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MongoDB 2.4 and Spring
June 10h, 2013
Who Am I?
 Solutions Architect with ICF Ironworks
 Part-time Adjunct Professor
 Started with HTML and Lotus Notes in 1992
• In the interim there was C, C++, VB, Lotus Script, PERL, LabVIEW,
Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc.
 Not so much an Early Adopter as much as a Fast Follower of Java
 LinkedIn:
 Blog: Avoiding Tech-sand
MongoDB 2.4 and Spring
Tonight’s Agenda
 Quick introduction to NoSQL and MongoDB
• Configuration
• MongoView
 Introduction to Spring Data and MongoDB support
• Spring Data and MongoDB configuration
• Templates
• Repositories
• Query Method Conventions
• Custom Finders
• Customizing Repositories
• Metadata Mapping (including nested docs and DBRef)
• Aggregation Functions
• GridFS File Storage
• Indexes
What is NoSQL?
 Official: Not Only SQL
• In reality, it may or may not use SQL*, at least in its truest form
• Varies from the traditional RDBMS approach of the last few decades
• Not necessarily a replacement for RDBMS; more of a solution for more
specific needs where is RDBMS is not a great fit
• Content Management (including CDNs), document storage, object storage,
graph, etc.
 It means different things to different folks.
• It really comes down to a different way to view our data domains for
more effective storage, retrieval, and analysis…albeit with tradeoffs
that effect our design decisions.
“NoSQL DEFINITION: Next Generation Databases mostly
addressing some of the points: being non-relational, distributed,
open-source and horizontally scalable. The original intention has
been modern web-scale databases. The movement began early
2009 and is growing rapidly. Often more characteristics apply such
as: schema-free, easy replication support, simple API, eventually
consistent / BASE (not ACID), a huge amount of data and more.”
Some NoSQL Flavors
 Document Centric
• MongoDB
• Couchbase
 Wide Column/Column
• Cassandra
• Hadoop Hbase
 XML (JSON, etc.)
• MarkLogic
 Graph
• Neo4J
 Key/Value Stores
• Redis
 Object
• DB4O
 Other
• LotusNotes/Domino
Why MongoDB
 Open Source
 Multiple platforms (Linux, Win, Solaris, Apple) and Language Drivers
 Explicitly de-normalized
 Document-centric and Schema-less (for the most part)
 Fast (low latency)
• Fast access to data
• Low CPU overhead
 Ease of scalability (replica sets), auto-sharding
 Manages complex and polymorphic data
 Great for CDN and document-based SOA solutions
 Great for location-based and geospatial data solutions
Why MongoDB (more)
 Because of schema-less approach is more flexible, MongoDB is
intrinsically ready for iterative (Agile) projects.
 Eliminates “impedance-mismatching” with typical RDBMS solutions
 “How do I model my object/document based application in 3NF?”
 If you are already familiar with JavaScript and JSON, MongoDB storage
and document representation is easier to understand.
 Near-real-time data aggregation support
 10gen has been responsive to the MongoDB community
What is schema-less?
 A.K.A. schema-free, 10gen says “flexible-schema”
 It means that MongoDB does not enforce a column data type on
the fields within your document, nor does it confine your document
to specific columns defined in a table definition.
 The schema “can be” actually controlled via the application API
layers and is implied by the “shape” (content) of your documents.
 This means that different documents in the same collection can
have different fields.
• So the schema is flexible in that way
• Only the _id field is mandatory in all documents.
 Requires more rigor on the application side.
Is MongoDB really schema-less?
 Technically no.
 There is the System Catalog of system collections
• <database>.system.namespaces
• <database>.system.indexes
• <database>.system.profile
• <database>.system.users
 And…because of the nature of how docs are stored in collections
(JSON/BSON), field labels are store in every doc*
Schema tips
 MongoDB has ObjectID, can be placed in _id
• If you have a natural unique ID, use that instead
 De-normalize when needed (you must know MongoDB restrictions)
• For example: Compound indexes cannot contain parallel arrays
 Create indexes that cover queries
• Mongo only uses one index at a time for a query
• Watch out for sorts
• What out for field sequence in compound indexes.
 Reduce size of collections (watch out for label sizes)
MongoDB Data Modeling and Node Setups
 Schema Design is still important
 Understand your concerns
• Do you have read-intensive or write-intensive data
• Document embedding (fastest and atomic) vs. references (normalized)
• Atomicity – Document Level Only
• Can use 2-Phase Commit Pattern
• Data Durability
• Not “truly” available in a single-server setup
• Requires write concern tuning
• Need sharding and/or replicas
 10gen offers patterns and documentation:
Why Not MongoDB
 High speed and deterministic transactions:
• Banking and accounting
• See MongoDB Global Write Locking
– Improved by better yielding in 2.0
 Where SQL is absolutely required
• Where true Joins are needed*
 Traditional non-real-time data warehousing ops*
 If your organization lacks the controls and rigor to place schema
and document definition at the application level without
compromising data integrity**
 Was designed to overcome some of the performance
shortcomings of RDBMS
 Some Features
• Memory Mapped IO (32bit vs. 64bit)
• Fast Querying (atomic operations, embedded data)
• In place updates (physical writes lag in-memory changes)
• Depends on Write Concern settings
• Full Index support (including compound indexes, text, spherical)
• Replication/High Availability (see CAP Theorem)
• Auto Sharding (range-based portioning, based on shard key) for
• Aggregation, MapReduce, geo-spatial
• GridFS
MongoDB – In Place Updates
 No need to get document from the server, just send update
 Physical disk writes lag in-memory changes.
• Lag depends on Write-Concerns (Write-through)
• Multiple writes in memory can occur before the object is updated on
 MongoDB uses an adaptive allocation algorithm for storing its
• If an object changes and fits in it’s current location, it stays there.
• However, if it is now larger, it is moved to a new location. This moving
is expensive for index updates
• MongoDB looks at collections and based on how many times items
grow within a collection, MongoDB calculates a padding factor that trys
to account for object growth
• This minimizes object relocation
MongoDB – A Word About Sharding…
 Need to choose the right key
• Easily divisible (“splittable”– see cardinality) so that Mongo can
distribute data among shards
• “all documents that have the same value in the state field must reside on the
same shard” – 10Gen
• Enable distributed write operations between cluster nodes
• Prevents single-shard bottle-necking
• Make it possible for “Mongos” return most query operations from
multiple shards (or single shard if you can guarantee contiguous
storage in that shard**)
• Distribute write evenly among mongos
• Minimize disk seeks per mongos
• “users will generally have a unique value for this field (Phone)
– MongoDB will be able to split as many chunks as needed” – 10Gen
 Watch out for the need to perform range queries.
MongoDB – Cardinality…
 In most cases, when sharding for performance, you want higher
cardinality to allow chunks of data to be split among shards
• Example: Address data components
• State – Low Cardinality
• ZipCode – Potentially low or high, depending population
• Phone Number – High Cardinality
 High cardinality is a good start for sharding, but..
• …it does not guarantee query isolation
• …it does not guarantee write scaling
• Consider computed keys (Hashed , MD5, etc.)
CAP Theorem
 Consistency – all nodes see the same data at the same time
 Availability – all requests receive responses, guaranteed
 Partition Tolerance (network partition tolerance)
 The theorem states that you can never have all three, so you plan
for two and make the best of the third.
• For example: Perhaps “eventual consistency” is OK for a CDN
• For large scalability, you would need partitioning. That leaves C & A to
choose from
• Would you ever choose consistency over availability?
 How does CLOUD implementations change this?
Example MongoDB Isolated Setup
Container Models: RDBMS vs. MongoDB
 RDBMS: Servers > Databases > Schemas > Tables > Rows
• Joins, Group By, ACID
 MongoDB: Servers > Databases > Collections > Documents
• No Joins**
• Instead: Db References (Linking) and Nested Documents (Embedding)
MongoDB Collections
 Schema-less
 Can have up to 24000 (according to 10gen)
• Cheap to resource
 Contain documents (…of varying shapes)
• 100 nesting levels (version 2.2)
 Are namespaces, like indexes
 Can be “Capped”
• Limited in max size with rotating overwrites of oldest entries
• Logging anyone?
• Example: MongoDB oplog
 TTL Collections
MongoDB Documents
 JSON (what you see)
• Actually BSON (Internal - Binary JSON -
 Elements are name/value pairs
 16 MB maximum size
 What you see is what is stored
• No default fields (columns)
MongoDB Documents
JSON Syntax
 Curly braces are used for documents/objects – {…}
 Square brackets are used for arrays – […]
 Colons are used to link keys to values – key:value
 Commas are used to separate multiple objects or elements or
key/value pairs – {ke1:value1, key2:value2…}
 JavaScript has how many data types?
• 6 – Text, Number, Array, Object, null, Boolean
JSON Syntax Example
“application”:”HR System”,
"users" : [{"name" : "bill",“age" : 60},
{"name" : "fred","age" : 29}]
 Adds data types that JSON did not support – (ISO Dates, ObjectId,
 Optimized for performance
 Adds compression
MongoDB Install
 Extract MongoDB
 Build config file, or use startup script
• Need dbpath configured
• Need REST configured for Web Admin tool
 Start Mongod (daemon) process
 Use Shell (mongo) to access your database
 Use MongoVUE (or other) for GUI access and to learn shell
MongoDB Install
Mongo Shell
 In Windows, mongo.exe
 Interactive JavaScript shell to mongod
 Command-line interface to MongoDB (sort of like SQL*Plus for
 JavaScript Interpreter, behaves like a read-eval-print loop
 Can be run without database connection (use –nodb)
 Uses a fluent API with lazy cursor evaluation
• db.locations.find({state:'MN'},{city:1,state:1,_id:0}).sort({city:-
 GUI around MongoDB Shell
 Current version 1.61 (May 2013)
 Makes it easy to learn MongoDB Shell commands
• db.employee.find({ "lastName" : "Smith", "firstName" : "John"
• show collections
 Not sure if development is continuing, but very handy still.
 Demo…
Mongo Explorer
 Silverlight GUI
 Current development has stopped – for now.
 Demo…
Web Admin Interface
 Localhost:<mongod port + 1000>
 Quick stats viewer
 Run commands
 Demo
 There is also Sleepy Mongoose
Web Admin Interface
Other MongoDB Tools
 Edda – Log Visualizer
• Requires Python
 MongoDB Monitoring Service
• Free Cloud based service that monitors MongoDB instances via
configrued agents.
• Requires Python
 Splunk
 Binary mongoimport
 Syntax: mongoimport --stopOnError --port 29009 --db geo --
collection geos --file
 Don’t use for backup or restore in production
• Use mongodump and mongorestore
Spring Data
 Large Spring project with many subprojects
• Category: Document Stores, Subproject MongoDB
 “…aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based
programming model…”
 Like other Spring projects, Data is POJO Oriented
 For MongoDB, provides high-level API and access to low-level API
for managing MongoDB documents.
 Provides annotation-driven meta-mapping
 Will allow you into bowels of API if you choose to hang out there
Spring Data MongoDB Templates
 Implements MongoOperations (mongoOps) interface
• mongoOps defines the basic set of MongoDB operations for the Spring
Data API.
• Wraps the lower-level MongoDB API
 Provides access to the lower-level API
 Provides foundation for upper-level Repository API.
 Demo
Spring Data MongoDB Templates - Configuration
 See mongo-config.xml
Spring Data MongoDB Templates - Configuration
 Or…see the config class
Spring Data MongoDB Templates - Configuration
Spring Data Repositories
 Convenience for data access
• Spring does ALL the work (unless you customize)
 Convention over configuration
• Uses a method-naming convention that Spring interprets during
 Hides complexities of Spring Data templates and underlying API
 Builds implementation for you based on interface design
• Implementation is built during Spring container load.
 Is typed (parameterized via generics) to the model objects you want to
• When extending MongoRepository
• Otherwise uses @RepositoryDefinition annotation
 Demo
Spring Data Bulk Inserts
 All things being equal, bulk inserts in MongoDB can be faster than
inserting one record at a time, if you have batch inserts to perform.
 As of MongoDB 1.8, the max BSON size of a batch insert was
increased from 4MB to 16MB
• You can check this with the shell command: db.isMaster() or
mongo.getMaxBsonObjectSize() in the Java API
 Batch sizes can be tuned for performance
 Demo
 Does the “heavy lifting” by preparing MongoDB objects for
 Transforms Java domain objects into MongoDB DBObjects.
 Demo
 For read and write, overrides default mapping of Java objects to
MongoDB documents
 Implements the Spring…Converter interface
 Registered with MongoDB configuration in Spring context
 Handy when integrating MongoDB to existing application.
 Can be used to remove “_class” field
Spring Data Meta Mapping
 Annotation-driven mapping of model object fields to Spring Data
elements in specific database dialect. – Demo
MongoDB DBRef
 Optional
 Instead of nesting documents
 Have to save the “referenced” document first, so that DBRef exists
before adding it to the “parent” document
MongoDB DBRef
MongoDB DBRef
MongoDB Custom Spring Data Repositories
 Hooks into Spring Data bean type hierarchy that allows you to add
functionality to repositories
 Important: You must write the implementation for part of this
custom repository
 And…your Spring Data repository interface must extend this
custom interface, along with the appropriate Spring Data repository
 Demo
Creating a Custom Repository
 Write an interface for the custom methods
 Write the implementation for that interface
 Write the traditional Spring Data Repository application interface,
extending the appropriate Spring Data interface and the (above)
custom interface
 When Spring starts, it will implement the Spring Data Repository
normally, and include the custom implementation as well.
MongoDB Queries
 In mongos using JS: db.collection.find( <query>, <projection> )
• Use the projection to limit fields returned, and therefore network traffic
 Example: db["employees"].find({"title":"Senior Engineer"})
 Or: db.employees.find({"title":"Senior Engineer"},{"_id":0})
 Or: db.employees.find({"title":"Senior
 In Java use DBObject or Spring Data Query for mapping queries.
 You can include and exclude fields in the projection argument.
• You either include (1) or exclude (0)
• You can not include and exclude in the same projection, except for the
“_id” field.
DBObject and BasicDBObject
 For the Mongo Java driver, DBObject is the Interface,
BasicDBObject is the class
 This is essentially a map with additional Mongo functionality
• See partial objects when up-serting
 DBObject is used to build commands, queries, projections, and
 DBObjects are used to build out the JS queries that would normally
run in the shell. Each {…} is a potential DBObject.
MongoDB Queries – And & Or
 Comma denotes “and”, and you can use $and
• db.employees.find({"title":"Senior
 For Or, you must use the $or operator
• db.employees.find({$or:[{"lastName":"Bashian"},{"lastName":"Baik"}]},{"_id":0,
 In Java, use DBObjects and ArrayLists…
• Nest or/and ArrayLists for compound queries
 Or use the Spring Data Query and Criteria classes with or criteria
 Also see QueryBuilder class
 Demo
MongoDB Array Queries
 db.misc.insert({users:["jimmy", "griffin"]})
 db.misc.find({users:"griffin"})
• { "_id" : ObjectId("518a5b7e18aa54b5cf8fc333"), "users" : [
"jimmy", "griffin" ]}
 db.misc.find({users:{$elemMatch:{name:"jimmy",gender:"mal
 { "_id" : ObjectId("518a599818aa54b5cf8fc332"), "users" : [ {
"name" : "jimmy", "gender" : "male" }, { "name" :
"griffin", "gender": "male" } ] }
MongoDB Array Updates
"":"jimmy"}, {$set:{"users.$.name":"george"}})
{$pull:{products:"Softball" }},false,true)
Does Field Exist
 $exists
 db.locations.find({user:{$exists:false}})
 Type “it” for more – iterates over documents - paging
MongoDB Advanced Queries
 May use Mongo Java driver and BasicDBObjectBuilder
 Spring Data fluent API is much easier
 Demo - $in, $nin, $gt ($gte), $lt ($lte), $all, ranges
MongoDB RegEx Queries
 In JS:
db.employees.find({ "title" : { "$regex" : "seNior EngIneer" ,
"$options" : "i"}})
 In Java use java.util.regex.Pattern
Optimizing Queries
 Use $hint or hint() in JS to tell MongoDB to use specific index
 Use hint() in Java API with fluent API
 Use $explain or explain() to see MongoDB query explain plan
• Number of scanned objects should be close to the number of returned
MongoDB Aggregation Functions
 Aggregation Framework
 Map/Reduce - Demo
 Distinct - Demo
 Group - Demo
• Similar to SQL Group By function
 Count
 Demo #7
More Aggregation
 $unwind
• Useful command to convert arrays of objects, within documents, into
sub-documents that are then searchable by query.
 Demo
More Aggregation
 $unwind
• Useful command to convert arrays of objects, within documents, into
sub-documents that are then searchable by query.
 Demo
MongoDB GridFS
 “…specification for storing large files in MongoDB.”
 As the name implies, “Grid” allows the storage of very large files
divided across multiple MongoDB documents.
• Uses native BSON binary formats
 16MB per document
• Will be higher in future
 Large files added to GridFS get chunked and spread across
multiple documents.
MongoDB GridFS
 “…specification for storing large files in MongoDB.”
 As the name implies, “Grid” allows the storage of very large files
divided across multiple MongoDB documents.
• Uses native BSON binary formats
 16MB per document
• Will be higher in future
 Large files added to GridFS get chunked and spread across
multiple documents.
MongoDB GridFS
 “…specification for storing large files in MongoDB.”
 As the name implies, “Grid” allows the storage of very large files
divided across multiple MongoDB documents.
• Uses native BSON binary formats
 16MB per document
• Will be higher in future
 Large files added to GridFS get chunked and spread across
multiple documents.
MongoDB Indexes
 Similar to RDBMS Indexes, Btree (support range queries)
 Can have many
 Can be compound
• Including indexes of array fields in document
 Makes searches, aggregates, and group functions faster
 Makes writes slower
 Sparse = true
• Only include documents in this index that actually contain a value in the
indexed field.
Text Indexes
 Currently in BETA, as of 2.4, not recommended for
 Requires enabled in mongod
• --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true
 In mongo (shelll)
• db["employees"].ensureIndex({"title":"text"})
• Index “title” field with text index
Text Indexes
 Currently in BETA, as of 2.4, not recommended for
 Requires enabled in mongod
• --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true
 In mongo (shelll)
• db["employees"].ensureIndex({"title":"text"})
• Index “title” field with text index
GEO Spatial Operations
 One of MongoDB’s sweet spots
 Used to store, index, search on geo-spatial data for GIS
 Requires special indexes, 2d and 2dsphere (new with 2.4)
 Requires Longitude and Latitude (in that order) coordinates
contained in double precision array within documents.
 Demo
GEO Spatial Operations
 One of MongoDB’s sweet spots
 Used to store, index, search on geo-spatial data for GIS
 Requires special indexes, 2d and 2dsphere (new with 2.4)
 Requires Longitude and Latitude (in that order) coordinates
contained in double precision array within documents.
 Demo
Query Pagination
 Use Spring Data and QueryDSL -
 Modify Spring Data repo extend QueryDslPredicateExecutor
 Add appropriate Maven POM entries for QueryDSL
 Use Page and PageRequest objects to page through result sets
 QueryDSL will create Q<MODEL> Java classes
• Precludes developers from righting pagination code
Save vs. Update
 Java driver save() saves entire document.
 Use “update” to save time and bandwidth, and possibly indexing.
• Spring Data is slightly slower than lower level mongo Java driver
• Spring data fluent API is very helpful.
MongoDB Security
 Default is trusted mode, no security
 --auth
 --keyfile
• Replica sets require this option
 New with 2.4:
• Kerberos Support
MongoDB Auth Security
 Use –auth switch to enable
 Create users with roles
 Use db.authenticate in the code (if need be)
MongoDB Auth Security with Spring
 May need to add credentials to Spring MongoDB config
 Do not authenticate twice
java.lang.IllegalStateException: can't call authenticate twice on
the same DBObject
at com.mongodb.DB.authenticate(
MongoDB Write Concerns
 Describes quality of writes (or write assurances) to MongoDB
 Application (MongoDB client) is concerned with this quality
 Write concerns describe the durability of a write, and can be tuned
based on application and data needs
 Adjusting write concerns can have an affect (maybe deleterious)
on write performance.
MongoDB Encryption
 MongoDB does not support data encryption, per se
 Use application-level encryption and store encrypted data in BSON
 Or…use TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) from Gazzang
MongoDB Licensing
 Database
• “Free Software Foundation's GNU AGPL v3.0.” – 10gen
• “Commercial licenses are also available from 10gen, including free
evaluation licenses.” – 10gen
 Drivers (API):
• “ supported drivers: Apache License v2.0.” – 10gen
• “Third parties have created drivers too; licenses will vary there.” –
MongoDB 2.2
 Drop-in replacement for 1.8 and 2.0.x
 Aggregation without Map Reduce
 TTL Collections (alternative to Capped Collections)
 Tag-aware Sharding
MongoDB 2.4
 Text Search
• Must be enabled, off by default
• Introduces considerable overhead for processing and storage
• Not recommended for PROD systems; it is a BETA feature.
 Hashed Index and sharding
New JavaScript Engine – V8
 MongoDB 2.4 uses the Google V8 JavaScript Engine
• Open source, written in C++,
• High performance, with improved concurrency for multiple JavaScript
operations in MongoDB at the same time.
Some Useful Commands
 use <db> - connects to a DB
 use admin; db.runCommand({top:1})
• Returns info about collection activity
 db.currentOp() – returns info about operations currently running in mongo db
 db.serverStatus()
 db.hostInfo()
 db.isMaster()
 db.runCommand({"buildInfo":1})
 it
 db.runCommand({touch:"employees",data:true,index:true})
• { "ok" : 1 }
Helpful Links
 Spring Data MongoDB - Reference Documentation:

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MongoDB 2.4 and Spring Data integration

  • 1. 1 MongoDB 2.4 and Spring Data June 10h, 2013
  • 2. 2 Who Am I?  Solutions Architect with ICF Ironworks  Part-time Adjunct Professor  Started with HTML and Lotus Notes in 1992 • In the interim there was C, C++, VB, Lotus Script, PERL, LabVIEW, Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc.  Not so much an Early Adopter as much as a Fast Follower of Java Technologies  Alphabet Soup (MCSE, ICAAD, ICASA, SCJP, SCJD, PMP, CSM)  LinkedIn:  Blog: Avoiding Tech-sand
  • 3. 3 MongoDB 2.4 and Spring Data
  • 4. 4 Tonight’s Agenda  Quick introduction to NoSQL and MongoDB • Configuration • MongoView  Introduction to Spring Data and MongoDB support • Spring Data and MongoDB configuration • Templates • Repositories • Query Method Conventions • Custom Finders • Customizing Repositories • Metadata Mapping (including nested docs and DBRef) • Aggregation Functions • GridFS File Storage • Indexes
  • 5. 5 What is NoSQL?  Official: Not Only SQL • In reality, it may or may not use SQL*, at least in its truest form • Varies from the traditional RDBMS approach of the last few decades • Not necessarily a replacement for RDBMS; more of a solution for more specific needs where is RDBMS is not a great fit • Content Management (including CDNs), document storage, object storage, graph, etc.  It means different things to different folks. • It really comes down to a different way to view our data domains for more effective storage, retrieval, and analysis…albeit with tradeoffs that effect our design decisions.
  • 6. 6 From “NoSQL DEFINITION: Next Generation Databases mostly addressing some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontally scalable. The original intention has been modern web-scale databases. The movement began early 2009 and is growing rapidly. Often more characteristics apply such as: schema-free, easy replication support, simple API, eventually consistent / BASE (not ACID), a huge amount of data and more.”
  • 7. 7 Some NoSQL Flavors  Document Centric • MongoDB • Couchbase  Wide Column/Column Families • Cassandra • Hadoop Hbase  XML (JSON, etc.) • MarkLogic  Graph • Neo4J  Key/Value Stores • Redis  Object • DB4O  Other • LotusNotes/Domino
  • 8. 8 Why MongoDB  Open Source  Multiple platforms (Linux, Win, Solaris, Apple) and Language Drivers  Explicitly de-normalized  Document-centric and Schema-less (for the most part)  Fast (low latency) • Fast access to data • Low CPU overhead  Ease of scalability (replica sets), auto-sharding  Manages complex and polymorphic data  Great for CDN and document-based SOA solutions  Great for location-based and geospatial data solutions
  • 9. 9 Why MongoDB (more)  Because of schema-less approach is more flexible, MongoDB is intrinsically ready for iterative (Agile) projects.  Eliminates “impedance-mismatching” with typical RDBMS solutions  “How do I model my object/document based application in 3NF?”  If you are already familiar with JavaScript and JSON, MongoDB storage and document representation is easier to understand.  Near-real-time data aggregation support  10gen has been responsive to the MongoDB community
  • 10. 10 What is schema-less?  A.K.A. schema-free, 10gen says “flexible-schema”  It means that MongoDB does not enforce a column data type on the fields within your document, nor does it confine your document to specific columns defined in a table definition.  The schema “can be” actually controlled via the application API layers and is implied by the “shape” (content) of your documents.  This means that different documents in the same collection can have different fields. • So the schema is flexible in that way • Only the _id field is mandatory in all documents.  Requires more rigor on the application side.
  • 11. 11 Is MongoDB really schema-less?  Technically no.  There is the System Catalog of system collections • <database>.system.namespaces • <database>.system.indexes • <database>.system.profile • <database>.system.users  And…because of the nature of how docs are stored in collections (JSON/BSON), field labels are store in every doc*
  • 12. 12 Schema tips  MongoDB has ObjectID, can be placed in _id • If you have a natural unique ID, use that instead  De-normalize when needed (you must know MongoDB restrictions) • For example: Compound indexes cannot contain parallel arrays  Create indexes that cover queries • Mongo only uses one index at a time for a query • Watch out for sorts • What out for field sequence in compound indexes.  Reduce size of collections (watch out for label sizes)
  • 13. 13 MongoDB Data Modeling and Node Setups  Schema Design is still important  Understand your concerns • Do you have read-intensive or write-intensive data • Document embedding (fastest and atomic) vs. references (normalized) • Atomicity – Document Level Only • Can use 2-Phase Commit Pattern • Data Durability • Not “truly” available in a single-server setup • Requires write concern tuning • Need sharding and/or replicas  10gen offers patterns and documentation: •
  • 14. 14 Why Not MongoDB  High speed and deterministic transactions: • Banking and accounting • See MongoDB Global Write Locking – Improved by better yielding in 2.0  Where SQL is absolutely required • Where true Joins are needed*  Traditional non-real-time data warehousing ops*  If your organization lacks the controls and rigor to place schema and document definition at the application level without compromising data integrity**
  • 15. 15 MongoDB  Was designed to overcome some of the performance shortcomings of RDBMS  Some Features • Memory Mapped IO (32bit vs. 64bit) • Fast Querying (atomic operations, embedded data) • In place updates (physical writes lag in-memory changes) • Depends on Write Concern settings • Full Index support (including compound indexes, text, spherical) • Replication/High Availability (see CAP Theorem) • Auto Sharding (range-based portioning, based on shard key) for scalability • Aggregation, MapReduce, geo-spatial • GridFS
  • 16. 16 MongoDB – In Place Updates  No need to get document from the server, just send update  Physical disk writes lag in-memory changes. • Lag depends on Write-Concerns (Write-through) • Multiple writes in memory can occur before the object is updated on disk  MongoDB uses an adaptive allocation algorithm for storing its objects. • If an object changes and fits in it’s current location, it stays there. • However, if it is now larger, it is moved to a new location. This moving is expensive for index updates • MongoDB looks at collections and based on how many times items grow within a collection, MongoDB calculates a padding factor that trys to account for object growth • This minimizes object relocation
  • 17. 17 MongoDB – A Word About Sharding…  Need to choose the right key • Easily divisible (“splittable”– see cardinality) so that Mongo can distribute data among shards • “all documents that have the same value in the state field must reside on the same shard” – 10Gen • Enable distributed write operations between cluster nodes • Prevents single-shard bottle-necking • Make it possible for “Mongos” return most query operations from multiple shards (or single shard if you can guarantee contiguous storage in that shard**) • Distribute write evenly among mongos • Minimize disk seeks per mongos • “users will generally have a unique value for this field (Phone) – MongoDB will be able to split as many chunks as needed” – 10Gen  Watch out for the need to perform range queries.
  • 18. 18 MongoDB – Cardinality…  In most cases, when sharding for performance, you want higher cardinality to allow chunks of data to be split among shards • Example: Address data components • State – Low Cardinality • ZipCode – Potentially low or high, depending population • Phone Number – High Cardinality  High cardinality is a good start for sharding, but.. • …it does not guarantee query isolation • …it does not guarantee write scaling • Consider computed keys (Hashed , MD5, etc.)
  • 19. 19 CAP Theorem  Consistency – all nodes see the same data at the same time  Availability – all requests receive responses, guaranteed  Partition Tolerance (network partition tolerance)  The theorem states that you can never have all three, so you plan for two and make the best of the third. • For example: Perhaps “eventual consistency” is OK for a CDN application. • For large scalability, you would need partitioning. That leaves C & A to choose from • Would you ever choose consistency over availability?  How does CLOUD implementations change this?
  • 21. 21 Container Models: RDBMS vs. MongoDB  RDBMS: Servers > Databases > Schemas > Tables > Rows • Joins, Group By, ACID  MongoDB: Servers > Databases > Collections > Documents • No Joins** • Instead: Db References (Linking) and Nested Documents (Embedding)
  • 22. 22 MongoDB Collections  Schema-less  Can have up to 24000 (according to 10gen) • Cheap to resource  Contain documents (…of varying shapes) • 100 nesting levels (version 2.2)  Are namespaces, like indexes  Can be “Capped” • Limited in max size with rotating overwrites of oldest entries • Logging anyone? • Example: MongoDB oplog  TTL Collections
  • 23. 23 MongoDB Documents  JSON (what you see) • Actually BSON (Internal - Binary JSON -  Elements are name/value pairs  16 MB maximum size  What you see is what is stored • No default fields (columns)
  • 25. 25 JSON Syntax  Curly braces are used for documents/objects – {…}  Square brackets are used for arrays – […]  Colons are used to link keys to values – key:value  Commas are used to separate multiple objects or elements or key/value pairs – {ke1:value1, key2:value2…}  JavaScript has how many data types? • 6 – Text, Number, Array, Object, null, Boolean
  • 26. 26 JSON Syntax Example { “application”:”HR System”, "users" : [{"name" : "bill",“age" : 60}, {"name" : "fred","age" : 29}] }
  • 27. 27 Why BSON?  Adds data types that JSON did not support – (ISO Dates, ObjectId, etc.)  Optimized for performance  Adds compression 
  • 28. 28 MongoDB Install  Extract MongoDB  Build config file, or use startup script • Need dbpath configured • Need REST configured for Web Admin tool  Start Mongod (daemon) process  Use Shell (mongo) to access your database  Use MongoVUE (or other) for GUI access and to learn shell commands
  • 30. 30 Mongo Shell  In Windows, mongo.exe  Interactive JavaScript shell to mongod  Command-line interface to MongoDB (sort of like SQL*Plus for Oracle)  JavaScript Interpreter, behaves like a read-eval-print loop  Can be run without database connection (use –nodb)  Uses a fluent API with lazy cursor evaluation • db.locations.find({state:'MN'},{city:1,state:1,_id:0}).sort({city:- 1}).limit(5).toArray();
  • 31. 31 MongoVUE  GUI around MongoDB Shell  Current version 1.61 (May 2013)  Makes it easy to learn MongoDB Shell commands • db.employee.find({ "lastName" : "Smith", "firstName" : "John" }).limit(50); • show collections  Not sure if development is continuing, but very handy still.  Demo…
  • 32. 32 Mongo Explorer  Silverlight GUI  Current development has stopped – for now.   Demo…
  • 33. 33 Web Admin Interface  Localhost:<mongod port + 1000>  Quick stats viewer  Run commands  Demo  There is also Sleepy Mongoose • mongodb-rest-interface/
  • 35. 35 Other MongoDB Tools  Edda – Log Visualizer • mongodb • Requires Python  MongoDB Monitoring Service • Free Cloud based service that monitors MongoDB instances via configrued agents. • Requires Python •  Splunk •
  • 36. 36 MongoImport  Binary mongoimport  Syntax: mongoimport --stopOnError --port 29009 --db geo -- collection geos --file C:UserDataDocsJUGsTwinCitieszips.json  Don’t use for backup or restore in production • Use mongodump and mongorestore
  • 37. 37 Spring Data  Large Spring project with many subprojects • Category: Document Stores, Subproject MongoDB  “…aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model…”  Like other Spring projects, Data is POJO Oriented  For MongoDB, provides high-level API and access to low-level API for managing MongoDB documents.  Provides annotation-driven meta-mapping  Will allow you into bowels of API if you choose to hang out there
  • 38. 38 Spring Data MongoDB Templates  Implements MongoOperations (mongoOps) interface • mongoOps defines the basic set of MongoDB operations for the Spring Data API. • Wraps the lower-level MongoDB API  Provides access to the lower-level API  Provides foundation for upper-level Repository API.  Demo
  • 39. 39 Spring Data MongoDB Templates - Configuration  See mongo-config.xml
  • 40. 40 Spring Data MongoDB Templates - Configuration  Or…see the config class
  • 41. 41 Spring Data MongoDB Templates - Configuration
  • 42. 42 Spring Data Repositories  Convenience for data access • Spring does ALL the work (unless you customize)  Convention over configuration • Uses a method-naming convention that Spring interprets during implementation  Hides complexities of Spring Data templates and underlying API  Builds implementation for you based on interface design • Implementation is built during Spring container load.  Is typed (parameterized via generics) to the model objects you want to store. • When extending MongoRepository • Otherwise uses @RepositoryDefinition annotation  Demo
  • 43. 43 Spring Data Bulk Inserts  All things being equal, bulk inserts in MongoDB can be faster than inserting one record at a time, if you have batch inserts to perform.  As of MongoDB 1.8, the max BSON size of a batch insert was increased from 4MB to 16MB • You can check this with the shell command: db.isMaster() or mongo.getMaxBsonObjectSize() in the Java API  Batch sizes can be tuned for performance  Demo
  • 44. 44 Transformers  Does the “heavy lifting” by preparing MongoDB objects for insertion  Transforms Java domain objects into MongoDB DBObjects.  Demo
  • 45. 45 Converters  For read and write, overrides default mapping of Java objects to MongoDB documents  Implements the Spring…Converter interface  Registered with MongoDB configuration in Spring context  Handy when integrating MongoDB to existing application.  Can be used to remove “_class” field
  • 46. 46 Spring Data Meta Mapping  Annotation-driven mapping of model object fields to Spring Data elements in specific database dialect. – Demo
  • 47. 47 MongoDB DBRef  Optional  Instead of nesting documents  Have to save the “referenced” document first, so that DBRef exists before adding it to the “parent” document
  • 50. 50 MongoDB Custom Spring Data Repositories  Hooks into Spring Data bean type hierarchy that allows you to add functionality to repositories  Important: You must write the implementation for part of this custom repository  And…your Spring Data repository interface must extend this custom interface, along with the appropriate Spring Data repository  Demo
  • 51. 51 Creating a Custom Repository  Write an interface for the custom methods  Write the implementation for that interface  Write the traditional Spring Data Repository application interface, extending the appropriate Spring Data interface and the (above) custom interface  When Spring starts, it will implement the Spring Data Repository normally, and include the custom implementation as well.
  • 52. 52 MongoDB Queries  In mongos using JS: db.collection.find( <query>, <projection> ) • Use the projection to limit fields returned, and therefore network traffic  Example: db["employees"].find({"title":"Senior Engineer"})  Or: db.employees.find({"title":"Senior Engineer"},{"_id":0})  Or: db.employees.find({"title":"Senior Engineer"},{"_id":0,"title":1})  In Java use DBObject or Spring Data Query for mapping queries.  You can include and exclude fields in the projection argument. • You either include (1) or exclude (0) • You can not include and exclude in the same projection, except for the “_id” field.
  • 53. 53 DBObject and BasicDBObject  For the Mongo Java driver, DBObject is the Interface, BasicDBObject is the class  This is essentially a map with additional Mongo functionality • See partial objects when up-serting  DBObject is used to build commands, queries, projections, and documents  DBObjects are used to build out the JS queries that would normally run in the shell. Each {…} is a potential DBObject.
  • 54. 54 MongoDB Queries – And & Or  Comma denotes “and”, and you can use $and • db.employees.find({"title":"Senior Engineer","lastName":"Bashian"},{"_id":0,"title":1})  For Or, you must use the $or operator • db.employees.find({$or:[{"lastName":"Bashian"},{"lastName":"Baik"}]},{"_id":0, "title":1,"lastName":1})  In Java, use DBObjects and ArrayLists… • Nest or/and ArrayLists for compound queries  Or use the Spring Data Query and Criteria classes with or criteria  Also see QueryBuilder class  Demo
  • 55. 55 MongoDB Array Queries  db.misc.insert({users:["jimmy", "griffin"]})  db.misc.find({users:"griffin"}) • { "_id" : ObjectId("518a5b7e18aa54b5cf8fc333"), "users" : [ "jimmy", "griffin" ]}  db.misc.find({users:{$elemMatch:{name:"jimmy",gender:"mal e"}}})  { "_id" : ObjectId("518a599818aa54b5cf8fc332"), "users" : [ { "name" : "jimmy", "gender" : "male" }, { "name" : "griffin", "gender": "male" } ] }
  • 56. 56 MongoDB Array Updates db.misc.insert({"users":[{"name":"jimmy","gender":"male"},{"n ame":"griffin","gender":"male"}]}) db.misc.update({"_id":ObjectId("518276054e094734807395b6"), "":"jimmy"}, {$set:{"users.$.name":"george"}}) db.employees.update({products:"Softball"}, {$pull:{products:"Softball" }},false,true) db.employees.find({products:"Softball"}).count() 0
  • 57. 57 Does Field Exist  $exists  db.locations.find({user:{$exists:false}})  Type “it” for more – iterates over documents - paging
  • 58. 58 MongoDB Advanced Queries  cedQueries-%24all  May use Mongo Java driver and BasicDBObjectBuilder  Spring Data fluent API is much easier  Demo - $in, $nin, $gt ($gte), $lt ($lte), $all, ranges
  • 59. 59 MongoDB RegEx Queries  In JS: db.employees.find({ "title" : { "$regex" : "seNior EngIneer" , "$options" : "i"}})  In Java use java.util.regex.Pattern
  • 60. 60 Optimizing Queries  Use $hint or hint() in JS to tell MongoDB to use specific index  Use hint() in Java API with fluent API  Use $explain or explain() to see MongoDB query explain plan • Number of scanned objects should be close to the number of returned objects
  • 61. 61 MongoDB Aggregation Functions  Aggregation Framework  Map/Reduce - Demo  Distinct - Demo  Group - Demo • Similar to SQL Group By function  Count  Demo #7
  • 62. 62 More Aggregation  $unwind • Useful command to convert arrays of objects, within documents, into sub-documents that are then searchable by query. db.depts.aggregate({"$project":{"employees":"$employees"}},{"$un wind":"$employees"},{"$match":{"employees.lname":"Vural"}});  Demo
  • 63. 63 More Aggregation  $unwind • Useful command to convert arrays of objects, within documents, into sub-documents that are then searchable by query. db.depts.aggregate({"$project":{"employees":"$employees"}},{"$un wind":"$employees"},{"$match":{"employees.lname":"Vural"}});  Demo
  • 64. 64 MongoDB GridFS  “…specification for storing large files in MongoDB.”  As the name implies, “Grid” allows the storage of very large files divided across multiple MongoDB documents. • Uses native BSON binary formats  16MB per document • Will be higher in future  Large files added to GridFS get chunked and spread across multiple documents.
  • 65. 65 MongoDB GridFS  “…specification for storing large files in MongoDB.”  As the name implies, “Grid” allows the storage of very large files divided across multiple MongoDB documents. • Uses native BSON binary formats  16MB per document • Will be higher in future  Large files added to GridFS get chunked and spread across multiple documents.
  • 66. 66 MongoDB GridFS  “…specification for storing large files in MongoDB.”  As the name implies, “Grid” allows the storage of very large files divided across multiple MongoDB documents. • Uses native BSON binary formats  16MB per document • Will be higher in future  Large files added to GridFS get chunked and spread across multiple documents.
  • 67. 67 MongoDB Indexes  Similar to RDBMS Indexes, Btree (support range queries)  Can have many  Can be compound • Including indexes of array fields in document  Makes searches, aggregates, and group functions faster  Makes writes slower  Sparse = true • Only include documents in this index that actually contain a value in the indexed field.
  • 68. 68 Text Indexes  Currently in BETA, as of 2.4, not recommended for production…yet  Requires enabled in mongod • --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true  In mongo (shelll) • db["employees"].ensureIndex({"title":"text"}) • Index “title” field with text index
  • 69. 69 Text Indexes  Currently in BETA, as of 2.4, not recommended for production…yet  Requires enabled in mongod • --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true  In mongo (shelll) • db["employees"].ensureIndex({"title":"text"}) • Index “title” field with text index
  • 70. 70 GEO Spatial Operations  One of MongoDB’s sweet spots  Used to store, index, search on geo-spatial data for GIS operations.  Requires special indexes, 2d and 2dsphere (new with 2.4)  Requires Longitude and Latitude (in that order) coordinates contained in double precision array within documents.  Demo
  • 71. 71 GEO Spatial Operations  One of MongoDB’s sweet spots  Used to store, index, search on geo-spatial data for GIS operations.  Requires special indexes, 2d and 2dsphere (new with 2.4)  Requires Longitude and Latitude (in that order) coordinates contained in double precision array within documents.  Demo
  • 72. 72 Query Pagination  Use Spring Data and QueryDSL -  Modify Spring Data repo extend QueryDslPredicateExecutor  Add appropriate Maven POM entries for QueryDSL  Use Page and PageRequest objects to page through result sets  QueryDSL will create Q<MODEL> Java classes • Precludes developers from righting pagination code
  • 73. 73 Save vs. Update  Java driver save() saves entire document.  Use “update” to save time and bandwidth, and possibly indexing. • Spring Data is slightly slower than lower level mongo Java driver • Spring data fluent API is very helpful.
  • 74. 74 MongoDB Security  on  Default is trusted mode, no security  --auth  --keyfile • Replica sets require this option  New with 2.4: • Kerberos Support
  • 75. 75 MongoDB Auth Security  Use –auth switch to enable  Create users with roles  Use db.authenticate in the code (if need be)
  • 76. 76 MongoDB Auth Security with Spring  May need to add credentials to Spring MongoDB config  Do not authenticate twice java.lang.IllegalStateException: can't call authenticate twice on the same DBObject at com.mongodb.DB.authenticate(
  • 77. 77 MongoDB Write Concerns  Describes quality of writes (or write assurances) to MongoDB  Application (MongoDB client) is concerned with this quality  Write concerns describe the durability of a write, and can be tuned based on application and data needs  Adjusting write concerns can have an affect (maybe deleterious) on write performance.
  • 78. 78 MongoDB Encryption  MongoDB does not support data encryption, per se  Use application-level encryption and store encrypted data in BSON fields  Or…use TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) from Gazzang •
  • 79. 79 MongoDB Licensing  Database • “Free Software Foundation's GNU AGPL v3.0.” – 10gen • “Commercial licenses are also available from 10gen, including free evaluation licenses.” – 10gen  Drivers (API): • “ supported drivers: Apache License v2.0.” – 10gen • “Third parties have created drivers too; licenses will vary there.” – 10gen
  • 80. 80 MongoDB 2.2  Drop-in replacement for 1.8 and 2.0.x  Aggregation without Map Reduce  TTL Collections (alternative to Capped Collections)  Tag-aware Sharding 
  • 81. 81 MongoDB 2.4  Text Search • Must be enabled, off by default • Introduces considerable overhead for processing and storage • Not recommended for PROD systems; it is a BETA feature.  Hashed Index and sharding 
  • 82. 82 New JavaScript Engine – V8  MongoDB 2.4 uses the Google V8 JavaScript Engine • • Open source, written in C++, • High performance, with improved concurrency for multiple JavaScript operations in MongoDB at the same time.
  • 83. 83 Some Useful Commands  use <db> - connects to a DB  use admin; db.runCommand({top:1}) • Returns info about collection activity  db.currentOp() – returns info about operations currently running in mongo db  db.serverStatus()  db.hostInfo()  db.isMaster()  db.runCommand({"buildInfo":1})  it  db.runCommand({touch:"employees",data:true,index:true}) • { "ok" : 1 }
  • 84. 84 Helpful Links  Spring Data MongoDB - Reference Documentation: data/data-mongodb/docs/1.0.2.RELEASE/reference/html/         

Editor's Notes

  1. Sharded data across multiple (3) instances, across multiple (3) replicas. Writes isolated to one replica.
  2. Demo:Run MongoTemplateTest.javaClear DBRun EmployeeLoader.javaRun EmployeeServiceTest.javaClear DBRun Short load EmployeesRun JavaMugEmployeeTest.javaClear DBRun
  3. Demo:Show Employee service and Employee Repository
  4. Demo:Clean Database.Run
  5. Demo:Show
  6. Demo:Show mongo-config-covert.xml
  7. DemoShow,,, etc.
  8. Demo:Show and CustomerAddress.javaShow
  9. Demo:Show and CustomerAddress.javaShow
  10. Demo:Show and CustomerAddress.javaShow
  11. Demo:Show,,, CustomerRepositoryImpl.javaRun CustomerLoader.javaRun CustomerServiceTest.javaClear DB
  12. Demo:Clean DatabaseRun Shortl LoaderRun
  13. Demo:Show
  14. Demo:Clean DatabaseRun Short LoaderRun BasicQueryTest.javaRun/Show
  15. Demo:Run EmployeeShortLoader.javaRun InNinQueryTest.javaRun SalaryGtQueryTest.javaRun SalaryRangeQueryTest.javaRun
  16. Demo:Run EmployeeShortLoader.javaRun InNinQueryTest.javaRun SalaryGtQueryTest.javaRun SalaryRangeQueryTest.javaRun
  17. DemoRun
  18. DemoRun
  19. DemoRun EmployeeLoader.javaRun DistinctTest.javaRun or Run EmployeeTitleGroupTest.javaRun (Show MapReduce.groovy)
  20. DemoRun/
  21. DemoRun/
  22. Demo:Run FileOps.javaShow FileStorageServiceImpl.javaShow mongo-config.xml, beans.xml, main.xml
  23. Demo:Run FileOps.javaShow FileStorageServiceImpl.javaShow mongo-config.xml, beans.xml, main.xml
  24. Demo:Run FileOps.javaShow FileStorageServiceImpl.javaShow mongo-config.xml, beans.xml, main.xml
  25. Demo:Show Employee.javaShow Indexes in MongoVUE
  26. Demo:Clean DatabaseLoad Short loadStopmongodStart mongod with auth switchRun
  27. Demo:Clean DatabaseLoad Short loadStopmongodStart mongod with auth switchRun
  28. Load/Showlocsdb – LocationLoader.javaShow/Run LocationQueriesTest.javaShow LocationRepository.javaShow
  29. Load/Showlocsdb – LocationLoader.javaShow/Run LocationQueriesTest.javaShow LocationRepository.javaShow
  30. Show EmployeeRepoShow PageQueryTestShow target/generated-sources/java
  31. Show
  32. Show mongo-config-auth.xmlShow
  33. Demo:Stop mongodStart mongod with no authClean databaseLoad short loadRun