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Onenb H3CTO aBTO.nio6MTe.nio npuxo-
AMTCfl CTa/lKMBaTbCfl C nOBblLUeHHbIM p3C-
XOAOM Ton/insa, naABHueivi MOLUHOCTM, a
iw nepeflBMrsTbca. Hsme scero npunn-
HOM sroro flB/iaeTCfl HencnpaBHocTb TO-
n/iMBHbix <J>opcyHOK BC/ieACTBue Mcno/ib-
30BaHMfl Ton/iMB3 He cooTBeiCTByiOLnero
a. M He BSXHO, BHSBSHO /in 310
nTe/ia csKOHOMHTb HS 60-
Jiee flewesoM TonyiMBe M/IM HenopaflOH-
CT3HUMM. TaK M/iu unane, BOSHMKaer npo-
6/ieM3 Heo6xOAHMOCTM 3aM6Hbl 4>OpCy-
HOK. CaMbii/i npocTow (n 6eccnopHO ca-
MblM npaBMJlbHblii) BblXOA npM 3TOM - 06-
paTHTbca Ha 6/iM>KaMmyio cneuna/iHSn-
fl. OAHaKo ec^n B^aAe/ieu as-
CHMTaer, HTO cnocoden cnpa-
, 6e3yc^OBHO CSKOHOMMB npn
eMy n npuBOAHTCfl nn>Kec/ieAy-
coBeibi, Koropwe nv6o noMoryr
aBTo.nio6MTe.nio M36e>KaTb oiunSoK B npo-
uecce pa6oTbi, nwQo y6eAST B CBoespe-
M6HHOM OTKaSe OT 6eCnO/163HOM 33T6M.
flpe>KAe Bcero, Heo6xoAMMO HBTKO
ocosHasaTb, MTO, CSM npouecc ssMenu
(onucbisaeMbiti B cooTBeTCTByKDineti r/ia-
ae nanHoro PyKOBOACTsa) AO/DKGH BH-
no^HsiTbCsi TO^bKO npn na^nHnn onpeAe-
MTb B ce6e onpeAe^eHHbie onacHocin
K3Kfl^9 SAOpOBbfl, T3K H >KM3HM He^OB6K3
- AaB/iem/ie TOH/IMBS B HeKOTopwx cucre-
wax BnpucKa cospeMeHHbix ABuraTe/ieti
MOXGT AOCTuraTb 250 3TM, noTOMy no-
6afl HeOCTOpOXHOCTb MO>KeT MM6Tb 4)3-
, He Menee sa>KHbiM MOMBH-
TO, HTO Aaxe B c/iynae
saMBHbi Ton/iMBHOro pacnbmn-
jena, cymeciByeT onacHocTb no/iysnTb
B peay^bTBTe 4)OpcyHKy c pacnbmoM ro-
xyAinero KanecTsa, neM 6bmo AO
i, Aaxe npn yc/iosnn caMoro BH-
HTO y* roBOpnTb o
HMSI HeKsnecTBeHHbix M/IM SpsKOBaHHbix
00pCyHOK. MM6HHO fl,nn TOfO, HT06bl M3-
Bexaib noAofiHbix cuTyaunii, Heo6xo-
AHMO ncno^bsosaHne cneuna/ibHbix AH-
Ha CTanunflx TexHunecKoro
Hna, v(nv, no KpatiHePi Mepe, npocTeMiue-
ro npucnocoQ/iennq, o KOTOPOM noMA6T
penb HM>Ke. HSA-BO "Monolith"
Rnn H3H3/13 H6O6XOAMMO p33O6p3Tb-
cfl B ycTpoticTBe Anse^bHOM cpopcyHKM n
noH^Tb npoueccbi, nponcxoAflinne B new.
Bee cpopcynKH, sa PBAKUM ncKJuoneHM-
BM, npuHunnna/ibHO cxoxu, n npouec-
cbi, nponcxoAflLune B HMX - ana/iornHHbi.
6pa>KeHO Ha pucyHKe.
1. BnycKnaa /cawepa. 2. Kopnyc (pop-
cyHKM. 3. ratiKa pacnbinvnenn. 4. hpo-
craBKa. 5. Pacnbiswresib. 6. l/lrna pac-
nbinuTenn. 7. HonocTb pacnbisiMTejin.
8. HaKManafi ratiKa Ann coeaMHemw c
rpyOonpOBoaoM BbicoKoro aaBfienna.
9. <t>vinbjp. 10. LUryLiep apenaxHOti
CMCTBMbi. 11. npOKJiaaKa pery/Hipo-
saHMH /?as/7eHHB BnpucKa. 12. Kanan
BbicoKoro aaeneHi/ia. 13.
BbicoKoro ASB^ennfl (THBfl) nonaAaeT B
LUTyu,ep <|)opcyHKH, 3 OTTyAa no cucTeiwie
K3H3J1OB (12) B nOTIOCTb paCnbl/lMTe/lfl (7).
npoABHAenne Ton^nsa 33-
MF^OM pscnbmnTe^n (6), noA>K3TOM
npy>KMHoPI (13). TeM speMeneM, THBfl
npOAO^xaeT narneTaTb Ton/inso, noAHM-
Maa ero ASB/ienne AOse^nHUHbi, cnoco6-
HOM npeoAO^eTbycu^ne npy>KMHbi n npn-
nmy pacnbmnTe/ia HBA cennoM.
B UM^HHAP, BC^eACTBue nero
CHOsa naAaeT n uma caAHTca na
noAany Tonjinsa n sannpan cn-
Flpn npOAO/i>KeHMM
npouecc noBTopaeTca.
psfioTbi npn STOM qB^aeTCfl TO,
HTo6bi noc/ie OKOHHSHMH snpbiCKa cucje-
Ma saKpbmacb, B HPOTMBHOM c^ynse HS
TBKTB noAans Ton^nea ocy-
B MOM6HT nana^a noAann Ton^nsa naco-
ps6oT3 ABursTe^n, noTepa MOLMHOCTH
M3-33 nonaAannq npOAyKTOB cropanna B
nesanepTyio cucTeMy.
npuHunn pa6oTbi cpopcyHKM,
O p33O6p3TbCq, HTO >K6 MOK6T M6-
HopMa^bHowy sannpannK) CMCTB-
MH npn BHeujne ncnpasHbix
Hame scero npunnnoM 3TOMy
nmy K Kopnycy pscnbmnTe/ifl.
6opb6bl C T3KMMM CMJ13MM
H3>KMMHOkt UJTHC})T (14),
npocTasKe (4). LLJTuqbT pasrpy>KaeT nmy
npy>KMHbi, OAH3KO,
H3 H6M MMeeTCF) H6KOTOp3q Bblps6OTK3,
npn 3aMene Ton^MBHbix cfopcyHOK Hy>K-
nbmnTenb HSHHCT «/iMTb», HTO noTpe6y-
BT HeoflHOKpsTHOM nepeSopKM 4>opcyHKM
c nepesopaHUBSHneM npy>KHHbi HJIM 33-
MBHOM ee /in6o To/ucsTe/ia. B neKOTopux
c/iynasix MOXBT noTpe6oB3Tbcn A3>«e 33-
Mena Kopnyca Ton/iMBHOi/i 4>opcyHKM.
FlocKO/ibKy urns B HM-
H6M He yn^oTHqejcq, neKOTopoe KO^M-
necTBo Ton^MBs npocannBaeTCfl MB>K-
Ay nmoM n KOpnycoM qbopcynKM n nona-
AaeT B no/iocTb, TAe pacno^o>KeH3 npy-
XHH3 (13). EC/in TOn^lMBO H6 6yA6T yA3-
M3 STOW no^ocTn, nf/ia pacnbmn-
OxeT noTepaTb BO3MO>KHOCTb ne-
peMeiu,3Tbcq H cjjopcyHKS OK.ayt.erca «33-
nepToPi». fl/ifl yAa^ennsq npocoHMBiuero-
cn Ton^nsa c/iy>KMT Apena>KHafl CMCTB-
OTKpwTMfl nmu perynnpy-
(11), 3 BCfl KOHCTpyKU,Mfl CTflfMBaeTCfl H3-
B qbopcyHKe ne npeAycMOTpeno, a rep-
oSecneHMBaeTcq HCK^KDHM-
npeuMsnoHHOM TOHHOCTbKD o6pa-
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Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers
Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers

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Checking and diagnosing the serviceability of engine cylinder blocks and cleaning combustion chambers

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  • 3. BKEflHEBHblE HPOBEPKH M OnPEflE/lEHME HEMCflPABHOCTEM flMArHOCTMKA M OHMCTKA TORJIMBHblX OOPCYHOK Onenb H3CTO aBTO.nio6MTe.nio npuxo- AMTCfl CTa/lKMBaTbCfl C nOBblLUeHHbIM p3C- XOAOM Ton/insa, naABHueivi MOLUHOCTM, a HHOrAa M C nO/lHblM OTK33OM 3BTOMO6n- iw nepeflBMrsTbca. Hsme scero npunn- HOM sroro flB/iaeTCfl HencnpaBHocTb TO- n/iMBHbix <J>opcyHOK BC/ieACTBue Mcno/ib- 30BaHMfl Ton/iMB3 He cooTBeiCTByiOLnero a. M He BSXHO, BHSBSHO /in 310 nTe/ia csKOHOMHTb HS 60- Jiee flewesoM TonyiMBe M/IM HenopaflOH- HOCTbKD COTpyAHMKOB aBTO33npaBOHHblX CT3HUMM. TaK M/iu unane, BOSHMKaer npo- 6/ieM3 Heo6xOAHMOCTM 3aM6Hbl 4>OpCy- HOK. CaMbii/i npocTow (n 6eccnopHO ca- MblM npaBMJlbHblii) BblXOA npM 3TOM - 06- paTHTbca Ha 6/iM>KaMmyio cneuna/iHSn- pOBaHHyiO CT3HUMK) TeXHMHeCKOrO O6- fl. OAHaKo ec^n B^aAe/ieu as- CHMTaer, HTO cnocoden cnpa- C SOSHMKLUeM npo6^eMOpi C3MO- , 6e3yc^OBHO CSKOHOMMB npn 3TOM H6KOTOpOe KO^MHeCTBO CpeACTB, B eMy n npuBOAHTCfl nn>Kec/ieAy- coBeibi, Koropwe nv6o noMoryr aBTo.nio6MTe.nio M36e>KaTb oiunSoK B npo- uecce pa6oTbi, nwQo y6eAST B CBoespe- M6HHOM OTKaSe OT 6eCnO/163HOM 33T6M. flpe>KAe Bcero, Heo6xoAMMO HBTKO ocosHasaTb, MTO, CSM npouecc ssMenu (onucbisaeMbiti B cooTBeTCTByKDineti r/ia- ae nanHoro PyKOBOACTsa) AO/DKGH BH- no^HsiTbCsi TO^bKO npn na^nHnn onpeAe- fl6HHblX HaBblKOB, HOCKO^bKy MTOK6T T3- MTb B ce6e onpeAe^eHHbie onacHocin K3Kfl^9 SAOpOBbfl, T3K H >KM3HM He^OB6K3 - AaB/iem/ie TOH/IMBS B HeKOTopwx cucre- wax BnpucKa cospeMeHHbix ABuraTe/ieti MOXGT AOCTuraTb 250 3TM, noTOMy no- 6afl HeOCTOpOXHOCTb MO>KeT MM6Tb 4)3- TOM, , He Menee sa>KHbiM MOMBH- TO, HTO Aaxe B c/iynae saMBHbi Ton/iMBHOro pacnbmn- jena, cymeciByeT onacHocTb no/iysnTb B peay^bTBTe 4)OpcyHKy c pacnbmoM ro- xyAinero KanecTsa, neM 6bmo AO i, Aaxe npn yc/iosnn caMoro BH- COKOFO K346CTB3 HTO y* roBOpnTb o HMSI HeKsnecTBeHHbix M/IM SpsKOBaHHbix 00pCyHOK. MM6HHO fl,nn TOfO, HT06bl M3- Bexaib noAofiHbix cuTyaunii, Heo6xo- AHMO ncno^bsosaHne cneuna/ibHbix AH- arHOCTMHeCKMX CT6HAOB, Ha CTanunflx TexHunecKoro Hna, v(nv, no KpatiHePi Mepe, npocTeMiue- ro npucnocoQ/iennq, o KOTOPOM noMA6T penb HM>Ke. HSA-BO "Monolith" Rnn H3H3/13 H6O6XOAMMO p33O6p3Tb- cfl B ycTpoticTBe Anse^bHOM cpopcyHKM n noH^Tb npoueccbi, nponcxoAflinne B new. Bee cpopcynKH, sa PBAKUM ncKJuoneHM- BM, npuHunnna/ibHO cxoxu, n npouec- cbi, nponcxoAflLune B HMX - ana/iornHHbi. YCTPOMCTBO TOn^MBHOM CflOpCyHKM H3O- 6pa>KeHO Ha pucyHKe. 1. BnycKnaa /cawepa. 2. Kopnyc (pop- cyHKM. 3. ratiKa pacnbinvnenn. 4. hpo- craBKa. 5. Pacnbiswresib. 6. l/lrna pac- nbinuTenn. 7. HonocTb pacnbisiMTejin. 8. HaKManafi ratiKa Ann coeaMHemw c rpyOonpOBoaoM BbicoKoro aaBfienna. 9. <t>vinbjp. 10. LUryLiep apenaxHOti CMCTBMbi. 11. npOKJiaaKa pery/Hipo- saHMH /?as/7eHHB BnpucKa. 12. Kanan BbicoKoro aaeneHi/ia. 13. 14. HaXMMHOM WTM<pT. AePiCTBua TOH/IMBHOM 4>op- CyHKM C^eAyKDLUMM: TOn^UBO OT H3COC3 BbicoKoro ASB^ennfl (THBfl) nonaAaeT B LUTyu,ep <|)opcyHKH, 3 OTTyAa no cucTeiwie K3H3J1OB (12) B nOTIOCTb paCnbl/lMTe/lfl (7). npoABHAenne Ton^nsa 33- MF^OM pscnbmnTe^n (6), noA>K3TOM npy>KMHoPI (13). TeM speMeneM, THBfl npOAO^xaeT narneTaTb Ton/inso, noAHM- Maa ero ASB/ienne AOse^nHUHbi, cnoco6- HOM npeoAO^eTbycu^ne npy>KMHbi n npn- nmy pacnbmnTe/ia HBA cennoM. 3TOM npOMCXOAUT BnpbICK TOn/lMBa B UM^HHAP, BC^eACTBue nero CHOsa naAaeT n uma caAHTca na noAany Tonjinsa n sannpan cn- Flpn npOAO/i>KeHMM npouecc noBTopaeTca. psfioTbi npn STOM qB^aeTCfl TO, HTo6bi noc/ie OKOHHSHMH snpbiCKa cucje- Ma saKpbmacb, B HPOTMBHOM c^ynse HS TBKTB noAans Ton^nea ocy- H6 TOFA3, KOPA3 ABB^eHMe B CHCT6M6 nOAHMMBTCfl AO 3aA3HHOrO, 3 B MOM6HT nana^a noAann Ton^nsa naco- COM. C^eACTBueM STOFO CTSHOT xecTKan ps6oT3 ABursTe^n, noTepa MOLMHOCTH M BblXOA TOn^MBHOM (J)OpCyHKM M3 CTpOfl M3-33 nonaAannq npOAyKTOB cropanna B nesanepTyio cucTeMy. npuHunn pa6oTbi cpopcyHKM, O p33O6p3TbCq, HTO >K6 MOK6T M6- HopMa^bHowy sannpannK) CMCTB- MH npn BHeujne ncnpasHbix Hame scero npunnnoM 3TOMy BO3HMKHOB6HMe 6OKOBblX CM/1, nmy K Kopnycy pscnbmnTe/ifl. 6opb6bl C T3KMMM CMJ13MM H3>KMMHOkt UJTHC})T (14), npocTasKe (4). LLJTuqbT pasrpy>KaeT nmy OT BO3MO>KHoro npy>KMHbi, OAH3KO, H3 H6M MMeeTCF) H6KOTOp3q Bblps6OTK3, LUTHqbT MOX6T C3M CT3Tb npMHMHOM BO3- HMKHOBeHMH 60KOBOM CM/lbl. ri03TOMy, npn 3aMene Ton^MBHbix cfopcyHOK Hy>K- HO 6blTb TOTOBblM K TOMy, HTO HOBbIM P3C- nbmnTenb HSHHCT «/iMTb», HTO noTpe6y- BT HeoflHOKpsTHOM nepeSopKM 4>opcyHKM c nepesopaHUBSHneM npy>KHHbi HJIM 33- MBHOM ee /in6o To/ucsTe/ia. B neKOTopux c/iynasix MOXBT noTpe6oB3Tbcn A3>«e 33- Mena Kopnyca Ton/iMBHOi/i 4>opcyHKM. FlocKO/ibKy urns B HM- H6M He yn^oTHqejcq, neKOTopoe KO^M- necTBo Ton^MBs npocannBaeTCfl MB>K- Ay nmoM n KOpnycoM qbopcynKM n nona- AaeT B no/iocTb, TAe pacno^o>KeH3 npy- XHH3 (13). EC/in TOn^lMBO H6 6yA6T yA3- M3 STOW no^ocTn, nf/ia pacnbmn- OxeT noTepaTb BO3MO>KHOCTb ne- peMeiu,3Tbcq H cjjopcyHKS OK.ayt.erca «33- nepToPi». fl/ifl yAa^ennsq npocoHMBiuero- cn Ton^nsa c/iy>KMT Apena>KHafl CMCTB- M3(10). OTKpwTMfl nmu perynnpy- npOK/13AK3MH (11), 3 BCfl KOHCTpyKU,Mfl CTflfMBaeTCfl H3- KMAHOM raMKOPi (4). HMK3KMX yn^OTHMTe/lbHblX 3JieM6HTOB B qbopcyHKe ne npeAycMOTpeno, a rep- oSecneHMBaeTcq HCK^KDHM- npeuMsnoHHOM TOHHOCTbKD o6pa- «MOHO/IMT»
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