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Poultry housing systems 
Generally four systems of poultry housing followed among the poultry keepers. The type 
of housing adopted depends to a large extent on the amount of ground and the capital 
Types of poultry housing: 
1. Free – range or extensive system 
2. Semi - intensive system 
3. Folding unit system 
4. Intensive system 
A. Battery system 
B. Deep litter system 
Free-range system: 
It is the oldest one and has been used for centuries by general farmers, where there is 
no shortage of land. This system allows great but not unlimited, space to the birds on 
land where they can find an appreciable amount of food in the form of herbage, seeds 
and insects. Birds are protected from predatory animals and infectious diseases 
including parasitic infestation. At present due to advantages of intensive methods the 
system is almost obsolete. 
Semi-intensive system: 
Where the amount of free space available is limited this system is adopted, but it is 
necessary to allow the birds 20-30 square yards per bird of outside run. Wherever 
possible this space should be divided giving a run on either side of the house of 10-15 
square yards per bird, thus enabling the birds to move onto fresh ground.
Folding-unit system: 
This system of housing is an innovation of recent years. In portable folding units birds 
being confined to one small run, the position is changed each day, giving them fresh 
ground and the birds find a considerable proportion of food from the herbage are 
healthier and harder. For the farmer the beneficial effects of scratching and manuring on 
the land is another side effect. 
The most convenient folding unit to handle is that which is made for 25 hens. A floor 
space of 1 square foot should be allowed for each bird in the house, and 3 square feet 
in the run, so that a total floor space to the whole unit is 4 square feet per bird, as with 
the intensive system. 
A suitable measurement for a folding house to take 25 birds is 5 feet wide and 20 feet 
long, the house being 5’ x 5’, one-third of the run. The part nearest the house is covered 
in and the remaining 10’ open with wire netting sides and top. 
 The food and water must be carried out to the birds and eggs brought back. 
 There is some extra labour involved in the regular moving of the fold units. 
Intensive System: 
This system is usually adopted where land is limited and expensive. In this system the 
birds are confined to the house entirely, with no access to land outside. This has only 
been made possible by admitting the direct rays of the sun on to the floor of the house 
so that part of the windows are removable, or either fold or slide down to permit the 
ultraviolet rays to reach the birds. Under the intensive system, Battery (cage system) 
and Deep litter methods are most common. 
A. Battery system. 
This is the most intensive type of poultry production and is useful to those with only a 
small quantity of floor space at their disposal. In the battery system each hen is confined 
to a cage just large enough to permit very limited movement and allow her to stand and 
sit comfortably. The usual floor space is 14 x 16 inches and the height, 17 inches. The 
floor is of standard strong galvanised wire set at a slope from back to the front, so that 
the eggs as they are laid, roll out of the cage to a receiving gutter. Underneath is a tray 
for droppings. Both food and water receptacles are outside the cage. 
Many small cages can be assembled together, if necessary it may be multistoried. The 
whole structure should be of metal so that no parasites will be harbored and thorough 
disinfection can be carried out as often as required. Provided the batteries of cages are
set up in a place which is well ventilated, and lighted, is not too hot and is vermin proof 
and that the food meets all nutritional needs, this system has proved to be 
 Remarkably successful in the tropical countries. 
 It requires a minimum expenditure of energy from the bird as they spend all time 
in the shade. 
 It lessens the load of excess body heat. 
 The performance of each bird can be noted and culling easily carried out. 
Deep litter system: 
In this system the poultry birds are kept in large pens up to 250 birds each, on floor 
covered with litters like straw, saw dust or leaves up to depth of 8-12 inches. Deep litter 
resembles to dry compost. In other words, we can define deep litter, as the 
accumulation of the material used for litter with poultry manure until it reaches a depth 
of 8 to 12 inches. The build-up has to be carried out correctly to give desired results, 
which takes very little attention. 
Suitable dry organic materials like straw (needs to be cut into 2 or 3 inch lengths), saw 
dust, leaves, dry grasses, groundnut shells, broken up maize stalks and cobs, bark of 
trees in sufficient quantity to give a depth of about 6 inches in the pen should be used. 
The droppings of the birds gradually combine with the materials used to build up the 
litter. In about 2 months, it has usually become deep litter, and by 6 months it has 
become built-up deep litter. At about 12 months of old stage it is fully built up. Extra litter 
materials can be added to maintain sufficient depth. 
The deep litter pen should be started when the weather is dry, and is likely to remain so 
for about 2 months for the operation of the bacterial action, which alters the composition 
of the litters. Start new litter with each year’s pullets and continue with it for their laying 
Advantages of Deep Litter System: 
 Birds and eggs are safety as enclosed in deep litter intensive pen, which has 
strong wire netting or expanded metal. 
 Built-up deep litter also supplies some of the food requirements of the birds. They 
obtain "Animal Protein Factor" from deep litter. 
 The level of coccidiosis and worm infestation is much lower with poultry kept on 
good deep litter than with birds (or chicken) in bare yards. Well managed deep 
litter kept in dry condition with no wet spots around waterer has a sterilising 
 With correct conditions observed with well managed litter there is no need to 
clean a pen out for a whole year; the only attention is the regular stirring and 
adding of some material as needed. 
 Generally 35 laying birds can produce in one year about 1 tonne of deep litter 
fertilizer. The level of nitrogen in fresh manure is about 1%, but on well built-up 
deep litter it may be around 3% nitrogen (nearly 20% protein). It also contains 
about 2% phosphorus and 2% potash. Its value is about 3 times that of cattle 
 It is a valuable insulating agent, the litter maintains its own constant temperature, 
so birds burrow into it when the air temperature is high and thereby cool 
themselves. Conversely, they can warm themselves in the same way when the 
weather is very cool. 
Basic Rules for deep litter system: 
 Do not have too many birds in the pen – one bird for every 3 ½ to 4 and 
preferably 5 square feet of floor space. 
 Provide sufficient ventilation to enable the litter to keep in correct condition. 
 Keep the litter dry. This is probably the master work in a deep litter system. If the 
litter gets soaked by leaking from roofs or from water vessels, it upsets the whole 
process and would have to start over again. All probable precautions should be 
taken to maintain the litters completely dry. 
 Stir the litter regularly. Turning the litter (just like digging in a garden) at least 
once weekly is very important in maintaining a correct build-up of deep litter. 
Chicken farming has become a profitable business lately and its good to try it out. One factor to 
consider before any other is poultry housing. Every poultry production system must provide the 
most important requirements. Good examples include the following: 
Safety from weather: Birds must be shielded from the cold, rain, sun and wind. 
Newly hatched chicks need a source of warmth as a basic requirement to shield 
them against harsh weather conditions. 
Safety from predators: The chickens have many predators including snakes, 
rodents, foxes, dogs and other animals. The best way to solve this problem is to 
confine chickens in modern structures. These are large installations with 
concrete floors, electric fences, strong walls and other features. This discourages 
the predators from digging under floors and walls. Wire mesh doors are also very 
necessary not to forget meshed windows. Make sure that the available domestic 
birds are supplied with food and water. Ensure proper hygiene of the poultry 
house as well. 
Adequate ventilation: When planning a poultry housing exercise, keep 
ventilation requirement in mind. A good flow and circulation of air is an essential 
element in any chicken house. To achieve this goal, it’s imperative to consider
the poultry production capacity. One can do the large-scale poultry farming or 
small-scale poultry farming. The necessary structures in both cases are different 
in sizes and designs. Numerous birds require a big housing unit with adequate 
ventilation features. This prevents poisonous gases such as ammonia, carbon 
monoxide and carbon dioxide from harming the birds. Fewer birds require small 
poultry houses with windows and vents on one side of the house. This is to 
provide abundant exposure to air. The farmers who live in warmer climates 
should build structures with open sides. 
Heat control: It is good to build poultry houses in such a way that heat can be 
controlled. Too much heat could even kill the birds not to mention it as a 
constraint to fruitful poultry farming. On the other hand, temperatures below 
freezing point should be prevented. Surprisingly freezing temperatures are not 
very risky for chickens. If temperatures go up to forty degrees, inside the poultry 
house, the birds cannot survive. At this heat range or over, the birds’ stress 
levels go up quickly. At 46 degrees Celsius the birds could die. Potential farmers 
of chicken or any other domesticated birds must read books. Books contain facts 
about building materials and techniques to lower or raise temperatures. The 
chicken house construction procedure should be based on the type of local 
climate to control heat. 
Humidity levels: As the farmer constructs the poultry houses, he or she must 
consider the humidity factor. The birds do not have sweat glands like humans 
hence their cooling system is via the beaks. When the humidity levels rise, this 
natural cooling mechanism fails. 
Space needs in chicken houses: Creating space happens to be the most 
important poultry housing principles. Space determines the quantity of birds you 
could keep. It also determines the kinds of poultry you could keep. Birds require 
space so that they can move freely and work out. Space is essential for creating 
chicken nests and perches too. When thinking of space creation, considering the 
type of bird species, breeds and production system used is vital. Always make 
sure that the chickens or any other domesticated birds are not congested in the 
house units. 
Feeding Chickens 
There are many considerations for poultry farming including feeding chickens. 
Potential entrepreneurs planning to venture in chicken farming must know about 
feeding. Proper chicken production systems consist of practical feeding plans. 
One of the issues to address in the plan is how much feed the birds are likely to 
consume at a given duration of time. There are many factors influencing how the 
chickens consume the feed at any give time. These factors are: 
o Breed type: The Cornish-cross breed (meat providing chicken) and the 
layers (egg providing chicken) are normally not fed similarly. The former 
chicken breed is bred to develop quickly and it is harvested within two 
months of age. During the first six weeks of life, a meat-giving chicken 
requires eight pounds of starter feed. The egg-giving chicken breed
matures in six months. Two pounds of starter feed is enough for every 
chick in its six weeks of life. 
o The work out rate: Young chickens are often active because they are 
experiencing the growth phase. Therefore, it goes without saying that their 
rate of feed consumption would be high. Even adult chickens’ feed 
consumption rate is likely to be high. 
o Climate variations: The intervals between feeding chickens are likely to be 
influenced by climate changes. Climate, in this case refers to wind, 
temperature, humidity and rainfall variations. 
o Nutritional density: It is good to assess the nutritional value of the feed 
before buying it. The natural supplements are also very useful. If the 
chicken feed is always nutritious, the birds are much more likely to stay 
The practice of chicken feeding should be based on a plan. It is very important to 
plan so as to track down the expenditures on chicken feed. Here the elements to 
feature in the plan or in the records to know how much feed the birds consume: 
o Quantity of chicken feed bought at a given time period 
o The various types of chicken feed bought at a specific time 
o Price tag for every type of chicken feed 
o Record the amount of feed bought or consumed in terms of weight 
o Group chickens by their ages, breeds and quantities. 
The types of accounts chicken farmers keep are likely to differ. Some farmers 
rear chicken commercially and others do small-scale farming. It is very 
imperative to know how to manage the feed. A farmer could do this by 
determining the correct feed ratio to put in the feeders every time. Maintaining 
fresh feed in the feeders all the times is a good way to keep the birds healthy. 
One can do this by avoiding feed wastage. 
Feeding chicken daily is not such a difficult task. Fill the hanging feeders 
approximately three quarters full, and the trough feeders two thirds full. It is okay 
to keep on adding the feed as the birds consume it than filling all feeders at once. 
A farmer is much more likely to estimate the amount of feed consumed 
throughout the day and avoid wasting it. If the left over feed is already 
contaminated, throw it away. Then, clean all the feeders before refilling them. 
Mixing fresh and contaminated feed may cause a disease outbreak. One 
indicator of sick birds is a reduction in the normal consumption rate for usual feed 
ratios. The birds may also feed less for other reasons known only to a poultry 
feeding chickens feeding chickens feeding chickens feeding chickens
HOUSING SPACE (per 100 birds) 
2 weeks (0.3 kg) 0.04 m² (.43 ft²) 2.5 cm (1 ") 75 cm 
6 weeks (1.85 kg) 0.07 m² (.75 ft²) 7.5 cm (3") 50 cm 
(trough) (60") 
8 weeks (3.5 kg) 0.09 m² (1.0 ft²) 7.5 cm (3") 150 cm 
(trough) (60") 
100 cm 
(circular) (40") 
Minimum Space Requirements for different poultry 
Type of Bird Sq ft/bird inside Sq ft/bird outside runs 
Bantam Chickens 
Laying Hens 
Large Chickens 
Minimum Requirement of Chickens for floor and perch space 
Chicken types Floor Space 
Floor Space 
(ft²/ bird) 
Perch Space 
(per bird) 
Dual Purpose 
25 cm (10 in) 
20 cm (8 in) 
15-20 cm (6-8 in)
- See more at: 
Poultry Housing Systems 
The system of poultry housing to be adopted depends on category tage), type of birds,climatic conditions, capacity to invest and 
strength of birds. Sometimes combination of two or more systems is also followed depending on need and convenience of 
operations for fanning. Broadly, the classification or types of poultry housing systems is given in Flow chart 
Rearing of poultry by letting them loose on ground (field) called as range in limited area(fenced) is known as free range system. The 
system is adopted only when adequate land isavailable to ensure desired stocking density by avoiding crowding. It A range 
should provide shelter, greens. feed, water shade, room , for exercise and saftey. But foraging is the major source of feeding for 
birds. Shelter is usually provided by temporary roofing supported by ordinary poles. The fields are generally used on rotational basis 
after harvesting of crops by moving of birds from field to fielJ depending on cropping programme. All types and categories of birds 
can be reared in this system. The average stocking density of adult birds in this system is 250 birds per hectare. The scientific
management practices cannot be followed because there is no control over the birds. The system is not practiced in India 
forcommercial rearing but used for backward poultry keeping in villages for country hens. 
As the name indicates birds are half-way reared in houses and half-way on ground or range, i.e. birds are confined to houses in 
night or as per need they are also given access to runs. The houses are with solid floors while runs are fields only. The success of 
rearing depends on maintenance of condition of runs to reduce the contamination. Runs can also be used on turn basis. The more 
danger of infection is from the ground immediately surrounding houses called “foul-patch” due to congregation of birds there for 
more time in day. Therefore, floor of this ground may be made up of pressed gravel or murrom having slope towards runs, away 
from house. The stocking density rate on an average for adults is 750 birds per hectare.Here also there is only slight control over 
birds and scientific management practices cannot be applied. To some extent the system is adopted for duck rearing. The feeding 
and watering facilities are provided in houses. 
Birds are totally confined to houses either on ground/floor or on wire-netting floor in cages. While invention of this system, initially it 
was thought that birds developed leg weakness due to this rearing but later on it was detected that leg problems were due 
to deficiency of vitamin D, B,, etc. or mineral deficiency like manganese and it was not the fault of system. It is the most efficient, 
convenient an 
Cage Rearing 
This system involves rearing of poultry on raised wire netting floor in smaller compartments of wire netting called cages, either fitted 
on stands on floor of house or hanged to the roof. If birds become overweight they may develop cage fatigue but very rarely. The 
system has been proved very efficient for laying operations, right from day-old stage till disposal. Feeders and waterers 
are attached to cages from outside except nipple waterers, for which pipeline is installed through or above cages. Auto-operated 
feeding trollies and egg collection belts can also be used in this rearing system. The droppings are either collected in trays 
underneath cages or on belts for it or on the floor or deep pit under cages, depending on type of cages. Primarily cages can be 
divided into two types depending on their design and installation pattern in the house, viz reverse (Calif-ornian) and battery cages. 
Reverse Cages (Stair-step)
They are also known as stair-stepped cages and were initially named after the place California, where invented for first time. The 
commpartments are arranged step-wise in two or three tiers on stands in two or three rows, were droppings may fall on ground or 
deep pit under cages . The droppings be removed once 6 months or after 12 months along with disposal of layer batch pending on 
depth of pit formed by raised platform . Double strength of birds can be accommo-dated the same space in this type of cages as 
compared to deep-litter. 
battery Cages 
they are also called as vertical cages. The compartments of cages e arranged one above the other on stands with a tray or shit belts 
un der the compartments for collection of droppings in two or three rows. The droppings are preferably removed every day or at 
least alternate day in this system. The feeders and waterers arrange-nt is same as that of reverse cages. These cages house still 
more number of birds than deep-litter or reverse cages. Roughly tripplc strength of birds can be housed as compared to deep-litter 
system. The arrangement of compartments is elaborated in the figure 
Flat Deck Cages 
This is the single tier cage system popularly used for rearing chicks upto 8 weeks, for easy handling of them in morden methods of 
poultry production and management. Each cage is usually 1 m (100 cm) square block fitted on stand. Length-wise each block is 
divided into two compartments by a partition in middle at 50 cm of width housing, 20 chicks in each compartment or 40 chicks in a 
block. They are provided with trough waterers initially attached on width sides and from around 4th week waterers on both the sides 
length-wise are used. Nipple, arid pipeline, length-wise can also be installed through cages. Feeders to cages are attachedfrom 
outside on both the sides length-wise . Because the quantity of droppings is less due to smaller size of birds, droppings can easily 
be stocked for 2 months and removed along with shifting of chicks to grower houses at 8 weeks of age. Generally four rows of 
cages are installed in 8.5 m wide house with 5 service passages. The length of house can be taken as per need.. 
Advantages of Cage Rearing 
1. Space and land required is lowest than any other type of rearing. About 20,000 to 25,000 birds can be reared per hectare. ‘ 
Therefore, the cost of overall housing is reduced to a great extent. 
. Birds are under complete control. Even birds can be housed individually which is sometimes followed for breeders. 
3. Accurate records of individual bird can be maintained which is helpful in efficient breeding programme. 
4. Scientific management practices in respect of feeding, watering. breeding, health care, etc. can be adopted easily. 
5. Egg eating is largely prevented and most clean egg productior. is obtained. 
6. The birds do not congregate at the time of feeding and fee: consumption is still reduced due to further restricted movements as 
compared to deep-litter. 
7. The major litter horned diseases like coccidiosis and worms are eliminated or incidence is reduced to large extent. 
8. The cost of litter and litter management problems are totally eliminated. 
9. Day to day operations like watering, feeding, egg collection, medication, vaccination, culling, debeaking, etc. are easy and create 
minimum stress of birds. 
10. The breakage of eggs is reduced to minimum possible level of 0.5 to 1 per cent which increases profit of margin.
Floor Space Requirements on Deep-litter and Cages 
Floor requirements vary according to species, type, age, size of birds and system of housing. The floor space requirements for 
chicken as per category are given in the Table

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  • 1. POULTRY HOUSING Poultry housing systems Generally four systems of poultry housing followed among the poultry keepers. The type of housing adopted depends to a large extent on the amount of ground and the capital available. Types of poultry housing: 1. Free – range or extensive system 2. Semi - intensive system 3. Folding unit system 4. Intensive system A. Battery system B. Deep litter system Free-range system: It is the oldest one and has been used for centuries by general farmers, where there is no shortage of land. This system allows great but not unlimited, space to the birds on land where they can find an appreciable amount of food in the form of herbage, seeds and insects. Birds are protected from predatory animals and infectious diseases including parasitic infestation. At present due to advantages of intensive methods the system is almost obsolete. Semi-intensive system: Where the amount of free space available is limited this system is adopted, but it is necessary to allow the birds 20-30 square yards per bird of outside run. Wherever possible this space should be divided giving a run on either side of the house of 10-15 square yards per bird, thus enabling the birds to move onto fresh ground.
  • 2. Folding-unit system: This system of housing is an innovation of recent years. In portable folding units birds being confined to one small run, the position is changed each day, giving them fresh ground and the birds find a considerable proportion of food from the herbage are healthier and harder. For the farmer the beneficial effects of scratching and manuring on the land is another side effect. The most convenient folding unit to handle is that which is made for 25 hens. A floor space of 1 square foot should be allowed for each bird in the house, and 3 square feet in the run, so that a total floor space to the whole unit is 4 square feet per bird, as with the intensive system. A suitable measurement for a folding house to take 25 birds is 5 feet wide and 20 feet long, the house being 5’ x 5’, one-third of the run. The part nearest the house is covered in and the remaining 10’ open with wire netting sides and top. Disadvantages  The food and water must be carried out to the birds and eggs brought back.  There is some extra labour involved in the regular moving of the fold units. Intensive System: This system is usually adopted where land is limited and expensive. In this system the birds are confined to the house entirely, with no access to land outside. This has only been made possible by admitting the direct rays of the sun on to the floor of the house so that part of the windows are removable, or either fold or slide down to permit the ultraviolet rays to reach the birds. Under the intensive system, Battery (cage system) and Deep litter methods are most common. A. Battery system. This is the most intensive type of poultry production and is useful to those with only a small quantity of floor space at their disposal. In the battery system each hen is confined to a cage just large enough to permit very limited movement and allow her to stand and sit comfortably. The usual floor space is 14 x 16 inches and the height, 17 inches. The floor is of standard strong galvanised wire set at a slope from back to the front, so that the eggs as they are laid, roll out of the cage to a receiving gutter. Underneath is a tray for droppings. Both food and water receptacles are outside the cage. Many small cages can be assembled together, if necessary it may be multistoried. The whole structure should be of metal so that no parasites will be harbored and thorough disinfection can be carried out as often as required. Provided the batteries of cages are
  • 3. set up in a place which is well ventilated, and lighted, is not too hot and is vermin proof and that the food meets all nutritional needs, this system has proved to be Advantages:  Remarkably successful in the tropical countries.  It requires a minimum expenditure of energy from the bird as they spend all time in the shade.  It lessens the load of excess body heat.  The performance of each bird can be noted and culling easily carried out. Deep litter system: In this system the poultry birds are kept in large pens up to 250 birds each, on floor covered with litters like straw, saw dust or leaves up to depth of 8-12 inches. Deep litter resembles to dry compost. In other words, we can define deep litter, as the accumulation of the material used for litter with poultry manure until it reaches a depth of 8 to 12 inches. The build-up has to be carried out correctly to give desired results, which takes very little attention. Suitable dry organic materials like straw (needs to be cut into 2 or 3 inch lengths), saw dust, leaves, dry grasses, groundnut shells, broken up maize stalks and cobs, bark of trees in sufficient quantity to give a depth of about 6 inches in the pen should be used. The droppings of the birds gradually combine with the materials used to build up the litter. In about 2 months, it has usually become deep litter, and by 6 months it has become built-up deep litter. At about 12 months of old stage it is fully built up. Extra litter materials can be added to maintain sufficient depth. The deep litter pen should be started when the weather is dry, and is likely to remain so for about 2 months for the operation of the bacterial action, which alters the composition of the litters. Start new litter with each year’s pullets and continue with it for their laying period. Advantages of Deep Litter System:  Birds and eggs are safety as enclosed in deep litter intensive pen, which has strong wire netting or expanded metal.  Built-up deep litter also supplies some of the food requirements of the birds. They obtain "Animal Protein Factor" from deep litter.  The level of coccidiosis and worm infestation is much lower with poultry kept on good deep litter than with birds (or chicken) in bare yards. Well managed deep litter kept in dry condition with no wet spots around waterer has a sterilising action.
  • 4.  With correct conditions observed with well managed litter there is no need to clean a pen out for a whole year; the only attention is the regular stirring and adding of some material as needed.  Generally 35 laying birds can produce in one year about 1 tonne of deep litter fertilizer. The level of nitrogen in fresh manure is about 1%, but on well built-up deep litter it may be around 3% nitrogen (nearly 20% protein). It also contains about 2% phosphorus and 2% potash. Its value is about 3 times that of cattle manure.  It is a valuable insulating agent, the litter maintains its own constant temperature, so birds burrow into it when the air temperature is high and thereby cool themselves. Conversely, they can warm themselves in the same way when the weather is very cool. Basic Rules for deep litter system:  Do not have too many birds in the pen – one bird for every 3 ½ to 4 and preferably 5 square feet of floor space.  Provide sufficient ventilation to enable the litter to keep in correct condition.  Keep the litter dry. This is probably the master work in a deep litter system. If the litter gets soaked by leaking from roofs or from water vessels, it upsets the whole process and would have to start over again. All probable precautions should be taken to maintain the litters completely dry.  Stir the litter regularly. Turning the litter (just like digging in a garden) at least once weekly is very important in maintaining a correct build-up of deep litter. Chicken farming has become a profitable business lately and its good to try it out. One factor to consider before any other is poultry housing. Every poultry production system must provide the most important requirements. Good examples include the following: Safety from weather: Birds must be shielded from the cold, rain, sun and wind. Newly hatched chicks need a source of warmth as a basic requirement to shield them against harsh weather conditions. Safety from predators: The chickens have many predators including snakes, rodents, foxes, dogs and other animals. The best way to solve this problem is to confine chickens in modern structures. These are large installations with concrete floors, electric fences, strong walls and other features. This discourages the predators from digging under floors and walls. Wire mesh doors are also very necessary not to forget meshed windows. Make sure that the available domestic birds are supplied with food and water. Ensure proper hygiene of the poultry house as well. Adequate ventilation: When planning a poultry housing exercise, keep ventilation requirement in mind. A good flow and circulation of air is an essential element in any chicken house. To achieve this goal, it’s imperative to consider
  • 5. the poultry production capacity. One can do the large-scale poultry farming or small-scale poultry farming. The necessary structures in both cases are different in sizes and designs. Numerous birds require a big housing unit with adequate ventilation features. This prevents poisonous gases such as ammonia, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from harming the birds. Fewer birds require small poultry houses with windows and vents on one side of the house. This is to provide abundant exposure to air. The farmers who live in warmer climates should build structures with open sides. Heat control: It is good to build poultry houses in such a way that heat can be controlled. Too much heat could even kill the birds not to mention it as a constraint to fruitful poultry farming. On the other hand, temperatures below freezing point should be prevented. Surprisingly freezing temperatures are not very risky for chickens. If temperatures go up to forty degrees, inside the poultry house, the birds cannot survive. At this heat range or over, the birds’ stress levels go up quickly. At 46 degrees Celsius the birds could die. Potential farmers of chicken or any other domesticated birds must read books. Books contain facts about building materials and techniques to lower or raise temperatures. The chicken house construction procedure should be based on the type of local climate to control heat. Humidity levels: As the farmer constructs the poultry houses, he or she must consider the humidity factor. The birds do not have sweat glands like humans hence their cooling system is via the beaks. When the humidity levels rise, this natural cooling mechanism fails. Space needs in chicken houses: Creating space happens to be the most important poultry housing principles. Space determines the quantity of birds you could keep. It also determines the kinds of poultry you could keep. Birds require space so that they can move freely and work out. Space is essential for creating chicken nests and perches too. When thinking of space creation, considering the type of bird species, breeds and production system used is vital. Always make sure that the chickens or any other domesticated birds are not congested in the house units. Feeding Chickens There are many considerations for poultry farming including feeding chickens. Potential entrepreneurs planning to venture in chicken farming must know about feeding. Proper chicken production systems consist of practical feeding plans. One of the issues to address in the plan is how much feed the birds are likely to consume at a given duration of time. There are many factors influencing how the chickens consume the feed at any give time. These factors are: o Breed type: The Cornish-cross breed (meat providing chicken) and the layers (egg providing chicken) are normally not fed similarly. The former chicken breed is bred to develop quickly and it is harvested within two months of age. During the first six weeks of life, a meat-giving chicken requires eight pounds of starter feed. The egg-giving chicken breed
  • 6. matures in six months. Two pounds of starter feed is enough for every chick in its six weeks of life. o The work out rate: Young chickens are often active because they are experiencing the growth phase. Therefore, it goes without saying that their rate of feed consumption would be high. Even adult chickens’ feed consumption rate is likely to be high. o Climate variations: The intervals between feeding chickens are likely to be influenced by climate changes. Climate, in this case refers to wind, temperature, humidity and rainfall variations. o Nutritional density: It is good to assess the nutritional value of the feed before buying it. The natural supplements are also very useful. If the chicken feed is always nutritious, the birds are much more likely to stay healthy. The practice of chicken feeding should be based on a plan. It is very important to plan so as to track down the expenditures on chicken feed. Here the elements to feature in the plan or in the records to know how much feed the birds consume: o Quantity of chicken feed bought at a given time period o The various types of chicken feed bought at a specific time o Price tag for every type of chicken feed o Record the amount of feed bought or consumed in terms of weight o Group chickens by their ages, breeds and quantities. The types of accounts chicken farmers keep are likely to differ. Some farmers rear chicken commercially and others do small-scale farming. It is very imperative to know how to manage the feed. A farmer could do this by determining the correct feed ratio to put in the feeders every time. Maintaining fresh feed in the feeders all the times is a good way to keep the birds healthy. One can do this by avoiding feed wastage. Feeding chicken daily is not such a difficult task. Fill the hanging feeders approximately three quarters full, and the trough feeders two thirds full. It is okay to keep on adding the feed as the birds consume it than filling all feeders at once. A farmer is much more likely to estimate the amount of feed consumed throughout the day and avoid wasting it. If the left over feed is already contaminated, throw it away. Then, clean all the feeders before refilling them. Mixing fresh and contaminated feed may cause a disease outbreak. One indicator of sick birds is a reduction in the normal consumption rate for usual feed ratios. The birds may also feed less for other reasons known only to a poultry expert. feeding chickens feeding chickens feeding chickens feeding chickens
  • 7. TABLE 1 - FLOOR, FEED AND WATER SPACE REQUIREMENTS - BOILER HOUSING SPACE (per 100 birds) TYPE OF BIRD FLOOR SPACE FEEDING SPACE WATERING Broilers 2 weeks (0.3 kg) 0.04 m² (.43 ft²) 2.5 cm (1 ") 75 cm (30") 6 weeks (1.85 kg) 0.07 m² (.75 ft²) 7.5 cm (3") 50 cm (trough) (60") Roasters 8 weeks (3.5 kg) 0.09 m² (1.0 ft²) 7.5 cm (3") 150 cm (trough) (60") 100 cm (circular) (40") Minimum Space Requirements for different poultry Type of Bird Sq ft/bird inside Sq ft/bird outside runs Bantam Chickens 1 4 Laying Hens 1.5 8 Large Chickens 2 10 Quail 1 4 Pheasant 5 25 Ducks 3 15 Geese 6 18 Minimum Requirement of Chickens for floor and perch space Chicken types Floor Space (birds/m²) Floor Space (ft²/ bird) Perch Space (per bird) Layer Dual Purpose Meat 3 4 4-5 3.6 2.7 2.1-2.7 25 cm (10 in) 20 cm (8 in) 15-20 cm (6-8 in)
  • 8. - See more at: Poultry Housing Systems BY FARHAN SHEIKH · OCTOBER 15, 2012 · 2 COMMENTS POULTRY HOUSING · TAGGED: PICTURES The system of poultry housing to be adopted depends on category tage), type of birds,climatic conditions, capacity to invest and strength of birds. Sometimes combination of two or more systems is also followed depending on need and convenience of operations for fanning. Broadly, the classification or types of poultry housing systems is given in Flow chart FREE RANGE Rearing of poultry by letting them loose on ground (field) called as range in limited area(fenced) is known as free range system. The system is adopted only when adequate land isavailable to ensure desired stocking density by avoiding crowding. It A range should provide shelter, greens. feed, water shade, room , for exercise and saftey. But foraging is the major source of feeding for birds. Shelter is usually provided by temporary roofing supported by ordinary poles. The fields are generally used on rotational basis after harvesting of crops by moving of birds from field to fielJ depending on cropping programme. All types and categories of birds can be reared in this system. The average stocking density of adult birds in this system is 250 birds per hectare. The scientific
  • 9. management practices cannot be followed because there is no control over the birds. The system is not practiced in India forcommercial rearing but used for backward poultry keeping in villages for country hens. SEMI-INTENSIVE As the name indicates birds are half-way reared in houses and half-way on ground or range, i.e. birds are confined to houses in night or as per need they are also given access to runs. The houses are with solid floors while runs are fields only. The success of rearing depends on maintenance of condition of runs to reduce the contamination. Runs can also be used on turn basis. The more danger of infection is from the ground immediately surrounding houses called “foul-patch” due to congregation of birds there for more time in day. Therefore, floor of this ground may be made up of pressed gravel or murrom having slope towards runs, away from house. The stocking density rate on an average for adults is 750 birds per hectare.Here also there is only slight control over birds and scientific management practices cannot be applied. To some extent the system is adopted for duck rearing. The feeding and watering facilities are provided in houses. INTENSIVE SYSTEM Birds are totally confined to houses either on ground/floor or on wire-netting floor in cages. While invention of this system, initially it was thought that birds developed leg weakness due to this rearing but later on it was detected that leg problems were due to deficiency of vitamin D, B,, etc. or mineral deficiency like manganese and it was not the fault of system. It is the most efficient, convenient an Cage Rearing This system involves rearing of poultry on raised wire netting floor in smaller compartments of wire netting called cages, either fitted on stands on floor of house or hanged to the roof. If birds become overweight they may develop cage fatigue but very rarely. The system has been proved very efficient for laying operations, right from day-old stage till disposal. Feeders and waterers are attached to cages from outside except nipple waterers, for which pipeline is installed through or above cages. Auto-operated feeding trollies and egg collection belts can also be used in this rearing system. The droppings are either collected in trays underneath cages or on belts for it or on the floor or deep pit under cages, depending on type of cages. Primarily cages can be divided into two types depending on their design and installation pattern in the house, viz reverse (Calif-ornian) and battery cages. Reverse Cages (Stair-step)
  • 10. They are also known as stair-stepped cages and were initially named after the place California, where invented for first time. The commpartments are arranged step-wise in two or three tiers on stands in two or three rows, were droppings may fall on ground or deep pit under cages . The droppings be removed once 6 months or after 12 months along with disposal of layer batch pending on depth of pit formed by raised platform . Double strength of birds can be accommo-dated the same space in this type of cages as compared to deep-litter. battery Cages they are also called as vertical cages. The compartments of cages e arranged one above the other on stands with a tray or shit belts un der the compartments for collection of droppings in two or three rows. The droppings are preferably removed every day or at least alternate day in this system. The feeders and waterers arrange-nt is same as that of reverse cages. These cages house still more number of birds than deep-litter or reverse cages. Roughly tripplc strength of birds can be housed as compared to deep-litter system. The arrangement of compartments is elaborated in the figure Flat Deck Cages This is the single tier cage system popularly used for rearing chicks upto 8 weeks, for easy handling of them in morden methods of poultry production and management. Each cage is usually 1 m (100 cm) square block fitted on stand. Length-wise each block is divided into two compartments by a partition in middle at 50 cm of width housing, 20 chicks in each compartment or 40 chicks in a block. They are provided with trough waterers initially attached on width sides and from around 4th week waterers on both the sides length-wise are used. Nipple, arid pipeline, length-wise can also be installed through cages. Feeders to cages are attachedfrom outside on both the sides length-wise . Because the quantity of droppings is less due to smaller size of birds, droppings can easily be stocked for 2 months and removed along with shifting of chicks to grower houses at 8 weeks of age. Generally four rows of cages are installed in 8.5 m wide house with 5 service passages. The length of house can be taken as per need.. Advantages of Cage Rearing 1. Space and land required is lowest than any other type of rearing. About 20,000 to 25,000 birds can be reared per hectare. ‘ Therefore, the cost of overall housing is reduced to a great extent. . Birds are under complete control. Even birds can be housed individually which is sometimes followed for breeders. 3. Accurate records of individual bird can be maintained which is helpful in efficient breeding programme. 4. Scientific management practices in respect of feeding, watering. breeding, health care, etc. can be adopted easily. 5. Egg eating is largely prevented and most clean egg productior. is obtained. 6. The birds do not congregate at the time of feeding and fee: consumption is still reduced due to further restricted movements as compared to deep-litter. 7. The major litter horned diseases like coccidiosis and worms are eliminated or incidence is reduced to large extent. 8. The cost of litter and litter management problems are totally eliminated. 9. Day to day operations like watering, feeding, egg collection, medication, vaccination, culling, debeaking, etc. are easy and create minimum stress of birds. 10. The breakage of eggs is reduced to minimum possible level of 0.5 to 1 per cent which increases profit of margin.
  • 11. Floor Space Requirements on Deep-litter and Cages Floor requirements vary according to species, type, age, size of birds and system of housing. The floor space requirements for chicken as per category are given in the Table