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# sdlBasic is a little basic for make simple games in 2d
# This basic run on :
#     linux(with a reasonable recent version)
#     windows (9x and nt-XP based)
#     macOSX
#     FreeBSD
#     OpenBSD
#     MorphOS
#     AmigaOS
# This basic is another demostration to the GPL's power
# the basic interpreter come from wxbasic by David Cuny
("") distribuited under lGPL
# The graphic system is based uppon SDL graphics libraries
family("")distribuited under GPL
# The graphics engine was initially based on the aliens demo game
# written in c and distribuited on GPL, later graphic engine was re-written from
# putpixel and getpixel routines are derivated from SDL tutorial and was improved
with Gigi Davassi suggestions
# The original line rutine was imported from Alvyn Basic with Author's write
# I used also the source of sdldraw library ("")
ever lGPL
# I cut, pasted and adapted code distribuited under lGPL.
# This software is subject to lGPL license and is free as every program used to
create it
# sdlBasic comands and syntax list:
# i suggest to read full documentation for more details
# sections:
#    Run time
#    Sub and function
#    Control structures
#    Operator
#    Array
#    Strings
#    Maths
#    Files
#    Dirs
#    Data function
#    console output
#    Date and time
#    Memory Bank
#    Screen
#    Graphics
#    File graphics input output
#    Image manipulation
#    Blitting
#    Sprite system
#    Bob system
#    Text draw
#    Print screen
#    Sounds and music
#    CD support
#    Video Mpeg
#    Keyboard
#    Mouse
#    Joystick
#    SDLtime
#    Socket
# notes:
# *    it don't works
# **   it don't works and need to be tested
# ?    it don't work well: unresolved bug
# ->   to be deleted
# Run Time

#   command line arguments
#   --nodefaults    : disable the default setting display
#   --nosound       : disable sound
#   --nosocket      : disable socket support
#   --debug         : start sdlBasic in step to step mode
#   --version       : display the version (iso date)
#   --license       : display license type
#   --copyright     : display copyright ( ;-) absolutelly free software )
#   --help    : display a run option list

const                         : declaration of numeric constant
option explicit                     : must declare variable
option qbasic                       : qbasic mode you can use a function before
create in a code
include(filename)             : inclusion of extern source file
argc                          : return number of args in caller
argv(index)                   : return arg in caller
command [param]                     : returns requested arg from command line
command$ [param]              : returns requested arg from command line
argument(optional n)                : returns the arguments sends to sub/function
with n=0 or without parameter will be return the arguments count
argument$(optional n)               : returns the arguments sends to sub/function
with n=0 or without parameter will be return the arguments count
?setenv(varname,value)              : set a enviremont variable in currently os. if
variable exist it will be overwrite
getenv(varname)                     : return the value of enviremont variable in
currently os
*run                          : run command on new thread
shell                         : execute command, wait until finished
end                           : terminate program and exit
stop                          : breakpoint and start debug

os                             : return the operative system in work (linux windows
macosx etc...)
isfbsd                             : return 1 if the current   os is FreeBSD
isosx                        : return 1 if the current os is   MacOSX
islinux                            : return 1 if the current   os is linux
iswin32                            : return 1 if the current   os is windows
ismos                        : return 1 if the current os is   MorphOS
isnetbsd                     : return 1 if the current os is   NetBSD
isamigaos                    : return 1 if the current os is   AmigaOS

# debug : work with option --debug at start or when you press ctrl+c key in
interpretation of basic program
# if you press F5 you continue the normal execution
# with F6 you advanced in execution of one step
# with F4 you can see the vale of the prompted variable. For see the value of an
array you must enter the name
# of array without the square bracket and at the request you must enter the indexes
of record requested.

# Sub and Function

declare [sub | function][name]            : declare a subrutine/function in qbasic
sub [name](args...)                 : start a subrutine
exit sub                      : break a subrutine
end sub                             : terminate a subrutine

function [name](args...)           :   start a function
exit function                      :   break a function
end function                       :   terminate a function
return [value | variable]          :   set the result of a function(can substituite

# Control Structures

while [condition expression]       : start while cycle
wend                         : end while cycle
end while                    : end while cycle
exit while                   : stop while cycle
continue                     : terminate the last while cycle

if [condition expression]          : classic if control structure
then                         : then must be terminate a command
else                         : classic else:it must be a single command
elseif                             : elseif is support in sdlBasic
end if                             : must terminate a if structure

select case [condition expression] : similar to c switch (syntax like pascal)
case                          : control condition
case else                     : default condition
end select                    : end select case structure

for[var]=[val1]to[val2][step[vals]] : classic for-next well implemented
for each [var] in [array]           : for each are well supported warning: report
the indexes of array not the value
continue                      : force the exit of for next cycle (work only with
for each)
exit for                     : force the exit of for next cycle
next                         : end for loop
end for                            : sdlBasic accept end for

do                           : start a do-loop cycle
loop                         : the bottom of do-loop cycle
exit do                            : the exit of a do-loop cycle

*repeat                             : not implemented yet
*until                              : not implemented yet

or                           :   condition   in   espression   logic   or
and                          :   condition   in   espression   logic   and
xor                          :   condition   in   espression   logic   xor
not                          :   condition   in   espression   logic   not

# Operator

[+]                          :   addtional operator
[-]                          :   substraction operator
[*]                          :   multiply operator
[/]                          :   division operator
[^]                          :   exponetial operator
mod                          :   rest of division operator
shl                          :   shift left
shr                          :   shift right

# Array

dim [name][[index of array]]        : declare an array note: array use [] for
*redim [name][[index of array]]           : redeclare an array
shared [variable]             : declare variable extern in a subrutine
common      [variable]              : declare variable or array global
lbound      [array]                       : returns lower bound of array
*quicksort [array]                  : sort an array
ubound [array]                      : upperbound of array
erase [array]                       : free an array
# Strings

asc(char)                     : returns ascii value of first char in string
chr(v)                              : return string corresponding to ascii key
chr$(v)                             : return string corresponding to ascii key
*format()                     : returns formatted string with embedded args
*format$()                    : returns formatted string with embedded args
insert(source$,target$,position)    : insert source string to target at index
insert$(source$,target$,position) : insert source string to target at index
instr(optional start,source$,target$)     : returns position in source that target
was found
lcase(string$)                      : convert string to lower case
lcase$(string$)                     : convert string to lower case
left(string$,number)                : returns leftmost chars in string
left$(string$,number)               : returns leftmost chars in string
len(string$)                        : return length of string
length(string$)                     : return length of string
ltrim(string$)                      : returns string with left whitespace removed
ltrim$(string$)                     : returns string with left whitespace removed
mid(string$,start,optional end)           : returns string with chars 1..n from
mid$(string$,start,optional end)    : returns string with chars 1..n from source
replace(opt index,source$,replace$) : replace string from source with replace
starting at index
replace$(opt index,source$,replace$)      : replace string from source with replace
starting at index
replacesubstr(source$,rep$)         : replace substring in source with withstring
return the new string
replacesubstr$(source$,rep$)        : replace substring in source with withstring
return the new string
reverse(string$)              : reverse a string return the new string
reverse$(string$)             : reverse a string return the new string
right(string$,number)               : returns rightmost chars in string
right$(string$,number)              : returns rightmost chars in string
rinstr(optional start,source$,target$)    : reverse Instr function, search from end
to start
rtrim(string$)                      : right trim string
rtrim$(string$)                     : right trim string
space(n)                      : return string with n spaces in it
space$(n)                     : return string with n spaces in it
str(value)                    : return string representation of numeric expression
str$(value)                   : return string representation of numeric expression
strf(value)                   : converts a floating point or number value to a
strf$(value)                        : converts a floating point or number value to
a string
string(n,string$)             : returns string m chars wide with n in it
string$(n,string$)                  : returns string m chars wide with n in it
tally(src$,sub$)              : returns number of occurances of matchstring
trim(string$)                       : trim string
trim$(string$)                      : trim string
typeof(variable)              : returns string with datatype
typeof$(variable)             : returns string with datatype
ucase(string$)                      : convert string to upper case
ucase$(string$)                     : convert string to upper case
val(string$)                        : returns closest numeric representation of

# Maths

abs(value)                   :   returns   absolute value of number
acos(value)                  :   returns   arccos of number
asin(value)                  :   returns   arcsin of number
atan(value)                  :   returns   arctan of number
bin(value)                   :   returns   binary representation of number
bin$(value)                  :   returns   binary representation of number
cos(value)                   :   returns   cos of number
exp(value)                     : returns exponential function
fix(value)                     : truncate fractional number, rounding down towards
floor(value)                          : truncate fractional number, rounding down
towards zero
frac(value)                    :   return fractional portion of number
hex(value)                     :   returns hexidecimal representation of number
hex$(value)                    :   returns hexidecimal representation of number
int(value)                     :   convert to 32 bit integer, truncating decimals
log(value)                     :   returns natural log of expression
randomize(value)               :   reseed the random number generator
rnd(optional upper)                    : return an random number
round(value)                           : round to nearest integer
sgn(value)                     :   returns sign of numeric expression
sin(value)                     :   returns sine of given angle in radians
sqr(value)                     :   return square root - make sure it's non-negative
tan(value)                     :   return tanget of given angle in radians
min(value1,value2)                     : return min number of the operands
max(value1,value2)                     : return max number of the operands
bitwiseand(value1,value2)              : return the logic and of the operands
andbit(value1,value2)                  : return the logic and of the operands
bitwiseor(value1,value2)               : return the logic or of the operands
orbit(value1,value2)                   : return the logic or of the operands
bitwisexor(value1,value2)              : return the logic xor of the operands
xorbit(value1,value2)                  : return the logic xor of the operands

# Files

open[filename]for{input|output|append}as[stream]: open file stream
file input #[stream]               : read a line from file stream
input #[stream]                    : read a line from file stream
file output #[stream]              : print a line in file stream
print #[stream]                    : print a line in file stream
close [stream]                     : close file stream

eof(stream)                    : returns nonzero if Eof
fileexists(filename)                 : returns true if the file exists
filecopy(source,dest)                : copy a file
filemove(source,dest)                : move a file
filerename(filename,newname)         : rename a file
freefile()                     : return the handle of the next free file
kill(filename)                       : delete filename. filename can be then
filedelete(filename)                  : delete filename. filename can be then
loc(stream)                    : returns position in file
lof(stream)                    : returns length of file
readbyte(stream)               : return a byte from the file
rename(filename,newname)             : rename file
seek(stream)                         : seek file position/return current file
writebyte(stream,byte)                : write a byte in the file

# Dirs
chdir(path)                  : change directory
dir dir$                     : returns current path
direxists(path)                    : returns true if directory exists
dirfirst(path)                     : returns first entry in path dir
dirnext                            : returns next entry in path dir
mkdir(path)                  : create a new directory
rmdir(path)                  : remove directory

# Data Function

data(optional 0-255 param)          : store the data
read(optional pointer)              : without parameter read a data record with
point change the next data loaded

# Console Output

print [text|variable|number]       : Print in standard output a espression (i use
it for debugging output)
# Date and Time

date()                              :   returns date in MM-DD-YYYY format
date$()                             :   returns date in MM-DD-YYYY format
time()                              :   return time in HH:MM:SS format
time$()                             :   return time in HH:MM:SS format
ticks()                             :   returns current timer value

# Memory Bank

reservebank(bank,size)              : make a raw memory bank. there are 256 bank
( 0 - 255)
baseimage(bank,image)               : link a memorybank from a imagebank bitmap
baseimageCC(bank,image)             : link a memorybank from a imagebank bitmap
access with colorkey trasparency
basescreen(bank,image)              : link a memorybank from a screen bitmap access
basesound(bank,sound)               : link a memory bank with soundb bank

freebase(bank)                      : unconnect a memory bank with a image or
freebank(bank)                      : destroy a memory bank

copybank(s,d)                       : copy the bank s in d

loadbank(filename,optional bank)    : load a file in memory bank (if omitted the
current )
savebank(filename,optional bank)    : save memory bank in a file

setbank(optional bank)              : set the current bank (if omitted return the
currentbank(optional bank)          : set the current bank (if omitted return the
sizebank(optional bank)             : return the bank memory size (if omitted
return the value of current bank)
banksize(optional bank)             : return the bank memory size (if omitted
return the value of current bank)

poke(optional bank,address,value)   : write a byte value in memory bank at specific
doke(optional bank,address,value)   : write a 16bit value in memory bank at
specific address
loke(optional bank,address,value)   : write a 32bit value in memory bank at
specific address

peek(optional bank,address)         : read a byte value in memory bank at specific
deek(optional bank,address)         : read a 16bit value in memory bank at specific
leek(optional bank,address)         : read a 32bit value in memory bank at specific

memcopy(sbank,s,dbank,d,size)       : copy a part of bank memory s in d

# Screen

setdefaults(w,h,bpp,m)              : open the display, perform initializations on
cursor and fonts and sets default values on sprites, bobs and screens system.
setdisplay(w,h,bpp,m)               : open the screen/window in double buffer.
0=fullscreen|1=window|2=resizable|3=fullscreen software (provvisory)
setcaption(title)             : change the display window title
setalphachannel(v)                  : activate deactivate alpha channel trasparency
caption()                     : return the display window title
displaymode                   : return the display mode
displaywidth                        : return the display width
displayheight                       : return the display height
displaybpp                    : return the display color depth

screen(n)                     : set the logic screen n without parameter return the
current screen
screenz(n,z)                        : set the zorder position of screen if z =-1
report actual z position
lastscreen                    : return the last screen open
directscreen                        : direct drawing on display like a screen(more
fast but sprite and offset does not works)
screenopen(n,w,h,dx,dy,dw,dh,flag) : open the logic screen n of dimension w,h in
display coordinates dx,dy,dw,dh
screenclose(n)                      : close the logic screen n

screenclone(n,s,x,y,w,h,flag)      : create a new viewport in logic screen s
screencopy(n,x,y,w,h,nd,xd,yd)           : copy a portion of screen n in a screen
screenfade(n,t)                    : fade the screen n in t time in multitasking
without parameter return 0 if terminate
screenfadeout(n,t)                 : fade the screen n in t time in multitasking
without parameter return 0 if terminate
screenfadein(n,otional i,optional t)     : fade the screen n to image i in t time
in multitasking without parameter return 0 if terminate
screencrossfade(n,i,t)             : fade the screen n from current screen to
image i in t time in multitasking without parameter return 0 if terminate
screenalpha(n,a)              : set alpha(trasparency) of screen n
screenlock(n)                       : lock the screen n for direct graphics access
screenunlock(n)                     : unlock the screen n for direct graphics

screenrect(x,y,w,h,flag)            : change the display output coordinates of the
current screen
screenviewport(x,y,w,h,flag)        : change the display output coordinates of the
current screen
xscreenrect                    : give the x coordinate of current screen viewport
screenviewportx                      : give the x coordinate of current screen
yscreenrect                    : give the y coordinate of current screen viewport
screenviewporty                      : give the y coordinate of current screen
wscreenrect                    : give the w   value of current screen viewport
screenviewportw                      : give   the w value of current screen viewport
hscreenrect                    : give the h   value of current screen viewport
screenviewporth                      : give   the h value of current screen viewport
flagscreenrect                       : give   the flag value of current screen
screenviewportflag                  : give the flag value of current screen

screenwidth                    : give the current screen width
screenheight                         : give the current screen height

offset(x,y)                    : set the logical current screen position
screenoffset(x,y)              : set the logical current screen position
xoffset                              : give the x coordinate offset in current
screenoffsetx                       : give the x coordinate offset in current
yoffset                             : give the y coordinate offset in current
screenoffsety                       : give the y coordinate offset in current

cls                            : clear the current logic screen

screenswap                    : update display,bobsystem,spritesystem
autoback(m)                         : enable / disable automatic screenswap m=0
disable m>0 wait m milliseconds and perform screenswap m<0 perform the invocate in
code screenswap after m milliseconds
setautoback(m)                      : enable / disable automatic screenswap m=0
disable m>0 wait m milliseconds and perform screenswap m<0 perform the invocate in
code screenswap after m
dualplayfield(optional m)           : set/unset automatic update of a screen upper
waitvbl                             : wait automatic screenswap
fps(optional n)                     : set/unset or give the current frame rate
counter (0/1/none)

# Graphics

rgb(r,g,b)                     : give current color in Uint32 format
enablepalette(optional state)       : enable disable and check the palettemode in 8
bit display
color (c,optional v)                : set palette color c with value v se missing
give the current color c
palette(optional 0-255 param)       : set all palettes color(0,0xff,0xff00,....)
colorcycling(s,e,d=0|1,optional delay)    : move the palette color one color
forward or back work only in 8bit display
                                if you set delay automatically colorcycling work on
colorcycling()                      : stop the multitasking colorcycling
ink(c)                              : select the current color in Uint32 format

point(x,y)                    : give the color of x,y point
getpixel(x,y)                       : give the color of x,y point
dot(x,y)                      : write x,y point with a current color
setpixel(x,y)                       : write x,y point with a current color
putpixel(x,y)                       : write x,y point with a current color
plot(x,y,c)                   : write x,y point with a c color
line(x,y,x1,y1)                     : write a line
box(x,y,x1,y1)                      : write a empty rettangle
bar(x,y,x1,y1)                      : write a fill rettangle
circle(x,y,r)                       : write a circle
fillcircle(x,y,r)             : write a fill circle
ellipse(x,y,rx,ry)                  : write a ellipse
fillellipse(x,y,rx,ry)              : write a fill ellipse
paint(x,y)                    : fill a close area
triangle(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc)         : draw a fill triangle
polyline(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc,.....) : draw a perimeter of a polygon
polygon(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc,.....)    : draw a fill polygon

# File Graphics Input Output

loadimage(filename,optional n)           : load a graphics file in a slot n if
omitted n is the first free return n
loadzipimage(zipfile,filename,opt n)     : load a zipped graphics file in a slot n
if omitted n is the first free return n
saveimage(filename,n)              : save slot n in a graphics file(only bmp)
loadsound(filename,opt n)          : load a wave file in a sound slot n
loadzipsound(zipfile,filename,opt n)     : load a zipped wave file in a sound slot
?savesound(filename,n)             : save a wave file from sound slot n (low
quality result)
loadmusic(filename)                : load a music module (mod family,ogg,mp3 and

# Image Manipulation

hotspot(n,x,y)                      : select the point of coordinates in a
imageslot (n,0,0=up left(default) | n,1,1=center | n,2,2 =down right)n= image
setcolorkey(c)                      : set the colorkey for bitmap transparency if
set -1 (default ) will be used the left-up corner color.
colorkey(c)                   : set the colorkey for bitmap transparency if set -1
(default ) will be used the left-up corner color.
imageexists(n)                      : give 1 if the image buffer n exist 0 if empty
imagewidth(n)                       : give the image n width or error if image n if
imageheight(n)                     : give the image n height or error if image n
if empty
deleteimage(n)                     :   erase the image n of the memory
copyimage(s,d)                     :   copy image s to image d
setalpha(n,a)                      :   set trasparency in image n
imagealpha(n,a)                    :   set trasparency in image n
zoomimage(n,zoomx,zoomy)           :   zoom image
rotateimage(n,angle)               :   rotate image
rotozoomimage(n,angle,zoom)        :   rotate and zoom image
mirrorimage(n,x,y)                 :   vertical-orizontal mirror

# Blitting

blt(n,sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy)            : copy a part of graphics slot in screen
pastebob(x,y,n)                     : copy on screen image n at x,y performing clip
pasteicon(x,y,n)              : copy on screen image n at x,y without colorkey
grab(n,x,y,w,h)                    : grab a a selectarea and copy it in slot n

# Sprite System
# In this implementation there are 512 sprites software that are indipendent from
the screens

spriteclip(x,y,w,h)                 : set the visibilty area of sprites
sprite(n,x,y,fr)              : set or move the sprite n at x,y with image fr
deletesprite(n)                     : unset sprite n
xsprite(n)                    : give the x of sprite n
spritex(n)                    : give the x of sprite n
ysprite(n)                    : give the y of sprite n
spritey(n)                    : give the y of sprite n
spritewidth(n)                      : give the width of sprite n
spriteheight(n)                     : give the height of sprite n
frsprite(n)                   : give the frame of sprite n
spriteimage(n)                      : give the frame of sprite n
livesprite(n)                       : give 1 if sprite n is "live"
spriteexist(n)                      : give 1 if sprite n is "live"
spritehit(n,optional x)             : give 1 if sprite n have a collission with
sprite x if x=-1 with any
spritez(n,z)                        : set the zorder position of sprite if z
omitted or-1 report actual z position
lastsprite                    : return the last sprite active
autoupdatesprite(m)                 : set/ unset automatic sprites update at
updatesprite                        : manual sprites updates at next screenswap

# Bob System
# In this implementation there are 512 bobs software that are dipendent from the
screens and performs
# background preserve
setbob(n,scr)                        : set bob n at logic screen scr
bob(n,x,y,fr)                        : set or move bob n at x,y with frame fr
deletebob(n)                         : unset bob n
xbob(n)                              : give x of bob n
bobx(n)                              : give x of bob n
ybob(n)                              : give y of bob n
boby(n)                              : give y of bob n
bobwidth(n)                  :   give width of bob n
bobheight(n)                         : give height of bob n
frbob(n)                     :   give the frame of bob n
bobimage(n)                  :   give the frame of bob n
livebob(n)                   :   give 1 if bob n is "live"
bobexist(n)                  :   give 1 if bob n is "live"
bobhit(n,optional x)                 : give 1 if bob n have a collision with bob x
if x=-1 with any
bobz(n,z)                    : set the zorder position of bob if z =-1 report
actual z position
lastbob                            : return the last bob active
autoupdatebob(m)             : set/ unset automatic bobs update at screenswap
updatebob                    : manual bobs updates at next screenswap

# Text Draw

text(x,y,s,testo,optional type)           : print the text testo on current screen
with s size The type of render can be default=solid 1=Shaded 2=blended
setfont(path)                       : select the font
getfont()                     : return the current font
textrender(testo,s,optional n,optional type) : make an image slot n with the text
write with a current font and size s if n is omitted use and return first free The
type of render can be default=solid 1=Shaded 2=blended

# Print Screen

pen(c)                              : set prints color (without parameter give the
current color)
paper(c)                     : set caractere back color (without parameter give
the current color)
fprints(testo)                     : print a text monospace without cariage return
prints(testo)                      : print a text monospace
locate(x,y)                  : move the cursor at x y
atx                          : give x of cursor
aty                          : give y of cursor
curson                             : show the text cursor on screen at(atx,aty)
cursoff                            : hide the text cursor
inputs(prompt,defs)                : give the string insert to keyboard(default is
default text)
zoneinputs(x,y,l,default)           : give the string insert to keyboard in x,y
coordinates with l lenght

# Sounds and Music

isenabledsound()             : return 1 if sdlsound was enabled
soundenabled()                     : return 1 if sdlsound was enabled
soundexists(n)                      : give 1 if the sound buffer n exist 0 if empty
deletesound(n)                      : delete from memory sound n
copysound(s,d)                      : copy sound bank s in sound bank d

musicexists()                       : give 1 if the music is load 0 if empty

playsound(n,c,optional l)           : play the sound n in channel c l loops
playfreqsound(n,c,pitch,optional l) : play the sound n in channel with pitch
resampling frequency c l loops
volumesound(c,optional v)           : change the volume of channel c (-1 all) at
value v (0-128) without v or -1 give the current volume
soundvolume(c,optional v)           : change the volume of channel c (-1 all) at
value v (0-128) without v or -1 give the current volume
stopsound(optional c)               : stop the wave play in channel c (-1 or none
pausesound(optional c)              : paused channel c (-1 or none =all)
resumesound(optional c)             : unpaused channel c (-1 or none =all)
?vumetersound(optional c)           : give the current state of sound channel (-1
or none=all)
sound3d(c,angle,dist)               : position sound in 3d space
positionsound(c,angle,dist)         : position sound in 3d space
soundchannels(n)              : dinamically change the number of channells managed
by sdlBasic

playmusic(n)                        : play track xm,mod,ogg,mp3 n=number of
ripetition(-1 always)
positionmusic(p)             :   move the execution at p second
stopmusic                    :   terminate the music play
pausemusic                   :   set pause of the current music
resumemusic                  :   unset pause of musica
rewindmusic                  :   report at start the music
fademusic(t)                         : music fade
volumemusic(optional v)              : change the volume of music (0-128) -1 or none
give the current volume
musicvolume(optional v)             : change the volume of music (0-128) -1 or none
give the current volume
speedmusic(v)                       : change the speed of music
musicspeed(v)                       : change the speed of music

#CD Support

numdrivescd()                       : returns the number of cd-rom drives on the
countcddrives()                     : returns the number of cd-rom drives on the
namecd(drive)                       : returns a human-readable, system-dependent
identifier for the cd-rom.
cdname(drive)                       : returns a human-readable, system-dependent
identifier for the cd-rom.
opencd(n,drive)                     :   opens a cd-rom drive for access.
indrivecd(n)                        :   return 1 if cd is in driver
cdinserted(n)                       :   return 1 if cd is in driver
trackscd(n)                         :   return the number of tracks in cd
countcdtracks(n)                    :   return the number of tracks in cd
curtrackcd(n)                       :   return the current track in cd
cdcurtrack(n)                       :   return the current track in cd
curframecd(n)                       : return the current frame in cd
cdcurframe(n)                       : return the current frame in cd
playcd(n,s,l)                       : play a cd
playtrackscd(n,trk1,fr1,ntrks,nfrs) : play the given cd track(s) from frame fr1 of
trrack trk1 for ntrks/nfrs
playtrackscd(n,trk1,ntrks)          : play the given cd track(s)from trk1 for
playtrackscd(n)                     : play all cd track(s)
playcdtracks(n,trk1,fr1,ntrks,nfrs) : play the given cd track(s) from frame fr1 of
trrack trk1 for ntrks/nfrs
playcdtracks(n,trk1,ntrks)          : play the given cd track(s)from trk1 for
playcdtracks(n)                     : play all cd track(s)
pausecd(n)                    : pauses a cdrom
resumecd(n)                         : resumes a cdrom
stopcd(n)                     : stops a cdrom
ejectcd(n)                    : ejects a cdrom
closecd(n)                    : closes a cd handle
tracktypecd(n,t)              : return SDL_AUDIO_TRACK(0...) or
cdtracktype(n,t)              : return SDL_AUDIO_TRACK(0...) or
tracklengthcd(n,t)                  : return the length of track t
cdtracklength(n,t)                  : return the length of track t
trackoffsetcd(n,t)                  : return the offset to the beginning of this
track in frames
cdtrackoffset(n,t)                  : return the offset to the beginning of this
track in frames

# Video Mpeg

loadmpeg(fname,usesound)             : load a mpeg video
plaympeg(optional loop)              : play a mpeg1 video
stopmpeg()                     : terminate the video play
deletempeg()                         : unload mpeg video
pausempeg()                    : Pause/Resume playback of an SMPEG object
rewindmpeg()                         : Rewind the play position of an SMPEG object
to the beginning of the MPEG
seekmpeg(p)                    : Seek 'bytes' bytes in the MPEG stream
skipmpeg(s)                    : Skip 'seconds' seconds in the MPEG stream
statusmpeg()                         : return 1 if plaympeg work or 0 in other case

# Keyboard

key(keycode)                         : give 1 if is press the key keycode
inkey                          : give ascii code of key press
waitkey(optional keycode)            : wait a key pression (0 =any key)

# Mouse

xmouse                              : give mouse x coordinate on display
ymouse                              : give mouse y coordinate on display
mousex                              : give mouse x coordinate on display
mousey                              : give mouse y coordinate on display
xmousescreen(n)                     : give mouse x coordinate on screen
ymousescreen(n)                     : give mouse y coordinate on screen
mousescreenx(n)                     : give mouse x coordinate on screen
mousescreeny(n)                     : give mouse y coordinate on screen
bmouse                              : give the buttonclick on the mouse
mousebutton                         : give the buttonclick on the mouse
changemouse(optional n)             : change mouse from default(0) to emulate with
sprite 0 - image 0 (1,2,3)without n return current pointer
mousepointer(optional n)            : change mouse from default(0) to emulate with
sprite 0 - image 0 (1,2,3)without n return current pointer
locatemouse(x,y)              : move mouse at x y coordinates
placemouse(x,y)                     : move mouse at x y coordinates
mouseshow                     : show the mouse cursor
howmouse                      : show the mouse cursor
mousehide                     : hide the mouse cursor
hidemouse                     : hide the mouse cursor
mousezone(x,y,w,h)                  : give 1 if the mouse pointer is in
rectangle(xy with size wh)

# Joystick

numjoysticks                       :   count available joysticks
namejoystick(index)                :   get joystick name
numaxesjoystick(i)                 :   get the number of joystick axes
numballsjoystick(i)                :   get the number of joystick trackballs
numhatsjoystick(i)                 :   get the number of joystick hats
numbuttonsjoystick(i)              :   get the number of joysitck buttons
getaxisjoystick(i,a)               :   get the current state of an axis
gethatjoystick(i,a)                :   get the current state of a joystick hat
getbuttonjoystick(i,a)             :   get the current state of a given button on a
given joystick
xgetballjoystick(i,a)              :   get relative x trackball motion
ygetballjoystick(i,a)              :   get relative y trackball motion
joy(i)                             :   return joystick boolean coordinate
bjoy(i)                            :   return joystick buttons pressed in boolean
joybuttons(i)                      : return joystick buttons pressed in boolean
fire(i)                            : return joystick buttons pressed in boolean
waitbjoy(b,optional i)             : wait the pression of a joystick button (or
emulate in keyboard)

# SDLtime

wait(t)                            : wait t milliseconds
timer                        : give the current tick

# Socket

isenabledsock()                    : return 1 if sdlnet was enabled
sock=getfreesock()                  : return the first free sock in sdlSocket array
sock=OpenSock(port)                 : Server side socket sock is the stream. in
sdlBasic there are 256 stream and
                                sintax is very similar of file open close.
clientsock=AcceptSock(serversock) : Accept the client connection
IsServerReady(Sock)                 : True/False if server is sending data
sock=ConnectSock(ServerName,port) : client side socket connection
*ConnectionReadySock(sock)          : the server have accepted the connection
IsClientReady(Sock)                 : True/False if client is sending data
CloseSock(sock)                     : Close the socket connection. Works for client
and server
*PeekSock(Sock, NumBytes)           : Peek information coming from socket, but do
not clear.
ReadSock(Sock, NumBytes)            : Read NumBytes
ReadByteSock(Sock)                  : Read a single byte
ReadLineSock(Sock)                  : Read complete line
WriteSock(Sock, Message, NumBytes) : Sends NumBytes from Message
WriteByteSock(Sock, Byte)           : Sends a single byte
WriteLineSock(Sock, Message)        : Send Message
getremoteip(sock)             : return the ip address of remote client connetted
getremoteport(sock)                 : return the port address of remote client
?getlocalip()                       : return the local ip (not work on windows)


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Sdl Basic

  • 1. # sdlBasic is a little basic for make simple games in 2d # # This basic run on : # linux(with a reasonable recent version) # windows (9x and nt-XP based) # macOSX # FreeBSD # OpenBSD # MorphOS # AmigaOS # # This basic is another demostration to the GPL's power # the basic interpreter come from wxbasic by David Cuny ("") distribuited under lGPL # The graphic system is based uppon SDL graphics libraries family("")distribuited under GPL # The graphics engine was initially based on the aliens demo game ("") # written in c and distribuited on GPL, later graphic engine was re-written from scratch. # putpixel and getpixel routines are derivated from SDL tutorial and was improved with Gigi Davassi suggestions # The original line rutine was imported from Alvyn Basic with Author's write permission. # I used also the source of sdldraw library ("") ever lGPL # # I cut, pasted and adapted code distribuited under lGPL. # This software is subject to lGPL license and is free as every program used to create it # #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________# # # sdlBasic comands and syntax list: # # i suggest to read full documentation for more details # # sections: # Run time # Sub and function # Control structures # Operator # Array # Strings # Maths # Files # Dirs # Data function # console output # Date and time # Memory Bank # # Screen # Graphics # File graphics input output # Image manipulation # Blitting # Sprite system
  • 2. # Bob system # Text draw # Print screen # Sounds and music # CD support # Video Mpeg # Keyboard # Mouse # Joystick # SDLtime # Socket # #__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ # # notes: # * it don't works # ** it don't works and need to be tested # ? it don't work well: unresolved bug # -> to be deleted # #__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ # Run Time # command line arguments # --nodefaults : disable the default setting display # --nosound : disable sound # --nosocket : disable socket support # --debug : start sdlBasic in step to step mode # --version : display the version (iso date) # --license : display license type # --copyright : display copyright ( ;-) absolutelly free software ) # --help : display a run option list # const : declaration of numeric constant option explicit : must declare variable option qbasic : qbasic mode you can use a function before create in a code include(filename) : inclusion of extern source file argc : return number of args in caller argv(index) : return arg in caller command [param] : returns requested arg from command line command$ [param] : returns requested arg from command line argument(optional n) : returns the arguments sends to sub/function with n=0 or without parameter will be return the arguments count argument$(optional n) : returns the arguments sends to sub/function with n=0 or without parameter will be return the arguments count ?setenv(varname,value) : set a enviremont variable in currently os. if variable exist it will be overwrite getenv(varname) : return the value of enviremont variable in currently os *run : run command on new thread shell : execute command, wait until finished end : terminate program and exit stop : breakpoint and start debug os : return the operative system in work (linux windows
  • 3. macosx etc...) isfbsd : return 1 if the current os is FreeBSD isosx : return 1 if the current os is MacOSX islinux : return 1 if the current os is linux iswin32 : return 1 if the current os is windows ismos : return 1 if the current os is MorphOS isnetbsd : return 1 if the current os is NetBSD isamigaos : return 1 if the current os is AmigaOS # debug : work with option --debug at start or when you press ctrl+c key in interpretation of basic program # if you press F5 you continue the normal execution # with F6 you advanced in execution of one step # with F4 you can see the vale of the prompted variable. For see the value of an array you must enter the name # of array without the square bracket and at the request you must enter the indexes of record requested. #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Sub and Function declare [sub | function][name] : declare a subrutine/function in qbasic mode sub [name](args...) : start a subrutine exit sub : break a subrutine end sub : terminate a subrutine function [name](args...) : start a function exit function : break a function end function : terminate a function return [value | variable] : set the result of a function(can substituite funcname=x) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Control Structures while [condition expression] : start while cycle wend : end while cycle end while : end while cycle exit while : stop while cycle continue : terminate the last while cycle if [condition expression] : classic if control structure then : then must be terminate a command else : classic else:it must be a single command elseif : elseif is support in sdlBasic end if : must terminate a if structure select case [condition expression] : similar to c switch (syntax like pascal) case : control condition case else : default condition end select : end select case structure for[var]=[val1]to[val2][step[vals]] : classic for-next well implemented for each [var] in [array] : for each are well supported warning: report the indexes of array not the value continue : force the exit of for next cycle (work only with
  • 4. for each) exit for : force the exit of for next cycle next : end for loop end for : sdlBasic accept end for do : start a do-loop cycle loop : the bottom of do-loop cycle exit do : the exit of a do-loop cycle *repeat : not implemented yet *until : not implemented yet or : condition in espression logic or and : condition in espression logic and xor : condition in espression logic xor not : condition in espression logic not #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Operator [+] : addtional operator [-] : substraction operator [*] : multiply operator [/] : division operator [^] : exponetial operator mod : rest of division operator shl : shift left shr : shift right #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Array dim [name][[index of array]] : declare an array note: array use [] for parentesis *redim [name][[index of array]] : redeclare an array shared [variable] : declare variable extern in a subrutine common [variable] : declare variable or array global lbound [array] : returns lower bound of array *quicksort [array] : sort an array ubound [array] : upperbound of array erase [array] : free an array #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Strings asc(char) : returns ascii value of first char in string chr(v) : return string corresponding to ascii key value chr$(v) : return string corresponding to ascii key value *format() : returns formatted string with embedded args *format$() : returns formatted string with embedded args insert(source$,target$,position) : insert source string to target at index insert$(source$,target$,position) : insert source string to target at index instr(optional start,source$,target$) : returns position in source that target
  • 5. was found lcase(string$) : convert string to lower case lcase$(string$) : convert string to lower case left(string$,number) : returns leftmost chars in string left$(string$,number) : returns leftmost chars in string len(string$) : return length of string length(string$) : return length of string ltrim(string$) : returns string with left whitespace removed ltrim$(string$) : returns string with left whitespace removed mid(string$,start,optional end) : returns string with chars 1..n from source mid$(string$,start,optional end) : returns string with chars 1..n from source replace(opt index,source$,replace$) : replace string from source with replace starting at index replace$(opt index,source$,replace$) : replace string from source with replace starting at index replacesubstr(source$,rep$) : replace substring in source with withstring return the new string replacesubstr$(source$,rep$) : replace substring in source with withstring return the new string reverse(string$) : reverse a string return the new string reverse$(string$) : reverse a string return the new string right(string$,number) : returns rightmost chars in string right$(string$,number) : returns rightmost chars in string rinstr(optional start,source$,target$) : reverse Instr function, search from end to start rtrim(string$) : right trim string rtrim$(string$) : right trim string space(n) : return string with n spaces in it space$(n) : return string with n spaces in it str(value) : return string representation of numeric expression str$(value) : return string representation of numeric expression strf(value) : converts a floating point or number value to a string strf$(value) : converts a floating point or number value to a string string(n,string$) : returns string m chars wide with n in it string$(n,string$) : returns string m chars wide with n in it tally(src$,sub$) : returns number of occurances of matchstring trim(string$) : trim string trim$(string$) : trim string typeof(variable) : returns string with datatype typeof$(variable) : returns string with datatype ucase(string$) : convert string to upper case ucase$(string$) : convert string to upper case val(string$) : returns closest numeric representation of number #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Maths abs(value) : returns absolute value of number acos(value) : returns arccos of number asin(value) : returns arcsin of number atan(value) : returns arctan of number bin(value) : returns binary representation of number bin$(value) : returns binary representation of number cos(value) : returns cos of number
  • 6. exp(value) : returns exponential function fix(value) : truncate fractional number, rounding down towards zero floor(value) : truncate fractional number, rounding down towards zero frac(value) : return fractional portion of number hex(value) : returns hexidecimal representation of number hex$(value) : returns hexidecimal representation of number int(value) : convert to 32 bit integer, truncating decimals log(value) : returns natural log of expression randomize(value) : reseed the random number generator rnd(optional upper) : return an random number round(value) : round to nearest integer sgn(value) : returns sign of numeric expression sin(value) : returns sine of given angle in radians sqr(value) : return square root - make sure it's non-negative tan(value) : return tanget of given angle in radians min(value1,value2) : return min number of the operands max(value1,value2) : return max number of the operands bitwiseand(value1,value2) : return the logic and of the operands andbit(value1,value2) : return the logic and of the operands bitwiseor(value1,value2) : return the logic or of the operands orbit(value1,value2) : return the logic or of the operands bitwisexor(value1,value2) : return the logic xor of the operands xorbit(value1,value2) : return the logic xor of the operands #__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ # Files open[filename]for{input|output|append}as[stream]: open file stream file input #[stream] : read a line from file stream input #[stream] : read a line from file stream file output #[stream] : print a line in file stream print #[stream] : print a line in file stream close [stream] : close file stream eof(stream) : returns nonzero if Eof fileexists(filename) : returns true if the file exists filecopy(source,dest) : copy a file filemove(source,dest) : move a file filerename(filename,newname) : rename a file freefile() : return the handle of the next free file kill(filename) : delete filename. filename can be then path+filename filedelete(filename) : delete filename. filename can be then path+filename loc(stream) : returns position in file lof(stream) : returns length of file readbyte(stream) : return a byte from the file rename(filename,newname) : rename file seek(stream) : seek file position/return current file position writebyte(stream,byte) : write a byte in the file #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Dirs
  • 7. chdir(path) : change directory dir dir$ : returns current path direxists(path) : returns true if directory exists dirfirst(path) : returns first entry in path dir dirnext : returns next entry in path dir mkdir(path) : create a new directory rmdir(path) : remove directory #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Data Function data(optional 0-255 param) : store the data read(optional pointer) : without parameter read a data record with point change the next data loaded #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Console Output print [text|variable|number] : Print in standard output a espression (i use it for debugging output) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Date and Time date() : returns date in MM-DD-YYYY format date$() : returns date in MM-DD-YYYY format time() : return time in HH:MM:SS format time$() : return time in HH:MM:SS format ticks() : returns current timer value #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Memory Bank reservebank(bank,size) : make a raw memory bank. there are 256 bank ( 0 - 255) baseimage(bank,image) : link a memorybank from a imagebank bitmap access baseimageCC(bank,image) : link a memorybank from a imagebank bitmap access with colorkey trasparency basescreen(bank,image) : link a memorybank from a screen bitmap access basesound(bank,sound) : link a memory bank with soundb bank freebase(bank) : unconnect a memory bank with a image or screen freebank(bank) : destroy a memory bank copybank(s,d) : copy the bank s in d loadbank(filename,optional bank) : load a file in memory bank (if omitted the current ) savebank(filename,optional bank) : save memory bank in a file setbank(optional bank) : set the current bank (if omitted return the current) currentbank(optional bank) : set the current bank (if omitted return the
  • 8. current) sizebank(optional bank) : return the bank memory size (if omitted return the value of current bank) banksize(optional bank) : return the bank memory size (if omitted return the value of current bank) poke(optional bank,address,value) : write a byte value in memory bank at specific address doke(optional bank,address,value) : write a 16bit value in memory bank at specific address loke(optional bank,address,value) : write a 32bit value in memory bank at specific address peek(optional bank,address) : read a byte value in memory bank at specific address deek(optional bank,address) : read a 16bit value in memory bank at specific address leek(optional bank,address) : read a 32bit value in memory bank at specific address memcopy(sbank,s,dbank,d,size) : copy a part of bank memory s in d #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Screen setdefaults(w,h,bpp,m) : open the display, perform initializations on cursor and fonts and sets default values on sprites, bobs and screens system. setdisplay(w,h,bpp,m) : open the screen/window in double buffer. 0=fullscreen|1=window|2=resizable|3=fullscreen software (provvisory) setcaption(title) : change the display window title setalphachannel(v) : activate deactivate alpha channel trasparency caption() : return the display window title displaymode : return the display mode displaywidth : return the display width displayheight : return the display height displaybpp : return the display color depth screen(n) : set the logic screen n without parameter return the current screen screenz(n,z) : set the zorder position of screen if z =-1 report actual z position lastscreen : return the last screen open directscreen : direct drawing on display like a screen(more fast but sprite and offset does not works) screenopen(n,w,h,dx,dy,dw,dh,flag) : open the logic screen n of dimension w,h in display coordinates dx,dy,dw,dh screenclose(n) : close the logic screen n screenclone(n,s,x,y,w,h,flag) : create a new viewport in logic screen s screencopy(n,x,y,w,h,nd,xd,yd) : copy a portion of screen n in a screen nd screenfade(n,t) : fade the screen n in t time in multitasking without parameter return 0 if terminate screenfadeout(n,t) : fade the screen n in t time in multitasking without parameter return 0 if terminate screenfadein(n,otional i,optional t) : fade the screen n to image i in t time in multitasking without parameter return 0 if terminate screencrossfade(n,i,t) : fade the screen n from current screen to
  • 9. image i in t time in multitasking without parameter return 0 if terminate screenalpha(n,a) : set alpha(trasparency) of screen n screenlock(n) : lock the screen n for direct graphics access screenunlock(n) : unlock the screen n for direct graphics access screenrect(x,y,w,h,flag) : change the display output coordinates of the current screen screenviewport(x,y,w,h,flag) : change the display output coordinates of the current screen xscreenrect : give the x coordinate of current screen viewport screenviewportx : give the x coordinate of current screen viewport yscreenrect : give the y coordinate of current screen viewport screenviewporty : give the y coordinate of current screen viewport wscreenrect : give the w value of current screen viewport screenviewportw : give the w value of current screen viewport hscreenrect : give the h value of current screen viewport screenviewporth : give the h value of current screen viewport flagscreenrect : give the flag value of current screen viewport screenviewportflag : give the flag value of current screen viewport screenwidth : give the current screen width screenheight : give the current screen height offset(x,y) : set the logical current screen position screenoffset(x,y) : set the logical current screen position xoffset : give the x coordinate offset in current screen screenoffsetx : give the x coordinate offset in current screen yoffset : give the y coordinate offset in current screen screenoffsety : give the y coordinate offset in current screen cls : clear the current logic screen screenswap : update display,bobsystem,spritesystem autoback(m) : enable / disable automatic screenswap m=0 disable m>0 wait m milliseconds and perform screenswap m<0 perform the invocate in code screenswap after m milliseconds setautoback(m) : enable / disable automatic screenswap m=0 disable m>0 wait m milliseconds and perform screenswap m<0 perform the invocate in code screenswap after m dualplayfield(optional m) : set/unset automatic update of a screen upper sprite waitvbl : wait automatic screenswap fps(optional n) : set/unset or give the current frame rate counter (0/1/none) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Graphics rgb(r,g,b) : give current color in Uint32 format
  • 10. enablepalette(optional state) : enable disable and check the palettemode in 8 bit display color (c,optional v) : set palette color c with value v se missing give the current color c palette(optional 0-255 param) : set all palettes color(0,0xff,0xff00,....) colorcycling(s,e,d=0|1,optional delay) : move the palette color one color forward or back work only in 8bit display if you set delay automatically colorcycling work on multitasking colorcycling() : stop the multitasking colorcycling ink(c) : select the current color in Uint32 format point(x,y) : give the color of x,y point getpixel(x,y) : give the color of x,y point dot(x,y) : write x,y point with a current color setpixel(x,y) : write x,y point with a current color putpixel(x,y) : write x,y point with a current color plot(x,y,c) : write x,y point with a c color line(x,y,x1,y1) : write a line box(x,y,x1,y1) : write a empty rettangle bar(x,y,x1,y1) : write a fill rettangle circle(x,y,r) : write a circle fillcircle(x,y,r) : write a fill circle ellipse(x,y,rx,ry) : write a ellipse fillellipse(x,y,rx,ry) : write a fill ellipse paint(x,y) : fill a close area triangle(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc) : draw a fill triangle polyline(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc,.....) : draw a perimeter of a polygon polygon(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc,.....) : draw a fill polygon #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # File Graphics Input Output loadimage(filename,optional n) : load a graphics file in a slot n if omitted n is the first free return n loadzipimage(zipfile,filename,opt n) : load a zipped graphics file in a slot n if omitted n is the first free return n saveimage(filename,n) : save slot n in a graphics file(only bmp) loadsound(filename,opt n) : load a wave file in a sound slot n loadzipsound(zipfile,filename,opt n) : load a zipped wave file in a sound slot n ?savesound(filename,n) : save a wave file from sound slot n (low quality result) loadmusic(filename) : load a music module (mod family,ogg,mp3 and midi) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Image Manipulation hotspot(n,x,y) : select the point of coordinates in a imageslot (n,0,0=up left(default) | n,1,1=center | n,2,2 =down right)n= image setcolorkey(c) : set the colorkey for bitmap transparency if set -1 (default ) will be used the left-up corner color. colorkey(c) : set the colorkey for bitmap transparency if set -1 (default ) will be used the left-up corner color. imageexists(n) : give 1 if the image buffer n exist 0 if empty imagewidth(n) : give the image n width or error if image n if
  • 11. empty imageheight(n) : give the image n height or error if image n if empty deleteimage(n) : erase the image n of the memory copyimage(s,d) : copy image s to image d setalpha(n,a) : set trasparency in image n imagealpha(n,a) : set trasparency in image n zoomimage(n,zoomx,zoomy) : zoom image rotateimage(n,angle) : rotate image rotozoomimage(n,angle,zoom) : rotate and zoom image mirrorimage(n,x,y) : vertical-orizontal mirror #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Blitting blt(n,sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy) : copy a part of graphics slot in screen pastebob(x,y,n) : copy on screen image n at x,y performing clip pasteicon(x,y,n) : copy on screen image n at x,y without colorkey trasparency grab(n,x,y,w,h) : grab a a selectarea and copy it in slot n #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Sprite System # # In this implementation there are 512 sprites software that are indipendent from the screens spriteclip(x,y,w,h) : set the visibilty area of sprites sprite(n,x,y,fr) : set or move the sprite n at x,y with image fr deletesprite(n) : unset sprite n xsprite(n) : give the x of sprite n spritex(n) : give the x of sprite n ysprite(n) : give the y of sprite n spritey(n) : give the y of sprite n spritewidth(n) : give the width of sprite n spriteheight(n) : give the height of sprite n frsprite(n) : give the frame of sprite n spriteimage(n) : give the frame of sprite n livesprite(n) : give 1 if sprite n is "live" spriteexist(n) : give 1 if sprite n is "live" spritehit(n,optional x) : give 1 if sprite n have a collission with sprite x if x=-1 with any spritez(n,z) : set the zorder position of sprite if z omitted or-1 report actual z position lastsprite : return the last sprite active autoupdatesprite(m) : set/ unset automatic sprites update at screenswap updatesprite : manual sprites updates at next screenswap #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Bob System # # In this implementation there are 512 bobs software that are dipendent from the screens and performs # background preserve
  • 12. setbob(n,scr) : set bob n at logic screen scr bob(n,x,y,fr) : set or move bob n at x,y with frame fr deletebob(n) : unset bob n xbob(n) : give x of bob n bobx(n) : give x of bob n ybob(n) : give y of bob n boby(n) : give y of bob n bobwidth(n) : give width of bob n bobheight(n) : give height of bob n frbob(n) : give the frame of bob n bobimage(n) : give the frame of bob n livebob(n) : give 1 if bob n is "live" bobexist(n) : give 1 if bob n is "live" bobhit(n,optional x) : give 1 if bob n have a collision with bob x if x=-1 with any bobz(n,z) : set the zorder position of bob if z =-1 report actual z position lastbob : return the last bob active autoupdatebob(m) : set/ unset automatic bobs update at screenswap updatebob : manual bobs updates at next screenswap #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Text Draw text(x,y,s,testo,optional type) : print the text testo on current screen with s size The type of render can be default=solid 1=Shaded 2=blended setfont(path) : select the font getfont() : return the current font textrender(testo,s,optional n,optional type) : make an image slot n with the text write with a current font and size s if n is omitted use and return first free The type of render can be default=solid 1=Shaded 2=blended #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Print Screen pen(c) : set prints color (without parameter give the current color) paper(c) : set caractere back color (without parameter give the current color) fprints(testo) : print a text monospace without cariage return prints(testo) : print a text monospace locate(x,y) : move the cursor at x y atx : give x of cursor aty : give y of cursor curson : show the text cursor on screen at(atx,aty) cursoff : hide the text cursor inputs(prompt,defs) : give the string insert to keyboard(default is default text) zoneinputs(x,y,l,default) : give the string insert to keyboard in x,y coordinates with l lenght #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Sounds and Music isenabledsound() : return 1 if sdlsound was enabled soundenabled() : return 1 if sdlsound was enabled
  • 13. soundexists(n) : give 1 if the sound buffer n exist 0 if empty deletesound(n) : delete from memory sound n copysound(s,d) : copy sound bank s in sound bank d musicexists() : give 1 if the music is load 0 if empty playsound(n,c,optional l) : play the sound n in channel c l loops playfreqsound(n,c,pitch,optional l) : play the sound n in channel with pitch resampling frequency c l loops volumesound(c,optional v) : change the volume of channel c (-1 all) at value v (0-128) without v or -1 give the current volume soundvolume(c,optional v) : change the volume of channel c (-1 all) at value v (0-128) without v or -1 give the current volume stopsound(optional c) : stop the wave play in channel c (-1 or none =all) pausesound(optional c) : paused channel c (-1 or none =all) resumesound(optional c) : unpaused channel c (-1 or none =all) ?vumetersound(optional c) : give the current state of sound channel (-1 or none=all) sound3d(c,angle,dist) : position sound in 3d space positionsound(c,angle,dist) : position sound in 3d space soundchannels(n) : dinamically change the number of channells managed by sdlBasic playmusic(n) : play track xm,mod,ogg,mp3 n=number of ripetition(-1 always) positionmusic(p) : move the execution at p second stopmusic : terminate the music play pausemusic : set pause of the current music resumemusic : unset pause of musica rewindmusic : report at start the music fademusic(t) : music fade volumemusic(optional v) : change the volume of music (0-128) -1 or none give the current volume musicvolume(optional v) : change the volume of music (0-128) -1 or none give the current volume speedmusic(v) : change the speed of music musicspeed(v) : change the speed of music #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ #CD Support numdrivescd() : returns the number of cd-rom drives on the system. countcddrives() : returns the number of cd-rom drives on the system. namecd(drive) : returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the cd-rom. cdname(drive) : returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the cd-rom. opencd(n,drive) : opens a cd-rom drive for access. indrivecd(n) : return 1 if cd is in driver cdinserted(n) : return 1 if cd is in driver trackscd(n) : return the number of tracks in cd countcdtracks(n) : return the number of tracks in cd curtrackcd(n) : return the current track in cd cdcurtrack(n) : return the current track in cd
  • 14. curframecd(n) : return the current frame in cd cdcurframe(n) : return the current frame in cd playcd(n,s,l) : play a cd playtrackscd(n,trk1,fr1,ntrks,nfrs) : play the given cd track(s) from frame fr1 of trrack trk1 for ntrks/nfrs playtrackscd(n,trk1,ntrks) : play the given cd track(s)from trk1 for ntracks playtrackscd(n) : play all cd track(s) playcdtracks(n,trk1,fr1,ntrks,nfrs) : play the given cd track(s) from frame fr1 of trrack trk1 for ntrks/nfrs playcdtracks(n,trk1,ntrks) : play the given cd track(s)from trk1 for ntracks playcdtracks(n) : play all cd track(s) pausecd(n) : pauses a cdrom resumecd(n) : resumes a cdrom stopcd(n) : stops a cdrom ejectcd(n) : ejects a cdrom closecd(n) : closes a cd handle tracktypecd(n,t) : return SDL_AUDIO_TRACK(0...) or SDL_DATA_TRACK(1...) cdtracktype(n,t) : return SDL_AUDIO_TRACK(0...) or SDL_DATA_TRACK(1...) tracklengthcd(n,t) : return the length of track t cdtracklength(n,t) : return the length of track t trackoffsetcd(n,t) : return the offset to the beginning of this track in frames cdtrackoffset(n,t) : return the offset to the beginning of this track in frames #__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ # Video Mpeg loadmpeg(fname,usesound) : load a mpeg video plaympeg(optional loop) : play a mpeg1 video stopmpeg() : terminate the video play deletempeg() : unload mpeg video pausempeg() : Pause/Resume playback of an SMPEG object rewindmpeg() : Rewind the play position of an SMPEG object to the beginning of the MPEG seekmpeg(p) : Seek 'bytes' bytes in the MPEG stream skipmpeg(s) : Skip 'seconds' seconds in the MPEG stream statusmpeg() : return 1 if plaympeg work or 0 in other case #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Keyboard key(keycode) : give 1 if is press the key keycode inkey : give ascii code of key press waitkey(optional keycode) : wait a key pression (0 =any key) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Mouse xmouse : give mouse x coordinate on display ymouse : give mouse y coordinate on display mousex : give mouse x coordinate on display
  • 15. mousey : give mouse y coordinate on display xmousescreen(n) : give mouse x coordinate on screen ymousescreen(n) : give mouse y coordinate on screen mousescreenx(n) : give mouse x coordinate on screen mousescreeny(n) : give mouse y coordinate on screen bmouse : give the buttonclick on the mouse mousebutton : give the buttonclick on the mouse changemouse(optional n) : change mouse from default(0) to emulate with sprite 0 - image 0 (1,2,3)without n return current pointer mousepointer(optional n) : change mouse from default(0) to emulate with sprite 0 - image 0 (1,2,3)without n return current pointer locatemouse(x,y) : move mouse at x y coordinates placemouse(x,y) : move mouse at x y coordinates mouseshow : show the mouse cursor howmouse : show the mouse cursor mousehide : hide the mouse cursor hidemouse : hide the mouse cursor mousezone(x,y,w,h) : give 1 if the mouse pointer is in rectangle(xy with size wh) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Joystick numjoysticks : count available joysticks namejoystick(index) : get joystick name numaxesjoystick(i) : get the number of joystick axes numballsjoystick(i) : get the number of joystick trackballs numhatsjoystick(i) : get the number of joystick hats numbuttonsjoystick(i) : get the number of joysitck buttons getaxisjoystick(i,a) : get the current state of an axis gethatjoystick(i,a) : get the current state of a joystick hat getbuttonjoystick(i,a) : get the current state of a given button on a given joystick xgetballjoystick(i,a) : get relative x trackball motion ygetballjoystick(i,a) : get relative y trackball motion joy(i) : return joystick boolean coordinate bjoy(i) : return joystick buttons pressed in boolean expression joybuttons(i) : return joystick buttons pressed in boolean expression fire(i) : return joystick buttons pressed in boolean expression waitbjoy(b,optional i) : wait the pression of a joystick button (or emulate in keyboard) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # SDLtime wait(t) : wait t milliseconds timer : give the current tick #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ # Socket isenabledsock() : return 1 if sdlnet was enabled
  • 16. sock=getfreesock() : return the first free sock in sdlSocket array sock=OpenSock(port) : Server side socket sock is the stream. in sdlBasic there are 256 stream and sintax is very similar of file open close. clientsock=AcceptSock(serversock) : Accept the client connection IsServerReady(Sock) : True/False if server is sending data sock=ConnectSock(ServerName,port) : client side socket connection *ConnectionReadySock(sock) : the server have accepted the connection IsClientReady(Sock) : True/False if client is sending data CloseSock(sock) : Close the socket connection. Works for client and server *PeekSock(Sock, NumBytes) : Peek information coming from socket, but do not clear. ReadSock(Sock, NumBytes) : Read NumBytes ReadByteSock(Sock) : Read a single byte ReadLineSock(Sock) : Read complete line WriteSock(Sock, Message, NumBytes) : Sends NumBytes from Message WriteByteSock(Sock, Byte) : Sends a single byte WriteLineSock(Sock, Message) : Send Message getremoteip(sock) : return the ip address of remote client connetted getremoteport(sock) : return the port address of remote client connetted ?getlocalip() : return the local ip (not work on windows) #__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ #