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climate change climate global warming renewable energy policy carbon australia impacts investment energy risk low carbon fossil fuels economy emissions trading unfccc clean energy public opinion coalition labor budget extreme weather coal superannuation climate institute competitiveness opposition support carbon pricing direct action politics carbon capture and storage ccs ipcc security polling solutions drought emissions international fire retirement pension fund finance infrastructure energy efficiency china low-carbon pension health sustainability climate policy australian open soccer cricket snowboarding afl skiing tennis sport sea level home insurance stranded assets hedging housing subprime bioenergy afforestation bio-ccs carbon removal gccsi negative emissions nest egg aodp index vital few transparency high carbon barry jones research united states canada iea global ccs institute negotiations targets cop19 world bank bill hare climate analytics refugees threat displacement military defence tony abbott liberal national party carbon price degrees climate chanange concerns public attitudes survey opinion focus group industry growth energy productivity resources reserves greenhouse gas storms interdependencies consequences floods business cost heatwave erwin jackson global action zero carbon bushfire records temperature anxiety heatwaves stress mental illness trustees assets investor carbon bubble electricity resilience water property climate action map solar wind development developing countries tipping point change high-carbon technology future food agriculture biodiversity cycling obesity healthcare healthy living health impacts illness carbon cycle carbon dioxide greenhouse gases carbon jargon wri world resources institute jennifer morgan united states
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