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Week 26
The Lectures on Faith - Lecture Second - Part 5
The “Creation” Theme Focus
Lecture Second
Verses 3-12
The Lectures
on Faith
Importance of
A Quick Reminder of the
Importance of the
Lectures on Faith
…a passage in
The Testimony of St. John
The Lectures
on Faith
Importance of
BELIEF = Knowing What to DO FAITH = Acting upon Belief
If we don’t know what to DO we have no “POWER”
Teachings Begin
with “Creation”
“Creation” Theme
Patterns of Creation – Directly Related to FAITH
• The act of creation as recorded by "Moses the historian" (as the Lectures on Faith
described Moses) shows us that God expects us to use the pattern of creation
that he detailed in the Book of Genesis and in the Temple Endowment
• To bring something to life a “space” must first be created
 A garden plot must be first cleared and prepared for planting of seeds
 We are commanded in our families to establish a house (T&C 86:29)
 Create a PLAN and fill it with tasks
 Making space on a calendar creates time needed to faithfully
accomplish an assignment/task
THERE ARE SO MANY EXAMPLES - the pattern is throughout all scripture
Patterns of Creation – Directly Related to FAITH
We must learn to create sacred spaces and sacred coverings
(We talked about “Sacred Spaces” in Week 4)
1) Fig Leaves (counterfeit introduced by Lucifer)
2) Apron
3) Coats of Skin
4) Earthen Vessel
5) Inner Vessel
6) Garment
7) Robe
8) Coat
9) House
10) Tabernacle/Tent
11) Ark
12) Tomb
13) Temple
14) Spiritual Bodies
15) Physical Bodies
…Zion is our next creative task at hand before us…
“Creation” Theme
Quotes from: Joseph Smith, Hugh Nibley and Denver Snuffer
Creation Theme – Purpose
Creation Theme - Purpose
Preserving the Restoration
Marriage and Family
The gospel is all about marriage and family. The creation was for Adam, and creation was “not good” until
Eve was given as a spouse and helpmeet for Adam.
Lecture 7
Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man
You will be amazed at the grace it is possible to acquire, if you will only do so while in this dark place. You
are here to accomplish great deal, and I hope by the time we are finished today you will be more fortified
to accomplish it. This creation was designed as an opportunity to sharply contrast good and evil. It is a
testing or proving ground. That is exactly why you are here. This is a glorious opportunity. You wanted
it. You shouted for joy at the idea of coming here to experience this veil of flesh. Therefore you should
rejoice again now, because salvation is free and offered to us all.
The Holy Order
Bountiful Fellowship Meeting
The Holy Order did not return with the ordinations in June 1831. It was not accomplished when the three
witnesses ordained the quorum of the twelve. There is something far greater within the Holy Order. It
includes the right of dominion over all creation, or the same right originally given to Adam that belonged
to God. The right of dominion over this creation is why God is God. In essence, the Holy Order is to create
of flesh and blood a living, mortal surrogate for the Father and Mother.
Preserving the Restoration
A Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit
This creation is perfectly organized to prove whether we are like Him.
2 Nephi 30: 7-8
August 18, 2010
…the purpose of the creation was to produce God's people.
Divine Parents Talk
The account of the creation from Moses in Genesis is a parable. The account veils identities of the role
players unless the parable is explained. Christ did this when He taught publicly.
“The creation…”
1) …was specifically for Adam
2) …was designed to contrast good and evil
3) …is a testing or proving ground
4) …we shouted for joy at the idea
5) …includes the “right of dominion”
6) …is perfectly organized to prove whether
we are like him
7) …purpose was to produce God’s people
8) The account of the creation from Moses
in Genesis is a parable. The account
veils identities of the role players unless
the parable is explained
Creation Theme – Purpose (cont.)
June 11, 2010 at 3:45 PM
What do you mean by “another cycle of existence and eternal progression”?
Another cycle? Is it repeating?
June 11, 2010 at 7:14 PM
So just to be clear… if these things happened before the foundation of
the world, it would necessarily mean that there was another probation,
possibly similar to this one… in order to have faith, good works and
repentance. A previous poster said that it could be faith in the Plan, but
that doesn’t make sense when there is repentance involved.
But then you said, “They were filled with life, made errors, and needed
to repent. They were not immune to the circumstances of this fallen
So now I’m confused. Is it this fallen world or another… or the same at
an earlier time??
Denver Snuffer
June 11, 2010 at 7:40 PM
They obtained it [faith in the Plan] before coming here. They
came here, sinned again, repented, realized who they were, and
obtained the high priesthood after the order of the Son of God.
They renewed who they were, resumed the authority they held
before, and entered into the Lord’s rest. Then began to seek and
bring others into that same rest.
“The creation…”
1) …there are cycles of existence
2) …there is eternal progression
3) …faith can be obtained BEFORE coming here
4) …we need to pick up where we left off in our
prior cycle(s) of existence
5) See entire June 11th post in red
Creation Theme – Purpose (cont.)
The Second Comforter
Chapter Eighteen
The creation, in turn, reminds us of the power of God and that all of creation is His
handiwork. This world is no accident.
The Essential Nibley
Chapter 1
We come {into this life as if} late to a play which has been in progress for ages, and we
never stay long enough to find out what is really happening. We get a glimpse of
the stage and the actors and hear a few lines of speech or music, and then we are
hustled out of the house. From what we have seen we may rack our brains to
reconstruct some sort of plot, but our speculations can never be anything but the
wildest guesses. Yet unless we know both how the play began . . . and how it ends . . . ,
the whole show remains utterly meaningless to us.
Creation Ceremonies
April 4, 2010
I was asked about the creation account being tied to ritual initiation ceremonies. All
the ancient accounts of creation were given in connection with initiations or ceremonial
rites. That is true of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Israelites, Babylonians, Hopis, etc.
The ritualized explanation of the origin of human life is tied together with the meaning
of life, and obligations about how life was to be lived, and what the afterlife will hold.
The restored Temple rights are consistent with the most ancient of traditions.
“The creation…”
1) …reminds us of the power of God
2) …is a reminder [God’s] handiwork
3) …unless we know both how the play
began . . . and how it ends . . . , the whole
show remains utterly meaningless to us
4) …accounts were given in connection with
initiations or ceremonial rites
Creation Theme – Characteristics
Creation Theme – Characteristics
Lecture 7
Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man
Creation is cyclical.
Preserving the Restoration
Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man
Joseph held up a ring and said, There is no beginning and there is no end, it is one eternal
round. This round of creation is only part of the cycle. We are part of endless cycles. Now.
Today matters a great deal. Therefore, what you do here matters, infinitely and eternally.
A lesson to the priests
September 11, 2011
The story of Eve’s creation is allegorical, not actual. The allegory says she was made “from a
rib” taken “from Adam’s side.” (Gen. 2: 21-23) This is not intended as an actual explanation of
her creation, but instead as a description of the way she is to be regarded. Part of him. Taken
from his side, making her his intimately connected associate in whom he should recognize
companionship runs within himself. Her presence is intended to satisfy what was before “not
good” about Adam’s condition. She is literally not only a part of him, but also completes him.
Lecture 7
Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man
Everything in this creation is sustained by the Light of Christ. He occupies it all by His light. He
brings the light into it that powers all of this creation. He is more intelligent than all of it.
He keeps it organized by the Light emanating from Him. This is why redemption is
possible through Him.
Beloved Enos
...creation is ongoing and meant to be shared by those who follow God’s plan.
KEY ASPECTS - Characteristics
1) This round of creation is only part of the
cycle. We are part of endless cycles.
2) The story of Eve’s creation is allegorical,
not actual
3) Everything in this creation is sustained
by the Light of Christ. He occupies it all
by His light. He brings the light into it
that powers all of this creation.
4) ...creation is ongoing and meant to be
shared by those who follow God’s plan.
Creation Theme – Characteristics (cont.)
The Essential Nibley
Chapter 1
One of the most remarkable teachings of the Joseph Smith book of Enoch as found in the Pearl of Great Price book of
Moses is the doctrine of a spiritual creation of all things that preceded the creation of this earth. . . . “For I, the Lord
God, created all things . . . spiritually, before they were naturally upon the . . . earth. . . . And man became a living soul .
. . nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created.” (Moses 3:5,7). . . .
Nibley compares this to a verse from an ancient document: (Vaillant) “And Enoch answered the people saying: Hear my
children! Before anything was, . . . and before the whole creation took place, the Lord established the Age of
Creation, . . . and after that he made all the Creation, both visible and invisible.” . . . And from bin Gorion, 1:28 “The
world was created in two stages, the first being a spiritual creation.” (EP, 240–41)
Christian Lecture #3
...the work of the creation is referred to generally as “a day”. There is no reason to believe that calling it a day in the
language of scripture has reference to anything other than a discrete event. It would be more accurate to say that
there were labors that were performed during the incremental progression of the creation which took however long,
and when the labor was completed then that labor was called “a day”. There is nothing to suggest that the labor of
the first day was exactly the same amount of time as the labor of the second day, nor is there anything to suggest that
the labor of the third day was equal in time to either the first or the second, and so on.
Temple and Cosmos
Hugh Nibley
In the Apocalypse of Abraham, a very important Jewish discovery, Abraham hails God: "God! Thou who dost bring
order into the confusion of the universe, ever preparing and renewing worlds for the righteous." The Codex Brucianus
(a new document) says the same thing: Creation is organization and God is ever bringing order into the universe and is
progressively ever preparing and renewing worlds for the righteous.
But it is not enough to arrange matter in order and system. Such matter remains, for all its pretty patterns, inert. If you
organize it, you've just got a geometrical structure or something similar, but it's still inert. It's only background stuff.
The Pistis Sophia says that, without light, matter is inert and helpless. It must be improved by the action of light;
according to these texts, you've got to put into it some animating principle. Whenever that active principle is
withdrawn, the matter at once falls back into its original lifeless, inert condition. It's like removing an electric current
from a tube of one of the inert gases—the tube shines as long as the charge goes through it; remove the charge, and
it becomes just nothing again. "Matter must be improved by the action of light," and whenever the active principle is
withdrawn, it at once falls back into its original lifeless, inert condition (like the inert gas argon). This vitalizing principle
is referred to everywhere as "the spark," which you must have if anything is to happen. "Without this spark," says a
very important new work called the Second Coptic Gnostic Work, "there is no awareness," no consciousness. The
electric eye that opens the door for you when you go into the supermarket is not conscious of you; that is, it's not
thinking at all. It's purely automatic. An awareness, a consciousness, must be added to the electric eye, or it has no
mind at all. That is the difference: things just automatically reacting, or, having a mind.
KEY ASPECTS - Characteristics
1) The world was created in two stages, the first
being a spiritual creation
2) Before anything was, . . . and before the
whole creation took place, the Lord
established the Age of Creation, . . . and after
that he made all the Creation, both visible
and invisible
3) ...the work of the creation is referred to
generally as “a day”
4) There is nothing to suggest that the labor of
the first day was exactly the same amount of
time as the labor of the second day…[]
5) Creation is organization and God is ever
bringing order into the universe and is
progressively ever preparing and renewing
worlds for the righteous.
Creation Theme – Planning
Creation Theme – Planning
KEY ASPECTS - Planning
1) There is a “HIGHEST COUNCIL of
2) Christ was in the “COUNCIL of the GODS”
3) The “CREATION of the COSMOS was
organized through Christ
4) Without Christ “does not exist one
thing…in the cosmos”
5) Christ “came into His own creation”
6) Christ is “the Messenger of the Heavenly
Creation Theme – Planning
The Essential Nibley
Chapter 1
I have hundreds of pages of extractions from ancient documents on this point—the great council in heaven, the plan of
salvation with everything being planned and worked out, the discussion in heaven of the new plan. That discussion did
not go over easily. Not only were there the interruptions of Satan, there were a lot of objections because it was a little
too hard, too risky a thing; it introduced too much suffering, etc. (TC, 305–6)
The Atonement “the plan laid down before the foundation of the world” (Alma 12:30), which was approved at the Council
in Heaven . . . is often mentioned in the earliest Christian and Jewish literature. . . . When the plan was voted on . . . it was
turned down. For the earth herself complained, as in the book of Moses and other Enoch literature, of the defilement it
would bring upon her, knowing the kind of inhabitants to come; and the heavenly hosts objected to a plan that would
cause such a vast amount of sin and suffering—was all that necessary? The Only Begotten broke the deadlock by
volunteering to go down and pay the price. This opened the way; the plan could go forward; the sons of God and the
morning stars all shouted and sang for joy—that was the great creation hymn which left an indelible mark in ancient
literature and ritual. The Lord had made it all possible, leaving men their agency, and obeying the Father in all things.
Satan and his followers refused to accept the majority vote; for that, Satan was deprived of his glory in a reversal of the
endowment and was cast out of heaven, which was the reverse of at-one-ment. (AZ, 580–81)
Those who embrace the plan wholeheartedly on this earth are the Elect, “the people of the Plan,” chosen “from the
foundation of the world”; they form on earth a community dedicated to “the faithful working out of God’s plan” in close
cooperation with the heavenly hosts. (OTRS, 174)
Friends and Spokesmen:
June 17, 2015
It seems unlikely to me that we have more than one turn in any given creation for a mortal experience. When, however, a
new creation is made, it seems inevitable that those who will populate it are chosen beforehand, participate in the
planning, and are assigned to come live there as another “estate” in the long path of progression.
I dismiss the idea someone has been told by God that he is the former King Solomon returned to mortality, in part
because I know of at least three claiming to be “King Solomons” living now. I know of several “John the Baptists,” enough
“Peters” to form a congregation, and the plentiful “Jeremiahs” could play a college football game filling both rosters.
KEY ASPECTS - Planning
HEAVEN” citation in full
2) It seems unlikely to me that
we have more than one turn
in any given creation for a
mortal experience
3) When, however, a new
creation is made, it seems
inevitable that those who will
populate it are chosen
beforehand, participate in
the planning, and are
assigned to come live there
as another “estate” in the
long path of progression.
Creation Theme – Planning (cont.)
Temple and Cosmos
Hugh Nibley
The temple drama begins with the council in heaven when the creation is being planned.
Many features of the Latter-day Saint version of creation are sound and scientific. First of all, this earth was part of a
system of worlds made of the same elements and subject to the same physical laws. The creation was neither
instantaneous nor simultaneous, as Aquinas describes it. The latter have become the fundamental ideas behind the
word creation as it is used by scientists and religionists alike. All are agreed today that the word creation implies
bringing something out of nothing instantaneously and completely. On the contrary, creation is a process in which one
step leads to another over an indefinite period of time. The "episodic" nature of life is essential in this version. What we
have is one ever ongoing play divided into distinct acts and scenes. Since there is no point at which everything emerges
from nothing, we begin with an act and a scene in a play that has already been going on for untold ages and has
already seen countless worlds come and go. Our story opens with unorganized matter, then an earth which is "only"
earth, then a globe completely invested with water, then a division of the waters, causing the upthrust of earth by plate
techtonics, which proceeds to "form mountains and hills," down from which rush great rivers and small streams, supplied
by the torrential rains that fall from the darkness that covers the face of the deep—the dense cloud-cover which begins
to break up as first the sun, then the moon, then the stars appear. They were not created at that time; they
were already there. Human history is not primarily concerned with the creatures of other ages or other planets; its
proper beginning is placed at that momentous period of transition between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary when the
first angiosperms appeared as grass, flowers, shrubs, and trees, supplying sustenance for the elephant, the lion, and
other mammals. The mammoths were the first to appear of those herds of grazing animals, the herd which emerged as
soon as the grass was provided—a very sudden event in the course of nature, "an explosion," Loren Eiseley calls it. They
supplied a livelihood for the predators—the lion, the tiger, and the bear, which preyed upon the herds. All these were in
preparation for man. If the above rules out the whole fundamentalist picture of creation, Darwinism is no less rejected by
the basic doctrine that the creation was both directed and planned. The planning began long before the actual
operation was carried out, and the process required constant oversight and direction.
Collected Works of Hugh Nibley
Vol.1, Ch.4, p.69 - p.70
The creation process as described in the Pearl of Great Price is open ended and ongoing, entailing careful planning
based on vast experience, long consultations, models, tests, and even trial runs for a complicated system requiring a vast
scale of participation by the creatures concerned. The whole operation is dominated by the overriding principle of love.
You may accept the Big Bang, with its potential for producing all that came thereafter, but by any reckoning the earth
was definitely not among the instantaneous productions of the first millisecond or even of the first fifteen minutes. No
matter how you figure, it came along much, much later after a great deal had happened. "Worlds without number" had
already come into existence and gone their ways: "And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so
shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words." (Moses 1:38.)
KEY ASPECTS – Planning
1) The temple drama begins with the council
in heaven when the creation is being
2) The creation was neither instantaneous nor
3) …creation is a process in which one step
leads to another over an indefinite period of
4) …we have one ever ongoing play divided
into distinct acts and scenes
5) …we begin [this life] with an act and a scene
in a play that has already been going on for
untold ages and has already seen countless
worlds come and go
6) The planning began long before the actual
operation was carried out, and the process
required constant oversight and direction
7) See “Collected Works of Hugh Nibley”
citation in its entirety in red
Creation Theme – Planning (cont.)
Old Testament and Related Studies
Hugh Nibley
God started out the Creation by making a topos for his children, that they might settle there,
and there recognize and serve him as their father. In the Ginza, he tells Adam, "Adam, this is
the place in which you are going to live. Your wife, Eve, will come and join you here [notice
the pre-existence], and here your progeny will thrive." Then there is the concept of distance,
which leads naturally to the idea of multiplicity of worlds. (This has been implicit in all that we
have been saying, and on the subject all these writings have a good deal to say.) After the plan
of creation was accepted, it was communicated to all the other worlds. All the other
worlds contributed something to the making of this one, because they rejoiced in such a project.
For the worlds exist, we are told in the Askew Manuscript, so that intelligent spirits might come
and inhabit them. Not only are the worlds countless, according to Philip, but they have been
going on forever. Adam's holy angels inhabit many worlds.
The Essential Nibley
Chapter 1
Today, some scientists are observing with wonder that amidst all the vast, uncontrollable
destructive powers that are on the loose in the universe, enlisted in the service of remorseless and
irreversible entropy {natural trend from order to disorder} here on this perilously exposed little
planet, battered by solar winds from one side and cosmic rays from the other, while seething
inwardly with unimaginable heat and pressure, we somehow find ourselves in an ambiance
peculiarly congenial to our comfort and convenience, as if somebody actually had us in mind. (AZ,
An organizing, ordering force in the universe that is very active . . . runs counter to all we know of
the laws of science. (TC, 8)
KEY ASPECTS - Planning
1) See “Old Testament and Related
Studies” citation in its entirety in red
2) …in this creation we somehow find
ourselves in an ambiance peculiarly
congenial to our comfort and
convenience, as if somebody actually
had us in mind – see in entirety
3) An organizing, ordering force in the
universe that is very active . . . runs
counter to all we know of the laws
of science.
Creation Theme – Players
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
Our Heavenly Mother, the companion of Heavenly Father, was in the garden when man was
created. But so were others. In addition to the man Adam and the woman Eve, the plural
Elohim who were in Eden included two Divine couples who were parents of Adam and Eve. One
Divine couple were the parents of Adam. The other were the parents of Eve.
The creation of the man Adam was secondarily in the image of God the Father, but
was primarily and specifically “in the image of my Only Begotten”—meaning Jesus Christ. The
reason Adam was born “in the image of” God the Father’s “Only Begotten” was because the
Only Begotten was the one who begat Adam. God the Father was the father of Jesus Christ in
the spirit, and the biological father of Jesus Christ in the flesh. God the Father was also the
Father of the spirit of the man Adam. But the biological Father of Adam in the garden was “in
the image of the Only Begotten,” or Jesus Christ. Christ and His companion were the physical
Parents of the man Adam.
The parable of the creation of the woman therefore differs from the creation of the man. She
was not formed from the dust of the ground. She was formed from a “rib” –from an already
existing part of the man. She was born from something equal to him and able to stand beside
him in all things.
But the parable about the woman Eve means a great deal more. She was at Adam’s side before
the creation of this world. They were united as “one” in a prior estate when they progressed to
become living “souls” with both bodies and spirits. They were sealed before this world by the
Holy Spirit of Promise and proved true and faithful. They once sat upon a throne in God the
Father’s Kingdom. In that state they were equal and joined eternally together. She sat beside
him and was a necessary part of his enthronement.
Her introduction into this world to join her companion was needed to complete Adam. It
was not good for him to be alone. They were “one” and therefore Adam without Eve was
not complete—or in the words of the parable “not good to be alone.”
1) Our Heavenly Mother, the companion of
Heavenly Father, was in the garden when
man was created.
2) …But so were others
3) God the Father was the father of Jesus
Christ in the spirit, and the biological father
of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
4) God the Father was also the Father of the
spirit of the man Adam
5) Christ and His companion were the
physical Parents of the man Adam
6) The parable of the creation of the woman
therefore differs from the creation of the
man. She was not formed from the dust of
the ground.
7) See citation in red in full
Creation Theme – Players
Ether’s Reference to Christ as Father
February 27, 2012
Overarching all else in this creation are the acts of two parties. Adam fell. (Moses
6: 48.) Christ arose. (Alma 11: 42.) Adam introduced death. Christ overcame it.
(Mosiah 16: 8.) Through Christ the law was made unjust because death could
make no claim upon Him, but He willingly died to suffer the punishment He did
not merit. That forever satisfied death’s claim. (Mosiah 15: 9.) Once it had claimed
the life of one who did not deserve to die, it could no longer make claim on
Him or those He came to redeem. His punishment was infinite, because His
sacrifice was infinite. If He did not merit death then death took from Him what
was infinite and would have no end. (Heb. 4: 15.) He submitted. His death
satisfied the need for dying.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Section Six 1843–44, p.373
If Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and John discovered that God the Father of
Jesus Christ had a Father, you may suppose that He had a Father also. Where
was there ever a son without a father? And where was there ever a father
without first being a son? Whenever did a tree or anything spring into existence
without a progenitor? And everything comes in this way. Paul says that which is
earthly is in the likeness of that which is heavenly, Hence if Jesus had a Father,
can we not believe that He had a Father also? I despise the idea of being scared
to death at such a doctrine, for the Bible is full of it.
1) Overarching all else in this creation are the
acts of two parties.
• Adam fell
• Christ arose
• Adam introduced death
• Christ overcame it
2) See “Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith”
citation in full in red
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
Denver Snuffer
The story of creation starts by identifying Heavenly Parents, a couple clearly described as the true
and living “God.” In the King James Version, the creation of mankind is told in these words: “So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he
Knowledge (masculine) initiates, Wisdom (feminine) receives, guides and tempers. Knowledge can be
dangerous unless it is informed by wisdom. Wisdom provides guidance and counsel to channel what
comes from knowledge. These are eternal attributes, part of what it means to be a male or a female.
Creation begins with the active initiative of knowledge, but order and harmony for the creation
requires wisdom. Balance between them is required for an orderly creation to exist.
She were to be acknowledged in that role, it would require a complete re-envisioning of Her. It would
raise the issues of why or how She, an immortal and exalted God, could return from that exalted state
back to mortality to bring our Redeemer and Savior into this world. It would draw a contrast
between the Father’s involvement with this creation 56 and the Mother’s.
The Father can, and does, acknowledge others as His. But, unlike the Son who has repeatedly visited
this earth, walked upon it, been handled by people, and eaten here, the Father does not come into
contact with this earth in its fallen state.61 The only time the Father had contact with this earth was
before the Fall, in the Paradisiacal setting of Eden—which was a Temple at the time.62 Whenever
there has been contact with the Father thereafter, He has been at a distance from this earth.63
56 As I have previously explained, in His glorified condition, man has ascended to Him, but He has not
descended to contact with this creation.
61 Matt. 17: 5: “While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of
the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”
JS-H 1: 17: “It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound.
When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description,
standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the
other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
62 Gen. 3: 8: “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and
Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.”
1) The story of creation starts by identifying
Heavenly Parents, a couple clearly described
as the true and living “God”
2) Creation begins with the active initiative of
knowledge, but order and harmony for the
creation requires wisdom
3) …the Father does not come into contact with
this earth in its fallen state
4) The only time the Father had contact with
this earth was before the Fall, in the
Paradisiacal setting of Eden—which was a
Temple at the time
5) Whenever there has been contact with the
Father thereafter, He has been at a distance
from this earth.
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
Before this creation, the Mother in Heaven was with the Father. She was beside Him when His
work began. She was there when the plan was laid, the boundaries established, and the compass
applied to establish order for the creation. All the Father knows, the Mother knows. All the Father
established and ordered, the Mother established and ordered. They are One. She is the Father’s
“delight” and the potential of Her sons to be like Her Husband brings Her delight.
To be like their Father, Her sons must become one with Her daughters, for it is not good for man
to be alone. The Father and Mother are “one” and Her sons and daughters must likewise
become “one.” Only when the man and woman were together was the creation “good.” When
men rebel, disobey, act cruelly or mistreat Her daughters, we are anything but a “delight” to the
Heavenly Mother. When we offend Her we also offend Her Husband.
128 While scripture affirms that God, not chance, established life in this creation, there is no scriptural
explanation of the means employed by God to develop life during the creation. Nor, for that matter, is
any explanation given for the length of time involved in each “day” of creation. The work
accomplished is called a “day” without any attempt to otherwise set out a reliable fixed length of time.
There are other revelations that clarify how our attention and adoration must center in Christ. It
is Jesus Christ who we are to acknowledge as the great Creator and Redeemer of this creation:
God, the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ his Son—He that ascended up on high, as also
he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all
and through all things, the light of truth; Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As
also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was
made. As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by
which it was made; As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they
were made; And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you
stand. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who
enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;
Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—
The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all
things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the
bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. (D&C 88:5- 13.)
1) To be like their Father, Her sons must become
one with Her daughters
2) The Father and Mother are “one” and Her sons
and daughters must likewise become “one”
3) …only when the man and woman were
together was the creation “good”
4) While scripture affirms that God, not chance,
established life in this creation, there is no
scriptural explanation of the means employed
by God to develop life during the creation
5) …our attention and adoration must center in
Christ. It is Jesus Christ who we are to
acknowledge as the great Creator
and Redeemer of this creation
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
Jesus Christ was among the “souls” who were “noble and great” before this cycle of creation.
The word “soul” as used in the 1842 publication of the Book of Abraham had been defined in
a revelation received in 1832:
“Now verily I say unto you, that through the redemption which is made for you is
brought to pass the resurrection from the dead, and the spirit and the body is the soul
of man, and the resurrection from the dead is the redemption of the soul, and the
redemption of the soul is through him who quickeneth all things, in whose bosom it is
decreed that the poor and the meek of the Earth shall inherit it.”
Christ is identified in scripture as a “soul” before this world was created. Therefore, before this
world was created Christ had both a “spirit and a body”—having gone through the necessary
progression required for all who ascend to be “like unto God.” Christ had the physical
capacity to be the biological father of offspring. He did this with Adam.
The account continues and describes the creation of the woman. Here the parable
distinguishes between the process of creating the man Adam and creating his spouse, the
woman Eve:
And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten, that it was not good that the man
should be alone, Wherefore, I will make an help meet for him.
God the Father said to the Only Begotten and that He (God the Father), will be the one to
make Adam’s “help meet.” It was not good for Adam to be alone because he was
not complete without a suitable companion to help him progress and develop. The
creation parable continues:
And I, the Lord God, caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and I took
one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in the stead thereof, and the rib, which I, the
Lord God had taken from man, made I a woman, and brought her unto the man. And
Adam said, This I know now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be
called woman, because she was taken out of man. (OC Genesis 2:12)
1) Jesus Christ was among the “souls” who were
“noble and great” before this cycle of creation
2) Christ is identified in scripture as a soul before
this world was created
3) God the Father said to the Only Begotten and
that He (God the Father) will be the one to
make Adam’s “help meet”
4) It was not good for Adam to be alone because
he was not complete without a suitable
companion to help him progress and develop
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
Like the man Adam, the woman Eve was the spirit offspring of Heavenly Father and Heavenly
Mother. But unlike the man Adam, who was the physical offspring of Christ, the woman Eve
needed to be the physical offspring of God the Father and God the Mother. Eve was Adam’s
sister in spirit. Eve was also his physical aunt. She had to be the direct descendant of the
Heavenly Mother in order to endow her with her Mother’s creative abilities. That power
belongs to the Mother. The fertility of Eve, and thereafter of all the daughters of Eve, came
because of the power given from direct descent from the Heavenly Mother. 152
Men descend from Christ. Christ founded the family of men and is accountable for them. He
was placed in that position to enable Him to atone for any failure on their part. Through
Adam “sin entered the world” and death was imposed upon all mankind. Jesus Christ, one
greater than Adam, made Himself responsible for all mankind’s failures and transgressions.
Through the obedience of Jesus Christ all mankind were justified and “made righteous.” The
Father made mankind Christ’s posterity. This was necessary to qualify Christ as “the last Adam.”
Christ was the rightful “heir of all things” because He always stood at the head. When “all
things were made by Him” it included the man Adam. Death came upon all mankind through
Adam. Before Adam there was one greater who has made it possible for mankind to inherit
life through Him. Christ has the standing to answer for man’s disobedience. He could and did
take upon Him the sins of all His posterity.
Women descend from mother Eve, who was born the biological daughter of Heavenly
Mother. Women descend from Heavenly Mother to endow them with Her creative power of
fertility to bear the souls of men. Eve was not beneath Adam, nor subject to his rule when first
created. Eve was put beside him to complete him and be his helpmeet.
152 At birth, women possess an endowment of eggs that enable them to bear children: “During fetal life,
there are about 6 million to 7 million eggs. From this time, no new eggs are produced. At birth, there are
approximately 1 million eggs; and by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only 300 to
400 will be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime.” The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2018; using
information provided in part by Planned Parenthood.
1) Eve was Adam’s sister in spirit
2) Eve was also [Adam’s] physical aunt
3) [Eve] had to be the direct descendant of
the Heavenly Mother in order to endow
her with her Mother’s creative abilities
4) [Creative] power belongs to the Mother
5) The fertility of Eve, and thereafter of all the
daughters of Eve, came because of the
power given from direct descent from the
Heavenly Mother
6) See full citation in red
7) Eve was not beneath Adam, nor subject to
his rule when first created. Eve was put
beside him to complete him and be his
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
There was another condition required to enable Christ to lawfully redeem
the daughters of Eve as well as the sons of Adam. The parable of the creation
includes this step to put Eve under Adam’s responsibility. The account explains that
Eve (and by extension her daughters) was put under Adam’s rule. Adam was handed
responsibility and accountability for Eve. These are the words in the parable:
[T]hy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
(Genesis 2:15)
Adam was made accountable to “rule” in the fallen world. All the mistakes,
mismanagements, failings, wars, and difficulties of mortality are the responsibility of
the appointed “ruler.” Adam would not have been accountable for Eve unless she
was made subject to his “rule.” Once under Adam’s rule, the redemption of Adam
became also the redemption of Eve. Therefore Adam and the sons of Adam, and Eve
and the daughters of Eve, were all rescued through Christ’s atonement for mankind.
The parable continues with another allusion to Heavenly Mother:
And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living,
for thus have I, the Lord God, called the first of all women, which are many.
Creation Theme – Players (cont.)
One of the names of Heavenly Mother is “Eve.” She was the “mother of all living” because She was the
one who mothered the spirits of Adam and Eve and was therefore parent of them both. Out of respect
for Her, Adam called his companion by the same name as the Heavenly Mother.
Redemption of all mankind, male and female, required Adam to descend from Jesus Christ. It also
required Adam to “rule,” or be responsible to teach all those in his dominion. That role assigned to Adam
was in order to extend the legal effect of Christ’s redemption to Adam, Eve and their posterity.
However, for women to bear the souls of men, Eve had to be a direct descendant of Heavenly Mother.
Although veiled for present, women’s direct descent from the Heavenly Mother is also required for men
to be placed on a throne in the hereafter. The Answer to Prayer for Covenant states:
And again, I say to you, Abraham and Sarah sit upon a Throne, for he could not be there if not for Sarah’s covenant
with him. Isaac and Rebecca sit upon a Throne, and Isaac likewise could not be there if not for Rebecca’s covenant
with him. And Jacob and Rachel sit upon a Throne, and Jacob could not be there if not for Rachel’s covenant with him.
And all these have ascended above Dominions and Principalities and Powers, to abide in my Kingdom. Therefore
the marriage covenant is needed for all those who would likewise seek to obtain from me the right to continue their
seed into eternity, for only through marriage can Thrones and Kingdoms be established.
The creation of woman was designed to fulfill the work and the covenants of the Father in this world and
will be critical in eternity. Families come through the union of the man and woman. Women bear the souls
of mankind and bring all of us into this world through childbirth. That power was inherited from the
Heavenly Mother. But there are other rights belonging to women that will only be apparent in either
a completed temple or the afterlife. They have been endowed with an everlasting authority required for
any man to occupy a throne in the Father’s Kingdom.
A fuller explanation of woman’s role will require worthy people willing to be taught, and to build an
acceptable house for the Elohim to return…
1) See entire citation

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Week 26 - Lectures of Faith - Lecture Second - Part 2.pptx

  • 1. Week 26 The Lectures on Faith - Lecture Second - Part 5 The “Creation” Theme Focus Lecture Second Verses 3-12
  • 2. The Lectures on Faith The Importance of Faith A Quick Reminder of the Importance of the Lectures on Faith …a passage in The Testimony of St. John
  • 3. The Lectures on Faith The Importance of Faith BELIEF = Knowing What to DO FAITH = Acting upon Belief If we don’t know what to DO we have no “POWER” FAITH IS A PRINCIPLE OF ACTION & POWER
  • 7. Patterns of Creation – Directly Related to FAITH • The act of creation as recorded by "Moses the historian" (as the Lectures on Faith described Moses) shows us that God expects us to use the pattern of creation that he detailed in the Book of Genesis and in the Temple Endowment • To bring something to life a “space” must first be created  A garden plot must be first cleared and prepared for planting of seeds  We are commanded in our families to establish a house (T&C 86:29)  Create a PLAN and fill it with tasks  Making space on a calendar creates time needed to faithfully accomplish an assignment/task THERE ARE SO MANY EXAMPLES - the pattern is throughout all scripture
  • 8. Patterns of Creation – Directly Related to FAITH We must learn to create sacred spaces and sacred coverings (We talked about “Sacred Spaces” in Week 4) 1) Fig Leaves (counterfeit introduced by Lucifer) 2) Apron 3) Coats of Skin 4) Earthen Vessel 5) Inner Vessel 6) Garment 7) Robe 8) Coat 9) House 10) Tabernacle/Tent 11) Ark 12) Tomb 13) Temple 14) Spiritual Bodies 15) Physical Bodies
  • 9. …Zion is our next creative task at hand before us…
  • 10. “Creation” Theme KEY ASPECTS: 1) PURPOSE 2) CHARACTERISTICS 3) PLANNING 4) PLAYERS Quotes from: Joseph Smith, Hugh Nibley and Denver Snuffer
  • 12. Creation Theme - Purpose Preserving the Restoration Marriage and Family The gospel is all about marriage and family. The creation was for Adam, and creation was “not good” until Eve was given as a spouse and helpmeet for Adam. Lecture 7 Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man You will be amazed at the grace it is possible to acquire, if you will only do so while in this dark place. You are here to accomplish great deal, and I hope by the time we are finished today you will be more fortified to accomplish it. This creation was designed as an opportunity to sharply contrast good and evil. It is a testing or proving ground. That is exactly why you are here. This is a glorious opportunity. You wanted it. You shouted for joy at the idea of coming here to experience this veil of flesh. Therefore you should rejoice again now, because salvation is free and offered to us all. The Holy Order Bountiful Fellowship Meeting The Holy Order did not return with the ordinations in June 1831. It was not accomplished when the three witnesses ordained the quorum of the twelve. There is something far greater within the Holy Order. It includes the right of dominion over all creation, or the same right originally given to Adam that belonged to God. The right of dominion over this creation is why God is God. In essence, the Holy Order is to create of flesh and blood a living, mortal surrogate for the Father and Mother. Preserving the Restoration A Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit This creation is perfectly organized to prove whether we are like Him. 2 Nephi 30: 7-8 August 18, 2010 …the purpose of the creation was to produce God's people. Divine Parents Talk The account of the creation from Moses in Genesis is a parable. The account veils identities of the role players unless the parable is explained. Christ did this when He taught publicly. KEY ASPECTS - PURPOSE “The creation…” 1) …was specifically for Adam 2) …was designed to contrast good and evil 3) …is a testing or proving ground 4) …we shouted for joy at the idea 5) …includes the “right of dominion” 6) …is perfectly organized to prove whether we are like him 7) …purpose was to produce God’s people 8) The account of the creation from Moses in Genesis is a parable. The account veils identities of the role players unless the parable is explained
  • 13. Creation Theme – Purpose (cont.) Taylor June 11, 2010 at 3:45 PM Denver: What do you mean by “another cycle of existence and eternal progression”? Another cycle? Is it repeating? Doug June 11, 2010 at 7:14 PM So just to be clear… if these things happened before the foundation of the world, it would necessarily mean that there was another probation, possibly similar to this one… in order to have faith, good works and repentance. A previous poster said that it could be faith in the Plan, but that doesn’t make sense when there is repentance involved. But then you said, “They were filled with life, made errors, and needed to repent. They were not immune to the circumstances of this fallen world. So now I’m confused. Is it this fallen world or another… or the same at an earlier time?? Denver Snuffer June 11, 2010 at 7:40 PM They obtained it [faith in the Plan] before coming here. They came here, sinned again, repented, realized who they were, and obtained the high priesthood after the order of the Son of God. They renewed who they were, resumed the authority they held before, and entered into the Lord’s rest. Then began to seek and bring others into that same rest. KEY ASPECTS - PURPOSE “The creation…” 1) …there are cycles of existence 2) …there is eternal progression 3) …faith can be obtained BEFORE coming here 4) …we need to pick up where we left off in our prior cycle(s) of existence 5) See entire June 11th post in red
  • 14. Creation Theme – Purpose (cont.) The Second Comforter Chapter Eighteen THE TEMPLE AS A TOOL The creation, in turn, reminds us of the power of God and that all of creation is His handiwork. This world is no accident. The Essential Nibley Chapter 1 THE ETERNAL VIEW We come {into this life as if} late to a play which has been in progress for ages, and we never stay long enough to find out what is really happening. We get a glimpse of the stage and the actors and hear a few lines of speech or music, and then we are hustled out of the house. From what we have seen we may rack our brains to reconstruct some sort of plot, but our speculations can never be anything but the wildest guesses. Yet unless we know both how the play began . . . and how it ends . . . , the whole show remains utterly meaningless to us. Creation Ceremonies April 4, 2010 I was asked about the creation account being tied to ritual initiation ceremonies. All the ancient accounts of creation were given in connection with initiations or ceremonial rites. That is true of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Israelites, Babylonians, Hopis, etc. The ritualized explanation of the origin of human life is tied together with the meaning of life, and obligations about how life was to be lived, and what the afterlife will hold. The restored Temple rights are consistent with the most ancient of traditions. KEY ASPECTS - PURPOSE “The creation…” 1) …reminds us of the power of God 2) …is a reminder [God’s] handiwork 3) …unless we know both how the play began . . . and how it ends . . . , the whole show remains utterly meaningless to us 4) …accounts were given in connection with initiations or ceremonial rites
  • 15. Creation Theme – Characteristics
  • 16. Creation Theme – Characteristics Lecture 7 Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man Creation is cyclical. Preserving the Restoration Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man Joseph held up a ring and said, There is no beginning and there is no end, it is one eternal round. This round of creation is only part of the cycle. We are part of endless cycles. Now. Today matters a great deal. Therefore, what you do here matters, infinitely and eternally. A lesson to the priests September 11, 2011 The story of Eve’s creation is allegorical, not actual. The allegory says she was made “from a rib” taken “from Adam’s side.” (Gen. 2: 21-23) This is not intended as an actual explanation of her creation, but instead as a description of the way she is to be regarded. Part of him. Taken from his side, making her his intimately connected associate in whom he should recognize companionship runs within himself. Her presence is intended to satisfy what was before “not good” about Adam’s condition. She is literally not only a part of him, but also completes him. Lecture 7 Christ: The Prototype of the Saved Man Everything in this creation is sustained by the Light of Christ. He occupies it all by His light. He brings the light into it that powers all of this creation. He is more intelligent than all of it. He keeps it organized by the Light emanating from Him. This is why redemption is possible through Him. Beloved Enos ...creation is ongoing and meant to be shared by those who follow God’s plan. KEY ASPECTS - Characteristics 1) This round of creation is only part of the cycle. We are part of endless cycles. 2) The story of Eve’s creation is allegorical, not actual 3) Everything in this creation is sustained by the Light of Christ. He occupies it all by His light. He brings the light into it that powers all of this creation. 4) ...creation is ongoing and meant to be shared by those who follow God’s plan.
  • 17. Creation Theme – Characteristics (cont.) The Essential Nibley Chapter 1 SPIRITUAL BEFORE PHYSICAL One of the most remarkable teachings of the Joseph Smith book of Enoch as found in the Pearl of Great Price book of Moses is the doctrine of a spiritual creation of all things that preceded the creation of this earth. . . . “For I, the Lord God, created all things . . . spiritually, before they were naturally upon the . . . earth. . . . And man became a living soul . . . nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created.” (Moses 3:5,7). . . . Nibley compares this to a verse from an ancient document: (Vaillant) “And Enoch answered the people saying: Hear my children! Before anything was, . . . and before the whole creation took place, the Lord established the Age of Creation, . . . and after that he made all the Creation, both visible and invisible.” . . . And from bin Gorion, 1:28 “The world was created in two stages, the first being a spiritual creation.” (EP, 240–41) Christian Lecture #3 ...the work of the creation is referred to generally as “a day”. There is no reason to believe that calling it a day in the language of scripture has reference to anything other than a discrete event. It would be more accurate to say that there were labors that were performed during the incremental progression of the creation which took however long, and when the labor was completed then that labor was called “a day”. There is nothing to suggest that the labor of the first day was exactly the same amount of time as the labor of the second day, nor is there anything to suggest that the labor of the third day was equal in time to either the first or the second, and so on. Temple and Cosmos Hugh Nibley In the Apocalypse of Abraham, a very important Jewish discovery, Abraham hails God: "God! Thou who dost bring order into the confusion of the universe, ever preparing and renewing worlds for the righteous." The Codex Brucianus (a new document) says the same thing: Creation is organization and God is ever bringing order into the universe and is progressively ever preparing and renewing worlds for the righteous. But it is not enough to arrange matter in order and system. Such matter remains, for all its pretty patterns, inert. If you organize it, you've just got a geometrical structure or something similar, but it's still inert. It's only background stuff. The Pistis Sophia says that, without light, matter is inert and helpless. It must be improved by the action of light; according to these texts, you've got to put into it some animating principle. Whenever that active principle is withdrawn, the matter at once falls back into its original lifeless, inert condition. It's like removing an electric current from a tube of one of the inert gases—the tube shines as long as the charge goes through it; remove the charge, and it becomes just nothing again. "Matter must be improved by the action of light," and whenever the active principle is withdrawn, it at once falls back into its original lifeless, inert condition (like the inert gas argon). This vitalizing principle is referred to everywhere as "the spark," which you must have if anything is to happen. "Without this spark," says a very important new work called the Second Coptic Gnostic Work, "there is no awareness," no consciousness. The electric eye that opens the door for you when you go into the supermarket is not conscious of you; that is, it's not thinking at all. It's purely automatic. An awareness, a consciousness, must be added to the electric eye, or it has no mind at all. That is the difference: things just automatically reacting, or, having a mind. KEY ASPECTS - Characteristics 1) The world was created in two stages, the first being a spiritual creation 2) Before anything was, . . . and before the whole creation took place, the Lord established the Age of Creation, . . . and after that he made all the Creation, both visible and invisible 3) ...the work of the creation is referred to generally as “a day” 4) There is nothing to suggest that the labor of the first day was exactly the same amount of time as the labor of the second day…[] 5) Creation is organization and God is ever bringing order into the universe and is progressively ever preparing and renewing worlds for the righteous.
  • 19. Creation Theme – Planning KEY ASPECTS - Planning 1) There is a “HIGHEST COUNCIL of HEAVEN” 2) Christ was in the “COUNCIL of the GODS” 3) The “CREATION of the COSMOS was organized through Christ 4) Without Christ “does not exist one thing…in the cosmos” 5) Christ “came into His own creation” 6) Christ is “the Messenger of the Heavenly Council
  • 20. Creation Theme – Planning The Essential Nibley Chapter 1 THE COUNCIL IN HEAVEN I have hundreds of pages of extractions from ancient documents on this point—the great council in heaven, the plan of salvation with everything being planned and worked out, the discussion in heaven of the new plan. That discussion did not go over easily. Not only were there the interruptions of Satan, there were a lot of objections because it was a little too hard, too risky a thing; it introduced too much suffering, etc. (TC, 305–6) The Atonement “the plan laid down before the foundation of the world” (Alma 12:30), which was approved at the Council in Heaven . . . is often mentioned in the earliest Christian and Jewish literature. . . . When the plan was voted on . . . it was turned down. For the earth herself complained, as in the book of Moses and other Enoch literature, of the defilement it would bring upon her, knowing the kind of inhabitants to come; and the heavenly hosts objected to a plan that would cause such a vast amount of sin and suffering—was all that necessary? The Only Begotten broke the deadlock by volunteering to go down and pay the price. This opened the way; the plan could go forward; the sons of God and the morning stars all shouted and sang for joy—that was the great creation hymn which left an indelible mark in ancient literature and ritual. The Lord had made it all possible, leaving men their agency, and obeying the Father in all things. Satan and his followers refused to accept the majority vote; for that, Satan was deprived of his glory in a reversal of the endowment and was cast out of heaven, which was the reverse of at-one-ment. (AZ, 580–81) Those who embrace the plan wholeheartedly on this earth are the Elect, “the people of the Plan,” chosen “from the foundation of the world”; they form on earth a community dedicated to “the faithful working out of God’s plan” in close cooperation with the heavenly hosts. (OTRS, 174) Friends and Spokesmen: June 17, 2015 Multiple-Mortal-Probations: It seems unlikely to me that we have more than one turn in any given creation for a mortal experience. When, however, a new creation is made, it seems inevitable that those who will populate it are chosen beforehand, participate in the planning, and are assigned to come live there as another “estate” in the long path of progression. I dismiss the idea someone has been told by God that he is the former King Solomon returned to mortality, in part because I know of at least three claiming to be “King Solomons” living now. I know of several “John the Baptists,” enough “Peters” to form a congregation, and the plentiful “Jeremiahs” could play a college football game filling both rosters. KEY ASPECTS - Planning 1) See “THE COUNCIL IN HEAVEN” citation in full 2) It seems unlikely to me that we have more than one turn in any given creation for a mortal experience 3) When, however, a new creation is made, it seems inevitable that those who will populate it are chosen beforehand, participate in the planning, and are assigned to come live there as another “estate” in the long path of progression.
  • 21. Creation Theme – Planning (cont.) Temple and Cosmos Hugh Nibley The temple drama begins with the council in heaven when the creation is being planned. Many features of the Latter-day Saint version of creation are sound and scientific. First of all, this earth was part of a system of worlds made of the same elements and subject to the same physical laws. The creation was neither instantaneous nor simultaneous, as Aquinas describes it. The latter have become the fundamental ideas behind the word creation as it is used by scientists and religionists alike. All are agreed today that the word creation implies bringing something out of nothing instantaneously and completely. On the contrary, creation is a process in which one step leads to another over an indefinite period of time. The "episodic" nature of life is essential in this version. What we have is one ever ongoing play divided into distinct acts and scenes. Since there is no point at which everything emerges from nothing, we begin with an act and a scene in a play that has already been going on for untold ages and has already seen countless worlds come and go. Our story opens with unorganized matter, then an earth which is "only" earth, then a globe completely invested with water, then a division of the waters, causing the upthrust of earth by plate techtonics, which proceeds to "form mountains and hills," down from which rush great rivers and small streams, supplied by the torrential rains that fall from the darkness that covers the face of the deep—the dense cloud-cover which begins to break up as first the sun, then the moon, then the stars appear. They were not created at that time; they were already there. Human history is not primarily concerned with the creatures of other ages or other planets; its proper beginning is placed at that momentous period of transition between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary when the first angiosperms appeared as grass, flowers, shrubs, and trees, supplying sustenance for the elephant, the lion, and other mammals. The mammoths were the first to appear of those herds of grazing animals, the herd which emerged as soon as the grass was provided—a very sudden event in the course of nature, "an explosion," Loren Eiseley calls it. They supplied a livelihood for the predators—the lion, the tiger, and the bear, which preyed upon the herds. All these were in preparation for man. If the above rules out the whole fundamentalist picture of creation, Darwinism is no less rejected by the basic doctrine that the creation was both directed and planned. The planning began long before the actual operation was carried out, and the process required constant oversight and direction. Collected Works of Hugh Nibley Vol.1, Ch.4, p.69 - p.70 The creation process as described in the Pearl of Great Price is open ended and ongoing, entailing careful planning based on vast experience, long consultations, models, tests, and even trial runs for a complicated system requiring a vast scale of participation by the creatures concerned. The whole operation is dominated by the overriding principle of love. You may accept the Big Bang, with its potential for producing all that came thereafter, but by any reckoning the earth was definitely not among the instantaneous productions of the first millisecond or even of the first fifteen minutes. No matter how you figure, it came along much, much later after a great deal had happened. "Worlds without number" had already come into existence and gone their ways: "And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words." (Moses 1:38.) KEY ASPECTS – Planning 1) The temple drama begins with the council in heaven when the creation is being planned 2) The creation was neither instantaneous nor simultaneous 3) …creation is a process in which one step leads to another over an indefinite period of time 4) …we have one ever ongoing play divided into distinct acts and scenes 5) …we begin [this life] with an act and a scene in a play that has already been going on for untold ages and has already seen countless worlds come and go 6) The planning began long before the actual operation was carried out, and the process required constant oversight and direction 7) See “Collected Works of Hugh Nibley” citation in its entirety in red
  • 22. Creation Theme – Planning (cont.) Old Testament and Related Studies Hugh Nibley God started out the Creation by making a topos for his children, that they might settle there, and there recognize and serve him as their father. In the Ginza, he tells Adam, "Adam, this is the place in which you are going to live. Your wife, Eve, will come and join you here [notice the pre-existence], and here your progeny will thrive." Then there is the concept of distance, which leads naturally to the idea of multiplicity of worlds. (This has been implicit in all that we have been saying, and on the subject all these writings have a good deal to say.) After the plan of creation was accepted, it was communicated to all the other worlds. All the other worlds contributed something to the making of this one, because they rejoiced in such a project. For the worlds exist, we are told in the Askew Manuscript, so that intelligent spirits might come and inhabit them. Not only are the worlds countless, according to Philip, but they have been going on forever. Adam's holy angels inhabit many worlds. The Essential Nibley Chapter 1 THE COSMOS: ORGANIZATION, ORDER, PURPOSE Today, some scientists are observing with wonder that amidst all the vast, uncontrollable destructive powers that are on the loose in the universe, enlisted in the service of remorseless and irreversible entropy {natural trend from order to disorder} here on this perilously exposed little planet, battered by solar winds from one side and cosmic rays from the other, while seething inwardly with unimaginable heat and pressure, we somehow find ourselves in an ambiance peculiarly congenial to our comfort and convenience, as if somebody actually had us in mind. (AZ, 275–76) ... An organizing, ordering force in the universe that is very active . . . runs counter to all we know of the laws of science. (TC, 8) KEY ASPECTS - Planning 1) See “Old Testament and Related Studies” citation in its entirety in red 2) …in this creation we somehow find ourselves in an ambiance peculiarly congenial to our comfort and convenience, as if somebody actually had us in mind – see in entirety 3) An organizing, ordering force in the universe that is very active . . . runs counter to all we know of the laws of science.
  • 24. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) Our Heavenly Mother, the companion of Heavenly Father, was in the garden when man was created. But so were others. In addition to the man Adam and the woman Eve, the plural Elohim who were in Eden included two Divine couples who were parents of Adam and Eve. One Divine couple were the parents of Adam. The other were the parents of Eve. The creation of the man Adam was secondarily in the image of God the Father, but was primarily and specifically “in the image of my Only Begotten”—meaning Jesus Christ. The reason Adam was born “in the image of” God the Father’s “Only Begotten” was because the Only Begotten was the one who begat Adam. God the Father was the father of Jesus Christ in the spirit, and the biological father of Jesus Christ in the flesh. God the Father was also the Father of the spirit of the man Adam. But the biological Father of Adam in the garden was “in the image of the Only Begotten,” or Jesus Christ. Christ and His companion were the physical Parents of the man Adam. The parable of the creation of the woman therefore differs from the creation of the man. She was not formed from the dust of the ground. She was formed from a “rib” –from an already existing part of the man. She was born from something equal to him and able to stand beside him in all things. But the parable about the woman Eve means a great deal more. She was at Adam’s side before the creation of this world. They were united as “one” in a prior estate when they progressed to become living “souls” with both bodies and spirits. They were sealed before this world by the Holy Spirit of Promise and proved true and faithful. They once sat upon a throne in God the Father’s Kingdom. In that state they were equal and joined eternally together. She sat beside him and was a necessary part of his enthronement. Her introduction into this world to join her companion was needed to complete Adam. It was not good for him to be alone. They were “one” and therefore Adam without Eve was not complete—or in the words of the parable “not good to be alone.” KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) Our Heavenly Mother, the companion of Heavenly Father, was in the garden when man was created. 2) …But so were others 3) God the Father was the father of Jesus Christ in the spirit, and the biological father of Jesus Christ in the flesh. 4) God the Father was also the Father of the spirit of the man Adam 5) Christ and His companion were the physical Parents of the man Adam 6) The parable of the creation of the woman therefore differs from the creation of the man. She was not formed from the dust of the ground. 7) See citation in red in full
  • 25. Creation Theme – Players Ether’s Reference to Christ as Father February 27, 2012 Overarching all else in this creation are the acts of two parties. Adam fell. (Moses 6: 48.) Christ arose. (Alma 11: 42.) Adam introduced death. Christ overcame it. (Mosiah 16: 8.) Through Christ the law was made unjust because death could make no claim upon Him, but He willingly died to suffer the punishment He did not merit. That forever satisfied death’s claim. (Mosiah 15: 9.) Once it had claimed the life of one who did not deserve to die, it could no longer make claim on Him or those He came to redeem. His punishment was infinite, because His sacrifice was infinite. If He did not merit death then death took from Him what was infinite and would have no end. (Heb. 4: 15.) He submitted. His death satisfied the need for dying. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Section Six 1843–44, p.373 If Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and John discovered that God the Father of Jesus Christ had a Father, you may suppose that He had a Father also. Where was there ever a son without a father? And where was there ever a father without first being a son? Whenever did a tree or anything spring into existence without a progenitor? And everything comes in this way. Paul says that which is earthly is in the likeness of that which is heavenly, Hence if Jesus had a Father, can we not believe that He had a Father also? I despise the idea of being scared to death at such a doctrine, for the Bible is full of it. KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) Overarching all else in this creation are the acts of two parties. • Adam fell • Christ arose • Adam introduced death • Christ overcame it 2) See “Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith” citation in full in red
  • 26. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) OUR DIVINE PARENTS CITATIONS Denver Snuffer The story of creation starts by identifying Heavenly Parents, a couple clearly described as the true and living “God.” In the King James Version, the creation of mankind is told in these words: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Knowledge (masculine) initiates, Wisdom (feminine) receives, guides and tempers. Knowledge can be dangerous unless it is informed by wisdom. Wisdom provides guidance and counsel to channel what comes from knowledge. These are eternal attributes, part of what it means to be a male or a female. Creation begins with the active initiative of knowledge, but order and harmony for the creation requires wisdom. Balance between them is required for an orderly creation to exist. She were to be acknowledged in that role, it would require a complete re-envisioning of Her. It would raise the issues of why or how She, an immortal and exalted God, could return from that exalted state back to mortality to bring our Redeemer and Savior into this world. It would draw a contrast between the Father’s involvement with this creation 56 and the Mother’s. The Father can, and does, acknowledge others as His. But, unlike the Son who has repeatedly visited this earth, walked upon it, been handled by people, and eaten here, the Father does not come into contact with this earth in its fallen state.61 The only time the Father had contact with this earth was before the Fall, in the Paradisiacal setting of Eden—which was a Temple at the time.62 Whenever there has been contact with the Father thereafter, He has been at a distance from this earth.63 56 As I have previously explained, in His glorified condition, man has ascended to Him, but He has not descended to contact with this creation. 61 Matt. 17: 5: “While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.” JS-H 1: 17: “It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” 62 Gen. 3: 8: “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.” KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) The story of creation starts by identifying Heavenly Parents, a couple clearly described as the true and living “God” 2) Creation begins with the active initiative of knowledge, but order and harmony for the creation requires wisdom 3) …the Father does not come into contact with this earth in its fallen state 4) The only time the Father had contact with this earth was before the Fall, in the Paradisiacal setting of Eden—which was a Temple at the time 5) Whenever there has been contact with the Father thereafter, He has been at a distance from this earth.
  • 27. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) Before this creation, the Mother in Heaven was with the Father. She was beside Him when His work began. She was there when the plan was laid, the boundaries established, and the compass applied to establish order for the creation. All the Father knows, the Mother knows. All the Father established and ordered, the Mother established and ordered. They are One. She is the Father’s “delight” and the potential of Her sons to be like Her Husband brings Her delight. To be like their Father, Her sons must become one with Her daughters, for it is not good for man to be alone. The Father and Mother are “one” and Her sons and daughters must likewise become “one.” Only when the man and woman were together was the creation “good.” When men rebel, disobey, act cruelly or mistreat Her daughters, we are anything but a “delight” to the Heavenly Mother. When we offend Her we also offend Her Husband. 128 While scripture affirms that God, not chance, established life in this creation, there is no scriptural explanation of the means employed by God to develop life during the creation. Nor, for that matter, is any explanation given for the length of time involved in each “day” of creation. The work accomplished is called a “day” without any attempt to otherwise set out a reliable fixed length of time. There are other revelations that clarify how our attention and adoration must center in Christ. It is Jesus Christ who we are to acknowledge as the great Creator and Redeemer of this creation: God, the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ his Son—He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth; Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space— The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. (D&C 88:5- 13.) KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) To be like their Father, Her sons must become one with Her daughters 2) The Father and Mother are “one” and Her sons and daughters must likewise become “one” 3) …only when the man and woman were together was the creation “good” 4) While scripture affirms that God, not chance, established life in this creation, there is no scriptural explanation of the means employed by God to develop life during the creation 5) …our attention and adoration must center in Christ. It is Jesus Christ who we are to acknowledge as the great Creator and Redeemer of this creation
  • 28. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) Jesus Christ was among the “souls” who were “noble and great” before this cycle of creation. The word “soul” as used in the 1842 publication of the Book of Abraham had been defined in a revelation received in 1832: “Now verily I say unto you, that through the redemption which is made for you is brought to pass the resurrection from the dead, and the spirit and the body is the soul of man, and the resurrection from the dead is the redemption of the soul, and the redemption of the soul is through him who quickeneth all things, in whose bosom it is decreed that the poor and the meek of the Earth shall inherit it.” Christ is identified in scripture as a “soul” before this world was created. Therefore, before this world was created Christ had both a “spirit and a body”—having gone through the necessary progression required for all who ascend to be “like unto God.” Christ had the physical capacity to be the biological father of offspring. He did this with Adam. The account continues and describes the creation of the woman. Here the parable distinguishes between the process of creating the man Adam and creating his spouse, the woman Eve: And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten, that it was not good that the man should be alone, Wherefore, I will make an help meet for him. God the Father said to the Only Begotten and that He (God the Father), will be the one to make Adam’s “help meet.” It was not good for Adam to be alone because he was not complete without a suitable companion to help him progress and develop. The creation parable continues: And I, the Lord God, caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and I took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in the stead thereof, and the rib, which I, the Lord God had taken from man, made I a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This I know now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. (OC Genesis 2:12) KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) Jesus Christ was among the “souls” who were “noble and great” before this cycle of creation 2) Christ is identified in scripture as a soul before this world was created 3) God the Father said to the Only Begotten and that He (God the Father) will be the one to make Adam’s “help meet” 4) It was not good for Adam to be alone because he was not complete without a suitable companion to help him progress and develop
  • 29. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) Like the man Adam, the woman Eve was the spirit offspring of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. But unlike the man Adam, who was the physical offspring of Christ, the woman Eve needed to be the physical offspring of God the Father and God the Mother. Eve was Adam’s sister in spirit. Eve was also his physical aunt. She had to be the direct descendant of the Heavenly Mother in order to endow her with her Mother’s creative abilities. That power belongs to the Mother. The fertility of Eve, and thereafter of all the daughters of Eve, came because of the power given from direct descent from the Heavenly Mother. 152 Men descend from Christ. Christ founded the family of men and is accountable for them. He was placed in that position to enable Him to atone for any failure on their part. Through Adam “sin entered the world” and death was imposed upon all mankind. Jesus Christ, one greater than Adam, made Himself responsible for all mankind’s failures and transgressions. Through the obedience of Jesus Christ all mankind were justified and “made righteous.” The Father made mankind Christ’s posterity. This was necessary to qualify Christ as “the last Adam.” Christ was the rightful “heir of all things” because He always stood at the head. When “all things were made by Him” it included the man Adam. Death came upon all mankind through Adam. Before Adam there was one greater who has made it possible for mankind to inherit life through Him. Christ has the standing to answer for man’s disobedience. He could and did take upon Him the sins of all His posterity. Women descend from mother Eve, who was born the biological daughter of Heavenly Mother. Women descend from Heavenly Mother to endow them with Her creative power of fertility to bear the souls of men. Eve was not beneath Adam, nor subject to his rule when first created. Eve was put beside him to complete him and be his helpmeet. 152 At birth, women possess an endowment of eggs that enable them to bear children: “During fetal life, there are about 6 million to 7 million eggs. From this time, no new eggs are produced. At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs; and by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only 300 to 400 will be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime.” The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2018; using information provided in part by Planned Parenthood. KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) Eve was Adam’s sister in spirit 2) Eve was also [Adam’s] physical aunt 3) [Eve] had to be the direct descendant of the Heavenly Mother in order to endow her with her Mother’s creative abilities 4) [Creative] power belongs to the Mother 5) The fertility of Eve, and thereafter of all the daughters of Eve, came because of the power given from direct descent from the Heavenly Mother 6) See full citation in red 7) Eve was not beneath Adam, nor subject to his rule when first created. Eve was put beside him to complete him and be his helpmeet.
  • 30. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) There was another condition required to enable Christ to lawfully redeem the daughters of Eve as well as the sons of Adam. The parable of the creation includes this step to put Eve under Adam’s responsibility. The account explains that Eve (and by extension her daughters) was put under Adam’s rule. Adam was handed responsibility and accountability for Eve. These are the words in the parable: [T]hy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (Genesis 2:15) Adam was made accountable to “rule” in the fallen world. All the mistakes, mismanagements, failings, wars, and difficulties of mortality are the responsibility of the appointed “ruler.” Adam would not have been accountable for Eve unless she was made subject to his “rule.” Once under Adam’s rule, the redemption of Adam became also the redemption of Eve. Therefore Adam and the sons of Adam, and Eve and the daughters of Eve, were all rescued through Christ’s atonement for mankind. The parable continues with another allusion to Heavenly Mother: And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living, for thus have I, the Lord God, called the first of all women, which are many.
  • 31. Creation Theme – Players (cont.) One of the names of Heavenly Mother is “Eve.” She was the “mother of all living” because She was the one who mothered the spirits of Adam and Eve and was therefore parent of them both. Out of respect for Her, Adam called his companion by the same name as the Heavenly Mother. Redemption of all mankind, male and female, required Adam to descend from Jesus Christ. It also required Adam to “rule,” or be responsible to teach all those in his dominion. That role assigned to Adam was in order to extend the legal effect of Christ’s redemption to Adam, Eve and their posterity. However, for women to bear the souls of men, Eve had to be a direct descendant of Heavenly Mother. Although veiled for present, women’s direct descent from the Heavenly Mother is also required for men to be placed on a throne in the hereafter. The Answer to Prayer for Covenant states: And again, I say to you, Abraham and Sarah sit upon a Throne, for he could not be there if not for Sarah’s covenant with him. Isaac and Rebecca sit upon a Throne, and Isaac likewise could not be there if not for Rebecca’s covenant with him. And Jacob and Rachel sit upon a Throne, and Jacob could not be there if not for Rachel’s covenant with him. And all these have ascended above Dominions and Principalities and Powers, to abide in my Kingdom. Therefore the marriage covenant is needed for all those who would likewise seek to obtain from me the right to continue their seed into eternity, for only through marriage can Thrones and Kingdoms be established. The creation of woman was designed to fulfill the work and the covenants of the Father in this world and will be critical in eternity. Families come through the union of the man and woman. Women bear the souls of mankind and bring all of us into this world through childbirth. That power was inherited from the Heavenly Mother. But there are other rights belonging to women that will only be apparent in either a completed temple or the afterlife. They have been endowed with an everlasting authority required for any man to occupy a throne in the Father’s Kingdom. A fuller explanation of woman’s role will require worthy people willing to be taught, and to build an acceptable house for the Elohim to return… KEY ASPECTS - Players 1) See entire citation