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 Survey report
  May, 2012
Who are our Customers?
• Active users of Facebook or other social network s (SN) all over the world.
  Those for whom the opinion of peers matters, those who are bored to get
  something alone, those who strive thoughts and wishes of their friends. Those
  who have active stance and life and who like to reach their goals.
• See the needs of our potential customers in detail at the slide below.

               Survey characteristics
• Sample size: 81 respondents
• Sample characteristics: Facebook users from different regions (U.S. and
  Canada, Europe, Asia, Other) ages 18+.
• Method: on-line questionnaire (using Google Forms) with closed questions and
  subsequent face-to-face interview.
• To increase the representativeness of the sample we applied adjustment
  factors: geographic, age and sex, based on statistics available in the Internet on
  the distribution of Facebook users.
Hypotheses about Customer Needs
1. Our potential customers often find themselves in a situation when they would
    like to organize or do something, but realize that doing it alone is too boring. It
    would be a completely different matter having attention and support from
    someone or even do it in a team.
2. They set goals constantly
3. It is important for them to reach their goals
4. They would like to have a mentor or adviser in their life, who could help them
    to shape up their goals and guide towards achieving those
5. They are willing to share their plans (apart from really personal stuff) with
    their friends
6. It is important for them to get an approval of their plans from their friends
7. They believe their friends can help them to achieve their goals
8. They feel more motivated to achieve their goals, if they had the support of
    their friends
9. They often experience the need to find somebody with whom to realize their
    plans (e.g. go to a concert, movies, skating or bowling, go on holiday
10. They are interested in their friends' plans
11. They would like to help their friends to achieve goals
1. How often do you find yourself in a situation when you would
like to do something, but find doing it alone too boring, having
someone to do it with would be a completely different matter?


62% of SN users have such a need.
2. Do you set goals?
 3. How important is it for you to reach them?


  58% of SN users set their goals often or always and for 79% of
  them it’s important to reach their goals (74% for all SN).
4. Do you have a mentor or adviser in your life, who can help you to
shape your goals and guide you towards achieving these goals on
your own?

79% of SN users want to have mentors or advisers, but 64% don’t
have them.
5. Are you willing to share your plans (apart from really personal
stuff) with your friends?
6. How important is your friends’ approval of your plans?


99% of SN users willing to share their plans with their friends, but
only for 14% of them it’s really important to get their friends’
approval of their plans.
7. Do you think your friends, having the knowledge about your
 plans, are likely to help you achieve them?
 8. Would you feel more motivated to achieve your goals, if you had
 the support of your friends?



  Only 20% of SN users expecting to get help from their friends in
  goal achievement. But 69% of SN users would be more motivated
  to achieve their goals if they had support of their friends.
9. How often do you get the need to find somebody with whom to
 realize your plans?
 10. How much are you interested in your friends' plans (5 to 10 of
 your closest friends)?

50%                            75%

  50% of SN users feel the need to find somebody with whom to
  realize their plans.
  75% of SN users are interested in their friends’ plans.
10. Imagine you are aware of your friends' plans (5-10 closest
friends). Would you try to help them in achieving those plans, even
if they didn’t ask for help directly?


76% of SN users would like to help their friends in achieving their
plans, even if friends didn’t ask for help directly.
Hypotheses confirmation
#                                      Hypothesis                                    Confirmation
     They are willing to share their plans (apart from really personal stuff) with
5                                                                                            99%
     their friends
     They would like to have a mentor or adviser in their life, who could help
4                                                                                            79%
     them to shape up their goals and guide towards achieving those
11   They would like to help their friends to achieve goals                                  76%
10   They are interested in their friends' plans                                             75%
 3   It is important for them to reach their goals                                           74%
     They feel more motivated to achieve their goals, if they had the support of
8                                                                                            69%
     their friends
     Our potential customers often find themselves in a situation when they
     would like to organize or do something, but realize that doing it alone is
1                                                                                            62%
     too boring. It would be a completely different matter having attention and
     support from someone or even do it in a team.
2    They set goals constantly                                                               58%
     They often experience the need to find somebody with whom to realize
9    their plans (e.g. go to a concert, movies, skating or bowling, go on holiday            50%
7    They believe their friends can help them to achieve their goals                         20%
6    It is important for them to get an approval of their plans from their friends           14%
Summary of testing: hypotheses about
            customer needs
We’ve got confirmation of some potential customer needs. The
majority of respondents are willing to share their plans with their
friends (99% as writers, 75% as readers), help others to achieve their
goals (76%). Not all of them set goals constantly (58%) but 98% have
goals and it is important for them to reach those (74%).

Customers are not willing to discuss their own plans (14%), yet they
expect for support (69%). They strongly want to have a mentor or
adviser they can trust, who could help them to shape up their goals
and guide towards achieving those (79%), but they don’t see their
friends in this role (20%).

More then a half of our potential customers find it more interesting
(62%) and useful (50%) to realize their intentions together.
Hypotheses about value proposition
 We’ve decided to develop a web service tailored for mobile
 access that gives our customers possibility to realize their
 ideas using the power of social connections. With our service,
 users will find peers to make their ideas and intentions
 happen, and people who will inspire and motivate them to
 move towards their goals

 In this survey we analyzed potential customer interest on
 some features of our mobile application (see next slides).
Hypotheses confirmation
                                      (all potential customers)
#                                           Feature                                   Avg. Value * Potential users, % Nonusers, %
        Ability to set an intention or a plan and my social network friends will
    1                                                                                         2,06               25%         67%
        immediately see them.
        Ability to see how many approvals of my intentions I’ve received from my
    2                                                                                         2,10               28%         67%
        Ability to set a suggestion you would like to do together with somebody
    3   (e.g. go somewhere) and your friends will immediately see it in their social          3,63               69%         13%
        network account and will have the ability to respond to the suggestion.
        Ability to see the goals, plans and intentions of your friends, support them
    4                                                                                         3,61               72%         22%
        and/or join them in realizing it.
        Having been notified of your friend’s goal, the ability to express your
    5                                                                                         3,39               65%         14%
        willingness to help them achieve it.
    6   Ability to find a person who has a particular type of goal or plan.                   3,86               75%         14%
    7   Ability to see goals and intentions of others on a geographical map.                  3,58               68%         24%
        Ability to see offers from other people or organizations willing to help me
    8                                                                                         3,66               72%         23%
        achieve my goals or realize my intentions.
        Ability to set your privacy settings in a way that would only display certain
    9                                                                                         4,21               84%          9%
        goals to a limited set of people.
10      Ability to see your achievement statistics and compare it with others.                2,83               48%         34%
11      Ability to receive goal suggestions based on my interested and past goals.            3,38               63%         30%

* Potential users evaluated the features by five-point scale.
Hypotheses confirmation
              (potential customers with all TOP-5 needs)**
#                                         Feature                                       Avg. Value * Potential users, % Nonusers, %
      Ability to set an intention or a plan and my social network friends will
    1                                                                                           1,36               8%          89%
      immediately see them.
      Ability to see how many approvals of my intentions I’ve received from my
    2                                                                                           1,36               8%          90%
      Ability to set a suggestion you would like to do together with somebody
    3 (e.g. go somewhere) and your friends will immediately see it in their social              3,19              55%           0%
      network account and will have the ability to respond to the suggestion.
        Ability to see the goals, plans and intentions of your friends, support them
    4                                                                                           3,99              96%           0%
        and/or join them in realizing it.
        Having been notified of your friend’s goal, the ability to express your
    5                                                                                           3,23              60%           0%
        willingness to help them achieve it.
    6   Ability to find a person who has a particular type of goal or plan.                     4,51              88%           0%
    7   Ability to see goals and intentions of others on a geographical map.                    4,10              77%          23%
        Ability to see offers from other people or organizations willing to help me
    8                                                                                           4,52              91%           9%
        achieve my goals or realize my intentions.
        Ability to set your privacy settings in a way that would only display certain
    9                                                                                           4,75             100%           0%
        goals to a limited set of people.
10      Ability to see your achievement statistics and compare it with others.                  2,79              39%          25%
11      Ability to receive goal suggestions based on my interested and past goals.              4,15              74%          26%

* Potential users evaluated the features by five-point scale.
** 36% of all potential customers (our future best customers).
Summary of testing: Hypotheses about value
The most important features of our product will be:
• Ability to see the goals, plans and intentions of your friends, support them
  and/or join them in realizing it.
  Ability to find a person who has a particular type of goal or plan.
• Ability to see goals and intentions of others on a geographical map.
• Ability to see offers from other people or organizations willing to help me
  achieve my goals or realize my intentions.
• Ability to set your privacy settings in a way that would only display certain
  goals to a limited set of people.
• Ability to receive goal suggestions based on my interested and past goals.
Surely we need to provide “Ability to set a suggestion you would like to
do together with somebody” feature as a basis of service.
However we need to find the most convenient and simple way to fill
our service with intentions, goals and plans, take into consideration
that customers don’t like to set their intentions for no particular
Some of our customers’ thoughts (1/3)
«Лично бы я не пользовался приложением, мне легче позвонить моим друзьям, так Our target audience is social network
как они не очень-то любят социальные сети»                                         users.
«Не поставил бы, так как в фейсбуке редко, в основном для того, чтобы прочитать
новости, я не фанат социальных сетей»
«Я бы не пользовался. У меня другие методы общения с друзьями. Это всё равно,
что читать твиттер того, кто сидит в 2-х метрах от меня. Можно позвонить по скайпу
или телефону.»
«Мне не интересно делиться своими целями и идеями. Я бы не пользовался, может
потому, что я немного асоциальный тип, так как соц. сетями не пользуюсь»
«Если хотя бы 3 друга поставили приложение, поставил бы и я»                       We should develop strong viral
                                                                                   mechanism and team activity.
«Думаю, что идея классная. Можно было бы использовать его как в работе (в т.ч.     Maybe we should provide not only a
работе определенной команды), так и в личной жизни. Вообще, думаю вариантов        mobile application (web-site, facebook
использования много. Но было бы хорошо, если бы был не только вариант              application, etc.).
мобильного приложения, а к примеру, сайт или программа для ПК. »
«Насчет мобильного, проще наверно какую-то соц. сеть использовать как
платформу, но я не пользуюсь мобильным для доступа к интернету, поэтому мне
лучше найтив аппликейшон в мобильнике, чтобы доступ к инету только
периодически для синхронизации»
«Если человек ставит галочку "Помогите", то я помогу, но вмешиваться в планы        We should think about mechanism that
других без просьбы - нет.»                                                          push customers to help each other.
«У цели, которую кто-то себе поставил в какой-то момент происходит переход в      Good idea. We should think about
событие (т.е. запланированное событие выросшее из цели, еще не состоявшееся,      realization.
но которое с 99% произойдет). Например, цель "хочу собраться и послушать
хорошую музыку" - перерастает в событие "Вечеринка в клубе Х такого-то числа", на
которое можно уже присылать приглашения»
Some of our customers’ thoughts (2/3)
«Для предложений добавить себе новое намерение исходя из моих интересов и         We should work with contextual
целей очень важна контекстная точность и ненавязчивость. Если это не реклама, а   accuracy.
именно дельное предложение - тогда да»
«Мне идея показалось весьма неплохой и полезной, главное привлечь Очень           Wide network of customers is our the
много народа, с разнообразными интересами.»                                       most important goal at the beginning.

«Понравилась часть идеи с предложениями.                                          We should think about rating system for
Хотелось бы, чтоб там был какой-нибудь рейтинг/отдельный список креативных        published ideas.
предложений и идей. За такое бы заплатил. Приложение с предложениями в
стиле "пойти на концерт или в кино, пойти на каток или в боулинг, поехать в
определенное место провести отпуск и праздничные дни" не установил бы, но
уверен, что многим понравилась бы такая функция.»

«Весь функционал имеет смысл, но статистика, к примеру редко использовалась       We should think about convenient
бы, нужна система нотификации о том что нового произошло.»                        notification system.

«Геотаргетинг имеет смысл для краткосрочной цели, а когда долго играющие то       Geo-targeting makes sense for defined
скорее всего нет. К примеру я хочу новые курсы по дайву, долгоиграющая цель, и    class of tasks.
на красном море мне нужно чтобы подсказали с кем это делать»

«Очень хорошая и нужная идея. Думаю, что есть все наметки на успех данного        We need test it well before scaling.
приложения. Ты только не превращай его в очередной Facebook :( И желательно
сделать его сразу очень достойным. Без оговорок, что "а вот это, мы сделаем в
следующем релизе"»
Some of our customers’ thoughts (3/3)
«В данном случае я на ваша целевая аудитория, но у меня есть знакомые, которые бы              Our service could be not only for fun but
точно этим пользовались. Они просто "живут" в соцсетях и каждый свой чих в них                 for important problems solving as well.
фиксируют. Я бы не пользовалась. Для обсуждения серьезных целей - нужны                        We should think about “trusted” accounts
надежные и опытные собеседники (1-3 человека). В такие цели я точно не собираюсь               for advisers and mentors.
посвящать всех вокруг. Просто так, убить время - мне тоже не подходит. Время стоит
дорого, да и свободного у меня нет.”

«Наверно чтобы я начал ей пользоваться, мне нужно было бы дать ее в руки. Сам бы я             We need to develop our distribution
за такой прогой в marketplace не полез... Хотя штука забавная. Проблема в том, что             channels.
каждый по разному понимает слово "идеи" и "делиться идеями". Для кого-то идея "а
не пойти ли мне сегодня в магазин за хлебом", для кого-то "а не спасти ли мне мир".
Для качественной дележки идеями было бы хорошо добавить инструментов,
например сделать мини-анкету для лучшего видения идеи.»

“I wouldn't care to put my goals up to my friends. Sort of personal. And I don't really care   We need to develop strong security
what they think. Just my point of view.”                                                       system (maybe something like G+ circles).
“All the best, sounds intriguing for day-to-day goals such as weekend plans, going to gym or
pool etc. For serious goals, privacy surely is a concern.”
“I’m willing to share my plans with my friend depends on the type of plan. Plans tend to be

“I loved your idea, will keep up to date on your blog!”.                                       We love you guys! :)
“Quite an useful tool I would think”
New hypotheses from face to face talks
• People will actively use service only after some number of their friends start to use and
  when it has large user-base overall
• Users might want to change statuses of their goals/ideas - e.g. initial, planning,
  dropped, scheduled, etc
• Users might like to have recommended goals, activates, ideas based on their profile,
  history, interests
• Users might like to rate and categorize ideas to be able to consume rated and
  categorized content
• Users want to immediately see the changes happened from their last session
• Users expect well-polished application with awesome user experience even for beta
• Users are not searching for this kind of application, they need to see it to understand
  they want it

Yet to be thought:
• Maybe we should provide not only a mobile application (web-site, facebook
   application, etc.).
• We should think about mechanism that push customers to help each other.
• Proximity is important for some ideas and is not important for others.

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Intender Survey Report

  • 2. Who are our Customers? • Active users of Facebook or other social network s (SN) all over the world. Those for whom the opinion of peers matters, those who are bored to get something alone, those who strive thoughts and wishes of their friends. Those who have active stance and life and who like to reach their goals. • See the needs of our potential customers in detail at the slide below. Survey characteristics • Sample size: 81 respondents • Sample characteristics: Facebook users from different regions (U.S. and Canada, Europe, Asia, Other) ages 18+. • Method: on-line questionnaire (using Google Forms) with closed questions and subsequent face-to-face interview. • To increase the representativeness of the sample we applied adjustment factors: geographic, age and sex, based on statistics available in the Internet on the distribution of Facebook users.
  • 3. Hypotheses about Customer Needs 1. Our potential customers often find themselves in a situation when they would like to organize or do something, but realize that doing it alone is too boring. It would be a completely different matter having attention and support from someone or even do it in a team. 2. They set goals constantly 3. It is important for them to reach their goals 4. They would like to have a mentor or adviser in their life, who could help them to shape up their goals and guide towards achieving those 5. They are willing to share their plans (apart from really personal stuff) with their friends 6. It is important for them to get an approval of their plans from their friends 7. They believe their friends can help them to achieve their goals 8. They feel more motivated to achieve their goals, if they had the support of their friends 9. They often experience the need to find somebody with whom to realize their plans (e.g. go to a concert, movies, skating or bowling, go on holiday somewhere) 10. They are interested in their friends' plans 11. They would like to help their friends to achieve goals
  • 4. 1. How often do you find yourself in a situation when you would like to do something, but find doing it alone too boring, having someone to do it with would be a completely different matter? 62% 62% of SN users have such a need.
  • 5. 2. Do you set goals? 3. How important is it for you to reach them? 58% 79% +40% 58% of SN users set their goals often or always and for 79% of them it’s important to reach their goals (74% for all SN).
  • 6. 4. Do you have a mentor or adviser in your life, who can help you to shape your goals and guide you towards achieving these goals on your own? 79% of SN users want to have mentors or advisers, but 64% don’t have them.
  • 7. 5. Are you willing to share your plans (apart from really personal stuff) with your friends? 6. How important is your friends’ approval of your plans? 14% 99% of SN users willing to share their plans with their friends, but only for 14% of them it’s really important to get their friends’ approval of their plans.
  • 8. 7. Do you think your friends, having the knowledge about your plans, are likely to help you achieve them? 8. Would you feel more motivated to achieve your goals, if you had the support of your friends? 20% 69% Only 20% of SN users expecting to get help from their friends in goal achievement. But 69% of SN users would be more motivated to achieve their goals if they had support of their friends.
  • 9. 9. How often do you get the need to find somebody with whom to realize your plans? 10. How much are you interested in your friends' plans (5 to 10 of your closest friends)? 50% 75% 50% of SN users feel the need to find somebody with whom to realize their plans. 75% of SN users are interested in their friends’ plans.
  • 10. 10. Imagine you are aware of your friends' plans (5-10 closest friends). Would you try to help them in achieving those plans, even if they didn’t ask for help directly? 76% 76% of SN users would like to help their friends in achieving their plans, even if friends didn’t ask for help directly.
  • 11. Hypotheses confirmation # Hypothesis Confirmation They are willing to share their plans (apart from really personal stuff) with 5 99% their friends They would like to have a mentor or adviser in their life, who could help 4 79% them to shape up their goals and guide towards achieving those 11 They would like to help their friends to achieve goals 76% 10 They are interested in their friends' plans 75% 3 It is important for them to reach their goals 74% They feel more motivated to achieve their goals, if they had the support of 8 69% their friends Our potential customers often find themselves in a situation when they would like to organize or do something, but realize that doing it alone is 1 62% too boring. It would be a completely different matter having attention and support from someone or even do it in a team. 2 They set goals constantly 58% They often experience the need to find somebody with whom to realize 9 their plans (e.g. go to a concert, movies, skating or bowling, go on holiday 50% somewhere) 7 They believe their friends can help them to achieve their goals 20% 6 It is important for them to get an approval of their plans from their friends 14%
  • 12. Summary of testing: hypotheses about customer needs We’ve got confirmation of some potential customer needs. The majority of respondents are willing to share their plans with their friends (99% as writers, 75% as readers), help others to achieve their goals (76%). Not all of them set goals constantly (58%) but 98% have goals and it is important for them to reach those (74%). Customers are not willing to discuss their own plans (14%), yet they expect for support (69%). They strongly want to have a mentor or adviser they can trust, who could help them to shape up their goals and guide towards achieving those (79%), but they don’t see their friends in this role (20%). More then a half of our potential customers find it more interesting (62%) and useful (50%) to realize their intentions together.
  • 13. Hypotheses about value proposition We’ve decided to develop a web service tailored for mobile access that gives our customers possibility to realize their ideas using the power of social connections. With our service, users will find peers to make their ideas and intentions happen, and people who will inspire and motivate them to move towards their goals In this survey we analyzed potential customer interest on some features of our mobile application (see next slides).
  • 14. Hypotheses confirmation (all potential customers) # Feature Avg. Value * Potential users, % Nonusers, % Ability to set an intention or a plan and my social network friends will 1 2,06 25% 67% immediately see them. Ability to see how many approvals of my intentions I’ve received from my 2 2,10 28% 67% friends. Ability to set a suggestion you would like to do together with somebody 3 (e.g. go somewhere) and your friends will immediately see it in their social 3,63 69% 13% network account and will have the ability to respond to the suggestion. Ability to see the goals, plans and intentions of your friends, support them 4 3,61 72% 22% and/or join them in realizing it. Having been notified of your friend’s goal, the ability to express your 5 3,39 65% 14% willingness to help them achieve it. 6 Ability to find a person who has a particular type of goal or plan. 3,86 75% 14% 7 Ability to see goals and intentions of others on a geographical map. 3,58 68% 24% Ability to see offers from other people or organizations willing to help me 8 3,66 72% 23% achieve my goals or realize my intentions. Ability to set your privacy settings in a way that would only display certain 9 4,21 84% 9% goals to a limited set of people. 10 Ability to see your achievement statistics and compare it with others. 2,83 48% 34% 11 Ability to receive goal suggestions based on my interested and past goals. 3,38 63% 30% * Potential users evaluated the features by five-point scale.
  • 15. Hypotheses confirmation (potential customers with all TOP-5 needs)** # Feature Avg. Value * Potential users, % Nonusers, % Ability to set an intention or a plan and my social network friends will 1 1,36 8% 89% immediately see them. Ability to see how many approvals of my intentions I’ve received from my 2 1,36 8% 90% friends. Ability to set a suggestion you would like to do together with somebody 3 (e.g. go somewhere) and your friends will immediately see it in their social 3,19 55% 0% network account and will have the ability to respond to the suggestion. Ability to see the goals, plans and intentions of your friends, support them 4 3,99 96% 0% and/or join them in realizing it. Having been notified of your friend’s goal, the ability to express your 5 3,23 60% 0% willingness to help them achieve it. 6 Ability to find a person who has a particular type of goal or plan. 4,51 88% 0% 7 Ability to see goals and intentions of others on a geographical map. 4,10 77% 23% Ability to see offers from other people or organizations willing to help me 8 4,52 91% 9% achieve my goals or realize my intentions. Ability to set your privacy settings in a way that would only display certain 9 4,75 100% 0% goals to a limited set of people. 10 Ability to see your achievement statistics and compare it with others. 2,79 39% 25% 11 Ability to receive goal suggestions based on my interested and past goals. 4,15 74% 26% * Potential users evaluated the features by five-point scale. ** 36% of all potential customers (our future best customers).
  • 16. Summary of testing: Hypotheses about value proposition The most important features of our product will be: • Ability to see the goals, plans and intentions of your friends, support them and/or join them in realizing it. Ability to find a person who has a particular type of goal or plan. • Ability to see goals and intentions of others on a geographical map. • Ability to see offers from other people or organizations willing to help me achieve my goals or realize my intentions. • Ability to set your privacy settings in a way that would only display certain goals to a limited set of people. • Ability to receive goal suggestions based on my interested and past goals. Surely we need to provide “Ability to set a suggestion you would like to do together with somebody” feature as a basis of service. However we need to find the most convenient and simple way to fill our service with intentions, goals and plans, take into consideration that customers don’t like to set their intentions for no particular reason.
  • 17. Some of our customers’ thoughts (1/3) «Лично бы я не пользовался приложением, мне легче позвонить моим друзьям, так Our target audience is social network как они не очень-то любят социальные сети» users. «Не поставил бы, так как в фейсбуке редко, в основном для того, чтобы прочитать новости, я не фанат социальных сетей» «Я бы не пользовался. У меня другие методы общения с друзьями. Это всё равно, что читать твиттер того, кто сидит в 2-х метрах от меня. Можно позвонить по скайпу или телефону.» «Мне не интересно делиться своими целями и идеями. Я бы не пользовался, может потому, что я немного асоциальный тип, так как соц. сетями не пользуюсь» «Если хотя бы 3 друга поставили приложение, поставил бы и я» We should develop strong viral mechanism and team activity. «Думаю, что идея классная. Можно было бы использовать его как в работе (в т.ч. Maybe we should provide not only a работе определенной команды), так и в личной жизни. Вообще, думаю вариантов mobile application (web-site, facebook использования много. Но было бы хорошо, если бы был не только вариант application, etc.). мобильного приложения, а к примеру, сайт или программа для ПК. » «Насчет мобильного, проще наверно какую-то соц. сеть использовать как платформу, но я не пользуюсь мобильным для доступа к интернету, поэтому мне лучше найтив аппликейшон в мобильнике, чтобы доступ к инету только периодически для синхронизации» «Если человек ставит галочку "Помогите", то я помогу, но вмешиваться в планы We should think about mechanism that других без просьбы - нет.» push customers to help each other. «У цели, которую кто-то себе поставил в какой-то момент происходит переход в Good idea. We should think about событие (т.е. запланированное событие выросшее из цели, еще не состоявшееся, realization. но которое с 99% произойдет). Например, цель "хочу собраться и послушать хорошую музыку" - перерастает в событие "Вечеринка в клубе Х такого-то числа", на которое можно уже присылать приглашения»
  • 18. Some of our customers’ thoughts (2/3) «Для предложений добавить себе новое намерение исходя из моих интересов и We should work with contextual целей очень важна контекстная точность и ненавязчивость. Если это не реклама, а accuracy. именно дельное предложение - тогда да» «Мне идея показалось весьма неплохой и полезной, главное привлечь Очень Wide network of customers is our the много народа, с разнообразными интересами.» most important goal at the beginning. «Понравилась часть идеи с предложениями. We should think about rating system for Хотелось бы, чтоб там был какой-нибудь рейтинг/отдельный список креативных published ideas. предложений и идей. За такое бы заплатил. Приложение с предложениями в стиле "пойти на концерт или в кино, пойти на каток или в боулинг, поехать в определенное место провести отпуск и праздничные дни" не установил бы, но уверен, что многим понравилась бы такая функция.» «Весь функционал имеет смысл, но статистика, к примеру редко использовалась We should think about convenient бы, нужна система нотификации о том что нового произошло.» notification system. «Геотаргетинг имеет смысл для краткосрочной цели, а когда долго играющие то Geo-targeting makes sense for defined скорее всего нет. К примеру я хочу новые курсы по дайву, долгоиграющая цель, и class of tasks. на красном море мне нужно чтобы подсказали с кем это делать» «Очень хорошая и нужная идея. Думаю, что есть все наметки на успех данного We need test it well before scaling. приложения. Ты только не превращай его в очередной Facebook :( И желательно сделать его сразу очень достойным. Без оговорок, что "а вот это, мы сделаем в следующем релизе"»
  • 19. Some of our customers’ thoughts (3/3) «В данном случае я на ваша целевая аудитория, но у меня есть знакомые, которые бы Our service could be not only for fun but точно этим пользовались. Они просто "живут" в соцсетях и каждый свой чих в них for important problems solving as well. фиксируют. Я бы не пользовалась. Для обсуждения серьезных целей - нужны We should think about “trusted” accounts надежные и опытные собеседники (1-3 человека). В такие цели я точно не собираюсь for advisers and mentors. посвящать всех вокруг. Просто так, убить время - мне тоже не подходит. Время стоит дорого, да и свободного у меня нет.” «Наверно чтобы я начал ей пользоваться, мне нужно было бы дать ее в руки. Сам бы я We need to develop our distribution за такой прогой в marketplace не полез... Хотя штука забавная. Проблема в том, что channels. каждый по разному понимает слово "идеи" и "делиться идеями". Для кого-то идея "а не пойти ли мне сегодня в магазин за хлебом", для кого-то "а не спасти ли мне мир". Для качественной дележки идеями было бы хорошо добавить инструментов, например сделать мини-анкету для лучшего видения идеи.» “I wouldn't care to put my goals up to my friends. Sort of personal. And I don't really care We need to develop strong security what they think. Just my point of view.” system (maybe something like G+ circles). “All the best, sounds intriguing for day-to-day goals such as weekend plans, going to gym or pool etc. For serious goals, privacy surely is a concern.” “I’m willing to share my plans with my friend depends on the type of plan. Plans tend to be secret.” “I loved your idea, will keep up to date on your blog!”. We love you guys! :) “Quite an useful tool I would think”
  • 20. New hypotheses from face to face talks • People will actively use service only after some number of their friends start to use and when it has large user-base overall • Users might want to change statuses of their goals/ideas - e.g. initial, planning, dropped, scheduled, etc • Users might like to have recommended goals, activates, ideas based on their profile, history, interests • Users might like to rate and categorize ideas to be able to consume rated and categorized content • Users want to immediately see the changes happened from their last session • Users expect well-polished application with awesome user experience even for beta testing • Users are not searching for this kind of application, they need to see it to understand they want it Yet to be thought: • Maybe we should provide not only a mobile application (web-site, facebook application, etc.). • We should think about mechanism that push customers to help each other. • Proximity is important for some ideas and is not important for others.