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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading; //.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
namespace FileInFileOut3
class Program
private ArrayList logList = new ArrayList();
static int Main(string[] args)
Program prog = new Program();
String[] pathArgs = prog.GetConfig(args[0]);
string inputPath = (string)pathArgs[0]; //InputPath
string outputPath = (string)pathArgs[1]; //OutputPath
String week1File = (String)pathArgs[2];
String week2File = (String)pathArgs[3];
bool success = prog.PrepareWageFiles(inputPath, outputPath, week1File, week2File);
if (success == true)
Console.WriteLine("Merge success.");
return 0;
Console.WriteLine("Merge failure.");
return 1;
private string CheckTaxWageValueFormat(string valueString, int numchar)
string outstring = "";
int valnum = valueString.Length;
if (numchar - valnum == 5)
valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00.00");
if (numchar - valnum == 4)
valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00.0");
if (numchar - valnum == 3)
valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00.");
if (numchar - valnum == 2)
valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00");
if (numchar - valnum == 1)
valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "0");
outstring = valueString;
valueString = "";
numchar = 0;
valnum = 0;
return outstring;
private bool Error()
return false;
private String[] GetConfig(String configPath)
XmlDocument xDoc;
String[] filepathString;
xDoc = new XmlDocument();
xDoc.Load(configPath + "/XTW_Import_settings.xml");
if (!xDoc.DocumentElement.IsEmpty)
XmlNode rootSegments = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("DataFiles");
XmlNode inNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[0];
XmlNode outNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[1];
XmlNode Week1Node = rootSegments.ChildNodes[2];
XmlNode Week2Node = rootSegments.ChildNodes[3];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(outNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Week1Node.InnerText) &
filepathString = new String[] { inNode.InnerText, outNode.InnerText, Week1Node.InnerText, Week2Node.InnerText };
logList.Add("XML Settings document loaded in GetConfig ( ): ");
logList.Add(" Qualified name of XmlDocument node: " + xDoc.Name);
logList.Add(" Input Path : " + inNode.InnerText);
logList.Add(" Output Path: " + outNode.InnerText);
return filepathString;
return new String[] { };
logList.Add("XML Settings document in GetConfig ( ) failed to load.");
return new String[] { };
private DateTime GetPreviousSunday(DateTime inDate)
if (inDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
return inDate.Date;
DateTime newDate = inDate.AddDays(-1);
DateTime sundayDate = GetPreviousSunday(newDate);
return sundayDate;
private ArrayList MergeWageFiles(SortedDictionary<string, string> week1Dict, SortedDictionary<string, string> week2Dict, string endDate)
ArrayList outList = new ArrayList();
string basestring = " {0}XTWSCR {1} {2}{3}{4}{5}{6} ";
SortedDictionary<string, string> enumDict;
if (week1Dict == null)
enumDict = week2Dict;
enumDict = week1Dict;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in enumDict)
List<string> lx = new List<string>(7);
string keyHash = kvp.Key;
string week1Hash;
string week2Hash;
if (week1Dict != null)
week1Hash = kvp.Value;
if (week2Dict.ContainsKey(keyHash))
week2Hash = week2Dict[keyHash];
week2Hash = ",,";
week2Hash = kvp.Value;
week1Hash = ",,";
ArrayList keyList = SplitHashWeekKey(keyHash);
ArrayList val2List = SplitHashWeekValue(week2Hash);
ArrayList val1List = SplitHashWeekValue(week1Hash);
bool isEndDateNull = true;
bool isTip1Null = true;
bool isTip2Null = true;
bool isWage1Null = true;
bool isWage2Null = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate))
isEndDateNull = false;
lx.Add("Date Error");
if (val1List[1] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val1List[1])) //Tip 1
lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val1List[1], 5));
isTip1Null = false;
if (val1List[2] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val1List[2])) //Wage 1
lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val1List[2], 5));
isWage1Null = false;
if (val2List[1] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val2List[1])) //Tip 2
lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val2List[1], 5));
isTip2Null = false;
if (val2List[2] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val2List[2])) //Wage 2
lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val2List[2], 5));
isWage2Null = false;
string concat = "";
concat = string.Format(basestring, lx[0], lx[1], lx[2], lx[3], lx[5], lx[4], lx[6]);
if (isEndDateNull == true | isTip1Null == true | isTip2Null == true | isWage1Null == true | isWage2Null == true)
logList.Add("Null Data: ");
logList.Add(" Organization: " + (string)keyList[0]);
logList.Add(" EmployeeId : " + (string)keyList[1]);
if (isTip1Null == true)
logList.Add(" Week 1 Tip : NULL");
if (isTip2Null == true)
logList.Add(" Week 2 Tip : NULL");
if (isWage1Null == true)
logList.Add(" Week 1 Wage : NULL");
if (isWage2Null == true)
logList.Add(" Week 2 Wage : NULL");
return outList;
private bool PrepareWageFiles(String inPath, String outPath, String fileWeek1, String fileWeek2)
bool isSuccess = false;
DateTime week2Date = GetPreviousSunday(DateTime.Now);
DateTime week1Date = week2Date.AddDays(-7);
logList.Add("Current Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
string dateFormatString = "{0:MM-dd-yyyy}";
string currentDate = string.Format(dateFormatString, DateTime.Now);
DirectoryInfo diSource = new DirectoryInfo(inPath);
inPath = diSource.FullName;
ArrayList concatList1;
ArrayList concatList2;
if (diSource.Exists)
logList.Add("Input / Output Path : " + diSource.FullName);
logList.Add("Input / Output Path Exists: TRUE");
logList.Add("Week 1 Input File Name: " + fileWeek1);
logList.Add("Week 2 Input File Name: " + fileWeek2);
FileInfo[] fis1 = diSource.GetFiles(fileWeek1);
FileInfo[] fis2 = diSource.GetFiles(fileWeek2);
if (fis1.Length < 1)
if (fis2.Length < 1)
logList.Add("Week 1 and Week 2 wage files (" + fileWeek1 + " and " + fileWeek2 + ") are missing.");
logList.Add("Week 1 wage file (" + fileWeek1 + ") is missing.");
else if (fis2.Length < 1)
logList.Add("Week 2 wage file (" + fileWeek2 + ") is missing.");
else if (fis1.Length > 1 | fis2.Length > 1)
logList.Add("Multiple wage files present in folder: " + inPath);
string week1EndDate = string.Format(dateFormatString, week1Date);
string week2EndDate = string.Format(dateFormatString, week2Date);
logList.Add("End Week 1 Date: " + week1EndDate);
logList.Add("End Week 2 Date: " + week2EndDate);
SortedDictionary<string, string> week1SD = ReadWeek(fis1[0], week1Date);
SortedDictionary<string, string> week2SD = ReadWeek(fis2[0], week2Date);
concatList1 = MergeWageFiles(week1SD, week2SD, week2EndDate);
foreach (string keyString in week1SD.Keys)
if (week2SD.ContainsKey(keyString))
concatList2 = MergeWageFiles(null, week2SD, week2EndDate);
string filename = outPath + "tip_wage_summary_" + currentDate + ".txt";
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename))
foreach (string entryString in concatList1)
foreach (string entryString in concatList2)
logList.Add("Output Summary File: " + filename);
isSuccess = true;
isSuccess = false;
catch (Exception ex)
logList.Add("Exception from outer Try / Catch: ");
logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message);
logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data);
logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink);
logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException);
logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source);
logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);
logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite);
isSuccess = false;
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
string logname = outPath + "tip_wage_LogFile_" + currentDate + ".txt";
logList.Add("Output Log File : " + logname);
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(logname))
foreach (string entryString in logList)
isSuccess = true;
catch (Exception ex)
logList.Add("Exception from LogFIle StreamWriter Try / Catch: ");
logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message);
logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data);
logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink);
logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException);
logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source);
logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);
logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite);
isSuccess = false;
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
return isSuccess;
private DateTime ReadDateDSV(string hashValue)
string[] dashString = new string[] { "-" };
string[] dashSplit = hashValue.Split(dashString, StringSplitOptions.None);
DateTime currentDate;
currentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dashSplit[1] + "/" + dashSplit[2] + "/" + dashSplit[0]);
catch (Exception)
currentDate = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
logList.Add("Null date found in record. Check data!");
logList.Add(" : ");
return currentDate.Date;
private SortedDictionary<string, string> ReadWeek(FileInfo files, DateTime weekDate)
SortedDictionary<string, string> employeeRecord = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
int skipRecord = 0;
StreamReader reads = new StreamReader(files.FullName);
while (reads.Peek() >= 0)
string lineString = reads.ReadLine();
if (skipRecord > 0)
string[] splitter = new string[] { "," };
string[] splitLine = lineString.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None);
DateTime inDate = ReadDateDSV(splitLine[3]);
string dateFormatString = "{0:MM-dd-yyyy}";
string dateString = string.Format(dateFormatString, weekDate);
string inKey = (string)splitLine[0] + "," + (string)splitLine[2];
string tipsString = CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)splitLine[4], 5);
string wageString = CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)splitLine[5], 5);
SortedDictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection keyCollx = employeeRecord.Keys;
bool IsKeyInList = false;
foreach (string keyString in keyCollx)
if (keyString == inKey)
IsKeyInList = true;
if (IsKeyInList)
employeeRecord[inKey] = splitLine[3] + ",ERROR,ERROR";
logList.Add("Error: File contains more than one record for the Key for the week date.");
logList.Add(" Week Date : " + dateString);
logList.Add(" Key : " + inKey);
logList.Add(" Record 1 Data: " + (string)employeeRecord[inKey]);
logList.Add(" Record 2 Data: " + splitLine[3] + "," + tipsString + "," + wageString);
employeeRecord.Add(inKey, (string)splitLine[3] + "," + tipsString + "," + wageString);
Array.Clear(splitter, 0, splitter.Length);
Array.Clear(splitLine, 0, splitLine.Length);
lineString = "";
return employeeRecord;
private ArrayList SplitHashWeekKey(string keyHash)
string[] splitter = new string[] { "," };
string[] splitLine = keyHash.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None);
ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList();
Array.Clear(splitter, 0, splitter.Length);
Array.Clear(splitLine, 0, splitLine.Length);
return fieldList;
private ArrayList SplitHashWeekValue(string valueHash)
string[] splitter = new string[] { "," };
string[] splitLine = valueHash.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None);
ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < splitLine.Length; i++)
Array.Clear(splitter, 0, splitter.Length);
Array.Clear(splitLine, 0, splitLine.Length);
return fieldList;

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  • 1. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; //.Tasks; using System.Xml; namespace FileInFileOut3 { class Program { private ArrayList logList = new ArrayList(); static int Main(string[] args) { Program prog = new Program(); String[] pathArgs = prog.GetConfig(args[0]); string inputPath = (string)pathArgs[0]; //InputPath string outputPath = (string)pathArgs[1]; //OutputPath String week1File = (String)pathArgs[2]; String week2File = (String)pathArgs[3]; bool success = prog.PrepareWageFiles(inputPath, outputPath, week1File, week2File); if (success == true) { Console.WriteLine("Merge success."); return 0; } else { Console.WriteLine("Merge failure."); return 1; } } private string CheckTaxWageValueFormat(string valueString, int numchar) { string outstring = ""; int valnum = valueString.Length; if (numchar - valnum == 5) { valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00.00");
  • 2. } if (numchar - valnum == 4) { valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00.0"); } if (numchar - valnum == 3) { valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00."); } if (numchar - valnum == 2) { valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "00"); } if (numchar - valnum == 1) { valueString = valueString.Insert(0, "0"); } outstring = valueString; valueString = ""; numchar = 0; valnum = 0; return outstring; } private bool Error() { return false; } private String[] GetConfig(String configPath) { XmlDocument xDoc; String[] filepathString; xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(configPath + "/XTW_Import_settings.xml"); if (!xDoc.DocumentElement.IsEmpty) { XmlNode rootSegments = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("DataFiles"); XmlNode inNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[0]; XmlNode outNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[1]; XmlNode Week1Node = rootSegments.ChildNodes[2]; XmlNode Week2Node = rootSegments.ChildNodes[3];
  • 3. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(outNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Week1Node.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Week2Node.InnerText)) { filepathString = new String[] { inNode.InnerText, outNode.InnerText, Week1Node.InnerText, Week2Node.InnerText }; logList.Add("XML Settings document loaded in GetConfig ( ): "); logList.Add(" Qualified name of XmlDocument node: " + xDoc.Name); logList.Add(" Input Path : " + inNode.InnerText); logList.Add(" Output Path: " + outNode.InnerText); logList.Add(""); return filepathString; } else { return new String[] { }; } } else { logList.Add("XML Settings document in GetConfig ( ) failed to load."); logList.Add(""); return new String[] { }; } } private DateTime GetPreviousSunday(DateTime inDate) { if (inDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { return inDate.Date; } else { DateTime newDate = inDate.AddDays(-1); DateTime sundayDate = GetPreviousSunday(newDate); return sundayDate; } } private ArrayList MergeWageFiles(SortedDictionary<string, string> week1Dict, SortedDictionary<string, string> week2Dict, string endDate) { ArrayList outList = new ArrayList();
  • 4. outList.Clear(); string basestring = " {0}XTWSCR {1} {2}{3}{4}{5}{6} "; SortedDictionary<string, string> enumDict; if (week1Dict == null) { enumDict = week2Dict; } else { enumDict = week1Dict; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in enumDict) { List<string> lx = new List<string>(7); string keyHash = kvp.Key; string week1Hash; string week2Hash; if (week1Dict != null) { week1Hash = kvp.Value; if (week2Dict.ContainsKey(keyHash)) { week2Hash = week2Dict[keyHash]; } else { week2Hash = ",,"; } } else { week2Hash = kvp.Value; week1Hash = ",,"; } ArrayList keyList = SplitHashWeekKey(keyHash); ArrayList val2List = SplitHashWeekValue(week2Hash); ArrayList val1List = SplitHashWeekValue(week1Hash); lx.Add((string)keyList[0]); lx.Add((string)keyList[1]); bool isEndDateNull = true; bool isTip1Null = true; bool isTip2Null = true;
  • 5. bool isWage1Null = true; bool isWage2Null = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate)) { lx.Add(endDate); isEndDateNull = false; } else { lx.Add("Date Error"); } if (val1List[1] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val1List[1])) //Tip 1 { lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val1List[1], 5)); isTip1Null = false; } else { lx.Add("00.00"); } if (val1List[2] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val1List[2])) //Wage 1 { lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val1List[2], 5)); isWage1Null = false; } else { lx.Add("00.00"); } if (val2List[1] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val2List[1])) //Tip 2 { lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val2List[1], 5)); isTip2Null = false; } else { lx.Add("00.00"); } if (val2List[2] != null & !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)val2List[2])) //Wage 2 { lx.Add(CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)val2List[2], 5)); isWage2Null = false;
  • 6. } else { lx.Add("00.00"); } string concat = ""; concat = string.Format(basestring, lx[0], lx[1], lx[2], lx[3], lx[5], lx[4], lx[6]); outList.Add(concat); if (isEndDateNull == true | isTip1Null == true | isTip2Null == true | isWage1Null == true | isWage2Null == true) { logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Null Data: "); logList.Add(" Organization: " + (string)keyList[0]); logList.Add(" EmployeeId : " + (string)keyList[1]); if (isTip1Null == true) { logList.Add(" Week 1 Tip : NULL"); } if (isTip2Null == true) { logList.Add(" Week 2 Tip : NULL"); } if (isWage1Null == true) { logList.Add(" Week 1 Wage : NULL"); } if (isWage2Null == true) { logList.Add(" Week 2 Wage : NULL"); } logList.Add(""); } lx.Clear(); } return outList; } private bool PrepareWageFiles(String inPath, String outPath, String fileWeek1, String fileWeek2) { bool isSuccess = false; DateTime week2Date = GetPreviousSunday(DateTime.Now);
  • 7. DateTime week1Date = week2Date.AddDays(-7); logList.Add("Current Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); logList.Add(""); logList.Add(""); string dateFormatString = "{0:MM-dd-yyyy}"; string currentDate = string.Format(dateFormatString, DateTime.Now); DirectoryInfo diSource = new DirectoryInfo(inPath); inPath = diSource.FullName; try { ArrayList concatList1; ArrayList concatList2; if (diSource.Exists) { logList.Add("Input / Output Path : " + diSource.FullName); logList.Add("Input / Output Path Exists: TRUE"); logList.Add(""); logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Week 1 Input File Name: " + fileWeek1); logList.Add("Week 2 Input File Name: " + fileWeek2); logList.Add(""); logList.Add(""); FileInfo[] fis1 = diSource.GetFiles(fileWeek1); FileInfo[] fis2 = diSource.GetFiles(fileWeek2); if (fis1.Length < 1) { if (fis2.Length < 1) { logList.Add("Week 1 and Week 2 wage files (" + fileWeek1 + " and " + fileWeek2 + ") are missing."); logList.Add(""); } else { logList.Add("Week 1 wage file (" + fileWeek1 + ") is missing."); logList.Add(""); } } else if (fis2.Length < 1) { logList.Add("Week 2 wage file (" + fileWeek2 + ") is missing."); logList.Add(""); }
  • 8. else if (fis1.Length > 1 | fis2.Length > 1) { logList.Add("Multiple wage files present in folder: " + inPath); logList.Add(""); } else { string week1EndDate = string.Format(dateFormatString, week1Date); string week2EndDate = string.Format(dateFormatString, week2Date); logList.Add("End Week 1 Date: " + week1EndDate); logList.Add("End Week 2 Date: " + week2EndDate); logList.Add(""); SortedDictionary<string, string> week1SD = ReadWeek(fis1[0], week1Date); SortedDictionary<string, string> week2SD = ReadWeek(fis2[0], week2Date); concatList1 = MergeWageFiles(week1SD, week2SD, week2EndDate); foreach (string keyString in week1SD.Keys) { if (week2SD.ContainsKey(keyString)) { week2SD.Remove(keyString); } } concatList2 = MergeWageFiles(null, week2SD, week2EndDate); string filename = outPath + "tip_wage_summary_" + currentDate + ".txt"; using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename)) { foreach (string entryString in concatList1) { sw.WriteLine(entryString); } foreach (string entryString in concatList2) { sw.WriteLine(entryString); } } logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Output Summary File: " + filename); } isSuccess = true; } else {
  • 9. isSuccess = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { logList.Add(""); logList.Add("--------------------------------------------------"); logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Exception from outer Try / Catch: "); logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message); logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data); logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink); logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException); logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source); logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace); logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite); logList.Add(""); isSuccess = false; Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.Read(); } try { string logname = outPath + "tip_wage_LogFile_" + currentDate + ".txt"; logList.Add("Output Log File : " + logname); logList.Add(""); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(logname)) { foreach (string entryString in logList) { sw.WriteLine(entryString); } } isSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { logList.Add(""); logList.Add("--------------------------------------------------"); logList.Add("");
  • 10. logList.Add("Exception from LogFIle StreamWriter Try / Catch: "); logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message); logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data); logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink); logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException); logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source); logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace); logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite); logList.Add(""); isSuccess = false; Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.Read(); } return isSuccess; } private DateTime ReadDateDSV(string hashValue) { string[] dashString = new string[] { "-" }; string[] dashSplit = hashValue.Split(dashString, StringSplitOptions.None); DateTime currentDate; try { currentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dashSplit[1] + "/" + dashSplit[2] + "/" + dashSplit[0]); } catch (Exception) { currentDate = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01); logList.Add("Null date found in record. Check data!"); logList.Add(" : "); } return currentDate.Date; } private SortedDictionary<string, string> ReadWeek(FileInfo files, DateTime weekDate) { SortedDictionary<string, string> employeeRecord = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); employeeRecord.Clear(); int skipRecord = 0; StreamReader reads = new StreamReader(files.FullName);
  • 11. while (reads.Peek() >= 0) { string lineString = reads.ReadLine(); if (skipRecord > 0) { string[] splitter = new string[] { "," }; string[] splitLine = lineString.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None); DateTime inDate = ReadDateDSV(splitLine[3]); string dateFormatString = "{0:MM-dd-yyyy}"; string dateString = string.Format(dateFormatString, weekDate); string inKey = (string)splitLine[0] + "," + (string)splitLine[2]; string tipsString = CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)splitLine[4], 5); string wageString = CheckTaxWageValueFormat((string)splitLine[5], 5); SortedDictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection keyCollx = employeeRecord.Keys; bool IsKeyInList = false; foreach (string keyString in keyCollx) { if (keyString == inKey) { IsKeyInList = true; } } if (IsKeyInList) { employeeRecord[inKey] = splitLine[3] + ",ERROR,ERROR"; logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Error: File contains more than one record for the Key for the week date."); logList.Add(" Week Date : " + dateString); logList.Add(" Key : " + inKey); logList.Add(" Record 1 Data: " + (string)employeeRecord[inKey]); logList.Add(" Record 2 Data: " + splitLine[3] + "," + tipsString + "," + wageString); logList.Add(""); } else { employeeRecord.Add(inKey, (string)splitLine[3] + "," + tipsString + "," + wageString); } Array.Clear(splitter, 0, splitter.Length); Array.Clear(splitLine, 0, splitLine.Length); } lineString = ""; skipRecord++;
  • 12. } reads.Close(); return employeeRecord; } private ArrayList SplitHashWeekKey(string keyHash) { string[] splitter = new string[] { "," }; string[] splitLine = keyHash.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None); ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList(); fieldList.Clear(); fieldList.Add(splitLine[0]); fieldList.Add(splitLine[1]); Array.Clear(splitter, 0, splitter.Length); Array.Clear(splitLine, 0, splitLine.Length); return fieldList; } private ArrayList SplitHashWeekValue(string valueHash) { string[] splitter = new string[] { "," }; string[] splitLine = valueHash.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None); ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList(); fieldList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < splitLine.Length; i++) { fieldList.Add(splitLine[i]); } Array.Clear(splitter, 0, splitter.Length); Array.Clear(splitLine, 0, splitLine.Length); return fieldList; } } }