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Gen 5:
22-And EnochwalkedwithGodafterhe begatMethuselahthree hundredyears,andbegatsonsand
23: Andall the daysof Enochwere three hundredsixtyandfive years:
24: AndEnoch walkedwithGod:and he wasnot; for God tookhim.
“translatedthathe shouldnotsee death”(Heb11:5By faithEnoch was translatedthathe shouldnotsee
death;and wasnot found,because Godhadtranslatedhim:forbefore histranslationhe hadthis
testimony,thathe pleasedGod.) before the
judgmentof the floodisa type of those saintswhoare to translated
before the apocalypticjudgments( 1 Thes4:14-Forif we believe thatJesusdiedandrose again,evenso
15: For thiswe say untoyou bythe wordof the Lord,that we whichare alive andremainuntothe
comingof the Lord shall notpreventthemwhichare asleep.
16: For the Lord himself shall descendfromheavenwithashout,withthe voice of the archangel,and
withthe trump of God: and the deadinChristshall rise first:
17: Thenwe whichare alive andremainshall be caughtup togetherwiththeminthe clouds,tomeet
the Lord in the air: andso shall we everbe withthe Lord.) Noahlefton earth,
but preservedthroughthe judgmentof the flood,isatype of the
Jewishpeople,whowill be keptthroughthe apocalypticjudgments(
Jer30:5-9For thus saiththe LORD; We have hearda voice of trembling,of fear,andnotof peace.
6: Askye now,and see whetheramandoth travail withchild?wherefore doIsee everymanwithhis
handson hisloins,asa womanin travail,andall facesare turnedintopaleness?
7: Alas!forthat day isgreat,so that none islike it:itis eventhe time of Jacob'strouble;buthe shall be
savedoutof it.
8: For itshall come to pass inthat day,saiththe LORD of hosts,that I will breakhisyoke fromoff thy
neck,and will burstthybonds,andstrangersshall nomore serve themselvesof him:
9: But theyshall serve the LORDtheirGod,and Davidtheirking,whomIwill raise upuntothem., Rev
12:13-And whenthe dragon sawthat he was cast unto the earth,he persecutedthe womanwhich
broughtforththe manchild.
14: Andto the womanwere giventwowingsof agreat eagle,thatshe mightflyintothe wilderness,into
herplace,where she isnourishedforatime,andtimes,andhalf a time,fromthe face of the serpent.
15: Andthe serpentcastout of hismouthwater as a floodafterthe woman,thathe mightcause herto
be carriedaway of the flood.
16: Andthe earthhelpedthe woman,andthe earthopenedhermouth,andswallowedupthe flood
whichthe dragon cast outof hismouth.) andbrought as an earthlypeople tothe
newheavenandnewearth(Isa65:17-For, behold,Icreate new heavensandanew earth:and the
formershall notbe remembered,norcome intomind.
18: But be ye gladand rejoice forever inthatwhichI create:for,behold,Icreate Jerusalemarejoicing,
and herpeople ajoy.
19: AndI will rejoice inJerusalem,andjoyinmy people:andthe voice of weepingshall be nomore
heardin her,nor the voice of crying.,66:20-Andtheyshall bringall yourbrethrenforan offeringunto
the LORD out of all nationsuponhorses,andinchariots,andin litters,anduponmules,anduponswift
beasts,tomy holymountainJerusalem,saiththe LORD,asthe childrenof Israel bringanofferingina
cleanvessel intothe house of the LORD.
21: AndI will alsotake of themfor priestsandforLevites,saiththe LORD.
22: For as the newheavensandthe newearth,whichI will make,shall remainbeforeme,saiththe
LORD, so shall yourseedandyourname remain.,Rev25:1)
Fire Essentiallyasymbol of God’sholiness.Assuchitexpresses
God inthree ways
19: 24, Mk 9: 43-48, Rev20:15)
the manifestationof Himself andof thatwhichHe approves(eg3:1,
1st peter1:7, Ex
Cor 3:12-14, Mal 3:2,3).So inLeviticus,the fire whichonly
manifeststhe sweetsavourof the burnt,meal,andpeace offerings,
whollyconsumes the sinoffering:inthiscontextthe fires
expressesalsothe undyingdevotednessof Christ.
God had
a purpose ingivingthese command.He wasstartingfromscratch,
teachingHispeople awhole newsystemof government,restoringtrue
worshipof Himself,andcleansingthemfromthe manyheathen
practicestheyhad learnedinEgypt.The strictdetailskeptIsrael
fromslippingbackinto theiroldlifestyle.Inaddition,eachnew
paintsa graphic,orderlypicture of the seriousnessof sinandof
God’sgreat mercyin forgivingsinners.
Holyfire on the alterhad to keepburningbecause Godhadstarted
it.This representedGod’seternal presence inthe sacrificial
system.Itshowedthe people thatonlybyGodare graciousfavor
couldman’ssacrifice be acceptable.God’sfire ispresentin
each believer’slifetodayandwe mustkeepourdedicationtoHim
burninginour hearts.
January 1
Psalm 1 Overview
Psa_1:1, The happiness of the godly; Psa_1:4, The unhappiness of the ungodly.
The holinessandhappinessof agodlyman.(1-3)
The sinfulnessandmiseryof awickedman,The groundandreasonof both.(4-6)
Gen_1:1, God creates heavenand earth; Gen_1:3, the light; Gen_1:6, the firmament; Gen_1:9,
separates the dry land; Gen_1:14, forms the sun, moon, and stars; Gen_1:20, fishes and fowls;
Gen_1:24, cattle, wild beasts, and creeping things; Gen_1:26, creates man in his own image,
blesses him; Gen_1:29, grants the fruits of the earth for food.
Chapter Outline
God createsheavenandearth.(1,2)
The creationof light.(3-5)
God separatesthe earthfromthe waters,and makesitfruitful.(6-13)
God formsthe sun, moon,andstars. (14-19)
Man createdinthe image of God. (26-28)
The work of creationendedandapproved.(31)
Gen_2:1, The first Sabbath; Gen_2:4, Further particulars concerning the manner of creation;
Gen_2:8, The planting of the garden of Eden, and its situation; Gen_2:15, manis placed in it;
and the tree of knowledge only forbidden; Gen_2:18, The animals are named by Adam;
Gen_2:21, The making of woman, and the institution of marriage.
Chapter Outline
The firstSabbath.(1-3)
Particularsaboutthe creation.(4-7)
The plantingof the gardenof Eden.(8-14)
Man isplacedinit.(15)
The animalsnamed,The makingof woman,The Divine institutionof marriage.(18-25)
Mathew 1 Overview
Mat_1:1, The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph; Mat_1:18, He is miraculously
conceived of the Holy Ghost by the Virgin Mary, when she was espoused to Joseph; Mat_1:19,
The angel satisfies the doubts of Joseph, and declares the names and office of Christ: Jesus is
Chapter Outline
The genealogyof Jesus.(1-17)
An angel appearstoJoseph.(18-25)
Mathew 2 Overview
Mat_2:1, The wise men from the east enquire after Christ; Mat_2:3, at which Herod is
alarmed; Mat_2:9, They are directed by a star to Bethlehem, worship him, and offer their
presents; Mat_2:13, Joseph flees into Egypt with Jesus and his mother; Mat_2:16, Herod slays
the children; Mat_2:20, himself dies; Mat_2:23, Christ is brought back again into Galilee to
Chapter Outline
The wise men’ssearchafterChrist.(1-8)
The wise menworship Jesus.(9-12)
Herodcausesthe infantsof Bethlehemtobe massacred.(16-18)
Deathof Herod,JesusbroughttoNazareth.(19-23)
I speakuntothee thisdayand I say that itis me the LivingGod whodoesreveal the plotsof the wicked
that yoube notsnaredby the same.For I say thatit is a pleasure untome toreveal those onesthatare
wicked,toreveal theiriniquities,toreveal theircorruption.ForIsay indeedwhenmen are full of
wickednessandcorruption,Isaythat theyplotagainstmy own.I say thatit isthrough me the LivingGod
that those plotsare revealedandexposedthatmypeople canbe made free.Isay that I the LivingGod
have neverintendedthatmypeople wouldbe entangledinthe plotsof the wickedthoughtheyare
manyagainstthem.But I say that I have intendedthatmypeople wouldbe attentive untome,walking
alwaysinthe lightthat I provide.Isayif my people whoare calledbymyname will lookuntome,Isay
that theywill be upliftedandbroughtforth.Isaythat theywill be giventhe newnessof life thatIdelight
to provide,broughtforthinthe same.
Gen 16:13 Andshe calledthe name of the LORD that spake unto her,ThouGod seestme:forshe said,
Have I also here lookedafterhimthatseethme?
We have watchedthree people make seriousmistakes,Sarahwhotookmattersintoherown handsand
gave her servantgirl toAbram,Abram whowentalongwiththe planand whenthingsbegantogo
wrongrefusedtogetinvolvedinsolvingthe problemandHagar whoran away fromthe problem.In
spite of thismessysituation,Goddemonstrateshow He isnotlimitedbythe complicationsinourlives.
He can bringgood outof anysituation.Sarahand
Abram still receivedthe sontheysodesperatelywantedandGodsolvedHagar’sproblemdespite
Abramsrefusal toget involved.NoprobleminyourlifeistoocomplicatedforGodif youare willingto
allowHimto helpyou. There are some thingsthat God doesnotbecause menare good,but because He
isGod. Therefore donotlookfor the goodnessof menbutlookforGod’s goodness.God’sgoodness
doesnotdeteriorate norfall awaydue to pressure butremains.Therefore donotlookthatmenare
goodbut knowthat God isgood andhave your respectto God. Gen48:11: AndIsrael saiduntoJoseph,I
had notthoughtto see thy face:and,lo,God hath shewedme alsothyseed.,whenJosephbecame a
slave (37:30: Andhe returneduntohisbrethren,andsaid,The childisnot; andI, whithershall Igo?)
Jacob thoughthe was deadandweptindespair.ButeventuallyGodsplanallowedJacobtoregainnot
onlyhissonbut grandchildrenas
well.Circumstancesare neversobadthat theyare beyondGodshelp.Jacobregainedhisson,inlike
manner,Jobregainedanewfamily(Job42:10-17), and Mary regainedherbrotherLazarus(John11:1-44)
we neednotdespairbecause we belongtoalivingGod,we neverknow whatgoodhe will bringoutof a
seeminglyhopelesssituation. 1 Chron22:1: ThenDavidsaid,Thisis the house of the LORD God, and this
isthe altarof the burnt offeringforIsrael. outof David’stragicmistakesbegotthe purchase of a plotof
landthat wouldbecome the site of God’stemple,the symbolof God’spresence amonghispeople.
Everytime the people wenttothe temple theywouldrememberthatGod istheirtrue kingand that
everyone includingthe king,ishuman,fallible,andsubjecttosin.God can use evenoursinful actsfor
goodpurposes,if we are sorry for themandseekhisforgiveness.Whenwe confessoursins,the wayis
openedforGodto work
good froma bad situation. John11:4: WhenJesusheardthat, he said,Thissicknessisnotuntodeath,
but forthe gloryof God, that the Sonof God mightbe glorifiedthereby.anydifficultsituationabeliever
facescan ultimatelybringglorytoGodbecause God can bringgoodout of anybad situation.When
trouble comes,doyouwhine,complain,andblame God,ordo you see yourproblemsasopportunities
to honorhim? Trulybecause the livingGodisthe “I AM”, that whichhe says,he shall doand he keeps
hiscovenantto those whowill staysteadfastwithhim.There isnogoodthingthatGod wouldwithhold
fromthose whowill walkuprightly.Thisdayseektoplease God,seektowalkuprightly,andseekto
obeyGod.And there isno goodthinghe withholdsfromyou.
As I was praying I saw in vision people crouched very low to the ground, crawling.
They were crawling in the presence of God, because they were smitten with His
humility glory, and weeping over their sins. The Lord told me that He desires a people
who will crawl before Him in humility of mind and heart, realizing their utter
wretchedness and need of Him. He said that too many of His people want to come to
Him as the Pharisee (Luke 18:11) but He wants them as the publican (Luke 18:13). He
also told me that He literally wants His people to crawl in repentance that He may
bathe them in the humility waters of deeper repentance. Let us not be so haughty, so
proud, so self-glorying that we refuse the crawling position before the Lord, and
likewise lose out on His humility glory. The Lord told me that He literally craves a
people who will see their utter sinfulness and cry out in need and desperation unto
As you begin the new year, it is important to begin having first been reconciled with Christ and
secondly to your foes and friends. You deny yourself blessings by failing to forgive or being
reconciled to others. Expect no mercy from God if you can’t show mercy. I couldn’t get a better
prayer than the Prayer for Graciousness Towards Others one written below by Gordon
MacDonald (Easter 2006). (It is written in the American context, but the principles of
understanding gracious reconciliation should still be evident no matter what your context.)
Heavenly Father,
Help me remember that the jerk who cut me off in traffic last night is a single mother who
worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the
laundry and spend a few precious minutes with her children.
Help me to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can’t make change
correctly is a worried 19 year old college student, balancing his worry over final exams with his
fear of not knowing what to do with life.
Remind me, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day
(who really ought to get a job, Lord!) is a slave to addictions and mental illness that I can only
imagine in my worst nightmares.
Help me to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and
blocking my shopping progress is a couple that is savoring this moment, knowing that, based on
the biopsy report she got back last week, this could be one of the last trips to the store together.
Heavenly Father, remind me that sooner rather than later I will breath my last.
Remind me each day that life is too short to stay angry.
Remind me that you see us all as precious and that I should see everyone that way too. Remind
me that it is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Let me be slow to judge and
quick to forgive.
Remind me, O Lord, to live and love just as Jesus did.
In the name of the One who took your anger so we wouldn’t have to. Amen
It is very important for any child of God to have knowledge of foundations. Without this
knowledge, many battles will be lost and the believer will not live to see the goodness of the
Lord in the land of the living. Foundations are the core hiding places of our enemies.such realms
are controlled by evil/wicked kings. Altars are activated from them and gates open at their
prompting. Destroying the three: foundations, altars and gates will give the believer a great
breakthrough in life. The enemy will always run to hide in the foundations if they have not been
destroyed only to surface again. Prayer and fasting is highly recommended when destroying
such. But first, what are foundations. Destroying foundations is like releasing a powerful bomb
in the stronghold of the enemy. Share my notes with me and pray for the Holy Spirit to open
your eyes as you read.
The Bible talks extensively about foundations
Foundations are the beginning; the core. Mountains, cities, the world and even the heavens have
a foundation (Deut 32:22; 2Sam 22:8; 2Sam 22:16, Ezra 4:12)
God’s fire out of his anger can burn every foundation. Deut 32:22, Lam 4:11
At the rebuke of the LORD, hidden foundations can be seen. 2 Sam 22:16
Foundations that stand are strongly build. Ezra 6:3
Foundations are not only laid but fastened. Job 38:6
Every foundation has a cornerstone.Job 38:6
Good foundations/ foundations for the righteous can be destroyed. Ps 11:13. If it happens, what
should the righteous do? (Nothing can exist without a foundation. When a good foundation has
been destroyed, an evil or weak foundation is build)
The foundations of the earth have been laid by the Lord. Isa 51:13,16
God is able to lay foundations of those tossed with tempest and not comforted with sapphires,
and their stones with fair colours. Isa 54:11. This means that there is a relationship between
suffering and foundations.
We are called to raise up foundations of many generations. We shall repair breaches and build
old waste places. Isa 58:12
Foundations for the wicked can be fallen, walls thrown down by God’s vengeance Jer50:15.
They can also be broken down Ez 30:4
God promised to overthrow Samaria and reveal/discover/expose her foundations. Micah 1:6
Foundations can hear. Micah 6:2
Mountains (representing anything exalting itself high or great hindrance) have a foundation.De
Earthquakes can destroy or shake foundations. Acts 16:26
When foundations are shaken, doors are opened and prisoners/captives are set free.Acts 16:26
The city of heaven (where the throne of God is) has a foundation. The builder and maker is God.
Heb 11:10
The city of new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations Rev 21:14
The church is build upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, but Jesus is the chief corner
stone.Eph 2:20
How are the foundations of your life, family, job, home, church etc?
{{How do you wage war against an enemy: When enemies attack, you pursue them, killing and
destroying what they rely on on the way. Some will run back to the city where they were sent
from. Still you pursue them. They will try to close the gates of their cities. You need to use
powerful weapons to destroy the gates. You should follow them and destroy them further. Some
may hide. Once inside, you should destroy whatever holds them together as a people, the heart of
their livelihood. Religion has been used to turn people into radicals, especially terrorists. You
cannot destroy them fully without destroying it. This acts as their altar. If you still want to
exterminate them, you souls blow up the entire stronghold down to its roots.
In spiritual warfare, you ought to pursue your enemies, destroying them on the way, till they
enter into the safety of their strongholds. Destroy the gates they thrive in. once inside, destroy
their altars. Burn them up, uproot and overthrow their kingdom which is part of their wicked
Another way can be using spiritual weapons to bomb the entire city/stronghold. This will silence
your enemies. Here below are some prayer bullets developed for such warfare.
• You, o LORD have created foundations.
• Arise, o my God in the name of Jesus and take control of my foundations
• You have given me power and authority to destroy all the works of the enemy (Luke 10:19)
• I put on the full armour of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the
belt of truth, shoes in readiness of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the
Spirit in Jesus name.
• I release the fire of God against foundations that speak against my life in Jesus name.
• O LORD, rebuke foundations that stand against my life and lay them bare in Jesus name.
• I release a mighty earthquake upon every foundation that speaks against my family, my
business, my health, …. In Jesus name.
• I run to you o LORD that you may hide me in foundations of the righteous.
• I throw down the walls of wicked foundations in Jesus name. o Lord , throw them down by
your vengeance in Jesus name.
• Arise o LORD, and expose foundations that oppose me in Jesus name.
• I overcome every evil foundation today from my fathers house with the blood of Jesus.
• I silence every evil voice against my life coming from wicked foundations in Jesus name
• I destroy every fastening of wicked foundations in my life with the fire of the living God.
• Hear the word of God you foundations that oppose me, be thrown into the sea in Jesus name
• O Lord, lay the foundations of my life/marriage/ family/children/ church/ village etc
• Lay my foundations o LORD with saphires and stones of fair colours. Be the cornerstone of my
life/ family/ church/health in Jesus name etc
• I uproot every mountain that stands before me from its foundations in Jesus name
• Let the foundations that stand against my life be shaken, and let the doors and gates therein be
• Let prisoners be set free in Jesus name
• I will rise and raise up foundations of righteousness for many generations in Jesus name
Psalm2 Overview
Psa_2:1, The kingdom of Christ; Psa_2:10, Kings are exhorted to accept it.
Chapter Outline
Threatenings againstthe enemiesof Christ’skingdom.(1-6)
Promise toChristas the Head of thiskingdom.(7-9)
Counsel toall,toespouse itsinterests.(10-12)
Genesis3 Overview
Gen_3:1, The serpent deceives Eve; Gen_3:6, Both she and Adam transgress the divine
command, and fall into sin and misery; Gen_3:8, God arraigns them; Gen_3:14, The serpent is
cursed; Gen_3:15, The promised seed; Gen_3:16, The punishment of mankind; Gen_3:21, Their
first clothing; Gen_3:22, Their expulsion from paradise.
Chapter Outline
The serpentdeceivesEve.(1-5)
Adamand Eve transgressthe Divine command,andfall intosinandmisery.(6-8)
God callsuponAdamand Eve to answer.(9-13)
The serpentcursed,The promisedSeed.(14,15)
The punishmentof mankind.(16-19)
The firstclothingof mankind.(20,21)
Adamand Eve are drivenoutfromparadise.(22-24)
Genesis4 Overview
Gen_4:1, The birth, occupation, and offering of Cain and Abel; Gen_4:8, Cain murders his
brother Abel; Gen_4:11, The curse of Cain; Gen_4:17, Has a son called Enoch, and builds a city,
which he calls after his name; Gen_4:18, His descendants, with Lamech and his two wives;
Gen_4:25, The birth of Seth, Gen_4:26, and Enos.
Mathew 3 Overview
Mat_3:1, John preaches. His office, life, and baptism; Mat_3:7, He reprehends the Pharisees,
Mat_3:13. and baptizes Christ in Jordan.
Mathew 4 Overview
Mat_4:1, Christ, fasting forty days, is tempted of the devil and ministered unto by angels;
Mat_4:12, He dwells in Capernaum; Mat_4:17, begins to preach; Mat_4:18, calls Peter and
Andrew, Mat_4:21. James and John; v.23, teaches and heals all the diseased.
I say that itis a goodthingand a sweetthing, itisa blessedthingtowalkinthe truth that I provide,to
be upliftedinthe joyousnessof mypresence,tobe upliftedinthe powerandthe gloryof who I am.I say
if it isme thatyou lookunto,I saythat you will be upliftedandbroughtforth.Isaythat you will be
pointedinthe waythat ismy truth,my light,mystrength,myglory.I saythat it isme the LivingGod
whowill upliftthee andbringthee forth,itisme the LivingGodwhowill purpose thee,itisme the
LivingGodwho will cause thee tobe glad.I say whenitisme that you lookunto,I saythat you will be
gravitatedtothe lightthat I provide.ButIsay that if you looktothe plotsof the wicked,youwill be
ensnaredandentangledforIsaythat theywill seduce thee.Isaythat theywill take thee awayfromthe
truth,the light,the strength,the gloryof whoIam.
Gen 18:25: That be far fromthee to doafter thismanner,toslaythe righteouswiththe wicked:and
that the righteousshouldbe asthe wicked,thatbe far fromthee:Shall notthe Judge of all the earthdo
right?was God beingunfairtothe people of Sodom?Didhe reallyintendtodestroythe goodandthe
wicked?Onthe contrary Godsfairnessstoodout1. He agreedto spare the entire cityif onlytengodly
people livedthere.2.He showedgreatmercytowardLot, apparently,the onlymaninthe citywhohad
any kindof relationshipwithHIM(andeventhatwas questionable).Godwentsofaras to almostforce
Lot to leave Sodombefore itwasdestroyed.RememberGodspatience whenyouare temptedtothink
he is unfair.Eventhe godliestpeopledeserve his
justice.We shouldbe gladdoesn’tdirecthisjustice ashe didtowardSodomandGomorrah. Aswe
thankand praise God so doeshismerciesaboundtowardsus,andsodoeshislovingkindnesspourout
ingreat abundance.Thisdayletus rejoice thatwe are privilegedtobe Gods people,letusrejoice that
we are privilegedtocall uponhisname.Rejoice andbe glad inChrist,give thanksandpraise.
not the heavenly provision because of their unbelief.
As I was praying I saw a group of lonely, dejected people in a European train station.
They were a sad lot, all huddled together, some were crying, some were angry, some
were depressed. But they seemed hopeless, like there was nothing for them to look
forward to. When I inquired of the Lord as to why they were in such a state, He told
me they were in that condition because they had missed the timing. In other words
they could not go anywhere because their train had come and gone, they were out of
time and missed the opportunity to get on board. The Lord told me that so many of
those who say that they are His do the same thing, they do not move with His timing,
therefore they are the disgruntled, the disheartened, the saddened, the angry. For the
most part they are lonely and dejected because of their refusal to move with God's
Psalms3 Overview
Psa_3:1, The security of God’s protection.
Genesis5 Overview
Gen_5:1, Recapitulation of the creation of man; Gen_5:3, The genealogy, age, and death of the
patriarchs from Adam to Noah; Gen_5:22, The godliness and translation of Enoch; Gen_5:25,
The birth of Noah, etc.
Genesis6 Overview
Gen_6:1, The wickedness of the world, which provoked God’s wrath, and caused the flood;
Gen_6:8, Noah finds grace; Gen_6:9, His generations, etc; Gen_6:14, The order, form,
dimensions, and end of the ark.
Mathew 5 Overview
Mat_5:1, Christ’s sermon on the mount; Mat_5:3, Who are blessed; Mat_5:13, the salt of the
earth; Mat_5:14, the light of the world; Mat_5:17, He came to fulfil the law; Mat_5:21,What it is
to kill; Mat_5:27, to commit adultery; Mat_5:33, to swear; Mat_5:38, He exhorts to suffer
wrong, Mat_5:43. to love our enemies; Mat_5:48, and to labour after perfection.
Mathew 6 Overview
Mat_6:1, Christ continues his sermon on the mount, exhorting not to be careful for worldly
things, Mat_6:33. but to seek God’s kingdom.
I say untothee thisday do notbe entangled,donotbe ensnared,donotbe overwhelmed.Isaywhen
youare givingyourself tothatwhichisfalsityandvanity,youwill be easilyoverwhelmed.Isaythatyou
will be takenawayfromthe truth and swallowed inliesbecause youhave listenedtodeceit.ButIsay
whenyouare walkinginthe soundprinciplesthatIthe LivingGod dogive untothee I say that youwill
be able to keepawayfromthose seducingenticementsthatthe enemywouldsendatthee tobeguile
thee.Isay that oftentimesthe enemywill sendthe forcesof darkness,Isaythat he will sendthe forces
of darknesstodevourthee againandagain.But I say that if youwill steadfastlymaintainthe truthand
walkinthe same,Isay that youare kept.I saythat you are upliftedinthe gloriouslightthatIdelightto
provide untothee.
Joshua7:12 Therefore the childrenof Israel couldnotstandbefore theirenemies,butturnedtheir
backs before theirenemies,because theywereaccursed:neitherwillIbe withyouany more,exceptye
destroythe accursedfromamong you.
Why didAdam’ssinbringjudgmentonthe entire nation?Thoughitwasone mansfailure,Godsawitas
national disobedience to anational aw.God neededthe entirenationtobe committedtothe jobthey
had agreedtodo, conquerthe land.Thus,whenpersonfailed,everyonefailed.If Adam’ssinwent
unpunished,unlimitedlootingwouldbreakout.The nationasa whole hadto take responsibilityfor
preventingthis. Adam’ssinwasnot the mere act of keepingsome of the butyl whichwasallowedin
some case,but the disobediencetoGod’sexplicitcommandtodestroyeverythingconnectedwiththis
city.His sinwasindifference tothe evil andidolatryof the city,notjusta desire forextramoney.Godis
not contendwithpeople doingwhatisrightsome time,he wantsall of us todo what isrightall the
time.We are underordersfromHIM to ridour livesof anythingthathindersourdevotiontoHIM.God
wouldnotprotectIsrael’sarmyagainuntil the sinwas removedandthe armyreturnedto obeyingHIM
withoutreservation. IndeedGodisthe merciful;he isthe abundantandthe omnipresent.ThankHIM
eventhisday,that He is yourGod, yourmaker andyour source.Lookneithertothe leftnor the right,
but looktoChriststeadfastlybeholdingthe goodnessHe is.Rejoice inthe Lordthisday,be gladand give
thanksthat he is indeedthe Godwhokeepscovenants,the Godof goodness, the Godof mercy.
Today when I was praying I saw a woman sitting in the middle of a bunch of clay
pots. But as I looked closer, all of the pots were empty. They had no oil in them. I
asked the Lord what it meant, He told me, "She has the vessels but no oil because she
does not believe in my ability to provide. So she sits with her empty pots." He went on
to explain to me that many of His people were like this woman, they had no oil, no
infilling, because they did not believe in Him. They have the material provision but
not the heavenly provision because of their unbelief.
Psalm4 Overview
Psa_4:1, David prays for audience; Psa_4:2, He reproves and exhorts his enemies; Psa_4:6,
Man’s happiness is in God’s favour.
Psa_22:1, Psa_42:1, Psa_45:1 *titles 1Ch_25:1-6
Genesis7 Overview
Gen_7:1, Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the ark, and the flood begins;
Gen_7:17, The increase and continuance of the flood for forty days; Gen_7:21, All flesh is
destroyed by it; Gen_7:24, Its duration.
Genesis8 Overview
Gen_8:1, God remembers Noah, and assuages the waters; Gen_8:4, The ark rests on Ararat;
Gen_8:6, Noah sends forth a raven and then a dove; Gen_8:13, Noah, being commanded, goes
forth from the ark; Gen_8:20, He builds an altar, and offers sacrifice, which God accepts, and
promises to curse the earth no more.
Mathew 7 Overview
Mat_7:1, Christ, continuing his sermon on the mount, reproves rash judgment, etc; Mat_7:28,
Christ ends his sermon, and the people are astonished.
Mathew 8 Overview
Mat_8:1, Christ cleanses the leper; Mat_8:5, heals the centurion’s servant, Mat_8:14. Peter’s
mother in law, Mat_8:16. and many other diseased; Mat_8:18, shows how he is to be followed;
Mat_8:23, stills the tempest on the sea; Mat_8:28, drives the devils out of two men possessed;
Mat_8:31, and suffers them to go into the swine.
I say thisday be gladthat it isme the LivingGodwho doesgive thee the truth,whodoesgive thee the
light,,whodoesgive thee the mercy.Be gladthatit isby me that youcan be directedinthe waythat I
have ordained,the waythatI have intended.Isayif youwill be cleavingunto me,Isay thatyou will be
broughtforth.I say that youwill be giventhe lightthatIthe LivingGoddesire thee towalkinall of thy
days.Therefore Isaydo not be fretful,norfearful,butIsaybe lookinguntome.Isay thatif itis me that
youlookunto,it isme whowill upliftthee andgive thee mylight.Itisme that youlookunto,itis me
whowill upliftthee andgive theemypeace.Isaythat it isme the LivingGodwho will show thee the
waythat I have intended,the waythatismy truth,my power,myglory.It isme the LivingGodwhowill
showthee the waythat I have intended,the waythatisthe way of life,the wayof strength,the wayof
power,the wayof glory.
1 Sam 13:9And Saul said,Bring hithera burnt offeringtome,andpeace offerings.Andhe offeredthe
burntoffering. Ratherthanwaitfor a priest,Saul offeredthe sacrifice himself.Thiswasagainstthe law
(Num18:5And ye shall keepthe charge of the sanctuary,and the charge of the altar: that there be no
wrath any
more uponthe childrenof Israel.).Underpressurefromthe approachingPhilistines,he tookmatters
intohisownhands anddisobeyedGod.He wasdoinga good thingofferingasacrifice toGodbefore a
crucial battle,buthe diditat the wrongtime andin the wrongway.Our true spiritual characteris
revealedunderpressure,aswe sawSaul’s.The methodswe use toaccomplishourgoal are as important
as the attainmentof the goals. The wayof God isdirect,spotless andundefined;indeedthe waythat
God takesisthe waythat a man needstobe taking.Therefore donotdoubtGodbut believeHIM,I
knowthat he is able andrejoice inhistendermercieshe givestous.For God givesthose merciesdayby
Today I was praying and I saw several men and women in vision. They had one thing
in common, they were all reaching out. Each one was reaching out for someone or
something that was missing. One man was reaching for his wife, but she was gone,
another woman was reaching for her husband but he was dead, another woman was
reaching for her child, but the child was gone, another man was reaching out for his
mother but she was dead. Every one of them was reaching, reaching, and only gaining
emptiness. The Lord told me that they were reaching in vain because all that they
thought could comfort them was gone, and He wanted to comfort them, but instead of
reaching out to Him, they continued to reach out to only memories of those things
they imagined were comforting. The Lord told me that if His people would reach out
to Him that He would delight in comforting them in every circumstance. He said that
when people reach out to Him, they are filled with His comforts to such a degree that
they are able to give those comforts to others.
Psalm5 Overview
Psa_5:1, David prays, and professes his study in prayer; Psa_5:4, God favours not the wicked;
Psa_5:7, David, professing his faith, prays to God to guide him; Psa_5:10, to destroy his
enemies; Psa_5:11, and to preserve the godly.
Genesis9 Overview
Gen_9:1, God blesses Noah and his sons, and grants them flesh for food; Gen_9:4, Blood and
murder are forbidden; Gen_9:8, God’s covenant, of which the rainbow was constituted a pledge;
Gen_9:18, Noah’s family replenish the world; Gen_9:20, Noah plants a vineyard; Gen_9:21, Is
drunken, and mocked by his son; Gen_9:25, Curses Canaan; Gen_9:26, Blesses Shem;
Gen_9:27, Prays for Japheth, and dies.
Genesis10 Overview
Gen_10:1, The generations of Noah; Gen_10:2, Japheth; Gen_10:6, Ham; Gen_10:8, Nimrod
the first monarch, and the descendants of Canaan; Gen_10:21, The sons of Shem.
Mathew 9 Overview
Mat_9:1, Christ cures one sick of the palsy; Mat_9:9, calls Matthew from the receipt of
custom; Mat_9:10, eats with publicans and sinners; Mat_9:14, defends his disciples for not
fasting; Mat_9:20, cures the bloody issue; Mat_9:23, raises from death Jairus’ daughter;
Mat_9:27, gives sight to two blind men; Mat_9:32, heals a dumb man possessed of a devil;
Mat_9:36, and has compassion on the multitude.
Mathew 10 Overview
Mat_10:1, Christ sends out his twelve apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles;
Mat_10:5, giving them their charge, teaches them; Mat_10:16, comforts them against
persecutions; Mat_10:40, and promises a blessing to those that receive them.
Therefore Isaybe gladthat itis me that youcan believe in,thatitisme that you can trust in,that itis
me that you can lookuntoagainand again.Be gladto be knowingthatIam the one whowill prove tobe
the rock of refuge,the strength,the glory,the lifeeverlastingintendedforthee.Be gladtobe knowing
that itis not throughanyother butit isthroughme the LivingGodthat ye are upliftedandbrought
forth,and that ye are giventhe hope thatI delighttoprovide thee all of thydays.I say whenitisme that
youlookunto,it isme whowill provide the wayuntothee,itisme whowill providethe lightbefore
thee,itisme whowill keepthee inthe securityof mypresence.
2 Sam 1:16: AndDavidsaid untohim,Thy bloodbe uponthyhead;for thymouth hathtestifiedagainst
thee,saying,Ihave slainthe LORD's anointed.17:AndDavidlamentedwiththislamentationoverSaul
and overJonathanhisson:
Saul had causedmuch trouble forDavid,but whenhe died,Davidcomposedapoemforthe kingand his
son.Davidhad everyreasontohate Saul,yethe chose not to.He chose to lookat the good Saul had
done and ignore the timeswhenSaul hadattackedhim.Ittakescourage to lay aside hatredandhurt in
orderto showrespectto anotherpersonespeciallyanenemy(1kings2:32-Andthe LORD shall return
hisblooduponhisownhead,whofell upontwomenmore righteousandbetterthanhe,and slewthem
withthe sword,myfatherDavidnot knowingthereof,towit,Abnerthe sonof Ner,captainof the host
of Israel,andAmasathe son of Jether,captainof the host of Judah.33: Theirbloodshall
therefore returnuponthe headof Joab,and uponthe headof hisseedforever:butuponDavid,and
uponhisseed,anduponhishouse,andupon histhrone,shall there be peace foreverfromthe LORD.,
37For itshall be,that on the daythou goestout,and passestoverthe brookKidron,thoushaltknowfor
certainthat thoushaltsurelydie:thybloodshall be upon thine ownhead.) It isthe livingGodwhodoes
take us throughthe tryingof our Faith;itis likewise the Lord,the livingGod,whodoescause usto be
strengthened.There afewsome tryingthatmake us hurtinside,theycause usnatural pain,or they
cause us emotional painbutthe livingGodwill take usthroughthese thingsuntilwe painnomore.And
whatit meansby thatis that our thinkingispurifiedandsacrificedtowhere we thinknotuponGods
spiritkingdomandinthat we findourstrengthand our rejoicing.WhenGodhasfinishedwithus,we
shall notpainwiththe
painof the painof men,butwe shall rejoice withChrist,forHe isour God and maker.
Today while I was praying I was taken by the Lord into a realm or dimension of hell.
The people there were crying, and screaming, and whining, and complaining. But they
were not able to have conversations with each other, as each one was completely
absorbed in their own misery and they would not even listen to each other. They were
a very miserable lot of people. Some had pulled out their hair in such anguish and fits
of anger that they only had a few sprigs remaining, others were scratched and
bleeding. One in particular kept pleading for someone, anyone to listen to him and
hear his story of woe. But no one could or would listen, so they all just ranted
incessantly for nothing. But they were in great torments and it seemed as though they
spent all of their time in such a state of ranting, wailing, whining, etc. When I inquired
of the Lord who they were and why they were in such a habitation of despair, He told
me that they were the ones who loved to pity themselves and draw others into their
web of self-pity. The greatest torment they had was that they could not get anyone to
listen to their sad tales and therefore could not draw anyone into their web of self-pity
since every one else was locked into their own pity party. He, the Lord, told me that
many of the ones there had professed to be His people, but they had not followed
Him. Therefore they had been turned over to the thing they loved more than Him, and
that was their self-pity party. He said those who had claimed that they were His
people were liars and rebels because they had refused His command to deny self.
Instead they had chosen to continue to indulge self through the medium of pity, so
they were locked there for eternity in hell fire to burn under the oppression of their
own complaints.
Psalm6 Overview
Psa_6:1, David’s complaint in his sickness; Psa_6:8, He triumphs over his enemies.
Psa_4:1 *title
Genesis11 Overview
Gen_11:1, One language in the world; Gen_11:2, The building of Babel; Gen_11:5, It is
interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the builders dispersed; Gen_11:10, The generations
of Shem; Gen_11:27, The generations of Terah, the father of Abram; Gen_11:31, Terah, with
Abram and Lot, remove from Ur to Haran.
Gen_12:1, God calls Abram, and blesses him with a promise of Christ; Gen_12:4, He departs
with Lot from Haran, and comes to Canaan; Gen_12:6, He journeys through Canaan, Gen_12:7,
which is promised to him in a vision; Gen_12:10, He is driven by famine into Egypt; Gen_12:11,
Fear makes him feign his wife to be his sister; Gen_12:14, Pharaoh, having takenher from him,
by plagues is compelled to restore her; Gen_12:18, He reproves Abram, whom he dismisses.
Mathew11 Overview
Mat_11:1, Johnsends his disciples to Christ; Mat_11:7, Christ’s testimony concerning John;
Mat_11:16, The perverse judgment of the people; Mat_11:20, Christ upbraids Chorazin,
Bethsaida, and Capernaum; Mat_11:25, and praising his Father’s wisdom in revealing the
Gospel to the simple, Mat_11:28. he calls to him all such as feel the burden of their sins.
Mathew12 Overview
Mat_12:1, Christ reproves the blindness of the Pharisees concerning the breach of the
sabbath, Mat_12:3, by scripture, Mat_12:9, by reason, Mat_12:13. and by a miracle; Mat_12:22,
He heals a man possessed that was blind and dumb; Mat_12:24, and confuting the absurd
charge of casting out devils by Beelzebub, he shows that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall
never be forgiven; Mat_12:36, Account shall be made of idle words; Mat_12:38, He rebukes the
unfaithful, who seek after a sign, Mat_12:46. and shows who is his brother, sister, and mother.
I saythat if you will keepcleavinguntome,youwill notbe enticedbyseducing spirits,Isayyouwill be
ledsolidlyforthinthe waythatI have ordained.ButI say whenyouare flirtingwiththose thingsthatare
seduction,of course youwill be ensnaredandentangled.Isaythat youwill be takenawayfromthe
truth that I delighttoprovide untothee.Therefore Isayuntothee thisday lookye untome in faith,and
inhope,and inconfidence forIam the rock of refuge intendedforthee.Lookye untome knowingthat
it isme the LivingGodwhowill upliftthee andgive theemylight.Lookye untome knowingthatitis in
me that you shall be broughtforthand giventhe hope thatI alone can provide thee.ButIsaythat if you
followafterthe plotsof the wicked,Isayyouwill be ensnaredandentangledawayfromthe truth.
2 KINGS15:34-And he didthat whichwasrightin the sightof the LORD: he didaccording toall thathis
fatherUzziahhad done.35:Howbeitthe highplaceswere notremoved:the people sacrificedand
burnedincense stillinthe highplaces.He builtthe highergate of the house of the LORD “Jothamwas a
goodking…….but,”Much goodcan be saidof Jothamand hisreignaskingof Judah,buthe failedina
mostcritical area, he didn’tdestroythe shrinestothe false gods,althoughleavingthemclearlyviolated
the firstcommandment(exodus20:3).Like Jotham, we maylive basicallygoodlivesandyetmissdoing
what ismost important.A lifetime of doingwell isnotenoughif we make the crucial mistake of not
followingGodwithall ourhearts.A true followerof GodputsHIM first.(2 kings15:4Save that the high
placeswere notremoved:the peoplesacrificedandburntincense still onthe highplaces.) God takes
us throughvariousthingst5o conformusto the image of the son,JesusChrist,toconformus to the life
of the newkingdom.Therefore donotbegrudge those thingsbutrejoice fortheypurge outthe old,and
bringintoyou the new.Therefore rejoice daybydayinthe Lord.
Today by vision I saw several men seated at a very long feasting table. The table was
laden with the finest and richest of foods. There was abundance of meat and fowl of
every description, plus many, many rich and luxurious foods. The men were all
excessively fat, yet they kept on eating and eating and eating. They were being served
by people who were very thin and weak looking, yet they kept moving swiftly as one
fat man after another would demand another dish be brought to the already over-
burdened table. The men at the table carried an aura of pride and superiority, and they
were especially abusive towards those who were waiting on them. Outside of the
building were several of the thin people who were lying down from exhaustion and
weakness. Some of the fat men had eaten so much they had vomited on the table and
had fallen face forward into the same as they still retained their places at the table.
Actually it was a very ugly sight as the men at the table never seemed to have enough
although they were already overly fat. I inquired of the Lord what it meant and He
told me that the fat ones are those shepherds who feed themselves and refuse to feed
His sheep. He said that many of them were so intoxicated that they would lie in their
own vomit, then rise up and keep on eating again. (Ezekial 34:2-10 & Isaiah 28:8)
The Lord told me that what He had shown me is how many of the "pastors" of today's
churches appear to Him. He said that they would have severe judgment when they
stand before Him and that they would suffer acutely for their selfishness and
Stagnancy Must Die
1. Thank God for what He has done for you this year.
2. Let frustration and disappointment, be the portion of every object fashioned against my
life and family, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every tie to polluted objects and items between my life and family, break, in the name of
4. Every unspoken curse against my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every curse pronounced inwardly against my destiny, break, in the name of Jesus.
6. You inward curses, militating against my virtues, break, in the name of Jesus.
7. Any power given the mandate to curse and hinder y progress, summersault and die, in the
name of Jesus.
8. Let every spirit of Balaam hired to curse my progress, fall down and die, in the name of
9. Every curse that I have brought into my life through ignorance and disobedience, break
by fire, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every power magnetizing physical and spiritual curses to me, I raise the blood of Jesus
against you and I challenge you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
11. Father, Lord, turn all my self-imposed curses to blessings, in the name of Jesus.
12. Every instrument, put in place to frustrate me become impotent, in the name of Jesus.
13. I reject every cycle of frustration, in the name of Jesus.
14. Every agent assigned to frustrate me, perish by fire, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every power tormenting Nigeria, die by the sword, in the name of Jesus.
16. I destroy the power of every satanic arrest in my life, in the name of Jesus.
17. All satanic-arresting agents, release me in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
18. Everything that is representing me in the demonic world against my career, be destroyed
by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
19. Spirit of the living God, quicken the whole of my being, in the name of Jesus.
20. God, smash me and renew my strength, in the name of Jesus.
21. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible to the invisible, in the name of Jesus.
22. Lord, ignite my career with Your fire.
23. O Lord, liberate my spirit to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
24. Holy Spirit, teach me to pray through problems instead of praying about, it in the name of
25. O Lord, deliver me from the lies I tell myself.
26. Every evil spiritual padlock and evil chain hindering my success, be roasted, in the name
of Jesus.
27. I rebuke every spirit of spiritual deafness and blindness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
28. O Lord, empower me to resist satan that he would flee.
29. I chose to believe the report of the Lord and no other, in the name of Jesus.
30. Lord, anoint my eyes and my ears that they may see and hear wondrous things from
31. O Lord, anoint me to pray without ceasing.
32. In the name of Jesus, I capture every power behind any career failure.
33. Holy Spirit, rain on me now, in the name of Jesus.
34. Holy Spirit, uncover my darkest secrets, in the name of Jesus.
35. You spirit of confusion, loose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus.
36. In the power of the Holy Spirit, I defy satan’s power upon my career, in the name of
37. Let water of life flush out every unwanted stranger in my life, in the name of Jesus.
38. You the enemies of my career, be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.
39. O Lord, begin to clean away from my life all that does not reflect You.
40. Holy Spirit fire, ignite me to the glory of God, in the name of Jesus.
41. Oh Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Spirit break every yoke of backwardness in my
42. I frustrate every demonic arrest over my spirit-man, in the name of Jesus.
43. Let the blood of Jesus remove any unprogressive label from every aspect of my life, in
Jesus’ name.
44. Anti-breakthrough decrees, be revoked, in the name of Jesus.
45. Holy Ghost fire, destroy every satanic garments in my life, in the name of Jesus.
46. Begin to thank God.
Psalm 7 Overview
Psa_7:1, David prays against the malice of his enemies, professing his innocency; Psa_7:10,
By faith he sees his defence, and the destruction of his enemies.
Shiggaion probably denotes a mournful song or, elegy, from the Arabic shaga, to be anxious,
sorrowful. Hab_3:1
Genesis13 Overview
Gen_13:1, Abram and Lot return with great riches out of Egypt; Gen_13:6, Strife arises
between Abram’s herdsmen and those of Lot; Gen_13:8, Abram meekly refers it to Lot to choose
his part of the country, Gen_13:10, and Lot goes to Sodom; Gen_13:14, God renews the promise
to Abram; Gen_13:18, He removes to Hebron, and there builds an altar.
Genesis14 Overview
Gen_14:1, The battle of four kings against the king of Sodom and his allies; Gen_14:12, Lot is
taken prisoner; Gen_14:14, Abram rescues him; Gen_14:17, Melchizedek blesses Abram at his
return, who gives him tithes; Gen_14:21, The rest of the spoil, his partners having had their
portions he restores to the king of Sodom.
Mathew 13 Overview
Mat_14:1, Herod’s opinion of Christ; Mat_14:3, Wherefore John Baptist was beheaded;
Mat_14:13, Jesus departs into a desert place, Mat_14:15. where he feeds five thousand men with
five loves and two fishes; Mat_14:22, He walks on the sea to his disciples; Mat_14:34, and
landing at Gennesaret, heals the sick by the touch of the hem of his garment.
Mathew 14 Overview
Mat_14:1, Herod’s opinion of Christ; Mat_14:3, Wherefore John Baptist was beheaded;
Mat_14:13, Jesus departs into a desert place, Mat_14:15. where he feeds five thousand men with
five loves and two fishes; Mat_14:22, He walks on the sea to his disciples; Mat_14:34, and
landing at Gennesaret, heals the sick by the touch of the hem of his garment.
I say there are many evennowtheyhave foundthemselvesinawebof deceit,Isaytheylive in
confusiondaybyday.I say theylive indelusionandmadnessbecause theirheartsare farfrom me.I say
theyhave followedaftervanity,theyhave followedaftervexation,stupidityanddarkness.Isaybecause
of theirfollowingtheyare takenawayfromthe truththat I delighttoprovide.Isaywhywill youfollow
that whichwill take thee intoaweb,whywill youfollow thatwhichwill ensnare thee andentangle
thee?Isay that it isstupiditytoturnaway fromthe soundnessof the truth,that I provide thee andturn
untothat whichisdeception.Isaywhenyouare turningto deceptionyouare turningtothat whichis
literallydestruction.Isaythat I the LivingGod have nevercalledthee tobe destroyed,butIhave called
thee to be broughtforth.I say that I have calledthee tobe upliftedinthe gloriousrealmsof lightthatI
can provide untothee all of thydays.I say that I have calledthee tocome forthin the truth of who I am
that youcouldbe made glad,that youcouldbe givingthanks,thatyou couldbe givingpraise.
Job1:1There wasa manin the landof Uz, whose name wasJob;and that man wasperfectandupright,
and one
that fearedGod,and eschewedevil.Jobwascalledagoodman because he fearedGod;he respected,
worshippedandobeyedHIM.He wasalsocalledgoodbecause he stayedawayfromevil.He didnot
allowsintocreepintohis life ortemptationtoovercome him.Beingagoodpersonismore thanobeying
God’slaws;it requiresall the above characteristics.Inlightof these canyoube calledagood person?
There are manywholive invexation,oppressionandtormentbecause theywill notyieldthemselvesto
JesusChrist.Butthe way of Gods peace isyieldedtoGodand to hiswill.Fornomenmay fightagainst
God and win.Andnowomanwill prevail overGod.
Today I saw Jesus on the cross, and He told me to look at His back. His back was
horribly lacerated and bloody. It actually was a very sad thing to look upon. Then He
asked me, "Do you see the pain I have suffered that you could be healed? It is
finished, by these stripes it is already done." As He spoke those words and I gazed
upon the agony and pain, I realized that yes, it was completed, and it is our job to
stand upon that and not be shaken from it. I told the Lord Jesus that I was so thankful
that He bore our infirmities to such an extent, and something in my heart broke at the
pathetic sight of our beloved who has suffered so acutely to free us from the
stronghold of Satan. I also realized that never again would I side with sickness or
affliction after seeing what Jesus had done to free me from the same. This vision came
at just the right time, as the Lord gave me a healing I had been seeking for as I stood
on the vision and declared the healing completed.
Psalm8 Overview
Psa_8:1, God’s glory is magnified by his works, and by his love to man.
Psa_81:1, Psa_84:1 *titles
Genesis15 Overview
Gen_15:1, God encourages Abram, who complains for want of anheir; Gen_15:4, God
promises him a son, and a multiplying of his seed; Gen_15:6, Abram is justified by faith;
Gen_15:7, Canaanis promised again, and confirmed by a sign, and a vision, prophetic of the
condition of his posterity till brought out of Egypt.
Genesis16 Overview
Gen_16:1, Sarai, being barren, gives Hagar to Abram; Gen_16:4, Hagar, being afflicted for
despising her mistress, runs away; Gen_16:7, An angel commands her to return and submit
herself, promises her a numerous posterity, and shows their character and condition;
Gen_16:13, Hagar names the place, and returns to Sarai; Gen_16:15, Ishmael is born;
Gen_16:16, The age of Abram.
Mathew 15 Overview
Mat_15:1, Christ reproves the Scribes and Pharisees for transgressing God’s commandments
through their own traditions; Mat_15:10, teaches how that which goes into the mouth does not
defile a man; Mat_15:21, He heals the daughter of the woman of Canaan, Mat_15:29. and other
great multitudes; Mat_15:32, and with seven loaves and a few little fishes feeds four thousand
men, beside women and children.
Mathew 16 Overview
Mat_16:1, The Pharisees require a sign; Mat_16:5, Jesus warns his disciples of the leaven of
the Pharisees and Sadducees; Mat_16:13, The people’s opinion of Christ, Mat_16:16. and Peter’s
confession of him; Mat_16:21,Jesus foretells his death; Mat_16:23, reproves Peter for
dissuading him from it; Mat_16:24, and admonishes those that will follow him, to bear the
I say that itis inme the LivingGodthat youfindthe truth, thatyou findthe light,that youfindthe
strength,the power,the glory.Itisin me the LivingGod that youshall be broughtforthby a plainpath
for I shall bringthee forth.If youwill walkinthe lightdaybyday,by day, thatI provide untothee.Isay
that youwill be spared fromthe plotsof the wickedthathave beendevisedagainstthee.Therefore Isay
thisday do notbe entangled,donotbe ensnared,donotbe overwhelmed,andovertaken.ButIsay be
broughtforthin the way thatI provide thee foritis the wayof mytruth. I say be broughtforthin the
waythat I provide thee thatisthe way of my light.
(1 Sam22) Psalm52:1Why boastest thouthyself inmischief,Omightyman?the goodnessof God
endureth continually. Doegthoughthe wasa great hero-evenboastingabouthisdeed.Inreality,hisdid
was evil,anoffensetoGod.It iseasyto mistake “accomplishment”withgoodness.Justbecause
somethingisdone wellorthoroughdoesn’tmeanitisgood“for example,someonemaybe a great
gambleror a skillfulliar.”Measure all youdobythe rule of God’sword notby how proficientlyyoudoit.
Therefore whenyouwouldseethose whoare vexed,oppressedandtormentedofferthemthe wayof
Gods peace.Forsome have not heard,othershave rejected,butofferJesus
Christagain andagain,for he is the onlydeliverance toman.He is the onlypeace.
The Lord took me by vision to hell again and showed me a horrid place where men
and women were so ugly and grotesque. They were surrounded by bones, skulls, and
bloody body parts of other humans. They were gnawing on parts of the bodies and
looking at each other with lust for flesh and blood. The stench of that place was
absolutely revolting, the creatures (humans) there were hideous. They were extremely
restless and seemed as though they were in complete vexation. They were tormented
with the screams and cries of those bodies that were strewn around their habitation, as
the cries of the ones murdered could still be heard. These creatures could find no place
of quiet or peace from the screams and cries of the murdered ones. Even though they
were still eating, they could find no joy in the flesh of the men they had killed,
instead, they were never satisfied and were tormented day and night by the never
ending screams and cries. Plus they were in constant fear because they were afraid of
being murdered and eaten by the co-inhabitants of their place of torment. So not only
were they tortured by the screams and cries, but they were tormented under continual
fear that they themselves would be murdered and eaten. The Lord told me that this
was the place of habitation for those who were cannibals --who killed other human
beings in order to eat their flesh and drink their blood. It was indeed a wicked, vile,
place of habitation.
Psalm9 Overview
Psa_9:1, David praises God for executing judgment; Psa_9:11, He incites others to praise him;
Psa_9:13, He prays that he may have cause to praise him.
Probably, “the death of the champion:” so the Chaldee has, “A Psalm of David, to be sung
concerning the death of the man who went out between (mibbeyney) the camps;” evidently
considering labben, of the same import as bainayim, “a middle-man or champion,” as Goliath is
termed, 1Sa_17:4, concerning whose defeat this psalm is generally supposed to have been
Genesisn17 Overview
Gen_17:1, God renews the covenant with Abram, and changes his name to Abraham, in token
of a greater blessing; Gen_17:9, Circumcision is instituted; Gen_17:15, Sarai’s name is changed
to Sarah, and she is blessed; Gen_17:17, Isaac is promised, and the time of his birth fixed;
Gen_17:23, Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised.
Genesis18 Overview
Gen_18:1, The Lord appears to Abraham, whoentertains angels; Gen_18:9, Sarah is reproved
for laughing at the promise of a son; Gen_18:16, The destruction of Sodom is revealed to
Abraham; Gen_18:23, Abraham makes intercession for the inhabitants.
Mathew 17 Overview
Mat_17:1, The transfiguration of Christ; Mat_17:14, He heals the lunatic, Mat_17:22. foretells
his own passion, Mat_17:24. and pays tribute.
Mathew 18 Overview
Mat_18:1, Christ warns his disciples to be humble and harmless, Mat_18:7, to avoid offences,
Mat_18:10. and not to despise the little ones; Mat_18:15, teaches how we are to deal with our
brethren when they offend us, Mat_18:21. and how oft to forgive them; Mat_18:23, which he
sets forth by a parable of the king that took account of his servants, Mat_18:32. and punished
him who shewed no mercy to his fellow.
I say walkye uprightlyinthe light,givingthanksandpraise thatI alone am thyGod. I say walkye
uprightlyinthe same,givingthanksandpraise thatI am the one whowill upliftthee andguide thee,and
directthee againand again.I saythat if it isme that youlookuntoin faith,if itisme that youwill believe
in,it isof me that youwill receive.ButIsay that if you will believe the cunninglydevisedfablesof
wickedmen,Isay youwill be entangledinthe same.Isay the LivingGodhave nevercalledthee tosuch
entanglementbutIsay thatI have calledthee tothe righteousnessof whoIam.I say that I have called
thee to walkinthe truth that I provide thee all of thydays.
Jer 17:5-8Thus saiththe LORD; Cursedbe the man that trustethinman,and makethfleshhisarm,and
whose heartdepartethfromthe LORD.6: Forhe shall be like the heathinthe desert,andshall notsee
whengoodcometh;butshall inhabitthe parchedplacesinthe wilderness,inasaltlandand not
inhabited.7:Blessedisthe manthattrustethinthe LORD, and whose hope the LORDis.8: For he shall be
as a tree plantedbythe waters,and that spreadethoutherrootsby the river,andshall notsee when
heatcometh,buther leaf shall be green;andshall notbe careful inthe year
of drought,neithershall cease fromyieldingfruit.Twokindsof people are contrastedhere,the wicked
and the righteous.The wicked,specificallyJudah,trustfalse godsandmilitaryalliancesinsteadof God,
and thusare barrenand unfruitful.The righteousplace theirconfidence inGod,sotheyflourishlike
treesplantedbywater.Intimesof trouble,the wickedare alreadyimprovisedandspirituallyweak,so
theyhave no strengthtodraw on. But the righteoushave abundantstrength,notonlyfortheirpersonal
needs,butevenforthose of others.Are yousatisfiedwithbeingunfruitful,ordoyou,like a well
wateredtree,have strengthforthe time of crisisandevensome toshare?(Psa2:12, 34:8, 125:1, 146:5;
Pro 16:20, Isa 30:18, Jb 8:16, Ps1:3) Rejoice thisdaythatwe have Christand that he is our peace.Find
your refuge inJesusChristforhe shall keepyourrejoice eventhisdaythatitis the livingGodwho
shall keepus.Do not relyon menfor solutionsfortheyare notsolutionsatall.Butthe livingGodis the
solutionandthose whowill come toJesusChrist,he shall keeptheminpeace.
As I was praying, I saw in vision men and women with pig faces. They were strutting
around, laughing, joking, slapping each other on the back. Actually they were
grotesque, they were intermingled with other human beings who were normal looking
with somewhat of a divine glow to their faces. I asked the Lord who these "pig faces"
were. He told me they were the "spots" (Jude 12) in the feasts of love. He told me they
were the swine who trample the pearls. He said they are swine in His sight because
they do not fear Him.
Psalm10 Overview
Psa_10:1, David complains of the wicked; Psa_10:12, He prays for remedy; Psa_10:16, He
professes his confidence.
Genesis19 Overview
Gen_19:1, Lot entertains two angels; Gen_19:4, The vicious Sodomites are smitten with
blindness; Gen_19:12, Lot is warned, and in vain warns his sons-in-law; Gen_19:15, He is
directed to flee with his family to the mountains, but obtains leave to go into Zoar; Gen_19:24,
Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed; Gen_19:26, Lot’s wife becomes a pillar of salt; Gen_19:29,
Lot dwells in a cave; Gen_19:31, The incestuous origin of Moab and Ammon.
Genesis20 Overview
Gen_20:1, Abraham sojourns at Gerar; Gen_20:2, Denies his wife, who is taken by
Abimelech; Gen_20:3, Abimelech is reproved for her in a dream; Gen_20:9, He rebukes
Abraham; Gen_20:14, Restores Sarah; Gen_20:16, and reproves her; Gen_20:17, Abimelech
and his family are healed at Abraham’s prayer.
Mathew 19 Overview
Mat_19:1, Christ heals the sick; Mat_19:3, answers the Pharisees concerning divorcement;
Mat_19:10, shows when marriage is necessary; Mat_19:13, receives little children; Mat_19:16,
instructs the young man how to attain eternal life; Mat_19:20, and how to be perfect;
Mat_19:23, tells his disciples how hard it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God;
Mat_19:27, and promises reward to those that forsake anything to follow him.
Mathew 20
Mat_20:1, Christ, by the similitude of the labourers in the vineyard, shows that God is debtor
unto no man; Mat_20:17, foretells his passion; Mat_20:20, by answering the mother of
Zebedee’s children, teaches his disciples to be lowly; Mat_20:29, and gives twoblind men their
Therefore Isayknowthat it isme the LivingGodwhowill give untothee all thatyouhave needof again
and again.Knowthat itis me the LivingGod whowill provide the waybeforethee thatyoucan walkin
me,rejoicingalways.Isaythatif itis me that youcleave unto,if itis me that youbelieve in,Isaythatit
isme whowill upliftthee.Isaythat yesindeed,Iwill bringtheeforthbythe waythat I the LivingGod do
intendforthee.Isay that I intendthee towalkinthe righteousness,towalkinthe truth,towalkin the
declarationthatI dohave for thee.Isay whenyouwill be walkinginthe same,keepingyourselves
unspottedfromthe world,Isay thatyou are kept.Isay that youare broughtforthas onlyI can bring
thee forthand youwill be glad,beingable torejoice alwaysinme.
Matthew5:20 For I sayunto you,That exceptyourrighteousnessshallexceedthe righteousnessof the
scribesandPharisees,ye shall innocase enterinto the kingdomof heaven.The Phariseeswere exacting
and scrupulousintheirattemptstofollow the law,sohow couldJesusreasonablycell ustoa greater
righteousnessthentheirs.The Phariseesweaknesswasthattheywere contenttoobeythe law
it to change theirhearts(or attitudes).Jesuswassayingtherefore thatthe qualityof ourgoodness
needstobe greaterthan that of the Pharisees.We canlookpiousandstill be farfromthe kingdomof
God. God judgesourheartsas well asour deedsforitis inthe heart where ourreal allegiance lies.Be
justas concernedaboutyour attitudes,whichpeopledon’tsee asyouractionswhichare seenbyall.(Kk
18:11, 12; Rm 3:20; Phil3:5-7;Rom 10:10) Rejoice thisdaythatyou have Christand thatHe is your
peace.Rejoice thatHe givesHispeace to you.Rejoice thisdaythatyouneednotlive inmental vexation
all the day long,butthat you mayfindyourpeace in JesusChrist.AgainthankGodthat He isyour God,
your maker,yourpeace andyour refuge.
Today as I was praying I saw a man sitting alone in a large room. He was sickly
looking, with somewhat of a yellowish pallor to his skin. The walls of the room were
made of books. Most of the books were huge, massive volumes. The man was at a
desk and he was frantically going through one of the books. The room had an old,
stale, musty, smell. The man had a frantic, pinched look about him, his hair was
receding and there were deep lines in his face. I asked the Lord what it meant. He told
me that the man was one of those who is ever learning yet never coming to the
knowledge of the truth. The Lord explained to me that His way was simple, pure,
undefiled. The way of the Spirit's teaching and leading into all truth was simple. But
He said many are frustrated as this man because they refuse His way, the way of the
Spirit. II Tim. 3:7
Psalm11 Overview
Psa_11:1, David encourages himself in God against his enemies; Psa_11:4, The providence and
justice of God.
Genesis21 Overview
Gen_21:1, Isaacis born, and circumcised; Gen_21:6, Sarah’s joy; Gen_21:8, Isaac is weaned;
Gen_21:9, Hagar and Ishmael are cast forth; Gen_21:15, Hagar in distress; Gen_21:17, The
angel relieves and comforts her; Gen_21:23, Abimelech’s covenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba.
Genesis22 Overview
Gen_22:1, Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac; Gen_22:3, He gives proof of his faith and
obedience; Gen_22:11, The angel prevents him; Gen_22:13, Isaac is exchanged for a ram;
Gen_22:14, The place is called Jehovah-jireh; Gen_22:15, Abraham is again blessed;
Gen_22:20, The generations of Nahor unto Rebekah.
Mathew 21 Overview
Mat_21:1, Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass; Mat_21:12, drives the buyers and sellers
out of the temple; Mat_21:17, curses the fig-tree; Mat_21:23, puts to silence the priests and
elders, Mat_21:28. and rebukes them by the similitude of the two sons, Mat_21:33. and the
husbandmen who slew such as were sent to them.
Mathew 22 Overview
Mat_22:1, The parable of the marriage of the king’s son; Mat_22:9, The vocation of the
Gentiles; Mat_22:12, The punishment of him that wanted the wedding garment; Mat_22:15,
Tribute ought to be paid to Caesar; Mat_22:23, Christ confutes the Sadducees for the
resurrection; Mat_22:34, answers the lawyer, which is the first and great commandment;
Mat_22:41, and puzzles the Pharisees by a question about the Messias.
I say that itis me the LivingGod whoisthe strength,the truth,the power,the gloryprovideduntothee.
It isme the LivingGodwho isthe way,the life,the strength,the power,the glorythatye are intendedto
live inall of thy days.Therefore Isaythankme andpraise me that you can be reliantuponme,looking
to me,believinginme.Thankme andpraise me that youcan draw of the truth that I give thee andyou
will be keptina soberframe of mind.But I say thatif youtake those thingsthatthe enemywouldoffer
untothee to drinkI say thatyou will become intoxicatedbythe same.Isayyou will be taken awayfrom
the clarity,the purity,of the truth that I delighttoprovide untothee.
Matt 5:20For I say untoyou,That exceptyourrighteousnessshall exceedthe righteousnessof the
scribesandPharisees,ye shall innocase enterintothe kingdomof heaven.JesuswassayingthatHis
listenersneededadifferentkindof goodnessaltogether,notjustamore intense versionof the
Phariseesgoodness.Ourgoodnessmust(1) come fromwhatGod doesinus,not what we can do by
ourselves(2) be Godcentered,notself centered(3) be basedonreference forGod,notapproval from
people and(4) go beyondkeepingthe law tolovingthe principlesbehindit. Thisday thankand praise
God. For He is the resolutionand whenyouwill looktoHim, He isable to resolve tobringforthandto
restore.Thisdaylookto JesusChristandgive thanksand praise toGod.
I was praying and I was given a vision of another habitation in hell. I saw a huge dark
area resembling a cave, to the back of it was a tunnel leading back to another cave-
like room. The people in the first room were surrounded by and intermingled with
snakes. The people were yelling, they were crying, they were screaming. Needless to
say they were tormented and miserable. The prevailing empty cry or plea amongst all
of them was for the "truth". They were pleading for the "truth". They were begging for
the truth. The Lord told me: "These are the deceived, and they have loved it so."
(darkness rather than light). He explained that they had pretended to want truth but
actually loved to be deceived. In fact, they would not accept nor face the truth. They
loved the deceptions of cunning false messengers. The reason that they were deceived
is because they only pretended to want truth, but in reality they preferred to be
Then I was taken to the other large cave-like room. These ones were in even greater
torment than the others. They were talking incessantly to themselves, lying to
themselves even in their torments. Each one was literally bound by snakes which were
like chains upon them. Their deceptions were actually snakes coiled and wrapped
around them. They were held in captivity by these snakes which bound them. The
people in this room were the deceivers who delighted in deceiving others and
Both the deceived and the deceivers were in perpetual torments because they loved
Psalm12 Overview
Psa_12:1, David, destitute of human comfort, craves help of God; Psa_12:3, He comforts
himself with God’s promises, and his judgments on the wicked.
Psa_6:1 *title 1Ch_15:21
Genesis23 Overview
Gen_23:1, The age and death of Sarah; Gen_23:3, The purchase of the field and cave of
Machpelah; Gen_23:19, where Sarah is buried.
Genesis24 Overview
Gen_24:1, Abraham swears his servant; Gen_24:10, The servant’s journey; Gen_24:12, His
prayer; Gen_24:14, His sign; Gen_24:15, Rebekah meets him; Gen_24:18, fulfils his sign;
Gen_24:22, receives jewels; Gen_24:23, shows her kindred; Gen_24:25, and invites him home;
Gen_24:26, The servant blesses God; Gen_24:29, Labanentertains him; Gen_24:34, The
servant shows his message; Gen_24:50, Laban and Bethuel approve it; Gen_24:58, Rebekah
consents to go, and departs; Gen_24:62, Isaac meets and marries her.
Mathew 23 Overview
Mat_23:1, Christ admonishes the people to follow the good doctrine, not the evil examples, of
the Scribes and Pharisees; Mat_23:5, His disciples must beware of their ambition; Mat_23:13,
He denounces eight woes against their hypocrisy and blindness, Mat_23:34. and prophesies of
the destruction of Jerusalem.
Mathew 24 Overview
Mat_24:1, Christ foretells the destruction of the temple; Mat_24:3, what and how great
calamities shall be before it; Mat_24:29, the signs of his coming to judgment; Mat_24:36, And
because that day and hour are unknown, Mat_24:42. we ought to watch like good servants,
expecting every moment our Master’s coming.
I say thisdaydo not be drinkingthatwhichthe enemy’sofferthee foritisseduction.Isaydo not be
drinkingthatwhichthe enemywouldofferthee foritisenticement.ButIsay be drinkingof that whichI
the LivingGod doprovide thee foritis mytruth. I saythat if you will walkinthe truththat I give thee,I
say that youwill be upliftedandbroughtforthinme.I saythat if youwill walkinthe truththat I give
thee,Isay youwill be glad,alwaysable tothankme andpraise me.
Matt 7:9-10.Or what manis there of you,whomif hisson ask bread,will he give himastone?10:Or if
he ask a fish,will he give himaserpent? The childinJesusexample askedGodforbreadand fish,good
and necessaryitems.If the childhadaskedfora poisonoussnake,wouldthe wise fatherhave granted
hisrequest?Sometimesthoughwe persistinourprayers,Godknowswe are prayingfor“snakes”and
doesnotgive us whatwe ask for.As we learnto God betteras a lovingfather,we learntoaskfor things
that are goodfor usand thenHe givesthem. The Lord isthe covenantkeepingGod.Whenwe lookfor
the sky,God doeskeepHiscovenant.Itis eternal inthe heavenly.Therefore thisdaybelieve Him.Know
that that He doesnotlie,knowthathe shall move heavenandearthonbehalf of those thatbelieve
Today in vision I saw a man with a strip across his mouth. As I inquired of the Lord,
He told me the man was a hater of the truth. The strip across his mouth kept him from
the truth, all he could speak and receive was lies. Then I saw the same man in a cell.
The Lord said, "He is imprisoned by lies because he hates the truth." The cell is where
he is locked into the lies he loves to tell and believe. He cannot free himself but is
subject to the demons he has chosen.
Psalm13 Overview
Psa_13:1, David complains of delay; Psa_13:3, He prays for preventing grace; Psa_13:5, He
boasts of divine mercy.
Genesis25 Overview
Gen_25:1, The sons of Abraham by Keturah; Gen_25:5, The division of his goods; Gen_25:7,
His age, death, and burial; Gen_25:11, God blesses Isaac; Gen_25:12, The generations of
Ishmael; Gen_25:17, His age and death; Gen_25:19, Isaacprays for Rebekah, being barren;
Gen_25:22, The children strive in her womb; Gen_25:24, The birth of Esau and Jacob;
Gen_25:27, Their different characters and pursuits; Gen_25:29, Esau sells his birthright.
Genesis26 Overview
Gen_26:1, Isaac, because of famine, sojourns in Gerar, and the Lord instructs and blesses
him; Gen_26:7, He is reproved by Abimelech for denying his wife; Gen_26:12, He grows rich,
and the Philistines envy his prosperity; Gen_26:18, He digs Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth;
Gen_26:23, God appears to him at Beer-sheba, and blesses him; and Abimelech makes a
covenant with him; Gen_26:34, Esau’s wives.
Mathew25 Overview
Mat_25:1, The parable of the ten virgins, Mat_25:14. and of the talents; Mat_25:31, Also the
description of the last judgment.
Mathew26 Overview
Mat_26:1, Christ foretells his own death; Mat_26:3, The rulers conspire against him;
Mat_26:6, The womananoints his feet; Mat_26:14, Judas bargains to betray him; Mat_26:17,
Christ eats the passover; Mat_26:26, institutes his holy supper; Mat_26:30, foretells the
desertion of his disciples, and Peter’s denial; Mat_26:36, prays in the garden; Mat_26:47, and
being betrayed by a kiss, Mat_26:57. is carried to Caiaphas, Mat_26:69. and denied of Peter.
I say that itis me the LivingGod whohas intendedthatyouwouldwalkinthe truth,thatyou wouldwalk
inthe light,thatyouwouldwalkinthe strengthof whoI am. It is me the LivingGod whohas intended
that youwouldbe upliftedbythe strengthof the truththat I provide untothee todirectthee inthe
way.I say that if it isme that you will everbe lookingunto,itisme whowill uplifttheeandbringthee
forth.I say that itis me whowill give thee light,give thee the power,give theethe mercy.Be gladthat
youare privilegedtolooktome,that youare privilegedtobelieveme,thatyouare privilegedto walkin
me.Be gladthat itis not throughanyotherbut it isthroughme the LivingGodthat the life,the peace,
the safety,are to be found.Be glad that as youwill steadfastlycleaveuntothe truththat the truthshall
keepthee.Isaythat you donot needtobe inthe heapof despairwhereinthose whohave turnedaside
are foundtobe laid.
Mat 7:21-23.Not everyone thatsaithunto me,Lord,Lord, shall enterintothe kingdomof heaven;but
he that doeththe will of myFatherwhichis inheaven.22:Many will saytome inthat day,Lord, Lord,
have we not prophesiedinthyname?andin thyname have cast out devils?andinthyname done many
wonderful works?23:Andthenwill Iprofessuntothem, Ineverknew you:departfromme,ye that work
iniquity. Jesusexposedthose whosoundedreligiousbuthadnopersonal relationshipwithHim.Atthe
Day of Judgment,onlyourrelationshipwithChrist,ouracceptance of Himas saviorandour obedience
to Him will matter.Manypeople thinkthatif theyare goodand religious,thentheywill be rewarded
witheternal life.InrealityfaithinChristiswhatwill countatthe
judgment. Do notforgetthat we are a privilegedpeople,we are privilegedtobe with Christ,andwe
are privilegedtoworshipHim.Letusnotforgedtthatindeedwe are privilegedpeople.Anditisthe
Lord, the livingGodthat hasprivilegedus.
As I was praying I was shown by vision a strange troop of men. They all had the
bodies of men, but their heads were of beasts. Their faces did not have the
resemblance to men at all, but they were the faces of animals. I saw the following: a
lion, a wolf, a bear, a dog, a tiger, there were others but the vision passed before I
could see them all. The Lord then told me that these creatures were the signification of
the condition of men in this generation, that they were returning to beastliness. He told
me that men are becoming lower in their behavior than beasts. I was made to
remember the costumes of heathen tribes when they literally deck themselves out like
beasts and birds during their dances, with actual fur, horns, feathers, etc. on their
heads. The Lord said the beast in some men is so rampant that it will show up on their
Praise Worship
Confession: Zechariah 4:7
Sing songs of praises Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a
plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace
unto it.
1. unto God for how far He has helped you in the journey of your life.
2. Begin to cover yourself, household and properties with the blood of Jesus.
3. Every spirit of limitation against my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. Every power of demotion targeted against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every spirit, power and personality working against my elevation, die, in the name of
6. I receive to carry the evil-left over of my family, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every evil standing order against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every ancestral curse working against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
9. O God arise and begin to disgrace all my Goliaths, in the name of Jesus.
10. Let my Pharaoh die in his own Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.
11. I fire back every arrow of spiritual demotion, in the name of Jesus.
12. I fire back every arrow of physical demotion, in the name of Jesus.
13. I fire back every arrow of financial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
14. I fire back every arrow of marital demotion, in the name of Jesus.
15. O Lord, begin to laugh my enemies to scorn.
16. Every power preventing me from enjoying the goodness of the Lord in the land of the
living, die, in the name of Jesus.
17. Let God be God in my life, in the name of Jesus.
18. Let God be over my battles, in the name of Jesus.
19. Oh God arise and fight for me in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
20. In the presence of those who think I’m nobody, Oh God arise, and make me somebody,
in the name of Jesus.
21. In the presence of those who are asking for my God, oh God arise and manifest Yourself,
in the name of Jesus.
22. Oh Lord, make my life a bethel, in the name of Jesus.
23. Every pattern of poverty will not prosper in my life, in the name of Jesus.
24. Let the rivers of breakthroughs flow into my life, in the name of Jesus.
25. Poverty, you will not locate my life, in the name of Jesus.
26. Angels of blessing, what are you waiting for, locate me now, in the name of Jesus.
27. I pull down every altar of serpent in my life, in the name of Jesus.
28. Oh Lord, arise and destroy every spiritual marriage prepared for my life, in the name of
29. I shall not be a victim of spiritual marriage, in the mighty name of Jesus.
30. Oh Lord, destroy the plans of spiritual marriage against my life, in the name of Jesus.
31. You spirit of death and hell, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus.
32. Tragedy, you shall not locate me, in the name of Jesus
33. I reject death, I claim abundant life, in the name of Jesus.
34. Every power, planning to wage war against my divine vision, what are you waiting for,
die in the name of Jesus.
35. Every power, that refuses to let me go, what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus.
36. My life, move from minimum to maximum, in the name of Jesus.
37. Whether the enemy likes it or not, I shall not serve my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
38. My sun shall shine, in the name of Jesus.
39. Every cloud of confusion, covering my divine goal, clear, in the name of Jesus.
40. My divine goal, locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
41. Every generational curse affecting my divine goal, break by the blood of Jesus.
42. Every evil meeting summoned against my goal, I scatter you by fire, in the name of
43. Every power caging my divine goal, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
44. Anointing to excel, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
45. As from now on, I shall prevail against the enemies of my breakthroughs, in the name of
46. Finger of God, write my name in the book of success, in the name of Jesus.
47. Every enemy of my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
48. Every enemy of my marriage, die, in the name of Jesus.
49. Every enemy of God for my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
50. Begin to thank God.
Psalm14 Overview
Psa_14:1, David describes a natural man; Psa_14:4, He convinces the wicked by the light of
their conscience; Psa_14:7, He glories in the salvation of God.
Genesis27 Overview
Gen_27:1, Isaacsends Esau for venison; Gen_27:6, Rebekah instructs Jacob to obtain the
blessing; Gen_27:14, Jacob, feigning to be Esau, obtains it; Gen_27:30, Esau brings venison;
Gen_27:33, Isaactrembles; Gen_27:34, Esau complains, and by importunity obtains a blessing;
Gen_27:41, He threatens Jacob’s life; Gen_27:42, Rebekah disappoints him, by sending Jacob
Genesis28 Overview
Gen_28:1, Isaac blesses Jacob, and sends him to Padan-aram; Gen_28:6, Esau marries
Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael; Gen_28:10, Jacob journeys, and has a vision of a ladder;
Gen_28:18, The stone of Beth-el; Gen_28:20, Jacob’s vow.
Mathew27 Overview
Mat_27:1, Christ is delivered bound to Pilate; Mat_27:3, Judas hangs himself; Mat_27:19,
Pilate, admonished of his wife, Mat_27:20. and being urged by the multitude, washes his hands,
and looses Barabbas; Mat_27:27, Christ is mocked and crowned with thorns; Mat_27:33,
crucified; Mat_27:39, reviled; Mat_27:50, dies, and is buried; Mat_27:62, his sepulchre is
sealed and watched.
Mathew28 Overview
Mat_28:1, Christ’s resurrection is declared by an angel to the women; Mat_28:9, He himself
appears unto them; Mat_28:11, The chief priests give the soldiers money to say that he was
stolen out of his sepulchre; Mat_28:16, Christ appears to his disciples, Mat_28:18. and sends
them to baptize and teach all nations.
I say that youcan be marchingforthinthe truththat I give thee,youcan be standingstronginthe same,
youcan be uplifted,rejoicing.Isaythat youdo not needtodwell amongthe deluded,amongthe
confusedbecause youhave refusedthe clarityof mypurpose.Isaythat it isme the LivingGodwho will
bringthee forthinthe waythat ismy light,the waythat ismy strength,mypower,myglory.It isme the
LivingGodwho will bringthee forthinthe waythat I dointendforthee.Therefore Isaybe gladthat you
are privilegedtolove me,tochoose me,towalkin me all of thy days.Be glad that youare privilegedto
be uplifted,tobe broughtforth,tobe giventhe life thatIprovide.Be gladthatyou are broughtforth in
the way that I the LivingGodintendbefore thee,the waythatismystrength.I saylove the truth as itis
givenuntothee dayby day.I say love the truth,cleave untothee truth,rejoice inthe truth,forI dogive
it untothee thatye wouldbe kept.Isay that I desire thatyouwouldcherishthe truththatI have
providedforitismy life provideduntothee.Isayif youwill be cleavinguntothattruth,cherishingand
lovingthe same,Isay that the truth doessetthee free.ButIsay that if you allow yourself tobe enticed
by seducingspiritsyouwillendinaheapof deepdespair.Isay there isno reasontogo that way when
youcouldwalkin the waythat I provide.Isay that I provide the truthuntothee tokeepthee,todirect
thee,toinstructthee,all of thy days.
Matt 10:25It is enoughforthe disciple thathe be as hismaster,andthe servantashis lord.If they
have calledthe masterof the house Beelzebub,how muchmore shall theycall themof hishousehold?
The Phariseesdidinfarctcall Jesus“Satan”(matt 9:34). Good issometimeslabeledevil.If Jesuswhois
perfectwascalledevil thenHisfollowerscanexpectsimilaraccusationsdirectedatthem.Butthose who
endure will be vindicated. Greatlyrejoice forthe privilege giventoyoutobelongtoChrist,to worship
Him, toreceive hislightandtoreceive Hisword.Rejoice andbe gladeventhisday.Do notget about
your dutieswithbegrudgingwiththanksgivingthatyouare privilegedtolaborforthe kingdomthatdoes
remain,forthe kingdomof eternal life,forthe kingdomthatbringsothersintothe landof the living.
Rejoice thisdayforyou are indeedprivileged.
Today whilst I was praying I was filled with melting love for the Lord. As I was
pouring out adoration for the Lord, I was shown by vision a beautiful, beautiful river.
As I asked the Lord the meaning He told me that it was His Love River. He explained
to me that the melting love I was experiencing was coming from the waters of that
River. The waters from the Love River come from Him. These waters fill our hearts
when we are enraptured in adoration for Him. He further explained to me that the love
I felt for Him was not coming from me, but from Him allowing the waters to flow
through me. He told me I was not capable of the love that I was experiencing, because
in all my carnality I am an enemy of God and a hater of Him. It is not possible for the
"dead carnal nature" to love God as He desires. But it is through the divine flow that
we communicate in such exquisite flowing. The Lord told me that I can ask Him for
washing and refreshing from that River, and as He sees my need so will He answer
Psa_15:1, David describes a citizen of Zion.
Genesis29 Overview
Gen_29:1, Jacob comes to the well of Haran; Gen_29:9, He becomes acquainted with Rachel;
Gen_29:13, Labanentertains him; Gen_29:18, Jacob covenants for Rachel; Gen_29:23, He is
deceived by Laban with Leah; Gen_29:28, He marries also Rachel, and serves for her seven
years more; Gen_29:32, Leah bears Reuben; Gen_29:33, Simeon; Gen_29:34,Levi; Gen_29:35,
and Judah.
Genesis30 Overview
Gen_30:1, Rachel, in grief for her barrenness, gives Bilhah her maid unto Jacob; Gen_30:5,
Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali; Gen_30:9, Leah gives Zilpah her maid, who bears Gad and
Asher; Gen_30:14, Reuben finds mandrakes, with which Leah buys her husband’s company of
Rachel; Gen_30:17,Leah bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah; Gen_30:22, Rachel bears Joseph;
Gen_30:25, Jacob desires to depart; Gen_30:27, Laban detains him on a new agreement;
Gen_30:37, Jacob’s policy, whereby he becomes rich.
Mark 1 Overview
Mar_1:1, The office of Johnthe Baptist; Mar_1:9, Jesus is baptized; Mar_1:12, tempted;
Mar_1:14, he preaches; Mar_1:16, calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John; v.23, heals one that
had a devil; v.29, Peter’s mother in law; v.32, many diseased persons; v.40, and cleanses the
Mark 2
Mar_2:1, Christ followed by multitudes, Mar_2:3, heals one sick of the palsy; Mar_2:13, calls
Matthew from the receipt of custom; Mar_2:15, eats with Publicans and sinners; Mar_2:18,
excuses his disciples for not fasting; Mar_2:23, and for plucking the ears of corn on the sabbath
I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is me the Living God who does reveal
the plots of the wicked that you be not snared by the same. For I say that it is a
pleasure unto me to reveal those ones that are wicked, to reveal their iniquities,
to reveal their corruption. For I say indeed when men are full of wickedness and
corruption, I say that they plot against my own. I say that it is through me the
Living God that those plots are revealed and exposed that my people can be
made free. I say that I the Living God have never intended that my people would
be entangled in the plots of the wicked though they are many against them. But I
say that I have intended that my people would be attentive unto me, walking
always in the light that I provide. I say if my people who are called by my name
will look unto me, I say that they will be uplifted and brought forth. I say that they
will be given the newness of life that I delight to provide, brought forth in the
Luke 4:3It is enoughforthe disciple thathe be as hismaster,and the servantas hislord.If theyhave
calledthe masterof the house Beelzebub,how muchmore shall theycall themof hishousehold?
sometimeswhatwe are attemptedtodoisnot wrongin
itself,turningstonesintobreadwasn’tnecessarilybad.The sinwasnotinthe act but inthe reasonfor
it.Satan was tryingto getJesustotake a shortcutto solve hisimmediateproblematthe expense of his
longrange goals.Satan alwaysworks that waypersuadingustodo thingsevengoodthingsevengood
thingsforthe wrongreasons.The fact that somethingisnotwronginitself doesnotmeanitisgoodfor
youat a giventime.Firstask“isthe Holy spiritleadingme todothis?Or issatan nudgingme to dothis
to getme of the track?” Rev2:4NeverthelessIhave somewhatagainstthee,because thouhastleft
thy firstlove. the churchat Ephesuswasonce commendedforitslove forGodand others.(Eph3:17-
That Christmay dwell inyourheartsbyfaith;that ye,beingrootedandgroundedinlove,18:May be
able to comprehendwithall saintswhatisthe breadth,andlength,anddepth,andheight;19:
And to knowthe love of Christ,whichpassethknowledge,thatye mightbe filledwithall the fullnessof
God. ) but many of the church foundershaddiedandthe secondgenerationof believershadlosttheir
zeal forGod. Theywere a busychurch theydidmuch to benefitthe churchandthe communitybutthey
were actingfor the wrongreasons.Work for God is notlastingunlessitisbasedonlove Godand others.
Whenwe lookto Christtrust inHim we are notmade ashamedbutare broughtforth byHis presence,
gloryand goodness.Butwhenwe believealie we shall be takentodisgrace.
I saw by vision, the woman caught in adultery. He told me it was not His will that she
commit adultery. Then He further told me it is not His will that any of His people
commit adultery, or any other sins. He said He wants His people to aspire to be sinless
because He is sinless, and we are meant to be as He is. He said, "It is possible".
Because He had told her, "Sin no more", which means it is possible. He told me that
He never asks of us what is impossible but only what is possible. He showed me some
who were sinless, their faces were serenely beautiful, reflecting the holiness and
beauty of the Lord. He told me this is how He intends His people to look, not cursed
by the ugly oppression of sin. He said we are kept out of the realm of sinlessness by
our own choices against Him and our unbelief.
Psalm16 Overview
Psa_16:1, David, in distrust of merits, and hatred of idolatry, flees to God for preservation;
Psa_16:5, He shews the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and life everlasting.
Psalm of David. Psa_56:1, Psa_60:1 *titles
Genesis31 Overview
Gen_31:1, Jacob, displeased with the envy of Laban and his sons, departs secretly; Gen_31:19,
Rachel steals her father’s images; Gen_31:22, Laban pursues after him, and complains of the
wrong; Gen_31:34, Rachel’s stratagem to hide the images; Gen_31:36, Jacob’s complaint of
Laban; Gen_31:43, The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed.
Genesis32 Overview
Gen_32:1, Jacob’s vision at Mahanaim; Gen_32:3, His message to Esau; Gen_32:6, He is
afraid of Esau’s coming; Gen_32:9, He prays for deliverance; Gen_32:13, He sends a present to
Esau, and passes the brook Jabbok; Gen_32:24, He wrestles with an angel at Peniel, where he is
called Israel; Gen_32:31,He halts.
Mark 3 Overview
Mar_3:1, Christ heals the withered hand, Mar_3:10. and many other infirmities; Mar_3:11,
rebukes the unclean spirit; Mar_3:13, chooses his twelve apostles; Mar_3:22, convinces the
blasphemy of casting out devils by Beelzebub; Mar_3:31, and shows who are his brother, sister,
and mother.
Mark 4 Overview
Mar_4:1, The parable of the sower, Mar_4:14. and the meaning thereof; Mar_4:21, We must
communicate the light of our knowledge to others; Mar_4:26, The parable of the seed growing
secretly; Mar_4:30, and of the mustard seed; Mar_4:35, Christ stilleth the tempest on the sea.
I say that it is a good thing and a sweet thing, it is a blessed thing to walk in the
truth that I provide, to be uplifted in the joyousness of my presence, to be uplifted
in the power and the glory of who I am. I say if it is me that you look unto, I say
that you will be uplifted and brought forth. I say that you will be pointed in the way
that is my truth, my light, my strength, my glory. I say that it is me the Living God
who will uplift thee and bring thee forth, it is me the Living God who will purpose
thee, it is me the Living God who will cause thee to be glad. I say when it is me
that you look unto, I say that you will be gravitated to the light that I provide. But I
say that if you look to the plots of the wicked, you will be ensnared and entangled
for I say that they will seduce thee. I say that they will take thee away from the
truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am.
John15:5- I am the vine,ye are the branches:He thatabidethinme,and I inhim, the same bringeth
forth muchfruit:for withoutme ye can do nothing.6:If a man abide notinme,he is cast forthas a
branch,and is withered;andmengatherthem, andcast themintothe fire,andtheyare burned.7:If ye
abide inme,and mywordsabide inyou,ye shall askwhatye will,anditshall be done untoyou.8:
HereinismyFatherglorified,thatye bearmuchfruit;so shall ye be my disciples. manypeopletrytodo
good,be honestand dowhat isright.But Jesussaysthe onlyway to live atrulygoodlife isto stayclose
to Him like abranch attachedto a vine.ApartfromHim our effortsare unfruitful.Are youreceivingthe
nourishmentandthe life offeredbyChrist,the vine?If youare notyou are missingaspecial gifthe has
for you. It is notGod’s pleasure thathispeople wouldbe adisgrace to Him, butit isHis pleasure that
hispeople willbe broughtforthtoreceive the truth,thatHis people
will goforwardin the lighteventhisdaybe glad,give thankstoreceive the truth,the lightandthe glory
of whoHe is.
Today the Lord took me into hell by vision. There I saw multitudes who were thirsty,
croaking, begging, crying for water. They were in different forms of agony, but they
were all under the same oppressive thirst. They were insistent in their cries, their
screams, their croaks, their moans. I asked the Lord what the vision meant. He told me
that they were the ones who had refused the Water of Life. He said that the ones in
this realm of torment were the ones who had willfully rejected the living waters. This
particular realm of torment appeared to be very hot and dry which added to the thirst.
Psa_17:1, David, in confidence of his integrity, craves defence of God against his enemies;
Psa_17:10, He shews their pride, craft, and eagerness; Psa_17:13, He prays against them in
confidence of his hope.
Genesis33 Overview
Gen_33:1, Jacob and Esau’s meeting; and Esau’s departure; Gen_33:17, Jacob comes to
Succoth; Gen_33:18, At Shalem he buys a field, and builds an altar, called El-elohe-Israel.
Genesis34 Overview
Gen_34:1, Dinah is ravished by Shechem; Gen_34:4, He sues to marry her; Gen_34:13, The
sons of Jacob offer the condition of circumcision to the Shechemites; Gen_34:20, Hamor and
Shechem persuade them to accept it; Gen_34:25, The sons of Jacob upon that advantage slay
them, and spoil their city; Gen_34:30, Jacob reproves Simeon and Levi.
Mark 5 Overview
Mar_5:1, Christ delivering the possessed of the legion of devils, Mar_5:13. they enter into the
swine; Mar_5:22, He is entreated by Jairus to go and heal his daughter; Mar_5:25, He heals the
woman of the bloody issue, Mar_5:35. and raises from death Jairus’ daughter.
Mark 6 Overview
Mar_6:1, Christ is contemned of his countrymen; Mar_6:7, He gives the twelve power over
unclean spirits; Mar_6:14, Divers opinions of Christ; Mar_6:16, John the Baptist is imprisoned,
beheaded, and buried; Mar_6:30, The apostles return from preaching; Mar_6:34, The miracle
of five loaves and two fishes; Mar_6:45, Christ walks on the sea; Mar_6:53, and heals all that
touch him.
I say unto thee this day do not be entangled, do not be ensnared, do not be
overwhelmed. I say when you are giving yourself to that which is falsity and
vanity, you will be easily overwhelmed. I say that you will be taken away from the
truth and swallowed in lies because you have listened to deceit. But I say when
you are walking in the sound principles that I the Living God do give unto thee I
say that you will be able to keep away from those seducing enticements that the
enemy would send at thee to beguile thee. I say that oftentimes the enemy will
send the forces of darkness, I say that he will send the forces of darkness to
devour thee again and again. But I say that if you will steadfastly maintain the
truth and walk in the same, I say that you are kept. I say that you are uplifted in
the glorious light that I delight to provide unto thee.
ROM 1:18For the wrath of God isrevealedfromheavenagainstall ungodlinessandunrighteousnessof
men,whoholdthe truth inunrighteousness;WhyisGodangry at sinful people?Becauseeventhought
God isholyand free of all evil,andeventhoughHe createdpeople tolove Himandgive glorytoHim.

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  • 1.
  • 2. MONTH OF JANUARY 2017 SUMMARY OF THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF DIARY WITH DAILY BREAD Summary Gen 5: 22-And EnochwalkedwithGodafterhe begatMethuselahthree hundredyears,andbegatsonsand daughters: 23: Andall the daysof Enochwere three hundredsixtyandfive years: 24: AndEnoch walkedwithGod:and he wasnot; for God tookhim. Enoch “translatedthathe shouldnotsee death”(Heb11:5By faithEnoch was translatedthathe shouldnotsee death;and wasnot found,because Godhadtranslatedhim:forbefore histranslationhe hadthis testimony,thathe pleasedGod.) before the judgmentof the floodisa type of those saintswhoare to translated before the apocalypticjudgments( 1 Thes4:14-Forif we believe thatJesusdiedandrose again,evenso themalsowhichsleepinJesuswillGodbringwithhim. 15: For thiswe say untoyou bythe wordof the Lord,that we whichare alive andremainuntothe comingof the Lord shall notpreventthemwhichare asleep. 16: For the Lord himself shall descendfromheavenwithashout,withthe voice of the archangel,and withthe trump of God: and the deadinChristshall rise first: 17: Thenwe whichare alive andremainshall be caughtup togetherwiththeminthe clouds,tomeet the Lord in the air: andso shall we everbe withthe Lord.) Noahlefton earth, but preservedthroughthe judgmentof the flood,isatype of the Jewishpeople,whowill be keptthroughthe apocalypticjudgments( Jer30:5-9For thus saiththe LORD; We have hearda voice of trembling,of fear,andnotof peace. 6: Askye now,and see whetheramandoth travail withchild?wherefore doIsee everymanwithhis handson hisloins,asa womanin travail,andall facesare turnedintopaleness?
  • 3. 7: Alas!forthat day isgreat,so that none islike it:itis eventhe time of Jacob'strouble;buthe shall be savedoutof it. 8: For itshall come to pass inthat day,saiththe LORD of hosts,that I will breakhisyoke fromoff thy neck,and will burstthybonds,andstrangersshall nomore serve themselvesof him: 9: But theyshall serve the LORDtheirGod,and Davidtheirking,whomIwill raise upuntothem., Rev 12:13-And whenthe dragon sawthat he was cast unto the earth,he persecutedthe womanwhich broughtforththe manchild. 14: Andto the womanwere giventwowingsof agreat eagle,thatshe mightflyintothe wilderness,into herplace,where she isnourishedforatime,andtimes,andhalf a time,fromthe face of the serpent. 15: Andthe serpentcastout of hismouthwater as a floodafterthe woman,thathe mightcause herto be carriedaway of the flood. 16: Andthe earthhelpedthe woman,andthe earthopenedhermouth,andswallowedupthe flood whichthe dragon cast outof hismouth.) andbrought as an earthlypeople tothe newheavenandnewearth(Isa65:17-For, behold,Icreate new heavensandanew earth:and the formershall notbe remembered,norcome intomind. 18: But be ye gladand rejoice forever inthatwhichI create:for,behold,Icreate Jerusalemarejoicing, and herpeople ajoy. 19: AndI will rejoice inJerusalem,andjoyinmy people:andthe voice of weepingshall be nomore heardin her,nor the voice of crying.,66:20-Andtheyshall bringall yourbrethrenforan offeringunto the LORD out of all nationsuponhorses,andinchariots,andin litters,anduponmules,anduponswift beasts,tomy holymountainJerusalem,saiththe LORD,asthe childrenof Israel bringanofferingina cleanvessel intothe house of the LORD. 21: AndI will alsotake of themfor priestsandforLevites,saiththe LORD. 22: For as the newheavensandthe newearth,whichI will make,shall remainbeforeme,saiththe LORD, so shall yourseedandyourname remain.,Rev25:1) Rev1:8 Fire Essentiallyasymbol of God’sholiness.Assuchitexpresses God inthree ways In
  • 4. judgmentuponthatwhichhisholinessutterlycondemns(e.g.Gen 19: 24, Mk 9: 43-48, Rev20:15) In the manifestationof Himself andof thatwhichHe approves(eg3:1, 1st peter1:7, Ex 13:11) In purification(eg1st Cor 3:12-14, Mal 3:2,3).So inLeviticus,the fire whichonly manifeststhe sweetsavourof the burnt,meal,andpeace offerings, whollyconsumes the sinoffering:inthiscontextthe fires expressesalsothe undyingdevotednessof Christ. God had a purpose ingivingthese command.He wasstartingfromscratch, teachingHispeople awhole newsystemof government,restoringtrue worshipof Himself,andcleansingthemfromthe manyheathen practicestheyhad learnedinEgypt.The strictdetailskeptIsrael fromslippingbackinto theiroldlifestyle.Inaddition,eachnew paintsa graphic,orderlypicture of the seriousnessof sinandof God’sgreat mercyin forgivingsinners. The Holyfire on the alterhad to keepburningbecause Godhadstarted it.This representedGod’seternal presence inthe sacrificial system.Itshowedthe people thatonlybyGodare graciousfavor couldman’ssacrifice be acceptable.God’sfire ispresentin
  • 5. each believer’slifetodayandwe mustkeepourdedicationtoHim burninginour hearts. January 1 Psalm 1 Overview Psa_1:1, The happiness of the godly; Psa_1:4, The unhappiness of the ungodly. ChapterOutline The holinessandhappinessof agodlyman.(1-3) The sinfulnessandmiseryof awickedman,The groundandreasonof both.(4-6) Genesis1Overview Gen_1:1, God creates heavenand earth; Gen_1:3, the light; Gen_1:6, the firmament; Gen_1:9, separates the dry land; Gen_1:14, forms the sun, moon, and stars; Gen_1:20, fishes and fowls; Gen_1:24, cattle, wild beasts, and creeping things; Gen_1:26, creates man in his own image, blesses him; Gen_1:29, grants the fruits of the earth for food. Chapter Outline God createsheavenandearth.(1,2) The creationof light.(3-5) God separatesthe earthfromthe waters,and makesitfruitful.(6-13) God formsthe sun, moon,andstars. (14-19) Animalscreated.(20-25) Man createdinthe image of God. (26-28) Foodappointed.(29,30) The work of creationendedandapproved.(31) Genesis2Overview Gen_2:1, The first Sabbath; Gen_2:4, Further particulars concerning the manner of creation; Gen_2:8, The planting of the garden of Eden, and its situation; Gen_2:15, manis placed in it; and the tree of knowledge only forbidden; Gen_2:18, The animals are named by Adam; Gen_2:21, The making of woman, and the institution of marriage. Chapter Outline The firstSabbath.(1-3) Particularsaboutthe creation.(4-7) The plantingof the gardenof Eden.(8-14) Man isplacedinit.(15) God’scommand.(16,17) The animalsnamed,The makingof woman,The Divine institutionof marriage.(18-25) Mathew 1 Overview Mat_1:1, The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph; Mat_1:18, He is miraculously
  • 6. conceived of the Holy Ghost by the Virgin Mary, when she was espoused to Joseph; Mat_1:19, The angel satisfies the doubts of Joseph, and declares the names and office of Christ: Jesus is born. Chapter Outline The genealogyof Jesus.(1-17) An angel appearstoJoseph.(18-25) Mathew 2 Overview Mat_2:1, The wise men from the east enquire after Christ; Mat_2:3, at which Herod is alarmed; Mat_2:9, They are directed by a star to Bethlehem, worship him, and offer their presents; Mat_2:13, Joseph flees into Egypt with Jesus and his mother; Mat_2:16, Herod slays the children; Mat_2:20, himself dies; Mat_2:23, Christ is brought back again into Galilee to Nazareth. Chapter Outline The wise men’ssearchafterChrist.(1-8) The wise menworship Jesus.(9-12) JesuscarriedintoEgypt.(13-15) Herodcausesthe infantsof Bethlehemtobe massacred.(16-18) Deathof Herod,JesusbroughttoNazareth.(19-23) EARLY IN THE MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I speakuntothee thisdayand I say that itis me the LivingGod whodoesreveal the plotsof the wicked that yoube notsnaredby the same.For I say thatit is a pleasure untome toreveal those onesthatare wicked,toreveal theiriniquities,toreveal theircorruption.ForIsay indeedwhenmen are full of wickednessandcorruption,Isaythat theyplotagainstmy own.I say thatit isthrough me the LivingGod that those plotsare revealedandexposedthatmypeople canbe made free.Isay that I the LivingGod have neverintendedthatmypeople wouldbe entangledinthe plotsof the wickedthoughtheyare manyagainstthem.But I say that I have intendedthatmypeople wouldbe attentive untome,walking alwaysinthe lightthat I provide.Isayif my people whoare calledbymyname will lookuntome,Isay that theywill be upliftedandbroughtforth.Isaythat theywill be giventhe newnessof life thatIdelight to provide,broughtforthinthe same. NOONTIME GOD BRINGS GOODNESSOUT OF BAD CIRCUMSTANCES Gen 16:13 Andshe calledthe name of the LORD that spake unto her,ThouGod seestme:forshe said, Have I also here lookedafterhimthatseethme?
  • 7. We have watchedthree people make seriousmistakes,Sarahwhotookmattersintoherown handsand gave her servantgirl toAbram,Abram whowentalongwiththe planand whenthingsbegantogo wrongrefusedtogetinvolvedinsolvingthe problemandHagar whoran away fromthe problem.In spite of thismessysituation,Goddemonstrateshow He isnotlimitedbythe complicationsinourlives. He can bringgood outof anysituation.Sarahand Abram still receivedthe sontheysodesperatelywantedandGodsolvedHagar’sproblemdespite Abramsrefusal toget involved.NoprobleminyourlifeistoocomplicatedforGodif youare willingto allowHimto helpyou. There are some thingsthat God doesnotbecause menare good,but because He isGod. Therefore donotlookfor the goodnessof menbutlookforGod’s goodness.God’sgoodness doesnotdeteriorate norfall awaydue to pressure butremains.Therefore donotlookthatmenare goodbut knowthat God isgood andhave your respectto God. Gen48:11: AndIsrael saiduntoJoseph,I had notthoughtto see thy face:and,lo,God hath shewedme alsothyseed.,whenJosephbecame a slave (37:30: Andhe returneduntohisbrethren,andsaid,The childisnot; andI, whithershall Igo?) Jacob thoughthe was deadandweptindespair.ButeventuallyGodsplanallowedJacobtoregainnot onlyhissonbut grandchildrenas well.Circumstancesare neversobadthat theyare beyondGodshelp.Jacobregainedhisson,inlike manner,Jobregainedanewfamily(Job42:10-17), and Mary regainedherbrotherLazarus(John11:1-44) we neednotdespairbecause we belongtoalivingGod,we neverknow whatgoodhe will bringoutof a seeminglyhopelesssituation. 1 Chron22:1: ThenDavidsaid,Thisis the house of the LORD God, and this isthe altarof the burnt offeringforIsrael. outof David’stragicmistakesbegotthe purchase of a plotof landthat wouldbecome the site of God’stemple,the symbolof God’spresence amonghispeople. Everytime the people wenttothe temple theywouldrememberthatGod istheirtrue kingand that everyone includingthe king,ishuman,fallible,andsubjecttosin.God can use evenoursinful actsfor goodpurposes,if we are sorry for themandseekhisforgiveness.Whenwe confessoursins,the wayis openedforGodto work good froma bad situation. John11:4: WhenJesusheardthat, he said,Thissicknessisnotuntodeath, but forthe gloryof God, that the Sonof God mightbe glorifiedthereby.anydifficultsituationabeliever facescan ultimatelybringglorytoGodbecause God can bringgoodout of anybad situation.When trouble comes,doyouwhine,complain,andblame God,ordo you see yourproblemsasopportunities to honorhim? Trulybecause the livingGodisthe “I AM”, that whichhe says,he shall doand he keeps hiscovenantto those whowill staysteadfastwithhim.There isnogoodthingthatGod wouldwithhold fromthose whowill walkuprightly.Thisdayseektoplease God,seektowalkuprightly,andseekto obeyGod.And there isno goodthinghe withholdsfromyou. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS CRAWLING PEOPLE
  • 8. As I was praying I saw in vision people crouched very low to the ground, crawling. They were crawling in the presence of God, because they were smitten with His humility glory, and weeping over their sins. The Lord told me that He desires a people who will crawl before Him in humility of mind and heart, realizing their utter wretchedness and need of Him. He said that too many of His people want to come to Him as the Pharisee (Luke 18:11) but He wants them as the publican (Luke 18:13). He also told me that He literally wants His people to crawl in repentance that He may bathe them in the humility waters of deeper repentance. Let us not be so haughty, so proud, so self-glorying that we refuse the crawling position before the Lord, and likewise lose out on His humility glory. The Lord told me that He literally craves a people who will see their utter sinfulness and cry out in need and desperation unto Him. IMPORTANT PRAYER FOR JANUARY 1ST As you begin the new year, it is important to begin having first been reconciled with Christ and secondly to your foes and friends. You deny yourself blessings by failing to forgive or being reconciled to others. Expect no mercy from God if you can’t show mercy. I couldn’t get a better prayer than the Prayer for Graciousness Towards Others one written below by Gordon MacDonald (Easter 2006). (It is written in the American context, but the principles of understanding gracious reconciliation should still be evident no matter what your context.) Heavenly Father, Help me remember that the jerk who cut me off in traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious minutes with her children. Help me to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can’t make change correctly is a worried 19 year old college student, balancing his worry over final exams with his fear of not knowing what to do with life. Remind me, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day (who really ought to get a job, Lord!) is a slave to addictions and mental illness that I can only imagine in my worst nightmares. Help me to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking my shopping progress is a couple that is savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this could be one of the last trips to the store together. Heavenly Father, remind me that sooner rather than later I will breath my last. Remind me each day that life is too short to stay angry. Remind me that you see us all as precious and that I should see everyone that way too. Remind me that it is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Let me be slow to judge and quick to forgive. Remind me, O Lord, to live and love just as Jesus did. In the name of the One who took your anger so we wouldn’t have to. Amen
  • 9. PRAYER TO DESTROY EVIL FOUNDATIONS It is very important for any child of God to have knowledge of foundations. Without this knowledge, many battles will be lost and the believer will not live to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Foundations are the core hiding places of our enemies.such realms are controlled by evil/wicked kings. Altars are activated from them and gates open at their prompting. Destroying the three: foundations, altars and gates will give the believer a great breakthrough in life. The enemy will always run to hide in the foundations if they have not been destroyed only to surface again. Prayer and fasting is highly recommended when destroying such. But first, what are foundations. Destroying foundations is like releasing a powerful bomb in the stronghold of the enemy. Share my notes with me and pray for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes as you read. The Bible talks extensively about foundations Foundations are the beginning; the core. Mountains, cities, the world and even the heavens have a foundation (Deut 32:22; 2Sam 22:8; 2Sam 22:16, Ezra 4:12) God’s fire out of his anger can burn every foundation. Deut 32:22, Lam 4:11 At the rebuke of the LORD, hidden foundations can be seen. 2 Sam 22:16 Foundations that stand are strongly build. Ezra 6:3 Foundations are not only laid but fastened. Job 38:6 Every foundation has a cornerstone.Job 38:6 Good foundations/ foundations for the righteous can be destroyed. Ps 11:13. If it happens, what should the righteous do? (Nothing can exist without a foundation. When a good foundation has been destroyed, an evil or weak foundation is build) The foundations of the earth have been laid by the Lord. Isa 51:13,16 God is able to lay foundations of those tossed with tempest and not comforted with sapphires, and their stones with fair colours. Isa 54:11. This means that there is a relationship between suffering and foundations. We are called to raise up foundations of many generations. We shall repair breaches and build old waste places. Isa 58:12 Foundations for the wicked can be fallen, walls thrown down by God’s vengeance Jer50:15. They can also be broken down Ez 30:4 God promised to overthrow Samaria and reveal/discover/expose her foundations. Micah 1:6 Foundations can hear. Micah 6:2 Mountains (representing anything exalting itself high or great hindrance) have a foundation.De 32:22 Earthquakes can destroy or shake foundations. Acts 16:26 When foundations are shaken, doors are opened and prisoners/captives are set free.Acts 16:26 The city of heaven (where the throne of God is) has a foundation. The builder and maker is God. Heb 11:10 The city of new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations Rev 21:14 The church is build upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, but Jesus is the chief corner stone.Eph 2:20 How are the foundations of your life, family, job, home, church etc? {{How do you wage war against an enemy: When enemies attack, you pursue them, killing and destroying what they rely on on the way. Some will run back to the city where they were sent from. Still you pursue them. They will try to close the gates of their cities. You need to use
  • 10. powerful weapons to destroy the gates. You should follow them and destroy them further. Some may hide. Once inside, you should destroy whatever holds them together as a people, the heart of their livelihood. Religion has been used to turn people into radicals, especially terrorists. You cannot destroy them fully without destroying it. This acts as their altar. If you still want to exterminate them, you souls blow up the entire stronghold down to its roots. In spiritual warfare, you ought to pursue your enemies, destroying them on the way, till they enter into the safety of their strongholds. Destroy the gates they thrive in. once inside, destroy their altars. Burn them up, uproot and overthrow their kingdom which is part of their wicked foundations}} Another way can be using spiritual weapons to bomb the entire city/stronghold. This will silence your enemies. Here below are some prayer bullets developed for such warfare. • You, o LORD have created foundations. • Arise, o my God in the name of Jesus and take control of my foundations • You have given me power and authority to destroy all the works of the enemy (Luke 10:19) • I put on the full armour of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, shoes in readiness of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit in Jesus name. • I release the fire of God against foundations that speak against my life in Jesus name. • O LORD, rebuke foundations that stand against my life and lay them bare in Jesus name. • I release a mighty earthquake upon every foundation that speaks against my family, my business, my health, …. In Jesus name. • I run to you o LORD that you may hide me in foundations of the righteous. • I throw down the walls of wicked foundations in Jesus name. o Lord , throw them down by your vengeance in Jesus name. • Arise o LORD, and expose foundations that oppose me in Jesus name. • I overcome every evil foundation today from my fathers house with the blood of Jesus. • I silence every evil voice against my life coming from wicked foundations in Jesus name • I destroy every fastening of wicked foundations in my life with the fire of the living God. • Hear the word of God you foundations that oppose me, be thrown into the sea in Jesus name • O Lord, lay the foundations of my life/marriage/ family/children/ church/ village etc • Lay my foundations o LORD with saphires and stones of fair colours. Be the cornerstone of my life/ family/ church/health in Jesus name etc • I uproot every mountain that stands before me from its foundations in Jesus name • Let the foundations that stand against my life be shaken, and let the doors and gates therein be opened. • Let prisoners be set free in Jesus name • I will rise and raise up foundations of righteousness for many generations in Jesus name JANUARY-2 Psalm2 Overview Psa_2:1, The kingdom of Christ; Psa_2:10, Kings are exhorted to accept it.
  • 11. Chapter Outline Threatenings againstthe enemiesof Christ’skingdom.(1-6) Promise toChristas the Head of thiskingdom.(7-9) Counsel toall,toespouse itsinterests.(10-12) Genesis3 Overview Gen_3:1, The serpent deceives Eve; Gen_3:6, Both she and Adam transgress the divine command, and fall into sin and misery; Gen_3:8, God arraigns them; Gen_3:14, The serpent is cursed; Gen_3:15, The promised seed; Gen_3:16, The punishment of mankind; Gen_3:21, Their first clothing; Gen_3:22, Their expulsion from paradise. Chapter Outline The serpentdeceivesEve.(1-5) Adamand Eve transgressthe Divine command,andfall intosinandmisery.(6-8) God callsuponAdamand Eve to answer.(9-13) The serpentcursed,The promisedSeed.(14,15) The punishmentof mankind.(16-19) The firstclothingof mankind.(20,21) Adamand Eve are drivenoutfromparadise.(22-24) Genesis4 Overview Gen_4:1, The birth, occupation, and offering of Cain and Abel; Gen_4:8, Cain murders his brother Abel; Gen_4:11, The curse of Cain; Gen_4:17, Has a son called Enoch, and builds a city, which he calls after his name; Gen_4:18, His descendants, with Lamech and his two wives; Gen_4:25, The birth of Seth, Gen_4:26, and Enos. Mathew 3 Overview Mat_3:1, John preaches. His office, life, and baptism; Mat_3:7, He reprehends the Pharisees, Mat_3:13. and baptizes Christ in Jordan. Mathew 4 Overview Mat_4:1, Christ, fasting forty days, is tempted of the devil and ministered unto by angels; Mat_4:12, He dwells in Capernaum; Mat_4:17, begins to preach; Mat_4:18, calls Peter and Andrew, Mat_4:21. James and John; v.23, teaches and heals all the diseased. EARLY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say that itis a goodthingand a sweetthing, itisa blessedthingtowalkinthe truth that I provide,to be upliftedinthe joyousnessof mypresence,tobe upliftedinthe powerandthe gloryof who I am.I say if it isme thatyou lookunto,I saythat you will be upliftedandbroughtforth.Isaythat you will be pointedinthe waythat ismy truth,my light,mystrength,myglory.I saythat it isme the LivingGod whowill upliftthee andbringthee forth,itisme the LivingGodwhowill purpose thee,itisme the LivingGodwho will cause thee tobe glad.I say whenitisme that you lookunto,I saythat you will be
  • 12. gravitatedtothe lightthat I provide.ButIsay that if you looktothe plotsof the wicked,youwill be ensnaredandentangledforIsaythat theywill seduce thee.Isaythat theywill take thee awayfromthe truth,the light,the strength,the gloryof whoIam. NOONTIME WOULDGOD DESTROY GOOD WITH WICKED SODOM Gen 18:25: That be far fromthee to doafter thismanner,toslaythe righteouswiththe wicked:and that the righteousshouldbe asthe wicked,thatbe far fromthee:Shall notthe Judge of all the earthdo right?was God beingunfairtothe people of Sodom?Didhe reallyintendtodestroythe goodandthe wicked?Onthe contrary Godsfairnessstoodout1. He agreedto spare the entire cityif onlytengodly people livedthere.2.He showedgreatmercytowardLot, apparently,the onlymaninthe citywhohad any kindof relationshipwithHIM(andeventhatwas questionable).Godwentsofaras to almostforce Lot to leave Sodombefore itwasdestroyed.RememberGodspatience whenyouare temptedtothink he is unfair.Eventhe godliestpeopledeserve his justice.We shouldbe gladdoesn’tdirecthisjustice ashe didtowardSodomandGomorrah. Aswe thankand praise God so doeshismerciesaboundtowardsus,andsodoeshislovingkindnesspourout ingreat abundance.Thisdayletus rejoice thatwe are privilegedtobe Gods people,letusrejoice that we are privilegedtocall uponhisname.Rejoice andbe glad inChrist,give thanksandpraise. not the heavenly provision because of their unbelief. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS MISSED TIMING As I was praying I saw a group of lonely, dejected people in a European train station. They were a sad lot, all huddled together, some were crying, some were angry, some were depressed. But they seemed hopeless, like there was nothing for them to look forward to. When I inquired of the Lord as to why they were in such a state, He told me they were in that condition because they had missed the timing. In other words they could not go anywhere because their train had come and gone, they were out of time and missed the opportunity to get on board. The Lord told me that so many of those who say that they are His do the same thing, they do not move with His timing, therefore they are the disgruntled, the disheartened, the saddened, the angry. For the most part they are lonely and dejected because of their refusal to move with God's
  • 13. timing. JANUARY-3 Psalms3 Overview Psa_3:1, The security of God’s protection. Genesis5 Overview Gen_5:1, Recapitulation of the creation of man; Gen_5:3, The genealogy, age, and death of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah; Gen_5:22, The godliness and translation of Enoch; Gen_5:25, The birth of Noah, etc. Genesis6 Overview Gen_6:1, The wickedness of the world, which provoked God’s wrath, and caused the flood; Gen_6:8, Noah finds grace; Gen_6:9, His generations, etc; Gen_6:14, The order, form, dimensions, and end of the ark. Mathew 5 Overview Mat_5:1, Christ’s sermon on the mount; Mat_5:3, Who are blessed; Mat_5:13, the salt of the earth; Mat_5:14, the light of the world; Mat_5:17, He came to fulfil the law; Mat_5:21,What it is to kill; Mat_5:27, to commit adultery; Mat_5:33, to swear; Mat_5:38, He exhorts to suffer wrong, Mat_5:43. to love our enemies; Mat_5:48, and to labour after perfection. Mathew 6 Overview Mat_6:1, Christ continues his sermon on the mount, exhorting not to be careful for worldly things, Mat_6:33. but to seek God’s kingdom. EARLY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say untothee thisday do notbe entangled,donotbe ensnared,donotbe overwhelmed.Isaywhen youare givingyourself tothatwhichisfalsityandvanity,youwill be easilyoverwhelmed.Isaythatyou will be takenawayfromthe truth and swallowed inliesbecause youhave listenedtodeceit.ButIsay whenyouare walkinginthe soundprinciplesthatIthe LivingGod dogive untothee I say that youwill be able to keepawayfromthose seducingenticementsthatthe enemywouldsendatthee tobeguile thee.Isay that oftentimesthe enemywill sendthe forcesof darkness,Isaythat he will sendthe forces of darknesstodevourthee againandagain.But I say that if youwill steadfastlymaintainthe truthand walkinthe same,Isay that youare kept.I saythat you are upliftedinthe gloriouslightthatIdelightto provide untothee.
  • 14. NOONTIME; NOT ENOUGHTO BE GOOD SOME OF THE TIME Joshua7:12 Therefore the childrenof Israel couldnotstandbefore theirenemies,butturnedtheir backs before theirenemies,because theywereaccursed:neitherwillIbe withyouany more,exceptye destroythe accursedfromamong you. Why didAdam’ssinbringjudgmentonthe entire nation?Thoughitwasone mansfailure,Godsawitas national disobedience to anational aw.God neededthe entirenationtobe committedtothe jobthey had agreedtodo, conquerthe land.Thus,whenpersonfailed,everyonefailed.If Adam’ssinwent unpunished,unlimitedlootingwouldbreakout.The nationasa whole hadto take responsibilityfor preventingthis. Adam’ssinwasnot the mere act of keepingsome of the butyl whichwasallowedin some case,but the disobediencetoGod’sexplicitcommandtodestroyeverythingconnectedwiththis city.His sinwasindifference tothe evil andidolatryof the city,notjusta desire forextramoney.Godis not contendwithpeople doingwhatisrightsome time,he wantsall of us todo what isrightall the time.We are underordersfromHIM to ridour livesof anythingthathindersourdevotiontoHIM.God wouldnotprotectIsrael’sarmyagainuntil the sinwas removedandthe armyreturnedto obeyingHIM withoutreservation. IndeedGodisthe merciful;he isthe abundantandthe omnipresent.ThankHIM eventhisday,that He is yourGod, yourmaker andyour source.Lookneithertothe leftnor the right, but looktoChriststeadfastlybeholdingthe goodnessHe is.Rejoice inthe Lordthisday,be gladand give thanksthat he is indeedthe Godwhokeepscovenants,the Godof goodness, the Godof mercy. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS NO OIL Today when I was praying I saw a woman sitting in the middle of a bunch of clay pots. But as I looked closer, all of the pots were empty. They had no oil in them. I asked the Lord what it meant, He told me, "She has the vessels but no oil because she does not believe in my ability to provide. So she sits with her empty pots." He went on to explain to me that many of His people were like this woman, they had no oil, no infilling, because they did not believe in Him. They have the material provision but not the heavenly provision because of their unbelief. JANUARY-4 Psalm4 Overview
  • 15. Psa_4:1, David prays for audience; Psa_4:2, He reproves and exhorts his enemies; Psa_4:6, Man’s happiness is in God’s favour. Psa_22:1, Psa_42:1, Psa_45:1 *titles 1Ch_25:1-6 Genesis7 Overview Gen_7:1, Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the ark, and the flood begins; Gen_7:17, The increase and continuance of the flood for forty days; Gen_7:21, All flesh is destroyed by it; Gen_7:24, Its duration. Genesis8 Overview Gen_8:1, God remembers Noah, and assuages the waters; Gen_8:4, The ark rests on Ararat; Gen_8:6, Noah sends forth a raven and then a dove; Gen_8:13, Noah, being commanded, goes forth from the ark; Gen_8:20, He builds an altar, and offers sacrifice, which God accepts, and promises to curse the earth no more. Mathew 7 Overview Mat_7:1, Christ, continuing his sermon on the mount, reproves rash judgment, etc; Mat_7:28, Christ ends his sermon, and the people are astonished. Mathew 8 Overview Mat_8:1, Christ cleanses the leper; Mat_8:5, heals the centurion’s servant, Mat_8:14. Peter’s mother in law, Mat_8:16. and many other diseased; Mat_8:18, shows how he is to be followed; Mat_8:23, stills the tempest on the sea; Mat_8:28, drives the devils out of two men possessed; Mat_8:31, and suffers them to go into the swine. EARLY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say thisday be gladthat it isme the LivingGodwho doesgive thee the truth,whodoesgive thee the light,,whodoesgive thee the mercy.Be gladthatit isby me that youcan be directedinthe waythat I have ordained,the waythatI have intended.Isayif youwill be cleavingunto me,Isay thatyou will be broughtforth.I say that youwill be giventhe lightthatIthe LivingGoddesire thee towalkinall of thy days.Therefore Isaydo not be fretful,norfearful,butIsaybe lookinguntome.Isay thatif itis me that youlookunto,it isme whowill upliftthee andgive thee mylight.Itisme that youlookunto,itis me whowill upliftthee andgive theemypeace.Isaythat it isme the LivingGodwho will show thee the waythat I have intended,the waythatismy truth,my power,myglory.It isme the LivingGodwhowill showthee the waythat I have intended,the waythatisthe way of life,the wayof strength,the wayof power,the wayof glory. NOONTIME
  • 16. DOING GOODIN THE WRONG WAY 1 Sam 13:9And Saul said,Bring hithera burnt offeringtome,andpeace offerings.Andhe offeredthe burntoffering. Ratherthanwaitfor a priest,Saul offeredthe sacrifice himself.Thiswasagainstthe law (Num18:5And ye shall keepthe charge of the sanctuary,and the charge of the altar: that there be no wrath any more uponthe childrenof Israel.).Underpressurefromthe approachingPhilistines,he tookmatters intohisownhands anddisobeyedGod.He wasdoinga good thingofferingasacrifice toGodbefore a crucial battle,buthe diditat the wrongtime andin the wrongway.Our true spiritual characteris revealedunderpressure,aswe sawSaul’s.The methodswe use toaccomplishourgoal are as important as the attainmentof the goals. The wayof God isdirect,spotless andundefined;indeedthe waythat God takesisthe waythat a man needstobe taking.Therefore donotdoubtGodbut believeHIM,I knowthat he is able andrejoice inhistendermercieshe givestous.For God givesthose merciesdayby day. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS REACHING OUT Today I was praying and I saw several men and women in vision. They had one thing in common, they were all reaching out. Each one was reaching out for someone or something that was missing. One man was reaching for his wife, but she was gone, another woman was reaching for her husband but he was dead, another woman was reaching for her child, but the child was gone, another man was reaching out for his mother but she was dead. Every one of them was reaching, reaching, and only gaining emptiness. The Lord told me that they were reaching in vain because all that they thought could comfort them was gone, and He wanted to comfort them, but instead of reaching out to Him, they continued to reach out to only memories of those things they imagined were comforting. The Lord told me that if His people would reach out to Him that He would delight in comforting them in every circumstance. He said that when people reach out to Him, they are filled with His comforts to such a degree that they are able to give those comforts to others. JANUARY-5 Psalm5 Overview Psa_5:1, David prays, and professes his study in prayer; Psa_5:4, God favours not the wicked; Psa_5:7, David, professing his faith, prays to God to guide him; Psa_5:10, to destroy his enemies; Psa_5:11, and to preserve the godly.
  • 17. Genesis9 Overview Gen_9:1, God blesses Noah and his sons, and grants them flesh for food; Gen_9:4, Blood and murder are forbidden; Gen_9:8, God’s covenant, of which the rainbow was constituted a pledge; Gen_9:18, Noah’s family replenish the world; Gen_9:20, Noah plants a vineyard; Gen_9:21, Is drunken, and mocked by his son; Gen_9:25, Curses Canaan; Gen_9:26, Blesses Shem; Gen_9:27, Prays for Japheth, and dies. Genesis10 Overview Gen_10:1, The generations of Noah; Gen_10:2, Japheth; Gen_10:6, Ham; Gen_10:8, Nimrod the first monarch, and the descendants of Canaan; Gen_10:21, The sons of Shem. Mathew 9 Overview Mat_9:1, Christ cures one sick of the palsy; Mat_9:9, calls Matthew from the receipt of custom; Mat_9:10, eats with publicans and sinners; Mat_9:14, defends his disciples for not fasting; Mat_9:20, cures the bloody issue; Mat_9:23, raises from death Jairus’ daughter; Mat_9:27, gives sight to two blind men; Mat_9:32, heals a dumb man possessed of a devil; Mat_9:36, and has compassion on the multitude. Mathew 10 Overview Mat_10:1, Christ sends out his twelve apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles; Mat_10:5, giving them their charge, teaches them; Mat_10:16, comforts them against persecutions; Mat_10:40, and promises a blessing to those that receive them. EARLY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD Therefore Isaybe gladthat itis me that youcan believe in,thatitisme that you can trust in,that itis me that you can lookuntoagainand again.Be gladto be knowingthatIam the one whowill prove tobe the rock of refuge,the strength,the glory,the lifeeverlastingintendedforthee.Be gladtobe knowing that itis not throughanyother butit isthroughme the LivingGodthat ye are upliftedandbrought forth,and that ye are giventhe hope thatI delighttoprovide thee all of thydays.I say whenitisme that youlookunto,it isme whowill provide the wayuntothee,itisme whowill providethe lightbefore thee,itisme whowill keepthee inthe securityof mypresence. NOONTIME LOOKING FOR THE GOOD IN OTHERS 2 Sam 1:16: AndDavidsaid untohim,Thy bloodbe uponthyhead;for thymouth hathtestifiedagainst thee,saying,Ihave slainthe LORD's anointed.17:AndDavidlamentedwiththislamentationoverSaul
  • 18. and overJonathanhisson: Saul had causedmuch trouble forDavid,but whenhe died,Davidcomposedapoemforthe kingand his son.Davidhad everyreasontohate Saul,yethe chose not to.He chose to lookat the good Saul had done and ignore the timeswhenSaul hadattackedhim.Ittakescourage to lay aside hatredandhurt in orderto showrespectto anotherpersonespeciallyanenemy(1kings2:32-Andthe LORD shall return hisblooduponhisownhead,whofell upontwomenmore righteousandbetterthanhe,and slewthem withthe sword,myfatherDavidnot knowingthereof,towit,Abnerthe sonof Ner,captainof the host of Israel,andAmasathe son of Jether,captainof the host of Judah.33: Theirbloodshall therefore returnuponthe headof Joab,and uponthe headof hisseedforever:butuponDavid,and uponhisseed,anduponhishouse,andupon histhrone,shall there be peace foreverfromthe LORD., 37For itshall be,that on the daythou goestout,and passestoverthe brookKidron,thoushaltknowfor certainthat thoushaltsurelydie:thybloodshall be upon thine ownhead.) It isthe livingGodwhodoes take us throughthe tryingof our Faith;itis likewise the Lord,the livingGod,whodoescause usto be strengthened.There afewsome tryingthatmake us hurtinside,theycause usnatural pain,or they cause us emotional painbutthe livingGodwill take usthroughthese thingsuntilwe painnomore.And whatit meansby thatis that our thinkingispurifiedandsacrificedtowhere we thinknotuponGods spiritkingdomandinthat we findourstrengthand our rejoicing.WhenGodhasfinishedwithus,we shall notpainwiththe painof the painof men,butwe shall rejoice withChrist,forHe isour God and maker. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS PITY PARTY Today while I was praying I was taken by the Lord into a realm or dimension of hell. The people there were crying, and screaming, and whining, and complaining. But they were not able to have conversations with each other, as each one was completely absorbed in their own misery and they would not even listen to each other. They were a very miserable lot of people. Some had pulled out their hair in such anguish and fits of anger that they only had a few sprigs remaining, others were scratched and bleeding. One in particular kept pleading for someone, anyone to listen to him and hear his story of woe. But no one could or would listen, so they all just ranted incessantly for nothing. But they were in great torments and it seemed as though they spent all of their time in such a state of ranting, wailing, whining, etc. When I inquired of the Lord who they were and why they were in such a habitation of despair, He told me that they were the ones who loved to pity themselves and draw others into their web of self-pity. The greatest torment they had was that they could not get anyone to listen to their sad tales and therefore could not draw anyone into their web of self-pity
  • 19. since every one else was locked into their own pity party. He, the Lord, told me that many of the ones there had professed to be His people, but they had not followed Him. Therefore they had been turned over to the thing they loved more than Him, and that was their self-pity party. He said those who had claimed that they were His people were liars and rebels because they had refused His command to deny self. Instead they had chosen to continue to indulge self through the medium of pity, so they were locked there for eternity in hell fire to burn under the oppression of their own complaints. JANUARY -6 Psalm6 Overview Psa_6:1, David’s complaint in his sickness; Psa_6:8, He triumphs over his enemies. Psa_4:1 *title Genesis11 Overview Gen_11:1, One language in the world; Gen_11:2, The building of Babel; Gen_11:5, It is interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the builders dispersed; Gen_11:10, The generations of Shem; Gen_11:27, The generations of Terah, the father of Abram; Gen_11:31, Terah, with Abram and Lot, remove from Ur to Haran. Genesis12 Overview Gen_12:1, God calls Abram, and blesses him with a promise of Christ; Gen_12:4, He departs with Lot from Haran, and comes to Canaan; Gen_12:6, He journeys through Canaan, Gen_12:7, which is promised to him in a vision; Gen_12:10, He is driven by famine into Egypt; Gen_12:11, Fear makes him feign his wife to be his sister; Gen_12:14, Pharaoh, having takenher from him, by plagues is compelled to restore her; Gen_12:18, He reproves Abram, whom he dismisses. Mathew11 Overview Mat_11:1, Johnsends his disciples to Christ; Mat_11:7, Christ’s testimony concerning John; Mat_11:16, The perverse judgment of the people; Mat_11:20, Christ upbraids Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum; Mat_11:25, and praising his Father’s wisdom in revealing the Gospel to the simple, Mat_11:28. he calls to him all such as feel the burden of their sins. Mathew12 Overview Mat_12:1, Christ reproves the blindness of the Pharisees concerning the breach of the sabbath, Mat_12:3, by scripture, Mat_12:9, by reason, Mat_12:13. and by a miracle; Mat_12:22, He heals a man possessed that was blind and dumb; Mat_12:24, and confuting the absurd charge of casting out devils by Beelzebub, he shows that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall
  • 20. never be forgiven; Mat_12:36, Account shall be made of idle words; Mat_12:38, He rebukes the unfaithful, who seek after a sign, Mat_12:46. and shows who is his brother, sister, and mother. EARLY MORNING WORDOF THE SPIRIT OFGOD I saythat if you will keepcleavinguntome,youwill notbe enticedbyseducing spirits,Isayyouwill be ledsolidlyforthinthe waythatI have ordained.ButI say whenyouare flirtingwiththose thingsthatare seduction,of course youwill be ensnaredandentangled.Isaythat youwill be takenawayfromthe truth that I delighttoprovide untothee.Therefore Isayuntothee thisday lookye untome in faith,and inhope,and inconfidence forIam the rock of refuge intendedforthee.Lookye untome knowingthat it isme the LivingGodwhowill upliftthee andgive theemylight.Lookye untome knowingthatitis in me that you shall be broughtforthand giventhe hope thatI alone can provide thee.ButIsaythat if you followafterthe plotsof the wicked,Isayyouwill be ensnaredandentangledawayfromthe truth. YOU CAN BE GOOD BUT MISS WHAT IS IMPORTANT. 2 KINGS15:34-And he didthat whichwasrightin the sightof the LORD: he didaccording toall thathis fatherUzziahhad done.35:Howbeitthe highplaceswere notremoved:the people sacrificedand burnedincense stillinthe highplaces.He builtthe highergate of the house of the LORD “Jothamwas a goodking…….but,”Much goodcan be saidof Jothamand hisreignaskingof Judah,buthe failedina mostcritical area, he didn’tdestroythe shrinestothe false gods,althoughleavingthemclearlyviolated the firstcommandment(exodus20:3).Like Jotham, we maylive basicallygoodlivesandyetmissdoing what ismost important.A lifetime of doingwell isnotenoughif we make the crucial mistake of not followingGodwithall ourhearts.A true followerof GodputsHIM first.(2 kings15:4Save that the high placeswere notremoved:the peoplesacrificedandburntincense still onthe highplaces.) God takes us throughvariousthingst5o conformusto the image of the son,JesusChrist,toconformus to the life of the newkingdom.Therefore donotbegrudge those thingsbutrejoice fortheypurge outthe old,and bringintoyou the new.Therefore rejoice daybydayinthe Lord. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS FAT SHEPHERDS Today by vision I saw several men seated at a very long feasting table. The table was laden with the finest and richest of foods. There was abundance of meat and fowl of every description, plus many, many rich and luxurious foods. The men were all excessively fat, yet they kept on eating and eating and eating. They were being served
  • 21. by people who were very thin and weak looking, yet they kept moving swiftly as one fat man after another would demand another dish be brought to the already over- burdened table. The men at the table carried an aura of pride and superiority, and they were especially abusive towards those who were waiting on them. Outside of the building were several of the thin people who were lying down from exhaustion and weakness. Some of the fat men had eaten so much they had vomited on the table and had fallen face forward into the same as they still retained their places at the table. Actually it was a very ugly sight as the men at the table never seemed to have enough although they were already overly fat. I inquired of the Lord what it meant and He told me that the fat ones are those shepherds who feed themselves and refuse to feed His sheep. He said that many of them were so intoxicated that they would lie in their own vomit, then rise up and keep on eating again. (Ezekial 34:2-10 & Isaiah 28:8) The Lord told me that what He had shown me is how many of the "pastors" of today's churches appear to Him. He said that they would have severe judgment when they stand before Him and that they would suffer acutely for their selfishness and greediness. WEEKLY PRAYER Stagnancy Must Die 1. Thank God for what He has done for you this year. 2. Let frustration and disappointment, be the portion of every object fashioned against my life and family, in the name of Jesus. 3. Every tie to polluted objects and items between my life and family, break, in the name of Jesus. 4. Every unspoken curse against my life, break, in the name of Jesus. 5. Every curse pronounced inwardly against my destiny, break, in the name of Jesus. 6. You inward curses, militating against my virtues, break, in the name of Jesus. 7. Any power given the mandate to curse and hinder y progress, summersault and die, in the name of Jesus. 8. Let every spirit of Balaam hired to curse my progress, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 9. Every curse that I have brought into my life through ignorance and disobedience, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. 10. Every power magnetizing physical and spiritual curses to me, I raise the blood of Jesus against you and I challenge you by fire, in the name of Jesus. 11. Father, Lord, turn all my self-imposed curses to blessings, in the name of Jesus. 12. Every instrument, put in place to frustrate me become impotent, in the name of Jesus. 13. I reject every cycle of frustration, in the name of Jesus. 14. Every agent assigned to frustrate me, perish by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  • 22. 15. Every power tormenting Nigeria, die by the sword, in the name of Jesus. 16. I destroy the power of every satanic arrest in my life, in the name of Jesus. 17. All satanic-arresting agents, release me in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 18. Everything that is representing me in the demonic world against my career, be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 19. Spirit of the living God, quicken the whole of my being, in the name of Jesus. 20. God, smash me and renew my strength, in the name of Jesus. 21. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible to the invisible, in the name of Jesus. 22. Lord, ignite my career with Your fire. 23. O Lord, liberate my spirit to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. 24. Holy Spirit, teach me to pray through problems instead of praying about, it in the name of Jesus. 25. O Lord, deliver me from the lies I tell myself. 26. Every evil spiritual padlock and evil chain hindering my success, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. 27. I rebuke every spirit of spiritual deafness and blindness in my life, in the name of Jesus. 28. O Lord, empower me to resist satan that he would flee. 29. I chose to believe the report of the Lord and no other, in the name of Jesus. 30. Lord, anoint my eyes and my ears that they may see and hear wondrous things from heaven. 31. O Lord, anoint me to pray without ceasing. 32. In the name of Jesus, I capture every power behind any career failure. 33. Holy Spirit, rain on me now, in the name of Jesus. 34. Holy Spirit, uncover my darkest secrets, in the name of Jesus. 35. You spirit of confusion, loose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus. 36. In the power of the Holy Spirit, I defy satan’s power upon my career, in the name of Jesus. 37. Let water of life flush out every unwanted stranger in my life, in the name of Jesus. 38. You the enemies of my career, be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. 39. O Lord, begin to clean away from my life all that does not reflect You. 40. Holy Spirit fire, ignite me to the glory of God, in the name of Jesus. 41. Oh Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Spirit break every yoke of backwardness in my life. 42. I frustrate every demonic arrest over my spirit-man, in the name of Jesus. 43. Let the blood of Jesus remove any unprogressive label from every aspect of my life, in Jesus’ name. 44. Anti-breakthrough decrees, be revoked, in the name of Jesus. 45. Holy Ghost fire, destroy every satanic garments in my life, in the name of Jesus. 46. Begin to thank God. JANUARY-7
  • 23. Psalm 7 Overview Psa_7:1, David prays against the malice of his enemies, professing his innocency; Psa_7:10, By faith he sees his defence, and the destruction of his enemies. Shiggaion probably denotes a mournful song or, elegy, from the Arabic shaga, to be anxious, sorrowful. Hab_3:1 Genesis13 Overview Gen_13:1, Abram and Lot return with great riches out of Egypt; Gen_13:6, Strife arises between Abram’s herdsmen and those of Lot; Gen_13:8, Abram meekly refers it to Lot to choose his part of the country, Gen_13:10, and Lot goes to Sodom; Gen_13:14, God renews the promise to Abram; Gen_13:18, He removes to Hebron, and there builds an altar. Genesis14 Overview Gen_14:1, The battle of four kings against the king of Sodom and his allies; Gen_14:12, Lot is taken prisoner; Gen_14:14, Abram rescues him; Gen_14:17, Melchizedek blesses Abram at his return, who gives him tithes; Gen_14:21, The rest of the spoil, his partners having had their portions he restores to the king of Sodom. Mathew 13 Overview Mat_14:1, Herod’s opinion of Christ; Mat_14:3, Wherefore John Baptist was beheaded; Mat_14:13, Jesus departs into a desert place, Mat_14:15. where he feeds five thousand men with five loves and two fishes; Mat_14:22, He walks on the sea to his disciples; Mat_14:34, and landing at Gennesaret, heals the sick by the touch of the hem of his garment. Mathew 14 Overview Mat_14:1, Herod’s opinion of Christ; Mat_14:3, Wherefore John Baptist was beheaded; Mat_14:13, Jesus departs into a desert place, Mat_14:15. where he feeds five thousand men with five loves and two fishes; Mat_14:22, He walks on the sea to his disciples; Mat_14:34, and landing at Gennesaret, heals the sick by the touch of the hem of his garment. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say there are many evennowtheyhave foundthemselvesinawebof deceit,Isaytheylive in confusiondaybyday.I say theylive indelusionandmadnessbecause theirheartsare farfrom me.I say theyhave followedaftervanity,theyhave followedaftervexation,stupidityanddarkness.Isaybecause of theirfollowingtheyare takenawayfromthe truththat I delighttoprovide.Isaywhywill youfollow that whichwill take thee intoaweb,whywill youfollow thatwhichwill ensnare thee andentangle thee?Isay that it isstupiditytoturnaway fromthe soundnessof the truth,that I provide thee andturn untothat whichisdeception.Isaywhenyouare turningto deceptionyouare turningtothat whichis literallydestruction.Isaythat I the LivingGod have nevercalledthee tobe destroyed,butIhave called thee to be broughtforth.I say that I have calledthee tobe upliftedinthe gloriousrealmsof lightthatI
  • 24. can provide untothee all of thydays.I say that I have calledthee tocome forthin the truth of who I am that youcouldbe made glad,that youcouldbe givingthanks,thatyou couldbe givingpraise. NOONTIME WHAT IS A GOODPERSON? Job1:1There wasa manin the landof Uz, whose name wasJob;and that man wasperfectandupright, and one that fearedGod,and eschewedevil.Jobwascalledagoodman because he fearedGod;he respected, worshippedandobeyedHIM.He wasalsocalledgoodbecause he stayedawayfromevil.He didnot allowsintocreepintohis life ortemptationtoovercome him.Beingagoodpersonismore thanobeying God’slaws;it requiresall the above characteristics.Inlightof these canyoube calledagood person? There are manywholive invexation,oppressionandtormentbecause theywill notyieldthemselvesto JesusChrist.Butthe way of Gods peace isyieldedtoGodand to hiswill.Fornomenmay fightagainst God and win.Andnowomanwill prevail overGod. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS HEALED Today I saw Jesus on the cross, and He told me to look at His back. His back was horribly lacerated and bloody. It actually was a very sad thing to look upon. Then He asked me, "Do you see the pain I have suffered that you could be healed? It is finished, by these stripes it is already done." As He spoke those words and I gazed upon the agony and pain, I realized that yes, it was completed, and it is our job to stand upon that and not be shaken from it. I told the Lord Jesus that I was so thankful that He bore our infirmities to such an extent, and something in my heart broke at the pathetic sight of our beloved who has suffered so acutely to free us from the stronghold of Satan. I also realized that never again would I side with sickness or affliction after seeing what Jesus had done to free me from the same. This vision came at just the right time, as the Lord gave me a healing I had been seeking for as I stood on the vision and declared the healing completed. JANUARY-8
  • 25. Psalm8 Overview Psa_8:1, God’s glory is magnified by his works, and by his love to man. Psa_81:1, Psa_84:1 *titles Genesis15 Overview Gen_15:1, God encourages Abram, who complains for want of anheir; Gen_15:4, God promises him a son, and a multiplying of his seed; Gen_15:6, Abram is justified by faith; Gen_15:7, Canaanis promised again, and confirmed by a sign, and a vision, prophetic of the condition of his posterity till brought out of Egypt. Genesis16 Overview Gen_16:1, Sarai, being barren, gives Hagar to Abram; Gen_16:4, Hagar, being afflicted for despising her mistress, runs away; Gen_16:7, An angel commands her to return and submit herself, promises her a numerous posterity, and shows their character and condition; Gen_16:13, Hagar names the place, and returns to Sarai; Gen_16:15, Ishmael is born; Gen_16:16, The age of Abram. Mathew 15 Overview Mat_15:1, Christ reproves the Scribes and Pharisees for transgressing God’s commandments through their own traditions; Mat_15:10, teaches how that which goes into the mouth does not defile a man; Mat_15:21, He heals the daughter of the woman of Canaan, Mat_15:29. and other great multitudes; Mat_15:32, and with seven loaves and a few little fishes feeds four thousand men, beside women and children. Mathew 16 Overview Mat_16:1, The Pharisees require a sign; Mat_16:5, Jesus warns his disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees; Mat_16:13, The people’s opinion of Christ, Mat_16:16. and Peter’s confession of him; Mat_16:21,Jesus foretells his death; Mat_16:23, reproves Peter for dissuading him from it; Mat_16:24, and admonishes those that will follow him, to bear the cross. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say that itis inme the LivingGodthat youfindthe truth, thatyou findthe light,that youfindthe strength,the power,the glory.Itisin me the LivingGod that youshall be broughtforthby a plainpath for I shall bringthee forth.If youwill walkinthe lightdaybyday,by day, thatI provide untothee.Isay that youwill be spared fromthe plotsof the wickedthathave beendevisedagainstthee.Therefore Isay thisday do notbe entangled,donotbe ensnared,donotbe overwhelmed,andovertaken.ButIsay be broughtforthin the way thatI provide thee foritis the wayof mytruth. I say be broughtforthin the waythat I provide thee thatisthe way of my light.
  • 26. NOONTIME SOMETHING DONE WELL IS NOT ALWAYSDONE RIGHT (1 Sam22) Psalm52:1Why boastest thouthyself inmischief,Omightyman?the goodnessof God endureth continually. Doegthoughthe wasa great hero-evenboastingabouthisdeed.Inreality,hisdid was evil,anoffensetoGod.It iseasyto mistake “accomplishment”withgoodness.Justbecause somethingisdone wellorthoroughdoesn’tmeanitisgood“for example,someonemaybe a great gambleror a skillfulliar.”Measure all youdobythe rule of God’sword notby how proficientlyyoudoit. Therefore whenyouwouldseethose whoare vexed,oppressedandtormentedofferthemthe wayof Gods peace.Forsome have not heard,othershave rejected,butofferJesus Christagain andagain,for he is the onlydeliverance toman.He is the onlypeace. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS TORTURE OF MAN EATERS The Lord took me by vision to hell again and showed me a horrid place where men and women were so ugly and grotesque. They were surrounded by bones, skulls, and bloody body parts of other humans. They were gnawing on parts of the bodies and looking at each other with lust for flesh and blood. The stench of that place was absolutely revolting, the creatures (humans) there were hideous. They were extremely restless and seemed as though they were in complete vexation. They were tormented with the screams and cries of those bodies that were strewn around their habitation, as the cries of the ones murdered could still be heard. These creatures could find no place of quiet or peace from the screams and cries of the murdered ones. Even though they were still eating, they could find no joy in the flesh of the men they had killed, instead, they were never satisfied and were tormented day and night by the never ending screams and cries. Plus they were in constant fear because they were afraid of being murdered and eaten by the co-inhabitants of their place of torment. So not only were they tortured by the screams and cries, but they were tormented under continual fear that they themselves would be murdered and eaten. The Lord told me that this was the place of habitation for those who were cannibals --who killed other human beings in order to eat their flesh and drink their blood. It was indeed a wicked, vile, place of habitation. JANUARY-9
  • 27. Psalm9 Overview Psa_9:1, David praises God for executing judgment; Psa_9:11, He incites others to praise him; Psa_9:13, He prays that he may have cause to praise him. Probably, “the death of the champion:” so the Chaldee has, “A Psalm of David, to be sung concerning the death of the man who went out between (mibbeyney) the camps;” evidently considering labben, of the same import as bainayim, “a middle-man or champion,” as Goliath is termed, 1Sa_17:4, concerning whose defeat this psalm is generally supposed to have been composed. Genesisn17 Overview Gen_17:1, God renews the covenant with Abram, and changes his name to Abraham, in token of a greater blessing; Gen_17:9, Circumcision is instituted; Gen_17:15, Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah, and she is blessed; Gen_17:17, Isaac is promised, and the time of his birth fixed; Gen_17:23, Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised. Genesis18 Overview Gen_18:1, The Lord appears to Abraham, whoentertains angels; Gen_18:9, Sarah is reproved for laughing at the promise of a son; Gen_18:16, The destruction of Sodom is revealed to Abraham; Gen_18:23, Abraham makes intercession for the inhabitants. Mathew 17 Overview Mat_17:1, The transfiguration of Christ; Mat_17:14, He heals the lunatic, Mat_17:22. foretells his own passion, Mat_17:24. and pays tribute. Mathew 18 Overview Mat_18:1, Christ warns his disciples to be humble and harmless, Mat_18:7, to avoid offences, Mat_18:10. and not to despise the little ones; Mat_18:15, teaches how we are to deal with our brethren when they offend us, Mat_18:21. and how oft to forgive them; Mat_18:23, which he sets forth by a parable of the king that took account of his servants, Mat_18:32. and punished him who shewed no mercy to his fellow. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say walkye uprightlyinthe light,givingthanksandpraise thatI alone am thyGod. I say walkye uprightlyinthe same,givingthanksandpraise thatI am the one whowill upliftthee andguide thee,and directthee againand again.I saythat if it isme that youlookuntoin faith,if itisme that youwill believe in,it isof me that youwill receive.ButIsay that if you will believe the cunninglydevisedfablesof wickedmen,Isay youwill be entangledinthe same.Isay the LivingGodhave nevercalledthee tosuch entanglementbutIsay thatI have calledthee tothe righteousnessof whoIam.I say that I have called thee to walkinthe truth that I provide thee all of thydays.
  • 28. NOONTIME GOOD AND EVIL PEOPLE CONTRASTED Jer 17:5-8Thus saiththe LORD; Cursedbe the man that trustethinman,and makethfleshhisarm,and whose heartdepartethfromthe LORD.6: Forhe shall be like the heathinthe desert,andshall notsee whengoodcometh;butshall inhabitthe parchedplacesinthe wilderness,inasaltlandand not inhabited.7:Blessedisthe manthattrustethinthe LORD, and whose hope the LORDis.8: For he shall be as a tree plantedbythe waters,and that spreadethoutherrootsby the river,andshall notsee when heatcometh,buther leaf shall be green;andshall notbe careful inthe year of drought,neithershall cease fromyieldingfruit.Twokindsof people are contrastedhere,the wicked and the righteous.The wicked,specificallyJudah,trustfalse godsandmilitaryalliancesinsteadof God, and thusare barrenand unfruitful.The righteousplace theirconfidence inGod,sotheyflourishlike treesplantedbywater.Intimesof trouble,the wickedare alreadyimprovisedandspirituallyweak,so theyhave no strengthtodraw on. But the righteoushave abundantstrength,notonlyfortheirpersonal needs,butevenforthose of others.Are yousatisfiedwithbeingunfruitful,ordoyou,like a well wateredtree,have strengthforthe time of crisisandevensome toshare?(Psa2:12, 34:8, 125:1, 146:5; Pro 16:20, Isa 30:18, Jb 8:16, Ps1:3) Rejoice thisdaythatwe have Christand that he is our peace.Find your refuge inJesusChristforhe shall keepyourrejoice eventhisdaythatitis the livingGodwho shall keepus.Do not relyon menfor solutionsfortheyare notsolutionsatall.Butthe livingGodis the solutionandthose whowill come toJesusChrist,he shall keeptheminpeace. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS PIG FACES As I was praying, I saw in vision men and women with pig faces. They were strutting around, laughing, joking, slapping each other on the back. Actually they were grotesque, they were intermingled with other human beings who were normal looking with somewhat of a divine glow to their faces. I asked the Lord who these "pig faces" were. He told me they were the "spots" (Jude 12) in the feasts of love. He told me they were the swine who trample the pearls. He said they are swine in His sight because they do not fear Him.
  • 29. JANUARY-10 Psalm10 Overview Psa_10:1, David complains of the wicked; Psa_10:12, He prays for remedy; Psa_10:16, He professes his confidence. Genesis19 Overview Gen_19:1, Lot entertains two angels; Gen_19:4, The vicious Sodomites are smitten with blindness; Gen_19:12, Lot is warned, and in vain warns his sons-in-law; Gen_19:15, He is directed to flee with his family to the mountains, but obtains leave to go into Zoar; Gen_19:24, Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed; Gen_19:26, Lot’s wife becomes a pillar of salt; Gen_19:29, Lot dwells in a cave; Gen_19:31, The incestuous origin of Moab and Ammon. Genesis20 Overview Gen_20:1, Abraham sojourns at Gerar; Gen_20:2, Denies his wife, who is taken by Abimelech; Gen_20:3, Abimelech is reproved for her in a dream; Gen_20:9, He rebukes Abraham; Gen_20:14, Restores Sarah; Gen_20:16, and reproves her; Gen_20:17, Abimelech and his family are healed at Abraham’s prayer. Mathew 19 Overview Mat_19:1, Christ heals the sick; Mat_19:3, answers the Pharisees concerning divorcement; Mat_19:10, shows when marriage is necessary; Mat_19:13, receives little children; Mat_19:16, instructs the young man how to attain eternal life; Mat_19:20, and how to be perfect; Mat_19:23, tells his disciples how hard it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God; Mat_19:27, and promises reward to those that forsake anything to follow him. Mathew 20 Overview Mat_20:1, Christ, by the similitude of the labourers in the vineyard, shows that God is debtor unto no man; Mat_20:17, foretells his passion; Mat_20:20, by answering the mother of Zebedee’s children, teaches his disciples to be lowly; Mat_20:29, and gives twoblind men their sight. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD Therefore Isayknowthat it isme the LivingGodwhowill give untothee all thatyouhave needof again and again.Knowthat itis me the LivingGod whowill provide the waybeforethee thatyoucan walkin me,rejoicingalways.Isaythatif itis me that youcleave unto,if itis me that youbelieve in,Isaythatit isme whowill upliftthee.Isaythat yesindeed,Iwill bringtheeforthbythe waythat I the LivingGod do
  • 30. intendforthee.Isay that I intendthee towalkinthe righteousness,towalkinthe truth,towalkin the declarationthatI dohave for thee.Isay whenyouwill be walkinginthe same,keepingyourselves unspottedfromthe world,Isay thatyou are kept.Isay that youare broughtforthas onlyI can bring thee forthand youwill be glad,beingable torejoice alwaysinme. NOONTIME DETERMINE THE QUALITY OF YOURGOODNESS Matthew5:20 For I sayunto you,That exceptyourrighteousnessshallexceedthe righteousnessof the scribesandPharisees,ye shall innocase enterinto the kingdomof heaven.The Phariseeswere exacting and scrupulousintheirattemptstofollow the law,sohow couldJesusreasonablycell ustoa greater righteousnessthentheirs.The Phariseesweaknesswasthattheywere contenttoobeythe law outwardlywithoutallowing it to change theirhearts(or attitudes).Jesuswassayingtherefore thatthe qualityof ourgoodness needstobe greaterthan that of the Pharisees.We canlookpiousandstill be farfromthe kingdomof God. God judgesourheartsas well asour deedsforitis inthe heart where ourreal allegiance lies.Be justas concernedaboutyour attitudes,whichpeopledon’tsee asyouractionswhichare seenbyall.(Kk 18:11, 12; Rm 3:20; Phil3:5-7;Rom 10:10) Rejoice thisdaythatyou have Christand thatHe is your peace.Rejoice thatHe givesHispeace to you.Rejoice thisdaythatyouneednotlive inmental vexation all the day long,butthat you mayfindyourpeace in JesusChrist.AgainthankGodthat He isyour God, your maker,yourpeace andyour refuge. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS Today as I was praying I saw a man sitting alone in a large room. He was sickly looking, with somewhat of a yellowish pallor to his skin. The walls of the room were made of books. Most of the books were huge, massive volumes. The man was at a desk and he was frantically going through one of the books. The room had an old, stale, musty, smell. The man had a frantic, pinched look about him, his hair was receding and there were deep lines in his face. I asked the Lord what it meant. He told me that the man was one of those who is ever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The Lord explained to me that His way was simple, pure, undefiled. The way of the Spirit's teaching and leading into all truth was simple. But
  • 31. He said many are frustrated as this man because they refuse His way, the way of the Spirit. II Tim. 3:7 JANUARY-11 Psalm11 Overview Psa_11:1, David encourages himself in God against his enemies; Psa_11:4, The providence and justice of God. Genesis21 Overview Gen_21:1, Isaacis born, and circumcised; Gen_21:6, Sarah’s joy; Gen_21:8, Isaac is weaned; Gen_21:9, Hagar and Ishmael are cast forth; Gen_21:15, Hagar in distress; Gen_21:17, The angel relieves and comforts her; Gen_21:23, Abimelech’s covenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba. Genesis22 Overview Gen_22:1, Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac; Gen_22:3, He gives proof of his faith and obedience; Gen_22:11, The angel prevents him; Gen_22:13, Isaac is exchanged for a ram; Gen_22:14, The place is called Jehovah-jireh; Gen_22:15, Abraham is again blessed; Gen_22:20, The generations of Nahor unto Rebekah. Mathew 21 Overview Mat_21:1, Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass; Mat_21:12, drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple; Mat_21:17, curses the fig-tree; Mat_21:23, puts to silence the priests and elders, Mat_21:28. and rebukes them by the similitude of the two sons, Mat_21:33. and the husbandmen who slew such as were sent to them. Mathew 22 Overview Mat_22:1, The parable of the marriage of the king’s son; Mat_22:9, The vocation of the Gentiles; Mat_22:12, The punishment of him that wanted the wedding garment; Mat_22:15, Tribute ought to be paid to Caesar; Mat_22:23, Christ confutes the Sadducees for the resurrection; Mat_22:34, answers the lawyer, which is the first and great commandment; Mat_22:41, and puzzles the Pharisees by a question about the Messias. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say that itis me the LivingGod whoisthe strength,the truth,the power,the gloryprovideduntothee. It isme the LivingGodwho isthe way,the life,the strength,the power,the glorythatye are intendedto live inall of thy days.Therefore Isaythankme andpraise me that you can be reliantuponme,looking to me,believinginme.Thankme andpraise me that youcan draw of the truth that I give thee andyou will be keptina soberframe of mind.But I say thatif youtake those thingsthatthe enemywouldoffer
  • 32. untothee to drinkI say thatyou will become intoxicatedbythe same.Isayyou will be taken awayfrom the clarity,the purity,of the truth that I delighttoprovide untothee. NOONTIME THE FALSE GOODNESSOF THE PHARISEES Matt 5:20For I say untoyou,That exceptyourrighteousnessshall exceedthe righteousnessof the scribesandPharisees,ye shall innocase enterintothe kingdomof heaven.JesuswassayingthatHis listenersneededadifferentkindof goodnessaltogether,notjustamore intense versionof the Phariseesgoodness.Ourgoodnessmust(1) come fromwhatGod doesinus,not what we can do by ourselves(2) be Godcentered,notself centered(3) be basedonreference forGod,notapproval from people and(4) go beyondkeepingthe law tolovingthe principlesbehindit. Thisday thankand praise God. For He is the resolutionand whenyouwill looktoHim, He isable to resolve tobringforthandto restore.Thisdaylookto JesusChristandgive thanksand praise toGod. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS DECEIVED AND DECEIVERS I was praying and I was given a vision of another habitation in hell. I saw a huge dark area resembling a cave, to the back of it was a tunnel leading back to another cave- like room. The people in the first room were surrounded by and intermingled with snakes. The people were yelling, they were crying, they were screaming. Needless to say they were tormented and miserable. The prevailing empty cry or plea amongst all of them was for the "truth". They were pleading for the "truth". They were begging for the truth. The Lord told me: "These are the deceived, and they have loved it so." (darkness rather than light). He explained that they had pretended to want truth but actually loved to be deceived. In fact, they would not accept nor face the truth. They loved the deceptions of cunning false messengers. The reason that they were deceived is because they only pretended to want truth, but in reality they preferred to be deceived. Then I was taken to the other large cave-like room. These ones were in even greater torment than the others. They were talking incessantly to themselves, lying to themselves even in their torments. Each one was literally bound by snakes which were like chains upon them. Their deceptions were actually snakes coiled and wrapped around them. They were held in captivity by these snakes which bound them. The
  • 33. people in this room were the deceivers who delighted in deceiving others and themselves. Both the deceived and the deceivers were in perpetual torments because they loved deceit. JANUARY-12 Psalm12 Overview Psa_12:1, David, destitute of human comfort, craves help of God; Psa_12:3, He comforts himself with God’s promises, and his judgments on the wicked. Psa_6:1 *title 1Ch_15:21 Genesis23 Overview Gen_23:1, The age and death of Sarah; Gen_23:3, The purchase of the field and cave of Machpelah; Gen_23:19, where Sarah is buried. Genesis24 Overview Gen_24:1, Abraham swears his servant; Gen_24:10, The servant’s journey; Gen_24:12, His prayer; Gen_24:14, His sign; Gen_24:15, Rebekah meets him; Gen_24:18, fulfils his sign; Gen_24:22, receives jewels; Gen_24:23, shows her kindred; Gen_24:25, and invites him home; Gen_24:26, The servant blesses God; Gen_24:29, Labanentertains him; Gen_24:34, The servant shows his message; Gen_24:50, Laban and Bethuel approve it; Gen_24:58, Rebekah consents to go, and departs; Gen_24:62, Isaac meets and marries her. Mathew 23 Overview Mat_23:1, Christ admonishes the people to follow the good doctrine, not the evil examples, of the Scribes and Pharisees; Mat_23:5, His disciples must beware of their ambition; Mat_23:13, He denounces eight woes against their hypocrisy and blindness, Mat_23:34. and prophesies of the destruction of Jerusalem. Mathew 24 Overview Mat_24:1, Christ foretells the destruction of the temple; Mat_24:3, what and how great calamities shall be before it; Mat_24:29, the signs of his coming to judgment; Mat_24:36, And because that day and hour are unknown, Mat_24:42. we ought to watch like good servants, expecting every moment our Master’s coming. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD
  • 34. I say thisdaydo not be drinkingthatwhichthe enemy’sofferthee foritisseduction.Isaydo not be drinkingthatwhichthe enemywouldofferthee foritisenticement.ButIsay be drinkingof that whichI the LivingGod doprovide thee foritis mytruth. I saythat if you will walkinthe truththat I give thee,I say that youwill be upliftedandbroughtforthinme.I saythat if youwill walkinthe truththat I give thee,Isay youwill be glad,alwaysable tothankme andpraise me. NOONTIME LEARNING TO ASK FOR WHAT IS GOOD FOR US Matt 7:9-10.Or what manis there of you,whomif hisson ask bread,will he give himastone?10:Or if he ask a fish,will he give himaserpent? The childinJesusexample askedGodforbreadand fish,good and necessaryitems.If the childhadaskedfora poisonoussnake,wouldthe wise fatherhave granted hisrequest?Sometimesthoughwe persistinourprayers,Godknowswe are prayingfor“snakes”and doesnotgive us whatwe ask for.As we learnto God betteras a lovingfather,we learntoaskfor things that are goodfor usand thenHe givesthem. The Lord isthe covenantkeepingGod.Whenwe lookfor the sky,God doeskeepHiscovenant.Itis eternal inthe heavenly.Therefore thisdaybelieve Him.Know that that He doesnotlie,knowthathe shall move heavenandearthonbehalf of those thatbelieve Him. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS HATERS OF TRUTH, IMPRISONED BY LIES Today in vision I saw a man with a strip across his mouth. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me the man was a hater of the truth. The strip across his mouth kept him from the truth, all he could speak and receive was lies. Then I saw the same man in a cell. The Lord said, "He is imprisoned by lies because he hates the truth." The cell is where he is locked into the lies he loves to tell and believe. He cannot free himself but is subject to the demons he has chosen.
  • 35. JANUARY-13 Psalm13 Overview Psa_13:1, David complains of delay; Psa_13:3, He prays for preventing grace; Psa_13:5, He boasts of divine mercy. Genesis25 Overview Gen_25:1, The sons of Abraham by Keturah; Gen_25:5, The division of his goods; Gen_25:7, His age, death, and burial; Gen_25:11, God blesses Isaac; Gen_25:12, The generations of Ishmael; Gen_25:17, His age and death; Gen_25:19, Isaacprays for Rebekah, being barren; Gen_25:22, The children strive in her womb; Gen_25:24, The birth of Esau and Jacob; Gen_25:27, Their different characters and pursuits; Gen_25:29, Esau sells his birthright. Genesis26 Overview Gen_26:1, Isaac, because of famine, sojourns in Gerar, and the Lord instructs and blesses him; Gen_26:7, He is reproved by Abimelech for denying his wife; Gen_26:12, He grows rich, and the Philistines envy his prosperity; Gen_26:18, He digs Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth; Gen_26:23, God appears to him at Beer-sheba, and blesses him; and Abimelech makes a covenant with him; Gen_26:34, Esau’s wives. Mathew25 Overview Mat_25:1, The parable of the ten virgins, Mat_25:14. and of the talents; Mat_25:31, Also the description of the last judgment. Mathew26 Overview Mat_26:1, Christ foretells his own death; Mat_26:3, The rulers conspire against him; Mat_26:6, The womananoints his feet; Mat_26:14, Judas bargains to betray him; Mat_26:17, Christ eats the passover; Mat_26:26, institutes his holy supper; Mat_26:30, foretells the desertion of his disciples, and Peter’s denial; Mat_26:36, prays in the garden; Mat_26:47, and being betrayed by a kiss, Mat_26:57. is carried to Caiaphas, Mat_26:69. and denied of Peter. EARY MORNING WORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say that itis me the LivingGod whohas intendedthatyouwouldwalkinthe truth,thatyou wouldwalk inthe light,thatyouwouldwalkinthe strengthof whoI am. It is me the LivingGod whohas intended that youwouldbe upliftedbythe strengthof the truththat I provide untothee todirectthee inthe way.I say that if it isme that you will everbe lookingunto,itisme whowill uplifttheeandbringthee forth.I say that itis me whowill give thee light,give thee the power,give theethe mercy.Be gladthat youare privilegedtolooktome,that youare privilegedtobelieveme,thatyouare privilegedto walkin me.Be gladthat itis not throughanyotherbut it isthroughme the LivingGodthat the life,the peace, the safety,are to be found.Be glad that as youwill steadfastlycleaveuntothe truththat the truthshall
  • 36. keepthee.Isaythat you donot needtobe inthe heapof despairwhereinthose whohave turnedaside are foundtobe laid. NOONTIME GOODNESSALONE WON’TBRING ETERNAL LIFE. Mat 7:21-23.Not everyone thatsaithunto me,Lord,Lord, shall enterintothe kingdomof heaven;but he that doeththe will of myFatherwhichis inheaven.22:Many will saytome inthat day,Lord, Lord, have we not prophesiedinthyname?andin thyname have cast out devils?andinthyname done many wonderful works?23:Andthenwill Iprofessuntothem, Ineverknew you:departfromme,ye that work iniquity. Jesusexposedthose whosoundedreligiousbuthadnopersonal relationshipwithHim.Atthe Day of Judgment,onlyourrelationshipwithChrist,ouracceptance of Himas saviorandour obedience to Him will matter.Manypeople thinkthatif theyare goodand religious,thentheywill be rewarded witheternal life.InrealityfaithinChristiswhatwill countatthe judgment. Do notforgetthat we are a privilegedpeople,we are privilegedtobe with Christ,andwe are privilegedtoworshipHim.Letusnotforgedtthatindeedwe are privilegedpeople.Anditisthe Lord, the livingGodthat hasprivilegedus. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS BEAST MEN As I was praying I was shown by vision a strange troop of men. They all had the bodies of men, but their heads were of beasts. Their faces did not have the resemblance to men at all, but they were the faces of animals. I saw the following: a lion, a wolf, a bear, a dog, a tiger, there were others but the vision passed before I could see them all. The Lord then told me that these creatures were the signification of the condition of men in this generation, that they were returning to beastliness. He told me that men are becoming lower in their behavior than beasts. I was made to remember the costumes of heathen tribes when they literally deck themselves out like beasts and birds during their dances, with actual fur, horns, feathers, etc. on their heads. The Lord said the beast in some men is so rampant that it will show up on their faces. WEEKLY PRAYER Praise Worship Confession: Zechariah 4:7
  • 37. Sing songs of praises Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. 1. unto God for how far He has helped you in the journey of your life. 2. Begin to cover yourself, household and properties with the blood of Jesus. 3. Every spirit of limitation against my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus. 4. Every power of demotion targeted against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 5. Every spirit, power and personality working against my elevation, die, in the name of Jesus. 6. I receive to carry the evil-left over of my family, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every evil standing order against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 8. Every ancestral curse working against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 9. O God arise and begin to disgrace all my Goliaths, in the name of Jesus. 10. Let my Pharaoh die in his own Red Sea, in the name of Jesus. 11. I fire back every arrow of spiritual demotion, in the name of Jesus. 12. I fire back every arrow of physical demotion, in the name of Jesus. 13. I fire back every arrow of financial demotion, in the name of Jesus. 14. I fire back every arrow of marital demotion, in the name of Jesus. 15. O Lord, begin to laugh my enemies to scorn. 16. Every power preventing me from enjoying the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, die, in the name of Jesus. 17. Let God be God in my life, in the name of Jesus. 18. Let God be over my battles, in the name of Jesus. 19. Oh God arise and fight for me in my dreams, in the name of Jesus. 20. In the presence of those who think I’m nobody, Oh God arise, and make me somebody, in the name of Jesus. 21. In the presence of those who are asking for my God, oh God arise and manifest Yourself, in the name of Jesus. 22. Oh Lord, make my life a bethel, in the name of Jesus. 23. Every pattern of poverty will not prosper in my life, in the name of Jesus. 24. Let the rivers of breakthroughs flow into my life, in the name of Jesus. 25. Poverty, you will not locate my life, in the name of Jesus. 26. Angels of blessing, what are you waiting for, locate me now, in the name of Jesus. 27. I pull down every altar of serpent in my life, in the name of Jesus. 28. Oh Lord, arise and destroy every spiritual marriage prepared for my life, in the name of Jesus. 29. I shall not be a victim of spiritual marriage, in the mighty name of Jesus. 30. Oh Lord, destroy the plans of spiritual marriage against my life, in the name of Jesus. 31. You spirit of death and hell, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus. 32. Tragedy, you shall not locate me, in the name of Jesus 33. I reject death, I claim abundant life, in the name of Jesus. 34. Every power, planning to wage war against my divine vision, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus. 35. Every power, that refuses to let me go, what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus. 36. My life, move from minimum to maximum, in the name of Jesus. 37. Whether the enemy likes it or not, I shall not serve my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  • 38. 38. My sun shall shine, in the name of Jesus. 39. Every cloud of confusion, covering my divine goal, clear, in the name of Jesus. 40. My divine goal, locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus. 41. Every generational curse affecting my divine goal, break by the blood of Jesus. 42. Every evil meeting summoned against my goal, I scatter you by fire, in the name of Jesus. 43. Every power caging my divine goal, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 44. Anointing to excel, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus. 45. As from now on, I shall prevail against the enemies of my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus. 46. Finger of God, write my name in the book of success, in the name of Jesus. 47. Every enemy of my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 48. Every enemy of my marriage, die, in the name of Jesus. 49. Every enemy of God for my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus. 50. Begin to thank God. JANUARY-14 Psalm14 Overview Psa_14:1, David describes a natural man; Psa_14:4, He convinces the wicked by the light of their conscience; Psa_14:7, He glories in the salvation of God. Genesis27 Overview Gen_27:1, Isaacsends Esau for venison; Gen_27:6, Rebekah instructs Jacob to obtain the blessing; Gen_27:14, Jacob, feigning to be Esau, obtains it; Gen_27:30, Esau brings venison; Gen_27:33, Isaactrembles; Gen_27:34, Esau complains, and by importunity obtains a blessing; Gen_27:41, He threatens Jacob’s life; Gen_27:42, Rebekah disappoints him, by sending Jacob away. Genesis28 Overview Gen_28:1, Isaac blesses Jacob, and sends him to Padan-aram; Gen_28:6, Esau marries Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael; Gen_28:10, Jacob journeys, and has a vision of a ladder; Gen_28:18, The stone of Beth-el; Gen_28:20, Jacob’s vow. Mathew27 Overview Mat_27:1, Christ is delivered bound to Pilate; Mat_27:3, Judas hangs himself; Mat_27:19, Pilate, admonished of his wife, Mat_27:20. and being urged by the multitude, washes his hands, and looses Barabbas; Mat_27:27, Christ is mocked and crowned with thorns; Mat_27:33,
  • 39. crucified; Mat_27:39, reviled; Mat_27:50, dies, and is buried; Mat_27:62, his sepulchre is sealed and watched. Mathew28 Overview Mat_28:1, Christ’s resurrection is declared by an angel to the women; Mat_28:9, He himself appears unto them; Mat_28:11, The chief priests give the soldiers money to say that he was stolen out of his sepulchre; Mat_28:16, Christ appears to his disciples, Mat_28:18. and sends them to baptize and teach all nations. EARY MORNING WORDOF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say that youcan be marchingforthinthe truththat I give thee,youcan be standingstronginthe same, youcan be uplifted,rejoicing.Isaythat youdo not needtodwell amongthe deluded,amongthe confusedbecause youhave refusedthe clarityof mypurpose.Isaythat it isme the LivingGodwho will bringthee forthinthe waythat ismy light,the waythat ismy strength,mypower,myglory.It isme the LivingGodwho will bringthee forthinthe waythat I dointendforthee.Therefore Isaybe gladthat you are privilegedtolove me,tochoose me,towalkin me all of thy days.Be glad that youare privilegedto be uplifted,tobe broughtforth,tobe giventhe life thatIprovide.Be gladthatyou are broughtforth in the way that I the LivingGodintendbefore thee,the waythatismystrength.I saylove the truth as itis givenuntothee dayby day.I say love the truth,cleave untothee truth,rejoice inthe truth,forI dogive it untothee thatye wouldbe kept.Isay that I desire thatyouwouldcherishthe truththatI have providedforitismy life provideduntothee.Isayif youwill be cleavinguntothattruth,cherishingand lovingthe same,Isay that the truth doessetthee free.ButIsay that if you allow yourself tobe enticed by seducingspiritsyouwillendinaheapof deepdespair.Isay there isno reasontogo that way when youcouldwalkin the waythat I provide.Isay that I provide the truthuntothee tokeepthee,todirect thee,toinstructthee,all of thy days. NOONTIME SOME MAY CALL YOUR GOOD DEEDS EVIL. Matt 10:25It is enoughforthe disciple thathe be as hismaster,andthe servantashis lord.If they have calledthe masterof the house Beelzebub,how muchmore shall theycall themof hishousehold? The Phariseesdidinfarctcall Jesus“Satan”(matt 9:34). Good issometimeslabeledevil.If Jesuswhois perfectwascalledevil thenHisfollowerscanexpectsimilaraccusationsdirectedatthem.Butthose who endure will be vindicated. Greatlyrejoice forthe privilege giventoyoutobelongtoChrist,to worship Him, toreceive hislightandtoreceive Hisword.Rejoice andbe gladeventhisday.Do notget about your dutieswithbegrudgingwiththanksgivingthatyouare privilegedtolaborforthe kingdomthatdoes remain,forthe kingdomof eternal life,forthe kingdomthatbringsothersintothe landof the living. Rejoice thisdayforyou are indeedprivileged. EVENING
  • 40. DIVINE VISIONS LOVE RIVER Today whilst I was praying I was filled with melting love for the Lord. As I was pouring out adoration for the Lord, I was shown by vision a beautiful, beautiful river. As I asked the Lord the meaning He told me that it was His Love River. He explained to me that the melting love I was experiencing was coming from the waters of that River. The waters from the Love River come from Him. These waters fill our hearts when we are enraptured in adoration for Him. He further explained to me that the love I felt for Him was not coming from me, but from Him allowing the waters to flow through me. He told me I was not capable of the love that I was experiencing, because in all my carnality I am an enemy of God and a hater of Him. It is not possible for the "dead carnal nature" to love God as He desires. But it is through the divine flow that we communicate in such exquisite flowing. The Lord told me that I can ask Him for washing and refreshing from that River, and as He sees my need so will He answer me. JANUARY-15 Psalm15 Overview Psa_15:1, David describes a citizen of Zion. Genesis29 Overview Gen_29:1, Jacob comes to the well of Haran; Gen_29:9, He becomes acquainted with Rachel; Gen_29:13, Labanentertains him; Gen_29:18, Jacob covenants for Rachel; Gen_29:23, He is deceived by Laban with Leah; Gen_29:28, He marries also Rachel, and serves for her seven years more; Gen_29:32, Leah bears Reuben; Gen_29:33, Simeon; Gen_29:34,Levi; Gen_29:35, and Judah. Genesis30 Overview Gen_30:1, Rachel, in grief for her barrenness, gives Bilhah her maid unto Jacob; Gen_30:5, Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali; Gen_30:9, Leah gives Zilpah her maid, who bears Gad and Asher; Gen_30:14, Reuben finds mandrakes, with which Leah buys her husband’s company of Rachel; Gen_30:17,Leah bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah; Gen_30:22, Rachel bears Joseph; Gen_30:25, Jacob desires to depart; Gen_30:27, Laban detains him on a new agreement; Gen_30:37, Jacob’s policy, whereby he becomes rich. Mark 1 Overview
  • 41. Mar_1:1, The office of Johnthe Baptist; Mar_1:9, Jesus is baptized; Mar_1:12, tempted; Mar_1:14, he preaches; Mar_1:16, calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John; v.23, heals one that had a devil; v.29, Peter’s mother in law; v.32, many diseased persons; v.40, and cleanses the leper. Mark 2 Overview Mar_2:1, Christ followed by multitudes, Mar_2:3, heals one sick of the palsy; Mar_2:13, calls Matthew from the receipt of custom; Mar_2:15, eats with Publicans and sinners; Mar_2:18, excuses his disciples for not fasting; Mar_2:23, and for plucking the ears of corn on the sabbath day. EARY MORNING WORD OFTHE SPIRIT OF GOD I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is me the Living God who does reveal the plots of the wicked that you be not snared by the same. For I say that it is a pleasure unto me to reveal those ones that are wicked, to reveal their iniquities, to reveal their corruption. For I say indeed when men are full of wickedness and corruption, I say that they plot against my own. I say that it is through me the Living God that those plots are revealed and exposed that my people can be made free. I say that I the Living God have never intended that my people would be entangled in the plots of the wicked though they are many against them. But I say that I have intended that my people would be attentive unto me, walking always in the light that I provide. I say if my people who are called by my name will look unto me, I say that they will be uplifted and brought forth. I say that they will be given the newness of life that I delight to provide, brought forth in the same. NOONTIME DOING GOOD FOR WRONG REASONS Luke 4:3It is enoughforthe disciple thathe be as hismaster,and the servantas hislord.If theyhave calledthe masterof the house Beelzebub,how muchmore shall theycall themof hishousehold? sometimeswhatwe are attemptedtodoisnot wrongin itself,turningstonesintobreadwasn’tnecessarilybad.The sinwasnotinthe act but inthe reasonfor it.Satan was tryingto getJesustotake a shortcutto solve hisimmediateproblematthe expense of his longrange goals.Satan alwaysworks that waypersuadingustodo thingsevengoodthingsevengood thingsforthe wrongreasons.The fact that somethingisnotwronginitself doesnotmeanitisgoodfor
  • 42. youat a giventime.Firstask“isthe Holy spiritleadingme todothis?Or issatan nudgingme to dothis to getme of the track?” Rev2:4NeverthelessIhave somewhatagainstthee,because thouhastleft thy firstlove. the churchat Ephesuswasonce commendedforitslove forGodand others.(Eph3:17- That Christmay dwell inyourheartsbyfaith;that ye,beingrootedandgroundedinlove,18:May be able to comprehendwithall saintswhatisthe breadth,andlength,anddepth,andheight;19: And to knowthe love of Christ,whichpassethknowledge,thatye mightbe filledwithall the fullnessof God. ) but many of the church foundershaddiedandthe secondgenerationof believershadlosttheir zeal forGod. Theywere a busychurch theydidmuch to benefitthe churchandthe communitybutthey were actingfor the wrongreasons.Work for God is notlastingunlessitisbasedonlove Godand others. Whenwe lookto Christtrust inHim we are notmade ashamedbutare broughtforth byHis presence, gloryand goodness.Butwhenwe believealie we shall be takentodisgrace. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS SIN NO MORE I saw by vision, the woman caught in adultery. He told me it was not His will that she commit adultery. Then He further told me it is not His will that any of His people commit adultery, or any other sins. He said He wants His people to aspire to be sinless because He is sinless, and we are meant to be as He is. He said, "It is possible". Because He had told her, "Sin no more", which means it is possible. He told me that He never asks of us what is impossible but only what is possible. He showed me some who were sinless, their faces were serenely beautiful, reflecting the holiness and beauty of the Lord. He told me this is how He intends His people to look, not cursed by the ugly oppression of sin. He said we are kept out of the realm of sinlessness by our own choices against Him and our unbelief. JANUARY-16 Psalm16 Overview Psa_16:1, David, in distrust of merits, and hatred of idolatry, flees to God for preservation; Psa_16:5, He shews the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and life everlasting. Psalm of David. Psa_56:1, Psa_60:1 *titles Genesis31 Overview
  • 43. Gen_31:1, Jacob, displeased with the envy of Laban and his sons, departs secretly; Gen_31:19, Rachel steals her father’s images; Gen_31:22, Laban pursues after him, and complains of the wrong; Gen_31:34, Rachel’s stratagem to hide the images; Gen_31:36, Jacob’s complaint of Laban; Gen_31:43, The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed. Genesis32 Overview Gen_32:1, Jacob’s vision at Mahanaim; Gen_32:3, His message to Esau; Gen_32:6, He is afraid of Esau’s coming; Gen_32:9, He prays for deliverance; Gen_32:13, He sends a present to Esau, and passes the brook Jabbok; Gen_32:24, He wrestles with an angel at Peniel, where he is called Israel; Gen_32:31,He halts. Mark 3 Overview Mar_3:1, Christ heals the withered hand, Mar_3:10. and many other infirmities; Mar_3:11, rebukes the unclean spirit; Mar_3:13, chooses his twelve apostles; Mar_3:22, convinces the blasphemy of casting out devils by Beelzebub; Mar_3:31, and shows who are his brother, sister, and mother. Mark 4 Overview Mar_4:1, The parable of the sower, Mar_4:14. and the meaning thereof; Mar_4:21, We must communicate the light of our knowledge to others; Mar_4:26, The parable of the seed growing secretly; Mar_4:30, and of the mustard seed; Mar_4:35, Christ stilleth the tempest on the sea. EARY MORNING WORDOF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say that it is a good thing and a sweet thing, it is a blessed thing to walk in the truth that I provide, to be uplifted in the joyousness of my presence, to be uplifted in the power and the glory of who I am. I say if it is me that you look unto, I say that you will be uplifted and brought forth. I say that you will be pointed in the way that is my truth, my light, my strength, my glory. I say that it is me the Living God who will uplift thee and bring thee forth, it is me the Living God who will purpose thee, it is me the Living God who will cause thee to be glad. I say when it is me that you look unto, I say that you will be gravitated to the light that I provide. But I say that if you look to the plots of the wicked, you will be ensnared and entangled for I say that they will seduce thee. I say that they will take thee away from the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. NOONTIME HOW TO LIVE A TRULY GOOD LIFE
  • 44. John15:5- I am the vine,ye are the branches:He thatabidethinme,and I inhim, the same bringeth forth muchfruit:for withoutme ye can do nothing.6:If a man abide notinme,he is cast forthas a branch,and is withered;andmengatherthem, andcast themintothe fire,andtheyare burned.7:If ye abide inme,and mywordsabide inyou,ye shall askwhatye will,anditshall be done untoyou.8: HereinismyFatherglorified,thatye bearmuchfruit;so shall ye be my disciples. manypeopletrytodo good,be honestand dowhat isright.But Jesussaysthe onlyway to live atrulygoodlife isto stayclose to Him like abranch attachedto a vine.ApartfromHim our effortsare unfruitful.Are youreceivingthe nourishmentandthe life offeredbyChrist,the vine?If youare notyou are missingaspecial gifthe has for you. It is notGod’s pleasure thathispeople wouldbe adisgrace to Him, butit isHis pleasure that hispeople willbe broughtforthtoreceive the truth,thatHis people will goforwardin the lighteventhisdaybe glad,give thankstoreceive the truth,the lightandthe glory of whoHe is. EVENING DIVINE VISIONS TORMENT OF THIRST Today the Lord took me into hell by vision. There I saw multitudes who were thirsty, croaking, begging, crying for water. They were in different forms of agony, but they were all under the same oppressive thirst. They were insistent in their cries, their screams, their croaks, their moans. I asked the Lord what the vision meant. He told me that they were the ones who had refused the Water of Life. He said that the ones in this realm of torment were the ones who had willfully rejected the living waters. This particular realm of torment appeared to be very hot and dry which added to the thirst. JANUARY-17 Psalm17 Overview Psa_17:1, David, in confidence of his integrity, craves defence of God against his enemies; Psa_17:10, He shews their pride, craft, and eagerness; Psa_17:13, He prays against them in confidence of his hope. Genesis33 Overview Gen_33:1, Jacob and Esau’s meeting; and Esau’s departure; Gen_33:17, Jacob comes to Succoth; Gen_33:18, At Shalem he buys a field, and builds an altar, called El-elohe-Israel.
  • 45. Genesis34 Overview Gen_34:1, Dinah is ravished by Shechem; Gen_34:4, He sues to marry her; Gen_34:13, The sons of Jacob offer the condition of circumcision to the Shechemites; Gen_34:20, Hamor and Shechem persuade them to accept it; Gen_34:25, The sons of Jacob upon that advantage slay them, and spoil their city; Gen_34:30, Jacob reproves Simeon and Levi. Mark 5 Overview Mar_5:1, Christ delivering the possessed of the legion of devils, Mar_5:13. they enter into the swine; Mar_5:22, He is entreated by Jairus to go and heal his daughter; Mar_5:25, He heals the woman of the bloody issue, Mar_5:35. and raises from death Jairus’ daughter. Mark 6 Overview Mar_6:1, Christ is contemned of his countrymen; Mar_6:7, He gives the twelve power over unclean spirits; Mar_6:14, Divers opinions of Christ; Mar_6:16, John the Baptist is imprisoned, beheaded, and buried; Mar_6:30, The apostles return from preaching; Mar_6:34, The miracle of five loaves and two fishes; Mar_6:45, Christ walks on the sea; Mar_6:53, and heals all that touch him. EARY MORNING WORDOF THE SPIRIT OF GOD I say unto thee this day do not be entangled, do not be ensnared, do not be overwhelmed. I say when you are giving yourself to that which is falsity and vanity, you will be easily overwhelmed. I say that you will be taken away from the truth and swallowed in lies because you have listened to deceit. But I say when you are walking in the sound principles that I the Living God do give unto thee I say that you will be able to keep away from those seducing enticements that the enemy would send at thee to beguile thee. I say that oftentimes the enemy will send the forces of darkness, I say that he will send the forces of darkness to devour thee again and again. But I say that if you will steadfastly maintain the truth and walk in the same, I say that you are kept. I say that you are uplifted in the glorious light that I delight to provide unto thee. NOONTIME NO ONE IS GOOD IN GOD’SSIGHT. ROM 1:18For the wrath of God isrevealedfromheavenagainstall ungodlinessandunrighteousnessof men,whoholdthe truth inunrighteousness;WhyisGodangry at sinful people?Becauseeventhought God isholyand free of all evil,andeventhoughHe createdpeople tolove Himandgive glorytoHim.