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CREATOR:David Halpern          C CN=David Halpern OU=OSTP/O=EOP        OSTP

CREATION DATEATTME:ll-APR-2003 14:25:13.             0

SUBJECT::      FYI Re;. Press Release Re:      20th Century Climate Not So Hot          C pcooney(3ceq.eop gov L CEQI

CC:David Halpern          ( CN=David Halpern/OU`O TP/O=EOP@EOPf       OSTP I

--    ----------                Forwarded by Davi<   Halpern/OSTP/EOP on 04/11/2003
02:23 PM --        -   - - - - - - - -   - - -

David Halpern
04/11/2003 12:46:15 PM
Record Type:    Record

To:      Robert C. McNally/OPD/EOP@EOP
CC:      Kathie L. Olsen/OSTP/EOP@EOP, Richard M. Russell/OSTP/EOP@BOP,
Clifford J. Gabriel/OSTP/BOP@EOP, David Falpern/OSTP/EOP@BOP
Subject:         Re: Press Release Re: 20th Century Climate Not So Hot


Attached are the two papers referenced ir            the Press Release.

Please let me know if you would like add tional information.

David Halpern

           Richard M. Russell
           04/10/2003 05:19:51 PM

Record Type: Record

To: Robert C. McNally/OPD/EOP@EOP
cc: David Halpern/OSTP/EOP@EOP, Kathie L. Olsen/OSTP/EOP@EOP
Subject:  Re: Fwd: CfA: 20th CENTURY CLI kTE NOT SO HOT

our science division is tracking it down.  They will get it if it can be
gotten.  Dr. David Halpern will be sending it to you directly.  He will
also be able to answer any question you haye about the study.

file:/ID:SEARCH_7_9_03_CEQ036j-f.azwjfOO3- ceq.txr                                    8/14/2003
                                                                                          Page 2 of 726


    Rchar Mc
Rober                             ~
                          usealSTly             gO

RubecdTypRe: RecodtCA                   0hCNUYCITEOTSHT

      To: Richard         M.

Subject:R:            Fwd: CfA:    20th CENTURY CLIMATE NOT SO HOT

             Richard N. RussellrddbyRihadM.RuselOSP/CPo

          04/10/2003 05:08:41 PM

Record Type: Record

To: Rober         C. Mcarblve/OSPD/EOP@EOPRcadM                              usl1STEOFP
 Subject:      Fwd:      CfA:   20th CENTURY CLIMATE NT SO HOT

              -hsi atceIforwarded
              h                                      by Rhichl..Rsel/SPEPo

 To: erocn       AstPronoriealOSTEociety                 Rc      eN          uselOT/O@O

 Thagis     arscthe      harviaerdoraredtodhl


 >clafon~cfa .harvart. edu

 file:/ID:SEARCH_7_-9_03_CEQ036_fLazwjfoo3                     ceq.txt                       8/14/2003
                                                                                  3 of 726

>Release NO: 03-10
>For Immediate Release
                                            i dicators are available online at
>NOTE TO EDITORS: Photos of key climate i~age.html
>http: //

                                     than 200 climate studies led by
>Cambridge, MA -- A review of more
                                           Center for Astrophysics has
>researchers at the Harvard-.Smithsonlian
                                       neither the warmest century nor
>determined that the 20th century is
                                            r Of the past 1000 years. The
>the century with the most extreme weath
                                            Warm Period of 800 to 1300
>review also confirmed that the Medieval
                                       to 1900 A.D. were worldwide
>A.D. and the Little Ice Age of 1300
                                          a d North American continents.
>phenomena not limited to the European
                                       much higher than in the Little
>While 20th century temperatures are
                                            show the medieval warmth to
>Ice Age period, many parts of the world
>be greater than that of the 20th century
                                       and Sallie Baliunas, with
>Smithsoniafl astronomers Willie Soon
                                      Idso (Center for the Study of
>co-authors Craig Idso and Sherwood
                                    and David Legates (Center for
>Carbon Dioxide and Global Change)
                                               , compiled and examined
>Climatic Research, University of Delaware)
                                        papers published by thousands of
>results from more than 240 research
                                             Their report, covering a
>researchers over the past four decades.
                                             climate indicators, provides
>multitude of geophysical and biological
                                      that occurred in different regions
>a detailed look at climate changes
 >around the world over the last 1000
                                                     ancient climates have
 >"Many true research advances in reconstructing
                                          S on says, "so we felt it was
 >occurred over the past two decades,"
                                         of recent studies from the last
 >time to pull together a large sample
                                        va iability and change. In fact,
 >5-10 years and look for patterns of
                                     that regions worldwide experienced
 >clear patterns did emerge showing
                                           and lows of the Little Ice Age,
 >the highs of the Medieval Warm Period
                                       are generally cooler than during
 >and that 20th century temperatures
 >the medieval warmth."
                                     that the 20th century is neither
 >Soon and his colleagues concluded
                                     1000 years, nor is it the most
 >the warmest century over the last
                                          rn of historical climate
 >extreme. Their findings about the patt
                                      climate models simulate both
 >variations will help make computer
                                     accurately, and lead to better
 >natural and man-made changes more
                                         and regional levels. This is
 >climate forecasts especially on local
                                     timescales ranging from several
 >especially true in simulations on
  >decades to a century.

  >--Historical Cold, Warm Periods Verified--
                                           for a number or reasons, not
  >Studying climate change is challenging
                                          variety of climate indicators-
  >the least of which is the bewildering
                                        variables, and each operating on
  >all sensitive to different climatic
                                             of space and time. For
  >slightly overlapping yet distinct scales
  >example, tree ring studies can yield
                                         ~early records of temperature
                                          r ice cores record those
  >and precipitation trends, while glaci
                                         several decades to a century.
  >variables over longer time scales of
                                           numerous climate indicators
  >Soon, Baliunas and colleagues analyzec
                                      data; glacier advances or
  >including: borehole data; cultural
                                          ysis from lake sediments or ice
  >retreats; geomorphology; isotopic ana

                                            O3sceq.txt                             8/14/2003
Page 4 of 726

                                  (carbohyd ates) , corals, stalagmite
>cores, tree or peat celluloses                    including dust or
                              accumulation rate,
>biological fossils; net ice                                      melt
                                and sedime ts; river sediments;
>chemical counts; lake fossils       (recurring  natural phenomena in
>layers in ice cores; phenological                            seafloor
   >reltionto climate) and paleontological fossils; pollen;
                                    tree ri g growth, incluigete
>sediments; luminescent analysis; density; and shifting tree line
>ring width  or maximum late-wood
                                lakes, mar lies and streams.
>positions Plus tree stumps in
                                              :hese series of clues in
        forensic detectives, we assembled
                                          abou local and regional climate
>order to answer a specific question
                                   notable climatic anomalies during
>change: Is there evidence for                                       "The
                                  the past 1000 years?" Soon says.
>particular time periods over
                                that such anomalies did exist."
>cumulative evidence showed
                                     records confirmned two significant
>The worldwide range of climate                                   Age and
                                 thousand years, the Little Ice
>climate periods in the last                         of a Little ice Age
                                    climatic notion
>the medieval Warm Period. The                            Period from 800 to
>interval from 1300   tol9 0 0 A.D. and a Me ieval Warm
                                     well-confirmed and wide-spread,
 >1300 A.D. appears to be rather                                        by
                                    one region to another as measured
 >despite some differences from                             cycles, or
                                    precipita ion, drought
 >other climatic variables like
 >glacier advances  and retreats.

                                    have poss ssed anecdotal evidence
 >"For a long time, researchers                                        says.
                                 these clmate extremes," Baliunas
 >supporting the existence of                C lonies in Greenland   at the
 >"For example, the Vikings established   that died out several hundred
 >beginning of the second millennium                                 vineyards
                                   turned col er. And in England,
 >years later when the climate            warmth. Now, we have an
 >had flourished during the medieval                              indicators."
  >accumulation of objective   data to back up these cultural
                                         clear evidence for a warm period
  >The different indicators provided temperatures showed a warm interval
  >the Middle Ages. Tree ring                                             which
                                         nort ern high latitude zones,
  >from  950 A.D. to 1100 A.D. in the                      database of tree
                                   Warm Peri d." Another
  >corresponds to the "Medieval                                north latitude
  >growth from 14 different   locations ovei 30-70 degrees
                                  period. Mary parts   of the world show the
  >showed a similar early warm                         20th century.
  >medieval warmth to  be greater than that of the

                                    the Air F rce Office of Scientific
   >The study -- funded by NASA,                                         and
                                      and Atmospheric Administration,
   >Research, the National Oceanic                              in the Energy
                                        -- wi 1 be published
   >the American Petroleum Institute                          Baliunas
   >and Environment journal.  A shorter pap r by Soon and
                                  2003 issue   of the Climate Research
   >appeared in the January 31,
  >j ournal.
                                Massachuse ts, the Harvard-Smithsonian
  >Headquartered in Cambridge,                                      the
                                  is a joint collaboration between
  >Center for Astrophysics (CfA)          and the Harvard College
  >Smithsoflian Astrophysical Observatory into six research divisions
  >Observatory. CfA  scientists organized
                                 and ulti ate fate of the universe.
  >study the origin, evolution,

                                    RECEIV MG PRESS RELEASES THAT
                                 VIA THE AERICAN
   >FORWARDED TO THE NEWS MEDIA                               OR WRITE
                                         Re uests for referrals to experts
   >TO hrmrneli~gf~aagv
   >should  be sent to the same address.

PageS5 of 726

Anne L. KinneysisDv     PhysisD~S-f
Director, Astronomy and
Office of Space science
NASA Headquarters

                         Jane Davis at 202-358-2150
For appoinltmenlts, call

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                                7-9- 0 3-CEQ036__f-azwjf 03__ceq.txt

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RCEC Email 4.11.03 (a)

  • 1. Page 1 of 726 4' ~ ~ 3 RECORD TYPE: FEDERAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR:David Halpern C CN=David Halpern OU=OSTP/O=EOP OSTP CREATION DATEATTME:ll-APR-2003 14:25:13. 0 SUBJECT:: FYI Re;. Press Release Re: 20th Century Climate Not So Hot C pcooney(3ceq.eop gov L CEQI READ :UNKNOWN CC:David Halpern ( CN=David Halpern/OU`O TP/O=EOP@EOPf OSTP I READ: UNKNOWN' TEXT: -- ---------- Forwarded by Davi< Halpern/OSTP/EOP on 04/11/2003 02:23 PM -- - - - - - - - - - - - - David Halpern 04/11/2003 12:46:15 PM Record Type: Record To: Robert C. McNally/OPD/EOP@EOP CC: Kathie L. Olsen/OSTP/EOP@EOP, Richard M. Russell/OSTP/EOP@BOP, Clifford J. Gabriel/OSTP/BOP@EOP, David Falpern/OSTP/EOP@BOP Subject: Re: Press Release Re: 20th Century Climate Not So Hot Robert, Attached are the two papers referenced ir the Press Release. Please let me know if you would like add tional information. David Halpern Richard M. Russell 04/10/2003 05:19:51 PM Record Type: Record To: Robert C. McNally/OPD/EOP@EOP cc: David Halpern/OSTP/EOP@EOP, Kathie L. Olsen/OSTP/EOP@EOP bcc: Subject: Re: Fwd: CfA: 20th CENTURY CLI kTE NOT SO HOT our science division is tracking it down. They will get it if it can be gotten. Dr. David Halpern will be sending it to you directly. He will also be able to answer any question you haye about the study. file:/ID:SEARCH_7_9_03_CEQ036j-f.azwjfOO3- ceq.txr 8/14/2003
  • 2. II/~ Page 2 of 726 ILa RoetC/cal Rchar Mc Rober ~ usealSTly gO RubecdTypRe: RecodtCA 0hCNUYCITEOTSHT To: Richard M. Russell/OT/O@O bCC: Subject:R: Fwd: CfA: 20th CENTURY CLIMATE NOT SO HOT Richard N. RussellrddbyRihadM.RuselOSP/CPo 04/10/2003 05:08:41 PM Record Type: Record To: Rober C. Mcarblve/OSPD/EOP@EOPRcadM usl1STEOFP CC: Subject: Fwd: CfA: 20th CENTURY CLIMATE NT SO HOT -hsi atceIforwarded h by Rhichl..Rsel/SPEPo To: erocn AstPronoriealOSTEociety Rc eN uselOT/O@O Thagis arscthe harviaerdoraredtodhl >Contacs:ieLa >617-495-7463 >clafon~cfa .harvart. edu file:/ID:SEARCH_7_-9_03_CEQ036_fLazwjfoo3 ceq.txt 8/14/2003
  • 3. * 3 of 726 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page >Release NO: 03-10 >For Immediate Release i dicators are available online at >NOTE TO EDITORS: Photos of key climate i~age.html 3 li >http: // >20th CENTURY CLIMATE NOT SO HOT than 200 climate studies led by >Cambridge, MA -- A review of more Center for Astrophysics has >researchers at the Harvard-.Smithsonlian neither the warmest century nor >determined that the 20th century is r Of the past 1000 years. The >the century with the most extreme weath Warm Period of 800 to 1300 >review also confirmed that the Medieval to 1900 A.D. were worldwide >A.D. and the Little Ice Age of 1300 a d North American continents. >phenomena not limited to the European much higher than in the Little >While 20th century temperatures are show the medieval warmth to >Ice Age period, many parts of the world >be greater than that of the 20th century and Sallie Baliunas, with >Smithsoniafl astronomers Willie Soon Idso (Center for the Study of >co-authors Craig Idso and Sherwood and David Legates (Center for >Carbon Dioxide and Global Change) , compiled and examined >Climatic Research, University of Delaware) papers published by thousands of >results from more than 240 research Their report, covering a >researchers over the past four decades. climate indicators, provides >multitude of geophysical and biological that occurred in different regions >a detailed look at climate changes years. >around the world over the last 1000 ancient climates have >"Many true research advances in reconstructing S on says, "so we felt it was >occurred over the past two decades," of recent studies from the last >time to pull together a large sample va iability and change. In fact, >5-10 years and look for patterns of that regions worldwide experienced >clear patterns did emerge showing and lows of the Little Ice Age, >the highs of the Medieval Warm Period are generally cooler than during >and that 20th century temperatures >the medieval warmth." that the 20th century is neither >Soon and his colleagues concluded 1000 years, nor is it the most >the warmest century over the last rn of historical climate >extreme. Their findings about the patt climate models simulate both >variations will help make computer accurately, and lead to better >natural and man-made changes more and regional levels. This is >climate forecasts especially on local timescales ranging from several >especially true in simulations on >decades to a century. >--Historical Cold, Warm Periods Verified-- for a number or reasons, not >Studying climate change is challenging variety of climate indicators- >the least of which is the bewildering variables, and each operating on >all sensitive to different climatic of space and time. For >slightly overlapping yet distinct scales >example, tree ring studies can yield ~early records of temperature r ice cores record those >and precipitation trends, while glaci several decades to a century. >variables over longer time scales of numerous climate indicators >Soon, Baliunas and colleagues analyzec data; glacier advances or >including: borehole data; cultural ysis from lake sediments or ice >retreats; geomorphology; isotopic ana O3sceq.txt 8/14/2003 file://D:SEARCH_-7-9-03_CEQ036_fazwjf
  • 4. Page 4 of 726 or (carbohyd ates) , corals, stalagmite >cores, tree or peat celluloses including dust or accumulation rate, >biological fossils; net ice melt and sedime ts; river sediments; >chemical counts; lake fossils (recurring natural phenomena in >layers in ice cores; phenological seafloor >reltionto climate) and paleontological fossils; pollen; tree ri g growth, incluigete >sediments; luminescent analysis; density; and shifting tree line >ring width or maximum late-wood lakes, mar lies and streams. >positions Plus tree stumps in :hese series of clues in forensic detectives, we assembled abou local and regional climate >"Like >order to answer a specific question notable climatic anomalies during >change: Is there evidence for "The the past 1000 years?" Soon says. >particular time periods over that such anomalies did exist." >cumulative evidence showed records confirmned two significant >The worldwide range of climate Age and thousand years, the Little Ice >climate periods in the last of a Little ice Age climatic notion >the medieval Warm Period. The Period from 800 to >interval from 1300 tol9 0 0 A.D. and a Me ieval Warm well-confirmed and wide-spread, >1300 A.D. appears to be rather by one region to another as measured >despite some differences from cycles, or precipita ion, drought >other climatic variables like >glacier advances and retreats. have poss ssed anecdotal evidence >"For a long time, researchers says. these clmate extremes," Baliunas >supporting the existence of C lonies in Greenland at the >"For example, the Vikings established that died out several hundred >beginning of the second millennium vineyards turned col er. And in England, >years later when the climate warmth. Now, we have an >had flourished during the medieval indicators." >accumulation of objective data to back up these cultural in clear evidence for a warm period >The different indicators provided temperatures showed a warm interval summer >the Middle Ages. Tree ring which nort ern high latitude zones, >from 950 A.D. to 1100 A.D. in the database of tree Warm Peri d." Another >corresponds to the "Medieval north latitude >growth from 14 different locations ovei 30-70 degrees period. Mary parts of the world show the >showed a similar early warm 20th century. >medieval warmth to be greater than that of the the Air F rce Office of Scientific >The study -- funded by NASA, and and Atmospheric Administration, >Research, the National Oceanic in the Energy -- wi 1 be published >the American Petroleum Institute Baliunas >and Environment journal. A shorter pap r by Soon and 2003 issue of the Climate Research >appeared in the January 31, >j ournal. Massachuse ts, the Harvard-Smithsonian >Headquartered in Cambridge, the is a joint collaboration between >Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and the Harvard College >Smithsoflian Astrophysical Observatory into six research divisions >Observatory. CfA scientists organized and ulti ate fate of the universe. >study the origin, evolution, ARE RECEIV MG PRESS RELEASES THAT >IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO CONTINUE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, VIA THE AERICAN >FORWARDED TO THE NEWS MEDIA OR WRITE >PLEASE REPLY ACCORDINGLY TO ANY INCOM MG PRESS RELEASE, Re uests for referrals to experts >TO hrmrneli~gf~aagv >should be sent to the same address. 8/14/2003 03_ceq.txt file://D:SEARCH_7_9_~03_CEQO36_Lazwif
  • 5. PageS5 of 726 in Anne L. KinneysisDv PhysisD~S-f Director, Astronomy and Office of Space science NASA Headquarters Jane Davis at 202-358-2150 For appoinltmenlts, call ~~ATTACHMENT 1 O0 o:O0:00.O0 ATT CREATION TIME/DATE: 0toACI TEXT: 9 ACI I REOP0l300FJWZA.Olt Unable to convert NSREOPO101U[ATTACHWS) The following is a HEX Dump: 0D6E4F2 656 4 2 03 12 0OD2P4F20313035200¶2F42523-90DE3 3 73 02 0 202032020D6520220E 0n2F4E2 032322 0OD2FE 4 2 0 3 9 3 3 3 8 3 3 030302 20 0D2F45 03 436393 3332 0 2 3 0 3 0303030 35 6A0)2 02 02022020020020020020020220220278765( 6 OD313033203232200D 0202020202020220202202022020220202020020202020202022002200 030206E200D30303030303031 3 1 2 o3 03o 3 03 20202002020220202002020220201 3 30 :7 3 2 2 o3 O3 0 303030206E2000303030303030 3 3 6 2 O3 O3 o3 3 0 030206E200D3030 0 30007 36 2 3 6 2 03 0 30 3O3 030206E200D303O 03333 0 03 3 13 5 2 0s3 o30 3 030206E200D30303030303031 3 3 030206E200D303030303 0 3 3 4 9 7 0 0 0 03 0 032203030303 O30206E200D30303030303O 38 3 9 7 2 0 3 3 3 o33262030303 0 o 383 03 3 3 200D300 O O 030206E200D303O33003 03O 333000003326 0 3 3 3 2 3 63 1 2 0 3 3 3 0 3 O3030206E200D3030303 3 323120303 3 O O 030206E200D30 03 3 6 9 3 303437 03 303 2 3 3 4 3 3 2 0 3 03 0 3 0 0 0303030206E20OD03 0 3 0 0 33 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 0 03O3030206E 2D3 0 3 0 3 23 133 4 3 3 2 0 3 3 03 35343020303 O 3 O3030206E200D303 30303231 0 3030303 3 0 0~3 3 4 39332o303o3o303026EE 03 5 2 2DF 30303030303030303931372o3o33030303206E2COO 36976503235OD2F496E666F20313031203020 6 37 OD3O3O03O3003039337203 2 3 3 3 83 33 63 2 8 00D2F49445B3C356634656 696C65720D3C3C22OD F502572 39 2 0 0 D7 4 7 2 6 1 2 0 0 D2 F961933C 6346566373435373136 6 5 6D30 526 F6 F7 4 2 031303420302052 3 93E5DOD3E3E0D73746172747872 7 4 6CF7 3435373136633162643731343635663133146 6331626437313436356631336134636636396OD3C3C200D2F54797065202F4361 O 052200D2F4A54 2 0 6FD 5 4 6 1 6 4 6 1 7 4 6 1 2 0 3 1 3 0 3 2 2 O 3 2 4 6C6657 7 353 5 2002 54F4o616765732o38)3130302030 D2F4 6.S2200D2F4F757 20OD2F506167673203838203025220 3 0 D33 o 32035 l 203 3 6 oz6F2e0 3 o 2 3 03 0 2 05 2 2 0 0D2F506167654C61665 5 6 E64F2AD123000F2ADcC0F 2 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 2 O2 O5 2 200D3E3E200D6 6 4 6 5 2F46 2 0 3 8 3 4 2 O3 6 5 7 2 2 O2 F466C6174654465636F 4 6 69C 16ODOA4 SS 9 626OEO6006A2A9OCAcCOC3 l 24oF 0363530202F4C20363636202F 202F4F2 22O3,3E2.0,737G72 6 0 56AlAF86E 3 o4 53 24 41C6o6F63ACFA5ID22FCDD85 9634084700 3 5 5 5 4CDBE 2 6E6774682O31323420302052 CO51oIE4o8C2854 C7O9029 0287 EFl9841910401828C6c6C0C 3 4 6 130C0D5S7O9O291 4188E90C43C2014E3 A19 O?3 3 87 AEA1CE1B559DCCCFlCSDF6 6 AB9F41C 2 2 A B0D22CC22OE5D69FCDE 3 0 3 7 32A88747F5A8C0263FC3A 78B729 35 F2358CFCACAEFFOC C7 E B 76A94862A64030A7CEE 27 5BD2BBBF7AEBOD925 3 r2 FlS2 6 2 3 0 8255B9A3D67B A7 CDA1O926O6735A35665Th7C 4 5DED4D1 6 Cl97 2 6 9FD 1 6 4 76c630A48977CB9C36 1 2 976~ 9 OE7 3 1 7 9 1 4 31DEIA8F43545CB187FA2 2 1 6 4 7 2 3 55C 4 4 1 41E954EEA343974A E F 4372B9DF717A50E78635 88F86CF019CEBE0CE7C22225 1 9 F8lEO 3 2 02 85DB9E2792340EF95A 4 121A3D3OD85OBOC400c040Cl790295C0 1DEC 7 llD 3 O4 13 BE5FO5 2 3C 3 9 3 1 6970GA10 Ir1 53 B1 EVB 9 A3CBE90A27057A1C4 5 7 4A33B81C41EAA15BC332S 1 lS7 CO2 Ol200997FCFCF993CIE 3 06 5 2 B4 2 lE 2 AD9 ClD290AFAD3SD1ADEEBDF64 3 3 O3 EFAC38202D04C4CA6011 8/14/2003 7-9- 0 3-CEQ036__f-azwjf 03__ceq.txt