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©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
Multi	domain	MDM
Jean-Michel	Collomb
June	2017
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
_ We	are	the	leading	technology	company	dedicated	to	the	global	travel	industry
_ We	are	present	in	190+	countries	and	employ	15,000+	people	worldwide
_ Our	solutions	enrich	travel	for	billions	of	people	every	year
_ We	work	together	with	our	customers,	partners	and	other	players	in	the	industry	to	improve	
business	performance	and	shape	the	future	of	travel
595+	million	total	bookings	processed	in	2016	
using	the	Amadeus	distribution	platform
1.3	billion	passengers	boarded	in	2016							
with	Amadeus	and	Navitaire solutions
1	of	the	world’s	top	15	software	companies
Forbes	2017	global	rankings
Amadeus	in	a	few	words
5th consecutive	year	included	in	the	DJSI	
The	only	travel	technology	company	in	the																			
Dow	Jones	Sustainability	Index	in	2016
Providing	local	expertise,	all	over	the	world
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
We	work	in	
diversifies	into	IT	
for	airports,
and	rail	
1998 2010
1	million	
made	in
a	single	
for	the
first	time
is	made
world	leader
in	number
of	travel	
locations 2000
with	BA	
and	Qantas
to	launch	
Altéa	– our	core	
Airline	IT	offering
of	Navitaire
to serve	a	wider	
group	of	airlines
is	founded
by	Air	France,
and	SAS
with	Ryanair
with	IHG
A	history	of	shaping	the	future	of	travel
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
2016	Red	
Hat	Cloud	
of	the	Year
Southwest	Airlines		
transition	to	
Amadeus	Altéa
Enriching	every	step	of	the	traveller’s journey
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
Solutions	we	offer
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
Provision	of	indirect	
distribution	services	
IT	Solutions
Including	direct	
distribution		technology
_ Data	Centre
_ Platforms	&	applications
_ Sales	&	marketing	
_ Customers
to	serve	
_ Business	intelligence
_ Merchandising
_ User-generated	content
_ e-Commerce
_ Social	media
_ Search
_ Advertising
_ Mid- &	back-office
_ Expense	management
_ Payments
_ Ticketing
_ Self-booking	tool
_ Point	of	sale
_ Mobile
_ Offer	management
_ Business	Intelligence
_ Flight	sequence	
_ Resource	optimisation
_ Passenger	verification
_ Contract	and	billing
_ Weight	and	balance
_ Flight	management
_ Revenue	management
_ Revenue	accounting
_ Content	management
_ Trip	management
_ Customer	management
_ Point	of	sale
_ Distribution
_ Baggage	reconciliation
_ Self-service	bag	drop
_ Self-service	check-in
_ Loyalty
_ e-Commerce
_ Mobile
_ Reservation
_ Property	management
_ Payments
Our	customers
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
tour	operatorscar	rental	
cruise	and	
ferry	lines
rail	operators insurance	
provider	groups
travel	agencies	and	
corporations,	online	
and	worldwide
90 233 16
110 100
Multi	domain	
MDM	Program
©	2016	Amadeus	IT	Group	SA
Page		9
Data	Governance	journey	in	Amadeus
Launch	of	GBS	MDM	Program,	starting	with	
Workforce	MDM	and	Product	&	Service	MDM
Weakness	in	Data	Governance	identified	as	a	
major	issue.
Launch	of	the	Data	Governance	Committee	for:
• Management of	Data	related	requests
• Launch	of	new	initiatives
The	Data	Governance	Committee	approved	the	
launch	of	new	initiatives:
- Geography/Airport/Airline	MDM
- Travel	Agency	MDM
Transformational	MDM:
• MDM	is	a prerequisite	for	ongoing	big	
transformation	programs
• Integration with	all	systems	including	
Amadeus	operational	systems	(GDS,…)
MDM	is	a	strategic	initiative
• Excom/CEO	Level	sponsorship
• Improved Program	governance	
Context	and	main	challenges	for	Amadeus:
- Big	Data
- Digitalization
- Large	transformation	projects
- Legal	constraints	(GDPR,	PCI	DSS,…)
- …
Data	Governance	journey	in	Amadeus
No	one	responsible	for	the	data:	no	
data	owner	or	too	many	owners
Data Management	roles	are	defined	
exists	in	the	organization	to	ensure	
master	data	integrity/quality	
No	standard	process	for	maintaining	
data	+	manual	maintenance	by	
Processes	defined	enterprise	wide	to	
ensure	coherent	data	maintenance	
across	the	full	organization
Limited	focus	on	Master	data	in	
ongoing	initiatives
No	common	referential	for	Master	
and	Reference	data
Unique	referential/	Data	hub		for	all	
master	and	reference	data	available	for	
all	BU	and	Functions	
Integration	of	all	existing	systems	with	
the	referential
Lack	of	common	terminology	and	
definition	of	master	and	reference	
Company	wide	data	dictionary/	business	
Identify	and	deploy	governance	
Create	and	deploy	standard	
Strategy	for	multi	domain	MDM	
integration	roadmap
Establish	master	data	standards
In	2012	we	were	here… …and	now	we	are	moving	to	there.
Typical	MDM	Project
Define	Data	
Design	1A	
Data	Model
Roll-out People,		
Proc.,	Info	&	
Enable	Use	
Job	title
Application	1
Application	2
Application	3
Global	Workforce	View
Accurate	FTE	analysis
Capacity	planning
Better	Access	Mgt…
Define	data	roles:	
- Owner:	defines	
and	ensures	data	
quality	rules;	
- Manager:	
monitors	data	
- Data	stewards:	
maintains	and	
corrects	data.
Use	the	data	roles	
to	design	a	global
data	model with	
attributes	and	
quality	rules.
Mobilize people,	
roll-out processes,	
input raw	data	and	
set	up tools	to	
start	to	monitor	
and	improve	data	
referential	quality.
Apply	roles	and	
processes	to	
monitor	and	
correct	data	in	
global	data	
referential	to	
comply	with	
defined	quality	
Leverage	data	in	
global	data	
referential	to	
enable	a	set	of	use	
cases	bringing	
value	to	through	
direct	usage of	the	
tool	or	
Monitor	benefits	
enabled	for	the	
different	value	
adding	use	cases
The	Six	Steps	to	Business	Value	Realization
Master	Data	Management	Projects
Each	with	expected	tangible	benefits	for	Amadeus…
Products	&	
(Business	Units)
Reference	Data
Travel	Agency
(Business	Units)
Employees	and	all	types	of	External	resources	in	
all	fully	owned	sites.
Amadeus	Products	&	Services	across	entities,	
geographies	and	dimensions
Airline,	Airport	and	Geography	data	used	across	
Amadeus	organization
Unique	global	referential	&	governance	for	Travel	
Agency	related	data
- Improved	global	HR	analytics,	
- Automated	FTE/HC	calculation,	
- Global	capacity	planning,
- Identity	&	Access	Management
- Product	portfolio	management,	
- Automated	product	profitability,	- PCI	DSS,	…
- On-line	Ordering
- Business	Intelligence,	
- Internal	Reporting,	
- Amadeus	Solutions
- Customer	&	Volume	analysis,	
- Sales	Support	processes,
- On-line	Sales
=	Enabled	
=	Cost
=	Risk
=	Cust./Empl.
Scope Use	Cases Value
(Business	Units)
Unique	global	referential	&	governance	for	
Customer	related	data
- Customer	&	Volume	analysis,	
- Sales	Support	processes,
- On-line	Sales
Unique	global	referential	&	governance	for	
Vendor/Supplier	related	data
- Volume	analysis,	
- Purchase	Support	processes,
Financial	Data
Unique	global	referential	&	governance	for	
Financial	reference	data
- Volume	analysis,	
- Finance	operations
- Finance	Support	processes,
Multi	domain	MDM	approach
MDM	Integrations:	Data	Distribution	Layer
“Data	as	a	Service”	
Amadeus	Operational	systems
- GDS	(Reservation)
- Analytics,	…
- APIs
Airlines Travel	Agencies …
Ø Isolation	(workload/availability)
Ø Monitoring	&	usage	reporting
Ø Data	lineage	&	traceability
Ø Impact	analysis
Ø Stability	(model)
Ø Security	
Multi	domain	MDM	Blue	print
Web	UI	(Ajax/JSP	)
Workflow	Engine
Persistence	Layer
ESB:	Oracle	SOA
WebLogic	/	Java	1.7
SOAP/REST	web	services
DB	access
Data	Quality
Data	Distribution	Layer
Workforce	&	Org
Product	&	Service
Travel	Agency
Core	model	&		Metadata
Data	Models
DMZ,	Firewall	,	load	balancer
Main	challenges:	
• Complex	Development	cycles	as	all	data	domains	are	
managed	in	the	instance	of	the	MDM	platform
• Coexistence	of	very	different	MDM	styles	can	result	in	
complex	tuning	for	performance/scalability
Key	benefits	of	a	multi	domain	MDM	approach:	
• Leveraged	common	Data	Governance	practices	
• Natural	interconnections	between	data	domains	
• Holistic	view	of	all	Master	and	Reference	data,	and	
• Reusability	of	tools,	frameworks
Page		16
“MDM”	for	Metadata
End-to-End	Data	Governance	process	support:	Manage	Metadata	in	the	MDM	as	we	do	for	Master	and	Reference	Data
Manage	Data	
- Business	Glossary
- Data	Ownership
Enforce	Data	
Quality	rules
- DQ	Management
Manage	Data	
Quality	issues
- Data	Stewardship
Monitor	Data	
- KPI	reporting	to	data	
owners	and	DGC
Management	of	
• Data	Lineage
•Impact	analysis
Master Data provides truth Reference Data provides context
Airlines Geographies Airports
Time zonesCurrencies Cost Centers
Segments Legal Entities Standards
Metadata provides meaning
Business glossary
Entities Attributes
Data Dictionary
DQ Rules
KPI Reports
Customers Travel Agencies Services
Products Organization Locations
Resources Employees Suppliers
How we describe
How we classify
How we manage
important things
Clarity & Trust
A	trust	framework	for	enterprise	apps
Enterprise	applications	and	analytics	need	to	rely	on	accurate,	trustworthy	shared	data	assets.
Page		18
Typical	issues
Difficult	to	Establish	
Challenging	To	Detail	Model	&	
Business	Rules
Limited	Availability	of	Key	
Large	Effort	to	Roll-out	&	
Correct	Data
• Time	to	input	and	correct	
• Time	to	mobilize,	analyze	
gaps,	train
• Change	effort
• Difficult	to	agree	on	split	of	
responsibilities	and	
accountabilities	where	no	
given	global	owner	
• Even	where	global	business	
rules	exist,	there	can	be	a	
large	effort	to	detail	the	
• Business	entities:	best	
effort	mode	/	conflicting	
• IT	Solution	teams:	
availability	of	key	resources	
Underestimated	the	organizational	complexity	of	the	program	and	change	management	need.
• Ensure	proper	Top	Management	sponsorship	
• Rapidly	Define	clear	responsibilities	across	organization.
• Enforce	regular	reporting	and	effective	escalation	and	arbitration	mechanisms.	
• Carefully	size	efforts	and	secure	commitment	from	ALL	contributors	across	the	organization:	take	into	account	
organizational	complexity,	maturity,	technical	complexity,	change	management	need
Page		19
Conclusion	and	advices…
1. High	level	(exec)	sponsorship	is	mandatory	for	the	success	of	any	MDM	Project
è Do	not	under	estimate	resistance	to	change	
è Mitigate	risks	of	disruption	on	existing	products	/	processes
2. Manage	expectations	carefully
è Data	Quality	of	often	the	root	cause	of	wider	problems
è MDM	is	often	just	an	enabler	for	other	projects	that	bring	the	real	value	to	the	Business	stakeholders
3. Keep	in	mind	the	value	is	obtained	by	the	usage	of	the	Referential
è MDM	Referential	is	useless	if	the	data	is	not	used/consumed	by	every	one
è Integration	of	the	MDM	Referential	with	other	systems	(BI,	CRM,	Portals,	SOA,	BPM…)	has	a	cost	
(System	integration,	data	migration,…)	and	dependencies with		the	target	system.
è Plan	MDM	Integrations	with	consuming	systems/solutions	at	the	early	stage	of	the	MDM	Project	
4. As	a	starting	point:	bottom	up	initiatives	(Proto,	PoC),	focusing	on	small	use	case,	can	
contribute	on	Data	Quality	and	MDM	awareness.
è Start	with	a	business	case	that	is	visible and	achievable	in	a	reasonable	timeframe	and	budget
è Help	stakeholder	understand	how	their	DQ	problems	can	be	solved	by	MDM,	get	their	buy	in.
è Switch	to	a	Top	down	approach	when	awareness	is	there.
©	Amadeus	IT	Group	and	its	affiliates	and	subsidiaries
You	can	follow	us	on:
Thank	you!
Downstream	data	cleansing
Data Stewardship
• Data	Dictionary
• Data	Profiling
• Data	Ownership
• Data	Quality	Rules
• …
Data GovernanceSource Systems Consumers
Multi	domain	MDM
of	bad	data

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