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Kate Shelley Saves The Train Analysis
The Kate Shelley Story Narratives, or stories, are a unique way for humans to share their
understanding of the world (Covarrubias, Hall, & Kirschbaum 2018). Narratives can be found
throughout every culture and can be shared from generation to generation. Narratives are a way for
each culture to share how they view the world and how these stories can make an impact on the life
that they live (Covarrubias, Hall, & Kirschbaum 2018). Believe it or not, I am sure that we have
heard of multiple narratives from family members that explain our culture's understanding of the
world. The Kate Shelley Story is an example of a narrative that has taken place here in Iowa and is
shared frequently within the Boone, Iowa community. One July evening in 1881, ... Show more
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Crossing the bridge would not be an easy task. The railroad knew that great dangers of the high
bridge and prohibited anyone from walking on it. Kate's first steps onto the bridge were quite
difficult, especially when a gust of wind almost blew her off the bridge (Kate Shelley Saves the
Train). As soon as Kate had reached the other side of the river, she ran toward the Moingona Station,
rushing to try and beat the clock (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). Kate made it in time to the station
to alert the station agent who ran out into the storm with a red lamp to warn the express, whose
headlights were coming upon the station (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). As soon as the express train
was safe, Kate was able to lead a rescue train out to where the two men from the pusher train were
clinging for dear life. The two men were saved, only two lives were lost that night thanks to Kate
Shelley and her bravery (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). Years later after Kate's heroic event,
members of the community have reported seeing a figure run along the bridge with a lantern in her
hand, when in reality there is no one on the bridge. Others have reported seeing a ghostly steam
engine cross the
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Narrative Therapy
Narrative therapy is a family counseling approach that continues to evolve and gain popularity in the
field of therapy (Chang & Nylund, 2013). Given the continued strides of narrative therapy this is a
family counseling approach worthy of research. This paper will detail the beginnings of narrative
therapy and those responsible for its development. Although White and Epston are the leading
figures of narrative therapy many individuals with varying backgrounds and beliefs influenced their
thinking (Biggs & Hinton–Bayre, 2008).
Using several resources such as Goldenberg & Goldenberg (2013) the key techniques and concepts
of narrative therapy will be examined along with noted similarities and differences when compared
to other leading ... Show more content on ...
411). Clients can also " up and begin changing their relationship to the problem..." (p. 411).
Noted similarities/dissimilarities
Both similarities and differences exist between narrative therapy and other leading therapies:
psychodynamic, structural, behavioral, and cognitive, to name a few. As mentioned previously
narrative therapy is part of the postmodern and poststructual thought. The poststructual thought
challenges the need of searching for underlying "truth". However, other leading therapies hold a
structural view and believe there are "...deeper elements buried within the individual..." these
elements can be explored and interpreted so that "truth" about the meanings of the behavior can be
revealed (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 397). This would explain why narrative therapy does
not attempt to uncover or diagnose client's motives, drives, or ego strengths (Goldenberg &
Goldenberg, 2013). Narrative therapists believe "...the exploration of subjective experiences–hopes,
desires, passions, purposes..." contribute to why people behave as they do (p.398).
There are also differences in how the theories view the family structure. For example, structural
family therapy is interested in how the family works as a system; how they interact, communicate,
they pay attention to transactional and dysfunctional patterns (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013).
Narrative therapists devote no time to discovering family patterns, exploring family dynamics, or
searching for past
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Reflection Paper
Before coming to Radford University, I was very nervous about having to write papers on a college
level because in high school they drilled into our minds that it was going to be so much harder. The
first day of this class was when I realized that I was going to be okay because I had a professor that
was willing to help me and guide me through the process of constructing a good essay. Over the
course of the semester my theses have improved significantly, I've learned different ways to
approach writing paragraphs, and I've realized what essays are easier or harder for me to write.
My thesis for each essay slowly improved as I was assigned new papers to write each time. When
we first started off with the personal narrative essay the first week of class, my thesis was not as
good as it could have been. This is what it was, "I have experienced various situations growing up
with the constant moving and having to restart over again and again. Leaving the family and friends
you meet and grow to love is probably one of the hardest experience I have ever had in my entire
life. Although I have moved plenty, I have also traveled numerous places to just visit." Reading over
this thesis, I can now see that it was not as organized and thought out as it could have been. It was
not college level material, but when I look back at my final thesis, I can see how much I have truly
improved. This is what it was, "I am against young children having cell phones because they are
causing children
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The World Of Reproductive Justice And Politics Essay
Within the world of reproductive justice and politics, there is no such thing as "choice". Every
"choice" is intimately tied to a person's class, gender, sexual orientation, and even geographical
location. Choice is not something made by a person, but by the society they exist in. In mainstream
America, having a baby naturally is an expectation while adoption is an unwanted backup choice.
For these middle to upper class, predominantly white families, adoption means plan b, never the
original and thus the children of this culture never truly feel one within their family, rather they are
considered odd or not real. And that's just when adopting from America. When transracial and/or
transnational adoption becomes a part of the conversation the slope becomes slipperier as the choice
becomes based in white savior and/or Good Samaritan rhetoric (Patton–Imani). These children are
often "othered" by their families, their town, or their society as a whole. Or they are forced to
assimilate with color and ethnicity blindness as an example of the perfect adoptee/immigrant. Their
choice to adopt from these foreign countries is centered by their various privileged identities while
excluding the children themselves due to their disadvantages. Take for example the personal
documentary, First Person Plural, by Deann Borshay, in which an adult Korean adoptee tells her life
story through her adoptive family, fictionalized family, and birth/biological family. Through her
interviews with her
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Peterson's Influence On Interpersonal Communication
My personal perspective on Peterson's (2015) book is that I found it to be very beneficial in gaining
the knowledge needed to improve my interpersonal communication skills with other people. As I
read Peterson's (2015) philosophy, theories, and techniques regarding good communication and bad
communication I was able to understand his views and skills without feeling lost, overwhelmed with
understand the information without questioning the information for more understanding. I did not
find any of Peterson's (2015) concepts unclear or insufficiently developed. Instead I found his
concepts to be clear and well developed, clear, and understandable, due to his use of simple
terminology and imaginary used to describe the information on effective and ineffective
communication. ... Show more content on ...
If I use Peterson's (2015) advice then if I change my negative thinking into healthy thoughts then it
will have a encouraging influence on my emotional schemes, which in turns will change my actions
(p 22–23). Peterson's (2015) concept of handling my "thud" feelings to diminish myself from the
Flat–Brain tango during my interpersonal communication was helpful in helping me see that my
defensiveness I display when I feel the "thud" emotions is not only making the situation worse, but
it also makes me not hear the other person nor allows them to hear me (p
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Narrative Therapy Essay
Introduction Often times, people live through painful events in their life that can alter their
perception of themselves, their family, and the world. Narrative therapy offers the client the
opportunity to re–write their story and gain a different perspective of specific events. It is important
to understand that within the history of narrative therapy, therapists view client's stories through a
political lens. Often times, focusing on the oppression and cultural dominance that exists within the
constructs of our society. Thus, empowering clients to change their story allows them to break free
from the constraints that have shaped their outlook and allow for alternative ways of thinking.
Background of Narrative Therapy According to Atkinson Leslie (2011), narrative therapy is a
postmodern approach, which holds the client as the center of their own perceptions and results in
their personal actions and beliefs. The therapist is there to assist the author (client) in re–writing or
developing new stories so that change can occur. This allows the family to create new roles and
understanding of themselves and their family, by creating a new story. Michael White was the
pioneer of narrative therapy and along with David Epston's approach to storytelling and therapeutic
letters they were able to develop this approach. Michael White's wife, Cheryl White, was also
instrumental in assisting these men in the development and publication of their works. Their work
was made
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There Is More Than Meets The I By Katie Cooper Summary
In this weeks reading, I read the narrative essay "Disability: There is more than meets the I" by
Katie Cooper. Prior to the reading the essay, I expected being paired with similar essays that might
have expressed mental disabilities and the struggle with them. Similarly to my expectations, Cooper
delves into her experience at nine years old of learning she was dyslexic. Cooper goes into detail
about how unsettling it was learning she had a disability and discovering the definition of disability
had made her doubt herself. It is important to critically assess Cooper's narrative in order to
understand the role of narratives and how it helps with the acceptance of the identity of being
disabled. In Robyn Fivush's article, "Remembering and reminiscing: How individual lives are
constructed in family narratives", it is important to note the language of the narrative and how it
help with autobiographical memories and the creation of new understandings. It is through these
experiences that the main themes of Cooper's essay were the reconceptualization of society's binary
definition of disability and the discovery of personal meaning. ... Show more content on ...
Society creates stigmas surrounding disability, for most disability is a binary compared to the
normal. Cooper in her narrative struggles with self–worth as she tries to identify where her and her
disability fit into the environment, which surrounds her. As Cooper states, "...I felt ashamed of my
dyslexia. It was something that I would never tell my friends" (Cooper 3). Cooper does not garner
any affirmation of her disability from those that surround her; therefore, she struggles with her self–
worth. Cooper cannot identify herself as a key member of her friend group and gaining the self–
worth to be proud of her disability without gaining that
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First Person Narrative Research
First person narrative research is a term that uses a group of approaches that in turn depend on
spoken words, written works or pictures/drawings of people. These approaches tend to focus on the
lives of individuals as told through their own stories. The importance and focus within such
approaches is in the narrative, usually based on both what and how it is narrated. The audience
validates narrative research. Being a very useful tool and all, narrative method may not always be
strong enough to stand–alone as a central piece of evidence in concluding a point. Regardless if it is
part of a presentation or whether it is a stand–alone piece of information, it must be accepted, based
on its own merits as an individual experience and ... Show more content on ...
The narrative method allows for an intimate look into the emotions, thoughts and experiences within
a story based on the fact that another has witnessed such or intern through another's work along for a
great picture to be established. Being easily able to validate a claim or narrative account through
another is also a huge benefit of the method making it easier for the truth to come out and harder for
lies to see the light. Personal narratives and information gained from narrative methods tend to come
from truthful sources based on not wanting to tarnish individual's credibility, and not seeing a reason
in creating lies and misleading information. Nevertheless, many problems can also be seen within
the method harder and less likely to prevent. The limited perspective is detrimental in the sense that
only that one perspective's views through emotion and feeling are used to describe the situation if
there had only been one account. Unless there are multiple viewpoints from different individuals
who think and act differently put together to create one image from all different sides, which isn't
very practical to do. The narrative method also creates a restricted view in the sense that anything
the reader does not know, you don't know. Such as taking into consideration different socio–contexts
and the individuals thinking spectrums. The narrative account may also be biased, understanding the
story through ones eyes, leaves room for events and facts to change based on what the individual
thinks, wants, and knows at the
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Abstract Noun Thesis
1. For our first paper, I didn't find anything too difficult. The topic of using an abstract noun, such as
fear or love, left an open opportunity to choose something that engraved a memory into our mind.
So when I began to write about a fearful night of mine, I had no problem because the memory was
quite vivid. Without much effort, the words began to flow out easily as I recalled the memory. I
think what people might find difficult is all about how they don't like the topic which showed
though to their writing or not choosing a vivid memory but instead something that was "easy." If
student's wanted to excel at writing even when they think they cannot be good writers, I'd
recommend prewriting the topic, the thesis, and the main idea points.
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Narrative Therapy Essay
Narrative Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Children with Autism spectrum
disorders can benefit greatly from narrative therapy. It can help reduce psychological distress,
improve their social and narrative skills, as well as help them find ways to manage their symptoms.
Cashin, Browne, Bradbury, & Mulder (2013) explored the effects that narrative therapy can have on
children with Autism ages ten to sixteen. The parent–rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
(SDQ) was the primary outcome measure. They also measured their psychological distress, The
Beck Hopelessness Scale and the salivary cortisol:DHEA ratio (which can determine a person's
stress levels) before and after a structured narrative therapy. The children ... Show more content on ...
Young (2008) asserted that narrative therapy helps children conquer the problem collaboratively
with the therapist and imagine what the problem looks like. She also stated that within narrative
therapy, "the child develops his/her own language and description of the problem. His/her being
anxious is spoken about as 'the Anxiety' or other names provided by the child such as 'the Worry' or
'the Fears'" (Young, 2008, p. 57). The act of naming their problem makes the process personal to the
child. It also helps children visualize their problem as something that is outside of themselves and
something that they can "defeat". Young described her experiences of helping children with this
"After describing with words and writing down together what creatures six different 'Fears' looked
like, 8–year old Michael told me what it was like to do this. He said that telling us (his mother and
myself) what the 'Fears' looked like, describing in detail each 'Fear' as a creature, really helped him
because 'then you could know how really scary the 'Fears' are so you wouldn't think I was just a
scaredy–cat.. . and so we could know what 'They' each look like and all about 'Them' so we could
defeat 'Them' (Young, 2008, p.
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Family Counseling Approach
Family Counseling Approach – Narrative Therapy Kristi Sabbides Moos Liberty University
Marriage and Family Counseling I May 13, 2011 Dr. Suhad Sadik, Instructor
Narrative therapy focuses on helping clients gain access to preferred story lines about their lives and
identities and takes the place of previous negative and self–defeating narratives about themselves.
An overview of the Social Construction Model, Narrative Therapy, is presented, as well as
poststrucuralism, deconstructionism, self–narratives, cultural narratives, therapeutic conversations,
ceremonies, letters and leagues in addition to several facets of narrative therapy. Personal integration
of faith in this family ... Show more content on ...
Once engaged in storytelling, they frequently reconnect with the disturbance whether they intend to
or not. Understanding what is going on when a client tells a story is not easy for the therapist, but
there is usually more going on that is being told according to Rennie. Storytelling and narrative
usage prove to be successful and useful in psychotherapy practices (Rennie, 1994). Narrative
therapy emerged from postconstructuralism and deconstruction (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008).
"Poststructural thought rejects the notions that there is a deep structure to all phenomena and that its
complexity can be broken down to its elements" (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008, p. 367). Therapy
must look for deep, underlying causes, repair the flaw and not be satisfied with simply reducing or
eliminating symptoms. Deconstructing old notions and replacing them with possibilities reduces the
power of the stories that dominate and are filled with problems (Goldenberg & Goldenberg). The
stories are given thick descriptions rather than thin descriptions and the new story of a client's life is
connected to future options. One tool that is helpful in narrative deconstruction and reconstruction is
NPCS – Narrative Process Coding System (Angus & Hardtke, 2001). It is a two–step process which
enables raters to subdivide therapy session transcripts into segments and divide and characterize
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The Importance Of Narrative Therapy In Social Work
In this paper, I will be discussing the relevance of narrative therapy pertaining to its use in social
work. I will discuss the background and current use of this intervention as well as the intended use
of this strategy with client populations and its cultural sensitivity. Overall, this practice has
numerous studies which have evaluated its use with individuals, families, and groups and have
validated the effectiveness of this practice with various client populations. Narrative therapy is
based on the work of Michael White and David Epston and was developed during the 1970s and
1980s. Narrative Therapy relies on postmodern–constructivist approach as the client is recognized as
the expert and that individual experiences are viewed from the client's interpreted meaning (Young,
2010). The postmodern approach in clinical social work posits each society establishes normal
behavior, however, diverse communities can be better understood through their unique perspectives
(Maguire, 2002). The therapy asserts that cultural norms and expectations influence identity
development, which becomes perpetually reinforced as individuals interact within their social
environment (Robinson, 2015). According to Morgan (2000), "Narrative Therapy seeks to be a
respectful, non–blaming approach to counseling and community work, which centers people as the
experts in their own lives. It views problems as separate from people and assumes people have many
skills, competencies, beliefs, values,
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Narrative Therapy By Michael White And Davis Epston
Theory Overviews:
Narrative Therapy Narrative therapy was developed by Michael White and Davis Epston in during
the 1980 's. Narrative therapy is described as a " collaboration and non–pathologizing approach to
counseling and community work which centres people as the experts on their own lives" (Narrative
Therapy Centre, 2014). The basis of this theory is to separate the person from the problem so they
rely on their own skill sets to eliminate their problems. Narrative therapy allows people to transform
their personal experiences into stories and discover their life 's purpose (, 2015).
Narrative therapists treat clients that display various symptoms that stem from disorders such as
depression, post traumatic stress, and eating disorders. A study was conducted on 47 adults with
major depressive disorder who participated in narrative therapy. The clinical trial provided empirical
support for the utility of narrative therapy in improving depressive symptoms and inter–personal
relationships(Vromans, L., 2008). Women with eating disorders and body image challenges are often
self–conscious and have low self–esteem. These problems are internalized and narrative therapists
help deconstruct the problem by separating the person from the problem, thus externalizing the
problem. Narrative therapy has been describes as a "user–friendly and applicable counseling
component." It has been integrated into language literacy interventions and has been deemed as
useful in
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How Does Frederick Douglass Use Ethos
Slavery is one of the darkest parts of American History. Slave narratives are personal accounts
written by former slaves about their experiences during slavery as well as their struggles to obtain
freedom. The slave narratives offer chronological events and individual experiences. This is
important because it gives us writers perspective on slavery. Slaves, like Frederick Douglass and
Jacobs, wrote narratives using ethos, pathos, and logos in their rhetoric to persuade their readers. In
comparing both authors, Frederick Douglass uses pathos the most effectively.
In the "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass," Frederick Douglass lost his faith in God. At
this point, Douglas is very frustrated with God for not helping him. "I prayed for twenty years but
received no answer until I prayed with my legs". He is saying that he had to run away by himself
and there is no god in this world. This quotes demonstrates that he has prayed to god for help for 20
years and nothing has happened. He was always treated badly and he had no one to save him. The
only person he had was God, but God does not ... Show more content on ...
In the narrative, "Incidents in the life of a slave girl" Jacobs is praying to God for her children
guidance, protection, and freedom. "I had not lived fourteen years in slavery for nothing. I had felt,
seen, and heard enough, to read the characters, and question the motives, of those around me. The
war of my life had begun; and though one of God's most powerless creatures, I resolve never to be
conquered"(p,416). Jacobs' quote is emotional because she has gone through many problems in her
life, and only thing she had is god. She still believe god. Even though, Douglass quote is more better
than Jacob because Douglass had more emotion in his quote Douglas pray to god for 20 years
hoping god would eventually listen to his prayer but god never did so he stop believing in
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Narrative Therpay
Running Head: Narrative Therapy
Narrative Therapy Research Paper Israel Escobar Theories in Counseling Families and Individuals
Narrative Therapy Since the field of modern psychology is extremely broad, there are literally
dozens if not hundreds of counseling theories. Over the past hundred years many new theories have
been developed by psychologists, all with the goal of helping patients in the most effective and
efficient way possible. One counseling theory that is gaining recognition ... Show more content on ...
They were heavily influenced by European post–structuralist theory especially as it pertained to the
idea of constructed truths. Constructed truths and breaking down the barriers to constructed truths,
became a central principle of narrative therapy after Epston and White analyzed its relevance
(Morgan, 2000). Another source of inspiration came from Michael White's wife, Cheryl White, who
believed in imbalances of power and the importance of feminism. Establishing power balances was
something that narrative therapy then began to focus on, showing how impactful Cheryl White's
wife was on the overall development of narrative therapy.
III. Populations Narrative Therapy Works For There are a number of populations that narrative
therapy is especially effective for. The first population is children. Co–founder of the theory Michael
White discussed this in his book "Playful Approaches for Serious Problems" noting that the creative
way that narrative therapy is done in helps children relate to the process, buy into it, and then solve
their problems through the therapy (Monk, 1996). Children often have a hard time relating to more
traditional psychological approaches to their problems, but the creativity that is inherently present in
the narrative therapy process is very appealing to them. In addition, narrative therapy separates the
person from the
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Analysis On Grenfell Students
With all the hypothetical advantages that this program has to offer, it was highly disappointing to
only have one of three groups be able to present due to lack of participation. This unexpected
difficulty had made me contemplate how effective this program could be on Grenfell students if we
are unable to actually get the message out there. Not only this, but I had wondered if we were doing
all we could to promote this program the way it needs to be in order to continue running it in the
future. I believe the main difficulty we faced was that none of us were prepared to address the
stigma surrounding advertisement about body dissatisfaction. We tried to promote this program
through our enlightened view, and were inconsiderate of how others ... Show more content on ...
These fears had been tied to emotions, showing that they really believed their weight had an effect
on their happiness, and would have an overall negative impact on their lives. These fears are
ingrained in our society, whether we acknowledge them or not. Although we as facilitators have
opened ourselves to the conversation of body image, several people have been taught that it is an
inappropriate topic and therefore feel they have no need to discuss it with others. I began to wonder
what effect our posters had on individuals and questioned if it was possible we had been turning
individuals away without even realizing it. Regrettably, other research has also proven my fear to be
true, as another study directly addressed the stigma around advertisements of healthy eating found
that "stigmatizing images seem to be priming an avoidance response among normal–weight
individuals, prompting them to increase healthy behaviors in order to avoid the stigmatized
condition" (Young, Subramanian, & Hinnant, 2016). This finding confirmed to me that the words
"are you unhappy with your body" which we used for our posters are not only ineffective in drawing
people in, but also that it would prime individuals to avoid a situation where their weight would be
in question. Both of these studies have shown me that opening discussions about body
dissatisfaction can be a delicate topic, and that it would be beneficial to promote the program in less
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Family Counseling Approach: Narrative Counseling
Abstract Through narrative therapy a counselor can help clients gain access to preferred story lines
about their lives and identities taking the place of previous negative and self–defeating narratives
that destroy the self. Presented in this paper, is an overview of the Narrative therapy and the Social
Construction Model and several facets of this approach including poststrucuralism,
deconstructionism, self–narratives, cultural narratives, therapeutic conversations, ceremonies, letters
and leagues. A personal integration of faith in this family counseling approach is presented and
discussed also in this paper.
Narrative therapy is found under the ... Show more content on ...
Storytelling and narrative usage prove to be successful and useful in psychotherapy practices
(Rennie, 1994). Narrative therapy emerged from postconstructuralism and deconstruction
(Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008). Poststructural thought disagrees with the idea that there is a deep
structure to all phenomena which can be broken down into its elements (Goldenberg & Goldenberg,
Therapy must look for deep, underlying causes, repair the flaw and not be satisfied with simply
reducing or eliminating symptoms. Deconstructing old notions and replacing them with possibilities
reduces the power of the stories that dominate and are filled with problems (Goldenberg &
Goldenberg, 2009). The stories are given thick descriptions rather than thin descriptions and the new
story of a client's life is connected to future options. According to Angus & Hardtke (2001) NPCS
(Narrative Process Coding System) helped narrative deconstruction and reconstruction by enabling
raters to subdivide therapy session transcripts into segments. This is a two step process which
divides and characterizes topic segments in terms of the narrative process codes as
external/description of events, subjective/experiential description and reflective analysis of current,
past and future events. It is a systematic and reliable method for segmenting of therapy transcripts
into units for further analyses, and a useful tool for psychotherapy researchers hoping to further
understand the
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B2 Case Study
Similarly to B1, B2 organizes online. As described in the recruitment section, the group recruits
their network of friends, and tried to get to people that could of what was needed. The first stage of
the group was to get people to send in postcards, and then they start showcasing the postcards
throughout Mexico, as well as analyzing all of the postcards in order to make a list of the most
relevant grievances and proposals send in by their followers , which they called them "10 Batallas
Ciudadanas". They presented la "10 Batallas Ciudadanas" to government officials . Within B2,
according to one of the co–founders, everyone does whatever is needed, from helping put on the
mounting the postcards displays, sending stuff through social media, or ... Show more content on ...
As Melissa explained, they are continually looking for the input of their followers. They take into
account how people are reacting to the content, they want to ensure that those who they claim to be
representing are actually supporting the tactics and the conclusions they are trying to reach.
Furthermore, their looser boundary, and their consideration for what followers post, makes it easier
to form alliances with strangers. There might be two things at play here, which are different from B1
logics, which are demonstrated in the different organizational and recruitment techniques. On one
hand, the progress of the group is interacting with social media. B1 has only those who were
admitted to their group, after fulfilling the potentially high cost requirement of being a social
activist, post about the stuff that they are interested. In contrast, B2 collects from personal
narratives, creating a space where strangers feel comfortable posting their comments. B2 is utilizing
connective logics, through personal frameworks, to allow the many narratives with different
narratives and proposals to post about representing all of society . The connection is built more from
a communitarian coordination, they do not have a set of who gets to participate, either by helping to
pursue the grievance collected, or who gets to decide what grievances are. But, they connect through
individuals that are trying to pursue something for their initiative. Thus, the coordination is more
fluid. Additionally, they work directly with both political parties and the legislature law, and they are
working into implementing anti–corruption reforms for any elected official office . Unlike B1, they
directly contact the legislature, and through the "connective logic", they are utilizing the claims of
representing all of the society in order to push political changes (Bennett &Segerberg 2012). This
has also been
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Treatment Models Chosen For Comparison
Treatment Models Chosen for Comparison
1. Narrative Therapy the role of the therapist, views of people and their problems, and the approach
for helping. Narrative therapy is a way to look at a person's life story and their struggles from an
outside looking in approach. The problems become separate from the individual. Narrative therapy
helps the client examine their life story from a strengths perspective. Instead of focusing on the
problems the worker helps the client identify their strengths and skills. Individuals also identify the
functional aspects of their life. When the client can think about how their struggles have effected
their lives, the client is then able to identify what in their life is valuable and important as a whole.
When the client can identify a connection to how their choices have had positive and negative
consequences and actions they can start to understand the cause and effects of their actions. The role
of therapist is to facilitate the client in creating a narrative for the next chapter of their life. It is by
these reflective processes the client can focus on the strengths, values, skills and the positive aspects
of their lives.
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy views of people and their problems, and the approach for helping.
Cognitive behavioral therapy guides the client to look at and reflect on the connections between
thoughts and feelings, and how that effects behaviors. The goal is to help a client in recognizing
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Multiple Theories Influenced The Development Of My...
multiple theories have influenced the development of my personal model and therapeutic approach
to couples and families. Three theories in particular that I draw my therapeutic approach from
includes: narrative therapy, emotionally focused couple's therapy, and attachment theory. I will
articulate the theoretical underpinnings of these three theories and integrate them in one cohesive
personal model called Emotional Enhanced Attachment Narrative Therapy. This paper will discuss
my approach in regards to the theoretical/philosophical assumptions, clinical applications, and final
reflections of my personal model.
Theoretical/Philosophical Assumptions Emotional Enhanced Attachment Narrative Therapy stems
from principles of narrative therapy (White & Epston, 1990), emotionally focused couple's therapy
(Johnson, 1998), and attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969). My model focuses on the emotional and
cognitive processes of family members as influenced by their personal narratives and "attachment
organization" (Wittenborn, 2012). The emphasis of therapy is to help couples and families be
cognizant and explain their emotions as it relates to their attachment styles. Through cognitive
processing of emotional experiences, clients can openly describe their emotions and provide a rich
narrative of their personal perspectives. Sociopolitical ideas, cultural beliefs, family expectations,
and personal assumptions are taken into account as it influences problem–saturated stories and
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Narrative Therapy Essay
Our knowledge is constructed by personal experiences; thus, facts about different events that occur
in our lives are irrelevant if they don't follow our perception of how the event took place. Narrative
Therapy examines the part stories play when individuals are developing personal experiences.
Unlike other theoretical approaches, narrative therapy focuses on problematic cognitions instead of
behaviors that are affecting the functionality of the client(s) in question. The narrative therapist sets
out to help families expand their way of perceiving themselves and their issues. In other words, the
family members are changing the meaning of their stories; thus, the therapist co–creates new
realities with the family. During therapy, clients are
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My Personal Philosophy Of Counseling
Life Experiences and Specific Issues My personal philosophy of life and my philosophy of
counseling has been deeply affected by my life experiences as a young child and also as an adult. I
am fortunate that my life has been a good life and I consider myself to be fortunate to have to have
good parents and many loving family members. I do not recall having any events in my childhood
that I would consider to be abusive or neglectful on the part of my family, and for that I consider
myself to be lucky. I know several people who were abused as a child and it seems to have impacted
them in many aspects of their lives even into adulthood. As a child I grew up in a home with my two
parents and two older sisters. I met most developmental milestones at the appropriate age, and I did
not have any major childhood illnesses. One of the earliest memories that I can recall was at age 3 or
4. I don't recall the exact age and I haven't asked my mother about the event, but I know it was at
least before I was school age. I recall that my mother and grandmother were with me and we were
standing on the side of a county road near a small bridge. There were police cars and an ambulance
parked nearby with their lights flashing. My mother and grandmother were crying hysterically and
this was very upsetting to me because I don't think I had ever saw them cry like that before. The
reason that they were crying was that a close friend of my grandmother had drove off the bridge in
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Narrative Therapy Was Developed Michael White And David...
Overview of Narrative therapy
Narrative therapy was developed Michael White and David Epston. It is said to be an approach to
family therapy that is built on the belief that reality is constructed, organized and maintained
through the stories we create. (Corsini & Wedding, 2008)
According to Corey's key terms and definitions narrative therapy is "a postmodern approach that is
based on the therapist's personal characteristics that allow for creating a climate that encourages
clients to see their stories from different perspectives. Grounded in a philosophical framework,
narrative practices assist clients in finding new meanings and new possibilities in their lives."
(Corey, Theory and Practice of Counselling ad Psychotherapy, 2014) The viewpoint of narrative
therapy is that people are stuck in their problems because of the stories they have created. It is made
up of the idea that people have many interacting narratives that go into making up their sense of who
they are.
Narrative therapy is a method of therapy which encourages persons to externalize their presenting
problem or issue and become separate from it making it easier for them to deal with it. Personal
experiences are changed into personal stories that are given meaning by the person telling the story.
It shapes and forms the person's identity. Being able to tell a story is a way of helping the client to
describe the presenting problem. (REF)
According to Alice Morgan, Narrative therapy is a respectful and
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Descriptive Writing Definition
Writing is the illustration of language in an exceedingly matter medium through the utilization of a
collection of signs or symbols. It's distinguished from illustration, like cave drawing and painting,
and non symbolic preservation of language via non textual media, like as magnetic tape audio.
Writing has been with us for many thousand years, and these days is more important than ever.
Having spread steadily over the centuries from clay tablets to PC chips, it's poised for additional
dramatic advances. Though hundreds of millions of people are still unable to read and write,
humanity depends on writing to an unprecedented extent. It's quite possible that, today, more
communication takes place within the written than in the oral mode.
The purposes of writing are narrated (narrative writing), narration is story telling. In some ways it's
the best kind of writing as a result of it comes so naturally to most people. Practically everybody
enjoys telling and hearing stories. Narratives sometimes progress chronologically, and should have a
clear starting, middle and finish. Short stories, novels, personal narratives, anecdotes, and
biographies are all examples of narrative writing. Description (descriptive writing), the concept of
description is to create the thing described seem real to the reader's imagination. Not much writing is
only descriptive, writers usually weave description into longer narrative works. Some essential
descriptive writing, however, might include
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Trip Reflection
Planning a trip may be the hardest part of the entire trip. Once you have your agenda everything else
falls into place. In my trip, I had two other partners helping prepare for this spontaneous trip. Each
of us had a specific duty when creating a section of the trip presentation and narrative. While
creating this presentation I learned a lot about myself and about my partners as well. I believe when
reading this the instructor will know that our team put in all a great amount of effort and worked
efficiently to finish the project. The instructor will also learn from this, that my team was overall
formal and adults when it came to solving issues within of group. Our trip was over three cities:
Berlin, Paris, and England. Each person in ... Show more content on ...
We set up mini due dates within our group to make sure we would finish our project within time.
My personal responsibility (PR1) throughout this presentation was to ensure I put in my part and
made sure each section I did, I put in hundred percent, because it was not only my grade being
affected but two other people who depended on me as well. Each one of us has duties within our
own lives and worked out that it would be best to skype each other on days we had English
Literature late at night around 8PM. We also communicated through email at one time when one of
our partners laptop was down, we we reached each other through calling each other. Each person
within our project had the same amount of responsibility throughout the project, which was 1/3 of
the overall project the PowerPoint and narrative. To give a better perspective each person had to
search for sites with information over things to do while in the given city. Each person also had to
write their portion of the narrative on their city and how it related to the readings. I wrote the section
over England, which came to be one and half pages long including how the location related to the
readings. Isabo Turner, nominated herself and we also decided she would best fit to review and
revise the narrative as needed to. Each person did their own research on their chosen location. We
set up a chart with empty boxes for each person to insert
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Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative Essay
The Puritans played a large role in early American history and society. Most Puritans escaped the
tyrannical rule in England to gain religious freedom in America, which helped create an early
American society. Not only did the Puritans help form the early American society and religion, they
also contributed to the earliest stories and narratives to help create a rich literary history for
America. Puritan literature has helped many scholars and readers learn about early American
history. One of the most famous American narratives is from Mary Rowlandson, who was the wife
of a Puritan Minister. Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative is about her story of how she was
captured and treated by Native American captors. Throughout the ... Show more content on ...
The passage also shows that God, according to the Puritans, is a very strict God. He does not
tolerate evil acts, and requires that His followers obey His will, or they will be cut off from his
presence and blessings. God is so intolerant of sin and evil, that Mary accepted that it was ok for
God to take way her children and her lifestyle. On the other hand, God, according to the Puritans, is
also merciful to His own people. At the end of the phrase, Mary stated that God showed mercy to
her by helping her through her afflictions. Also, Mary again stated how merciful her God was in her
following statement, "Now hath God fulfilled that precious Scripture which was such a comfort to
me in my distressed condition" (Derounian 12–51). According to Mary, God is strict, demands
righteousness among his followers, but is also merciful towards His own people. These different
principles line up with the Puritan doctrine of the time as well.
Since God was not tolerant of sinners and evil acts, Mary recounted many different acts that were
considered evil or barbaric that the Native Americans did. For example, when the Native Americans
attacked Mary's town, she described the aftermath as, "a solemn sight to see so many Christians
lying in their blood, some here and some there, like a company of sheep torn by wolves,"
(Derounian 12–51). Mary separates the
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Personal Narrative: My Inner Peace Begins With One Person
I am most proud of the first long composition that I wrote for this class. This was the personal
narrative composition, and I wrote about my experience of entering a new school with people I have
never met before. This paper explored how I transformed from being like everyone else, to
becoming my own person. I did not have any interactions with this experience before this class.
When I wrote the long composition, it was the first time I remembered this experience in many
years, and it brought back other happy experiences that I had when I was in middle school. In the
past, I have written multiple personal narratives, but this was the first personal narrative that I have
written that had to be more than 2 pages. I have always enjoyed writing personal narratives, but I
have always struggled with remembering exactly what happened. To help me remember the events
that took place for this specific event, I went through old yearbooks of when I was in the seventh
grade. Another struggle that happened while writing the long composition was the content. When I
first started writing this paper, I did not know what details were important to the main focus of the
story. In my first draft, I included details about non important characters. To improve my and get
past ... Show more content on ...
What stuck out to me most about this piece is how a small and generous act can go a long way. The
waitress gave a, seemingly homeless, woman a meal and two dollars for the bus, and with this, the
woman was able to find a place to stay and also get a job. This text affected my writing by making
me want to write a paper about someone helping another person. After reading this text, I wanted to
write the second long composition about a generous person. Thankfully, I knew someone who was
very generous to other people, and I was very excited to write my paper about him. That is how I got
the idea to interview
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The Path to Aboliton
Abolitionists from the 1820–1860 found it necessary to use certain strategies to appeal to the social
and political minds of Americans striving to influence the participation of the abolition movement.
One of the many strategies used by American abolitionists was the use of slave narratives. This
moral persuasion was a very useful tactic. The creation of these narratives helped white northerners
identify with the mindset of an African American slave in the south. The narratives illustrated the
experiences slaves overcame to find freedom. Another major strategy that was useful to the slavery
movement was the involvement of women abolitionists. As abolitionists, they started reaching out to
the public by creating petitions, letters, poems, and articles to rectify the common issue of slavery.
The use of slave narratives and publications allowed abolitionists to spread the abolition cause. With
these tactics in use, the abolition movement became the foundation of the search for freedom of
those who were enslaved. The ability to read and write, for slaves, was a form of freedom they could
achieve themselves. Add in a slave talking about his desire to learn. This intellectual freedom
allowed them to maintain relationships that were torn apart by the traditions of slavery. The exercise
of reading and writing was dangerous for slaves and their teachers and it was illegal. The
punishment for such a crime would be unusually cruel and severe for anyone who was caught in the
act or
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Contagious : Why Things Catch On By Jonah Berger
In the Introduction chapter of Jonah Berger's book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, we are
introduced to Howard Wein, a successful businessman in hotel management and in hospitality. Wein
helped Starwood Hotels launched its sister brand and micro managed billions of dollars in revenue
as Starwood's corporate director in food and beverages. Despite his successful background, Wein
fancied for a smaller, more restaurant–focused environment. Leaving his business prospects in
Philadelphia, he moved to Philly to help design and launch a new boutique steakhouse called
Barclay Prime. The concept of Barclay Prime was to deliver the best steakhouse experience in New
York. Wein was imagining luxurious bounties of furniture and an extensive seafood bar, extending
from the West Coast of America to the East Coast of Russia. And to add on to that, Wein also
dreams of delivering food delicacies to his consuming eaters. While Wein maybe over the top, the
problem is attracting customers and bringing awareness of Barclay Prime in the one of the most
competitive areas for a restaurant to thrive. From statistics alone, twenty–five percent of restaurants
closed within twelve months of opening their doors and raises up to sixty percent within the first
three years. Wein, in a state of urgency, must generate a buzz. The one–hundred dollar Philly
Cheesesteak. Wein reimagined Philadelphia's own Philly Cheesesteak and recreated it, using finer
and much more luxurious ingredients than the
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Gregor Samsa's Metamorphosis
In "Metamorphosis" , Gregor Samsa is a travel salesman whose life has profoundly changed due to
an unexplainable transformation. Gregor is a well developed character because the narrator has
illustrated his personal thoughts and feeling as the story flows. However, it is not reliable enough to
conclude that it is a character driven narrative. In fact, the narrator actually implies plot driven
narrative which all the characters are developed upon the plot of the story. In general, the
"Metamorphosis" is a plot driven narrative since Gregor's action is structured according to the plot,
he has no internal conflict to drive the story and the narrator does not solely focus on Gregor but
more on how the events are developed.
A plot driven narrative ... Show more content on ...
In "Metamorphosis", the author spends a lot times illustrating Gregor's perspective. However, an
important key to notice is that Gregor does not need to make difficult decisions since his
characteristic is fixed throughout the story. Generally, Gregor is a responsible person and he keeps
his perception until he passed away. From the beginning of the story, Gregor expresses his
characteristic as a person who cares about his family when thinking about the long–term debt "once
I've got the money together to pay off my parents' debt to him – another five or six years I suppose –
that's definitely what I'll do"(author pg). Later on, when all the members are frustrated of Gregor, he
believes his existence is a debt to everyone and decides to makes an end by letting go of his life. Till
the end, Gregor shows that he always care for his family and eventually dies for the benefit of
others. It proves that his characteristic is unchanged and has no conflict within himself. As a result,
it is not reasonable to conclude the story is a character driven narrative. Overall, the metamorphosis
is a plot driven story since Gregor does not have internal
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Maya Angelou Point Of View
Points of view often differ from person to person depending on the situation and their personal
beliefs and experiences. Often times when people witness similar circumstances, varying outcomes
will occur. A person can see a situation in one way, while the other person interprets it completely
different. The narratives by Amy Tan's "Fish Cheeks" and Maya Angelou's "Champion of the World"
embody the concept of differing points of view emerging from two different people who go through
similar experiences. Both Tan and Angelou discuss cultural differences between their lives and that
of a caucasian person, but they approach this theme in drastically different ways through their use of
detail and internal thoughts. Tan focuses solely on her life ... Show more content on
As Angelou's narrative unfolds, she describes in great detail the boxing match between Joe Louis, an
African American man and Carrera, a Caucasian, as she and many other African–Americans in her
community listen to the match over the radio while waiting on bated breath for the hopeful news of
Joe's victory. As Angelou describes, the match meant more than just boxing, "If Joe lost we were
back in slavery and beyond help" (Angelou 20) and the whites would retain their superiority. African
Americans needed to win to prove their strength, but with this proven strength also comes more fear.
The repercussions of Joe's win proves to be more conflict for the African–American community, "It
wouldn't do for a Black man and his family to be caught...when Joe Louis had proved we were the
strongest people in the world" (Angelou 30). African–Americans, who were oppressed in the
community had gained strength after the match, but the white communities fear of them increased
more. This irony, that African– Americans are now proven to be strong, but they are still
discriminated by the white population, only adds to Angelou's internal and external conflict with
racism. Besides her personal struggles, Angelou broadens her narrative to address not just her
personal point of view, but also the struggles faced by the entire community. Internally, she struggles
with racism and
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Analysis Of ' The Wind Rises And Showa '
Tamio Guild
Professor Seraphim
Asia Pacific War
Humanness in Wind Rises and Showa ––– fix title
Manga and Anime, that found brilliance at the dawn of the digital age, have now moved on from the
realm of popular culture to playing a powerful role in shaping the transnational memory of Japan in
the twentieth century. Two wonderful examples of the role these two mediums now play in shaping
our collective and transnational memories of WWII are the semi–autobiographical manga work,
Showa by Mizuki Shigeru and the stunning Anime film The Wind Rises by Hayao Miyazaki. Both
works place the protagonists in the turbulent Showa era, while concurrently following the lives of
men directly involved in Japan's war effort. Showa and the Wind Rises tap into, what historian Carol
Gluck termed in Operations of Memory, Japan's official and public memory of the war. However
they are far from the "heroic narratives" that gained favor right after the war. (gluck 49). While the
content of heroic narratives differ nation to nation, they all evoke the same sense of "national unity
by effacing experiential difference, creating whole nations of partisans, resistant's, anti–facists – and
above all victims (gluck 50). Showa and The Wind Rises escape the constraint of heroic narratives,
by interjecting personal memory into vernacular and public memory. The works artfully craft
micro–perspectives and add the personal memories of Mizuki and Miyazaki to shed light upon the
real human qualities of the
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Precious Trauma Case Study
I. Theoretical and Research Basis for Treatment While working with Precious it has become clear
that she has gone through a number of traumas as a child and up until her young adulthood.
Precious, dealing with both sexual and physical abuse, has come a long way in wanting to seek
treatment and actually wanting to move past her previous traumas. Relevant treatment choices for
Precious would be Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Trauma focused
cognitive behavior therapy Exposure therapy Cognitive Processing Therapy Integrative treatment of
complex trauma for adolescents. Along with these treatment choices it is important that Precious
does utilize the Life Events Checklist. This will help her in gaining an understanding as to which
events she has been exposed to in her childhood and how she has been exposed to them, whether
first hand our through it happening ... Show more content on ...
Precious will learn how to improve her emotional responses by identifying particular emotions.
*Cognitive coping and processing– Precious will receive help in building a connection between her
inner thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. *Trauma narrative and processing– Precious will be
participating in gradual exposure exercises, which will include verbal, written, or symbolic
recollections of the traumatic events that she endured. With these traumatic events will most likely
come thoughts that are negative, such as her being overweight is the reason she was abused or
simply because she is african american is why she is abused. All of these thoughts have come to
Precious' mind and with this portion of the treatment those negative thoughts would be targeted. *In
vivo exposure–Precious will be slowly exposed to the past traumas through reminders. This will
help Precious in learning how to emotionally control her thoughts feelings and
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Zeitoun Summary
Dave Eggers' Zeitoun is a story about a Muslim family in New Orleans before, during, and after
Hurricane Katrina. It follows mainly Abdulrahman, whom people call Zeitoun, and Kathy Zeitoun,
his wife. Eggers follows this family though the dangerous storm and shows the aftermath of what
happened physically and mentally. The story is built through personal accounts and the bias that is
built through these stories. Eggers controls the narrative and what readers should feel and sets the
reader up for a story controlled by him, the author. The beginning of the book introduces the
protagonists. A personal attachment is instantly felt by the readers. Zeitoun's background is
introduced through a flashback of his childhood, but soon after, Eggers talks about their contracting
business and home life. He writes, "Kathy and Zeitoun... ran a company, Zeitoun A. Painting
Contractor LLC, and ... Show more content on ...
He talks about how Zeitoun is helping others nonstop. Zeitoun is helping friends, strangers, even
dogs during this time of need all with his canoe and the stock of food in his fridge. He even says
himself that it's "God's will" that he is in New Orleans helping out after the storm. All these details
about how helpful and selfless Zeitoun is making sure the reader knows these positive things about
him. Eggers' way of writing is very deliberate in controlling the narrative. He strictly focuses on
things Zeitoun is doing, how his family is feeling, and the devastation Zeitoun is seeing. Since the
story is so personal, the readers can feel a connection with him. The audience is able to put
themselves in his shoes and experience what he is experiencing. The stress of the situation combined
with the purpose that Zeitoun is feeling by helping people creates a unique situation for Eggers's to
write about. He could have written just about Zeitoun canoeing around, but he made sure to make
the story as personal as
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The human body is the original story. One that is always in flux due to biological, psychological,
and societal considerations. In crafting a story, there's no such thing as perfection. Each person's
narrative comes together–by the page, sentence, word, and punctuation. Our individual and
collective experiences are all a part of the reality we ascribe to ourselves and the world, and like
with any draft, parts of it may be scrapped for something new. With my career, I plan to answer two
questions: 1) How can people learn more about their personal world and other people in a creative,
engaging way? 2) How can one utilize and alter the multifaceted narratives that make up their being
toward personal and societal wellness? I am ... Show more content on ...
My work with the Yale Violence and Health Group, a collaborating entity of the World Health
Organization Violence Prevention Alliance, and psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee analyzes political,
economic, and social determinants of health within global homicide and suicide rates to assess
determining markers pertaining to an increase in these rates. Within this work, I connect rigorous
quantitative analysis with my interests in qualitative analysis centered on narratives such as in my
study on post–election gender–based violence in the Ivory Coast. In the lab of Dr. David Yeager at
the University of Texas at Austin, I worked with social and psychological cognitions that contribute
to positive or negative trajectories in adolescent development. Through one of our projects, the
Healthy Eaters project, we researched advertisement wording and its effects on developing
adolescent food choices and how definitive notions of identity affect these choices and long term
health outcomes. As a physician, I hope to build upon this work, using my medical knowledge to
understand the biological mechanisms of adverse events and how to treat these mechanisms. Also, I
will use my understanding of growth mindset and resilience to help my patients create strong
bridges to their actualized selves by helping them embed narratives for objectively positive
outcomes within their appropriate contexts. Last summer, I completed my Masters
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Kevin Bales 'Slavery In The Land Of The Free'
Slavery Then and Now
In this excerpt from Slavery in the Land of the Free by Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter we are told
the story of twelve year–old Maria. Maria was lured into slavery by Sandra Bearden, who promised
her an education and a taste of the American Dream. She then endured terrible abuse at the hands of
Bearden, who is now serving a life sentence for human trafficking and slavery. Bales and Soodalter
use Maria's horrific experience to provide evidence for their argument against modern slavery,
helping readers to realize that the abuse and violence we associate past slavery with are still alive
today. This is a piece that will help those who are in the dark on current issues become more
enlightened on the topic. Their purpose for writing the text is to bring awareness to the fact that
slavery is still present within our society and how not much is being done to prevent the practice.
Essay ... Show more content on ...
To better understand the practice and its lasting effects on our country, and even its current presence,
it is a smart idea to study the subject. Some of the best reading that can be done on slavery would be
from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, a slave narrative published
in 1845. The narrative details Douglass' experiences as a slave in the early 1800s, sparing readers
none of the gritty truth. Another fantastic read would be an excerpt of Slavery in the Land of the
Free by Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter, which explains modern slavery and how it remains a part of
American society. Not one of these works is more important than the other. Bales and Soodalter
simply provide information on the current
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Trauma And Trauma In Literature
NARRATIVE Literature has allowed us to explore beyond the limits of this world and also the
human psyche. Among that are certain literary works which is capable of posing a social challenge
by setting out to explore the pain, suffering and trauma through self narratives, testimonies and
flashbacks. My thesis will throw sufficient light on the self narrated traumatic experiences of
children under various oppressing situations. Trauma is an emotional shock caused by a deeply
distressing or disturbing experience, it involves feelings and emotions. The consequences of a
trauma may be long term or short term depending upon the catastrophic effects it left on the victim.
Trauma caused by discrimination, sexual abuse, ... Show more content on ...
Testimonial writings prove themselves as a classic expression of trauma as the writers can retrieve
themselves as active participants and witnesses of the history they went through. Moreover
Testimonial narratives make the reader to get acknowledged of the prevailing social challenges,
injustices and the need to render a helping hand to those who suffer. A new literary method that
considered traumatized children was developed in American literature towards the end of 19th
century. A keen study on those traumatized children paralleled the research on child development
studies, child psychology, PTSD and many other theories. This new tradition gained its significance
when children started to narrate their own traumatic experiences through testimonials and self
narratives. Danielle Bernock, an American author has famously quoted that: "Trauma is personal. It
does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue
internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams
healing can
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Slave Narratives 'Autobiographies'
Slave Narratives
American literature was shaped by history. Slave Narratives were autobiographies written by
American slaves which portrayed a personal account into the horrors of slavery between 1700 and
mid 1850's. Slaves were treated miserably and went through huge amounts of pain and hardships;
writing was a way to express their personal grief and give them something of themselves which they
could call their own. It was hard to feel rakish, when you get treated so poorly. It was something no
one could take away or claim. The narratives give us a first–hand insight into the horrible conditions
slaves endured at the hands of their masters. Many of the slave narratives contained stories of
whippings, killings along with the disgusting ... Show more content on ...
When I went there, she was a pious, warm, and tender–hearted woman. There was no sorrow or
suffering for which she had not a tear. She had bread for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and
comfort for every mourner that came within her reach. Slavery soon proved its ability to divest her
of these heavenly qualities. Under it's influence, a tender heart became stone, and the lamb like the
position gave way to one tiger–like fierceness."(7.2)
In this quote, Douglass is talking about how slavery changed his master's wife. He describes her
transformations the same way that slaves are "brutalized". She used to have sympathy for any
person that was suffering, being a slave master hardened her heart until she became as cruel as a
tiger and treated him with no deference.
One of the first narratives was written Olaudah Equiano in 1789. When he was eleven, Equiano was
kidnapped and sold to slave traders headed to the West Indies. However, a majority of Equiano's
time in slavery was spent serving the captains of slave ships and British navy vessels. Equiano's
narrative portrays his experience of being captured in Africa describing all the inhuman conditions
he faced travelling across the "Middle Passage". The Middle Passage is the name that was given to
the slave route across the Atlantic Ocean. Equino eventually gained his freedom and travelled to
England where he gained status. In Equiano's memoir, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African" he explained his hardships and the gruesome
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Analysis Of The Book Thief
ECHOES FROM KRISTALLNACHT Marielle Innah S.Valmores 100309183 History 1115: 1900–
1939 Dr. Marjory Lang Oct. 11, 2017 Topic: Kristallnacht– the attack on Jewish civilians in
Germany Nov 9/10 1938 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. The Book Thief. Directed by Brian
Percival. 2013. US: 20th century Fox Home Entertainment, 2014. DVD. The Book Thief divulges to
viewers the life of different people and the transition of their society towards the Nazi regime. The
film presents the story through the eyes of Liesel Meminger as she innocently witnesses the growing
threat and aggressions of the Nazi ideologies starting on the piles of books being burned and it also
shows the dangers and sacrifices of being a Jew during that time. Percival's film adaptation of
Zusak's book paints a bigger picture of the various conflicts and behaviors of German civilians as
they also try to survive in this era. This movie illustrates the side of those Germans, Liesel's family,
who are willing to put their lives at risk to save a Jewish life in the face of imminent danger thus
helping me shape the characteristic and voice of non–Jewish German witnesses. It also elaborates on
the struggle of a Jewish teenager like Max during this regime as he starts living his life in hiding and
continuous terror. 2. The Night of Broken Glass: Eyewitness Accounts of Kristallnacht. Edited by
Uta Gerhardt, and Thomas KarLauf. Translated by Robet Simmons, and Nick Somers. English ed.
Malden, Mass.:
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Kate Shelley Saves The Train Analysis

  • 1. Kate Shelley Saves The Train Analysis The Kate Shelley Story Narratives, or stories, are a unique way for humans to share their understanding of the world (Covarrubias, Hall, & Kirschbaum 2018). Narratives can be found throughout every culture and can be shared from generation to generation. Narratives are a way for each culture to share how they view the world and how these stories can make an impact on the life that they live (Covarrubias, Hall, & Kirschbaum 2018). Believe it or not, I am sure that we have heard of multiple narratives from family members that explain our culture's understanding of the world. The Kate Shelley Story is an example of a narrative that has taken place here in Iowa and is shared frequently within the Boone, Iowa community. One July evening in 1881, ... Show more content on ... Crossing the bridge would not be an easy task. The railroad knew that great dangers of the high bridge and prohibited anyone from walking on it. Kate's first steps onto the bridge were quite difficult, especially when a gust of wind almost blew her off the bridge (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). As soon as Kate had reached the other side of the river, she ran toward the Moingona Station, rushing to try and beat the clock (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). Kate made it in time to the station to alert the station agent who ran out into the storm with a red lamp to warn the express, whose headlights were coming upon the station (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). As soon as the express train was safe, Kate was able to lead a rescue train out to where the two men from the pusher train were clinging for dear life. The two men were saved, only two lives were lost that night thanks to Kate Shelley and her bravery (Kate Shelley Saves the Train). Years later after Kate's heroic event, members of the community have reported seeing a figure run along the bridge with a lantern in her hand, when in reality there is no one on the bridge. Others have reported seeing a ghostly steam engine cross the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Narrative Therapy Narrative therapy is a family counseling approach that continues to evolve and gain popularity in the field of therapy (Chang & Nylund, 2013). Given the continued strides of narrative therapy this is a family counseling approach worthy of research. This paper will detail the beginnings of narrative therapy and those responsible for its development. Although White and Epston are the leading figures of narrative therapy many individuals with varying backgrounds and beliefs influenced their thinking (Biggs & Hinton–Bayre, 2008). Using several resources such as Goldenberg & Goldenberg (2013) the key techniques and concepts of narrative therapy will be examined along with noted similarities and differences when compared to other leading ... Show more content on ... 411). Clients can also " up and begin changing their relationship to the problem..." (p. 411). Noted similarities/dissimilarities Both similarities and differences exist between narrative therapy and other leading therapies: psychodynamic, structural, behavioral, and cognitive, to name a few. As mentioned previously narrative therapy is part of the postmodern and poststructual thought. The poststructual thought challenges the need of searching for underlying "truth". However, other leading therapies hold a structural view and believe there are "...deeper elements buried within the individual..." these elements can be explored and interpreted so that "truth" about the meanings of the behavior can be revealed (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 397). This would explain why narrative therapy does not attempt to uncover or diagnose client's motives, drives, or ego strengths (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). Narrative therapists believe "...the exploration of subjective experiences–hopes, desires, passions, purposes..." contribute to why people behave as they do (p.398). There are also differences in how the theories view the family structure. For example, structural family therapy is interested in how the family works as a system; how they interact, communicate, they pay attention to transactional and dysfunctional patterns (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). Narrative therapists devote no time to discovering family patterns, exploring family dynamics, or searching for past ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Reflection Paper Before coming to Radford University, I was very nervous about having to write papers on a college level because in high school they drilled into our minds that it was going to be so much harder. The first day of this class was when I realized that I was going to be okay because I had a professor that was willing to help me and guide me through the process of constructing a good essay. Over the course of the semester my theses have improved significantly, I've learned different ways to approach writing paragraphs, and I've realized what essays are easier or harder for me to write. My thesis for each essay slowly improved as I was assigned new papers to write each time. When we first started off with the personal narrative essay the first week of class, my thesis was not as good as it could have been. This is what it was, "I have experienced various situations growing up with the constant moving and having to restart over again and again. Leaving the family and friends you meet and grow to love is probably one of the hardest experience I have ever had in my entire life. Although I have moved plenty, I have also traveled numerous places to just visit." Reading over this thesis, I can now see that it was not as organized and thought out as it could have been. It was not college level material, but when I look back at my final thesis, I can see how much I have truly improved. This is what it was, "I am against young children having cell phones because they are causing children ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The World Of Reproductive Justice And Politics Essay Within the world of reproductive justice and politics, there is no such thing as "choice". Every "choice" is intimately tied to a person's class, gender, sexual orientation, and even geographical location. Choice is not something made by a person, but by the society they exist in. In mainstream America, having a baby naturally is an expectation while adoption is an unwanted backup choice. For these middle to upper class, predominantly white families, adoption means plan b, never the original and thus the children of this culture never truly feel one within their family, rather they are considered odd or not real. And that's just when adopting from America. When transracial and/or transnational adoption becomes a part of the conversation the slope becomes slipperier as the choice becomes based in white savior and/or Good Samaritan rhetoric (Patton–Imani). These children are often "othered" by their families, their town, or their society as a whole. Or they are forced to assimilate with color and ethnicity blindness as an example of the perfect adoptee/immigrant. Their choice to adopt from these foreign countries is centered by their various privileged identities while excluding the children themselves due to their disadvantages. Take for example the personal documentary, First Person Plural, by Deann Borshay, in which an adult Korean adoptee tells her life story through her adoptive family, fictionalized family, and birth/biological family. Through her interviews with her ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Peterson's Influence On Interpersonal Communication My personal perspective on Peterson's (2015) book is that I found it to be very beneficial in gaining the knowledge needed to improve my interpersonal communication skills with other people. As I read Peterson's (2015) philosophy, theories, and techniques regarding good communication and bad communication I was able to understand his views and skills without feeling lost, overwhelmed with understand the information without questioning the information for more understanding. I did not find any of Peterson's (2015) concepts unclear or insufficiently developed. Instead I found his concepts to be clear and well developed, clear, and understandable, due to his use of simple terminology and imaginary used to describe the information on effective and ineffective communication. ... Show more content on ... If I use Peterson's (2015) advice then if I change my negative thinking into healthy thoughts then it will have a encouraging influence on my emotional schemes, which in turns will change my actions (p 22–23). Peterson's (2015) concept of handling my "thud" feelings to diminish myself from the Flat–Brain tango during my interpersonal communication was helpful in helping me see that my defensiveness I display when I feel the "thud" emotions is not only making the situation worse, but it also makes me not hear the other person nor allows them to hear me (p ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Narrative Therapy Essay Introduction Often times, people live through painful events in their life that can alter their perception of themselves, their family, and the world. Narrative therapy offers the client the opportunity to re–write their story and gain a different perspective of specific events. It is important to understand that within the history of narrative therapy, therapists view client's stories through a political lens. Often times, focusing on the oppression and cultural dominance that exists within the constructs of our society. Thus, empowering clients to change their story allows them to break free from the constraints that have shaped their outlook and allow for alternative ways of thinking. Background of Narrative Therapy According to Atkinson Leslie (2011), narrative therapy is a postmodern approach, which holds the client as the center of their own perceptions and results in their personal actions and beliefs. The therapist is there to assist the author (client) in re–writing or developing new stories so that change can occur. This allows the family to create new roles and understanding of themselves and their family, by creating a new story. Michael White was the pioneer of narrative therapy and along with David Epston's approach to storytelling and therapeutic letters they were able to develop this approach. Michael White's wife, Cheryl White, was also instrumental in assisting these men in the development and publication of their works. Their work was made ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. There Is More Than Meets The I By Katie Cooper Summary In this weeks reading, I read the narrative essay "Disability: There is more than meets the I" by Katie Cooper. Prior to the reading the essay, I expected being paired with similar essays that might have expressed mental disabilities and the struggle with them. Similarly to my expectations, Cooper delves into her experience at nine years old of learning she was dyslexic. Cooper goes into detail about how unsettling it was learning she had a disability and discovering the definition of disability had made her doubt herself. It is important to critically assess Cooper's narrative in order to understand the role of narratives and how it helps with the acceptance of the identity of being disabled. In Robyn Fivush's article, "Remembering and reminiscing: How individual lives are constructed in family narratives", it is important to note the language of the narrative and how it help with autobiographical memories and the creation of new understandings. It is through these experiences that the main themes of Cooper's essay were the reconceptualization of society's binary definition of disability and the discovery of personal meaning. ... Show more content on ... Society creates stigmas surrounding disability, for most disability is a binary compared to the normal. Cooper in her narrative struggles with self–worth as she tries to identify where her and her disability fit into the environment, which surrounds her. As Cooper states, "...I felt ashamed of my dyslexia. It was something that I would never tell my friends" (Cooper 3). Cooper does not garner any affirmation of her disability from those that surround her; therefore, she struggles with her self– worth. Cooper cannot identify herself as a key member of her friend group and gaining the self– worth to be proud of her disability without gaining that ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. First Person Narrative Research First person narrative research is a term that uses a group of approaches that in turn depend on spoken words, written works or pictures/drawings of people. These approaches tend to focus on the lives of individuals as told through their own stories. The importance and focus within such approaches is in the narrative, usually based on both what and how it is narrated. The audience validates narrative research. Being a very useful tool and all, narrative method may not always be strong enough to stand–alone as a central piece of evidence in concluding a point. Regardless if it is part of a presentation or whether it is a stand–alone piece of information, it must be accepted, based on its own merits as an individual experience and ... Show more content on ... The narrative method allows for an intimate look into the emotions, thoughts and experiences within a story based on the fact that another has witnessed such or intern through another's work along for a great picture to be established. Being easily able to validate a claim or narrative account through another is also a huge benefit of the method making it easier for the truth to come out and harder for lies to see the light. Personal narratives and information gained from narrative methods tend to come from truthful sources based on not wanting to tarnish individual's credibility, and not seeing a reason in creating lies and misleading information. Nevertheless, many problems can also be seen within the method harder and less likely to prevent. The limited perspective is detrimental in the sense that only that one perspective's views through emotion and feeling are used to describe the situation if there had only been one account. Unless there are multiple viewpoints from different individuals who think and act differently put together to create one image from all different sides, which isn't very practical to do. The narrative method also creates a restricted view in the sense that anything the reader does not know, you don't know. Such as taking into consideration different socio–contexts and the individuals thinking spectrums. The narrative account may also be biased, understanding the story through ones eyes, leaves room for events and facts to change based on what the individual thinks, wants, and knows at the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Abstract Noun Thesis 1. For our first paper, I didn't find anything too difficult. The topic of using an abstract noun, such as fear or love, left an open opportunity to choose something that engraved a memory into our mind. So when I began to write about a fearful night of mine, I had no problem because the memory was quite vivid. Without much effort, the words began to flow out easily as I recalled the memory. I think what people might find difficult is all about how they don't like the topic which showed though to their writing or not choosing a vivid memory but instead something that was "easy." If student's wanted to excel at writing even when they think they cannot be good writers, I'd recommend prewriting the topic, the thesis, and the main idea points. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Narrative Therapy Essay Narrative Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Children with Autism spectrum disorders can benefit greatly from narrative therapy. It can help reduce psychological distress, improve their social and narrative skills, as well as help them find ways to manage their symptoms. Cashin, Browne, Bradbury, & Mulder (2013) explored the effects that narrative therapy can have on children with Autism ages ten to sixteen. The parent–rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was the primary outcome measure. They also measured their psychological distress, The Beck Hopelessness Scale and the salivary cortisol:DHEA ratio (which can determine a person's stress levels) before and after a structured narrative therapy. The children ... Show more content on ... Young (2008) asserted that narrative therapy helps children conquer the problem collaboratively with the therapist and imagine what the problem looks like. She also stated that within narrative therapy, "the child develops his/her own language and description of the problem. His/her being anxious is spoken about as 'the Anxiety' or other names provided by the child such as 'the Worry' or 'the Fears'" (Young, 2008, p. 57). The act of naming their problem makes the process personal to the child. It also helps children visualize their problem as something that is outside of themselves and something that they can "defeat". Young described her experiences of helping children with this process: "After describing with words and writing down together what creatures six different 'Fears' looked like, 8–year old Michael told me what it was like to do this. He said that telling us (his mother and myself) what the 'Fears' looked like, describing in detail each 'Fear' as a creature, really helped him because 'then you could know how really scary the 'Fears' are so you wouldn't think I was just a scaredy–cat.. . and so we could know what 'They' each look like and all about 'Them' so we could defeat 'Them' (Young, 2008, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Family Counseling Approach Family Counseling Approach – Narrative Therapy Kristi Sabbides Moos Liberty University Marriage and Family Counseling I May 13, 2011 Dr. Suhad Sadik, Instructor Abstract Narrative therapy focuses on helping clients gain access to preferred story lines about their lives and identities and takes the place of previous negative and self–defeating narratives about themselves. An overview of the Social Construction Model, Narrative Therapy, is presented, as well as poststrucuralism, deconstructionism, self–narratives, cultural narratives, therapeutic conversations, ceremonies, letters and leagues in addition to several facets of narrative therapy. Personal integration of faith in this family ... Show more content on ... Once engaged in storytelling, they frequently reconnect with the disturbance whether they intend to or not. Understanding what is going on when a client tells a story is not easy for the therapist, but there is usually more going on that is being told according to Rennie. Storytelling and narrative usage prove to be successful and useful in psychotherapy practices (Rennie, 1994). Narrative therapy emerged from postconstructuralism and deconstruction (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008). "Poststructural thought rejects the notions that there is a deep structure to all phenomena and that its complexity can be broken down to its elements" (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008, p. 367). Therapy must look for deep, underlying causes, repair the flaw and not be satisfied with simply reducing or eliminating symptoms. Deconstructing old notions and replacing them with possibilities reduces the power of the stories that dominate and are filled with problems (Goldenberg & Goldenberg). The stories are given thick descriptions rather than thin descriptions and the new story of a client's life is connected to future options. One tool that is helpful in narrative deconstruction and reconstruction is NPCS – Narrative Process Coding System (Angus & Hardtke, 2001). It is a two–step process which enables raters to subdivide therapy session transcripts into segments and divide and characterize topic ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Importance Of Narrative Therapy In Social Work In this paper, I will be discussing the relevance of narrative therapy pertaining to its use in social work. I will discuss the background and current use of this intervention as well as the intended use of this strategy with client populations and its cultural sensitivity. Overall, this practice has numerous studies which have evaluated its use with individuals, families, and groups and have validated the effectiveness of this practice with various client populations. Narrative therapy is based on the work of Michael White and David Epston and was developed during the 1970s and 1980s. Narrative Therapy relies on postmodern–constructivist approach as the client is recognized as the expert and that individual experiences are viewed from the client's interpreted meaning (Young, 2010). The postmodern approach in clinical social work posits each society establishes normal behavior, however, diverse communities can be better understood through their unique perspectives (Maguire, 2002). The therapy asserts that cultural norms and expectations influence identity development, which becomes perpetually reinforced as individuals interact within their social environment (Robinson, 2015). According to Morgan (2000), "Narrative Therapy seeks to be a respectful, non–blaming approach to counseling and community work, which centers people as the experts in their own lives. It views problems as separate from people and assumes people have many skills, competencies, beliefs, values, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Narrative Therapy By Michael White And Davis Epston Theory Overviews: Narrative Therapy Narrative therapy was developed by Michael White and Davis Epston in during the 1980 's. Narrative therapy is described as a " collaboration and non–pathologizing approach to counseling and community work which centres people as the experts on their own lives" (Narrative Therapy Centre, 2014). The basis of this theory is to separate the person from the problem so they rely on their own skill sets to eliminate their problems. Narrative therapy allows people to transform their personal experiences into stories and discover their life 's purpose (, 2015). Narrative therapists treat clients that display various symptoms that stem from disorders such as depression, post traumatic stress, and eating disorders. A study was conducted on 47 adults with major depressive disorder who participated in narrative therapy. The clinical trial provided empirical support for the utility of narrative therapy in improving depressive symptoms and inter–personal relationships(Vromans, L., 2008). Women with eating disorders and body image challenges are often self–conscious and have low self–esteem. These problems are internalized and narrative therapists help deconstruct the problem by separating the person from the problem, thus externalizing the problem. Narrative therapy has been describes as a "user–friendly and applicable counseling component." It has been integrated into language literacy interventions and has been deemed as useful in ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. How Does Frederick Douglass Use Ethos Slavery is one of the darkest parts of American History. Slave narratives are personal accounts written by former slaves about their experiences during slavery as well as their struggles to obtain freedom. The slave narratives offer chronological events and individual experiences. This is important because it gives us writers perspective on slavery. Slaves, like Frederick Douglass and Jacobs, wrote narratives using ethos, pathos, and logos in their rhetoric to persuade their readers. In comparing both authors, Frederick Douglass uses pathos the most effectively. In the "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass," Frederick Douglass lost his faith in God. At this point, Douglas is very frustrated with God for not helping him. "I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs". He is saying that he had to run away by himself and there is no god in this world. This quotes demonstrates that he has prayed to god for help for 20 years and nothing has happened. He was always treated badly and he had no one to save him. The only person he had was God, but God does not ... Show more content on ... In the narrative, "Incidents in the life of a slave girl" Jacobs is praying to God for her children guidance, protection, and freedom. "I had not lived fourteen years in slavery for nothing. I had felt, seen, and heard enough, to read the characters, and question the motives, of those around me. The war of my life had begun; and though one of God's most powerless creatures, I resolve never to be conquered"(p,416). Jacobs' quote is emotional because she has gone through many problems in her life, and only thing she had is god. She still believe god. Even though, Douglass quote is more better than Jacob because Douglass had more emotion in his quote Douglas pray to god for 20 years hoping god would eventually listen to his prayer but god never did so he stop believing in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Narrative Therpay Running Head: Narrative Therapy Narrative Therapy Research Paper Israel Escobar Theories in Counseling Families and Individuals Narrative Therapy Since the field of modern psychology is extremely broad, there are literally dozens if not hundreds of counseling theories. Over the past hundred years many new theories have been developed by psychologists, all with the goal of helping patients in the most effective and efficient way possible. One counseling theory that is gaining recognition ... Show more content on ... They were heavily influenced by European post–structuralist theory especially as it pertained to the idea of constructed truths. Constructed truths and breaking down the barriers to constructed truths, became a central principle of narrative therapy after Epston and White analyzed its relevance (Morgan, 2000). Another source of inspiration came from Michael White's wife, Cheryl White, who believed in imbalances of power and the importance of feminism. Establishing power balances was something that narrative therapy then began to focus on, showing how impactful Cheryl White's wife was on the overall development of narrative therapy. III. Populations Narrative Therapy Works For There are a number of populations that narrative therapy is especially effective for. The first population is children. Co–founder of the theory Michael White discussed this in his book "Playful Approaches for Serious Problems" noting that the creative way that narrative therapy is done in helps children relate to the process, buy into it, and then solve their problems through the therapy (Monk, 1996). Children often have a hard time relating to more traditional psychological approaches to their problems, but the creativity that is inherently present in the narrative therapy process is very appealing to them. In addition, narrative therapy separates the person from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Analysis On Grenfell Students With all the hypothetical advantages that this program has to offer, it was highly disappointing to only have one of three groups be able to present due to lack of participation. This unexpected difficulty had made me contemplate how effective this program could be on Grenfell students if we are unable to actually get the message out there. Not only this, but I had wondered if we were doing all we could to promote this program the way it needs to be in order to continue running it in the future. I believe the main difficulty we faced was that none of us were prepared to address the stigma surrounding advertisement about body dissatisfaction. We tried to promote this program through our enlightened view, and were inconsiderate of how others ... Show more content on ... These fears had been tied to emotions, showing that they really believed their weight had an effect on their happiness, and would have an overall negative impact on their lives. These fears are ingrained in our society, whether we acknowledge them or not. Although we as facilitators have opened ourselves to the conversation of body image, several people have been taught that it is an inappropriate topic and therefore feel they have no need to discuss it with others. I began to wonder what effect our posters had on individuals and questioned if it was possible we had been turning individuals away without even realizing it. Regrettably, other research has also proven my fear to be true, as another study directly addressed the stigma around advertisements of healthy eating found that "stigmatizing images seem to be priming an avoidance response among normal–weight individuals, prompting them to increase healthy behaviors in order to avoid the stigmatized condition" (Young, Subramanian, & Hinnant, 2016). This finding confirmed to me that the words "are you unhappy with your body" which we used for our posters are not only ineffective in drawing people in, but also that it would prime individuals to avoid a situation where their weight would be in question. Both of these studies have shown me that opening discussions about body dissatisfaction can be a delicate topic, and that it would be beneficial to promote the program in less stigmatizing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Family Counseling Approach: Narrative Counseling Abstract Through narrative therapy a counselor can help clients gain access to preferred story lines about their lives and identities taking the place of previous negative and self–defeating narratives that destroy the self. Presented in this paper, is an overview of the Narrative therapy and the Social Construction Model and several facets of this approach including poststrucuralism, deconstructionism, self–narratives, cultural narratives, therapeutic conversations, ceremonies, letters and leagues. A personal integration of faith in this family counseling approach is presented and discussed also in this paper. NARUMI AMADOR'S FAMILY CONSELING APPROACH Introduction Narrative therapy is found under the ... Show more content on ... Storytelling and narrative usage prove to be successful and useful in psychotherapy practices (Rennie, 1994). Narrative therapy emerged from postconstructuralism and deconstruction (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008). Poststructural thought disagrees with the idea that there is a deep structure to all phenomena which can be broken down into its elements (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2008). Therapy must look for deep, underlying causes, repair the flaw and not be satisfied with simply reducing or eliminating symptoms. Deconstructing old notions and replacing them with possibilities reduces the power of the stories that dominate and are filled with problems (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2009). The stories are given thick descriptions rather than thin descriptions and the new story of a client's life is connected to future options. According to Angus & Hardtke (2001) NPCS (Narrative Process Coding System) helped narrative deconstruction and reconstruction by enabling raters to subdivide therapy session transcripts into segments. This is a two step process which divides and characterizes topic segments in terms of the narrative process codes as external/description of events, subjective/experiential description and reflective analysis of current, past and future events. It is a systematic and reliable method for segmenting of therapy transcripts into units for further analyses, and a useful tool for psychotherapy researchers hoping to further understand the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. B2 Case Study Similarly to B1, B2 organizes online. As described in the recruitment section, the group recruits their network of friends, and tried to get to people that could of what was needed. The first stage of the group was to get people to send in postcards, and then they start showcasing the postcards throughout Mexico, as well as analyzing all of the postcards in order to make a list of the most relevant grievances and proposals send in by their followers , which they called them "10 Batallas Ciudadanas". They presented la "10 Batallas Ciudadanas" to government officials . Within B2, according to one of the co–founders, everyone does whatever is needed, from helping put on the mounting the postcards displays, sending stuff through social media, or ... Show more content on ... As Melissa explained, they are continually looking for the input of their followers. They take into account how people are reacting to the content, they want to ensure that those who they claim to be representing are actually supporting the tactics and the conclusions they are trying to reach. Furthermore, their looser boundary, and their consideration for what followers post, makes it easier to form alliances with strangers. There might be two things at play here, which are different from B1 logics, which are demonstrated in the different organizational and recruitment techniques. On one hand, the progress of the group is interacting with social media. B1 has only those who were admitted to their group, after fulfilling the potentially high cost requirement of being a social activist, post about the stuff that they are interested. In contrast, B2 collects from personal narratives, creating a space where strangers feel comfortable posting their comments. B2 is utilizing connective logics, through personal frameworks, to allow the many narratives with different narratives and proposals to post about representing all of society . The connection is built more from a communitarian coordination, they do not have a set of who gets to participate, either by helping to pursue the grievance collected, or who gets to decide what grievances are. But, they connect through individuals that are trying to pursue something for their initiative. Thus, the coordination is more fluid. Additionally, they work directly with both political parties and the legislature law, and they are working into implementing anti–corruption reforms for any elected official office . Unlike B1, they directly contact the legislature, and through the "connective logic", they are utilizing the claims of representing all of the society in order to push political changes (Bennett &Segerberg 2012). This has also been ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Treatment Models Chosen For Comparison Treatment Models Chosen for Comparison 1. Narrative Therapy the role of the therapist, views of people and their problems, and the approach for helping. Narrative therapy is a way to look at a person's life story and their struggles from an outside looking in approach. The problems become separate from the individual. Narrative therapy helps the client examine their life story from a strengths perspective. Instead of focusing on the problems the worker helps the client identify their strengths and skills. Individuals also identify the functional aspects of their life. When the client can think about how their struggles have effected their lives, the client is then able to identify what in their life is valuable and important as a whole. When the client can identify a connection to how their choices have had positive and negative consequences and actions they can start to understand the cause and effects of their actions. The role of therapist is to facilitate the client in creating a narrative for the next chapter of their life. It is by these reflective processes the client can focus on the strengths, values, skills and the positive aspects of their lives. 2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy views of people and their problems, and the approach for helping. Cognitive behavioral therapy guides the client to look at and reflect on the connections between thoughts and feelings, and how that effects behaviors. The goal is to help a client in recognizing their ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Multiple Theories Influenced The Development Of My... multiple theories have influenced the development of my personal model and therapeutic approach to couples and families. Three theories in particular that I draw my therapeutic approach from includes: narrative therapy, emotionally focused couple's therapy, and attachment theory. I will articulate the theoretical underpinnings of these three theories and integrate them in one cohesive personal model called Emotional Enhanced Attachment Narrative Therapy. This paper will discuss my approach in regards to the theoretical/philosophical assumptions, clinical applications, and final reflections of my personal model. Theoretical/Philosophical Assumptions Emotional Enhanced Attachment Narrative Therapy stems from principles of narrative therapy (White & Epston, 1990), emotionally focused couple's therapy (Johnson, 1998), and attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969). My model focuses on the emotional and cognitive processes of family members as influenced by their personal narratives and "attachment organization" (Wittenborn, 2012). The emphasis of therapy is to help couples and families be cognizant and explain their emotions as it relates to their attachment styles. Through cognitive processing of emotional experiences, clients can openly describe their emotions and provide a rich narrative of their personal perspectives. Sociopolitical ideas, cultural beliefs, family expectations, and personal assumptions are taken into account as it influences problem–saturated stories and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Narrative Therapy Essay Our knowledge is constructed by personal experiences; thus, facts about different events that occur in our lives are irrelevant if they don't follow our perception of how the event took place. Narrative Therapy examines the part stories play when individuals are developing personal experiences. Unlike other theoretical approaches, narrative therapy focuses on problematic cognitions instead of behaviors that are affecting the functionality of the client(s) in question. The narrative therapist sets out to help families expand their way of perceiving themselves and their issues. In other words, the family members are changing the meaning of their stories; thus, the therapist co–creates new realities with the family. During therapy, clients are ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. My Personal Philosophy Of Counseling Life Experiences and Specific Issues My personal philosophy of life and my philosophy of counseling has been deeply affected by my life experiences as a young child and also as an adult. I am fortunate that my life has been a good life and I consider myself to be fortunate to have to have good parents and many loving family members. I do not recall having any events in my childhood that I would consider to be abusive or neglectful on the part of my family, and for that I consider myself to be lucky. I know several people who were abused as a child and it seems to have impacted them in many aspects of their lives even into adulthood. As a child I grew up in a home with my two parents and two older sisters. I met most developmental milestones at the appropriate age, and I did not have any major childhood illnesses. One of the earliest memories that I can recall was at age 3 or 4. I don't recall the exact age and I haven't asked my mother about the event, but I know it was at least before I was school age. I recall that my mother and grandmother were with me and we were standing on the side of a county road near a small bridge. There were police cars and an ambulance parked nearby with their lights flashing. My mother and grandmother were crying hysterically and this was very upsetting to me because I don't think I had ever saw them cry like that before. The reason that they were crying was that a close friend of my grandmother had drove off the bridge in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Narrative Therapy Was Developed Michael White And David... Overview of Narrative therapy Narrative therapy was developed Michael White and David Epston. It is said to be an approach to family therapy that is built on the belief that reality is constructed, organized and maintained through the stories we create. (Corsini & Wedding, 2008) According to Corey's key terms and definitions narrative therapy is "a postmodern approach that is based on the therapist's personal characteristics that allow for creating a climate that encourages clients to see their stories from different perspectives. Grounded in a philosophical framework, narrative practices assist clients in finding new meanings and new possibilities in their lives." (Corey, Theory and Practice of Counselling ad Psychotherapy, 2014) The viewpoint of narrative therapy is that people are stuck in their problems because of the stories they have created. It is made up of the idea that people have many interacting narratives that go into making up their sense of who they are. Narrative therapy is a method of therapy which encourages persons to externalize their presenting problem or issue and become separate from it making it easier for them to deal with it. Personal experiences are changed into personal stories that are given meaning by the person telling the story. It shapes and forms the person's identity. Being able to tell a story is a way of helping the client to describe the presenting problem. (REF) According to Alice Morgan, Narrative therapy is a respectful and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Descriptive Writing Definition Writing is the illustration of language in an exceedingly matter medium through the utilization of a collection of signs or symbols. It's distinguished from illustration, like cave drawing and painting, and non symbolic preservation of language via non textual media, like as magnetic tape audio. Writing has been with us for many thousand years, and these days is more important than ever. Having spread steadily over the centuries from clay tablets to PC chips, it's poised for additional dramatic advances. Though hundreds of millions of people are still unable to read and write, humanity depends on writing to an unprecedented extent. It's quite possible that, today, more communication takes place within the written than in the oral mode. The purposes of writing are narrated (narrative writing), narration is story telling. In some ways it's the best kind of writing as a result of it comes so naturally to most people. Practically everybody enjoys telling and hearing stories. Narratives sometimes progress chronologically, and should have a clear starting, middle and finish. Short stories, novels, personal narratives, anecdotes, and biographies are all examples of narrative writing. Description (descriptive writing), the concept of description is to create the thing described seem real to the reader's imagination. Not much writing is only descriptive, writers usually weave description into longer narrative works. Some essential descriptive writing, however, might include ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Trip Reflection Planning a trip may be the hardest part of the entire trip. Once you have your agenda everything else falls into place. In my trip, I had two other partners helping prepare for this spontaneous trip. Each of us had a specific duty when creating a section of the trip presentation and narrative. While creating this presentation I learned a lot about myself and about my partners as well. I believe when reading this the instructor will know that our team put in all a great amount of effort and worked efficiently to finish the project. The instructor will also learn from this, that my team was overall formal and adults when it came to solving issues within of group. Our trip was over three cities: Berlin, Paris, and England. Each person in ... Show more content on ... We set up mini due dates within our group to make sure we would finish our project within time. My personal responsibility (PR1) throughout this presentation was to ensure I put in my part and made sure each section I did, I put in hundred percent, because it was not only my grade being affected but two other people who depended on me as well. Each one of us has duties within our own lives and worked out that it would be best to skype each other on days we had English Literature late at night around 8PM. We also communicated through email at one time when one of our partners laptop was down, we we reached each other through calling each other. Each person within our project had the same amount of responsibility throughout the project, which was 1/3 of the overall project the PowerPoint and narrative. To give a better perspective each person had to search for sites with information over things to do while in the given city. Each person also had to write their portion of the narrative on their city and how it related to the readings. I wrote the section over England, which came to be one and half pages long including how the location related to the readings. Isabo Turner, nominated herself and we also decided she would best fit to review and revise the narrative as needed to. Each person did their own research on their chosen location. We set up a chart with empty boxes for each person to insert ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative Essay The Puritans played a large role in early American history and society. Most Puritans escaped the tyrannical rule in England to gain religious freedom in America, which helped create an early American society. Not only did the Puritans help form the early American society and religion, they also contributed to the earliest stories and narratives to help create a rich literary history for America. Puritan literature has helped many scholars and readers learn about early American history. One of the most famous American narratives is from Mary Rowlandson, who was the wife of a Puritan Minister. Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative is about her story of how she was captured and treated by Native American captors. Throughout the ... Show more content on ... The passage also shows that God, according to the Puritans, is a very strict God. He does not tolerate evil acts, and requires that His followers obey His will, or they will be cut off from his presence and blessings. God is so intolerant of sin and evil, that Mary accepted that it was ok for God to take way her children and her lifestyle. On the other hand, God, according to the Puritans, is also merciful to His own people. At the end of the phrase, Mary stated that God showed mercy to her by helping her through her afflictions. Also, Mary again stated how merciful her God was in her following statement, "Now hath God fulfilled that precious Scripture which was such a comfort to me in my distressed condition" (Derounian 12–51). According to Mary, God is strict, demands righteousness among his followers, but is also merciful towards His own people. These different principles line up with the Puritan doctrine of the time as well. Since God was not tolerant of sinners and evil acts, Mary recounted many different acts that were considered evil or barbaric that the Native Americans did. For example, when the Native Americans attacked Mary's town, she described the aftermath as, "a solemn sight to see so many Christians lying in their blood, some here and some there, like a company of sheep torn by wolves," (Derounian 12–51). Mary separates the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Personal Narrative: My Inner Peace Begins With One Person I am most proud of the first long composition that I wrote for this class. This was the personal narrative composition, and I wrote about my experience of entering a new school with people I have never met before. This paper explored how I transformed from being like everyone else, to becoming my own person. I did not have any interactions with this experience before this class. When I wrote the long composition, it was the first time I remembered this experience in many years, and it brought back other happy experiences that I had when I was in middle school. In the past, I have written multiple personal narratives, but this was the first personal narrative that I have written that had to be more than 2 pages. I have always enjoyed writing personal narratives, but I have always struggled with remembering exactly what happened. To help me remember the events that took place for this specific event, I went through old yearbooks of when I was in the seventh grade. Another struggle that happened while writing the long composition was the content. When I first started writing this paper, I did not know what details were important to the main focus of the story. In my first draft, I included details about non important characters. To improve my and get past ... Show more content on ... What stuck out to me most about this piece is how a small and generous act can go a long way. The waitress gave a, seemingly homeless, woman a meal and two dollars for the bus, and with this, the woman was able to find a place to stay and also get a job. This text affected my writing by making me want to write a paper about someone helping another person. After reading this text, I wanted to write the second long composition about a generous person. Thankfully, I knew someone who was very generous to other people, and I was very excited to write my paper about him. That is how I got the idea to interview ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Path to Aboliton Abolitionists from the 1820–1860 found it necessary to use certain strategies to appeal to the social and political minds of Americans striving to influence the participation of the abolition movement. One of the many strategies used by American abolitionists was the use of slave narratives. This moral persuasion was a very useful tactic. The creation of these narratives helped white northerners identify with the mindset of an African American slave in the south. The narratives illustrated the experiences slaves overcame to find freedom. Another major strategy that was useful to the slavery movement was the involvement of women abolitionists. As abolitionists, they started reaching out to the public by creating petitions, letters, poems, and articles to rectify the common issue of slavery. The use of slave narratives and publications allowed abolitionists to spread the abolition cause. With these tactics in use, the abolition movement became the foundation of the search for freedom of those who were enslaved. The ability to read and write, for slaves, was a form of freedom they could achieve themselves. Add in a slave talking about his desire to learn. This intellectual freedom allowed them to maintain relationships that were torn apart by the traditions of slavery. The exercise of reading and writing was dangerous for slaves and their teachers and it was illegal. The punishment for such a crime would be unusually cruel and severe for anyone who was caught in the act or ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Contagious : Why Things Catch On By Jonah Berger In the Introduction chapter of Jonah Berger's book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, we are introduced to Howard Wein, a successful businessman in hotel management and in hospitality. Wein helped Starwood Hotels launched its sister brand and micro managed billions of dollars in revenue as Starwood's corporate director in food and beverages. Despite his successful background, Wein fancied for a smaller, more restaurant–focused environment. Leaving his business prospects in Philadelphia, he moved to Philly to help design and launch a new boutique steakhouse called Barclay Prime. The concept of Barclay Prime was to deliver the best steakhouse experience in New York. Wein was imagining luxurious bounties of furniture and an extensive seafood bar, extending from the West Coast of America to the East Coast of Russia. And to add on to that, Wein also dreams of delivering food delicacies to his consuming eaters. While Wein maybe over the top, the problem is attracting customers and bringing awareness of Barclay Prime in the one of the most competitive areas for a restaurant to thrive. From statistics alone, twenty–five percent of restaurants closed within twelve months of opening their doors and raises up to sixty percent within the first three years. Wein, in a state of urgency, must generate a buzz. The one–hundred dollar Philly Cheesesteak. Wein reimagined Philadelphia's own Philly Cheesesteak and recreated it, using finer and much more luxurious ingredients than the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Gregor Samsa's Metamorphosis In "Metamorphosis" , Gregor Samsa is a travel salesman whose life has profoundly changed due to an unexplainable transformation. Gregor is a well developed character because the narrator has illustrated his personal thoughts and feeling as the story flows. However, it is not reliable enough to conclude that it is a character driven narrative. In fact, the narrator actually implies plot driven narrative which all the characters are developed upon the plot of the story. In general, the "Metamorphosis" is a plot driven narrative since Gregor's action is structured according to the plot, he has no internal conflict to drive the story and the narrator does not solely focus on Gregor but more on how the events are developed. A plot driven narrative ... Show more content on ... In "Metamorphosis", the author spends a lot times illustrating Gregor's perspective. However, an important key to notice is that Gregor does not need to make difficult decisions since his characteristic is fixed throughout the story. Generally, Gregor is a responsible person and he keeps his perception until he passed away. From the beginning of the story, Gregor expresses his characteristic as a person who cares about his family when thinking about the long–term debt "once I've got the money together to pay off my parents' debt to him – another five or six years I suppose – that's definitely what I'll do"(author pg). Later on, when all the members are frustrated of Gregor, he believes his existence is a debt to everyone and decides to makes an end by letting go of his life. Till the end, Gregor shows that he always care for his family and eventually dies for the benefit of others. It proves that his characteristic is unchanged and has no conflict within himself. As a result, it is not reasonable to conclude the story is a character driven narrative. Overall, the metamorphosis is a plot driven story since Gregor does not have internal ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Maya Angelou Point Of View Points of view often differ from person to person depending on the situation and their personal beliefs and experiences. Often times when people witness similar circumstances, varying outcomes will occur. A person can see a situation in one way, while the other person interprets it completely different. The narratives by Amy Tan's "Fish Cheeks" and Maya Angelou's "Champion of the World" embody the concept of differing points of view emerging from two different people who go through similar experiences. Both Tan and Angelou discuss cultural differences between their lives and that of a caucasian person, but they approach this theme in drastically different ways through their use of detail and internal thoughts. Tan focuses solely on her life ... Show more content on ... As Angelou's narrative unfolds, she describes in great detail the boxing match between Joe Louis, an African American man and Carrera, a Caucasian, as she and many other African–Americans in her community listen to the match over the radio while waiting on bated breath for the hopeful news of Joe's victory. As Angelou describes, the match meant more than just boxing, "If Joe lost we were back in slavery and beyond help" (Angelou 20) and the whites would retain their superiority. African Americans needed to win to prove their strength, but with this proven strength also comes more fear. The repercussions of Joe's win proves to be more conflict for the African–American community, "It wouldn't do for a Black man and his family to be caught...when Joe Louis had proved we were the strongest people in the world" (Angelou 30). African–Americans, who were oppressed in the community had gained strength after the match, but the white communities fear of them increased more. This irony, that African– Americans are now proven to be strong, but they are still discriminated by the white population, only adds to Angelou's internal and external conflict with racism. Besides her personal struggles, Angelou broadens her narrative to address not just her personal point of view, but also the struggles faced by the entire community. Internally, she struggles with racism and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Analysis Of ' The Wind Rises And Showa ' Tamio Guild Professor Seraphim Asia Pacific War Humanness in Wind Rises and Showa ––– fix title Manga and Anime, that found brilliance at the dawn of the digital age, have now moved on from the realm of popular culture to playing a powerful role in shaping the transnational memory of Japan in the twentieth century. Two wonderful examples of the role these two mediums now play in shaping our collective and transnational memories of WWII are the semi–autobiographical manga work, Showa by Mizuki Shigeru and the stunning Anime film The Wind Rises by Hayao Miyazaki. Both works place the protagonists in the turbulent Showa era, while concurrently following the lives of men directly involved in Japan's war effort. Showa and the Wind Rises tap into, what historian Carol Gluck termed in Operations of Memory, Japan's official and public memory of the war. However they are far from the "heroic narratives" that gained favor right after the war. (gluck 49). While the content of heroic narratives differ nation to nation, they all evoke the same sense of "national unity by effacing experiential difference, creating whole nations of partisans, resistant's, anti–facists – and above all victims (gluck 50). Showa and The Wind Rises escape the constraint of heroic narratives, by interjecting personal memory into vernacular and public memory. The works artfully craft micro–perspectives and add the personal memories of Mizuki and Miyazaki to shed light upon the real human qualities of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Precious Trauma Case Study I. Theoretical and Research Basis for Treatment While working with Precious it has become clear that she has gone through a number of traumas as a child and up until her young adulthood. Precious, dealing with both sexual and physical abuse, has come a long way in wanting to seek treatment and actually wanting to move past her previous traumas. Relevant treatment choices for Precious would be Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Trauma focused cognitive behavior therapy Exposure therapy Cognitive Processing Therapy Integrative treatment of complex trauma for adolescents. Along with these treatment choices it is important that Precious does utilize the Life Events Checklist. This will help her in gaining an understanding as to which events she has been exposed to in her childhood and how she has been exposed to them, whether first hand our through it happening ... Show more content on ... Precious will learn how to improve her emotional responses by identifying particular emotions. *Cognitive coping and processing– Precious will receive help in building a connection between her inner thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. *Trauma narrative and processing– Precious will be participating in gradual exposure exercises, which will include verbal, written, or symbolic recollections of the traumatic events that she endured. With these traumatic events will most likely come thoughts that are negative, such as her being overweight is the reason she was abused or simply because she is african american is why she is abused. All of these thoughts have come to Precious' mind and with this portion of the treatment those negative thoughts would be targeted. *In vivo exposure–Precious will be slowly exposed to the past traumas through reminders. This will help Precious in learning how to emotionally control her thoughts feelings and ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Zeitoun Summary Dave Eggers' Zeitoun is a story about a Muslim family in New Orleans before, during, and after Hurricane Katrina. It follows mainly Abdulrahman, whom people call Zeitoun, and Kathy Zeitoun, his wife. Eggers follows this family though the dangerous storm and shows the aftermath of what happened physically and mentally. The story is built through personal accounts and the bias that is built through these stories. Eggers controls the narrative and what readers should feel and sets the reader up for a story controlled by him, the author. The beginning of the book introduces the protagonists. A personal attachment is instantly felt by the readers. Zeitoun's background is introduced through a flashback of his childhood, but soon after, Eggers talks about their contracting business and home life. He writes, "Kathy and Zeitoun... ran a company, Zeitoun A. Painting Contractor LLC, and ... Show more content on ... He talks about how Zeitoun is helping others nonstop. Zeitoun is helping friends, strangers, even dogs during this time of need all with his canoe and the stock of food in his fridge. He even says himself that it's "God's will" that he is in New Orleans helping out after the storm. All these details about how helpful and selfless Zeitoun is making sure the reader knows these positive things about him. Eggers' way of writing is very deliberate in controlling the narrative. He strictly focuses on things Zeitoun is doing, how his family is feeling, and the devastation Zeitoun is seeing. Since the story is so personal, the readers can feel a connection with him. The audience is able to put themselves in his shoes and experience what he is experiencing. The stress of the situation combined with the purpose that Zeitoun is feeling by helping people creates a unique situation for Eggers's to write about. He could have written just about Zeitoun canoeing around, but he made sure to make the story as personal as ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Essay The human body is the original story. One that is always in flux due to biological, psychological, and societal considerations. In crafting a story, there's no such thing as perfection. Each person's narrative comes together–by the page, sentence, word, and punctuation. Our individual and collective experiences are all a part of the reality we ascribe to ourselves and the world, and like with any draft, parts of it may be scrapped for something new. With my career, I plan to answer two questions: 1) How can people learn more about their personal world and other people in a creative, engaging way? 2) How can one utilize and alter the multifaceted narratives that make up their being toward personal and societal wellness? I am ... Show more content on ... My work with the Yale Violence and Health Group, a collaborating entity of the World Health Organization Violence Prevention Alliance, and psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee analyzes political, economic, and social determinants of health within global homicide and suicide rates to assess determining markers pertaining to an increase in these rates. Within this work, I connect rigorous quantitative analysis with my interests in qualitative analysis centered on narratives such as in my study on post–election gender–based violence in the Ivory Coast. In the lab of Dr. David Yeager at the University of Texas at Austin, I worked with social and psychological cognitions that contribute to positive or negative trajectories in adolescent development. Through one of our projects, the Healthy Eaters project, we researched advertisement wording and its effects on developing adolescent food choices and how definitive notions of identity affect these choices and long term health outcomes. As a physician, I hope to build upon this work, using my medical knowledge to understand the biological mechanisms of adverse events and how to treat these mechanisms. Also, I will use my understanding of growth mindset and resilience to help my patients create strong bridges to their actualized selves by helping them embed narratives for objectively positive outcomes within their appropriate contexts. Last summer, I completed my Masters ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Kevin Bales 'Slavery In The Land Of The Free' Slavery Then and Now Precis In this excerpt from Slavery in the Land of the Free by Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter we are told the story of twelve year–old Maria. Maria was lured into slavery by Sandra Bearden, who promised her an education and a taste of the American Dream. She then endured terrible abuse at the hands of Bearden, who is now serving a life sentence for human trafficking and slavery. Bales and Soodalter use Maria's horrific experience to provide evidence for their argument against modern slavery, helping readers to realize that the abuse and violence we associate past slavery with are still alive today. This is a piece that will help those who are in the dark on current issues become more enlightened on the topic. Their purpose for writing the text is to bring awareness to the fact that slavery is still present within our society and how not much is being done to prevent the practice. Essay ... Show more content on ... To better understand the practice and its lasting effects on our country, and even its current presence, it is a smart idea to study the subject. Some of the best reading that can be done on slavery would be from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, a slave narrative published in 1845. The narrative details Douglass' experiences as a slave in the early 1800s, sparing readers none of the gritty truth. Another fantastic read would be an excerpt of Slavery in the Land of the Free by Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter, which explains modern slavery and how it remains a part of American society. Not one of these works is more important than the other. Bales and Soodalter simply provide information on the current ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Trauma And Trauma In Literature CHILDREN AND TRAUMAA STUDY OF SELECT TESTIMONIO LITERATURE OR NARRATIVE Literature has allowed us to explore beyond the limits of this world and also the human psyche. Among that are certain literary works which is capable of posing a social challenge by setting out to explore the pain, suffering and trauma through self narratives, testimonies and flashbacks. My thesis will throw sufficient light on the self narrated traumatic experiences of children under various oppressing situations. Trauma is an emotional shock caused by a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, it involves feelings and emotions. The consequences of a trauma may be long term or short term depending upon the catastrophic effects it left on the victim. Trauma caused by discrimination, sexual abuse, ... Show more content on ... Testimonial writings prove themselves as a classic expression of trauma as the writers can retrieve themselves as active participants and witnesses of the history they went through. Moreover Testimonial narratives make the reader to get acknowledged of the prevailing social challenges, injustices and the need to render a helping hand to those who suffer. A new literary method that considered traumatized children was developed in American literature towards the end of 19th century. A keen study on those traumatized children paralleled the research on child development studies, child psychology, PTSD and many other theories. This new tradition gained its significance when children started to narrate their own traumatic experiences through testimonials and self narratives. Danielle Bernock, an American author has famously quoted that: "Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams healing can ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Slave Narratives 'Autobiographies' Slave Narratives American literature was shaped by history. Slave Narratives were autobiographies written by American slaves which portrayed a personal account into the horrors of slavery between 1700 and mid 1850's. Slaves were treated miserably and went through huge amounts of pain and hardships; writing was a way to express their personal grief and give them something of themselves which they could call their own. It was hard to feel rakish, when you get treated so poorly. It was something no one could take away or claim. The narratives give us a first–hand insight into the horrible conditions slaves endured at the hands of their masters. Many of the slave narratives contained stories of whippings, killings along with the disgusting ... Show more content on ... When I went there, she was a pious, warm, and tender–hearted woman. There was no sorrow or suffering for which she had not a tear. She had bread for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and comfort for every mourner that came within her reach. Slavery soon proved its ability to divest her of these heavenly qualities. Under it's influence, a tender heart became stone, and the lamb like the position gave way to one tiger–like fierceness."(7.2) In this quote, Douglass is talking about how slavery changed his master's wife. He describes her transformations the same way that slaves are "brutalized". She used to have sympathy for any person that was suffering, being a slave master hardened her heart until she became as cruel as a tiger and treated him with no deference. One of the first narratives was written Olaudah Equiano in 1789. When he was eleven, Equiano was kidnapped and sold to slave traders headed to the West Indies. However, a majority of Equiano's time in slavery was spent serving the captains of slave ships and British navy vessels. Equiano's narrative portrays his experience of being captured in Africa describing all the inhuman conditions he faced travelling across the "Middle Passage". The Middle Passage is the name that was given to the slave route across the Atlantic Ocean. Equino eventually gained his freedom and travelled to England where he gained status. In Equiano's memoir, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African" he explained his hardships and the gruesome ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Analysis Of The Book Thief ECHOES FROM KRISTALLNACHT Marielle Innah S.Valmores 100309183 History 1115: 1900– 1939 Dr. Marjory Lang Oct. 11, 2017 Topic: Kristallnacht– the attack on Jewish civilians in Germany Nov 9/10 1938 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. The Book Thief. Directed by Brian Percival. 2013. US: 20th century Fox Home Entertainment, 2014. DVD. The Book Thief divulges to viewers the life of different people and the transition of their society towards the Nazi regime. The film presents the story through the eyes of Liesel Meminger as she innocently witnesses the growing threat and aggressions of the Nazi ideologies starting on the piles of books being burned and it also shows the dangers and sacrifices of being a Jew during that time. Percival's film adaptation of Zusak's book paints a bigger picture of the various conflicts and behaviors of German civilians as they also try to survive in this era. This movie illustrates the side of those Germans, Liesel's family, who are willing to put their lives at risk to save a Jewish life in the face of imminent danger thus helping me shape the characteristic and voice of non–Jewish German witnesses. It also elaborates on the struggle of a Jewish teenager like Max during this regime as he starts living his life in hiding and continuous terror. 2. The Night of Broken Glass: Eyewitness Accounts of Kristallnacht. Edited by Uta Gerhardt, and Thomas KarLauf. Translated by Robet Simmons, and Nick Somers. English ed. Malden, Mass.: ... Get more on ...