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Python Bootcamp - C4Dlab

             SCI labs, University of Nairobi
             Nov 24th 2013

             Kenny Rachuonyo
Introduction to Python
    Features of Python
●   Simplicity - pseudocode
●   Free and Open Source - community
●   High-level – no low-level mngt
●   Interpreted – run from source
●   Object-Oriented – simple to use
●   Extensible – C/C++
Features (cont.)
●   Embeddable – games, graphics,
●   Extensive Libraries (batteries included) – data
    compression, OS, Networking, Internet,
    Multimedia, Graphics
Python in the Industry
●   Google – Youtube, backend tasks..
●   Reddit – news aggregation site
●   Disqus – commenting service
●   Numerous web frameworks – django, Zope,
    webapp2,, pyramid, flask
Python in the Industry
●   Games – Counterstrike, Civilization IV
●   Cinema 4D – Graphics
●   Dropbox
●   GUI frameworks – PyGTK, PyQT,
Python in the Industry
    Scientific Computing
●   NASA
●   Packages: Scipy, Numpy, Matplotlib,
Python in the Industry
●   Nokia Symbian Series 60
●   Android – Scripting Layer for Android
●   Blackberry
●   Kivy – cross-platform: iOS, Android, Linux,
    Windows, Mac
Python Basics
●   The interpreter
    –   Installation
    –   Windows (set path)
●   Datatypes: int, str, float, lists, tuples,
●   Basic I/O
Python Basics
●   Variables
    –   Dynamically-typed vs statically-typed
          >>> x = 1
          >>>y = “hello”
    –   Strongly-typed
          >>> x + y
●   Type function
          >>> type(x)
●   Integer vs float
          >>> z = 1.0
Python Basics

Operator          Operation

+                 Addition

-                 Subtraction

/                 Division

*                 Multiplication

**                Power

%                 Modulus
Python Basics

●   How will this be evaluated?
        >>>X = 1 + 2 – 3 ** 4 * ( 5+6)
Python Basics
●   Operator Precedence rules
Python Basics
●   Integer division
         >>> 4/2
         >>> 5/2
●   Mixing integer and floats
         >>> 5/2.0
●   Casting between integer and floats
         >>> float(5)
Python Basics
    Strings – sequence of characters
         >>> s = “hello world”
●   Looking inside
         >>> s[0]
●   Concatenation
         >>> s = ”hello ” + “world”
●   Finding length
         >>> len(s)
●   Slicing
         >>> s = s[0:5]
Python Basics
    Handy String functions
●   find
           >>> s.find('e')
●   Replace
           >>> n = s.replace('e', 'a' )
●   Make upper, lower
           >>> u = s.upper()
Python Basics

●   Get the second word 'world' by slicing
        >>> “hello, world”[x:y]
Python Basics
    Lists – collection of values
●   Declaring
        >>> l = list()
        >>> l = []
●   Can hold different types
        >>> l = [1, 'a', [2, 3], 4]
        >>> l[2]
●   Appending
        >>> l.append('an item')
Python Basics
    Lists – collection of values
●   Getting length
         >>> len(l)
●   Slicing
         >>> l[1:4]
●   Converting between strings and lists
         >>> strlist = “this is a string”.split('s')
         >>> “z”.join(strlist)
Python Basics

●   Append an item to the list within the list
         >>> l = [1, 'a', [2, 3], 4]
         >>> l = [1, 'a', [2, 3, 5], 4]
Python Basics
●   Handy functions
          >>> sum([2, 3, 4])
          >>> max([2, 3, 4])
          >>> min([2, 3, 4])
Python Basics
    Dictionaries – key, value pairs
    Associative array, hash table
●   Declaring
        >>> d = dict()
        >>> d = {}
●   Setting a value
        >>> d[“event”] = “bootcamp”
        >>> d = {“event” : “bootcamp” }
●   Getting a value
        >>> d[“event”]
Python Basics
●   Mutable – can change
    –   Lists, dictionary
●   Immutable – cannot change
    –   Strings, tuples
●   Try set, del..
Python Basics
    Casting – numbers and strings
●   Strings and numbers
        >>> int(“234”)
        >>> str(234)
Python Basics
●   Importing modules
         >>> import math
         >>> math.sqrt(4)
         >>> from math import sqrt
         >>> sqrt(4)
●   dir() function
         >>> dir(math)
Python Basics
●   Basic I/O
        >>> name = raw_input()
        >>> name = raw_input(“Name: “)
    Input numbers:
        >>>age = raw_input(“Age: “)
        >>>age = int(raw_input(“Age: “))
●   Interactive mode vs modules
●   Indentation
Boolean Values
●   True
           >>> 1 < 2
●   False
           >>> 1 > 2
●   Also evaluate to False:
      “”, [], {}, 0
●   While loop – while condition is true
         while x < 10:
           print x
●   For loop – loops over items
         words = ['this' , 'is', 'a', 'list']
         for w in words:
            print w
●   Loop over strings, dictionaries..
●   Range() function
         >>> range(3)
         >>> range(0, 10, 2)
●   Defining functions
        def say_hello():
          print “hello”
●   Calling functions
●   Parameters
        def sub(a, b):
          return s
        sub(b=3, a=2)
●   Commenting in Python
        def sub(a, b):
          d = a – b #subtracts b from a
          return d
●   Doc strings
        def sub(a, b):
           “””this functions takes in 2 integers and returns their
          return d
File I/O
●   Writing to a file
         f = open('text.txt', 'wb')
         f.write('This is a line.n')
●   Reading a file
         f = open('text.txt', 'rb')
         stream =
Accessing the Web
●   Establishing a connection
    –   sockets
●   Requests and Responses
    –   GET, retrieve a webpage
    –   POST, save data
●   Download a webpage
          fopen = urllib.urlopen(“”)
          data =

●   Web demo
●   Scientific computing
Next Steps
●   Intermediate topics:
    –   Classes and objects in Python
    –   Regular Expressions
    –   Exceptions etc

●   Python on Appengine
●   Python user group
●   Official Python Docs tutorial
●   A byte of Python
●   Think like a Computer Scientist

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Python bootcamp - C4Dlab, University of Nairobi

  • 1. Python Bootcamp - C4Dlab SCI labs, University of Nairobi Nov 24th 2013 Kenny Rachuonyo
  • 2. Introduction to Python Features of Python ● Simplicity - pseudocode ● Free and Open Source - community ● High-level – no low-level mngt ● Interpreted – run from source ● Object-Oriented – simple to use ● Extensible – C/C++
  • 3. Features (cont.) ● Embeddable – games, graphics, ● Extensive Libraries (batteries included) – data compression, OS, Networking, Internet, Multimedia, Graphics
  • 4. Python in the Industry Web ● Google – Youtube, backend tasks.. ● Reddit – news aggregation site ● Disqus – commenting service ● Numerous web frameworks – django, Zope, webapp2,, pyramid, flask
  • 5. Python in the Industry Desktop ● Games – Counterstrike, Civilization IV ● Cinema 4D – Graphics ● Dropbox ● GUI frameworks – PyGTK, PyQT,
  • 6. Python in the Industry Scientific Computing ● NASA ● Packages: Scipy, Numpy, Matplotlib,
  • 7. Python in the Industry Mobile ● Nokia Symbian Series 60 ● Android – Scripting Layer for Android ● Blackberry ● Kivy – cross-platform: iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, Mac
  • 8. Python Basics ● The interpreter – Installation – Windows (set path) ● Datatypes: int, str, float, lists, tuples, dictionaries ● Basic I/O
  • 9. Python Basics ● Variables – Dynamically-typed vs statically-typed >>> x = 1 >>>y = “hello” – Strongly-typed >>> x + y ● Type function >>> type(x) ● Integer vs float >>> z = 1.0
  • 10. Python Basics Operator Operation + Addition - Subtraction / Division * Multiplication ** Power % Modulus
  • 11. Python Basics ● How will this be evaluated? >>>X = 1 + 2 – 3 ** 4 * ( 5+6)
  • 12. Python Basics ● Operator Precedence rules Parenthesis Power Multiplication Addition Left-to-right
  • 13. Python Basics ● Integer division >>> 4/2 >>> 5/2 ● Mixing integer and floats >>> 5/2.0 ● Casting between integer and floats >>> float(5) >>>int(5.0)
  • 14. Python Basics Strings – sequence of characters >>> s = “hello world” ● Looking inside >>> s[0] ● Concatenation >>> s = ”hello ” + “world” ● Finding length >>> len(s) ● Slicing >>> s = s[0:5]
  • 15. Python Basics Handy String functions ● find >>> s.find('e') ● Replace >>> n = s.replace('e', 'a' ) ● Make upper, lower >>> u = s.upper()
  • 16. Python Basics ● Get the second word 'world' by slicing >>> “hello, world”[x:y]
  • 17. Python Basics Lists – collection of values ● Declaring >>> l = list() >>> l = [] ● Can hold different types >>> l = [1, 'a', [2, 3], 4] >>> l[2] ● Appending >>> l.append('an item') >>>del(l[2])
  • 18. Python Basics Lists – collection of values ● Getting length >>> len(l) ● Slicing >>> l[1:4] ● Converting between strings and lists >>> strlist = “this is a string”.split('s') >>> “z”.join(strlist)
  • 19. Python Basics ● Append an item to the list within the list >>> l = [1, 'a', [2, 3], 4] >>> l = [1, 'a', [2, 3, 5], 4]
  • 20. Python Basics ● Handy functions Sum >>> sum([2, 3, 4]) Max >>> max([2, 3, 4]) Min >>> min([2, 3, 4])
  • 21. Python Basics Dictionaries – key, value pairs Associative array, hash table ● Declaring >>> d = dict() >>> d = {} ● Setting a value >>> d[“event”] = “bootcamp” >>> d = {“event” : “bootcamp” } ● Getting a value >>> d[“event”]
  • 22. Python Basics Mutability ● Mutable – can change – Lists, dictionary ● Immutable – cannot change – Strings, tuples ● Try set, del..
  • 23. Python Basics Casting – numbers and strings ● Strings and numbers >>> int(“234”) >>> str(234)
  • 24. Python Basics ● Importing modules >>> import math >>> math.sqrt(4) >>> from math import sqrt >>> sqrt(4) ● dir() function >>> dir(math)
  • 25. Python Basics ● Basic I/O >>> name = raw_input() >>> name = raw_input(“Name: “) Input numbers: >>>age = raw_input(“Age: “) >>>age = int(raw_input(“Age: “))
  • 26. Modules ● Interactive mode vs modules ● Indentation
  • 27. Boolean Values ● True >>> 1 < 2 ● False >>> 1 > 2 ● Also evaluate to False: “”, [], {}, 0
  • 28. Loops ● While loop – while condition is true x=0 while x < 10: print x x=x+1 ● For loop – loops over items words = ['this' , 'is', 'a', 'list'] for w in words: print w ● Loop over strings, dictionaries.. ● Range() function >>> range(3) >>> range(0, 10, 2)
  • 29. Functions ● Defining functions def say_hello(): print “hello” ● Calling functions say_hello() ● Parameters def sub(a, b): s=a-b return s sub(b=3, a=2)
  • 30. Functions ● Commenting in Python def sub(a, b): d = a – b #subtracts b from a return d ● Doc strings def sub(a, b): “””this functions takes in 2 integers and returns their difference””” d=a–b return d
  • 31. File I/O ● Writing to a file f = open('text.txt', 'wb') f.write('This is a line.n') f.close() ● Reading a file f = open('text.txt', 'rb') stream = f.close()
  • 32. Accessing the Web ● Establishing a connection – sockets ● Requests and Responses – GET, retrieve a webpage – POST, save data ● Download a webpage fopen = urllib.urlopen(“”) data =
  • 33. Demo ● Web demo ● Scientific computing
  • 34. Next Steps ● Intermediate topics: – Classes and objects in Python – Regular Expressions – Exceptions etc ● Python on Appengine ● Python user group
  • 35. Resources ● Official Python Docs tutorial ● A byte of Python ● Think like a Computer Scientist