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“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”


                                                      Part 2

                        HE THAT DWELLS IN THE SECRET PLACE PS 91:1.

                        There are three different levels of experience in Christ!
                        There are three different levels of understanding to God’s Word!
                        There are different levels in our consecration to God Himself.

   Why? For it has pleased God to many times pattern His plan by three’s.
   Please let me explain! There are three different sections, levels or phases to the Tabernacle plan.

                     OUTER COURT,          HOLY PLACE,                MOST HOLY PLACE.

                                 Which are represented by the feasts of,

                        PASSOVER,            PENTECOST,                  TABERNACLES.

                                           Which equate to our,

                             BODY,                  SOUL,                        SPIRIT.

In the year of 1958 I received an awareness that God was calling me to Himself so I joined the well
known organisation known as the Salvation Army. I was with them for several years, joined the band
& proceeded to learn about the Bible & how to live the Christian life & may I add, enjoy this new life.
These people were very kind to me & helped me greatly. This I believe was my,

                                   PASSOVER OR OUTER COURT

During this time, one evening I was standing on the back lawn at my parents house & God spoke to me
& told me very distinctly that I would be going north to live & that what He had called me to do would
be not in Melbourne, where I lived at that time. During this time God was speaking to me regarding
certain Bible issues that the people I was fellow-shipping did not believe, mainly the infilling of the
Holy Spirit. Not long after I received a letter from a young lady who I had known a while before I had
become converted. She had been converted also, & was in the Baptist church in Melbourne, she had
taken a trip to Sydney had received the fullness of the spirit [or what the Bible refers to as the baptism
of the Spirit] at the same time God had healed her back. Which I knew had to be a miracle, having
known about her back condition. Not long after I too went to Sydney & thank God I too received the
same Holy Spirit experience. Which was my experience of ,

                                  PENTECOST or the HOLY PLACE
                      experience, the second experience in the above illustration,

I settled down in a wonderful Pentecostal church in Sydney where I learned many things, met a lovely
young lady, married, settled down & finally went into the ministry. We went to a place called Mt
Druitt, God was pleased to add a number of people to us, we then built a Church & gradually rose
through the ranks of ministry & then once again God began to speak to me. This time it was in regard
to the “Manifestation of the Sons of God” as found in Rom 8:23. As I began to meditate & study this
Christ began to speak to me about many things including “The restitution of all things” or that all men
would eventually be drawn back to himself. Jn 12:32 Lk 3:6 Isa 45 :23. Phil2:11 etc. A Minister had
told me previously, Ralph, if ever you find a seeming contradiction in the Bible, follow it through for

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

you are on the verge of revelation. The Bible never contradicts itself, it may seem to do so but it never
    At about this time a visiting Elder, Evangelist & Prophet visited our church & prophesied that the
God was going to uproot us & pluck us up & send us to a dry & arid place, where He would teach us
His truth’s in place of the Traditions of men. This came as an unwanted surprise to my wife & myself
as this was the last thing we had on our mind. It took several years for this to come to pass as I
conveniently chose to ignore the prophecy, but God would not let me forget. What an experience!
Never try to ignore the Father!! Eventually of course we left.

REVEALING HIS SECRETS TO HIS PROPHETS”. I began to realise that I was learning some secrets.
Rom 16:-25.

    I began inquiries as to who else believed what I knew God was showing us, very soon I was sent
several writings from different Authors, who mostly were very good, then I received an article written
by J. Preston Eby this really aroused my interest as he too believed not only the “Restitution of All
things” Acts 3:-21 but also the “Manifestation of the Son’s of God”. This man had a knowledge of the
“Scriptures” that I had not encountered in many before this. By this time my experience in God was
nearing 30 years.
                             WHAT LIES BEHIND US &
                             WHAT LIES BEFORE US,
                             ARE TINY MATTERS COMPARED TO
                             WHAT LIES WITHIN US

                           THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH.

God is right now in the business of restoring all CREATION which of course includes [all mankind]
back to Himself.

         Our MOST HOLY PLACE or TABERNACLE or Third Realm experience could could be
described as viewing things from God’s perspective, allow me to illustrate. My late Mother in Law was
adept in making tapestries of all styles & sizes. When I would enter her flat she would be seated in the
far corner with the tapestry in front of her, all I would see at first was an un-coordinated mess. But if I
was “interested enough to take the time & energy” I would go to where she was seated & stand behind
her & Lo what a different sight. I would then see things from her perspective, I would see what she
saw & Oh what beauty. To her it was perfectly natural, Why? Because from where she was sitting
the scene or perspective was altogether different.
     ''At present we are men looking at puzzling reflections in a mirror. The time will come when we
shall see reality whole & face to face! At present all I know is a little fraction of the truth, but the
time will come when I shall know it as fully as God now knows me!'' I Cor 13:-12 Phillips. In verse
8b thru to 11, we read.
      ''For if there are prophecies they will be fulfilled & done with, if there are “tongues” the need
for them will disappear, if there is knowledge it will be swallowed up in truth. For our knowledge is
always incomplete, & when the complete comes, that is the end of the incomplete.''

             The K.J.V Says; NOW WE KNOW IN PART & WE PROPHESY IN PART V 9.
    But if we dare to change our position & move out of the in part realm into the Most Holy Place we
will begin to see things from God’s point of view, in other words He will begin to show us some of His
secrets. But traditionalism dies hard my friend ask any true blue Jew, or any deep seated
denominational Christian. In most cases they will fight to the death any other way of thinking other
than their own. How do I know? I have been there my friend, I have been there !! Is it time for you to

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

move into a new perspective? Has God been dealing with you lately? Are you satisfied with your
present spiritual situation? Think about it ?

    The Holy of Holies not only represents the apex in God, but it also represents the apex of Man; He
who was created in God’s own Image is spirit which is at one with the Father. The truth is our spirit
never was or ever will be separate from the Father. Most Christians have not realised this. Why?
Because the same deception that came upon Adam & Eve is upon most of mankind, including most of
their well meaning teachers. “I am naked” were the words & thoughts of Adam & still are the thoughts
of the corporate Adam. But what was & is still the reply of the Father.

                           WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE NAKED?

Why did Adam think that he was naked? Because He ate from the tree of deception the tree of two
powers or opposites, Good & Evil. Which was within himself. ''You are a watered garden.'' ''You
are a garden enclosed.'' Isa 58;11. S of Sol 6:3 ''HAVE YOU EATEN OF THE TREE THAT I

     Beloved for thousands of years tradition has taught us, our culture has taught us, religiosity has
taught us, Churchianity has taught us that our loving Father separated Himself from us. When all the
time it was us, in our deceived thinking we separated ourselves from God by believing a deception.
The separation is only in man’s soul, or [his mind, will & emotion]. You & I are at one with God. The
Kingdom of God is within you. Every man, woman & child. Out of your innermost being shall flow
rivers of LIVING WATERS. Speak to Him now. He will not reward you according to your sins. God
has a bad memory regarding Sin. For Jesus Christ tasted death for every man.

    ''As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.''
Ps 103:-12. These thoughts are coming from the Secret Place of the Most High.

   I hear a question; What about the Cherubim & the flaming sword, to keep & GUARD the way to the
tree of life ? Gen 3:-24. I wonder if the Cherubim were on the job “guarding” when Enoch reached
such a high place in God, or Elijah perhaps? Remember they were both Translated!

     Now my dear readers please keep in mind that what we are writing here today is not coming from
the OUTER COURT [Passover] or from the HOLY PLACE [Pentecostal] realm. This is coming from the
Most Holy Place – Tabernacle or Spirit realm as in our illustration at the beginning of this article.

                                             1 Pet 1:-5.

''Behold, this Child is appointed & destined for the fall & rising of many in Israel, & for a sign that
is spoken against.'' Lk 2:-34b. In Isa 8:-18. We read regarding the sign. ''Behold I & the children
whom the Lord has given me are signs & wonders [that are to take place] in Israel from the Lord of
hosts, Who dwells on Mount Zion.'' The word rising in the Luke 2 verse, comes from the word
“Anastasis” & means the recovery of spiritual truth it also means “ to drive out of home, disturb,
trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar.” It is also directly related to the word “Anastatoo,” which
means raise from sleep, disease, death, obscurity, inactivity, a resurrection from death.”

    The body of Christ is now not one man called Jesus, He is the Head we are the body, we are God’s
Temple! God is right now preparing Sons who are growing up into the Head! These children as in the
above verse in Isaiah are the signs that God is going to use for the recovery of spiritual truth, but in
doing so it will mean many will be driven out of their spiritual home, they will be disturbed, troubled,
turned upside down & a general uproar will be made. This will be done in love by our Saviour, the

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

reason being to; Raise them from 'natural & spiritual' sleep, disease, death, obscurity, inactivity,
a resurrection from death. These Children, Sons of God – Man-child - Saviours rising on Mt
Zion, will be the Signs & Wonders that Isaiah wrote about. These Sons will also be overcomer's &
will be sitting on the same Throne as their Elder Brother Jesus Christ! Rev3: 21, 2:26-27.

                                           NEW WINESKINS

The wineskin's really represent the perimeter of our capacity of spiritual understanding. Our perimeter
needs to be changed or enlarged. When Jesus said; ''And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins;
if he does, the fresh wine will burst the skins & it will be spilled & the skins will be ruined. But new
wine must be put into fresh wine-skins, And no one after drinking old wine immediately desires new
wine, for he says, The old is good or better.'' Lk 5:37-39. Amp.

     Tradition according to STRONGS; is 'The living faith of dead ones'. Or the faith of those who
have gone before us. Traditionalism is; The dead faith of the living. Traditionalism or the old wine
that Jesus was referring to will keep us from advancing in God. To understand the message that the
Spirit is revealing today, there must be a radical CHANGE in our way of thinking The new wine is not
enough. We must have NEW WINESKINS! Otherwise the new wine will burst or ruin the old skins.
In other words a mixture of the two will cause you to be confused, discouraged & dissatisfied.
Remember a ''Double minded man is unstable in all his ways'', also ''A house divided against itself
will not stand.'' And you & I are a dwelling place – house-temple - of God. Jn 14:2. I hear someone
say; I understand what you are saying But what is the solution?

                              LEAVING HOME & FATHER & MOTHER

''If anyone comes to Me & does not hate his father & mother [in the sense of indifference to or
relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God] &[ likewise] his wife &
children & brothers & sisters—[yes] & even his own life also—he cannot be my disciple.'' Lk 14:26.
Amp. When God first called Saul out of Judaism, it was a mighty upheaval in his life. As far as he was
concerned he was totally convinced that there was nothing else. But as always God was on the move.
He later wrote about it in the in the book of Galatians.

     ''For you hear of my behaviour once, in Judaism, that I inordinately persecuted the – ecclesia -
of God & ravaged it. And I progressed in Judaism, above many contemporaries in my race, being
inherently exceedingly more zealous for the traditions of my fathers. Now when it delights God,
Who severs me from my mothers womb & calls me through His grace, to unveil His Son in me that
I might be evangelising Him among the nations, I did not immediately submit to flesh & blood,
neither came I up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I came away to Arabia, &
I return again to Damascus.'' Gal 1:13-17, CLV.

    We all have spiritual roots where people, peoples or some group, be it a denomination, organisation
or sect where we have been nursed, cared for parented, or fathered & mothered. These groups are
sometimes referred to as women or as in one case “silly women”. Paul's spiritual background,
organisation or mother was Judaism. Suddenly God decides to separate him from this organisation
where he has been nurtured all his life, severed from his Mothers womb. The diaglott puts it this way.
''that having set apart me from womb of mother of me, & having called through the favour of
himself, to reveal the son of himself in me, so that I might announce him to the nations.''

    In other words Paul was separated from his old religious order. God wanted Him out, never to go
back in. Some would say but he preached in the synagogue, of course he did, but did he fellowship
with them in the old way, NO, NO, NO, a thousand times NO. Read the book of Hebrews, read chapter
6. God separated him to share a new message. To unveil His Son in me. So many could make it much
easier on themselves if they would only COME OUT. In the past I have seen lovely people in God

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

receive revelation, do well for a while & then because of association that they could have avoided,
become very confused. At times what can be good for others, can become evil to us. Sometimes, “Evil
communications can corrupt good spiritual manners”. “We need to leave our father & mother.”

                                      ARABIA THE WILDERNESS

Notice that the first thing that Paul did after he was called, he retired to Arabia, Arabia means
wilderness. He was there for some time. After we hear from God on important issues, we need not to
confer with flesh & blood but retire as it were into a wilderness experience. Why is it sometimes better
not to confer with flesh blood, or in other words talk to our friends? We need to let God establish the
truth in us. Most of the time God’s will & opinion is quite different from well meaning friends,
advisors & relatives.
     ''If anyone comes to me & does not hate his father & mother [in the sense of indifference to or
relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude towards God] & [likewise] his wife &
children & brothers & sisters ---[yes] & even his own life also --- he cannot be my disciple.'' Lk
14:26. Amp. Why am I writing like this? Well God has spoken to me very, very clearly on this matter.
May God bless you in your walk with Him.

                                       TO UNVEIL HIS SON IN ME

The word UNVEIL is from the Greek word Apocalupto its meaning is to take off the cover –
disclose - reveal. The reason the Spirit of God is calling us out today is to fully reveal His Son in us.
Christ is coming to be “Glorified IN His Saints”. The full salvation that Peter & Paul spoke about is
about to come to pass & ''The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of
God coming into their own. The world of creation cannot as yet see reality, not because it chooses to
be blind, but because in God’s purpose it has been so limited--yet it has been given hope. And the
hope is that in the end the whole of created life will be rescued from the tyranny of change & decay,
& have its share in that magnificent liberty which can only belong to God!'' Rom 8:19-21. Phillips.
    ''God has all men penned together in the prison of disobedience, that He may have mercy upon
them all.'' Rom 11:32. Phillips.


Let me share with you what I feel has been one of God's secrets that He is now revealing. For the seed
of this thought we have Marj Stampa to thank, she shared part of it with me some time ago. But it was
not until recently that the spirit quickened my attention to it & opened it up & enlarged it, to me.I
believe that what I am about to share will open the way into a great doorway into the heights of God.
But let me warn you if you are going to insist on only a literal Garden of Eden with literal trees, &
literal fruit, you will probably miss it altogether. I believe the first three chapters of Genesis, are in the
same category as the book of Revelation, they are both Metaphors. I learned recently that the original
King James Bible written in the early 1600s stated clearly in a large footnote that the first three
chapters in Genesis were not literal. Now please I am not laying claim to any new thing that others
have not received, but it is new to me & no doubt there will be more added to this in the future.
STRONGS concordance states #3742 KeRUWB of uncertain der.; a cherub or IMAGINORY FIGURE.

       When Adam & Eve ate from the tree of deception it was in the Garden of Paradise within
themselves. If we are looking for a paradise outside of ourselves we will never find it, The Kingdom of
God is only within you, Jesus said! Furthermore He stated His Kingdom was not of this world, in
other words we will not find it outside of God who dwells within. Anyone who is looking elsewhere is
on a lost journey. My friend this Eden was not a literal garden, this may upset your religious theology,
but these things must be said, we have been under a cloud too long. When Adam & Eve ate their eyes

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

were opened, & they knew they were naked, they became gods & they thought they were like God.
Sadly the whole thing. was a deception, a lie, an illusion an imagination . This whole state was in their
own imagination. Why because they were functioning out of their own soul or their [mind will &
emotion] which in the deception, was separated from their own spirit. The spirit of God which was still
in them was gradually forgotten, put aside as it were. They were now believing in two powers “good
& evil”. They were looking outward instead of inward. Whilst they believed in two powers our loving
God could not let them live in this state forever. Where the Father dwells there is only One power. He
has no opposites no enemies. Where the majority of mankind live, that is outside of the Tabernacle
plan, & where most Christians live which is in Outer Court or Holy Place, they still believe in two
powers or good & evil. Even the feast of Pentecost was as most of us are aware of, was eaten with
leaven, which designates sin & false doctrine. The Most Holy Place feast was eaten with unleavened


Inside the Most Holy Place was the ARK OF THE COVENANT guarding the ARK were TWO
Cherubim. My good brothers & sisters it is one thing to go into the Most Holy place, but it is another
to lift the lid & look inside the Ark for there is something guarding it, & what is it ? Two Cherubim
or Imaginations. These are the same Cherubims as in Genesis 3:24 & they represent the two i.e.
“good & evil” which is in our thinking or soul. The only real tree within us is the tree of life, which is
Christ. The other is a lie, a deception, an illusion or an imagination, two in fact good & evil. From
these two imaginations spring the whole of mankind's problems. Whilst we have these imaginations
we cannot open the ARK within ourselves, where the tree of life in its fullness dwells. Remember the
Rod that budded, typifying the Tree of Life is inside. Once this is understood & embraced in spirit,
The Manchild, the manifested Sons of God, will as the Diaglott states, begin to live into the age,
or for 1000 years.

''Casting down imaginations & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God''
This truth is a very major part of, 1Cor 15:54b-55. ''Death is swallowed up in & unto victory. Oh
death where is your victory? O death where is your sting.''

     It is the deceitful, delusive imaginations of two powers that is keeping us from opening the Ark.
How do we begin to overcome this? Now the wonderful news in regards to this is, that we are no
longer in a good verses evil fight. That god of good & evil because of our knowing the truth is
                    It is only an imagination anyway. THIS IS OVERCOMING beloved.
                       Remember we are speaking from the “Third realm” position.

                                 Lord lift me up & let me stand,
                                 By faith, on Heavens table-land,
                                 A higher plane than I have found,
                                 Lord plant my feet on higher ground,

The higher ground is in our thinking. ''Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on
Thee [the one & only power without enemies] because he trusteth in Thee.''
Isa 26:3. KJV. ''Be still & know that the I (that is in you) is God'' Ps 46;10a KJV. The word am is
in italics. Not original.
     ''For it is God which works in you both to will & to do of his good pleasure.'' Phillipians 2:13.

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

                                   THE RENEWING OF THE MIND

This is an excerpt from an article by Preston Eby. Quote, “The crowns of gold are upon their heads.
Though this appears a very natural statement, yet it is freighted with deep significance! The Greek
word for “head” is kephale which comes from the root kapto meaning “ to seize.” Is it not the head, the
mind, that the adversary most wants to captivate & take hold of? The mind is the gateway to the whole
being! It is in the mind of man that he is alienated from the life that is in God (Eph 4:18), & it is by the
renewing of the mind that we are transformed into the image of Christ! It is the head or mind that the
spirit of God is today “seizing” or “laying hold” upon in every one who has received the call to
sonship. That HE may be fully manifest therein.”

.Of course the crowns of fragrant branches
won by the Greeks in their athletic contests were short lived, for they soon wilted & became dead &
brittle. In contrast to this, our stephanos are incorruptible crowns which will never fade away ---- for
the Royal Priesthood is of the Melchizedekian order ---- after the power of an endless life! In the
Theatre of Ephesus there was found an inscription which read: “He fought three bouts, & was crowned
two times.” In like manner the sons of God will soon be rewarded for their bouts with the flesh, the
world. & the principalities & powers which have their rule in the darkness of the carnal mind. God is
even now bringing forth an incorruptible people, overcomer's, who are overcoming all things. And of
them, finally it shall be said : “They fought many, many bouts & were crowned every time.” No more
weakness & failure. No more flunking two tests & winning one. Overcoming all things! Oh, no, we
have not always overcome all things, but those who are called & chosen in this hour are being
strengthened by experience & by the power of the spirit of life within & are becoming strong in the
Lord & in the power of His might. God is teaching us to reign in our lives & in every situation! His
making us a Royal Priesthood! Priests are reigning in the Father’s own nature, love, & power!
Reconciling the world. Subduing all things. As kings these are seated in the throne; as priests the sit
around the throne. Their rule is rooted in authority as kings, but as priests they become between the
God of the throne & the creation so desperately needing His life. Isn’t it wonderful! End quote.


''What is man that You are mindful of him. & the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have
made him but a little lower than God & You have crowned him with glory & honour. You made him
to have dominion over the works of Your hands. You have put all things under his feet.'' Ps 8:4-6
    In the Moffatt translation verse five we read; ''Yet thou hast made him a little lower than divine,
thou hast crowned him with majesty & honour.''
     The Young's puts verse five this way; ''And causest him to lack a little of Godhead, And with
honour & majesty compassest him.'' I would like to remind us at this stage that our theme is; Christ
is the antidote regarding death.        Not in the concept of the second realm, ie; Holy place or
Pentecost. But in the concept of living, Into the age. Which is The Most Holy Place, experience.

     When God made man in the first chapter of Genesis, he was made in the very image of Himself, a
spirit being. Eph 2:10 K.J.V says we were Created in Christ Jesus. In the beginning we were
replica’s of God, divine spirit beings, & the truth is we still are! But our wonderful, loving creator had
plans for us. Nothing comes easy. Without trials & testing-s we cannot be perfected! Rom 8: 20-21,
''For the creation (nature) was subjected to frailty (to futility, condemned to frustration), not
because of some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of Him Who so subjected it---(yet) with
the hope. That the nature (creation) itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption
[& gain an entrance] into the glorious freedom of God’s children.'' Amp. Then God caused us to
''lack a little of Godhead.'' This consisted of a stepping down from phase one to phase three. The
first phase being spirit, the next, man became a living soul, the third, man was given a body. If you
are not sure of the third phase I invite you to do some deep research on Gen 3:21 regarding skins.
Strong's # 5783, 4785, which means in both cases to make naked also the companion Bible, appendix

“Christ the Antidote regarding death.”

34 has a very, very interesting excerpt regarding this subject. The third realm understanding is
revealing some very serious flaws in our past tradition of religiosity. Let us return to the Old Paths is
the cry of many, yes I agree the very, very old paths. Let us return to our roots, the Garden of Eden
which is in us. I am sure that you will enjoy the words of this song.

                              I’ll take you back to where you were in me,
                              Before the fall of man,
                              I’ll restore your soul I’ll reconcile your heart,
                              I’ll give you back, your true identity.

                              I’m removing the veil from your eyes,
                              That you may truly see,
                              You will be with me in paradise,
                              On this earth you’ll walk with me.

In doing this it we start from the,

         Flesh Realm        then to the             Soul Realm              then into the   Spirit Realm

         Passover          then to                 Pentecost                then into       Tabernacles

         Outer Court        then to the             Holy Place              then into the   Most Holy Place

  Beloved in Christ we are returning to the Father, the former things are soon to be forgotten. It will
not be long when God’s sons will not lack in Godhead any-more this time we will be Life Giving
spirits with a glorified BODY. The in part realm is soon to disappear. There are some things that a
few would sooner forget. But for the sake of expediency for the body they are still spoken of. We will
soon come into a fuller understanding of the Tabernacle of David I know that some have seen a little
deeper than others on this subject. I happen to know one or two of them. This is a wonderful time
we’re living in, a time when death will soon be overcome by

I truly hope this article has helped you! Yours in His service.

Written by Ralph Knowles. March 2009.

                                      For those who have enjoyed this article
                                       & are hungry for the deeper truths of
                                             “ Third day revelation”
                                          Please contact Ralph Knowles.
                                      Phone 07 38187875, Mobile 0448126882.
                                              The mailing address is,
                                                 47/13 Thomas st
                                                Goodna Qld 4300
                                            Web < >


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Part2 Christ The Antidote He That Dwells.

  • 1. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” CHRIST THE ANTIDOTE REGARDING DEATH Part 2 HE THAT DWELLS IN THE SECRET PLACE PS 91:1. There are three different levels of experience in Christ! There are three different levels of understanding to God’s Word! There are different levels in our consecration to God Himself. Why? For it has pleased God to many times pattern His plan by three’s. Please let me explain! There are three different sections, levels or phases to the Tabernacle plan. OUTER COURT, HOLY PLACE, MOST HOLY PLACE. Which are represented by the feasts of, PASSOVER, PENTECOST, TABERNACLES. Which equate to our, BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT. In the year of 1958 I received an awareness that God was calling me to Himself so I joined the well known organisation known as the Salvation Army. I was with them for several years, joined the band & proceeded to learn about the Bible & how to live the Christian life & may I add, enjoy this new life. These people were very kind to me & helped me greatly. This I believe was my, PASSOVER OR OUTER COURT experience! During this time, one evening I was standing on the back lawn at my parents house & God spoke to me & told me very distinctly that I would be going north to live & that what He had called me to do would be not in Melbourne, where I lived at that time. During this time God was speaking to me regarding certain Bible issues that the people I was fellow-shipping did not believe, mainly the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Not long after I received a letter from a young lady who I had known a while before I had become converted. She had been converted also, & was in the Baptist church in Melbourne, she had taken a trip to Sydney had received the fullness of the spirit [or what the Bible refers to as the baptism of the Spirit] at the same time God had healed her back. Which I knew had to be a miracle, having known about her back condition. Not long after I too went to Sydney & thank God I too received the same Holy Spirit experience. Which was my experience of , PENTECOST or the HOLY PLACE experience, the second experience in the above illustration, I settled down in a wonderful Pentecostal church in Sydney where I learned many things, met a lovely young lady, married, settled down & finally went into the ministry. We went to a place called Mt Druitt, God was pleased to add a number of people to us, we then built a Church & gradually rose through the ranks of ministry & then once again God began to speak to me. This time it was in regard to the “Manifestation of the Sons of God” as found in Rom 8:23. As I began to meditate & study this Christ began to speak to me about many things including “The restitution of all things” or that all men would eventually be drawn back to himself. Jn 12:32 Lk 3:6 Isa 45 :23. Phil2:11 etc. A Minister had told me previously, Ralph, if ever you find a seeming contradiction in the Bible, follow it through for 1
  • 2. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” you are on the verge of revelation. The Bible never contradicts itself, it may seem to do so but it never does. At about this time a visiting Elder, Evangelist & Prophet visited our church & prophesied that the God was going to uproot us & pluck us up & send us to a dry & arid place, where He would teach us His truth’s in place of the Traditions of men. This came as an unwanted surprise to my wife & myself as this was the last thing we had on our mind. It took several years for this to come to pass as I conveniently chose to ignore the prophecy, but God would not let me forget. What an experience! Never try to ignore the Father!! Eventually of course we left. Prov 25:2 “IT IS THE GLORY OF GOD TO CONCEAL A THING: BUT THE HONOUR OF KINGS IS TO SEARCH OUT A MATTER”. Amos 3:7 “SURELY THE LORD WILL DO NOTHING WITHOUT REVEALING HIS SECRETS TO HIS PROPHETS”. I began to realise that I was learning some secrets. Rom 16:-25. I began inquiries as to who else believed what I knew God was showing us, very soon I was sent several writings from different Authors, who mostly were very good, then I received an article written by J. Preston Eby this really aroused my interest as he too believed not only the “Restitution of All things” Acts 3:-21 but also the “Manifestation of the Son’s of God”. This man had a knowledge of the “Scriptures” that I had not encountered in many before this. By this time my experience in God was nearing 30 years. WHAT LIES BEHIND US & WHAT LIES BEFORE US, ARE TINY MATTERS COMPARED TO WHAT LIES WITHIN US “EMERSON” THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH. God is right now in the business of restoring all CREATION which of course includes [all mankind] back to Himself. Our MOST HOLY PLACE or TABERNACLE or Third Realm experience could could be described as viewing things from God’s perspective, allow me to illustrate. My late Mother in Law was adept in making tapestries of all styles & sizes. When I would enter her flat she would be seated in the far corner with the tapestry in front of her, all I would see at first was an un-coordinated mess. But if I was “interested enough to take the time & energy” I would go to where she was seated & stand behind her & Lo what a different sight. I would then see things from her perspective, I would see what she saw & Oh what beauty. To her it was perfectly natural, Why? Because from where she was sitting the scene or perspective was altogether different. ''At present we are men looking at puzzling reflections in a mirror. The time will come when we shall see reality whole & face to face! At present all I know is a little fraction of the truth, but the time will come when I shall know it as fully as God now knows me!'' I Cor 13:-12 Phillips. In verse 8b thru to 11, we read. ''For if there are prophecies they will be fulfilled & done with, if there are “tongues” the need for them will disappear, if there is knowledge it will be swallowed up in truth. For our knowledge is always incomplete, & when the complete comes, that is the end of the incomplete.'' The K.J.V Says; NOW WE KNOW IN PART & WE PROPHESY IN PART V 9. But if we dare to change our position & move out of the in part realm into the Most Holy Place we will begin to see things from God’s point of view, in other words He will begin to show us some of His secrets. But traditionalism dies hard my friend ask any true blue Jew, or any deep seated denominational Christian. In most cases they will fight to the death any other way of thinking other than their own. How do I know? I have been there my friend, I have been there !! Is it time for you to 2
  • 3. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” move into a new perspective? Has God been dealing with you lately? Are you satisfied with your present spiritual situation? Think about it ? The Holy of Holies not only represents the apex in God, but it also represents the apex of Man; He who was created in God’s own Image is spirit which is at one with the Father. The truth is our spirit never was or ever will be separate from the Father. Most Christians have not realised this. Why? Because the same deception that came upon Adam & Eve is upon most of mankind, including most of their well meaning teachers. “I am naked” were the words & thoughts of Adam & still are the thoughts of the corporate Adam. But what was & is still the reply of the Father. WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE NAKED? Why did Adam think that he was naked? Because He ate from the tree of deception the tree of two powers or opposites, Good & Evil. Which was within himself. ''You are a watered garden.'' ''You are a garden enclosed.'' Isa 58;11. S of Sol 6:3 ''HAVE YOU EATEN OF THE TREE THAT I COMMANDED THAT YOU SHOULD NOT EAT.'' Gen 3:-11. Beloved for thousands of years tradition has taught us, our culture has taught us, religiosity has taught us, Churchianity has taught us that our loving Father separated Himself from us. When all the time it was us, in our deceived thinking we separated ourselves from God by believing a deception. The separation is only in man’s soul, or [his mind, will & emotion]. You & I are at one with God. The Kingdom of God is within you. Every man, woman & child. Out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of LIVING WATERS. Speak to Him now. He will not reward you according to your sins. God has a bad memory regarding Sin. For Jesus Christ tasted death for every man. ''As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.'' Ps 103:-12. These thoughts are coming from the Secret Place of the Most High. I hear a question; What about the Cherubim & the flaming sword, to keep & GUARD the way to the tree of life ? Gen 3:-24. I wonder if the Cherubim were on the job “guarding” when Enoch reached such a high place in God, or Elijah perhaps? Remember they were both Translated! Now my dear readers please keep in mind that what we are writing here today is not coming from the OUTER COURT [Passover] or from the HOLY PLACE [Pentecostal] realm. This is coming from the Most Holy Place – Tabernacle or Spirit realm as in our illustration at the beginning of this article. THE SALVATION TO BE REVEALED IN THE LAST TIME 1 Pet 1:-5. ''Behold, this Child is appointed & destined for the fall & rising of many in Israel, & for a sign that is spoken against.'' Lk 2:-34b. In Isa 8:-18. We read regarding the sign. ''Behold I & the children whom the Lord has given me are signs & wonders [that are to take place] in Israel from the Lord of hosts, Who dwells on Mount Zion.'' The word rising in the Luke 2 verse, comes from the word “Anastasis” & means the recovery of spiritual truth it also means “ to drive out of home, disturb, trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar.” It is also directly related to the word “Anastatoo,” which means raise from sleep, disease, death, obscurity, inactivity, a resurrection from death.” The body of Christ is now not one man called Jesus, He is the Head we are the body, we are God’s Temple! God is right now preparing Sons who are growing up into the Head! These children as in the above verse in Isaiah are the signs that God is going to use for the recovery of spiritual truth, but in doing so it will mean many will be driven out of their spiritual home, they will be disturbed, troubled, turned upside down & a general uproar will be made. This will be done in love by our Saviour, the 3
  • 4. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” reason being to; Raise them from 'natural & spiritual' sleep, disease, death, obscurity, inactivity, a resurrection from death. These Children, Sons of God – Man-child - Saviours rising on Mt Zion, will be the Signs & Wonders that Isaiah wrote about. These Sons will also be overcomer's & will be sitting on the same Throne as their Elder Brother Jesus Christ! Rev3: 21, 2:26-27. NEW WINESKINS The wineskin's really represent the perimeter of our capacity of spiritual understanding. Our perimeter needs to be changed or enlarged. When Jesus said; ''And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins; if he does, the fresh wine will burst the skins & it will be spilled & the skins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into fresh wine-skins, And no one after drinking old wine immediately desires new wine, for he says, The old is good or better.'' Lk 5:37-39. Amp. Tradition according to STRONGS; is 'The living faith of dead ones'. Or the faith of those who have gone before us. Traditionalism is; The dead faith of the living. Traditionalism or the old wine that Jesus was referring to will keep us from advancing in God. To understand the message that the Spirit is revealing today, there must be a radical CHANGE in our way of thinking The new wine is not enough. We must have NEW WINESKINS! Otherwise the new wine will burst or ruin the old skins. In other words a mixture of the two will cause you to be confused, discouraged & dissatisfied. Remember a ''Double minded man is unstable in all his ways'', also ''A house divided against itself will not stand.'' And you & I are a dwelling place – house-temple - of God. Jn 14:2. I hear someone say; I understand what you are saying But what is the solution? LEAVING HOME & FATHER & MOTHER ''If anyone comes to Me & does not hate his father & mother [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God] &[ likewise] his wife & children & brothers & sisters—[yes] & even his own life also—he cannot be my disciple.'' Lk 14:26. Amp. When God first called Saul out of Judaism, it was a mighty upheaval in his life. As far as he was concerned he was totally convinced that there was nothing else. But as always God was on the move. He later wrote about it in the in the book of Galatians. ''For you hear of my behaviour once, in Judaism, that I inordinately persecuted the – ecclesia - of God & ravaged it. And I progressed in Judaism, above many contemporaries in my race, being inherently exceedingly more zealous for the traditions of my fathers. Now when it delights God, Who severs me from my mothers womb & calls me through His grace, to unveil His Son in me that I might be evangelising Him among the nations, I did not immediately submit to flesh & blood, neither came I up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I came away to Arabia, & I return again to Damascus.'' Gal 1:13-17, CLV. We all have spiritual roots where people, peoples or some group, be it a denomination, organisation or sect where we have been nursed, cared for parented, or fathered & mothered. These groups are sometimes referred to as women or as in one case “silly women”. Paul's spiritual background, organisation or mother was Judaism. Suddenly God decides to separate him from this organisation where he has been nurtured all his life, severed from his Mothers womb. The diaglott puts it this way. ''that having set apart me from womb of mother of me, & having called through the favour of himself, to reveal the son of himself in me, so that I might announce him to the nations.'' In other words Paul was separated from his old religious order. God wanted Him out, never to go back in. Some would say but he preached in the synagogue, of course he did, but did he fellowship with them in the old way, NO, NO, NO, a thousand times NO. Read the book of Hebrews, read chapter 6. God separated him to share a new message. To unveil His Son in me. So many could make it much easier on themselves if they would only COME OUT. In the past I have seen lovely people in God 4
  • 5. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” receive revelation, do well for a while & then because of association that they could have avoided, become very confused. At times what can be good for others, can become evil to us. Sometimes, “Evil communications can corrupt good spiritual manners”. “We need to leave our father & mother.” ARABIA THE WILDERNESS Notice that the first thing that Paul did after he was called, he retired to Arabia, Arabia means wilderness. He was there for some time. After we hear from God on important issues, we need not to confer with flesh & blood but retire as it were into a wilderness experience. Why is it sometimes better not to confer with flesh blood, or in other words talk to our friends? We need to let God establish the truth in us. Most of the time God’s will & opinion is quite different from well meaning friends, advisors & relatives. ''If anyone comes to me & does not hate his father & mother [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude towards God] & [likewise] his wife & children & brothers & sisters ---[yes] & even his own life also --- he cannot be my disciple.'' Lk 14:26. Amp. Why am I writing like this? Well God has spoken to me very, very clearly on this matter. May God bless you in your walk with Him. TO UNVEIL HIS SON IN ME The word UNVEIL is from the Greek word Apocalupto its meaning is to take off the cover – disclose - reveal. The reason the Spirit of God is calling us out today is to fully reveal His Son in us. Christ is coming to be “Glorified IN His Saints”. The full salvation that Peter & Paul spoke about is about to come to pass & ''The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own. The world of creation cannot as yet see reality, not because it chooses to be blind, but because in God’s purpose it has been so limited--yet it has been given hope. And the hope is that in the end the whole of created life will be rescued from the tyranny of change & decay, & have its share in that magnificent liberty which can only belong to God!'' Rom 8:19-21. Phillips. ''God has all men penned together in the prison of disobedience, that He may have mercy upon them all.'' Rom 11:32. Phillips. THE TRUTH IN REGARD TO THE GUARDING CHERUBIM Let me share with you what I feel has been one of God's secrets that He is now revealing. For the seed of this thought we have Marj Stampa to thank, she shared part of it with me some time ago. But it was not until recently that the spirit quickened my attention to it & opened it up & enlarged it, to me.I believe that what I am about to share will open the way into a great doorway into the heights of God. But let me warn you if you are going to insist on only a literal Garden of Eden with literal trees, & literal fruit, you will probably miss it altogether. I believe the first three chapters of Genesis, are in the same category as the book of Revelation, they are both Metaphors. I learned recently that the original King James Bible written in the early 1600s stated clearly in a large footnote that the first three chapters in Genesis were not literal. Now please I am not laying claim to any new thing that others have not received, but it is new to me & no doubt there will be more added to this in the future. STRONGS concordance states #3742 KeRUWB of uncertain der.; a cherub or IMAGINORY FIGURE. When Adam & Eve ate from the tree of deception it was in the Garden of Paradise within themselves. If we are looking for a paradise outside of ourselves we will never find it, The Kingdom of God is only within you, Jesus said! Furthermore He stated His Kingdom was not of this world, in other words we will not find it outside of God who dwells within. Anyone who is looking elsewhere is on a lost journey. My friend this Eden was not a literal garden, this may upset your religious theology, but these things must be said, we have been under a cloud too long. When Adam & Eve ate their eyes 5
  • 6. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” were opened, & they knew they were naked, they became gods & they thought they were like God. Sadly the whole thing. was a deception, a lie, an illusion an imagination . This whole state was in their own imagination. Why because they were functioning out of their own soul or their [mind will & emotion] which in the deception, was separated from their own spirit. The spirit of God which was still in them was gradually forgotten, put aside as it were. They were now believing in two powers “good & evil”. They were looking outward instead of inward. Whilst they believed in two powers our loving God could not let them live in this state forever. Where the Father dwells there is only One power. He has no opposites no enemies. Where the majority of mankind live, that is outside of the Tabernacle plan, & where most Christians live which is in Outer Court or Holy Place, they still believe in two powers or good & evil. Even the feast of Pentecost was as most of us are aware of, was eaten with leaven, which designates sin & false doctrine. The Most Holy Place feast was eaten with unleavened bread. THE CHERUBIM OVER THE ARK AND OF GENESIS THREE ARE ONE AND THE SAME Inside the Most Holy Place was the ARK OF THE COVENANT guarding the ARK were TWO Cherubim. My good brothers & sisters it is one thing to go into the Most Holy place, but it is another to lift the lid & look inside the Ark for there is something guarding it, & what is it ? Two Cherubim or Imaginations. These are the same Cherubims as in Genesis 3:24 & they represent the two i.e. “good & evil” which is in our thinking or soul. The only real tree within us is the tree of life, which is Christ. The other is a lie, a deception, an illusion or an imagination, two in fact good & evil. From these two imaginations spring the whole of mankind's problems. Whilst we have these imaginations we cannot open the ARK within ourselves, where the tree of life in its fullness dwells. Remember the Rod that budded, typifying the Tree of Life is inside. Once this is understood & embraced in spirit, The Manchild, the manifested Sons of God, will as the Diaglott states, begin to live into the age, or for 1000 years. ''Casting down imaginations & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God'' This truth is a very major part of, 1Cor 15:54b-55. ''Death is swallowed up in & unto victory. Oh death where is your victory? O death where is your sting.'' It is the deceitful, delusive imaginations of two powers that is keeping us from opening the Ark. How do we begin to overcome this? Now the wonderful news in regards to this is, that we are no longer in a good verses evil fight. That god of good & evil because of our knowing the truth is finished. It is only an imagination anyway. THIS IS OVERCOMING beloved. Remember we are speaking from the “Third realm” position. Lord lift me up & let me stand, By faith, on Heavens table-land, A higher plane than I have found, Lord plant my feet on higher ground, The higher ground is in our thinking. ''Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee [the one & only power without enemies] because he trusteth in Thee.'' Isa 26:3. KJV. ''Be still & know that the I (that is in you) is God'' Ps 46;10a KJV. The word am is in italics. Not original. ''For it is God which works in you both to will & to do of his good pleasure.'' Phillipians 2:13. 6
  • 7. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” THE RENEWING OF THE MIND This is an excerpt from an article by Preston Eby. Quote, “The crowns of gold are upon their heads. Though this appears a very natural statement, yet it is freighted with deep significance! The Greek word for “head” is kephale which comes from the root kapto meaning “ to seize.” Is it not the head, the mind, that the adversary most wants to captivate & take hold of? The mind is the gateway to the whole being! It is in the mind of man that he is alienated from the life that is in God (Eph 4:18), & it is by the renewing of the mind that we are transformed into the image of Christ! It is the head or mind that the spirit of God is today “seizing” or “laying hold” upon in every one who has received the call to sonship. That HE may be fully manifest therein.”

.Of course the crowns of fragrant branches won by the Greeks in their athletic contests were short lived, for they soon wilted & became dead & brittle. In contrast to this, our stephanos are incorruptible crowns which will never fade away ---- for the Royal Priesthood is of the Melchizedekian order ---- after the power of an endless life! In the Theatre of Ephesus there was found an inscription which read: “He fought three bouts, & was crowned two times.” In like manner the sons of God will soon be rewarded for their bouts with the flesh, the world. & the principalities & powers which have their rule in the darkness of the carnal mind. God is even now bringing forth an incorruptible people, overcomer's, who are overcoming all things. And of them, finally it shall be said : “They fought many, many bouts & were crowned every time.” No more weakness & failure. No more flunking two tests & winning one. Overcoming all things! Oh, no, we have not always overcome all things, but those who are called & chosen in this hour are being strengthened by experience & by the power of the spirit of life within & are becoming strong in the Lord & in the power of His might. God is teaching us to reign in our lives & in every situation! His making us a Royal Priesthood! Priests are reigning in the Father’s own nature, love, & power! Reconciling the world. Subduing all things. As kings these are seated in the throne; as priests the sit around the throne. Their rule is rooted in authority as kings, but as priests they become between the God of the throne & the creation so desperately needing His life. Isn’t it wonderful! End quote. THREE STEPS DOWN, AND THREE STEPS TO RETURN ''What is man that You are mindful of him. & the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him but a little lower than God & You have crowned him with glory & honour. You made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands. You have put all things under his feet.'' Ps 8:4-6 Amp. In the Moffatt translation verse five we read; ''Yet thou hast made him a little lower than divine, thou hast crowned him with majesty & honour.'' The Young's puts verse five this way; ''And causest him to lack a little of Godhead, And with honour & majesty compassest him.'' I would like to remind us at this stage that our theme is; Christ is the antidote regarding death. Not in the concept of the second realm, ie; Holy place or Pentecost. But in the concept of living, Into the age. Which is The Most Holy Place, experience. When God made man in the first chapter of Genesis, he was made in the very image of Himself, a spirit being. Eph 2:10 K.J.V says we were Created in Christ Jesus. In the beginning we were replica’s of God, divine spirit beings, & the truth is we still are! But our wonderful, loving creator had plans for us. Nothing comes easy. Without trials & testing-s we cannot be perfected! Rom 8: 20-21, ''For the creation (nature) was subjected to frailty (to futility, condemned to frustration), not because of some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of Him Who so subjected it---(yet) with the hope. That the nature (creation) itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption [& gain an entrance] into the glorious freedom of God’s children.'' Amp. Then God caused us to ''lack a little of Godhead.'' This consisted of a stepping down from phase one to phase three. The first phase being spirit, the next, man became a living soul, the third, man was given a body. If you are not sure of the third phase I invite you to do some deep research on Gen 3:21 regarding skins. Strong's # 5783, 4785, which means in both cases to make naked also the companion Bible, appendix 7
  • 8. “Christ the Antidote regarding death.” 34 has a very, very interesting excerpt regarding this subject. The third realm understanding is revealing some very serious flaws in our past tradition of religiosity. Let us return to the Old Paths is the cry of many, yes I agree the very, very old paths. Let us return to our roots, the Garden of Eden which is in us. I am sure that you will enjoy the words of this song. I’ll take you back to where you were in me, Before the fall of man, I’ll restore your soul I’ll reconcile your heart, I’ll give you back, your true identity. I’m removing the veil from your eyes, That you may truly see, You will be with me in paradise, On this earth you’ll walk with me. In doing this it we start from the, Flesh Realm then to the Soul Realm then into the Spirit Realm Passover then to Pentecost then into Tabernacles Outer Court then to the Holy Place then into the Most Holy Place Beloved in Christ we are returning to the Father, the former things are soon to be forgotten. It will not be long when God’s sons will not lack in Godhead any-more this time we will be Life Giving spirits with a glorified BODY. The in part realm is soon to disappear. There are some things that a few would sooner forget. But for the sake of expediency for the body they are still spoken of. We will soon come into a fuller understanding of the Tabernacle of David I know that some have seen a little deeper than others on this subject. I happen to know one or two of them. This is a wonderful time we’re living in, a time when death will soon be overcome by Victory! I truly hope this article has helped you! Yours in His service. Written by Ralph Knowles. March 2009. For those who have enjoyed this article & are hungry for the deeper truths of “ Third day revelation” Please contact Ralph Knowles. Phone 07 38187875, Mobile 0448126882. The mailing address is, 47/13 Thomas st Goodna Qld 4300 Australia. < Web < > 8