicationrecordaswell. How can a developermeetthisrequirement? a. It isnot possible foradevelopertomeetthisrequirement b. Use a validationrule tocopythe name and email fromthe candidate recordtothe job applicationrecord c. Use a cross-objectformulafieldtodisplaythe name andemail fromthe candidate record tothe jobapplicationrecord d. Use a cross-objectassignment rule andfieldupdate actiontocopythe name and email fromthe candidate recordtothe jobapplicationrecord Ans: c 84. In a customobjectdefecttrackingapplication,acustomobjectcalledBugisusedtotrack defects.The bugsoftenhave arelationship tobugsina parent-childfashion Whichrelationshipshouldadeveloperchoose tomodel the interdependencybetween bugs? a. Hierarchical b. Self c. Master-detail d. Many-to-many
  • 19. Ans: b 85. Whichis requiredstepforcreatingamany-to-manyrelationship?Choose 2answers a. Create tworelationships b. Create a customobjectto jointwoobjects c. Create a many-to-manyrelationshipbetweentwoobjects d. Create the relatedlistonthe page layoutof the junctionobject Ans:a, b 86. In a customrecruitingapplication,PositionsandCandidatesare storedinseparate custom objects,whenlookingatthe detailspositionrecord,ahiringmanagerneedtosee a listof recommendedcandidatesinsteadof all candidates,basedonmatching How coulda developermeetthisrequirement? a. Adda dashboard tothe positionpage layout b. Addthe candidatesrelatedlisttothe Positionpage layout c. Adda lookuprelationshiptothe Candidate object d. Addan inline Visualforce page onthe Positionpage layout Ans: d 87. Upon final rejectionof arecordthat has beenthroughanapproval process,whichactionis NOT allowed? a. Lockingthe record frombeingedited b. Sendinganemail tothe record owner c. Sendingthe recordtothe recycle bin d. Creatinga task forthe record owner Ans: c 88. Whichelementisincludedinthe securitymodelforForce.comSites?Choose2answers a. Full CRUD permissionsonall customobjects b. Read/write permissionsonall standardobjects c. NamedVisualforce pages d. RestrictedIPranges Ans: c, d 89. PositionsandJobApplicationsare customobjectsinarecruitingapplication.Thereisa lookuprelationshiponJobApplicationstoA developerwantstosee a listof the top ten positionswiththe greaternumberof relatedjobapplications. Whichdashboardcomponentshouldthe developerchoose? a. Chart b. Metric c. Table d. Guage Ans: c 90. How can a developerconfigure anapproval processtopreventarecordfrombeingedited by the submitter? a. Recordsare lockedbydefaultonsubmission;noactionrequired
  • 20. b. Setan action to lookthe recorduponsubmission c. Create a Workflowfieldupdateactiontomake the page layoutRead-only d. Developasharingrule thatsetsthe recordto Read-only Ans: b 91. A developerattemptstoloaddataintothe sandbox environmentusingthe DataLoaderGUI. The data load failsdue issues. What shouldthe developerchecktodiagnose the problem?Choose 2answers a. The endpointURL b. The user name c. The passwordencryptionsettings d. The mappingfile Ans: a, b 92. What issupportedbythe Data Loader? Choose 3 answers a. Performinsertandupdate operationsacrossasetof records b. Load more than 50,000 recordsat a time c. Performa rollbackof a transaction d. Insertrecordsfor twodifferentobjectsinasingle call e. Importdata for customobjects Ans: a, b,e 93. WhichstatementisTRUE aboutEncryptedCustomfields?Choose3answers a. Encryptedfieldscanbe includedinsearchresults b. Encryptedfieldsare notavailable forvalidationrulesorApex scripts c. Encryptedfieldscanbe includedinreportresults d. Encryptedfieldsare notavailable infiltersforlistviews,reportsandRoll-upSummary fields Ans: a, c, d 94. A developerwantstoreportontrendsin the data. Whichfeature of the Force.complatformwouldadeveloperuse toaccomplishthis? a. AnalyticSnapshot b. FieldHistory c. SummaryReport d. Matrix Report Ans: a 95. A groupof executiveshasrequestedaconvenientwaytosee dailymetricswithouthavingto login to Salesforce.Howwouldadeveloperaccomplishthis? a. Setthe user’shome page layoutstoinclude adashboard b. Create a workflowrule thatsendsalinkto the dashboardinan email c. Schedule adashboardfordailyrefreshandemail distribution
  • 21. d. Create a seriesof dailyrecurringeventsprovidingthe dashboardlink Ans: c 96. Whencreatinga workflowrule, whichactionrequiresaformulaasthe rule criteria? a. Checkingif the currentuser’sprofile isSystemAdministrator b. Checkingif the value ina fieldhaschanged c. Checkingif the recordwasmodifiedtoday d. Checkingif the statusof a recordis new Ans: b 97. Whichoptionexistsforcalculationsoranalysisinreports?Choose 3answers a. Maintaincalculationsfrompreviousrunsof the report b. Plotmultiple setsof dataonone chart c. Setparametersto highlightoutliers d. Performcalculationsonsummarydata Ans: b,c, d 98. Whichoptionisavailable whenconfiguringthe listif initial submittersinanapproval process?Choose 2 answers a. Rolesandsubordinates b. Approval teammembers c. Publicgroups d. Profiles Ans: a, c 99. Whendo usershave the optiontomanuallyshare recordstheyownfromthe recorddetail page? a. Whena developeraddsthe Sharingbuttonto the page layout b. Whenthe organizationwide defaultforthe objectissettopubicread/write c. Whena developergrantsthe usersthe Share Recordspermission d. Whenthe organization wide defaultsforthe objectissettoprivate or read-only Ans: d 100.Which aspect of an applicationisaddressedinthe businesslogiclayer?Choose 2answers a. Customizeduserinterface b. Processautomation c. Extensibledatamodel d. Data entryvalidationrules Ans: b,d
  • 22. 101. A developerwantstobuildanapplicationonthe Force.complatform.The datamodel,the businesslogicandthe requirementshave beenconsidered.The useraccessrequirementshave not beenconsidered. What isthe implicationof building the applicationgiventhe available information? a. The data model maynot supportthe requiredsecuritycontrols b. The developerwill notbe able tobuildanyreportsor dashboardsif the securitycontrols have not beenconsidered c. The securitycontrolsmaynot supportthe approval processrequirements d. The developercannotestablishsecuritycontrolsif notcompleteduponinitial setup. Ans: a, b 102. Ina customrecruitingapplication,customobjectsare usedtotrack PositionsandJobPosting site (e.g.Each positionistypicallypostedtomanyjobpostingsites. Whichadditional objectisrequiredtorelate PositionsandJobPostingsitesdothata usercan report or associatedwithagive Postingsite? a. Junctionobject b. Parentobject c. Lookupobject d. Standardobject Ans: a 103. What occurs in an upsert operationif the externalIDismatchedon more thanone record? a. An erroris reported b. Duplicate recordswill be createdwithmatchingexternalIds c. The upsertoperationfails d. Onlythe firstmatching recordwill be updated Ans: a 104. A customobjecthas an organization-widedefaultsettingof private withGrantAccessUsing Hierarchiescheckbox turnedoff.Whichuserscanselectthe Sharingbuttononrecord forthat object? a. The record owner,a usersharedto the record,any userabove the recordownerin the role hierarchyadministratorprofile b. The record owner,a userabove the recordownerinthe role hierarchy,anda userwiththe system c. Onlythe recordownerand a userwiththe SystemAdministratorprofile d. The record owner,a userwiththe SystemAdministratorprofile,andausersharedto the record. Ans: c 105. All usersof a Recruitingapplicationshouldbe able toeditall positions,exceptforuserX,UserX shouldbe viewpositions.Howcan a developermeetthisrequirement?
  • 23. a. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead/Writeanduse a SharingRule to rest b. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead/Writeandremove userXfrom the role c. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead-Onlyandremove userXfrom the role d. Setthe organizationwidedefaultforpositionstopublicRead-Onlyand use aSharingRule to all usersexceptuserX Ans: d 106. Which processcan be trackedin the DebugLogs? Choose 2 answers a. Assignmentrule b. Roll-upSummaryfieldcalculation c. Formulafieldcalculation d. Workflowrules Ans: a, d 107. Which API can be usedto create the data model? a. Force.comAPI b. Force.comSingle Sign-onAPI c. Force.comMetadata API d. Ans: c 108. The organization-wide defaultsettingsforAccountsisPrivate.A mangerresidesabove ateam inthe role share some of the account data withthe team. Whichfeature can extendthe viewingprivilegesof the teamtoallow themto see eachother’sdata? Choose 2 answers a. ReportFoldersetting b. DashboardRunningUser c. ReportRunningUser d. DashboardFoldersetting Ans: b,c 109. Which capabilitydoesbuildinganapplicationonthe Force.complatformprovide?Choose 3 answers a. The ability tointernationalizeandlocalizeapplications b. The abilitytorun reportson configurationchanges c. The abilitytobuildapplicationswithclicksnotcode d. The abilitytohave applicationsupgradedwithoutloosingcustomizations
  • 24. Ans: a, c, d 110. Which statementistrue regardingaForce.comdomainname?Choose 3 answers a. It mustbe unique b. It isusuallythe name of your company c. It cannot be changedonce it isregisteredtoyourorganization d. It cannot be mappedtoyour company’sdomain Ans: a, b,c 111. A developerhasreceivedconfirmationthatsalesforce.comhasenabledinsertable systemaudit fieldsforrecords.Whichabilityisnowenabledwhenusingthe dataloader? a. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingthe IsDeletedfieldof eachrecord b. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingsthe $MarkSyncfieldof eachrecord c. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingsthe CreatedDate fieldof eachrecord d. Abilitytoinsertaccountrecordssettingsthe SystemModStampfieldof eachrecord Ans: c 112. Which Force.comfeature mostcloselyalignswiththe View aspectof the Model-View- Controllerdesignpattern.Choose 2answers a. Validationrule b. Page layout c. Customfield d. Visualforce page Ans: b,d 113. A developerisloadingdata,inCSV format,intoa customapplicationfromalegacysystem.The userobject,andpositionsandjobapplicationsownedbynamedusersintorelatedcustomobject. Whichobstacle will the developerencounterwhenusingthe importwizard? a. The importwizardscannot importdatafrom CSV files b. The importwizardsdo notsupportthe Userobject c. The importwizardsdo notsupportcustom object d. The importwizardsdo notimportfilestospecifyrecordowner Ans: b 114. In a lookuprelationship,whathappenstothe childrecordsif the parentrecord isdeleted? a. Childrecordsare not deleted b. A subsetof the childrecordsisdeleted c. Childrecordsare deleted d. Parentrecorddeletionfails Ans: a