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Tattooing Women And Women
It is a shocking reality that, while since 2012 more women in the US have tattoos than men, only
one in six tattoo artist's is a woman. While there are many women featured in magazines such as
Inked, it is rare to see any working in shops as artists. Since the rise of tattooing as prominent
industry in the mid twentieth century, it has almost always been a male dominant field. With the
progressive nature of modern society, the tattoo industry can become more inclusive of female
artists if they can be respected more as being serious and talented. The tattooing field today is
extremely exclusive and difficult to break into, as well as being highly male dominated. Machismo
and strength are greatly valued in shops as becoming an artist (and having completed an
apprenticeship) is notoriously difficult. An apprenticeship, the two to three year period of training
under an established artist, is necessary to become an independant artist and consists of sweeping,
cleaning stations, scrubbing bathrooms, making appointments, and everything that is required to
maintain a shop. Unfortunately, apprentices are usually known as "the shop b**ch" and are hazed
mercilessly in order to "weed out the weak" and instill the thick skin necessary to work as an artist.
For women apprenticing, this hazing can easily take the form of sexual harassment and misogyny in
the workplace. This diminutive harassment that remains unquestioned and is considered required in
the industry contributes to the low
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Reflection On Taboos
For this sequence, our focus was on taboos. This comes out a little in "Taylors New Persona" and
was my main focus in "Inked". I think by including these pieces of work it helps talk about the
taboos in society and it helps shed some light on the untold truths. The second assignment was my
story told through different lenses; this helped me try and expand on my writing style and adapt to
writing in a college setting. For my Taylor Swift assignment, I took very detailed notes on the music
video to try and help me get a good idea of exactly what was going on. I then decided to have my
main focus on the dark spots on Taylor Swifts career. I decided to focus on these because most of
the music video focused in on her past and how it has changed her to be a new person. In the video,
there was also reference to taboos which I explained in my writing. I was very confident on this
paper and decided not to revise for that reason.
In my second assignment, I wanted to try out as many different writing styles as I could. My goal
for my first story, "My Voice", reflected my true writing style. I wanted to make it somewhat
humorous and I feel like I achieved this. Compared to this, it was different when writing the "School
of Horror" story. I had to get into a different mindset when writing it and I feel like I accomplished it
very well. The story about my grandparents I used more simplistic language and I accomplished this
by using words like "I fell" or "I was nervous". The
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Tattoos Culture
The evolution of tattoos has risen over the past couple decades; they are what one sees on friends,
family, and people walking on the streets. What once was believed to be a risky trend, has now
become a social norm. The rationality behind tattoo reasons are as unique as the individuals who got
tattooed; it may be for self expression, memories or milestones, a form of art, or out of passion. How
did tattoos become apart of pop culture, when it used to be a disgrace to have one?
To begin with the word "tattoo" first came from Polynesia, and to be specific Tahiti. Explorer
Captain James Cook liked the sound of Polynesian word "ta tau" which literal meaning is to write.
The earliest sightings of tattoos were on female mummies dated back to 2000 B.C. In Egypt, tattoo
practice conveyed be exclusively for women; it seemed as they were a mark of prostitutes, or were
meant to protect the women against sexually transmitted diseases. Later on a theory was made,
tattoos are therapeutic during the time of labor. Women would have tattoos imprinted on their
abdomen, thighs, and breasts as a safeguarding the birth.
The history of tattoos have varied from culture to culture and play a role in rituals and traditions.
Some cultures use tattoos to symbolize one's particular skill or marriage status. Others believe
tattoos ward away illnesses. Many times ink was shown as a signified membership in a clan or
society; groups today, like Hells Angels, still use ink to symbolize their association.
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Stephanie Guttenplan Influence
No doubt, we all have wondered what inspires an artist. When looking at their paintings or
drawings, we often put aside the emotions and inspirations to pieces, simply because that
information isn't given. Because everyone has their own unique way to express themselves, it makes
us wonder. Whether it is a drawing, a musical work or an invention of some sort, each piece has a
connection and emotional tie. These emotions translate into the quality of the work. Mentioning that
showing work to others, whether it is a song or poem, can significantly improve it. Sometimes other
people may see mistakes that the artist may not have through their cloud of emotional attachment.
Stephanie Guttenplan is no different; she describes her work as a visual
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Disadvantages Of Tattoos
Humans have marked themselves for thousands of years. The earliest forms of body modification
were present on several mummies dated 2000 B.C. However, the discovery of the "Iceman", a
frozen mummy in the Alps shows that tattoos have been around for about 5,200 years. The tattoos
found on the mummy's body were not to show rank or any artistic expression (Fletcher, 1997).
According to Professor Don Brothwell of the University of York, the placement of the tattoo lines up
with acupuncture points and therefore may have been used as medical assistance to reduce joint
pain. Additionally, from the article 'Medical Tattooing' written by Daniel Fouquet in 1898, claims
that tattoos found from the ancient Egyptian women was also used for ... Show more content on ...
Impetigo, viral warts, atypical mycobacterial infection, redness, and swelling are a few of the
infections that a person can obtain. Furthermore, skin infection is caused by poor sanitation. Tattoo
equipment, and needles that are not completely clean could transmit infectious diseases such as HIV,
hepatitis B and C. Thus, the person who was just inked should properly clean and make sure to care
for the tattooed area to avoid complications (Emanuel, 2013). An allergic reaction is possibly caused
by the inks that are going to use for the tattoo. Allergy from tattoos could result in an itchy rash,
irritation, swelling, burning of the skin, or other skin problems at or nearby the tattoo site. In
addition, allergic reactions can still occur after years of having the tattoo (Rodriguez, 2010). Skin
problems, namely melanoma; a type of skin cancer, granulomas; a bump that was formed around the
tattooed area, and blood–borne diseases, including hepatitis, and tetanus are consequences a person
may acquire after getting a tattoo (Emanuel,
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Tattoos And Body Of Tattoos Essay
Tattoos and body pierced has been in our society for many years. Back then when tattoos was not a
thing, many culture and religion used to inked their skin. In 1920s tattoos was common on prisoner,
sailor, bikers, and that is why a huge part of of the population does not accept tattoos. Now, these
days the art of tattoos is increasing, making a lot of money every year. These days people are getting
more and more tattoos, making themselves addicted to it. Body art is used by people to express their
personal style, to beauty themselves or just because that piece of art means something to that person.
Some people think that tattoos are for delinquents, but the delinquent can save your life, what I
means is some doctors have tattoos. It has become more general the used of tattoos in these days,
and people are started to see tattoo as art not as a mark.
Body Art Tattoo: Practice of marking the body skin with a permanent legends, patterns, pictures, by
making punctures in the skin inserting a pigments. In today's world you go out and look around, and
you are bound to catch someone with a tattoo in the neck, ankle or just in visible body part. Look
around a yoga class or in the beach, just in places where the population tends to have skim clothe,
practically you are guaranteed to see a lot of ink in the legs, arms, shoulders and, also in the lower
back. Many people use tattoo to express their personal style. But, where they came from?. When
tattoo started?
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Summary: Number Eight: Teddy Got Ink
Our first set of things that you probably don't know about tattoos astounded you, and now we are
here to present the remaining eight interesting bits of information you might have never known
about this inky art form! Find out which president got inked, how to clean a stick–and–poke, and
much more when you explore the remaining top eight facts that you never knew about tattoos!
Number Eight: Teddy Got Ink. Weirdly enough, Teddy Roosevelt seemed to have a wild side. Teddy
got a depiction of his family crest tattooed onto his chest.
Number Seven: And Winston. Winston Churchill also got a tattoo. His was an anchor on his
forearm, so maybe he crossed the Atlantic Ocean. His mom's was even better though, she had a
snake around her wrists.
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Ryan Sheckler Research Paper
Ryan sheckler, The Greatest Street Skater Of All Time
Although Tony Hawk is one of the greats, he never street skated, However Ryan Allen Sheckler was
born and bred, living and loving the art of street skating. It all began when this young man
discovered his father skateboard at eighteen months of age. He pulled off his first ollie by the age of
four and landed his first kickflip by the age of six. At the age of seven he got a mini–ramp in the
backyard and began skating every day.
Ryan Sheckler was born on the 30 of december in La Palma, California and grew up and still lives
in San Clemente, USA when he isn't touring. He is renowned for his incredible talent in street
skating pulling off amazing tricks with perfect fluidity, speed and control.
Ryans nicknames include 'Shecky' 'Shecks', His favourite food is pad thai and enjoys listening to
Guns'n'Roses and also The Cure. He is 5ft 8in (173cm) tall and weighs 79kgs (175 pounds). He has
2 brothers Shane and Kane Sheckler. ... Show more content on ...
Tattooed on his right bicep are the words "Skate and Destroy", Independent Skate Truck company's
logo on his right arm. There is a skull a tattoo on Ryan's right bicep,There is a red diamond inked on
his right arm below the word "Fear",an image of a dancing lady tattooed on his left arm and many
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The History of Tattoos
Are tattoos, a permanent marking of the skin for many generations, indicating a rebel or a
mischievous male in past generations a now a rising trend? Looking around today, it may seem as
though everybody has at least some type of tattoo on their body, from a small butterfly, to a giant
piece of artwork, well detailed and thought about thoroughly. It seems as though trends come and
go, like a certain style of clothing, make up, or music type. But are tattoos one? Even though tattoos
have recently became a trend within the most recent generations, throughout history, they have both
affected the world positively and negatively because of disease, stereotypes, and creativity. At first,
scientist thought the first tattoos appeared on Egyptians, but were they wrong? Given evidence, they
found there had, in fact, been tattoos given long before the Egyptians. Dated back to two hundred
B.C. researchers had found a mummified body, with markings along its thigh and legs, as well as on
their arms. Prehistoric young girls were given these inked marks as a sign of their importance in the
tribe they belonged to, as well as symbols of love and dedication to one said person. The tattoos that
became more fancy and thought out were given to the higher ranked members of the tribe. Like the
prehistoric tribes, Egyptians too, created tattoos on people of their city. But, unlike the prehistoric
people, both males and females received these tattoos. At first young girls were given tattoos
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Laser Tattoos
For ages, tattoos have been the most adored form of body art. Some individuals get them to express
their personal viewpoints while others use them to express a significant event in life. Others still get
it at the spur of the moment. While billions still get them, there are many that wish to get rid of them
as well. The outmoded approaches are not very effective and do have a reasonable amount of pain
allied with them. Laser tattoo removal in South Delhi is a moderately new treatment that works
miracles for confiscating undesirable tattoos. The treatment has very little pain involved when
equated with other techniques. It works by breaking down the pigmentation that can be eliminated
by the immune system easily. With some treatment sittings, tattoos can be removed and you can get
a spotless skin with no signs of tattoos that were once there.
Why undergo laser tattoo removal?
There are many options accessible for the removal of tattoos including dermabrasion, excision and
cryosurgery amid others. While maximum of these treatments are mostly effective, most of them are
reasonably excruciating and all of them carry jeopardies of infection owing to their highly invasive
natures. Some of them can be rather painful as well. Laser skin care in contrast is a noninvasive
process that brings the desired outcomes without the risk of infections. The treatment is quite
effective and offers incredible outcomes. Surely, it is a far superior option than the other names on
the list cited
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Why Is Tattoos Important In The Workplace
The person makes the tattoo, the tattoo doesn't make the person. This statement causes many
controversies in today's society, however, is becoming more and more acceptable during the coming
of age. People should not judge according to the outer looks of a being, including tattoos and
markings on their skin. Uneducated people typically make inked ones targets for judgement.
However, what the uneducated do not know is the rise in acceptance and popularity in tattooed skin
is causing a rise in awareness of the risks and precautions of the subject. Professional artists all
around the world are educating themselves daily on the acts of safely when dealing with a person's
skin. There are risks, yes, but there are steps and techniques customers should be aware and alert
about when searching for and thinking about getting inked. Stereotypes will always occur, but
remember tattoos can be the result of a huge change or impact in a person's life, a hobby or person
someone holds dearly close to their heart, or a longing to witness to society. Tattoos are not always
acts of senselessness and some people know when they have reached the appropriate limit. Tattoos
in the workplace also cause a rise in opposing viewpoints and the issue will never be completely ...
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A big percentage of professional workplaces accept and cannot deny employment due to tattoos, but,
only if they are able to be covered. When getting inked, keep in mind the location and the career
path planned to pursue. For example, tattoos below the elbow, on the neck, on the face, or on the
hands are not advised unless rare circumstances. Although there are more and more accepting the
idea of covered tattoos in the workplace, there are those who judge their employers work ethic and
skills based on image being the number one factor. Productivity and personality should always be
number one, sadly that is not always the case in today's society
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One Direction: A Victim Of Stereotypes
What are you listening to? One Direction? What are you, 12?
I can't even begin to tell you how many times people have given me judgemental expressions when
they found out that I like the band One Direction. Being in a fandom which is dominated by younger
female fans does bring a lot of judgement upon oneself. If you don't know what I'm talking about,
One Direction fans have been deemed by society 'desperate hormonal teenage girls without a good
taste in music'.
Yes, the band does have a huge following of young females. Yes, most of the fans are between the
ages of 12–16. Yes, some fans have done comparatively crazy things in order to get closer to the
band ... However does anyone realise that the whole fandom is not made up of these young
The limited view of the fans given by the media has shrouded the band as well as the whole fandom
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Most grow out of it, some sooner than others. We should be allowed to like and support something
that brings us happiness without being judged or labelled because of it!
That was the story of how I was a victim of stereotyping, but I would also like to elaborate on
another stereotype, one that withers my faith in humanity bit by bit: that people with a fairly high
amount of tattoos or piercings are labelled uneducated and unprofessional.
Before anything let me just ask you how a person's choice of getting a tattoo or a piercing affects
their level of intelligence? Majority consider that having a tattoo basically proves bad judgement
and a low intelligence level. I for one have never heard the fact that getting tattoos or piercings
magically hinders a person's learning capability!
Opportunities should not be hindered just because they have inked themselves. Many CEO's of
successful businesses nowadays have tattoos, some professors have inked themselves; even with
tattoos these people have excelled in their field of
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Traditional Dewai Culture : The Culture Of Traditional...
Traditional Hawaiian Culture
I would consider this to be a formal essay but instead I would rather take this as a nonchalant one,
because unlike most people I hate long winded crap but this is a must do for school so bear with me
for a good bit and we can get it over with and maybe you'll learn something but if you're like why
am I having to listen to this guy about his culture well your wrong right of the bat cause this is not
only my culture it may be your too and you just don't know it but I promise this if bear with me we'll
find a way to make this fun and who knows for once you might not say I hate reading for once.
Hawaii culture may be an ancient mix of layers of ethnic influences and is a wealthy and distinctive
tradition comprised of values, legends, music, dance and customs. a part of what makes the islands
of Hawaii therefore special, the culture may be a massive drawcard to the current Pacific Ocean
vacation destination. far more than spectacular sunsets, stunning beaches and glorious surfboarding,
the Hawaii culture influences everything from language, religion, covering and preparation on the
islands. Below area unit a number of the foremost fascinating facts regarding the Hawaii culture.
Customs are important aren't they without them we give in to the everyday humdrum of society and
one of the foremost well–known customs of the Hawaii culture is that the lei. conferred as a
welcome gesture or on special occasions, a flower lei is a proposal of friendly
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You Will Never Regret It: Thinking And Inking
'Tattoos: The women's revolutionary aesthetics', 'You will never regret it' documentaries and
'Thinking and Inking' scholar article portray the significance and the symbolism of tattoos. People
inked tattoos on their skin for meaningful purpose or simply for mere pleasure. Women received
numerous criticisms especially on the art they inked on their skin. In the documentary, 'You will
never regret it', the individuals did not regret inking tattoos on their skin as it carried great stories. In
the 'Inking and Thinking' article it shows honoured students do think of the impact it will have on
future job opportunities. High percentage of non–honoured students were influenced by their parents
and friends who have tattoos and took little time to
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Written On The Body Stephen Oettermann
Decorating the Body: Exposing and Entertaining The following is the summary of chapter 12 of the
book named Written on the Body: The Tattoo in European and American History originally written
by literature doctorate, Stephan Oettermann. The author is aimed to illustrate how the individuals
get tattooed, entertained the people and displayed their life. Capturing, tattooing and displaying the
savage individuals and having the voluntarily tattooed individuals had been the beginning of
western tattooing in nineteen century. Being apart from a showman in performances, narrating
biographies were one of the modes of display in the tattooed culture of the West. Firstly, the author
recognized the tattooed individuals were the uncivilized violent people who were captured and
inked to be exhibited to the people (Oettermann 1). One of the reasons given for the tattooing was to
identify the particular individual as a distinguished savage person among the people. The example of
'Eskimo' family, which was captured and tattooed by the French seamen is, explains this situation.
The story of Prince Jeoly who was put on show after being tattooed is another ... Show more content
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Biographies were written on the life of the individuals who were tattooed forcibly and also
voluntarily including real and narrated stories. The biography of John Rutherford, The Great White
Chief John Rutherford is reciting the story of him and his lifestyle with inked body, which was
considered as a true story by poetic standards only. Another book named A Narrative of Shipwreck
Captivity and Suffering of Horace Holden and Benjamin Nute describes how Holden gets forcibly
tattooed and his life experiences as a tattooed but not a showman. These examples of biographies
support the authors claim that great literatures had been emerged in the beginning of the Western
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Informative Essay About Football Tattoos
If you are a football sweetheart and are being able to express it appropriately then tattoos are a mode
of craft and might be deciphered distinctively by two diverse individuals. Some think that it
exceptionally appealing and popular and some think that it improper. Football tattoos serve as a
fabulous approach to demonstrate your affection towards football. These changeless tattoos are
extremely appealing, dazzling and brilliant. These football tattoo outlines are an incredible source to
get joined with the football world. This article showcases some of the best football tattoo designs
available out there which you can ink to get recognition among football fans all around the world.
1. Football cap tattoo designs: Need to convey your ... Show more content on ...
Get a football made on your skin that demonstrates your adoration for football. Numerous alluring
football outlines are accessible nowadays. These tattoos demonstrate your affection for just the
football and not a specific group or player.
3. Football diversion tattoos:
You can also get a portion of a football game inked on your skin. These tattoos are exceptionally
entrancing and spellbinding. These are normally adjusted from toons. Getting some part of a football
match made will dependably help you review your most loved football match of all times which you
can always remember.
4. Football player tattoo outlines: Football tattoo mates can get a popular football player inked on
their skin. These serve as a glorious decision and are eye infectious as well. Getting a specific
football player made demonstrates your adoration towards a specific football player. You can even
get two or three players made on your skin to make it all the more striking.
5. Football logo tattoo: Football logo tattoo are exceptionally basic and appealing. This tattoo
outlining simply includes getting your most loved football group logo made on your skin. Appealing
plans with other work of art is accessible nowadays to make it additionally dazzling.
6. Getting same football tattoo
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Tattoos & Piercings in the Workplace Essay
Tattoos & Piercings in the Workplace
Shelley Hipps
College America
This paper focuses on the subject of whether or not tattoos and piercings should be allowed in the
workplace. There are a lot of resources arguing that they should not be allowed, but this research
maintains the point that they should be more accepted in the workplace these days. This paper
concludes by discussing how tattoos and piercings are much more of an artistic expression rather
than a form of rebellion as it was once considered.
Tattoos and piercing have become increasingly more common over the years. Obvious issues within
the workplace have surfaced. Some would argue that tattoos and piercings in the workplace are
inappropriate, ... Show more content on ...
"In some industries, such as software and biotechnology, companies need to attract the most
intelligent employees, regardless of what is inked on their skin or dangling from their flesh."
(WONG, 2005) This is a great example because it helps argue my point. A company should be
worried about the work that its employee will produce and not worry so much about what is on or in
their skin. "The outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas says employers will be
forced to become more accepting of body art. "Some employers are already having trouble finding
skilled workers –– they are not going to let some body art get in the way of hiring the best–qualified
candidate," said John Challenger, chief executive officer of the Chicago–based firm." (WONG,
I understand some companies just want to promote a strictly professional image. Then again, isn't
the most qualified applicant the most professional one or is it just the one that looks the best? Here
is another good example of this point, "I would never want to limit our work force based on body
art. Our priority, like any industry, is to have the best that we can have." (WONG, 2005) Tattoos
today are recognized as totally different than what they were pictured as in the past. "Tattooing is
recognized by government agencies as both an art form and a profession and tattoo–related art work
is the subject of museum, gallery and educational institution art shows across the United States." [
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Tattoos: A Symbol Of Stingrays
Graceful Stingray Tattoos: A Symbol Of Stealth, Speed, And Protection
Stingrays are a group of fish which are closely related to sharks but unlike sharks, they pose little
threat to humans. They are round and flat with a long stinger at the back and two eyes in the front
which sit on top of their head while the mouth is underneath. They are not aggressive and will only
sting a human if threatened or accidently stepped on.
They mainly live in the sea; however, there are some species who reside in freshwater rivers. They
can be found at the sandy bottom where they often bury themselves in the sand with only their
stinger and eyes visible. Here they wait for small prey to come by and camouflage themselves from
predators such as sharks.
They are beautiful smooth looking creatures that are quick, agile and graceful and they make an
excellent subject for a tattoo that suits both men or women and appeals to people ... Show more
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In Short...
The stingray is a fish that has plenty of admirable attributes such as speed, agility, and adaptability,
and it is also attractive and graceful. People may choose to include this creature in larger tattoo
designs with other ocean themed subjects or as a small to medium design on its own. It's primarily
associated with adjustability, speed, stealth, and protection and it can be inked in the Polynesian
tribal style or as a 3D tattoo, as well as in bold or water colors. It can be placed on any area of the
body but to get more detail and shading consider a larger area for your tattoo.
One of the best reasons to get a stingray tattoo is that this is not a common choice so there is little
chance of someone having the same tattoo as you. In this way, the stingray tattoo is quite unusual so
if you do choose this elegant fish for your next tattoo get ready to answer questions about
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Mexican Tattoos Essay
Regardless whether you would want to convey a perception of energy, calmness or association with
a given cultural organization, you will indeed find solace in Mexican tattoos as they are many and
do represent so many identities. Mexican tattoos are known for their much visibility, and the
meaning here is that any idea you decide to ink will have a direct and profound meaning which is
easily observable by many people. Mexican way of life inspires the tattoos we are describing here,
and you will also notice that some of the tattoos have a massive infusion of religious symbolism and
reference to the indigenous culture in Mexico.
The Skeleton Bride Tattoo
This is the best inked art you should opt for especially if your affinity lies on the love ... Show more
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Bright colors are the dominating beauty, and this means that you can feel macabre and beauty
brought together into one great piece of inked art. The skull made only from an amalgamation of
flowers can lead to many interpretations and meanings. However, one aspect to be certain of is that
the bright colors signify something positive about the tattoo. You can have this tattoo in
remembrance to that personal cause which only you have knowledge about, and the fusion of
beautifully enjoined flowers will give it a positive
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Dragon Arm Tattoos
Dragon Arm Tattoos
Virile and mysterious, dragons represent the hidden primal beast in men. Their serpentine and
reptilian traits make dragons the most exotic and intriguing of all mythical creatures.
Dragons open up a world of mystical fascination where anything is possible. Those who are hot
blooded and passionate are instinctively drawn to these firebreathing creatures.
Intelligent and cunning, the Chinese dragon is a four legged reptile that best represents those who
desire bold statements of color and patterns. A symbol of authority and power, each unique dragon
symbolizes the strength, character and dominance of the bearer.
Those who are worthy of the dragon style let it fluently contour the muscles and tendons of their
arm, which accentuates the sinewy lines of the muscular dragon's body. Clarity of detail and
personal symbols ... Show more content on ...
Their ancient lore is steeped in tradition and culture. Ancient and noble, these beasts are symbolic of
strength and wisdom.
Dragons inspire a Zen philosophy of life and reflect the many aspects of physical and mental
empowerment, such as self–contemplation, intuitiveness and mastery of one's physical and
emotional environment. Marking this empowerment via the artistry of a dragon tattoo is a
declaration and a reminder that one must constantly aspire to achieve supreme wisdom and maturity.
Dragon tattoos are as individual and unique as those who bear its illustrious image. They serve to
inspire men towards the cultivation of knowledge, self–reflection and the attainment of inner peace.
Depicting these ancient reptiles through the artistry of ink personifies a man's inner struggle to
master the fiery beast within.
An artistically stunning dragon tattoo can transform the forearm into a statement masterpiece.
Meandering throughout the length of the forearm, a dragon tattoo will incite awestruck compliments
via its rich detail and vivid palette of
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The Power Of Words In Richard Wright's 'Black Boy'
Southern Summer Nights
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will hurt forevermore. Words hold power, they are
the key to success and the bomb to downfall. Throughout history, only the words of victors are
remembered while the voices of the lost are forgotten throughout the ages. A simple piece of
literature, such as the Diary of Anne Frank, can cause millions of people to see their world in a new
light. From a young age, Richard Wright discovered the power behind the words he spoke and
heard; the strength that bleeds through the inked characters of the forbidden books he read, and the
influence that a book written ages ago had on his family and others. The author of the autobiography
Black boy, Richard Wright, uses literary ... Show more content on ...
In short, things happened that resulted in a change of home and environment. Exposed to a young
lady by the name of Ella, he learned the influence between the written words that morphed obscure
and abstract thoughts into a series of clips that became one long, detailed, movie. His "imagination
[was] blazed" (39) and his interest in the story of Bluebeard and His Seven Wives clutched
desperately onto his senses as she read aloud. Despite the book being "the Devil's work" (39), at
least to his grandmother anyway, Richard found that he "hungered for the sharp, frightening,
breathtaking, almost painful excitement that the story" (40) offered him. He stole books and
attempted to read them despite not knowing more than a handful of words. Although the words
alone had no value to Richard, the words became a "gateway to a forbidden and enchanting land"
(40). Series of magazines and books later, Richard himself got to give meaning to inked characters
by writing a short story himself. His classmates asked in awe if he really wrote it himself in which
he replies with a simple yes. Having written a piece of literature himself, Richard knew how
influential the written word could be, especially if it was the word of
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Unconditional Love In For An Inked Daughter By Jane Wheeler
Comparison and Contrast of unconditional love The poem "for an Inked Daughter by Jane Wheeler"
describes in vivid detail how much she dislikes her daughters phase but will always love her. "i
carry your heart with me by" E. E. Cummings was Published in 1952 the poem is about the fear he
holds of losing his love, but no matter what, he will always carry his beloved's heart wherever he
goes. While both poems are interesting and are about unconditional love, they use different diction,
form, and literary devices describing their feelings towards their treasured person. Both poems are
themed about their unbreakable bond of love and are free verse. Because both poems use "I" they
are 1st person point of view. Most poems have repetition as these
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Three Major Classes of Fingerprints Essay
The three basic pattern classifications of fingerprints established by Sir Edward Richard Henry in
1896 are the arch, the loop, and the whorl. In an arch pattern, ridges flow from one side of the finger
directly to the opposite side without any deltas. This type of print accounts for about 5% of all
fingerprints. There are two types of arch patterns, the plain arch and tented arch. In a loop pattern,
the ridges flow from one side of the finger, than they curve, than pass an imaginary line drawn from
the delta to the core, and flow out the same side of the finger. They contain one delta on the opposite
side of the opening. This type of print accounts for about 70% of all fingerprints. There are two
types of loops. The two types are ulnar ... Show more content on ...
A double loop whorl is the type of pattern that consists of two separate sets of loop formations,
shoulders, and deltas. An accidental whorl is the type of pattern that is composed of two types of
patterns with two or more deltas. A central pocket loop is the type of pattern that consists of one or
more recurving ridges or an obstacle at a right angle to the line of flow with two deltas. Also, when
an imaginary line is drawn, no recurving ridge near the inner pattern area is cut or touched. Sub
classes are important because they help distinguish specific prints from others quickly, therefore
illuminating some possible suspects right away.
There are three types of fingerprints that could be left at a crime scene. The three types are latent,
patent, and plastic. Latent fingerprints are made from the oil and sweat on the surface of a person's
skin. This type of print is invisible by the naked eye and requires processing for visibility purposes.
The process can be done using chemicals or powder. Patent fingerprints are made from blood, ink,
dirt, or grease and they are visible by the naked eye. Plastic fingerprints are made when a person
presses on wax, paint, or soap and they are visible by the naked eye. The three types of fingerprints
help investigators discover who was at the crime scene which can possibly lead to the arrest of
When collecting "inked" prints, there is a certain process that needs to be followed. First, a person's
hand must be
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Tattoo Taboo : Tattoos And Tattoos
Marsha Van Boening
English 111
Essay Four: Argument
22 April 2017
Tattoo Taboo Tattoos have been around for centuries, and were once used to identify various tribes,
indicate social status, or sometimes they were a rite of passage to adulthood. As time passed to a
more modern world, people donning tattoos were assumed to be either convicts, gang members,
rock musicians, or rebellions of society and most were deemed of unsavory character. Now, with
over 45 million American adults having at least one tattoo, the taboos have all but disappeared, and
with today's diversity, anywhere one might go, tattoos are seen on more and more people of all ages
and races, no matter the gender and are globally accepted in most cultures. It is ... Show more
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There's a certain tattoo that we do, there's a couple of them that we do quite regularly. It's the same
thing. People find it on the internet, print it out and say this is what I want. [There] might be slight
variations but it's basically the same tattoo. We'll tell them while we are drawing it up, you know, we
did this three times last week and the responses [were,] oh cool. And so to me it seems like people
are getting tattooed now, not to set themselves apart, but to be a part of the coolness culture that it
has become (Martin, 2013).
With tattoos becoming a social norm, people of all ages are inking their bodies for one reason or
another. They (the tattoo or the person) are not frowned upon as used to be and so are not classified
as a deviant as in the past. Though people get tattoos to show their individuality, at the same time
they are getting some of the same tattoos as others, only varying the color, layout, size, or design.
Tattoo placement (particularly facial) can also make a difference in how one is viewed by society
and may make a difference in how a person is positioned in the work force.
As tattoos have become more common and accepted in society, that acceptance has trickled into the
workplace. Having a permanent piece of art displayed on one's body does not impede job
performance; however, it can impede one's ability to move forward in the job market. For instance,
one may not want a facial tattoo if they plan to work in a career where they give
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The Effect Of The Printing Press On The Church
The new invention came out recently and was invented by a man, Johann Gutenberg. He called his
invention the printing press; a device that applies pressure to an inked surface resting on a print
medium, so that it transfers the ink. This new technology rapidly impacted the society by
transforming Europe into a place where all ideas could be heard. Since the books were cheaper,
easier to produce than hand copied books this meant that even low class could afford books to
access a broad range of knowledge. Now, people could increase their knowledge, where in the past
many people were uneducated. This increased the development of new ideas. The printing press also
printed the first complete version of the bible, this affected the church because
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Taylor Swift Research Paper
Move over Taylor Swift's '1989,' because Rihanna's '1988' is taking over! The songstress has decided
to pay homage to '1988,' the year she was born, by getting the digits tatted on her right ankle. Her
latest ink job comes courtesy of renowned tattoo artist Bang Bang, who has worked with celebrities
such as Miley Cyrus, Cara Delevingne, and Lady Gaga in the past.
RiRi posted a photo of her fresh ink via Instagram on Thursday. She captioned the photo: "Tagged
by my dear friend @bangbangnyc." The photo, which coincidentally has a vintage look like Swift's
1989 album cover, showcases RiRi's tattoo adorned by several ankle bracelets.
Rihanna was photographed heading into Bang Bang's studio in New York City on Wednesday
(August 12). After getting
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Tattoo Decision Research
How to decide whether you should get a tattoo!
Getting your body permanently inked with a tattoo is a big life decision. Like any other big step that
need certain amount of commitment, tattooing yourself needs to be given a serious thought too.
Irrespective of the fact that you are a first timer or thinking to get a bigger tattoo after your first
experience, there are few basic questions you should be answering for yourself to make an informed
Level of interest: Explore the idea of getting permanently inked little more seriously and try to
ascertain your level of interest in the idea. The inspiration could come from visiting a tattoo parlor,
seeing the friends getting tattoos or reading an interesting article on tattoo art; the important
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A Take On Tattoos In Modern Society
A Take on Tattoos in Modern Society
"During the last 20 years, and especially during the last ten to eight years, there has been a dramatic
increase in the popularity of tattoos, which are in demand by all classes of society today" (Serup 15).
It is no lie to state that there is a visible popularity surge in tattoos from the last decade, and the
number continues to rise. One of the possible explanations for this increase might be that tattoos
have evolved to become part of the mainstream media or trend which mainly sprouted from the
middle class. Other explanations have said that tattoos reflect the time and society and change when
it occurs, but also self–expression. One thing for certain amidst all the explanations is that tattoos
hold a significant element in redefining society in its control and setting of norms. In an interesting
journal excerpt, "Why Do People Get Tattoos?" it explains that there have been perceptions of
tattooed women having transient sexual relationships and thus being labeled as being from the lower
class throughout history. The article continues to delve deeper into the subject by giving an example
of a rape case which was dropped by a lawyer due to the victim having a tattoo (Kang, Jones 352). It
is interesting to see the negative connotations some have of tattooed women because they do not fit
into the society's ideal standard of femininity and immediately think it lessens the woman's class,
even to the point where they would not defend them in a court case. Although many would like to
think that tattoos have provided women an opportunity to challenge the said traditional standards of
femininity, not all believe so. On the contrary, some believe that women use their tattoos to enforce
these standards rather than empower themselves. Similarly, men have also shown to use their tattoos
to "reinforce traditional notions of masculinity" (Kang, Jones 352). The debate can go either way,
but mainly it depends on the individual and their reason to get inked in the first place. This article
conveys the relevance of why women and men get tattoos and shows overlap in some of the reasons
between the two genders. Another journal article, "Tattoos and Piercings:
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Clipped Wings And Inked Armor: An Analysis
That was the text message that I woke up to one day back in November. To say I was happy was an
understatement. I fell in love with this story years ago. I was very sad when it was taken offline. But
I want to make this clear, this is not a fanfiction. So I hope that anyone who is interested in reading
this book isn't hesitant. This is a real, true, and gritty story. And the reason why I fell in love with it
was because of it's honesty and it's addicting characters. Over the years I watched many fanfictions
get published, and was tremendously happy for their authors. But I just kept wondering, "Where is
Clipped Wings & Inked Armor?" I knew the fanbase was there. I have many friends who would wait
impatiently for the email notification that a new chapter was up when the story originated online.
The answer to this question is that this story was being reworked. I noticed in the beginning the
changes that were made to make this story flow better. The angst was toned down. A lot of the sex
scenes were taken out, but are still implied. This actually made me happy because as much as we all
love some smut every now and then, ... Show more content on ...
This story is very deep and emotional. We have the dual point of views of the two lead characters
Hayden and Tenley. To say that they are both damaged would be an understatement. And to have the
story told from first person, you can feel their pain and suffering. Hayden's parents were murdered
when he was seventeen. Tenley is a survivor of a plane crash that took the lives of her fiancee, his
parents along with hers, and the members of her wedding party. As you can see, all of this is very
heavy. But it shows you that even with such despair and grief, a beautiful love story can blossom. I
truly believed while reading that the two of them could save each other. Their instant attraction for
one another was written so well, that even a skeptic like me fell for their infatuation at first
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What Are Tribal Tattoos
Tribal tattoos are most likely the most popular tattoo designs these days. These tattoos among their
dark colors plus distinctive patterns create spectacular body artwork intended for both for men and
women. These designs are geometrical with aggressive decorative lines that contain toothed sides.
They are generally etched in shades of bold colors like black as well as blue. Tribal tattoos are
unique in general and the artwork do not depict any explicit object. These patterns are simply curvy
creative examples of inked artwork.
Tribal tattoos do not belong any certain culture and have principally originated from various tribes
all over the world. Aztec tribal tattoos, Polynesian tribal tattoos Chinese tribal tattoos, Hawaiian
tattoos, etc.,
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Amanda Holoan Essay
Analytical Essay –UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan
Do fantasy, horror and science fiction stories share genre elements?
The novel UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan has many elements of science fiction but it also
contains some elements of action. Dystopia dominates the novel that is categorised in the science
fiction genre consisting of a futuristic setting and myths with supernatural powers. The novel is
riveting and enthralling because the usage of different elements such as foreshadowing and plot
Throughout the novel it was evident the setting was futuristic which created an oppressive and
rebellious environment. In the novel UNWANTED there was a strict division of citizens, which lead
to curiosity and conflict between classes of citizens. The novel is built around a nation where your
categorised in being either a Dread, a stork, inked or an unwanted which is justified by "A high
fence separated the dump from the rest of the city and a single road led through the gate" Followed
by that a guard by the gatehouse said "This place isn't safe for a law abiding citizen". The novel
categorises the dump as section of area where unwanted citizens live within the tunnels of rubbish
and rock. Whilst unwanted lived in the dump, storks, inked and Dread where classified as the
general public. If you were to commit a crime or sin against the government you were taken to the
dump. The novel is based upon a insurgent main character that rebels against the government when
she realises she is an Unwanted. ... Show more content on ...
The text consists of both first and third person speech including: 'What is that?' Bea said again?' A
jagged black line appeared in the sky'. It is apparent the transition of first person to third person is
very distinctive. Third person speech is an element of story telling that belongs to the action
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Law 421
Case Scenario: Big Time Toymaker LAW/421 Case Scenario: Big Time Toymaker Read the "Theory
to Practice" section at the end of Ch. 6 of the text. Answer Questions 1 through 6 based on the
scenario in the "Theory to Practice" section, and complete the following in your response: At the
conclusion of the situation, BTT says that it's not serious about releasing Chou's new technique
game, Strat. Presuming BTT and Chou have got a deal, and BTT has breached the agreement by not
releasing the game, discuss what solutions may or may not apply. At what point, if ever, did the
parties have a contract? By studying the situation, I don't believe the 2 sides concerned ever had a
deal. In the situation, the sides reached a deal just ... Show more content on ...
These types of losses might incorporate out–of–pocket expenditure, and even loss of possible profits
had BTT honored their part of the
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Blockbuster Case
Option 3: This option could have been an interesting route for Blockbuster as it could have given
them a fresh start to expand their assets beyond the traditional brick and mortar store and keep their
company legacy alive by adapting to new mediums. One downside of this option is that it does seem
like Blockbuster is simply imitating their competition rather than developing new distribution
channels to maintain its industry leader status. Despite these hindrances, Blockbuster could still rely
on these recent developments and identify areas to obtain an advantage over their competitors. For
instance, Redbox originally inked a deal with select movie studios such as Disney or Universal for
day–of movie releases for recent films, while other studios
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Tattoo Stereotypes
I sat in the chair with my leg shaking, the palms of my hands barely able to hold onto my phone due
to sweat. I was nervous and anxious. I couldn't believe what I was doing. My dad's voice rang in my
head, "Kait, I still don't believe that you should be getting a tattoo so soon after you turn eighteen."
As any child would, I ignored his heeding and went along with my plan of getting inked. I was
excited; I was scared. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Matt called my name when he finished the
drawing of a small purple and black butterfly, coming out from behind the curtain. My excitement
grew as I walked over to the table and hopped up onto it. The faux leather fell cool on my leg as I
pulled my skirt up to my knee to expose the inside of ... Show more content on ...
Swami and Furnham (2007) asked male and female undergrad students to rate a series of 16 female
drawings that varied in the amount of tattoos. They found that targets with tattoos were considered
"less physically attractive, more sexually promiscuous, and heavier drinkers than non–tattooed
targets. Interestingly, they found that such negative evaluations became stronger with an increasing
number of tattoos," (Guéguen, 2013). I've been able to get tattoos for almost 3 years now. I have
four of them currently, and I'm hoping to get several more throughout my lifetime. Every one of my
tattoos means something near and dear to my heart, but that doesn't mean that they all have to. When
I choose to expose my tattoos, I get looks of disapproval from those who surround me. For as long
as tattoos have been around, both genders have been getting inked. However, even today, it still
seems that a woman sporting ink isn't as socially acceptable as it is for a male to be showing off
theirs. In this day and age, there are still people who don't believe that having tattoos should be
something that everyone
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Body Art : Tattoos And Piercings In The Workplace
Body art in the workplace has been and will continue to be a controversial topic to discuss. Tattoos
and piercings do not come even slightly close to affecting the kind of person someone is and how
well their work ethic is. It should not affect a person's likeliness of being hired. Even in today's
modern and generally accepting world, a world where most "abnormal" things are considered
normal, there is still a rather large amount of people in this world who are against tattoos and
piercings in the workplace. Those who are against the idea tend to argue that body art is distracting
and disgusting, specifically in the form of piercings. In fact, while talking about different types of
piercings on people in customer service, a profound Jewish author even says, "Does anyone else
suffer frissons of revulsion, or is it just me?" (Darvick 321). She then goes on to say, "I can't look at
someone in the face because of his piercings..." Opinions like those of Darvick are sickening and
discriminatory. Humans should not be looked upon or judged any differently because of the way
they choose to express themselves.
A local business owner, Michelle Eddy, agrees with these statements. Eddy says, "I have no problem
hiring anybody with tattoos, piercings, or even colored hair!" She supports anyone with any kind of
body art and views their tattoos or piercings as they are, a beautiful form of self expression and art.
Eddy has also said, "I think that tattoos should not be an issue in any
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Comparative Analysis of the Theories and Methods Used in...
The following paper is a comparative analysis of the theories and methods used by the authors of
"Inked into Crime? An Examination of the Casual Relationships between Tattoos and Life–Course–
Offending among males from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development" (Jennings, Hahn,
Farrington 2014) and "Nonmainstream Body Modification: Genital Piercing, Branding, Burning,
and Cutting" (Myers 1992). Jennings, Hahn, and Farrington's article investigates the correlation
between tattoos and deviant behavior. In addition, the researches ultimately want to discover if the
relationship between tattoos and crime may in fact be casual, or are just another symptom of
developmental risk factors and personality traits (Jennings, Hahn, Farrington 79). ... Show more
content on ...
Included in the study were males, females, homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals. Myers spent
a vast amount of time exploring various workshops and tattoo/piercing studios observing,
interviewing, and lecturing individuals on his current study. An example of this is when Myers
attended the Living in Leather Convention as he stated "I was able to expand my involvement by
showing my body modification slides to several people, attending parties, and helping out at the host
organization's hospitality suite" (1992:176). Though both studies rely heavily on body modification,
they differ in a couple of ways. While the first study was considered a longitudinal study, the second
one was considered a quasi–experimental study. The first study was done in a period of 53 years
while the second study was done in a period of 2 years. Another difference is that the first study
relied on a different type of sampling than the second. The first one involved quota sampling
because the researchers knew exactly who they wanted to choose for participants in their study. The
second study involved both random and accidental sampling for data observation and collection.
I believe that Jennings, Hahn, and Farrington's (2014) study was less effective than Myer's study.
Though Jennings, Hahn, and Farrington's study is the first longitudinal study to measure tattoo–
crime link, there are a few limitations. Instead of using a quota sample of
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Labor Rights Violations
There is widespread labor abuse in Guatemala. According to the International Trade Union
Confederation, Guatemala has become the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists,
in fact, since 2007 seventy three union leaders have been killed ("Countries at risk"). Although the
Dominican Republic–Central America–United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA–DR) has
introduced labor rights protection provisions, much still needs to be done to protect human rights
(Gottwald and Goldhammer 1). According to the Observatory of Economic Complexity
("Guatemala Country Profile"), Guatemala's top export destination is the U.S, hence it would seem
that the ethical approach lies in U.S. consumers (agents) buying power and U.S. government's
(agents) ... Show more content on ...
Under the DR–CAFTA, there are provisions that would allow the U.S. to suspend some trade
benefits, but only if Guatemala fails to pay the fine (DiMaggio, "As TPP Deal Inked"). It seems
likely that if the arbitration panel finds the Guatemalan government and private sector of violating
labor laws, then this government will make its own people pay for the fine in order to continue
reaping the benefits of this free trade
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1945: One Of The Darkest Moment World History
January 30, 1933 through May 8, 1945 was one of the darkest moments world history. We have
commemorated this tragic event and have mourned the lost lives with memorials and museums.
Some still live from this horror and carry tatoos with them to remind these people of the tragic times
when many of their brothers and sisters were slaughtered and gassed for a "good cause". These
people have since lived and had children and their children had children. These children from the
generation of the tortured seem to feel the way of remembering them is through these tattoos. I think
it is inappropriate that they want to remember the saddest and most hard time of their grandparents
or Uncles or Aunts lives by getting something inked on them that is a symbol
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Butterfly Rib Tattoos Essay
Butterfly rib tattoos look amazing on a woman's rib cage especially if they are inked in such as way
that they are symmetrical to the curves of the body. This type of tat theme can be painful but the
potential for amazing body art is reason enough for one to go through it.
Butterflies have always been a favorite among women as a tattoo design because of its natural
beauty and symbolical meaning. A woman can always relate to what a butterfly have been through,
from a tiny cocoon to a gorgeous and colorful creature thats free to roam the world. Its like a female
emerging from her womanhood and ready to face whatever challenge can come her way. It can also
mean rebirth for them, a new life or a new beginning. If they have been through a tough
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Tattooing Women And Women

  • 1. Tattooing Women And Women It is a shocking reality that, while since 2012 more women in the US have tattoos than men, only one in six tattoo artist's is a woman. While there are many women featured in magazines such as Inked, it is rare to see any working in shops as artists. Since the rise of tattooing as prominent industry in the mid twentieth century, it has almost always been a male dominant field. With the progressive nature of modern society, the tattoo industry can become more inclusive of female artists if they can be respected more as being serious and talented. The tattooing field today is extremely exclusive and difficult to break into, as well as being highly male dominated. Machismo and strength are greatly valued in shops as becoming an artist (and having completed an apprenticeship) is notoriously difficult. An apprenticeship, the two to three year period of training under an established artist, is necessary to become an independant artist and consists of sweeping, cleaning stations, scrubbing bathrooms, making appointments, and everything that is required to maintain a shop. Unfortunately, apprentices are usually known as "the shop b**ch" and are hazed mercilessly in order to "weed out the weak" and instill the thick skin necessary to work as an artist. For women apprenticing, this hazing can easily take the form of sexual harassment and misogyny in the workplace. This diminutive harassment that remains unquestioned and is considered required in the industry contributes to the low ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Reflection On Taboos For this sequence, our focus was on taboos. This comes out a little in "Taylors New Persona" and was my main focus in "Inked". I think by including these pieces of work it helps talk about the taboos in society and it helps shed some light on the untold truths. The second assignment was my story told through different lenses; this helped me try and expand on my writing style and adapt to writing in a college setting. For my Taylor Swift assignment, I took very detailed notes on the music video to try and help me get a good idea of exactly what was going on. I then decided to have my main focus on the dark spots on Taylor Swifts career. I decided to focus on these because most of the music video focused in on her past and how it has changed her to be a new person. In the video, there was also reference to taboos which I explained in my writing. I was very confident on this paper and decided not to revise for that reason. In my second assignment, I wanted to try out as many different writing styles as I could. My goal for my first story, "My Voice", reflected my true writing style. I wanted to make it somewhat humorous and I feel like I achieved this. Compared to this, it was different when writing the "School of Horror" story. I had to get into a different mindset when writing it and I feel like I accomplished it very well. The story about my grandparents I used more simplistic language and I accomplished this by using words like "I fell" or "I was nervous". The ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Tattoos Culture The evolution of tattoos has risen over the past couple decades; they are what one sees on friends, family, and people walking on the streets. What once was believed to be a risky trend, has now become a social norm. The rationality behind tattoo reasons are as unique as the individuals who got tattooed; it may be for self expression, memories or milestones, a form of art, or out of passion. How did tattoos become apart of pop culture, when it used to be a disgrace to have one? To begin with the word "tattoo" first came from Polynesia, and to be specific Tahiti. Explorer Captain James Cook liked the sound of Polynesian word "ta tau" which literal meaning is to write. The earliest sightings of tattoos were on female mummies dated back to 2000 B.C. In Egypt, tattoo practice conveyed be exclusively for women; it seemed as they were a mark of prostitutes, or were meant to protect the women against sexually transmitted diseases. Later on a theory was made, tattoos are therapeutic during the time of labor. Women would have tattoos imprinted on their abdomen, thighs, and breasts as a safeguarding the birth. The history of tattoos have varied from culture to culture and play a role in rituals and traditions. Some cultures use tattoos to symbolize one's particular skill or marriage status. Others believe tattoos ward away illnesses. Many times ink was shown as a signified membership in a clan or society; groups today, like Hells Angels, still use ink to symbolize their association. ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Stephanie Guttenplan Influence No doubt, we all have wondered what inspires an artist. When looking at their paintings or drawings, we often put aside the emotions and inspirations to pieces, simply because that information isn't given. Because everyone has their own unique way to express themselves, it makes us wonder. Whether it is a drawing, a musical work or an invention of some sort, each piece has a connection and emotional tie. These emotions translate into the quality of the work. Mentioning that showing work to others, whether it is a song or poem, can significantly improve it. Sometimes other people may see mistakes that the artist may not have through their cloud of emotional attachment. Stephanie Guttenplan is no different; she describes her work as a visual ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Disadvantages Of Tattoos INTRODUCTION Humans have marked themselves for thousands of years. The earliest forms of body modification were present on several mummies dated 2000 B.C. However, the discovery of the "Iceman", a frozen mummy in the Alps shows that tattoos have been around for about 5,200 years. The tattoos found on the mummy's body were not to show rank or any artistic expression (Fletcher, 1997). According to Professor Don Brothwell of the University of York, the placement of the tattoo lines up with acupuncture points and therefore may have been used as medical assistance to reduce joint pain. Additionally, from the article 'Medical Tattooing' written by Daniel Fouquet in 1898, claims that tattoos found from the ancient Egyptian women was also used for ... Show more content on ... Impetigo, viral warts, atypical mycobacterial infection, redness, and swelling are a few of the infections that a person can obtain. Furthermore, skin infection is caused by poor sanitation. Tattoo equipment, and needles that are not completely clean could transmit infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C. Thus, the person who was just inked should properly clean and make sure to care for the tattooed area to avoid complications (Emanuel, 2013). An allergic reaction is possibly caused by the inks that are going to use for the tattoo. Allergy from tattoos could result in an itchy rash, irritation, swelling, burning of the skin, or other skin problems at or nearby the tattoo site. In addition, allergic reactions can still occur after years of having the tattoo (Rodriguez, 2010). Skin problems, namely melanoma; a type of skin cancer, granulomas; a bump that was formed around the tattooed area, and blood–borne diseases, including hepatitis, and tetanus are consequences a person may acquire after getting a tattoo (Emanuel, ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Tattoos And Body Of Tattoos Essay Tattoos and body pierced has been in our society for many years. Back then when tattoos was not a thing, many culture and religion used to inked their skin. In 1920s tattoos was common on prisoner, sailor, bikers, and that is why a huge part of of the population does not accept tattoos. Now, these days the art of tattoos is increasing, making a lot of money every year. These days people are getting more and more tattoos, making themselves addicted to it. Body art is used by people to express their personal style, to beauty themselves or just because that piece of art means something to that person. Some people think that tattoos are for delinquents, but the delinquent can save your life, what I means is some doctors have tattoos. It has become more general the used of tattoos in these days, and people are started to see tattoo as art not as a mark. Body Art Tattoo: Practice of marking the body skin with a permanent legends, patterns, pictures, by making punctures in the skin inserting a pigments. In today's world you go out and look around, and you are bound to catch someone with a tattoo in the neck, ankle or just in visible body part. Look around a yoga class or in the beach, just in places where the population tends to have skim clothe, practically you are guaranteed to see a lot of ink in the legs, arms, shoulders and, also in the lower back. Many people use tattoo to express their personal style. But, where they came from?. When tattoo started? ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Summary: Number Eight: Teddy Got Ink Our first set of things that you probably don't know about tattoos astounded you, and now we are here to present the remaining eight interesting bits of information you might have never known about this inky art form! Find out which president got inked, how to clean a stick–and–poke, and much more when you explore the remaining top eight facts that you never knew about tattoos! Number Eight: Teddy Got Ink. Weirdly enough, Teddy Roosevelt seemed to have a wild side. Teddy got a depiction of his family crest tattooed onto his chest. Number Seven: And Winston. Winston Churchill also got a tattoo. His was an anchor on his forearm, so maybe he crossed the Atlantic Ocean. His mom's was even better though, she had a snake around her wrists. Number ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Ryan Sheckler Research Paper Ryan sheckler, The Greatest Street Skater Of All Time Although Tony Hawk is one of the greats, he never street skated, However Ryan Allen Sheckler was born and bred, living and loving the art of street skating. It all began when this young man discovered his father skateboard at eighteen months of age. He pulled off his first ollie by the age of four and landed his first kickflip by the age of six. At the age of seven he got a mini–ramp in the backyard and began skating every day. Ryan Sheckler was born on the 30 of december in La Palma, California and grew up and still lives in San Clemente, USA when he isn't touring. He is renowned for his incredible talent in street skating pulling off amazing tricks with perfect fluidity, speed and control. Ryans nicknames include 'Shecky' 'Shecks', His favourite food is pad thai and enjoys listening to Guns'n'Roses and also The Cure. He is 5ft 8in (173cm) tall and weighs 79kgs (175 pounds). He has 2 brothers Shane and Kane Sheckler. ... Show more content on ... Tattooed on his right bicep are the words "Skate and Destroy", Independent Skate Truck company's logo on his right arm. There is a skull a tattoo on Ryan's right bicep,There is a red diamond inked on his right arm below the word "Fear",an image of a dancing lady tattooed on his left arm and many ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The History of Tattoos Are tattoos, a permanent marking of the skin for many generations, indicating a rebel or a mischievous male in past generations a now a rising trend? Looking around today, it may seem as though everybody has at least some type of tattoo on their body, from a small butterfly, to a giant piece of artwork, well detailed and thought about thoroughly. It seems as though trends come and go, like a certain style of clothing, make up, or music type. But are tattoos one? Even though tattoos have recently became a trend within the most recent generations, throughout history, they have both affected the world positively and negatively because of disease, stereotypes, and creativity. At first, scientist thought the first tattoos appeared on Egyptians, but were they wrong? Given evidence, they found there had, in fact, been tattoos given long before the Egyptians. Dated back to two hundred B.C. researchers had found a mummified body, with markings along its thigh and legs, as well as on their arms. Prehistoric young girls were given these inked marks as a sign of their importance in the tribe they belonged to, as well as symbols of love and dedication to one said person. The tattoos that became more fancy and thought out were given to the higher ranked members of the tribe. Like the prehistoric tribes, Egyptians too, created tattoos on people of their city. But, unlike the prehistoric people, both males and females received these tattoos. At first young girls were given tattoos ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Laser Tattoos For ages, tattoos have been the most adored form of body art. Some individuals get them to express their personal viewpoints while others use them to express a significant event in life. Others still get it at the spur of the moment. While billions still get them, there are many that wish to get rid of them as well. The outmoded approaches are not very effective and do have a reasonable amount of pain allied with them. Laser tattoo removal in South Delhi is a moderately new treatment that works miracles for confiscating undesirable tattoos. The treatment has very little pain involved when equated with other techniques. It works by breaking down the pigmentation that can be eliminated by the immune system easily. With some treatment sittings, tattoos can be removed and you can get a spotless skin with no signs of tattoos that were once there. Why undergo laser tattoo removal? There are many options accessible for the removal of tattoos including dermabrasion, excision and cryosurgery amid others. While maximum of these treatments are mostly effective, most of them are reasonably excruciating and all of them carry jeopardies of infection owing to their highly invasive natures. Some of them can be rather painful as well. Laser skin care in contrast is a noninvasive process that brings the desired outcomes without the risk of infections. The treatment is quite effective and offers incredible outcomes. Surely, it is a far superior option than the other names on the list cited ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Why Is Tattoos Important In The Workplace The person makes the tattoo, the tattoo doesn't make the person. This statement causes many controversies in today's society, however, is becoming more and more acceptable during the coming of age. People should not judge according to the outer looks of a being, including tattoos and markings on their skin. Uneducated people typically make inked ones targets for judgement. However, what the uneducated do not know is the rise in acceptance and popularity in tattooed skin is causing a rise in awareness of the risks and precautions of the subject. Professional artists all around the world are educating themselves daily on the acts of safely when dealing with a person's skin. There are risks, yes, but there are steps and techniques customers should be aware and alert about when searching for and thinking about getting inked. Stereotypes will always occur, but remember tattoos can be the result of a huge change or impact in a person's life, a hobby or person someone holds dearly close to their heart, or a longing to witness to society. Tattoos are not always acts of senselessness and some people know when they have reached the appropriate limit. Tattoos in the workplace also cause a rise in opposing viewpoints and the issue will never be completely ... Show more content on ... A big percentage of professional workplaces accept and cannot deny employment due to tattoos, but, only if they are able to be covered. When getting inked, keep in mind the location and the career path planned to pursue. For example, tattoos below the elbow, on the neck, on the face, or on the hands are not advised unless rare circumstances. Although there are more and more accepting the idea of covered tattoos in the workplace, there are those who judge their employers work ethic and skills based on image being the number one factor. Productivity and personality should always be number one, sadly that is not always the case in today's society ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. One Direction: A Victim Of Stereotypes What are you listening to? One Direction? What are you, 12? I can't even begin to tell you how many times people have given me judgemental expressions when they found out that I like the band One Direction. Being in a fandom which is dominated by younger female fans does bring a lot of judgement upon oneself. If you don't know what I'm talking about, One Direction fans have been deemed by society 'desperate hormonal teenage girls without a good taste in music'. Yes, the band does have a huge following of young females. Yes, most of the fans are between the ages of 12–16. Yes, some fans have done comparatively crazy things in order to get closer to the band ... However does anyone realise that the whole fandom is not made up of these young daredevils? The limited view of the fans given by the media has shrouded the band as well as the whole fandom ... Show more content on ... Most grow out of it, some sooner than others. We should be allowed to like and support something that brings us happiness without being judged or labelled because of it! That was the story of how I was a victim of stereotyping, but I would also like to elaborate on another stereotype, one that withers my faith in humanity bit by bit: that people with a fairly high amount of tattoos or piercings are labelled uneducated and unprofessional. Before anything let me just ask you how a person's choice of getting a tattoo or a piercing affects their level of intelligence? Majority consider that having a tattoo basically proves bad judgement and a low intelligence level. I for one have never heard the fact that getting tattoos or piercings magically hinders a person's learning capability! Opportunities should not be hindered just because they have inked themselves. Many CEO's of successful businesses nowadays have tattoos, some professors have inked themselves; even with tattoos these people have excelled in their field of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Traditional Dewai Culture : The Culture Of Traditional... Traditional Hawaiian Culture I would consider this to be a formal essay but instead I would rather take this as a nonchalant one, because unlike most people I hate long winded crap but this is a must do for school so bear with me for a good bit and we can get it over with and maybe you'll learn something but if you're like why am I having to listen to this guy about his culture well your wrong right of the bat cause this is not only my culture it may be your too and you just don't know it but I promise this if bear with me we'll find a way to make this fun and who knows for once you might not say I hate reading for once. Hawaii culture may be an ancient mix of layers of ethnic influences and is a wealthy and distinctive tradition comprised of values, legends, music, dance and customs. a part of what makes the islands of Hawaii therefore special, the culture may be a massive drawcard to the current Pacific Ocean vacation destination. far more than spectacular sunsets, stunning beaches and glorious surfboarding, the Hawaii culture influences everything from language, religion, covering and preparation on the islands. Below area unit a number of the foremost fascinating facts regarding the Hawaii culture. Customs are important aren't they without them we give in to the everyday humdrum of society and one of the foremost well–known customs of the Hawaii culture is that the lei. conferred as a welcome gesture or on special occasions, a flower lei is a proposal of friendly ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. You Will Never Regret It: Thinking And Inking 'Tattoos: The women's revolutionary aesthetics', 'You will never regret it' documentaries and 'Thinking and Inking' scholar article portray the significance and the symbolism of tattoos. People inked tattoos on their skin for meaningful purpose or simply for mere pleasure. Women received numerous criticisms especially on the art they inked on their skin. In the documentary, 'You will never regret it', the individuals did not regret inking tattoos on their skin as it carried great stories. In the 'Inking and Thinking' article it shows honoured students do think of the impact it will have on future job opportunities. High percentage of non–honoured students were influenced by their parents and friends who have tattoos and took little time to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Written On The Body Stephen Oettermann Decorating the Body: Exposing and Entertaining The following is the summary of chapter 12 of the book named Written on the Body: The Tattoo in European and American History originally written by literature doctorate, Stephan Oettermann. The author is aimed to illustrate how the individuals get tattooed, entertained the people and displayed their life. Capturing, tattooing and displaying the savage individuals and having the voluntarily tattooed individuals had been the beginning of western tattooing in nineteen century. Being apart from a showman in performances, narrating biographies were one of the modes of display in the tattooed culture of the West. Firstly, the author recognized the tattooed individuals were the uncivilized violent people who were captured and inked to be exhibited to the people (Oettermann 1). One of the reasons given for the tattooing was to identify the particular individual as a distinguished savage person among the people. The example of 'Eskimo' family, which was captured and tattooed by the French seamen is, explains this situation. The story of Prince Jeoly who was put on show after being tattooed is another ... Show more content on ... Biographies were written on the life of the individuals who were tattooed forcibly and also voluntarily including real and narrated stories. The biography of John Rutherford, The Great White Chief John Rutherford is reciting the story of him and his lifestyle with inked body, which was considered as a true story by poetic standards only. Another book named A Narrative of Shipwreck Captivity and Suffering of Horace Holden and Benjamin Nute describes how Holden gets forcibly tattooed and his life experiences as a tattooed but not a showman. These examples of biographies support the authors claim that great literatures had been emerged in the beginning of the Western tattooing ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Informative Essay About Football Tattoos If you are a football sweetheart and are being able to express it appropriately then tattoos are a mode of craft and might be deciphered distinctively by two diverse individuals. Some think that it exceptionally appealing and popular and some think that it improper. Football tattoos serve as a fabulous approach to demonstrate your affection towards football. These changeless tattoos are extremely appealing, dazzling and brilliant. These football tattoo outlines are an incredible source to get joined with the football world. This article showcases some of the best football tattoo designs available out there which you can ink to get recognition among football fans all around the world. 1. Football cap tattoo designs: Need to convey your ... Show more content on ... Get a football made on your skin that demonstrates your adoration for football. Numerous alluring football outlines are accessible nowadays. These tattoos demonstrate your affection for just the football and not a specific group or player. 3. Football diversion tattoos: You can also get a portion of a football game inked on your skin. These tattoos are exceptionally entrancing and spellbinding. These are normally adjusted from toons. Getting some part of a football match made will dependably help you review your most loved football match of all times which you can always remember. 4. Football player tattoo outlines: Football tattoo mates can get a popular football player inked on their skin. These serve as a glorious decision and are eye infectious as well. Getting a specific football player made demonstrates your adoration towards a specific football player. You can even get two or three players made on your skin to make it all the more striking. 5. Football logo tattoo: Football logo tattoo are exceptionally basic and appealing. This tattoo outlining simply includes getting your most loved football group logo made on your skin. Appealing plans with other work of art is accessible nowadays to make it additionally dazzling. 6. Getting same football tattoo ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Tattoos & Piercings in the Workplace Essay Tattoos & Piercings in the Workplace PHI221 Shelley Hipps College America Abstract This paper focuses on the subject of whether or not tattoos and piercings should be allowed in the workplace. There are a lot of resources arguing that they should not be allowed, but this research maintains the point that they should be more accepted in the workplace these days. This paper concludes by discussing how tattoos and piercings are much more of an artistic expression rather than a form of rebellion as it was once considered. Tattoos and piercing have become increasingly more common over the years. Obvious issues within the workplace have surfaced. Some would argue that tattoos and piercings in the workplace are inappropriate, ... Show more content on ... "In some industries, such as software and biotechnology, companies need to attract the most intelligent employees, regardless of what is inked on their skin or dangling from their flesh." (WONG, 2005) This is a great example because it helps argue my point. A company should be worried about the work that its employee will produce and not worry so much about what is on or in their skin. "The outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas says employers will be forced to become more accepting of body art. "Some employers are already having trouble finding skilled workers –– they are not going to let some body art get in the way of hiring the best–qualified candidate," said John Challenger, chief executive officer of the Chicago–based firm." (WONG, 2005) I understand some companies just want to promote a strictly professional image. Then again, isn't the most qualified applicant the most professional one or is it just the one that looks the best? Here is another good example of this point, "I would never want to limit our work force based on body art. Our priority, like any industry, is to have the best that we can have." (WONG, 2005) Tattoos today are recognized as totally different than what they were pictured as in the past. "Tattooing is recognized by government agencies as both an art form and a profession and tattoo–related art work is the subject of museum, gallery and educational institution art shows across the United States." [ (Levins, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Tattoos: A Symbol Of Stingrays Graceful Stingray Tattoos: A Symbol Of Stealth, Speed, And Protection Stingrays are a group of fish which are closely related to sharks but unlike sharks, they pose little threat to humans. They are round and flat with a long stinger at the back and two eyes in the front which sit on top of their head while the mouth is underneath. They are not aggressive and will only sting a human if threatened or accidently stepped on. They mainly live in the sea; however, there are some species who reside in freshwater rivers. They can be found at the sandy bottom where they often bury themselves in the sand with only their stinger and eyes visible. Here they wait for small prey to come by and camouflage themselves from predators such as sharks. They are beautiful smooth looking creatures that are quick, agile and graceful and they make an excellent subject for a tattoo that suits both men or women and appeals to people ... Show more content on ... In Short... The stingray is a fish that has plenty of admirable attributes such as speed, agility, and adaptability, and it is also attractive and graceful. People may choose to include this creature in larger tattoo designs with other ocean themed subjects or as a small to medium design on its own. It's primarily associated with adjustability, speed, stealth, and protection and it can be inked in the Polynesian tribal style or as a 3D tattoo, as well as in bold or water colors. It can be placed on any area of the body but to get more detail and shading consider a larger area for your tattoo. One of the best reasons to get a stingray tattoo is that this is not a common choice so there is little chance of someone having the same tattoo as you. In this way, the stingray tattoo is quite unusual so if you do choose this elegant fish for your next tattoo get ready to answer questions about ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mexican Tattoos Essay Regardless whether you would want to convey a perception of energy, calmness or association with a given cultural organization, you will indeed find solace in Mexican tattoos as they are many and do represent so many identities. Mexican tattoos are known for their much visibility, and the meaning here is that any idea you decide to ink will have a direct and profound meaning which is easily observable by many people. Mexican way of life inspires the tattoos we are describing here, and you will also notice that some of the tattoos have a massive infusion of religious symbolism and reference to the indigenous culture in Mexico. The Skeleton Bride Tattoo This is the best inked art you should opt for especially if your affinity lies on the love ... Show more content on ... Bright colors are the dominating beauty, and this means that you can feel macabre and beauty brought together into one great piece of inked art. The skull made only from an amalgamation of flowers can lead to many interpretations and meanings. However, one aspect to be certain of is that the bright colors signify something positive about the tattoo. You can have this tattoo in remembrance to that personal cause which only you have knowledge about, and the fusion of beautifully enjoined flowers will give it a positive ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Dragon Arm Tattoos Dragon Arm Tattoos Virile and mysterious, dragons represent the hidden primal beast in men. Their serpentine and reptilian traits make dragons the most exotic and intriguing of all mythical creatures. Dragons open up a world of mystical fascination where anything is possible. Those who are hot blooded and passionate are instinctively drawn to these firebreathing creatures. Intelligent and cunning, the Chinese dragon is a four legged reptile that best represents those who desire bold statements of color and patterns. A symbol of authority and power, each unique dragon symbolizes the strength, character and dominance of the bearer. Those who are worthy of the dragon style let it fluently contour the muscles and tendons of their arm, which accentuates the sinewy lines of the muscular dragon's body. Clarity of detail and personal symbols ... Show more content on ... Their ancient lore is steeped in tradition and culture. Ancient and noble, these beasts are symbolic of strength and wisdom. Dragons inspire a Zen philosophy of life and reflect the many aspects of physical and mental empowerment, such as self–contemplation, intuitiveness and mastery of one's physical and emotional environment. Marking this empowerment via the artistry of a dragon tattoo is a declaration and a reminder that one must constantly aspire to achieve supreme wisdom and maturity. Dragon tattoos are as individual and unique as those who bear its illustrious image. They serve to inspire men towards the cultivation of knowledge, self–reflection and the attainment of inner peace. Depicting these ancient reptiles through the artistry of ink personifies a man's inner struggle to master the fiery beast within. An artistically stunning dragon tattoo can transform the forearm into a statement masterpiece. Meandering throughout the length of the forearm, a dragon tattoo will incite awestruck compliments via its rich detail and vivid palette of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Power Of Words In Richard Wright's 'Black Boy' Southern Summer Nights Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will hurt forevermore. Words hold power, they are the key to success and the bomb to downfall. Throughout history, only the words of victors are remembered while the voices of the lost are forgotten throughout the ages. A simple piece of literature, such as the Diary of Anne Frank, can cause millions of people to see their world in a new light. From a young age, Richard Wright discovered the power behind the words he spoke and heard; the strength that bleeds through the inked characters of the forbidden books he read, and the influence that a book written ages ago had on his family and others. The author of the autobiography Black boy, Richard Wright, uses literary ... Show more content on ... In short, things happened that resulted in a change of home and environment. Exposed to a young lady by the name of Ella, he learned the influence between the written words that morphed obscure and abstract thoughts into a series of clips that became one long, detailed, movie. His "imagination [was] blazed" (39) and his interest in the story of Bluebeard and His Seven Wives clutched desperately onto his senses as she read aloud. Despite the book being "the Devil's work" (39), at least to his grandmother anyway, Richard found that he "hungered for the sharp, frightening, breathtaking, almost painful excitement that the story" (40) offered him. He stole books and attempted to read them despite not knowing more than a handful of words. Although the words alone had no value to Richard, the words became a "gateway to a forbidden and enchanting land" (40). Series of magazines and books later, Richard himself got to give meaning to inked characters by writing a short story himself. His classmates asked in awe if he really wrote it himself in which he replies with a simple yes. Having written a piece of literature himself, Richard knew how influential the written word could be, especially if it was the word of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Unconditional Love In For An Inked Daughter By Jane Wheeler Comparison and Contrast of unconditional love The poem "for an Inked Daughter by Jane Wheeler" describes in vivid detail how much she dislikes her daughters phase but will always love her. "i carry your heart with me by" E. E. Cummings was Published in 1952 the poem is about the fear he holds of losing his love, but no matter what, he will always carry his beloved's heart wherever he goes. While both poems are interesting and are about unconditional love, they use different diction, form, and literary devices describing their feelings towards their treasured person. Both poems are themed about their unbreakable bond of love and are free verse. Because both poems use "I" they are 1st person point of view. Most poems have repetition as these ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Three Major Classes of Fingerprints Essay The three basic pattern classifications of fingerprints established by Sir Edward Richard Henry in 1896 are the arch, the loop, and the whorl. In an arch pattern, ridges flow from one side of the finger directly to the opposite side without any deltas. This type of print accounts for about 5% of all fingerprints. There are two types of arch patterns, the plain arch and tented arch. In a loop pattern, the ridges flow from one side of the finger, than they curve, than pass an imaginary line drawn from the delta to the core, and flow out the same side of the finger. They contain one delta on the opposite side of the opening. This type of print accounts for about 70% of all fingerprints. There are two types of loops. The two types are ulnar ... Show more content on ... A double loop whorl is the type of pattern that consists of two separate sets of loop formations, shoulders, and deltas. An accidental whorl is the type of pattern that is composed of two types of patterns with two or more deltas. A central pocket loop is the type of pattern that consists of one or more recurving ridges or an obstacle at a right angle to the line of flow with two deltas. Also, when an imaginary line is drawn, no recurving ridge near the inner pattern area is cut or touched. Sub classes are important because they help distinguish specific prints from others quickly, therefore illuminating some possible suspects right away. There are three types of fingerprints that could be left at a crime scene. The three types are latent, patent, and plastic. Latent fingerprints are made from the oil and sweat on the surface of a person's skin. This type of print is invisible by the naked eye and requires processing for visibility purposes. The process can be done using chemicals or powder. Patent fingerprints are made from blood, ink, dirt, or grease and they are visible by the naked eye. Plastic fingerprints are made when a person presses on wax, paint, or soap and they are visible by the naked eye. The three types of fingerprints help investigators discover who was at the crime scene which can possibly lead to the arrest of suspects. When collecting "inked" prints, there is a certain process that needs to be followed. First, a person's hand must be ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Tattoo Taboo : Tattoos And Tattoos Marsha Van Boening English 111 Beckmann Essay Four: Argument 22 April 2017 Tattoo Taboo Tattoos have been around for centuries, and were once used to identify various tribes, indicate social status, or sometimes they were a rite of passage to adulthood. As time passed to a more modern world, people donning tattoos were assumed to be either convicts, gang members, rock musicians, or rebellions of society and most were deemed of unsavory character. Now, with over 45 million American adults having at least one tattoo, the taboos have all but disappeared, and with today's diversity, anywhere one might go, tattoos are seen on more and more people of all ages and races, no matter the gender and are globally accepted in most cultures. It is ... Show more content on ... There's a certain tattoo that we do, there's a couple of them that we do quite regularly. It's the same thing. People find it on the internet, print it out and say this is what I want. [There] might be slight variations but it's basically the same tattoo. We'll tell them while we are drawing it up, you know, we did this three times last week and the responses [were,] oh cool. And so to me it seems like people are getting tattooed now, not to set themselves apart, but to be a part of the coolness culture that it has become (Martin, 2013). With tattoos becoming a social norm, people of all ages are inking their bodies for one reason or another. They (the tattoo or the person) are not frowned upon as used to be and so are not classified as a deviant as in the past. Though people get tattoos to show their individuality, at the same time they are getting some of the same tattoos as others, only varying the color, layout, size, or design. Tattoo placement (particularly facial) can also make a difference in how one is viewed by society and may make a difference in how a person is positioned in the work force. As tattoos have become more common and accepted in society, that acceptance has trickled into the workplace. Having a permanent piece of art displayed on one's body does not impede job performance; however, it can impede one's ability to move forward in the job market. For instance, one may not want a facial tattoo if they plan to work in a career where they give ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Effect Of The Printing Press On The Church The new invention came out recently and was invented by a man, Johann Gutenberg. He called his invention the printing press; a device that applies pressure to an inked surface resting on a print medium, so that it transfers the ink. This new technology rapidly impacted the society by transforming Europe into a place where all ideas could be heard. Since the books were cheaper, easier to produce than hand copied books this meant that even low class could afford books to access a broad range of knowledge. Now, people could increase their knowledge, where in the past many people were uneducated. This increased the development of new ideas. The printing press also printed the first complete version of the bible, this affected the church because ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Taylor Swift Research Paper Move over Taylor Swift's '1989,' because Rihanna's '1988' is taking over! The songstress has decided to pay homage to '1988,' the year she was born, by getting the digits tatted on her right ankle. Her latest ink job comes courtesy of renowned tattoo artist Bang Bang, who has worked with celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Cara Delevingne, and Lady Gaga in the past. RiRi posted a photo of her fresh ink via Instagram on Thursday. She captioned the photo: "Tagged by my dear friend @bangbangnyc." The photo, which coincidentally has a vintage look like Swift's 1989 album cover, showcases RiRi's tattoo adorned by several ankle bracelets. Rihanna was photographed heading into Bang Bang's studio in New York City on Wednesday (August 12). After getting ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Tattoo Decision Research How to decide whether you should get a tattoo! Getting your body permanently inked with a tattoo is a big life decision. Like any other big step that need certain amount of commitment, tattooing yourself needs to be given a serious thought too. Irrespective of the fact that you are a first timer or thinking to get a bigger tattoo after your first experience, there are few basic questions you should be answering for yourself to make an informed decision. Level of interest: Explore the idea of getting permanently inked little more seriously and try to ascertain your level of interest in the idea. The inspiration could come from visiting a tattoo parlor, seeing the friends getting tattoos or reading an interesting article on tattoo art; the important ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. A Take On Tattoos In Modern Society A Take on Tattoos in Modern Society "During the last 20 years, and especially during the last ten to eight years, there has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of tattoos, which are in demand by all classes of society today" (Serup 15). It is no lie to state that there is a visible popularity surge in tattoos from the last decade, and the number continues to rise. One of the possible explanations for this increase might be that tattoos have evolved to become part of the mainstream media or trend which mainly sprouted from the middle class. Other explanations have said that tattoos reflect the time and society and change when it occurs, but also self–expression. One thing for certain amidst all the explanations is that tattoos hold a significant element in redefining society in its control and setting of norms. In an interesting journal excerpt, "Why Do People Get Tattoos?" it explains that there have been perceptions of tattooed women having transient sexual relationships and thus being labeled as being from the lower class throughout history. The article continues to delve deeper into the subject by giving an example of a rape case which was dropped by a lawyer due to the victim having a tattoo (Kang, Jones 352). It is interesting to see the negative connotations some have of tattooed women because they do not fit into the society's ideal standard of femininity and immediately think it lessens the woman's class, even to the point where they would not defend them in a court case. Although many would like to think that tattoos have provided women an opportunity to challenge the said traditional standards of femininity, not all believe so. On the contrary, some believe that women use their tattoos to enforce these standards rather than empower themselves. Similarly, men have also shown to use their tattoos to "reinforce traditional notions of masculinity" (Kang, Jones 352). The debate can go either way, but mainly it depends on the individual and their reason to get inked in the first place. This article conveys the relevance of why women and men get tattoos and shows overlap in some of the reasons between the two genders. Another journal article, "Tattoos and Piercings: ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Clipped Wings And Inked Armor: An Analysis That was the text message that I woke up to one day back in November. To say I was happy was an understatement. I fell in love with this story years ago. I was very sad when it was taken offline. But I want to make this clear, this is not a fanfiction. So I hope that anyone who is interested in reading this book isn't hesitant. This is a real, true, and gritty story. And the reason why I fell in love with it was because of it's honesty and it's addicting characters. Over the years I watched many fanfictions get published, and was tremendously happy for their authors. But I just kept wondering, "Where is Clipped Wings & Inked Armor?" I knew the fanbase was there. I have many friends who would wait impatiently for the email notification that a new chapter was up when the story originated online. The answer to this question is that this story was being reworked. I noticed in the beginning the changes that were made to make this story flow better. The angst was toned down. A lot of the sex scenes were taken out, but are still implied. This actually made me happy because as much as we all love some smut every now and then, ... Show more content on ... This story is very deep and emotional. We have the dual point of views of the two lead characters Hayden and Tenley. To say that they are both damaged would be an understatement. And to have the story told from first person, you can feel their pain and suffering. Hayden's parents were murdered when he was seventeen. Tenley is a survivor of a plane crash that took the lives of her fiancee, his parents along with hers, and the members of her wedding party. As you can see, all of this is very heavy. But it shows you that even with such despair and grief, a beautiful love story can blossom. I truly believed while reading that the two of them could save each other. Their instant attraction for one another was written so well, that even a skeptic like me fell for their infatuation at first ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. What Are Tribal Tattoos Tribal tattoos are most likely the most popular tattoo designs these days. These tattoos among their dark colors plus distinctive patterns create spectacular body artwork intended for both for men and women. These designs are geometrical with aggressive decorative lines that contain toothed sides. They are generally etched in shades of bold colors like black as well as blue. Tribal tattoos are unique in general and the artwork do not depict any explicit object. These patterns are simply curvy creative examples of inked artwork. Tribal tattoos do not belong any certain culture and have principally originated from various tribes all over the world. Aztec tribal tattoos, Polynesian tribal tattoos Chinese tribal tattoos, Hawaiian tattoos, etc., ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Amanda Holoan Essay Analytical Essay –UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan Do fantasy, horror and science fiction stories share genre elements? The novel UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan has many elements of science fiction but it also contains some elements of action. Dystopia dominates the novel that is categorised in the science fiction genre consisting of a futuristic setting and myths with supernatural powers. The novel is riveting and enthralling because the usage of different elements such as foreshadowing and plot twists. Throughout the novel it was evident the setting was futuristic which created an oppressive and rebellious environment. In the novel UNWANTED there was a strict division of citizens, which lead to curiosity and conflict between classes of citizens. The novel is built around a nation where your categorised in being either a Dread, a stork, inked or an unwanted which is justified by "A high fence separated the dump from the rest of the city and a single road led through the gate" Followed by that a guard by the gatehouse said "This place isn't safe for a law abiding citizen". The novel categorises the dump as section of area where unwanted citizens live within the tunnels of rubbish and rock. Whilst unwanted lived in the dump, storks, inked and Dread where classified as the general public. If you were to commit a crime or sin against the government you were taken to the dump. The novel is based upon a insurgent main character that rebels against the government when she realises she is an Unwanted. ... Show more content on ... The text consists of both first and third person speech including: 'What is that?' Bea said again?' A jagged black line appeared in the sky'. It is apparent the transition of first person to third person is very distinctive. Third person speech is an element of story telling that belongs to the action ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Law 421 Case Scenario: Big Time Toymaker LAW/421 Case Scenario: Big Time Toymaker Read the "Theory to Practice" section at the end of Ch. 6 of the text. Answer Questions 1 through 6 based on the scenario in the "Theory to Practice" section, and complete the following in your response: At the conclusion of the situation, BTT says that it's not serious about releasing Chou's new technique game, Strat. Presuming BTT and Chou have got a deal, and BTT has breached the agreement by not releasing the game, discuss what solutions may or may not apply. At what point, if ever, did the parties have a contract? By studying the situation, I don't believe the 2 sides concerned ever had a deal. In the situation, the sides reached a deal just ... Show more content on ... These types of losses might incorporate out–of–pocket expenditure, and even loss of possible profits had BTT honored their part of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Blockbuster Case Option 3: This option could have been an interesting route for Blockbuster as it could have given them a fresh start to expand their assets beyond the traditional brick and mortar store and keep their company legacy alive by adapting to new mediums. One downside of this option is that it does seem like Blockbuster is simply imitating their competition rather than developing new distribution channels to maintain its industry leader status. Despite these hindrances, Blockbuster could still rely on these recent developments and identify areas to obtain an advantage over their competitors. For instance, Redbox originally inked a deal with select movie studios such as Disney or Universal for day–of movie releases for recent films, while other studios ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Tattoo Stereotypes I sat in the chair with my leg shaking, the palms of my hands barely able to hold onto my phone due to sweat. I was nervous and anxious. I couldn't believe what I was doing. My dad's voice rang in my head, "Kait, I still don't believe that you should be getting a tattoo so soon after you turn eighteen." As any child would, I ignored his heeding and went along with my plan of getting inked. I was excited; I was scared. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Matt called my name when he finished the drawing of a small purple and black butterfly, coming out from behind the curtain. My excitement grew as I walked over to the table and hopped up onto it. The faux leather fell cool on my leg as I pulled my skirt up to my knee to expose the inside of ... Show more content on ... Swami and Furnham (2007) asked male and female undergrad students to rate a series of 16 female drawings that varied in the amount of tattoos. They found that targets with tattoos were considered "less physically attractive, more sexually promiscuous, and heavier drinkers than non–tattooed targets. Interestingly, they found that such negative evaluations became stronger with an increasing number of tattoos," (Guéguen, 2013). I've been able to get tattoos for almost 3 years now. I have four of them currently, and I'm hoping to get several more throughout my lifetime. Every one of my tattoos means something near and dear to my heart, but that doesn't mean that they all have to. When I choose to expose my tattoos, I get looks of disapproval from those who surround me. For as long as tattoos have been around, both genders have been getting inked. However, even today, it still seems that a woman sporting ink isn't as socially acceptable as it is for a male to be showing off theirs. In this day and age, there are still people who don't believe that having tattoos should be something that everyone ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Body Art : Tattoos And Piercings In The Workplace Body art in the workplace has been and will continue to be a controversial topic to discuss. Tattoos and piercings do not come even slightly close to affecting the kind of person someone is and how well their work ethic is. It should not affect a person's likeliness of being hired. Even in today's modern and generally accepting world, a world where most "abnormal" things are considered normal, there is still a rather large amount of people in this world who are against tattoos and piercings in the workplace. Those who are against the idea tend to argue that body art is distracting and disgusting, specifically in the form of piercings. In fact, while talking about different types of piercings on people in customer service, a profound Jewish author even says, "Does anyone else suffer frissons of revulsion, or is it just me?" (Darvick 321). She then goes on to say, "I can't look at someone in the face because of his piercings..." Opinions like those of Darvick are sickening and discriminatory. Humans should not be looked upon or judged any differently because of the way they choose to express themselves. A local business owner, Michelle Eddy, agrees with these statements. Eddy says, "I have no problem hiring anybody with tattoos, piercings, or even colored hair!" She supports anyone with any kind of body art and views their tattoos or piercings as they are, a beautiful form of self expression and art. Eddy has also said, "I think that tattoos should not be an issue in any ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Comparative Analysis of the Theories and Methods Used in... The following paper is a comparative analysis of the theories and methods used by the authors of "Inked into Crime? An Examination of the Casual Relationships between Tattoos and Life–Course– Offending among males from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development" (Jennings, Hahn, Farrington 2014) and "Nonmainstream Body Modification: Genital Piercing, Branding, Burning, and Cutting" (Myers 1992). Jennings, Hahn, and Farrington's article investigates the correlation between tattoos and deviant behavior. In addition, the researches ultimately want to discover if the relationship between tattoos and crime may in fact be casual, or are just another symptom of developmental risk factors and personality traits (Jennings, Hahn, Farrington 79). ... Show more content on ... Included in the study were males, females, homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals. Myers spent a vast amount of time exploring various workshops and tattoo/piercing studios observing, interviewing, and lecturing individuals on his current study. An example of this is when Myers attended the Living in Leather Convention as he stated "I was able to expand my involvement by showing my body modification slides to several people, attending parties, and helping out at the host organization's hospitality suite" (1992:176). Though both studies rely heavily on body modification, they differ in a couple of ways. While the first study was considered a longitudinal study, the second one was considered a quasi–experimental study. The first study was done in a period of 53 years while the second study was done in a period of 2 years. Another difference is that the first study relied on a different type of sampling than the second. The first one involved quota sampling because the researchers knew exactly who they wanted to choose for participants in their study. The second study involved both random and accidental sampling for data observation and collection. I believe that Jennings, Hahn, and Farrington's (2014) study was less effective than Myer's study. Though Jennings, Hahn, and Farrington's study is the first longitudinal study to measure tattoo– crime link, there are a few limitations. Instead of using a quota sample of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Labor Rights Violations There is widespread labor abuse in Guatemala. According to the International Trade Union Confederation, Guatemala has become the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists, in fact, since 2007 seventy three union leaders have been killed ("Countries at risk"). Although the Dominican Republic–Central America–United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA–DR) has introduced labor rights protection provisions, much still needs to be done to protect human rights (Gottwald and Goldhammer 1). According to the Observatory of Economic Complexity ("Guatemala Country Profile"), Guatemala's top export destination is the U.S, hence it would seem that the ethical approach lies in U.S. consumers (agents) buying power and U.S. government's (agents) ... Show more content on ... Under the DR–CAFTA, there are provisions that would allow the U.S. to suspend some trade benefits, but only if Guatemala fails to pay the fine (DiMaggio, "As TPP Deal Inked"). It seems likely that if the arbitration panel finds the Guatemalan government and private sector of violating labor laws, then this government will make its own people pay for the fine in order to continue reaping the benefits of this free trade ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. 1945: One Of The Darkest Moment World History January 30, 1933 through May 8, 1945 was one of the darkest moments world history. We have commemorated this tragic event and have mourned the lost lives with memorials and museums. Some still live from this horror and carry tatoos with them to remind these people of the tragic times when many of their brothers and sisters were slaughtered and gassed for a "good cause". These people have since lived and had children and their children had children. These children from the generation of the tortured seem to feel the way of remembering them is through these tattoos. I think it is inappropriate that they want to remember the saddest and most hard time of their grandparents or Uncles or Aunts lives by getting something inked on them that is a symbol ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Butterfly Rib Tattoos Essay Butterfly rib tattoos look amazing on a woman's rib cage especially if they are inked in such as way that they are symmetrical to the curves of the body. This type of tat theme can be painful but the potential for amazing body art is reason enough for one to go through it. Butterflies have always been a favorite among women as a tattoo design because of its natural beauty and symbolical meaning. A woman can always relate to what a butterfly have been through, from a tiny cocoon to a gorgeous and colorful creature thats free to roam the world. Its like a female emerging from her womanhood and ready to face whatever challenge can come her way. It can also mean rebirth for them, a new life or a new beginning. If they have been through a tough ... Get more on ...