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.   NOTICE: The information and product recommendations made by the TANEJA GROUP are based upon public information and
sources and may also include personal opinions both of the TANEJA GROUP and others, all of which we believe to be accurate and
reliable. However, as market conditions change and not within our control, the information and recommendations are made with-
out warranty of any kind. All product names used and mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. The TANEJA
GROUP, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages whatsoever (including incidental, consequential or otherwise),
caused by your use of, or reliance upon, the information and recommendations presented herein, nor for any inadvertent errors that
may appear in this document. This Solution Profile is made available with IBM funding - IBM has licensed the distribution rights for
this Taneja Group Report, and this report may be distributed on behalf of IBM. Although this document may utilize publicly availa-
ble material from various vendors, including IBM, it does not necessarily reflect the positions of such vendors on the issues addressed
in this document.

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  • 8. ! !"#$%&"'()*"+&#,( "#$%&'"(!)**+,!-%*#*!(.-*#!/*#0.#1")$*2!(.-*#!$.,32!.#!$.1/(&")$*4,/*$&0&$!,3.#"5*!1"6!7*!"!7*,3!0&32! -%&(*! 8**/&)5! "((! ,3.#"5*! 9)+*#! 3%*! ,"1*! 1")"5*1*)32! 0*"39#*! ,*32! ")+! /#.3*$3&.)! 917#*(("2! *'*)! "$#.,,!%*3*#.5*)*.9,!,3.#"5*!/#.+9$3,:!!! !"#$%"&'()*+&)+,#,)#& ;(3.5*3%*#2! 3%*! $.#*! +*,&5)! /#&)$&/(*,! 3%"3! %"'*! +#&'*)! 3%*! $#*"3&.)! ")+! *'.(93&.)! .0! <=>?,! )*@3! 5*)*#"3&.)! ,3.#"5*! ,6,3*1,! "#*! /#&)$&/(*,! $"#*09((6! 1"3$%*+! 3.! .9#! '&,&.)! .0! ,3.#"5*! ,&1/(&$&36! A! "! %&5%(6!"'"&("7(*!0.9)+"3&.)!7*)*"3%!"!("6*#!.0!,&1/(*!")+!*'*#4"+"/3"7(*!*)3*#/#&,*!,3.#"5*:!!B%.,*! $"/"7&(&3&*,! 7*)*"3%! >&$#.,.03! C@$%")5*2! ",! %&5%(&5%3*+! &)! .9#! 09)+"1*)3"(! D9*,3&.),2! 1"8*! 9/! 3%*! 09)+"1*)3"(! /&(("#,! 3%"3! 1"8*! 3%*! +&00*#*)$*! 7*3-**)! ")! *00&$&*)3! >&$#.,.03! C@$%")5*! ,3.#"5*! &)0#",3#9$39#*2! ")+! "//#."$%*,! 3%"3! +*,$*)+! &)3.! $.77(*+! 3.5*3%*#! $%".,:! ! >9(3&4+&1*),&.)! "+"/3"7&(&36! 3.! 8**/! 9/! -&3%! $%")5&)5! +*1")+,E! F%*$8:! G.79,3)*,,! ")+! "'"&("7&(&36! 79&(3! 0.#! "! 1&,,&.)! $#&3&$"(! *)'&#.)1*)3E! ! F%*$8:! ! H&1/(&$&36! 3.! 1"8*! .)45.&)5! ")+! #.93&)*! ,3.#"5*! "+1&)&,3#"3&.)!)*"#(6!'")&,%E!!F%*$8:!!! >.#*.'*#2! <=>! $.)3&)9*,! 3.! ,3#*3$%! 3%*! 7.9)+"#&*,! .0! ,&1/(6! +*(&'*#&)5! 3%*! 0.9)+"3&.):! ! I&3%! 3%*! *@3#*1*! /*#0.#1")$*! J<K2! 19(3&4,6,3*1! $(9,3*#&)5! +*(&'*#,! *00&$&*)3! "+"/3"7&(&36! -&3%.93! 7.9)+,2! -%&(*! -&3%! H3.#-&L*! KMNNN2! <=>! &,! +*(&'*#&)5! 9)&D9*! 0(*@&7&(&36! 3.! *1/.-*#! 3%*! $9,3.1*#! ,3.#"5*! *00&$&*)$6!.93,&+*!.0!"!,&)5(*!,3.#"5*!,6,3*1:!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . NOTICE: The information and product recommendations made by the TANEJA GROUP are based upon public information and sources and may also include personal opinions both of the TANEJA GROUP and others, all of which we believe to be accurate and reliable. However, as market conditions change and not within our control, the information and recommendations are made with- out warranty of any kind. All product names used and mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. The TANEJA GROUP, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages whatsoever (including incidental, consequential or otherwise), caused by your use of, or reliance upon, the information and recommendations presented herein, nor for any inadvertent errors that may appear in this document. This Solution Profile is made available with IBM funding - IBM has licensed the distribution rights for this Taneja Group Report, and this report may be distributed on behalf of IBM. Although this document may utilize publicly availa- ble material from various vendors, including IBM, it does not necessarily reflect the positions of such vendors on the issues addressed in this document. !"#$%&'()©*+(,*+-./0-*1%"2#3*4567*89::7*-;;*<&'()=*<,=,%>,?7* A*"@*A* AB*/;C*D)%,,)3*D2&),*E99*!*F"#G&5)"53*H-**9:BIA*!*+J*K9A7ILK78KKM*!*NJ*K9A7ILK78KKB* OOO7)P5,QP'%"2#76"C** !