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Please                                      Me!
Measuring Social Media in Public Relations
Singapore & Hong Kong – March 2 & 4, 2010
The World‟s Most Valuable Facebook Page?

       28,842,974 „Likes‟ x 3 posts per day x 30 days
       = 2,595,867,660 impressions per month

       (2,595,867,660 impressions / 1000) x $5 CPM

       = $ 12,979,338.30 per month or
       = $ 155,752,059.69 per annum
         in earned media

       ALV (Average „Like‟ Value) = $5.40
$156 million - $110 million

  =   $46 million
A (Much) Simpler Value Equation

                                    = $0

1.   Evolving Measurement

2.   Three Measurement Myths

3.   Output, Impact, Outcome - A Model
     for Measurement

4.   In Practice
Measurement is

“We talk about the quality of product
and service. What about the quality of
our relationships, and the quality of
our communications and the quality of
our promises to each other?”
                             Max De Pree
Do the Evolution
                                                                  Where the future is
                                  Where others are

 Where measurement began

        Counting                    Analysing               Establishing Causation

• Clip counting                 • Media tracking and analysis   • Performance Measurement
• Circulation/impressions/reach • Message content analysis      • Objectives
• Ad. Value Equivalencies (AVE) • Audience attitudes, and       • Communication„s audit
• Share of voice/ink (SOV/SOI) Reputation measures              • PR Dashboards
Where We Began - Counting

     Clips
     Circulation
     Impressions
     Advertising Equivalency Value
     PR Value
The Modern Imperative - Analysing

   Media Tracking
   Message Content
   Audience Attitudes
   Reputation Drivers
The Future – Establishing Causation

                                         Performance Measurement
                                         Objectives
                                         Communications Audit
                                         PR Dashboards
the (perceived) challenge
         of marketers in the U.S.
         say that the main
         obstacle to
     %   implementing a social
         media strategy is there
         is not enough data or
         analytics to develop
  , April 2010

          of marketers in the
          U.S. say that the
          main obstacle to
          implementing an
     %    effective online
          strategy is that there
          is too much data.
 , June2010
the (real) challenge

94%                               of online conversation around Asian
                                      corporate brands is neutral in tone

             China                                                     53%

                                                   34%                             Mixed
              India                                                     54%

             Japan                                                 49%

             Korea                                      39%

Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific
Based on a review of 492,838 mentions of prominent Asian brands in online forums
63% gap
                                  messages disseminated messages reflected in
                                  by Asian multinationals blog commentary

Source: Burson-Marsteller Global Message Gap Study 2010
...but consistent lack of sustainable social strategies


                                    20%                                         Inactive


                       8%                                                  8%

              Microblogs          Social Networks

                                                         Corporate Blogs    Video
                                                                                           55       of Asian corporate social
                                                                                                % media accounts are inactive

Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Social Media Study 2010
The measurement imperative
   Set measurable objectives from the
   Measure only what is meaningful
   Link social media activity to tangible
3 Measurement Myths

“As a general rule the most successful
man in life is the man who has the best
                          Benjamin Disraeli
Digital ROI is Different

(            )
Benefit - Cost
                 X 100 = Return on Investment
Activity = Value

It’s About Presence
The measure challenge

   Marketing    Everything else

EXECUTE        PLAN               RESEARCH
Output, Impact,

“Communication is not what you
send out, but what arrives.”
                     Jim Macnamara

                                     “You know, we’re just not reaching that guy”
A Simple Measurement Framework

                                 …but it all starts
                                 from the Outset
A Measurement Mantra
Our role as PR Professionals is to tell the
organization‟s story…
…to all the people who need to hear it…
…so that they will do and think…
…what we want them to do and think:
      know who we are;
      understand what we do;
      think highly of us;
      agree with us;
and ultimately be motivated to:
      buy our products and services;
      work with us or for us;
      recommend us to others;
      invest in our stock;
      or otherwise contribute to our business.
The first step in
measuring results is to
define the result…

 …who are the people
 who need to hear our
 story? What do we
 want them to do or
Who do I need to reach?
What are they saying about me?
      Where are they saying it?


What do I want the audience to do or think?
Why is this important?
What does success look like?


Define Benchmarks

Take a snapshot of metrics
before beginning
Soft and Hard Outcomes

Awareness                Revenue
Engagement               Employment
Advocacy                 Investment
Reputation               Partnership
Objectives to Outcomes

Wooly Objectives                     Probing questions                             Measurable Outcomes
Improve online awareness             Where is your audience congregating online?   Improve ratio of positive to negative
                                     What is the tone and content of current       content in top five industry blogs over
                                     online content in those forums?               next quarter
                                     What opportunities exist to engage?           Respond to 50% of relevant comments

Position company as an employer of   What do people look for in an employer?       Increase number of applications for jobs
                                     How is the company perceived as an            posted on the careers site
                                     employer?                                     Decrease employee churn to below 50%
                                     How is employee satisfaction measured?        within 18 months

Improve investor sentiment           What factors affect investor sentiment?       Persuade equity analysts from top five
                                     How realistic are the company‟s plans?        investment houses to rate the stock as
                                     What is the online sentiment regarding the    “buy”
                                     company's performance?

Increase sales                       What are the current conversion ratios?       Increase participation in current coupon
                                     How is the company reaching consumers?        redemption campaign
                                     How does the online meet the offline?         Increase preference for new line of
                                     How is the company tracking conversions?      products among savvy early adopters
Outcomes Should Specify

                  Be realistic!
Measuring Output – What’s the Buzz?
Measuring Output – Tracking Engagement

   Allows 'Liker'posts      Responds to 'Liker' posts


74%                                               72%

      57%    60%             59%


 Global      Asia-Pacific      Europe          U.S.
Two   BIG Questions

         What do we want to talk about?
         = Content   strategy

         Where do we want to talk about it?
         = Channel   strategy
universe of choice
Measuring Impact – Passive Engagement
Measuring Impact – Active Engagement

   Coupons, Newsletters, Webinars,
   White Papers, Video, Speeches…
Measuring Outcome - Revenue
Measuring Outcome –
Demonstrating Value
How much is enough?

                                        Increase in            Increase in              % change in
                                                                                                            Ratio of posts to         No of positive 3rd
                    Engagement          community            content views or         content / channel
                                                                                                           comments / replies         party comments
                                       memberships              downloads                   subs

                                                                 % change in                                   Correlation of           % change in
                      Customer          % Change in                                      % change in
                                                                  customer                                     sentiment to            overall positive
                     Satisfaction    customer retention                                customer loyalty
                                                                 satisfaction                                   satisfaction             sentiment

                                        % Change in                                     % change in                                    % change in
                    Social Content                            % change in                                   % change in blog
                                      Facebook Likes /                                 YouTube Likes /                               content tagged or
                       Mobility                              Twitter retweets                                 trackbacks
                                          shares                                          embeds                                          ranked

                      Thought         % Change in SOV per             % change in Cisco             Increase in topical          Increase in perception
                     Leadership       thought leader topic          thought leaders quoted           content coverage            of C. as thought leader

                      Message        % of conversations carrying one             % change in key messages in           % change in awareness and
                     Resonance           or more key messages                     social media conversations           credibility of key messages

                                       % change in aided / unaided              % change preference in specific      % change in positive sentiment
                  Market Awareness
                                       awareness vs. competition                   markets vs. competition                 vs. competition

                                      % change in no. of times C. is          % Change in no. of times C.
                                                                                                                     % change in perceived position
                   Market position      positioned favourably in            mentioned positively in key blogs
                                                                                                                        relative to competition
                                      conversation vs. competition          and communities vs. competition

                                                                                                                                % change in correlation
                                                                    % change in cost per          % change in desirable
                   Leads / Sales /    % change in cost per                                                                       between social media
                                                                     contact or cost per          mentions of key sales
                    Market Share         qualified lead                                                                           conversations and
                                                                    customer acquisition                drivers
                                                                                                                                    qualified leads

                                                                              Decline in cost per message
                     Efficiency of            Decline in cost                                                                Decline in cost
                                                                            communicated (budget divided by
                   Communications            per click through                                                              per engagement
                                                                                message appearnces)
                    How much is enough?
Nothing has

…and everything
has changed
Nothing has
“[In Social Media], success isn't
about 'being on Twitter' or
mastering any other particular
social tool. Instead, success
accrues to businesses that are
present, agile, responsive, and
           Jay Baer and Amber Naslund
       authors of "The Now Revolution,"
Please                                                   Me
Measuring Social Media in Public Relations                                           V
Steve Bowen                      Zaheer Nooruddin
Managing Director, Marketing &   Director, Lead Digital Strategist
Training Asia-Pacific            Greater China     
@BMAsiaPacific @BMDigitalChina

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Digital Reporting_Please Like Me_Zaheer Nooruddin _2011

  • 1. Please Me! Measuring Social Media in Public Relations Singapore & Hong Kong – March 2 & 4, 2010
  • 2. The World‟s Most Valuable Facebook Page? 28,842,974 „Likes‟ x 3 posts per day x 30 days = 2,595,867,660 impressions per month (2,595,867,660 impressions / 1000) x $5 CPM = $ 12,979,338.30 per month or = $ 155,752,059.69 per annum in earned media ALV (Average „Like‟ Value) = $5.40
  • 3. $156 million - $110 million = $46 million
  • 4. A (Much) Simpler Value Equation   = $0
  • 5. Agenda 1. Evolving Measurement 2. Three Measurement Myths 3. Output, Impact, Outcome - A Model for Measurement 4. In Practice
  • 6. Measurement is Evolving “We talk about the quality of product and service. What about the quality of our relationships, and the quality of our communications and the quality of our promises to each other?” Max De Pree
  • 7.
  • 8. Do the Evolution Where the future is Where others are Where measurement began Counting Analysing Establishing Causation • Clip counting • Media tracking and analysis • Performance Measurement • Circulation/impressions/reach • Message content analysis • Objectives • Ad. Value Equivalencies (AVE) • Audience attitudes, and • Communication„s audit • Share of voice/ink (SOV/SOI) Reputation measures • PR Dashboards
  • 9. Where We Began - Counting  Clips  Circulation  Impressions  Advertising Equivalency Value  PR Value
  • 10. The Modern Imperative - Analysing  Media Tracking  Message Content  Audience Attitudes  Reputation Drivers
  • 11. The Future – Establishing Causation  Performance Measurement  Objectives  Communications Audit  PR Dashboards
  • 13. 35 of marketers in the U.S. say that the main obstacle to % implementing a social media strategy is there is not enough data or analytics to develop ROI., April 2010 17 of marketers in the U.S. say that the main obstacle to implementing an % effective online measurement strategy is that there is too much data., June2010
  • 15. 94% of online conversation around Asian corporate brands is neutral in tone 28% China 53% Positive 20% Negative 34% Mixed India 54% 12% 40% Japan 49% 11% 54% Korea 39% 7% Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Based on a review of 492,838 mentions of prominent Asian brands in online forums
  • 16. 63% gap messages disseminated messages reflected in by Asian multinationals blog commentary Source: Burson-Marsteller Global Message Gap Study 2010
  • 17. ...but consistent lack of sustainable social strategies Active 20% Inactive 18% 12% 11% 9% 8% 8% Microblogs Social Networks 4% Corporate Blogs Video 55 of Asian corporate social % media accounts are inactive Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Social Media Study 2010
  • 18. The measurement imperative  Set measurable objectives from the outset  Measure only what is meaningful  Link social media activity to tangible outcomes
  • 19. 3 Measurement Myths “As a general rule the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information” Benjamin Disraeli
  • 20. Digital ROI is Different ( ) Benefit - Cost Cost X 100 = Return on Investment
  • 23. The measure challenge Marketing Everything else EXECUTE PLAN RESEARCH
  • 24. Output, Impact, Outcomes “Communication is not what you send out, but what arrives.” Jim Macnamara “You know, we’re just not reaching that guy”
  • 25. A Simple Measurement Framework …but it all starts from the Outset
  • 26. A Measurement Mantra Our role as PR Professionals is to tell the organization‟s story… …to all the people who need to hear it… …so that they will do and think… …what we want them to do and think: know who we are; understand what we do; think highly of us; agree with us; and ultimately be motivated to: buy our products and services; work with us or for us; recommend us to others; invest in our stock; or otherwise contribute to our business.
  • 27. The first step in measuring results is to define the result… …who are the people who need to hear our story? What do we want them to do or think?
  • 28. Who do I need to reach? What are they saying about me? Where are they saying it? 28 BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC EVIDENCE-BASED COMMUNICATIONS
  • 29. What do I want the audience to do or think? Why is this important? What does success look like? 29 BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC EVIDENCE-BASED COMMUNICATIONS
  • 30. Define Benchmarks Take a snapshot of metrics before beginning
  • 31. Soft and Hard Outcomes Awareness Revenue Engagement Employment Advocacy Investment Reputation Partnership
  • 32. Objectives to Outcomes Wooly Objectives Probing questions Measurable Outcomes Improve online awareness Where is your audience congregating online? Improve ratio of positive to negative What is the tone and content of current content in top five industry blogs over online content in those forums? next quarter What opportunities exist to engage? Respond to 50% of relevant comments Position company as an employer of What do people look for in an employer? Increase number of applications for jobs How is the company perceived as an posted on the careers site choice employer? Decrease employee churn to below 50% How is employee satisfaction measured? within 18 months Improve investor sentiment What factors affect investor sentiment? Persuade equity analysts from top five How realistic are the company‟s plans? investment houses to rate the stock as What is the online sentiment regarding the “buy” company's performance? Increase sales What are the current conversion ratios? Increase participation in current coupon How is the company reaching consumers? redemption campaign How does the online meet the offline? Increase preference for new line of How is the company tracking conversions? products among savvy early adopters
  • 33. Outcomes Should Specify Be realistic!
  • 34. Measuring Output – What’s the Buzz?
  • 35. Measuring Output – Tracking Engagement Allows 'Liker'posts Responds to 'Liker' posts 89% 74% 72% 57% 60% 59% 51% 28% Global Asia-Pacific Europe U.S.
  • 36. Two BIG Questions What do we want to talk about? = Content strategy Where do we want to talk about it? = Channel strategy
  • 39. Measuring Impact – Passive Engagement
  • 40. Measuring Impact – Active Engagement Coupons, Newsletters, Webinars, White Papers, Video, Speeches…
  • 44. How much is enough? Increase in Increase in % change in Ratio of posts to No of positive 3rd Engagement community content views or content / channel comments / replies party comments memberships downloads subs % change in Correlation of % change in Customer % Change in % change in customer sentiment to overall positive Satisfaction customer retention customer loyalty satisfaction satisfaction sentiment % Change in % change in % change in Social Content % change in % change in blog Facebook Likes / YouTube Likes / content tagged or Mobility Twitter retweets trackbacks shares embeds ranked Thought % Change in SOV per % change in Cisco Increase in topical Increase in perception Leadership thought leader topic thought leaders quoted content coverage of C. as thought leader Message % of conversations carrying one % change in key messages in % change in awareness and Resonance or more key messages social media conversations credibility of key messages % change in aided / unaided % change preference in specific % change in positive sentiment Market Awareness awareness vs. competition markets vs. competition vs. competition % change in no. of times C. is % Change in no. of times C. % change in perceived position Market position positioned favourably in mentioned positively in key blogs relative to competition conversation vs. competition and communities vs. competition % change in correlation % change in cost per % change in desirable Leads / Sales / % change in cost per between social media contact or cost per mentions of key sales Market Share qualified lead conversations and customer acquisition drivers qualified leads Decline in cost per message Efficiency of Decline in cost Decline in cost communicated (budget divided by Communications per click through per engagement message appearnces)
  • 48. “[In Social Media], success isn't about 'being on Twitter' or mastering any other particular social tool. Instead, success accrues to businesses that are present, agile, responsive, and prepared.“ Jay Baer and Amber Naslund authors of "The Now Revolution,"
  • 49. Please Me Measuring Social Media in Public Relations V Steve Bowen Zaheer Nooruddin Managing Director, Marketing & Director, Lead Digital Strategist Training Asia-Pacific Greater China @BMAsiaPacific @BMDigitalChina