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Republic of the Philippines)
City of Manila             .) SS

                  J O INT C O MPLi.IiN,I-AFFIDAVI

       Wtr, RU,,lL G. MOLINA and T','RCNB D. SINGGO, bof of legal ag;e,
Filipinos, and -'esidents of Kumalarang, Zamboanga de1 Sur and Pagacliart
City, respectively, after being duly sworn to in accordance rvith la",',
hereby depose and say: That-

                         THE PRIVATtr COMPLAINANTS

      1. I, i?uei G. Molina, used to work in the Provincial Covertrrneril. of
 Zarnboanga rle1 Sur. I was first appointed ers Dxecutive Assistiiiti. ii bi'
then Governor Aurora tr. Cerjiles on July 2, 2OAl wherr she serrrcri ittr'
llrst term of ollice as Pro.zincial Govr:rnor. tr rvas assig:rcd i;:i tlr: ijillc':: ci'
the Provincial Governor. Thereaftcr, on Ffebruati' 1, 200'1, slte ilr:s;i,nairlr.i
nle as her Chief oi Stafi. Frior: io my einploymcnt in tf e i)i r',''.rl
Government, I was a meml--er of the para-lega1 staff of Artrora C,erilles in
 1999 when sire was then the Representr.Ltive of the )rtd iJislr"ici. 01'                              l

 Zam'rsoanga clcl Sur. Ii[52 salaries a.s a Secretary ii, functi<-ritin3-, ,1s pl]1-ii-

                                                                                                   ,tl ,,       ^.,
1ega1 staff of Rep. hurora Ceri1les, however, were drawn fi'oi'ri thi:
                                                                                                   I -'.
 Depar+.ment of Environment ancl Naturai R.e sources iDDlif':) ''uht'.1')                        '-ii,"
 incumhent Provincia] Governol: Antr-:lio H. Cr:riiies was then thc llt:crr''','             --.i".;

 of the DtrNR. Subsequently, i was r.rppointecl by Aurora Ccl'ilies, -"'.l1r{,' ",v;ls          .-1

 then the Representative of the ),tct [)istrict, as her Legisiativi: Stai'i                                t

 Assistant Iil on December 1, 1999. I resigned fror:r my last pcsiticn ii: i.Lt:
 Provincial Gor rnment on Januaiy l, 2AA9;

       2. i, '.iyrone D. Singgo, was first employed'in t'he Provjtrciai
 Government of Zanr,boanga dci Sur on July 2,2AO 1 as Executirre rtssistarrt . ,
 of thc Provinciai Governor. I worked" under ituel G. Molina, the Chie{ rf i               1

 Staff of then Governor Aurora Cerilles. On January 1,2AAg,l reltl:rcc,ll-.                i

 him as Chief of Staff. I resigneci on June 30, 2010 but stiil serve ihern iLi ''i
 an unofficial capacity until December 2011, I completely terminatcil inr i'                              i
 services and cut-off any contact u,'i[h the cortple in January 2A12 v,,'hert 'J',. /i                          :.

 co-worker Mustapha P. Piang was a.mbushed;                                         i]-
        3.  We may bc served r,vith iegai processes, orCers atrd irotic{rs .11             i

 the following addresses:

             Ruel G. Molina
             Poblacion, Kumaiaran€{
             Zambcanga del Sur

                                       Page 1 of 18
                                Joint Com p taint-Aff idavit
                            Ruel G. Molina llt Tyrone D. Singgo
Tyrone D. Singgo
           Purok Manga, Sto. Nino District
           Pagadian City

                          THE RESPONDEN'IS

     4. Antonio H. Cerilles is the incumbent Provinciaj. Governor of
Zamboanga del Sur. He used to be the Secretary of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resouces (DtrNR) and Representative of the 2^d
District of Zarnboanga del Sur;
      5"   Aurora tr. Cerilles was the Provincia-l Governor of Zamboanga
dei Sur during thB period 2001 to 2t,110, and is now the Representative of
the province's 2,a District. The Ceriiles couple exchange positions after
serving the maximum three terms of office;

      6.   For purposes of service of legal processes, "Antonio H. Cerilles
and Aurora E. Cerilles may be served with legal processes, orders and
notices, at their officia-l resid.ence in Sumadat, Dumalinao, Zarnbaanga del
Sur, however, they actually reside at Canuto Enerio Street, Sto. Nino,
Pagadian City;

                           ANTtrCtrDENT FACTS
                                                                                r i ./.,

      7.   Both of us were trusted staff and confidants of spouses Antonio      Itti 
H. Cerilles and Aurora E. Cerilles (hereinafter referred to as "Ceri11es       )wr
                                                                                Ir             !
couple") both of whom have held and are still holding powerful positions in
the provincial and national governlnents;
                                                                               *11             I



      8. As trusted staff and confidants, we were directed to perform           ilI
                                                                                it   tt    /
various tasks for the Cerilles couple, including personal ci1es, and often
worked beyond regular working hou,'s and days. We wqre even required to
report to their residence in Pagadiarr City, and were on their beck and call
2417. Sensitive and confidential matters were discussed with us by the
Cerilles couple ranging from the pol itical, business to personal ones, and
when circumsrances warranted, we were the few ones assigned personally
by the Cerilles coupie to act decisively on any of these matters. We were
then perceived by the public as authoritative and powerful staff of the
Cerilles coupie. Our ascendancy extended over the rank and file in the
Provincial Government as well as in their household workforce;

      9   - But we have reached the point in our lives that we could no
 longer, in conscience, foilow the orders of the Cerilles couple. We could
 not allow ourselves to be forever used as instruments and implementers of
 their corrupt and criminal acts, not to mention their penchani to inflict
 physical harm upon their politlcal and personal enemies even to the point
 of committing murder;

                                    Page 2 of 18
                            Joint Conrplai nt-A,ff idavit
                        Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
10. In tlie latter part of 2011, we received information that out'
names were ii :luded in a "hit list" of the Provincia-l Special Operations
Group (PSOG), notorious for the extr4judicial kiliings of political and
personal enemies of the Cerilles couple. The PSOG, with headquarters
inside the provincial capitoi complex, is headed by Board Member Ernesto, a rabidly loyal Cer:illes foilower. The first four names in the
alleged "hit list" are as follows:

                         1) Balong Molina
                         2) Tyrone Singgo
                         3) Raui Ganub
                         4) Mustapha Piang

      11. At first, we entertained doubts on the veracity of the "hit 1ist"
and considered it as empty threats and a psy-war tactic to pievent or
hinder us in our daily routine. But subsequent events made us reaiize
that the information on the threats to our lives is reliable, serious a.nd
bound to happen:

      a)        On November 18, 2O11, Raul Ganub, third man in the "hit list",
                was gunned down in Barintawak, Pagadian City rnhiie ciriving
                his public utility val. The gunman was one of his passeilgers
                and a member of the PiiOG. I-Iis assailant has never br:en

       b) On January 28, 2OL2, a close friend of ours, Mustapha               P.
                Piang, a former community organizer of the Cerilies couple and                I

                the fourth man in the "hit list", was ambushed along Dao road
                in Pagadian City. Fortunately, he suruived the attempt against                I

                his life. He was able to identify his assailants as members oi

                the PSOG. Piang was advised by tris family and relatir,'es not to
                pursue any 1ega1 action against the perpetrators since they
                believed that it would only be an exercise in futiiity, given ihe
                immense power and influence of the Cerilles couple, as what
                happened to the Ganub kiliing;
       c)                               in tandem'on motorcycles, withcut
                Surveiliance teams riding
                plate numbers, are often seen near our iesidences, asking
                peopie nearby for our whereabouts. We have also observed that
                we are also being foiiou,ed or tailed by these teams. Initierliy,
                the surveiliance teams wet e members of the PSOG but are norv
                augmented by other armed groups riding in four-wheel vehicles
            '   without license plates;

       12. We consider the foregcing events and circumstances as
 precursors of ;erious attempts against our 1ives. We strongiy believe, as
 former truste.: staff and conficlan',s of the Cerilles couple, that oul:
 knowledge of the corrupt and criminal acts of the Cerilles couple during
                                        Page 3 of L8
                                 Joint Complaint-Affidavit
                             Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
our employment under them is connected to these events ano

       13. Thus, before the Cerille:s couple succeed in permanently
silencing us, ,,: have decid.ed to expose their corrupt and criminal acts
against the people of Zamboanga dei Sur and Pagadian City whom thev
have sworn to serve;

                   CORRUFTI     & CRIMINAL PRACTICES

   . 14. As trusted staff and confidants     of the Cerilles coupie, we wert3
active participants and first hand witnesses to the highly anomaious,
irregular, corrupt and criminal practices of the couple in the provinciai
government. Due to their overwhelming dominance over us and their
subtle empioyment of pressure and threats on usi we could not Co
otherwise but follow all their orders and instructions to the letter;

                   Prouincial Funds and Equipntent Spent
                      And Used For Priuate Pu'rPoses

      15. Ail through-out the three consecutive terms (2001-2010) of
 then Governor and now Representalive Aurora Cerilles, provinciai funds
 were freely spent and heavy equipmrrnt of the provincial governrnent vo'ere
 used for the construction or renovation of buildings and establishments
 owned by the ferilles couple. Office supplies and equipment, as weii as
 grocery supplies and kitchen utensils, for their personai and household
 use were also paici by the Provincia-l Government;

 Modus Operandi

       16. Both    Governor Antonio Cerilles and then Governor Aurora
 Cerilles personally gave specific instruction to us to withdraw the needed
 construction materials, office supplies and equipment, and grocery
 supplies, on a "va1e" arrangement, from favored sirppliers, namely; Golden
 Daughter Enterprises, AJ Enterprises, Lucky Savers and Crishamie. The,
 same instruction was given to us for the needed. hear,y anc-l lighr:   a

 equipment from the Provincial Engineer's OlTice. The suppliers and the 
 Provincial trngineer had earlier been instructed by the Cerilles couple to
 act favorably and promptiy to all our requests;

        17.' When construction materrials or office supplies were needed, a
 bill of materials was given to us by the construction foreman. We then
 issued a ovale" slip for the needeil materials to be presented to the
 supplier. A government truck was used to haul the materials from the
 store to the intended private es,.ablishment of the Cerilles couple^
                                   Page 4 of 18
                            Joint Cornplaint-Affidavit
                        Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
Thereafter, the documents to supi:ort the payment of the withdraw-n
materials were prepared, such as Purchase Request for a "ghost" deiivery
or fictitious project, Abstract of Canvas, Purchase Order, Receiving ar-rd
Inspection Report, etc. A11 the supporting documents of the disbursement
vouchers werc falsified. Upon pal'ment of the materials, the Cerilles
couple still demanded for a 3Oo/" kickback from the supplier. It was for
this reason that the prices of the materials were jacked-up b5r the
suppliers to which the Cerilles couple allowed;

       18. When heavy or light equipment Was required                        in the project
privately owned by the Ceriiles couple, we asked the provincial engineer to
assign the needed heavy or light equipment to the project site. The heavy
or:light equipment 'uvas utilized without payment of any rental. The fuel of
the equipment was paid by the Provincial Government using faisified

        19. When we need cash for some urgent malter or activity, the
 Cerilles coupie woulci instruct us to get the amount from any of the
 favored. suppliers. The supplier was paid, with interest, by again falsifying
 the procurement papers of a "ghost" delivery or fictitious project;

 Specific Aclis

       20. Among the materials we withd.rew from the Golden Daughier and delivered to the private and business establishments and
 residence of the Cerilles couple and paid by the Provincial Govel'nirrent
 were the folior' ;ng:

        Hotel Alinduhaw, Paqcldian Citlt

        a)     Following the specific instruction of the Cerilles coupie, we
               withdrew from the Golden Daughter Elrterprises varioris
               construction materials for the renovation of Hotel Alindahavr
               which is owned by the couple. The hotei is located along Rizal / 
               Avenue, Pagadian City. Most of these construction rnaterials i j
               al-c cement, deformed Uii] S, lliC_lts, ll(J(Jt tiies d-ILLl G.I. $rt-LLr.;-
               are cellrellL, LICIUIIIICL_L bars, nails, floor .L1ICS and -r.1. sheets.- -
               Below afe liUIIlC of the said I-tli:tLCIlalls withdrawn frorn the l. . 

               IIt]IUW  tll C some Ul LI-[t, Ui:LlLl materials ryllll.rrawrr 11 urar Lrru
               Golden Daughter trnterprises and delivered. to the Hotei  11 l'-.             ll i
               Alindahaw in 2006:                                                              ti    
                                                          A-*,'-+    -_-l     D^^^1.^/ by:
    Trust Receipt         Date         Descriplion        Amount              Received h'-    I   U


    BOOO                 2l24l06       Deformed           P   81,200.00     A11an   Jamili
                                       bars, cement
                                       & paint

                                           Page 5 of 18
                                  oint Complaint-Affidavit'

                             Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
7995              3l3l06          Steel bars &            130,300.00 Alian Jamiii

                 3l24l06 G.I.          sheets,            107,578.50 Vanessa       villarra   i
2514                                                                                          I

                                  cement, steel                                               l

                                  bars, nails                                                     I

                                                           62,205.OO       Vaness Villarta
2515              s   l24l06 Cement, steel
                             bar, ho1low
                                  blocks, etc

25L6              3l24l06 Flloor tiles &                   29,290.O0       Vanessa Viliarta

                  4losl06 Cement, etc                       90,100.00      Allan Jamll

 7984             2 l28l06         Cement                  290,000.00      Allan Jamll

                      3l23l06 Cement,        steel          66,673.O0      Vanessa Villarta
                                   bars, hollow
                                   blocks, etc

                      6l07l06 Steel          bars,          87,467.OO       Nelson lrscarlo
                                   pl1.wood,                                                                       4

                                   nails, etc.                                                                 ,f.

                                                                                                                l ,^.
 2999                 6l13l06      Cement                   58,000.00 1 Vancssa vrlla-rta                  --t+

                                                                                                                 L/t                I
                                                                                                           .,4l                        I

                                                                                                              -ld  rl I

 16663                6173/06       Cement,
                                                             75,000.00      Nelson Hsca11o
                                                                                                            ,-ffi    tt
                                    Cement                   87,000.00      A1lan Jamrlr
  77325               BIL   l06

  3642                 8l3tl06      Deformed                 77,800.00      Arlan Jamili
                                    bars, cernent
                                                                             Nelson Escario           l
  16660                eltrl06      Cement,                 131,160.00
                                    bars,      G.I.
                                    sheets, etc.

             copies of the afore-stated "Trust Receipts' covering tire
             materials withdrawn and deiivered are attached' hereto and
             mad.e an integral       part hereof as Annex "A" to."N";

        b)   The ceriiles couple even ciirected. us to Pa], the amount of
             P2,000.00 for the telephone connection of the Hotei Alirrdahar'r,'.
                                           Page 6 of 18
                                  Joint ComPlaint-Affidavit
                              Ruel G. Molina & TYrone D. Singgo
We got the amount frorn the Goiden Daughter Enterprises as
        instructed, payable with ir:terest in the amount of P3,600.00,
        as shown in the attached Trust Receipt No. 3897 {Annex "o")
        and made an integral part hereof. The amount'l'as received by
        Allan Molde as indicated ii:, the trust receipt;

  Philippir;:,. Parq-Medtcal and Technical scttool /PPTS)

  c)     Upo,r instruction to us by the Cerilles couple, various office
         supplies and equipment and plastic chairs were withdrawn on
         different dates in 2OOT from the Golden Daughter Enterprises
         and deiivered to the Philippine Para-Medical and Technical
         School (PPTS). We know for a fact that PPTS is a school actually
         owned by the cerilles couple. It is located in their privately
         owned land known as Enerio cornpound, Sto. Nino, Pagadian
         city (The middle name of then Governor "A,r.ot, cerilles is
         "Enerio"). The foilowing are some of the materials withdrawn
         from the Golden Daughter Enterprises and delivered to PPTS:

Trust Receipt            Date     Description      Amount             Received by:

3756             sl28l07          Floor wax        P    840.00     William Macapobre

4293             6/te /07         Carbon           18,082.00       Leah Del Singgo
                                  paper        &

4751                 7   ll la7   Lunch            16,600.00       William Macapobre
                                  spoon & fork

18535            712107           White board          1,380.00    Leah Del Singgo
                                  &  extension

4784             7   /5147        Ballpen      &         895.00    Leah Dei Singgo
                                  RER forms

18534            7l2l07           Air                  L0,767.50   Leah Del Singgo

                                           / of 18
                               Joint Cornplaint-Affidavit
                           Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
4799       7   le /47      Stand   fan,             25,863.00    Leah Del Singgo
                           inks,     &
                           other       r:ffi.ce

4365       7   l13l07       Coffee          &        4,946.00    Leah Del Singgo

4439       7   /23107       Ofiicial                   460.00    Kim Pelones
                            forms            &

4504       7l27l07          USB,       coffee        6,725.4O    Kim Pelones
                            &       other

24824      812l07           I.D. holders,            t3,979.50   Kim Peiones
                            piery   bank
                            & other

4649           8lL4l07      Offi.ce                  2,550.OO    Kirn Felones

388    1       lL /6 /07    Comput:r                  7,928.04   Kim Pelones
                            signpens                                                      *ffi)
                            other                                                        ,--11        i

                            supplies                                                        i!        /
                                                                                           lli    i

3970           LLlL4lOT     Oflice                    1,360.00    Kim Pelones

601    1       LL/22/07 Coffee                         708.00 Junie Singgo           i)
3832           LL 126   /o7 Computer                 13,440.00    Vincent Meria    ( :r,
                            inks & other
 5027          11/28107 Computer                     13,300.00    Junie Singgo       J-,/
                        inks & other

 6151          Ll l2e /07 OIIice                      3,150.00    Kim Pelones

                                 Page     I of 18
                        Joint Compi.rint-Affidavit
                    Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
6069                 fil30la7     Piastic                69,860.00
                                  chairs      w   I
                                  desk an:r

5111                  L2lsloT     Steel ca.binet         14,200.00    Marilyn Catalino

5139                  72l70l07 Alcohol &                  3,558.00     Junie Singgo
                                   other   office

            Copies of the afore-stated. 'Trt.rst Receipts' covering the
            materials withdrawn ancl d.elivered' are attached hereto and
            mad.e    al   integral part hereof as Annex        "FD   to "JJ";

       Fi.shpond located in Htogo, Zamboanga ciel Sur

       d)   Upon specific instructions of the Ceriiies couple to us, variot-is
            construction materials, such as cement, plyrvood, G.1. sheels
            and nails, were withdrawn fi'om the Golden Daug[ter
            Enterprises on September 24, ?.OO7 and delivererl io

            privately owned fishpon'-r located in Barangay Balongbaiong,                           .,

            Pitogo, Zamboanga del :jur. These materiais were usecl to              ,i
            cor:,struct their resthousc, fishpond. gates, and hatche:-y in tirc       ^
            said fishpond. The deljvery is c.overed by Trust Receipt No- ]F
             4054 dated SepternLrer 24, 2OO7 in the total amount of #
            P127,583.00, a copy of which is attached hereto as Al1ncx "KL'' S                 i

            anrl mad.e an integral part hereof. Due to the unavailabilit-v of a '-t'         !
            government truck, a private truck was hired and the cleliven' il i
             charge of P 6,000.00, as indicated in receipt, 'i'as         '/,,,'
             advanced. by Golden Daughter Enterprises which charged the
             Provincial Government the amount of P9,800.00, or a whoppirf /
             63'/0   interest!;                                                          I
                                                                                          it   1


       cerittes Residence. paaadian         citu                         i I ['.1 
                                                                         il   I
       e) As ordered by the Cerilles couple, we withdrew from the Go1de" til_/
           Daughter trnterprises certain items and delivered the same to l
         . their residence in Pagadian City. Some of these items are the

                                         Pag't 9 of 18
                                  Joint ComL laint-Affidavit
                              Ruel G. Molina & TYrone D. Singgo
Trust Receipt          Date             Descript.ion           Amount          Received by:

18594                 sle /07           Rice,       red        P 72,300.O0   House   helper     I


                                        wine                                                    i


3803                 lLli2l07           Power                   12,600.00    Driver- Gerardo
                                        washer                               Aranas

3939                 t7l7sl07 Videoke               set,        90,807.00    A1lan Jamili

38 15                11l2Bl07 Kitchen                           93,500.O0*   Imeida Verdida

*Similar to t?rc Deliuery Charge mentioned in paragraph "d" (lboue, Goldett
DaugL*er Enterprises aduanced- the amourrt of P 55,O0O.OO (actual cost of
the items) to the kitchen utensil supplier. The Prouincial Gouernmer* tlrcn
paid Golden Daughter Ertterpises P 93,5OO.00, tthich includeai th.e "cast
of moneg", againfor a uthopping 7O9o interesi!

              Copies of the afore-stated "Trust Receipts" covering the
              materials withdrawn and delivered are attached hereto al-id
              made an integral part hereof as Annex "LL" to "OO';
              Even the grocery, including personal hygiene itenrs, ol liir                             ttv' 
              Cerilles household were paid by the Provinciai Go'.'erninent- A"                      -41r1
              lavored supplier would be asked to deliver the groccry irems Lc                          VI
              the Cerilies resjdence in Pagadian City. A clisbursement                                 9d
              voucher, together with the supporting documents of a ghost                            --Jt'i
                                                                                                        lJ!       i
              d"elivery, was then prepared to pay lhe delivered grocery itr:ins;                            'l    I
        Cerilles Warehause. Labangan, Zamboanaa d-el Sur

       s)     Again, per standing ins;iruction of the Cerilles couple, we I
              withdrew from the Goiden Daughter Enterprises varicus a-[
              har4ware materials-^";;';;;.r;J ;;. ;;     i" ;;t;;r*""'.q
              corflpound in Laban gan, Zamboanga dei Sur. These materiais'
              were used for the renovation of the warehouse which they
              earlier purchased, Below are some of the materials delivered:

  Trust Receipt         Date              Description             Amount I       ReceiveC by:

  2420                 I le   /06         Deformed              P 782,175.80 | Ace Soriano
                                               Page 10 of 18
                                    J   oint Complaint-Affidavit
                              Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
                                    angle bars,
                                    PVC pipes,

8364               3116/06          Furlins,                177,910.00 Allan Jamili
                                    angle   trars,
                                    G.I. sheets

77275             7   /27 /06       Ply'wood,               267,789.OO     A1lan Jamili
                                    sheets, etc

16653              tllrsl06         Deformed                 435,879.00    A1lan Jarrr;.li
                                    purlins, etc

4147                  6lBlo7        Deformed                 228,880.00    Ailan Jamili
                                    roof, cement

            Copies of the afore-st2ted. "Trust Receipts' covering the
            materials withdrawn and d"elivered are attached heret-o and                              gi
            mad.e an integral       part heri:of as Annex "PP' to "TT';                                         I

       Campaign materials inthe 2OO7 Elections                                                             V
       h)   Even the personal campaign materials and oftice suppiies of the
            party headquarters of the cerilles couple were paid by the.
            Provincial Government. These materials include tarpaulin,l
            Streamers, Sweat shirts, pack lunch containers, Computer inks,
            eners/ drinks, coffee, minerai wa.ter, etc. The following are                       /l I )-..'
            some of the materials taken from the Golden Daughter                                    t,/
            Enterprises and used in the 2OO7 campaign:                                              U

 Trust Receipt          Date          Description            Amount             Receiveri by:

 18286                 4-le   l07    Tarpuline,             P 212,905.00   A1lan Jamili
                                          Page   i1 of 18
                                  Joint Complaint-Affidavit
                              Ruel G. Molina l3t Tyrone D. Singgo
inks,     s'weat

            1B238           4l2L/07          Bond paper,             59,880.00

            t7874           4l2sl07          Long sleeves            28,000.00
                                             shirts                                                 I

            17886          4l2sl07           Streamers,              39,300.00
I                                            water

            t7897          4l27l07           Ballpens,               98,634.00

      i'                                     etc

      i     17806           4l30/07          Sweat                   L54,240.O@
                                             shirts, pack
                                             spoons and
                                             forks, etc.

            178OB           4l31l07          Sweat                   359,133.00
                                             shirts, etc.

            4207            sl4l07           Energr                   24,484.O0   Imelda Verdida

             18607          s   /4 /o7        Computer                36,522.OO William Macapobre
                                              inks, styro
                                              cups, etc.                                                        I

             3900           10l23l07          Coffee                  44,842.85

                     Copies of the afore.stated "Trust Receipts' covering the
                     materials withdrawn and delivered are attached her,eto: andr
                     made an integral part hereof as Annex "UU' to                '{DDD';       r' i        :


                                                                         )NTDOCTJMENTS. I,

                 27. We were tasked by the Cerilies couple to cause the pr"eparation
           of the necessary documents to justify the payments o_fl the mattriais
           withdrawn from the Golden Daughler trnterprises, and destroy or br.Lrn
                                                  Page    i2 of 18
                                         oint Compl,rint-Aff idavit

                                    Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
the corresponding deiivery/trust receipts once the materials were paiC by
the Provincial Government. In compliance with their order, we conferred
with the Provincial Budget Officer, Roger Montealto for the payment of the
delivered materials. We ca11ed him the "Magician" for his task. He was the
person directed by the Ceriiles couple to prepare the necessary documents
for the delivered materials. Thus, as stated earlier, fictitious projects were
fabricated to serve as bases for the d.ocuments, and that the fatsified
d"ocuments (i.e. requisition, purchase order, canvas, disburseilent
voucher, check, etc.) were, most often, prepared simultaneously in c.rne
day. Per prior agreement with the Cerilles couple, the falsified
"supportingl documents were prepared by the Gold"en Daughter

       22. The materials delivered 1o the private residence anci personal
business establishments and buildir:gs of the Cerilles couple were charged
to certain on-going projects, mostly to the Amusement,and Events Center
(AtrC) in the provincial capitol compound. Among our inner circie, we
called the AEC center the "graveyard of shit" where most "ghost" deliveries
were charged. Incidentaily, the initials of then Governor Aurora Cerilles is

      23. Upon payment of the materials, as directed by the Cerilles
couple, we would ask from the Golden Daughter trnterprises the 3A"/"
"SOP" or kickback based on the amount o[ the check. We personally
received fi:om the supplier's representative the "SOP" which was usualiy
placed inside a sealed envelope and gave the same to either of the Cerilies
couple but most of the time to Governor Aurora Cerilles;

      24. In view of the limited funds of the Provincial Government, the
 account of the Golden Daughter trnterprises and a few other favoured
 suppliers was always prioritized for payment per instruction of the Cerilles
 couple. Governor Aurora Cerilles decides which supplier to be paid and
 for how much. Attached, as Annex "EEE', "FFF'.and "GGG", are some of
 the lists given by Governor Aurora Cr:rilles to the Provincial Treasurer;

         25. As earlier stated, after the materials indicated in the "T;:ust
 Receipt" were paid, these receipts were destroyed or burned as ordered by
 the Cerilles couple. Fortunateiy, we overlooked to destroy a few of these
 trust receipts which are now being used as documentary evidence of the
 couple's corrupt and criminal practices. We are, however, searching for
 other documents for future filing of other criminal complaints;

                                   Page 13 of L8
                             Joint Complaint-Affidavit
                         Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
26. We were present when tiie Cerilles couple told Jacqueline C"
Delos Reyes, the proprietor of the Golden Daughter Enterprises, about
their desire to withdraw materials from her store on a "vale" arrangement
and that we were authorized to withdraw the materials, a:ld that the
Provincial Go,r'ernment would pay for the materials. She requested,
though, that the prices be "adjusted" or jacked-up to compensate for the
cost of money considering that the processing of the payment in the
capitol takes a iong period of time;

                   ILLEGAL "SUE?RES' NUMBERS GAME

  l; Tyrone D. Singgo, was prrvy to the operation of the illegai "SUETRtrS"
                  numbers game, and further state: THAT-

      27. Sometime in the middle part of 2009, then Governor Aurora
Cerilles asked me to approach the operator of the "SUETRtrS" numbers
garne and to negotiate and demand "protection mone/ and monthly
payola for the Cerilles couple. I declined citing my heary rvorkload as her
Chief of Staff. Another trusted staff, Imelda "Neneng" Verdida and Riclq,
Libre were instead given the task. The negotiation with the .SUtrTRtrS'
operator resulted in having the said operator hand to the Cerilles couple
the amount of P10.0M and monthl-1r payola of P3.0M. However, in less
than a month, the Cerilles couple had the "SUETRES" operator raideC for
failing to give them a larger share o1'the operations which they ciemanded
after receiving the aforementioned amount of P10.0M;

       28. The Cerilles couple asked a certain Liza Aranding, the                 .#l
proprietor of another favored supplier "Lucky Savers" to operate the
"SUETRES" game on a 50%o-50ozt profit-sharing basis with them.                    *#l
                                                                                   tt    i
Aranding and Libre went around the province conveying the instruction cf           tit
the Cerilles couple to all the municipal mayors, who are affiliated with the        /
Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC), to allow the operation of "SUtrTRtrS"
in their respective municipalities;
       29. However, due to the ineptness of Lrza Aranding in operating the
"SUETRES" which resulted in low profits, the Cerilles, couple persoirally
took over the operations in the last week of July 2010. Under the directg
                                                                  "^.- _.. ---
control of the Cerilles couple, the operations were being managed by 
provinciai government-paid employees Allan Abuyog and Ruel Quirabo.
Abuyog is an ExecutiVe Assistant of Governor Antonio Cerilles and over-a,li
in charge of the provincial livelihood prograrn, while Quirabo is a
livelihood'coordinator assigned in Sta. Lucia District, Pagadian City;

      30. All the municipal liveiihood coordinators of the Provincial
 Government were made as "SUETRtrS' coordinators in their respective
 areas. Remittances of collections ,r'rrre actually made in the residence of

                                   Page 14 of 18
                             Joint Com pla int-Aff idavit
                         Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
the cerilles couple in Pagadian city, particularly in the basement of their

      31. However in october 2011, then Governor Aurora cerilles took over
the operations of the "SUETRES" when she discovered that Governor
                                                               in the Miss
Cerilles had a 22-year old mistress who was a runner-up .5gETRES"
;;"-rb;";* del sur beauty pageant in 2008, and used the She also
collections to buy a SUV vehicle (Montero) for his young mistress'
                                                               collections to
found out that Governor Antonio cerilles also used "SUETRES"
pay her college tuition fees, monthly allowance of not less than P20'000'00
for the rent of her furnished apartment in Iligan city;

         32. personally witnessed the rage of then Governor Aurora cerilles
when she discovered her husband's dalliance with a former beauty
she was fuming mad. I have never seen her so very enraged before'
                                                                        on the
                                                                     tame and
other hand., I have never seen Governor Antonio Cerilles so very
paniclry before. uncharacteristically d.ocile, he obeyed whatever
                                                                       his wife
ordered. him to do. A complete opposite to his image as
                                                             a feared political
                                                                   the 22-year
warlord in the province. Shortly after the discovefY, the house of
old girl in Guipots, zarnboanga d.el sur was strafed by unidentified
FortunatelY, nobodY was injured;

      33. When then Governor Aurora cerilles took over the 'SUETRES"
operations in october 2o11, with nary a whimper from her husband
she assigned another person, a certain Cabarubias, to manage its
operations up to the present time. The operations were transferred
                                                                   to a house
oi a political leader in Anonang, Dumalinao, Zag,'boanga del Sur;
       g4. The Cerilles couple is using "SUETRES" collections to maintain a so-
called .,reward fund" for PSoG "hif' activities. A PSOG member or "asset"
executed a "hit project" was given a reward money drawn from this "reward

      35. We are exeicuting this Joint Affidavit-complaint for the purpose of
administrative cases against Governor Antonio H. cerilles and former Governor
                                                                      Sur), and
Aurora E. Cerilles (now Representative, 2"d District of Zamboanga del
all persons who in one way or another might havePconspired', confabulated
                                                                        and in
confederated in the commission of the foregoing crimes and offenses
support of our application in the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit
Program, and for all other legal intents and purposes'

                                    Page 15 of 18
                              Joint ComPlaint-Affidavit
                          Ruel G. Molina & TYrone D. Singgo

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Molina singgo (part 1) Graft and Corruption

  • 1. Iv Republic of the Philippines) City of Manila .) SS J O INT C O MPLi.IiN,I-AFFIDAVI /- Wtr, RU,,lL G. MOLINA and T','RCNB D. SINGGO, bof of legal ag;e, Filipinos, and -'esidents of Kumalarang, Zamboanga de1 Sur and Pagacliart City, respectively, after being duly sworn to in accordance rvith la",', hereby depose and say: That- THE PRIVATtr COMPLAINANTS 1. I, i?uei G. Molina, used to work in the Provincial Covertrrneril. of Zarnboanga rle1 Sur. I was first appointed ers Dxecutive Assistiiiti. ii bi' then Governor Aurora tr. Cerjiles on July 2, 2OAl wherr she serrrcri ittr' llrst term of ollice as Pro.zincial Govr:rnor. tr rvas assig:rcd i;:i tlr: ijillc':: ci' the Provincial Governor. Thereaftcr, on Ffebruati' 1, 200'1, slte ilr:s;i,nairlr.i nle as her Chief oi Stafi. Frior: io my einploymcnt in tf e i)i r',''.rl Government, I was a meml--er of the para-lega1 staff of Artrora C,erilles in 1999 when sire was then the Representr.Ltive of the )rtd iJislr"ici. 01' l Zam'rsoanga clcl Sur. Ii[52 salaries a.s a Secretary ii, functi<-ritin3-, ,1s pl]1-ii- i I ,tl ,, ^., 1ega1 staff of Rep. hurora Ceri1les, however, were drawn fi'oi'ri thi: rl',' i,i' ill I -'. Depar+.ment of Environment ancl Naturai R.e sources iDDlif':) ''uht'.1') '-ii," l! i" incumhent Provincia] Governol: Antr-:lio H. Cr:riiies was then thc llt:crr''',' --.i".; .|.i; of the DtrNR. Subsequently, i was r.rppointecl by Aurora Ccl'ilies, -"'.l1r{,' ",v;ls .-1 1y then the Representative of the ),tct [)istrict, as her Legisiativi: Stai'i t ,1 Assistant Iil on December 1, 1999. I resigned fror:r my last pcsiticn ii: i.Lt: Provincial Gor rnment on Januaiy l, 2AA9; 2. i, '.iyrone D. Singgo, was first employed'in t'he Provjtrciai Government of Zanr,boanga dci Sur on July 2,2AO 1 as Executirre rtssistarrt . , of thc Provinciai Governor. I worked" under ituel G. Molina, the Chie{ rf i 1 Staff of then Governor Aurora Cerilles. On January 1,2AAg,l reltl:rcc,ll-. i him as Chief of Staff. I resigneci on June 30, 2010 but stiil serve ihern iLi ''i an unofficial capacity until December 2011, I completely terminatcil inr i' i services and cut-off any contact u,'i[h the cortple in January 2A12 v,,'hert 'J',. /i :. co-worker Mustapha P. Piang was a.mbushed; i]- il 3. We may bc served r,vith iegai processes, orCers atrd irotic{rs .11 i the following addresses: Ruel G. Molina Poblacion, Kumaiaran€{ Zambcanga del Sur Page 1 of 18 Joint Com p taint-Aff idavit Ruel G. Molina llt Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 2. Tyrone D. Singgo Purok Manga, Sto. Nino District Pagadian City THE RESPONDEN'IS 4. Antonio H. Cerilles is the incumbent Provinciaj. Governor of Zamboanga del Sur. He used to be the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resouces (DtrNR) and Representative of the 2^d District of Zarnboanga del Sur; 5" Aurora tr. Cerilles was the Provincia-l Governor of Zamboanga dei Sur during thB period 2001 to 2t,110, and is now the Representative of the province's 2,a District. The Ceriiles couple exchange positions after serving the maximum three terms of office; 6. For purposes of service of legal processes, "Antonio H. Cerilles and Aurora E. Cerilles may be served with legal processes, orders and notices, at their officia-l resid.ence in Sumadat, Dumalinao, Zarnbaanga del Sur, however, they actually reside at Canuto Enerio Street, Sto. Nino, Pagadian City; ANTtrCtrDENT FACTS 1 r i ./., 7. Both of us were trusted staff and confidants of spouses Antonio Itti ti H. Cerilles and Aurora E. Cerilles (hereinafter referred to as "Ceri11es )wr Ir ! ilt couple") both of whom have held and are still holding powerful positions in the provincial and national governlnents; 4l _vl *11 I I i 1t I i 8. As trusted staff and confidants, we were directed to perform ilI it tt / various tasks for the Cerilles couple, including personal ci1es, and often worked beyond regular working hou,'s and days. We wqre even required to i report to their residence in Pagadiarr City, and were on their beck and call 2417. Sensitive and confidential matters were discussed with us by the Cerilles couple ranging from the pol itical, business to personal ones, and when circumsrances warranted, we were the few ones assigned personally by the Cerilles coupie to act decisively on any of these matters. We were then perceived by the public as authoritative and powerful staff of the Cerilles coupie. Our ascendancy extended over the rank and file in the Provincial Government as well as in their household workforce; 9 - But we have reached the point in our lives that we could no longer, in conscience, foilow the orders of the Cerilles couple. We could not allow ourselves to be forever used as instruments and implementers of their corrupt and criminal acts, not to mention their penchani to inflict physical harm upon their politlcal and personal enemies even to the point of committing murder; Page 2 of 18 Joint Conrplai nt-A,ff idavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 3. 10. In tlie latter part of 2011, we received information that out' names were ii :luded in a "hit list" of the Provincia-l Special Operations Group (PSOG), notorious for the extr4judicial kiliings of political and personal enemies of the Cerilles couple. The PSOG, with headquarters inside the provincial capitoi complex, is headed by Board Member Ernesto, a rabidly loyal Cer:illes foilower. The first four names in the alleged "hit list" are as follows: 1) Balong Molina 2) Tyrone Singgo 3) Raui Ganub 4) Mustapha Piang 11. At first, we entertained doubts on the veracity of the "hit 1ist" and considered it as empty threats and a psy-war tactic to pievent or hinder us in our daily routine. But subsequent events made us reaiize that the information on the threats to our lives is reliable, serious a.nd bound to happen: a) On November 18, 2O11, Raul Ganub, third man in the "hit list", was gunned down in Barintawak, Pagadian City rnhiie ciriving his public utility val. The gunman was one of his passeilgers and a member of the PiiOG. I-Iis assailant has never br:en arrested; b) On January 28, 2OL2, a close friend of ours, Mustapha P. Piang, a former community organizer of the Cerilies couple and I the fourth man in the "hit list", was ambushed along Dao road in Pagadian City. Fortunately, he suruived the attempt against I l his life. He was able to identify his assailants as members oi I j the PSOG. Piang was advised by tris family and relatir,'es not to pursue any 1ega1 action against the perpetrators since they believed that it would only be an exercise in futiiity, given ihe immense power and influence of the Cerilles couple, as what happened to the Ganub kiliing; I c) in tandem'on motorcycles, withcut Surveiliance teams riding plate numbers, are often seen near our iesidences, asking peopie nearby for our whereabouts. We have also observed that we are also being foiiou,ed or tailed by these teams. Initierliy, the surveiliance teams wet e members of the PSOG but are norv '$- augmented by other armed groups riding in four-wheel vehicles ' without license plates; 12. We consider the foregcing events and circumstances as precursors of ;erious attempts against our 1ives. We strongiy believe, as former truste.: staff and conficlan',s of the Cerilles couple, that oul: knowledge of the corrupt and criminal acts of the Cerilles couple during Page 3 of L8 Joint Complaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 4. our employment under them is connected to these events ano circumstances; 13. Thus, before the Cerille:s couple succeed in permanently silencing us, ,,: have decid.ed to expose their corrupt and criminal acts against the people of Zamboanga dei Sur and Pagadian City whom thev have sworn to serve; CORRUFTI & CRIMINAL PRACTICES . 14. As trusted staff and confidants of the Cerilles coupie, we wert3 active participants and first hand witnesses to the highly anomaious, irregular, corrupt and criminal practices of the couple in the provinciai government. Due to their overwhelming dominance over us and their subtle empioyment of pressure and threats on usi we could not Co otherwise but follow all their orders and instructions to the letter; Prouincial Funds and Equipntent Spent And Used For Priuate Pu'rPoses 15. Ail through-out the three consecutive terms (2001-2010) of then Governor and now Representalive Aurora Cerilles, provinciai funds were freely spent and heavy equipmrrnt of the provincial governrnent vo'ere used for the construction or renovation of buildings and establishments owned by the ferilles couple. Office supplies and equipment, as weii as grocery supplies and kitchen utensils, for their personai and household use were also paici by the Provincia-l Government; Modus Operandi 16. Both Governor Antonio Cerilles and then Governor Aurora Cerilles personally gave specific instruction to us to withdraw the needed construction materials, office supplies and equipment, and grocery supplies, on a "va1e" arrangement, from favored sirppliers, namely; Golden Daughter Enterprises, AJ Enterprises, Lucky Savers and Crishamie. The, same instruction was given to us for the needed. hear,y anc-l lighr: a equipment from the Provincial Engineer's OlTice. The suppliers and the Provincial trngineer had earlier been instructed by the Cerilles couple to act favorably and promptiy to all our requests; 17.' When construction materrials or office supplies were needed, a bill of materials was given to us by the construction foreman. We then issued a ovale" slip for the needeil materials to be presented to the supplier. A government truck was used to haul the materials from the store to the intended private es,.ablishment of the Cerilles couple^ Page 4 of 18 Joint Cornplaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 5. Thereafter, the documents to supi:ort the payment of the withdraw-n materials were prepared, such as Purchase Request for a "ghost" deiivery or fictitious project, Abstract of Canvas, Purchase Order, Receiving ar-rd Inspection Report, etc. A11 the supporting documents of the disbursement vouchers werc falsified. Upon pal'ment of the materials, the Cerilles couple still demanded for a 3Oo/" kickback from the supplier. It was for this reason that the prices of the materials were jacked-up b5r the suppliers to which the Cerilles couple allowed; 18. When heavy or light equipment Was required in the project privately owned by the Ceriiles couple, we asked the provincial engineer to assign the needed heavy or light equipment to the project site. The heavy or:light equipment 'uvas utilized without payment of any rental. The fuel of the equipment was paid by the Provincial Government using faisified documents; 19. When we need cash for some urgent malter or activity, the Cerilles coupie woulci instruct us to get the amount from any of the favored. suppliers. The supplier was paid, with interest, by again falsifying the procurement papers of a "ghost" delivery or fictitious project; Specific Aclis 20. Among the materials we withd.rew from the Golden Daughier and delivered to the private and business establishments and residence of the Cerilles couple and paid by the Provincial Govel'nirrent were the folior' ;ng: Hotel Alinduhaw, Paqcldian Citlt a) Following the specific instruction of the Cerilles coupie, we withdrew from the Golden Daughter Elrterprises varioris construction materials for the renovation of Hotel Alindahavr which is owned by the couple. The hotei is located along Rizal / Avenue, Pagadian City. Most of these construction rnaterials i j al-c cement, deformed Uii] S, lliC_lts, ll(J(Jt tiies d-ILLl G.I. $rt-LLr.;- are cellrellL, LICIUIIIICL_L bars, nails, floor .L1ICS and -r.1. sheets.- - Below afe liUIIlC of the said I-tli:tLCIlalls withdrawn frorn the l. . i I IIt]IUW tll C some Ul LI-[t, Ui:LlLl materials ryllll.rrawrr 11 urar Lrru ,t,t Golden Daughter trnterprises and delivered. to the Hotei 11 l'-. ll i Alindahaw in 2006: ti 1 A-*,'-+ -_-l D^^^1.^/ by: Trust Receipt Date Descriplion Amount Received h'- I U No. BOOO 2l24l06 Deformed P 81,200.00 A11an Jamili bars, cement & paint Page 5 of 18 oint Complaint-Affidavit' J Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 6. 7995 3l3l06 Steel bars & 130,300.00 Alian Jamiii cement 3l24l06 G.I. sheets, 107,578.50 Vanessa villarra i 2514 I cement, steel l l bars, nails I 62,205.OO Vaness Villarta 2515 s l24l06 Cement, steel bar, ho1low blocks, etc 25L6 3l24l06 Flloor tiles & 29,290.O0 Vanessa Viliarta cement 4losl06 Cement, etc 90,100.00 Allan Jamll 8672 7984 2 l28l06 Cement 290,000.00 Allan Jamll c 3l23l06 Cement, steel 66,673.O0 Vanessa Villarta 2513 bars, hollow blocks, etc 6l07l06 Steel bars, 87,467.OO Nelson lrscarlo 3015 cement, pl1.wood, 4 I nails, etc. ,f. I I l ,^. i[/ 2999 6l13l06 Cement 58,000.00 1 Vancssa vrlla-rta --t+ l.l r <7 L/t I l .,4l I -ld rl I I i 16663 6173/06 Cement, deformed 75,000.00 Nelson Hsca11o ,-ffi tt ll I t i lli lt bars t/ ll t,i Cement 87,000.00 A1lan Jamrlr 77325 BIL l06 3642 8l3tl06 Deformed 77,800.00 Arlan Jamili bars, cernent Nelson Escario l 16660 eltrl06 Cement, 131,160.00 >< deformed bars, G.I. sheets, etc. v_ i copies of the afore-stated "Trust Receipts' covering tire materials withdrawn and deiivered are attached' hereto and mad.e an integral part hereof as Annex "A" to."N"; b) The ceriiles couple even ciirected. us to Pa], the amount of P2,000.00 for the telephone connection of the Hotei Alirrdahar'r,'. Page 6 of 18 Joint ComPlaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & TYrone D. Singgo
  • 7. We got the amount frorn the Goiden Daughter Enterprises as instructed, payable with ir:terest in the amount of P3,600.00, as shown in the attached Trust Receipt No. 3897 {Annex "o") and made an integral part hereof. The amount'l'as received by Allan Molde as indicated ii:, the trust receipt; Philippir;:,. Parq-Medtcal and Technical scttool /PPTS) c) Upo,r instruction to us by the Cerilles couple, various office supplies and equipment and plastic chairs were withdrawn on different dates in 2OOT from the Golden Daughter Enterprises and deiivered to the Philippine Para-Medical and Technical School (PPTS). We know for a fact that PPTS is a school actually owned by the cerilles couple. It is located in their privately owned land known as Enerio cornpound, Sto. Nino, Pagadian city (The middle name of then Governor "A,r.ot, cerilles is "Enerio"). The foilowing are some of the materials withdrawn from the Golden Daughter Enterprises and delivered to PPTS: Trust Receipt Date Description Amount Received by: No. 3756 sl28l07 Floor wax P 840.00 William Macapobre 4293 6/te /07 Carbon 18,082.00 Leah Del Singgo paper & other supplies 4751 7 ll la7 Lunch 16,600.00 William Macapobre packs, spoon & fork 18535 712107 White board 1,380.00 Leah Del Singgo & extension wire 4784 7 /5147 Ballpen & 895.00 Leah Dei Singgo RER forms 18534 7l2l07 Air L0,767.50 Leah Del Singgo freshener, coffee other supplies / of 18 Page Joint Cornplaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 8. 4799 7 le /47 Stand fan, 25,863.00 Leah Del Singgo computer inks, & other r:ffi.ce supplies 4365 7 l13l07 Coffee & 4,946.00 Leah Del Singgo various oflice supplies 4439 7 /23107 Ofiicial 460.00 Kim Pelones Receipt forms & aLcohol 4504 7l27l07 USB, coffee 6,725.4O Kim Pelones & other supplies 24824 812l07 I.D. holders, t3,979.50 Kim Peiones bookpapers, piery bank & other supplies 4649 8lL4l07 Offi.ce 2,550.OO Kirn Felones supplies 388 1 lL /6 /07 Comput:r 7,928.04 Kim Pelones inks, signpens *ffi) other ,--11 i supplies i! / lli i li / t? / 3970 LLlL4lOT Oflice 1,360.00 Kim Pelones supplies 601 1 LL/22/07 Coffee 708.00 Junie Singgo i) (i 3832 LL 126 /o7 Computer 13,440.00 Vincent Meria ( :r, inks & other supplies ',, 1i' 5027 11/28107 Computer 13,300.00 Junie Singgo J-,/ V inks & other supplies 6151 Ll l2e /07 OIIice 3,150.00 Kim Pelones supplies Page I of 18 Joint Compi.rint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 9. 6069 fil30la7 Piastic 69,860.00 chairs w I desk an:r 5111 L2lsloT Steel ca.binet 14,200.00 Marilyn Catalino 5139 72l70l07 Alcohol & 3,558.00 Junie Singgo other office supplies Copies of the afore-stated. 'Trt.rst Receipts' covering the materials withdrawn ancl d.elivered' are attached hereto and mad.e al integral part hereof as Annex "FD to "JJ"; Fi.shpond located in Htogo, Zamboanga ciel Sur d) Upon specific instructions of the Ceriiies couple to us, variot-is construction materials, such as cement, plyrvood, G.1. sheels and nails, were withdrawn fi'om the Golden Daug[ter Enterprises on September 24, ?.OO7 and delivererl io t"heir' privately owned fishpon'-r located in Barangay Balongbaiong, ., Pitogo, Zamboanga del :jur. These materiais were usecl to ,i cor:,struct their resthousc, fishpond. gates, and hatche:-y in tirc ^ iV said fishpond. The deljvery is c.overed by Trust Receipt No- ]F 4054 dated SepternLrer 24, 2OO7 in the total amount of # P127,583.00, a copy of which is attached hereto as Al1ncx "KL'' S i anrl mad.e an integral part hereof. Due to the unavailabilit-v of a '-t' ! government truck, a private truck was hired and the cleliven' il i charge of P 6,000.00, as indicated in receipt, 'i'as '/,,,' advanced. by Golden Daughter Enterprises which charged the Provincial Government the amount of P9,800.00, or a whoppirf / 63'/0 interest!; I it 1 I it:L il cerittes Residence. paaadian citu i I ['.1 il I e) As ordered by the Cerilles couple, we withdrew from the Go1de" til_/ Daughter trnterprises certain items and delivered the same to l . their residence in Pagadian City. Some of these items are the following: Pag't 9 of 18 Joint ComL laint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & TYrone D. Singgo
  • 10. Trust Receipt Date Descript.ion Amount Received by: No. 18594 sle /07 Rice, red P 72,300.O0 House helper I I wine i I 3803 lLli2l07 Power 12,600.00 Driver- Gerardo washer Aranas 3939 t7l7sl07 Videoke set, 90,807.00 A1lan Jamili water dispenser 38 15 11l2Bl07 Kitchen 93,500.O0* Imeida Verdida utensils *Similar to t?rc Deliuery Charge mentioned in paragraph "d" (lboue, Goldett DaugL*er Enterprises aduanced- the amourrt of P 55,O0O.OO (actual cost of the items) to the kitchen utensil supplier. The Prouincial Gouernmer* tlrcn paid Golden Daughter Ertterpises P 93,5OO.00, tthich includeai th.e "cast of moneg", againfor a uthopping 7O9o interesi! Copies of the afore-stated "Trust Receipts" covering the materials withdrawn and delivered are attached hereto al-id made an integral part hereof as Annex "LL" to "OO'; I :l-- Even the grocery, including personal hygiene itenrs, ol liir ttv' t!n Cerilles household were paid by the Provinciai Go'.'erninent- A" -41r1 i(1 W-r lavored supplier would be asked to deliver the groccry irems Lc VI ii) sE1l the Cerilies resjdence in Pagadian City. A clisbursement 9d -$ ti l.4 voucher, together with the supporting documents of a ghost --Jt'i lJ! i d"elivery, was then prepared to pay lhe delivered grocery itr:ins; 'l I / Cerilles Warehause. Labangan, Zamboanaa d-el Sur I s) Again, per standing ins;iruction of the Cerilles couple, we I withdrew from the Goiden Daughter Enterprises varicus a-[ har4ware materials-^";;';;;.r;J ;;. ;; i" ;;t;;r*""'.q corflpound in Laban gan, Zamboanga dei Sur. These materiais' were used for the renovation of the warehouse which they earlier purchased, Below are some of the materials delivered: Trust Receipt Date Description Amount I ReceiveC by: No. 2420 I le /06 Deformed P 782,175.80 | Ace Soriano bars, Page 10 of 18 J oint Complaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 11. cement, angle bars, PVC pipes, etc 8364 3116/06 Furlins, 177,910.00 Allan Jamili angle trars, G.I. sheets 77275 7 /27 /06 Ply'wood, 267,789.OO A1lan Jamili cement, corrugated sheets, etc 16653 tllrsl06 Deformed 435,879.00 A1lan Jarrr;.li bars, cement, galvalume roofs, purlins, etc 4147 6lBlo7 Deformed 228,880.00 Ailan Jamili bars, galvalume roof, cement ll^, it Copies of the afore-st2ted. "Trust Receipts' covering the materials withdrawn and d"elivered are attached heret-o and gi ,41 mad.e an integral part heri:of as Annex "PP' to "TT'; I tri i/ Campaign materials inthe 2OO7 Elections V h) Even the personal campaign materials and oftice suppiies of the party headquarters of the cerilles couple were paid by the. -U tl Provincial Government. These materials include tarpaulin,l Streamers, Sweat shirts, pack lunch containers, Computer inks, )o:r eners/ drinks, coffee, minerai wa.ter, etc. The following are /l I )-..' / some of the materials taken from the Golden Daughter t,/ Enterprises and used in the 2OO7 campaign: U Trust Receipt Date Description Amount Receiveri by: No. 18286 4-le l07 Tarpuline, P 212,905.00 A1lan Jamili streamers, computer Page i1 of 18 Joint Complaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina l3t Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 12. inks, s'weat shirths 1B238 4l2L/07 Bond paper, 59,880.00 cartolina. t7874 4l2sl07 Long sleeves 28,000.00 shirts I I 17886 4l2sl07 Streamers, 39,300.00 ,,1 mineral I water t7897 4l27l07 Ballpens, 98,634.00 pencil, envelopes, i' etc ! i 17806 4l30/07 Sweat L54,240.O@ shirts, pack lunch containers, spoons and forks, etc. 178OB 4l31l07 Sweat 359,133.00 shirts, etc. 4207 sl4l07 Energr 24,484.O0 Imelda Verdida drinks, minera-l water 18607 s /4 /o7 Computer 36,522.OO William Macapobre inks, styro cups, etc. I 3900 10l23l07 Coffee 44,842.85 Copies of the afore.stated "Trust Receipts' covering the materials withdrawn and delivered are attached her,eto: andr made an integral part hereof as Annex "UU' to '{DDD'; r' i : i' )NTDOCTJMENTS. I, 27. We were tasked by the Cerilies couple to cause the pr"eparation of the necessary documents to justify the payments o_fl the mattriais withdrawn from the Golden Daughler trnterprises, and destroy or br.Lrn Page i2 of 18 oint Compl,rint-Aff idavit J Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 13. the corresponding deiivery/trust receipts once the materials were paiC by the Provincial Government. In compliance with their order, we conferred with the Provincial Budget Officer, Roger Montealto for the payment of the delivered materials. We ca11ed him the "Magician" for his task. He was the person directed by the Ceriiles couple to prepare the necessary documents for the delivered materials. Thus, as stated earlier, fictitious projects were fabricated to serve as bases for the d.ocuments, and that the fatsified d"ocuments (i.e. requisition, purchase order, canvas, disburseilent voucher, check, etc.) were, most often, prepared simultaneously in c.rne day. Per prior agreement with the Cerilles couple, the falsified "supportingl documents were prepared by the Gold"en Daughter Enterprises; 22. The materials delivered 1o the private residence anci personal business establishments and buildir:gs of the Cerilles couple were charged to certain on-going projects, mostly to the Amusement,and Events Center (AtrC) in the provincial capitol compound. Among our inner circie, we called the AEC center the "graveyard of shit" where most "ghost" deliveries were charged. Incidentaily, the initials of then Governor Aurora Cerilles is "AEC"; 23. Upon payment of the materials, as directed by the Cerilles couple, we would ask from the Golden Daughter trnterprises the 3A"/" "SOP" or kickback based on the amount o[ the check. We personally received fi:om the supplier's representative the "SOP" which was usualiy placed inside a sealed envelope and gave the same to either of the Cerilies couple but most of the time to Governor Aurora Cerilles; 24. In view of the limited funds of the Provincial Government, the account of the Golden Daughter trnterprises and a few other favoured suppliers was always prioritized for payment per instruction of the Cerilles couple. Governor Aurora Cerilles decides which supplier to be paid and for how much. Attached, as Annex "EEE', "FFF'.and "GGG", are some of the lists given by Governor Aurora Cr:rilles to the Provincial Treasurer; i 25. As earlier stated, after the materials indicated in the "T;:ust Receipt" were paid, these receipts were destroyed or burned as ordered by the Cerilles couple. Fortunateiy, we overlooked to destroy a few of these trust receipts which are now being used as documentary evidence of the couple's corrupt and criminal practices. We are, however, searching for other documents for future filing of other criminal complaints; Page 13 of L8 Joint Complaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 14. 26. We were present when tiie Cerilles couple told Jacqueline C" Delos Reyes, the proprietor of the Golden Daughter Enterprises, about their desire to withdraw materials from her store on a "vale" arrangement and that we were authorized to withdraw the materials, a:ld that the Provincial Go,r'ernment would pay for the materials. She requested, though, that the prices be "adjusted" or jacked-up to compensate for the cost of money considering that the processing of the payment in the capitol takes a iong period of time; ILLEGAL "SUE?RES' NUMBERS GAME l; Tyrone D. Singgo, was prrvy to the operation of the illegai "SUETRtrS" numbers game, and further state: THAT- 27. Sometime in the middle part of 2009, then Governor Aurora Cerilles asked me to approach the operator of the "SUETRtrS" numbers garne and to negotiate and demand "protection mone/ and monthly payola for the Cerilles couple. I declined citing my heary rvorkload as her Chief of Staff. Another trusted staff, Imelda "Neneng" Verdida and Riclq, Libre were instead given the task. The negotiation with the .SUtrTRtrS' operator resulted in having the said operator hand to the Cerilles couple the amount of P10.0M and monthl-1r payola of P3.0M. However, in less than a month, the Cerilles couple had the "SUETRES" operator raideC for failing to give them a larger share o1'the operations which they ciemanded after receiving the aforementioned amount of P10.0M; iun tf -Rt tfl I 28. The Cerilles couple asked a certain Liza Aranding, the .#l proprietor of another favored supplier "Lucky Savers" to operate the "SUETRES" game on a 50%o-50ozt profit-sharing basis with them. *#l lt tt i Aranding and Libre went around the province conveying the instruction cf tit the Cerilles couple to all the municipal mayors, who are affiliated with the / / Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC), to allow the operation of "SUtrTRtrS" in their respective municipalities; 29. However, due to the ineptness of Lrza Aranding in operating the "SUETRES" which resulted in low profits, the Cerilles, couple persoirally took over the operations in the last week of July 2010. Under the directg "^.- _.. --- control of the Cerilles couple, the operations were being managed by provinciai government-paid employees Allan Abuyog and Ruel Quirabo. Abuyog is an ExecutiVe Assistant of Governor Antonio Cerilles and over-a,li in charge of the provincial livelihood prograrn, while Quirabo is a livelihood'coordinator assigned in Sta. Lucia District, Pagadian City; 30. All the municipal liveiihood coordinators of the Provincial Government were made as "SUETRtrS' coordinators in their respective areas. Remittances of collections ,r'rrre actually made in the residence of Page 14 of 18 Joint Com pla int-Aff idavit Ruel G. Molina & Tyrone D. Singgo
  • 15. the cerilles couple in Pagadian city, particularly in the basement of their house; 31. However in october 2011, then Governor Aurora cerilles took over Antonio the operations of the "SUETRES" when she discovered that Governor in the Miss Cerilles had a 22-year old mistress who was a runner-up .5gETRES" ;;"-rb;";* del sur beauty pageant in 2008, and used the She also collections to buy a SUV vehicle (Montero) for his young mistress' collections to found out that Governor Antonio cerilles also used "SUETRES" and pay her college tuition fees, monthly allowance of not less than P20'000'00 for the rent of her furnished apartment in Iligan city; 32. personally witnessed the rage of then Governor Aurora cerilles I contestant' when she discovered her husband's dalliance with a former beauty she was fuming mad. I have never seen her so very enraged before' on the tame and other hand., I have never seen Governor Antonio Cerilles so very paniclry before. uncharacteristically d.ocile, he obeyed whatever his wife ordered. him to do. A complete opposite to his image as a feared political the 22-year warlord in the province. Shortly after the discovefY, the house of gunmen' old girl in Guipots, zarnboanga d.el sur was strafed by unidentified FortunatelY, nobodY was injured; 33. When then Governor Aurora cerilles took over the 'SUETRES" Antonio' operations in october 2o11, with nary a whimper from her husband she assigned another person, a certain Cabarubias, to manage its day-to-day operations up to the present time. The operations were transferred to a house oi a political leader in Anonang, Dumalinao, Zag,'boanga del Sur; g4. The Cerilles couple is using "SUETRES" collections to maintain a so- who called .,reward fund" for PSoG "hif' activities. A PSOG member or "asset" executed a "hit project" was given a reward money drawn from this "reward fund"; CRIMINAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE CASES 35. We are exeicuting this Joint Affidavit-complaint for the purpose of filing PLUNDER, MALVERSATION and FALSIFICATION cases' and administrative cases against Governor Antonio H. cerilles and former Governor Sur), and Aurora E. Cerilles (now Representative, 2"d District of Zamboanga del and all persons who in one way or another might havePconspired', confabulated and in confederated in the commission of the foregoing crimes and offenses support of our application in the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program, and for all other legal intents and purposes' Page 15 of 18 Joint ComPlaint-Affidavit Ruel G. Molina & TYrone D. Singgo