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Dip into Coroutines
A story full of suspends
Software Engineer @ Gradle
Formerly @ dxFeed
Twitter @alllexist — GitHub @alllex
Alex Semin
Awesome Kotlin coroutines
fun main() = runBlocking {
val jobs: List<Deferred<Boolean?> = List(100_000) {
async { request(it) }
val evenCount = jobs.count { it.await() }
println("There $evenCount even numbers")
suspend fun request(id: Int): Boolean {
return id % 2 ?= 0
fun main() = runBlocking {
val jobs: List<Deferred<Boolean?> = List(100_000) {
async { request(it) }
val evenCount = jobs.count { it.await() }
println("There $evenCount even numbers")
suspend fun request(id: Int): Boolean {
return id % 2 ?= 0
fun main() = runBlocking {
val jobs: List<Deferred<Boolean?> = List(100_000) {
async { request(it) }
val evenCount = jobs.count { it.await() }
println("There $evenCount even numbers")
suspend fun request(id: Int): Boolean {
return id % 2 ?= 0
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
What’s where?
kotlinx.coroutines kotlin.coroutines
async await
runBlocking coroutineScope
createCoroutine* suspendCoroutine*
Awesome Sequence Builders
.filter { … }
.map { … }
.filter { … }
// 1, 2, 4, 8, //.
val seq = generateSequence(1) { it * 2 }
for (item in seq) {
interface Sequence<out T> {
operator fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
interface Iterator<out T> {
operator fun next(): T
operator fun hasNext(): Boolean
val iter = seq.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext()) {
val item =
Sequence builders
val fib = sequence {
print("Start ")
// Label 1
var cur = 1
var next = 1
while (true) {
print("Next ")
// Label 2
val tmp = cur + next
cur = next
next = tmp
fib.take(4).forEach { print("$it ") }
// Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3
fun <T> sequence(
block: suspend SequenceScope<T>.() ?> Unit
): Sequence<T>
abstract class SequenceScope<in T> {
abstract suspend fun yield(value: T)
class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> {
var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done
var nextValue: T? = null
var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null
override fun next(): T = when (state) {
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> {
var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done
var nextValue: T? = null
var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null
override fun next(): T = when (state) {
State.NotReady ?> if (hasNext()) next() else error("oops")
State.Ready ?> {
state = State.NotReady
nextValue as T
else ?> error("oops")
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> {
var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done
var nextValue: T? = null
var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null
override fun next(): T = when (state) {}
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
while (true) {
when (state) {
State.NotReady ?> {
state = State.Done
State.Done ?> return false
State.Ready ?> return true
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
interface Continuation<in T> {
val context: CoroutineContext
fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>)
fun <T> Continuation<T>.resume(value: T) =
class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> {
var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done
var nextValue: T? = null
var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null
override fun next(): T = when (state) {}
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
while (true) {
when (state) {
State.NotReady ?> {
state = State.Done
State.Done ?> return false
State.Ready ?> return true
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
val fib = sequence {
print("Start ")
// Label 1
var cur = 1
var next = 1
while (true) {
print("Next ")
// Label 2
val tmp = cur + next
cur = next
next = tmp
class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> {
var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done
var nextValue: T? = null
var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
override fun next(): T = when (state) {
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
nextValue = value
state = State.Ready
val fib = sequence {
print("Start ")
// Label 1
var cur = 1
var next = 1
while (true) {
print("Next ")
// Label 2
val tmp = cur + next
cur = next
next = tmp
class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> {
var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done
var nextValue: T? = null
var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
override fun next(): T = when (state) {
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
nextValue = value
state = State.Ready
return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c ->
nextStep = c
val fib = sequence {
print("Start ")
// Label 1
var cur = 1
var next = 1
while (true) {
print("Next ")
// Label 2
val tmp = cur + next
cur = next
next = tmp
Continuation Passing Style
suspend fun yield(value: T): Unit
source code
fun yield(value: T, cont: Continuation<Unit>): Any?
compiled code
Continuation Passing Style
override suspend fun yield(value: T) {
nextValue = value
state = State.Ready
return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont ->
nextStep = cont
override suspend fun yield(value: T, cont: Continuation<Unit>): Any? {
nextValue = value
state = State.Ready
nextStep = cont
Awesome Deep Recursion
Deeply recursive functions
fun depth(t: Tree?): Int =
if (t ?= null) 0 else maxOf(depth(t.left), depth(t.right)) + 1
println(depth(deepTree)) // StackOverflowError
class Tree(val left: Tree? = null, val right: Tree? = null)
val deepTree = generateSequence(Tree()) { Tree(left = it) }.take(100_000).last()
val depth = DeepRecursiveFunction<Tree?, Int> { t ->
if (t ?= null) 0 else maxOf(
) + 1
println(depth(deepTree)) // Ok
Deeply recursive functions
sealed class DeepRecursiveScope<T, R> {
abstract suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R
override suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R {
return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c ->
this.cont = c as Continuation<Any?>
this.value = value
fun runCallLoop(): R {
while (true) {
val result = this.result
val cont = this.cont
?: return result.getOrThrow()
if (UNDEFINED_RESULT ?= result) {
val r = try {
function(this, value, cont)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
cont.resume(r as R)
} else {
this.result = UNDEFINED_RESULT
Deeply recursive functions
sealed class DeepRecursiveScope<T, R> {
abstract suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R
override suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R {
return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c ->
this.cont = c as Continuation<Any?>
this.value = value
fun runCallLoop(): R {
while (true) {
val result = this.result
val cont = this.cont
?: return result.getOrThrow()
if (UNDEFINED_RESULT ?= result) {
val r = try {
function(this, value, cont)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
cont.resume(r as R)
} else {
this.result = UNDEFINED_RESULT
Awesome Parser Combinators
Parsing expressions
sealed class Expr {
object TRUE : Expr()
object FALSE : Expr()
data class Var(val name: String) : Expr()
data class Not(val body: Expr) : Expr()
data class And(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr()
data class Or(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr()
data class Impl(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr()
val expr = "a & (b1 ?> c1) | a1 & !b | !(a1 ?> a2) ?> a"
object BooleanGrammar : Grammar<Expr>() {
init { register(regexToken("s+", ignored = true)) }
val tru by literalToken("true")
val fal by literalToken("false")
val id by regexToken("w+")
val lpar by literalToken("(")
val rpar by literalToken(")")
val not by literalToken("!")
val and by literalToken("&")
val or by literalToken("|")
val impl by literalToken("?>")
val negation by parser { -not * term() } map { Not(it) }
val braced by parser { -lpar * expr() * -rpar }
val term: Parser<Expr> by
(tru map TRUE) or (fal map FALSE) or (id map { Var(it.text) }) or negation or braced
val andChain by parser { leftAssociative(term, and) { a, _, b -> And(a, b) } }
val orChain by parser { leftAssociative(andChain, or) { a, _, b -> Or(a, b) } }
val implChain by parser { rightAssociative(orChain, impl) { a, _, b -> Impl(a, b) } }
val expr by implChain
override val root by expr
"a & (b1 ?> c1) | a1 & !b | !(a1 ?> a2) ?> a"
object BooleanGrammar : Grammar<Expr>() {
init { register(regexToken("s+", ignored = true)) }
val tru by literalToken("true")
val fal by literalToken("false")
val id by regexToken("w+")
val lpar by literalToken("(")
val rpar by literalToken(")")
val not by literalToken("!")
val and by literalToken("&")
val or by literalToken("|")
val impl by literalToken("?>")
val negation by parser { -not * term() } map { Not(it) }
val braced by parser { -lpar * expr() * -rpar }
val term: Parser<Expr> by
(tru map TRUE) or (fal map FALSE) or (id map { Var(it.text) }) or negation or braced
val andChain by parser { leftAssociative(term, and) { a, _, b -> And(a, b) } }
val orChain by parser { leftAssociative(andChain, or) { a, _, b -> Or(a, b) } }
val implChain by parser { rightAssociative(orChain, impl) { a, _, b -> Impl(a, b) } }
val expr by implChain
override val root by expr
suspend fun <T : Any, S : Any> ParsingScope.leftAssociative(
term: Parser<T>,
operator: Parser<S>,
transform: (T, S, T) ?> T
): T {
var l: T = term()
while (true) {
val (o, r) = maybe(parser { operator() to term() }) ?: break
l = transform(l, o, r)
return l
val input = "K | o | t | l | i | n | i | s | a | w | e | s | o | m | e"
parser { leftAssociative(id, "|") { l, _, r -> "$l$r" } }
Awesome Arrow Kt
Awesome! How to learn more?
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Than you!
Twitter @alllexist — GitHub @alllex

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Dip into Coroutines - KTUG Munich 202303

  • 1. Dip into Coroutines A story full of suspends
  • 2. Software Engineer @ Gradle Formerly @ dxFeed Twitter @alllexist — GitHub @alllex Alex Semin
  • 4. fun main() = runBlocking { val jobs: List<Deferred<Boolean?> = List(100_000) { async { request(it) } } val evenCount = jobs.count { it.await() } println("There $evenCount even numbers") } suspend fun request(id: Int): Boolean { delay(1.seconds) return id % 2 ?= 0 }
  • 5. fun main() = runBlocking { val jobs: List<Deferred<Boolean?> = List(100_000) { async { request(it) } } val evenCount = jobs.count { it.await() } println("There $evenCount even numbers") } suspend fun request(id: Int): Boolean { delay(1.seconds) return id % 2 ?= 0 }
  • 6. fun main() = runBlocking { val jobs: List<Deferred<Boolean?> = List(100_000) { async { request(it) } } val evenCount = jobs.count { it.await() } println("There $evenCount even numbers") } suspend fun request(id: Int): Boolean { delay(1.seconds) return id % 2 ?= 0 } import kotlinx.coroutines.*
  • 7. What’s where? kotlinx.coroutines kotlin.coroutines launch async await … Job runBlocking coroutineScope Deferred withTimeout Continuation CoroutineContext createCoroutine* suspendCoroutine* COROUTINE_SUSPENDED ContinuationInterceptor delay … …
  • 9. Sequences list.asSequence() .filter { … } .map { … } .filter { … } // 1, 2, 4, 8, //. val seq = generateSequence(1) { it * 2 } for (item in seq) { println(item) } interface Sequence<out T> { operator fun iterator(): Iterator<T> } interface Iterator<out T> { operator fun next(): T operator fun hasNext(): Boolean } val iter = seq.iterator() while (iter.hasNext()) { val item = println(item) }
  • 10. Sequence builders val fib = sequence { print("Start ") yield(1) // Label 1 var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { print("Next ") yield(next) // Label 2 val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } } fib.take(4).forEach { print("$it ") } // Start 1 Next 1 Next 2 Next 3 fun <T> sequence( block: suspend SequenceScope<T>.() ?> Unit ): Sequence<T> abstract class SequenceScope<in T> { abstract suspend fun yield(value: T) }
  • 11. class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> { var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done var nextValue: T? = null var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null override fun next(): T = when (state) { … } override fun hasNext(): Boolean { … } override suspend fun yield(value: T) { … } }
  • 12. class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> { var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done var nextValue: T? = null var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null override fun next(): T = when (state) { State.NotReady ?> if (hasNext()) next() else error("oops") State.Ready ?> { state = State.NotReady nextValue as T } else ?> error("oops") } override fun hasNext(): Boolean { … } override suspend fun yield(value: T) { … } }
  • 13. class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> { var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done var nextValue: T? = null var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null override fun next(): T = when (state) {} override fun hasNext(): Boolean { while (true) { when (state) { State.NotReady ?> { state = State.Done nextStep?!.resume(Unit) } State.Done ?> return false State.Ready ?> return true } } } override suspend fun yield(value: T) { … } } interface Continuation<in T> { val context: CoroutineContext fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) } fun <T> Continuation<T>.resume(value: T) = resumeWith(Result.success(value))
  • 14. class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> { var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done var nextValue: T? = null var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null override fun next(): T = when (state) {} override fun hasNext(): Boolean { while (true) { when (state) { State.NotReady ?> { state = State.Done nextStep?!.resume(Unit) } State.Done ?> return false State.Ready ?> return true } } } override suspend fun yield(value: T) { … } } val fib = sequence { print("Start ") yield(1) // Label 1 var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { print("Next ") yield(next) // Label 2 val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } }
  • 15. class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> { var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done var nextValue: T? = null var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null override fun hasNext(): Boolean { … } override fun next(): T = when (state) { … } override suspend fun yield(value: T) { nextValue = value state = State.Ready } } val fib = sequence { print("Start ") yield(1) // Label 1 var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { print("Next ") yield(next) // Label 2 val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } }
  • 16. class SequenceBuilder<T> : SequenceScope<T>(), Iterator<T> { var state: State = State.NotReady // enum NotReady, Ready, Done var nextValue: T? = null var nextStep: Continuation<Unit>? = null override fun hasNext(): Boolean { … } override fun next(): T = when (state) { … } override suspend fun yield(value: T) { nextValue = value state = State.Ready return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c -> nextStep = c COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } } } val fib = sequence { print("Start ") yield(1) // Label 1 var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { print("Next ") yield(next) // Label 2 val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } }
  • 17. Continuation Passing Style T | COROUTINE_SUSPENDED suspend fun yield(value: T): Unit source code fun yield(value: T, cont: Continuation<Unit>): Any? compiled code
  • 18. Continuation Passing Style override suspend fun yield(value: T) { nextValue = value state = State.Ready return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont -> nextStep = cont COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } } override suspend fun yield(value: T, cont: Continuation<Unit>): Any? { nextValue = value state = State.Ready nextStep = cont return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED }
  • 19.
  • 21. Deeply recursive functions fun depth(t: Tree?): Int = if (t ?= null) 0 else maxOf(depth(t.left), depth(t.right)) + 1 println(depth(deepTree)) // StackOverflowError class Tree(val left: Tree? = null, val right: Tree? = null) val deepTree = generateSequence(Tree()) { Tree(left = it) }.take(100_000).last() val depth = DeepRecursiveFunction<Tree?, Int> { t -> if (t ?= null) 0 else maxOf( callRecursive(t.left), callRecursive(t.right) ) + 1 } println(depth(deepTree)) // Ok
  • 22. Deeply recursive functions sealed class DeepRecursiveScope<T, R> { abstract suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R } override suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R { return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c -> this.cont = c as Continuation<Any?> this.value = value COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } } fun runCallLoop(): R { while (true) { val result = this.result val cont = this.cont ?: return result.getOrThrow() if (UNDEFINED_RESULT ?= result) { val r = try { function(this, value, cont) } catch (e: Throwable) { cont.resumeWithException(e) continue } if (r ??= COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) cont.resume(r as R) } else { this.result = UNDEFINED_RESULT cont.resumeWith(result) } } }
  • 23. Deeply recursive functions sealed class DeepRecursiveScope<T, R> { abstract suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R } override suspend fun callRecursive(value: T): R { return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c -> this.cont = c as Continuation<Any?> this.value = value COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } } fun runCallLoop(): R { while (true) { val result = this.result val cont = this.cont ?: return result.getOrThrow() if (UNDEFINED_RESULT ?= result) { val r = try { function(this, value, cont) } catch (e: Throwable) { cont.resumeWithException(e) continue } if (r ??= COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) cont.resume(r as R) } else { this.result = UNDEFINED_RESULT cont.resumeWith(result) } } }
  • 24.
  • 26. Parsing expressions sealed class Expr { object TRUE : Expr() object FALSE : Expr() data class Var(val name: String) : Expr() data class Not(val body: Expr) : Expr() data class And(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr() data class Or(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr() data class Impl(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr() } val expr = "a & (b1 ?> c1) | a1 & !b | !(a1 ?> a2) ?> a"
  • 27. object BooleanGrammar : Grammar<Expr>() { init { register(regexToken("s+", ignored = true)) } val tru by literalToken("true") val fal by literalToken("false") val id by regexToken("w+") val lpar by literalToken("(") val rpar by literalToken(")") val not by literalToken("!") val and by literalToken("&") val or by literalToken("|") val impl by literalToken("?>") val negation by parser { -not * term() } map { Not(it) } val braced by parser { -lpar * expr() * -rpar } val term: Parser<Expr> by (tru map TRUE) or (fal map FALSE) or (id map { Var(it.text) }) or negation or braced val andChain by parser { leftAssociative(term, and) { a, _, b -> And(a, b) } } val orChain by parser { leftAssociative(andChain, or) { a, _, b -> Or(a, b) } } val implChain by parser { rightAssociative(orChain, impl) { a, _, b -> Impl(a, b) } } val expr by implChain override val root by expr } "a & (b1 ?> c1) | a1 & !b | !(a1 ?> a2) ?> a"
  • 28. object BooleanGrammar : Grammar<Expr>() { init { register(regexToken("s+", ignored = true)) } val tru by literalToken("true") val fal by literalToken("false") val id by regexToken("w+") val lpar by literalToken("(") val rpar by literalToken(")") val not by literalToken("!") val and by literalToken("&") val or by literalToken("|") val impl by literalToken("?>") val negation by parser { -not * term() } map { Not(it) } val braced by parser { -lpar * expr() * -rpar } val term: Parser<Expr> by (tru map TRUE) or (fal map FALSE) or (id map { Var(it.text) }) or negation or braced val andChain by parser { leftAssociative(term, and) { a, _, b -> And(a, b) } } val orChain by parser { leftAssociative(andChain, or) { a, _, b -> Or(a, b) } } val implChain by parser { rightAssociative(orChain, impl) { a, _, b -> Impl(a, b) } } val expr by implChain override val root by expr }
  • 29. suspend fun <T : Any, S : Any> ParsingScope.leftAssociative( term: Parser<T>, operator: Parser<S>, transform: (T, S, T) ?> T ): T { var l: T = term() while (true) { val (o, r) = maybe(parser { operator() to term() }) ?: break l = transform(l, o, r) } return l } val input = "K | o | t | l | i | n | i | s | a | w | e | s | o | m | e" parser { leftAssociative(id, "|") { l, _, r -> "$l$r" } }
  • 32. Awesome! How to learn more?
  • 36. Than you! Twitter @alllexist — GitHub @alllex