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50 tips to lose weight
without dieting
The key to losing weight is not to spend your life on a diet, but to develop
healthy habits that you can maintain in the long term
There is no diet or miracle product that makes us lose weight without
more. Losing weight and, above all, staying at the desired weight
requires making small changes in many aspects of
e accompanied by regular exercise and, of course, the acquisition of
new habits.
What you eat is not the only thing that matters when you want to lose
weight. Body weight is influenced by emotional factors and daily habits
that we barely pay attention to. Genes and physiological processes that
are beyond the control of the will are also important. Modifying a
silhouette that has been forged throughout life is a challenge that is
often faced in the wrong way.
Starvation diets, for example, convince the body to conserve as many
reserves as possible. When you want to lose weight, thinking only in
kilos and calories is a mistake. There are many other factors to
consider, such as health and performance. The effective tips that
approach the subject from all points of view will help you feel better
from day one.
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The weight loss ideas we offer you are based on established scientific
knowledge. They are not the last and dangerous occurrences of any
weight loss guru. On the contrary, they are sensible proposals that will
allow you to safely get rid of excess weight. They will not demand great
sacrifices from you. On the contrary, the changes that we propose will
increase your well-being and make you feel that you are doing
something positive.
According to W. Bennet of Harvard University, the only way to reduce
weight and keep it under control is through a diet that provides a few
fewer calories than usual and can be followed indefinitely. You can try
our healthy hypocaloric diet .
Eat foods that provide several things in considerable proportions :
carbohydrates, proteins,
h100/nutrient, it should be done in small quantities (such as sugar).
No matter how many raw or steamed vegetables you eat, you will not
gain weight.
s with a lot of recommended ones. Here you have the list of foods that
are less fattening but that feed a lot.
Even the most dangerous foods (pastries, fried...) can be eaten very
rarely, as long as you are a person with a healthy weight. What matters
is the combination of diet and lifestyle. People in your weight eat all
kinds of food.
One of the reasons you get fat is that we continue to eat as usual when
the body needs less energy each year . From the age of 30 there is a
slight decrease in energy needs. You have to move more.
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Don't listen to what some fad diets say. There is a consensus among
nutritionists that carbohydrates should provide between 50 and 60% of
the energy, that is, of the calories you need per day, especially if you are
an active person. A diet that eliminates them or reduces them below
this figure is not sustainable and can harm health.
You can eat rice, pasta and potatoes even if you are trying to lose
weight. You just have to take into account the size of the portion and
the sauces (a few drops of oil are enough to dress). Remember that they
should not occupy more than a quarter of the plate. In the rest there
should be room for protein and vegetables (think that a bite of steamed
vegetables provides 4 times fewer calories than one of rice). And choose
the integral presentations.
It is not enough to not add unnecessary teaspoons to the coffee. Sugar,
which only gives you calories, hides in soft drinks, nectars, prepared
foods, cookies, pastries or chocolates. You can sweeten your dishes
with cinnamon, vanilla or fruit compote.
About 40-50 g per day are needed, which can come from meat or fish,
but dairy products and plant foods (cereals, legumes and nuts) also
provide them. For example, 100 g of wholemeal bread provides 10 g of
protein; 100 g of chickpeas, 20, and a yogurt, 5. The daily portion of
meat should not exceed 100 g. And keep in mind that the cut of meat
should be lean, poultry meat is more digestible and oily fish provides
you with beneficial fats.
Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) by dividing your weight in kg (for
example, 69 kg) by your height in meters squared (1.75 x 1.75 = 3.06; in
this case, the BMI would be 22, 5). an index greater than 25 is
considered overweight and obesity if it is greater than 30. If your index
is below 25 you should not worry about your health.
For a week , immediately write down every food you put in your mouth
, including snacks. Write down the time, the amount, where you are (at
home, in a restaurant...), what you do (watch TV, work...) and how you
feel (anxious, euphoric...). The objective is not that you calculate the
calories, but that you know what you really eat.
The objective of any weight loss plan is to reduce body fat, but it is also
important that we need it to synthesize hormones, assimilate vitamins
and regenerate cells. They should provide us with 20-30% of daily
valent to 6 teaspoons throughout the day. The important thing is that
this small amount is "good fat": for example, 3 teaspoons of raw extra
virgin olive oil, a handful of nuts and a serving of oily fish, rich in omega
3 fatty acids.
If the body gets all the minerals and vitamins it is less likely to trigger
hunger pangs. One way to ensure these micronutrients is to consume 3
to 5 servings of vegetables daily, which must be present in all dishes.
Another advantage of these foods is that they promote a feeling of
satiety because they fill the stomach and intestines. They also reduce
the rate at which blood sugar rises and falls. This prevents hunger
pangs and excess glucose from turning into fat.
If you drink juices you will consume more sugars and less fiber, and
your hunger will not subside. On the other hand, whole fruits, which
can be eaten at any time, whether for breakfast, dessert or a snack, are
highly recommended, despite the fact that there are still those who
believe that they should not be part of a weight loss strategy. Due to the
low proportion of carbohydrates, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit...),
red fruits (strawberries, raspberries...) and fruits with stones or seeds
(apples, nectarines...) are especially recommended.
Throughout the day we must consume foods from all groups in the
proportions and amounts appropriate to our size, weight and lifestyle.
If your lifestyle is sedentary, it is better to take 4 servings of
carbohydrates a day instead of 8.
It is much more practical than walking with the precision scale. You can
take as a reference the size of your hands or common objects. Take
what we buy. We recommend that you go to the market more than to
the supermarket. In large stores, it is much more likely that you will end
up succumbing to ultra-processed products that will boycott your
health. In the markets we usually find only real food: vegetables, fruits,
meat, fish, etc. and we also favor local commerce and bet on seasonal
food and proximity.
Do not improvise in the market, because in the end you will take home
more. Write down what you need and write down the quantities next to
it, tending downwards. So at the time of making the purchase you will
already have an exact list.
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It is proven that if you are hungry, you are much more likely to get
carried away and take home the least recommended foods.
Start by buying plenty of water . then the fruit and vegetables you want.
Then the rice, the pasta and the bread and potatoes. At this point you
will have little space for the rest of the food.
They will help you to apply the daily rations well and not to overdo it
when consuming them, an example is those of butter or jam.
A kitchen where it is difficult to find what you are looking for leads you
to prepare fast and nutritionally poor meals. On the other hand, a tidy
kitchen invites you to entertain yourself in the preparation. Part of the
order is to always have the healthy foods you will need. In a corner that
is more difficult to access, practically hidden from view, must be the
fattiest foods.
Some cooking techniques add too many calories or take away nutrients.
The most convenient methods are steaming, baking at low
temperatures, grilling, sautéing without fat, and slow cooking with the
pan covered.
Scientific research, carried out at the University of Illinois (United
States), shows without a doubt that the size of the plates can make us
eat 40% more than
h100/we have been taught that nothing should be left behind. To take
advantage of this curious phenomenon we can serve ourselves in
children's dishes or for dessert.
Save ribs, sausages and cold meats for very special occasions. Instead,
for everyday menus, choose cuts of meat with no outer fat and poultry
without the skin. The loin and the leg usually contain less fat. If you are
addicted to its texture, order pork or veal cheeks, trimmed of fat, at the
butcher shop. They are lean pieces that contain a lot of melting gelatin.
Even if you want to lose weight, you don't have to deprive yourself of
eating out if it's something you love. It is enough to follow a few small
guidelines that will allow you to enjoy the food without ending up
Restaurants tend to put out too much food. The possibilities are to
order tapas or share the dishes and you will also save. if you can't
decide and you're faced with a huge plate, ask for half to be put on a
takeaway tray.
Although the restaurant menu almost always offers the best value for
money, it is worth checking the menu to see if there are options more
suited to a healthy weight loss plan (dishes with steamed vegetables,
Do not be shy. You have the right to ask that the dish be prepared to
your liking, with minor modifications. For example, that they serve you
the pasta and the sauce and the cheese separately, so you can use the
amounts you want.
If possible, have lunch with friends. You will be more relaxed and with
less anxiety and you will eat less. And, above all, talk about everything
and a lot, because it will make more time pass between bites.
Paying attention to what you eat for dinner, eating more vegetables or
learning to assemble healthy dishes are two of the most important
tricks to lose weight without suffering. We assure you that if you put
them into practice, you will notice the results quickly.
The Harvard Plate Method is a chart that summarizes the official
dietary guidelines that support stable weight and overall health. It is a
plate where the size of the portions of each food category is
represented. An ideal plate reserves half the space for fruits and
vegetables and the other half for fat-free protein and whole grains, with
a glass added to represent dairy. The protein group specifications place
meat, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds on an equal footing.
The ovo-lacto-vegetarian and vegan diets (without eggs or dairy) allow
you to reduce the intake of fat and calories , and increase the intake of
It takes 20 minutes for the satiety signal to travel from the stomach to
the brain, so don't rush to eat. Start chewing well, until the food turns
to mush in the mouth, because the digestion and assimilation of
nutrients will be easier. This way you can thoroughly enjoy the texture
and nuances of the flavor of each ingredient and calm the anxiety that
may lead you to eat too much. One way to prolong the pleasure of food
is to have a raw salad to snack on between bites. After dessert, you
don't have to get up and run away. It is advisable to remain after dinner
for at least ten minutes, which can be used to enjoy a digestive infusion
and talk in company.
It is the ideal drink because it does not contain calories and is essential
for the proper functioning of the body. If you prefer it to a glass of wine
or a beer, you will save about 100 calories. Some experts advise drinking
one or two glasses 20 minutes before eating to promote a feeling of
fullness. It also favors the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination
of liquids.
Whether dinner should be a major or a low-key meal is a debatable
issue. Many hours pass between the end of dinner and breakfast, which
can cause blood sugar levels to drop. On the other hand, metabolism
slows down at bedtime. In general, moderate portions of easily
digestible foods are recommended for dinner, but each person has to
find what works best for them.
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There are certain supplements or superfoods that can help us lose
weight. If you are going to take any, we recommend that you consult
your nutritionist first.
To lose weight, in addition to following a balanced and light diet, it is
essential to keep your metabolism active. You can achieve this by
moving more in your day-to-day life (walking as much as you can,
climbing stairs...) and reserving time in your schedule to play sports. It
is best to combine aerobic exercise (biking, running, walking...) with the
use of weights to tone up and develop good muscles.
The ideal is to perform an intense activity, such as running, aerobics,
but this is only possible if you discover the pleasure it produces, thanks
to the release of endorphins and your physical and emotional
well-being increases. Physical exercise not only immediately burns
calories but seems to be the best way to speed up metabolism . That is
why it is crucial for weight loss.
The most recommended physical activity is the one that makes the
heart and lungs work. Its effect on metabolism lasts up to twelve hours
after the session ends. 20 to 30 minutes a day are enough, but with a
certain intensity, just enough not to lose your breath. This type of
exercise is more effective than any "fat burning" product.
For the human being it is something as natural and necessary as eating,
breathing or sleeping. Whenever it is possible to reach a place on foot,
forget about the car or any other means of transport. The elevators are
also to be despised. Swimming and cycling are other highly
recommended exercises.
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If you do intense exercise, it is very convenient that you eat within two
hours of finishing to favor the assimilation of nutrients. This is when the
body needs them most and therefore uses them most effectively. It may
even be interesting that you complement the food with a quality
multivitamin and mineralizing supplement.
Strength exercises serve to build muscle and increase endurance. The
development of the muscles helps to lose weight continuously, as they
burn calories even when you are at rest. It also prevents diabetes,
osteoporosis and circulatory problems. It is advisable to follow the
advice of a gym trainer or pilates teacher. If you decide to do it at home,
you can try Patry Jordan's exercises.
Hunger can have mental origin. Maybe you don't need so much food,
but something else. You must ask yourself what you are missing. only
you have the answer, although sometimes it is difficult to find it. If this
is your case, perhaps you are missing moments of joy, friends with
whom to share adventures or contact with nature. Affective needs are
among the main causes of
0/ overeating because their parents work too hard, or because they
want to satisfy them by eating well. The same can happen to adults with
their emotional problems.
A study conducted at the hospital in Gothenburg (Sweden) has shown
that people with chronic stress have an easy time accumulating fat in
the abdomen. Stressful situations require an added effort to the body
and mind. The body is constantly looking for more energy . the
consequence is a feeling of acute or constant hunger. To reduce stress:
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Lack of sleep
duction of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decreases that of leptin,
one of the chemical messengers of satiety. It's pure chemistry!
People trying to lose weight often look in the mirror to find their flaws.
Imagine that instead of seeing your reflection you are seeing a good
friend. would you say the same? No, surely you would highlight her
strengths. If you don't treat her badly, why do you do it with yourself?
Although it may seem like a paradox, if you really want to change your
figure, you must first accept yourself as you are. Only then will you take
complete control over your actions in relation to food. Being satisfied
with yourself is a condition to get what you want. Every time you
reproach yourself, you lower your self-esteem and decrease your
Some people take on the challenge of losing pounds alone, but success
is more likely if shared with others. This could be your GP, with whom
you can agree to follow a weight loss plan, a nutritionist or a friend.
Rejoicing together at progress or encouraging each other in the face of
inevitable impasses helps keep you going.
It is the most difficult advice to follow and to comply with. For the
changes in the diet to take hold, it is necessary that you value every kilo
that you have lost a lot and, above all, that you recognize the benefits
that this has for your health. If you really want to lose weight, don't set
ction. 250 grams per week (which means 1 kg per month) or even less
are enough.
Dr. Michael Greger recommends weighing yourself daily because the
largest study on the subject, from the US National Weight Control
too much for you, you can weigh yourself once a week; the important
thing is that you follow the method you follow, do it regularly.
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50 tips for loss weight without deiting

  • 1. 50 tips to lose weight without dieting The key to losing weight is not to spend your life on a diet, but to develop healthy habits that you can maintain in the long term There is no diet or miracle product that makes us lose weight without more. Losing weight and, above all, staying at the desired weight requires making small changes in many aspects of life.https:/ / e accompanied by regular exercise and, of course, the acquisition of new habits. WHAT HELPS YOU LOSE WEIGHT THE MOST? What you eat is not the only thing that matters when you want to lose weight. Body weight is influenced by emotional factors and daily habits that we barely pay attention to. Genes and physiological processes that are beyond the control of the will are also important. Modifying a silhouette that has been forged throughout life is a challenge that is often faced in the wrong way. Starvation diets, for example, convince the body to conserve as many reserves as possible. When you want to lose weight, thinking only in
  • 2. kilos and calories is a mistake. There are many other factors to consider, such as health and performance. The effective tips that approach the subject from all points of view will help you feel better from day one. Related article Alkaline diet to lose weight, does it really work?
  • 3. WEIGHT LOSS TIPS THAT WORK The weight loss ideas we offer you are based on established scientific knowledge. They are not the last and dangerous occurrences of any weight loss guru. On the contrary, they are sensible proposals that will allow you to safely get rid of excess weight. They will not demand great sacrifices from you. On the contrary, the changes that we propose will increase your well-being and make you feel that you are doing something positive. According to W. Bennet of Harvard University, the only way to reduce weight and keep it under control is through a diet that provides a few fewer calories than usual and can be followed indefinitely. You can try our healthy hypocaloric diet . CHOOSE NUTRITIOUS FOODS Eat foods that provide several things in considerable proportions : carbohydrates, proteins, minerals..https:/ / h100/nutrient, it should be done in small quantities (such as sugar). EAT MORE HEALTHY FOOD
  • 4. No matter how many raw or steamed vegetables you eat, you will not gain weight. :https:/ / s with a lot of recommended ones. Here you have the list of foods that are less fattening but that feed a lot. EAT EVERYTHING Even the most dangerous foods (pastries, fried...) can be eaten very rarely, as long as you are a person with a healthy weight. What matters is the combination of diet and lifestyle. People in your weight eat all kinds of food. EAT A LITTLE LESS EACH YEAR One of the reasons you get fat is that we continue to eat as usual when the body needs less energy each year . From the age of 30 there is a slight decrease in energy needs. You have to move more.
  • 5. Related article Intermittent fasting diet 16/8 of nutritionist to lose weight in a healthy way DON'T STOP EATING CARBOHYDRATES
  • 6. Don't listen to what some fad diets say. There is a consensus among nutritionists that carbohydrates should provide between 50 and 60% of the energy, that is, of the calories you need per day, especially if you are an active person. A diet that eliminates them or reduces them below this figure is not sustainable and can harm health. RICE, PASTA AND POTATOES SHOULD OCCUPY A QUARTER OF THE PLATE You can eat rice, pasta and potatoes even if you are trying to lose weight. You just have to take into account the size of the portion and the sauces (a few drops of oil are enough to dress). Remember that they should not occupy more than a quarter of the plate. In the rest there should be room for protein and vegetables (think that a bite of steamed vegetables provides 4 times fewer calories than one of rice). And choose the integral presentations. WATCH FOR HIDDEN SUGAR It is not enough to not add unnecessary teaspoons to the coffee. Sugar, which only gives you calories, hides in soft drinks, nectars, prepared foods, cookies, pastries or chocolates. You can sweeten your dishes with cinnamon, vanilla or fruit compote.
  • 7. EAT 40-50 G OF PROTEIN DAILY About 40-50 g per day are needed, which can come from meat or fish, but dairy products and plant foods (cereals, legumes and nuts) also provide them. For example, 100 g of wholemeal bread provides 10 g of protein; 100 g of chickpeas, 20, and a yogurt, 5. The daily portion of meat should not exceed 100 g. And keep in mind that the cut of meat should be lean, poultry meat is more digestible and oily fish provides you with beneficial fats. CALCULATE YOUR BODY MASS INDEX Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) by dividing your weight in kg (for example, 69 kg) by your height in meters squared (1.75 x 1.75 = 3.06; in this case, the BMI would be 22, 5). an index greater than 25 is considered overweight and obesity if it is greater than 30. If your index is below 25 you should not worry about your health. KEEP A DIARY OF WHAT YOU EAT For a week , immediately write down every food you put in your mouth , including snacks. Write down the time, the amount, where you are (at home, in a restaurant...), what you do (watch TV, work...) and how you
  • 8. feel (anxious, euphoric...). The objective is not that you calculate the calories, but that you know what you really eat. EAT GOOD FAT The objective of any weight loss plan is to reduce body fat, but it is also important that we need it to synthesize hormones, assimilate vitamins and regenerate cells. They should provide us with 20-30% of daily calories. https:/ / valent to 6 teaspoons throughout the day. The important thing is that this small amount is "good fat": for example, 3 teaspoons of raw extra virgin olive oil, a handful of nuts and a serving of oily fish, rich in omega 3 fatty acids. TAKE 3 TO 5 SERVINGS OF VEGETABLES If the body gets all the minerals and vitamins it is less likely to trigger hunger pangs. One way to ensure these micronutrients is to consume 3 to 5 servings of vegetables daily, which must be present in all dishes. Another advantage of these foods is that they promote a feeling of satiety because they fill the stomach and intestines. They also reduce the rate at which blood sugar rises and falls. This prevents hunger pangs and excess glucose from turning into fat.
  • 9. EAT THE WHOLE FRUIT If you drink juices you will consume more sugars and less fiber, and your hunger will not subside. On the other hand, whole fruits, which can be eaten at any time, whether for breakfast, dessert or a snack, are highly recommended, despite the fact that there are still those who believe that they should not be part of a weight loss strategy. Due to the low proportion of carbohydrates, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit...), red fruits (strawberries, raspberries...) and fruits with stones or seeds (apples, nectarines...) are especially recommended. WATCH THE FOOD GROUPS YOU EAT Throughout the day we must consume foods from all groups in the proportions and amounts appropriate to our size, weight and lifestyle. If your lifestyle is sedentary, it is better to take 4 servings of carbohydrates a day instead of 8. CALCULATE PORTIONS BY HAND It is much more practical than walking with the precision scale. You can take as a reference the size of your hands or common objects. Take note.
  • 10. HOW TO SHOP IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT https:/ / what we buy. We recommend that you go to the market more than to the supermarket. In large stores, it is much more likely that you will end up succumbing to ultra-processed products that will boycott your health. In the markets we usually find only real food: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc. and we also favor local commerce and bet on seasonal food and proximity. MAKE SHOPPING LIST Do not improvise in the market, because in the end you will take home more. Write down what you need and write down the quantities next to it, tending downwards. So at the time of making the purchase you will already have an exact list.
  • 11. Related article Healthy and seasonal shopping list SHOPPING AFTER EATING It is proven that if you are hungry, you are much more likely to get carried away and take home the least recommended foods.
  • 12. BUY VEGETABLES FIRST Start by buying plenty of water . then the fruit and vegetables you want. Then the rice, the pasta and the bread and potatoes. At this point you will have little space for the rest of the food. BUY IN INDIVIDUAL PORTIONS They will help you to apply the daily rations well and not to overdo it when consuming them, an example is those of butter or jam. KEEP THE KITCHEN TIDY A kitchen where it is difficult to find what you are looking for leads you to prepare fast and nutritionally poor meals. On the other hand, a tidy kitchen invites you to entertain yourself in the preparation. Part of the order is to always have the healthy foods you will need. In a corner that is more difficult to access, practically hidden from view, must be the fattiest foods. USE PROPER COOKING METHODS Some cooking techniques add too many calories or take away nutrients. The most convenient methods are steaming, baking at low
  • 13. temperatures, grilling, sautéing without fat, and slow cooking with the pan covered. EAT ON A SMALL PLATE Scientific research, carried out at the University of Illinois (United States), shows without a doubt that the size of the plates can make us eat 40% more than necessary. h100/we have been taught that nothing should be left behind. To take advantage of this curious phenomenon we can serve ourselves in children's dishes or for dessert. CHOOSE LEAN MEAT Save ribs, sausages and cold meats for very special occasions. Instead, for everyday menus, choose cuts of meat with no outer fat and poultry without the skin. The loin and the leg usually contain less fat. If you are addicted to its texture, order pork or veal cheeks, trimmed of fat, at the butcher shop. They are lean pieces that contain a lot of melting gelatin. LOSE WEIGHT IF YOU EAT IN A RESTAURANT
  • 14. Even if you want to lose weight, you don't have to deprive yourself of eating out if it's something you love. It is enough to follow a few small guidelines that will allow you to enjoy the food without ending up stuffed. SHARE A PLATE IF YOU EAT OUT Restaurants tend to put out too much food. The possibilities are to order tapas or share the dishes and you will also save. if you can't decide and you're faced with a huge plate, ask for half to be put on a takeaway tray. ORDER A LA CARTE INSTEAD OF A MENU Although the restaurant menu almost always offers the best value for money, it is worth checking the menu to see if there are options more suited to a healthy weight loss plan (dishes with steamed vegetables, fruit...). MODIFY THE DISHES Do not be shy. You have the right to ask that the dish be prepared to your liking, with minor modifications. For example, that they serve you
  • 15. the pasta and the sauce and the cheese separately, so you can use the amounts you want. WHEN YOU EAT OUT, BETTER ACCOMPANIED If possible, have lunch with friends. You will be more relaxed and with less anxiety and you will eat less. And, above all, talk about everything and a lot, because it will make more time pass between bites. TRICKS THAT WORK TO LOSE WEIGHT Paying attention to what you eat for dinner, eating more vegetables or learning to assemble healthy dishes are two of the most important tricks to lose weight without suffering. We assure you that if you put them into practice, you will notice the results quickly. FOLLOW THE PLATE METHOD
  • 16. The Harvard Plate Method is a chart that summarizes the official dietary guidelines that support stable weight and overall health. It is a plate where the size of the portions of each food category is represented. An ideal plate reserves half the space for fruits and vegetables and the other half for fat-free protein and whole grains, with a glass added to represent dairy. The protein group specifications place meat, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds on an equal footing. EAT MORE VEGETARIAN The ovo-lacto-vegetarian and vegan diets (without eggs or dairy) allow you to reduce the intake of fat and calories , and increase the intake of fiberhttps:/ / /
  • 17. EAT MORE SLOWLY It takes 20 minutes for the satiety signal to travel from the stomach to the brain, so don't rush to eat. Start chewing well, until the food turns to mush in the mouth, because the digestion and assimilation of nutrients will be easier. This way you can thoroughly enjoy the texture and nuances of the flavor of each ingredient and calm the anxiety that may lead you to eat too much. One way to prolong the pleasure of food is to have a raw salad to snack on between bites. After dessert, you don't have to get up and run away. It is advisable to remain after dinner for at least ten minutes, which can be used to enjoy a digestive infusion and talk in company. DRINK ENOUGH WATER It is the ideal drink because it does not contain calories and is essential for the proper functioning of the body. If you prefer it to a glass of wine or a beer, you will save about 100 calories. Some experts advise drinking one or two glasses 20 minutes before eating to promote a feeling of fullness. It also favors the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of liquids. LIGHT DINNER
  • 18. Whether dinner should be a major or a low-key meal is a debatable issue. Many hours pass between the end of dinner and breakfast, which can cause blood sugar levels to drop. On the other hand, metabolism slows down at bedtime. In general, moderate portions of easily digestible foods are recommended for dinner, but each person has to find what works best for them. Related article
  • 19. 64 super delicious (and easy to make) light weight loss dinners WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS There are certain supplements or superfoods that can help us lose weight. If you are going to take any, we recommend that you consult your nutritionist first. EXERCISES TO LOSE WEIGHT To lose weight, in addition to following a balanced and light diet, it is essential to keep your metabolism active. You can achieve this by moving more in your day-to-day life (walking as much as you can, climbing stairs...) and reserving time in your schedule to play sports. It is best to combine aerobic exercise (biking, running, walking...) with the use of weights to tone up and develop good muscles. EXERCISE YOU CAN The ideal is to perform an intense activity, such as running, aerobics, but this is only possible if you discover the pleasure it produces, thanks to the release of endorphins and your physical and emotional well-being increases. Physical exercise not only immediately burns
  • 20. calories but seems to be the best way to speed up metabolism . That is why it is crucial for weight loss. GO FOR A RUN The most recommended physical activity is the one that makes the heart and lungs work. Its effect on metabolism lasts up to twelve hours after the session ends. 20 to 30 minutes a day are enough, but with a certain intensity, just enough not to lose your breath. This type of exercise is more effective than any "fat burning" product. TO WALK A LOT For the human being it is something as natural and necessary as eating, breathing or sleeping. Whenever it is possible to reach a place on foot, forget about the car or any other means of transport. The elevators are also to be despised. Swimming and cycling are other highly recommended exercises.
  • 21. Related article Plan to take 15,000 steps a day (and lose weight) EAT AFTER EXERCISE If you do intense exercise, it is very convenient that you eat within two hours of finishing to favor the assimilation of nutrients. This is when the
  • 22. body needs them most and therefore uses them most effectively. It may even be interesting that you complement the food with a quality multivitamin and mineralizing supplement. COMBINE CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE WITH STRENGTH Strength exercises serve to build muscle and increase endurance. The development of the muscles helps to lose weight continuously, as they burn calories even when you are at rest. It also prevents diabetes, osteoporosis and circulatory problems. It is advisable to follow the advice of a gym trainer or pilates teacher. If you decide to do it at home, you can try Patry Jordan's exercises. PSYCHOLOGICAL KEYS TO LOSE WEIGHT ANALYZE YOUR HUNGER Hunger can have mental origin. Maybe you don't need so much food, but something else. You must ask yourself what you are missing. only you have the answer, although sometimes it is difficult to find it. If this is your case, perhaps you are missing moments of joy, friends with whom to share adventures or contact with nature. Affective needs are among the main causes of /www.digisto478/syediftikharshah10 0/ overeating because their parents work too hard, or because they
  • 23. want to satisfy them by eating well. The same can happen to adults with their emotional problems. TRY NOT TO BE STRESSED A study conducted at the hospital in Gothenburg (Sweden) has shown that people with chronic stress have an easy time accumulating fat in the abdomen. Stressful situations require an added effort to the body and mind. The body is constantly looking for more energy . the consequence is a feeling of acute or constant hunger. To reduce stress:
  • 24. Related article 10 techniques to de-stress in 15 seconds (backed by science) SLEEP 8 HOURS Lack of sleep –https:/ /
  • 25. duction of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decreases that of leptin, one of the chemical messengers of satiety. It's pure chemistry! TREAT YOURSELF WELL People trying to lose weight often look in the mirror to find their flaws. Imagine that instead of seeing your reflection you are seeing a good friend. would you say the same? No, surely you would highlight her strengths. If you don't treat her badly, why do you do it with yourself? ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE Although it may seem like a paradox, if you really want to change your figure, you must first accept yourself as you are. Only then will you take complete control over your actions in relation to food. Being satisfied with yourself is a condition to get what you want. Every time you reproach yourself, you lower your self-esteem and decrease your motivation. MOTIVATE YOURSELF WITH ANOTHER PERSON Some people take on the challenge of losing pounds alone, but success is more likely if shared with others. This could be your GP, with whom you can agree to follow a weight loss plan, a nutritionist or a friend.
  • 26. Rejoicing together at progress or encouraging each other in the face of inevitable impasses helps keep you going. KEEP THESE GOOD HABITS It is the most difficult advice to follow and to comply with. For the changes in the diet to take hold, it is necessary that you value every kilo that you have lost a lot and, above all, that you recognize the benefits that this has for your health. If you really want to lose weight, don't set https:/ / ction. 250 grams per week (which means 1 kg per month) or even less are enough. WEIGH YOURSELF TWICE A DAY Dr. Michael Greger recommends weighing yourself daily because the largest study on the subject, from the US National Weight Control http:/ /'s too much for you, you can weigh yourself once a week; the important thing is that you follow the method you follow, do it regularly. ..KustomDiabetes- Interactive Quiz and Personalized Diet Offer kharshah100/