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Usability Study of the Finger Counter, a
Human-Computer Interface
Christen Ng and Jessie Burger
CRA DMP Project at Boston University
The Finger Counter is a computer-vision system that identifies the number of fingers held up in
front of an inexpensive webcam in real time. Usability studies were conducted to determine the
limitations of the system. Tests performed included: a voice-interactive test, a drawing test, and a
questionnaire that gauged the ease of use of the system, as well as a limitations test that
established conservative functional ranges for use of the Finger Counter.
Finger Counter is a computer-vision system that counts the numbers of fingers held up in front of
a video camera in real time. The system is designed as a simple and universal human-computer
interface: potential applications include educational tools for young children and supplemental
input devices, particularly for persons with disabilities. The interface is language independent
and requires minimal education and computer literacy. Finger Counter uses background
differencing and edge detection to locate the outline of the hand. The system then processes the
polar-coordinate representation of the pixels on the outline to identify and count fingers: fingers
are recognized as protrusions that meet particular threshold requirements. The system also logs
the frequency of different inputs over a given time interval. The Finger Counter interface was
implemented under Linux using Video4Linux. The system was tested extensively under various
lighting and background conditions to find the most favorable environment for the Finger
Counter to function. Such varying conditions were also conducive to establishing limitation
criteria for the system. The following is a compilation of the various tests conducted, their
description, and the results obtained:
I. Tests Performed
EXPERIMENT 1 - Voice Interactive Test
Demonstration and Explanation
Test subjects were given a brief introduction to the Finger Counter: how it works, its intended
purpose, the types of tests they would complete, and a demonstration on how to use it. They were
then given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the program by playing around with it
before the formal testing began. During this trial period, advice was given to the participants as
to how to most effectively use the Finger Counter (e.g. hands parallel to camera, maximizing the
width bet
Once the
on the fo
given onc
What fol
user. The
right win
shows ho
The test s
beyond in
hand pos
ignored b
random t
asked to
failed to
Test Adm
tween their f
e subjects fel
llowing test
When test s
lows is a scr
e window dir
ndow shows
ow many fin
system was
nitiating the
se or type the
time in seco
d with by the
by the system
time interval
remove thei
comply with
fingers, orien
lt sufficiently
s were recor
ubjects were
reenshot of t
rectly below
raw video. T
gers the syst
completely a
program. Fo
e key on the
onds; the log
e deadline (th
m. After a re
l between 4 a
r hands from
h this reques
ntation and r
y comfortabl
rded. The dem
e part of a gr
the test in ac
w it shows the
The bottom r
tem recogniz
automated an
ollowing a r
keyboard; th
g files also d
he failures).
ecognition w
and 10 secon
m the field of
rotation of h
le interacting
roup, the dem
tion. The top
e frame rate
right window
zes and the l
nd did not re
equest, a use
he system lo
etermined th
was made or t
nds before m
f view betwe
hand placeme
g with the pr
n and explana
p left window
and other st
w is the "use
location of th
equire action
er was given
ogged the req
he number o
ed poses or i
the timer ran
making anoth
een tests; oft
ent in regard
rogram, thei
ation took be
and explana
w is for mes
tatus informa
er feedback w
heir fingertip
n from the ad
n up to 5 seco
quest made a
f requests th
incorrect key
n out, the sys
her request. U
tentimes, ho
ds to the cam
ir performan
etween 2 to
ation was on
ssages to the
ation. The to
window," wh
onds to mak
and the user'
hat were not
y presses we
stem waited
Users were
wever, they
ke the
Each user was permitted some time to play with the drawing program before the test
administration. There was no time limit; users took from 30 seconds through approximately 3
minutes to try out the interface before going on to the test. In the "voice-interactive test," the
computer plays a recorded message asking the user to hold up a certain number of fingers or else
type a key from "1" through "5" on the keyboard. The audio message is supplemented by a
screen message in large type. A typical message might say "please hold up one finger" or "please
type 2 on the keyboard." To choose which message to play, the system generated a random
number from 1 through 10. Numbers from 1 through 5 would cause the system to ask for as
many fingers. Numbers from 6 through 10 would cause the system to request keys "1" through
"5" on the keyboard. Random numbers were chosen "with replacement," so a single test subject
could be asked to hold up some hand poses, or type some keys, a number of times and never be
requested to hold up other hand poses, or type other keys. There was no set number of requests;
some users got as few as 10 requests, while one got 33 requests. The test system was automated
and users were given up to 5 seconds to respond.
The Test Subjects
There were a total of 19 test subjects: 6 high school students, 4 college students, 7 graduate
students, and 2 professionals. The majority of college students, graduate students, and
professionals were acquaintances of the administrators. The high school students were
participants in a math and science summer camp. Many participants had strong technical
backgrounds, as their computer experience ranged from 6 to 30 years and daily computer use
ranged from 1 to 15 hours. Each test subject completed exactly one test.
Test Conditions
Multiple locations were used to conduct testing. The graduate students and professionals were
tested under florescent lighting, with the camera on a tripod looking up at a ceiling about two
meters above. The high school kids were tested in the graduate lounge, under florescent and
incandescent lighting, with the camera mounted on a tripod facing down half a meter from the
table. Subjects made hand gestures in the air above the camera when it was facing upwards and
on the table surface below the camera when it was facing downwards. The program ran on a
Toshiba Satellite Pro 6000 with an Intel Pentium III Mobile 1.2 GHz processor and 512 MB of
RAM. The Pentium III has a bus speed of 133 MHz.
EXPERIMENT 2 - Drawing Test
Demonstration and Explanation
The same test subjects participating in Experiment 1 performed this test, with the addition of five
more college students. They received the instructions described above. In addition, they were
told about the "drawing test," in which they would be asked to trace a circular template on the
screen, first using the Finger Counter interface and then using a computer pointing device.
Test Administration
Each Exp
The draw
fingers. T
how man
finger, th
finger, th
draws a b
varies wi
system d
boxes are
camera is
black. Th
For the "
of a whit
match the
colored b
pressed a
way arou
the circul
The follo
the circul
ve test. Thus
teractive test
wing program
The program
ny fingers are
he system dra
nding to the
he boxes may
box centered
ith the distan
raws three o
e held up, th
s processed.
his keeps the
drawing test
te circle. Eac
e circular tem
boxes lined u
a key on the
, and the test
und, the test
the average
lar template.
owing is a sc
lar template.
test subject t
s, each user a
t before takin
m permits a u
m works as fo
e held up, it
aws a small,
position of t
y appear as a
d on the midp
nce between
or four small
e system era
Also at each
e screen from
t," instead of
ch test subjec
mplate. A te
up with some
keyboard to
t subject atte
difference b
creen shot of
. The right w
took the draw
already had p
ng the drawi
user to "draw
ollows: The
tracks the fi
, randomly c
the fingertip
a line or othe
point betwee
the fingertip
boxes corre
ases the scree
h frame, the
m becoming
f being comp
ct was asked
est subject fir
e point on th
initiate the
empted to tra
or pressed an
between each
f the drawing
window show
wing test imm
played with
ing test.
w" on the com
screen is ini
ingertip posi
colored box (
p in the field
er object. If
en the two fi
ps. If the use
esponding to
en. New box
system fade
overly clutte
pletely black
d to draw a c
rst moved hi
he circle outl
test. The scr
ace the circle
nother key, h
h pixel in the
g test. The le
ws the "user
mediately af
the drawing
mputer scree
itially black.
itions. If the
(essentially a
of view. As
two fingers
ingers; in thi
er holds up th
o the fingertip
xes are draw
es each color
ered with co
k, the initial
circle with hi
is or her fing
line. Then, o
reen cleared,
e. When the
halting the te
e user's draw
eft window s
feedback" w
fter taking th
g program an
en by movin
Once the sy
user is hold
a large pixel
s the user mo
are held up,
is case, the s
hree or four
p positions.
wn as each fra
red pixel a li
screen conta
is or her inde
gertip until th
one of the tes
, except for t
test subject
est. At that p
wing and the
shows the us
he voice-
nd taken the
ng his or her
ystem determ
ding up one
l) on the scre
oves his or h
the system
size of the bo
fingers, the
Finally, if fi
ame from th
ittle toward
ained the out
ex finger to
he resulting
st administra
the circular
made it all t
point, the sys
nearest poin
ser's drawing
nt on
g and
After the "drawing test" with the Finger Counter, another drawing test was conducted using a
computer pointing device. Available devices included a laptop touchpad, a laptop stick pointer,
and a trackball pointing device. Each user was asked to choose the pointing device most
unfamiliar. As with the Finger Counter drawing test, the screen displayed a circular template to
which a test subject maneuvered the screen pointer (a commonly used arrow). Once the arrow
was pointing at part of the template, one of the test administrators began the test, at which point a
series of small colored boxes trailed the screen pointer as the user traced the circular template.
When the test subject had circumnavigated the template, the administrator stopped the test. The
system then computed the average distance using the same method as described above.
The Test Subjects
The test subjects for Experiment 3 included those described above in Experiment 2, as well as an
additional five college students. As with Experiment 2, each test subject completed exactly one
test. Three college students opted to use the AccuPoint input device as their unfamiliar pointing
device, one subject did not take this test, and the remaining elected to use the trackball.
Test Conditions
The test conditions were the same for the previously listed subjects. The three additional college
students were tested in their apartment under incandescent lighting, with the camera mounted on
a mini-tripod facing down, approximately half a meter above the table. One of the test subjects
completed the test under natural lighting conditions, aided by a portable lamp, with the camera
mounted on a tripod facing upwards.
EXPERIMENT 3 - Questionnaire
The test subjects who participated in Experiments 1 and 2 were asked to complete the following
questionnaire. Test subjects took from 1 to 5 minutes to do so.
Name ___________________________________________________
Telephone Number or Email
(in case we have follow-up questions) __________________________
Occupation _______________________________________________
How many years of computer experience do you have? years
How many hours per day do you use a computer (on average)? hours
How easy did you find a computer mouse to use (1 = very hard 10 = super easy)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How natural to use is a mouse (1 = completely unnatural 10 = completely
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
We asked you in the test to use a pointing device you were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
unfamiliar with. How easy did you find the other pointing device to
use (1 = very hard 10 = super easy)?
How natural to use is the other pointing device (1 = completely
unnatural 10 = completely intuitive)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
How easy did you find the Finger Counter to use (1 = very hard 10
= super easy)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
How natural to use is the Finger Counter (1 = completely unnatural
10 = completely intuitive)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
We would appreciate any comments you might have on the Finger Counter.
In particular, what types of applications do you think would be useful with the Finger Counter?
Do you have any comments, criticisms, or suggestions regarding the Finger Counter or this
testing procedure?
Thanks for your time.
EXPERIMENT 4 - Limits of Pose Recognition
For this test, we placed a webcam in settings similar to the previous experiments, i.e., in the
graduate computer lab, mounted on a tripod which was placed on the floor with the camera
facing upwards. We ran the interface and had it capture frames as well as report poses
recognized. Hands were moved in the following ways:
1. Toward the camera
2. Away from the camera
3. Rotation in the direction of each Euler angle on axes going through the center of the palm
a. "Pitch": The hand is rotated so the fingertips are closer to the camera than the
palm and vice versa.
b. "Roll": The hand is rotated so that the side of the hand including the base of the
little finger is closer than the side including the base of the thumb and vice versa.
c. "Yaw": The hand is rotated in the plane parallel to the image plane, so that, from
the camera's perspective, the fingertips move from side to side while the palm
remains more or less fixed.
A digital video camera was set up on a tripod next to the webcam and was used to capture still
images of hand positions for "out of plane" rotations, i. e. pitch and roll. A hand was placed over
the camera so that the hand was oriented parallel to the camera lens, perpendicular to the bottom
of the image frame, and the system properly recognized the hand pose. All tests (distance, pitch,
roll, and yaw) were performed on the 3 test administrators using all 5 hand positions.
To determine the limits on the range of the distance of the hand position, the hand was moved
toward th
hand pos
hand pos
camera u
the close
To determ
these ext
the last "
the hand,
hand pos
or 5 finge
To determ
either clo
was kept
was set u
could be
the Finge
the horiz
the point
average f
as positiv
he camera un
sition just be
sition just aft
s was also m
until recognit
st "bad" han
mine the ran
ng parallel to
remes at the
good" positi
d from the ve
, to a line seg
sitions using
ers. The yaw
mine the ran
oser to or far
up so that the
clearly dete
er Counter an
s were then a
ontal axis, w
where the th
fingertip pos
ntil recogniti
fore failure o
ter failure of
measured usin
tion failed, a
nd position, w
nge of the yaw
the camera
e point just b
ions were the
ertical axis o
gment drawn
1 finger, an
w angle in th
nge of the pit
rther away fr
lar to the bot
e camera len
rmined. Ima
nd the digita
analyzed usin
which was al
humb joins t
sition was us
ion failed. A
of the system
f the system,
ng a tape me
and two imag
were recorde
w of hand po
lens, until re
before recogn
en analyzed
of the image
n from the c
d to the tip o
e right direc
tch of positio
rom the cam
ttom of the i
ns was parall
ages of the "g
al camera. Th
ng a softwar
long the defa
the hand to t
sed. Downw
An image wa
m, i.e. the clo
i.e. the farth
asure. The h
ges, one of t
ed, as well as
ositions, the
ecognition fa
nition failure
using a soft
, which was
enter of the
of the middle
ction was reg
w Example
ons, the hand
mera lens than
image, until
el to the side
good" and "b
he images fr
re angle mea
ault hand pos
the fingertips
ards pitch w
as taken, usin
osest possib
hest "bad" p
hand was the
the farthest "
s the distanc
e hand was ro
failed. An im
e and the poi
tware angle m
the same as
palm to the
e finger for h
garded as po
d was tilted
n the palm, w
e of the hand
bad" position
rom the digit
asuring tool.
sition, to a li
s. If the fing
was regarded
ng the Finge
le "good" po
osition. The
en moved aw
"good" hand
otated left an
mage was tak
int just after
measuring to
s the default
tip of the ind
hand positio
sitive, and th
so that the fi
while the han
failed. The
d and the ang
ns were capt
tal camera o
Angles wer
ine segment
gertips were
as negative,
r Counter, o
osition, and t
distance at
way from the
d position, on
nd right, whi
ken of both o
. The image
ool. Angles w
orientation o
dex finger fo
ons using 2, 3
he left as
fingertips we
nd orientatio
digital came
gle of pitch
tured using b
of the last "go
re measured
which ran f
not even, the
, upwards pi
of the
ne of
s of
3, 4,
To determ
circular f
the came
up so tha
Images o
digital ca
which wa
of the han
index fin
a referen
II. Test
The follo
mine the ran
fashion (so th
era lens and p
at the lens wa
of the "good"
amera. The im
d using a soft
as along the
nd from the
nger if less th
or middle o
ce point. Le
owing table s
nge of the rol
hat the palm
as viewing th
" and "bad" p
mages from
tware angle m
default "lev
little finger
han 5 fingers
of the fingers
ft roll was re
shows the re
ll of hand po
m of the hand
ar to the bott
he fingertips
positions we
the digital c
measuring to
vel" hand pos
to the thumb
s were held u
s, whichever
egarded as n
esults of the v
ch Example
ositions, the
d was turned
tom of the ca
s and the ang
ere captured
camera of the
ool. Angles w
sition, to a li
b if 5 fingers
up. If the han
r best represe
negative, whi
oll Example
hand was ro
up) while k
amera image
gle of roll co
using both t
e last "good
were measur
ine segment
s were in use
nd position u
ented the pla
ile roll to the
ctive test de
otated left an
keeping the h
e. The digita
ould be clear
the Finger C
" positions w
red from the
which ran th
e, or the littl
used less tha
ane of the ha
e right was r
scribed in E
nd right in a
hand parallel
al camera wa
rly determine
Counter and t
were then
e horizontal
hrough the p
e finger to th
an 4 fingers,
and, was use
regarded as
xperiment 1
l to
as set
ed as
Prior to c
testing po
the make
be attribu
large chu
bus, used
second fo
expect th
The follo
in the pri
Finger Co
conducting E
ool. The only
e of the mach
ent 1 was ru
he Pentium I
utable to the
unks of data,
d for the earl
ent 1. The fr
or the earlier
ent 1. This d
hat the confid
ent and 0.44
owing chart s
ior experime
time while f
Experiment 1
y difference
hine running
n on a Dell I
IV has a bus
bus speed o
for instance
lier experime
rame rate of
r conducted
difference wo
dence interv
for Experim
shows the av
ent and Expe
five fingers
Figure 1
3.20s 2.9
2.21s 1.9
1, Stephen C
in the testin
g the program
Inspiron 820
s speed of 40
on the testing
e, images, co
ent, is three
the Finger C
ould very lik
al would be
ment 1.
verage respo
eriment 1. In
had the long
. Response T
95% Con
Crampton adm
ng protocols
m. The test p
00 with an In
00 MHz. The
g machines.
ould be sent
times faster
Counter inter
and approxim
kely affect th
similar, and
onse time by
n both experi
Times for the
nfidence Int
ministered th
were the tes
program on t
ntel Pentium
e difference
The bus spe
to and from
than the Pen
rface was ap
mately 6 fra
he mean resp
d, in fact, it w
finger for th
iments, one f
e Finger Cou
terval Range
he same test
sting conditi
the testing do
m IV 1.4 GHz
in results (S
ed would af
the CPU. Th
ntium III bus
ames per sec
ponse time. O
was: 0.42s fo
he Finger Co
finger had th
t to a differen
ons, specific
one prior to
z and 256 M
See Figure 1)
ffect how fas
he Pentium
s, used for
y 10 frames p
ond for
One would
or the earlier
ounter interf
he shortest
MB of
) may
For the d
12.6 pixe
dotted lin
and plus
From the
per day r
shows th
Counter w
drawing test,
els for the Fi
deviations w
s show the m
nes connect t
show outlier
e questionnai
ranged from
e mean and
ness." The m
was the next
Finger C
Other Po
the average
inger Counte
were 9.8 pixe
middle quarti
the nearest s
ire response
1 to 15, with
standard dev
mouse ranked
t "easiest to
ointing Devi
e distance be
er and 6.3 pi
els and 3.8 p
iles (25% an
samples with
s, the years o
h a spike (6 r
viation of the
d very high f
use" and sec
tween the dr
xels for the
pixels. Figur
d 75% confi
hin 1.5 times
of computer
e 1-to-10 ran
for both ease
cond most "n
Ease of Us
rawing and t
other pointin
re 3 shows a
idence) surro
s the inter-qu
r experience
) at 8 hours
nkings for "e
e of use and "
se "
SD Mea
1.3 9.2
2.2 7.0
2.1 6.1
the circular t
ng device. T
box plot of
ounding the
uartile range
ranged from
per day. The
ease of use"
an SD
template was
The respectiv
the results. T
median, the
es, and the ci
m 6 to 30. Ho
e following t
s," the Finger
The follo
Counter f
finger, w
value. Th
hand pos
owing graphs
functions in
which each re
hese then det
stures, which
s display the
regards to o
ed bar displa
termined the
h is shown by
e most conse
our limitation
ays as the sm
e overall rang
y the shaded
ervative rang
ns test. A ran
mallest maxim
ge in which
d gray area.
ge of hand po
nge was foun
mum value a
the Finger C
ositions in w
nd individua
and the large
Counter func
which the Fin
ally for each
est minimum
ctioned for a

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Usability Study of the Finger Counter

  • 1. Usability Study of the Finger Counter, a Human-Computer Interface Christen Ng and Jessie Burger CRA DMP Project at Boston University Abstract The Finger Counter is a computer-vision system that identifies the number of fingers held up in front of an inexpensive webcam in real time. Usability studies were conducted to determine the limitations of the system. Tests performed included: a voice-interactive test, a drawing test, and a questionnaire that gauged the ease of use of the system, as well as a limitations test that established conservative functional ranges for use of the Finger Counter. Introduction Finger Counter is a computer-vision system that counts the numbers of fingers held up in front of a video camera in real time. The system is designed as a simple and universal human-computer interface: potential applications include educational tools for young children and supplemental input devices, particularly for persons with disabilities. The interface is language independent and requires minimal education and computer literacy. Finger Counter uses background differencing and edge detection to locate the outline of the hand. The system then processes the polar-coordinate representation of the pixels on the outline to identify and count fingers: fingers are recognized as protrusions that meet particular threshold requirements. The system also logs the frequency of different inputs over a given time interval. The Finger Counter interface was implemented under Linux using Video4Linux. The system was tested extensively under various lighting and background conditions to find the most favorable environment for the Finger Counter to function. Such varying conditions were also conducive to establishing limitation criteria for the system. The following is a compilation of the various tests conducted, their description, and the results obtained: I. Tests Performed EXPERIMENT 1 - Voice Interactive Test Demonstration and Explanation Test subjects were given a brief introduction to the Finger Counter: how it works, its intended purpose, the types of tests they would complete, and a demonstration on how to use it. They were then given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the program by playing around with it before the formal testing began. During this trial period, advice was given to the participants as to how to most effectively use the Finger Counter (e.g. hands parallel to camera, maximizing the
  • 2. width bet Once the on the fo minutes. given onc What fol user. The right win shows ho The test s beyond in hand pos response complied ignored b random t asked to failed to Test Adm tween their f e subjects fel llowing test When test s ce. lows is a scr e window dir ndow shows ow many fin system was nitiating the se or type the time in seco d with by the by the system time interval remove thei comply with ministration fingers, orien lt sufficiently s were recor ubjects were reenshot of t rectly below raw video. T gers the syst completely a program. Fo e key on the onds; the log e deadline (th m. After a re l between 4 a r hands from h this reques n ntation and r y comfortabl rded. The dem e part of a gr the test in ac w it shows the The bottom r tem recogniz automated an ollowing a r keyboard; th g files also d he failures). ecognition w and 10 secon m the field of st. rotation of h le interacting monstration roup, the dem tion. The top e frame rate right window zes and the l nd did not re equest, a use he system lo etermined th Misidentifie was made or t nds before m f view betwe hand placeme g with the pr n and explana monstration p left window and other st w is the "use location of th equire action er was given ogged the req he number o ed poses or i the timer ran making anoth een tests; oft ent in regard rogram, thei ation took be and explana w is for mes tatus informa er feedback w heir fingertip n from the ad n up to 5 seco quest made a f requests th incorrect key n out, the sys her request. U tentimes, ho ds to the cam ir performan etween 2 to ation was on ssages to the ation. The to window," wh ps. dministrator onds to mak and the user' hat were not y presses we stem waited Users were wever, they mera). nces 5 nly e op hich r ke the 's ere a
  • 3. Each user was permitted some time to play with the drawing program before the test administration. There was no time limit; users took from 30 seconds through approximately 3 minutes to try out the interface before going on to the test. In the "voice-interactive test," the computer plays a recorded message asking the user to hold up a certain number of fingers or else type a key from "1" through "5" on the keyboard. The audio message is supplemented by a screen message in large type. A typical message might say "please hold up one finger" or "please type 2 on the keyboard." To choose which message to play, the system generated a random number from 1 through 10. Numbers from 1 through 5 would cause the system to ask for as many fingers. Numbers from 6 through 10 would cause the system to request keys "1" through "5" on the keyboard. Random numbers were chosen "with replacement," so a single test subject could be asked to hold up some hand poses, or type some keys, a number of times and never be requested to hold up other hand poses, or type other keys. There was no set number of requests; some users got as few as 10 requests, while one got 33 requests. The test system was automated and users were given up to 5 seconds to respond. The Test Subjects There were a total of 19 test subjects: 6 high school students, 4 college students, 7 graduate students, and 2 professionals. The majority of college students, graduate students, and professionals were acquaintances of the administrators. The high school students were participants in a math and science summer camp. Many participants had strong technical backgrounds, as their computer experience ranged from 6 to 30 years and daily computer use ranged from 1 to 15 hours. Each test subject completed exactly one test. Test Conditions Multiple locations were used to conduct testing. The graduate students and professionals were tested under florescent lighting, with the camera on a tripod looking up at a ceiling about two meters above. The high school kids were tested in the graduate lounge, under florescent and incandescent lighting, with the camera mounted on a tripod facing down half a meter from the table. Subjects made hand gestures in the air above the camera when it was facing upwards and on the table surface below the camera when it was facing downwards. The program ran on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 6000 with an Intel Pentium III Mobile 1.2 GHz processor and 512 MB of RAM. The Pentium III has a bus speed of 133 MHz. EXPERIMENT 2 - Drawing Test Demonstration and Explanation The same test subjects participating in Experiment 1 performed this test, with the addition of five more college students. They received the instructions described above. In addition, they were told about the "drawing test," in which they would be asked to trace a circular template on the screen, first using the Finger Counter interface and then using a computer pointing device. Test Administration
  • 4. Each Exp interactiv voice-int The draw fingers. T how man finger, th correspon finger, th draws a b varies wi system d boxes are camera is black. Th For the " of a whit match the colored b pressed a template, way arou reported the circul The follo the circul periment-2-t ve test. Thus teractive test wing program The program ny fingers are he system dra nding to the he boxes may box centered ith the distan raws three o e held up, th s processed. his keeps the drawing test te circle. Eac e circular tem boxes lined u a key on the , and the test und, the test the average lar template. owing is a sc lar template. test subject t s, each user a t before takin m permits a u m works as fo e held up, it aws a small, position of t y appear as a d on the midp nce between or four small e system era Also at each e screen from t," instead of ch test subjec mplate. A te up with some keyboard to t subject atte administrato difference b . creen shot of . The right w took the draw already had p ng the drawi user to "draw ollows: The tracks the fi , randomly c the fingertip a line or othe point betwee the fingertip boxes corre ases the scree h frame, the m becoming f being comp ct was asked est subject fir e point on th initiate the empted to tra or pressed an between each f the drawing window show wing test imm played with ing test. w" on the com screen is ini ingertip posi colored box ( p in the field er object. If en the two fi ps. If the use esponding to en. New box system fade overly clutte pletely black d to draw a c rst moved hi he circle outl test. The scr ace the circle nother key, h h pixel in the g test. The le ws the "user mediately af the drawing mputer scree itially black. itions. If the (essentially a of view. As two fingers ingers; in thi er holds up th o the fingertip xes are draw es each color ered with co k, the initial circle with hi is or her fing line. Then, o reen cleared, e. When the halting the te e user's draw eft window s feedback" w fter taking th g program an en by movin Once the sy user is hold a large pixel s the user mo are held up, is case, the s hree or four p positions. wn as each fra red pixel a li olors. screen conta is or her inde gertip until th one of the tes , except for t test subject est. At that p wing and the shows the us window. he voice- nd taken the ng his or her ystem determ ding up one l) on the scre oves his or h the system size of the bo fingers, the Finally, if fi ame from th ittle toward ained the out ex finger to he resulting st administra the circular made it all t point, the sys nearest poin ser's drawing mines een her ox ive he tline ators the stem nt on g and
  • 5. After the "drawing test" with the Finger Counter, another drawing test was conducted using a computer pointing device. Available devices included a laptop touchpad, a laptop stick pointer, and a trackball pointing device. Each user was asked to choose the pointing device most unfamiliar. As with the Finger Counter drawing test, the screen displayed a circular template to which a test subject maneuvered the screen pointer (a commonly used arrow). Once the arrow was pointing at part of the template, one of the test administrators began the test, at which point a series of small colored boxes trailed the screen pointer as the user traced the circular template. When the test subject had circumnavigated the template, the administrator stopped the test. The system then computed the average distance using the same method as described above. The Test Subjects The test subjects for Experiment 3 included those described above in Experiment 2, as well as an additional five college students. As with Experiment 2, each test subject completed exactly one test. Three college students opted to use the AccuPoint input device as their unfamiliar pointing device, one subject did not take this test, and the remaining elected to use the trackball. Test Conditions The test conditions were the same for the previously listed subjects. The three additional college students were tested in their apartment under incandescent lighting, with the camera mounted on a mini-tripod facing down, approximately half a meter above the table. One of the test subjects completed the test under natural lighting conditions, aided by a portable lamp, with the camera mounted on a tripod facing upwards. EXPERIMENT 3 - Questionnaire The test subjects who participated in Experiments 1 and 2 were asked to complete the following questionnaire. Test subjects took from 1 to 5 minutes to do so. Name ___________________________________________________ Telephone Number or Email (in case we have follow-up questions) __________________________ Occupation _______________________________________________ How many years of computer experience do you have? years How many hours per day do you use a computer (on average)? hours How easy did you find a computer mouse to use (1 = very hard 10 = super easy)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How natural to use is a mouse (1 = completely unnatural 10 = completely intuitive)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We asked you in the test to use a pointing device you were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • 6. unfamiliar with. How easy did you find the other pointing device to use (1 = very hard 10 = super easy)? 10 How natural to use is the other pointing device (1 = completely unnatural 10 = completely intuitive)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How easy did you find the Finger Counter to use (1 = very hard 10 = super easy)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How natural to use is the Finger Counter (1 = completely unnatural 10 = completely intuitive)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We would appreciate any comments you might have on the Finger Counter. In particular, what types of applications do you think would be useful with the Finger Counter? Do you have any comments, criticisms, or suggestions regarding the Finger Counter or this testing procedure? Thanks for your time. EXPERIMENT 4 - Limits of Pose Recognition For this test, we placed a webcam in settings similar to the previous experiments, i.e., in the graduate computer lab, mounted on a tripod which was placed on the floor with the camera facing upwards. We ran the interface and had it capture frames as well as report poses recognized. Hands were moved in the following ways: 1. Toward the camera 2. Away from the camera 3. Rotation in the direction of each Euler angle on axes going through the center of the palm a. "Pitch": The hand is rotated so the fingertips are closer to the camera than the palm and vice versa. b. "Roll": The hand is rotated so that the side of the hand including the base of the little finger is closer than the side including the base of the thumb and vice versa. c. "Yaw": The hand is rotated in the plane parallel to the image plane, so that, from the camera's perspective, the fingertips move from side to side while the palm remains more or less fixed. A digital video camera was set up on a tripod next to the webcam and was used to capture still images of hand positions for "out of plane" rotations, i. e. pitch and roll. A hand was placed over the camera so that the hand was oriented parallel to the camera lens, perpendicular to the bottom of the image frame, and the system properly recognized the hand pose. All tests (distance, pitch, roll, and yaw) were performed on the 3 test administrators using all 5 hand positions. To determine the limits on the range of the distance of the hand position, the hand was moved
  • 7. toward th hand pos hand pos positions camera u the close To determ remainin these ext the last " measured the hand, hand pos or 5 finge negative. To determ either clo was kept was set u could be the Finge positions the horiz the point average f as positiv he camera un sition just be sition just aft s was also m until recognit st "bad" han mine the ran ng parallel to remes at the good" positi d from the ve , to a line seg sitions using ers. The yaw . mine the ran oser to or far perpendicul up so that the clearly dete er Counter an s were then a ontal axis, w where the th fingertip pos ve. ntil recogniti fore failure o ter failure of measured usin tion failed, a nd position, w nge of the yaw the camera e point just b ions were the ertical axis o gment drawn 1 finger, an w angle in th nge of the pit rther away fr lar to the bot e camera len rmined. Ima nd the digita analyzed usin which was al humb joins t sition was us ion failed. A of the system f the system, ng a tape me and two imag were recorde w of hand po lens, until re before recogn en analyzed of the image n from the c d to the tip o e right direc Yaw tch of positio rom the cam ttom of the i ns was parall ages of the "g al camera. Th ng a softwar long the defa the hand to t sed. Downw An image wa m, i.e. the clo i.e. the farth asure. The h ges, one of t ed, as well as ositions, the ecognition fa nition failure using a soft , which was enter of the of the middle ction was reg w Example ons, the hand mera lens than image, until el to the side good" and "b he images fr re angle mea ault hand pos the fingertips ards pitch w as taken, usin osest possib hest "bad" p hand was the the farthest " s the distanc e hand was ro failed. An im e and the poi tware angle m the same as palm to the e finger for h garded as po d was tilted n the palm, w recognition e of the hand bad" position rom the digit asuring tool. sition, to a li s. If the fing was regarded ng the Finge le "good" po osition. The en moved aw "good" hand ces. otated left an mage was tak int just after measuring to s the default tip of the ind hand positio sitive, and th so that the fi while the han failed. The d and the ang ns were capt tal camera o Angles wer ine segment gertips were as negative, r Counter, o osition, and t distance at way from the d position, on nd right, whi ken of both o . The image ool. Angles w orientation o dex finger fo ons using 2, 3 he left as fingertips we nd orientatio digital came gle of pitch tured using b of the last "go re measured which ran f not even, the , upwards pi of the the these e ne of ile of s of were of or 3, 4, ere on era both ood" from from e itch
  • 8. To determ circular f the came up so tha Images o digital ca analyzed which wa of the han index fin knuckles a referen positive. II. Test EXPERI The follo mine the ran fashion (so th era lens and p at the lens wa of the "good" amera. The im d using a soft as along the nd from the nger if less th or middle o ce point. Le Results IMENT 1 owing table s nge of the rol hat the palm perpendicula as viewing th " and "bad" p mages from tware angle m default "lev little finger han 5 fingers of the fingers ft roll was re shows the re Pitc ll of hand po m of the hand ar to the bott he fingertips positions we the digital c measuring to vel" hand pos to the thumb s were held u s, whichever egarded as n Ro esults of the v ch Example ositions, the d was turned tom of the ca s and the ang ere captured camera of the ool. Angles w sition, to a li b if 5 fingers up. If the han r best represe negative, whi oll Example voice-interac hand was ro up) while k amera image gle of roll co using both t e last "good were measur ine segment s were in use nd position u ented the pla ile roll to the ctive test de otated left an keeping the h e. The digita ould be clear the Finger C " positions w red from the which ran th e, or the littl used less tha ane of the ha e right was r scribed in E nd right in a hand parallel al camera wa rly determine Counter and t were then e horizontal hrough the p e finger to th an 4 fingers, and, was use regarded as xperiment 1 l to as set ed. the axis, plane he the ed as :
  • 9. Prior to c testing po the make Experime RAM. Th be attribu large chu bus, used Experime second fo Experime expect th experime The follo in the pri response Finger Co Keyboard conducting E ool. The only e of the mach ent 1 was ru he Pentium I utable to the unks of data, d for the earl ent 1. The fr or the earlier ent 1. This d hat the confid ent and 0.44 owing chart s ior experime time while f ounter d Experiment 1 y difference hine running n on a Dell I IV has a bus bus speed o for instance lier experime rame rate of r conducted difference wo dence interv for Experim shows the av ent and Expe five fingers Figure 1 Mean 3.20s 2.9 2.21s 1.9 1, Stephen C in the testin g the program Inspiron 820 s speed of 40 on the testing e, images, co ent, is three the Finger C experiment ould very lik al would be ment 1. verage respo eriment 1. In had the long . Response T 95% Con 98s 99s Crampton adm ng protocols m. The test p 00 with an In 00 MHz. The g machines. ould be sent times faster Counter inter and approxim kely affect th similar, and onse time by n both experi gest. Times for the nfidence Int 3.42 2.49 ministered th were the tes program on t ntel Pentium e difference The bus spe to and from than the Pen rface was ap mately 6 fra he mean resp d, in fact, it w finger for th iments, one f e Finger Cou terval Range 2s 9s he same test sting conditi the testing do m IV 1.4 GHz in results (S ed would af the CPU. Th ntium III bus pproximately ames per sec ponse time. O was: 0.42s fo he Finger Co finger had th unter e t to a differen ons, specific one prior to z and 256 M See Figure 1) ffect how fas he Pentium s, used for y 10 frames p ond for One would or the earlier ounter interf he shortest nt cally MB of ) may st IV per r face
  • 10. EXPERI For the d 12.6 pixe standard polygons dotted lin and plus EXPERI From the per day r shows th "naturaln Counter w IMENT 2 drawing test, els for the Fi deviations w s show the m nes connect t show outlier IMENT 3 e questionnai ranged from e mean and ness." The m was the next Mouse Finger C Other Po the average inger Counte were 9.8 pixe middle quarti the nearest s rs. ire response 1 to 15, with standard dev mouse ranked t "easiest to Counter ointing Devi e distance be er and 6.3 pi els and 3.8 p iles (25% an samples with s, the years o h a spike (6 r viation of the d very high f use" and sec ice tween the dr xels for the pixels. Figur d 75% confi hin 1.5 times of computer respondents e 1-to-10 ran for both ease cond most "n Ease of Us Mean 9.0 7.0 6.5 rawing and t other pointin re 3 shows a idence) surro s the inter-qu r experience ) at 8 hours nkings for "e e of use and " natural." se " SD Mea 1.3 9.2 2.2 7.0 2.1 6.1 the circular t ng device. T box plot of ounding the uartile range ranged from per day. The ease of use" "naturalness "Naturalness an SD 0.9 2.5 2.3 template was The respectiv the results. T median, the es, and the ci m 6 to 30. Ho e following t and s," the Finger s" D 9 5 3 s ve The ircles ours table r
  • 11. EXPERI The follo Counter f finger, w value. Th hand pos IMENT 4 owing graphs functions in which each re hese then det stures, which s display the regards to o ed bar displa termined the h is shown by e most conse our limitation ays as the sm e overall rang y the shaded ervative rang ns test. A ran mallest maxim ge in which d gray area. ge of hand po nge was foun mum value a the Finger C ositions in w nd individua and the large Counter func which the Fin ally for each est minimum ctioned for a nger h m all
  • 12.