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20 Agosto 2013
Google Results (SERPs)
A. On-site SEO
B. Off-site SEO
C.Technical SEO
SEO – On-site
Son todas aquellas acciones y cambios editoriales que realizamos en nuestro sitio con el fin
de obtener mejores resultados en los rankings organicos.
Creacion y edicion de:
• Titulos de pagina
• Meta descriptions
• Meta keywords
• Semantica Web (H, alt images, etc)
• Textos y contenido web
Google Results (SERPs)
SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo
SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo
Titulo del resultado: Titulo de la pagina
SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo
Titulo del resultado: Titulo de la pagina
SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo
Titulo del resultado: Titulo de la pagina
SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo
• Es el elemento mas importante dentro del sitio para el posicionamiento organico.
• Se utilizan los keywords mas importantes siempre al principio ya que es donde Google
acredita la mayor relevancia.
• Es aconsejable no utilizar mas de 2 o 3 keywords por titulo.
• Solo son visibles los primeros 65 caracteres contando los espacios.
• No hay control editorial en cuanto al contenido que contiene.
• Que siempre sea facilmente legible y que tenga sentido.
• Forma optima:
• Keyword principal, keyword secundario o variacion | Nombre de la empresa
SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino
SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino
URL Destino: Esta es la direccion de la pagina web, donde nos llevarian al
clickear el titulo
SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino
URL Destino: Esta es la direccion de la pagina web, donde nos llevarian al
clickear el titulo.
SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino
URL Destino: Esta es la direccion de la pagina web, donde nos llevarian al
clickear el titulo.
Si bien no tenemos un control total sobre este item ya que Google decide el orden y las
paginas que se van a presentar en los resultados, podemos guiar a Google utilizando
keywords dentro de las URLs.
Tambien podemos manipular la URL destino por medio del contenido que utilizamos
dentro de las paginas ya que las podemos hacer mas o menos relvantes para ciertas
palabras claves.
SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description
SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description
Descripcion de la URL destino: Este texto es el equivalente al Meta description
SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description
Descripcion de la URL destino: Este texto es el equivalente al Meta description
SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description
Descripcion de la URL destino: Este texto es el equivalente al Meta description
• El meta description es unicamente visible en los resultados de los buscadores
• Son visibles los primeros 155 caracteres contando los espacios
• NO tiene peso en cuanto a SEO se refiere
• Si bien no tiene peso en SEO, el meta description es utilizado para aumentar el CTR de
nuestro listado
SEO – On-site SEO - Semantica Web – H Tags
H Tags:
Los H tags van del 1 al 6. Estos tags son utilizados para diferenciar las secciones del contenido
y darle estructura. Estos tags son interpretados por los buscadores para entender el
contenido, como esta estructurado y que es lo mas relevante del mismo.
SEO – On-site SEO - Semantica Web – H Tags
H Tags:
Los H tags van del 1 al 6. Estos tags son utilizados para diferenciar las secciones del contenido
y darle estructura. Estos tags son interpretados por los buscadores para entender el
contenido, como esta estructurado y que es lo mas relevante del mismo.
SEO – On-site SEO - Semantica Web – H Tags
• Al igual que los titulos es bueno utilizar palabras claves en estos tags ya que los
buscadores los utilizan en conjunto con el texto para ver la relevancia y el topico del
• Enriquece la experiencia del usuario ya que le facilita la lectura y el entendimiento de
nuestro contenido.
• Para aquellos usuarios no videntes que usan screen readers es mucho mas sencillo
navegar por las paginas bien estructuradas.
• Existe la posibilidad de utilizar links dentro de estos tags.
• No utilizar mas de un H1 por pagina
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
Porque optimizar las imagenes para SEO?
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
1. Uso de Alt Text o Alternative Text:
Si vemos una imagen de una persona comprando un LCD, entendemos perfectamente de
que se trata, el problema es que los buscadores no pueden interpretar los pixeles.
Las razones fundamentales para utilizar Alt Text son:
a) Provee de informacion a aquellos usuarios que no puedan ver la imagen
b) Provee de informacion a los buscadores de que es lo que estan “viendo”
Codigo Alt Text: alt=“hombre comprando un LCD” o para SEO alt=“comprar LCD”
Codigo Imagen con Alt Text: <img src=“/image.jpg” alt=“comprar LCD”>
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
2. Tamaño del archivo:
Uno de los mas de 200 factores para rankear en Google es la velocidad de carga de la
pagina. Esta velocidad de carga muchas veces se ve enlentecida por tener que cargar o
muchas imagenes o imagenes pesadas.
Lo mejor es tener las imagenes grandes comprimidas.
No dejar que el browser muestre nuestras imagenes grandes mas pequeñas.
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
3. Nombre del archivo:
Antes de subir cualquier imagen al servidor, es importante usar en el nombre del archivo un
texto descriptivo de la misma.
Siempre es importante pensar por que palabra clave nos gustaria posicionarnos para
Siguiendo el ejemplo anterior:
<img src=“/comprar-LCD.jpg” alt=“comprar LCD”>
SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
4. Uso del Caption:
Los captions no tienen relacion directa con los rankings en SEO, sinembargo hay estudios
que dicen que tienen impacto directo en los Bounce Rates.
Esta tecnica es utilizada principalmente en Blogs ya que las imagenes son en su mayoria
ubicadas al principio de los posts y los captions se utilizan como bajada.
Basicamente los captions en conjunto con los titulos son los componentes mas leidos por
los usuarios.
Ejemplo de anuncio basado en imagenes:
SEO - On-site SEO
SEO – Off-site
Son todas aquellas acciones y optimizaciones que realizamos por fuera de nuestra web con
el fin de posicionar nuestro sitio en los buscadores y atraer la mayor cantidad de trafico
• Link Building
• Creacion de contenido viral
• Interaccion en Redes Sociales
• Press Releases
• Guest Post
• Guerilla Marketing
• etc
SEO – Google
Trafico por Posiciones:
SEO – Google
Trafico por Posiciones:
Posicion Organica % Trafico
1 32,5%
2 17,6%
3 11,4%
4 8,1%
5 6,1%
6 4,4%
7 3,5%
8 3,1%
9 2,6%
10 2,4%
SEO – Google
Factores para rankear en 2013:
Actualmente Google tiene mas de 200 factores que utiliza en su algoritmo para rankear las
paginas web. De estos 200 factores es sabido que los mas importantes son:
SEO – Off-site – Ranking Factors
Domain Authority:
Es la medicion del “poder” de un dominio. Basicamente se basa en 3 factores: Edad del
dominio, popularidad del dominio y tamaño del dominio.
Page Level Link Metrics:
Esto se refiere a la cantidad de links y dominios externos apuntados a nivel de pagina
provenientes de distinto bloque C.
Page Level Keyword & Content Based:
Pertenece al On-site SEO, en cuanto a que tan bien esta optimizado el contenido dentro del
niche para la palabra clave especifica.
Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features:
Que tan original es el contenido dentro del niche por la palabra clave optimizada.
SEO – Off-site – Ranking Factors
Domain level brand metrics:
Se divide basicamente en 3 partes: Cantidad de volumen de busquedas por la
marca, cuantas veces a sido nombrado en sitios de noticias importantes, cuantas veces el
dominio ha sido nombrado en las redes sociales.
User Usage & Traffic Query Data:
Esto esta muy relacionado con el Bounce Rate organico. Esta metrica se basa en el
engagement que tiene el usuario despues de hacer click en un resultado organico.
Page Level Social Metrics:
Basicamente se trata de medir cuantos likes, +1s, shares y tweets tiene una pagina a nivel
Domain Level Keyword Usage:
Esta metrica se basa en el uso de las palabras claves dentro de dominio a nivel generico.
SEO – Off-site – Ranking Factors
Domain level brand metrics:
Se divide basicamente en 3 partes: Cantidad de volumen de busquedas por la marca,
cuantas veces a sido nombrado en sitios de noticias importantes, cuantas veces el dominio
ha sido nombrado en las redes sociales.
User Usage & Traffic Query Data:
Esto esta muy relacionado con el Bounce Rate organico. Esta metrica se basa en el
engagement que tiene el usuario despues de hacer click en un resultado organico.
Page Level Social Metrics:
Basicamente se trata de medir cuantos likes, +1s, shares y tweets tiene una pagina a nivel
Domain Level Keyword Usage:
Esta metrica se basa en el uso de las palabras claves dentro de dominio a nivel generico.
SEO – Off-site SEO
SEO – Technical SEO
Son todos aquellos cambios que se deban de realizar en el sitio a nivel de codigo para
mejorar los resultados organicos, la estructura y la accesibilidad del mismo.
• Canonicalization
• Sitemaps
• Integracion de Meta Data
• Responsive Design
• Mapeo de redirecciones (301, 302)
• Page load times
• Etc
SEO – Technical SEO – Canonicalization
El problema:
Es cuando tenemos mas de una instancia para acceder al mismo contenido. Esto puede
ocacionar 2 tipos de problema para SEO.
1. Perdemos autoridad en el dominio, ya que el PageRank se puede llegar a dividir en 4
direcciones dependiendo de cual utilice el webmaster.
2. Los buscadores lleagara a menos profundidad cuando navega por nuestro sitio, ya que
Google como los otros buscadores tienen alocada determinada capacidad por sitio.
SEO – Technical SEO – Canonicalization
La solucion:
1. Usar redirecciones 301 hacia la URL que quieramos utilizar como principal
2. Ser consistente al momento de linkear internamente la pagina principal
3. NO usar tracking IDs en las URLs principales
4. NO usar tracking IDs en los links externos hacia nuestro sitio
5. Cuidar el paginado, crear URLs unicas para cada pagina
6. Utilizar el robot.txt y el Tag Meta Robot para bloquear paginas que contenga estas IDs
7. Usar la rel=“canonical”
SEO – Technical SEO – Sitemaps
El problema:
El problema en muchos sitios a veces pasa por la estructura en la navegacion, por lo que
muchas veces a Google le cuesta indexar las paginas mas profundas de dichos sitios.
La solucion:
Creacion de Sitemaps para hacer push de la meta data a los buscadores.
• Ayuda a incrementar el crawl rate y la indexacion del sitio
• Ayuda al indexado de nuevo contenido
• Ayuda a ver posibles problemas con el sitio (Google Webmaster Tools)
SEO – Technical SEO – Sitemaps
Tipos de Sitemaps:
• XML Sitemaps: utilizado por los buscadores para encontrar las URLs
• HTML Sitemaps: sirve como guia tanto para los usuarios como como para los buscadores
• Images Sitemaps: muy util para ayudar a la indexacion de imagenes (
• Video Sitemaps: util para ayudar a los diferentes buscadores y como feed para los sitios
de videos tales como: Vimeo, YouTube, DailyMotion, Google Video (universal search)
• Mobile Sitemaps: igual que el XML sitemap pero para version mobile
• News Sitemaps: especialmente util para sitios de noticias donde el algoritmo de Google
QDF le da prioridad al contenido reciente (
SEO – Technical SEO – Integracion de Meta Data
Si bien hay una gran variedad de Meta Tags, las mas utilizadas para SEO son las siguientes:
• Meta description
• Meta keywords
• Autorship markup
• rel=“author”
• rel=“publisher”
• rel=“canonical”
• Meta cache-control
• Meta Robots
• Open Graph (Facebook)
• Twitter Cards
Por mas informacion acerca de estas y otras Tags ir a :
SEO – Technical SEO - Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile
Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile URLs?
Implementacion URLs Content
Responsive design Misma URL para Mobile
y Desktop
La pagina presenta basicamente el
mismo contenido, pero dependiendo del
tamaño de la pantalla es como se
presenta el contenido de la misma.
Dynamic Serving Misma URL para Mobile
y Desktop
La pagina presenta diferente contenido
dependiendo del device del usuario
Mobile URLs Diferente URL para
Mobile y Desktop
La experiencia del usuario es
completamente diferente entre Mobile y
SEO – Technical SEO -Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile
Responsive Design:
• Accesibilidad: tanto para los usuarios como para los buscadores
• Velocidad: ya que no es necesario redirigir al usuario
• Page Load time: ya que la pagina carga los mismos contenidos tanto para Dekstop como
para Mobile
A Considerar:
• Google aconseja no blockear al bot de Google tanto para CSS como para Javascript
• Estudiar el contenido de las paginas para ver que tan pesado es. Si tienen videos, muchas
imagenes, tal vez sea mejor considerar otras opciones.
SEO – Technical SEO -Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile
Dynamic Serving:
• Manejo de contenido: ya que podemos decidir que contenido mostrar para uno y para
A Considerar:
• Vary HTTP Header: el problema es que Google al ver que hay 2 versiones de la misma
pagina Google puede decidir por indexar la mas rapida, en este caso la Mobile.
• Dificil implementacion en algunos casos
SEO – Technical SEO -Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile
Mobile URLs:
• Diseño: estos son exclusivamente pensados para los usuarios Mobile
• Interactividad y Contexto: por la misma razon anterior
• SEO Performance: tener un sitio mobile nos permite mejorar en los resultados organicos
para aquellos buscadores que son mobile-friendly como Google.
• Tiempo : ya que hay que crear el sitio e implementarlo
A Considerar:
• En las paginas desktop agregar rel=“alternate” apuntando a la version mobile
• En las paginas mobile agregar rel=“canonical” apuntando a la version dekstop
SEO – Technical SEO

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Presentacion SEO

  • 3. 3 SEO A. On-site SEO B. Off-site SEO C.Technical SEO
  • 4. 4 SEO – On-site Definicion: Son todas aquellas acciones y cambios editoriales que realizamos en nuestro sitio con el fin de obtener mejores resultados en los rankings organicos. Ejemplos: Creacion y edicion de: • Titulos de pagina • Meta descriptions • Meta keywords • Semantica Web (H, alt images, etc) • Textos y contenido web
  • 6. 6 SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo
  • 7. 7 SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo Titulo del resultado: Titulo de la pagina
  • 8. 8 SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo Titulo del resultado: Titulo de la pagina
  • 9. 9 SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo Titulo del resultado: Titulo de la pagina
  • 10. 10 SEO – On-site SEO - Titulo Caracteristicas: • Es el elemento mas importante dentro del sitio para el posicionamiento organico. • Se utilizan los keywords mas importantes siempre al principio ya que es donde Google acredita la mayor relevancia. • Es aconsejable no utilizar mas de 2 o 3 keywords por titulo. • Solo son visibles los primeros 65 caracteres contando los espacios. • No hay control editorial en cuanto al contenido que contiene. • Que siempre sea facilmente legible y que tenga sentido. • Forma optima: • Keyword principal, keyword secundario o variacion | Nombre de la empresa
  • 11. 11 SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino
  • 12. 12 SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino URL Destino: Esta es la direccion de la pagina web, donde nos llevarian al clickear el titulo
  • 13. 13 SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino URL Destino: Esta es la direccion de la pagina web, donde nos llevarian al clickear el titulo.
  • 14. 14 SEO – On-site SEO – URL Destino URL Destino: Esta es la direccion de la pagina web, donde nos llevarian al clickear el titulo. Caracteristicas: Si bien no tenemos un control total sobre este item ya que Google decide el orden y las paginas que se van a presentar en los resultados, podemos guiar a Google utilizando keywords dentro de las URLs. Tambien podemos manipular la URL destino por medio del contenido que utilizamos dentro de las paginas ya que las podemos hacer mas o menos relvantes para ciertas palabras claves.
  • 15. 15 SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description
  • 16. 16 SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description Descripcion de la URL destino: Este texto es el equivalente al Meta description
  • 17. 17 SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description Descripcion de la URL destino: Este texto es el equivalente al Meta description
  • 18. 18 SEO – On-site SEO – Meta Description Descripcion de la URL destino: Este texto es el equivalente al Meta description Caracteristicas: • El meta description es unicamente visible en los resultados de los buscadores • Son visibles los primeros 155 caracteres contando los espacios • NO tiene peso en cuanto a SEO se refiere • Si bien no tiene peso en SEO, el meta description es utilizado para aumentar el CTR de nuestro listado
  • 19. 19 SEO – On-site SEO - Semantica Web – H Tags H Tags: Los H tags van del 1 al 6. Estos tags son utilizados para diferenciar las secciones del contenido y darle estructura. Estos tags son interpretados por los buscadores para entender el contenido, como esta estructurado y que es lo mas relevante del mismo.
  • 20. 20 SEO – On-site SEO - Semantica Web – H Tags H Tags: Los H tags van del 1 al 6. Estos tags son utilizados para diferenciar las secciones del contenido y darle estructura. Estos tags son interpretados por los buscadores para entender el contenido, como esta estructurado y que es lo mas relevante del mismo. Ejemplo: <h1>Recetas:</h1> <h2>Carnes</h2> <h2>Pastas</h2> <h2>Pescados</h2> <h3>Corvina</h3> <h3>Merluza</h3>
  • 21. 21 SEO – On-site SEO - Semantica Web – H Tags Caracteristicas: • Al igual que los titulos es bueno utilizar palabras claves en estos tags ya que los buscadores los utilizan en conjunto con el texto para ver la relevancia y el topico del contenido. • Enriquece la experiencia del usuario ya que le facilita la lectura y el entendimiento de nuestro contenido. • Para aquellos usuarios no videntes que usan screen readers es mucho mas sencillo navegar por las paginas bien estructuradas. • Existe la posibilidad de utilizar links dentro de estos tags. • No utilizar mas de un H1 por pagina
  • 22. 22 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes Porque optimizar las imagenes para SEO?
  • 23. 23 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
  • 24. 24 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes
  • 25. 25 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes 1. Uso de Alt Text o Alternative Text: Si vemos una imagen de una persona comprando un LCD, entendemos perfectamente de que se trata, el problema es que los buscadores no pueden interpretar los pixeles. Las razones fundamentales para utilizar Alt Text son: a) Provee de informacion a aquellos usuarios que no puedan ver la imagen b) Provee de informacion a los buscadores de que es lo que estan “viendo” Codigo Alt Text: alt=“hombre comprando un LCD” o para SEO alt=“comprar LCD” Codigo Imagen con Alt Text: <img src=“/image.jpg” alt=“comprar LCD”>
  • 26. 26 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes 2. Tamaño del archivo: Uno de los mas de 200 factores para rankear en Google es la velocidad de carga de la pagina. Esta velocidad de carga muchas veces se ve enlentecida por tener que cargar o muchas imagenes o imagenes pesadas. Lo mejor es tener las imagenes grandes comprimidas. No dejar que el browser muestre nuestras imagenes grandes mas pequeñas. Herramientas:
  • 27. 27 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes 3. Nombre del archivo: Antes de subir cualquier imagen al servidor, es importante usar en el nombre del archivo un texto descriptivo de la misma. Siempre es importante pensar por que palabra clave nos gustaria posicionarnos para utilizarla. Siguiendo el ejemplo anterior: <img src=“/comprar-LCD.jpg” alt=“comprar LCD”>
  • 28. 28 SEO – On-site SEO - Imagenes 4. Uso del Caption: Los captions no tienen relacion directa con los rankings en SEO, sinembargo hay estudios que dicen que tienen impacto directo en los Bounce Rates. Esta tecnica es utilizada principalmente en Blogs ya que las imagenes son en su mayoria ubicadas al principio de los posts y los captions se utilizan como bajada. Basicamente los captions en conjunto con los titulos son los componentes mas leidos por los usuarios. Ejemplo de anuncio basado en imagenes:
  • 29. 29 SEO - On-site SEO Preguntas?
  • 30. 30 SEO – Off-site Definicion: Son todas aquellas acciones y optimizaciones que realizamos por fuera de nuestra web con el fin de posicionar nuestro sitio en los buscadores y atraer la mayor cantidad de trafico calificado. Ejemplos: • Link Building • Creacion de contenido viral • Interaccion en Redes Sociales • Press Releases • Guest Post • Guerilla Marketing • etc
  • 31. 31 SEO – Google Trafico por Posiciones:
  • 32. 32 SEO – Google Trafico por Posiciones: Posicion Organica % Trafico 1 32,5% 2 17,6% 3 11,4% 4 8,1% 5 6,1% 6 4,4% 7 3,5% 8 3,1% 9 2,6% 10 2,4%
  • 33. 33 SEO – Google Factores para rankear en 2013: Actualmente Google tiene mas de 200 factores que utiliza en su algoritmo para rankear las paginas web. De estos 200 factores es sabido que los mas importantes son:
  • 34. 34 SEO – Off-site – Ranking Factors Domain Authority: Es la medicion del “poder” de un dominio. Basicamente se basa en 3 factores: Edad del dominio, popularidad del dominio y tamaño del dominio. Page Level Link Metrics: Esto se refiere a la cantidad de links y dominios externos apuntados a nivel de pagina provenientes de distinto bloque C. Page Level Keyword & Content Based: Pertenece al On-site SEO, en cuanto a que tan bien esta optimizado el contenido dentro del niche para la palabra clave especifica. Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features: Que tan original es el contenido dentro del niche por la palabra clave optimizada.
  • 35. 35 SEO – Off-site – Ranking Factors Domain level brand metrics: Se divide basicamente en 3 partes: Cantidad de volumen de busquedas por la marca, cuantas veces a sido nombrado en sitios de noticias importantes, cuantas veces el dominio ha sido nombrado en las redes sociales. User Usage & Traffic Query Data: Esto esta muy relacionado con el Bounce Rate organico. Esta metrica se basa en el engagement que tiene el usuario despues de hacer click en un resultado organico. Page Level Social Metrics: Basicamente se trata de medir cuantos likes, +1s, shares y tweets tiene una pagina a nivel individual. Domain Level Keyword Usage: Esta metrica se basa en el uso de las palabras claves dentro de dominio a nivel generico.
  • 36. 36 SEO – Off-site – Ranking Factors Domain level brand metrics: Se divide basicamente en 3 partes: Cantidad de volumen de busquedas por la marca, cuantas veces a sido nombrado en sitios de noticias importantes, cuantas veces el dominio ha sido nombrado en las redes sociales. User Usage & Traffic Query Data: Esto esta muy relacionado con el Bounce Rate organico. Esta metrica se basa en el engagement que tiene el usuario despues de hacer click en un resultado organico. Page Level Social Metrics: Basicamente se trata de medir cuantos likes, +1s, shares y tweets tiene una pagina a nivel individual. Domain Level Keyword Usage: Esta metrica se basa en el uso de las palabras claves dentro de dominio a nivel generico.
  • 37. 37 SEO – Off-site SEO Preguntas?
  • 38. 38 SEO – Technical SEO Definicion: Son todos aquellos cambios que se deban de realizar en el sitio a nivel de codigo para mejorar los resultados organicos, la estructura y la accesibilidad del mismo. Ejemplos: • Canonicalization • Sitemaps • Integracion de Meta Data • Responsive Design • Mapeo de redirecciones (301, 302) • Page load times • Etc
  • 39. 39 SEO – Technical SEO – Canonicalization El problema: Es cuando tenemos mas de una instancia para acceder al mismo contenido. Esto puede ocacionar 2 tipos de problema para SEO. Ejemplo: 1. Perdemos autoridad en el dominio, ya que el PageRank se puede llegar a dividir en 4 direcciones dependiendo de cual utilice el webmaster. 2. Los buscadores lleagara a menos profundidad cuando navega por nuestro sitio, ya que Google como los otros buscadores tienen alocada determinada capacidad por sitio.
  • 40. 40 SEO – Technical SEO – Canonicalization La solucion: 1. Usar redirecciones 301 hacia la URL que quieramos utilizar como principal 2. Ser consistente al momento de linkear internamente la pagina principal 3. NO usar tracking IDs en las URLs principales 4. NO usar tracking IDs en los links externos hacia nuestro sitio 5. Cuidar el paginado, crear URLs unicas para cada pagina 6. Utilizar el robot.txt y el Tag Meta Robot para bloquear paginas que contenga estas IDs 7. Usar la rel=“canonical”
  • 41. 41 SEO – Technical SEO – Sitemaps El problema: El problema en muchos sitios a veces pasa por la estructura en la navegacion, por lo que muchas veces a Google le cuesta indexar las paginas mas profundas de dichos sitios. La solucion: Creacion de Sitemaps para hacer push de la meta data a los buscadores. Ventajas: • Ayuda a incrementar el crawl rate y la indexacion del sitio • Ayuda al indexado de nuevo contenido • Ayuda a ver posibles problemas con el sitio (Google Webmaster Tools)
  • 42. 42 SEO – Technical SEO – Sitemaps Tipos de Sitemaps: • XML Sitemaps: utilizado por los buscadores para encontrar las URLs • HTML Sitemaps: sirve como guia tanto para los usuarios como como para los buscadores • Images Sitemaps: muy util para ayudar a la indexacion de imagenes ( • Video Sitemaps: util para ayudar a los diferentes buscadores y como feed para los sitios de videos tales como: Vimeo, YouTube, DailyMotion, Google Video (universal search) • Mobile Sitemaps: igual que el XML sitemap pero para version mobile • News Sitemaps: especialmente util para sitios de noticias donde el algoritmo de Google QDF le da prioridad al contenido reciente (
  • 43. 43 SEO – Technical SEO – Integracion de Meta Data Si bien hay una gran variedad de Meta Tags, las mas utilizadas para SEO son las siguientes: • Meta description • Meta keywords • Autorship markup • rel=“author” • rel=“publisher” • rel=“canonical” • Meta cache-control • Meta Robots • • Open Graph (Facebook) • Twitter Cards Por mas informacion acerca de estas y otras Tags ir a :
  • 44. 44 SEO – Technical SEO - Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile URLs? Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile URLs? Implementacion URLs Content Responsive design Misma URL para Mobile y Desktop La pagina presenta basicamente el mismo contenido, pero dependiendo del tamaño de la pantalla es como se presenta el contenido de la misma. Dynamic Serving Misma URL para Mobile y Desktop La pagina presenta diferente contenido dependiendo del device del usuario Mobile URLs Diferente URL para Mobile y Desktop La experiencia del usuario es completamente diferente entre Mobile y Dekstop
  • 45. 45 SEO – Technical SEO -Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile URLs? Responsive Design: Ventajas: • Accesibilidad: tanto para los usuarios como para los buscadores • Velocidad: ya que no es necesario redirigir al usuario Desventajas: • Page Load time: ya que la pagina carga los mismos contenidos tanto para Dekstop como para Mobile A Considerar: • Google aconseja no blockear al bot de Google tanto para CSS como para Javascript • Estudiar el contenido de las paginas para ver que tan pesado es. Si tienen videos, muchas imagenes, tal vez sea mejor considerar otras opciones.
  • 46. 46 SEO – Technical SEO -Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile URLs? Dynamic Serving: Ventajas: • Manejo de contenido: ya que podemos decidir que contenido mostrar para uno y para otro A Considerar: • Vary HTTP Header: el problema es que Google al ver que hay 2 versiones de la misma pagina Google puede decidir por indexar la mas rapida, en este caso la Mobile. • Dificil implementacion en algunos casos
  • 47. 47 SEO – Technical SEO -Responsive Design, Dynamic Content, o Mobile URLs? Mobile URLs: Ventajas: • Diseño: estos son exclusivamente pensados para los usuarios Mobile • Interactividad y Contexto: por la misma razon anterior • SEO Performance: tener un sitio mobile nos permite mejorar en los resultados organicos para aquellos buscadores que son mobile-friendly como Google. Desventajas: • Tiempo : ya que hay que crear el sitio e implementarlo A Considerar: • En las paginas desktop agregar rel=“alternate” apuntando a la version mobile • En las paginas mobile agregar rel=“canonical” apuntando a la version dekstop
  • 48. 48 SEO – Technical SEO Preguntas?

Editor's Notes

  1. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  2. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  3. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  4. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  5. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  6. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  7. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  8. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  9. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  10. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  11. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  12. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  13. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  14. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  15. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  16. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  17. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  18. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  19. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  20. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  21. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  22. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  23. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  24. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  25. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  26. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  27. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  28. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  29. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  30. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  31. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  32. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  33. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  34. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  35. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  36. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  37. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  38. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  39. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  40. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  41. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  42. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  43. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  44. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  45. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  46. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.
  47. Moving on to our marketing KPIs these are figures for March.In terms of grow YoY we have grown 2.1 times on visits, 4.1 times on registered customers and 2.8 on cumulated… WHILE in terms of orders we have grown 3.1 times (so this shows that we are gaining more orders per customer! :D)Regarding to paid marketing, the perfomance of last year was also very good. With only the double of the investment, we got 4 times more orders, reducing the paid marketing cost per order by 40%.About mobile marketing, after a few tests we started to invest more on mobile we are experimenting an mobile cost per order of $5.