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32 / My Search of Happy Man’s Shirt
Friends, I wish to share my experience of searching Happy Man’s Shirt. Man’s basic
nature is of happiness and every one makes all out efforts to seek happiness but the
problem is that he does not know as to where he will get happiness. We never give much
thought to what is happiness. Happiness related to acquisition of luxury articles is
obviously short-lived.
We will be happy if our Mind rules the body & intelligence rules the mind.
If it happens, then there will be equilibrium between our inner mind and body leading to
stable mind.
In the first place, a person gets confused with the term ‘happiness’. He cannot define
what happiness is for him. He searches the answer not within his own mind but in the
outside world. In the process, he becomes more confused. This leads to Stress in his Life.
‘Jagi sarva sukhi asa kon ahe vichari mana tuchi shodhoni pahe….Ramdas.’ Every one
carries/ faces stress. Nature of stress varies from person to person.
Stress is born with your birth & continues until your death. Every happiness & luxury has
element of inbuilt stress. Today this subject has acquired greater importance.
World has changed over the years. New inventions have resulted in saving of human
energy and time. Now the question is whether the man and his sentiments have
changed. The answer is NO.
We have no control over our birth but largely we can decide how to live.
We generally indulge in PAST or FUTURE. We hardly concentrate on PRESENT.
Our failure to take decision between two positive alternatives or two negative
alternatives leads to mental conflict.
Our sense of security depends on articles, circumstances and individuals. Feeling of
insecurity follows sense of security.
Our stability of confidence depends on stability of circumstances, company etc. We fail to
understand and get correct perspective of individual, circumstances, due to arrogance. We
generally tend to create our own image and if others accept it, our ego gets flattered or else
our emotions are badly hurt resulting in anger. We do not change our image effectively
with our movement in various segments of Life.
With this background of above factors leading to stress, let me start the discussion on
‘Management of Happiness.’
Today I wish to take you on the path of happiness. I have discovered the road leading to
happiness and taken walk on that road. My journey is not complete but I can certainly
share the experience for your benefit.
Let me start my discussion with a short story. This story I had read in my childhood.
I could hardly grasp the moral of the story at that time. However as I faced problems in
Life and tried to solve them without any help, I once again remembered that story.
King Vikram was very brave. He looked after his citizens properly. Apparently, every
body seemed happy. Somehow, King Vikram was not sure as to whether people are
mentally happy in his kingdom. King Vikram and his secretary take a journey in the
Kingdom. Finally, they succeed in identifying the ‘happy citizen’ but to their surprise, he
had no shirt to wear.
Since childhood I am an introvert and of a serious type personality. I am not a social
1st mile stone on this road towards Happiness is your ‘Mind’ itself.
This world is made up of Trigunas. It is natural to enjoy life up to a limit, but when we are
dragged after our so-called enjoyment, and then our downfall begins. Ignorance, Asakti
and Insecurity leads to FEAR, which in turn leads to Anxiety and Stress. We must take
necessary precautions but should not keep worrying unnecessarily. Anxiety follows fear
like a shadow.
Each individual has 3 characteristics namely ‘Satwa gun, Rajo gun, Tamo gun,’ However
the proportion varies from individual to individual and at various stages of Life in an
individual. Individual is known by the above characteristic depending on proportion.
An individual having ‘Satwa gun’ in abundance does not feel happy with material
pleasures. He does not long for such material pleasures. He remains introvert and thinks of
the society and his swadharma.
An individual with ‘Rajo gun’ remains busy all the time. He tracks down material
pleasures. He tries hard to retain these pleasures. He feels that people should all the time
adore him, praise him etc. He has the motive of making himself popular with masses.
An individual with ‘Tamo gun’ can go to any extreme to seek material pleasures.
Every one should analyze the own nature and make deliberate efforts towards
increasing ‘Satwa gun’.
Due to childhood pains, I was on the path of ‘Tamo guni.’ I was frustrated all the time.
Why I have to face all these pains and tensions? The day I could not throw God out of the
house, was the turning point in my Life. I accepted the challenge. I set my goals.
I compartmentalized my Life. I made deliberate efforts to become Rajo Guni and Satwa
Guni. I gave secondary importance to material pleasures. I saw to it that my mental peace
and happiness would not depend on material pleasures. I followed the thumb rule path
from essential to comfort. I avoided Luxuries.
2nd milestone is Body, Mind, Intelligence and ‘Atmavivek’.
We will be happy if our mind rules the body & intelligence rules the mind.
If it happens, then there will be equilibrium between our inner mind and body, which will
lead to a stable mind.
Friends, try this control mechanism. It is not very difficult as it sounds. Refer Article
‘My Bad habits’ for my experience in this matter. I have done it successfully. It is difficult
but with consistent efforts, you can succeed. It is Possible. It will give you tremendous
confidence in Life.
3rd Milestone is ‘Shreya’ & ‘Preya’.
Once you understand these basic concepts, it is easy to march towards our goal.
‘Shreya’ means what is good for the person or organization. ‘Preya’ means what the
person or the organization likes to listen. One needs to know the ‘Swa-dharma’. Our
behaviour should be in line with our primary objectives of Life (Swa-dharma). We get this
Swa-dharma by birth and education. It is our duty that nobody should get opportunity to
raise his or her finger for our failure of discharging swa-dharma.
It is necessary that your first step it self should be on the path of ‘Shreya’ if you want to
be happy. You are likely to create enemies or likely to face opposition, but believe me that
finally you will come out as a Winner. Better late than never.
4th milestone is your Mental Thoughts.
We get around 60,000 thoughts during the day. Let us forget who counted and how he
counted the number. You must have experienced that thoughts keep pouring in if we sit
quiet for even 5 minutes. You need deliberate efforts to make your mind thought-less.
Most of the time, negative thoughts are in majority. It is quite likely that the very first
thought on any matter may be of negative type. People do not like negative thoughts.
Many people advocate that one must generate positive thoughts on any matter. The
approach may be correct but it has one major drawback. When your mind is full of
optimism, then more likely you have not considered all sides of the issue. (In my opinion,
there are three sides to any problem and not two as is generally advocated) If a person
meets failure in the process, it is very difficult for him to digest the blow.
The negative figure is indicated by minus sign namely -, while positive figure is indicated
by plus sign namely +. The journey from negative to positive is much easier because you
have to give a vertical stroke to the minus sign. However, the journey from + to – is very
difficult. The rubbing of vertical stroke can ruin your Life.
You may not be able to stop the negative thought but with deliberate efforts, you can
convert it into a positive thought.
5th milestone is of Thoughtless Mind.
I recommend that every one should spare ten minutes and sit in isolation and attempt to
reach the ‘state of thoughtless mind.’ I am aware that it is very difficult to stop the
thoughts. However, you can resort to ‘visualization’ technique to achieve the results. You
can visualize the pleasant situation such as, a sunset, garden etc. and concentrate your
mind as if you are watching a sunset. I solved most of the problems in my Life by this
Visualization technique. Once I realize that unpleasant event will happen in the near
future, I would sit in meditation posture in isolation and think that the said event has
indeed happened in reality. I would respond to that event. This would bring peace to my
tired mind. When that event actually happens, then your reaction is bound to be sober.
You will face & absorb any shock. It will condition the mind. Readers do not brand me as
cruel but I tried this technique few days before I lost my father & mother. I could bear the
loss without any shock. Try this. I could deliver the lecture for 3 hours when my mother
was serious and admitted to hospital.
6th milestone is ‘Half Glass’.
Whenever the negative thought attacks your mind, visualize the glass half filled with
water. Every glass is generally half filled. Just add up what you have got in Life. You have
to leave something to get something. Just think of those who do not have glass or their
glass is empty. You may not get what you want in Life and hence you should love what
you get in Life. Even when you reach to the top, think of those who are still at the bottom.
This will enable you to keep your feet firmly on the ground inspite of your success.
7th milestone is Risk & Opportunity.
Problems and difficulties are more common as compared to happiness. In China, the word
problem has two meanings. ‘One is risk and opportunity.’ You should think of opportunity
when you face a problem.
Every pessimist looks at difficulty in every opportunity but optimist looks at opportunity
in every difficulty.
8th milestone is Present moments.
Discipline your mind. I am aware that you cannot see mind objectively in a physical form.
Let your mind be in the Present.
We have no control over our birth but largely we can decide how to live.
We generally indulge in PAST or FUTURE. We hardly concentrate on PRESENT.
Indulging in either past or in future is bad.
9th milestone is learning to use your mind.
Try to understand mind. Identify the inner voice. Try to use your mind. Let the mind rule
your body. Winston Church had said that if mind would be useless if the same is not
used. Old people accustomed to use mind make their Life happy along with Life of those
on whom they depend. Keep yourself busy with some activity. Task should be good with
social obligation in the background. Perform job according to Swa-dharma. Do not think
of fruits. Offer the fruits to God who has given you success. Enjoy the work. Do the work
sincerely and with devotion. Your quality of work would improve if you do it with
synchronization of mind and body and carry respect for the work and for whom the work
is done. Friends, just try this once. With such work, the fruit (benefit) will follow
automatically. You do not have to keep a separate target for that.
10th milestone is Concentration.
Do every work whether personal or official, with devotion and sincerity. Your idol should
be ‘Arjun’ from Mahabharata.
11th milestone is beginning of happiness.
Happiness is a chain of number of small incidents of happiness. Do the work as per your
liking. Concentrate in the job, which you can perform confidently. Cultivate some hobby
along with work culture. Study Visualization. Visualize that you have successfully
completed a particular task before you take up the job in hand. I use this technique very
often. It pays results. Just try. When mind and body join together to perform, the labour
involved in the job is not felt. Happiness is in the journey and not necessarily the
12th mile stone is Goal setting.
Set a noble Goal in Life. Many people have a target of earning handsome income and
accumulating wealth. This need not be your separate target. When you work honestly and
sincerely, money would follow automatically. Time dimension will have to be added to
your goals. You will also have to think in advance, as to what compromises you will have
to make to achieve the goal. There is no point in grumbling on reaching the goal. Every
success has a cost. You have to leave something to get something. Make your SWOT
Analysis. If you are successful in this exercise, then I would say you have won half the
battle. Please remember that the answer of pleasures received in Life divided by
pleasures wished in Life can never be one.
Success = Basic intelligence x Hard work x Luck. Luck should not be taken for granted.
Test your Goal with the rod of Theoretical, Technical and Practical possibility.
Refer Spandane Article - AJB & TTP Technique uploaded on my site.
13th milestone is Self-development.
Do not ignore self-development. It should be proportionate. Try to achieve the
equilibrium between education, career, family, friends, health etc. Take right action at the
time in right proportion.
Please remember that you need healthy body as a pre-condition for self-development.
Identify your fears and take corrective steps.
14th milestone is Isolation.
Every day spend some time in isolation. Today’s job should be finished today itself. Do
not keep today’s work pending. Who knows, today could be last day in this world. Atleast
for 15 minutes observe silence. Do not talk with anyone. See to it that you will not talk bad
about others.
15th milestone is Naturopathy Way of Life.
Try to understand Naturopathy way of Life.
16th milestone is Mantra.
Chant some mantra after bath. ‘Man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means to make it free. Mantra
means free your mind.
17th mile stone is molding personal nature, ego etc.
There is no ready medicine across the counter for your nature and ego. You will have to
make deliberate efforts to mould the same. Do not consider simplicity as weakness. Help
others. Be polite and win the confidence. You should be good citizen in the first place. Try
to conquer anger and other bad qualities.
Keep trying. Interpret the failure positively. Follow rules of the land whether social or
legal. Rules are necessary to enjoy the freedom. Teach this to your kids.
18th milestone is Reading.
Do reserve some time of the day for reading. Read autobiographies for motivation. Read
books on sharing life experiences. You can save yourself only by reading.
Friends, the topic is very vast and there is no end to this discussion. Believe me that
I have walked on this road and sharing these secrets. My mother was aware &
understood my pains and frustration and hence she repeatedly gave instructions against
my wishes on above points. On my ‘turning day’ mentioned above, I tried few tips with
halfhearted approach. Found some mental peace. I changed my Life style. I tried to control
my anger on near & dear ones, mainly on my parents. I blamed my fate initially. As I grew
old enough to digest the whole episode, I considered my present Life is for repayment of
debt of earlier birth. I became more and more introvert. I lost interest in Life. I decided to
compartmentalize the Life. How we leave some portion of the syllabus for option? I set
higher educational goals. Having achieved that, I set the goal of becoming successful
Financial Controller and then down to earth Professional. Somewhere in between my mind
gave up. I decided to commit suicide in 1983. Satish my colleague noticed some
unusualness in my approach that day. I burst of in his company. He pacified me. I changed
my mind & once again, my fight with Life was resumed.
Let me confess that having reached the substantial distance on above path, I realized that
I have a shirt and what was required was to consider myself happy. I searched happiness
within my mind. I further refined these principles. I am happy now.
Whenever I face problems, I look at the problem from distance and problem looks
small. You have to search happiness within you. Happiness is a concept of mind.
I am sure that happiness will follow if you walk along the above path.
Happiness and problems are two sides of Life. One follows the other. Thank God for
the blessings. Do not compare your treasure with others. Do not compete with others.
Compete with yourself. Believe in Super power by whatever name called. Soon you will
realize that you have not one but many Shirts of a happy man.
Friends, you may have to read my various Spandane Articles for digesting the road map
because I have tried to express my feelings on various issues with the help of moral stories
My best wishes for your journey towards Happiness.
Let me end the search in a lighter spirit.
If you want Happiness for ~~~~~
An hour ………….Take a nap
For a day….............Go on a picnic
For a week…...........Go on vacation
For a Month,……...Get Married.
For a Year…..…….Inherit wealth
For a Life Time,…..Learn to Love what you do through Self Development.

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32 my search of happy man's shirt

  • 1. 32 / My Search of Happy Man’s Shirt Friends, I wish to share my experience of searching Happy Man’s Shirt. Man’s basic nature is of happiness and every one makes all out efforts to seek happiness but the problem is that he does not know as to where he will get happiness. We never give much thought to what is happiness. Happiness related to acquisition of luxury articles is obviously short-lived. We will be happy if our Mind rules the body & intelligence rules the mind. If it happens, then there will be equilibrium between our inner mind and body leading to stable mind. In the first place, a person gets confused with the term ‘happiness’. He cannot define what happiness is for him. He searches the answer not within his own mind but in the outside world. In the process, he becomes more confused. This leads to Stress in his Life. ‘Jagi sarva sukhi asa kon ahe vichari mana tuchi shodhoni pahe….Ramdas.’ Every one carries/ faces stress. Nature of stress varies from person to person. Stress is born with your birth & continues until your death. Every happiness & luxury has element of inbuilt stress. Today this subject has acquired greater importance. World has changed over the years. New inventions have resulted in saving of human energy and time. Now the question is whether the man and his sentiments have changed. The answer is NO. We have no control over our birth but largely we can decide how to live. We generally indulge in PAST or FUTURE. We hardly concentrate on PRESENT. Our failure to take decision between two positive alternatives or two negative alternatives leads to mental conflict. Our sense of security depends on articles, circumstances and individuals. Feeling of insecurity follows sense of security.
  • 2. 2 Our stability of confidence depends on stability of circumstances, company etc. We fail to understand and get correct perspective of individual, circumstances, due to arrogance. We generally tend to create our own image and if others accept it, our ego gets flattered or else our emotions are badly hurt resulting in anger. We do not change our image effectively with our movement in various segments of Life. With this background of above factors leading to stress, let me start the discussion on ‘Management of Happiness.’ Today I wish to take you on the path of happiness. I have discovered the road leading to happiness and taken walk on that road. My journey is not complete but I can certainly share the experience for your benefit. Let me start my discussion with a short story. This story I had read in my childhood. I could hardly grasp the moral of the story at that time. However as I faced problems in Life and tried to solve them without any help, I once again remembered that story. King Vikram was very brave. He looked after his citizens properly. Apparently, every body seemed happy. Somehow, King Vikram was not sure as to whether people are mentally happy in his kingdom. King Vikram and his secretary take a journey in the Kingdom. Finally, they succeed in identifying the ‘happy citizen’ but to their surprise, he had no shirt to wear. Since childhood I am an introvert and of a serious type personality. I am not a social animal. 1st mile stone on this road towards Happiness is your ‘Mind’ itself. This world is made up of Trigunas. It is natural to enjoy life up to a limit, but when we are dragged after our so-called enjoyment, and then our downfall begins. Ignorance, Asakti and Insecurity leads to FEAR, which in turn leads to Anxiety and Stress. We must take necessary precautions but should not keep worrying unnecessarily. Anxiety follows fear like a shadow. Each individual has 3 characteristics namely ‘Satwa gun, Rajo gun, Tamo gun,’ However the proportion varies from individual to individual and at various stages of Life in an individual. Individual is known by the above characteristic depending on proportion.
  • 3. 3 An individual having ‘Satwa gun’ in abundance does not feel happy with material pleasures. He does not long for such material pleasures. He remains introvert and thinks of the society and his swadharma. An individual with ‘Rajo gun’ remains busy all the time. He tracks down material pleasures. He tries hard to retain these pleasures. He feels that people should all the time adore him, praise him etc. He has the motive of making himself popular with masses. An individual with ‘Tamo gun’ can go to any extreme to seek material pleasures. Every one should analyze the own nature and make deliberate efforts towards increasing ‘Satwa gun’. Due to childhood pains, I was on the path of ‘Tamo guni.’ I was frustrated all the time. Why I have to face all these pains and tensions? The day I could not throw God out of the house, was the turning point in my Life. I accepted the challenge. I set my goals. I compartmentalized my Life. I made deliberate efforts to become Rajo Guni and Satwa Guni. I gave secondary importance to material pleasures. I saw to it that my mental peace and happiness would not depend on material pleasures. I followed the thumb rule path from essential to comfort. I avoided Luxuries. 2nd milestone is Body, Mind, Intelligence and ‘Atmavivek’. We will be happy if our mind rules the body & intelligence rules the mind. If it happens, then there will be equilibrium between our inner mind and body, which will lead to a stable mind. Friends, try this control mechanism. It is not very difficult as it sounds. Refer Article ‘My Bad habits’ for my experience in this matter. I have done it successfully. It is difficult but with consistent efforts, you can succeed. It is Possible. It will give you tremendous confidence in Life. 3rd Milestone is ‘Shreya’ & ‘Preya’. Once you understand these basic concepts, it is easy to march towards our goal. ‘Shreya’ means what is good for the person or organization. ‘Preya’ means what the person or the organization likes to listen. One needs to know the ‘Swa-dharma’. Our behaviour should be in line with our primary objectives of Life (Swa-dharma). We get this
  • 4. 4 Swa-dharma by birth and education. It is our duty that nobody should get opportunity to raise his or her finger for our failure of discharging swa-dharma. It is necessary that your first step it self should be on the path of ‘Shreya’ if you want to be happy. You are likely to create enemies or likely to face opposition, but believe me that finally you will come out as a Winner. Better late than never. 4th milestone is your Mental Thoughts. We get around 60,000 thoughts during the day. Let us forget who counted and how he counted the number. You must have experienced that thoughts keep pouring in if we sit quiet for even 5 minutes. You need deliberate efforts to make your mind thought-less. Most of the time, negative thoughts are in majority. It is quite likely that the very first thought on any matter may be of negative type. People do not like negative thoughts. Many people advocate that one must generate positive thoughts on any matter. The approach may be correct but it has one major drawback. When your mind is full of optimism, then more likely you have not considered all sides of the issue. (In my opinion, there are three sides to any problem and not two as is generally advocated) If a person meets failure in the process, it is very difficult for him to digest the blow. The negative figure is indicated by minus sign namely -, while positive figure is indicated by plus sign namely +. The journey from negative to positive is much easier because you have to give a vertical stroke to the minus sign. However, the journey from + to – is very difficult. The rubbing of vertical stroke can ruin your Life. You may not be able to stop the negative thought but with deliberate efforts, you can convert it into a positive thought. 5th milestone is of Thoughtless Mind. I recommend that every one should spare ten minutes and sit in isolation and attempt to reach the ‘state of thoughtless mind.’ I am aware that it is very difficult to stop the thoughts. However, you can resort to ‘visualization’ technique to achieve the results. You can visualize the pleasant situation such as, a sunset, garden etc. and concentrate your mind as if you are watching a sunset. I solved most of the problems in my Life by this Visualization technique. Once I realize that unpleasant event will happen in the near future, I would sit in meditation posture in isolation and think that the said event has indeed happened in reality. I would respond to that event. This would bring peace to my
  • 5. 5 tired mind. When that event actually happens, then your reaction is bound to be sober. You will face & absorb any shock. It will condition the mind. Readers do not brand me as cruel but I tried this technique few days before I lost my father & mother. I could bear the loss without any shock. Try this. I could deliver the lecture for 3 hours when my mother was serious and admitted to hospital. 6th milestone is ‘Half Glass’. Whenever the negative thought attacks your mind, visualize the glass half filled with water. Every glass is generally half filled. Just add up what you have got in Life. You have to leave something to get something. Just think of those who do not have glass or their glass is empty. You may not get what you want in Life and hence you should love what you get in Life. Even when you reach to the top, think of those who are still at the bottom. This will enable you to keep your feet firmly on the ground inspite of your success. 7th milestone is Risk & Opportunity. Problems and difficulties are more common as compared to happiness. In China, the word problem has two meanings. ‘One is risk and opportunity.’ You should think of opportunity when you face a problem. Every pessimist looks at difficulty in every opportunity but optimist looks at opportunity in every difficulty. 8th milestone is Present moments. Discipline your mind. I am aware that you cannot see mind objectively in a physical form. Let your mind be in the Present. We have no control over our birth but largely we can decide how to live. We generally indulge in PAST or FUTURE. We hardly concentrate on PRESENT. Indulging in either past or in future is bad. 9th milestone is learning to use your mind. Try to understand mind. Identify the inner voice. Try to use your mind. Let the mind rule your body. Winston Church had said that if mind would be useless if the same is not used. Old people accustomed to use mind make their Life happy along with Life of those on whom they depend. Keep yourself busy with some activity. Task should be good with social obligation in the background. Perform job according to Swa-dharma. Do not think of fruits. Offer the fruits to God who has given you success. Enjoy the work. Do the work sincerely and with devotion. Your quality of work would improve if you do it with
  • 6. 6 synchronization of mind and body and carry respect for the work and for whom the work is done. Friends, just try this once. With such work, the fruit (benefit) will follow automatically. You do not have to keep a separate target for that. 10th milestone is Concentration. Do every work whether personal or official, with devotion and sincerity. Your idol should be ‘Arjun’ from Mahabharata. 11th milestone is beginning of happiness. Happiness is a chain of number of small incidents of happiness. Do the work as per your liking. Concentrate in the job, which you can perform confidently. Cultivate some hobby along with work culture. Study Visualization. Visualize that you have successfully completed a particular task before you take up the job in hand. I use this technique very often. It pays results. Just try. When mind and body join together to perform, the labour involved in the job is not felt. Happiness is in the journey and not necessarily the destination. 12th mile stone is Goal setting. Set a noble Goal in Life. Many people have a target of earning handsome income and accumulating wealth. This need not be your separate target. When you work honestly and sincerely, money would follow automatically. Time dimension will have to be added to your goals. You will also have to think in advance, as to what compromises you will have to make to achieve the goal. There is no point in grumbling on reaching the goal. Every success has a cost. You have to leave something to get something. Make your SWOT Analysis. If you are successful in this exercise, then I would say you have won half the battle. Please remember that the answer of pleasures received in Life divided by pleasures wished in Life can never be one. Success = Basic intelligence x Hard work x Luck. Luck should not be taken for granted. Test your Goal with the rod of Theoretical, Technical and Practical possibility. Refer Spandane Article - AJB & TTP Technique uploaded on my site. 13th milestone is Self-development. Do not ignore self-development. It should be proportionate. Try to achieve the equilibrium between education, career, family, friends, health etc. Take right action at the time in right proportion. Please remember that you need healthy body as a pre-condition for self-development.
  • 7. 7 Identify your fears and take corrective steps. 14th milestone is Isolation. Every day spend some time in isolation. Today’s job should be finished today itself. Do not keep today’s work pending. Who knows, today could be last day in this world. Atleast for 15 minutes observe silence. Do not talk with anyone. See to it that you will not talk bad about others. 15th milestone is Naturopathy Way of Life. Try to understand Naturopathy way of Life. 16th milestone is Mantra. Chant some mantra after bath. ‘Man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means to make it free. Mantra means free your mind. 17th mile stone is molding personal nature, ego etc. There is no ready medicine across the counter for your nature and ego. You will have to make deliberate efforts to mould the same. Do not consider simplicity as weakness. Help others. Be polite and win the confidence. You should be good citizen in the first place. Try to conquer anger and other bad qualities. Keep trying. Interpret the failure positively. Follow rules of the land whether social or legal. Rules are necessary to enjoy the freedom. Teach this to your kids. 18th milestone is Reading. Do reserve some time of the day for reading. Read autobiographies for motivation. Read books on sharing life experiences. You can save yourself only by reading. Friends, the topic is very vast and there is no end to this discussion. Believe me that I have walked on this road and sharing these secrets. My mother was aware & understood my pains and frustration and hence she repeatedly gave instructions against my wishes on above points. On my ‘turning day’ mentioned above, I tried few tips with halfhearted approach. Found some mental peace. I changed my Life style. I tried to control my anger on near & dear ones, mainly on my parents. I blamed my fate initially. As I grew old enough to digest the whole episode, I considered my present Life is for repayment of debt of earlier birth. I became more and more introvert. I lost interest in Life. I decided to compartmentalize the Life. How we leave some portion of the syllabus for option? I set higher educational goals. Having achieved that, I set the goal of becoming successful
  • 8. 8 Financial Controller and then down to earth Professional. Somewhere in between my mind gave up. I decided to commit suicide in 1983. Satish my colleague noticed some unusualness in my approach that day. I burst of in his company. He pacified me. I changed my mind & once again, my fight with Life was resumed. Let me confess that having reached the substantial distance on above path, I realized that I have a shirt and what was required was to consider myself happy. I searched happiness within my mind. I further refined these principles. I am happy now. Whenever I face problems, I look at the problem from distance and problem looks small. You have to search happiness within you. Happiness is a concept of mind. I am sure that happiness will follow if you walk along the above path. Happiness and problems are two sides of Life. One follows the other. Thank God for the blessings. Do not compare your treasure with others. Do not compete with others. Compete with yourself. Believe in Super power by whatever name called. Soon you will realize that you have not one but many Shirts of a happy man. Friends, you may have to read my various Spandane Articles for digesting the road map because I have tried to express my feelings on various issues with the help of moral stories etc. My best wishes for your journey towards Happiness. Let me end the search in a lighter spirit. If you want Happiness for ~~~~~ An hour ………….Take a nap For a day….............Go on a picnic For a week…...........Go on vacation For a Month,……...Get Married. For a Year…..…….Inherit wealth For a Life Time,…..Learn to Love what you do through Self Development.