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Imitation Learning
ICML 2018 Tutorial
(Slides Available Online)
Yisong Yue Hoang M. Le
@YisongYue @HoangMinhLe
Imitation Learning in a Nutshell
Given: demonstrations or demonstrator
Goal: train a policy to mimic demonstrations
Expert Demonstrations State/Action Pairs Learning
Images from Stephane Ross
Ingredients of Imitation Learning
Demonstrations or Demonstrator Environment / Simulator Policy Class
Loss Function
Learning Algorithm
Part 2: Extensions and Applications
● Speech Animation
● Structured prediction and search
● Improving over expert
● Filtering and sequence modeling
● Multi-objective imitation learning
● Visual / few-shot imitation learning
● Domain Adaptation imitation learning
● Multi-agent imitation learning
● Hierarchical imitation learning
● Multi-modal imitation learning
● Weaker Feedback
Tutorial Overview
Part 1: Introduction and Core Algorithms
● Teaser results
● Overview of ML landscape
● Types of Imitation learning
● Core algorithms of passive, interactive
learning and cost learning
Dean Pomerleau et al., 1989-1999
Helicopter Acrobatics
Learning for Control from Multiple Demonstrations
Adam Coates, Pieter Abbeel, Andrew Ng, ICML 2008
An Application of Reinforcement Learning to Aerobatic Helicopter Flight
Pieter Abbeel, Adam Coates, Morgan Quigley, Andrew Y. Ng, NIPS 2006
Inferring Human Intent
Planning-based Prediction for Pedestrians
Brian Ziebart et al., IROS 2009
A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation
Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue et al., SIGGRAPH 2017
(Sports Analytics)
Data Driven Ghosting using
Deep Imitation Learning
Hoang M. Le et al., SSAC 2017
One Shot Imitation Learning
Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
Notation & Setup
State: s (sometimes x) (**state may only be partially observed)
Action: a (sometimes y)
Policy: 𝜋 𝛉 (sometimes h)
● Policy maps states to actions: 𝜋 𝛉(s) → a
● ...or distributions over actions: 𝜋 𝛉(s) → P(a)
State Dynamics: P(s’|s,a)
● Typically not known to policy.
● Essentially the simulator/environment
Notation & Setup Continued
Rollout: sequentially execute 𝜋(s0) on an initial state
● Produce trajectory 𝞽=(s0,a0,s1,a1,...)
P(𝞽|𝜋): distribution of trajectories induced by a policy
1. Sample s0 from P0 (distribution over initial states), initialize t = 1.
2. Sample action ai from 𝜋(st-1)
3. Sample next state st from applying at to st-1 (requires access to environment)
4. Repeat from Step 2 with t=t+1
P(s|𝜋): distribution of states induced by a policy
● Let Pt(s|𝜋) denote distribution over t-th state
● P(s|𝜋) = (1/T)∑t Pt(s|𝜋)
Example #1: Racing Game
(Super Tux Kart)
s = game screen
a = turning angle
Training set: D={𝞽≔(s,a)} from 𝜋*
● s = sequence of s
● a = sequence of a
Goal: learn 𝜋 𝛉(s)→a
Images from Stephane Ross
s = location of players & ball
a = next location of player
Training set: D={𝞽≔(s,a)} from 𝜋*
● s = sequence of s
● a = sequence of a
Goal: learn 𝜋 𝛉(s)→a
Example #2:
Basketball Trajectories
Data Sources
Outline of 1st Half
Behavioral Cloning (simplest Imitation Learning setting)
Compare with Supervised Learning
Landscape of Imitation Learning settings
Behavioral Cloning = Reduction to Supervised Learning
(Ignoring regularization for brevity.)
Define P* = P(s|𝜋*) (distribution of states visited by expert)
(recall P(s|𝜋*) = (1/T)∑t Pt(s|𝜋*) )
(sometimes abuse notation: P* = P(s,a*=𝜋*(s)|𝜋*) )
argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s))
1. Assuming perfect imitation so far, learn to continue imitating perfectly
2. Minimize 1-step deviation error along the expert trajectories
Learning objective:
Images from Stephane Ross
(General) Imitation Learning vs Behavioral Cloning
(Ignoring regularization for brevity.)
Behavioral Cloning (Supervised Learning):
argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s))
argmin 𝛉 Es~P(s|𝛉)L(𝜋*(s),𝜋 𝛉(s))
s 𝜋 𝛉
Training Loss
Distribution depends on rollout.
P(s|𝛉) = state distribution of 𝜋 𝛉
Distribution provided exogenously
(General) Imitation Learning:
Limitations of Behavioral Cloning
𝜋 𝛉 makes a mistake
IID Assumption
(Supervised Learning)
s 𝜋 𝛉
New state sampled not from P*!
Images from Stephane Ross
Worst case is catastrophic!
Limitations of Behavioral Cloning
Expert Trajectories
(Training Distribution)
Behavioral Cloning
Makes mistakes, enters new states
Cannot recover from new states
Videos from Stephane Ross
When to use Behavioral Cloning?
● Simple
● Simple
● Efficient
● Distribution mismatch between
training and testing
● No long term planning
Use When:
● 1-step deviations not too bad
● Learning reactive behaviors
● Expert trajectories “cover” state
Don’t Use When:
● 1-step deviations can lead to
catastrophic error
● Optimizing long-term objective
(at least not without a stronger
Outline of 1st Half
Behavioral Cloning (simplest Imitation Learning setting)
Compare with Supervised Learning
Landscape of Imitation Learning settings
Types of Imitation Learning
argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s))
Behavioral Cloning Direct Policy Learning
via Interactive Demonstrator
Works well when P* close to P 𝛉
Rollout in
Requires Interactive Demonstrator
(BC is 1-step special case)
Inverse RL
Learn r such that:
𝜋* = argmax 𝛉 Es~P(s|𝛉)r(s,𝜋 𝛉(s))
RL problem
Assumes learning r is statistically
easier than directly learning 𝜋*
Direct Policy
Access to
Yes No No No Yes
Direct Policy
(Interactive IL)
Yes No Yes Yes Optional
No Yes Yes No Yes
Types of Imitation Learning
Other Considerations
Choice of imitation loss (e.g., generative adversarial learning)
Suboptimal demonstrations (e.g., outperform teacher)
Partial demonstrations (e.g., weak feedback)
Domain transfer (e.g., few-shot learning)
Structured domains (e.g., multi-agent systems, structured prediction)
Interactive Direct Policy Learning
Behavioral Cloning is simplest example
Beyond BC: using interactive demonstrator
Often analyzed via learning reductions
■ Reduce “harder” learning problem to “easier” one
■ Imitation Learning → Supervised Learning
■ General Overview:
Learning Reductions
Behavioral Cloning:
What does learning well on B imply about A?
■ E.g., can one lift PAC learning results from B to A?
Es~P(s|𝛉)L(a*(s),𝜋 𝛉(s)) → E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s))
Assume L(a*,a*) = 0
Suppose: ε = E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s))
Then: Es~P(s|𝛉)L(a*(s),𝜋 𝛉(s)) = O(Tε)
● Error on T-step trajectory is O(T2ε)
*Paraphrased from
Theorem 2.1 in [Efficient Reductions for Imitation Learning - Ross & Bagnell, AISTATS 2010]
Lemma 3 in [A reduction from apprenticeship learning to classification - Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2010]
Basic Results for Behavioral Cloning
Direct Policy Learning vs Interactive Expert
Sequential Learning Reductions
Sequence of distributions:
■ Es~P(m)L(𝜋*(s),𝜋(s))
■ Ideally converges to 𝜋OPT
Usually starting from:
■ E(s)~P*L(𝜋*(s),𝜋(s))
Rollout in
Requires Interactive Demonstrator
(BC is 1-step special case)
Best in policy class
Interactive Expert
Can query expert at any state
Construct loss function
■ L(𝜋*(s), 𝜋(s))
Typically applied to rollout trajectories
■ s ~ P(s|𝜋)
Driving example: L(𝜋*(s), 𝜋(s)) = (𝜋*(s) - 𝜋(s))2
Example from Super Tux Kart
(Image courtesy of Stephane Ross)
Expert provides feedback on
state visited by policyImages from Stephane Ross
Alternating Optimization (Naïve Attempt)
1. Fix P, estimate 𝜋
● Solve argmin 𝛉 Es~PL(𝜋(s),𝜋 𝛉(s))
2. Fix 𝜋, estimate P
● Empirically estimate via rolling out 𝜋
3. Repeat
Not guaranteed to converge!
Images from Stephane Ross
Sequential Learning Reductions
Initial predictor: 𝜋0
For m=1
● Collect trajectories 𝞽 via rolling out 𝜋m-1
● Estimate state distribution Pm using s∈𝞽
● Collect interactive feedback {𝜋*(s)|s∈𝞽}
● Data Aggregation (e.g., DAgger)
○ Train 𝜋m on P1 ∪ … ∪ Pm
● Policy Aggregation (e.g., SEARN & SMILe)
○ Train 𝜋’m on Pm
○ 𝜋m = β𝜋’m + (1-β)𝜋m-1
Initial expert demonstrations
interactive expert
Typically roll out
multiple times
Data Aggregation (DAgger)
Sequence of convex losses: Lm(𝜋) = Es~P(m)L(𝜋*(s),𝜋(s))
Online Learning: find sequence 𝜋m competitive with 𝜋OPT:
RM = (
) m Lm(𝜋 m) − (
) m Lm(𝜋OPT)
Follow-the-Leader: 𝜋m = min 𝛉 m′=1
Lm’(𝜋 𝛉)
∃𝜋m: (
) m′ Lm’(𝜋 OPT) ≤ (
) m′ Lm’(𝜋m) − 𝑂(
A reduction of imitation learning and structured prediction to no-regret online learning
Stephane Ross, Geoff Gordon, Drew Bagnell, AISTATS 2011
Best in policy class
“Online Regret”
RM = 𝑂(1/ M) (M>T)
Typically 𝜋M
Policy Aggregation (SEARN & SMILe)
Train 𝜋’m on Pm → 𝜋m = β𝜋’m + (1-β)𝜋m-1
𝜋m=(1−β) 𝑀 𝜋0 + 𝛽
1 − 𝛽 M−m’ 𝜋’m’
𝜋m not much worse than 𝜋m−1
● At most βTLm(𝜋’m)+ β2T2/2 for T-step rollout
𝜋M not much worse than 𝜋0
● At most 2Tlog(T)(
) 𝐦 Lm(𝜋′ 𝐦) + 𝑶(1/T) for T-step rollout
𝜋0 is expert
(not available at test time)
Search-based Structured Prediction
Hal Daume et al., Machine Learning 2009
Efficient Reductions for Imitation Learning
Stephan Ross, Drew Bagnell, AISTATS 2010
𝜋0 negligible in 𝜋M
Direct Policy Learning via Interactive Expert
Reduction to sequence of supervised learning problems
● Constructed from roll-outs of previous policies
● Requires interactive expert feedback
Two approaches: Data Aggregation & Policy Aggregation
● Ensures convergence
● Motivated by different theory
Not covered:
● What is expert feedback & loss function?
Direct Policy Learning via Interactive Expert
Reduction to sequence of supervised learning problems
New distribution constructed
Rollout in
Depends on application
Types of Imitation Learning
argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s))
Behavioral Cloning Direct Policy Learning
via Interactive Demonstrator
Works well when P* close to P 𝛉
Rollout in
Requires Interactive Demonstrator
(BC is 1-step special case)
Inverse RL
Learn r such that:
𝜋* = argmax 𝛉 Es~P(s|𝛉)r(s,𝜋 𝛉(s))
RL problem
Assumes learning r is statistically
easier than directly learning 𝜋*
Learn Policy w/o Expert: Reinforcement Learning
Goal: maximize cumulative rewards
Fully specified MDP: value & policy iteration
Transition model
Starting state distributionReward function
MDP Formulation:
Learn Policy w/o Expert: Reinforcement Learning
MDP Formulation:
Policy Gradient Theorem (Sutton et al., ICML 1999)
Optimize Value Function wrt Parameterized Policy
Learn Policy w/o Expert: Reinforcement Learning
MDP Formulation:
REINFORCE algorithm:
Also check out…
■ Introduction to Reinforcement Learning with Function
Approximation – Richard Sutton – NIPS 2015 Tutorial
■ Deep Reinforcement Learning – David Silver – ICML 2016 Tutorial
■ Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control –
Sergey Levine & Chelsea Finn – ICML 2017 Tutorial
■ Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Optimization –
Pieter Abbeel & John Schulman – NIPS 2016 Tutorial
Challenges with Reward Engineering
assumed givenMDP Formulation:
Inverse Reinforcement Learning
MDP Formulation:
can also be
Goal: Learn a reward function so that
Inverse Reinforcement Learning
or■ Inverse RL high-level recipe:
● Expert demonstrations:
● Learn reward function:
● Learn policy given reward function (RL)
● Compare learned policy with expert
Reward Learning is Ambiguous
1. Many reward functions correspond to the same policy
Imitation Learning via Inverse RL (model-given)
Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04
Goal: find reward function
Different from “idealized” IRL
Game-Theoretic Inverse RL (model-given)
Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07
Goal: find performing better than over a class of rewards
Different from “idealized” IRL
Imitation Learning via Inverse RL (model-given)
Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04
Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07Assumptions:
Run full
RL Oracle
Known Dynamics
Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04
Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07
Value of a policy expressed in terms of feature expectation
Linear Reward Feature Expectations
feature expectations
Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04
Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07
Feature Expectation:
If reward r is linear:
Feature Matching Optimality
Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04
Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07
Don’t know exactly
Feature Matching in Inverse RL (model-given)
Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04
Stop when
Algorithm: solve max-margin problem in each loop
Theory: at most iterations
See also...
Maximum Margin Planning - Ratliff et al., ICML 2006
■ Generalizes to multiple MDPs
■ Agnostic about a real underlying MDP or reward function
Mode 1: follow the
Mode 2: “hide” in
the trees
Experiment: learning to plan based on satellite color imagery
Train image Learned cost map Test image
See also...
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Apprenticeship Learning – Syed &
Schapire, NIPS 2007
■ Restricted to
■ Game-theoretic formulation
■ Iteratively learn by Multiplicative Weight Update
Feature Expectation Matching
Want to find s.t discounted state visitation features match
the expert
Ill-posed problem regularization
Another regularization method: maximum entropy
Policy Learning is Still Ambiguous
1. Many reward functions correspond to the same policy
2. Many stochastic mixtures of policies correspond to the
same feature expectation
Maximum Entropy Principle
Policy induces distribution over trajectories
Maximum entropy principle: The probability distribution which
best represents the current state of knowledge is the one with
largest entropy (E.T. Jaynes 1957)
Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics - E.T. Jaynes - Phys. Rev. 1957
Feature matching:
Maximum Entropy Principle
Choose trajectory distribution that satisfies feature matching
constraints without over-committing
As uniform as possible
Maximum Entropy Principle
The distribution that maximizes entropy given
linear constraints is in the exponential family
MaxEnt Inverse RL (model-given)
Ziebart et al., AAAI ‘08
MaxEnt formulation:
reward inference: max log likelihood
MaxEnt Inverse RL (model-given)
Given from the model
Solve forward RL w.r.t.
Ziebart et al., AAAI ‘08
Gradient descent over log-likelihood
Dynamic programming: state occupancy measure (visitation freq)
Inverse RL So Far...
Run full
Small MDPKnown Dynamics
Next ...
Model-given: Model-free:
Run full
Large / continuous
Interact with
environment / simulator
MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization
Guided Cost Learning: Deep Inverse Optimal Control via Policy Optimization - Finn et al., ICML ‘16
Need to sample to evaluate gradients
reward parameterized by neural net
Recall MaxEnt formulation
Max likelihood objective
MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization
Finn et al., ICML ‘16
Use “proposal” distribution
to sample trajectories
Optimal dist ,
which depends on optimal
policy w.r.t. unknown
Reward Optimization Policy Optimization
MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization
Estimated log likelihood:
with gradient:
Finn et al., ICML ‘16
sampling distribution
(also depends on )
■ Generate samples by
preventing the policy from
changing too rapidly
■ Update policy: take only 1
policy optimization step
MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization
Figures from Chelsea Finn’s presentation
■ Policy: Generator
■ Reward Function: Discriminator
Connection to Generative Adversarial Learning*
*Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning – Ho& Ermon – NIPS ‘16
IL via Occupancy Measure Matching
Apprenticeship Learning Using Linear Programming - Syed, Bowling & Schapire, ICML ‘08
Occupancy measure
IL Using Linear Programming (model-given)
Syed, Bowling & Schapire, ICML ‘08
Imitation learning occupancy measure matching
Direct imitation learning by solving dual LP of original MDP
Dual of IRLNo reward learning
Occupancy Measure Matching + MaxEnt
for any reward function
Ill-posed occupancy matching MaxEnt principle again:
Again, turning into unconstrained optimization:
Occupancy Matching + Model-free Optimization
Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning - Ho & Ermon, NIPS ‘16:
Jensen-Shannon divergence
Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
Ho & Ermon, NIPS ‘16
Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
Discriminator Update
Find saddle point
Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
Ho & Ermon, NIPS ‘16
Generator Update
Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
Find saddle point
Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Model-given: Model-free:
Run full
Small MDP Large MDPKnown Dynamics Unknown Dynamics
Occupancy Measure
Maximum Entropy
List of Core Papers Mentioned
Search-based structured prediction - Daume, Langford & Marcu, Machine Learning 2009
A reduction of imitation learning and structured prediction to no-regret online learning - Ross, Gordon &
Bagnell, AISTATS 2011
Efficient Reductions for Imitation Learning - Ross & Bagnell, AISTATS 2010
A reduction from apprenticeship learning to classification - Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2010
Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning - Abbeel & Ng, ICML 2004
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Apprenticeship Learning - Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2007
Apprenticeship learning using linear programming - Syed, Bowling & Schapire, ICML 2008
Maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning - Ziebart, Mass, Bagnell & Dey, AAAI 2008
Generative adversarial imitation learning - Ho & Ermon, NIPS 2016
Guided cost learning: deep inverse optimal control via policy optimization - Finn, Levine & Abbeel, ICML
Imitation Learning
ICML 2018 Tutorial
Yisong Yue Hoang M. Le
@YisongYue @HoangMinhLe
Part 2: Extensions and Applications
● Speech Animation
● Structured prediction and search
● Improving over expert
● Filtering and sequence modeling
● Multi-objective imitation learning
● Visual / few-shot imitation learning
● Domain Adaptation imitation learning
● Multi-agent imitation learning
● Hierarchical imitation learning
● Multi-modal imitation learning
● Weaker Feedback
Tutorial Overview
Part 1: Introduction and Core Algorithms
● Teaser results
● Overview of ML landscape
● Types of Imitation learning
● Core algorithms of passive, interactive
learning and cost learning
Speech Animation
A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation
esin the
h output
1. For
o an au-
ence of
an illus-
Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Token - p p r ih ih d d ih ih ih ih k k sh sh sh sh uh uh n -(a) x
“ P R E D I C T I O N ”Input speech:
Figure1: Depicting an example(a) input x and (b) output y for
the application of visual speech animation. Each dimension of
y corresponds to a parameter of a face model. Only the first
Input sequence
Output sequence
Goal: learn predictor 𝜋 ∶ 𝑋 → 𝑌
Phoneme sequence
Sequence of face configurations
[Taylor et al., SIGGRAPH 2017]
Train using
Behavioral Cloning
𝑦 ∈ 𝑅𝐷
𝑋 = < 𝑥1, … , 𝑥𝑇 >
𝑌 = < 𝑦1, … , 𝑦𝑇 >
A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation
Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue et al., SIGGRAPH 2017
A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation
Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue et al., SIGGRAPH 2017
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
? ? ? ?
s s s s s ih ih ih g g r r ae ae ae ae f f f
Is the phoneme in the 8th
frame a diphthong?
Is the phoneme in the 8th
frame a semivowel?
Is the phoneme in the 3rd frame
articulated at the back of the mouth?
Target Speech
? ? ? ?
s s s s s ih ih ih g g r r ae ae ae ae f f f
Is the phoneme in the 8th
frame a diphthong?
Is the phoneme in the 8
frame a semivowel?
Is the phoneme in the 3rd frame
articulated at the back of the mouth?
Target Speech
Input Audio
Speech Recognition
Speech Animation
E.g., [Sumner & Popovic 2004]
(chimp rig courtesy of Hao Li)
Structured Prediction
& Learning to Search
Structured Prediction
Learn mapping from structured space X to structured space Y
Typically requires solving optimization problem at prediction
● E.g., Viterbi algorithm for MAP inference in HMMs
Conservation Reservoir
[Daniel Sheldon et al.]
[Daniel Golovin et al.]
binocular fusion of features observed by
the eyes
reconstruction of their 3D preimage
left right perceived depth
binocular fusion of features observed by
the eyes
reconstruction of their 3D preimage
left right perceived depth
binocular fusion of features observed by
the eyes
reconstruction of their 3D preimage
left right perceived depth
[Debadeepta Dey et al.]
[Nathan Ratliff et al.]
Structured Prediction
[Brian Ziebart et al., 2008]
Part-of-Speech Tagging
– Given a sequence of words x
– Predict sequence of tags y (dynamic programming)
The rain wet the cat
Det NVDet N
Example: Sequence Prediction
Adj VVDet V
V VNAdv Det
Goal: Minimize Hamming Loss
Goal: Learn Decision Function
(In Inference/Optimization Procedure)
● Sequentially predict outputs:
The rain wet the cat
Det NVDet N
State at t-th
s1 = ( x, Ø )
s2 = ( x, {Det} )
s3 = ( x, {Det, N} )
𝜋(𝑠𝑡) → 𝑎𝑡 ≡ 𝑦𝑡
Interactive Feedback via
Structured Labels
Supervised Learning on (s,a)
● Iteration 1: Rollout 𝜋0 (memorize training set)
Data Aggregation (DAgger) for Sequence Labeling
(Basic Version)
The rain wet the cat
Det NVDet N
s1 = ( x, Ø )
s2 = ( x, {Det} )
s3 = ( x, {Det, N} )
a1 = Det
a2 = N
a3 = V
Train 𝜋1
on P1
● Iteration 2: Rollout 𝜋1
The rain wet the cat
Det NAdjN N
s1 = ( x, Ø )
s2 = ( x, {N} )
s3 = ( x, {N, N} )
a1 = Det
a2 = N
a3 = V
Train 𝜋2
on P1
and P2
Data Aggregation (DAgger) for Sequence Labeling
(Basic Version)
● Iteration 3: Rollout 𝜋2
The rain wet the cat
Adv NNDet V
s1 = ( x, Ø )
s2 = ( x, {Det} )
s3 = ( x, {Det, V} )
a1 = Det
a2 = N
a3 = V
Train 𝜋3
on P1
and P2
and P3
Data Aggregation (DAgger) for Sequence Labeling
(Basic Version)
(Basic) Ingredients for Structured Prediction
● Deal with Distributional Drift (otherwise just use behavioral cloning)
○ Related approaches include scheduled sampling:
Scheduled Sampling for Sequence Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks
[Bengio et al., NIPS 2015]
● Imitation Loss compatible w/ Structured Prediction Loss
○ Hamming Loss → 0/1 per-step loss (Hamming Loss is additive)
○ More generally: reduce to cost-sensitive classification loss
● Efficiency considerations
○ Efficiently Programmable Learning to Search [Daume et al., 2014]
○ Deeply aggrevated: Differentiable imitation learning for sequential prediction
[Sun et al., 2017]
Learning Policies for Contextual Submodular Optimization
(Example of Cost-Sensitive Reduction)
Training set: (x, Fx)
Goal: learn 𝜋 that sequentially maps x to action set A to maximize Fx
Learning Reduction: at state s=(x,A) create cost for each action
○ Define: fmax = maxa Fx(A+a) – Fx(A)
○ cs(a) = fmax – ( Fx(A+a) – Fx(A) )
○ Supervised training example: (s, cs)
Stephane Ross et al., ICML 2013
Monotone Submodular Function
Already selected actions
Can prove convergence to (1-1/e)-optimal policy!
Structured Prediction ≈ Learning to Search
Compile input description x into search problem
Train 𝜋 to effectively navigate search space
High level supervised reward/cost
● E.g., routing cost, BLEU score, Hamming loss, submodular utility, Jaccard,
integer program value, log likelihood of graphical model, etc.
Expert might be weak (search space exponentially large)
Learning to Search in Branch and Bound Algorithms
■ Used to solve Integer Programs
● Two local decisions: ranking and pruning
● Train using solved instances (e.g., by Gurobi)
[He et al., NIPS 2014]
x = 5/2#
y = 3/2
x = 5/3#
y = 1
x = 5/3#
y = 2
x = 1#
y = 1
x = 1#
y = 12/5
x = 1#
y = 2
x = 0#
y = 3
y ≤ 1 y ≥ 2
x ≤ 1 x ≤ 1x ≥ 2 x ≥ 2
y ≤ 2 y ≥ 3
ub = +∞#
lb = −16/3
ub = −3#
lb = −22/5
ub = −4#
lb = −4
ub = −3#
lb = −16/3
node expansion
global lower and
upper bound
optimal node
fathomed node
min −2x − y#
s.t. 3x − 5y ≤ 0#
3x + 5y ≤ 15#
x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0#
x, y ∈ Z
training examples:
Sub-Optimal Expert Imitation Learning → Reinforcement Learning
■ Query Access to Environment (simple exploration)
● Learning to Search via Retrospective Imitation [Song et al., 2018]
● Learning to Search Better than Your Teacher [Chang et al., ICML 2015]
● Reinforcement and imitation learning via interactive no-regret learning
[Ross & Bagnell, 2014]
■ More Sophisticated Exploration (also Query Access to Environment)
● Residual Loss Prediction: Reinforcement Learning With No Incremental Feedback
[Daume et al., ICLR 2018]
■ Actor-Critic Style Approaches (also Query Access to Environment)
● Truncated Horizon Policy Search: Combining Reinforcement Learning and Imitation
Learning [Sun et al., ICLR 2018]
● Sequence Level Training with Recurrent Neural Networks [Ranzato et al., ICLR 2016]
Learning to Search Better than Your Teacher
[Chang et al., ICML 2015]
Roll-in: execute policy w/o learning
Roll-out: execute policy for learning
SEARN [Daume et al., 2009]
Improving Multi-step Prediction of Learned Time Series Models
Learn 𝜋 that maps xt to xt+1
● Input is previous prediction
● Sequence prediction special case
Can also extend to latent-variables:
● Learning to Filter with Predictive State
Inference Machines [Sun et al., 2016]
[Venkatraman et al., AAAI 2015]
xt+1 = E[f(xt)]
x0 x1
xt f (·)x2
…" ˆf (·)
(a) Forward simulation of learned model (gray) introduces error
at each prediction step compared to thetrue time-series (red)
x0 x1
x0 x1
xt f (·)x2
…" ˆf (·)
(a) Forward simulation of learned model (gray) introduces error
at each prediction step compared to thetruetime-series (red)
x0 x1
(b) Data provides a demonstration of corrections required to re-
Interactive Imitation Learning
Imitation Learning for Structured Prediction
■ Learn decision function to navigate search space
■ Reduce to interactive imitation learning
● Expert feedback from computational oracle
■ Careful choice of loss function
■ Suboptimal experts
● Due to computational complexity of solving search space
Imitation Learning with Multiple
Smooth Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘16
Human operated camera Robotic camera
Smooth Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘16
Input: sequence of context 𝑥𝑡
• e.g., noisy player detection
State: 𝑠𝑡= 𝑥𝑡:𝑡−𝐾, 𝑎 𝑡−1:𝑡−𝐾
• recent context and actions
Goal: learn 𝜋 𝑠𝑡 → 𝑎 𝑡
• Imitate expert �
Smooth Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘16
need: Imitation Accuracy + Smoothness
Smooth Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘16
Smooth Imitation by Functional Regularization
Smooth Policy Class �
ComplexPolicy Class f Smooth Model g
Smooth Imitation Learning
Algorithm: Iterative Imitation Learning for Continuous Spaces
(neural net)
Smooth Imitation Learning
Theory: Monotonic policy improvement, adaptive learning rate
Le et al., ICML ‘16
Expert action
Learner action
Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement
Verma et al., ICML ‘18
Safe Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving
Zhang & Cho, AAAI ‘17
= steering angle policy
TORCS Simulation
Safe Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving
Zhang & Cho, AAAI ‘17
If , drive with , otherwise fall back to
= whether likely to
deviates from
■ Reduced number of damages
■ Faster learning - can be viewed as active DAgger
Safe Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving
Zhang & Cho, AAAI ‘17
Safety classifier in the loop
Only query “unsafe” states
Multi-task, Meta and Transfer Imitation
One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
Tobin et al., IROS ‘173 instances of an example task:
One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
Tobin et al., IROS ‘17How about other related tasks?
One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
Test task
One Shot Visual Imitation Learning - Transfer
Tobin et al., IROS ‘17
Trained in simulation only
using domain randomization
Test in the real world
One Shot Visual Imitation Learning - Transfer
Training entirely in simulation, expert demonstrations through VR
Tobin et al., IROS ‘17
Visual Meta-Imitation Learning
Finn et al., ICML ‘17
Meta Learning (MAML)
Finn et al., CoRL ‘17
Meta-objective updateFast adaptation update
Meta-Imitation Training
1. Sample task
2. Using one demonstration for
3. Using another demonstration for
One Shot Imitation from Watching Videos
Yu et al., RSS ‘18
pick up a novel object and place it into a previously unseen bowl
Multiple tasks from multiple environments sequentially
Unknown reward function
Human behaves optimally wrt in each
Repeated Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Amin et al., NIPS ‘17
latent human preferences
Goal: learn from demonstrations from as few tasks as possible and
generalize to new ones, under two settings:
1. Agent chooses the task actively
2. Nature chooses the task adversarially
Multi-Agent / Multi-Modal Imitation
Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘17
Coordination via implicit, latent roles information
Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning
Learning needs semantically consistent input representation
Le et al., ICML ‘17
Want: Reality:
Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning
Imitation Learning + Graphical Model Learning and Inference
Le et al., ICML ‘17
Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘17
Un-coordinated Coordinated
Generative Multi-agent Behavioral Cloning
Zhan et al., arXiv ‘18
≠ KL q(zm
t | mÆt, zm
< t)Î p(zm
t | m< t, zm
< t) + logp(mt | zm
Æt, m< t)
During training weuseweak labels ˆm = ( ˆm1
, . . . , ˆmN
), where ˆmi
isthenext loca
• Generative Multi-agent Imitation Learning
– No single “correct” action
• Hierarchical
– Make predictions at multiple resolutions
Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL
infoGAIL: Interpretable Imitation Learning from Visual Demonstrations – Li et al., NIPS ‘17
Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
Passing RightPassing Left
Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL
Li et al., NIPS ‘17
Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL
Li et al., NIPS ‘17
Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
Further regularization: maximize the mutual information between z and (s,a)
Maximize mutual information
Latent code
Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL
Li et al., NIPS ‘17
Training using Wasserstein GAN
Mode Generation
Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
Passing Right
Passing Left
See also...
■ Multi-Modal Imitation Learning from Unstructured
Demonstrations using Generative Adversarial Nets -
Hausman et al., NIPS ‘17
■ Multi-agent Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
- Song et al., arXiv ‘18
Inverse Reinforcement “Teaching”
Hadfield-Menell et al., NIPS ‘16
Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning
How should humans demonstrate the tasks?
Inverse RL: demonstrated behavior is
(near) optimal as it accomplishes the
task efficiently
precludes useful teaching behaviors
Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Hadfield-Menell et al., NIPS ‘16
H may choose to to accept less reward on a particular action
in order to convey more information to R
■ Human and robot play cooperative games
■ Two players:
■ H observes the actual reward signal; R only knows a prior
distribution on reward functions
See also...
■ An Efficient, Generalized Bellman Update for Cooperative
Inverse Reinforcement Learning - Malik et al., ICML 2018
● More efficient POMDP solver
● (Partially) relax assumption of human rationality
Showing vs Doing: Teaching by Demonstration
Pedagogical Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Ho et al., NIPS ‘16
Teaching depends on expert’s inferences about
a learner’s inferences about Demonstration
Human Experiment:
Hierarchical Learning / Other Types of
Expert Feedback
Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘18
How can we most effectively leverage teacher’s feedback?
End of hall Left
Corridor Left
Hierarchical feedback is more natural
≠ Flat Imitation Learning / Reinforcement Learning
Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning
(Flat) Imitation Learning
Feedback effort proportional to
task horizon
Hierarchical Imitation Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘18
Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning
state macro-action state macro-action state … state
state action … state state action … state
Le et al., ICML ‘18
Key Insights
Verifying is cheaper than labeling low-level actions
Expert provides high-level feedback
and zooms in to low-level only when needed
Weak feedback
Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning
Le et al., ICML ‘18
Hybrid Imitation-Reinforcement
Significantly faster learning
than pure RL
Hierarchical Imitation Learning
Significantly less expert-costly
than flat imitation learning
0K 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K
expert cost (LO-level)
flat DAgger
Learning from Human Preferences
Christiano et al., NIPS ‘17
Preference feedback is more natural to specify than exact numeric rewards
Learning from Human Preferences
Christiano et al., NIPS ‘17
Assume Bradley-Terry preference model:
Minimize cross-entropy loss:
■ Programming by Feedback - Akrour et al., ICML 2014
■ A Bayesian Approach for Policy Learning from
Trajectory Preference Queries - Wilson et al., NIPS
● Employed similar feedback elicitation mechanism to Christiano et al.
■ Learning Trajectory Preferences for Manipulators via
Iterative Improvement - Jain et al., NIPS 2013
● Co-active feedback (feedback is only an incremental improvement, not
necessarily the optimal result)
See also previous work...
Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent
Human Feedback (COACH)
MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17
training interface shown to AMT users
Reward / punishment for “good” dog / “alright” dog / “bad” dog
Humans tend to give
How Do Humans Train Animal?
● Policy-dependent feedback
● Differential feedback
● Diminishing return
Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human
Feedback (COACH)
MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17
Treat human feedback as
approximation to advantage function
Advantage function is good
feedback model
Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent
Human Feedback (COACH)
■ Recall Policy Gradient Theorem
■ Update Rule:
MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17
discretized rewards
Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent
Human Feedback (COACH)
MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17
■ Interactively shaping agents via
human reinforcement: the
TAMER framework - Knox &
Stone, K-CAP ‘09
See also...
1. Broad research area with many interesting questions
2. Practical approaches to sequential decision making
● Especially vs RL: sample complexity, cost of
experimentation, simulator availability, generalization, etc.
3. Diverse range of applications
Imitation Learning
ICML 2018 Tutorial
Q & A
Yisong Yue Hoang M. Le
@YisongYue @HoangMinhLe

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Imitation learning tutorial

  • 1. Imitation Learning ICML 2018 Tutorial (Slides Available Online) Yisong Yue Hoang M. Le @YisongYue @HoangMinhLe
  • 2. Imitation Learning in a Nutshell Given: demonstrations or demonstrator Goal: train a policy to mimic demonstrations Expert Demonstrations State/Action Pairs Learning Images from Stephane Ross
  • 3. Ingredients of Imitation Learning Demonstrations or Demonstrator Environment / Simulator Policy Class Loss Function vs Learning Algorithm
  • 4. Part 2: Extensions and Applications ● Speech Animation ● Structured prediction and search ● Improving over expert ● Filtering and sequence modeling ● Multi-objective imitation learning ● Visual / few-shot imitation learning ● Domain Adaptation imitation learning ● Multi-agent imitation learning ● Hierarchical imitation learning ● Multi-modal imitation learning ● Weaker Feedback Tutorial Overview Part 1: Introduction and Core Algorithms ● Teaser results ● Overview of ML landscape ● Types of Imitation learning ● Core algorithms of passive, interactive learning and cost learning
  • 6. Helicopter Acrobatics Learning for Control from Multiple Demonstrations Adam Coates, Pieter Abbeel, Andrew Ng, ICML 2008 An Application of Reinforcement Learning to Aerobatic Helicopter Flight Pieter Abbeel, Adam Coates, Morgan Quigley, Andrew Y. Ng, NIPS 2006
  • 7. Inferring Human Intent Planning-based Prediction for Pedestrians Brian Ziebart et al., IROS 2009
  • 8. A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue et al., SIGGRAPH 2017
  • 9. Ghosting (Sports Analytics) Data Driven Ghosting using Deep Imitation Learning Hoang M. Le et al., SSAC 2017
  • 10. One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
  • 11. Notation & Setup State: s (sometimes x) (**state may only be partially observed) Action: a (sometimes y) Policy: 𝜋 𝛉 (sometimes h) ● Policy maps states to actions: 𝜋 𝛉(s) → a ● ...or distributions over actions: 𝜋 𝛉(s) → P(a) State Dynamics: P(s’|s,a) ● Typically not known to policy. ● Essentially the simulator/environment
  • 12. Notation & Setup Continued Rollout: sequentially execute 𝜋(s0) on an initial state ● Produce trajectory 𝞽=(s0,a0,s1,a1,...) P(𝞽|𝜋): distribution of trajectories induced by a policy 1. Sample s0 from P0 (distribution over initial states), initialize t = 1. 2. Sample action ai from 𝜋(st-1) 3. Sample next state st from applying at to st-1 (requires access to environment) 4. Repeat from Step 2 with t=t+1 P(s|𝜋): distribution of states induced by a policy ● Let Pt(s|𝜋) denote distribution over t-th state ● P(s|𝜋) = (1/T)∑t Pt(s|𝜋)
  • 13. Example #1: Racing Game (Super Tux Kart) s = game screen a = turning angle Training set: D={𝞽≔(s,a)} from 𝜋* ● s = sequence of s ● a = sequence of a Goal: learn 𝜋 𝛉(s)→a Images from Stephane Ross
  • 14. s = location of players & ball a = next location of player Training set: D={𝞽≔(s,a)} from 𝜋* ● s = sequence of s ● a = sequence of a Goal: learn 𝜋 𝛉(s)→a Example #2: Basketball Trajectories
  • 16. Outline of 1st Half Behavioral Cloning (simplest Imitation Learning setting) Compare with Supervised Learning Landscape of Imitation Learning settings
  • 17. Behavioral Cloning = Reduction to Supervised Learning (Ignoring regularization for brevity.) Define P* = P(s|𝜋*) (distribution of states visited by expert) (recall P(s|𝜋*) = (1/T)∑t Pt(s|𝜋*) ) (sometimes abuse notation: P* = P(s,a*=𝜋*(s)|𝜋*) ) argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s)) Interpretations: 1. Assuming perfect imitation so far, learn to continue imitating perfectly 2. Minimize 1-step deviation error along the expert trajectories Learning objective: Images from Stephane Ross
  • 18. (General) Imitation Learning vs Behavioral Cloning (Ignoring regularization for brevity.) Behavioral Cloning (Supervised Learning): argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s)) argmin 𝛉 Es~P(s|𝛉)L(𝜋*(s),𝜋 𝛉(s)) P* (s,a*) P0 s 𝜋 𝛉 Training Loss Distribution depends on rollout. P(s|𝛉) = state distribution of 𝜋 𝛉 Distribution provided exogenously (General) Imitation Learning:
  • 19. Limitations of Behavioral Cloning P* (s,a*) 𝜋 𝛉 makes a mistake IID Assumption (Supervised Learning) P0 s 𝜋 𝛉 Reality New state sampled not from P*! Images from Stephane Ross Worst case is catastrophic!
  • 20. Limitations of Behavioral Cloning Expert Trajectories (Training Distribution) Behavioral Cloning Makes mistakes, enters new states Cannot recover from new states Videos from Stephane Ross
  • 21. When to use Behavioral Cloning? Advantages ● Simple ● Simple ● Efficient Disadvantages ● Distribution mismatch between training and testing ● No long term planning Use When: ● 1-step deviations not too bad ● Learning reactive behaviors ● Expert trajectories “cover” state space Don’t Use When: ● 1-step deviations can lead to catastrophic error ● Optimizing long-term objective (at least not without a stronger model)
  • 22. Outline of 1st Half Behavioral Cloning (simplest Imitation Learning setting) Compare with Supervised Learning Landscape of Imitation Learning settings
  • 23. Types of Imitation Learning argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s)) Behavioral Cloning Direct Policy Learning via Interactive Demonstrator Works well when P* close to P 𝛉 Collect Demonstrations Supervised Learning Rollout in Environment Requires Interactive Demonstrator (BC is 1-step special case) Inverse RL Learn r such that: 𝜋* = argmax 𝛉 Es~P(s|𝛉)r(s,𝜋 𝛉(s)) RL problem Assumes learning r is statistically easier than directly learning 𝜋*
  • 24. Direct Policy Learning Reward Learning Access to Environment Interactive Demonstrator Pre-collected Demonstrations Behavioral Cloning Yes No No No Yes Direct Policy Learning (Interactive IL) Yes No Yes Yes Optional Inverse Reinforcement Learning No Yes Yes No Yes Types of Imitation Learning
  • 25. Other Considerations Choice of imitation loss (e.g., generative adversarial learning) Suboptimal demonstrations (e.g., outperform teacher) Partial demonstrations (e.g., weak feedback) Domain transfer (e.g., few-shot learning) Structured domains (e.g., multi-agent systems, structured prediction)
  • 26. Interactive Direct Policy Learning Behavioral Cloning is simplest example Beyond BC: using interactive demonstrator Often analyzed via learning reductions ■ Reduce “harder” learning problem to “easier” one ■ Imitation Learning → Supervised Learning ■ General Overview:
  • 27. Learning Reductions Behavioral Cloning: What does learning well on B imply about A? ■ E.g., can one lift PAC learning results from B to A? Es~P(s|𝛉)L(a*(s),𝜋 𝛉(s)) → E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s)) A B
  • 28. Assume L(a*,a*) = 0 Suppose: ε = E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s)) Then: Es~P(s|𝛉)L(a*(s),𝜋 𝛉(s)) = O(Tε) ● Error on T-step trajectory is O(T2ε) *Paraphrased from Theorem 2.1 in [Efficient Reductions for Imitation Learning - Ross & Bagnell, AISTATS 2010] Lemma 3 in [A reduction from apprenticeship learning to classification - Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2010] Basic Results for Behavioral Cloning
  • 29. Direct Policy Learning vs Interactive Expert Sequential Learning Reductions Sequence of distributions: ■ Es~P(m)L(𝜋*(s),𝜋(s)) ■ Ideally converges to 𝜋OPT Usually starting from: ■ E(s)~P*L(𝜋*(s),𝜋(s)) Collect Demonstrations Supervised Learning Rollout in Environment Requires Interactive Demonstrator (BC is 1-step special case) Best in policy class
  • 30. Interactive Expert Can query expert at any state Construct loss function ■ L(𝜋*(s), 𝜋(s)) Typically applied to rollout trajectories ■ s ~ P(s|𝜋) Driving example: L(𝜋*(s), 𝜋(s)) = (𝜋*(s) - 𝜋(s))2 Example from Super Tux Kart (Image courtesy of Stephane Ross) Expert provides feedback on state visited by policyImages from Stephane Ross
  • 31. Alternating Optimization (Naïve Attempt) 1. Fix P, estimate 𝜋 ● Solve argmin 𝛉 Es~PL(𝜋(s),𝜋 𝛉(s)) 2. Fix 𝜋, estimate P ● Empirically estimate via rolling out 𝜋 3. Repeat Not guaranteed to converge! Images from Stephane Ross
  • 32. Sequential Learning Reductions Initial predictor: 𝜋0 For m=1 ● Collect trajectories 𝞽 via rolling out 𝜋m-1 ● Estimate state distribution Pm using s∈𝞽 ● Collect interactive feedback {𝜋*(s)|s∈𝞽} ● Data Aggregation (e.g., DAgger) ○ Train 𝜋m on P1 ∪ … ∪ Pm ● Policy Aggregation (e.g., SEARN & SMILe) ○ Train 𝜋’m on Pm ○ 𝜋m = β𝜋’m + (1-β)𝜋m-1 Initial expert demonstrations Requires interactive expert Typically roll out multiple times
  • 33. Data Aggregation (DAgger) Sequence of convex losses: Lm(𝜋) = Es~P(m)L(𝜋*(s),𝜋(s)) Online Learning: find sequence 𝜋m competitive with 𝜋OPT: RM = ( 1 M ) m Lm(𝜋 m) − ( 1 M ) m Lm(𝜋OPT) Follow-the-Leader: 𝜋m = min 𝛉 m′=1 m Lm’(𝜋 𝛉) ∃𝜋m: ( 1 M ) m′ Lm’(𝜋 OPT) ≤ ( 1 M ) m′ Lm’(𝜋m) − 𝑂( 1 𝑀 ) A reduction of imitation learning and structured prediction to no-regret online learning Stephane Ross, Geoff Gordon, Drew Bagnell, AISTATS 2011 Best in policy class “Online Regret” RM = 𝑂(1/ M) (M>T) Typically 𝜋M
  • 34. Policy Aggregation (SEARN & SMILe) Train 𝜋’m on Pm → 𝜋m = β𝜋’m + (1-β)𝜋m-1 𝜋m=(1−β) 𝑀 𝜋0 + 𝛽 𝑚′ 1 − 𝛽 M−m’ 𝜋’m’ 𝜋m not much worse than 𝜋m−1 ● At most βTLm(𝜋’m)+ β2T2/2 for T-step rollout 𝜋M not much worse than 𝜋0 ● At most 2Tlog(T)( 𝟏 𝑴 ) 𝐦 Lm(𝜋′ 𝐦) + 𝑶(1/T) for T-step rollout 𝜋0 is expert (not available at test time) Search-based Structured Prediction Hal Daume et al., Machine Learning 2009 Efficient Reductions for Imitation Learning Stephan Ross, Drew Bagnell, AISTATS 2010 𝜋0 negligible in 𝜋M
  • 35. Direct Policy Learning via Interactive Expert Reduction to sequence of supervised learning problems ● Constructed from roll-outs of previous policies ● Requires interactive expert feedback Two approaches: Data Aggregation & Policy Aggregation ● Ensures convergence ● Motivated by different theory Not covered: ● What is expert feedback & loss function? Direct Policy Learning via Interactive Expert Reduction to sequence of supervised learning problems New distribution constructed Collect Demonstrations Supervised Learning Rollout in Environment Depends on application
  • 36. Types of Imitation Learning argmin 𝛉 E(s,a*)~P*L(a*,𝜋 𝛉(s)) Behavioral Cloning Direct Policy Learning via Interactive Demonstrator Works well when P* close to P 𝛉 Collect Demonstrations Supervised Learning Rollout in Environment Requires Interactive Demonstrator (BC is 1-step special case) Inverse RL Learn r such that: 𝜋* = argmax 𝛉 Es~P(s|𝛉)r(s,𝜋 𝛉(s)) RL problem Assumes learning r is statistically easier than directly learning 𝜋*
  • 37. Learn Policy w/o Expert: Reinforcement Learning Goal: maximize cumulative rewards Fully specified MDP: value & policy iteration Transition model Starting state distributionReward function MDP Formulation:
  • 38. Learn Policy w/o Expert: Reinforcement Learning MDP Formulation: Policy Gradient Theorem (Sutton et al., ICML 1999) Optimize Value Function wrt Parameterized Policy
  • 39. Learn Policy w/o Expert: Reinforcement Learning MDP Formulation: REINFORCE algorithm:
  • 40. Also check out… ■ Introduction to Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation – Richard Sutton – NIPS 2015 Tutorial ■ Deep Reinforcement Learning – David Silver – ICML 2016 Tutorial ■ Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control – Sergey Levine & Chelsea Finn – ICML 2017 Tutorial ■ Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Optimization – Pieter Abbeel & John Schulman – NIPS 2016 Tutorial
  • 41. Challenges with Reward Engineering assumed givenMDP Formulation:
  • 42. Inverse Reinforcement Learning MDP Formulation: Given: can also be Goal: Learn a reward function so that
  • 43. Inverse Reinforcement Learning or■ Inverse RL high-level recipe: ● Expert demonstrations: ● Learn reward function: ● Learn policy given reward function (RL) ● Compare learned policy with expert
  • 44. Reward Learning is Ambiguous 1. Many reward functions correspond to the same policy
  • 45. Imitation Learning via Inverse RL (model-given) Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04 Goal: find reward function Different from “idealized” IRL
  • 46. Game-Theoretic Inverse RL (model-given) Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07 Goal: find performing better than over a class of rewards Different from “idealized” IRL
  • 47. Imitation Learning via Inverse RL (model-given) Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04 Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07Assumptions: Update reward Run full RL Compare with expert RL Oracle Known Dynamics Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04 Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07
  • 48. Assume: Value of a policy expressed in terms of feature expectation Linear Reward Feature Expectations feature expectations Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04 Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07
  • 49. Feature Expectation: If reward r is linear: Feature Matching Optimality Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04 Syed & Schapire, NIPS ‘07 Don’t know exactly
  • 50. Feature Matching in Inverse RL (model-given) Abbeel & Ng, ICML ‘04 Stop when Find Why? Algorithm: solve max-margin problem in each loop Theory: at most iterations
  • 51. See also... Maximum Margin Planning - Ratliff et al., ICML 2006 ■ Generalizes to multiple MDPs ■ Agnostic about a real underlying MDP or reward function Mode 1: follow the road Mode 2: “hide” in the trees Experiment: learning to plan based on satellite color imagery Train image Learned cost map Test image
  • 52. See also... A Game-Theoretic Approach to Apprenticeship Learning – Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2007 ■ Restricted to ■ Game-theoretic formulation ■ Iteratively learn by Multiplicative Weight Update
  • 53. Feature Expectation Matching Want to find s.t discounted state visitation features match the expert Ill-posed problem regularization Another regularization method: maximum entropy
  • 54. Policy Learning is Still Ambiguous 1. Many reward functions correspond to the same policy 2. Many stochastic mixtures of policies correspond to the same feature expectation
  • 55. Maximum Entropy Principle Policy induces distribution over trajectories Maximum entropy principle: The probability distribution which best represents the current state of knowledge is the one with largest entropy (E.T. Jaynes 1957) Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics - E.T. Jaynes - Phys. Rev. 1957 Feature matching:
  • 56. Maximum Entropy Principle Choose trajectory distribution that satisfies feature matching constraints without over-committing As uniform as possible
  • 57. Maximum Entropy Principle The distribution that maximizes entropy given linear constraints is in the exponential family Constrained Optimization Maximize Unconstrained Objective Lagrangian
  • 58. MaxEnt Inverse RL (model-given) Ziebart et al., AAAI ‘08 MaxEnt formulation: reward inference: max log likelihood
  • 59. MaxEnt Inverse RL (model-given) Given from the model Solve forward RL w.r.t. Ziebart et al., AAAI ‘08 Gradient descent over log-likelihood Dynamic programming: state occupancy measure (visitation freq)
  • 60. Inverse RL So Far... Model-given: Update reward Run full RL Compare with expert Small MDPKnown Dynamics
  • 61. Next ... Model-given: Model-free: Update reward Run full RL Compare with expert Large / continuous space Interact with environment / simulator (Model-free)
  • 62. MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization Guided Cost Learning: Deep Inverse Optimal Control via Policy Optimization - Finn et al., ICML ‘16 Need to sample to evaluate gradients reward parameterized by neural net Recall MaxEnt formulation Max likelihood objective
  • 63. MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization Finn et al., ICML ‘16 Use “proposal” distribution to sample trajectories Optimal dist , which depends on optimal policy w.r.t. unknown Reward Optimization Policy Optimization Approximate
  • 64. MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization Estimated log likelihood: with gradient: Finn et al., ICML ‘16 sampling distribution (also depends on )
  • 65. ■ Generate samples by preventing the policy from changing too rapidly ■ Update policy: take only 1 policy optimization step MaxEnt Deep IRL + Model-Free Optimization Figures from Chelsea Finn’s presentation
  • 66. ■ Policy: Generator ■ Reward Function: Discriminator Connection to Generative Adversarial Learning* *Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning – Ho& Ermon – NIPS ‘16
  • 67. IL via Occupancy Measure Matching Apprenticeship Learning Using Linear Programming - Syed, Bowling & Schapire, ICML ‘08 Occupancy measure Fact:
  • 68. IL Using Linear Programming (model-given) Syed, Bowling & Schapire, ICML ‘08 Imitation learning occupancy measure matching Direct imitation learning by solving dual LP of original MDP Dual of IRLNo reward learning
  • 69. Occupancy Measure Matching + MaxEnt for any reward function Ill-posed occupancy matching MaxEnt principle again: Again, turning into unconstrained optimization:
  • 70. Occupancy Matching + Model-free Optimization Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning - Ho & Ermon, NIPS ‘16: Jensen-Shannon divergence
  • 71. Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Ho & Ermon, NIPS ‘16 Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon Discriminator Update Find saddle point
  • 72. Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Ho & Ermon, NIPS ‘16 Generator Update Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon Find saddle point
  • 73. Inverse Reinforcement Learning Model-given: Model-free: Update reward Run full RL Compare with expert Update reward 1-Step RL Expert + Simulator Small MDP Large MDPKnown Dynamics Unknown Dynamics Occupancy Measure Maximum Entropy
  • 74. List of Core Papers Mentioned Search-based structured prediction - Daume, Langford & Marcu, Machine Learning 2009 A reduction of imitation learning and structured prediction to no-regret online learning - Ross, Gordon & Bagnell, AISTATS 2011 Efficient Reductions for Imitation Learning - Ross & Bagnell, AISTATS 2010 A reduction from apprenticeship learning to classification - Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2010 Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning - Abbeel & Ng, ICML 2004 A Game-Theoretic Approach to Apprenticeship Learning - Syed & Schapire, NIPS 2007 Apprenticeship learning using linear programming - Syed, Bowling & Schapire, ICML 2008 Maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning - Ziebart, Mass, Bagnell & Dey, AAAI 2008 Generative adversarial imitation learning - Ho & Ermon, NIPS 2016 Guided cost learning: deep inverse optimal control via policy optimization - Finn, Levine & Abbeel, ICML 2016
  • 75. Imitation Learning ICML 2018 Tutorial Break Yisong Yue Hoang M. Le @YisongYue @HoangMinhLe
  • 76. Part 2: Extensions and Applications ● Speech Animation ● Structured prediction and search ● Improving over expert ● Filtering and sequence modeling ● Multi-objective imitation learning ● Visual / few-shot imitation learning ● Domain Adaptation imitation learning ● Multi-agent imitation learning ● Hierarchical imitation learning ● Multi-modal imitation learning ● Weaker Feedback Tutorial Overview Part 1: Introduction and Core Algorithms ● Teaser results ● Overview of ML landscape ● Types of Imitation learning ● Core algorithms of passive, interactive learning and cost learning
  • 78. A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation respec- esin the h output ensional dimen- astime- 1. For o an au- ence of an illus- equence espond- Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Token - p p r ih ih d d ih ih ih ih k k sh sh sh sh uh uh n -(a) x y “ P R E D I C T I O N ”Input speech: (b) Figure1: Depicting an example(a) input x and (b) output y for the application of visual speech animation. Each dimension of y corresponds to a parameter of a face model. Only the first Input sequence Output sequence Goal: learn predictor 𝜋 ∶ 𝑋 → 𝑌 Phoneme sequence Sequence of face configurations [Taylor et al., SIGGRAPH 2017] Train using Behavioral Cloning 𝑦 ∈ 𝑅𝐷 𝑋 = < 𝑥1, … , 𝑥𝑇 > 𝑌 = < 𝑦1, … , 𝑦𝑇 >
  • 79. A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue et al., SIGGRAPH 2017
  • 80. A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech Animation Sarah Taylor, Taehwan Kim, Yisong Yue et al., SIGGRAPH 2017
  • 81. 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ? ? ? ? ? s s s s s ih ih ih g g r r ae ae ae ae f f f ? ? Is the phoneme in the 8th frame a diphthong? Y Is the phoneme in the 8th frame a semivowel? YY N NN … Is the phoneme in the 3rd frame articulated at the back of the mouth? “SIGGRAPH” Target Speech ? ? ? ? ? s s s s s ih ih ih g g r r ae ae ae ae f f f ? ? Is the phoneme in the 8th frame a diphthong? Y Is the phoneme in the 8 frame a semivowel? YY N NN … Is the phoneme in the 3rd frame articulated at the back of the mouth? “SIGGRAPH” Target Speech Input Audio Speech Recognition Speech Animation Retargeting E.g., [Sumner & Popovic 2004] (chimp rig courtesy of Hao Li) Editing
  • 83. Structured Prediction Learn mapping from structured space X to structured space Y Typically requires solving optimization problem at prediction ● E.g., Viterbi algorithm for MAP inference in HMMs
  • 84. Conservation Reservoir Corridors [Daniel Sheldon et al.] [Daniel Golovin et al.] ✦ binocular fusion of features observed by the eyes ✦ reconstruction of their 3D preimage left right perceived depth [Tsukuba] ✦ binocular fusion of features observed by the eyes ✦ reconstruction of their 3D preimage left right perceived depth [Tsukuba] ✦ binocular fusion of features observed by the eyes ✦ reconstruction of their 3D preimage left right perceived depth [Tsukuba] [Debadeepta Dey et al.] [Nathan Ratliff et al.] X Y X Y X Y X X Y Structured Prediction [Brian Ziebart et al., 2008]
  • 85. Part-of-Speech Tagging – Given a sequence of words x – Predict sequence of tags y (dynamic programming) The rain wet the cat x Det NVDet N y Example: Sequence Prediction … Adj VVDet V V VNAdv Det y y Goal: Minimize Hamming Loss
  • 86. Goal: Learn Decision Function (In Inference/Optimization Procedure) ● Sequentially predict outputs: The rain wet the cat x Det NVDet N y State at t-th iteration Prediction s1 = ( x, Ø ) s2 = ( x, {Det} ) s3 = ( x, {Det, N} ) … 𝜋(𝑠𝑡) → 𝑎𝑡 ≡ 𝑦𝑡 Interactive Feedback via Structured Labels Supervised Learning on (s,a)
  • 87. ● Iteration 1: Rollout 𝜋0 (memorize training set) Data Aggregation (DAgger) for Sequence Labeling (Basic Version) The rain wet the cat x Det NVDet N y s1 = ( x, Ø ) s2 = ( x, {Det} ) s3 = ( x, {Det, N} ) … a1 = Det a2 = N a3 = V … P1 Train 𝜋1 on P1
  • 88. ● Iteration 2: Rollout 𝜋1 The rain wet the cat x Det NAdjN N y s1 = ( x, Ø ) s2 = ( x, {N} ) s3 = ( x, {N, N} ) … a1 = Det a2 = N a3 = V … P2 Train 𝜋2 on P1 and P2 Data Aggregation (DAgger) for Sequence Labeling (Basic Version)
  • 89. ● Iteration 3: Rollout 𝜋2 The rain wet the cat x Adv NNDet V y s1 = ( x, Ø ) s2 = ( x, {Det} ) s3 = ( x, {Det, V} ) … a1 = Det a2 = N a3 = V … P3 Train 𝜋3 on P1 and P2 and P3 Data Aggregation (DAgger) for Sequence Labeling (Basic Version)
  • 90. (Basic) Ingredients for Structured Prediction ● Deal with Distributional Drift (otherwise just use behavioral cloning) ○ Related approaches include scheduled sampling: Scheduled Sampling for Sequence Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks [Bengio et al., NIPS 2015] ● Imitation Loss compatible w/ Structured Prediction Loss ○ Hamming Loss → 0/1 per-step loss (Hamming Loss is additive) ○ More generally: reduce to cost-sensitive classification loss ● Efficiency considerations ○ Efficiently Programmable Learning to Search [Daume et al., 2014] ○ Deeply aggrevated: Differentiable imitation learning for sequential prediction [Sun et al., 2017]
  • 91. Learning Policies for Contextual Submodular Optimization (Example of Cost-Sensitive Reduction) Training set: (x, Fx) Goal: learn 𝜋 that sequentially maps x to action set A to maximize Fx Learning Reduction: at state s=(x,A) create cost for each action ○ Define: fmax = maxa Fx(A+a) – Fx(A) ○ cs(a) = fmax – ( Fx(A+a) – Fx(A) ) ○ Supervised training example: (s, cs) Stephane Ross et al., ICML 2013 Context Monotone Submodular Function Greedy Submodular Regret Already selected actions Can prove convergence to (1-1/e)-optimal policy!
  • 92. Structured Prediction ≈ Learning to Search Compile input description x into search problem Train 𝜋 to effectively navigate search space High level supervised reward/cost ● E.g., routing cost, BLEU score, Hamming loss, submodular utility, Jaccard, integer program value, log likelihood of graphical model, etc. Expert might be weak (search space exponentially large)
  • 93. Learning to Search in Branch and Bound Algorithms ■ Used to solve Integer Programs ● Two local decisions: ranking and pruning ● Train using solved instances (e.g., by Gurobi) [He et al., NIPS 2014] −13/2 +∞ −13/3 +∞ −16/3 +∞ −3 −3 −4 −4 –22/5 +∞ INF INF −3 −3 x = 5/2# y = 3/2 x = 5/3# y = 1 x = 5/3# y = 2 x = 1# y = 1 x = 1# y = 12/5 x = 1# y = 2 x = 0# y = 3 y ≤ 1 y ≥ 2 x ≤ 1 x ≤ 1x ≥ 2 x ≥ 2 y ≤ 2 y ≥ 3 ub = +∞# lb = −16/3 ub = −3# lb = −22/5 ub = −4# lb = −4 ub = −3# lb = −16/3 node expansion order global lower and upper bound optimal node fathomed node min −2x − y# s.t. 3x − 5y ≤ 0# 3x + 5y ≤ 15# x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0# x, y ∈ Z training examples: −13/3 +∞ −16/3 +∞ < prune: −13/3 +∞
  • 94. Sub-Optimal Expert Imitation Learning → Reinforcement Learning ■ Query Access to Environment (simple exploration) ● Learning to Search via Retrospective Imitation [Song et al., 2018] ● Learning to Search Better than Your Teacher [Chang et al., ICML 2015] ● Reinforcement and imitation learning via interactive no-regret learning [Ross & Bagnell, 2014] ■ More Sophisticated Exploration (also Query Access to Environment) ● Residual Loss Prediction: Reinforcement Learning With No Incremental Feedback [Daume et al., ICLR 2018] ■ Actor-Critic Style Approaches (also Query Access to Environment) ● Truncated Horizon Policy Search: Combining Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning [Sun et al., ICLR 2018] ● Sequence Level Training with Recurrent Neural Networks [Ranzato et al., ICLR 2016]
  • 95. Learning to Search Better than Your Teacher [Chang et al., ICML 2015] Roll-in: execute policy w/o learning Roll-out: execute policy for learning SEARN [Daume et al., 2009]
  • 96. Improving Multi-step Prediction of Learned Time Series Models Learn 𝜋 that maps xt to xt+1 ● Input is previous prediction ● Sequence prediction special case Can also extend to latent-variables: ● Learning to Filter with Predictive State Inference Machines [Sun et al., 2016] [Venkatraman et al., AAAI 2015] xt+1 = E[f(xt)] state dynamics …" x0 x1 xt f (·)x2 …" ˆf (·) x3 ˆx1 ˆx2 ˆxt (a) Forward simulation of learned model (gray) introduces error at each prediction step compared to thetrue time-series (red) …" x0 x1 xtx2 …" x3 ˆx1 ˆx2 …" x0 x1 xt f (·)x2 …" ˆf (·) x3 ˆx1 ˆx2 ˆxt (a) Forward simulation of learned model (gray) introduces error at each prediction step compared to thetruetime-series (red) …" x0 x1 xtx2 …" x3 ˆx1 ˆx2 ˆxt (b) Data provides a demonstration of corrections required to re- Interactive Imitation Learning
  • 97. Imitation Learning for Structured Prediction ■ Learn decision function to navigate search space ■ Reduce to interactive imitation learning ● Expert feedback from computational oracle ■ Careful choice of loss function ■ Suboptimal experts ● Due to computational complexity of solving search space
  • 98. Imitation Learning with Multiple Objectives
  • 99. Smooth Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘16 Human operated camera Robotic camera
  • 100. Smooth Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘16 Input: sequence of context 𝑥𝑡 • e.g., noisy player detection State: 𝑠𝑡= 𝑥𝑡:𝑡−𝐾, 𝑎 𝑡−1:𝑡−𝐾 • recent context and actions Goal: learn 𝜋 𝑠𝑡 → 𝑎 𝑡 • Imitate expert � s a
  • 101. Smooth Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘16 need: Imitation Accuracy + Smoothness
  • 102. Smooth Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘16 Smooth Imitation by Functional Regularization Smooth Policy Class � ComplexPolicy Class f Smooth Model g
  • 103. Smooth Imitation Learning Algorithm: Iterative Imitation Learning for Continuous Spaces Policy 𝜋 Simulate expert feedback Update 𝒇 (neural net) Update Policy 𝜋 Update Params 𝒈
  • 104. Smooth Imitation Learning Theory: Monotonic policy improvement, adaptive learning rate Le et al., ICML ‘16 Expert action Learner action
  • 106. Safe Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving Zhang & Cho, AAAI ‘17 = steering angle policy TORCS Simulation
  • 107. Safe Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving Zhang & Cho, AAAI ‘17 If , drive with , otherwise fall back to = whether likely to deviates from
  • 108. Results: ■ Reduced number of damages ■ Faster learning - can be viewed as active DAgger Safe Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving Zhang & Cho, AAAI ‘17 SafeDAgger: Safety classifier in the loop Only query “unsafe” states
  • 109. Multi-task, Meta and Transfer Imitation Learning
  • 110. One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17 Tobin et al., IROS ‘173 instances of an example task:
  • 111. One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17 Tobin et al., IROS ‘17How about other related tasks?
  • 112. One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17
  • 113. One Shot Imitation Learning Duan et al., NIPS ‘17 Training task Test task C B A F E D B A D F E C
  • 114. One Shot Visual Imitation Learning - Transfer Tobin et al., IROS ‘17 Trained in simulation only using domain randomization Test in the real world
  • 115. One Shot Visual Imitation Learning - Transfer Training entirely in simulation, expert demonstrations through VR Tobin et al., IROS ‘17
  • 116. Visual Meta-Imitation Learning Finn et al., ICML ‘17 Meta Learning (MAML) Finn et al., CoRL ‘17 Meta-objective updateFast adaptation update Meta-Imitation Training 1. Sample task 2. Using one demonstration for 3. Using another demonstration for
  • 117. One Shot Imitation from Watching Videos Yu et al., RSS ‘18 pick up a novel object and place it into a previously unseen bowl
  • 118. Multiple tasks from multiple environments sequentially Unknown reward function Human behaves optimally wrt in each Repeated Inverse Reinforcement Learning Amin et al., NIPS ‘17 latent human preferences External Goal: learn from demonstrations from as few tasks as possible and generalize to new ones, under two settings: 1. Agent chooses the task actively 2. Nature chooses the task adversarially
  • 119. Multi-Agent / Multi-Modal Imitation Learning
  • 120. Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘17 Coordination via implicit, latent roles information
  • 121. Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning Learning needs semantically consistent input representation Le et al., ICML ‘17 Want: Reality:
  • 122. Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning Imitation Learning + Graphical Model Learning and Inference Le et al., ICML ‘17
  • 123. Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘17 Un-coordinated Coordinated
  • 124. Generative Multi-agent Behavioral Cloning Zhan et al., arXiv ‘18 Eq(zm ÆT|mÆT) 2 4 TX t=1 ≠ KL q(zm t | mÆt, zm < t)Î p(zm t | m< t, zm < t) + logp(mt | zm Æt, m< t) VRNN MAGnet VRNN VRNN agents During training weuseweak labels ˆm = ( ˆm1 , . . . , ˆmN ), where ˆmi isthenext loca Macro-goals • Generative Multi-agent Imitation Learning – No single “correct” action • Hierarchical – Make predictions at multiple resolutions
  • 125. Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL infoGAIL: Interpretable Imitation Learning from Visual Demonstrations – Li et al., NIPS ‘17 Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon Passing RightPassing Left
  • 126. Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL Li et al., NIPS ‘17 Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon
  • 127. Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL Li et al., NIPS ‘17 Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon Further regularization: maximize the mutual information between z and (s,a) EnvironmentPolicy Observed Behavior Z Maximize mutual information (s,a) Latent code
  • 128. Multi-modal Imitation Learning - InfoGAIL Li et al., NIPS ‘17 Training using Wasserstein GAN Mode Generation Z=0 Z=0.5 Z=1 Thanks to materials from Stefano Ermon Passing Right Passing Left
  • 129. See also... ■ Multi-Modal Imitation Learning from Unstructured Demonstrations using Generative Adversarial Nets - Hausman et al., NIPS ‘17 ■ Multi-agent Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning - Song et al., arXiv ‘18
  • 131. Hadfield-Menell et al., NIPS ‘16 Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning How should humans demonstrate the tasks? Inverse RL: demonstrated behavior is (near) optimal as it accomplishes the task efficiently precludes useful teaching behaviors
  • 132. Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning Hadfield-Menell et al., NIPS ‘16 H may choose to to accept less reward on a particular action in order to convey more information to R ■ Human and robot play cooperative games ■ Two players: ■ H observes the actual reward signal; R only knows a prior distribution on reward functions
  • 133. See also... ■ An Efficient, Generalized Bellman Update for Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning - Malik et al., ICML 2018 ● More efficient POMDP solver ● (Partially) relax assumption of human rationality
  • 134. Showing vs Doing: Teaching by Demonstration Pedagogical Inverse Reinforcement Learning Ho et al., NIPS ‘16 Teaching depends on expert’s inferences about a learner’s inferences about Demonstration Human Experiment:
  • 135. Hierarchical Learning / Other Types of Expert Feedback
  • 136. Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning Le et al., ICML ‘18 How can we most effectively leverage teacher’s feedback? End of hall Left Corridor Left Hierarchical feedback is more natural ≠ Flat Imitation Learning / Reinforcement Learning
  • 137. Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning (Flat) Imitation Learning Feedback effort proportional to task horizon Hierarchical Imitation Learning Le et al., ICML ‘18
  • 138. Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning state macro-action state macro-action state … state state action … state state action … state Le et al., ICML ‘18 Key Insights Verifying is cheaper than labeling low-level actions Expert provides high-level feedback and zooms in to low-level only when needed Weak feedback
  • 139. Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning Le et al., ICML ‘18 Hybrid Imitation-Reinforcement Significantly faster learning than pure RL Hierarchical Imitation Learning Significantly less expert-costly than flat imitation learning 0K 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K expert cost (LO-level) 0 20 40 60 80 100 successrate hg-DAgger flat DAgger
  • 140. Learning from Human Preferences Christiano et al., NIPS ‘17 Preference feedback is more natural to specify than exact numeric rewards
  • 141. Learning from Human Preferences Christiano et al., NIPS ‘17 Assume Bradley-Terry preference model: Minimize cross-entropy loss:
  • 142. ■ Programming by Feedback - Akrour et al., ICML 2014 ■ A Bayesian Approach for Policy Learning from Trajectory Preference Queries - Wilson et al., NIPS 2012 ● Employed similar feedback elicitation mechanism to Christiano et al. ■ Learning Trajectory Preferences for Manipulators via Iterative Improvement - Jain et al., NIPS 2013 ● Co-active feedback (feedback is only an incremental improvement, not necessarily the optimal result) See also previous work...
  • 143. Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback (COACH) MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17 training interface shown to AMT users Reward / punishment for “good” dog / “alright” dog / “bad” dog Humans tend to give policy-dependent feedback How Do Humans Train Animal?
  • 144. ● Policy-dependent feedback ● Differential feedback ● Diminishing return Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback (COACH) MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17 Treat human feedback as approximation to advantage function Advantage function is good feedback model
  • 145. Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback (COACH) ■ Recall Policy Gradient Theorem ■ Update Rule: where MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17 discretized rewards
  • 146. Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback (COACH) MacGlashan et al., ICML ‘17
  • 147. ■ Interactively shaping agents via human reinforcement: the TAMER framework - Knox & Stone, K-CAP ‘09 See also... l
  • 148. Summary 1. Broad research area with many interesting questions 2. Practical approaches to sequential decision making ● Especially vs RL: sample complexity, cost of experimentation, simulator availability, generalization, etc. 3. Diverse range of applications
  • 149. Imitation Learning ICML 2018 Tutorial Q & A Yisong Yue Hoang M. Le @YisongYue @HoangMinhLe