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 Testicular cancer represents around 1–1.5
per cent of male neoplasms.
 Vast majority are germ cell tumours.
 Risk factors include
1. A history of testicular maldescent,
2. A history of a contralateral testicular
3. Klinefelter’s syndrome.
 Tumours of the testis are classified according to their
predominant cellular type.
Germ Cell Tumours(GCT)
Seminoma (52%-56% of GCT)
Embryonal cell carcinoma,
Yolk sac tumor,
Embryonal cell carcinoma,
Yolk sac tumor,
 On average, seminomas occur at an older
average age than NSGCTs, with most cases
diagnosed in the fourth or fifth decade of
life .
 Seminoma typically has a cut surface which is
homogeneous and pinkish cream in colour.
 Compress neighbouring testicular tissue.
 Two histological variants--
1. More anaplastic appearance
2. Cells which closely resemble different phases
of maturing spermatogonia (spermatocytic
 Seminoma arises from ITGCN and is
considered to be the common precursor for
the other NSGCT subtypes.
 This ability of seminoma to transform into NSGCT
elements has important therapeutic implications
for the management of seminoma
 Seminomas metastasise mainly via the
lymphatics, haematogenous spread is
 Lymphatic drainage of the testes is to the para-
aortic lymph nodes near the origin of the
gonadal vessels.
 The contralateral para-aortic lymph nodes are
sometimes involved by tumour spread.
 the inguinal lymph nodes are affected only if
the scrotal skin is involved.
Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell
 Tumours may be tiny but can reach the size of a
 The smaller tumours may not even distort the tunica
 Most NSGCTs are mixed tumors that are composed
of two or more GCT subtypes.
Yolk sac tumour. Tumours with this component
secrete alpha fetoprotein (AFP).
Otherwise Endodermal sinus tumors- Schiller-Duval
body present in hp study
Yolk sac tumors almost always produce AFP but not
Schiller duval body
Yolk sac tumor gross
Embryonal carcinoma
 Highly malignant tumours that occasionally
invade cord structures.
 EC is the most undifferentiated cell type of
NSGCT, with totipotential capacity to
differentiate to other NSGCT cell types
(including teratoma) within the primary tumor
or at metastatic sites
Often produces human chorionic
gonadotrophin (HCG).
This is a highly malignant tumour that
metastasizes early via both the
lymphatics and the bloodstream.
Choriocarcinoma commonly spreads
by hematogenous routes,
And common sites of metastases
include lungs and brain >> eye,skin
These tumours contain more than
one cell type with components
derived from ectoderm, endoderm,
and mesoderm.
Tumours may range from ‘mature’
with well-differentiated tissue
elements to ‘immature’ with
undifferentiated primitive tissues.
All can metastasise.
 Mature teratomas may include elements of mature
bone, cartilage, teeth, hair, and squamous
epithelium, a fact that most likely explains the
name teratoma, which roughly means “monster
tumor,” in Greek.
 may cause mildly elevated serum AFP levels.
 Teratoma is resistant to chemotherapy.
 require consolidative surgical resection because
40% to 50% will have residual teratoma.
 Teratomas may grow uncontrollably, invade
surrounding structures,and become unresectable
(known as growing teratoma syndrome)
Interstitial cell tumours (1-
 Tumours arise from leydig or sertoli cells.
 Leydig cell tumour masculinises.
 Sertoli cell tumour feminises.
 Typically small well circumscribed tumours with
a yellow cut surface.
 Most prepubertal tumours (~25 %) produce
androgens, which cause sexual precocity
including prominent external genitalia,
suprapubic hair growth and a deep
masculinised voice
 Most post-pubertal interstitial cell tumours
produce feminising hormones leading to
gynaecomastia,erectile dysfunction, loss of
libido and azoospermia.
Campbell urology 10th edition
Intratubular Germ Cell
 With the exception of spermatocytic
seminoma, all adult invasive GCTs arise
from ITGCN.
 ITGCN consists of undifferentiated germ cells
that have the appearance of seminoma that are
located basally within the seminiferous tubules.
 tubule usually shows decreased or absent
spermatogenesis, and normal constituents are
replaced by ITGCN
Initial Presentation
 most common presentation of testicular cancer is
a painless testicular mass.
 Pain is more commonly associated with NSGCT,
because these tumors tend to be more vascular and
exhibit more rapid growth compared with seminomas.
 Regional or distant metastasis at diagnosis
is present in approximately two thirds of
NSGCTs &15% of pure seminomas
 symptoms related to metastatic disease are
the presenting complaint in 10% to 20% of
 retroperitoneal metastasis may cause a palpable
mass,abdominal pain, flank pain due to ureteral
 Pulmonary metastasis may present as dyspnea,
chest pain, cough, or hemoptysis
 Metastasis to supraclavicular lymph nodes may
present as a neck mass
 A hydrocele may accompany a testicular cancer
and impair the examiner’s ability to evaluate the
testis.( USG is I/C)
Differential diagnosis
Testicular mass D/d includes -
1. Epididymoorchitis,
2. Torsion,
3. Hematoma
4. Paratesticular neoplasm (benign or
5. Hernia varicocele or spermatocele
A firm intratesticular mass should be
considered cancer until proven
otherwise and should be evaluated
further with scrotal ultrasonography.
In patients with a presumptive diagnosis
of epididymo-orchitis, patients should
be reevaluated within 2 to 4 weeks of
completion of an appropriate course of
oral antibiotics. A persistent mass or
pain should be evaluated further with
scrotal ultrasonography
Diagnostic Delay
 Testicular cancer patients are typically young and
may be less inclined to seek medical evaluation
for symptoms due to denial, ignorance, or limited
 Longest period of delay has been attributed to the
physician in up to two thirds of cases.
 Prior studies show that up to one third of
testicular tumors are initially misdiagnosed as
epididymitis or hydrocele
 interval of delay is associated with advanced
clinical stage, suboptimal response to
chemotherapy, and diminished survival
Diagnostic Testing
Scrotal Ultrasonography
Serum Tumor Markers
Metastatic workup
Scrotal ultrasonography
 should be considered an extension of the
physical examination because it is widely
available, inexpensive, and noninvasive.
 both testes should be evaluated
ultrasonographically,- 2% of GCT are B/L
 With high-frequency transducers (5 to 10
MHz),intratesticular lesions as small as a few
millimeters can be identified and readily distinguished
from an extratesticular pathologic process.
 GCT --hypoechoic and two or more discrete
lesions may be identified.
 NSGCT- Heterogeneous echotexture within a
the homogeneous tissue of the testicular teratoma on the
left of the image produces multiple ultrasound reflections.
Serum Tumor Markers
AFP, LDH and hCG., PLAP(Placental Alkaline
 At diagnosis, AFP levels are elevated in 50% to
70% of low-stage (CS I, IIA, IIB) NSGCT and
60% to 80% of advanced (CS IIC, III) NSGCT.
 EC and yolk sac tumors secrete AFP.
 Choriocarcinomas and seminomas do not
produce AFP
 Patients with pure seminoma in the primary
tumor with an elevated serum AFP value are
considered to have NSGCT.
 The half-life of AFP is 5 to 7 days
AFP levels may also be raised in patients with
 hepatocellular carcinoma and
 cancers of the stomach, pancreas, biliary tract,
and lung.
 Ataxic telangiectasia -MCQ
 Hereditary tyrosinemia.-MCQ
hCG levels are elevated in 20% to 40% of
low-stage NSGCT and 40% to 60% of advanced
 hCG is also secreted by choriocarcinoma and
 Levels >>5000 IU/L are usually associated with
 The half-life of hCG is 24 to 36 hours.
 LDH levels are elevated in approximately 20%
of lowstage GCTs and 20% to 60% of advanced
 LDH-1 is the most frequently elevated isoenzyme
in GCT
 chest radiographs at the time of diagnosis as an
initial staging study, and
 CT should be performed in patients with elevated
postorchiectomy levels of serum tumor markers,
evidence of metastatic disease by physical
examination, equivocal findings on chest
 As such there is no role for routine bone
scintigraphy or brain CT at the time of
 A notable exception to this is brain CT for
patients with a highly elevated hCG
value(>10,000 IU/L).
 Because these levels are often
associated with metastatic
choriocarcinoma, which has a propensity
for brain metastases.
CT Brain In Metastatic Choriocarcinoma,
TNM Staging of Testicular Tumor
extent of primary tumor is usually classified after
radical orchidectomy and, for this reason, a
pathologic stage is assigned for T
CLINICAL-as determined by noninvasive staging
PATHOLOGIC (pN) -as determined by pathologic findings
of RPLND without prior chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Serum Tumor Markers
Distant Metastasis
Scrotal exploration and orchidectomy for
suspected testicular tumour
 The orchidectomy is undertaken via an inguinal
 The spermatic cord is displayed by dividing the
external oblique aponeurosis and a soft clamp is
placed across the cord to stop dissemination of
malignant cells as the testis is mobilised into the
 If necessary, the testis should be bisected along
its anterior convexity to examine its internal
 If there is a tumour, the cord should be double
transfixed and divided at the level of the internal
inguinal ring and the testis removed.
pTX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
No evidence of primary tumor (e.g., histologic scar
in testis)
Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (carcinoma in situ)
Tumor limited to the testis and epididymis without
vascular/lymphatic invasion;
tumor may invade into the tunica albuginea but not
the tunica vaginalis
with vascular/lymphatic invasion;
With involvement of the tunica vaginalis
invades the spermatic cord with or without
vascular/lymphatic invasion
invades the scrotum with or without vascular/lymphatic
Regional Lymph Nodes (N)-
clinicalNx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Metastasis with a lymph node mass 2 cm or less in greatest dimension;
or multiple lymph nodes, none more than 2 cm in greatest
N2 Metastasis with a lymph node mass >2cm & <5 cm in
greatest dimension; or multiple lymph nodes, any
one mass >2cm & <5 cm greatest dimension
N3 Metastasis with a lymph node mass more than 5 cm in
greatest dimension
pNX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
pN0 No regional lymph node metastasis
pN1 Metastasis with a lymph node mass 2 cm or less in greatest dimension
and less than or equal to five nodes positive, none more than
2 cm in greatest dimension
pN2 Metastasis with a lymph node mass more than 2 cm but not more than 5
cm in greatest dimension; or more than 5 nodes positive,
none more than 5 cm; or evidence of extranodal extension of tumor
pN3 Metastasis with a lymph node mass more than 5 cm in greatest
Distant Metastasis (M)
MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis
M1a Nonregional nodal or pulmonary metastasis
M1b Distant metastasis at site other than nonregional lymph nodes or
Serum Tumor Markers (S)
SX Marker studies not available or not performed
S0 Marker study levels within normal limits
S1 LDH < 1.5 × N† and
hCG (MIU/mL) <5000 and
AFP (ng/mL) <1000
S2 LDH 1.5-10 × N or
hCG (MIU/mL) 5000-50,000 or
AFP (ng/mL) 1000-10,000
S3 LDH >10 × N or
hcG (MIU/mL) >50,000 or
AFP (ng/mL) >10,000
 Stage 0 pTis N0 M0 S0
 Stage I pT1-4 N0 M0 SX
 Stage IA pT1 N0 M0 S0
 Stage IB pT2 N0 M0 S0
• pT3 N0 M0 S0
• pT4 N0 M0 S0
 Stage IS Any pT/Tx N0 M0 S1-3
 Stage II Any pT/Tx N 1-3 M0 SX
 Stage IIA Any pT/Tx N1 M0 S0
Any pT/Tx N1 M0 S1
 Stage IIB Any pT/Tx N2 M0 S0
▪Any pT/Tx N2 M0 S1
 Stage III Any pT/Tx Any N M1 SX
 Stage IIIA Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S0
▪Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S1
 Stage IIIB Any pT/Tx N1-3 M0 S2
▪Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S2
 Stage IIIC Any pT/Tx N1-3 M0 S3
•Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S3
•Any pT/Tx Any N M1b Any S
 Clinical Stage I NSGCT
optimal management of CS I NSGCT is
controversial.Surveillance, primary RPLND, and
primary chemotherapy with BEP×2 are accepted
treatment options, with long-term survival rates
approaching 100% for each
Clinical Stage IS NSGCT
 CS IS is defined as the presence of elevated
postorchiectomy serum tumor markers
without clinical or radiographic evidence of
metastatic disease
 these patients should be treated similar to
those with CS IIC-III and receive induction
 Clinical Stage IIA and IIB NSGCT
RPLND (±adjuvant chemotherapy )and
induction chemotherapy (±
postchemotherapy RPLND)
Arguments in favor of RPLND for CS IIA-B
 13% to 35% of patients have pathologically
negative lymph nodes and thus avoid
2. long-term cancer-specific survival is 98% to 100%
with RPLND ―
 The disadvantages of RPLND are –
1. additional therapy is required in 48% or more of
2. 13% to 15% have persistence of disease after
RPLND and require a full induction chemotherapy
3. high-quality RPLND may not be deliverable at all
 there is consensus that CS IIA-B NSGCT
patients with elevated AFP or hCG or bulky
lymph nodes (>3 cm) should receive induction
Clinical Stage IIC and III NSGCT.
 Induction chemotherapy with cisplatin-based
multiagent regimens is the initial approach
used for the treatment
 induction chemotherapy is also the preferred
approach for CS IS and CS IIA-B with elevated
postorchiectomyAFP and Hcg
 specific regimen and number of cycles is based on
the IGCCCG risk stratification
(International Germ Cell Consensus Classification,
 BEP×4(bleomycin-etoposide-cisplatin) is
adopted as the standard regimen
For NSGCT, IGCCCG risk is
assigned based on the postorchiectomy
serum tumor marker levels,
mediastinal primary tumor,
and the presence of nonpulmonary
visceral metastase
 Postchemotherapy resection of all residual
masses is based on the incidence of residual
cancer (either viable malignancy or teratoma) in
50% or more of patients
 standard approach to patients who experience
relapse within 2 years after first-line chemotherapy
in conventional dose, second-line chemotherapy
with ifosfamide-containing regimens.
 standard approach to patients with relapse 2 years
or more after initial therapy is surgical resection of
all sites of disease if feasible.
 NSGCTs are not radiosensitive, but they are highly
sensitive to combination chemotherapy with
bleomycin, etoposide and cis-platinum (so called
BEP chemotherapy).
 Some good prognosis NSGCTs can be managed
by surveillance protocols (using regular CT
scanning and tumour marker measurement) with
the more high risk cases receiving chemotherapy
Retroperitoneal Lymph Node
Dissection( RPLND )
 Either a transabdominal or thoracoabdominal
approach to
 the retroperitoneum for lymph node dissection
may be used
 most consistent long-term morbidity of a
 bilateral RPLND has been the loss of
 ejaculation and, consequently, potential
 owing to damage of sympathetic nerve
 Therefore patients are advised to complete
sperm banking before the surgery.The
sympathetic chain, the paravertebral
sympathetic ganglia, and postganglionic
sympathetic fibers T2 to L4 and their
convergence at the hypogastric plexus are
most crucial in the preservation of antegrade
 Narayan and colleagues (1982) first reported
that modification of surgical boundaries
resulted in spontaneous return of ejaculation at
3 years.
 Exposing the Retroperitoneum—
1. Transabdominal
2. thoracoabdominal approach
 Setting Up the Dissection
 Lymphadenectomy
Approach Main advantages of this approach are to allow
easier visualization and dissection of the
suprahilar lymphatic tissues and less risk of
postoperative small bowel obstruction. In addition,
simultaneous thoracic procedures can be
performed through the same incision.
 Incision starts obliquely over the eighth or ninth rib
and curves downward ,paramedian toward the
pubic ramus. A subperiosteal rib resection is
performed and the ipsilateral rectus muscle is
Transabdominal Approach
 A midline incision is made from the xiphicostal
junction to a point 2 cm above the symphysis
 Careful inspection of the abdomen,
retroperitoneum, and pelvis is then carried out to
assess resectability and the presence of
metastatic disease. The greater omentum and the
transverse colon are then displaced superiorly.
 The small bowel is reflected to the right, and an
incision is made in the posterior peritoneum
medial to the inferior mesenteric vein
 This incision is continued cephalad to the ligament
of Treitz and is extended superiorly and medially
to the duodenojejunal flexure, allowing for superior
mobilization of the fourth portion of the duodenum
and pancreas
 The retroperitoneal space has been exposed. The duodenum
has been kocherized; its second, third, and fourth portions
have been reflected superiorly along with the pancreas and
superior mesenteric artery. The entire right colon has been
mobilized and exteriorized.
The prognosis of testicular tumours depends
on several factorS including the histological
type and the stage at presentation.
 For NSGCTs, a five-year survival rate of more
than 90 per cent is achievable in patients with
good prognosis tumours while for more
advanced tumours the five-year survival rate is
about 60 per cent
Sperm cryopreservation should
be offered to all patients
before RPLND,
chemotherapy, or radiation
therapy owing to the potential
effects of these treatments on
Cisplatin-based chemotherapy
is associated with numerous
early complications and side
effects, including Fatigue,
myelosuppression, infection,
neuropathy,hearing loss,
diminished renal function.

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pranaya ppt Management of nsgct

  • 1.
  • 2. INTRODUCTION  Testicular cancer represents around 1–1.5 per cent of male neoplasms.  Vast majority are germ cell tumours.  Risk factors include 1. A history of testicular maldescent, 2. A history of a contralateral testicular tumour, 3. Klinefelter’s syndrome.
  • 3. Classification  Tumours of the testis are classified according to their predominant cellular type.  GERM CELL TUMOURS (90–95%)  INTERSTITIAL TUMOURS (1–2%)  LYMPHOMA (3–7%)  OTHER TUMOURS (1–2%)
  • 4. Germ Cell Tumours(GCT) Seminoma (52%-56% of GCT) Embryonal cell carcinoma, Yolk sac tumor, Teratoma, Choriocarcinoma. NSGCT (44-48% 0F GCT)
  • 5. NON-SEMINOMATOUS GERM CELL TUMOURS (NSGCT) Embryonal cell carcinoma, Yolk sac tumor, Teratoma, Choriocarcinoma.
  • 6. Seminoma  On average, seminomas occur at an older average age than NSGCTs, with most cases diagnosed in the fourth or fifth decade of life .  Seminoma typically has a cut surface which is homogeneous and pinkish cream in colour.  Compress neighbouring testicular tissue.
  • 7.
  • 9.  Two histological variants-- 1. More anaplastic appearance (Syncytiotrophoblasts) 2. Cells which closely resemble different phases of maturing spermatogonia (spermatocytic seminoma  Seminoma arises from ITGCN and is considered to be the common precursor for the other NSGCT subtypes.  This ability of seminoma to transform into NSGCT elements has important therapeutic implications for the management of seminoma
  • 10. CONTD…  Seminomas metastasise mainly via the lymphatics, haematogenous spread is uncommon.  Lymphatic drainage of the testes is to the para- aortic lymph nodes near the origin of the gonadal vessels.  The contralateral para-aortic lymph nodes are sometimes involved by tumour spread.  the inguinal lymph nodes are affected only if the scrotal skin is involved.
  • 11. Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumours (NSGCT)  Tumours may be tiny but can reach the size of a coconut.  The smaller tumours may not even distort the tunica albuginea.  Most NSGCTs are mixed tumors that are composed of two or more GCT subtypes. Yolk sac tumour. Tumours with this component secrete alpha fetoprotein (AFP). Otherwise Endodermal sinus tumors- Schiller-Duval body present in hp study Yolk sac tumors almost always produce AFP but not hCG.
  • 12. Schiller duval body Yolk sac tumor gross
  • 13. Embryonal carcinoma  Highly malignant tumours that occasionally invade cord structures.  EC is the most undifferentiated cell type of NSGCT, with totipotential capacity to differentiate to other NSGCT cell types (including teratoma) within the primary tumor or at metastatic sites
  • 15. Choriocarcinoma- Often produces human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). This is a highly malignant tumour that metastasizes early via both the lymphatics and the bloodstream. Choriocarcinoma commonly spreads by hematogenous routes, And common sites of metastases include lungs and brain >> eye,skin
  • 16.
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  • 18. Teratoma- These tumours contain more than one cell type with components derived from ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Tumours may range from ‘mature’ with well-differentiated tissue elements to ‘immature’ with undifferentiated primitive tissues. All can metastasise.
  • 19. Contd…  Mature teratomas may include elements of mature bone, cartilage, teeth, hair, and squamous epithelium, a fact that most likely explains the name teratoma, which roughly means “monster tumor,” in Greek.  may cause mildly elevated serum AFP levels.  Teratoma is resistant to chemotherapy.  require consolidative surgical resection because 40% to 50% will have residual teratoma.  Teratomas may grow uncontrollably, invade surrounding structures,and become unresectable (known as growing teratoma syndrome)
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  • 22. Interstitial cell tumours (1- 2%)  Tumours arise from leydig or sertoli cells.  Leydig cell tumour masculinises.  Sertoli cell tumour feminises.  Typically small well circumscribed tumours with a yellow cut surface.  Most prepubertal tumours (~25 %) produce androgens, which cause sexual precocity including prominent external genitalia, suprapubic hair growth and a deep masculinised voice
  • 23. Contd..  Most post-pubertal interstitial cell tumours produce feminising hormones leading to gynaecomastia,erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and azoospermia.
  • 25. Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia(ITGCN)  With the exception of spermatocytic seminoma, all adult invasive GCTs arise from ITGCN.  ITGCN consists of undifferentiated germ cells that have the appearance of seminoma that are located basally within the seminiferous tubules.  tubule usually shows decreased or absent spermatogenesis, and normal constituents are replaced by ITGCN
  • 26. Initial Presentation  most common presentation of testicular cancer is a painless testicular mass.  Pain is more commonly associated with NSGCT, because these tumors tend to be more vascular and exhibit more rapid growth compared with seminomas.  Regional or distant metastasis at diagnosis is present in approximately two thirds of NSGCTs &15% of pure seminomas  symptoms related to metastatic disease are the presenting complaint in 10% to 20% of patients.
  • 27.  retroperitoneal metastasis may cause a palpable mass,abdominal pain, flank pain due to ureteral obstruction.  Pulmonary metastasis may present as dyspnea, chest pain, cough, or hemoptysis  Metastasis to supraclavicular lymph nodes may present as a neck mass  A hydrocele may accompany a testicular cancer and impair the examiner’s ability to evaluate the testis.( USG is I/C)
  • 28. Differential diagnosis Testicular mass D/d includes - 1. Epididymoorchitis, 2. Torsion, 3. Hematoma 4. Paratesticular neoplasm (benign or malignant 5. Hernia varicocele or spermatocele
  • 29. A firm intratesticular mass should be considered cancer until proven otherwise and should be evaluated further with scrotal ultrasonography. In patients with a presumptive diagnosis of epididymo-orchitis, patients should be reevaluated within 2 to 4 weeks of completion of an appropriate course of oral antibiotics. A persistent mass or pain should be evaluated further with scrotal ultrasonography
  • 30. Diagnostic Delay  Testicular cancer patients are typically young and may be less inclined to seek medical evaluation for symptoms due to denial, ignorance, or limited access.  Longest period of delay has been attributed to the physician in up to two thirds of cases.  Prior studies show that up to one third of testicular tumors are initially misdiagnosed as epididymitis or hydrocele
  • 31.  interval of delay is associated with advanced clinical stage, suboptimal response to chemotherapy, and diminished survival
  • 32. Diagnostic Testing Scrotal Ultrasonography Serum Tumor Markers Metastatic workup
  • 33. Scrotal ultrasonography  should be considered an extension of the physical examination because it is widely available, inexpensive, and noninvasive.  both testes should be evaluated ultrasonographically,- 2% of GCT are B/L  With high-frequency transducers (5 to 10 MHz),intratesticular lesions as small as a few millimeters can be identified and readily distinguished from an extratesticular pathologic process.  GCT --hypoechoic and two or more discrete lesions may be identified.  NSGCT- Heterogeneous echotexture within a lesion
  • 34.
  • 35. the homogeneous tissue of the testicular teratoma on the left of the image produces multiple ultrasound reflections.
  • 36. Serum Tumor Markers AFP, LDH and hCG., PLAP(Placental Alkaline Phosphatase)  At diagnosis, AFP levels are elevated in 50% to 70% of low-stage (CS I, IIA, IIB) NSGCT and 60% to 80% of advanced (CS IIC, III) NSGCT.  EC and yolk sac tumors secrete AFP.  Choriocarcinomas and seminomas do not produce AFP  Patients with pure seminoma in the primary tumor with an elevated serum AFP value are considered to have NSGCT.  The half-life of AFP is 5 to 7 days
  • 37.
  • 38. AFP levels may also be raised in patients with  hepatocellular carcinoma and  cancers of the stomach, pancreas, biliary tract, and lung.  Ataxic telangiectasia -MCQ  Hereditary tyrosinemia.-MCQ hCG levels are elevated in 20% to 40% of low-stage NSGCT and 40% to 60% of advanced NSGCT.
  • 39.  hCG is also secreted by choriocarcinoma and EC.  Levels >>5000 IU/L are usually associated with NSGCT.  The half-life of hCG is 24 to 36 hours.  LDH levels are elevated in approximately 20% of lowstage GCTs and 20% to 60% of advanced GCTs.  LDH-1 is the most frequently elevated isoenzyme in GCT
  • 40.
  • 41. CHEST IMAGING  chest radiographs at the time of diagnosis as an initial staging study, and  CT should be performed in patients with elevated postorchiectomy levels of serum tumor markers, evidence of metastatic disease by physical examination, equivocal findings on chest radiography.
  • 42.
  • 43.  As such there is no role for routine bone scintigraphy or brain CT at the time of diagnosis.  A notable exception to this is brain CT for patients with a highly elevated hCG value(>10,000 IU/L).  Because these levels are often associated with metastatic choriocarcinoma, which has a propensity for brain metastases.
  • 44. CT Brain In Metastatic Choriocarcinoma,
  • 45. TNM Staging of Testicular Tumor T extent of primary tumor is usually classified after radical orchidectomy and, for this reason, a pathologic stage is assigned for T N CLINICAL-as determined by noninvasive staging PATHOLOGIC (pN) -as determined by pathologic findings of RPLND without prior chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • 47. Scrotal exploration and orchidectomy for suspected testicular tumour  The orchidectomy is undertaken via an inguinal incision.  The spermatic cord is displayed by dividing the external oblique aponeurosis and a soft clamp is placed across the cord to stop dissemination of malignant cells as the testis is mobilised into the wound.  If necessary, the testis should be bisected along its anterior convexity to examine its internal structure.  If there is a tumour, the cord should be double transfixed and divided at the level of the internal inguinal ring and the testis removed.
  • 48.
  • 49. PATHOLOGICAL(p) PRIMARY TUMOR pTX Primary tumor cannot be assessed pT0 No evidence of primary tumor (e.g., histologic scar in testis) pTis Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (carcinoma in situ) pT1 Tumor limited to the testis and epididymis without vascular/lymphatic invasion; tumor may invade into the tunica albuginea but not the tunica vaginalis pT2 with vascular/lymphatic invasion; With involvement of the tunica vaginalis pT3 invades the spermatic cord with or without vascular/lymphatic invasion pT4 invades the scrotum with or without vascular/lymphatic invasion
  • 50. Regional Lymph Nodes (N)- clinicalNx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed N0 No regional lymph node metastasis N1 Metastasis with a lymph node mass 2 cm or less in greatest dimension; or multiple lymph nodes, none more than 2 cm in greatest dimension N2 Metastasis with a lymph node mass >2cm & <5 cm in greatest dimension; or multiple lymph nodes, any one mass >2cm & <5 cm greatest dimension N3 Metastasis with a lymph node mass more than 5 cm in greatest dimension
  • 51. N PATHOLOGICAL pNX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed pN0 No regional lymph node metastasis pN1 Metastasis with a lymph node mass 2 cm or less in greatest dimension and less than or equal to five nodes positive, none more than 2 cm in greatest dimension pN2 Metastasis with a lymph node mass more than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm in greatest dimension; or more than 5 nodes positive, none more than 5 cm; or evidence of extranodal extension of tumor pN3 Metastasis with a lymph node mass more than 5 cm in greatest dimension
  • 52. Distant Metastasis (M) MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessed M0 No distant metastasis M1 Distant metastasis M1a Nonregional nodal or pulmonary metastasis M1b Distant metastasis at site other than nonregional lymph nodes or lung
  • 53. Serum Tumor Markers (S) SX Marker studies not available or not performed S0 Marker study levels within normal limits S1 LDH < 1.5 × N† and hCG (MIU/mL) <5000 and AFP (ng/mL) <1000 S2 LDH 1.5-10 × N or hCG (MIU/mL) 5000-50,000 or AFP (ng/mL) 1000-10,000 S3 LDH >10 × N or hcG (MIU/mL) >50,000 or AFP (ng/mL) >10,000
  • 54.  Stage 0 pTis N0 M0 S0  Stage I pT1-4 N0 M0 SX  Stage IA pT1 N0 M0 S0  Stage IB pT2 N0 M0 S0 • pT3 N0 M0 S0 • pT4 N0 M0 S0  Stage IS Any pT/Tx N0 M0 S1-3  Stage II Any pT/Tx N 1-3 M0 SX  Stage IIA Any pT/Tx N1 M0 S0 Any pT/Tx N1 M0 S1  Stage IIB Any pT/Tx N2 M0 S0 ▪Any pT/Tx N2 M0 S1
  • 55.  Stage III Any pT/Tx Any N M1 SX  Stage IIIA Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S0 ▪Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S1  Stage IIIB Any pT/Tx N1-3 M0 S2 ▪Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S2  Stage IIIC Any pT/Tx N1-3 M0 S3 •Any pT/Tx Any N M1a S3 •Any pT/Tx Any N M1b Any S
  • 56. MANAGEMENT OF NSGCT  Clinical Stage I NSGCT optimal management of CS I NSGCT is controversial.Surveillance, primary RPLND, and primary chemotherapy with BEP×2 are accepted treatment options, with long-term survival rates approaching 100% for each Clinical Stage IS NSGCT  CS IS is defined as the presence of elevated postorchiectomy serum tumor markers without clinical or radiographic evidence of metastatic disease
  • 57.  these patients should be treated similar to those with CS IIC-III and receive induction chemotherapy  Clinical Stage IIA and IIB NSGCT RPLND (±adjuvant chemotherapy )and induction chemotherapy (± postchemotherapy RPLND) Arguments in favor of RPLND for CS IIA-B are-  13% to 35% of patients have pathologically negative lymph nodes and thus avoid chemotherapy.
  • 58. 2. long-term cancer-specific survival is 98% to 100% with RPLND ―  The disadvantages of RPLND are – 1. additional therapy is required in 48% or more of patients. 2. 13% to 15% have persistence of disease after RPLND and require a full induction chemotherapy regimen 3. high-quality RPLND may not be deliverable at all institutions  there is consensus that CS IIA-B NSGCT patients with elevated AFP or hCG or bulky lymph nodes (>3 cm) should receive induction chemotherapy
  • 59. Clinical Stage IIC and III NSGCT.  Induction chemotherapy with cisplatin-based multiagent regimens is the initial approach used for the treatment  induction chemotherapy is also the preferred approach for CS IS and CS IIA-B with elevated postorchiectomyAFP and Hcg  specific regimen and number of cycles is based on the IGCCCG risk stratification (International Germ Cell Consensus Classification, 1997)  BEP×4(bleomycin-etoposide-cisplatin) is adopted as the standard regimen
  • 60. For NSGCT, IGCCCG risk is assigned based on the postorchiectomy serum tumor marker levels, mediastinal primary tumor, and the presence of nonpulmonary visceral metastase
  • 61.  Postchemotherapy resection of all residual masses is based on the incidence of residual cancer (either viable malignancy or teratoma) in 50% or more of patients  standard approach to patients who experience relapse within 2 years after first-line chemotherapy in conventional dose, second-line chemotherapy with ifosfamide-containing regimens.  standard approach to patients with relapse 2 years or more after initial therapy is surgical resection of all sites of disease if feasible.
  • 62.  NSGCTs are not radiosensitive, but they are highly sensitive to combination chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cis-platinum (so called BEP chemotherapy).  Some good prognosis NSGCTs can be managed by surveillance protocols (using regular CT scanning and tumour marker measurement) with the more high risk cases receiving chemotherapy
  • 63. Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection( RPLND )  Either a transabdominal or thoracoabdominal approach to  the retroperitoneum for lymph node dissection may be used  most consistent long-term morbidity of a standard  bilateral RPLND has been the loss of antegrade  ejaculation and, consequently, potential infertility,  owing to damage of sympathetic nerve fibers
  • 64.
  • 65.  Therefore patients are advised to complete sperm banking before the surgery.The sympathetic chain, the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia, and postganglionic sympathetic fibers T2 to L4 and their convergence at the hypogastric plexus are most crucial in the preservation of antegrade ejaculation.  Narayan and colleagues (1982) first reported that modification of surgical boundaries resulted in spontaneous return of ejaculation at 3 years.
  • 66.  Exposing the Retroperitoneum— 1. Transabdominal 2. thoracoabdominal approach  Setting Up the Dissection  Lymphadenectomy
  • 67. Thoracoabdominal Approach Main advantages of this approach are to allow easier visualization and dissection of the suprahilar lymphatic tissues and less risk of postoperative small bowel obstruction. In addition, simultaneous thoracic procedures can be performed through the same incision.  Incision starts obliquely over the eighth or ninth rib and curves downward ,paramedian toward the pubic ramus. A subperiosteal rib resection is performed and the ipsilateral rectus muscle is divided.
  • 68.
  • 69. Transabdominal Approach  A midline incision is made from the xiphicostal junction to a point 2 cm above the symphysis pubis  Careful inspection of the abdomen, retroperitoneum, and pelvis is then carried out to assess resectability and the presence of metastatic disease. The greater omentum and the transverse colon are then displaced superiorly.  The small bowel is reflected to the right, and an incision is made in the posterior peritoneum medial to the inferior mesenteric vein
  • 70.  This incision is continued cephalad to the ligament of Treitz and is extended superiorly and medially to the duodenojejunal flexure, allowing for superior mobilization of the fourth portion of the duodenum and pancreas
  • 71.  The retroperitoneal space has been exposed. The duodenum has been kocherized; its second, third, and fourth portions have been reflected superiorly along with the pancreas and superior mesenteric artery. The entire right colon has been mobilized and exteriorized.
  • 72. Prognosis  The prognosis of testicular tumours depends on several factorS including the histological type and the stage at presentation.  For NSGCTs, a five-year survival rate of more than 90 per cent is achievable in patients with good prognosis tumours while for more advanced tumours the five-year survival rate is about 60 per cent
  • 73. Sperm cryopreservation should be offered to all patients before RPLND, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy owing to the potential effects of these treatments on fertility.
  • 74. Cisplatin-based chemotherapy is associated with numerous early complications and side effects, including Fatigue, myelosuppression, infection, peripheral neuropathy,hearing loss, diminished renal function.