iran book publishing in iran islamic law canada ministry of culture and islamic guidance analytical study descriptive study freedom iranian government thematic analysis freedom of expression cognitive perspective affect presence compassion brain plasticity attention perspective mindfulness resource project tania singer camscanner 2015 laws and codes fire code make building in canada canadian building code canadian national code canadian laws national code building copyright intellectual property copyright in iran wto wipo freedom of expression in iran human rights cairo declaration of human rights in islam universal declaration of human rights data content categorization data thematic categorization methodology law content categorization law case study book publishing process infographic book censorship censorship religious studies presidents of iran theme attribution politics middle east legal system book book publication citizenship test explore canada canadians newcomer canadian passport canadian citizenship history canadian history genius hallucination beautiful mind sanity ron howard russell crowe mathematician ed harris john nash mehri yalfani iranian writers abroad reza barahani azar navisi shahrnush parsipur hamid dabashi iraj rahmani autism canada rapid prompting method temple grandin tito rajarshi mukhopadhyay soma mukhopadhyay autism spectrum disorder asd autism autism spectum
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