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@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Automate IBM Connections
Installations and more
Christoph Stoettner
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Christoph Stoettner
Senior Consultant at
IBM Domino since 1999, IBM Connections since 2009
Experience in
Migrations, Deployments
Performance Analysis
Focusing in
Monitoring, Security
panagenda ConnectionsExpert
IBM Champion
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Idea and history
Several attempts to deploy IBM Connections
Social Connections VII - Stockholm
Klaus Bild: Silence of the Installers
Why do we need automation?
Migration / Testing
Continous Delivery
It’s not only providing response files
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Orient Me / IBM Private Cloud installer
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Automation speeds up your installation
System requirements installed
ulimits set / limits.conf configured
Increase nproc for WebSphere and IBM Domino
Easier troubleshooting
You don’t need to check all requirements and settings
You can be sure that they are set
root - nproc 16384
root - nofile 65536
root - stack 10240
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Possible Opensource Tools
Great for Windows too
Enterprise Support
Easy to learn (if you’re ruby developer)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Uses SSH
Easy to read (Everything is YAML)
Easy to use (Extensible via modules)
Encryption and security built in
Written in Python
Supported by Red Hat and Communities
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Language Agent Config Communication Difficulty
Ansible Python No YAML OpenSSH
Chef Ruby, Erlang Yes Ruby SSL
Puppet Ruby Yes PuppetDSL SSL
SaltStack Python Yes YAML ZeroMQ
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Why should you learn Ansible?
Ansible is built for Cloud orchestration
Dynamic and static inventory
Use playbooks for multiple environments
Inventory example
It’s just YAML
Easy to keep in source control (git, svn)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
How does it work?
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
SSH is your friend
SSH Key Authentication saves a lot of time
Create a SSH Key
Linux: ssh-keygen
Windows: puttygen.exe
SSH Key should be secured with a password
Copy the public key to the remote server
You need to add the content of <keyname>.pub to
.ssh/authorized_keys in the home directory of the
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
SSH with Windows
Putty Pageant Documentation
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
SSH with Linux
Used Key
SSH-Agent (configure )Autostart SSH-Agent
$> ssh-add ~/.ssh/stoeps_rsa
Enter passphrase for /home/stoeps/.ssh/stoeps_rsa:
Identity added: /home/stoeps/.ssh/stoeps_rsa
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Can this help with IBM Connections?
Ansible basics
Playbook is a collection of roles
Playbooks can import other playbooks
Role is a collection of tasks
Dependencies of Roles
Groups and Hostnames from Inventory
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Organization of your folders
├── group_vars
│   └── all
├── library
├── roles
│   ├── common
│   ├── db2
│   ├── db2-requirements
│   ├── installationmanager
│   ├── tdi
│   ├── vm
│   ├── was-dmgr
│   ├── was-nd
│   ├── was-node
│   ├── was-requirements
│   └── was-suppl
└── templates
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. Variable definition
2. Tasks for role
Organization of your files
Root Folder
Example: Installationmanager
├── defaults
│   └── main.yml (1)
└── tasks
└── main.yml (2)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. Group ihs with one member
2. Group was-node with two members
Groupname definition in inventory file
[ihs] (1)
[was-node] (2)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. All hosts of inventory, run role vm and common for all hosts
2. Hostgroups ihs and was-dmgr
3. Import playbook webserver.yml
Main playbook
Groupnames from inventory used for applying roles
Special: all
# file: site.yml
- hosts: all (1)
- common
- vm
- hosts: ihs was-dmgr (2)
- was-requirements
- installationmanager
- import_playbook: webserver.yml (3)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. hard and so limits
2. item name
3. value
Change ulimit
Configure /etc/security/limits.conf
# Increase limits.conf for IBM products
- name: Change limits.conf
domain: root
limit_type: '-' (1)
limit_item: nofile (2)
value: 65536 (3)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. Edit sshd_config
2. Search line beginning with X11Forwarding
3. Search X11UseLocalhost
4. Handler: restart ssh
SSHD enable X11Forward
# Configure SSH X11Forward
- name: Update SSH configuration to be more secure.
dest: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" (1)
regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
line: "{{ item.line }}"
state: present
- regexp: "^X11Forwarding" (2)
line: "X11Forwarding yes"
- regexp: "^X11UseLocalhost" (3)
line: "X11UseLocalhost no"
notify: Restart SSH (4)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Package Management
Install prerequisists for
Installation Manager
WebSphere Application Server
Which distribution do you use?
SuSE (zypper)
Red Hat (yum)
Debian (apt)
Doesn't matter!
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. Requirement for WebSphere
2. VM drivers
Package Management with Ansible
# Install unzip
- name: Install unzip (used in unarchive)
# Multiple packages
- name: Install prerequisists
name={{ item }}
- unzip
- xauth
- psmisc (1)
- open-vm-tools (2)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Install prerequisists
When package names are not consistent in all used
Use when statement
- name: Install system packages for DB2
package: name={{ item }} state=latest
- libaio.i686
- libaio.x86_64
- compat-libstdc++-33.i686
- compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64
- libstdc++.x86_64
- libstdc++.i686
- pam.i686
when: ansible_distribution == 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux'
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Disable IPv6
IPv6 o en is a pain in (IBM) so ware deployments
Sometimes I forget to do it on one of the servers
# Disable IPv6
- name: Disable IPv6 in sysctl
name={{ item }}
- net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6
- net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6
- net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Disable Firewall, SELinux
I always disable Firewalls and Security Extensions during
# Disable Firewall
- name: Disable Firewall
# Disable SELinux
- name: Disable SELinux
state: disabled
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Shell Extension To Mount Share
Mount a local folder into the VM
Just a shell command
# Mount Disk with installation sources
- name: Mount software repository
shell: umount /mnt; vmhgfs-fuse .host:/software /mnt
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
1. Create Vault
2. Edit Vault
3. Encrypt file a erwords
Secure your configuration
You shouldn't keep passwords in cleartext
Ansible knows something named Vault
Vaults are AES256 encrypted
ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass create group_vars/all/vault.yml (1)
ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass edit group_vars/all/vault.yml (2)
ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass encrypt group_vars/all/main.yml (3)
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Run your Playbook
Run Playbook when vault.yml is used
Run Playbook without vault.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml --ask-vault-pass
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Create Users
IBM Connections needs a database user
Define password in vault.yml
User creation needs a password hash!
# Content of vault.yml
lcuser_password: 'password'
- name: Create DB2 Connections Users
name: lcuser
password: "{{ lcuser_password | password_hash('512') }}"
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
IBM Installation Manager
Role get the installer from a webserver
Role originally comes from:
I use Docker with nginx to serv the file
Role contains following tasks:
Download and extract of the package
Silent Install of Installation Manager
Delete the extracted content
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
IBM Installation Manager Variables
Used Variables:
im_ibmim_install_location: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager
im_tmp_location: /tmp/im
im_platform: linux
im_architecture: x86_64
im_version_tag: 1.8.7000.20170706_2137
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Installation Manager tasks
# file: roles/installationmanager/tasks/main.yml
- name: Create Temp directory
file: path={{ im_tmp_location }} state=directory mode=0755
- name: Download and extract local copy of installer
src: "{{ im_media_host }}/software/ibm/installation_manager/{{ im_
dest: "{{ im_tmp_location }}"
remote_src: yes
- name: Run silent install to {{ im_ibmim_install_location }}
chdir={{ im_tmp_location }}
{{ im_tmp_location }}/install -acceptLicense --launcher.ini silent
creates={{ im_ibmim_install_location }}
register: install
changed_when: install.rc != 0
- name: Remove Installer
fil th {{ i t l ti }} t t b t
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
WebSphere Components (Variables)
Define repositories
Set properties
properties: "user.wasjava=java8"
dmgrhost: "cnx-was-60.panastoeps.local"
ibmrepositories: "/mnt/ibm/WebSphere/8.5.5/ND/repository.config,
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Install WebSphere Components
Copy library into your playbook directory
- name: Install WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
id: ""
repositories: "{{ ibmrepositories }}"
properties: "{{ }}"
- name: Update all WebSphere packages
id: null
state: update
repositories: "{{ ibmrepositories }}"
properties: "{{ }}"
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Create Deployment Manager Profile
# file: roles/was-dmgr/tasks/main.yml
- name: Create DMGR Profile
state: present
wasdir: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
name: Dmgr01
cell_name: CnxCell
host_name: "{{ inventory_hostname}}"
node_name: CnxCell-dmgr
username: wasadmin
password: password
# Start the Deploymentmanager to add the additional profiles
- name: Start Deployment Manager
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin; ./startManage
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Jinja2 templates
Response files as templates
Jinja2 Templating
Access to Variables
Save into <playbook>/templates
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Example template for DB2
Response file
install: "/mnt/ibm/db2/11.1.2FP2a"
file: "/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1"
lic_agreement: "ACCEPT" # ACCEPT or DECLINE
* Product Installation
LIC_AGREEMENT = {{ resp.lic_agreement }}
PROD = {{ }}
FILE = {{ resp.file }}
INSTALL_TYPE = {{ resp.install_type }}
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
DB2 role with template parsing
Parse response file and store in tmp
Call db2setup with this response file
- name: Parse response file
template: src=db2server.j2.rsp dest=/tmp/db2server.rsp
tags: parse
- name: Installing DB2 11.1
command: "{{ db2.install }}/db2setup -r /tmp/db2server.rsp"
register: db2_setup
creates: "{{resp.file}}"
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Import DB2 license
Using a shell command
- name: Add DB2 license
cp /mnt/ibm/db2/cnx_lic/ese_u/db2/license/db2ese_u.lic /home/db2in
chown db2inst1 /home/db2inst1/db2ese_u.lic && 
su - db2inst1 -c 'db2licm -a /home/db2inst1/db2ese_u.lic'
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Install TDI 7.1.1
Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1
Jinja2 Response file
# Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 and FP6
- name: Parse response file
template: src=tdi_install.j2.rsp dest=/tmp/tdi_install.rsp
tags: parse
# Installer search gnome or kde and gives an error on exit
# after successful installation
- name: Installing TDI 7.1.1
command: "{{ tdi.install }}/install_tdiv711_linux_x86_64.bin
-f /tmp/tdi_install.rsp -i silent"
ignore_errors: yes
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Update TDI to 7.1.1 FP6
Copy UpdateInstaller.jar
Update TDI
# Update to FP6
- name: Download and extract local copy of installer
src: "{{ tdi.fixpack }}/"
dest: "{{ tdi.tmp }}"
remote_src: yes
# Copy update
- name: Copy UpdateInstaller.jar
src: "{{ tdi.tmp }}/7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0006/UpdateInstaller.jar"
dest: /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/maintenance
remote_src: yes
- name: Update TDI to FP6
command: "/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin/ -update
{{ tdi.tmp }}/7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0006/"
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Run Playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml
PLAY [all] ***********************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ***********************************************
ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local]
TASK [common : Disable Firewall] *************************************
ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local]
TASK [common : Disable SELinux] **************************************
ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local]
TASK [common : Change limits.conf] ***********************************
ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local]
TASK [common : pam_limits] *******************************************
ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local]
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Nearly everything is possible
Manage Docker container
Reboot your systems
Update multiple hosts at one time
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Works with Microso Windows
WinRM / Remote Powershell
Gather facts on Windows hosts
Manage Windows packages via
Install and uninstall MSIs
Enable and disable Windows Features
Start, stop, and manage Windows services
Create and manage local users and groups
Manage and install Windows updates
Push and execute any PowerShell script
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Administrator or Developer?
Have a look at Ansible
Saves you time
Easy to deploy and use in different environments
Keep it simple stupid
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible
Thank You
Christoph Stoettner
+49 173 8588719
 @stoeps
@stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible

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Webinar: Automate IBM Connections Installations and more

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  • 3. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Christoph Stoettner Senior Consultant at IBM Domino since 1999, IBM Connections since 2009 Experience in Migrations, Deployments Performance Analysis Focusing in Monitoring, Security panagenda ConnectionsExpert IBM Champion panagenda 3
  • 4. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Idea and history Several attempts to deploy IBM Connections automatically Social Connections VII - Stockholm Klaus Bild: Silence of the Installers Why do we need automation? Demos Migration / Testing Continous Delivery It’s not only providing response files 4
  • 5. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Orient Me / IBM Private Cloud installer [master] [worker] ... [proxy] 5
  • 6. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Automation speeds up your installation System requirements installed ulimits set / limits.conf configured Increase nproc for WebSphere and IBM Domino Easier troubleshooting You don’t need to check all requirements and settings You can be sure that they are set root - nproc 16384 root - nofile 65536 root - stack 10240 6
  • 7. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Possible Opensource Tools Puppet Great for Windows too Enterprise Support Cryptic Chef Easy to learn (if you’re ruby developer) SaltStack 7
  • 8. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Ansible Agentless Uses SSH Easy to read (Everything is YAML) Easy to use (Extensible via modules) Encryption and security built in Written in Python Supported by Red Hat and Communities 8
  • 9. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Comparison Language Agent Config Communication Difficulty Ansible Python No YAML OpenSSH Chef Ruby, Erlang Yes Ruby SSL Puppet Ruby Yes PuppetDSL SSL SaltStack Python Yes YAML ZeroMQ     9
  • 10. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Why should you learn Ansible? Ansible is built for Cloud orchestration Dynamic and static inventory Use playbooks for multiple environments Inventory example It’s just YAML Easy to keep in source control (git, svn) [ihs] cnx-web-60.panastoeps.local [was-dmgr] cnx-was-60.panastoeps.local 10
  • 12. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible SSH is your friend SSH Key Authentication saves a lot of time Create a SSH Key Linux: ssh-keygen Windows: puttygen.exe SSH Key should be secured with a password Copy the public key to the remote server ssh-copy-id You need to add the content of <keyname>.pub to .ssh/authorized_keys in the home directory of the user 12
  • 13. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible SSH with Windows Putty Download: Putty Pageant Documentation KiTTY Download: 13
  • 14. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible SSH with Linux ~/.ssh/config X11Forward Host Used Key SSH-Agent (configure )Autostart SSH-Agent $> ssh-add ~/.ssh/stoeps_rsa Enter passphrase for /home/stoeps/.ssh/stoeps_rsa: Identity added: /home/stoeps/.ssh/stoeps_rsa 14
  • 15. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Can this help with IBM Connections? Ansible basics Playbook is a collection of roles Playbooks can import other playbooks Role is a collection of tasks Dependencies of Roles Groups and Hostnames from Inventory 15
  • 16. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Organization of your folders ├── group_vars │   └── all ├── library ├── roles │   ├── common │   ├── db2 │   ├── db2-requirements │   ├── installationmanager │   ├── tdi │   ├── vm │   ├── was-dmgr │   ├── was-nd │   ├── was-node │   ├── was-requirements │   └── was-suppl └── templates 16
  • 17. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. Variable definition 2. Tasks for role Organization of your files Root Folder Playbooks Inventory Roles Example: Installationmanager ├── defaults │   └── main.yml (1) └── tasks └── main.yml (2) 17
  • 18. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. Group ihs with one member 2. Group was-node with two members Inventory Groupname definition in inventory file [ihs] (1) cnx-web-60.panastoeps.local [was-dmgr] cnx-was-60.panastoeps.local [was-node] (2) cnx-was-60.panastoeps.local cnx-was2-60.panastoeps.local [db2] cnx-db2-panastoeps.local 18
  • 19. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. All hosts of inventory, run role vm and common for all hosts 2. Hostgroups ihs and was-dmgr 3. Import playbook webserver.yml Main playbook Groupnames from inventory used for applying roles Special: all # file: site.yml - hosts: all (1) roles: - common - vm - hosts: ihs was-dmgr (2) roles: - was-requirements - installationmanager - import_playbook: webserver.yml (3) 19
  • 20. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. hard and so limits 2. item name 3. value Change ulimit Configure /etc/security/limits.conf # Increase limits.conf for IBM products - name: Change limits.conf pam_limits: domain: root limit_type: '-' (1) limit_item: nofile (2) value: 65536 (3) 20
  • 21. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. Edit sshd_config 2. Search line beginning with X11Forwarding 3. Search X11UseLocalhost 4. Handler: restart ssh SSHD enable X11Forward # Configure SSH X11Forward - name: Update SSH configuration to be more secure. lineinfile: dest: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" (1) regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" state: present with_items: - regexp: "^X11Forwarding" (2) line: "X11Forwarding yes" - regexp: "^X11UseLocalhost" (3) line: "X11UseLocalhost no" notify: Restart SSH (4) 21
  • 22. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Package Management Install prerequisists for Installation Manager DB2 WebSphere Application Server Which distribution do you use? SuSE (zypper) Red Hat (yum) Debian (apt) Doesn't matter! 22
  • 23. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. Requirement for WebSphere 2. VM drivers Package Management with Ansible # Install unzip - name: Install unzip (used in unarchive) package: name=unzip state=latest # Multiple packages - name: Install prerequisists package: name={{ item }} state=latest with_items: - unzip - xauth - psmisc (1) - open-vm-tools (2) 23
  • 24. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Install prerequisists When package names are not consistent in all used distributions Use when statement - name: Install system packages for DB2 package: name={{ item }} state=latest with_items: - libaio.i686 - libaio.x86_64 - compat-libstdc++-33.i686 - compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64 - libstdc++.x86_64 - libstdc++.i686 - pam.i686 when: ansible_distribution == 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux' 24
  • 25. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Disable IPv6 IPv6 o en is a pain in (IBM) so ware deployments Sometimes I forget to do it on one of the servers # Disable IPv6 - name: Disable IPv6 in sysctl sysctl: name={{ item }} value=1 state=present with_items: - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 - net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 - net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 25
  • 26. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Disable Firewall, SELinux I always disable Firewalls and Security Extensions during deployments # Disable Firewall - name: Disable Firewall service: name=firewalld state=stopped enabled=no # Disable SELinux - name: Disable SELinux selinux: state: disabled 26
  • 27. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Shell Extension To Mount Share Mount a local folder into the VM Just a shell command # Mount Disk with installation sources - name: Mount software repository shell: umount /mnt; vmhgfs-fuse .host:/software /mnt 27
  • 28. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible 1. Create Vault 2. Edit Vault 3. Encrypt file a erwords Secure your configuration You shouldn't keep passwords in cleartext Ansible knows something named Vault Vaults are AES256 encrypted ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass create group_vars/all/vault.yml (1) ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass edit group_vars/all/vault.yml (2) ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass encrypt group_vars/all/main.yml (3) 28
  • 29. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Run your Playbook Run Playbook when vault.yml is used Run Playbook without vault.yml ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml --ask-vault-pass ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml 29
  • 30. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Create Users IBM Connections needs a database user lcuser Define password in vault.yml User creation needs a password hash! # Content of vault.yml lcuser_password: 'password' - name: Create DB2 Connections Users user: name: lcuser password: "{{ lcuser_password | password_hash('512') }}" 30
  • 31. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible IBM Installation Manager Role get the installer from a webserver Role originally comes from: I use Docker with nginx to serv the file Role contains following tasks: Download and extract of the package Silent Install of Installation Manager Delete the extracted content 31
  • 32. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible IBM Installation Manager Variables Used Variables: im_media_host: im_ibmim_install_location: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager im_tmp_location: /tmp/im im_version: im_platform: linux im_architecture: x86_64 im_version_tag: 1.8.7000.20170706_2137 32
  • 33. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Installation Manager tasks # file: roles/installationmanager/tasks/main.yml - name: Create Temp directory file: path={{ im_tmp_location }} state=directory mode=0755 - name: Download and extract local copy of installer unarchive: src: "{{ im_media_host }}/software/ibm/installation_manager/{{ im_ dest: "{{ im_tmp_location }}" remote_src: yes - name: Run silent install to {{ im_ibmim_install_location }} command: chdir={{ im_tmp_location }} {{ im_tmp_location }}/install -acceptLicense --launcher.ini silent creates={{ im_ibmim_install_location }} register: install changed_when: install.rc != 0 - name: Remove Installer fil th {{ i t l ti }} t t b t 33
  • 34. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible WebSphere Components (Variables) Define repositories Set properties wasnd: properties: "user.wasjava=java8" dmgrhost: "cnx-was-60.panastoeps.local" ibmrepositories: "/mnt/ibm/WebSphere/8.5.5/ND/repository.config, /mnt/ibm/WebSphere/8.5.5/SUPPL/repository.config, /mnt/ibm/WebSphere/8.5.5FP11/ND/repository.config, /mnt/ibm/WebSphere/8.5.5FP11/SUPPL/repository.config, /mnt/ibm/WebSphere/8.5.5FP11/WCT/repository.config, /mnt/ibm/WebSphere/, /mnt/ibm/WebSphere/Fixes/IFPI80729/repository.config" 34
  • 35. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Install WebSphere Components Copy library into your playbook directory - name: Install WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment ibmim: id: "" repositories: "{{ ibmrepositories }}" properties: "{{ }}" - name: Update all WebSphere packages ibmim: id: null state: update repositories: "{{ ibmrepositories }}" properties: "{{ }}" 35
  • 36. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Create Deployment Manager Profile # file: roles/was-dmgr/tasks/main.yml - name: Create DMGR Profile profile_dmgr: state: present wasdir: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer name: Dmgr01 cell_name: CnxCell host_name: "{{ inventory_hostname}}" node_name: CnxCell-dmgr username: wasadmin password: password # Start the Deploymentmanager to add the additional profiles - name: Start Deployment Manager shell: cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin; ./startManage 36
  • 37. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Jinja2 templates Response files as templates Jinja2 Templating Dynamic Access to Variables Save into <playbook>/templates 37
  • 38. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Example template for DB2 Variables Response file db2: install: "/mnt/ibm/db2/11.1.2FP2a" resp: prod: "DB2_SERVER_EDITION" file: "/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1" lic_agreement: "ACCEPT" # ACCEPT or DECLINE install_type: "TYPICAL" # TYPICAL, COMPACT, CUSTOM ... * Product Installation LIC_AGREEMENT = {{ resp.lic_agreement }} PROD = {{ }} FILE = {{ resp.file }} INSTALL_TYPE = {{ resp.install_type }} ... 38
  • 39. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible DB2 role with template parsing Parse response file and store in tmp Call db2setup with this response file - name: Parse response file template: src=db2server.j2.rsp dest=/tmp/db2server.rsp tags: parse - name: Installing DB2 11.1 command: "{{ db2.install }}/db2setup -r /tmp/db2server.rsp" register: db2_setup args: creates: "{{resp.file}}" 39
  • 40. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Import DB2 license Using a shell command - name: Add DB2 license shell: cp /mnt/ibm/db2/cnx_lic/ese_u/db2/license/db2ese_u.lic /home/db2in chown db2inst1 /home/db2inst1/db2ese_u.lic && su - db2inst1 -c 'db2licm -a /home/db2inst1/db2ese_u.lic' 40
  • 41. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Install TDI 7.1.1 Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 Jinja2 Response file # Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 and FP6 - name: Parse response file template: src=tdi_install.j2.rsp dest=/tmp/tdi_install.rsp tags: parse # Installer search gnome or kde and gives an error on exit # after successful installation - name: Installing TDI 7.1.1 command: "{{ tdi.install }}/install_tdiv711_linux_x86_64.bin -f /tmp/tdi_install.rsp -i silent" ignore_errors: yes 41
  • 42. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Update TDI to 7.1.1 FP6 Copy UpdateInstaller.jar Update TDI # Update to FP6 - name: Download and extract local copy of installer unarchive: src: "{{ tdi.fixpack }}/" dest: "{{ tdi.tmp }}" remote_src: yes # Copy update - name: Copy UpdateInstaller.jar copy: src: "{{ tdi.tmp }}/7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0006/UpdateInstaller.jar" dest: /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/maintenance remote_src: yes - name: Update TDI to FP6 command: "/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin/ -update {{ tdi.tmp }}/7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0006/" 42
  • 43. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Run Playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml PLAY [all] *********************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************** ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local] TASK [common : Disable Firewall] ************************************* ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local] TASK [common : Disable SELinux] ************************************** ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local] TASK [common : Change limits.conf] *********************************** ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local] TASK [common : pam_limits] ******************************************* ok: [cnx-p60-doc-01.panagenda.local] 43
  • 44. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Nearly everything is possible Manage Docker container Reboot your systems Update multiple hosts at one time 44
  • 45. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Works with Microso Windows WinRM / Remote Powershell Gather facts on Windows hosts Manage Windows packages via Install and uninstall MSIs Enable and disable Windows Features Start, stop, and manage Windows services Create and manage local users and groups Manage and install Windows updates Push and execute any PowerShell script Chocolatey 45
  • 46. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Administrator or Developer? Have a look at Ansible Saves you time Easy to deploy and use in different environments QA Testing Production KISS Keep it simple stupid 46
  • 47. @stoeps #panagendaWebinar #ansible Thank You Christoph Stoettner +49 173 8588719 christophstoettner    @stoeps      47