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JavaScript Framework for Developers
<input type="text" class="my-input">
<script src="matreshka.min.js"></script>
var app = new Matreshka;
app.bindNode('x', '.my-input');
app.x = 'Two-way data binding in JS? O rly?';
● Class Matreshka (Core)
● Class Matreshka.Object (Model)
● Class Matreskka.Array (Collection)
Class Mathreska
// creating of the instance
var mk = new Matreshka; // or var mk = new MK;
// inheritance
var MyClass = Class({
'extends': Matreshka,
constructor: function () {
sayHello: function () {
alert("Hello World!");
// inheritance es6
class MyClass extends Matreshka {
constructor () {
sayHello () {
alert('Hello World!');
Class Mathreska
● isMK
● $sandbox
● sandbox
● on
● onDebounce
● once
● off
● trigger
● bindNode
● bindOptionalNode
● unbindNode
● boundAll
● $bound
● bound
● selectAll
● $
● select
● eq
● defineGetter
● defineSetter
● mediate
● linkProps
● get
● set
● remove
● define
● delay
● version
● isXDR
● defaultBinders
● extend
● Class
● $b
● useAs$
● noop
● each
● debounce
● lookForBinder
● randomString
● binders
Matreshka#on(names, callback, triggerOnInit=false,
// simple
this.on('foo', function () {
alert('Custom Event is fired');
// Passing the context
this.on('foo', function () {
alert(this.a); // 5
}, {a: 5});
this.trigger('foo', 'Hello world');
// Fire the event after initialization
this.on('foo', function () {
}, true);
Matreshka#trigger(names, arg)
this.on('foo bar', function (a, b, c) {
alert(a + b + c);
this.trigger('foo', 1, 2, 3); // 6
Matreshka#bindNode(key, node, binder, eventOptions)
this.bindNode('myKey', '.my-element', {
on: 'click',
getValue: function () { ...
setValue: function () { ...
initialize: function () { ...
Matreshka#bindNode(key, node, binder, eventOptions)
this.bindNode('myKey', '.my-checkbox', {
on: 'click',
getValue: function () {
return this.checked;
setValue: function (v) {
this.checked = !!v;
this.myKey = true;
Matreshka#bindNode(key, node, binder, eventOptions)
this.bindNode('myKey', '.my-slider', {
on: 'slide',
getValue: function () {
return $(this).slider('option', 'value');
setValue: function (v) {
$(this).slider('option', 'value', v);
initialize: function () {
min: 0,
max: 100
this.myKey = 42;
Matreshka#bindNode(key, node, binder, eventOptions)
this.bindNode('myKey', '.my-element', binder, {
assignDefaultValue: false
Matreshka#bindNode(keyElementPairs, binder,
myKey1: '.custom-checkbox',
myKey2: 'textarea'
Matreshka#bindNode(setOfArguments, eventOptions)
myKey1: '.my-element1',
myKey2: '.my-element2'
myKey3: '.my-element3',
myKey4: '.my-element4'
}, {
on: 'click',
getValue: function () { ... },
setValue: function () { ... }
MK.binders.myCoolBinder = function (var1, var2) {
return {
on: 'click',
getValue: function () { ...
setValue: function () { ...
initialize: function () { ...
this.bindNode('myKey', '.my-element', MK.binders.myCoolBinder('Hello', 'World'));
The list of the predefined binders:
● Matreshka.binders.innerHTML
● Matreshka.binders.visibility
● Matreshka.binders.className
● Matreshka.binders.attribute
● Matreshka.binders.input
● Matreshka.binders.textarea
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', MK.binders.innerHTML());
// the same as
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', {
setValue: function (v) {
this.innerHTML = v;
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', MK.binders.visibility(true));
// the same as
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', {
setValue: function (v) { = v ? '' : 'none';
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', MK.binders.visibility(false));
// the same as
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', {
setValue: function (v) { = v ? 'none' : '';
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', MK.binders.className('foo'));
// the same as
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', {
setValue: function (v) {
$(this).toggleClass('foo', v);
this.myKey = true; // adds the 'foo' class
this.myKey = false; // removes the 'foo' class
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', MK.binders.className('!foo'));
// the same as
this.bindElement('myKey', '.my-element', {
setValue: function (v) {
$(this).toggleClass('foo', !v);
this.myKey = false; // adds the 'foo' class
this.myKey = true; // removes the 'foo' class
Matreshka#set(key, value, eventOptions)
The list of the supported flags:
● silent - do not call the change and change:KEY events
● silentHTML - do not change the state of the bound objects
● force - call the change and change:KEY events even though the property value has not been changed
● forceHTML - change the state of the bound element even though the property value has not been changed. This option is
necessary if the bound element has been rendered after the binding (for example, the option tags have been added to select tag)
● skipMediator - prevents the property transformation by a mediator
● skipLinks - prevents the work of dependencies created with the help of Matreshka#linkProps
Matreshka#set(key, value, eventOptions)
// simple
this.on('change:myKey', function (eventOptions) {
this.set('myKey', 3);
// using eventOptions
this.on('change:myKey', function (eventOptions) {
this.set('myKey', 4, {
silent: true
// passing custom data
this.on('change:myKey', function (eventOptions) {
this.set('myKey', 4, {
myCustomFlag: 42
Matreshka#set(keyValuePairs, eventOptions)
myKey1: 1,
myKey2: 2
// passing eventOptions as second argument
myKey: 3
}, {
myFlag: 'Jigurda'
this.bindNode('sandbox', '.app');
this.$sandbox; // the same as $('.app')
this.bindNode('myKey', '.my-element');
this.$bound('myKey'); // will return $('.my-element')
// without key
this.bindNode('sandbox', '.app');
this.$bound(); // will return $('.app')
Matreshka#mediate(key, mediator)
this.mediate('x', function (s) {
return String(s);
this.x = 1;
alert(typeof this.x); // 'string'
// a list of keys which are separated by space
this.mediate('x y', function (s) {
return String(s);
// an array of keys
this.mediate([ 'x', 'y' ], function (s) {
return String(s);
x: String,
y: Number,
z: Boolean
this.x = 1;
this.y = 2;
this.z = 3;
alert(typeof this.x); // 'string'
alert(typeof this.y); // 'number'
alert(typeof this.z); // 'boolean'
// a list of keys which are separated by spaces
'u v': String,
'w x': Number,
'y z': Boolean
Matreshka#linkProps(keys1, keys2, handler,
this.linkProps('greeting', 'name', function () {
return 'Hello, ' + + '!';
}); = 'Joe';
alert(this.greeting); // 'Hello, Joe!'
Matreshka#linkProps(keys1, keys2, handler,
this.a = 3;
this.b = 4;
this.linkProps('p', 'a b', function (a, b) {
return (a + b) * 2;
this.linkProps('a', 'p b', function (p, b) {
return p / 2 - b;
this.linkProps('b', 'p a', function (p, a) {
return p / 2 - a;
alert(this.p); // 14
this.on('change:p', function () {
alert('The perimeter has been changed and equals ' + this.p);
this.a = 5; // alerts 'The perimeter has been changed and equals 18'
Matreshka#linkProps(keys, instancesAndKeys, handler,
anotherInstance1.a = 2;
anotherInstance2.b = 3;
this.linkProps('sum', [
anotherInstance1, 'a',
anotherInstance2, 'b'
], function (a, b) {
return a + b;
alert(this.sum); // 5
this.on('change:sum', function () {
alert('this.sum equals ' + this.sum);
anotherInstance1.a = 5; // 'this.sum equals 8'
Class Mathreska.Object
// creation of the instance
new MK.Object;
// creation of the instance with two specified properties
new MK.Object({
a: 1,
b: 2
// inheritance
var MyClass = Class({
'extends': MK.Object,
constructor: function() {
sayHello: function() {
alert('Hello World!');
Class Mathreska.Object
// adding the properties which are responsible for the data
this.addDataKeys('a b');
this.a = 1;
this.b = 2;
this.c = 3;
// adding the properties which are responsible for the data with the default value
a: 1,
b: 2
this.c = 3;
// in both cases will return the object {a: 1, b: 2}
Class Mathreska.Object
// the same as new MK.Object().jset({a: 1, b: 2});
new MK.Object({
a: 1,
b: 2
Class Mathreska.Object
● isMKObject
● keys
● on
● hasOwnProperty
● toObject
● toNative
● toJSON
● keyOf
● jset
● remove
● addDataKeys
● removeDataKeys
● each
var mkObject = new MK.Object({
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: new MK.Object({
d: 3,
e: 4
// returns {a: 1, b: 2, c: {d: 3, e: 4}}
Matreshka.Object#jset(key, value, evtOpts)
this.jset('a', 1).jset('b', 2);
this.jset('a', 1).jset('b', 2);
// assigns 3 to the 'c' property,
// but does not add the key to the list of keys which are responsible for the data
this.set('c', 3);
this.each(function (value, key) {
console.log(key, value);
// displays 'a' 1 and 'b' 2
console.log(this.keys()); // displays ['a', 'b']
console.log(this.toJSON()); // displays {a: 1, b: 2}
// after using the Matreshka.Object#jset method, you can work with a property like with an ordinary one
this.jset('a', 1).jset('b', 2);
this.set('a', 3);
this.b = 4;
Class Mathreska.Array
// creation of the instance
new MK.Array;
// creation of the instance with specify length
new MK.Array(42);
// passing data on creation
new MK.Array('Hi', {a: 'b'});
// inheritance
var MyClass = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
constructor: function () {
sayHello: function () {
alert('Hello World!');
Class Mathreska.Array
// define Model
var MyModel = Class({
'extends': MK.Object,
constructor: function (data) {
// define the class for the collection
var MyArray = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
Model: MyModel
// create the class instance
var myArray = new MyArray;
Class Mathreska.Array
// add two elements
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 3,
b: 4
// will return [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 3, b: 4}]
Class Mathreska.Array
// automatic rendering
var MyModel = MK.Class({
'extends': MK.Object,
constructor: function (data) {
this.on('render', function () {
this.bindNode('value', ':sandbox', MK.binders.innerHTML());
var MyArray = MK.Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
Model: MyModel,
itemRenderer: '<li>',
constructor: function () {
this.bindNode('sandbox', '.my-list');
Class Mathreska.Array
● isMKArray
● useBindingsParser
● renderIfPossible
● itemRenderer
● Model
● mediateItem
● on
● recreate
● toArray
● toNative
● rerender
● hasOwnProperty
● toJSON
● pull
● each
var MyArray = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
itemRenderer: '<li>',
Model: MyModel,
constructor: function () {
this.bindNode('sandbox', '.my-list');
var MyArray = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
itemRenderer: '<li>',
Model: MyModel,
constructor: function () {
this.bindNode('sandbox', '.my-widget');
this.bindNode('container', '.my-list');
var MyArray = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
Model: MyModel,
itemRenderer: '<div class="my-div">Be cool</div>', // '#be-cool-template'
constructor: function () { ... }
var MyArray = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
Model: MyModel,
itemRenderer: function () {
return '<div class="my-div">Be cool</div>'; // '#be-cool-template' or document.createElement( 'div' )
constructor: function () { ... }
<virtual>Matreshka.Array#Model(data, mkArray)
var MyModel = Class({
'extends': MK.Object,
constructor: function (data) {
doSomething: function () { ... }
var MyArray = Class({
'extends': MK.Array,
Model: MyModel
<virtual>Matreshka.Array#Model(data, mkArray)
var myArray = new MyArray;
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 3,
b: 4
// will return [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 3, b: 4}]
// es6
class MyArray extends MK.Array {
get Model() {
return MyModel;
Includes all the methods existing in the native JavaScript Array.
● The forEach method returns itself instead of undefined
● The methods which return a new array (splice, slice, filter, map...) originally, in Matreshka they return a new Matreshka.Array
The list of the available flags:
● silent: true - disables event triggering
● dontRender: true - disables rendering
● skipMediator: true - disables mediators
this.push_(1, 2, 3, {
silent: true
silent: true
this.on('modify', function (evt) {
alert(evt.flag); // 42
this.push_(1, 2, 3, {
flag: 42
Matreshka.Array#pull(index, evtOptions)
// passing index of the array
var removed;
this.recreate(['a', 'b', 'c']);
removed = this.pull(1);
alert(removed); // 'b'
alert(this.toString()); // 'a,c'
// passing of the delete
var object1 = {},
object2 = {},
this.push(object1, object2);
removed = this.pull(object2);
alert(removed === object2); // true
alert(this.length); // 1
The end

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