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ARMA-GARCH Model for Financial Assets Return Estimation in 
Financial Industry 
At beginning, the behavior of stock return is considered as a random walk following 
the brownies motion [Black & Scholes,1973] and this fantastic idea lead to a great 
innovation in Financial world: the Black-Scholes model. At the same time, Eugene 
Fama published a groundbreaking article: the efficient market theory [Fama, 1970], 
which states that all public information is calculated into a stock's current share price, 
and only information that is not publicly available can benefit investors seeking to 
earn abnormal returns on investments. In other words, beating the market is 
impossible. Rational investors will buy undervalued assets and sell overvalued assets 
at the same time, letting small arbitrage opportunities surviving in the market. 
However, in the year of 1987, the “big jump” in the market firstly questioned those 
theories. There is no coincidence. Same accidents occurred successively in 1990, 
1997 and 2008, which is well known as the financial crisis, which implies that 
investors are not always rational, especially in the downside, investors will runaway 
in panic as fast as they can from the unsecured assets even though their risk premium 
of those assets are undervalued. Therefore, a financial asset return is not random but 
may depend on previous data or information in the market. Also, we could observe 
the behavior of market return and find that the volatility cluster is not always constant, 
but varies with time. The intention of this paper is to introduce a time-series model 
with varying variance that could explain and predict these behaviors. 
This paper will choose financial industry as target market, because during the last 10 
years commercial banks were suffered a large downside price fluctuations especially 
during the financial crisis.
2. Data and Method 
2.1 Data Source 
The database contains five years weekly stock prices in financial industry from Jan 5th, 
2005 to Nov. 20th, 2014. Target companies involved Bank of America (Ticker: BAC), 
Capital One (Ticker: COF), Wells Fargo (Ticker: WFC), Citi (Ticker: C) and J.P 
Morgan (Ticker: JPM). The Stock prices come from the Yahoo database. 
To avoid the stock split effect, which sharply influences the stock return, we use the 
adjusted stock close price instead of unadjusted stock close. 
2.2 Data Characteristics: 
Variable Name Description 
Year Span from 2005 to 2014 
Week Span from 1 to 52 (one year) 
BAC Stock price of the Bank of America 
Citi Stock price of Citi bank 
WFC Stock price of Wells Fargo bank 
COF Stock price of Capital One 
JPM Stock price of J.P Morgan 
2.3 Selection: 
The stock price used in the paper is weekly data instead of daily return, which has not 
a continuing time of return (weekend and holiday). Jeremy Berkowitz and James 
O’Brien (2002) recommended to use “large multinational institutions and meet the 
Basle ‘ large trader’ criterion – with trading activity equal to at least 10 percent of 
total assets or $1 billion.” [Berkowitz & O’Brien, 2002, pp1094]. 
2.4 Methods: 
1. Portfolio 
We set up a portfolio contains five stocks of large bank and invest with equal weight. 
Therefore the up & down of the portfolio can be regarded as the volatility of the 
2. Autocorrelation Function ACF (h) and Partial Autocorrelation Function 
The correlation between two returns of the time series with a lag of the (h). The return 
occurred h weeks ago have an influence on the return of this week. But this influence 
will decay with the time lag. The ACF can be shown as follow: 
ρ(h) = Cov(Rt ,Rt+h) 
Var(Rt ) * Var(Rt+h ) 
The Partial Autocorrelation Function is simply defined as the coefficient of Rt-h after 
regressing the return of the week Rt on Rt-1,Rt-2….,Rt-h. For the rest of the Variables, 
the PACF is zero.
3. ARMA-GARCH model 
Autoregressive Processes AR (p) 
Regress the return of this week on previous p lag of return, which can be showed as: 
Rt = c + aiRt−i +σε t 
Rt represents the return of this week and Rt-I stands for the “memory” or the reaction 
of investors to the previous return. εt is the noise, which can take it as the “current 
information”. [Ruppert, 2011, pp208] 
Moving average MA (q) 
In the autoregressive process, a very large lag p is needed to fitting the AR model and 
also the noise term may correlate to the entire lag of return. Hence, Moving average 
model is a remedy for both mentioned above. 
Rt = ε t + θi 
ε t−i 
Combined AR (p) and MA(q) together, ARMA(p,q) is : 
Rt = c + aiRt−i + θ jε t− j 
+σε t 
The ARMA (p,q) model assumes the volatility of the portfolio return is constant, but 
actually the volatility varies by time. Hence, if we solely use the ARMA (p,q) to 
predict the real portfolio return in the future, the result is not accurate. Therefore, the 
time series with varying conditional variance is also needed to forecast the future. 
This leading to generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH): 
σ t 
2 =α0 + αi (σ t−1ε t−1)2 + β j 
σ t− j 
After mixing the ARMA(p,q) and GARCH(m,n) together, we could get the 
ARMA(p,q)-GARCH(m,n) model as : 
qΣ+σ tε t 
Rt = c + aiRt−i + θ jε t− j 
σ t 
σ t− j 
mΣ2 =α0 + αi (σ t−1ε t−1)2 + β j 
2.5 Summary: 
Table2.5-1 Stock Price of five banks and Portfolio 
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max 
BAC 514 22.39806 13.44794 3.06 46.73 
WFC 514 29.34182 8.234728 7.69 53.84 
JPM 514 38.4937 8.861095 14.21 61.47 
Citi 514 170.5578 174.4625 10.26 506.47 
COF 514 54.59888 17.2153 7.92 84.32 
Portfolio 514 63.07806 38.94875 
8.628 138.908 
Table 25-2 Stock Return of five banks and Portfolio 
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max 
BAC 513 -.0014251 .0774166 -.5938175 .6079168 
WFC 513 .0015848 .0602823 -.3674881 .4817998 
JPM 513 .0013688 .0564013 -.4167235 .3991114 
Citi 513 -.0039452 .0941118 -.9263282 .7879235 
COF 513 .0001979 .0682063 -.3712152 .5939554 
513 -.0014815 .067499 -.5498683 .4876892 
Table-2.5-1 and Table-2.5-2 lists the variables used, their definitions and units of 
measurement, and summary statistics for each variable. As we can see in the in Table- 
2.5-2, the mean of the portfolio return is -.0014815, with a standard deviation of 0.067. 
If we assume the stock return follows the Gaussian distribution, with 99% chance, the 
minimum loss should be 1.74%. But actually the loss in real world is over 2.5%, 
which is much higher than Gaussian distribution expected. Hence if we use Gaussian 
distribution to estimate the potential risk of the investment, the loss is underestimated. 
In Figure-2.5 we display a density graph regarding to the empirical portfolio return of 
five banks. The excess Kurtosis is 24.336, showed the 10 years portfolio return has a 
high peak than Gaussian distribution. Also the skewness is -0.496, which means the 
real world stock return distribution is left skewed. 
Figure-2.5: Empirical Portfolio Return Density
2.6 Empirical Volatility cluster: 
Figure-2.6: Empirical Volatility Cluster 
In Figure-2.6, the volatility of the stock returns does not keep constant all the time. It 
is reasonable to recognize that in calm periods, the market will have a lower volatility, 
but when financial crisis falls, the volatility will be very high as shown in the figure. 
The Figure-2.6 proves the theory of inconstant variance of financial assets over time 
by Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986). 
3. Result 
3.1 ACF plot and Ljung-Box Test 
LAG AC PAC Q Prob>Q [Autocorrelation] [Partial Autocor] 
1 0.9957 0.9958 512.57 0.0000 
2 0.9919 0.0762 1022.3 0.0000 
3 0.9881 -0.0118 1529 0.0000 
4 0.9844 0.0531 2033 0.0000 
5 0.9801 -0.0785 2533.5 0.0000 
6 0.9758 -0.0001 3030.7 0.0000 
7 0.9714 -0.0595 3524.3 0.0000 
8 0.9670 -0.0021 4014.5 0.0000 
9 0.9625 -0.0280 4501 0.0000 
10 0.9582 0.0195 4984.1 0.0000 
11 0.9536 -0.0498 5463.6 0.0000 
12 0.9500 0.1156 5940.5 0.0000 
13 0.9466 0.0584 6414.8 0.0000 
14 0.9425 -0.1068 6886.1 0.0000 
15 0.9386 0.0396 7354.3 0.0000 
16 0.9336 -0.2066 7818.5 0.0000 
17 0.9285 -0.0355 8278.5 0.0000 
18 0.9231 -0.0635 8734.2 0.0000 
19 0.9183 0.0452 9186 0.0000 
20 0.9124 -0.0978 9633 0.0000 
-1 0 1 -1 0 1 
Figure-3.1-1 Portfolio Price ACF
LAG AC PAC Q Prob>Q [Autocorrelation] [Partial Autocor] 
1 -0.1424 -0.1424 10.469 0.0012 
2 0.0667 0.0473 12.768 0.0017 
3 -0.0985 -0.0846 17.789 0.0005 
4 0.0815 0.0558 21.236 0.0003 
5 0.0532 0.0828 22.706 0.0004 
6 0.0438 0.0491 23.708 0.0006 
7 -0.0663 -0.0512 26.006 0.0005 
8 0.0562 0.0453 27.658 0.0005 
9 -0.1108 -0.0996 34.087 0.0001 
10 0.1068 0.0580 40.079 0.0000 
11 -0.1453 -0.1125 51.186 0.0000 
12 -0.1031 -0.1686 56.789 0.0000 
13 0.1537 0.1718 69.271 0.0000 
14 -0.0327 -0.0071 69.837 0.0000 
15 0.2603 0.2706 105.79 0.0000 
16 -0.1418 -0.0442 116.47 0.0000 
17 0.0259 0.0053 116.83 0.0000 
18 -0.0654 -0.0713 119.12 0.0000 
19 0.1341 0.0773 128.74 0.0000 
20 0.0181 0.0153 128.92 0.0000 
-1 0 1 -1 0 1 
Figure-3.1-2 Portfolio Return ACF 
After ploting the (Autocorrelation Function), we can find in Figure-3.1-1, the asset 
price decays to zero very slowly. With the Ljung-Box test, the Q-statistics are very 
high during the first 20 lags, which means the null hypothesis is rejected and ρ(1), 
ρ(2)…,ρ(20) ≠0. The price of the asset is hard to predict since we hardly fingure out 
whether it is stationary or not. However, when testing the Portfolio return (Figure-3.1- 
2), the ACF decays quickly to zero and proves that the differenced series is stationary. 
[Ruppert, 2011, pp207]. 
The Augumented Dickey-Fuller (DF) test is also implemented to test the unit root of 
the Portfolio Return. The DF with trend test statistic is -26.088 and without trend is - 
26.067 which are much lower than 1% critical value of DF test(-3.96% with trend, - 
3.43 without trend). The null hypothesis that the time series variable have a unit root 
is rejected. 
3.2 Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) 
Table-3.2 AIC and BIC for ARMA-GARCH 
model with different lags 
ARMA(p, q)-GARCH(m,n) AIC BIC 
ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) -1878.3 -1852.9 
ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,2) -1862.7 -1837.3 
ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(2,1) -1872.3 -1846.8 
ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(2,2) -1821.5 -1796.1 
ARMA(1,2)-GARCH(1,1) -1876.6 -1851.1 
ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,2) -1859.9 -1834.4 
ARMA(1,2)-GARCH(2,1) -1870.8 -1845.3 
ARMA(1,2)-GARCH(2,2) -1819.3 -1793.8 
ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(1,1) -1876.6 -1851.1 
ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(1,2) -1860.1 -1834.6 
ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(2,1) -1870.8 -1845.4 
ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(2,2) -1819.3 -1793.8 
ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,1) -1875.9 -1850.4 
ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,2) -1860.1 -1834.6 
ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(2,1) -1868.9 -1843.5 
ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(2,2) -1819.2 -1793.8
When comparing model fits, we iterated check diffrerent lags combination and select 
the minium of the BIC and AIC as best fit for the model, shown in Table-3.2. Both 
AIC and BIC recommended the one lag model, ARMA(1,1) GARCH(1,1) is a best fit 
for the portfolio return of five banks. 
3.3 “Break” test when using AR (1) and ARMA (1,1) 
Figure-3.3-1: QLR-Statistic of AR (1) 
The AR(1) model has a “break” in forth week of 2009, as shown in Figure-3.3-1. The 
null hypothesis that no “break” existed in the model is rejected by significant level of 
10% and 5%, (QLR-statistic 5.00 and 5.86 separately). In the time span 2008 and 
Figure-3.3-2: QLR-statistic ARMA (1,1) GARCH (1,1)
When testing ARMA (1,1) GARCH (1,1) with the empirical return as raw data, the 
maximum QLR-statistic is 5.08 in the year of 2011, 47th week. The model is rejected 
in the 10% critic test and accepted in the level of 5%. Therefore, the ARMA (1,1) – 
GARCH (1,1) model is more stable than AR (1). 
3.4 ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) parameter fitting for Stock Return 
Table-3.4 Result of AR(1), ARMA(1,1) and ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) 
model on Stock Return of five banks 
Stock Return (1)AR(1) (2)ARMA(1,1) (3)ARMA(1,1)- 
Intercept -0.00166 -0.00148 0.00204* 
(0.00386) (0.00317) (0.000810) 
AR(1) -0.142 -0.774*** 0.922*** 
(0.137) (0.0669) (0.207) 
MA(1) 0.665*** -0.950*** 
(0.0727) (0.167) 
ARCH(1) 0.177*** 
GARCH(1) 0.818*** 
GARCH Intercept 0.0000319 
Sigma 0.0665*** 
Number of Obs. 513 513 513 
Chi square F (1.085) 269.44 191.0 
AIC -1313.9 -1317.8 -1878.3 
BIC -1305.4 -1300.9 -1852.0 
662.9191 945.1744 
These regressions were estimated using (1) AR(1), (2)ARMA(1,1) (3) ARMA (1,1)- 
GARCH(1,1) model on Portfolio Returns involving 5 banks. Standard errors are given 
in parentheses under coefficients. The individual coefficient is statistically significant 
at * 5%, **1% or ***0.1% significant level using a two-sided test. 
Table-3.4 calculates the coefficients using AR (1), ARMA (1,1) and ARMA (1,1) 
GARCH (1,1) model by five major banks data in U.S.. The AR(1) model with 
portfolio data has a low F-statistic and the coefficient is not significant at level of 5%. 
AR (1) is not appropriate for portfolio data. Both coefficients of ARMA (1,1), and 
ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) are significant different from zero, when test with 0.1% 
significant level. But comparing with ARMA (1,1) model, ARMA-GARCH model’s 
pseudo likelihood value is larger. In other words, the ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) 
model is more close to the population one. Also the non-zero coefficients ARCH and 
GARCH present that the raw data does have a volatility cluster, which means the 
volatility of the raw data is not constant during the whole period. But the ARMA (1,1) 
model always assumes the volatility of data is constant during the whole period. 
Hence, ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model is the best model fitting the raw data among 
all these three autoregressive models.
4. BackTests 
Table-4 Result of ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model on Stock 
Return of five banks in period (2010w47 to 2013w46) 
Stock Return 
Intercept 0.00446 
AR(1) -0.682 
MA(1) 0.668 
ARCH(1) 0.131* 
GARCH(1) 0.850*** 
GARCH Intercept 0.0000234 
Number of Obs. 157 
Chi square 0.22 
AIC -605.5 
BIC -587.2 
Log pseudolikelihood 308.7463 
These regressions were estimated using ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model on 
Portfolio Returns involving 5 banks in period (2010w47 to 2013w46). Standard errors 
are given in parentheses under coefficients. The individual coefficient is statistically 
significant at * 5%, **1% or ***0.1% significant level using a two-sided test. 
The Figure-4-1 and Figure 4-2 below shows a 1000 times simulation by using the 
period span 46th week of 2010 and 46th week 2013 to forecast the period span 47th 
week 2013 and 46th week 2014. The coefficient is showed in Table-4. Also the 
empirical return at the same period is presented in Figure-4-3 and Figure 4-4. In 
Figure-4-2, the simulation shows a volatile return with some extremely values. Also 
the density figure in Figure-4.3 shows a high peak distribution with a value of excess 
25.25 on kurtosis and -0.3158 on skewness. After reducing the amount of estimated 
observations without affecting the original distribution, the excess kurtosis reduces to 
8.47 with skewness on -1.45. The empirical distribution has much lower kurtosis 
Figure-4-1:Forecast Portfolio Return with 1000 times simulations
(2.634) and skewness (-2.44) , as we can find in the Figure-4-3 and Figure 4-4. 
Figure-4-2: Distribution of Forecast Return with 1000 times 
Figure-4-3: Distribution of Empirical Return 
(2013w47 to 2014w46) 
Figure-4-4: Empirical Return (2013w47 to 
The mean return of the forecast is 0.0027 with average standard deviation 
of 0.0540. The prediction interval is [-0.0613 0.0315], which is very large. 
But actually, the volatility of the forecast data is varying for the whole 
period. In term of high volatility, the interval will be widened and in the 
period of low volatility, the interval will be narrowed. Comparing with 
the forecast data, the empirical return during the period of 2013, 47th 
week to 2014, 46th week, has a mean of 0.00228, which is little lower 
than the forecast data mean. At same time, the average volatility of 
empirical t data is 0.0215, which is a little higher than forecast average 
volatility 0.0189. 
This study presented a research using ARMA-GARCH model to forecast the financial 
bank return and volatility. ARMA-GARCH is a better model to estimate the future 
return and volatility than AR or ARMA model, since the latter assumes the volatility 
of the portfolio return is constant. ARMA-GARCH assumes the volatility is also 
varying with the time and also the error, which can be called “new information” in the 
market. As we can see in both Table-3.4 and Table-4, the coefficient of one lag 
GARCH is much large than ARCH part. In real world, this effect can be explained 
that commercial industry investor’s behaviors are sensitive to most “recently news”, 
rather than memory of the past volatility. 
The study also compared the stability of ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model and AR 
(1) model. The result is ARMA-GARCH model for financial industry is more stable 
than AR(1), because in financial crisis(2008-2009), investors pay a high attention on 
market’s “new information”, especially for investors on the equity of bank. Hence, the 
autoregressive model is not reasonable to use in this kind of special period. 
The fact that AR (1) and MA (1) coefficients are not significant from zero may lead to 
our estimate bias. The coefficients probably are not estimate precisely because of 
small numbers of samples. We also add more samples in our estimation, but the mean 
is more deviated from empirical one since the samples of crisis are involving.
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  • 1. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE ARMA-GARCH Model for Financial Assets Return Estimation in Financial Industry GE CHEN 661401857
  • 2. Introduction: At beginning, the behavior of stock return is considered as a random walk following the brownies motion [Black & Scholes,1973] and this fantastic idea lead to a great innovation in Financial world: the Black-Scholes model. At the same time, Eugene Fama published a groundbreaking article: the efficient market theory [Fama, 1970], which states that all public information is calculated into a stock's current share price, and only information that is not publicly available can benefit investors seeking to earn abnormal returns on investments. In other words, beating the market is impossible. Rational investors will buy undervalued assets and sell overvalued assets at the same time, letting small arbitrage opportunities surviving in the market. However, in the year of 1987, the “big jump” in the market firstly questioned those theories. There is no coincidence. Same accidents occurred successively in 1990, 1997 and 2008, which is well known as the financial crisis, which implies that investors are not always rational, especially in the downside, investors will runaway in panic as fast as they can from the unsecured assets even though their risk premium of those assets are undervalued. Therefore, a financial asset return is not random but may depend on previous data or information in the market. Also, we could observe the behavior of market return and find that the volatility cluster is not always constant, but varies with time. The intention of this paper is to introduce a time-series model with varying variance that could explain and predict these behaviors. This paper will choose financial industry as target market, because during the last 10 years commercial banks were suffered a large downside price fluctuations especially during the financial crisis.
  • 3. 2. Data and Method 2.1 Data Source The database contains five years weekly stock prices in financial industry from Jan 5th, 2005 to Nov. 20th, 2014. Target companies involved Bank of America (Ticker: BAC), Capital One (Ticker: COF), Wells Fargo (Ticker: WFC), Citi (Ticker: C) and J.P Morgan (Ticker: JPM). The Stock prices come from the Yahoo database. To avoid the stock split effect, which sharply influences the stock return, we use the adjusted stock close price instead of unadjusted stock close. 2.2 Data Characteristics: Table-2.2 Variable Name Description Year Span from 2005 to 2014 Week Span from 1 to 52 (one year) BAC Stock price of the Bank of America Citi Stock price of Citi bank WFC Stock price of Wells Fargo bank COF Stock price of Capital One JPM Stock price of J.P Morgan 2.3 Selection: The stock price used in the paper is weekly data instead of daily return, which has not a continuing time of return (weekend and holiday). Jeremy Berkowitz and James O’Brien (2002) recommended to use “large multinational institutions and meet the Basle ‘ large trader’ criterion – with trading activity equal to at least 10 percent of total assets or $1 billion.” [Berkowitz & O’Brien, 2002, pp1094]. 2.4 Methods: 1. Portfolio We set up a portfolio contains five stocks of large bank and invest with equal weight. Therefore the up & down of the portfolio can be regarded as the volatility of the industry. 2. Autocorrelation Function ACF (h) and Partial Autocorrelation Function PACF The correlation between two returns of the time series with a lag of the (h). The return occurred h weeks ago have an influence on the return of this week. But this influence will decay with the time lag. The ACF can be shown as follow: ρ(h) = Cov(Rt ,Rt+h) Var(Rt ) * Var(Rt+h ) The Partial Autocorrelation Function is simply defined as the coefficient of Rt-h after regressing the return of the week Rt on Rt-1,Rt-2….,Rt-h. For the rest of the Variables, the PACF is zero.
  • 4. 3. ARMA-GARCH model Autoregressive Processes AR (p) Regress the return of this week on previous p lag of return, which can be showed as: pΣ Rt = c + aiRt−i +σε t i=1 Rt represents the return of this week and Rt-I stands for the “memory” or the reaction of investors to the previous return. εt is the noise, which can take it as the “current information”. [Ruppert, 2011, pp208] Moving average MA (q) In the autoregressive process, a very large lag p is needed to fitting the AR model and also the noise term may correlate to the entire lag of return. Hence, Moving average model is a remedy for both mentioned above. qΣ Rt = ε t + θi ε t−i i=1 Combined AR (p) and MA(q) together, ARMA(p,q) is : qΣ pΣ Rt = c + aiRt−i + θ jε t− j j=1 +σε t i=1 The ARMA (p,q) model assumes the volatility of the portfolio return is constant, but actually the volatility varies by time. Hence, if we solely use the ARMA (p,q) to predict the real portfolio return in the future, the result is not accurate. Therefore, the time series with varying conditional variance is also needed to forecast the future. This leading to generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH): σ t nΣ mΣ 2 =α0 + αi (σ t−1ε t−1)2 + β j j=1 i=1 σ t− j 2 After mixing the ARMA(p,q) and GARCH(m,n) together, we could get the ARMA(p,q)-GARCH(m,n) model as : qΣ+σ tε t pΣ Rt = c + aiRt−i + θ jε t− j j=1 i=1 σ t σ t− j nΣ mΣ2 =α0 + αi (σ t−1ε t−1)2 + β j j=1 i=1 2
  • 5. 2.5 Summary: Table2.5-1 Stock Price of five banks and Portfolio Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max BAC 514 22.39806 13.44794 3.06 46.73 WFC 514 29.34182 8.234728 7.69 53.84 JPM 514 38.4937 8.861095 14.21 61.47 Citi 514 170.5578 174.4625 10.26 506.47 COF 514 54.59888 17.2153 7.92 84.32 Portfolio 514 63.07806 38.94875 8.628 138.908 Table 25-2 Stock Return of five banks and Portfolio Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max BAC 513 -.0014251 .0774166 -.5938175 .6079168 WFC 513 .0015848 .0602823 -.3674881 .4817998 JPM 513 .0013688 .0564013 -.4167235 .3991114 Citi 513 -.0039452 .0941118 -.9263282 .7879235 COF 513 .0001979 .0682063 -.3712152 .5939554 Portfolio 513 -.0014815 .067499 -.5498683 .4876892 Return Table-2.5-1 and Table-2.5-2 lists the variables used, their definitions and units of measurement, and summary statistics for each variable. As we can see in the in Table- 2.5-2, the mean of the portfolio return is -.0014815, with a standard deviation of 0.067. If we assume the stock return follows the Gaussian distribution, with 99% chance, the minimum loss should be 1.74%. But actually the loss in real world is over 2.5%, which is much higher than Gaussian distribution expected. Hence if we use Gaussian distribution to estimate the potential risk of the investment, the loss is underestimated. In Figure-2.5 we display a density graph regarding to the empirical portfolio return of five banks. The excess Kurtosis is 24.336, showed the 10 years portfolio return has a high peak than Gaussian distribution. Also the skewness is -0.496, which means the real world stock return distribution is left skewed. Figure-2.5: Empirical Portfolio Return Density
  • 6. 2.6 Empirical Volatility cluster: Figure-2.6: Empirical Volatility Cluster In Figure-2.6, the volatility of the stock returns does not keep constant all the time. It is reasonable to recognize that in calm periods, the market will have a lower volatility, but when financial crisis falls, the volatility will be very high as shown in the figure. The Figure-2.6 proves the theory of inconstant variance of financial assets over time by Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986). 3. Result 3.1 ACF plot and Ljung-Box Test LAG AC PAC Q Prob>Q [Autocorrelation] [Partial Autocor] 1 0.9957 0.9958 512.57 0.0000 2 0.9919 0.0762 1022.3 0.0000 3 0.9881 -0.0118 1529 0.0000 4 0.9844 0.0531 2033 0.0000 5 0.9801 -0.0785 2533.5 0.0000 6 0.9758 -0.0001 3030.7 0.0000 7 0.9714 -0.0595 3524.3 0.0000 8 0.9670 -0.0021 4014.5 0.0000 9 0.9625 -0.0280 4501 0.0000 10 0.9582 0.0195 4984.1 0.0000 11 0.9536 -0.0498 5463.6 0.0000 12 0.9500 0.1156 5940.5 0.0000 13 0.9466 0.0584 6414.8 0.0000 14 0.9425 -0.1068 6886.1 0.0000 15 0.9386 0.0396 7354.3 0.0000 16 0.9336 -0.2066 7818.5 0.0000 17 0.9285 -0.0355 8278.5 0.0000 18 0.9231 -0.0635 8734.2 0.0000 19 0.9183 0.0452 9186 0.0000 20 0.9124 -0.0978 9633 0.0000 . -1 0 1 -1 0 1 Figure-3.1-1 Portfolio Price ACF
  • 7. LAG AC PAC Q Prob>Q [Autocorrelation] [Partial Autocor] 1 -0.1424 -0.1424 10.469 0.0012 2 0.0667 0.0473 12.768 0.0017 3 -0.0985 -0.0846 17.789 0.0005 4 0.0815 0.0558 21.236 0.0003 5 0.0532 0.0828 22.706 0.0004 6 0.0438 0.0491 23.708 0.0006 7 -0.0663 -0.0512 26.006 0.0005 8 0.0562 0.0453 27.658 0.0005 9 -0.1108 -0.0996 34.087 0.0001 10 0.1068 0.0580 40.079 0.0000 11 -0.1453 -0.1125 51.186 0.0000 12 -0.1031 -0.1686 56.789 0.0000 13 0.1537 0.1718 69.271 0.0000 14 -0.0327 -0.0071 69.837 0.0000 15 0.2603 0.2706 105.79 0.0000 16 -0.1418 -0.0442 116.47 0.0000 17 0.0259 0.0053 116.83 0.0000 18 -0.0654 -0.0713 119.12 0.0000 19 0.1341 0.0773 128.74 0.0000 20 0.0181 0.0153 128.92 0.0000 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 Figure-3.1-2 Portfolio Return ACF After ploting the (Autocorrelation Function), we can find in Figure-3.1-1, the asset price decays to zero very slowly. With the Ljung-Box test, the Q-statistics are very high during the first 20 lags, which means the null hypothesis is rejected and ρ(1), ρ(2)…,ρ(20) ≠0. The price of the asset is hard to predict since we hardly fingure out whether it is stationary or not. However, when testing the Portfolio return (Figure-3.1- 2), the ACF decays quickly to zero and proves that the differenced series is stationary. [Ruppert, 2011, pp207]. The Augumented Dickey-Fuller (DF) test is also implemented to test the unit root of the Portfolio Return. The DF with trend test statistic is -26.088 and without trend is - 26.067 which are much lower than 1% critical value of DF test(-3.96% with trend, - 3.43 without trend). The null hypothesis that the time series variable have a unit root is rejected. 3.2 Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) Table-3.2 AIC and BIC for ARMA-GARCH model with different lags ARMA(p, q)-GARCH(m,n) AIC BIC ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) -1878.3 -1852.9 ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,2) -1862.7 -1837.3 ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(2,1) -1872.3 -1846.8 ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(2,2) -1821.5 -1796.1 ARMA(1,2)-GARCH(1,1) -1876.6 -1851.1 ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,2) -1859.9 -1834.4 ARMA(1,2)-GARCH(2,1) -1870.8 -1845.3 ARMA(1,2)-GARCH(2,2) -1819.3 -1793.8 ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(1,1) -1876.6 -1851.1 ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(1,2) -1860.1 -1834.6 ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(2,1) -1870.8 -1845.4 ARMA(2,1)-GARCH(2,2) -1819.3 -1793.8 ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,1) -1875.9 -1850.4 ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,2) -1860.1 -1834.6 ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(2,1) -1868.9 -1843.5 ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(2,2) -1819.2 -1793.8
  • 8. When comparing model fits, we iterated check diffrerent lags combination and select the minium of the BIC and AIC as best fit for the model, shown in Table-3.2. Both AIC and BIC recommended the one lag model, ARMA(1,1) GARCH(1,1) is a best fit for the portfolio return of five banks. 3.3 “Break” test when using AR (1) and ARMA (1,1) Figure-3.3-1: QLR-Statistic of AR (1) The AR(1) model has a “break” in forth week of 2009, as shown in Figure-3.3-1. The null hypothesis that no “break” existed in the model is rejected by significant level of 10% and 5%, (QLR-statistic 5.00 and 5.86 separately). In the time span 2008 and 2009. Figure-3.3-2: QLR-statistic ARMA (1,1) GARCH (1,1)
  • 9. When testing ARMA (1,1) GARCH (1,1) with the empirical return as raw data, the maximum QLR-statistic is 5.08 in the year of 2011, 47th week. The model is rejected in the 10% critic test and accepted in the level of 5%. Therefore, the ARMA (1,1) – GARCH (1,1) model is more stable than AR (1). 3.4 ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) parameter fitting for Stock Return Table-3.4 Result of AR(1), ARMA(1,1) and ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model on Stock Return of five banks Stock Return (1)AR(1) (2)ARMA(1,1) (3)ARMA(1,1)- GARCH(1,1) Intercept -0.00166 -0.00148 0.00204* (0.00386) (0.00317) (0.000810) AR(1) -0.142 -0.774*** 0.922*** (0.137) (0.0669) (0.207) MA(1) 0.665*** -0.950*** (0.0727) (0.167) ARCH(1) 0.177*** (0.0392) GARCH(1) 0.818*** (0.0325) GARCH Intercept 0.0000319 (0.0000167) Sigma 0.0665*** (0.000756) Statistic Number of Obs. 513 513 513 Chi square F (1.085) 269.44 191.0 AIC -1313.9 -1317.8 -1878.3 BIC -1305.4 -1300.9 -1852.0 Log pseudolikelihood 662.9191 945.1744 These regressions were estimated using (1) AR(1), (2)ARMA(1,1) (3) ARMA (1,1)- GARCH(1,1) model on Portfolio Returns involving 5 banks. Standard errors are given in parentheses under coefficients. The individual coefficient is statistically significant at * 5%, **1% or ***0.1% significant level using a two-sided test. Table-3.4 calculates the coefficients using AR (1), ARMA (1,1) and ARMA (1,1) GARCH (1,1) model by five major banks data in U.S.. The AR(1) model with portfolio data has a low F-statistic and the coefficient is not significant at level of 5%. AR (1) is not appropriate for portfolio data. Both coefficients of ARMA (1,1), and ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) are significant different from zero, when test with 0.1% significant level. But comparing with ARMA (1,1) model, ARMA-GARCH model’s pseudo likelihood value is larger. In other words, the ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model is more close to the population one. Also the non-zero coefficients ARCH and GARCH present that the raw data does have a volatility cluster, which means the volatility of the raw data is not constant during the whole period. But the ARMA (1,1) model always assumes the volatility of data is constant during the whole period. Hence, ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model is the best model fitting the raw data among all these three autoregressive models.
  • 10. 4. BackTests Table-4 Result of ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model on Stock Return of five banks in period (2010w47 to 2013w46) Stock Return Intercept 0.00446 (0.00249) AR(1) -0.682 (2.465) MA(1) 0.668 (2.507) ARCH(1) 0.131* (0.0559) GARCH(1) 0.850*** (0.0595) GARCH Intercept 0.0000234 (0.0000427) Statistic Number of Obs. 157 Chi square 0.22 AIC -605.5 BIC -587.2 Log pseudolikelihood 308.7463 These regressions were estimated using ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model on Portfolio Returns involving 5 banks in period (2010w47 to 2013w46). Standard errors are given in parentheses under coefficients. The individual coefficient is statistically significant at * 5%, **1% or ***0.1% significant level using a two-sided test. The Figure-4-1 and Figure 4-2 below shows a 1000 times simulation by using the period span 46th week of 2010 and 46th week 2013 to forecast the period span 47th week 2013 and 46th week 2014. The coefficient is showed in Table-4. Also the empirical return at the same period is presented in Figure-4-3 and Figure 4-4. In Figure-4-2, the simulation shows a volatile return with some extremely values. Also the density figure in Figure-4.3 shows a high peak distribution with a value of excess 25.25 on kurtosis and -0.3158 on skewness. After reducing the amount of estimated observations without affecting the original distribution, the excess kurtosis reduces to 8.47 with skewness on -1.45. The empirical distribution has much lower kurtosis Figure-4-1:Forecast Portfolio Return with 1000 times simulations
  • 11. (2.634) and skewness (-2.44) , as we can find in the Figure-4-3 and Figure 4-4. Figure-4-2: Distribution of Forecast Return with 1000 times simulations Figure-4-3: Distribution of Empirical Return (2013w47 to 2014w46) Figure-4-4: Empirical Return (2013w47 to 2014w46
  • 12. The mean return of the forecast is 0.0027 with average standard deviation of 0.0540. The prediction interval is [-0.0613 0.0315], which is very large. But actually, the volatility of the forecast data is varying for the whole period. In term of high volatility, the interval will be widened and in the period of low volatility, the interval will be narrowed. Comparing with the forecast data, the empirical return during the period of 2013, 47th week to 2014, 46th week, has a mean of 0.00228, which is little lower than the forecast data mean. At same time, the average volatility of empirical t data is 0.0215, which is a little higher than forecast average volatility 0.0189. 5.Conclusion This study presented a research using ARMA-GARCH model to forecast the financial bank return and volatility. ARMA-GARCH is a better model to estimate the future return and volatility than AR or ARMA model, since the latter assumes the volatility of the portfolio return is constant. ARMA-GARCH assumes the volatility is also varying with the time and also the error, which can be called “new information” in the market. As we can see in both Table-3.4 and Table-4, the coefficient of one lag GARCH is much large than ARCH part. In real world, this effect can be explained that commercial industry investor’s behaviors are sensitive to most “recently news”, rather than memory of the past volatility. The study also compared the stability of ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model and AR (1) model. The result is ARMA-GARCH model for financial industry is more stable than AR(1), because in financial crisis(2008-2009), investors pay a high attention on market’s “new information”, especially for investors on the equity of bank. Hence, the autoregressive model is not reasonable to use in this kind of special period. The fact that AR (1) and MA (1) coefficients are not significant from zero may lead to our estimate bias. The coefficients probably are not estimate precisely because of small numbers of samples. We also add more samples in our estimation, but the mean is more deviated from empirical one since the samples of crisis are involving.
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