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For Designers, Engineers, Marketers,


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Speakers, Salespeople, Womanisers...

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            THE PERSUASION
              NOTE CARDS
       A visual aid that reminds you the tricks and
       techniques that influence human behaviour

            52 ways to persuade
      from the sciences of behavioural economics
                 and social psychology

      Be more creative when brainstorming ideas
  Be more persuasive in your business and social circles
It all began 9 years ago, during my first creative project.
As a young and inexperienced engineer, and then later as a marketer, I was
often in the library. When working on new products or marketing projects,
I constantly looked for information on design ethnography and, how to
understand and influence human behaviour. For quick and easy reference,
I noted the techniques on cards.
Then I’ve realised that having ideas is good, but you must still be able to sell
them. In business and engineering schools, my lecturers had taught me how
to think, but not how to talk. “I am a creative person, not a salesperson”, is a
common excuse in the creative community. That’s why so many great projects,
strategies and causes are lost. Good ideas, bad presenters.
Learning how to pitch in front of clients and my superiors was costly. After
several mistakes, and with the development of the Grapho-Persuasion method,
I began also noting sales techniques on cards.
The Persuasion Note Cards is a collection of the best persuasion techniques
and principles, used for centuries by the greatest marketers, salesmen, product
designers, politicians and womanisers. The 52-card deck is fun, easy to use and
easy to carry.
Each card illustrates a “weapon of mass persuasion”, drawn from the sciences
of behavioural economics and social psychology, with real-life examples. When
brainstorming with your team and clients during a project, or when preparing
yourself for a meeting, keep these cards visible at all times. They will remind
you how persuasion works, and how to integrate elements of it in your work.
From business and personal experiences, I guarantee you that you will find the
52-card deck useful. If you don’t, offer it to someone who will benefit from it,
or contact me at for a 100% refund. No quibble.

Victor Semo,
Creator of the Persuasion Note Cards

Persuasion Note Cards - Preview
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  12 Months 100% Money Back
          Guarantee -
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    Created by Victor Semo:
victors [at] glocalpen [dot] com
The Techniques

  The Laws

  The Rules

The Fundamentals

   The Basics

The Basics
Basic 1: Persuasion is a battle of perception, not
who is truthfully right.
Basic 2: Persuasion is a two step process. First,
soften the person’s resistance, then break it.
Basic 3: Be versatile, improvise. Your persuasion
approach depends on the context and your target’s
Basic 4: Never take anyone for granted. Nurture
your relationships from the cradle to the grave, or
they’ll shop somewhere else.
Basic 5: Get your timing right. When people are
mentally exhausted, or already busy doing something,
they are less likely to resist you.
Basic 6: Persuasion is seduction. Whatever the
product, service or idea you sell, you sell yourself
first. You are a brand.
Basic 7: Always appear confident. Look into their
eyes when speaking, avoid reading notes.
Basic 8: Posture. Those who don’t look hungry get
fed. Never look desperate.
Basic 9: You cannot please everyone. Don’t take
rejections personally.
Basic 10: Never lie. People will find out eventually,
and the Internet never forgets. Better filter the truth,
like a spin doctor.
The Fundamentals
             Emotional contagion
  Your emotional expressions are contagious,
   affecting everyone around you and many
We are social creatures and creatures of emotion. The
people around us are affected by our moods. When
you smile and laugh, people “catch” your happy mood.
When you’re angry, they mirror your attitude or avoid
The spread of influence and emotional contagion
follows a ‘Three Degrees of Influence Rule’ which
states that everything we do, feel or believe has an
impact within three degrees of our social network
(up to our friends’ friends’ friends).
For example, when you are in a bad mood, you affect
your spouse, your parents’ spouse and the best friend
of your parents’ spouse.
• In a team, self-awareness of mood is important,
starting with the team leader.
• When people focus on what they do best, they are
happier and perform better.
• To foster creativity, always put creative people in a
positive mood and an environment with “good vibes.”
The Fundamentals
 Primacy effect & self-fulfilling prophecy
         Perception breeds expectations,
        and expectations tend to create the
               predicted outcomes.

Perception outlasts reality. When the packaging looks
good, people expect the product to be good..

• You can alter the taste of food solely by the way you
present it. A cheap wine will be perceived as tasting
better if it is served in a crystal glass than a plastic
                  If someone does not like you at the
                  time of your first encounter, you will
                  have a hard time convincing him or
                  her later to buy from you.
1. Locate a target: find a     1. Locate a target: find one
gap in the market, identify    in a bar, club, garden, library,
          a niche.                   supermarket, etc.
 2. Attract: exhibit your        2. Attract: exhibit your
 unique selling points by        unique selling points by
demonstrating you are an          demonstrating you are
expert. (publish reports,       different from other men
 articles, books, adverts,      (your grooming, attitude,
            etc.)                    intelligence, etc.)
3. Build/reinforce credibil-   3. Bait and hook: look for a
 ity and hook: participate     minimum of three signs that
 in all major seminars and     she is interested in you. For
 conferences in your field;    example, she blushes when
make yourself known and        you look at her; she mirrors
desirable. The more people       your body language, etc.
   seek you out, the more
   attractive you become.
     4. Build/reinforce        4. Play selective: now that
  selective friendship: be     you know she is interested,
  selective in the type of     draw back and play hard to
 clients you work with. It      get. Make her chase you.
   increases your value.
   5. Close the deal/sell      5. Isolate: take her to a place
  more: discuss only the         a bit more private, create
client’s needs, never about       emotional and physical
your products or services.              connections.
Show how your solutions            6. Close: arouse sexual
    are their solutions.           desires by being more
                                sensual and sexual in your
                                    body language. Kiss.
The Fundamentals
       Persuasion is seduction
   There is no difference between selling
  like sales professionals do, and seducing
like womanisers do. It is the same process.

    A Woman falls in love through her ears.
     A Man falls in love through his eyes.
            (Woodrow Wyatt)

The Rules
          Make them feel important
      Create trust and comfort by focusing
                on them. Always.

People crave attention and they are not interested in
what you think or like. The topic of conversation you
have with anyone should always be centred on them
and what their interests are.

• Use ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ as much as possible during
the conversation.
• Direct any conversation to a subject related to them
or what you know interests them, and then shut up.
Just be quiet and listen. Do not interrupt your
interlocutors when they are talking about something
they like. Time will fly.
• If you disagree with what they are saying, never tell
them point blank, “you are wrong”, because you will
bruise their ego (unless it is part of your persuasion
The Rules
            Stand in their shoes

        People buy benefits, not features
                or advantages.

A rule in market research is that people don’t know
what they really like until they see, touch, try and
feel it.
Understand their needs by asking questions, but
remember that actions speak louder than words.
Watch what they do, and you will have a better
understanding of what they really need or want.
The Laws
        People feel indebted when they
     receive a favour or something for free,
          especially if it is unexpected.

• Offer freebies.
• During a negotiation, be the first to make a
concession. The other party will feel the need to
• Bait: sweeten your offer with something
unexpected at the last minute, or offer a free drink
while the person is considering your offer.
Surprised by the “free gift”, the person is more
likely to look at your offer with a more
positive emotion, if he or she accepts your “gift.”
Photo by Lee Jordan, 2007,
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
The Laws
                 Social proof
       When people see others embracing
     a belief or a product, especially those
       they strongly identify with, there is
      a far greater likelihood that they will
     conform to avoid being left out of the
      group. It is especially true when they
       are uncertain of the right course of
                 action to follow.

Show that people are already embracing your offer,
therefore there is no risk to join the bandwagon.
• Show testimonials and reviews received.
• Assert the high demand: “best-selling item”;
“most popular show”; “long queue outside the
venue”; “already 1 million download!”
The Techniques

  The Laws

  The Rules

The Fundamentals

   The Basics

The Techniques
               Play with their ego

      Caress their self-esteem and you will
             arouse their emotions.

  Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. (Ecclesiastes1:2)

• Compliment them on their look, achievements,
skills, etc.
• Inspire them with a vision that appeals to their
values, ideals or aspiration: “You have a future in this
company. Listen…”
• Give them the role of expert by praising their
expertise: “Don, you are an expert and know when
something is good. Judge by yourself this…”
• Challenge them: “Don’t tell me you can’t do this,
even Bob can!”
The Techniques
             The foot in the door
         People tend to agree to a large
       request if they have already agreed
                 to a smaller one.

• Lure by appealing to greed (give free samples,
hold a context with free giveaways, etc.), then trap
them. When they are testing your samples, or are
waiting for the results of the context, do something
to retain their attention. Use the momentum to do
your sales pitch.
• Ask them to help you do the shopping list. Then,
invite them to come with you. Back home, you
could even get some help cooking.
The Techniques
              Ownership effect
        People get emotionally attached
       to things they have, and give them
       more value than they may actually
                    be worth.

To give up what we already possess is painful. Hence,
always try to put your product in the person’s hands.
• “Try for free”.
• “Buy now, pay later”.
• “free shipping both ways”.
• “full refund or exchange if you’re not satisfied”.
• “free 30 day trial”.
The Techniques
   Influence online, persuade offline
       An image is worth a thousand
       words, and a touch is priceless
                 any day.

Face to-face communication has a greater positive
effect on your relationships than interacting on
the phone or online only. Therefore, go offline as
much as you can. Meet people and do physical
activities together to build emotional bonds.
Logo Wikileak                                
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
The Techniques
                  Go viral
        Nonconformity both appeals and
       repulses, but it gets people talking.

• A way to start a conversation, or capture attention,
is to talk about, or do something, that involves one
or all of the buzz buttons:
 1. The Taboo. 2. The Unusual. 3. The Outrageous.
4. The Hilarious. 5. The Remarkable. 6. The Secret.
• To increase open rate of emails and blog articles,
use in the subject line:
a. Lists: “7 Step Guide to Lose Weight”.
b. ‘How to’ approach: “How to Win Friends and
Influence People”.
c. Controversial/Negative slant: “How to Lose
Friends and Alienate People”.
d. What everyone is talking about: “Facebook for
e. Sex connotation: “Why Social Media is a One-Night
The Techniques
        Shape how something is seen and
       understood by presenting it from a
                different angle.

• Spin doctors don’t say “global warming” but
“climate change”, it sounds less negative.
• Advertising: “Avis is only No. 2 in rent-a-cars.
So why go with us? We try harder.”
• Beef packaging: the label shows “80% lean”, not
“20% fat.”
• Problem definition: When a Toyota manager
asked employees to brainstorm “ways to increase
their productivity”, no one made a suggestion.
When he rephrased his request as “ways to make
their jobs easier”, he received more suggestions
than he could handle.
The Techniques
  Anchor by playing the Instant Replay
           “How did you decide to ...?”
          By making people remember
         a past decision they made, you
       arouse their emotions as they will
           ‘rosy retrospect’ the event.

• Ask the prospect how he or she decided to buy a
product similar to yours. As the person replays the
experience in his or her head, the memory of it
creates good feelings because the item was certainly
purchased when that person was in a good mood.
Whilst the person is talking, ask for the criteria
that led to the decision, and rank them by order
of importance. Now, when you sell your product,
focus on the benefits that are close to the important
criteria. Since the prospect is now emotionally
aroused by the good feelings, he or she is more
receptive to your pitch.
The Techniques
                Refuting like orators
1. Challenge analysis and definitions - Opponent:
• didn’t interpret the problem correctly • is misleading because
of vagueness in definitions • didn’t cover all the areas • is
using different criteria for analysis • overlooked great dangers
contained in his or her proposal.
2. Deny the evidences - Opponent:
• has not made a study • has not been trained in research • is
prejudiced • is exaggerating • is inconsistent • statistical unit
has not been defined • statistical units are not comparable.
3. Minimise:
• opponent used worst, atypical, extreme examples rather than
average ones • “so what” tactic – evil exists, but quantitatively the
harm or damage is not so great.
4. Demonstrate the opposite:
• other studies produced different results.
5. Explore fallacies in reasoning:
• fallacies in analogy, inductive, and/or deductive reasoning.
6. Expose special types of fallacies:
• argue in circle, using unproved propositions one against
another • reframe by assuming a more general truth than the
point at issue • appeal to prejudice • use opponent’s evidence
to support your case • actions lead to two results, both bad •
appeal to the ignorance of the opponent • show that the whole
argument, or the evidence, is absurd • discard several options by
proving their disadvantages in order to accept the last one.
The Techniques
         Making a hypnotic speech

             Use ‘you’ instead of ‘I’
              as much as possible.

The technique used for centuries by politicians,
religious and military leaders, remains effective:
Stage 1 - Get their attention: start your presentation
by presenting positive facts that everyone agrees
Stage 2 - Create unease: confuse your audience by
inserting negative facts that no one can refute. It
creates discomfort.
Stage 3 – Offer solutions: Give indirect suggestions
that make the audience hesitate between different
options. Then, offer your solutions – backed by
statistics – to fix the negative facts.
Stage 4 - Ask for the sale: conclude with a direct
The Techniques
              Time Constraints
         Who sets the agenda, controls
          what is said and not said.
Few people read an agenda before going to a
meeting. Fewer read the minutes. Almost no one
challenges what was said and agreed.
• Out-of-committee: Management by committee is
rare. A Chair will avoid debates that may not end in
his or her favour. Hence, always try to persuade the
Chair in advance.
• Deadline: Fill the agenda with routine, spend
time on trivial matters. Keep the important one
as the last item on the agenda. Then, use the time
deadline to silence opponents, and force acceptance
of your point.
• Neutralise - break the rules: At the risk to upset
the Chair, neutralise the agenda, and those who
intimidate or dominate. At the start of the meeting,
distribute on a single sheet of paper your views,
presented in few bullet points. Now on top of
other documents, your points will be read by all,
including those who have not had time to read the
working papers of the meeting.
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  12 Months 100% Money Back
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    Created by Victor Semo:
victors [at] glocalpen [dot] com

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Persuasion Note Cards: preview

  • 1. For Designers, Engineers, Marketers, “G FR o-P boo rap th Speakers, Salespeople, Womanisers... EE ers k h e gift uas ion ” THE PERSUASION NOTE CARDS A visual aid that reminds you the tricks and techniques that influence human behaviour 52 ways to persuade from the sciences of behavioural economics and social psychology Be more creative when brainstorming ideas Be more persuasive in your business and social circles
  • 2. It all began 9 years ago, during my first creative project. As a young and inexperienced engineer, and then later as a marketer, I was often in the library. When working on new products or marketing projects, I constantly looked for information on design ethnography and, how to understand and influence human behaviour. For quick and easy reference, I noted the techniques on cards. Then I’ve realised that having ideas is good, but you must still be able to sell them. In business and engineering schools, my lecturers had taught me how to think, but not how to talk. “I am a creative person, not a salesperson”, is a common excuse in the creative community. That’s why so many great projects, strategies and causes are lost. Good ideas, bad presenters. Learning how to pitch in front of clients and my superiors was costly. After several mistakes, and with the development of the Grapho-Persuasion method, I began also noting sales techniques on cards. The Persuasion Note Cards is a collection of the best persuasion techniques and principles, used for centuries by the greatest marketers, salesmen, product designers, politicians and womanisers. The 52-card deck is fun, easy to use and easy to carry. Each card illustrates a “weapon of mass persuasion”, drawn from the sciences of behavioural economics and social psychology, with real-life examples. When brainstorming with your team and clients during a project, or when preparing yourself for a meeting, keep these cards visible at all times. They will remind you how persuasion works, and how to integrate elements of it in your work. From business and personal experiences, I guarantee you that you will find the 52-card deck useful. If you don’t, offer it to someone who will benefit from it, or contact me at for a 100% refund. No quibble. Victor Semo, Creator of the Persuasion Note Cards
  • 3. Persuasion Note Cards - Preview front and back 12 Months 100% Money Back Guarantee - Buy Persuasion Note Cards @ Created by Victor Semo: twitter/victorsemo victors [at] glocalpen [dot] com
  • 4. The Techniques The Laws The Rules The Fundamentals (cornerstone) The Basics Persuasion
  • 5. The Basics Basic 1: Persuasion is a battle of perception, not who is truthfully right. Basic 2: Persuasion is a two step process. First, soften the person’s resistance, then break it. Basic 3: Be versatile, improvise. Your persuasion approach depends on the context and your target’s character. Basic 4: Never take anyone for granted. Nurture your relationships from the cradle to the grave, or they’ll shop somewhere else. Basic 5: Get your timing right. When people are mentally exhausted, or already busy doing something, they are less likely to resist you. Basic 6: Persuasion is seduction. Whatever the product, service or idea you sell, you sell yourself first. You are a brand. Basic 7: Always appear confident. Look into their eyes when speaking, avoid reading notes. Basic 8: Posture. Those who don’t look hungry get fed. Never look desperate. Basic 9: You cannot please everyone. Don’t take rejections personally. Basic 10: Never lie. People will find out eventually, and the Internet never forgets. Better filter the truth, like a spin doctor.
  • 7. The Fundamentals Emotional contagion Your emotional expressions are contagious, affecting everyone around you and many others. We are social creatures and creatures of emotion. The people around us are affected by our moods. When you smile and laugh, people “catch” your happy mood. When you’re angry, they mirror your attitude or avoid you. The spread of influence and emotional contagion follows a ‘Three Degrees of Influence Rule’ which states that everything we do, feel or believe has an impact within three degrees of our social network (up to our friends’ friends’ friends). For example, when you are in a bad mood, you affect your spouse, your parents’ spouse and the best friend of your parents’ spouse. • In a team, self-awareness of mood is important, starting with the team leader. • When people focus on what they do best, they are happier and perform better. • To foster creativity, always put creative people in a positive mood and an environment with “good vibes.”
  • 9. The Fundamentals Primacy effect & self-fulfilling prophecy Perception breeds expectations, and expectations tend to create the predicted outcomes. Perception outlasts reality. When the packaging looks good, people expect the product to be good.. Example: • You can alter the taste of food solely by the way you present it. A cheap wine will be perceived as tasting better if it is served in a crystal glass than a plastic cup. If someone does not like you at the time of your first encounter, you will have a hard time convincing him or her later to buy from you.
  • 10. 1. Locate a target: find a 1. Locate a target: find one gap in the market, identify in a bar, club, garden, library, a niche. supermarket, etc. 2. Attract: exhibit your 2. Attract: exhibit your unique selling points by unique selling points by demonstrating you are an demonstrating you are expert. (publish reports, different from other men articles, books, adverts, (your grooming, attitude, etc.) intelligence, etc.) 3. Build/reinforce credibil- 3. Bait and hook: look for a ity and hook: participate minimum of three signs that in all major seminars and she is interested in you. For conferences in your field; example, she blushes when make yourself known and you look at her; she mirrors desirable. The more people your body language, etc. seek you out, the more attractive you become. 4. Build/reinforce 4. Play selective: now that selective friendship: be you know she is interested, selective in the type of draw back and play hard to clients you work with. It get. Make her chase you. increases your value. 5. Close the deal/sell 5. Isolate: take her to a place more: discuss only the a bit more private, create client’s needs, never about emotional and physical your products or services. connections. Show how your solutions 6. Close: arouse sexual are their solutions. desires by being more sensual and sexual in your body language. Kiss.
  • 11. The Fundamentals Persuasion is seduction There is no difference between selling like sales professionals do, and seducing like womanisers do. It is the same process. A Woman falls in love through her ears. A Man falls in love through his eyes. (Woodrow Wyatt)
  • 13. The Rules Make them feel important Create trust and comfort by focusing on them. Always. People crave attention and they are not interested in what you think or like. The topic of conversation you have with anyone should always be centred on them and what their interests are. • Use ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ as much as possible during the conversation. • Direct any conversation to a subject related to them or what you know interests them, and then shut up. Just be quiet and listen. Do not interrupt your interlocutors when they are talking about something they like. Time will fly. • If you disagree with what they are saying, never tell them point blank, “you are wrong”, because you will bruise their ego (unless it is part of your persuasion strategy).
  • 15. The Rules Stand in their shoes People buy benefits, not features or advantages. A rule in market research is that people don’t know what they really like until they see, touch, try and feel it. Understand their needs by asking questions, but remember that actions speak louder than words. Watch what they do, and you will have a better understanding of what they really need or want.
  • 17. The Laws Reciprocity People feel indebted when they receive a favour or something for free, especially if it is unexpected. Examples: • Offer freebies. • During a negotiation, be the first to make a concession. The other party will feel the need to reciprocate. • Bait: sweeten your offer with something unexpected at the last minute, or offer a free drink while the person is considering your offer. Surprised by the “free gift”, the person is more likely to look at your offer with a more positive emotion, if he or she accepts your “gift.”
  • 18. Photo by Lee Jordan, 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
  • 19. The Laws Social proof When people see others embracing a belief or a product, especially those they strongly identify with, there is a far greater likelihood that they will conform to avoid being left out of the group. It is especially true when they are uncertain of the right course of action to follow. Show that people are already embracing your offer, therefore there is no risk to join the bandwagon. Examples: • Show testimonials and reviews received. • Assert the high demand: “best-selling item”; “most popular show”; “long queue outside the venue”; “already 1 million download!”
  • 20. The Techniques The Laws The Rules The Fundamentals (cornerstone) The Basics Persuasion
  • 22. The Techniques Play with their ego Caress their self-esteem and you will arouse their emotions. Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. (Ecclesiastes1:2) Examples: • Compliment them on their look, achievements, skills, etc. • Inspire them with a vision that appeals to their values, ideals or aspiration: “You have a future in this company. Listen…” • Give them the role of expert by praising their expertise: “Don, you are an expert and know when something is good. Judge by yourself this…” • Challenge them: “Don’t tell me you can’t do this, even Bob can!”
  • 24. The Techniques The foot in the door People tend to agree to a large request if they have already agreed to a smaller one. Examples: • Lure by appealing to greed (give free samples, hold a context with free giveaways, etc.), then trap them. When they are testing your samples, or are waiting for the results of the context, do something to retain their attention. Use the momentum to do your sales pitch. • Ask them to help you do the shopping list. Then, invite them to come with you. Back home, you could even get some help cooking.
  • 26. The Techniques Ownership effect People get emotionally attached to things they have, and give them more value than they may actually be worth. To give up what we already possess is painful. Hence, always try to put your product in the person’s hands. Examples: • “Try for free”. • “Buy now, pay later”. • “free shipping both ways”. • “full refund or exchange if you’re not satisfied”. • “free 30 day trial”.
  • 28. The Techniques Influence online, persuade offline An image is worth a thousand words, and a touch is priceless any day. Face to-face communication has a greater positive effect on your relationships than interacting on the phone or online only. Therefore, go offline as much as you can. Meet people and do physical activities together to build emotional bonds.
  • 29. Logo Wikileak Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
  • 30. The Techniques Go viral Nonconformity both appeals and repulses, but it gets people talking. Examples: • A way to start a conversation, or capture attention, is to talk about, or do something, that involves one or all of the buzz buttons: 1. The Taboo. 2. The Unusual. 3. The Outrageous. 4. The Hilarious. 5. The Remarkable. 6. The Secret. • To increase open rate of emails and blog articles, use in the subject line: a. Lists: “7 Step Guide to Lose Weight”. b. ‘How to’ approach: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. c. Controversial/Negative slant: “How to Lose Friends and Alienate People”. d. What everyone is talking about: “Facebook for Dummies”. e. Sex connotation: “Why Social Media is a One-Night Stand”.
  • 32. The Techniques Reframe Shape how something is seen and understood by presenting it from a different angle. Examples: • Spin doctors don’t say “global warming” but “climate change”, it sounds less negative. • Advertising: “Avis is only No. 2 in rent-a-cars. So why go with us? We try harder.” • Beef packaging: the label shows “80% lean”, not “20% fat.” • Problem definition: When a Toyota manager asked employees to brainstorm “ways to increase their productivity”, no one made a suggestion. When he rephrased his request as “ways to make their jobs easier”, he received more suggestions than he could handle.
  • 34. The Techniques Anchor by playing the Instant Replay “How did you decide to ...?” By making people remember a past decision they made, you arouse their emotions as they will ‘rosy retrospect’ the event. Example: • Ask the prospect how he or she decided to buy a product similar to yours. As the person replays the experience in his or her head, the memory of it creates good feelings because the item was certainly purchased when that person was in a good mood. Whilst the person is talking, ask for the criteria that led to the decision, and rank them by order of importance. Now, when you sell your product, focus on the benefits that are close to the important criteria. Since the prospect is now emotionally aroused by the good feelings, he or she is more receptive to your pitch.
  • 36. The Techniques Refuting like orators 1. Challenge analysis and definitions - Opponent: • didn’t interpret the problem correctly • is misleading because of vagueness in definitions • didn’t cover all the areas • is using different criteria for analysis • overlooked great dangers contained in his or her proposal. 2. Deny the evidences - Opponent: • has not made a study • has not been trained in research • is prejudiced • is exaggerating • is inconsistent • statistical unit has not been defined • statistical units are not comparable. 3. Minimise: • opponent used worst, atypical, extreme examples rather than average ones • “so what” tactic – evil exists, but quantitatively the harm or damage is not so great. 4. Demonstrate the opposite: • other studies produced different results. 5. Explore fallacies in reasoning: • fallacies in analogy, inductive, and/or deductive reasoning. 6. Expose special types of fallacies: • argue in circle, using unproved propositions one against another • reframe by assuming a more general truth than the point at issue • appeal to prejudice • use opponent’s evidence to support your case • actions lead to two results, both bad • appeal to the ignorance of the opponent • show that the whole argument, or the evidence, is absurd • discard several options by proving their disadvantages in order to accept the last one.
  • 38. The Techniques Making a hypnotic speech Use ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ as much as possible. The technique used for centuries by politicians, religious and military leaders, remains effective: Stage 1 - Get their attention: start your presentation by presenting positive facts that everyone agrees with. Stage 2 - Create unease: confuse your audience by inserting negative facts that no one can refute. It creates discomfort. Stage 3 – Offer solutions: Give indirect suggestions that make the audience hesitate between different options. Then, offer your solutions – backed by statistics – to fix the negative facts. Stage 4 - Ask for the sale: conclude with a direct request.
  • 40. The Techniques Time Constraints Who sets the agenda, controls what is said and not said. Few people read an agenda before going to a meeting. Fewer read the minutes. Almost no one challenges what was said and agreed. • Out-of-committee: Management by committee is rare. A Chair will avoid debates that may not end in his or her favour. Hence, always try to persuade the Chair in advance. • Deadline: Fill the agenda with routine, spend time on trivial matters. Keep the important one as the last item on the agenda. Then, use the time deadline to silence opponents, and force acceptance of your point. • Neutralise - break the rules: At the risk to upset the Chair, neutralise the agenda, and those who intimidate or dominate. At the start of the meeting, distribute on a single sheet of paper your views, presented in few bullet points. Now on top of other documents, your points will be read by all, including those who have not had time to read the working papers of the meeting.
  • 41. Persuasion Note Cards - Preview front and back 12 Months 100% Money Back Guarantee - Buy Persuasion Note Cards @ Created by Victor Semo: twitter/victorsemo victors [at] glocalpen [dot] com