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How Was Modernized Japan
Q6. Japan was a country that had kept to themselves, they were closed off from most of the outside
world. Due to their isolation, they were unable to keep up with the times. This meant that they
would be behind in almost everything, especially industrialization. The Industrial Revolution had
been a major success and played a key role in the wealth and height of power in many of the
European nations. Once the Japanese had opened their eyes to all of the possibilities, they were in
awe. Many of there influences came from the European nations and the United States. All f these
countries had modernized and Japan was left standing alone. Japan had felt left out after seeing the
modernization and the positive effects it had on the other nations. They to wanted to become strong
and powerful. In my opinion the United States and other European nations played monumental roles
in the motivation of Japan when it came to building their empire.
During the early 19th century, the Westerners pushed the ideas of trade towards the Japanese. The
nations were asking the Japanese to open their ports up to trade; however, Japan continuously
refused to do so. In 1853, the ... Show more content on ...
Japan considered modernization to be necessary in order to survive in the evolving world. Japan
used the Western ways as examples for their own empire improvements. They took the Western
ideas that had the best to offer and then they adapted it to their own country. Japan was influenced
by many of its surrounding and competitive countries. The United States in some sense got the
Industrial ball rolling in Japan. The other European nations and Western ways guided and influenced
that rest of Japan's modernization. Japan relied a lot on other countries and their modernization. I
believe that the United States, European nations, and the Western ways had the biggest impact on
the motivation to build and modernize the Japanese
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Rice Riot Essay
Rice riots
Rice riots happened in 1918 when Japanese government was involved in the Siberia intervention
and the economy of Japan was in war prosperity that the export and industrial development was
growing rapidly. To maintain the competiveness of the Japanese exports and industrial product, the
government set the purchasing price of the rice merchant from the peasants, which was much lower
than the market rice to lower the industrial production cost from the raw materials. As a result, the
living standard of the general peasants and workers in the city had even worsen under the prosperity
despite the huge growth in industry and economy. In May 1917, the rice market price starts to rise
rapidly by 3 yen per koku and the price reached 50 yen ... Show more content on ...
The rice riot indicated the social structure at that time that the peasants and low level workers were
highly exploited and could not even benefit from the development of the economy. This riot meant
the strong dissent to the oppression from the government and the industrial Zaibatsu from the
peasants to normal Japanese people. To the government, this riot indicated that this economic
development style could not be sustainable, thus entered a more democratic period–1920s. The riot
had led to three major changes to the society. Firstly, the salary of the citizens and the purchasing
price of the peasants were raised a little while the government tried to lower the market rice by
increasing import from its colony Korea and Taiwan as well as other rice–producing countries
(Morgan 2011, 121–122), which slightly improved the living standard of the poor. The more
important impact is in the government that Hara Takashi, who was the first untitled premier. This
indicated the end of the Kazoku control of the government and the raise of the party politics. Since
the cabinet of Hara, the premier and cabinet members could be untitled, which indicated a great
progress to the Japanese democracy development. The rice riot also caused the strong opposition to
the left–wing ideology in Japanese government. After the riot, most of the leaders in the movement
were arrested and put to the death sentence. To avoid such a riot happening again, the government
had a stronger opposition to the left–wing movement and strikes (Morgan 2011, 125–134). For
instance, even in 1925, a more democratic period, to avoid the spread the communism in Japan and
other left–wing ideology, the diet had passed Public Security Preservation Laws to delegalize the
left–wing parties. The strong attitude against the left–wing ideology were because of the serious rice
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How Did Japan Dominate East Asia
Japan, located off the coast of East Asia, was a major country that fought during the Second World
War. During this time, Japan had an dictatorship government and had its sights on imperialistic
ideas. On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes flew over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the United States'
base of its navy, where the Pacific fleet and airfields were stationed. Bombs were dropped on the
island in Hawaii, causing mass destruction and high death tolls. With this, isolation and neutrality
were not an option, and the United States became deeply embroiled in World War II after declaring
war on Japan the very next day. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because their goal was to establish a
dominant world power through military expansion, starting with ... Show more content on ...
According to Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War, the Japanese completed its control in
Manchuria in 1932, then invaded China five years later. In the map created by various sources, the
Japanese empire more than tripled its size after expansion through Manchuria in China. Japan
established Manchuria as a puppet state, and held it as a reservoir for food resources, or a paddy
field. To support a larger empire, its growing military, and an increase in naval power, the Japanese
needed more and more oil. Unfortunately, Japan only owned a few oil reserves and produced very
little of its own oil. They bought most of their oil from the United States. In fact, according to
Suzuki Akira, "US Economic Sanctions Against Japan and its Aid to China during the Sino–
Japanese War", 80 percent of Japan's 12,170,000 tons of oil was imported from the United States
from 1937–1939. However, after tensions mounted between the United States and Japan, the amount
of oil exported from US to Japan decreased dramatically, from 2,910,000 tons in 1940 to 880,000
tons in 1941, a 330 percent decrease in oil imports from the US. Tensions continued rising when
Japan announced that they will establish "new order", or the Japanese Empire in East Asia. The US
showed their disprovement by declaring an "embargo of aircraft and aircraft parts" (Iriye 1999) in
1939, and a complete oil embargo in 1941, a resource the Japanese depended on the most.
Fortunately for the Japanese, there were an abundant amount of oil fields south of Japan, in the
Philippines, East Indies, and New Guinea, however, were all occupied by the European nations and
the United States. The Japanese declared that the " ... old order ... (European and American) ... is
now crumbling" (Japanese Ministry of Education 1941). In order to conquer the Indonesian islands
and the East Indies successfully, they intended to destroy the American fleets stationed at the
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Cause And Effect Essay On Pearl Harbor
One of the biggest heartbreaks, depression, and destruction the Pearl Harbor attack. December 7,
1941 a day all patriots and people in the military will remember that fight the anger between
America and Japan. By now Japan and the U.S will not apologize to each other U.S because they set
off bombs in Japan's empire. To this day Japan and the U.S have declared war by attacking each
other. Each of the countries have not been on good terms since then. Even though it been many
years since that attack has happened but there was still many conflict like setting off bomb in each
other countries. At the time Pearl Harbor was one of the biggest attacks during the 1940s. This battle
was against America and the Japan Navy Air line. Prior to this attack America lost many people in
general. Soon after this happened President Roosevelt had a speech saying that on December 7,
1942 will be a day to remember but this speech was a day after the war was over. During the 1940's
the commander in Japan was Mitsuo Fuchida and the President in Pearl Harbor was Franklin D.
Roosevelt. What this war or battle all lead to was World War 2 in 1949. In addition the cause of this
conflict between America and Japan was because Japan wanted to protect their empire and ... Show
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Although America and Pearl Harbor didn't know the reason why Japan claimed that America was
pushing them aside and they needed to protect their empire. As well they also wanted to expand
China and they didn't want to expanded it so Japan declared war with China. America didn't like that
Japan got angry for that so America went on China's side. Japan didn't really like the decision that
the U.S made so they started that war there and they decided to do it close to the U.S Naval Base.
They just wanted to protect innocent humans that never wanted to be apart of the war. Although
China declined Japan, The U.S approved of what China wanted and not what Japan
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Psycho-Japanese War Essay
The Russo–Japanese War really started in China and Korea who were weak compared to the
"restored" Japanese Empire that was expanding and brushing against Russian land. Russia and Japan
each had their empires butting up against each other while being mostly without defined border. The
issues could be taken back since 1792 when the Russia wanted to create a trading post in Japan and
Japan refused to do so. They would not hear of it since they viewed it as Russia attempting to
encroach and gain a foothold in mainland Japan. As the years passed, Russia tried multiple times to
make an agreement but the Shogun of Japan still would not budge, especially would not budge to a
country that was aggressively moving on their northern borders. In 1855, after ... Show more content
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This system was really just a money grabbing situation and China did not like having their money
flow bothered by the Japanese. Japan gave a display that they were now a true power in East Asia
however due to treaties and agreements with several European powers, it was agreed that Japan had
to relinquish the ports in China and that they could not attack without permission. To me this shows
that Europe was afraid of their revenues coming from Asia would be threatened. Since they couldn't
expanded "without permission", it also put Russia on notice that Imperial Japan was now the
superpower of East Asia. An issue Japan seems to have taken is that the Russian Empire
gained/"leased" Port Arthur due to their influence and power. After the Boxer Rebellion in
Manchuria, Russia fully took over and occupied Manchuria with no intention of leaving soon. Tsar
Nicholas said that it was temporary and yet all plans of withdrawing ended up getting cancelled. The
Japanese even made offers like giving Russia full rights to Manchuria in exchange for Japan having
full rights to the Korean Peninsula, but they were all rejected. I don't think it would have been
accepted anyway because that would have ended all chances of Russia getting Korea to itself. The
tensions escalated at the
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USS Arizona's Attack On Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii right before 8 am. The officers working
that day had just woken up, having breakfast, and not expecting a thing. Because of that they were
unprepared. The USS Arizona was one of the many ships that got hit. The ship immediately sank,
taking 1,177 crew members on that ship. Japan's aggression was literally being fueled by the United
States. Beginning with the late–1940, the United States grew less patient with Japanese atrocities
and began to restrict trade with the empire. In Europe busy fighting Hitler, the United States
remained the only obstacle to the establishment of a huge Japanese empire spanning East Asia.
By the end of 1940, the United States had ended the shipments of scrap metal, steel, and iron ore to
Japan. The United States began to send military hardware to Chiang Kai–Shek, the nominal leader
of the Chinese forces resisting Japanese takeover. By the beginning of WWII, Japan had established
a powerful navy aviation division. It was a very well trained air power that carried out the attack on
Pearl Harbor. Negotiations between ... Show more content on ...
When President Roosevelt addressed the Congress the next day and asked for a declaration of war,
there was only one dissenting vote in either house of Congress. Despite two decades of regret over
World War 1 and isolationism, the American people plunged headfirst into a destructive conflict.
On the morning of December 7, 1941 approximately 100 U.S. Navy battleships, destroyers, cruisers,
and support ships, were present at Pearl Harbor. All these assumptions were wrong. As the bombs
rained on Pearl Harbor on the on infamous morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, almost 3,000
Americans were killed. Six battleships were destroyed or rendered unseaworthy, and most of the
ground planes were ravaged as well. Americans reacted with surprise and
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Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor Dbq Analysis
The ship exploded and sank with more than 1,000 men trapped inside. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was
Japan's target to destroy the U.S.'s naval base on Dec. 7th, 1941. Pearl Harbor was shot and bombed
by planes and submarines led by Japan. The attack was a huge surprise but America acted
immediately. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for 3 reasons: The
new world order, expansion of the U.S. fleet, and U.S. oil embargo. Japan's idea of a new world
order was the biggest reason why they attacked Pearl Harbor. In Doc. A Japan explains that they
have a new idea which is the new world order. The new world order is that Japan rules the world and
that everyone follows them. The old order was the U.S. And Europe are the rulers of the world. The
U.S was getting in the way of Japan's plan and they felt threatened that they would not be able to
take over the world so Japan, destroy Pearl Harbor and the U.S. could not stop them. ... Show more
content on ...
C}. Japan announced this to the public and right after that announcement was made, the U.S. Made
changes so that Japan could not make the order happen. During the years of 1939–1941 the U.S.
tried to make sure that the order would not happen. The U.S. Stop all trade with aircrafts and oil to
Japan, expanded their naval fleet to 3 times it's size and moves the fleet to Pearl Harbor, closer to
Japan, and freezes all Japanese assets and their bank accounts. The U.S. Did these things thinking
that this would stop the new order from launching and they were certainly right but they made Japan
very mad. With all of these things taken from them, the Japanese could not expand their empire. The
new world order did cause a lot of trouble for the attacking of Pearl Harbor but it's not the only
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World War 1 Summary
This book depicts a significant period in Japan's history. By using the lens of foreign policies and
domestic politics, Dickinson unfolded three challenges (also chances) that faced by current Japanese
elites: the 1911 Chinese Revolution and Yuan Shikai's presidency (1912–1913) and emperor
proclamation (1916), the 1912 Taisho political crisis and the Great War (1914–1919). The Chinese
Revolution and its aftermath aroused nationalism among Chinese people and therefore threatened
the interests of Japan Empire. While the 1912 Tasho crisis introduced democratic thoughts into
Japan and triggered the conflicts between Kato Takaaki (he was a firm supporter of party politics
and aimed to monopolize the decision–making process to Foreign Ministry) and ... Show more
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However, their standpoints were different. China and Siam hoped to join the war and therefore, as
victorious nation, to invalidate unequal treaties/indemnity. Japan was concerned about how to fully
secure its wartime gain. Siam[1] and Japan fulfilled their will, but China was denied to war entry
and did not recapture its lost territories. In this respect, the Paris Peace Conference that aimed to
bring the new order was not so different from the old order, which was based on the empire's
survival and
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Downtrodden Empires: Japan and Russia
Japan and Russia both downtrodden empires under the shadow of Europe, industrialized to become
global powers. After European's show–off of force and political change, Russia used local resources
and foreign loans while Japan used its own treasure and imported metals. Both industrialized in
response to growing European dominance. Russia made its changes after the Crimean War. Not only
did it lose but it lost to the inferior Ottomans who were backed up Europeans powers with rifles,
cannons, and heavy equipment. Russia knew it couldn't in any more without building its own
industry. Japan underwent its miracles after seeing the occupations of china by foreign powers. Not
one to concede, Japan kicked out all foreigners, save the Dutch and decided to build its own military
and become the empire of the east.
In order to do this, both had to change a reigning czar, Peter I, revolution finalized the change as the
communist leaders Lenin and Stalin ousted the czars and nationalized national assets. In Japan, the
Mejii restoration had to stop and warring factions and creates a single From there, the only
newly centralized government could dictate what had to be done to expand. Thus new centralization
worked extremely well.
A major difference is that Russia used foreign loans to build its infrastructure and assets including
railroads and heavy manufacturing ordinarily this would be economic ruins as was the case for
ottomans but Russia nationalized those or essentially stole them
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Why Did Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbor
Unit1 Assignment
1. Who wrote this document and when?
The speech was addressed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 8, 1941.
2. Why is the author writing about this topic?
The United States of America was attacked by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941. The
sudden attack on Pearl Harbor aroused the whole United States and caused a sizable number of
casualties. For these reasons, the United States declared war on the Empire of Japan in self–defense.
3. What historical themes are revealed by this document?
On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan, which was the worst attack that the U.S.
had ever faced until the attack of September 11, 2001.
The cause of the attack on Pearl Harbor began with friction between the Empire of Japan and the
United States. The Empire of Japan's advance in China brought about necessity friction with United
States which has a colony in Philippine. Finally, The United States imposed an embargo on oil and
arms on the Empire of Japan. Then the Empire of Japan paid attention to resource rich ... Show more
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He definitely knew the power of the United States when he studied abroad. However, he cannot help
preparing war against United States due to the leading members of the government of Japan. The
outcome of the attack on Pearl Harbor was miserable. Most battleships of the United States were hit
and sunk. At the moment of attack on Pearl Harbor, the weather was foggy and most American
soldiers took rest, which caused more serious damage.
In the developments in the Second World War, the United States had not officially entered the war
until a shocking attack on Pearl Harbor. However, because of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United
States served as a momentum to enter the Second World War.
4. How do the themes relate to the other documents in the chapter? ( You must reference at least 2
other documents from the chapter for this
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How Did The Emperor Change Japan
Between the years 1867 and 1912 in Japan, the Emperor Meiji was in command of the Japanese
empire. Meiji was a revolutionary emperor that succeeded on the overthrow of the Tokugawa
shogunate (the last Japanese feudal military government). Meiji's command dramatically
transformed Japan from being a feudal country into one of the greatest powers of the modern world.
He changed Japan by popularizing modernization, westernization and improving the education
system of the country. Nationalism provided the new young innovative and contemporary
conservative generation of japan motivation to grow in the areas concerned; and implemented ideals
that encouraged the notions of the west (westernization), that being industrialism and a new
educational system, bringing them into the modern day. This new outlook ... Show more content on ...
Before Emperor Meiji Japan had a social structure in which people knew their level of prestige, just
like the western powers before centralization and nationalism. In the final days of the Tokugawa
shogunate, two types of nationalist ideologies were prominent, the daimyo that encouraged a return
to the past and the osei that supported the emperors supreme authority. The shogunate forces that
were against the emperor were defeated, recovering the Emperor's power. When Meiji obtains the
control of the country he transforms Japan into an empire with western advances combined with
Japanese traditions. The military service is executed as in the western powers. Military service
makes the new generation be more nationalist towards their country. The new Emperor changes the
school system copying the ideology of the west and teaching nationalism to the new generation
stimulating young Japanese to be
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The Three Major Characteristics Of The Rice Riots
Rice riots
Rice riots happened in 1918 when the Japanese government was involved in the Siberia intervention
and the economy of Japan was in war prosperity that the export and industrial development was
growing rapidly. To maintain the competitiveness of the Japanese exports and industrial product, the
government set the purchasing price of the rice merchant from the peasants, which was much lower
than the market price to lower the industrial production cost of the raw materials. As a result, the
living standard of the general peasants and workers in the city had even worsened under the
prosperity despite the huge growth in industry and the economy. In May 1917, the rice market price
starts to rise rapidly by 3 yen per koku and the price reached ... Show more content on ...
The rice riot indicated the social structure at that time that the peasants and low–level workers were
highly exploited and could not even benefit from the development of the economy. This riot meant
the strong dissent to the oppression from the government and the industrial Zaibatsu from the
peasants to normal Japanese people. To the government, this riot indicated that this economic
development style could not be sustainable, thus entered a more democratic period–1920s. The riot
had led to three major changes to the society. Firstly, the salary of the citizens and the purchasing
price of the peasants were raised a little while the government tried to lower the market price by
increasing imports from its colony Korea and Taiwan as well as other rice–producing countries
(Morgan 2011, 121–122), which slightly improved the living standard of the poor. The more
important impact is in the government that Hara Takashi, who was the first untitled premier. This
indicated the end of the Kazoku control of the government and the rise of the party politics. Since
the cabinet of Hara, the premier and cabinet members could be untitled, which indicated a great
progress for the Japanese democracy development. The rice riot also caused the strong opposition to
the left–wing ideology in the Japanese government. After the riot, most of the leaders in the
movement were arrested and put to the death sentence. To avoid such a riot happening again, the
government had a stronger opposition to the left–wing movement and strikes (Morgan 2011, 125–
134). For instance, even in 1925, a more democratic period, to avoid the spread the communism in
Japan and other left–wing ideology, the diet had passed Public Security Preservation Laws to
delegalize the left–wing parties. The strong attitude against the left–wing ideology were because of
the serious rice
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Compare And Contrast Japan And Britain
Technology has always been advancing through history. From sticks and stones to planes and cars.
Technology, in our society, tells us how strong a nation is. It also shows us the struggle other nations
go through to get to where they are. Japan is one such country, it was able to advance through war,
competition with other nations, and having the material to do so.
If I were to compare a country that is some what similar to Britain, then it is Japan. Japan has been
through civil war, and had to defend itself from warring nations such as the Mongolian Empire,
Ancient Japanese Soldier
China, and the
Modern Japanese Military
Russian Empire. It had to find new ways of defeating its enemies by making improvements on the
military. Japan found ways
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Essay on Japan Enters World War II
Autonomy and Responsibility: Japan Enters World War II World War II is considered by many to be
the single most significant event of the 20'th century. The outcome of that war defines the modern
world. World War II led to the tragic death of a huge population of people across the globe. What led
to the loss of so many lives? What led the nations of the world to tread down the path of war? This
analysis tries to answer those questions in terms of autonomy and responsibility, and focuses on
Japan. Japan was a major player in the war. As an aggressor of the war Japan had entered into
military action before the European war had started and was not defeated by the Allied powers until
VE Day. Several factors came together to Create war ... Show more content on ...
The growing tension between Japan and the west stemmed from a conflict of autonomy and
responsibility. Japan saw its actions as part of a national quest for autonomy, self–sufficiency, and
European rivalry. The United States and Europe, however, saw Japanese expansion as irresponsible.
From their perspective Japanese imperialism violated treaties, which set down the acceptable code
of conduct of nations. The United States in particular saw Japanese occupation of East Asian
countries as a violation of those countries' own rights to autonomous leadership and self rule. The
foundation of Japanese imperialism, which eventually led to World War II was in the Meiji
Restoration of the 1870's. At that time, pro–war sentiment and desire for national strength and
growth arose as the national attitude of the Japanese people. Certain groups, which advocated return
to the traditional Japanese ways, began to grow in power. Shinto, the traditional religion of Japan,
was revived with a new emphasis on emperor worship. By the time Emperor Hirohito assumed
power in 1926, the nation was ready for a second restoration.1 In the 1930's rightwing nationalists
and conservative soldiers of the military were eager to start that restoration. Prime Minister Tanaka
Giichi started to extend Japan's power by sending troops into China. At the same time, members
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Japanese Inadequacies In Ww2
Despite the fact, that prior to World War II (and during the first five months of WWII) Japan was the
second strongest power of the fascist bloc, her quality and performance of ships closely matched
that of the US, and Japanese strategy, doctrine, and tactics produced a fighting force that could
quickly strike ; Japan still had various inconsistencies arising from poor planning and
financial/logistical crises. Consequently, it can be argued that the mistakes and inadequacies in
Japanese pre–war planning were the main contributor to the ultimate achievement of the US national
policy objectives in the Pacific during World War II. These mistakes and inadequacies in pre–war
planning can be interlinked to the operational and technological inferiority ... Show more content on ...
The allied forces' began advancing from island to island as they sought to close on Japan. This
strategy allowed them to bypass Japanese strong points while securing bases across the Pacific.
Despite the fact that allied losses was huge in some battles, through strong supply lines and reserves,
the Allies were able to continue their decisive advance against the Japanese. After the Battle of
Midway, the Allies had also regained their air and sea superiority. The Battle of Okinawa on 1 April
1945 was the last major battle of the war in the Asia Pacific, which is considered as the largest land–
sea–air battle in history with Japan suffering devastating losses leaving a large impact on Japan. This
played a prominent role in paving the way to defeating Japan in World War II as the Allied forces
were considered too strong compared to Japan's opera. A further characteristic which made the US
stronger and victorious over Japan was the tactical priorities taken by Admiral Nimitz who led the
US navy, and Macarthur who was in charge of the US army. Their approaches was to first
established and protect lines of communication across the south pacific from the US to Australia,
with Australia being used as home base for the actions. The control of sea lanes between US and
Australia was essential and ensured lines of communication and a secure
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Japan Imperialism
Japan Within the History of Empires Japan's history has been mostly accounted as a history of a
homogeneous national entity in the post–war historiography. Yet as Andre Schmid and Jordan Sand
contest, this notion is replete with problems. Not only does this interpretation gloss over the
historical fact of Japan as an imperialist and colonialist power, but it also dismisses the dynamic
embedded in history that shaped the trajectory of Japan from an empire to a nation–state as seen
today. This paper will briefly discuss the question of Japan's "national" history and argues for a
reconsideration of Japan's historical position within the history of empires by drawing this week's
readings. There is no doubt that Japan was once an empire and an imperialist as well as a colonialist
power. James Huffman's definition of colonialism and imperialism gives a concise account: while
imperialism refers to tangible or intangible dominance and colonialism caters more to concrete
extra–territories, they are not exclusive to each other. Although not until the acquisition of Taiwan in
1895 was Japan as a formal imperialist/colonial power established, its exertion of power in
Hokkaido and Okinawa could be traced as preceding ... Show more content on ...
As Cooper argues, the emergence of nation–states is only a recent phenomenon, a result of the
permeable boundaries between empires and other types of political entities within the dynamic
world politics. The transformation from an empire to a nation–state is not an inevitable result of the
European experience. Neither is the historical trajectory of Japan. Its abrupt change from a formal
empire to a state is actually a product of "imperial intersections" which brought about the collisions
among the empires and led to the defeat and eradication of Japan's imperialist/colonialist
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The Modernization Of Japan During The Meiji Restoration
Imperialism not only influences colonial territories to better themselves because of a mother country
believes it is in their best interest to do so or to further their realm of power, it can also have a
significant impact on the people's lives in terms of culture, education, environment, and even
politics. Japan and Britain, for example, were two imperial systems that countered each other in
many facets but also had strikingly similar qualities that had helped them become strong imperial
powers during the twentieth century that were a threat to one another. The Japanese empire was an
inspirational country to other Asians that spearheaded the fight against the European imperialism.
After the Meiji restoration, emperor's decided that the modernization of Japan was going to begin
and in order for it to be a success, the government had to change which also influenced Japanese
culture as well, "...restored authority faced new dangers in a new age... rootless and masterless
samurai, the traditional fighting class – had been one source of trouble" (Roberts, p. 63). Moreover,
this change also increased the Japanese people's nationalism but want to continue their journey for
imperialism because of the samurai having military leadership role, this stressed the importance of
loyalty to society. Education was highly influenced by other countries because of British roles that
already existed in Japan "For a long time, Japanese naval cadets had been sent to Great Britain for
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History essay Using these four passages and your own...
History essay Using these four passages and your own knowledge, asses the view that Japan was
driven into war with the western powers in 1941 by American policies. Both interpretations B and D
prove that America was the only driving force that caused a war in the Pacific. The oil embargo that
America enforced in 1940 was an incentive for Japan, a country very reliant on imports of which
most primarily came from America feeding its daily usage of 12,000 tons of oil,to declare war on
the country that was slowing its progress to conquer China. Interpretation B states that "moderates
and militants alike saw American pressure as provocative" thus creating a tension in the Pacific,
with the American foreign policy at the forefront of the ... Show more content on ...
However American concern for the safety of Asia would ultimately lead to a war in the Pacific and
Japanese hostility was solely to blame. Interpretation D also shows Japan's aggression being sparked
by American decisions. For example "America, most of all, stood in the way stood in the way of this
through their control of resources in South East Asia." America's grip on all vital resources in the
Pacific would have driven Japan to war as it was the only alternative to stop America whilst still
keeping control over China. The leading philosophies of the time, "assumed that acquiring an
empire provided the basis of prosperity and future national security." This on the other hand
contradicts the interpretation as it presents Japan as an empire with clear instructions on how to
achieve wealth through imperialism. This is shown throughout the passage where "by the time the
war in China began in 1937 politicians favouring expansionism were in high offices of state."
America is no longer the only reason that war began as the views of the leaders in 1937 were
evidently expansionist. Japan does not want any relations with America as "in the eyes of Japan's
leaders that would have entailed a colossal loss of prestige with incalculable internal consequences."
Japan and the US both operated with an imperialist mindset, but Japan government had mishandled
the position they found themselves in Overall this proves that Japan had their own
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The Meiji Restoration
During the Meiji Restoration, Japan went through many changes as it was exposed to foreign
powers such as Europe. One of the political changes that occurred was that Japan was forced to
begin interaction with their foreign peers as they came with their several innovations that were
incredibly advanced compared to what Japan could offer at the time. This not only exposed their in
ability to compare to their peers, it also revealed that they were technologically backwards in the
eyes of their peers. As Japan continued to interact with their neighbors, Japan adopted several
sayings that embodied the goals they had in the effort to catch up to and match their foreign peers as
well as other changes in the effort of forming a new society that can match their peers. When Japan
became open to the world powers like Europe, Japan went through a transformation that modernized
Japan and inherently changed their society to reflect something similar to those in European
countries. In Japan, their first reaction to being forced out into the open interaction with powers like
Europe was to immediately develop ways to match their power. One of their reactions included
adopting sayings that stated goals for Japan that would benefit its power. Another response was to
authorize new official documents that affected Japan as a whole. A large change that occurred was
the shift in government, shifting from feudalism to an empire with a single emperor. These changes
were factors that in time shaped
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Japanese Imperialism During Ww2 And Japans Gains From The...
1/ Define the period of Imperialism that you will be assessing and give a clear outline of the
conflict, its causes and its particular characteristics. – Japanese Imperialism first began in 1868 after
the appointment of the 16–year old boy Emperor, Meiji and the beginning of Japan's famous period
of modernisation, the Meiji Restoration. This period saw the first half of the reign of the Empire of
Japan, and significant changes to the structure, politics, economy, foreign relations and military of
the country. Additionally, The Meiji Period witnessed the end of Japanese feudalism and the
beginning of their modernisation. After the period concluded, the Japanese Empire remained
prominent and did so till 1947. Emperor Meiji's death came two years prior to the beginning of
World War I which would see significant involvement from the Japanese Empire. The war and its
aftermath (1914–23) was the first major era where the Empire of Japan was involved after the end of
the Meiji era. Due to an alliance with the British, Japan entered WW1 as enemies with Germany. As
a result of this rivalry with the Germans, Japan's first actions in the war were to invade China and
capture the German possessions in China. The Germans had control of the Kiaochow Bay and the
railway lines and mining locations of the Shandong Province. After the ignoring of an ultimatum
which would see
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Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor Dbq
On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was indeed a great shock to the United States,
many documents show that the bombing on Pearl Harbor was an attempt to stop the United States
from entering into World War II. This attack was the turning in point World War II, and United
States making the decision to help the Allies. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because of its narcissistic
political mentality and angered by United States placing the embargo act on oil. The Japanese
empire was in great power by this time period, and they thought themselves as the king of the East
Asian race. Japan, the "old order", also believed that some day Europe and America would take over
their power and become the "new orders"(Doc A). Japan was one
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How Did The Meiji Restoration Change Japan
In the late 1800's and the early 1900's, Japan took great leaps forward. This period was called the
Meiji Restoration, which was named after a prominent Japanese leader form the time. Much of their
growth was due to their pursuit of empire and the greater goal of a more modern country.
Throughout this period, Japan used their extensive resources to expand and become more like their
western neighbors. During World War I, Japan was among the world powers that fought on the side
of the United States and Great Britain. This was a time of pride for the country which, however,
changed in the blink of an eye after the war was over. Although other countries were advanced at the
time, Japan believed that they were among the most advanced countries ... Show more content on ...
Japan lacked natural resources and necessary goods. The only products that helped the economy
were luxury items such as silk. Because of the steep downfall in the Japanese economy, Japan was
forced to do something to keep them out of an extreme economic depression. Japan invaded
Manchuria, an area in northeastern China. The league of nations, an international committee
founded at the end of World War I, did not take action against what Japan did. At the same time,
there was a military takeover in Japan, which, while it was not violent, was crucial in the future
political face of the country. The military values stayed the same for the most part but a totalitarian
government was put in place which meant that there was a group leading the country instead of one
main person, although, the emperor was known as a public face. People who criticized the
government were arrested and students were forced to practically bow down to the emperor. After
the new regime was put in place, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations and continued to
invade China. Japan continued to ally with Italy and Germany which set them up for a battle in
World War II. This was a huge change in ideology that was completely based on
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Pearl Harbor Speech Rhetorical Devices
Rhetorical Analysis Essay "Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy" is the
powerful first line from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous Pearl Harbor speech. This speech was
delivered to a joint session of congress and the American people the day after the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt is attempting to persuade Congress to declare war on the Japanese
Empire, as well as to inform the American people of the devastation caused by the attack so they
will be in support of this war. Roosevelt begins the speech with effective use of an appeal to logos
with compelling language as he is stating the fact that the United States has been attacked by Japan
with no provocation what so ever. He also effectively ... Show more content on ...
The speech is packed with emotionally compelling words that create sympathy and tug at the
audience's heart strings. Roosevelt uses the words premeditated invasion to describe the attack,
which tells the American people that Japan has acted with forethought and intended malice against
the United States. He also refers to the attack as being unprovoked and dastardly to make a plea to
Congress that Japan has attacked the United States for no reason at all and that war should be
declared against them. The vocabulary used is meant to inspire an immediate call to action against
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The Battle Of Midway, America And The Empire Of Japan
Decisive Point in the Pacific The Battle of Midway became one of the quintessential events in the
struggle between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan. Though the official battle
only lasted for three days, its outcome signified the turning point for the United States in the pacific
theatre as well as the western front where the Allies had begun to achieve a foothold against Adolf
Hitler's Nazi Germany. Though it is just one small piece of World War II, The Battle of Midway
shows how both technological and tactical advances by the United States Navy were able to outwit
the numerically superior Japanese Navy. Japan was a formidable foe, its unyielding resolve pushed
the United States to its limits and had it lost the battle it may have changed how historians view
history. The Midway Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean approximately 1,486 miles to the west
of the island of Hawaii. The U.S. Navy first occupied the islands in the early 1940's and used them
as a forward operations base, which included a seaport with multiple landing strips. Both sides saw
the island as a key asset to acquire which in turn would cut the vast size of the Pacific Ocean in half.
The Battle of Midway however was not the first time that the islands saw conflict. On December 7
1941, about 30 minutes into the attack on the naval port of Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces made their
first attempt to claim the site. They were unsuccessful in there initial attempt but
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Battle Of Midway Research Papers
The Battle of Midway showed the true might of the sleeping giant: the United States of America.
The tenacity, intelligence, and damage control would determine the beginning of the end of the
Japanese Empire, and the rise of the Americans in the Pacific. The outcome of this battle would
determine the end of the World War II. The Battle of Midway was one of the most significant battles
in the Pacific theatre; a stunning victory by the Americans who were almost outnumbered two to
one. To understand why the Battle of Midway was so important, we must look back before America
joined the war. It was a beautiful morning on December 7th, 1941, there seemed to be not a problem
in sight until the sounds of hundreds of roaring engines in the sky and ... Show more content on ...
Next the Marine Corps on the island sent it's bombers to attack the Japanese Fleet which disrupted
Japanese cohesion. Strikes were launched by US Aircraft Carriers showing the Japanese that the US
was in the vicinity. Next what is sometimes referred to as the fateful five minutes in these 5 minutes
3 of the 4 japanese carriers would be disabled or destroyed and the last would be destroyed later in
the day. Japanese on the carriers Akagi, Kaga were getting ready to launch aircraft when American
bombers attacked them without warning. The unsuspected Japanese aboard Kaga were only alerted
at the last second when lookouts screamed "Helldivers!" as four 1000 pound bombs tore through the
deck of Kagai turning it into a fiery hell. The focus went off of Kaga and to the Japanese flag ship
Akagi who had 2 legendary pilots of earlier conflicts aboard as they watched Kaga burn awaiting in
fear of what would happen next, again the only warning they had was "Helldivers!" they were hit
with extreme accuracy and precision igniting secondary explosions and fires within the ship. Soryu
and Hiryu Japan's last carriers standing met the same fortune it's sisters met Soryu only minutes
after its two sisters and Hiryu later in the day. Not only did the Japanese lose its carriers it lost its
most experienced pilots because instead of bringing their experienced pilots back to the mainland to
train the new pilots like the Americans they kept their experienced pilots fighting which was
horrible for the Japanese because of these pilots were lost their skill could not be replaced. After the
battle the Americans called the inexperienced Japanese pilots "The Great Marianas Turkey shoot"
because they would be killed at such high numbers. America didn't come out of this battle unscaved
either America went into this battle with 3 aircraft
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The Japanese Informal Rule Over China Between The First...
The high degree of importance of an informal empire to the well–being of the formal one is not
always as apparent as people initially think. Informal empires can be compared to an iceberg, which
is larger under the water level and therefore the actual base without which the whole iceberg would
go down (Duus et al., 1989). The case of the Japanese informal rule over China between the First
and Second Sino–Japanese Wars is an example of how this type of rule was immensely beneficial to
the expansion of the Japanese empire itself. There are three main things that Japan and the colonies
of Japan profited from: economically important trade and investment on Chinese soil, having great
political influence on the Chinese government in order to ... Show more content on
With the creation of the informal empire the Japanese started exporting tons of goods for China's
vast population and importing raw materials and resources which were valuable for the Japanese
Empire and its expansion. They also gained rights over the Manchuria Railways and different cotton
mills. Japan benefitted more from the trade in China that the other foreigners there because of the
proximity of the two so the "shipping costs were lower for Japanese manufacturers than for goods
shipped from the West" (Duus et al., 1989, p.xiii).
At first, maintaining an informal empire was seen as a better alternative than annexing China, in
order for Japan to avoid paying the high cost of annexation and maintenance and incurring the wrath
of the anti–Japanese patriots. Because China and Japan had cultural similarities it was easier for the
Chinese to accept the Japanese presence in their country: "it may well be that this greater familiarity
with Chinese culture gave advantages to Japanese enterprises that the Western firms did not enjoy"
(Duus et al., 1989, p.9). As the instability had weakened the Chinese government, in 1915 Japan saw
that as the perfect opportunity to impose further demands (The Twenty–One Demands), even though
they did not gain much of it and ruined their relationships with the British and the Americans.
Therefore, the Japanese became more and more dependent on China and eventually the Japanese
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Causes And Effects Of Pearl Harbor
The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 AM
the Japanese Empire led a surprise attack on the US Naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that would
leave millions of Americans in shock, and heartbroken. Before the attack, the United States kept a
low profile on International affairs, and concentrated on the domestic affairs at hand. This tragic
moment in American history forever remembered. It is a mournful day for the American people,
although, for the Japanese Empire it was an honorable day, one they would call a victory. People
believed that the Japanese Empire attack on Pear Harbor was deceitful, treacherous and for no
reason at all. Yet, there is a reason behind their attack, it was a strategy accomplished by the
Imperial Japanese Navy, directed by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto and several other men. (Henretta,
Edwards, & Self, 2014) In 1931, the Japanese desired to expand their Empire and in doing so, they
would conquer other countries by any means, to achieve more power. This would require overseas
markets and raw materials to become an Industrial power, as they believed they were bound to rule
over all of Eastern Asia and the Pacific. This same year Japan sent their troops to Manchuria, a
province in northern China to take control of the civilian government and the militarists. (Henretta,
Edwards, & Self, 2014) This was one way for them to not only have an expansion of Japan but to
also take the vast amounts of crude oil and
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Essay On The Rise Of The Empire Of Japan
Political, social, and economic aspects influenced the rise of the Empire of Japan, and their effects
created the ways in which Japan interacted with its people and the world around it. Politically, the
Meiji Restoration of the mid–1800s to the early 1900s set the stage for the growth that took place to
make Japan an Empire, including the transformation of the views on the emperor. These views on
the emperor helped to create a social change: the anger of the Japanese government and people
about the lack of representation for Japan in world treaties and in the League of Nations. This
caused extreme patriotism. Japan was economically changed by the advancements into China after
Japan's Great Depression. This military advancement opened the door for much more and was based
on the Japanese's intense nationalistic views. The Meiji Restoration of Japan led by Emperor Meiji
caused rapid industrialization of Japan, the growth of Japan's military, and the "Westernization" of a
seemingly backward nation. Many countries, such as Britain and Russia, had experienced Industrial
Revolutions. The revolution in Russia was forced by the state and created another revolution entirely
henceforth– a Communist movement. Great Britain, ... Show more content on ...
This changed quickly during Emperor Meiji's rule, but these changes also helped to create an intense
superiority complex within Japan, a social change. They felt superior to all Western countries, no
matter the fact that they were adamantly attempting to copy the revolutions of the West. The
Japanese government and peoples were angered by the under–representation in world issues and
world treaties, such as the Treaty of Versaille after World War I, and in the League of Nations.
Rightfully so, but they demanded payment of the territory they lost after the Treaty of Versaille,
which they were not involved in, was signed and
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The Pros And Cons Of President Truman
At this time period of time, President Harry Truman needs to take into account that the Japanese are
unlikely to surrender without some heavy persuasion. The Japanese have already attacked at Pearl
Harbor, and there is no sign that they will stop anytime soon. Japan is attempting to create more
allies to form a strong and dangerous coalition that will threaten the United States and its allies.
Fortunately, scientists in the United States have been working on an atomic bomb and now would be
the perfect opportunity to utilize it to end the Japanese empire. Rather than authorizing a ground
invasion of Japan or negotiating the Japanese terms of surrender, President Truman should use the
atomic bomb against Japan to cause a swift surrender of the Japanese empire for the purposes of
maintaining global power and preserving the lives of as many American soldiers as possible. Prior to
Pearl Harbor, Japan started to create an empire that especially did not want to be manipulated by the
United States. Steven Hook, the author of "U.S. Foreign Policy: The Paradox of World Power,"
mentions that "With French and Dutch colonies in East Asia up for grabs, Japanese leaders knew
that only the United States stood in the way of their plan to create a Japanese–led 'co–prosperity ...
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The citizens of the United States of America need to support President Truman in this decision. It
should be understand that these measures are necessary to protect the lives of American citizens and
soldiers. America has only one shot at taking down Japan, so the job needs to be done in the most
advantageous way possible. Time is running out and President Truman needs to authorize the use of
the atomic bomb immediately. The United States of America's citizens, soldiers, and reputation lies
in his
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Taking a Look at the Empire of Japan
Japan was ultimately beneficial over its time span of its existence because of its many advances and
benefits to the people who were a part of the empire. Though there were negative and harmful
aspects of its rule, the good of the empire outweighed the bad. The Japanese were among the last to
develop a complex society and completely isolated itself from outside influence. An era occurred
where they began to borrow many things from China. They adopted their writing and imitated their
literature. By the late 1800s, however, an imperial restoration occurred with Commander Perry in
charge . In order to stop westernization in Japan, the country adopted western culture. The Empire of
Japan emerged and was more reformed than ever. By rapidly expanding under the slogan Fukoku
Kyōhei ("Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Army"), Japan began its journey to beginning a world
power. Japan began to seek profits overseas increasing their exposure to the outside world and their
cultures. With all of these advancements, the overall success and benefit to its people of the empire
of Imperial Japan came from its militarization.
The Japanese's foundation of strength and character relied on an ever present honor system. This
character not only went into their everyday lives but also their military. The Empire of Japan's
militarization benefitted the people by embodying the best characteristics and highest morals of the
Japanese people, thereby encouraging people to keep faith in their
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To What Extent Did The United States Enter WWII
The United States entered the Second World War because of Pearl Harbor. On December 7th, 1941
the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in the hope of destroying the United States navy. There was
supposed to be two attacks on Pearl Harbor that day. The first attack was to take out the U.S ships
and airfields. The second attack was supposed to destroy drydocks and oil reserves so that the U.S
can not rebuild the ships. It would have taken the U.S three years to rebuild the ships but Japan did
not carry out the second attack, therefore, the U.S was able to rebuild the ships in six months instead
of three years. On December 8, 1941, the U.S declared war on Japan and in return both Germany
and Italy declared war on the United States.
"December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy–the United States of America was suddenly
and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."(A date which will live in
infamy) This quote is from president Franklin Roosevelt's infamy speech in which he asks congress
to declare war on japan. This can be interpreted as one of the immediate causes for the ... Show
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The tension between the two countries started when Japan began expanding in Asia to solve their
problem for the fact that they do not have natural resources of their own. Japan wanted to conquer
all of Asia in the pacific coast so that they can become the Greater East Asia Co–Prosperity Sphere.
The United States did not like Japan's aggressiveness because of the Philippines and when Japan
invaded China the U.S stopped the sale of steel and iron to Japan and demanded that they stop their
attack. When Japan invaded Vietnam the United States placed an oil embargo on Japan and froze all
Japanese credit in the united states. These were the long–term causes of the war because Japan and
the United States did not right away declared war on each other after these
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Pearl Harbor Cause And Effect Essay
The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects
By Dawn Martin (4631058)
American Public University System
June 11, 2017
HIST102: American History since 1877
Thomas Pfundstein
The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 AM the Japanese Empire led a surprise attack on
the US Naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that would leave millions of Americans in shock, and
heartbroken. Before the attack, the United States kept a low profile on International affairs, and
concentrated on the domestic affairs at hand. This tragic moment in American history forever
remembered. It is a mournful day for the American people, although, for the Japanese Empire it was
an honorable day, one they would call a ... Show more content on ...
In 1940, the United States was extremely against this animosity and reacted with trade embargoes
and monetary approvals. FDR had talked with the Dutch and the British to see if they would agree
upon embargoes on Japan. Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not want a conflict in the pacific as the
United States was not prepared for war. For instance, the oil embargo that was organized between
the British, the Dutch, and the United States was about 90% of Japan's imported oil. [3] This upset
Japan because without oil or fuel their military and war efforts would come to a complete stop.
Beginning of the year in 1941, FDR decided that the Pacific Fleet would move to Hawaii from San
Diego in the hopes of discouraging the invasion of the Japanese. Negotiations between Washington
and Tokyo had been going on for several months without a resolution. On July 2, 1941, the Imperial
High Command was tired of negotiations with the United States and needed to proceed with their
development within Asia even with the embargo in place and meaning it would be at a high risk of
war with the US. [4] Therefore, the Japanese had deceived the United States, ignored the arbitration,
and moved forward with their plans. The United States had hoped that this restrictive embargo
would halt Japan's assault as negotiations had continued well into November.
Instead of giving into the United States demands, the Japanese had decided to finally put their
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Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor Essay
Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor
On the dawn of the 7th of December 1941, the unfolding of the strategic surprise attack on Pearl
Harbor which had been planned in secrecy several months in advance by the empire of Japan took
place and was known and remembered by many as the day of infamy (Franklin D. Roosevelt,
December 7th 1941). The surprise attack executed by the Japanese military code named Kido Butai
on Pearl Harbor resulted in many casualties to both the Japanese and American forces. Most
importantly the accomplishment of Japans main goal of destroying the possible threat of the United
States pacific fleet. Although the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was extremely successful, ... Show
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The attack on Pearl Harbor was planned out very well by the Japanese, due to knowing that the
American ships were in port on Sunday the 7th of December 1941 and also where each ship was
located. The Japanese pilots had maps, photos and models of the bay so they would be prepared and
also able to distinguish their main targets. At the time of the attack the Japanese infantry advanced in
two separate striking forces. The attack consisted of over three hundred Japanese planes all six of
Japan's first–line aircraft carriers, Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku, Zuikaku and also many fast
battleships, torpedo bombers, destroyers, submarine and midget sub's.
In the early morning of December 7th 1941 at approximately 7:55am the leader Mitsuo Fuchida led
the first attack wave to Pearl Harbor. The first strike force consisted of 180 aircraft
, included torpedo bombers, high level bombers and fighters. The unprepared and unsuspecting
American military on Oahu had little or no warning about the attack and were very surprised and
shocked when they heard the loud noises of the Japanese planes. Not long after the first raid at
approximately 8:45am a second strike force of Japanese infantry reached
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The Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay
On Sunday Morning, 7 December 1941, the course of the United States (U.S.) was forever changed.
At approximately 07:48 Hawaiian Time the morning calm was broken as the first of two waves
consisting of 353 Imperial Japanese fighter aircraft, bombers, and torpedo planes originating from
six Japanese aircraft carriers, stationed strategically 230 miles north of the Island of Oahu,
commenced the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hickam Air Base, Wheeler Field, and Naval Air Stations
Barbers Point and Kaneohe Bay. The onslaught continued for almost 90 minutes. In jeopardy, was a
majority of the Pacific Fleet that had recently been moved there earlier in the year from the Naval
Base at San Diego, California as part of a power projection plan instituted by the Roosevelt
administration to deter Japanese expansion in the Pacific. At the end of the attack, the U.S. Pacific
Fleet lay crippled almost pier side as they were moored at the time of the attack. As a result of the
attack the U.S. incurred the loss of 2403 American lives with an additional 1178 being wounded.
The U.S. had sustained extensive damage to all eight of her battleships with four being sunk, and
three cruisers, three destroyers, one anti–aircraft training vessel, and a minesweeper were severely
damaged. The U.S. Army Air Corps and naval aircraft losses were just as dramatic with the loss of
188 aircraft of all types. Miraculously, the U.S. Carriers the USS Lexington, USS Saratoga and the
USS Enterprise were at sea at the
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Meiji Government
The Meiji government's imperialist and nationalist policies across the era lead Japan from isolation
in the Tokugawa era to a modern state and an Asian hegemon. The policies required to institute the
vast levels of change increased and in many cases sometimes swayed the political consciousness of
the Japanese away from the intentions of the genro and political leaders of the time. One of the first
steps the Meiji leaders did to secure power after the overthrow of the Tokugawa system was to
create unification. This played an important political role as many of daimyo lands had been granted
great autonomy under Tokugawa rule. The consolidation of the lands into prefectures and placement
in "sympathetic hands" of "men of talent and modest rank" ... Show more content on ...
In the spirit to westernize, the Meiji government borrowed many principles such as compulsory
education as they saw it as a "fundamental source of economic and military power of the West"
(Gordon 67). As the new system was implemented in 1872 the idea was not widely accepted, only in
the late 1880's was it regarded as a "well–accepted obligation" (68). The education of the people of
Japan was a contributing factor in the Japanese Enlightenment, as Mori Arinori, the Minister of
Education in 1885, felt that education was to "provide students with an opportunity to develop their
own way of thinking" (Metraux 43). As a result, there was an expansion of newspapers and
translations of western texts. Those ideas were consumed by the citizens to start a public debate and
the found the movement for people's rights. As these movements were subversive to the Meiji
government, education took a more state–centered approach as "it adopted a moralistic curriculum
that stressed lessons of ... loyalty to the state" (Gordon 103) The early more liberal Meiji
government education, in the effort to increase in power, gave the citizenry tools to improve the
country but as in laters years education was deemed to be for "[service] to society and state" (103).
Education was a necessary key in the process to develop Japan across all aspects provided with it
the ability of the citizens to use it as a weapon against the government even the empire and emperor
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Pearl Harbor Cause And Effect Essay
The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 AM
the Japanese Empire led a surprise attack on the US Naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that would
leave millions of Americans in shock, and heartbroken. Before the attack, the United States kept a
low profile on International affairs, and concentrated on the domestic affairs at hand. This tragic
moment in American history forever remembered. It is a mournful day for the American people,
although, for the Japanese Empire it was an honorable day, one they would call a victory. People
believed that the Japanese Empire attack on Pear Harbor was deceitful, treacherous and for no
reason at all. Yet, there is a reason behind their attack, it was a ... Show more content on ...
Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not want a conflict in the pacific as the United States was not
prepared for war. For instance, the oil embargo that was organized between the British, the Dutch,
and the United States was about 90% of Japan's imported oil. [3] This upset Japan because without
oil or fuel their military and war efforts would come to a complete stop. Beginning of the year in
1941, FDR decided that the Pacific Fleet would move to Hawaii from San Diego in the hopes of
discouraging the invasion of the Japanese. Negotiations between Washington and Tokyo had been
going on for several months without a resolution. On July 2, 1941, the Imperial High Command was
tired of negotiations with the United States and needed to proceed with their development within
Asia even with the embargo in place and meaning it would be at a high risk of war with the US. [4]
Therefore, the Japanese had deceived the United States, ignored the arbitration, and moved forward
with their plans. The United States had hoped that this restrictive embargo would halt Japan's assault
as negotiations had continued well into November. Instead of giving in to the United States
demands, the Japanese had decided to finally put their surprise battle strategy in place and strike the
United States with full force. Admiral Yamamoto placed a heavy emphasis for one quick action on
aerial warfare to strike on the fleet at Pearl
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How Japan Became a Successful Empire Essay
By 1905 Japan had become a military power capable of carving out an empire for itself. Japan did
this by the Meiji Restoration, the Sino– Japanese War and the Anglo–Japanese alliance + Russo–
Japanese War.
Firstly, Japan was dramatically changed after the Meiji Restoration in 1868. The Meiji Restoration
was a political uprising which ended the era of ruling of the Tokugawa shogun and gave back power
to the emperor Meiji. When the emperor returned to his position as ruler, Japan was the complete
opposite of a military power, it relied on its farm land and had made very few technological
advances. The Japanese people wanted to become a nation able to stand amongst Europe and United
States (the Western Powers) especially after these western ... Show more content on
This small act nearly broke into a full blown war between china and japan but was resolved by
signing a treaty that stated that both japan and china had to withdraw their military from Korea and
notify Korea if they were any military movements. Yet in 1894 Korea had an uprising and both
china and japan sent in their military and when the incident was resolved japan would not withdraw
their military. This cause china to fight back but ended with an easy victory for japan because of its
more modernized military. By winning this war Japan was able to increase their military power and
start becoming a powerful empire.
Also, Japan was able to expand their military power and become a powerful empire through the
Anglo–Japanese Alliance which led to the Russo–Japanese war. The Anglo–Japanese Alliance which
happened between the years of 1902 to 1923 was a set of three treaties. These treaties were signed
just before World War one and stated that Great Britain and Japan would have to help each other in
protecting their various interests in Korea and china against Russia. It also stated that if the other
country needed military assistance the other country would provide them with their military and if
the various interests from Korea and/or china were in any way threatened by foreign powers Great
Britain or Japan could come and interfere. With this treaty in place Japan decided to
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Battle Of Midway Research Paper
Background Information
Battle of Midway was a great naval battle between the United State and the Empire of Japan during
World War II, which was lasted for 5 days (4th – 7th June 1942) and located in the Pacific Theater
(see Fig 1). Due to the rampant fanaticism in Japan about expanding territory via colonization, the
Empire of Japan aimed to claim the naval supremacy in the central Pacific region, which was also
the main aim of this battle. However, this was contrary to America's ideology that threatened its
hegemony in the Pacific region. It was a decisive contest for naval authority in the Pacific Theater
between the United States Navy and the Japanese Imperial Navy (pacificwar, 2016). (Figure 1: the
map of Battle of Midway's location)
The involved countries
The Battle of Midway was military conflicts engaged between the Axis power and the Allied power,
majorly between the Empire of Japan and the United States. The Empire of Japan, who initiated this
battle, primarily involved the United States.
Technology & a new use of weaponry
American succeeded in cracking down Japanese strength with a ... Show more content on ...
To commemorate the victory, the American renamed the airport, carrier and ships, which effort in
the battle. They also built the USS Midway museum, and designated the lands and waters of
Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge as the Battle of Midway National Memorial ("Midway
history", 2015). However, Japan does not have any memorial to memorize this battle, which
probably means that Japanese may not able to recognize or consent the failure of Midway till
... Get more on ...
The Factors and Objectives The Russo Japanese War
1. The Russo Japanese War began on February 8, 1904 and lasted until 5 September, 1905. The
majority of the conflict was conducted within the region of Manchuria, however, several naval
battles occurred within the Yellow Sea as well as in Tsushima Strait (the sea area between the
southeastern Korean Peninsula and the southwestern portion of Japan).
2. The principle parties in this war were the Russian and Japanese Empires. While various aspects of
the Chinese Empire played their roles in the lead–up to the conflict they did not, however, side with
either of the two warring Empires during the war. Russia did have an alliance of sorts with France
and Germany, however, this advantage in numbers was negated due to Japan's formal alliance with
Great Britain, who declared support for Japan should a third party become involved in a conflict.
3. The main theme for the context of this war was Russian and Japanese simultaneous determination
to develop spheres of influence in eastern Asia, primarily within the nation of China and specifically
within the region of Manchuria. This sense of determination found Meiji Japan fighting the Chinese
Qing Dynasty during the Sino Japanese War over control of Korea, which was a Chinese tributary
state. This war lasted from 1894–1895 and concluded with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
Within the terms of the treaty, China recognizing the independence of Korea and ceded the
Liaodong Peninsula, the island of Taiwan, and the Penghu islands
... Get more on ...

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How Was Modernized Japan

  • 1. How Was Modernized Japan Q6. Japan was a country that had kept to themselves, they were closed off from most of the outside world. Due to their isolation, they were unable to keep up with the times. This meant that they would be behind in almost everything, especially industrialization. The Industrial Revolution had been a major success and played a key role in the wealth and height of power in many of the European nations. Once the Japanese had opened their eyes to all of the possibilities, they were in awe. Many of there influences came from the European nations and the United States. All f these countries had modernized and Japan was left standing alone. Japan had felt left out after seeing the modernization and the positive effects it had on the other nations. They to wanted to become strong and powerful. In my opinion the United States and other European nations played monumental roles in the motivation of Japan when it came to building their empire. During the early 19th century, the Westerners pushed the ideas of trade towards the Japanese. The nations were asking the Japanese to open their ports up to trade; however, Japan continuously refused to do so. In 1853, the ... Show more content on ... Japan considered modernization to be necessary in order to survive in the evolving world. Japan used the Western ways as examples for their own empire improvements. They took the Western ideas that had the best to offer and then they adapted it to their own country. Japan was influenced by many of its surrounding and competitive countries. The United States in some sense got the Industrial ball rolling in Japan. The other European nations and Western ways guided and influenced that rest of Japan's modernization. Japan relied a lot on other countries and their modernization. I believe that the United States, European nations, and the Western ways had the biggest impact on the motivation to build and modernize the Japanese ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Rice Riot Essay Rice riots Rice riots happened in 1918 when Japanese government was involved in the Siberia intervention and the economy of Japan was in war prosperity that the export and industrial development was growing rapidly. To maintain the competiveness of the Japanese exports and industrial product, the government set the purchasing price of the rice merchant from the peasants, which was much lower than the market rice to lower the industrial production cost from the raw materials. As a result, the living standard of the general peasants and workers in the city had even worsen under the prosperity despite the huge growth in industry and economy. In May 1917, the rice market price starts to rise rapidly by 3 yen per koku and the price reached 50 yen ... Show more content on ... The rice riot indicated the social structure at that time that the peasants and low level workers were highly exploited and could not even benefit from the development of the economy. This riot meant the strong dissent to the oppression from the government and the industrial Zaibatsu from the peasants to normal Japanese people. To the government, this riot indicated that this economic development style could not be sustainable, thus entered a more democratic period–1920s. The riot had led to three major changes to the society. Firstly, the salary of the citizens and the purchasing price of the peasants were raised a little while the government tried to lower the market rice by increasing import from its colony Korea and Taiwan as well as other rice–producing countries (Morgan 2011, 121–122), which slightly improved the living standard of the poor. The more important impact is in the government that Hara Takashi, who was the first untitled premier. This indicated the end of the Kazoku control of the government and the raise of the party politics. Since the cabinet of Hara, the premier and cabinet members could be untitled, which indicated a great progress to the Japanese democracy development. The rice riot also caused the strong opposition to the left–wing ideology in Japanese government. After the riot, most of the leaders in the movement were arrested and put to the death sentence. To avoid such a riot happening again, the government had a stronger opposition to the left–wing movement and strikes (Morgan 2011, 125–134). For instance, even in 1925, a more democratic period, to avoid the spread the communism in Japan and other left–wing ideology, the diet had passed Public Security Preservation Laws to delegalize the left–wing parties. The strong attitude against the left–wing ideology were because of the serious rice ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. How Did Japan Dominate East Asia Japan, located off the coast of East Asia, was a major country that fought during the Second World War. During this time, Japan had an dictatorship government and had its sights on imperialistic ideas. On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes flew over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the United States' base of its navy, where the Pacific fleet and airfields were stationed. Bombs were dropped on the island in Hawaii, causing mass destruction and high death tolls. With this, isolation and neutrality were not an option, and the United States became deeply embroiled in World War II after declaring war on Japan the very next day. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because their goal was to establish a dominant world power through military expansion, starting with ... Show more content on ... According to Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War, the Japanese completed its control in Manchuria in 1932, then invaded China five years later. In the map created by various sources, the Japanese empire more than tripled its size after expansion through Manchuria in China. Japan established Manchuria as a puppet state, and held it as a reservoir for food resources, or a paddy field. To support a larger empire, its growing military, and an increase in naval power, the Japanese needed more and more oil. Unfortunately, Japan only owned a few oil reserves and produced very little of its own oil. They bought most of their oil from the United States. In fact, according to Suzuki Akira, "US Economic Sanctions Against Japan and its Aid to China during the Sino– Japanese War", 80 percent of Japan's 12,170,000 tons of oil was imported from the United States from 1937–1939. However, after tensions mounted between the United States and Japan, the amount of oil exported from US to Japan decreased dramatically, from 2,910,000 tons in 1940 to 880,000 tons in 1941, a 330 percent decrease in oil imports from the US. Tensions continued rising when Japan announced that they will establish "new order", or the Japanese Empire in East Asia. The US showed their disprovement by declaring an "embargo of aircraft and aircraft parts" (Iriye 1999) in 1939, and a complete oil embargo in 1941, a resource the Japanese depended on the most. Fortunately for the Japanese, there were an abundant amount of oil fields south of Japan, in the Philippines, East Indies, and New Guinea, however, were all occupied by the European nations and the United States. The Japanese declared that the " ... old order ... (European and American) ... is now crumbling" (Japanese Ministry of Education 1941). In order to conquer the Indonesian islands and the East Indies successfully, they intended to destroy the American fleets stationed at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Cause And Effect Essay On Pearl Harbor One of the biggest heartbreaks, depression, and destruction the Pearl Harbor attack. December 7, 1941 a day all patriots and people in the military will remember that fight the anger between America and Japan. By now Japan and the U.S will not apologize to each other U.S because they set off bombs in Japan's empire. To this day Japan and the U.S have declared war by attacking each other. Each of the countries have not been on good terms since then. Even though it been many years since that attack has happened but there was still many conflict like setting off bomb in each other countries. At the time Pearl Harbor was one of the biggest attacks during the 1940s. This battle was against America and the Japan Navy Air line. Prior to this attack America lost many people in general. Soon after this happened President Roosevelt had a speech saying that on December 7, 1942 will be a day to remember but this speech was a day after the war was over. During the 1940's the commander in Japan was Mitsuo Fuchida and the President in Pearl Harbor was Franklin D. Roosevelt. What this war or battle all lead to was World War 2 in 1949. In addition the cause of this conflict between America and Japan was because Japan wanted to protect their empire and ... Show more content on ... Although America and Pearl Harbor didn't know the reason why Japan claimed that America was pushing them aside and they needed to protect their empire. As well they also wanted to expand China and they didn't want to expanded it so Japan declared war with China. America didn't like that Japan got angry for that so America went on China's side. Japan didn't really like the decision that the U.S made so they started that war there and they decided to do it close to the U.S Naval Base. They just wanted to protect innocent humans that never wanted to be apart of the war. Although China declined Japan, The U.S approved of what China wanted and not what Japan ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Psycho-Japanese War Essay The Russo–Japanese War really started in China and Korea who were weak compared to the "restored" Japanese Empire that was expanding and brushing against Russian land. Russia and Japan each had their empires butting up against each other while being mostly without defined border. The issues could be taken back since 1792 when the Russia wanted to create a trading post in Japan and Japan refused to do so. They would not hear of it since they viewed it as Russia attempting to encroach and gain a foothold in mainland Japan. As the years passed, Russia tried multiple times to make an agreement but the Shogun of Japan still would not budge, especially would not budge to a country that was aggressively moving on their northern borders. In 1855, after ... Show more content on ... This system was really just a money grabbing situation and China did not like having their money flow bothered by the Japanese. Japan gave a display that they were now a true power in East Asia however due to treaties and agreements with several European powers, it was agreed that Japan had to relinquish the ports in China and that they could not attack without permission. To me this shows that Europe was afraid of their revenues coming from Asia would be threatened. Since they couldn't expanded "without permission", it also put Russia on notice that Imperial Japan was now the superpower of East Asia. An issue Japan seems to have taken is that the Russian Empire gained/"leased" Port Arthur due to their influence and power. After the Boxer Rebellion in Manchuria, Russia fully took over and occupied Manchuria with no intention of leaving soon. Tsar Nicholas said that it was temporary and yet all plans of withdrawing ended up getting cancelled. The Japanese even made offers like giving Russia full rights to Manchuria in exchange for Japan having full rights to the Korean Peninsula, but they were all rejected. I don't think it would have been accepted anyway because that would have ended all chances of Russia getting Korea to itself. The tensions escalated at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. USS Arizona's Attack On Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii right before 8 am. The officers working that day had just woken up, having breakfast, and not expecting a thing. Because of that they were unprepared. The USS Arizona was one of the many ships that got hit. The ship immediately sank, taking 1,177 crew members on that ship. Japan's aggression was literally being fueled by the United States. Beginning with the late–1940, the United States grew less patient with Japanese atrocities and began to restrict trade with the empire. In Europe busy fighting Hitler, the United States remained the only obstacle to the establishment of a huge Japanese empire spanning East Asia. By the end of 1940, the United States had ended the shipments of scrap metal, steel, and iron ore to Japan. The United States began to send military hardware to Chiang Kai–Shek, the nominal leader of the Chinese forces resisting Japanese takeover. By the beginning of WWII, Japan had established a powerful navy aviation division. It was a very well trained air power that carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor. Negotiations between ... Show more content on ... When President Roosevelt addressed the Congress the next day and asked for a declaration of war, there was only one dissenting vote in either house of Congress. Despite two decades of regret over World War 1 and isolationism, the American people plunged headfirst into a destructive conflict. On the morning of December 7, 1941 approximately 100 U.S. Navy battleships, destroyers, cruisers, and support ships, were present at Pearl Harbor. All these assumptions were wrong. As the bombs rained on Pearl Harbor on the on infamous morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, almost 3,000 Americans were killed. Six battleships were destroyed or rendered unseaworthy, and most of the ground planes were ravaged as well. Americans reacted with surprise and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor Dbq Analysis The ship exploded and sank with more than 1,000 men trapped inside. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was Japan's target to destroy the U.S.'s naval base on Dec. 7th, 1941. Pearl Harbor was shot and bombed by planes and submarines led by Japan. The attack was a huge surprise but America acted immediately. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for 3 reasons: The new world order, expansion of the U.S. fleet, and U.S. oil embargo. Japan's idea of a new world order was the biggest reason why they attacked Pearl Harbor. In Doc. A Japan explains that they have a new idea which is the new world order. The new world order is that Japan rules the world and that everyone follows them. The old order was the U.S. And Europe are the rulers of the world. The U.S was getting in the way of Japan's plan and they felt threatened that they would not be able to take over the world so Japan, destroy Pearl Harbor and the U.S. could not stop them. ... Show more content on ... C}. Japan announced this to the public and right after that announcement was made, the U.S. Made changes so that Japan could not make the order happen. During the years of 1939–1941 the U.S. tried to make sure that the order would not happen. The U.S. Stop all trade with aircrafts and oil to Japan, expanded their naval fleet to 3 times it's size and moves the fleet to Pearl Harbor, closer to Japan, and freezes all Japanese assets and their bank accounts. The U.S. Did these things thinking that this would stop the new order from launching and they were certainly right but they made Japan very mad. With all of these things taken from them, the Japanese could not expand their empire. The new world order did cause a lot of trouble for the attacking of Pearl Harbor but it's not the only ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Downtrodden Empires: Japan and Russia Japan and Russia both downtrodden empires under the shadow of Europe, industrialized to become global powers. After European's show–off of force and political change, Russia used local resources and foreign loans while Japan used its own treasure and imported metals. Both industrialized in response to growing European dominance. Russia made its changes after the Crimean War. Not only did it lose but it lost to the inferior Ottomans who were backed up Europeans powers with rifles, cannons, and heavy equipment. Russia knew it couldn't in any more without building its own industry. Japan underwent its miracles after seeing the occupations of china by foreign powers. Not one to concede, Japan kicked out all foreigners, save the Dutch and decided to build its own military and become the empire of the east. In order to do this, both had to change a reigning czar, Peter I, revolution finalized the change as the communist leaders Lenin and Stalin ousted the czars and nationalized national assets. In Japan, the Mejii restoration had to stop and warring factions and creates a single From there, the only newly centralized government could dictate what had to be done to expand. Thus new centralization worked extremely well. A major difference is that Russia used foreign loans to build its infrastructure and assets including railroads and heavy manufacturing ordinarily this would be economic ruins as was the case for ottomans but Russia nationalized those or essentially stole them ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Why Did Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbor Unit1 Assignment 1. Who wrote this document and when? The speech was addressed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 8, 1941. 2. Why is the author writing about this topic? The United States of America was attacked by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941. The sudden attack on Pearl Harbor aroused the whole United States and caused a sizable number of casualties. For these reasons, the United States declared war on the Empire of Japan in self–defense. 3. What historical themes are revealed by this document? On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan, which was the worst attack that the U.S. had ever faced until the attack of September 11, 2001. The cause of the attack on Pearl Harbor began with friction between the Empire of Japan and the United States. The Empire of Japan's advance in China brought about necessity friction with United States which has a colony in Philippine. Finally, The United States imposed an embargo on oil and arms on the Empire of Japan. Then the Empire of Japan paid attention to resource rich ... Show more content on ... He definitely knew the power of the United States when he studied abroad. However, he cannot help preparing war against United States due to the leading members of the government of Japan. The outcome of the attack on Pearl Harbor was miserable. Most battleships of the United States were hit and sunk. At the moment of attack on Pearl Harbor, the weather was foggy and most American soldiers took rest, which caused more serious damage. In the developments in the Second World War, the United States had not officially entered the war until a shocking attack on Pearl Harbor. However, because of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States served as a momentum to enter the Second World War. 4. How do the themes relate to the other documents in the chapter? ( You must reference at least 2 other documents from the chapter for this ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. How Did The Emperor Change Japan Between the years 1867 and 1912 in Japan, the Emperor Meiji was in command of the Japanese empire. Meiji was a revolutionary emperor that succeeded on the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate (the last Japanese feudal military government). Meiji's command dramatically transformed Japan from being a feudal country into one of the greatest powers of the modern world. He changed Japan by popularizing modernization, westernization and improving the education system of the country. Nationalism provided the new young innovative and contemporary conservative generation of japan motivation to grow in the areas concerned; and implemented ideals that encouraged the notions of the west (westernization), that being industrialism and a new educational system, bringing them into the modern day. This new outlook ... Show more content on ... Before Emperor Meiji Japan had a social structure in which people knew their level of prestige, just like the western powers before centralization and nationalism. In the final days of the Tokugawa shogunate, two types of nationalist ideologies were prominent, the daimyo that encouraged a return to the past and the osei that supported the emperors supreme authority. The shogunate forces that were against the emperor were defeated, recovering the Emperor's power. When Meiji obtains the control of the country he transforms Japan into an empire with western advances combined with Japanese traditions. The military service is executed as in the western powers. Military service makes the new generation be more nationalist towards their country. The new Emperor changes the school system copying the ideology of the west and teaching nationalism to the new generation stimulating young Japanese to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Three Major Characteristics Of The Rice Riots Rice riots Rice riots happened in 1918 when the Japanese government was involved in the Siberia intervention and the economy of Japan was in war prosperity that the export and industrial development was growing rapidly. To maintain the competitiveness of the Japanese exports and industrial product, the government set the purchasing price of the rice merchant from the peasants, which was much lower than the market price to lower the industrial production cost of the raw materials. As a result, the living standard of the general peasants and workers in the city had even worsened under the prosperity despite the huge growth in industry and the economy. In May 1917, the rice market price starts to rise rapidly by 3 yen per koku and the price reached ... Show more content on ... The rice riot indicated the social structure at that time that the peasants and low–level workers were highly exploited and could not even benefit from the development of the economy. This riot meant the strong dissent to the oppression from the government and the industrial Zaibatsu from the peasants to normal Japanese people. To the government, this riot indicated that this economic development style could not be sustainable, thus entered a more democratic period–1920s. The riot had led to three major changes to the society. Firstly, the salary of the citizens and the purchasing price of the peasants were raised a little while the government tried to lower the market price by increasing imports from its colony Korea and Taiwan as well as other rice–producing countries (Morgan 2011, 121–122), which slightly improved the living standard of the poor. The more important impact is in the government that Hara Takashi, who was the first untitled premier. This indicated the end of the Kazoku control of the government and the rise of the party politics. Since the cabinet of Hara, the premier and cabinet members could be untitled, which indicated a great progress for the Japanese democracy development. The rice riot also caused the strong opposition to the left–wing ideology in the Japanese government. After the riot, most of the leaders in the movement were arrested and put to the death sentence. To avoid such a riot happening again, the government had a stronger opposition to the left–wing movement and strikes (Morgan 2011, 125– 134). For instance, even in 1925, a more democratic period, to avoid the spread the communism in Japan and other left–wing ideology, the diet had passed Public Security Preservation Laws to delegalize the left–wing parties. The strong attitude against the left–wing ideology were because of the serious rice ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Compare And Contrast Japan And Britain Technology has always been advancing through history. From sticks and stones to planes and cars. Technology, in our society, tells us how strong a nation is. It also shows us the struggle other nations go through to get to where they are. Japan is one such country, it was able to advance through war, competition with other nations, and having the material to do so. If I were to compare a country that is some what similar to Britain, then it is Japan. Japan has been through civil war, and had to defend itself from warring nations such as the Mongolian Empire, Ancient Japanese Soldier China, and the Modern Japanese Military Russian Empire. It had to find new ways of defeating its enemies by making improvements on the military. Japan found ways ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on Japan Enters World War II Autonomy and Responsibility: Japan Enters World War II World War II is considered by many to be the single most significant event of the 20'th century. The outcome of that war defines the modern world. World War II led to the tragic death of a huge population of people across the globe. What led to the loss of so many lives? What led the nations of the world to tread down the path of war? This analysis tries to answer those questions in terms of autonomy and responsibility, and focuses on Japan. Japan was a major player in the war. As an aggressor of the war Japan had entered into military action before the European war had started and was not defeated by the Allied powers until VE Day. Several factors came together to Create war ... Show more content on ... The growing tension between Japan and the west stemmed from a conflict of autonomy and responsibility. Japan saw its actions as part of a national quest for autonomy, self–sufficiency, and European rivalry. The United States and Europe, however, saw Japanese expansion as irresponsible. From their perspective Japanese imperialism violated treaties, which set down the acceptable code of conduct of nations. The United States in particular saw Japanese occupation of East Asian countries as a violation of those countries' own rights to autonomous leadership and self rule. The foundation of Japanese imperialism, which eventually led to World War II was in the Meiji Restoration of the 1870's. At that time, pro–war sentiment and desire for national strength and growth arose as the national attitude of the Japanese people. Certain groups, which advocated return to the traditional Japanese ways, began to grow in power. Shinto, the traditional religion of Japan, was revived with a new emphasis on emperor worship. By the time Emperor Hirohito assumed power in 1926, the nation was ready for a second restoration.1 In the 1930's rightwing nationalists and conservative soldiers of the military were eager to start that restoration. Prime Minister Tanaka Giichi started to extend Japan's power by sending troops into China. At the same time, members ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Japanese Inadequacies In Ww2 Despite the fact, that prior to World War II (and during the first five months of WWII) Japan was the second strongest power of the fascist bloc, her quality and performance of ships closely matched that of the US, and Japanese strategy, doctrine, and tactics produced a fighting force that could quickly strike ; Japan still had various inconsistencies arising from poor planning and financial/logistical crises. Consequently, it can be argued that the mistakes and inadequacies in Japanese pre–war planning were the main contributor to the ultimate achievement of the US national policy objectives in the Pacific during World War II. These mistakes and inadequacies in pre–war planning can be interlinked to the operational and technological inferiority ... Show more content on ... The allied forces' began advancing from island to island as they sought to close on Japan. This strategy allowed them to bypass Japanese strong points while securing bases across the Pacific. Despite the fact that allied losses was huge in some battles, through strong supply lines and reserves, the Allies were able to continue their decisive advance against the Japanese. After the Battle of Midway, the Allies had also regained their air and sea superiority. The Battle of Okinawa on 1 April 1945 was the last major battle of the war in the Asia Pacific, which is considered as the largest land– sea–air battle in history with Japan suffering devastating losses leaving a large impact on Japan. This played a prominent role in paving the way to defeating Japan in World War II as the Allied forces were considered too strong compared to Japan's opera. A further characteristic which made the US stronger and victorious over Japan was the tactical priorities taken by Admiral Nimitz who led the US navy, and Macarthur who was in charge of the US army. Their approaches was to first established and protect lines of communication across the south pacific from the US to Australia, with Australia being used as home base for the actions. The control of sea lanes between US and Australia was essential and ensured lines of communication and a secure ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Japan Imperialism Japan Within the History of Empires Japan's history has been mostly accounted as a history of a homogeneous national entity in the post–war historiography. Yet as Andre Schmid and Jordan Sand contest, this notion is replete with problems. Not only does this interpretation gloss over the historical fact of Japan as an imperialist and colonialist power, but it also dismisses the dynamic embedded in history that shaped the trajectory of Japan from an empire to a nation–state as seen today. This paper will briefly discuss the question of Japan's "national" history and argues for a reconsideration of Japan's historical position within the history of empires by drawing this week's readings. There is no doubt that Japan was once an empire and an imperialist as well as a colonialist power. James Huffman's definition of colonialism and imperialism gives a concise account: while imperialism refers to tangible or intangible dominance and colonialism caters more to concrete extra–territories, they are not exclusive to each other. Although not until the acquisition of Taiwan in 1895 was Japan as a formal imperialist/colonial power established, its exertion of power in Hokkaido and Okinawa could be traced as preceding ... Show more content on ... As Cooper argues, the emergence of nation–states is only a recent phenomenon, a result of the permeable boundaries between empires and other types of political entities within the dynamic world politics. The transformation from an empire to a nation–state is not an inevitable result of the European experience. Neither is the historical trajectory of Japan. Its abrupt change from a formal empire to a state is actually a product of "imperial intersections" which brought about the collisions among the empires and led to the defeat and eradication of Japan's imperialist/colonialist ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Modernization Of Japan During The Meiji Restoration Imperialism not only influences colonial territories to better themselves because of a mother country believes it is in their best interest to do so or to further their realm of power, it can also have a significant impact on the people's lives in terms of culture, education, environment, and even politics. Japan and Britain, for example, were two imperial systems that countered each other in many facets but also had strikingly similar qualities that had helped them become strong imperial powers during the twentieth century that were a threat to one another. The Japanese empire was an inspirational country to other Asians that spearheaded the fight against the European imperialism. After the Meiji restoration, emperor's decided that the modernization of Japan was going to begin and in order for it to be a success, the government had to change which also influenced Japanese culture as well, "...restored authority faced new dangers in a new age... rootless and masterless samurai, the traditional fighting class – had been one source of trouble" (Roberts, p. 63). Moreover, this change also increased the Japanese people's nationalism but want to continue their journey for imperialism because of the samurai having military leadership role, this stressed the importance of loyalty to society. Education was highly influenced by other countries because of British roles that already existed in Japan "For a long time, Japanese naval cadets had been sent to Great Britain for training. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. History essay Using these four passages and your own... History essay Using these four passages and your own knowledge, asses the view that Japan was driven into war with the western powers in 1941 by American policies. Both interpretations B and D prove that America was the only driving force that caused a war in the Pacific. The oil embargo that America enforced in 1940 was an incentive for Japan, a country very reliant on imports of which most primarily came from America feeding its daily usage of 12,000 tons of oil,to declare war on the country that was slowing its progress to conquer China. Interpretation B states that "moderates and militants alike saw American pressure as provocative" thus creating a tension in the Pacific, with the American foreign policy at the forefront of the ... Show more content on ... However American concern for the safety of Asia would ultimately lead to a war in the Pacific and Japanese hostility was solely to blame. Interpretation D also shows Japan's aggression being sparked by American decisions. For example "America, most of all, stood in the way stood in the way of this through their control of resources in South East Asia." America's grip on all vital resources in the Pacific would have driven Japan to war as it was the only alternative to stop America whilst still keeping control over China. The leading philosophies of the time, "assumed that acquiring an empire provided the basis of prosperity and future national security." This on the other hand contradicts the interpretation as it presents Japan as an empire with clear instructions on how to achieve wealth through imperialism. This is shown throughout the passage where "by the time the war in China began in 1937 politicians favouring expansionism were in high offices of state." America is no longer the only reason that war began as the views of the leaders in 1937 were evidently expansionist. Japan does not want any relations with America as "in the eyes of Japan's leaders that would have entailed a colossal loss of prestige with incalculable internal consequences." Japan and the US both operated with an imperialist mindset, but Japan government had mishandled the position they found themselves in Overall this proves that Japan had their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Meiji Restoration During the Meiji Restoration, Japan went through many changes as it was exposed to foreign powers such as Europe. One of the political changes that occurred was that Japan was forced to begin interaction with their foreign peers as they came with their several innovations that were incredibly advanced compared to what Japan could offer at the time. This not only exposed their in ability to compare to their peers, it also revealed that they were technologically backwards in the eyes of their peers. As Japan continued to interact with their neighbors, Japan adopted several sayings that embodied the goals they had in the effort to catch up to and match their foreign peers as well as other changes in the effort of forming a new society that can match their peers. When Japan became open to the world powers like Europe, Japan went through a transformation that modernized Japan and inherently changed their society to reflect something similar to those in European countries. In Japan, their first reaction to being forced out into the open interaction with powers like Europe was to immediately develop ways to match their power. One of their reactions included adopting sayings that stated goals for Japan that would benefit its power. Another response was to authorize new official documents that affected Japan as a whole. A large change that occurred was the shift in government, shifting from feudalism to an empire with a single emperor. These changes were factors that in time shaped ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Japanese Imperialism During Ww2 And Japans Gains From The... JAPANESE EXPANSION INTO CHINA DURING AND AFTER WW1 AND JAPANS GAINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, 1914–1923 1/ Define the period of Imperialism that you will be assessing and give a clear outline of the conflict, its causes and its particular characteristics. – Japanese Imperialism first began in 1868 after the appointment of the 16–year old boy Emperor, Meiji and the beginning of Japan's famous period of modernisation, the Meiji Restoration. This period saw the first half of the reign of the Empire of Japan, and significant changes to the structure, politics, economy, foreign relations and military of the country. Additionally, The Meiji Period witnessed the end of Japanese feudalism and the beginning of their modernisation. After the period concluded, the Japanese Empire remained prominent and did so till 1947. Emperor Meiji's death came two years prior to the beginning of World War I which would see significant involvement from the Japanese Empire. The war and its aftermath (1914–23) was the first major era where the Empire of Japan was involved after the end of the Meiji era. Due to an alliance with the British, Japan entered WW1 as enemies with Germany. As a result of this rivalry with the Germans, Japan's first actions in the war were to invade China and capture the German possessions in China. The Germans had control of the Kiaochow Bay and the railway lines and mining locations of the Shandong Province. After the ignoring of an ultimatum which would see ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor Dbq On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was indeed a great shock to the United States, many documents show that the bombing on Pearl Harbor was an attempt to stop the United States from entering into World War II. This attack was the turning in point World War II, and United States making the decision to help the Allies. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because of its narcissistic political mentality and angered by United States placing the embargo act on oil. The Japanese empire was in great power by this time period, and they thought themselves as the king of the East Asian race. Japan, the "old order", also believed that some day Europe and America would take over their power and become the "new orders"(Doc A). Japan was one ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. How Did The Meiji Restoration Change Japan In the late 1800's and the early 1900's, Japan took great leaps forward. This period was called the Meiji Restoration, which was named after a prominent Japanese leader form the time. Much of their growth was due to their pursuit of empire and the greater goal of a more modern country. Throughout this period, Japan used their extensive resources to expand and become more like their western neighbors. During World War I, Japan was among the world powers that fought on the side of the United States and Great Britain. This was a time of pride for the country which, however, changed in the blink of an eye after the war was over. Although other countries were advanced at the time, Japan believed that they were among the most advanced countries ... Show more content on ... Japan lacked natural resources and necessary goods. The only products that helped the economy were luxury items such as silk. Because of the steep downfall in the Japanese economy, Japan was forced to do something to keep them out of an extreme economic depression. Japan invaded Manchuria, an area in northeastern China. The league of nations, an international committee founded at the end of World War I, did not take action against what Japan did. At the same time, there was a military takeover in Japan, which, while it was not violent, was crucial in the future political face of the country. The military values stayed the same for the most part but a totalitarian government was put in place which meant that there was a group leading the country instead of one main person, although, the emperor was known as a public face. People who criticized the government were arrested and students were forced to practically bow down to the emperor. After the new regime was put in place, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations and continued to invade China. Japan continued to ally with Italy and Germany which set them up for a battle in World War II. This was a huge change in ideology that was completely based on ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Pearl Harbor Speech Rhetorical Devices Rhetorical Analysis Essay "Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy" is the powerful first line from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous Pearl Harbor speech. This speech was delivered to a joint session of congress and the American people the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt is attempting to persuade Congress to declare war on the Japanese Empire, as well as to inform the American people of the devastation caused by the attack so they will be in support of this war. Roosevelt begins the speech with effective use of an appeal to logos with compelling language as he is stating the fact that the United States has been attacked by Japan with no provocation what so ever. He also effectively ... Show more content on ... The speech is packed with emotionally compelling words that create sympathy and tug at the audience's heart strings. Roosevelt uses the words premeditated invasion to describe the attack, which tells the American people that Japan has acted with forethought and intended malice against the United States. He also refers to the attack as being unprovoked and dastardly to make a plea to Congress that Japan has attacked the United States for no reason at all and that war should be declared against them. The vocabulary used is meant to inspire an immediate call to action against ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Battle Of Midway, America And The Empire Of Japan Decisive Point in the Pacific The Battle of Midway became one of the quintessential events in the struggle between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan. Though the official battle only lasted for three days, its outcome signified the turning point for the United States in the pacific theatre as well as the western front where the Allies had begun to achieve a foothold against Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. Though it is just one small piece of World War II, The Battle of Midway shows how both technological and tactical advances by the United States Navy were able to outwit the numerically superior Japanese Navy. Japan was a formidable foe, its unyielding resolve pushed the United States to its limits and had it lost the battle it may have changed how historians view history. The Midway Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean approximately 1,486 miles to the west of the island of Hawaii. The U.S. Navy first occupied the islands in the early 1940's and used them as a forward operations base, which included a seaport with multiple landing strips. Both sides saw the island as a key asset to acquire which in turn would cut the vast size of the Pacific Ocean in half. The Battle of Midway however was not the first time that the islands saw conflict. On December 7 1941, about 30 minutes into the attack on the naval port of Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces made their first attempt to claim the site. They were unsuccessful in there initial attempt but ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Battle Of Midway Research Papers The Battle of Midway showed the true might of the sleeping giant: the United States of America. The tenacity, intelligence, and damage control would determine the beginning of the end of the Japanese Empire, and the rise of the Americans in the Pacific. The outcome of this battle would determine the end of the World War II. The Battle of Midway was one of the most significant battles in the Pacific theatre; a stunning victory by the Americans who were almost outnumbered two to one. To understand why the Battle of Midway was so important, we must look back before America joined the war. It was a beautiful morning on December 7th, 1941, there seemed to be not a problem in sight until the sounds of hundreds of roaring engines in the sky and ... Show more content on ... Next the Marine Corps on the island sent it's bombers to attack the Japanese Fleet which disrupted Japanese cohesion. Strikes were launched by US Aircraft Carriers showing the Japanese that the US was in the vicinity. Next what is sometimes referred to as the fateful five minutes in these 5 minutes 3 of the 4 japanese carriers would be disabled or destroyed and the last would be destroyed later in the day. Japanese on the carriers Akagi, Kaga were getting ready to launch aircraft when American bombers attacked them without warning. The unsuspected Japanese aboard Kaga were only alerted at the last second when lookouts screamed "Helldivers!" as four 1000 pound bombs tore through the deck of Kagai turning it into a fiery hell. The focus went off of Kaga and to the Japanese flag ship Akagi who had 2 legendary pilots of earlier conflicts aboard as they watched Kaga burn awaiting in fear of what would happen next, again the only warning they had was "Helldivers!" they were hit with extreme accuracy and precision igniting secondary explosions and fires within the ship. Soryu and Hiryu Japan's last carriers standing met the same fortune it's sisters met Soryu only minutes after its two sisters and Hiryu later in the day. Not only did the Japanese lose its carriers it lost its most experienced pilots because instead of bringing their experienced pilots back to the mainland to train the new pilots like the Americans they kept their experienced pilots fighting which was horrible for the Japanese because of these pilots were lost their skill could not be replaced. After the battle the Americans called the inexperienced Japanese pilots "The Great Marianas Turkey shoot" because they would be killed at such high numbers. America didn't come out of this battle unscaved either America went into this battle with 3 aircraft ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Japanese Informal Rule Over China Between The First... The high degree of importance of an informal empire to the well–being of the formal one is not always as apparent as people initially think. Informal empires can be compared to an iceberg, which is larger under the water level and therefore the actual base without which the whole iceberg would go down (Duus et al., 1989). The case of the Japanese informal rule over China between the First and Second Sino–Japanese Wars is an example of how this type of rule was immensely beneficial to the expansion of the Japanese empire itself. There are three main things that Japan and the colonies of Japan profited from: economically important trade and investment on Chinese soil, having great political influence on the Chinese government in order to ... Show more content on ... With the creation of the informal empire the Japanese started exporting tons of goods for China's vast population and importing raw materials and resources which were valuable for the Japanese Empire and its expansion. They also gained rights over the Manchuria Railways and different cotton mills. Japan benefitted more from the trade in China that the other foreigners there because of the proximity of the two so the "shipping costs were lower for Japanese manufacturers than for goods shipped from the West" (Duus et al., 1989, p.xiii). At first, maintaining an informal empire was seen as a better alternative than annexing China, in order for Japan to avoid paying the high cost of annexation and maintenance and incurring the wrath of the anti–Japanese patriots. Because China and Japan had cultural similarities it was easier for the Chinese to accept the Japanese presence in their country: "it may well be that this greater familiarity with Chinese culture gave advantages to Japanese enterprises that the Western firms did not enjoy" (Duus et al., 1989, p.9). As the instability had weakened the Chinese government, in 1915 Japan saw that as the perfect opportunity to impose further demands (The Twenty–One Demands), even though they did not gain much of it and ruined their relationships with the British and the Americans. Therefore, the Japanese became more and more dependent on China and eventually the Japanese grew ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Causes And Effects Of Pearl Harbor The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 AM the Japanese Empire led a surprise attack on the US Naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that would leave millions of Americans in shock, and heartbroken. Before the attack, the United States kept a low profile on International affairs, and concentrated on the domestic affairs at hand. This tragic moment in American history forever remembered. It is a mournful day for the American people, although, for the Japanese Empire it was an honorable day, one they would call a victory. People believed that the Japanese Empire attack on Pear Harbor was deceitful, treacherous and for no reason at all. Yet, there is a reason behind their attack, it was a strategy accomplished by the Imperial Japanese Navy, directed by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto and several other men. (Henretta, Edwards, & Self, 2014) In 1931, the Japanese desired to expand their Empire and in doing so, they would conquer other countries by any means, to achieve more power. This would require overseas markets and raw materials to become an Industrial power, as they believed they were bound to rule over all of Eastern Asia and the Pacific. This same year Japan sent their troops to Manchuria, a province in northern China to take control of the civilian government and the militarists. (Henretta, Edwards, & Self, 2014) This was one way for them to not only have an expansion of Japan but to also take the vast amounts of crude oil and ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Essay On The Rise Of The Empire Of Japan Political, social, and economic aspects influenced the rise of the Empire of Japan, and their effects created the ways in which Japan interacted with its people and the world around it. Politically, the Meiji Restoration of the mid–1800s to the early 1900s set the stage for the growth that took place to make Japan an Empire, including the transformation of the views on the emperor. These views on the emperor helped to create a social change: the anger of the Japanese government and people about the lack of representation for Japan in world treaties and in the League of Nations. This caused extreme patriotism. Japan was economically changed by the advancements into China after Japan's Great Depression. This military advancement opened the door for much more and was based on the Japanese's intense nationalistic views. The Meiji Restoration of Japan led by Emperor Meiji caused rapid industrialization of Japan, the growth of Japan's military, and the "Westernization" of a seemingly backward nation. Many countries, such as Britain and Russia, had experienced Industrial Revolutions. The revolution in Russia was forced by the state and created another revolution entirely henceforth– a Communist movement. Great Britain, ... Show more content on ... This changed quickly during Emperor Meiji's rule, but these changes also helped to create an intense superiority complex within Japan, a social change. They felt superior to all Western countries, no matter the fact that they were adamantly attempting to copy the revolutions of the West. The Japanese government and peoples were angered by the under–representation in world issues and world treaties, such as the Treaty of Versaille after World War I, and in the League of Nations. Rightfully so, but they demanded payment of the territory they lost after the Treaty of Versaille, which they were not involved in, was signed and ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Pros And Cons Of President Truman At this time period of time, President Harry Truman needs to take into account that the Japanese are unlikely to surrender without some heavy persuasion. The Japanese have already attacked at Pearl Harbor, and there is no sign that they will stop anytime soon. Japan is attempting to create more allies to form a strong and dangerous coalition that will threaten the United States and its allies. Fortunately, scientists in the United States have been working on an atomic bomb and now would be the perfect opportunity to utilize it to end the Japanese empire. Rather than authorizing a ground invasion of Japan or negotiating the Japanese terms of surrender, President Truman should use the atomic bomb against Japan to cause a swift surrender of the Japanese empire for the purposes of maintaining global power and preserving the lives of as many American soldiers as possible. Prior to Pearl Harbor, Japan started to create an empire that especially did not want to be manipulated by the United States. Steven Hook, the author of "U.S. Foreign Policy: The Paradox of World Power," mentions that "With French and Dutch colonies in East Asia up for grabs, Japanese leaders knew that only the United States stood in the way of their plan to create a Japanese–led 'co–prosperity ... Show more content on ... The citizens of the United States of America need to support President Truman in this decision. It should be understand that these measures are necessary to protect the lives of American citizens and soldiers. America has only one shot at taking down Japan, so the job needs to be done in the most advantageous way possible. Time is running out and President Truman needs to authorize the use of the atomic bomb immediately. The United States of America's citizens, soldiers, and reputation lies in his ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Taking a Look at the Empire of Japan Japan was ultimately beneficial over its time span of its existence because of its many advances and benefits to the people who were a part of the empire. Though there were negative and harmful aspects of its rule, the good of the empire outweighed the bad. The Japanese were among the last to develop a complex society and completely isolated itself from outside influence. An era occurred where they began to borrow many things from China. They adopted their writing and imitated their literature. By the late 1800s, however, an imperial restoration occurred with Commander Perry in charge . In order to stop westernization in Japan, the country adopted western culture. The Empire of Japan emerged and was more reformed than ever. By rapidly expanding under the slogan Fukoku Kyōhei ("Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Army"), Japan began its journey to beginning a world power. Japan began to seek profits overseas increasing their exposure to the outside world and their cultures. With all of these advancements, the overall success and benefit to its people of the empire of Imperial Japan came from its militarization. The Japanese's foundation of strength and character relied on an ever present honor system. This character not only went into their everyday lives but also their military. The Empire of Japan's militarization benefitted the people by embodying the best characteristics and highest morals of the Japanese people, thereby encouraging people to keep faith in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. To What Extent Did The United States Enter WWII The United States entered the Second World War because of Pearl Harbor. On December 7th, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in the hope of destroying the United States navy. There was supposed to be two attacks on Pearl Harbor that day. The first attack was to take out the U.S ships and airfields. The second attack was supposed to destroy drydocks and oil reserves so that the U.S can not rebuild the ships. It would have taken the U.S three years to rebuild the ships but Japan did not carry out the second attack, therefore, the U.S was able to rebuild the ships in six months instead of three years. On December 8, 1941, the U.S declared war on Japan and in return both Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. "December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy–the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."(A date which will live in infamy) This quote is from president Franklin Roosevelt's infamy speech in which he asks congress to declare war on japan. This can be interpreted as one of the immediate causes for the ... Show more content on ... The tension between the two countries started when Japan began expanding in Asia to solve their problem for the fact that they do not have natural resources of their own. Japan wanted to conquer all of Asia in the pacific coast so that they can become the Greater East Asia Co–Prosperity Sphere. The United States did not like Japan's aggressiveness because of the Philippines and when Japan invaded China the U.S stopped the sale of steel and iron to Japan and demanded that they stop their attack. When Japan invaded Vietnam the United States placed an oil embargo on Japan and froze all Japanese credit in the united states. These were the long–term causes of the war because Japan and the United States did not right away declared war on each other after these ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Pearl Harbor Cause And Effect Essay The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects By Dawn Martin (4631058) American Public University System June 11, 2017 HIST102: American History since 1877 Thomas Pfundstein The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 AM the Japanese Empire led a surprise attack on the US Naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that would leave millions of Americans in shock, and heartbroken. Before the attack, the United States kept a low profile on International affairs, and concentrated on the domestic affairs at hand. This tragic moment in American history forever remembered. It is a mournful day for the American people, although, for the Japanese Empire it was an honorable day, one they would call a ... Show more content on ... In 1940, the United States was extremely against this animosity and reacted with trade embargoes and monetary approvals. FDR had talked with the Dutch and the British to see if they would agree upon embargoes on Japan. Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not want a conflict in the pacific as the United States was not prepared for war. For instance, the oil embargo that was organized between the British, the Dutch, and the United States was about 90% of Japan's imported oil. [3] This upset Japan because without oil or fuel their military and war efforts would come to a complete stop. Beginning of the year in 1941, FDR decided that the Pacific Fleet would move to Hawaii from San Diego in the hopes of discouraging the invasion of the Japanese. Negotiations between Washington and Tokyo had been going on for several months without a resolution. On July 2, 1941, the Imperial High Command was tired of negotiations with the United States and needed to proceed with their development within Asia even with the embargo in place and meaning it would be at a high risk of war with the US. [4] Therefore, the Japanese had deceived the United States, ignored the arbitration, and moved forward with their plans. The United States had hoped that this restrictive embargo would halt Japan's assault as negotiations had continued well into November. Instead of giving into the United States demands, the Japanese had decided to finally put their surprise ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor Essay Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor On the dawn of the 7th of December 1941, the unfolding of the strategic surprise attack on Pearl Harbor which had been planned in secrecy several months in advance by the empire of Japan took place and was known and remembered by many as the day of infamy (Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 7th 1941). The surprise attack executed by the Japanese military code named Kido Butai on Pearl Harbor resulted in many casualties to both the Japanese and American forces. Most importantly the accomplishment of Japans main goal of destroying the possible threat of the United States pacific fleet. Although the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was extremely successful, ... Show more content on ... The attack on Pearl Harbor was planned out very well by the Japanese, due to knowing that the American ships were in port on Sunday the 7th of December 1941 and also where each ship was located. The Japanese pilots had maps, photos and models of the bay so they would be prepared and also able to distinguish their main targets. At the time of the attack the Japanese infantry advanced in two separate striking forces. The attack consisted of over three hundred Japanese planes all six of Japan's first–line aircraft carriers, Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku, Zuikaku and also many fast battleships, torpedo bombers, destroyers, submarine and midget sub's. In the early morning of December 7th 1941 at approximately 7:55am the leader Mitsuo Fuchida led the first attack wave to Pearl Harbor. The first strike force consisted of 180 aircraft , included torpedo bombers, high level bombers and fighters. The unprepared and unsuspecting American military on Oahu had little or no warning about the attack and were very surprised and shocked when they heard the loud noises of the Japanese planes. Not long after the first raid at approximately 8:45am a second strike force of Japanese infantry reached ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay On Sunday Morning, 7 December 1941, the course of the United States (U.S.) was forever changed. At approximately 07:48 Hawaiian Time the morning calm was broken as the first of two waves consisting of 353 Imperial Japanese fighter aircraft, bombers, and torpedo planes originating from six Japanese aircraft carriers, stationed strategically 230 miles north of the Island of Oahu, commenced the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hickam Air Base, Wheeler Field, and Naval Air Stations Barbers Point and Kaneohe Bay. The onslaught continued for almost 90 minutes. In jeopardy, was a majority of the Pacific Fleet that had recently been moved there earlier in the year from the Naval Base at San Diego, California as part of a power projection plan instituted by the Roosevelt administration to deter Japanese expansion in the Pacific. At the end of the attack, the U.S. Pacific Fleet lay crippled almost pier side as they were moored at the time of the attack. As a result of the attack the U.S. incurred the loss of 2403 American lives with an additional 1178 being wounded. The U.S. had sustained extensive damage to all eight of her battleships with four being sunk, and three cruisers, three destroyers, one anti–aircraft training vessel, and a minesweeper were severely damaged. The U.S. Army Air Corps and naval aircraft losses were just as dramatic with the loss of 188 aircraft of all types. Miraculously, the U.S. Carriers the USS Lexington, USS Saratoga and the USS Enterprise were at sea at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Meiji Government The Meiji government's imperialist and nationalist policies across the era lead Japan from isolation in the Tokugawa era to a modern state and an Asian hegemon. The policies required to institute the vast levels of change increased and in many cases sometimes swayed the political consciousness of the Japanese away from the intentions of the genro and political leaders of the time. One of the first steps the Meiji leaders did to secure power after the overthrow of the Tokugawa system was to create unification. This played an important political role as many of daimyo lands had been granted great autonomy under Tokugawa rule. The consolidation of the lands into prefectures and placement in "sympathetic hands" of "men of talent and modest rank" ... Show more content on ... In the spirit to westernize, the Meiji government borrowed many principles such as compulsory education as they saw it as a "fundamental source of economic and military power of the West" (Gordon 67). As the new system was implemented in 1872 the idea was not widely accepted, only in the late 1880's was it regarded as a "well–accepted obligation" (68). The education of the people of Japan was a contributing factor in the Japanese Enlightenment, as Mori Arinori, the Minister of Education in 1885, felt that education was to "provide students with an opportunity to develop their own way of thinking" (Metraux 43). As a result, there was an expansion of newspapers and translations of western texts. Those ideas were consumed by the citizens to start a public debate and the found the movement for people's rights. As these movements were subversive to the Meiji government, education took a more state–centered approach as "it adopted a moralistic curriculum that stressed lessons of ... loyalty to the state" (Gordon 103) The early more liberal Meiji government education, in the effort to increase in power, gave the citizenry tools to improve the country but as in laters years education was deemed to be for "[service] to society and state" (103). Education was a necessary key in the process to develop Japan across all aspects provided with it the ability of the citizens to use it as a weapon against the government even the empire and emperor focused ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Pearl Harbor Cause And Effect Essay The Battle of Pearl Harbor Cause and Effects On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 AM the Japanese Empire led a surprise attack on the US Naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that would leave millions of Americans in shock, and heartbroken. Before the attack, the United States kept a low profile on International affairs, and concentrated on the domestic affairs at hand. This tragic moment in American history forever remembered. It is a mournful day for the American people, although, for the Japanese Empire it was an honorable day, one they would call a victory. People believed that the Japanese Empire attack on Pear Harbor was deceitful, treacherous and for no reason at all. Yet, there is a reason behind their attack, it was a ... Show more content on ... Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not want a conflict in the pacific as the United States was not prepared for war. For instance, the oil embargo that was organized between the British, the Dutch, and the United States was about 90% of Japan's imported oil. [3] This upset Japan because without oil or fuel their military and war efforts would come to a complete stop. Beginning of the year in 1941, FDR decided that the Pacific Fleet would move to Hawaii from San Diego in the hopes of discouraging the invasion of the Japanese. Negotiations between Washington and Tokyo had been going on for several months without a resolution. On July 2, 1941, the Imperial High Command was tired of negotiations with the United States and needed to proceed with their development within Asia even with the embargo in place and meaning it would be at a high risk of war with the US. [4] Therefore, the Japanese had deceived the United States, ignored the arbitration, and moved forward with their plans. The United States had hoped that this restrictive embargo would halt Japan's assault as negotiations had continued well into November. Instead of giving in to the United States demands, the Japanese had decided to finally put their surprise battle strategy in place and strike the United States with full force. Admiral Yamamoto placed a heavy emphasis for one quick action on aerial warfare to strike on the fleet at Pearl ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. How Japan Became a Successful Empire Essay By 1905 Japan had become a military power capable of carving out an empire for itself. Japan did this by the Meiji Restoration, the Sino– Japanese War and the Anglo–Japanese alliance + Russo– Japanese War. Firstly, Japan was dramatically changed after the Meiji Restoration in 1868. The Meiji Restoration was a political uprising which ended the era of ruling of the Tokugawa shogun and gave back power to the emperor Meiji. When the emperor returned to his position as ruler, Japan was the complete opposite of a military power, it relied on its farm land and had made very few technological advances. The Japanese people wanted to become a nation able to stand amongst Europe and United States (the Western Powers) especially after these western ... Show more content on ... This small act nearly broke into a full blown war between china and japan but was resolved by signing a treaty that stated that both japan and china had to withdraw their military from Korea and notify Korea if they were any military movements. Yet in 1894 Korea had an uprising and both china and japan sent in their military and when the incident was resolved japan would not withdraw their military. This cause china to fight back but ended with an easy victory for japan because of its more modernized military. By winning this war Japan was able to increase their military power and start becoming a powerful empire. Also, Japan was able to expand their military power and become a powerful empire through the Anglo–Japanese Alliance which led to the Russo–Japanese war. The Anglo–Japanese Alliance which happened between the years of 1902 to 1923 was a set of three treaties. These treaties were signed just before World War one and stated that Great Britain and Japan would have to help each other in protecting their various interests in Korea and china against Russia. It also stated that if the other country needed military assistance the other country would provide them with their military and if the various interests from Korea and/or china were in any way threatened by foreign powers Great Britain or Japan could come and interfere. With this treaty in place Japan decided to ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Battle Of Midway Research Paper Background Information Battle of Midway was a great naval battle between the United State and the Empire of Japan during World War II, which was lasted for 5 days (4th – 7th June 1942) and located in the Pacific Theater (see Fig 1). Due to the rampant fanaticism in Japan about expanding territory via colonization, the Empire of Japan aimed to claim the naval supremacy in the central Pacific region, which was also the main aim of this battle. However, this was contrary to America's ideology that threatened its hegemony in the Pacific region. It was a decisive contest for naval authority in the Pacific Theater between the United States Navy and the Japanese Imperial Navy (pacificwar, 2016). (Figure 1: the map of Battle of Midway's location) The involved countries The Battle of Midway was military conflicts engaged between the Axis power and the Allied power, majorly between the Empire of Japan and the United States. The Empire of Japan, who initiated this battle, primarily involved the United States. Technology & a new use of weaponry American succeeded in cracking down Japanese strength with a ... Show more content on ... To commemorate the victory, the American renamed the airport, carrier and ships, which effort in the battle. They also built the USS Midway museum, and designated the lands and waters of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge as the Battle of Midway National Memorial ("Midway history", 2015). However, Japan does not have any memorial to memorize this battle, which probably means that Japanese may not able to recognize or consent the failure of Midway till ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Factors and Objectives The Russo Japanese War 1. The Russo Japanese War began on February 8, 1904 and lasted until 5 September, 1905. The majority of the conflict was conducted within the region of Manchuria, however, several naval battles occurred within the Yellow Sea as well as in Tsushima Strait (the sea area between the southeastern Korean Peninsula and the southwestern portion of Japan). 2. The principle parties in this war were the Russian and Japanese Empires. While various aspects of the Chinese Empire played their roles in the lead–up to the conflict they did not, however, side with either of the two warring Empires during the war. Russia did have an alliance of sorts with France and Germany, however, this advantage in numbers was negated due to Japan's formal alliance with Great Britain, who declared support for Japan should a third party become involved in a conflict. 3. The main theme for the context of this war was Russian and Japanese simultaneous determination to develop spheres of influence in eastern Asia, primarily within the nation of China and specifically within the region of Manchuria. This sense of determination found Meiji Japan fighting the Chinese Qing Dynasty during the Sino Japanese War over control of Korea, which was a Chinese tributary state. This war lasted from 1894–1895 and concluded with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Within the terms of the treaty, China recognizing the independence of Korea and ceded the Liaodong Peninsula, the island of Taiwan, and the Penghu islands ... Get more on ...