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The	first		worldwide	online	outlet	in	the	shipping	markets
1. BUSINESS	IDEA	 	 ……………………3	
2. WHY	SHIPPING	MARKET	 ……………………4	
3. FIRST	STEPS	AND	GOALS	 ……………………5	
4. BRAND	STRATEGY	 	 ……………………6	
5. FINANCIAL	 	 	 ……………………7	
6. THE	TEAM	 	 	 ……………………10
Reverse	 Container	 is	 the	 first	
worldwide	 online	 outlet	 that	
provides	business	 to	 business	sales	
services	 in	 the	container-
shipping	industry.	As	a	liaison,	we	provide	
a	 solution	 for	 failed	 transactions,	
improving	 efficiency,	 transparency	 and	
effectiveness	in	the	shipping	markets.	
We	are	a	company	specialized	in	
failed	 transactions	 management	
throughout	the	shipping	markets,	focused	
on	 goods	 transported	 in	 containers.	 We	
act	 as	 an	 intermediary,	 helping	 those	
sellers,	 whose	 counterparty	 has	 not	 lived	
up	 to	 its	 contractual	 obligations,	 finding			
potential	buyers	for	those	goods.		
Through	 our	 website	 clients	 will	
be	 able	 to	 sell	 and	 also	 buy	 all	 types	 of	
containers	with	their	goods	at	fair	prices.	
We	 try	 to	 find	 a	 solution	 for	 those	
companies	 dealing	 with	 containers	 that	
become	 stuck	 in	 any	 of	 the	 transitional	
We	are	convinced	that	the	company	is	
going	 to	 be	profitable	 since	the	 first	 year.	 In	
this	 way,	 we	 will	 become	 one	 of	 the	 most	
important	companies	in	the	sector	within	the	
next	3	years.		
Considering	 relatively	 low	levels	 of	
funding	 requirements,	 the	 big	 size	 of	 the	
shipping	 industry	 and	 its	 growth	 potential,	
after	 5	 years	 we	 will	 have	 been	 able	 to	
develop	 a	 sustainable	 and	 innovative	
business,	capable	of	leading	the	market.
Our	 business	 activity	
is	 directly	 related	 to	 the	
global	 shipping	 market.	 	The	
world	 relies	 on	 ships	 to	 move	
its	 international	 trade.	 In	 fact	
around	 80%	 of	 all	
internationally	 traded	 goods	
are	 carried	 by	a	ship.	Shipping	
by	sea	is	the	most	cost	effective,	
efficient	 and	 environmentally	
friendly	option	 for	 most	 cargo.	
There	are	approximately	6.000	
ships	 carrying	 more	 than	 20	
million	 containers	 every	 day.	
Annually	over	10	billion	tonnes	
of	 cargo	 are	 shipped	
worldwide,	 with	 an	 estimated	
trading	 volume	 of	 $14	 billion.	
In	 order	 to	 understand	
Reverse’s	Business,	it	should	be	
pointed	 out	 that	 failed	
transactions	 in	 goods	
transported	 in	 containers	
constitute	 roughly	 11%	 of	 the	
total	 –based	 on	 information	
provided	 by	 the	 agents	
involved	 in	 this	 industry-.	
There	are	many	different	types	
of	 problems	 that	 can	 cause	 an	
issue	 in	 a	 shipping	 trade	 and	
that’s	 the	 main	 reason	 why	
Reverse	was	established.	
Frequently	 the	 source	 is	
not	 reliable	 and	 the	 different	
agents	 invloved	 in	 the	 sector	
can	spread	biased	information	
to	 protect	 their	 interests	 in	 a	
non-regulated	 market.	 In	
addition,	 there	 are	 different	
kinds	 of	 commissions,	
depending	 on	 the	 context,	
which	make	the	situation	even	
more	 complicated.	 Due	 to	
these	 inefficiencies,	 the	 client	
who	 is	 trying	 to	 sell	 back	 the	
goods	 in	 the	 market,	 never	
knows	with	certainty	the	exact	
selling	price.	Therefore	calling	
attention	to	the	seller’s	lack	of	
control	of	the	trade.		
Our	 principal	 purpose	 is	
to	delete	such	inefficiencies,	
1. Clear	and	transparent	
2. Accessible	and	Visible	
3. Fixed	fees	and	
established	in	advance	
Reverse	 provides	
innovation	 to	 the	 maritime	
commerce	 as	 we	 use	 an	
online	 marketplace	 to	
address	 the	 failed	
transactions	 problem.	
Technology	 allows	 us	 to	
enhance	 transparency,	
efficiency	 and	 effectiveness	
of	 such	 operations.	 Our		
combining	 technology	 and	
content	will	allow	us	to	place	
our	 services	 as	 the	 most	
suitable	 marketplace	 where	
both	 exporters	 and	
importers	 trade	 on	 a	 daily	
The	 Businnes	
Intelligence	 Development	 as	
well	 as	 our	 offer	 of	
additional	 services,	 make	 us	
the	 cheapest,	 fastest	 and	
most	 efficient	 option	 for	
customers	 Our	 main	
competitive	 advantage	 is	
focused	 on	 information	
management.	 With	 the	
current	 market	 conditions,	
the	information	flow	related	
to	failed	transactions	doesn’t	
work	as	it	should.		
	 The	business	idea	proposed	by	
our	 company	 will	 be	 subject	 to	 a	
validation	process	during	the	second	
half	 of	 2016.	In	this	period	we	will	be	
launching	the	website	which	constitutes	
the	 cornerstone	 of	 the	 project,	 where	
our	 customers	 will	 be	 able	 to	 trade	
their	goods	and	also	benefit	from	other	
value-added	 services	 we	 will	 offer	
(logistics,	legal	advice,	etc).	
	 After	 this	 period,	 we	 will	
measure	 and	 reconsider	 the	 initial	
business	 idea	 based	 on	 customers	
feedback	and	their	requirements,	then,	
in	 January	 2017	 a	 second	 commercial	
impact	will	take	place	so	that	new	goals	
will	 be	 explained	 and	 external	 funding	
via	new	partners	will	be	consider.			
	 As	 we	 aim	 to	 work	 hard	 to	
further	 strengthen	 our	 business	
relationship	with	other	companies,	new	
agreements	will	be	encouraged,	thereby	
progressively,	 building	 a	 new	 range	 of	
clients	 in	 our	 portfolio.	 Subsequently	
we	will	be	able	to	offer	containers	on	a	
daily	basis.		
	 Eventually,	 our	 company	 will	
focus	on	setting	 up	 a	board,	 accessible	
for	all	the	agents	in	the	sector	(brokers,	
traders,	importers,	exporters,	insurance	
companies,	customs	agents,	ports,	etc).		
	 As	 such,	 we	 will	 provide	
confidence	 and	 accuracy	 in	 the	
transactions	 during	 the	 whole	 sale	
process	throughout	the	website.
	 Initially,	 our	 business	 is	 based	 on	
strategic	 alliances.	 These	 alliances	 will	
prove	to	be	the	quickest	way	to	expand	our	
company	 into	 the	 market.	 At	 present	 we	
have	 achieved	 enough	 alliances	 to	 launch	
our	 digital	 platform	 full	 of	 contents.	 In	
addition,	 we	 are	 currently	 working	 to	
strengthen	these	partnerships	and	looking	
for	potential	new	affiliations.	
The	 first	 public	 presentation	 of	 tis	
project	took	place	in	March	2016	in	Seville.	
Further	events	will	take	place	in	Algeciras,	
Valencia,	 Gibraltar	 and	 Hamburg	 around	
May	and	June	2016.		
As	a	digital	company,	it	is	essential	
to	 build	 a	 strong	 social-media	 network	
presence.	We	will	focus	most	of	our	efforts	
on	 LinkedIn,	 Twitter,	 Youtube,	 etc…	 in	
order	to	cover	the	following	features	of	the	
Marketing	 and	 branding,	 external	
communication,	mailing	campaigns,	events	
divulgation,	share	useful	knowledge		of	the	
sector	 and	 relevant	 	 news	 to	 the	 media,	
offers,	 promotions,	 networking	 and	
website	visibility.	
These	 channels	 are	 the	most	direct	
way	 to	 connect	 with	 professionals	 of	 the	
sector	and	build	a	powerful	network.		 We	
will	upload	explainer	videos	showing	how	
the	website	works	and	how	easy	is	to	use	
the	platform.	
	 During	 the	 business	 validation	
period	(second	half	of	2016)	funding	will	
be	 provided	 by	 the	 founding	 members.	
Not	 only	 an	 initial	 investment	 of	 30,000	
euros,	but	also	their	skills,	abilities	and	all	
efforts	will	be	invested	as	a	requirement	
to	try	to	build	a	successful	company.	
Thanks	 to	 the	 different	 and	
suitable	 profiles	 of	 the	 team,	 it	 is	 our	
intention	to	be	in	charge	of	the	following	
areas	as	early	as	the	initial	stages	of	this	
proyect.	 B2B	 website	 management,	
Institutional	 Relations,	 Marketing	 &	
Branding,	Operations	and	Legal	area.		
Our	main	purpose	is	to	build	up	a	
business	 with	 relatively	 low	 financing	
needs	and	being	able	to	reach	an	internal
rate of return for investors	 close	 to	
30%	(IRR)	in	a	4-year	short	term	period.	
In	 the	 first	six	 months,	 during	 the	
validation	 period,	 the	 company	 is	
expected	 to	 be	 able	 to	 generate	 positive	
economic	 outcomes	 and	 also	 build	 a	
stable	customer	portfolio.	In	this	way,	and	
according	 to	 our	 forecasts,	 in	 2017,	 the	
initial	 amount	 of	 funding	 required	
would	 be	 120,000€.	 Revenues	 for	 the	
first	 year	 are	 estimated	 to	 be	 665,000€,	
with	 a	 net	 income	 of	 aproximately	
These	 figures	 are	 expected	 to	
increase	 in	the	 following	years	 as	 shown	
in	the	table	below.	
Target	Market 5,000,000,000	€	
(11%	of	total)
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Market	share 0,25% 0,50% 0,70% 0,90% 1,20%
								Fee 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
			Revenues 665,000	€	 1,330,000	€	 1,860,000	€	 2,400,000	€	 3,000,000	€
Revenue	 calculations	 are	 based	 on	 a	 geographical	 and	 Industrial	 segmentation.	 	 (5%	
commission	will	apply	per	transaction)	
Geographical	:	Algeciras	and	Valencia	as	the	most	representative	ports	in	Spain.	
Industrial	:	Semi-manufactured	goods,	capital	goods	and	food	as	Export	Industries	with	
highest	turnover	rates.		
	(Source:	ICEX)	
The	following	figure	shows	how	the	net	income	growth	is	much	higher	than	the	revenues	
increase,	as	the	costs	rise	at	a	slower	pace.	
EBIT	 Revenues		(Thousands	of	€)
Investment:	 Mainly	 in	 Marketing	 &	 Branding	 during	 the	 first	 year	 as	 well	 as	 in		
development	 and	 maintenance	 of	 the	 website.	 Then,	 Investments	 in	 technology	 will	
decrease,	while	online	marketing	costs	will	grow	gradually.	
Debt:	External	financing	is	needed	the	first	two	years.	Thereafter,	will	not	be	essential,	as	
revenues	will	be	the	only	source	of	funding.
Strategy	&	Alliances	
Luis	González	Mira	
Executive	 MBA	 at	 EOI	 Business	
School,	 Bachelor's	 degree	 in	
humanities	 and	 law	 from	 the	
University	 of	 Seville,	 entrepreneur	
and	lecturer.	It	combines	extensive	
experience	 in	 the	 public	 and	
private	 sector	 to	 develop	 business	
projects	 with	 high	 economic	
performance.	 Interested	 in	
disruptive	 business	 models	 and	
Lean	 manufacturing,	 is	 a	 founding	
partner	 of	 Reverse	 Container,	
developing	 institutional	 and	
commercial	 relations	 of	 the	
company	as	well	as	traceability	and	
planning	on	growing	it.	
Miguel	García	Lumeras	
Bachelor’s	 degree	 in	 Business	
Management	and	Administration	at	
Pablo	de	Olavide	University,	Seville,	
Master	 in	 Finance	 CUNEF,	 Madrid.	
His	work	experience	in	the	banking	
sector	 has	 helped	 him	 develop	
different	abilities	and	skills.	He	has	
worked	 as	 customer	 advisor	 in	
Triodos	 Bank,	 Risk	 Analyst	 at	
Banco	 Popular	 and	 as	 Broker	 in	
London,	 where	 he	 currently	 lives.	
Proactive	 and	 self-motivated,	 his	
financial	 profile	 and	 knowledge	 of	
brokerage	services,	make	him	a	key	
player	in	Reverse.
Joaquín	López	Lérida	
PhD	 Telecommunications	 Engineer	 at	
Stanford	 University.	 Dedicated	 to	 the	
development	 of	 digital	 businesses,	
particularly	 focused	 on	 applying	 Lean	
methodologies.	 At	 present	 CEO	 at	 Be	
Lean	 Up	 and	 partner	 at	 Kolokium.	
Additionally,	 professor	 of	 subjects	
related	 to	 digital	 economy	 such	 as	
technology,	 development	 of	
products/services,	 customer	
development,	 digital	 marketing	 ,	
SEO/SEM,	 etc,	 at	 EOI,	 International	
University	 of	 Andalusia,	 University	
Alfonso	 X	 El	 Sabio	 and	 speaker	 at	
several	 institutions.	 Involved	 actively	
or	 through	 the	 Board	 of	 Directors	 at	
several	startups	and	new	companies	of	
different	 sectors.	 Director	 of	 the	
regional	 chapter	 of	 TED	 initiative	 at	
Seville,	Spain	 (TEDxSevilla)	 and	 VP	 of	
Andalusian	chapter	of	Keiretsu	Forum.	
Sales	&	Marketing	
Guillermo	León	Bravo	
Telecommunications	 Engineer	 at	
University	of	 Seville	and	 Executive	
MBA	 at	 EOI	 Business	 School,	 has	
focused	 his	 career	 in	 the	
consultancy,	 sales	 and	 marketing	
domain.	His	experience	in	different	
TIC	 companies	 as	 Business	
Development	 Manager	 provide	 a	
deep	 understanding	 on	 how	
organizations	 can	 use	 Technology	
as	 a	 key	 differentiator	 in	 the	
market.	 His	 main	 role	 will	 be	 the	
Sales	 and	 Marketing	 Director	
assuring	a	proper	market	approach	
and	a	solid	sales	growth.	
Jorge	Sánchez	Álvarez	
Bachelor´s	 degree	 in	 Law	 at	
University	 of	 Oviedo	 and	 Master	
degree	 in	 Tax	 Law,	 Jorge	 is	 the	
international	 tax	 director	 at	 a	
reputable	 law	 firm.	 He	 is	 an	
specialist	 in	 international	 tax	
advice	and	tax	planning,	as	well	as	
in	business	restructuring	for	MNEs	
groups.	 He	 is	 the	 co-author	 of	
books	 and	 manuals	 on	 advance	
pricing	agreements,	and	on	Spanish	
holding	 companies.	 Jorge	 is	 a	
regular	 columnist	 on	 international	
tax	 and	 EU	 law	 issues	 for	 Spanish	
newspapers	and	magazines,	as	well	
as	 a	 frequent	 lecturer	 on	
conferences	 both	 in	 Spain	 and	

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resumen ejecutivo reverse (ENG)

  • 2. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. BUSINESS IDEA ……………………3 2. WHY SHIPPING MARKET ……………………4 3. FIRST STEPS AND GOALS ……………………5 4. BRAND STRATEGY ……………………6 5. FINANCIAL ……………………7 6. THE TEAM ……………………10
  • 3. 3 BUSINESS IDEA Reverse Container is the first worldwide online outlet that provides business to business sales services in the container- shipping industry. As a liaison, we provide a solution for failed transactions, improving efficiency, transparency and effectiveness in the shipping markets. We are a company specialized in failed transactions management throughout the shipping markets, focused on goods transported in containers. We act as an intermediary, helping those sellers, whose counterparty has not lived up to its contractual obligations, finding potential buyers for those goods. Through our website clients will be able to sell and also buy all types of containers with their goods at fair prices. We try to find a solution for those companies dealing with containers that become stuck in any of the transitional statuses. We are convinced that the company is going to be profitable since the first year. In this way, we will become one of the most important companies in the sector within the next 3 years. Considering relatively low levels of funding requirements, the big size of the shipping industry and its growth potential, after 5 years we will have been able to develop a sustainable and innovative business, capable of leading the market.
  • 4. 4 Our business activity is directly related to the global shipping market. The world relies on ships to move its international trade. In fact around 80% of all internationally traded goods are carried by a ship. Shipping by sea is the most cost effective, efficient and environmentally friendly option for most cargo. There are approximately 6.000 ships carrying more than 20 million containers every day. Annually over 10 billion tonnes of cargo are shipped worldwide, with an estimated trading volume of $14 billion. In order to understand Reverse’s Business, it should be pointed out that failed transactions in goods transported in containers constitute roughly 11% of the total –based on information provided by the agents involved in this industry-. There are many different types of problems that can cause an issue in a shipping trade and that’s the main reason why Reverse was established. Frequently the source is not reliable and the different agents invloved in the sector can spread biased information to protect their interests in a non-regulated market. In addition, there are different kinds of commissions, depending on the context, which make the situation even more complicated. Due to these inefficiencies, the client who is trying to sell back the goods in the market, never knows with certainty the exact selling price. Therefore calling attention to the seller’s lack of control of the trade. Our principal purpose is to delete such inefficiencies, offering: 1. Clear and transparent information 2. Accessible and Visible prices 3. Fixed fees and commissions established in advance Reverse provides innovation to the maritime commerce as we use an online marketplace to address the failed transactions problem. Technology allows us to enhance transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of such operations. Our combining technology and content will allow us to place our services as the most suitable marketplace where both exporters and importers trade on a daily basis. The Businnes Intelligence Development as well as our offer of additional services, make us the cheapest, fastest and most efficient option for customers Our main competitive advantage is focused on information management. With the current market conditions, the information flow related to failed transactions doesn’t work as it should. WHY SHIPPING MARKET
  • 5. 5 The business idea proposed by our company will be subject to a validation process during the second half of 2016. In this period we will be launching the website which constitutes the cornerstone of the project, where our customers will be able to trade their goods and also benefit from other value-added services we will offer (logistics, legal advice, etc). After this period, we will measure and reconsider the initial business idea based on customers feedback and their requirements, then, in January 2017 a second commercial impact will take place so that new goals will be explained and external funding via new partners will be consider. FIRST STEPS AND GOALS As we aim to work hard to further strengthen our business relationship with other companies, new agreements will be encouraged, thereby progressively, building a new range of clients in our portfolio. Subsequently we will be able to offer containers on a daily basis. Eventually, our company will focus on setting up a board, accessible for all the agents in the sector (brokers, traders, importers, exporters, insurance companies, customs agents, ports, etc). As such, we will provide confidence and accuracy in the transactions during the whole sale process throughout the website.
  • 6. 6 Initially, our business is based on strategic alliances. These alliances will prove to be the quickest way to expand our company into the market. At present we have achieved enough alliances to launch our digital platform full of contents. In addition, we are currently working to strengthen these partnerships and looking for potential new affiliations. The first public presentation of tis project took place in March 2016 in Seville. Further events will take place in Algeciras, Valencia, Gibraltar and Hamburg around May and June 2016. As a digital company, it is essential to build a strong social-media network presence. We will focus most of our efforts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, etc… in order to cover the following features of the company: Marketing and branding, external communication, mailing campaigns, events divulgation, share useful knowledge of the sector and relevant news to the media, offers, promotions, networking and website visibility. These channels are the most direct way to connect with professionals of the sector and build a powerful network. We will upload explainer videos showing how the website works and how easy is to use the platform. BRAND STRATEGY
  • 7. 7 During the business validation period (second half of 2016) funding will be provided by the founding members. Not only an initial investment of 30,000 euros, but also their skills, abilities and all efforts will be invested as a requirement to try to build a successful company. Thanks to the different and suitable profiles of the team, it is our intention to be in charge of the following areas as early as the initial stages of this proyect. B2B website management, Institutional Relations, Marketing & Branding, Operations and Legal area. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS, GROWTH POTENTIAL AND FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Our main purpose is to build up a business with relatively low financing needs and being able to reach an internal rate of return for investors close to 30% (IRR) in a 4-year short term period. In the first six months, during the validation period, the company is expected to be able to generate positive economic outcomes and also build a stable customer portfolio. In this way, and according to our forecasts, in 2017, the initial amount of funding required would be 120,000€. Revenues for the first year are estimated to be 665,000€, with a net income of aproximately 100,000€. These figures are expected to increase in the following years as shown in the table below. Target Market 5,000,000,000 € (11% of total) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 0,25% 0,50% 0,70% 0,90% 1,20% Fee 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Revenues 665,000 € 1,330,000 € 1,860,000 € 2,400,000 € 3,000,000 €
  • 8. 8 Revenue calculations are based on a geographical and Industrial segmentation. (5% commission will apply per transaction) Geographical : Algeciras and Valencia as the most representative ports in Spain. Industrial : Semi-manufactured goods, capital goods and food as Export Industries with highest turnover rates. (Source: ICEX) The following figure shows how the net income growth is much higher than the revenues increase, as the costs rise at a slower pace. EBIT Revenues (Thousands of €)
  • 9. 9 Investment: Mainly in Marketing & Branding during the first year as well as in development and maintenance of the website. Then, Investments in technology will decrease, while online marketing costs will grow gradually. Debt: External financing is needed the first two years. Thereafter, will not be essential, as revenues will be the only source of funding.
  • 10. 10 THE TEAM Strategy & Alliances Luis González Mira Executive MBA at EOI Business School, Bachelor's degree in humanities and law from the University of Seville, entrepreneur and lecturer. It combines extensive experience in the public and private sector to develop business projects with high economic performance. Interested in disruptive business models and Lean manufacturing, is a founding partner of Reverse Container, developing institutional and commercial relations of the company as well as traceability and planning on growing it. Operations Miguel García Lumeras Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Administration at Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Master in Finance CUNEF, Madrid. His work experience in the banking sector has helped him develop different abilities and skills. He has worked as customer advisor in Triodos Bank, Risk Analyst at Banco Popular and as Broker in London, where he currently lives. Proactive and self-motivated, his financial profile and knowledge of brokerage services, make him a key player in Reverse.
  • 11. 11 Technology Joaquín López Lérida PhD Telecommunications Engineer at Stanford University. Dedicated to the development of digital businesses, particularly focused on applying Lean methodologies. At present CEO at Be Lean Up and partner at Kolokium. Additionally, professor of subjects related to digital economy such as technology, development of products/services, customer development, digital marketing , SEO/SEM, etc, at EOI, International University of Andalusia, University Alfonso X El Sabio and speaker at several institutions. Involved actively or through the Board of Directors at several startups and new companies of different sectors. Director of the regional chapter of TED initiative at Seville, Spain (TEDxSevilla) and VP of Andalusian chapter of Keiretsu Forum. Sales & Marketing Guillermo León Bravo Telecommunications Engineer at University of Seville and Executive MBA at EOI Business School, has focused his career in the consultancy, sales and marketing domain. His experience in different TIC companies as Business Development Manager provide a deep understanding on how organizations can use Technology as a key differentiator in the market. His main role will be the Sales and Marketing Director assuring a proper market approach and a solid sales growth. Legal Jorge Sánchez Álvarez Bachelor´s degree in Law at University of Oviedo and Master degree in Tax Law, Jorge is the international tax director at a reputable law firm. He is an specialist in international tax advice and tax planning, as well as in business restructuring for MNEs groups. He is the co-author of books and manuals on advance pricing agreements, and on Spanish holding companies. Jorge is a regular columnist on international tax and EU law issues for Spanish newspapers and magazines, as well as a frequent lecturer on conferences both in Spain and abroad.