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Building a General Purpose
PHP Docker Image
Robert Lemke
Robert Lemke
Flownative Managing Partner
Neos CMS Project Founder
Robert Lemke
Flownative Managing Partner
Neos CMS Project Founder
Robert Lemke
Co-Founder Flownative
Founder Neos CMS Project
Creating software since 1985
PHP since 1998
Robert Lemke
Flownative Managing Partner
Neos CMS Project Founder
PHP Image
for Development
and Production
Dev Toolbox vs.
Prod Parity
Base Image
Base Image
- standards and tooling for other images
- common tools for application usage
! create your own base image
! reduce to a minimum, but not less
Which OS?
Alpine Linux
- smaller filesystem footprint
- more secure?
- only relevant in container context
- uses musl instead of glibc "
Which OS?
- larger filesystem footprint
- well-established security team
- wide-spread, therefore more first-hand
- high compatibility due to glibc
Which OS?
! You need to feel comfortable working
with the OS and it must support all the
software you want to install
ubuntu:jammy debian:bullseye bitnami/minideb:bullseye alpine:latest
5,29 MB
72 MB
118 MB
69 MB
Does the image size
really matter?
Due to layering not so much if most
containers use the same base image
Hello World
Base Image
FROM bitnami/minideb:bullseye
COPY root-files /
RUN / "# rm /
CMD [ "run" ]
FROM bitnami/minideb:bullseye
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>"
LABEL com.flownative.base-image-build-date=$BUILD_DATE
COPY root-files /
RUN / "# rm /
CMD [ "run" ]
FROM bitnami/minideb:bullseye
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>"
LABEL com.flownative.base-image-build-date=$BUILD_DATE
ENV FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH="/opt/flownative/lib" 
COPY "$from=flownative/bash-library:1.13.5 /lib $FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH
COPY root-files /
RUN / "# rm /
CMD [ "run" ]
# Load helper libraries
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
banner_flownative 'Demo Base Image'
packages_install dpkg apt-utils ca-certificates syslog-ng logrotate
# Clean up
rm -rf 
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
banner_flownative "Demo Base Image"
sleep 3600
FROM flownative/base:bullseye
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>"
ENV PHP_BASE_PATH="/opt/flownative/php" 
COPY root-files /
"# / init 
"# / clean
CMD [ "run" ]
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# Load lib
banner_flownative "Demo Base Image"
eval "$(syslog_env)"
eval "$(supervisor_env)"
trap 'supervisor_stop; syslog_stop' SIGINT SIGTERM
if [[ "$*" = *"run"* ]]; then
info "Entrypoint: Start up complete"
# We can't use "wait" because supervisord is not a direct child of this shell:
while [ -e "/proc/${supervisor_pid}" ]; do sleep 1.1; done
info "Good bye #"
FROM flownative/base:bullseye
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Latest versions: https:"
ENV PHP_BASE_PATH="/opt/flownative/php" 
USER root
COPY root-files /
"# / init 
"# / clean
USER 1000
EXPOSE 9000 9001
CMD [ "run" ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_create_directories() - Create directories and set access rights accordingly
# @global PHP_BASE_PATH
# @return void
build_create_directories() {
mkdir -p 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_adjust_permissions() - Adjust permissions for a few paths and files
# @global PHP_BASE_PATH
# @return void
build_adjust_permissions() {
chown -R root:root "${PHP_BASE_PATH}"
chmod -R g+rwX "${PHP_BASE_PATH}"
chown -R 1000 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
case $1 in
banner_flownative 'PHP'
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# Load lib
banner_flownative PHP
eval "$(syslog_env)"
eval "$(supervisor_env)"
trap 'supervisor_stop; syslog_stop' SIGINT SIGTERM
if [[ "$*" = *"run"* ]]; then
info "Entrypoint: Start up complete"
# We can't use "wait" because supervisord is not a direct child of this shell:
while [ -e "/proc/${supervisor_pid}" ]; do sleep 1.1; done
info "Good bye #"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
case $1 in
banner_flownative 'PHP'
if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then
error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'"
exit 1
packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_get_build_packages() - Returns a list of packages which are only needed for building
# @global PHP_BASE_PATH
# @return List of packages
build_get_build_packages() {
local packages="
echo $packages
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_get_runtime_packages() - Returns a list of packages which are needed during runtime
# @return List of packages
build_get_runtime_packages() {
local packages="
echo $packages
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_get_unnecessary_packages() - Not needed packages, can be removed
# @return List of packages
build_get_unnecessary_packages() {
local packages="
echo $packages
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
case $1 in
banner_flownative 'PHP'
if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then
error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'"
exit 1
packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
case $1 in
banner_flownative 'PHP'
if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then
error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'"
exit 1
packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_compile_php() -
# @global PHP_BASE_PATH
# @return void
build_compile_php() {
local php_source_url
info "$ Downloading source code for PHP ${PHP_VERSION} from ${php_source_url} ""("
with_backoff "curl -sSL ${php_source_url} -o php.tar.gz" "15" ") (
error "Failed downloading PHP source from ${php_source_url}"
exit 1
mkdir -p "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src"
tar -xf php.tar.gz -C "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" "$strip-components=1
rm php.tar.gz*
cd "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src"
info "$ Generating build configuration ""("
./buildconf "$force >$(debug_device)
if [[ ! -f configure ]]; then
error "$ Failed generating build configuration, 'configure' not found"
# shellcheck disable=SC2012
ls | output
exit 1
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build_compile_php() -
# @global PHP_BASE_PATH
# @return void
build_compile_php() {
local php_source_url
info "$ Downloading source code for PHP ${PHP_VERSION} from ${php_source_url} ""("
with_backoff "curl -sSL ${php_source_url} -o php.tar.gz" "15" ") (
error "Failed downloading PHP source from ${php_source_url}"
exit 1
mkdir -p "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src"
tar -xf php.tar.gz -C "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" "$strip-components=1
rm php.tar.gz*
cd "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src"
info "$ Generating build configuration ""("
./buildconf "$force >$(debug_device)
if [[ ! -f configure ]]; then
error "$ Failed generating build configuration, 'configure' not found"
# shellcheck disable=SC2012
ls | output
exit 1
# For GCC warning options see: https:"
export CFLAGS='-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-stringop-overflow -Wno-implicit-function-declaration'
if [[ "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then
error "$ No configure call available for PHP version ${PHP_VERSION}"
exit 1
info "$ Compiling PHP ""("
make -j"$(nproc)" >$(debug_device)
make install >$(debug_device)
info "$ Cleaning up ""("
make clean >$(debug_device)
rm -rf /tmp/pear
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
case $1 in
banner_flownative 'PHP'
if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then
error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'"
exit 1
packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device)
packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device)
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# Load lib
banner_flownative PHP
eval "$(syslog_env)"
eval "$(php_fpm_env)"
eval "$(supervisor_env)"
trap 'supervisor_stop; syslog_stop' SIGINT SIGTERM
if [[ "$*" = *"run"* ]]; then
info "Entrypoint: Start up complete"
# We can't use "wait" because supervisord is not a direct child of this shell:
while [ -e "/proc/${supervisor_pid}" ]; do sleep 1.1; done
info "Good bye #"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# php_fpm_env() - Load global environment variables for configuring PHP
# @global PHP_* The PHP_ environment variables
# @return "export" statements which can be passed to eval()
php_fpm_env() {
cat "*"EOF"
export PHP_ERROR_LOG="${PHP_ERROR_LOG:-/dev/stderr}"
export PHP_XDEBUG_MODE="${PHP_XDEBUG_MODE:-develop}"
export PHP_FPM_USER="1000"
export PHP_FPM_GROUP="1000"
export PHP_FPM_PORT="${PHP_FPM_PORT:-9000}"
export PHP_FPM_PM_MODE="${PHP_FPM_PM_MODE:-ondemand}"
export PHP_FPM_ERROR_LOG_PATH="${PHP_FPM_ERROR_LOG_PATH:-/opt/flownative/log/php-fpm-error.log}"
export PHP_FPM_ACCESS_LOG_PATH="${PHP_FPM_ACCESS_LOG_PATH:-/opt/flownative/log/php-fpm-access.log}"
error_log = ${PHP_FPM_ERROR_LOG_PATH}
pid = ${PHP_TMP_PATH}/
; don't daemonize, because we want to start PHP as a child process of
; the shell running, so we can wait for it with "wait":
daemonize = no
access.log = ${PHP_FPM_ACCESS_LOG_PATH}
listen = ["+]:${PHP_FPM_PORT}
pm.max_children = ${PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN}
pm.status_path = /php-fpm-status
clear_env = no
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# php_fpm_initialize() - Initialize PHP configuration and check required files and dirs
# @global PHP_* The PHP_* environment variables
# @return void
php_fpm_initialize() {
if [[ $(id "$user) ", 0 ]]; then
error "PHP-FPM: Container is running as root, but only unprivileged users are supported"
exit 1
info "PHP-FPM: Initializing configuration ""("
envsubst < "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf.template" > "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf"
if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE}"; then
info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is enabled"
mv "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini"
info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is disabled"
export PHP_XDEBUG_MODE="off"
if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_IGBINARY_ENABLE}"; then
# igbinary might have been enabled already by scripts in an Docker image which is based on this one
if [ -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" ]; then
info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is enabled"
mv -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini"
info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is disabled"
# Create a file descriptor for the PHP-FPM log output and clean up the log lines a bit:
exec 4> >(sed -e "s/^([0-9"--]* [0-9:,]*)".1 OUTPUT PHP-FPM:/")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# php_fpm_initialize() - Initialize PHP configuration and check required files and dirs
# @global PHP_* The PHP_* environment variables
# @return void
php_fpm_initialize() {
if [[ $(id "$user) ", 0 ]]; then
error "PHP-FPM: Container is running as root, but only unprivileged users are supported"
exit 1
info "PHP-FPM: Initializing configuration ""("
envsubst < "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf.template" > "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf"
if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE}"; then
info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is enabled"
mv "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini"
info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is disabled"
export PHP_XDEBUG_MODE="off"
if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_IGBINARY_ENABLE}"; then
# igbinary might have been enabled already by scripts in an Docker image which is based on this one
if [ -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" ]; then
info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is enabled"
mv -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini"
info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is disabled"
# Create a file descriptor for the PHP-FPM log output and clean up the log lines a bit:
exec 4> >(sed -e "s/^([0-9"--]* [0-9:,]*)".1 OUTPUT PHP-FPM:/")
Docker Compose
version: '3.7'
image: flownative/nginx:latest
container_name: ipc_muc_2023_webserver
- "8080"
- ./:/application
- BEACH_PHP_FPM_HOST=ipc_muc_2023_php
image: flownative/php:8.2
container_name: ipc_muc_2023_php
- "9000"
- "9003"
- no-new-privileges
- ./:/application
echo "Hello world!";
Application Image
FROM scratch
MAINTAINER Flownative <>
VOLUME /build
COPY DistributionPackages /build/DistributionPackages
COPY Packages /build/Packages
COPY bin /build/bin
COPY Web /build/Web
COPY flow /build/flow
COPY composer.json /build/composer.json
COPY composer.lock /build/composer.lock
COPY Configuration /build/Configuration
FROM scratch busybox:latest
MAINTAINER Flownative <>
VOLUME /build
COPY DistributionPackages /build/DistributionPackages
COPY Packages /build/Packages
COPY bin /build/bin
COPY Web /build/Web
COPY flow /build/flow
COPY composer.json /build/composer.json
COPY composer.lock /build/composer.lock
COPY Configuration /build/Configuration
Google Cloud
GitLab Container Registry
Nightly Rebuilds
Nightly Rebuilds
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- name: Dispatch to beach-php
uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1
token: ${{ secrets.FLOWNATIVE_BOT_TOKEN }}
repository: flownative/docker-beach-php
event-type: php-images-built
client-payload: '{"image_name": "flownative/docker-php/php"}'
Build Cascade
name: Build Docker images
types: [php-images-built]
- '**'
- 'v*.*.*'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
Build Cascade
Image Security
- don't run as root (use SecurityContext)
- disable privilege escalation
- automatically scan images
- redeploy automatically, frequently
- only include minimal amount of
software – do you really need a shell?
Demo Repository
And what about …?
Your thoughts?

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A General Purpose Docker Image for PHP

  • 1. Building a General Purpose PHP Docker Image Robert Lemke
  • 2. Robert Lemke Flownative Managing Partner Neos CMS Project Founder
  • 3. Robert Lemke Flownative Managing Partner Neos CMS Project Founder
  • 4.
  • 5. Robert Lemke Co-Founder Flownative Founder Neos CMS Project Creating software since 1985 PHP since 1998
  • 6. Robert Lemke Flownative Managing Partner Neos CMS Project Founder
  • 7.
  • 11. Base Image - standards and tooling for other images - common tools for application usage ! create your own base image ! reduce to a minimum, but not less
  • 12. Which OS? Alpine Linux - smaller filesystem footprint - more secure? - only relevant in container context - uses musl instead of glibc "
  • 13. Which OS? Debian - larger filesystem footprint - well-established security team - wide-spread, therefore more first-hand experience - high compatibility due to glibc
  • 14. Which OS? ! You need to feel comfortable working with the OS and it must support all the software you want to install
  • 16. Does the image size really matter? Due to layering not so much if most containers use the same base image
  • 20. FROM bitnami/minideb:bullseye COPY root-files / RUN / "# rm / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD [ "run" ]
  • 21. FROM bitnami/minideb:bullseye LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>" ARG BUILD_DATE LABEL com.flownative.base-image-build-date=$BUILD_DATE COPY root-files / RUN / "# rm / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD [ "run" ]
  • 22. FROM bitnami/minideb:bullseye LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>" ARG BUILD_DATE LABEL com.flownative.base-image-build-date=$BUILD_DATE ENV FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH="/opt/flownative/lib" LOG_DEBUG=true COPY "$from=flownative/bash-library:1.13.5 /lib $FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH COPY root-files / RUN / "# rm / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD [ "run" ]
  • 23. !"/bin/bash # Load helper libraries . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main routine export FLOWNATIVE_LOG_PATH_AND_FILENAME=/dev/stdout banner_flownative 'Demo Base Image' packages_install dpkg apt-utils ca-certificates syslog-ng logrotate # Clean up rm -rf /var/cache"% /var/log"%
  • 24. !"/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" banner_flownative "Demo Base Image" sleep 3600
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 28. FROM flownative/base:bullseye LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>" ENV PHP_BASE_PATH="/opt/flownative/php" PATH="/opt/flownative/php/bin:$PATH" LOG_DEBUG="false" COPY root-files / RUN export FLOWNATIVE_LOG_PATH_AND_FILENAME=/dev/stdout "# / init "# / clean WORKDIR ${PHP_BASE_PATH} ENTRYPOINT [ "/" ] CMD [ "run" ]
  • 29. !"/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Load lib . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" banner_flownative "Demo Base Image" eval "$(syslog_env)" syslog_initialize syslog_start eval "$(supervisor_env)" supervisor_initialize supervisor_start trap 'supervisor_stop; syslog_stop' SIGINT SIGTERM if [[ "$*" = *"run"* ]]; then supervisor_pid=$(supervisor_get_pid) info "Entrypoint: Start up complete" # We can't use "wait" because supervisord is not a direct child of this shell: while [ -e "/proc/${supervisor_pid}" ]; do sleep 1.1; done info "Good bye #" else "$@" fi
  • 32. FROM flownative/base:bullseye LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Robert Lemke <>" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PHP # Latest versions: https:" ARG PHP_VERSION ENV PHP_VERSION ${PHP_VERSION} ENV PHP_BASE_PATH="/opt/flownative/php" PATH="/opt/flownative/php/bin:$PATH" LOG_DEBUG="false" USER root COPY root-files / RUN export FLOWNATIVE_LOG_PATH_AND_FILENAME=/dev/stdout "# / init "# / clean USER 1000 EXPOSE 9000 9001 WORKDIR ${PHP_BASE_PATH} ENTRYPOINT [ "/" ] CMD [ "run" ]
  • 33. !"/bin/bash […] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_create_directories() - Create directories and set access rights accordingly # # @global PHP_BASE_PATH # @global BEACH_APPLICATION_PATH # @return void # build_create_directories() { mkdir -p "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/bin" "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/etc/conf.d" "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/ext" "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/tmp" "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/log" } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_adjust_permissions() - Adjust permissions for a few paths and files # # @global PHP_BASE_PATH # @return void # build_adjust_permissions() { chown -R root:root "${PHP_BASE_PATH}" chmod -R g+rwX "${PHP_BASE_PATH}" chown -R 1000 "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/etc" "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/tmp" } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main routine case $1 in init) banner_flownative 'PHP' build_create_directories "& clean) build_adjust_permissions "& esac
  • 34. !"/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Load lib . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" banner_flownative PHP eval "$(syslog_env)" syslog_initialize syslog_start eval "$(supervisor_env)" supervisor_initialize supervisor_start trap 'supervisor_stop; syslog_stop' SIGINT SIGTERM if [[ "$*" = *"run"* ]]; then supervisor_pid=$(supervisor_get_pid) info "Entrypoint: Start up complete" # We can't use "wait" because supervisord is not a direct child of this shell: while [ -e "/proc/${supervisor_pid}" ]; do sleep 1.1; done info "Good bye #" else "$@" fi
  • 35.
  • 36. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main routine case $1 in init) banner_flownative 'PHP' if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'" exit 1 fi build_create_directories "& prepare) packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) "& build) build_compile_php "& clean) build_adjust_permissions packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device) build_clean "& esac
  • 37. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # build_get_build_packages() - Returns a list of packages which are only needed for building # # @global PHP_BASE_PATH # @return List of packages # build_get_build_packages() { local packages=" autoconf bison build-essential cmake curl file pkg-config re2c unzip libcurl4-openssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libgmp-dev libicu-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libltdl-dev libmariadb-dev libmcrypt-dev libonig-dev libpng-dev libpspell-dev libpq-dev libreadline6-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libwebp-dev libxml2-dev libzip-dev libbz2-dev " echo $packages }
  • 38. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_get_runtime_packages() - Returns a list of packages which are needed during runtime # # @return List of packages # build_get_runtime_packages() { local packages=" libcurl4 libjpeg62 libonig5 libpq5 libreadline8 libsodium-dev libssl1.1 libzip4 libbz2-1.0 libncurses6 libpng16-16 libwebp6 libxml2 libsqlite3-0 " echo $packages }
  • 39. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_get_unnecessary_packages() - Not needed packages, can be removed # # @return List of packages # build_get_unnecessary_packages() { local packages=" cmake " echo $packages }
  • 40. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main routine case $1 in init) banner_flownative 'PHP' if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'" exit 1 fi build_create_directories "& prepare) packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) "& build) build_compile_php "& clean) build_adjust_permissions packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device) build_clean "& esac
  • 41. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main routine case $1 in init) banner_flownative 'PHP' if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'" exit 1 fi build_create_directories "& prepare) packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) "& build) build_compile_php "& clean) build_adjust_permissions packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device) build_clean "& esac
  • 42. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_compile_php() - # # @global PHP_BASE_PATH # @return void # build_compile_php() { local php_source_url php_source_url="https:"'${PHP_VERSION}.tar.gz" info "$ Downloading source code for PHP ${PHP_VERSION} from ${php_source_url} ""(" with_backoff "curl -sSL ${php_source_url} -o php.tar.gz" "15" ") ( error "Failed downloading PHP source from ${php_source_url}" exit 1 ) mkdir -p "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" tar -xf php.tar.gz -C "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" "$strip-components=1 rm php.tar.gz* cd "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" info "$ Generating build configuration ""(" ./buildconf "$force >$(debug_device) if [[ ! -f configure ]]; then error "$ Failed generating build configuration, 'configure' not found" # shellcheck disable=SC2012 ls | output exit 1 fi …
  • 43. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_compile_php() - # # @global PHP_BASE_PATH # @return void # build_compile_php() { local php_source_url php_source_url="https:"'${PHP_VERSION}.tar.gz" info "$ Downloading source code for PHP ${PHP_VERSION} from ${php_source_url} ""(" with_backoff "curl -sSL ${php_source_url} -o php.tar.gz" "15" ") ( error "Failed downloading PHP source from ${php_source_url}" exit 1 ) mkdir -p "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" tar -xf php.tar.gz -C "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" "$strip-components=1 rm php.tar.gz* cd "${PHP_BASE_PATH}/src" info "$ Generating build configuration ""(" ./buildconf "$force >$(debug_device) if [[ ! -f configure ]]; then error "$ Failed generating build configuration, 'configure' not found" # shellcheck disable=SC2012 ls | output exit 1 fi …
  • 44. … # For GCC warning options see: https:" export CFLAGS='-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-stringop-overflow -Wno-implicit-function-declaration' if [[ "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then ./configure "$prefix=${PHP_BASE_PATH} "$with-config-file-path="${PHP_BASE_PATH}/etc" "$with-config-file-scan-dir="${PHP_BASE_PATH}/etc/conf.d" "$enable-bcmath "$disable-cgi "$enable-calendar "$enable-exif "$enable-fpm "$enable-ftp "$enable-gd "$enable-intl "$enable-mbstring "$enable-pcntl "$enable-soap "$enable-sockets "$with-curl "$with-freetype "$with-gmp "$with-jpeg "$with-mysqli "$with-openssl "$with-pdo-pgsql "$with-pdo-mysql "$with-readline "$with-sodium "$with-system-ciphers "$with-webp "$with-zip "$with-zlib "$with-bz2 "$without-pear >$(debug_device) else error "$ No configure call available for PHP version ${PHP_VERSION}" exit 1 fi …
  • 45. info "$ Compiling PHP ""(" make -j"$(nproc)" >$(debug_device) make install >$(debug_device) info "$ Cleaning up ""(" make clean >$(debug_device) rm -rf /tmp/pear }
  • 46. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main routine case $1 in init) banner_flownative 'PHP' if [[ ! "${PHP_VERSION}" =~ ^8.[0-2] ]]; then error "$ Unsupported PHP version '${PHP_VERSION}'" exit 1 fi build_create_directories "& prepare) packages_install $(build_get_runtime_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_install $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) "& build) build_compile_php "& clean) build_adjust_permissions packages_remove $(build_get_build_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove $(build_get_unnecessary_packages) 1>$(debug_device) packages_remove_docs_and_caches 1>$(debug_device) build_clean "& esac
  • 47.
  • 48. !"/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090 set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Load lib . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" . "${FLOWNATIVE_LIB_PATH}/" banner_flownative PHP eval "$(syslog_env)" syslog_initialize syslog_start eval "$(php_fpm_env)" eval "$(supervisor_env)" php_fpm_initialize supervisor_initialize supervisor_start trap 'supervisor_stop; syslog_stop' SIGINT SIGTERM if [[ "$*" = *"run"* ]]; then supervisor_pid=$(supervisor_get_pid) info "Entrypoint: Start up complete" # We can't use "wait" because supervisord is not a direct child of this shell: while [ -e "/proc/${supervisor_pid}" ]; do sleep 1.1; done info "Good bye #" else "$@" fi
  • 49. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # php_fpm_env() - Load global environment variables for configuring PHP # # @global PHP_* The PHP_ environment variables # @return "export" statements which can be passed to eval() # php_fpm_env() { cat "*"EOF" export PHP_BASE_PATH="${PHP_BASE_PATH}" export PHP_CONF_PATH="${PHP_CONF_PATH:-${PHP_BASE_PATH}/etc}" export PHP_TMP_PATH="${PHP_TMP_PATH:-${PHP_BASE_PATH}/tmp}" export PHP_LOG_PATH="${PHP_LOG_PATH:-${PHP_BASE_PATH}/log}" export PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT="${PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT:-750M}" export PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE="${PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE:-UTC}" export PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS="${PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS:-off}" export PHP_ERROR_REPORTING="${PHP_ERROR_REPORTING:-2147483647}" export PHP_ERROR_LOG="${PHP_ERROR_LOG:-/dev/stderr}" export PHP_OPCACHE_PRELOAD="${PHP_OPCACHE_PRELOAD:-}" export PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE="${PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE:-false}" export PHP_XDEBUG_MODE="${PHP_XDEBUG_MODE:-develop}" export PHP_XDEBUG_DISCOVER_CLIENT_HOST="${PHP_XDEBUG_DISCOVER_CLIENT_HOST:-false}" export PHP_XDEBUG_CLIENT_HOST="${PHP_XDEBUG_CLIENT_HOST:-}" export PHP_XDEBUG_CONFIG="${PHP_XDEBUG_CONFIG:-}" export XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG:-${PHP_XDEBUG_CONFIG}}" export PHP_XDEBUG_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL="${PHP_XDEBUG_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL:-512}" export PHP_IGBINARY_ENABLE="${PHP_IGBINARY_ENABLE:-false}" export PHP_FPM_USER="1000" export PHP_FPM_GROUP="1000" export PHP_FPM_PORT="${PHP_FPM_PORT:-9000}" export PHP_FPM_PM_MODE="${PHP_FPM_PM_MODE:-ondemand}" export PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN="${PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN:-20}" export PHP_FPM_ERROR_LOG_PATH="${PHP_FPM_ERROR_LOG_PATH:-/opt/flownative/log/php-fpm-error.log}" export PHP_FPM_ACCESS_LOG_PATH="${PHP_FPM_ACCESS_LOG_PATH:-/opt/flownative/log/php-fpm-access.log}" EOF }
  • 50. [global] error_log = ${PHP_FPM_ERROR_LOG_PATH} pid = ${PHP_TMP_PATH}/ ; don't daemonize, because we want to start PHP as a child process of ; the shell running, so we can wait for it with "wait": daemonize = no [www] access.log = ${PHP_FPM_ACCESS_LOG_PATH} listen = ["+]:${PHP_FPM_PORT} pm = ${PHP_FPM_PM_MODE} pm.max_children = ${PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN} pm.status_path = /php-fpm-status clear_env = no
  • 51. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # php_fpm_initialize() - Initialize PHP configuration and check required files and dirs # # @global PHP_* The PHP_* environment variables # @return void # php_fpm_initialize() { if [[ $(id "$user) ", 0 ]]; then error "PHP-FPM: Container is running as root, but only unprivileged users are supported" exit 1 fi; info "PHP-FPM: Initializing configuration ""(" envsubst < "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf.template" > "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf" if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE}"; then info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is enabled" mv "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini" else info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is disabled" export PHP_XDEBUG_MODE="off" fi if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_IGBINARY_ENABLE}"; then # igbinary might have been enabled already by scripts in an Docker image which is based on this one if [ -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" ]; then info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is enabled" mv -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini" fi else info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is disabled" fi # Create a file descriptor for the PHP-FPM log output and clean up the log lines a bit: exec 4> >(sed -e "s/^([0-9"--]* [0-9:,]*)".1 OUTPUT PHP-FPM:/") }
  • 52. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # php_fpm_initialize() - Initialize PHP configuration and check required files and dirs # # @global PHP_* The PHP_* environment variables # @return void # php_fpm_initialize() { if [[ $(id "$user) ", 0 ]]; then error "PHP-FPM: Container is running as root, but only unprivileged users are supported" exit 1 fi; info "PHP-FPM: Initializing configuration ""(" envsubst < "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf.template" > "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/php-fpm.conf" if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE}"; then info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is enabled" mv "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-xdebug.ini" else info "PHP-FPM: Xdebug is disabled" export PHP_XDEBUG_MODE="off" fi if is_boolean_yes "${PHP_IGBINARY_ENABLE}"; then # igbinary might have been enabled already by scripts in an Docker image which is based on this one if [ -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" ]; then info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is enabled" mv -f "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini.inactive" "${PHP_CONF_PATH}/conf.d/php-ext-igbinary.ini" fi else info "PHP-FPM: igbinary is disabled" fi # Create a file descriptor for the PHP-FPM log output and clean up the log lines a bit: exec 4> >(sed -e "s/^([0-9"--]* [0-9:,]*)".1 OUTPUT PHP-FPM:/") }
  • 55. version: '3.7' services: webserver: image: flownative/nginx:latest container_name: ipc_muc_2023_webserver ports: - "8080" volumes: - ./:/application environment: - BEACH_PHP_FPM_HOST=ipc_muc_2023_php php: image: flownative/php:8.2 container_name: ipc_muc_2023_php ports: - "9000" - "9003" security_opt: - no-new-privileges volumes: - ./:/application environment: - PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS=on
  • 57.
  • 59. FROM scratch MAINTAINER Flownative <> VOLUME /build COPY DistributionPackages /build/DistributionPackages COPY Packages /build/Packages COPY bin /build/bin COPY Web /build/Web COPY flow /build/flow COPY composer.json /build/composer.json COPY composer.lock /build/composer.lock COPY Configuration /build/Configuration
  • 60. FROM scratch busybox:latest MAINTAINER Flownative <> VOLUME /build COPY DistributionPackages /build/DistributionPackages COPY Packages /build/Packages COPY bin /build/bin COPY Web /build/Web COPY flow /build/flow COPY composer.json /build/composer.json COPY composer.lock /build/composer.lock COPY Configuration /build/Configuration
  • 67. announce: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build steps: - name: Dispatch to beach-php uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1 with: token: ${{ secrets.FLOWNATIVE_BOT_TOKEN }} repository: flownative/docker-beach-php event-type: php-images-built client-payload: '{"image_name": "flownative/docker-php/php"}' Build Cascade
  • 68. name: Build Docker images on: repository_dispatch: types: [php-images-built] push: branches-ignore: - '**' tags: - 'v*.*.*' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: Build Cascade
  • 69. Image Security - don't run as root (use SecurityContext) - disable privilege escalation - automatically scan images - redeploy automatically, frequently - only include minimal amount of software – do you really need a shell?
  • 73. And what about …? ddev performance Mutagen SSH TLS Xdebug extensions Kubernetes Colima logging