c ynd aravind ppsuc b.tech bringing order to chaos organized and disorganized complexity the inherent complexity of software jntuk c strings by aravind arrays of strings function components parameter passing functions object diagrams class diagrams common mechanism relationships classes architecture conceptual model of uml why do we model relationships among classes interplay of classes and objects the nature of objects identifying classes and objects the nature of classes importance of proper classification relationships among object key abstractions and mechanism applying the object model elements of the object model foundations of the object model the evolution of the object model the five attributes of a complex system on designing complex systems the structure of comp complexity chapter 1 2013 3rd edition kellia houston jim conallen bobbi j. young michael w. engle robert a. aksimchuk grady booch “object- oriented analysis and design with applica object oriented analysis & design using uml ooad by aravind designing complex systems attributes of complex system introduction: the structure of complex systems jntuk c programming files by aravind converting file type functions for files standard library binary input / output: text versus binary streams character input / output functions formatting input / output functions standard library input / output functions streams text input / output: files concepts by avindar computer programming looping applications other statements related to looping loops in c event and counter controlled loops initialization and updating pretest and post-test loops repetition: concept of loop more standard functions multiway selection two way selection selection & making decisions: logical data and ope logical operators exact size integer types logical bitwise operator bitwise operators by aravind shift operators logical bitwise operators bitwise operators: exact size integer types structures by aravind structures in c programming application unions structure enumerated types and union: the type definition (type def) enumerated string manipulation functions string/ data convers string input / output functions c string strings: string concepts arrays by aravind multidimensional arrays two dimensional arrays array applications using arrays in c arrays b.tech cse string/data conversion string manipulation func tions string func string i/o c strings strings in c arrays to functions passing arrays to functions pas recursion
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