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Kevin Sharpe
Simon Greenall
Series Editor, British English edition
Simon le Maistre Carina Lewis
Worldvierv Sludent Book rA
Aútho¡izedadaptalio tr.n dre Unitcd Kingdom editio¡ c¡riilcrl
¿¿¡ar4¿ ¡o Gú, fi$t Editiod, lulrlished by Pc¿aon Educaiñ¡
I-inired publishiñg u nder fts r¡ngnan inpriñ
Copyrighr O 2002 by Pea¡son Educaiionümi(ed
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Anelican ¡lnglish adaptation plbl hhed bl¡ Pe{son Education
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Welcome Lo Wo dvielo, '¿ fourlevel English course for
adldts and youngadults. WorLlvt¿¿, builds fluencyby
exploring awide range ofcompelling topics
presented fuom an intematioral peFpective. A
trademark two-page lesson design, with clear and
attainable language goats, €nsures that sludents feel
a sens€ of accomplishmenl and increased
self-confidence in every class.
Worldllt¿¿rl apprcach to language learning folows a
simple and proven MAP:
. Motivate learning through stimulating content a¡d
achievable learning goals.
.Anchor language production with st¡ong, focused
language preseniations.
. Personalize learninC tlüough engaging and
communicative speáking activities.
Coürse cornponents
The Wo dvieu Student Book with Student Audio CD
and the Wortúoo¿ are available in both full and split
. Stüdent Book s.lth Srüdent Audlo CD (Spltt ,E¿¿¡7b¿)
The Student Book contains 14, four page units;
pefodic Revie$, Units; two World of Music Units;
Information for Pair and Group Work; aVocabulary
listi and a Grammar Reference section.
Th€ Student Audio CD includes tacks for al
pronunciation and lisrening exercises (or reading
r€)lts, in selected units) in rle Student Book.The
Stúdent Audío CD c:l],be usedwithth€ Sfr¿J¿nt
Boot for self studyand coordinates with the
la orlüooL lir.ening ¿nd prL,r'un' iariol L er.i-e
. For each actiüty in the Student Book, the
interleaved Teache¡'s Edition provides step'by- step
procedures and exercise ans$,erkeys as well as a
wealth oI teacher suppor¡ unitwarm ups, Optional
Activiiies, Extensions, Culture Noies, Background
Information, Teaching Tips, Wrap-ups, and
extensive Language Notes.In addirion, the l¿dcft¿rt
t¿itior? includes acourse orientalion guide, tllll
audio scripts, and the /ort ook answe. key.
. Theworkbook asplt¡-L?t¡ionJ has 14 three page
units that corespond to e ach ol rhe Student Book
ünits. tJsed in conjunction lvith th€ Stud¿r¡tA&d¡¿
CD,lhe Workbook ptolides abundanl review and
practice activitics forVocabul¡ry Gmmmar
Listening, and Pronunciation, along with pedodic
Self- qüzzes. A Learning Stntegies section at the
beginning of the ü/ork ook helps students to be
. The Class Audio Program is available in either CD
or cassette format and corrains al1 tire recorded
material for in-class us€.
. The Teacher's Resoüce Book (wilh Testing Audio
CD and Testcen Software) has thr€e sections of
reproducible material: extra communication
actiüties for in-class use, modelwriting passagcs
for each Student Book,riring assignment, and a
coDrplete testing program: seven quizzes and ¡vo
tests, along with scoring guides and answerkcys.
Also ircluded are an Aüdio CD for use with the
quizzes and tests and an easy-to-use lestcen
software CD for customizing the tests.
. For each level of the tuII coüse. the l4Ioravíerll
Video prcsents sever, five minure authentic video
segments connected to St d¿¿¡Boo¡topics. Notes
to the Teacher arc available in the ytd¿o package,
and Student Actiüly Sheets car be dowÍloaded
f¡om the wor¡¡lvi?¡, CoDpanion Website.
. The Wor¡¡lvia, Cornpanion Website
(ww.lo¡ücw) provides a variety
of teaching support, includingVidco
and süpplemental reading materi¡1.
Unit (ont€nts
Each ofthe units in Worldvia¿, has seven closely
. Cetting itaned:
, o¡n un¡ "ll c open nts, 'r, i.c
that introduces targe t vocabulary
. Listening/Reading: a tünctional conversation or
thematic passage Lhat introdüces targer grammar
. crámmár focus: an exercise seqüence thal allows
students lo focüs on the newgrammar point and to
solidi¡, Lleir leajning
. Pronunciation: slress, rhfhm, aDd intonation
p¡actice based on üe target vocabulary and
. Speaking: an intenctive spealdng task focused on
stuLdent production of target vocabr ary gramma!
a¡d lunctional larguage
. Writing: a personalized writing acriüty that
stimulates student production of target vocabula ry
and grannmr
. Conversa¡ion to go: a concise rcminder ofthe
glarnmar tunctional language introduced in the u]rit
course length
With its fleible lb¡mat and course compon€nts,
W¿rldyi¿&r responds ro a variety ofcourse needs, and
is süitable fbr35 to 45 hours ofclassroom
instrüction- Each unitcanbe easily expanded by
üsing bonüs activities liomrlrc 1¿acher Ed.ition,
reproducible activiti€s available in üe 'l¿dcl¿¡t
li¿so¡¿r.¿ a¿ok, linked lessons tiom the Wo¡l¿vta,
v;¿J¿o progr¿m, á¡d supplementary reading
assignments in the Wor¿¿Jview Companion Website.
Scope and Sequence
uutt I
/1, uutr 4
tl uun z
//, uutr z
,l uu¡ s
/¡1, uw a
l/, uNtt T
/1/, unn e
Review 2
fu. untr s
f¡ uttr to
/l unr r
/// uutf 12
y'l wtt tz
//1,, uN$ fl
Nrió.alili4 á¡d.oxnirie(
Rev¡ew 1 (Units 13) Paqe rB
t4¡orld of Mus¡c 1 P¿se 2a
Fi6t Listenlng: People greeting each oher and saying goodbye
s{ond Lis¡enlng: A sho¡l conveGalion between two businesspeople
Listenlng: People i¡ ihemrlves ¿nd sayinq
R€ding: A¡€ vou /n¡ernaúbnd/¿ A quiz abo!1
intem¿tiona people and thinqs
Lisieni¡g:A phone conversalion be¡/veen ¿ customer ¿nd
a sn esp€¡son ¿t an olice srpply s¡orc
Lirening:A radio inierui€w wllh people ¿bout their
f¿vorite $i¡gs
Readlnq: A website featuring Ponabello Road
urening: A deÍiptlo¡ of Haruard Square
Listening: a woÍran telling moving men whére to pln
R€¿dinq: A leiter to a pen pal about T¡¿¡kqivinq
R€diiq: rh€ 8,g9ef Galield Corert¡on, an article abor,t
pmp e who have carfield colectibles
Listeninq: a conveEation about howAmericans cor¡municale
Reading: On Va.ntian wiú Tn Lee, an adicl€ about what
á t¿vei writer lakes and doesnl take on vacaiion
Lisleni¡g:A coN€6ation between a customer and a
clerk i¡ a mme¡! c othing sk)re
List€¡i¡g:A radio int€¡Mew in a slpermarket about
Re¡dinq: sáort ánd Sweel an anicle about th€ problem
of ealing too m¿ny sweeh
Reading: Changing./obs: Ihe ca¡€€r coffrft¿na, a w€bslle
l€aturinq two people who ch¿ng€ jobs
Here's my card.
Meeting people
Around thewo d
Sett¡ng up a
home office
Favor¡te th¡ngs
offi@ . ..
or living room?
(Unih 5-8) hee30
The col¡ectors
The modern wo d
Gretlnqs ¿nd l€vetakings;
Ocdpationsi numbels 0-19
living room
¡umbérs 100 - 1,000 000
Words rel¿t€d to commüniction
Ilrings you lake on v¿otio'r;
office obj€cl¡j nunrbeB 20-99
Reüew 3 (Units 912) Páqe 16
ti/orld of N]üs¡c 2 Paee 5a
How sweet ¡t ¡sl
lob exchange
Reüew4 (Unit 1314) Pá9. /6
lnformat¡on for pair and group work r,q"r'6
Grammar Referen(e Pdge r42
lndefnite anicles: a, ¿n
be simple ple5ert Yel¡vo
Plurah; be simpl€ pres€nt:
D€scribe n/vo fiends ¿nd iheir
W t€ ¿n inr€marional quiz
F¿lling inronalion for wá-
quesrions ¿nd sratem€nls
sentence rMm saying he//o and;
introd ucing you Éelf
[4aking introductions
Askinq for and giving
Talkinq ¿bout people
and f¿vorite dri¡gs
Talkinq about pl¿ces
falkinq about
Talking about v¿cations
Write p€ople s names corr€rtly
Wil€ inlomaiion on order fonn
DemonsÍative adjectivesl
Simple present ¿fliínali!€
Simple Fes€llt YelNo querion5
short answers negative sf¿lemsÍs
Simple present
Weak fo¡ms: 4 a4 rome, any
wrile a pardqaph about a
ftiendl fa!9ite $inqs
Wirte a review of your favorite
DeÍr'be an offce or liünq roon
Write á letter to ¿ liiend aboul a
Write a paEg¡¿ph colleclibles
or a colleclion in ¿ muaum
Desüibe how you communlc¿te
Dessibe your lravel plant
lncluding ihinqs ¡o pack and
[4ake a shopping list of clolhes you
need, including ilems colort and sizes
Alkjng for infomafon
Count and non count nouns;
Quantifiers: mud, manf
vowel sounds: /o/ in not and Talklnq aboul úe
¡,skins about job skills
WÍE an email about foods you
like and how much you eal
Descdbe your job skil s, lndudifq
Here's my card.
i/t:tthú¿r'.r Greetings and leave-takings; introductions; names; the alphabet
(.1'/):.,-.ttitixt be simple present: affirmative statements; subject pronouns
ti,t1¿,1i.ine Sayirg hello and goodbye; introducing yourself; spelling names
l;.tl'/,. rit rlil,,ri1ii;N:ii!t:.ttitti)it:. t: I
Look at photos A-C. What are the people doing? What are they say¡ng?
ffi rt,l t;::;, compare your answers.
(:lood bye.
B: -
my business card. _ üe Valdez Group.
ffi A tlst n to fnree conver5at¡ons. Wh¡ch conversat¡on matches each photo?
Photo A Photo B Photo C
ffi (-¿ tist"n
<omplete the (onversation between Grace Lee and
Miguel Santos.
Grace Lee.
Miguel Sartos.
you, too.
@ rur.1¡|.',. compare your answers.
I i I i i!,1: I iit'.1i. t,,,.li.i i, | |
@ O risten and reoeat.
O Listen. Not¡ce the
¡onger and stronger.
my cs¡'r.f
r,neet you
rhythm of the sentences.
hi¿--rÉ's my {ard.
l'rr: with h:erlz.
f5Ne¿¡ied to ,'nee'e you,
¡{i.i-- to r¡eet yoLr, túl}
see you later.
The important words are
Hello. / Hil
Excuse me, wh¿t'5 your name again?
Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too,
Here's my card. l'm with...
Thanks. / Thank you.
: ;1,'jl',,' Pract¡ce the conversat¡on in
Exercise 4, lJse your own names,
l],,i,'i,1; create a new conversation.lJse
your own names and the phrases and
sentences in the box,
Goodbye. / Byel / See you. / So longl
@ O rirt"n
,epeat the letters of the atphabet.
@ O tirt"n to tn" conversat¡on ánd wrjte the names you hear
Company: 9ystena
ffi UtJil l;. t^U" turns spe¡l¡ng your f¡rst and ¡ast names.
Wdte your partner's name.
A: CouAyou please spell lour a e?
ts: Surc. My first name is ...
(i¡,t; ;;.2,tZ't Zr¡ f't:,t'tl tI t;,,t 1, 1,
@ Sardy ,h"
of the verb óe w¡th singular
subiects in the simple present tense.
@ Look at the examples aga¡n. Comp¡ete the chart.
oe pteserlt: Stnqular
I 'a¡ Laura Mart n. He¡e ', my business caÍcl
My narne _ Eun lun K m. lt _ ¡ice to meet you.
That _ ¡ight
NOTE: ln writlng, use fult forms with nouns: My lrame ¡ _ _ .
U ;ltlt:!::t i:ti'i,:,. :t itr ::li :
Complete the sentences w¡th the corred form of the verb be. Us€ contract¡ons
when possible.
1. A: lli, T '|r Disg6.
B: Nice to meetyou, Mr. Dicgo.
A: OhlDiego _ my fi¡sl namel
2. A: Hello. My namc _ Kelly.
B: Keliy?
A: That _ righr.
A: Nice to meetyou.
B: It_nice to meetyou, too.
A: Hello, I_ Paul Stamos.
B: Hello. Myname _Janet Goldon.
Ijere _ my card.
l'm l/l gue
Here's my card.
My name ¡s Sarah Boyd
It's n ce r¡eet nq you.
ffi z¡ i;N;,iv,,lq;7r,tr,,.
$fr i',,t',in:;, student A, took at
page 136.student B, wr¡te
the names you hear.
sw¡tch roles. Student B, look
at page 139. Student A,
write the names you hear,
7/t ! che.k y our answ e$.
Look at pages 136 and 139.
,i,il n¿ ;ntl¡r U¡i.1,
nt:i:,t,,t i,:',,,
Walk around the room
and talk to everyone.
use your actual bus¡ne5s
card or make one.
. Say hello.
. Say your name.
. Shake hands.
. Give out your business card.
. Say goodbye.
B: rtzlirr. My name i:, Amanda.
Meeting people
.,it :t ! . rtt: t 1. t i :ti t .) Occupations; nLrmbers 0-19
l.:.)i:tiitttl:., be simple present: am, It are; subiect pronouns;
indefinite a rticles: a, an
/:;;t¡ ú, Makiñg int.oductions
i:) /:, il1'.1 . Match the o<.
I a¡ a¡chitect
I abusinessrvomcn
an englneel_
3 r¡ustc¡an
pat¡ons with the photos.
an artist an assistant
a ca.hier a docror_
a flight attendant _
a gaphic designer
a waiter _
@ O lirt"n
che(k your answers. Then listen and repeat.
@ O L¡sten to th€ numbers and repeat.
@ f) rirt"n
*rite the telephone and extension numbers you hear.
M¡(hele Amado
..aaqt 4
Hello, l'm
Reg¡na Rebello
Tao Chang
lvl¡ke Amaral
@ O Urt"n unU .onnect the name tags that mat(h the three ¡ntroductions
you hear.
Sonia 5m¡th
Kwang-M¡n K¡m
Hellq l'm
Chr¡st¡ne Samples
chr¡stopher Boswell
Hello, l'm
l¡ro Nakamura
@ O risten ag"in. wr¡te the oc(upat¡ons under the names.
/it',i At:,t,t tnlt t t,t:t,t:,titit
He's an assistant r¡anager
she! a teacher.
Theyte frjends.
We're roommates
@ Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the rules for ¡rdefin¡te a¡ticles ¡n the chart.
i1:. :: !: :i!:: :..).i.,1.iLi:t:t:.t,:t. t,: :t.'1
@ Complete the séntences w¡th a or an and the correct form of the verb be.
Use (ontractions when possible,
I. A: Hello. Myname i9 Enrique Sousa.I _ teacher in Argentina.
PennvTonesB:Nice to meet you. I _ Sherq/ Pace. A¡d this
We teacherc, too. But in NewYork Citvi
2. A: Excuse me. What's your name?
B: I _ Todd Danes.
A: 4rat do you do?
_ engineer in this department.
A: This _ lbnia Michaels, and this _ Sasha Rodriguez. They
graphic designers.
B: Nice to meet you.
B:Yes, I- JohnJohannsen. Andyou_. . . ?
A: I_Eric Ross.And this _ Janet Jones. We assistant managers.
Sp Study ttre examples of the verb óe in the simple present tense.
l'm a doctor
Youte ¿n ¿rtst
Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the chart with the full forms
of the verb óe.
@ O urt"n
your answers.
lJ,¡,t:t,i,tt,Wn r:1,,¿i,r¿n //.i,/L.tnt¡at; .,., t .
He' 5he'5
l'm a do€tor
He's an arch¡ted.
You're an artist,
She's a teacher.
They're engineers,
l:)ll,JI.Jll:i /"tl: .i Role-play. You are someone else-someone famous. Write
your new name and occupation on a piece of paper Students A and B, g¡ve
your papers to Student C. Student C, ¡ntroduce Student A to Student B.
C: Bill, this is Serenawíllíams Serena, thís is BílI Gates.
A: Nírc to meet you.
B: Níce to meet you, too.
C: Serena k a tennk pklyer.
B: A tennis pkqer? Great.
C: Bíll is a busínessman.
A: A busínessman? Interestíng!
htl': t .;rt t:::.:
Selcra Williams
Tennis player
Ichiro Suzuki
CD ñ t¡sten. Noti(e the pronun(¡at¡on of the contract¡ons and the way words
are l¡nked together.
@ ñ Lirt n
and repeat.
Hello. l'?'/J Len Jones.
H¡. Nice to meet you.
jt: ttr:i1,:r i.;t¡t': :::
W.,¡í t¡,|,¡l r:,1 //i///;;¡ititi,tt :.,. j:
Think of two fr¡ends. wr¡te a short description of them. use the simple
present of the verb óe.
l1?, ¿ new des¡gner in your department.
My name i:, Tania M¡tsuda.
Around the world
r,l¡tr:t'hular'{ Nationalities and countfl es
ntdrnrnat be s¡mple present: yeslNo questions, short
answers, and negative statements
l4seahinU Asking about nationalities
Australian Brazilian
Italian Japanese
Canadian French Germqn
Mexican Spanish Thai
@ M"a.h,h" .ounrries with the nat¡onality.
Examples: Chira-Ch;r'e7e 1úkey-lútki6h
l:tA I 175. rest y ow p af fnef- France.
@ Read the qu¡z and c¡rcle the correct cho¡(es.
Spat,¡s, :rn c1 íil1,it¡lain,h é,1.t
1. The tango ¡ / ar? Argentinian.
2. Jazz is / ísn't Austral¡an.
3. Judo and kendo are / ¿ren,t Chinese
f. a.tü anú) t tÍnk
l 5¿5hjmi¿nd sushi¿re á) Americ¿n ilJap¿nese c)lncian.
¿. r¿e a rs a) ttalian b) Spanish c) Fren¡h
3. Feijoada is a) Britjsh b) Turkkh c) Brazitian.
1.lsJ. K. Rowling Brirish?
a) Yes, she ¡s.
b) No, she isn,r
2. ls top model Gisele
a) Yes, she is.
b) No, she isn,t.
3. Are Halle Berry and Ben Affleck
a) Yes, they are.
b) No, they aren,t.
@ O rirt"n
your answers.
Study the examples of the verb be in negat¡ve statements, ¡n Yesl/Vo quest¡ons,
and ¡n short answers.
i lazz ¡sn't Austra ¿n.
:, ludo and kendo aren't Chinese
ls L K. Row ing BrtishT Yes, she is.
Are Na le Bery and Ben Affleck Ausf¿ ian? No, they aren't.
@ Look at the examples again. complete the charts.
l,:l:' !:t:4, :,::1, , ,/:l
Rewr¡te the sentences to make them true.
1. I.K. Rowling is ¡ffieá€an. (B tish)
i, K, K¡wlir¿ ler'a Artetic&r, ,ihe'e grilirh.
2. Pizzd is Frddr. (ltalii¡n)
3. Baseball and basketball arc Sp€+ri€h- (Americanl
4. tsnchiladas are F¡€n€h. (Mcxicanl
5. Origami and ikebana are R{rss+a*. (Japanese)
6. Taekwon do is Tbai. (Korean)
7. Denzel Washington is 8+i+islr. (Ame can)
8. Cricket and badminton are Au€+¡elie*. (British)
W O Lieten. Norice how the voi(e goes up at the end of th€se yellvo
Are you canadian?
ls he French?
ls judo Ch;nese?
,i/,,/rttri)rn1t, ¡11x,¿1, i),t1tt:i:,t?t.infl ///',))tt tt :t: :
ffi O tirt n.g.inand repeat.
'i ,/14
t) l,.t;. wtite
an internat¡onalqu¡2.
Use YeYrVo questions.
Group A, look at page
'136. Group B, look at
page 139.
,/)/ilil. Find a pafinet
from the other group.
Take turns asking each
other the qu€stions ¡n
your qu¡zzes. Keep score,
A: Is tlrc tango Argenti ian?
B:Yes, ít ís.
A: Is paelLa ltalbn?
B: No, ¡t isn1. It's Spanísh.
A: Is J.K. Rowling Brit¡sh?
B:Yes. she is.
Are they Brazi ian?
ls she Korean?
ls pizza ltalian?
Co¡'tveas¡rtoN ro ao
A: lLt /t you /,i,/i1i.iri:
B. No,l't,/t /,u',:. t'/t'.halftti',11 and half /t..rr¿/ia:/1,1.
" /l*i
Setting up a home office
.:t:,. :.i,,.itit ,j Office objects; numbers 20 99
t.111:,r..1)t",,:r Plural, be presentr Wb- questions
:i, 11 ,: : ) l! , t .1:) Asklng +ot and giving information
4/,,1i:i,11x;¡, na1 i:,,t|:,tt:,ti,t,
20 30 40 50 60 70
twenty thirty forty filty s¡xty sevenl
:9!Y lryY l
it/./il:i, wtite the item nurñber from the off¡(e suppl¡es catalog
next to the .orrect word-
@ f) urt"n to ttr" numbers and repeat.
paper clips # a cell phoñe #
a desk #
a fax machine #
e folder #
¿ printer #
a dictionary #_
a filé cabinet #
a notepad #
a 5tapler #
ffi () titt"n .na ,h€(k your answers. Then listen and repeat.
,/*f ;;|',/t,t,!r,t, il f |i't;t,l:.,,l./i
Look át the exampl€s and wr¡te the plural
form of the ¡ouns in th€ chart.
a Pen - tlvo pens a box - tlvo boxes
a battery - two batterles
Si¡gular Plural
a briefcáse I briefoaaea
a desk
a dictionary
a staple¡
a fax
'."''l temO L¡sten. Ruth has a
home office. she ¡s calling
an office supply store.
Check the photos. Which
¡tems do Ruth and the
salesperson talk about?
O Listen again. Fill ¡n
the prices.
shlip n!
/i),t ;tt z:r,,,r r,, ¡I r
S strdy th"
of the verb óe in Wrr- questions.
' What is your name? / What's your name?
'Where is the fax machine? / Where's the fax m¿chine?
r How much ¡s the stapler?
What are the sh pp nq ch¿rges?
are the batteries?
How much are the fo ders?
@ Write questions wilh What, Whete, ot How much + beinthepresent tense.
1. last name
2. first name
3. email address
4. a box ofstaples
5. the paper clips
6. shipping chárges
A: Whal'6 your laet nane ?
[e, presenüi
sinqutar ] your address? 70 Bell Street.
the cell phone? ln r¡y bag.
a new desk? $19.
Plural your business hours?
the folders?
the suppiies?
9:00 A.rv. to 7:00
On the desk.
B: It's Palmer.
B: It's I na.
@ Look at the examples aga¡n. complete the quest¡ons in the chart.
B: $3.00.
B: On the desk.
@ f) rira"n. Notice how the voice goes up on the stressed (imponant) word
and down at the end of these Wh- questions and answers.
the fáx machine How much is the fax machine? dollars
@ ñ Lirt"n
li,¡,tqri;t7,,2rr,r;1 íx/2,iX. U,ttt4¿itrrl:, //i,t:t1 . t ':
ffi U.rli'l:i. student A, look at page 136. student B, stay on th¡5 pag e.
You're a salesperson at Profesrional off¡ce suppl¡es. Student A calls you to place an ordet
Ask questions. Wr¡te the informat¡on on the form.
B: Professional Ofrce Supplies. May I help you?
A: Yes, I'd like to order some supplies.
B: OK. llhat's your name?
@ ProÍessional o ffice 5uPPlies
-F- Order Form
La5t nome, F¡rst name
Offi.e su4Plies lten/ttem I
ffi Swftch rcles. Student B, look at page 136. Sludent A, stay on th¡s page.
A,t1 t,t' 1,, yoJl name?
My namet Bond. James Bond.
, J11;'¿.' ,', youÍ numhet?
your address
your hours
the bátteries
Be¡l Street
the desk
70 Bell Street.
On the desk.
Eighty-nine doll¿rs.
What's your address?
What are your hours?
Where are the batteries?
,,,X,,:t i''t,'N,'',t/t t:.l r rii,l¡,,tw,'/ t;: ;:t,i tlt,,
CilY'. Sáo?a*Lo
Country: ErazLL
Name: L¿tioia Barajas
City: MexLco CLtg
{p O rirt"rr to tfr"model conversations
@ ., . .  dll droLnd -ne room. Creel al tÉa-l ive people.
il r,:tl'tt¿ l'/. /l;1 ttatt¡í,t¡(;1,¡:tut::t7;tN,,t;7
Male a name tag, Writ€ your name and your
ci1y. Choose an occüpation, but dont wdte
it. (Use your ¡eal idertity or use your
S O ri.t",r to th" model conversarion.
Then ü,alk around the room. Meet livc
peopie and int¡oduce yoursell
Introduce one ofthe people yor met to
the class.
Thís is Let¡cia Búmjas She's from
Mexíco City. She's a graphi.c desígner
Country: MexLoo :
i,jx1i'¡'7 it"t¡ ¡;r,x¡x,t"l,'¡iit,t11 r¡,1 ¡¡y;i41.
@ f) ri"t"n to rire model conve¡sation and look at the photos.
t,:iN',,i! /:l !t)t)i,:.4iifit;!, t;N,':t ü
'YW,t:;i | 1 1..) i7.'i l '
i1 .7. Choose one of the photos or think of other intenati onal
actiüTies, sports, foods, and ceiebrities. Don't saywhat you a¡e üinking.
Your pañners must use y¿slNo questions to guess,
',¡¡,; 1
y :;,¡ ¡,17 i;¡.1. i
@ f) ri.t"n to ttr" model conversation afld look at thc pictu¡es.
|llt:)rll':i t:)l:l StlldentA,look at page 141.Yoü are the game showhost.
Students B, C, ¿tld D,look at this page a¡d guess the price ofeach item. The
onewho has the nearest price withorlt going over "wins" üe item. Keep score.
ry ¡:t.|;t::, wtite rhe opposite of each word.
l. high
2. yes
3. hello
4. small
5. go
6. cheap
7. boñrg
8. good
'///////l///,///,t/il//'iii:'L:":!;|:: .:::
ñ the song. wh¡ch pa¡r of fa€es matches the story ¡n the song?
@ C) usten to ttte song again. Fill in the blanks.
Hello GoodbYe
You say
You say
and I say
-, -
Oh. no.
You s¿y
Hello, hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye.
I say hello,
I don't know why you say goodbye,
I say hello.
I say
You say
and t say-
oh, no-
Yoü say
I say
@ rums, compare your answers.
'iuVTUa'lr"7f,nr¡,/ú'//////t///tili//tii/i:,;'t,,., Ol: :i, D¡s(uss these questions.
The singer is "talking" to someone. Mho is it?
What are they talking about?  ¡lry cant üey agree?
Favorite things
Free-time activities
@ Look at the photos. Check (/) the five th¡ngs ¡n the box that you see.
". r,1r Wr¡te the words from Exerc¡se I underthe (orrect verbs, you will
use some words more than onÉ timé.
baseball ga
me abool - aoep¿'r.mentstore- amrgazire
a museum a newspaper _ a restaurant _ a TV show _
Possessive adjectives and possessive 's
Talking about people and favorite things
só tp
¿ ?"raarYa "1
{.} f) rirt"n
.heck your answers.
n!,¿.!,.) z.rV r:n,,,:t,¿
S f) rirt"n to ttr"
- interviews. What does
each speaker l¡ke? Write
the letter of the photo.
ffi rrtll:1, compare your añswers.
ffi O tirt n
Are the tentences true or false? Wr¡te r or F
nFxt to ea.h one.
1. Bob Samples is a radio announcer. Í
2. Th1 and Margarita's favoritc restaumnt is a Grcek
3. Their childrcn's favorite food is hamburgers.
4. David and his wife's fávo te thing is to go to the beach.
5. loéi ldorirc rhirgr lu {ead ¿re trnPl magd/ir'c..
6. Min's favorile store is Macy's.
'/:)'/t' ),/,'t Ntt't | )n[ It)t:,,tt.,
@ saudy ,h.
of possess¡ve adje(tives and possess¡ve ,j.
Myfavorite th ng io do is travel.
What! yoür favoriie magazineT
Her favorite food rs French.
Its food s excel ent.
Alberto's favorite thing is sports.
Our favorite ¡estaurant is C,,rez Paul
The¡r favor te maqazine is People.
The Yangs' favorite store ls Macy's.
@ Comptete the sentences w¡th a possessive adjective or 3.
@ Look at the examples again. complete rhe chart.
MY ¡ame is Rachel. This is_
1. (r) ,. (D-
name isAna. _ favodie store is Zara.
4, (!vé]
3, (she)
John and Sue are _ ftiends. _ favorite restaurant is the Il4¡¿t
s. (wé) 6. (rhey)
Rock Café. _ favorite moüe is f¡?¿ ¿ ord of the Rings. _ special
7. (rohn) B. ít)
effects are excellent. _ favorite books are Cry to Heauen arrd Dracula-
e. (sue)
l,Vho are _ friends? L"ahat are
10. (you)
ll U' t:X,tt ry r,'x'r;i) i;7't¡,i' 7¿ qX
favorite things to do?
@ (J Usten. ruotice the weak pronuñciat¡on of the possess¡ve adject¡ves.
This is my friend.
What's your favorite city?
Our favor¡te aestaurant is ltal;an.
r¡y fr¡end
his wife
your favor¡te
his name
her name
my favorite
thelr pizza
His name is John.
Her name is Súe.
My favorite city is New York.
Thelr pizza ¡s great!
@ ñ Lirt"n
!i) 77
t:" t:th,i,r'arrt, t':1ii;:/.,r1;;i: tit i: :
l:llit|:1fl1: 'lr7l.i ::,t'l:/tll, write three more th¡ngs ¡n the first column. Then fill
in the information about your favor¡te th¡ngs ¡n the second column.
IV ahow
6lll:1Ll!1:i l:r'l :1, rake turns asking one another about favorite th¡ngs.
Take noies ¡n the (hart.
A:I4hat's your faüoríte mouie?
B: My fauoríte mouie is Statwars all of them!
C: My fauoríte mouies ar¿ Amélie dnd The Ring
@ tell the class about one of your partners' favor¡te th¡ngs.
'll,l,t í"t'¡'it r,:E ¿.'
Choose someone you know, Such as a classmate or a friend. Write a
paragraph about his or her lavorite things. Use possets¡ve adject¡ves
and 3, and some of the vocabulary from th¡5 un¡t.
What's 1j/rttt +avotile mus:tc?
lnteresting places
,,ltLt::li :',it'.; Adjectives to describe places in a city
I.i, ¿/t) trt,:.) There ¡slThere are
'::,r.i:.i1.;).:) faking about places you know
'iltrtL t.ít',tr:1 lllli iirlt't r: Nli /i¡ .'
ffi r'itlit t. Use the words in the box to complete the senten(es.
chea p
becauseil's i?tietegtit'4
delicious friendly llfe €5ti¡d
1. Tourists go to Chinatou,n in NewYo¡k
q). *' Pgl s
For example, you can buy a shirt for $10.
3. The people are
2. Some things are
They always talk to you.
4.1love the street food.It'.s
There are lots of people.
l:',/,ll;:.::; Mat h ea.h adjective w¡th its
on Saturday.
FontobeNls Road
by S i¡on Bea¡, Londc¡
I love Portobello Road. lt's one of London's
main tourist altractions.There aren't any big
depa¡tment stores, but there is an
¡nteresting market on Fridays and
Saturdays.You can buy everything from
fruit and vegetables to cheap clothes, CDs,
books, and antiques.
Can you get good coffee there?YeslThere
are lots of cafés. fvly favorite is the
Portuguese Café.They have great coffee
and delicious cakes.
What about food?There are some wonderful
restáurants, and theyle usually crowded on
ihe weekend. I love ihe MarketTavern.They
have excelleni music on Fridays and
Saturdays, and there are lots offriendly
t. cheap ,L
2. crcwded
3. big _
4. friendly
5. interesting _
6. good
7. wondeful
a. unfriendll,
b. bad
c. empty
d. expensive
e. teÍible
f. boring
g. small
ir/',i|1...i Use the wo'ds ¡n Exerclse 2 to
describe a place you know.
Soho, ¡n New Yotk City, is interesting.
There are erpensfue shops arul good
testaufafits . . ,
: t:: ;:t,,l,i,;t¡ttt t,
l'tLill'a Des<ibe the photd of Portobello Road. Use the adlect¡ves in Exerciee 2.
Read about Portobello Road. Ar€ the sentences true or false? Wdte tor F next to
each one.
L There is a big museum. F
2. There is a market tlvo days a week.
3. There alen't any cafés on Portobello Road
4. There isn't music in üe Market Tavem on the weekend.
i,,:í¡1 r:t: r',,irrt'i,a
@ O t¡sten to Mar¡a tellPaulabout
* Harvard square. che(k (/) the
th¡ngs they talk about.
a subway station
-the university
beautiful buildings
old churches
-new stotes _
interesting restaurants
-delicious d nks
-the Tea Roor¡
-afruit ma¡ket
-a street musician
-coffee bals
liit r¡ filtnff,, U1t l¡ r;2,,t;r,,q,,¡¡,t;1,7,L:7,,.i,¡,;1.1¡, ;.,
@ StuCy tt
" "*".ples
w¡th there ,.5 and there are.
There is/There! ¿n nte¡esting m¿rket on the weekend.
There are some wondeíu rest¿ur¿nts.
. There isn't a mov e the¿ter
There aren't any big r¡useums
ls there ¿ qoocl café? Yes, there is / No, there isn't.
Are there ¡ny interest¡nq rest¿ura¡ts7 Yes, there are
@ Look at the examples again. Complete the rules ¡n the chart.
/ No, ther€ aren't
@ Describe this pictu.e. Wr¡te f¡ve sentences. Use there ,yisnt a nd there aÍelaren,t.
good cafés
interesting stores
a smáll hotel
.-r .- , r :1., ,tF t,
ll,t:t;t n tl,r¿r,:,jtt i:t7:.2t:lu:, ////;/4/¡/.t/,!!.:1!¿.itti:,,i': .
@ O List€n. Notice the pronunciation of the vo¡ced th sound, /ó/'
@ O rirt"n
and repeat.
l) 77,t:'r
i:t',l.t v,r
u;t, ///,1,iy')t/!!irh t., tt : .
l:, il l7"1 l:: it "/ l) 1. 1 ::i ¡xl:ll, /1. You are go¡ng to talk to your partner about his or
her favor¡te part of a c¡ty, Write thtee more questions below
l'tt|l1./i, Taketúña.Find out the ñame of the city and your partner's favor¡te
part of the city. Then ask your quest¡ons. Take notes.
4!!her93!4!!tq9,st ryS]lfg
ls lheYe a Ag4l ru,,ustc cLrú?.
what dD
Llke r|ost abo¿t (th¿). . . ?
There are good cafés.
Are there any restaurants?
is there a museum?
the weekend
There's a market on the weekend.
Yes, there are,
No, there isn't.
@ tellthe ctass about your partner's favor¡te place ¡n Exerc¡se 7
Mafta likes the French Quafter in New Orle^ns because there are .
ffi r;i'1,.!¡.xxtt7 /////////,|t//i)1/.i)ilt,l:,rti:.. .
Look at the "Real Places" website on pages 26 and 27. wr¡te a
rev¡ew of your favor¡te place ¡n a c¡ty or town Use therc ísl¡sn't
and therc arc/arcn't lo describe the spec¡al details.
Convzasenou to eo
lrt /t 1;tx,¿12) any good.a'fés herc?
0ffice, . . or living room?
itr,../tb1.tlr:,r''/ Furn¡ture in an office or living room
{;?rllviri/ Prepositions of location
:ii,4rl;r,q Tellinq someone where things are in a Ioom
@ 'elrtn:;" wr¡te the numbers of the p¡ctur$ next to the correct words.
a bookcase- acabinet
á .omouter a desk
a calendar
a lamp _
a printer
a telephone
a sofa a stereo
a wastebasket a window
an armchair
@ f) urt"n
your answers.
@ O rirt"n
.he(k your answers. Then l¡5tén aga¡n and repeat.
@ 1t'l¡t
fake turns point¡ng to an ¡tem ¡n the p¡cture on page 30.
Tt,¡,¡¡nl,t,l,l,¡.¡¡,"1t;il /rit:l.l.Z,//,1;;1,t1,)t ti i :. | | :
f) Listen to the words. Not¡ce the number of syllabl€s and the stress.
Wr¡te each word in the corred group.
O Listen to Chr¡st¡ne talk to two moving men. Look at the p¡cture
on page 30. check (/) the ¡tems of furn¡ture that you hear.
f) Listen again. Underl¡n€ the words to make the 5entences true.
I. Christine i6 / i6nt sure aboutwhere she wants the furniture.
2. Christine wants to use the room as a liüng ioom / home ofnce.
(ii,r nr,:,¿lrr,,tt;1,:1. tr| ¡:t t:,Uf¡,
Study the examples of prepos¡tion5 of location.
Put the desk in front of the w ¡dow
l'd lke the computer on the desk, please.
Put the plant next to the sofa.
Put the armch¿ir oppos¡te the desk.
The caLendar s above the sofa.
Theres a stereo in the cabinet.
The w¿stebasket is unde¡ the desk
Look at the exampler aga¡n. Where ¡5 the ball? Wr¡te the corrett prepog¡tion for
ea<h picture.
1 nexl la )
/4 ,:; / )1 : /t !7:,1 r ii /!, l,,t.,t t r a... (: )r :t
@ , , ' .'. say a ienten(e. Look at the picture. say the sentence aga¡n w¡th the
correct preposrtron.
A: There a table opposite the doot
B: No. There's a table nefi to the daor.
nexl ro
l. There's a table oppo3i+e.üe door.
2. The telephone is in front ofthe desk.
3. Theres a wastebasket next to the desk
4. I put the stereo on the cabinet.
5. The¡e's a plant in front of the sofa.
6. The p nter is next to the desk.
7. There's a cabinet above the bookcase.
L I put my favorite armchair nerft to the desk.
9. There's a c¿lendar opposite the sofa.
(rfp r:t t;:ttrt.iz'r,,47 (////t1/,,,i1,.ttti;t :t, ::. : :
'iil:ltüÍ/,t:7úl.l .tj,'ll. i|ll Think about your office or l¡ving room. Draw windows, the
door, and one pie(e of furn¡ture ¡n the room. Then exchange books w¡th a partner.
My floor plan for
l7//', rakelurns descr¡b¡ng your office or l¡v¡ng room, Describe the th¡ngs ¡n your
room. Use prepos¡t¡ons to talk about their locat¡ons. Your partner will draw the
furn¡ture and objects on the floor plan ¡n your book.
Therc a lable in front of the sofa. Opposíte the so[a, there's . .
Show the floor plán to your partner when you're fin¡shed. 15 everyth¡ng ¡n the right
'U',/'l)'t.ivir'/'i)'///////i/.tt1,:tit:t: ¡i.t.'i;t.)t.
Draw a floor plan of an olfice or liv¡ng room you know and write a descr¡pt¡on
of ¡t. Use the prepos¡t¡ons of location from th¡s un¡t.
Where is the phone?
It's rrl, the desk-lthink.
'i.::.:':.i:t|t/j/7 Holiday celebrations
¡i|t).ttt/ti;tt Simple present: affirmative statements
! t:t..t i)1..) r!t, f alking alrout holidays
Mat(h each verb on the left with the corred group of
words. Use each letter only one t¡me.
L cook¿
2. dancc
3. drink
4. eat
5. get up _
6. give _
7 go-
L play
9. üsit
I0. wash
a. to salsa music, with soneone
b. a friend, youl fami', a place
c. the dishes, your hands
d. for au'alk, to bcd
e. lunch, dinner, food
f. ice c¡eam, pizza, a neal
g. juice, soda, water
h. a present, noney
i. a galne, cards, the piano
j. at 8:00, inthe mo¡ning
Look at the photos of some ¡mportant celebrations. Guess. ln what countr¡es are
these celebrat¡ons? When do they take pla(e? See page 141 for answers.
W , ,, , Describe lhe celebrations ¡n the photos. use words lrom Exercise 1.
OnThañksgíuíng, the! eat a special meal
On Nelx's Day, . - .
. N¿xt week is 1lla^ksqLviú, tr
^aLío^aL noLidaú;|,¡" )iu. [11","i,,,
tu L"^r"a,^'
 .Mllr^othu "*"r n'e I oaa. súe qes up a, <i x. a,.rack L4
^i^qw besi.*, us a,,. ;^, t a"; ".;;;","# ",i:".:,
^:^" ,":"ck ana tlen,^g w,atne..L^ tre
/f KLtt h¿^ . A Lót of otar reLatrves .,t
Novet r'Lber ea
a Lv./ a
a s h av ¿ o off¿¿ a yu o o *.,i. i) 1"í
'/it rtnúí'¡,2,¡¿
l:'hl ll:ti Read Amy's let'tet to het
Japanese pen pal, Fumino, about
:,:::ti:ri:r:ifh:T,;;?.r;'"::^";:;:,;:.ADthcr a^d I ga fa. a _ott< . 1.t, seÍa a r¡o1.o'--
Read Amy's letter again. Corect the m¡stakes in th€ sentences.
l My mother gets up at sé#ll o'clock.
2. My faüer cooks the meal.
3. My brothe¡ and I get up at eight o'clock.
4. We eat at fivc o'clock.
5. My mother and brolher watch football onTV
6. The kids play the piano.
7. My faiher and I go for a walk.
ffi t there a nofday ¡n your country l¡ke Thanksg¡ving Day?
ti),1: t:,¿,1,t:,t f n t:ln'
tt ¡t;,
¿ t U
she goes for a walk
We eat ¿t 2:00
5he cooks the turkey.
@ strdy th"
of the simple present ten5e affirmative statements.
I wash the d shes
N4y mother gets up ¿t 6 00
N,4y f¿iher watches footb¿
@ rool at tt e
aga¡n. complete the rules in the chart.
l) "
ii,:'iii,'):, ii "
t):iii,.'l:,,, i' ),; )l',,,1,;l ;r.l l
Read the senten(es about how
Fumino celebrates New Year's Day
¡n lapan. Underl¡ne the corred
verb forms.
For third person s nqular sublects, such as he, 5he, or i¡, add
to the verb
But add to dq go, and verbs that end ln -ch, -5 -5h, x for third person slngu ar
NOTE: Look ¿t the w¿y the verb /r¿ve chang€s:
I h¿ve breakfast at 10 00
He h¿5 bre¿kl¿n at l0:00
7. My brother usuallywatch /
watches Ta
We fiet up/ gets up at 6:00.
l4y lather go / goes for a walk.
I üsit / visits my lriclrds in dre
NIy mother cook/ cooks lunch.
My father drink / drinks sake.
{¡c eat / eats a spec;al dish
called osechi.
Our parcots give / gives us money.
I play/ plays ca¡ds with my parents.
llr¡ Ur¿,,,1ru,t;.!t ;.2'/t;ír,:tn ////,y'1)!:///i/iiih'., r |,
O L¡sten. Not¡ce th€ three different pronunciat¡on5 of the
th¡rd-person s¡ngular -sl-es ending.
@ f) ,,ra"n ,o .ore verbs. Wr¡te them ¡n the correct sound group.
ffp f) usten ano .heck your answers. Then l¡sten again and repeat.
illltüllil fl.1l) 'lltt lt /l Th¡nk of a hol¡day that your fami¡y celebrates each year.
Wr¡t€ the th¡ngs that you and your family do.
Holiday: Moth¿r's DaU
Pegg¿ awd I get wP earL'
vvaLe bYeaLfast, oook dlwwer'
Dad bvLgs lowers.
l?/tlll:i. fake tutns. Describe the th¡ngs that you and your family do. Don't tell your
panner the name of your hol¡day! Your partner w¡¡l guess whi<h celebrat¡on ¡t ¡s.
M! sister cü1d I geL up early and make breakfast for my mothet we also cook dinner in
the etreníng. My Dud buys my mother J'lourerc.
",/l r:'ii'tí't t(¿ /y'/iiii,ttl:ti//i,)ii)::'!: i. : :
@ Write a letter to a fr¡end about a special day or a hol¡day you (elebrate every
- year. Use the s¡mple present and some of the vocabulary from this un¡t.
CoNvERs,.rtoN To co
Ai My dad ,itla'lt .atds and '/.,tirt¡¿1Lti.!r].J.
B. Oh? My dad 4q,)t?,!, and,,t|it )'/tr),., fhe dishesl
u niN;,'l:;r'/ij r:t',,1 r,lf'¡t,,i,r/t,'i.r¡rr,/4;l,lt
@ ( ) Li.,"n to,t'" -nodel , oncr.arion.
W ,jjr,,.,tt,,,r:t,17lj /. StudentA, say your 1ávodte thing to do, oryoüI favorirc kind of
restaurant, or youl favorite food. Student B, rcport Student As information. Then say
your favorite ihing to do, your lavo te kind of restaur¿nt, or your lavorite food. Then
Students C and D continue.
1,.1,,ttí,1, /¡) '1,,,2't¡.t:,t,t; qrf,;at i,'t,t t1 ytlltr;rlf/i
@ O r-tt"n to ttr" model conversation.,:i t.:)/t: .lJ. Take turns. Think of a ciry, a tor n, or a neighborhood (a¡ ¿rea in
a town o¡ city) . Say three things about it- Your partners will guess the place.
á little
big friendly
t.,,:'i,,: .l i.:t.:t.ttit,.:.;)t . . . ¡t.,. ii1.1i1:i;1¡ :1:.¡t;,',,,;ri'i
ttty''! ( ) L:. i n rp rn,l, ,u'' . o^[: h"ni, Ul'
f*, r n'. Ll)oo.eo-o ., r in
' r'r, '
r' c a"r F P r¡ e
¡bour i.-1o." ,,. ".r' p e ,i r,ar ,e ir, r,pr'. 1'Hrl,u,p
"fastest listener" ?
:, t,..1 i. lj i:,.,::', t|i.t.i ¡.iii,)1..:,,t,iit,
',íjt ou.'rl ,J cn.,, r':..lle-.,ir.. r
' rr. ne.o.h,,,iLl¡ .,nd.tpir¡,, r'b lo_. '',, -L,l
one on a srnail piccc of paper. Irold thc papers in halfand
mi them alltogether. Exchange papcrs $rith another group.
/f¿1/¡ (^¡ t .i"r.n tu tn"mo clel con.ers ation.
t./':i'..11l: t1 l.t j: lr. Take turns. Pickaloldedpaper.'ou will
ha.e 30 seconcis. Gire information the holidal', but
don'¡ saythe nane. llno orre can gLress, rctllln the paperto
the pile. Correct answers receive I poirlt. Kccp scole.
The collectors
t,ltt.:iiit/1t", t/ Objects people collect; numbers 100-1,000,000
I.ittt",t",r,4t Simple ptesent: yesl/Vo quest¡ons, short answers, and
negative statements
'::,l:tii ittl¿; t.:) lalk¡ng about possessions
Do you coilecr ¡lirgs? Mike
Drysdale a¡d Gayle B.enn¿n dó.
Th€y're fton Calitu.nia, and thcv
collecr Garñeld soulenirs. It's
Mike aDd Gayle dón't just
colleci a fe*,Garfi€kt thi¡gs. Thcy
dr¡r€ dreir house wiih 3,000
Garfield ñuveDirsl In ft.t,
house is like ¡ G¡rficld nt$cu¡1.
Tirey don't h¡ve rruvcni¡s i¡ only
onc room-rhey have Gdfield
postc¡s, toys, conics, ¡nd clo¡hes
i¡ cvc¡y roonl They srMed rheir
collcction h 1994 $'her Gayle
boúsht ¡ carfield bed for rheir
Iin D¿vis üeared Gdfield n1
1978, úd now 220 miLlio¡ people
rcád thc cotnic sr¡ip. Howeve!,
lim D¡üs doesn'r have a c¿r
b..r,r. hh s'ife does¡'flike ihenr
qt q./r!i.i lr lit 7¡
2 tr' !'r;¡1. r,1,.:7; 1.
r;, 1,
l1/,lil:i, whatkinds of th¡ngs do people collect? Make a l¡st.
check (/) the words that you see in the photo.
a book
a pidure _
a stuffed an¡mal
a clock
a plate
a toy
a doll_
a postcard
a T shirt _
a photo album
a ooster
a video
@ f) risten ana repeat.
@ PA.lÍ'tLwlte tne words for each number.
@ O usten again, Th¡s t¡me, not¡ce the sound of the vowel ¡n the weak
@ O Listen and ,epeat.
@ Read the article about the collectors, Then comp¡ete the senten<es w¡th the
cor¡ect ¡nformation.
6arlieV is a comic st p character,
Mike and Gayle collect Garfleld
Their house is like a Garfleld
Jim Davis writes the Garfield
Pf ,¡:tfAU:,t',,q,V,¡,.2a¿li,rAfu. r///////;/t),/;ti,.//1////.ij!i.:ñ.ti.:
O l) f¡rt"n to t¡ese words. Notice the stressed (strong) syllable ¡n each word.
people read the comic.
@ f) tow listen and repeat.
:' :'r. l:t,',:.f
@ stuay tne examples of the simple present ten5e negat¡ve
statements, yeylro questions, and short answers.
Does J m Davis like c¿ts? Yes,
Do you collect Galield souvenirs?
il We don't read lhe.or¡.s
Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the sentenc€s ¡n the
charts with the correct form of the verb ñave.
L1:ifi'!'Il'r:i, '1././ I:i:i /; :.
', I don't collect posters.
1r His wfe doesn't like cats
he does.
No, I don't.
(not have) any
(not like) spoÍs.
(not collect) poslca¡ds from
(not readJ them.
. But they
photo albums.
(like) baseball cards?
he He
4. A:
B:Yes, I Büt I
(collect) postca¡ds?
my own country!
B: Yes, I
(read) Ga ield comjcs?
But my husband
(have) any S¿ar Wdr.s T-shifis?
+¡si liiiiiL l
(do not)
a photo a bLrm
He/5he/li doesn't
(does not)
@ comptete the quest¡ons and the anawers.
2. A:
L A:. 9o ye, cclleal: (collect) toys?
B:No,I ¿rn'i .I rrllse, T-shirts from conceÍs.
(have) a photo collection?
B:Yes, üey
B: No, he Buf he lhave) 2,000 S¡¿7]. ],Ydr.s loys.
, 4',il1)"',1
ltlríl,int! t¡,.':..'
iir:l'lllll: '/l)l.i :'lt1:. t!,11. F¡ll out the quest¡onna¡re. What do you collect?
How many do you have? You can use about (for exampl€, about t00) or
over (for example. over 50).
i:,/¿lll:;. ask each olhet
about the spec¡al things
you collect. Do you collect
any of the same th¡ngs?
A: Do you collect book?
B:Yes,I do. / No,I don't.
A: Do you haue a lot ofbooks?
B:Yes.I do. I haue ouer 30A. /
No.I don't.I haue about 15.
Dojoucoll¿ct...? How manl do youhaw?
books tr
photos U
videos O
clocks U
plates tr
toys O
posterc U
postcards O
other _'-
@ wrir"
p"."gr"ph about one of
the follow¡nq:
. a collection you have
. a collection that someoneyou know has
. a collection in a museum or gallery
Describe the obje<ts and talk about how
many there are. lJse the s¡mple present
and some of the vocabulary trom th¡s unit.
A.'/.:tyott ,a,,/r,1a lol of stuffed animals?
Bi I u!,I ,!.:t- I 't, ¿,/,.:: ouer 4OOl
CoNvERsaT,ov To
The modern world
t,ttl:1:',1:titl ¿t i Words related to communications
::- ,.: Smplepresent: L4lh_ questions
'irt1.r1.ti//t lalklng about ways of communicating
{b Look at pictures A-C. Match them w¡th the sentences.
1. They have neetings in per'son.
2. He uses the Intcrnet to do his homework.
3. She's on the phone.
l'l Illll,, How do your friends communicate w¡th
you: ln person? By €ma¡l? On the phone?
lJse the verbs in the box to complete the sentences
¡n the questionna¡re,
N:it4.tLt;,í./r(,n ti¡,/t ;.:t tI,til,:l, ///;/1.:.,:,t
t:t:, :,. tl
Do you rr¿ the lnternet?
Do you _- books
a) by malt?
Do you
-.--Your banking
Do you ,-- hotels or fliShts
b) on the lnternet?
c)through a travel agent?
/////////iihtr,.::i ::t t : :
Do you _- friends
b)by emall?
Do you .--to music
Do you
Your news
a)from rv?
c)froñr the iewspaP€r?
Do you
---- information
b) on the lnternet?
€)by sPeaking to People?
ffi f) rirt"n to ciselle and Thomas d¡s(uss a magaz¡ne qu¡z on modern
- (ommun¡(at¡on. Check (/) the methods of communicat¡on they talk about.
the phone
the lniernet TV-
@ O Lirt"n uguin and complete the statements w¡th the numbers in the box.
You will not use allof the numbers.
43 66 80 98
OfAmelicans who have lhe Internet. . . .
L % use emaíl to contact friends.
2. 7o also use the phone to contacl friends.
3. 7o use the Inte¡netto research hotcls.
4. 70 use üe lntemet to make hotel reservations.
t¡,'l ;1,'l't:'t r,:'1,',,
;:',: r¡ 4 f:l't; U,'li
@ study the e*"mples ot the s¡mple present tense l/yá- questions.
How do we commun¡cate? Why does he book fl ghts online?
when does she use the nternet? Where do they get the r news?
whát do these results tell !s?
@ Look at the examples again. c¡rcle the correct word to complete each rule.
S¡mple present t4lh- questions
For L4lh- quesiions ln the sirnple present wlth he, she, a¡d l¿ lse do / does.
For Wh questions ln the simp e present w th, you, we, and they, use do / doeJ.
After do or doet use the inlin¡tive / base form of the verb.
1¿ .ii!:t:;;!jtt l::1;t;::¡;l i:i/; llli:
@ nead the answers and wr¡te the questions.
1. A: How do ]rou bu 0V0g ?
B: I buy DaDs online.
2. A:
B: He uses the Intemet in the evening.
3. A: ?
B: She listens to music at home.
4. A: ?
B: They get the news f¡om TV
B:We Use the Internet fo do rese¡rch
'/il r; 4x x1,,¿,t1,t;ii ¡,,'
@ f) firt"n. t'totice the weak pronunc¡at¡on of do and does and the pronouns and
the way some words áre l¡nked together.
Do you watch
Does Jle use
Where does.lle
Do you watch TV?
How do you contact friends?
When do you use the lnternet?
Does,lle use email?
Where do-"s¡-" buv books?
When does she listen to music?
@ f) Listen and repeat.
ii,7tr:nLtinr:tr u',,'.:,
' ',.
htili.Ji;/t: 11.2i./ :::t:'t::,i1. cteate yout own ¡nterv¡ewtofind out howyour
classmates use the lnternet. lJs€ Howol l/yáete to complete the quest¡ons.
do you bly books?
do you do your b¿nking?
do yo! book hotek orflights?
do you coniact friends?
do you lirten to music?
do you getyour ¡ews?
do you do research?
lt,:! ti:ili fake turns.lñterv¡ew each othet Wr¡te your notes on your interv¡ew form.
Then descr¡be your partn€r to the cla5s. lJse the informat¡on below
Ana María uses the Internet to d.o almost everything! She buys books on the Intetnet,
and she uses email to contact her friends. She Likes to do thíngs lery quickly
::¡ 1
l1i,¡1,¡,7 rt; ¡t :,;. ;,.
Th¡nk about different ways of commun¡cat¡ng. Wr¡te a paragraph descr¡b¡ng
a typ¡cal week for you and the different ways you commun¡cate w¡th others
(f riends, family, business colleagues).
A: ?:,/iN:.11 tt1 you tt',4 lhe lnternet?
B: Allthe time!
on the phone, on TV ¡n newspapers and magazinesl
He or she I kes to do th ngs more trad t ona ly
on the lnternet:
He or she likesto do thirqs very quickly
He or she ikes to do things more personally
CoNvERsartov To
tittt,i:1r"/ Things you take on vacation; types
of transportation
l,), tr'ltari:a A, an, some, any
:1t t:,!,t ii'.t|", n f alking about vacations
l:i/,7'/ia,f 1t
/, ht:1,'li't; 11ti i;,tl ttl,:;l¡.:', r
l::Llli.::i wfite the letter of each object nexttothe correct
word on the l¡91.
O L¡5ten and check your answers. Then listen and
it,':,ii:i;.i. whi.h obie<ts on the l¡st do you always take on
T'hi^qe ta take o^ racaúa||
hLkLng boots
a loftabLc ¿D úauer
a bathL||g set:
a guLdebaak
@ ot".t 1/¡ ttt" types of transportation you see,
D bicycle
fl motorcycle
D train
E boat
E plane
E trolley
@ lr1lit !;, :k¡f" urns ask¡ng and answer¡ng there quest¡ons:
How do you usually travel on vacation? By car? By train? By plane?
How do you usually get around tora.ll? On foot? By bus? By car?
7,1, ¿,, r,l.i7 I r;1,;;; ;.:., ¡ .,
@ frr.l,t:;. Look at the photo of Tim Lee, a writer for travel gúidebooks. Pred¡ct:
What six üings from the list on page 48 does Tim always take wiü him on vacation?
 /hat t,vo üings does he not take?
€p Read the art¡cle ar¡d check your answers.
I always pack a cameÉ. some film, and a tredit card. An alarm
clock is importánt bec¿use I get up early to visit places
before the crowds arrive -. . and to take good pict!¡res.l also
t¿ke some sweáters-in case it gets cold or windylAnd I
pack some books to read.
I never pack a portab e CD pl¿yer becaus€ I like list€ning to the people when I'm
different countly- I may be a guidebook writer, but I do¡'t take any guidebooks
They're heaWl
I always fly to where i m going on vacation. But when I'm there, I take 3 train,
because I have more time, and I like to see the cou¡tryside. I never bke a bus
because it's too slow ánd it isn't comfortabl€.
l1//'.li:: li, aead the article aga¡n. Answer the quest¡ons.
4trat does Tim pack to make sure he gets up early?
{hat does Tim pack in case it gets cold or windy?
Why does Tim take üe trai¡ on vacation?
Atly doesn't Tim take a bus?
S ,,rd, ,h"
with a, ¿n, some, ánd any.
I I alw¿ys p¿ck a notepad.
r, An ¿ arm clock s important.
I pack some books.
i I don't p¿ck a port¿b e CD player
I don't take any guidebooks.
Do you take any tr¿ve e15 checks?
S Look at the examples again. Complete th€ rules ¡n the chart.
to ta k about one th nq (slnqul¿r)
Use _ to ta k about more than one thing (plural), but
when the number is not irnportant.
LJse with plural negatives and questions.
NOTE: Use a/r belore a vowel sound: án alarm clock.
@ Complete the sentences w¡th a, an, some or ar¡¿
1. Robe¡ta usually takes Foa¿ CDs.
2. Do you always pack_ umbrella?
3- I doni pack_ books.
4. Ana wants to buy_g!idebooks.
5. I always pack ala¡m clock.
€j. Paulo nevertakes phrasebook.
7. I always t¿ke beach towel
8. We dont have _ tnvelers checks.
:!j I l:'i.t:1..i: .,"i::1, '
lalwáys pack a camera,
An alarm clock is impoñant.
I pack sor¡e books.
I don't pack any guidebooks.
I never take a CD player
I don,t take an umbrella.
Itake sorne sweaters,
Do you take a¡y travelers checks?
@ f) Usten. ttotice the weak pronun(ia tion of a, an, soñe, and any.
@ O rirt"n
and repeat.
fi77 ?1 i:,t Ntt;ir,t't:¡:tr
/4¡ t'/: :) ::::i :: : : :
Olll:1i.|?ii t.:tlt .1. choose one of the photos. De<¡de how to travel to th¡s plac€, what
to pack, and how to travel once you are there. Tak€ notes about your dec¡s¡ons.
we're going to Alaska.we're flying there.We're pctckin€i some sweaters. We're going to
trauel by car when ue are there.
///;,:;:|:t:ti|:: ''t ' :
Tim Lee is going to a new place to wr¡te his next gu¡debook, and you?e go¡ng
with h¡m! choose the dest¡nat¡on and make the plans.
write a paragraph aboutr
. the things that you wanl to pack.
. how you want to travel fromyourhome to youl destination.
. how you want to travel when you are üerc,
lJae a, an, some, any, and Some of the vocabulary from th¡s un¡t. use these sentence
aiartersi I want to . . .,/ I'm going to . . .
@ tell the class aoout your travel plans.
CoNvERsartoN To Go
.t ta'&,:
I usuálly lrarel trt .;it'/ and lake ttrli/t
'y'1ttarttt¿t,.i Clothes and sizes
4ttirairll:/ úemons]rative adjectives: fh6, that, these, those
1:,1t.',¿r.t!11, Asking fot information in a store
U/,,2't:.!//.Lk',t!U ¿ i:M t,ti.t /,;X. ///tjl,:ijr;!:i::tt: ;,,,t,
@ Look at the p¡ctures. Match the pictures to the correct words ¡n the box.
boots coat tL
shorts sk¡rt
ffi ?,toltt:t;. t^W u'out the fo owing questions.
Do you like shopping for clothes?
{,¡here do you buyyour clothes?
Whal kird ofclothes do you usually shop for?
& complete the table with the words in the box.
extra large large medium
34 36
36 38
/,(::. .ti1
.!i-l ¡,, t
M€n's sizes
'r,.i,%'r¡,Nln'inN:t, r'ú//!iiiit,,r//:)¡i,: i :.t :
m O L¡sten to the conversation between
- the sálesDerson and the customer.
check (/) the wordr ¡n Exercise 1 that
you h€ar.
(} ñ rirt"n to the conversation aga¡n.
llndérline the.orred answers.
Jhe custo mer r{'arts:
l a sweater in sma¡l /med¡um/large.
2. black pants in a sizcS / 12 / '14.
3. a blue / a green / a red skrt.
4. a black jacket / ra¡ncoat / boots.
I.:¡t1;17..,t.i.11,';.1.1. 1i 4¡ ..'.
S$ f) risten. tlotlce the focus word-the most ¡mportant word-in each sentence.
-' The vo¡ce jumps up or down to make th¡s word stand out.
c¿n I helD vou?
Do vou háve thit shirt in large?
The blue shirt?
No. the oreen onel
w" on ty-t,uu" it iñrn"-ai-ñ'l
@ O rirt"n
and repeat.
i:t :¡:,¡'¿'t't't a, r; t,tit,t;.'tl,|t
@ Study tne examples w¡th the demoñstrative adjective5 t ,¿t tha¿ these, and thoje.
This sk rt G nice.
That skirt in the window is very popular
Do you have these p¿nts n bl¿ck?
Those pants near the dooT aTe on sa e.
@ Look at the examples again. Use rear or not rea¡ to complete each rule in the (hart.
@ Ut ti, at the p¡dure and complete the
conversat¡on with fáis, that, these, and those.
A: Hello. Can I help you?
B: Yes. f)o you have this shirt in blue?
A: No, I'm sorry Büt_ shirt over there cornes in blue.
B: No, thanks. I also need a black sweater Do you have any in large?
A: Yes, right here. _ sweaterc are really nice.
B: OK. I'll try one on. Also, do you sell sneakers?
A: Yes. And üe sneakerc neal the cashier are on salel
B: Great. _ sneakers are cool. Thanks for your help.
@ l) rirten
.heck your answers.
!i,'p t;:t A:',lt
t:t'r:/, ///iiiiitt., i:t,.','
l:i,t,lll:ii, Role-play a aonversat¡on between a salesperson and a
customer. Student A, you are the salesperson. Look at page 137.
Student B, you are the customer,
Buy three ¡tems on th¡s page.
. Ask lor an item.
. Askfor ihe coloryouwant and üe size you need.
. Ask about the price.
@ Now. switch roles.
{} tellthe ctass what you bought.
I housht ñ blu.e súeater ín a medium.
lmaq¡ne you need some new dothés (for example, for a new iob, for
a party, or for a trip). write a list of th¡ngs you want to get. lnclude
the ¡tems, colors, and s¡zes you need.
Co¡rvens¡¡ro¡v ¡o co
Ai tj?,./t t, t4t,l.t :íltzt'2
B: Do yoú have ?,l7in sweatet iR 1,x'/q1t, /rt';/ i¿t'71,
and iTtxittl?
,$ iiú-{/-i / r
! .....
i.:1t¡i,i l:l'l l,l+ t:,t:t)ri)i:ttii! 11:i1.,
You are a collector. Decide which one of the items
in the photos you coilect. Write your information
on a piece ofpaper.
ffi (-¡ ristento ttemodei conve¡sarion.
ffi ,.1 ¡ 1.1;t t. ¡ t,',, t:7./' jí. Take turns. Srudent A, you are a
visitor from another planet. Choose one ofthe
communication tools in the bo)( Ask four questions
to find out about the tool. Use II4ty, When,I tlEre,
How, and do/does to form your questions.
computer newspapers
rad;o telephone
ffi (-¡ ri"t . rctn model conversarion.
i. tt llt':1, Yotarc at a collectors' convention. Walk
a¡ound the room and ask ive people aboüt the
items they collect- Ask how many they have and
why I he) ( ullecr rhaL i¡em. Wrile norcs on the fiece
f¡P vttto cottects tn"same items? Do they collect them
for the same rcasons?
¡,i't:¡irl "ti|) ':;i'i
tti: :lt't,t,,t,liUf tZ 'U t¡:i,11
l',1,t',,2t'l'1. "/;,/ t:t t'/ 1j)ti:'/'tt:t
@ O ri"t.o to tt
model conversation.
Think oI a place to go on vacation. Imagine üat you 8o there €very year. W¡ite down
three things you always take with you and one thjng that you never take.
ti'Ll:)i.12:i ti: 4., Take lurns. Tell your group the vacation place. The gmüp müst
guess the things you always take and the thing you neve¡ take.
/1, !2:'¡x,¿r¡ ¡,nVxt¡r,xq,
@ f) ftt"r, to th" model conve$ation and look at the pictures.
l:'l',lllli, Role'play. Stndent A, you are the salesperson. Help the customer decide
which items to buy Student B, you are the customer. You need to buy new clothes
Look at the pictures and ask the salesperson for help. Th€n switch roles-
A',t:t ul, 1,T',/
I. A: /here are you going on vacation
this year?
B:Wele going to the mountains to
be alone. We waot to get away
from the hú6r"lin? crtwi,6 .
2. A: This prcject is
I don't think I can finish on time.
B: Keep trying. I know you can do itl
3. A: I donl mind üe bad weather.
I love the air after it ¡ains
B: Me. too. It smells so
4. A:U¡hat a dayl I worked ftom I A.M. until t0 ¡.M.
. Can I get you something to eat and drint?
A: Please, sit here. There's
B: Thantyou.
ffi O firten to ttre song. Put the p¡dures ¡n the correct order to tell the man,s story.
ffi Use the words and phrases ¡n the box
to complete the conversations.
getting me down I
fr¡¡xlin9-€6m5 room enough I
fresh and sweei
@ O t*en to ttre song aga¡n. F¡ll ¡ntheblanks.
Up on the Roof
starts geiting me down
And people are just too much
r climb way up to the top of
Wh€n this old
And al1 my
Onthe roof s the only ptace I
Where you just haveto wish
Lets go up on the roof.
At night the stars put on a
that's trouble proot
And if this
drift right into space.
On the roo{ it's peac€ful as
And th€re the
beLow canl bother me.
Let me tell you ¡ow
When I com€
fe€ling tired and beat,
I go up where the
is fresh and
A¡d darling, you can share it
Right smack dab in the
middle of-
I get away from the hustling
And all that rat-race noise
down inthe
starts gettingyou dow¡,
There's roon enough for two
Oh come on, honey
Ele¡-ything is all right...
@,,t1',ltl:;, comparc your answers.
'ii f7 Ut l'it?l:l m.q ///'//i/,//,//,,,:).,'. | :)..:' :
& n;,nour:¡ 47f i7. Discuss the questions.
Desc be üe characte¡'s mood.l^41y does he/she feel this way?
what isyoul idea ofparadise? Desc¡ibe it.
How sweet it is!
't/ t:, i trL ui r:",'./ F ood
t.)l):ltlttriizr Count and non-count nouns; How muchlHow many;
Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of
i1r¡r,!)ltiti1 falking ahout foods you like
l)til;.a,t"1.,i,u¿ A'/;.¿1tNn¿4)r,Nl,/tii,,,,,,),,i
@ ,;'rltf;':;. Match the photos with the words ¡n the box.
bread butter _l: cake
(hocol¿te _ rofee cookies
ice cream milk nuts
candy _
crackers _
potato chips
@ O rirt"n
your answers. Then I¡sten and repeat.
l,/,111:t;. whi.h foods in Exerc¡se 1 are sweet and wh¡ch are not sweet?
Write them ¡n the correct column-
rrrrl ?.i/:i. Do you know what the following word and phrase mean: chocoholic and
to have a sweet tooth?
!í,'Vl O titt nrctn. interview and check (/) the words from Exerc¡se l thatyou hear.
;/// ( ) Llslen again. Arethesenten(estrueor{al9e?wr¡teforFnexttoeachone.
l. l,orraine eals some chocolate almost every day. i
2. fuc oo c.rr. a ot ol .!eel ,hinB'.
3. Gustavo eats a lot ofcookies.
4. Gustavo buys a lot olpotato chips.
5. Janice prefcrs s¿lty food.
',i.,1tt112NiL:1. I
i,lil:;;:i Do you think sweet foods are healthy or unhealthy for you? Read the art¡cle
and compar€ your answers,
A rc r,,1, cr.rzr ¡bour su eets?
f Hou m.rn1 co.kies d' r.u
1 l.¡r ,n ., ,1.,r ?
chocolatel How mLrch soda do you
drink? A lot of people love sr¡'eets. In
lacr, a lot of peoplc eat and drink rtxr
menv swee¡ rhings. And th¿tt not
good. It can lead to health problems.
If you ear a lot of cookics, ice
c¡cam. or cal¡e be c¿¡efu]. Doctors
say that too many sweets are bed for
your health. They say to ear a r.ariet-v
of foods: lo¡s of fmits a¡d vegetebl€s,
and snraller portions of bread, meat,
and dair¡ Then have a cookie or two
for dcssert.
Are nvo cookies enough to satisfy
youl swcet tooth? Il not, üy thesc
suggestiorls: cat some fruit instead of
¡ lor ¡,f chocol¡te or ice crearn. d¡i¡l<
some iuice instcad of soda, or eat a
feu. n,¡ts inste¡¡l of some ca¡dv.
Read the articte aga¡n. lJnderl¡ne the word that makes each sentence true.
I. Alot ofpeople lovc sweefs / butter.
2. Too manv cookies / vegetables are bad for your health.
3. lt's OK to eat one or two cookies / cakes for dessert.
,1. It's good to eat sor¡re fri¡it / chocolate instead ofice cream.
t' a:¡n'm',,;¡:tr 4¡
4x x;,v,1,'1.i rt21¡;¡'1;1.,,
one cook e two crackers
some buttef some bread
@ stuAy tf,"
of count and non-count nouns.
five nuts
some cheese
€t Look at the examples again. complete the chart.
@ stuuy tne examples w¡th the quant¡f¡e rs mtch, many, and a lot of.
Do yoLl e¿t mu(h butter? No, not much
I don't put much butter on ¡ny bread.
How many cookles do yoLr eat? Not many.
5. A: There isn't much / many ice crcam in the freezer.
B: Really?Well, T borght alot / much / many yesterdat
I don't eat many sweets.
Our femiy eats a lot of potato chips.
We also eat a lot of fruit.
@ Look at the examples aga¡n. complete the rules w¡th ¡nucfr, m any, ot a lot of.
with count nouns in questrons and negatives.
with non count nouns n questions and negatves.
with .o!nt and non-.ount nouns n ¿ffirmatlve sentences.
@ underline the correct word or words ¡n each sentenc€.
1. A: How m-uch / ma¡yftuit do you eat everyda,v?
B:Alot / Much / Many. I reallylike liuit.
A: Do you drink much /many soda?
B: No, not much / many, but I drink a lot of / much / manycoffec.
A: Are there much / many cakes on the table?
B: I don'1know There were alot / much / marry this morning.
A: Do you eat much / manypotato clips?
B: Not much / many. I like sweet things better
llf r¿,tl,ol,l:,t,t:,itn¡,;,i,t:tt't 4;i!,1,:t:t| ., : :
ffi | ) tisten. floti(e the vowel sounds of AIl in not and //
not nut one nut
much much butter Do you eat much butter?
a lot a lot of nuts I eat a lot of nuts.
love love butter How rnuch butter do you eat?
¡n rut.
not a lot
No, not much.
A lot. I love butterl
Not sweet
Dr. Food has a webs¡te about favorite foods. what do you l¡ke to eat? wr¡te an ema¡l
to Dr. Food about the foods you like and tell how much you €at.
Do you eal /",1.',1,,:1, chocolale?
ffi O tirt n
'lilt r¿izk.imq /t¡t'; t)'.,t,:t: )it::,, :
ti 1: i: i:) l l: ./ t), li l r: /¿ i i.
Complete the first column
w¡th the names of other
foods and beverag€s.
l?/)il:1::;, fake lwns. lntetview
each other Use mucrt, many,
ot and a fot of ;n your
questions and answers.
Take notes.
A: Do you eat chocolate?
B: Yes.
A: How much chocoLate do
you eat in a uePk?
B: Alot I eat some euery dal
Does youl partner hav€ a
sweet tooth? Report to th€
Job exchange
',l t t.:)i),./l t /./ Job dúties
Lr.:1,t|ír¿i/ Modal: c¿n fot ability
:1,1t'¿,.1,1t1, Asking about job ski¡ls
.'t,it't,¡'ll liai ¡:,tr:'t r'¡.-,,,;X. t' ¡t'' ,
i1/.iti:i. Match the verbs ¡n the box w¡th the groups of nouns to
create d¡fferent job sk¡lls. Some verbs w¡ll be used more than one
fype 80 words a minute, a letter, a repo
a website, abuilding, a brochure
a caJ, a photocopier, a computer
a hotel, a project, people
English, Portuguese, Spanish
a car, a Íuck, a motorcycle
a story, a rcpoft, a speech
a song
Do you have the pe¡lect
job or do you want to
make a change? Each
week, we help people
decide on a new carcer
Try a new job fot one
week and dec¡de ¡f you
want to make a change.ffi underli¡e the correct verb to romplete ea(h sentence.
I want to design / ¡epair a website that's easy to use.
It's impo¡tant to rcad / drive maps correctly in my job.
My job is to repair / drive a truck and deliver packages.
lhesc actor. al'o speak / sing and dance.
I needto speak / t!'peJapanese to some ofourguests.
Please call the service departmentto ¡epair / rtr1.lte the copier.
Our assistant can manage / tj,?e 60 words a mi¡ute.
I manage /design ateam of20 employees.
/t"jt¿ Gary Hampton, a hotel manager, and viv¡ane L¡sboa, a driver, are
'''_ ex(hanq¡nq jobs. Pred¡ct the answers. Then read the text and check your
likes the new job.
doesn't like the new job.
'4h Read lhe lext again and complete the sentences with y (Viv¡ane), G (Gary),
' or I (both).
L .ánpe¡i...Ferdllan8u,rgi.'.
2. can drive atruck.
can't readnaps,
4. _ cant sing.
5. can'tspeaklapanese.
Qkanging Jobs: lfue Gareer Sor¡s¿¡lfanfs
Viviane Lisboa is a driver with FedEx@. She
delive¡s packaqes. But she wants to work
around more people. This week she is
exchanging jobs with Gary Harnpton, a hotel
manager from San Francisco, Can Viviane
become ihe pelect hotel manager?
'This is basically the worst week oi my llfe.
GarV is really good with the guests. He can
speak Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. We
have a q¡oup of Japanese guests ionight,
and I can't understand anything they say. I
can only say konn¡chi wa, ot goad day.
Tonight is also cabaret night with karaoke-
lJsually the manager does the iirst song. fhe
problern is-l can't sjng!'
Gary Har¡pton is a successf!l hotel manager
from San Franclsco. He wants to work
outside in the fresh air and have a reguLar
schedule. Can Gary become the perfect
Fed Ex@ driver?
"l love this job- l'm outside all day. I can drive
a truck with no probiem. But right now . . . I
cant move! l'm stuck in traffic i¡ the middle
of the - ty. I c¿n i heep ny schedul. like this.
And I do have one problem. I can'l ¡ead
maps well especialLy city mapsl So, right
now . . . l'm lostl BLrt I really love this jobl"
@ Sardy ,h"
w¡th can for ab¡l¡ty.
G¿ry can dr¡ve a car.
r Vvi¿ne can't speak J¿panese.
i Can Gary become the perfect driver?
Yes, he can / No, he can't
Sp Look at the examples aga¡n. comptete the (hart.
l,¡/ou/He/S he,M/e/Th ey
l,¡Yo u/He/She^//e/Th ey
Yes, I
No, I
@ Write questions and short answers with can or can't.
I A: you / read / map?
2. A: she / dñve / car?
B: no
3. A: you / tt'pc / last?
4. A: he / speak / F¡ench well?
5. A: they / ñnish / the repoÍ on tinle?
6. A: Regina / read / Russian?
lila ,J*t ra,¿ t t12N?
7. A; ihey / repair / all the computels?
8. A: you / design / websites?
B: no
? t t:tz:,tt lnzr;,i i:t't;,2t::t't1l 4tllr;:titi't:::, - : :.: :
{} O a'r,"n. Not¡ce the weak and strong pronunc¡ations of car. Not¡ce the strong
pronunctatton ol (¿n t.
lcan drive a truck,
can you read a map?
lcan't sing.
Yes, I can. / No, lcan't.
@ O rirt"n
underl¡ne the word you hear.
We can / can'trepair computers,
I can / can't read a nrap.
He can / cant design websites.
@ ',tr',.ltl:l, Take turns interv¡ew¡ng each other-
C,an yoLr use a comp uter? Can lou type Jhst? C'an you spe(tk . ?
Sp f) risten
and repeat.
j Adñ¡ristrat¡on
use a computer/type
speaka foreign langrage
i Technology
write computet programs
de5ign a website
I repair a conputer
4. She can / can't speak Spanish.
5. Can / Can't you sing?
6. I can / can'f ¡lpe fast.
ñanaqe a compary
write a business plan
manage other p€ople
play an instrument
{$ wnicn type ot ¡ob can your partner do? Does your partner agr€€ with you?
A r;'1"¡,itr:t%, q2 !iii;::,i ::..t1 : . :
Think about your job sk¡lls. Wr¡te about the skills you have and the skills you don't
have now, but want to l€arn. Use can and can't and some of the vocabulary in this unit.
CoNvensarto¡,t ¡o ao
4:,att. you rr. l a maq?
ti"t "1
t:tw rti'a'tl,¡;t'tt. i,',¿ íri,,!,
qP ( ) Li'r"n ,o rhc muJe' ( o ,.
Look at the pholos and the chart.
W# t: :: ruJenr A.r'ortcn,,,,irnpror'p
your eaiiDghabits. Student ts, you are a
nu¡ritionist. Ask queslions to find out
¡bour stL,de,I A! earirg h¿hit. 1 Lpn
make some recommer1datirrns,
't,'1'¡¡t7./taal//1. jl'¿¡lilnrity,r;,lr;'t¡,1,:,,,tr;tt;t'
ffi O r:*"n n *"model conversarion and look ar the lisr ofabilities.
ffi l.:t.,rt,:ili,,WolK uround the room and ask questions. Find someone ,vho .
ffi tnokatnehstolabilities ard wrire ¡{o more.
Job sk¡lls
ca¡r design awebsite.
can drive a tluck.
can $Titc computer p¡ograms,
Name Other sk¡lls
can speak lhrce languages.
can ride a bicycie.
can play an instrument,
Client name: Client name:
i-¿t tr:)re i.l,'t,
'',,)n2'/, 'r , 'h.zt,,¿r,r¿2u,'4t:
r:¡,¡. t:t. ilt,
Choose three names. Say and spell each one.
A: lenníJbr Conklin. I-e-n-n-í'f e r C o n k l-i-n
lenn fer Conklin
Lá!ren Altman
Yuka Ham¿
f/l-" Fong Chen
Lorena M¿rquez
Nil'¡xtlt¡. fi, ri1x7,.r¿v,r;ll,st;1 ()
l;iThuvl /,tt
Use the following informat¡on to wr¡te yeyivo
quest¡ons for a quiz. Use the national¡t¡es
on page 10.
1.Jl:h!L ü/1, 7:.%r,:!t/(:l,r:'t tr,/ ;r| ,4, /
lo r1,t:u.N. f,
You need to order office suppl¡es. Call Professional
Off¡ce Supplies. Order fiv€ ¡tems. LJse the item
B: ProfessionaL Offi.ce Supplíes. May I help you?
A:Yes,I'd like to oftler some supplies.
B: OK. What's your last na me?
B¡ian Anderso¡
W I ám McM l¿n
Yosh Hamada
Young la Kin'l
Daniel D¿5iv¿
Le¡surq Sports, and Eñterta¡nment
Chess is Indian.
The 9¿mb¡ and bossa nov¿ are Br¿ziian
Food and Dr¡nk
Pita bread and keb¿bs are Turkish
Pasta and gelato are ltalian.
Famo¡rs People
Peé is Brazili¿n.
Tlger Woods js Ar¡erican.
t t,t.;:) l::.1,,. t),
i:, i. t t t.|t i t ri' i:, i:),
Look at the picture of the Cormack family. Take
turns asking quesüons to f¡nd f¡ve d¡fferences
between your p¡(tu¡e and Student B's p¡cture.
Take notes,
A: Is the san utalching TW
B: No, he ísn't. He's ...
Role-play a conversation between a salesperson
and a customer. You are the !álesp€rson. Follow
the arrows to help create your conversation.
Try to help the customer f¡nd and buy what he/she
is look¡ng for. Use the items and pr¡ces on th¡s page.
You can offer items in diff€rent colors and s¡zes.
:(hn I help )0u?
B:Yes- Da wu have this suit ínbrount?
. i!!l!9.:!91,,'
Try t on?
.. l
Iw Stwder*Y's
lLotLYe. '
t:.M!, ..
'j !l:.r"
..tF. ,
, .:,4:,
. ..
)/t/,) ;r, ..
'ixtirt't,i4nti ltl
You are the waiter/waitress. Students B and C w¡ll
choose what they want from the menu. Take their
A: Can I take your order?
B: Yes, IA líke a cheese and tomato sandúich.
C: I'll haue a ham santlwích. Can I haue a house
salad uíth that, please?
,t ;i
i,ltit'tl'1,'1, iil,:,,,.t:,:t:, ::: i,t'
it),ttl1t::i1i l:.
Take turns asking and answering questions to
complete Marc Anthony's bioqraphy.
B: Irhere did he grow úp?
A: He grea up in New York City.
llis early li{e
MarcAnthonywas born in 1969. His parenis
werefrom Puerto Rico, but he grew up in
New York City. When he wa, a child, he loved
Ilis career
N¡arc Anthony had hG fkst Spanish hit in the
year_. His popularity staned to grow
He sanq a sonq w'th ie¡nifer Lopez in 199a.
The nextyearwas a big yearfor M¿rc
Anthony.ln 1999, hewo¡ a GrammyAward,
he made a movie, and he made hk_.
ilis Sersoí€l l¡fe
But impoña¡tthiñgs happened ¡n 2000 ako:
That year MarcAnthony made .He
qot maried to D¿yanara Torret. Marc
Anthonya¡d hiswife hád difficulttimes in
. ln lulythey broke up, bur six months
later they were together again and they had
a second weddi¡q ceremonv in I
, l;;v,.4t/t,.i)tit:i/, /,i)
,tzuT I
lil.t.t lt::tt1ti /'.
6¡ve Student B d¡rect¡ons to the places he/she
asks for
B: I/Vhere is thefrness center?
A: Take the eleuator to the . . .
Ask Student B for d¡rect¡ons to these places and
lab€l each place oñ your hotelfloor plan.
. café
. swimming pool
. room 204
. restaurant
Are your flool plans the same now?
ii4i'ttrr+)/x1 lto
Student A, respond to Student B's quest¡ons.
You can only say yet three times.
B: Can you recommend a goorl restaufant?
A: Surc. The Palm Café ís one of my f!:tt¡orítes.
Now ask student B the fol¡owi¡g:
. to recommend a good hotel
. to use his/her computer this weekend
. io borrow his/het car tomorrow
. to make a dinner reservation for ionight
. to pass a diclionary
i,N'il;r i;, 1,, li;. 1¡l'U,i:ot¡: lj
lLtr:tu)¿,:,¡1|¡ li
choose three names. say and spell eaó one.
B: Sydney Doalíng. S y-d-n-e-y D-o-u-l-i-n g
Sydney Dowli¡g
Rebecca Ortman
Martha Sanchez
Ae lin Yoon
Samuel Rodr guez
Benjar¡in Le Febre
Marcos Sailes
Hsa Matsunaga
M n Wanq
trlrii:';1,, /i:.:4.trt'i:.i t:;ti'!, I'x
Use the follow¡ng information to wr¡te feyivo
questions for a qu¡z. LJse the nat¡onalitiet on page 10.
Le¡sure, Sports, and Enterta¡nment
Flamenco is Spanish.
Ta chiis Chinese.
Food and Drink
Sauerkraut is German.
Coqnac and champagne are French.
Famous People
celine Dion is c¿nad ¿rl.
N/i Nit,'NtiU,,,,,,,/, /ii,, N;l: it.t¡tri t;i,¡ll,tr'l Ut¡t;i:'ii
l:.t tt::ll:, lt, ili1,,ll'ij
Teams take turns. Team 1 goes first. Student C will ask what a Santo5 fam¡ly member is dojng. Student
A, f¡nd the person in the picture on th¡s page and pantom¡me what he or she is doing. Student C w¡ll
guess using the present conünuous tense. Student A, you (an only give two pantom¡me clues.
Then Team 2. take yourturn.
Each (orrect sentence receives
one po¡nt. Keep score.
fltiitütt4it11:'i i'a, /,i;.i1,t 1 t|r;,¡'1¡t¡111i ''t l..i ;,tt ,t.1 'l i;
':,i1i.,,;t1i4?tta¡.t lr, i1nt:i'i:)
Teams take turns. Team 1 goes first. took at the menu. Student A, g¡ve your order to Student C. Wr¡te a (/)
next to the ¡tems you order. Ask Student C to repeat your order. Check to see how many ¡tems he/she
remember5. Subtract a po¡nt for each item he/she forgets. Keep score.
Then Team 2, take your turn.
Who rem€mbered the moSt?
Good Food Café
llLnten (rith !cttr,ce) S5 50
Hrm lrv l, ed..) S5 15
.h..n 11! ih l€ttn.c) 1'.i 00
sr rj
'r¿x srrh lemon s¡ull $l 25
adic. snxll $r ó0
Hlr .h.col¡te s Dll s1.711
soll drnrks stiill 51 J0
or¡ngÉ l!i.c s¡raL! S1.J0
{!F-tú.. r ]L il 1r
h.,L L<L ¡ rl JI rlr
til.rZUítl,n '1, V¡jy,t.¿::tf q'it,4.1, /t
'ii't.,Lrú/,:tnti. 2,
You are a game show host. Name an ¡tem on this
list. The players willtry to guess the pr¡(e. The
person who guesses the closest w¡thout go¡ng over
wins the item!
briefcase $65.00
cell phone $50.00
desk $79.00
dictionary $ 6.75
fax machine $99.00
file cabinet $49.00
printer $89.00
stapler $ 7.99
I t, tlAl/l:t''ll ';1,, t|'4.?"(//,t/,!ii'/.1 I
9'turlri:,na,:. /i,
Student A, say a 5entence w¡th the t¡me and
someth¡ng that Talia d¡d. Student B, say what Talia
didn't do at that t¡me. Then Student B, say a
senten(e w¡th the time and something Tal¡a didn't
do. Student A. say what Tal¡a d¡d do at that t¡me.
Take turns saying whatTal¡a d¡d and didn'tdo.
n,fu:tí /,. /), l/:r.¿tl',¡,t;.1ili"'tl' 2
/,t.:tt f,n ¿'tf l¡¡:t'/
Thanksgiv¡ng Day
lnthe U.S.: ln Novenber, on the fourthThursday.
Families gather fo¡ a traditional meal of turkey,
potatoes, graw, and pie.
In Canada: In Octobe¡, on t¡e second Monday.
ln Brazil, rlsually in February (sonetimes in March).
'Ihe most famous celebration takes place in Rio de is always just befbre the Catholic holy
period ofLent, which begins on Ash wednesday
and ends with Easter.
New Year's Day (Shogatsu)
In japan, on ]anuary 1, 2, and 3. People eat speci¿l
food called os¿¿hi ¡yori. The food is packed in a
special box and is very colorful (see page 36).
People also visit temples and pray for safetv, he¿lth,
and Éiood fo¡tune.
|,l,t:ti't.'ti7,,¿rt,r,¡.;,ir,r,t h
/,;n //i',,u a!)'t h, tzv
These three places olten have hurr¡canes:
Flo da, Jalnaica, Mexico
3 00 do l¿undO X
9:00 cook bre¿kf¿st /
-0 00 f ni5h the newsp¿p€r /
1 00 ¡sk when l¡ne ¿trves X
00 orq¿nlz€ th€ pafty /
p ay wth ihe doq /
8:00 F¿x ¿¡d re¿d /
9 00 t J pr¿Ltce test X
10:00 la¡e ¿rrve? /
5:00 prep¿re food /
7:00 ¿sk Tim for he p X
9 00 pl¿y oud mutc X
Note: We don't wrte contr¿ctions with rnosl nouns
X My name's Peter
be present singular
. Theve¡b b¿has different forms for the subject
pronouns in the present,
am Laura ¡/lart n.
Here ts my card.
Long form Conlradion
lam ,m
heeis here's
that ¡s
t"Lt:ú|t; i/.
be simple present indefin¡te art¡cles a/aD
Subject pronouns
s¡ngular PIurál
you you
he/she/ t they
. Use contractions in conversation and inforrnal
Long Form Contract¡on
yoLrafe you're
he ts he's
it is t's
we are we're
they are they're
lndef¡nite artic'es a, an
. Use awith singular nouns thai beginwith a
consonant sound,
aan¡ue6it! professor
.llse an with singular nouns lhat begin ü'ith a vowel
atu attbt
an engü1eef
an houly worker
,,llrztr't¿ lt
be present negat¡ve sentencesi yeyrvo questions
and short answers
. Sorne verbs can be conf¿Cled two ways.
you/welthey atent = you/we/they're not
he/she/¡t isn't = he/she/¡t's not
. Do not use contract ons in aff rmaiive short
A: ls he Brit¡sh?
B Yes, he ¡s.
x Yes, he's.
Neqative senten(es w¡th be
Lonq form Contrad¡on
not Br tish.
He/She/lt rs lle/She/ 's
We/They afe We/They
Yeefvo questions with be
No. l'm not
Canadi¿n? Yes, he/she/¡t is. No, he/she/ t
a ¿ell phone ) three cell phones
. Add -¿s to nouns that end in -clr, -slt, -s, or -¡.
awatch ) ¡¡ue Luatches
- fout destr.s
) t,oo dishes
a gldss ) three gLússes
> two Jhxes
t1,!,'txi?,. /1,
Plurals; be present: W',- quest¡ons
. Add -s to make most nouns plural.
a urallet ) luo wallets
Possess¡ve 's
. Use possessive 's with singular nouns,
Tltis is Sarah's Íauor¡te song.
Basketball ís Darid's fauotíte spotl.
B¡azíl's t)e1etables are excelle t.
My dog's Iauorite food ís chícken.
Tbl1li I ^
Hi l
Pñm ) ^
H¿t I farol Lte mütt ts sata
. IJse an apostrophe (') alone ,ilh regular plural nouns.
The boy! fauotite sport h saccet.
The Corrs' musíc is excelLent.
Note: Use possessive 3with irrequ ar p ur¿l nouns.
The ch¡ldren's favarite movie /5 fov Story
't,lrlir. h
Therc ¡slThere arc
. Ilse there is / there's w ith a singular noun.
There is a hoteL.
Therc's a museam.
mere ísit ú ¡11arket-
Is therc a Japúnese restautant?
Yes, there ís. / No, therc ísn't.
. Use tfi¿r¿ ¿rr¿ leith a p1uÉlnoun.
lhere aÍe sont¿ market'
There &rett a y bookstores.
Are there any schools? Yes, there aÍe. I No, there aren't.
Note: Use anywth neg¿tive statements ¿nd
questions w th A¡e tñere. , ,?
There isn't any caffee.
Therc aten't any hotels.
Are there any qoad restaurants?
. Fornouns that end in consonalt + -/, change/to i
and add -es.
a dictíonary + tluo díctíonaúes
&bíttery + three batleties
Wrr- qu€st¡ons
. Use ¡rtrdf to ask about things.
What k yaú name?
what are lout hoLtts?
. Use lr¡¡¿r¿ to ask aboui places.
Where b ny pen?
where are my pens?
. Use hou m¡rct¡ to ask about quantities.
How much is a package of paper?
Hour tu ch are the staples?
Possessive adject¡ves and possesSive '5
Posses5¡ve adje(t¡ves
you your
t its
they the r
Prepos¡t¡ons of lo(at¡on
. Use prepositions o[]ocation inext to, above, under,
opposite, in front of, in, on) to saywherc things are.
There's ú computer on the desk.
Is there a b6ll un ler the tabLe?
The stereo ís n't ín [ront of the wínÍIoLu.
túnit¡, lt)
Simple present: aff ¡rmat¡ve statements
. Use the simple present to ¡alk about routines and
/YouA /e/They play
bal on Sund¿ys.
He/5he/ t plays
. Third pcrson (he/she/it):
Add -s to mosiverbs in the third person singular.
He plays football eu¿ryday.
Add --¿s to do and go, andverbs ending in -cr, -sl¿,
-s, and r.
da + does wa,sh ) u)ashes
She does her homeurork.
He uashes the ¿líshes.
Forverbs ending in consolant + -/, changc/to ¿
and add -€s.
study ) stuLiies
She studies Englísh.
Note: The verb haye s ¡rregu ar in the s mple
h¿ve J h¿s
I have lunch at 1:0A
She has breakfast at 8:AA
llr,tit,t; r|t
Simple present feslrvo quesüons, short aniwers,
and negative statements
YeilNo quest¡ons
Do /you/we/they
co ect souven rs?
Does he/she/it
Note: The b¿se form of the veÍb never
changes in a qLrest on or negative stater¡ent
Does he collect th¡ngs?
X Daes he collects th¡ngs?
He daesn't collect things
X He doesn't collects things.
1iXr,.tí'r. '11,2
Simple present Wá- quegt¡ons
. Use ¡r¡¿¿f to ask about Ihings.
What do you do?
What daes he do at Loork?
Short answers
Aff¡rmat¡ve Negative
/yo u/we/they
/yo u/we/ihey dont.
does. he/she/t doesn't
Negative rtatements
/YouA /e/Th-"y don't
have ¿ .o n co le.iion
He/She/ t
lbase form of
the ve¡bl
' Use ¡rt?¿n to ask about tlme.
when do most people usually ú¡ tiue?
[hen rloes she get to u)ork?
.llse ¡¿¡¡¿¿r¿ to ask about locations,
Where do LL'e keep the extftt supplies?
wherc does she pat the füies?
'Use ¡rt¡l io ask about a aeason.
Ithy rlo you conJirm your reseruotíons?
wlry does the company ask Jbr a nwnber?
. Use ho¡l to ask about aprocess.
How do lou usually pay by cash or credit card?
How does your boss comtnunicate?
'..¡.L,il. /N/!,
. Use ¿r or dr. to talk about one thing (singular).
I take a book anÍ1 an umbrclla.
. Use so¡ne to talk about more than one thing (plural)
l,hen the number is not iñportant.
IVe always take some baaks.
, Use d¿y with questions and plural negatives.
Doyou húle d ! crcdit cLlkls?
Jack ¡loesit tuke an! books oñ üacat¡on.
'lote: Use an wlth a slnqu ar noun that
a:g ns wjth a vowe sound: at umbÍela.
:-i a universjty and a un forr¡ because
:_ese beg n wth a consonant sound.
.,tiL. li/t.
Demonstrative adject¡vesi this, that, these, those
'lsethis, that, these, and f¡¡ose to indicate specific
¡eople or ihings.
close Not close
: ngul¿r ths that
'r,i r¡i!¿ "l ii
Count and non-count noans; How muchlHow manta
Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of
. Some nouns are countable.We can count them, and
they have plural lbrms.
,ne nut tao nuts
. Other nouns ale not countable-We can't count them,
and they do not have plural forms.
neat X two meats
kel:chup X threeketchups
. Use m¿¡¡v with count nouns in questions and
There dren't many cookíes.
Does she eat many patato chips?
Hoú man! cmckers are on the plate?
. Use r¿¡¿crr with non counl nouns in questions and
we don't haue much milk.
Do you dri* much juíce?
Hoú much soda ís on the t6ble?
. U( d /ol o/w;lh .oun, ¿nd nor .our.10 rr ..r
atTirmative senlences.
There's alot offaad.
There are a lot of apples.
can for ability
.Ilse canlcan't Io talk about abilities.
1is shirt ís too plain.
tl it uith that jacket auer therc.
. u ¡:¡nt to bLq these shoes,
Those hools in tlrc carner are níce, too.
Note: Canlcar't do not change in the third-
person s ngular.
He can Ape.
X He cans t/pe
subject + can + base fo¡m of lhe verb
We can cammunicate easily.
subject + calrt + base form of the verb
He can't dr¡ve a truck.
can + subl,"ct + base forr¡ of the verb
can yau arqan¡ze informatian?
Yes, lcan.
r, ¡it'lXUlt,¡:'t:t U +r¡''r,ry;
S¡mple preaent
Simple present
S¡mple past
5¡mple past
tJm|t tr
See you.
So long.
Excuse me, what'syour name again?
Here's my (business) card.
I'm. . .
I'm so[y, could you ¡epeat that?
It's nice meetingyou.
Nice to meet you,
Nice to meet you, too.
Pleased to meetyou.
Umit 2
flight attend¿nt
graphic designer
tlnit 3
Canada/ Canadian
Fra¡ce / French
Germany/ German
the United Kingdom/Bitish
the United States /Amedcan
Unit &
box ofpaper clips
fa machine
file cabinet
[!nit 5
baseball game
TV show
tl¡tit 6
cook lunch
dance to salsa music
eat ice cream
get up at 8:00
give a present
go for a walk
play a game
visit a friend
wash the dishes
43nát 9
photo album
stuffed animal
one hundred
one thousand
ten thousand
one hundred thoüsand
one million
book a hotel
contact friends
do your banking
lisien to music
use the Intemet
6Jmüt lX
alarm clock
bathing süit
books to read
credit card
portable CD player
traveler's checks
extra large
extra small
ice cream
porato chjps
¿lesign a ,¡ebsite
drive a car
manage a hotel
read a story
repair a car
sing a song
speal a language
type a letter
write a report
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WorldView 1A

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WorldView 1A

  • 2. MICHAEL ROST Kevin Sharpe Simon Greenall Series Editor, British English edition Simon le Maistre Carina Lewis
  • 3. Worldvierv Sludent Book rA Aútho¡izedadaptalio tr.n dre Unitcd Kingdom editio¡ c¡riilcrl ¿¿¡ar4¿ ¡o Gú, fi$t Editiod, lulrlished by Pc¿aon Educaiñ¡ I-inired publishiñg u nder fts r¡ngnan inpriñ Copyrighr O 2002 by Pea¡son Educaiionümi(ed No part ol this publi.ation ma-v be ¡e¡r.dDced, sto¡ed in r retri€val sl,sle¡r, or¡asmitt€d ür dr,r iomr o¡ b] ¿ty lrees, elcctro i., m€charicnl phoro.o¡ying, rcco¡di¡s, or oiheNis€, rvidrour thc p¡iorternissionol (he ¡ublishe¡ Anelican ¡lnglish adaptation plbl hhed bl¡ Pe{son Education Peason Edncation, I 0 Bank strcel, rhite Plans, NY I 0fj06 lditorial di¡edor: Panelá ¡ishm:ú ft o jccL m¿n¿ger ]¡e¡e ltankel seDiordevclopm€nreditor Marc(a call¿hm vicc pr€sideDt, di¡eclor of desien and prcductioD: Rh€a B,nkcr lxecutilc man¿8rng edito¡: l-i daMoser Associate managúrgediior: Mike Ken¡per rJt dned.r: Elizabeth Carlson ¡ic€ presidc t, director olinte¡r¡rional nük€ting: Bruno Paul Senio¡ narut¿clu¡ing buyeri Edie PuIt'an Text dd cover desigD: izabcth c¿rlson Phoro rcsetrch: Aerin Csigay l¡rl.or¡posirion:Wo . dImageDesign Terfonr: lo.5/l3prlftopia dd l0/12prl¡utigeraold Lib.¡rl'olCoDgress Conlrol Number 20031158!7 Prinred iD the Unilcd Sl¿tesof¡rneica 3 4 5 6 ? rJ 9 ]0-BAM {9 03 07 0{i 05 Paee 2I H.lo, Goo.lble.lalds d nosic by lohn ]¡nnon and Pr l4. 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  • 4. lntroduction Welcome Lo Wo dvielo, '¿ fourlevel English course for adldts and youngadults. WorLlvt¿¿, builds fluencyby exploring awide range ofcompelling topics presented fuom an intematioral peFpective. A trademark two-page lesson design, with clear and attainable language goats, €nsures that sludents feel a sens€ of accomplishmenl and increased self-confidence in every class. Worldllt¿¿rl apprcach to language learning folows a simple and proven MAP: . Motivate learning through stimulating content a¡d achievable learning goals. .Anchor language production with st¡ong, focused language preseniations. . Personalize learninC tlüough engaging and communicative speáking activities. Coürse cornponents The Wo dvieu Student Book with Student Audio CD and the Wortúoo¿ are available in both full and split ediiions. . Stüdent Book s.lth Srüdent Audlo CD (Spltt ,E¿¿¡7b¿) The Student Book contains 14, four page units; pefodic Revie$, Units; two World of Music Units; Information for Pair and Group Work; aVocabulary listi and a Grammar Reference section. Th€ Student Audio CD includes tacks for al pronunciation and lisrening exercises (or reading r€)lts, in selected units) in rle Student Book.The Stúdent Audío CD c:l],be usedwithth€ Sfr¿J¿nt Boot for self studyand coordinates with the la orlüooL lir.ening ¿nd prL,r'un' iariol L er.i-e . For each actiüty in the Student Book, the interleaved Teache¡'s Edition provides step'by- step procedures and exercise ans$,erkeys as well as a wealth oI teacher suppor¡ unitwarm ups, Optional Activiiies, Extensions, Culture Noies, Background Information, Teaching Tips, Wrap-ups, and extensive Language Notes.In addirion, the l¿dcft¿rt t¿itior? includes acourse orientalion guide, tllll audio scripts, and the /ort ook answe. key. . Theworkbook asplt¡-L?t¡ionJ has 14 three page units that corespond to e ach ol rhe Student Book ünits. tJsed in conjunction lvith th€ Stud¿r¡tA&d¡¿ CD,lhe Workbook ptolides abundanl review and practice activitics forVocabul¡ry Gmmmar Listening, and Pronunciation, along with pedodic Self- qüzzes. A Learning Stntegies section at the beginning of the ü/ork ook helps students to be . The Class Audio Program is available in either CD or cassette format and corrains al1 tire recorded material for in-class us€. . The Teacher's Resoüce Book (wilh Testing Audio CD and Testcen Software) has thr€e sections of reproducible material: extra communication actiüties for in-class use, modelwriting passagcs for each Student Book,riring assignment, and a coDrplete testing program: seven quizzes and ¡vo tests, along with scoring guides and answerkcys. Also ircluded are an Aüdio CD for use with the quizzes and tests and an easy-to-use lestcen software CD for customizing the tests. . For each level of the tuII coüse. the l4Ioravíerll Video prcsents sever, five minure authentic video segments connected to St d¿¿¡Boo¡topics. Notes to the Teacher arc available in the ytd¿o package, and Student Actiüly Sheets car be dowÍloaded f¡om the wor¡¡lvi?¡, CoDpanion Website. . The Wor¡¡lvia, Cornpanion Website (ww.lo¡ücw) provides a variety of teaching support, includingVidco ^ctivity Sheets and süpplemental reading materi¡1. Unit (ont€nts Each ofthe units in Worldvia¿, has seven closely . Cetting itaned: " , o¡n un¡ "ll c open nts, 'r, i.c that introduces targe t vocabulary . Listening/Reading: a tünctional conversation or thematic passage Lhat introdüces targer grammar . crámmár focus: an exercise seqüence thal allows students lo focüs on the newgrammar point and to solidi¡, Lleir leajning . Pronunciation: slress, rhfhm, aDd intonation p¡actice based on üe target vocabulary and grámnlar . Speaking: an intenctive spealdng task focused on stuLdent production of target vocabr ary gramma! a¡d lunctional larguage . Writing: a personalized writing acriüty that stimulates student production of target vocabula ry and grannmr . Conversa¡ion to go: a concise rcminder ofthe glarnmar tunctional language introduced in the u]rit course length With its fleible lb¡mat and course compon€nts, W¿rldyi¿&r responds ro a variety ofcourse needs, and is süitable fbr35 to 45 hours ofclassroom instrüction- Each unitcanbe easily expanded by üsing bonüs activities liomrlrc 1¿acher Ed.ition, reproducible activiti€s available in üe 'l¿dcl¿¡t li¿so¡¿r.¿ a¿ok, linked lessons tiom the Wo¡l¿vta, v;¿J¿o progr¿m, á¡d supplementary reading assignments in the Wor¿¿Jview Companion Website. l
  • 5. Scope and Sequence uutt I /1, uutr 4 tl uun z //, uutr z ,l uu¡ s /¡1, uw a l/, uNtt T /1/, unn e Review 2 fu. untr s f¡ uttr to /l unr r /// uutf 12 y'l wtt tz //1,, uN$ fl Nrió.alili4 á¡d.oxnirie( Rev¡ew 1 (Units 13) Paqe rB t4¡orld of Mus¡c 1 P¿se 2a Fi6t Listenlng: People greeting each oher and saying goodbye s{ond Lis¡enlng: A sho¡l conveGalion between two businesspeople Listenlng: People i¡ ihemrlves ¿nd sayinq R€ding: A¡€ vou /n¡ernaúbnd/¿ A quiz abo!1 intem¿tiona people and thinqs Lisieni¡g:A phone conversalion be¡/veen ¿ customer ¿nd a sn esp€¡son ¿t an olice srpply s¡orc Lirening:A radio inierui€w wllh people ¿bout their f¿vorite $i¡gs Readlnq: A website featuring Ponabello Road urening: A deÍiptlo¡ of Haruard Square Listening: a woÍran telling moving men whére to pln R€¿dinq: A leiter to a pen pal about T¡¿¡kqivinq R€diiq: rh€ 8,g9ef Galield Corert¡on, an article abor,t pmp e who have carfield colectibles Listeninq: a conveEation about howAmericans cor¡municale Reading: On Va.ntian wiú Tn Lee, an adicl€ about what á t¿vei writer lakes and doesnl take on vacaiion Lisleni¡g:A coN€6ation between a customer and a clerk i¡ a mme¡! c othing sk)re List€¡i¡g:A radio int€¡Mew in a slpermarket about Re¡dinq: sáort ánd Sweel an anicle about th€ problem of ealing too m¿ny sweeh Reading: Changing./obs: Ihe ca¡€€r coffrft¿na, a w€bslle l€aturinq two people who ch¿ng€ jobs Here's my card. Meeting people Around thewo d Sett¡ng up a home office Favor¡te th¡ngs offi@ . .. or living room? Celebrat¡ons (Unih 5-8) hee30 The col¡ectors The modern wo d Travel¡ng Shopp¡n9 Gretlnqs ¿nd l€vetakings; Ocdpationsi numbels 0-19 lnterest¡ng places living room ¡umbérs 100 - 1,000 000 Words rel¿t€d to commüniction Ilrings you lake on v¿otio'r; office obj€cl¡j nunrbeB 20-99 Reüew 3 (Units 912) Páqe 16 ti/orld of N]üs¡c 2 Paee 5a How sweet ¡t ¡sl lob exchange Reüew4 (Unit 1314) Pá9. /6 lnformat¡on for pair and group work r,q"r'6 Grammar Referen(e Pdge r42 IV
  • 6. lndefnite anicles: a, ¿n be simple ple5ert Yel¡vo Plurah; be simpl€ pres€nt: D€scribe n/vo fiends ¿nd iheir W t€ ¿n inr€marional quiz F¿lling inronalion for wá- quesrions ¿nd sratem€nls sentence rMm saying he//o and; introd ucing you Éelf spellingfames [4aking introductions Askinq for and giving Talkinq ¿bout people and f¿vorite dri¡gs Talkinq about pl¿ces falkinq about Talking about v¿cations Write p€ople s names corr€rtly Wil€ inlomaiion on order fonn DemonsÍative adjectivesl Simple present ¿fliínali!€ Simple Fes€llt YelNo querion5 short answers negative sf¿lemsÍs Simple present eñding Weak fo¡ms: 4 a4 rome, any wrile a pardqaph about a ftiendl fa!9ite $inqs Wirte a review of your favorite DeÍr'be an offce or liünq roon Write á letter to ¿ liiend aboul a Write a paEg¡¿ph colleclibles or a colleclion in ¿ muaum Desüibe how you communlc¿te Dessibe your lravel plant lncluding ihinqs ¡o pack and [4ake a shopping list of clolhes you need, including ilems colort and sizes Alkjng for infomafon Count and non count nouns; Quantifiers: mud, manf vowel sounds: /o/ in not and Talklnq aboul úe ¡,skins about job skills WÍE an email about foods you like and how much you eal Descdbe your job skil s, lndudifq
  • 7. Here's my card. i/t:tthú¿r'.r Greetings and leave-takings; introductions; names; the alphabet (.1'/):.,-.ttitixt be simple present: affirmative statements; subject pronouns ti,t1¿,1i.ine Sayirg hello and goodbye; introducing yourself; spelling names ,t,,llt1, w l;.tl'/,. rit rlil,,ri1ii;N:ii!t:.ttitti)it:. t: I Look at photos A-C. What are the people doing? What are they say¡ng? ffi rt,l t;::;, compare your answers. (:lood bye. B: B: B: B: - my business card. _ üe Valdez Group. ffi A tlst n to fnree conver5at¡ons. Wh¡ch conversat¡on matches each photo? Photo A Photo B Photo C ffi (-¿ tist"n ^na <omplete the (onversation between Grace Lee and Miguel Santos. Grace Lee. Miguel Sartos. you. you, too. @ rur.1¡|.',. compare your answers.
  • 8. I i I i i!,1: I iit'.1i. t,,,.li.i i, | | @ O risten and reoeat. O Listen. Not¡ce the ¡onger and stronger. my cs¡'r.f Fitsi'?I r,neet you lüter rhythm of the sentences. hi¿--rÉ's my {ard. l'rr: with h:erlz. f5Ne¿¡ied to ,'nee'e you, ¡{i.i-- to r¡eet yoLr, túl} see you later. The important words are Hello. / Hil l'm.../Mynameis... Excuse me, wh¿t'5 your name again? Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too, Here's my card. l'm with... Thanks. / Thank you. : ;1,'jl',,' Pract¡ce the conversat¡on in Exercise 4, lJse your own names, l],,i,'i,1; create a new conversation.lJse your own names and the phrases and sentences in the box, Goodbye. / Byel / See you. / So longl t
  • 9. @ O rirt"n "na ,epeat the letters of the atphabet. @ O tirt"n to tn" conversat¡on ánd wrjte the names you hear Company: 9ystena ffi UtJil l;. t^U" turns spe¡l¡ng your f¡rst and ¡ast names. Wdte your partner's name. A: CouAyou please spell lour a e? ts: Surc. My first name is ... (i¡,t; ;;.2,tZ't Zr¡ f't:,t'tl tI t;,,t 1, 1, @ Sardy ,h" "*".ples of the verb óe w¡th singular subiects in the simple present tense. @ Look at the examples aga¡n. Comp¡ete the chart. oe pteserlt: Stnqular I 'a¡ Laura Mart n. He¡e ', my business caÍcl My narne _ Eun lun K m. lt _ ¡ice to meet you. That _ ¡ight NOTE: ln writlng, use fult forms with nouns: My lrame ¡ _ _ . U ;ltlt:!::t i:ti'i,:,. :t itr ::li : Complete the sentences w¡th the corred form of the verb be. Us€ contract¡ons when possible. 1. A: lli, T '|r Disg6. B: Nice to meetyou, Mr. Dicgo. A: OhlDiego _ my fi¡sl namel 2. A: Hello. My namc _ Kelly. B: Keliy? A: That _ righr. 4 A: Nice to meetyou. B: It_nice to meetyou, too. A: Hello, I_ Paul Stamos. B: Hello. Myname _Janet Goldon. Ijere _ my card. l'm l/l gue Here's my card. My name ¡s Sarah Boyd It's n ce r¡eet nq you.
  • 10. ffi z¡ i;N;,iv,,lq;7r,tr,,. $fr i',,t',in:;, student A, took at page 136.student B, wr¡te the names you hear. sw¡tch roles. Student B, look at page 139. Student A, write the names you hear, 7/t ! che.k y our answ e$. Look at pages 136 and 139. ,i,il n¿ ;ntl¡r U¡i.1, nt:i:,t,,t i,:',,, Walk around the room and talk to everyone. use your actual bus¡ne5s card or make one. . Say hello. . Say your name. . Shake hands. . Give out your business card. . Say goodbye. CoNveesartoN B: rtzlirr. My name i:, Amanda.
  • 11. Meeting people .,it :t ! . rtt: t 1. t i :ti t .) Occupations; nLrmbers 0-19 l.:.)i:tiitttl:., be simple present: am, It are; subiect pronouns; indefinite a rticles: a, an /:;;t¡ ú, Makiñg int.oductions i:) /:, il1'.1 . Match the o<. I a¡ a¡chitect -L I abusinessrvomcn an englneel_ 3 r¡ustc¡an pat¡ons with the photos. an artist an assistant a ca.hier a docror_ a flight attendant _ ateacher a gaphic designer a waiter _ @ O lirt"n "na che(k your answers. Then listen and repeat.
  • 12. @ O L¡sten to th€ numbers and repeat. @ f) rirt"n "na *rite the telephone and extension numbers you hear. 3. 6. 2.1. 4. Hello,l'm M¡(hele Amado ..aaqt 4 Hello, l'm Reg¡na Rebello Hello.I'm Tao Chang Hello,l'm lvl¡ke Amaral @ O Urt"n unU .onnect the name tags that mat(h the three ¡ntroductions you hear. .&nt4 Hello,l'm Sonia 5m¡th F,nr;iueer Hello,l'm Kwang-M¡n K¡m Hellq l'm Chr¡st¡ne Samples Hello,l'm chr¡stopher Boswell Hello, l'm l¡ro Nakamura @ O risten ag"in. wr¡te the oc(upat¡ons under the names.
  • 13. /it',i At:,t,t tnlt t t,t:t,t:,titit He's an assistant r¡anager she! a teacher. Theyte frjends. We're roommates @ Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the rules for ¡rdefin¡te a¡ticles ¡n the chart. i1:. :: !: :i!:: :..).i.,1.iLi:t:t:.t,:t. t,: :t.'1 " @ Complete the séntences w¡th a or an and the correct form of the verb be. 4. :t. Use (ontractions when possible, I. A: Hello. Myname i9 Enrique Sousa.I _ teacher in Argentina. PennvTonesB:Nice to meet you. I _ Sherq/ Pace. A¡d this We teacherc, too. But in NewYork Citvi 2. A: Excuse me. What's your name? B: I _ Todd Danes. A: 4rat do you do? _ engineer in this department. A: This _ lbnia Michaels, and this _ Sasha Rodriguez. They graphic designers. B: Nice to meet you. A:loh¡...? B:Yes, I- JohnJohannsen. Andyou_. . . ? A: I_Eric Ross.And this _ Janet Jones. We assistant managers. Sp Study ttre examples of the verb óe in the simple present tense. l'm a doctor Youte ¿n ¿rtst Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the chart with the full forms of the verb óe. @ O urt"n "na.heck your answers.
  • 14. lJ,¡,t:t,i,tt,Wn r:1,,¿i,r¿n //.i,/L.tnt¡at; .,., t . t'm He' 5he'5 They're l'm a do€tor He's an arch¡ted. You're an artist, She's a teacher. They're engineers, l:)ll,JI.Jll:i /"tl: .i Role-play. You are someone else-someone famous. Write your new name and occupation on a piece of paper Students A and B, g¡ve your papers to Student C. Student C, ¡ntroduce Student A to Student B. C: Bill, this is Serenawíllíams Serena, thís is BílI Gates. A: Nírc to meet you. B: Níce to meet you, too. C: Serena k a tennk pklyer. B: A tennis pkqer? Great. C: Bíll is a busínessman. A: A busínessman? Interestíng! htl': t .;rt t:::.: Businessman Selcra Williams Tennis player Ichiro Suzuki Baseballplayer t r CD ñ t¡sten. Noti(e the pronun(¡at¡on of the contract¡ons and the way words are l¡nked together. @ ñ Lirt n "g"in and repeat. Hello. l'?'/J Len Jones. H¡. Nice to meet you. jt: ttr:i1,:r i.;t¡t': ::: Singer W.,¡í t¡,|,¡l r:,1 //i///;;¡ititi,tt :.,. j: Think of two fr¡ends. wr¡te a short description of them. use the simple present of the verb óe. CoNvrnsltto¡,1 B: l1?, ¿ new des¡gner in your department. My name i:, Tania M¡tsuda.
  • 15. /,Árt:lhh,r,ar¿ Around the world r,l¡tr:t'hular'{ Nationalities and countfl es ntdrnrnat be s¡mple present: yeslNo questions, short answers, and negative statements l4seahinU Asking about nationalities ".¡,t¡'tr't,reúü///////////i////////u/jtijti)tuti.t. Australian Brazilian Italian Japanese Canadian French Germqn Mexican Spanish Thai Br¡tish Korean @ M"a.h,h" .ounrries with the nat¡onality. Amer¡can Indian Argentin¡an lri5h Examples: Chira-Ch;r'e7e 1úkey-lútki6h 10 l:tA I 175. rest y ow p af fnef- France.
  • 16. @ Read the qu¡z and c¡rcle the correct cho¡(es. .eiguft " Spat,¡s, :rn c1 íil1,it¡lain,h é,1.t 1. The tango ¡ / ar? Argentinian. 2. Jazz is / ísn't Austral¡an. 3. Judo and kendo are / ¿ren,t Chinese f. a.tü anú) t tÍnk l 5¿5hjmi¿nd sushi¿re á) Americ¿n ilJap¿nese c)lncian. ¿. r¿e a rs a) ttalian b) Spanish c) Fren¡h 3. Feijoada is a) Britjsh b) Turkkh c) Brazitian. 1.lsJ. K. Rowling Brirish? a) Yes, she ¡s. b) No, she isn,r 2. ls top model Gisele German? a) Yes, she is. b) No, she isn,t. 3. Are Halle Berry and Ben Affleck Australian? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren,t. Bundchen @ O rirt"n "na.heck your answers. 11
  • 17. -:i¿ ,, Study the examples of the verb be in negat¡ve statements, ¡n Yesl/Vo quest¡ons, and ¡n short answers. i lazz ¡sn't Austra ¿n. :, ludo and kendo aren't Chinese ls L K. Row ing BrtishT Yes, she is. Are Na le Bery and Ben Affleck Ausf¿ ian? No, they aren't. @ Look at the examples again. complete the charts. //4 "::,//: /:,11 l,:l:' !:t:4, :,::1, , ,/:l Rewr¡te the sentences to make them true. 1. I.K. Rowling is ¡ffieá€an. (B tish) i, K, K¡wlir¿ ler'a Artetic&r, ,ihe'e grilirh. 2. Pizzd is Frddr. (ltalii¡n) 3. Baseball and basketball arc Sp€+ri€h- (Americanl 4. tsnchiladas are F¡€n€h. (Mcxicanl 5. Origami and ikebana are R{rss+a*. (Japanese) 6. Taekwon do is Tbai. (Korean) 7. Denzel Washington is 8+i+islr. (Ame can) 't2 8. Cricket and badminton are Au€+¡elie*. (British)
  • 18. W O Lieten. Norice how the voi(e goes up at the end of th€se yellvo quest¡ons. -'.2 Are you canadian? ls he French? ls judo Ch;nese? ,i/,,/rttri)rn1t, ¡11x,¿1, i),t1tt:i:,t?t.infl ///',))tt tt :t: : ffi O tirt n.g.inand repeat. 'i ,/14 ':.il1t) t) l,.t;. wtite an internat¡onalqu¡2. Use YeYrVo questions. Group A, look at page '136. Group B, look at page 139. ,/)/ilil. Find a pafinet from the other group. Take turns asking each other the qu€stions ¡n your qu¡zzes. Keep score, A: Is tlrc tango Argenti ian? B:Yes, ít ís. A: Is paelLa ltalbn? B: No, ¡t isn1. It's Spanísh. A: Is J.K. Rowling Brit¡sh? B:Yes. she is. -2 Are they Brazi ian? ls she Korean? ls pizza ltalian? Co¡'tveas¡rtoN ro ao A: lLt /t you /,i,/i1i.iri: B. No,l't,/t /,u',:. t'/t'.halftti',11 and half /t..rr¿/ia:/1,1.
  • 19. Urillt* " /l*i .''! .'. Setting up a home office .:t:,. :.i,,.itit ,j Office objects; numbers 20 99 t.111:,r..1)t",,:r Plural, be presentr Wb- questions :i, 11 ,: : ) l! , t .1:) Asklng +ot and giving information ri,l1 4/,,1i:i,11x;¡, na1 i:,,t|:,tt:,ti,t, 20 30 40 50 60 70 twenty thirty forty filty s¡xty sevenl :9!Y lryY l it/./il:i, wtite the item nurñber from the off¡(e suppl¡es catalog next to the .orrect word- @ f) urt"n to ttr" numbers and repeat. paper clips # a cell phoñe # a desk # a fax machine # e folder # ¿ printer # a dictionary #_ a filé cabinet # a notepad # a 5tapler # ffi () titt"n .na ,h€(k your answers. Then listen and repeat. ,/*f ;;|',/t,t,!r,t, il f |i't;t,l:.,,l./i Look át the exampl€s and wr¡te the plural form of the ¡ouns in th€ chart. a Pen - tlvo pens a box - tlvo boxes a battery - two batterles Si¡gular Plural a briefcáse I briefoaaea a desk a dictionary a staple¡ a fax 14
  • 20. '."''l temO L¡sten. Ruth has a home office. she ¡s calling an office supply store. Check the photos. Which ¡tems do Ruth and the salesperson talk about? O Listen again. Fill ¡n the prices. 5irblor¿ shlip n! E 15
  • 21. /i),t ;tt z:r,,,r r,, ¡I r S strdy th" "r".ples of the verb óe in Wrr- questions. ' What is your name? / What's your name? 'Where is the fax machine? / Where's the fax m¿chine? r How much ¡s the stapler? What are the sh pp nq ch¿rges? rWhere are the batteries? How much are the fo ders? @ Write questions wilh What, Whete, ot How much + beinthepresent tense. 1. last name 2. first name 3. email address 4. a box ofstaples 5. the paper clips 6. shipping chárges A: Whal'6 your laet nane ? [e, presenüi sinqutar ] your address? 70 Bell Street. the cell phone? ln r¡y bag. a new desk? $19. Plural your business hours? the folders? the suppiies? 9:00 A.rv. to 7:00 On the desk. $63. B: It's Palmer. B: It's I na. @ Look at the examples aga¡n. complete the quest¡ons in the chart. B: B: $3.00. B: On the desk. 16
  • 22. @ f) rira"n. Notice how the voice goes up on the stressed (imponant) word and down at the end of these Wh- questions and answers. the fáx machine How much is the fax machine? dollars @ ñ Lirt"n "nd ,"p"ur. li,¡,tqri;t7,,2rr,r;1 íx/2,iX. U,ttt4¿itrrl:, //i,t:t1 . t ': ffi U.rli'l:i. student A, look at page 136. student B, stay on th¡5 pag e. You're a salesperson at Profesrional off¡ce suppl¡es. Student A calls you to place an ordet Ask questions. Wr¡te the informat¡on on the form. B: Professional Ofrce Supplies. May I help you? A: Yes, I'd like to order some supplies. B: OK. llhat's your name? @ ProÍessional o ffice 5uPPlies -F- Order Form La5t nome, F¡rst name Offi.e su4Plies lten/ttem I ffi Swftch rcles. Student B, look at page 136. Sludent A, stay on th¡s page. A,t1 t,t' 1,, yoJl name? My namet Bond. James Bond. , J11;'¿.' ,', youÍ numhet? 007. B: B: your address your hours the bátteries Be¡l Street seven the desk 70 Bell Street. On the desk. .----z-. Eighty-nine doll¿rs. What's your address? What are your hours? --'--..--.t Where are the batteries? -.--l----.... CoNvEnsartoN 17
  • 23. ,,,X,,:t i''t,'N,'',t/t t:.l r rii,l¡,,tw,'/ t;: ;:t,i tlt,, CilY'. Sáo?a*Lo Country: ErazLL '""*'-t.Jr"'4- Name: L¿tioia Barajas City: MexLco CLtg {p O rirt"rr to tfr"model conversations @ ., . . dll droLnd -ne room. Creel al tÉa-l ive people. t il r,:tl'tt¿ l'/. /l;1 ttatt¡í,t¡(;1,¡:tut::t7;tN,,t;7 Male a name tag, Writ€ your name and your ci1y. Choose an occüpation, but dont wdte it. (Use your ¡eal idertity or use your imagination.J S O ri.t",r to th" model conversarion. Then ü,alk around the room. Meet livc peopie and int¡oduce yoursell Introduce one ofthe people yor met to the class. Thís is Let¡cia Búmjas She's from Mexíco City. She's a graphi.c desígner 18 Country: MexLoo :
  • 24. i,jx1i'¡'7 it"t¡ ¡;r,x¡x,t"l,'¡iit,t11 r¡,1 ¡¡y;i41. @ f) ri"t"n to rire model conve¡sation and look at the photos. t,:iN',,i! /:l !t)t)i,:.4iifit;!, t;N,':t ü 'YW,t:;i | 1 1..) i7.'i l ' i1 .7. Choose one of the photos or think of other intenati onal actiüTies, sports, foods, and ceiebrities. Don't saywhat you a¡e üinking. Your pañners must use y¿slNo questions to guess, ',¡¡,; 1 y :;,¡ ¡,17 i;¡.1. i t1 t,1¿', @ f) ri.t"n to ttr" model conversation afld look at thc pictu¡es. |llt:)rll':i t:)l:l StlldentA,look at page 141.Yoü are the game showhost. Students B, C, ¿tld D,look at this page a¡d guess the price ofeach item. The onewho has the nearest price withorlt going over "wins" üe item. Keep score. '19
  • 25. Hello ry ¡:t.|;t::, wtite rhe opposite of each word. l. high 2. yes 3. hello 4. small 5. go 6. cheap 7. boñrg 8. good 20
  • 26. 'ú-?ti'l;,ora:nl,r:r7¿ '///////l///,///,t/il//'iii:'L:":!;|:: .::: ñ the song. wh¡ch pa¡r of fa€es matches the story ¡n the song? ''''. @ C) usten to ttte song again. Fill in the blanks. Hello GoodbYe You say --,y€L,I say - You say - and I say -, - Oh. no. You s¿y - dndlsdy - Hello, hello. I don't know why you say goodbye. I say hello, Hello,hello. I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello. I say - You say -, and t say- l¡ ,j oh, no- Yoü say -and I say - @ rums, compare your answers. 'iuVTUa'lr"7f,nr¡,/ú'//////t///tili//tii/i:,;'t,,., Ol: :i, D¡s(uss these questions. The singer is "talking" to someone. Mho is it? What are they talking about? ¡lry cant üey agree?
  • 27. Favorite things Free-time activities @ Look at the photos. Check (/) the five th¡ngs ¡n the box that you see. , ". r,1r Wr¡te the words from Exerc¡se I underthe (orrect verbs, you will use some words more than onÉ timé. baseball ga t me abool - aoep¿'r.mentstore- amrgazire - am a museum a newspaper _ a restaurant _ a TV show _ rket Possessive adjectives and possessive 's Talking about people and favorite things só tp ¿ ?"raarYa "1 22 {.} f) rirt"n "na .heck your answers.
  • 28. ,,,,'1, n!,¿.!,.) z.rV r:n,,,:t,¿ S f) rirt"n to ttr" - interviews. What does each speaker l¡ke? Write the letter of the photo. ffi rrtll:1, compare your añswers. ffi O tirt n ^g"in Are the tentences true or false? Wr¡te r or F nFxt to ea.h one. 1. Bob Samples is a radio announcer. Í 2. Th1 and Margarita's favoritc restaumnt is a Grcek rcslaurant. 3. Their childrcn's favorite food is hamburgers. 4. David and his wife's fávo te thing is to go to the beach. 5. loéi ldorirc rhirgr lu {ead ¿re trnPl magd/ir'c.. 6. Min's favorile store is Macy's.
  • 29. '/:)'/t' ),/,'t Ntt't | )n[ It)t:,,tt., @ saudy ,h. "*".ples of possess¡ve adje(tives and possess¡ve ,j. Myfavorite th ng io do is travel. What! yoür favoriie magazineT Her favorite food rs French. Its food s excel ent. Alberto's favorite thing is sports. Our favorite ¡estaurant is C,,rez Paul The¡r favor te maqazine is People. The Yangs' favorite store ls Macy's. @ Comptete the sentences w¡th a possessive adjective or 3. @ Look at the examples again. complete rhe chart. MY ¡ame is Rachel. This is_ 1. (r) ,. (D- name isAna. _ favodie store is Zara. 4, (!vé] liiend. 3, (she) John and Sue are _ ftiends. _ favorite restaurant is the Il4¡¿t s. (wé) 6. (rhey) Rock Café. _ favorite moüe is f¡?¿ ¿ ord of the Rings. _ special 7. (rohn) B. ít) effects are excellent. _ favorite books are Cry to Heauen arrd Dracula- e. (sue) l,Vho are _ friends? L"ahat are 10. (you) ll U' t:X,tt ry r,'x'r;i) i;7't¡,i' 7¿ qX favorite things to do? @ (J Usten. ruotice the weak pronuñciat¡on of the possess¡ve adject¡ves. This is my friend. This¡shsw¡fe. What's your favorite city? Our favor¡te aestaurant is ltal;an. r¡y fr¡end his wife your favor¡te his name her name my favorite thelr pizza His name is John. Her name is Súe. My favorite city is New York. Thelr pizza ¡s great! 24 @ ñ Lirt"n "nd."p""t.
  • 30. !i) 77 t:" t:th,i,r'arrt, t':1ii;:/.,r1;;i: tit i: : t' : l:llit|:1fl1: 'lr7l.i ::,t'l:/tll, write three more th¡ngs ¡n the first column. Then fill in the information about your favor¡te th¡ngs ¡n the second column. -- |1.1gvi€ lood IV ahow 6lll:1Ll!1:i l:r'l :1, rake turns asking one another about favorite th¡ngs. Take noies ¡n the (hart. A:I4hat's your faüoríte mouie? B: My fauoríte mouie is Statwars all of them! C: My fauoríte mouies ar¿ Amélie dnd The Ring @ tell the class about one of your partners' favor¡te th¡ngs. 'll,l,t í"t'¡'it r,:E ¿.' Choose someone you know, Such as a classmate or a friend. Write a paragraph about his or her lavorite things. Use possets¡ve adject¡ves and 3, and some of the vocabulary from th¡5 un¡t. CoNvERsATroN What's 1j/rttt +avotile mus:tc? Mozart. 25
  • 31. lnteresting places ,,ltLt::li :',it'.; Adjectives to describe places in a city I.i, ¿/t) trt,:.) There ¡slThere are '::,r.i:.i1.;).:) faking about places you know 'iltrtL t.ít',tr:1 lllli iirlt't r: Nli /i¡ .' ffi r'itlit t. Use the words in the box to complete the senten(es. chea p becauseil's i?tietegtit'4 delicious friendly llfe €5ti¡d 1. Tourists go to Chinatou,n in NewYo¡k q). *' Pgl s For example, you can buy a shirt for $10. 3. The people are 2. Some things are They always talk to you. 4.1love the street food.It'.s There are lots of people. l:',/,ll;:.::; Mat h ea.h adjective w¡th its opposite. on Saturday. FontobeNls Road by S i¡on Bea¡, Londc¡ I love Portobello Road. lt's one of London's main tourist altractions.There aren't any big depa¡tment stores, but there is an ¡nteresting market on Fridays and Saturdays.You can buy everything from fruit and vegetables to cheap clothes, CDs, books, and antiques. Can you get good coffee there?YeslThere are lots of cafés. fvly favorite is the Portuguese Café.They have great coffee and delicious cakes. What about food?There are some wonderful restáurants, and theyle usually crowded on ihe weekend. I love ihe MarketTavern.They have excelleni music on Fridays and Saturdays, and there are lots offriendly t. cheap ,L 2. crcwded 3. big _ 4. friendly 5. interesting _ 6. good 7. wondeful a. unfriendll, b. bad c. empty d. expensive e. teÍible f. boring g. small ir/',i|1...i Use the wo'ds ¡n Exerclse 2 to describe a place you know. Soho, ¡n New Yotk City, is interesting. There are erpensfue shops arul good testaufafits . . , 26
  • 32. : t:: ;:t,,l,i,;t¡ttt t, ffi ffi l'tLill'a Des<ibe the photd of Portobello Road. Use the adlect¡ves in Exerciee 2. Read about Portobello Road. Ar€ the sentences true or false? Wdte tor F next to each one. L There is a big museum. F 2. There is a market tlvo days a week. 3. There alen't any cafés on Portobello Road 4. There isn't music in üe Market Tavem on the weekend. i,,:í¡1 r:t: r',,irrt'i,a @ O t¡sten to Mar¡a tellPaulabout * Harvard square. che(k (/) the th¡ngs they talk about. neonle a subway station -the university beautiful buildings -officebuildings old churches -new stotes _ interesting restaurants -delicious d nks -the Tea Roor¡ -afruit ma¡ket -a street musician -coffee bals 27
  • 33. liit r¡ filtnff,, U1t l¡ r;2,,t;r,,q,,¡¡,t;1,7,L:7,,.i,¡,;1.1¡, ;., @ StuCy tt " "*".ples w¡th there ,.5 and there are. There is/There! ¿n nte¡esting m¿rket on the weekend. There are some wondeíu rest¿ur¿nts. . There isn't a mov e the¿ter There aren't any big r¡useums ls there ¿ qoocl café? Yes, there is / No, there isn't. Are there ¡ny interest¡nq rest¿ura¡ts7 Yes, there are @ Look at the examples again. Complete the rules ¡n the chart. / No, ther€ aren't @ Describe this pictu.e. Wr¡te f¡ve sentences. Use there ,yisnt a nd there aÍelaren,t. good cafés péopfe interesting stores a smáll hotel .-r .- , r :1., ,tF t, 2A
  • 34. ll,t:t;t n tl,r¿r,:,jtt i:t7:.2t:lu:, ////;/4/¡/.t/,!!.:1!¿.itti:,,i': . @ O List€n. Notice the pronunciation of the vo¡ced th sound, /ó/' @ O rirt"n "g"in and repeat. l) 77,t:'r i:t',l.t v,r u;t, ///,1,iy')t/!!irh t., tt : . l:, il l7"1 l:: it "/ l) 1. 1 ::i ¡xl:ll, /1. You are go¡ng to talk to your partner about his or her favor¡te part of a c¡ty, Write thtee more questions below l'tt|l1./i, Taketúña.Find out the ñame of the city and your partner's favor¡te part of the city. Then ask your quest¡ons. Take notes. C;i.ty: 4!!her93!4!!tq9,st ryS]lfg ls lheYe a Ag4l ru,,ustc cLrú?. what dD ^DLL Llke r|ost abo¿t (th¿). . . ? there There are good cafés. Are there any restaurants? is there a museum? the weekend There's a market on the weekend. Yes, there are, No, there isn't. @ tellthe ctass about your partner's favor¡te place ¡n Exerc¡se 7 Mafta likes the French Quafter in New Orle^ns because there are . ffi r;i'1,.!¡.xxtt7 /////////,|t//i)1/.i)ilt,l:,rti:.. . Look at the "Real Places" website on pages 26 and 27. wr¡te a rev¡ew of your favor¡te place ¡n a c¡ty or town Use therc ísl¡sn't and therc arc/arcn't lo describe the spec¡al details. Convzasenou to eo lrt /t 1;tx,¿12) any good.a'fés herc? )9
  • 35. 0ffice, . . or living room? itr,../tb1.tlr:,r''/ Furn¡ture in an office or living room {;?rllviri/ Prepositions of location :ii,4rl;r,q Tellinq someone where things are in a Ioom @ 'elrtn:;" wr¡te the numbers of the p¡ctur$ next to the correct words. a bookcase- acabinet á .omouter a desk a calendar -L a lamp _ a printer a telephone - a sofa a stereo a wastebasket a window an armchair 30 @ f) urt"n "na.heck your answers.
  • 36. @ O rirt"n "na .he(k your answers. Then l¡5tén aga¡n and repeat. @ 1t'l¡t 'i. fake turns point¡ng to an ¡tem ¡n the p¡cture on page 30. Tt,¡,¡¡nl,t,l,l,¡.¡¡,"1t;il /rit:l.l.Z,//,1;;1,t1,)t ti i :. | | : f) Listen to the words. Not¡ce the number of syllabl€s and the stress. Wr¡te each word in the corred group. O Listen to Chr¡st¡ne talk to two moving men. Look at the p¡cture on page 30. check (/) the ¡tems of furn¡ture that you hear. f) Listen again. Underl¡n€ the words to make the 5entences true. I. Christine i6 / i6nt sure aboutwhere she wants the furniture. 2. Christine wants to use the room as a liüng ioom / home ofnce. Oo ¡hair lata? armchaiv 31
  • 37. (ii,r nr,:,¿lrr,,tt;1,:1. tr| ¡:t t:,Uf¡, Study the examples of prepos¡tion5 of location. Put the desk in front of the w ¡dow l'd lke the computer on the desk, please. Put the plant next to the sofa. Put the armch¿ir oppos¡te the desk. The caLendar s above the sofa. Theres a stereo in the cabinet. The w¿stebasket is unde¡ the desk Look at the exampler aga¡n. Where ¡5 the ball? Wr¡te the corrett prepog¡tion for ea<h picture. W @ @ W@W 1 nexl la ) 4. /4 ,:; / )1 : /t !7:,1 r ii /!, l,,t.,t t r a... (: )r :t /',. @ , , ' .'. say a ienten(e. Look at the picture. say the sentence aga¡n w¡th the correct preposrtron. A: There a table opposite the doot B: No. There's a table nefi to the daor. nexl ro l. There's a table oppo3i+e.üe door. 2. The telephone is in front ofthe desk. 3. Theres a wastebasket next to the desk 4. I put the stereo on the cabinet. 5. The¡e's a plant in front of the sofa. 6. The p nter is next to the desk. 7. There's a cabinet above the bookcase. L I put my favorite armchair nerft to the desk. 9. There's a c¿lendar opposite the sofa. 32
  • 38. (rfp r:t t;:ttrt.iz'r,,47 (////t1/,,,i1,.ttti;t :t, ::. : : 'iil:ltüÍ/,t:7úl.l .tj,'ll. i|ll Think about your office or l¡ving room. Draw windows, the door, and one pie(e of furn¡ture ¡n the room. Then exchange books w¡th a partner. My floor plan for l7//', rakelurns descr¡b¡ng your office or l¡v¡ng room, Describe the th¡ngs ¡n your room. Use prepos¡t¡ons to talk about their locat¡ons. Your partner will draw the furn¡ture and objects on the floor plan ¡n your book. Therc a lable in front of the sofa. Opposíte the so[a, there's . . Show the floor plán to your partner when you're fin¡shed. 15 everyth¡ng ¡n the right place? 'U',/'l)'t.ivir'/'i)'///////i/.tt1,:tit:t: ¡i.t.'i;t.)t. Draw a floor plan of an olfice or liv¡ng room you know and write a descr¡pt¡on of ¡t. Use the prepos¡t¡ons of location from th¡s un¡t. Go¡,tveasnno¡'t Where is the phone? It's rrl, the desk-lthink. 33
  • 39. Celebrations 'i.::.:':.i:t|t/j/7 Holiday celebrations ¡i|t).ttt/ti;tt Simple present: affirmative statements ! t:t..t i)1..) r!t, f alking alrout holidays Mat(h each verb on the left with the corred group of words. Use each letter only one t¡me. L cook¿ 2. dancc 3. drink 4. eat 5. get up _ 6. give _ 7 go- L play 9. üsit I0. wash a. to salsa music, with soneone b. a friend, youl fami', a place c. the dishes, your hands d. for au'alk, to bcd e. lunch, dinner, food f. ice c¡eam, pizza, a neal g. juice, soda, water h. a present, noney i. a galne, cards, the piano j. at 8:00, inthe mo¡ning Look at the photos of some ¡mportant celebrations. Guess. ln what countr¡es are these celebrat¡ons? When do they take pla(e? See page 141 for answers. W , ,, , Describe lhe celebrations ¡n the photos. use words lrom Exercise 1. OnThañksgíuíng, the! eat a special meal On Nelx's Day, . - . DuringCarMUal,... 3A
  • 40. 7 . N¿xt week is 1lla^ksqLviú, tr ^aLío^aL noLidaú;|,¡" )iu. [11","i,,, tu L"^r"a,^' *í"i?!"i,:x';i'i"¿:';:::'::":;";;::':;:::::,i .Mllr^othu "*"r n'e I oaa. súe qes up a, <i x. a,.rack L4 & -::::, ^i^qw besi.*, us a,,. ;^, t a"; ".;;;","# ",i:".:, ^:^" ,":"ck ana tlen,^g w,atne..L^ tre /f KLtt h¿^ . A Lót of otar reLatrves .,t ,t^l:,?.,:,:?:;::',;";;.):)1"7"Á#fiíilllfÍ:,,"" Novet r'Lber ea a Lv./ a a s h av ¿ o off¿¿ a yu o o *.,i. i) 1"í "' IiJ"::,I:.^ "., '/it rtnúí'¡,2,¡¿ l:'hl ll:ti Read Amy's let'tet to het Japanese pen pal, Fumino, about Thanksg¡ving. A*g :,:::ti:ri:r:ifh:T,;;?.r;'"::^";:;:,;:.ADthcr a^d I ga fa. a _ott< . 1.t, seÍa a r¡o1.o'-- "'X Read Amy's letter again. Corect the m¡stakes in th€ sentences. l My mother gets up at sé#ll o'clock. 2. My faüer cooks the meal. 3. My brothe¡ and I get up at eight o'clock. 4. We eat at fivc o'clock. 5. My mother and brolher watch football onTV 6. The kids play the piano. 7. My faiher and I go for a walk. ffi t there a nofday ¡n your country l¡ke Thanksg¡ving Day? 35
  • 41. ti),1: t:,¿,1,t:,t f n t:ln' .1¡ tt ¡t;, ¿ t U she goes for a walk We eat ¿t 2:00 5he cooks the turkey. @ strdy th" "*"rnples of the simple present ten5e affirmative statements. I wash the d shes N4y mother gets up ¿t 6 00 N,4y f¿iher watches footb¿ @ rool at tt e "ra.ples aga¡n. complete the rules in the chart. l) " ii,:'iii,'):, ii " t):iii,.'l:,,, i' ),; )l',,,1,;l ;r.l l Read the senten(es about how Fumino celebrates New Year's Day ¡n lapan. Underl¡ne the corred verb forms. For third person s nqular sublects, such as he, 5he, or i¡, add - to the verb But add to dq go, and verbs that end ln -ch, -5 -5h, x for third person slngu ar s!blects. NOTE: Look ¿t the w¿y the verb /r¿ve chang€s: I h¿ve breakfast at 10 00 He h¿5 bre¿kl¿n at l0:00 I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. My brother usuallywatch / watches Ta We fiet up/ gets up at 6:00. l4y lather go / goes for a walk. I üsit / visits my lriclrds in dre morning. NIy mother cook/ cooks lunch. My father drink / drinks sake. {¡c eat / eats a spec;al dish called osechi. Our parcots give / gives us money. I play/ plays ca¡ds with my parents. 36
  • 42. llr¡ Ur¿,,,1ru,t;.!t ;.2'/t;ír,:tn ////,y'1)!:///i/iiih'., r |, O L¡sten. Not¡ce th€ three different pronunciat¡on5 of the th¡rd-person s¡ngular -sl-es ending. g?t3 @ f) ,,ra"n ,o .ore verbs. Wr¡te them ¡n the correct sound group. ffp f) usten ano .heck your answers. Then l¡sten again and repeat. illltüllil fl.1l) 'lltt lt /l Th¡nk of a hol¡day that your fami¡y celebrates each year. Wr¡t€ the th¡ngs that you and your family do. Holiday: Moth¿r's DaU Pegg¿ awd I get wP earL' vvaLe bYeaLfast, oook dlwwer' Dad bvLgs lowers. l?/tlll:i. fake tutns. Describe the th¡ngs that you and your family do. Don't tell your panner the name of your hol¡day! Your partner w¡¡l guess whi<h celebrat¡on ¡t ¡s. M! sister cü1d I geL up early and make breakfast for my mothet we also cook dinner in the etreníng. My Dud buys my mother J'lourerc. ",/l r:'ii'tí't t(¿ /y'/iiii,ttl:ti//i,)ii)::'!: i. : : @ Write a letter to a fr¡end about a special day or a hol¡day you (elebrate every - year. Use the s¡mple present and some of the vocabulary from this un¡t. CoNvERs,.rtoN To co Ai My dad ,itla'lt .atds and '/.,tirt¡¿1Lti.!r].J. B. Oh? My dad 4q,)t?,!, and,,t|it )'/tr),., fhe dishesl 31
  • 43. u niN;,'l:;r'/ij r:t',,1 r,lf'¡t,,i,r/t,'i.r¡rr,/4;l,lt @ ( ) Li.,"n to,t'" -nodel , oncr.arion. W ,jjr,,.,tt,,,r:t,17lj /. StudentA, say your 1ávodte thing to do, oryoüI favorirc kind of restaurant, or youl favorite food. Student B, rcport Student As information. Then say your favorite ihing to do, your lavo te kind of restaur¿nt, or your lavorite food. Then Students C and D continue. 1,.1,,ttí,1, /¡) '1,,,2't¡.t:,t,t; qrf,;at i,'t,t t1 ytlltr;rlf/i @ O r-tt"n to ttr" model conversation.,:i t.:)/t: .lJ. Take turns. Think of a ciry, a tor n, or a neighborhood (a¡ ¿rea in a town o¡ city) . Say three things about it- Your partners will guess the place. really super á little busy big friendly intereling cheap snall bor¡ng unfríendly quiet Itt 38
  • 44. t.,,:'i,,: .l i.:t.:t.ttit,.:.;)t . . . ¡t.,. ii1.1i1:i;1¡ :1:.¡t;,',,,;ri'i ttty''! ( ) L:. i n rp rn,l, ,u'' . o^[: h"ni, Ul' f*, r n'. Ll)oo.eo-o ., r in ' r'r, ' r' c a"r F P r¡ e -* ¡bour i.-1o." ,,. ".r' p e ,i r,ar ,e ir, r,pr'. 1'Hrl,u,p "fastest listener" ? :, t,..1 i. lj i:,.,::', t|i.t.i ¡.iii,)1..:,,t,iit, ',íjt ou.'rl ,J cn.,, r':..lle-.,ir.. r ' rr. ne.o.h,,,iLl¡ .,nd.tpir¡,, r'b lo_. '',, -L,l one on a srnail piccc of paper. Irold thc papers in halfand mi them alltogether. Exchange papcrs $rith another group. E m /f¿1/¡ (^¡ t .i"r.n tu tn"mo clel con.ers ation. t./':i'..11l: t1 l.t j: lr. Take turns. Pickaloldedpaper.'ou will ha.e 30 seconcis. Gire information the holidal', but don'¡ saythe nane. llno orre can gLress, rctllln the paperto the pile. Correct answers receive I poirlt. Kccp scole. a9
  • 45. The collectors t,ltt.:iiit/1t", t/ Objects people collect; numbers 100-1,000,000 I.ittt",t",r,4t Simple ptesent: yesl/Vo quest¡ons, short answers, and negative statements '::,l:tii ittl¿; t.:) lalk¡ng about possessions Do you coilecr ¡lirgs? Mike Drysdale a¡d Gayle B.enn¿n dó. Th€y're fton Calitu.nia, and thcv collecr Garñeld soulenirs. It's Mike aDd Gayle dón't just colleci a fe*,Garfi€kt thi¡gs. Thcy dr¡r€ dreir house wiih 3,000 Garfield ñuveDirsl In ft.t, house is like ¡ G¡rficld nt$cu¡1. Tirey don't h¡ve rruvcni¡s i¡ only onc room-rhey have Gdfield postc¡s, toys, conics, ¡nd clo¡hes i¡ cvc¡y roonl They srMed rheir collcction h 1994 $'her Gayle boúsht ¡ carfield bed for rheir Iin D¿vis üeared Gdfield n1 1978, úd now 220 miLlio¡ people rcád thc cotnic sr¡ip. Howeve!, lim D¡üs doesn'r have a c¿r b..r,r. hh s'ife does¡'flike ihenr qt q./r!i.i lr lit 7¡ a¿ 2 tr' !'r;¡1. r,1,.:7; 1. r;, 1, w w l1/,lil:i, whatkinds of th¡ngs do people collect? Make a l¡st. check (/) the words that you see in the photo. a book a pidure _ a stuffed an¡mal a clock -qÍ a plate a toy a doll_ a postcard a T shirt _ a photo album a ooster a video 40 @ f) risten ana repeat.
  • 46. @ PA.lÍ'tLwlte tne words for each number. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. hundred animal poster @ O usten again, Th¡s t¡me, not¡ce the sound of the vowel ¡n the weak syllables. @ O Listen and ,epeat. V,.t1at!trkw,r,1////////i'////./,///////)i//.1)//tt.:,, @ Read the article about the collectors, Then comp¡ete the senten<es w¡th the cor¡ect ¡nformation. 6arlieV is a comic st p character, Mike and Gayle collect Garfleld Their house is like a Garfleld Jim Davis writes the Garfield About220 Pf ,¡:tfAU:,t',,q,V,¡,.2a¿li,rAfu. r///////;/t),/;ti,.//1////.ij!i.:ñ.ti.: O l) f¡rt"n to t¡ese words. Notice the stressed (strong) syllable ¡n each word. album m¡llion thousand collect p¡cture people read the comic. @ f) tow listen and repeat. 41
  • 47. :' :'r. l:t,',:.f '*. @ stuay tne examples of the simple present ten5e negat¡ve statements, yeylro questions, and short answers. Does J m Davis like c¿ts? Yes, Do you collect Galield souvenirs? il We don't read lhe.or¡.s Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the sentenc€s ¡n the charts with the correct form of the verb ñave. L1:ifi'!'Il'r:i, '1././ I:i:i /; :. ', I don't collect posters. 1r His wfe doesn't like cats he does. No, I don't. (not have) any (not like) spoÍs. (not collect) poslca¡ds from (not readJ them. . But they photo albums. (like) baseball cards? he He 4. A: B:Yes, I Büt I (collect) postca¡ds? my own country! B: Yes, I (read) Ga ield comjcs? But my husband (have) any S¿ar Wdr.s T-shifis? N_egal¡Éltatem tryou^^/e/They +¡si liiiiiL l don't (do not) a photo a bLrm He/5he/li doesn't (does not) @ comptete the quest¡ons and the anawers. 2. A: L A:. 9o ye, cclleal: (collect) toys? B:No,I ¿rn'i .I rrllse, T-shirts from conceÍs. (have) a photo collection? B:Yes, üey 42 B: No, he Buf he lhave) 2,000 S¡¿7]. ],Ydr.s loys.
  • 48. , 4',il1)"',1 ltlríl,int! t¡,.':..' iir:l'lllll: '/l)l.i :'lt1:. t!,11. F¡ll out the quest¡onna¡re. What do you collect? How many do you have? You can use about (for exampl€, about t00) or over (for example. over 50). i:,/¿lll:;. ask each olhet about the spec¡al things you collect. Do you collect any of the same th¡ngs? A: Do you collect book? B:Yes,I do. / No,I don't. A: Do you haue a lot ofbooks? B:Yes.I do. I haue ouer 30A. / No.I don't.I haue about 15. Dojoucoll¿ct...? How manl do youhaw? books tr CDs O photos U videos O clocks U plates tr toys O posterc U postcards O other _'- @ wrir" " p"."gr"ph about one of the follow¡nq: . a collection you have . a collection that someoneyou know has . a collection in a museum or gallery Describe the obje<ts and talk about how many there are. lJse the s¡mple present and some of the vocabulary trom th¡s unit. A.'/.:tyott ,a,,/r,1a lol of stuffed animals? Bi I u!,I ,!.:t- I 't, ¿,/,.:: ouer 4OOl CoNvERsaT,ov To 43
  • 49. The modern world t,ttl:1:',1:titl ¿t i Words related to communications ::- ,.: Smplepresent: L4lh_ questions 'irt1.r1.ti//t lalklng about ways of communicating {b Look at pictures A-C. Match them w¡th the sentences. 1. They have neetings in per'son. 2. He uses the Intcrnet to do his homework. 3. She's on the phone. l'l Illll,, How do your friends communicate w¡th you: ln person? By €ma¡l? On the phone? lJse the verbs in the box to complete the sentences ¡n the questionna¡re, N:it4.tLt;,í./r(,n ti¡,/t ;.:t tI,til,:l, ///;/1.:.,:,t t:t:, :,. tl 1. i r './2, book get buy listen contact research 44
  • 50. 5 6 I I 2 "t J 4 Do you rr¿ the lnternet? b)no Do you _- books a) by malt? Do you -.--Your banking Do you ,-- hotels or fliShts b) on the lnternet? c)through a travel agent? 't "it;l¡,tl',ttí),,2q, /////////iihtr,.::i ::t t : : Do you _- friends b)by emall? Do you .--to music Do you -- Your news a)from rv? c)froñr the iewspaP€r? Do you ---- information b) on the lnternet? €)by sPeaking to People? 7 ffi f) rirt"n to ciselle and Thomas d¡s(uss a magaz¡ne qu¡z on modern - (ommun¡(at¡on. Check (/) the methods of communicat¡on they talk about. the phone - the lniernet TV- maslzrles @ O Lirt"n uguin and complete the statements w¡th the numbers in the box. You will not use allof the numbers. 43 66 80 98 OfAmelicans who have lhe Internet. . . . L % use emaíl to contact friends. 2. 7o also use the phone to contacl friends. 3. 7o use the Inte¡netto research hotcls. 4. 70 use üe lntemet to make hotel reservations. radio 33 45
  • 51. t¡,'l ;1,'l't:'t r,:'1,',, ;:',: r¡ 4 f:l't; U,'li @ study the e*"mples ot the s¡mple present tense l/yá- questions. How do we commun¡cate? Why does he book fl ghts online? when does she use the nternet? Where do they get the r news? whát do these results tell !s? @ Look at the examples again. c¡rcle the correct word to complete each rule. S¡mple present t4lh- questions For L4lh- quesiions ln the sirnple present wlth he, she, a¡d l¿ lse do / does. For Wh questions ln the simp e present w th, you, we, and they, use do / doeJ. After do or doet use the inlin¡tive / base form of the verb. 1¿ .ii!:t:;;!jtt l::1;t;::¡;l i:i/; llli: @ nead the answers and wr¡te the questions. 1. A: How do ]rou bu 0V0g ? B: I buy DaDs online. 2. A: B: He uses the Intemet in the evening. 3. A: ? B: She listens to music at home. 4. A: ? B: They get the news f¡om TV B:We Use the Internet fo do rese¡rch '/il r; 4x x1,,¿,t1,t;ii ¡,,' t4t¡,;¡,¿ @ f) firt"n. t'totice the weak pronunc¡at¡on of do and does and the pronouns and the way some words áre l¡nked together. Do you watch Does Jle use Where does.lle Do you watch TV? How do you contact friends? When do you use the lnternet? Does,lle use email? Where do-"s¡-" buv books? When does she listen to music? 46 @ f) Listen and repeat.
  • 52. ii,7tr:nLtinr:tr u',,'.:, ' ',. htili.Ji;/t: 11.2i./ :::t:'t::,i1. cteate yout own ¡nterv¡ewtofind out howyour classmates use the lnternet. lJs€ Howol l/yáete to complete the quest¡ons. do you bly books? do you do your b¿nking? do yo! book hotek orflights? do you coniact friends? do you lirten to music? do you getyour ¡ews? do you do research? lt,:! ti:ili fake turns.lñterv¡ew each othet Wr¡te your notes on your interv¡ew form. Then descr¡be your partn€r to the cla5s. lJse the informat¡on below Ana María uses the Internet to d.o almost everything! She buys books on the Intetnet, and she uses email to contact her friends. She Likes to do thíngs lery quickly ::¡ 1 r¡ l1i,¡1,¡,7 rt; ¡t :,;. ;,. Th¡nk about different ways of commun¡cat¡ng. Wr¡te a paragraph descr¡b¡ng a typ¡cal week for you and the different ways you commun¡cate w¡th others (f riends, family, business colleagues). A: ?:,/iN:.11 tt1 you tt',4 lhe lnternet? B: Allthe time! on the phone, on TV ¡n newspapers and magazinesl He or she I kes to do th ngs more trad t ona ly on the lnternet: He or she likesto do thirqs very quickly He or she ikes to do things more personally CoNvERsartov To
  • 53. Traveling 't/t:1:.t tittt,i:1r"/ Things you take on vacation; types of transportation l,), tr'ltari:a A, an, some, any :1t t:,!,t ii'.t|", n f alking about vacations l:i/,7'/ia,f 1t /, ht:1,'li't; 11ti i;,tl ttl,:;l¡.:', r l::Llli.::i wfite the letter of each object nexttothe correct word on the l¡91. O L¡5ten and check your answers. Then listen and repeat. it,':,ii:i;.i. whi.h obie<ts on the l¡st do you always take on vacation? t))-- T'hi^qe ta take o^ racaúa|| hLkLng boots '¡ f"t^ a loftabLc ¿D úauer cD< a bathL||g set: sqwgLasses a guLdebaak 48
  • 54. @ ot".t 1/¡ ttt" types of transportation you see, D bicycle fl motorcycle D train E boat E plane E trolley @ lr1lit !;, :k¡f" urns ask¡ng and answer¡ng there quest¡ons: How do you usually travel on vacation? By car? By train? By plane? How do you usually get around tora.ll? On foot? By bus? By car? ;i 7,1, ¿,, r,l.i7 I r;1,;;; ;.:., ¡ ., @ frr.l,t:;. Look at the photo of Tim Lee, a writer for travel gúidebooks. Pred¡ct: What six üings from the list on page 48 does Tim always take wiü him on vacation? /hat t,vo üings does he not take? €p Read the art¡cle ar¡d check your answers. I always pack a cameÉ. some film, and a tredit card. An alarm clock is importánt bec¿use I get up early to visit places before the crowds arrive -. . and to take good pict!¡res.l also t¿ke some sweáters-in case it gets cold or windylAnd I pack some books to read. I never pack a portab e CD pl¿yer becaus€ I like list€ning to the people when I'm different countly- I may be a guidebook writer, but I do¡'t take any guidebooks They're heaWl I always fly to where i m going on vacation. But when I'm there, I take 3 train, because I have more time, and I like to see the cou¡tryside. I never bke a bus because it's too slow ánd it isn't comfortabl€. l1//'.li:: li, aead the article aga¡n. Answer the quest¡ons. 4trat does Tim pack to make sure he gets up early? {hat does Tim pack in case it gets cold or windy? Why does Tim take üe trai¡ on vacation? Atly doesn't Tim take a bus? 49
  • 55. 41.r:amnvt;:t',i S ,,rd, ,h" "*".oles with a, ¿n, some, ánd any. I I alw¿ys p¿ck a notepad. r, An ¿ arm clock s important. I pack some books. i I don't p¿ck a port¿b e CD player I don't take any guidebooks. Do you take any tr¿ve e15 checks? S Look at the examples again. Complete th€ rules ¡n the chart. to ta k about one th nq (slnqul¿r) Use _ to ta k about more than one thing (plural), but when the number is not irnportant. LJse with plural negatives and questions. NOTE: Use a/r belore a vowel sound: án alarm clock. @ Complete the sentences w¡th a, an, some or ar¡¿ 1. Robe¡ta usually takes Foa¿ CDs. 2. Do you always pack_ umbrella? 3- I doni pack_ books. 4. Ana wants to buy_g!idebooks. 5. I always pack ala¡m clock. €j. Paulo nevertakes phrasebook. 7. I always t¿ke beach towel 8. We dont have _ tnvelers checks. :!j I l:'i.t:1..i: .,"i::1, ' lalwáys pack a camera, An alarm clock is impoñant. I pack sor¡e books. I don't pack any guidebooks. I never take a CD player I don,t take an umbrella. Itake sorne sweaters, Do you take a¡y travelers checks? @ f) Usten. ttotice the weak pronun(ia tion of a, an, soñe, and any. 50 @ O rirt"n "grin and repeat.
  • 56. fi77 ?1 i:,t Ntt;ir,t't:¡:tr /4¡ t'/: :) ::::i :: : : : Olll:1i.|?ii t.:tlt .1. choose one of the photos. De<¡de how to travel to th¡s plac€, what to pack, and how to travel once you are there. Tak€ notes about your dec¡s¡ons. we're going to Alaska.we're flying there.We're pctckin€i some sweaters. We're going to trauel by car when ue are there. Uvt|"1i/,x,1,.1, ///;,:;:|:t:ti|:: ''t ' : Tim Lee is going to a new place to wr¡te his next gu¡debook, and you?e go¡ng with h¡m! choose the dest¡nat¡on and make the plans. write a paragraph aboutr . the things that you wanl to pack. . how you want to travel fromyourhome to youl destination. . how you want to travel when you are üerc, lJae a, an, some, any, and Some of the vocabulary from th¡s un¡t. use these sentence aiartersi I want to . . .,/ I'm going to . . . @ tell the class aoout your travel plans. CoNvERsartoN To Go /'c/ .t ta'&,: I usuálly lrarel trt .;it'/ and lake ttrli/t What? 51
  • 57. Shopping 'y'1ttarttt¿t,.i Clothes and sizes 4ttirairll:/ úemons]rative adjectives: fh6, that, these, those 1:,1t.',¿r.t!11, Asking fot information in a store U/,,2't:.!//.Lk',t!U ¿ i:M t,ti.t /,;X. ///tjl,:ijr;!:i::tt: ;,,,t, @ Look at the p¡ctures. Match the pictures to the correct words ¡n the box. boots coat tL shorts sk¡rt ffi ?,toltt:t;. t^W u'out the fo owing questions. Do you like shopping for clothes? {,¡here do you buyyour clothes? Whal kird ofclothes do you usually shop for? 52
  • 58. & complete the table with the words in the box. extra large large medium 34 36 28-30 4244 36 38 /,(::. .ti1 .!i-l ¡,, t M€n's sizes jackett pants 'r,.i,%'r¡,Nln'inN:t, r'ú//!iiiit,,r//:)¡i,: i :.t : m O L¡sten to the conversation between - the sálesDerson and the customer. check (/) the wordr ¡n Exercise 1 that you h€ar. (} ñ rirt"n to the conversation aga¡n. llndérline the.orred answers. Jhe custo mer r{'arts: l a sweater in sma¡l /med¡um/large. 2. black pants in a sizcS / 12 / '14. 3. a blue / a green / a red skrt. 4. a black jacket / ra¡ncoat / boots. I I.:¡t1;17..,t.i.11,';.1.1. 1i 4¡ ..'. S$ f) risten. tlotlce the focus word-the most ¡mportant word-in each sentence. -' The vo¡ce jumps up or down to make th¡s word stand out. c¿n I helD vou? Do vou háve thit shirt in large? The blue shirt? No. the oreen onel w" on ty-t,uu" it iñrn"-ai-ñ'l @ O rirt"n "o"in and repeat. 53
  • 59. (,'i,'t i:t :¡:,¡'¿'t't't a, r; t,tit,t;.'tl,|t @ Study tne examples w¡th the demoñstrative adjective5 t ,¿t tha¿ these, and thoje. This sk rt G nice. That skirt in the window is very popular Do you have these p¿nts n bl¿ck? Those pants near the dooT aTe on sa e. @ Look at the examples again. Use rear or not rea¡ to complete each rule in the (hart. @ Ut ti, at the p¡dure and complete the conversat¡on with fáis, that, these, and those. A: Hello. Can I help you? B: Yes. f)o you have this shirt in blue? A: No, I'm sorry Büt_ shirt over there cornes in blue. B: No, thanks. I also need a black sweater Do you have any in large? A: Yes, right here. _ sweaterc are really nice. B: OK. I'll try one on. Also, do you sell sneakers? A: Yes. And üe sneakerc neal the cashier are on salel B: Great. _ sneakers are cool. Thanks for your help. 54 @ l) rirten "na .heck your answers.
  • 60. !i,'p t;:t A:',lt rt. t:t'r:/, ///iiiiitt., i:t,.',' l:i,t,lll:ii, Role-play a aonversat¡on between a salesperson and a customer. Student A, you are the salesperson. Look at page 137. Student B, you are the customer, Buy three ¡tems on th¡s page. . Ask lor an item. . Askfor ihe coloryouwant and üe size you need. . Ask about the price. @ Now. switch roles. {} tellthe ctass what you bought. I housht ñ blu.e súeater ín a medium. lmaq¡ne you need some new dothés (for example, for a new iob, for a party, or for a trip). write a list of th¡ngs you want to get. lnclude the ¡tems, colors, and s¡zes you need. Co¡rvens¡¡ro¡v ¡o co Ai tj?,./t t, t4t,l.t :íltzt'2 B: Do yoú have ?,l7in sweatet iR 1,x'/q1t, /rt';/ i¿t'71, and iTtxittl? flru g+ ,$ iiú-{/-i / r ryH 55
  • 61. ! ..... t&, ,..'/.4 .,,),l l.t i.:1t¡i,i l:l'l l,l+ t:,t:t)ri)i:ttii! 11:i1., You are a collector. Decide which one of the items in the photos you coilect. Write your information on a piece ofpaper. Éf tf Aw M { ffi (-¡ ristento ttemodei conve¡sarion. ffi ,.1 ¡ 1.1;t t. ¡ t,',, t:7./' jí. Take turns. Srudent A, you are a visitor from another planet. Choose one ofthe communication tools in the bo)( Ask four questions to find out about the tool. Use II4ty, When,I tlEre, How, and do/does to form your questions. cellphone pa9er television computer newspapers rad;o telephone 'l 3 4 ffi (-¡ ri"t . rctn model conversarion. ,.1 i. tt llt':1, Yotarc at a collectors' convention. Walk a¡ound the room and ask ive people aboüt the items they collect- Ask how many they have and why I he) ( ullecr rhaL i¡em. Wrile norcs on the fiece ofpaper. f¡P vttto cottects tn"same items? Do they collect them for the same rcasons? ¡,i't:¡irl "ti|) ':;i'i tti: :lt't,t,,t,liUf tZ 'U t¡:i,11 56
  • 62. l',1,t',,2t'l'1. "/;,/ t:t t'/ 1j)ti:'/'tt:t @ O ri"t.o to tt " model conversation. Think oI a place to go on vacation. Imagine üat you 8o there €very year. W¡ite down three things you always take with you and one thjng that you never take. ti'Ll:)i.12:i ti: 4., Take lurns. Tell your group the vacation place. The gmüp müst guess the things you always take and the thing you neve¡ take. t,114,iti,'l /1, !2:'¡x,¿r¡ ¡,nVxt¡r,xq, @ f) ftt"r, to th" model conve$ation and look at the pictures. l:'l',lllli, Role'play. Stndent A, you are the salesperson. Help the customer decide which items to buy Student B, you are the customer. You need to buy new clothes Look at the pictures and ask the salesperson for help. Th€n switch roles- 57
  • 63. A',t:t ul, 1,T',/ l 5. I. A: /here are you going on vacation this year? B:Wele going to the mountains to be alone. We waot to get away from the hú6r"lin? crtwi,6 . 2. A: This prcject is I don't think I can finish on time. B: Keep trying. I know you can do itl 3. A: I donl mind üe bad weather. I love the air after it ¡ains B:Youlook B: Me. too. It smells so 4. A:U¡hat a dayl I worked ftom I A.M. until t0 ¡.M. . Can I get you something to eat and drint? A: Please, sit here. There's B: Thantyou. ffi O firten to ttre song. Put the p¡dures ¡n the correct order to tell the man,s story. 58 ffi Use the words and phrases ¡n the box to complete the conversations. getting me down I fr¡¡xlin9-€6m5 room enough I fresh and sweei
  • 64. @ O t*en to ttre song aga¡n. F¡ll ¡ntheblanks. Up on the Roof starts geiting me down And people are just too much r climb way up to the top of Wh€n this old And al1 my Onthe roof s the only ptace I Where you just haveto wish Lets go up on the roof. At night the stars put on a just that's trouble proot And if this drift right into space. On the roo{ it's peac€ful as And th€re the - beLow canl bother me. Let me tell you ¡ow When I com€ - fe€ling tired and beat, I go up where the is fresh and A¡d darling, you can share it Right smack dab in the middle of- I get away from the hustling And all that rat-race noise down inthe starts gettingyou dow¡, There's roon enough for two Oh come on, honey Ele¡-ything is all right... @,,t1',ltl:;, comparc your answers. 'ii f7 Ut l'it?l:l m.q ///'//i/,//,//,,,:).,'. | :)..:' : & n;,nour:¡ 47f i7. Discuss the questions. Desc be üe characte¡'s mood.l^41y does he/she feel this way? what isyoul idea ofparadise? Desc¡ibe it.
  • 65. How sweet it is! 't/ t:, i trL ui r:",'./ F ood t.)l):ltlttriizr Count and non-count nouns; How muchlHow many; Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of i1r¡r,!)ltiti1 falking ahout foods you like l)til;.a,t"1.,i,u¿ A'/;.¿1tNn¿4)r,Nl,/tii,,,,,,),,i @ ,;'rltf;':;. Match the photos with the words ¡n the box. bread butter _l: cake (hocol¿te _ rofee cookies ice cream milk nuts candy _ crackers _ potato chips cheese fruit soda @ @ O rirt"n "na.heck your answers. Then I¡sten and repeat. l,/,111:t;. whi.h foods in Exerc¡se 1 are sweet and wh¡ch are not sweet? Write them ¡n the correct column- Súreet .ara 60
  • 66. rrrrl ?.i/:i. Do you know what the following word and phrase mean: chocoholic and to have a sweet tooth? !í,'Vl O titt nrctn. interview and check (/) the words from Exerc¡se l thatyou hear. ;/// ( ) Llslen again. Arethesenten(estrueor{al9e?wr¡teforFnexttoeachone. l. l,orraine eals some chocolate almost every day. i 2. fuc oo c.rr. a ot ol .!eel ,hinB'. 3. Gustavo eats a lot ofcookies. 4. Gustavo buys a lot olpotato chips. 5. Janice prefcrs s¿lty food. ',i.,1tt112NiL:1. I i,lil:;;:i Do you think sweet foods are healthy or unhealthy for you? Read the art¡cle and compar€ your answers, G b. b A rc r,,1, cr.rzr ¡bour su eets? f Hou m.rn1 co.kies d' r.u 1 l.¡r ,n ., ,1.,r ? chocolatel How mLrch soda do you drink? A lot of people love sr¡'eets. In lacr, a lot of peoplc eat and drink rtxr menv swee¡ rhings. And th¿tt not good. It can lead to health problems. If you ear a lot of cookics, ice c¡cam. or cal¡e be c¿¡efu]. Doctors say that too many sweets are bed for your health. They say to ear a r.ariet-v of foods: lo¡s of fmits a¡d vegetebl€s, and snraller portions of bread, meat, and dair¡ Then have a cookie or two for dcssert. Are nvo cookies enough to satisfy youl swcet tooth? Il not, üy thesc suggestiorls: cat some fruit instead of ¡ lor ¡,f chocol¡te or ice crearn. d¡i¡l< some iuice instcad of soda, or eat a feu. n,¡ts inste¡¡l of some ca¡dv. Read the articte aga¡n. lJnderl¡ne the word that makes each sentence true. I. Alot ofpeople lovc sweefs / butter. 2. Too manv cookies / vegetables are bad for your health. 3. lt's OK to eat one or two cookies / cakes for dessert. ,1. It's good to eat sor¡re fri¡it / chocolate instead ofice cream. 4 .t trl * fr 61
  • 67. //iil, t' a:¡n'm',,;¡:tr 4¡ 4x x;,v,1,'1.i rt21¡;¡'1;1.,, one cook e two crackers some buttef some bread @ stuAy tf," """fnples of count and non-count nouns. five nuts some cheese €t Look at the examples again. complete the chart. ,r/r. @ stuuy tne examples w¡th the quant¡f¡e rs mtch, many, and a lot of. Do yoLl e¿t mu(h butter? No, not much I don't put much butter on ¡ny bread. How many cookles do yoLr eat? Not many. 5. A: There isn't much / many ice crcam in the freezer. B: Really?Well, T borght alot / much / many yesterdat I don't eat many sweets. Our femiy eats a lot of potato chips. We also eat a lot of fruit. @ Look at the examples aga¡n. complete the rules w¡th ¡nucfr, m any, ot a lot of. with count nouns in questrons and negatives. with non count nouns n questions and negatves. with .o!nt and non-.ount nouns n ¿ffirmatlve sentences. @ underline the correct word or words ¡n each sentenc€. 2. 3. 1. A: How m-uch / ma¡yftuit do you eat everyda,v? B:Alot / Much / Many. I reallylike liuit. A: Do you drink much /many soda? B: No, not much / many, but I drink a lot of / much / manycoffec. A: Are there much / many cakes on the table? B: I don'1know There were alot / much / marry this morning. A: Do you eat much / manypotato clips? B: Not much / many. I like sweet things better 4. 62
  • 68. llf r¿,tl,ol,l:,t,t:,itn¡,;,i,t:tt't 4;i!,1,:t:t| ., : : ffi | ) tisten. floti(e the vowel sounds of AIl in not and // not nut one nut much much butter Do you eat much butter? a lot a lot of nuts I eat a lot of nuts. love love butter How rnuch butter do you eat? ¡n rut. not a lot No, not much. A lot. I love butterl Sweet ebó6elate Not sweet ,/ii)tht/,, Dr. Food has a webs¡te about favorite foods. what do you l¡ke to eat? wr¡te an ema¡l to Dr. Food about the foods you like and tell how much you €at. Do you eal /",1.',1,,:1, chocolale? B: ffi O tirt n ^nd ,"p.ut. 'lilt r¿izk.imq /t¡t'; t)'.,t,:t: )it::,, : ti 1: i: i:) l l: ./ t), li l r: /¿ i i. Complete the first column w¡th the names of other foods and beverag€s. l?/)il:1::;, fake lwns. lntetview each other Use mucrt, many, ot and a fot of ;n your questions and answers. Take notes. A: Do you eat chocolate? B: Yes. A: How much chocoLate do you eat in a uePk? B: Alot I eat some euery dal Does youl partner hav€ a sweet tooth? Report to th€ class. Co¡'tvensartou 63
  • 69. Job exchange ',l t t.:)i),./l t /./ Job dúties Lr.:1,t|ír¿i/ Modal: c¿n fot ability :1,1t'¿,.1,1t1, Asking about job ski¡ls (,lit't:,/t .'t,it't,¡'ll liai ¡:,tr:'t r'¡.-,,,;X. t' ¡t'' , :,, i1/.iti:i. Match the verbs ¡n the box w¡th the groups of nouns to create d¡fferent job sk¡lls. Some verbs w¡ll be used more than one t¡me. design repair drive s¡ng manage >Ks read 1. 2. 3. 4. fype 80 words a minute, a letter, a repo a website, abuilding, a brochure a caJ, a photocopier, a computer a hotel, a project, people English, Portuguese, Spanish a car, a Íuck, a motorcycle a story, a rcpoft, a speech a song B Do you have the pe¡lect job or do you want to make a change? Each week, we help people decide on a new carcer Try a new job fot one week and dec¡de ¡f you want to make a change.ffi underli¡e the correct verb to romplete ea(h sentence. I want to design / ¡epair a website that's easy to use. It's impo¡tant to rcad / drive maps correctly in my job. My job is to repair / drive a truck and deliver packages. lhesc actor. al'o speak / sing and dance. I needto speak / t!'peJapanese to some ofourguests. Please call the service departmentto ¡epair / rtr1.lte the copier. Our assistant can manage / tj,?e 60 words a mi¡ute. I manage /design ateam of20 employees. ¡ B 64
  • 70. /t"jt¿ Gary Hampton, a hotel manager, and viv¡ane L¡sboa, a driver, are '''_ ex(hanq¡nq jobs. Pred¡ct the answers. Then read the text and check your 1. 2. likes the new job. doesn't like the new job. '4h Read lhe lext again and complete the sentences with y (Viv¡ane), G (Gary), ' or I (both). L .ánpe¡i...Ferdllan8u,rgi.'. 2. can drive atruck. 3. - can't readnaps, 4. _ cant sing. 5. can'tspeaklapanese. Qkanging Jobs: lfue Gareer Sor¡s¿¡lfanfs Viviane Lisboa is a driver with FedEx@. She delive¡s packaqes. But she wants to work around more people. This week she is exchanging jobs with Gary Harnpton, a hotel manager from San Francisco, Can Viviane become ihe pelect hotel manager? 'This is basically the worst week oi my llfe. GarV is really good with the guests. He can speak Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. We have a q¡oup of Japanese guests ionight, and I can't understand anything they say. I can only say konn¡chi wa, ot goad day. Tonight is also cabaret night with karaoke- lJsually the manager does the iirst song. fhe problern is-l can't sjng!' Gary Har¡pton is a successf!l hotel manager from San Franclsco. He wants to work outside in the fresh air and have a reguLar schedule. Can Gary become the perfect Fed Ex@ driver? "l love this job- l'm outside all day. I can drive a truck with no probiem. But right now . . . I cant move! l'm stuck in traffic i¡ the middle of the - ty. I c¿n i heep ny schedul. like this. And I do have one problem. I can'l ¡ead maps well especialLy city mapsl So, right now . . . l'm lostl BLrt I really love this jobl" I I 1 65
  • 71. '(ii,t t;.U:,¡f.t,t¡Z'¡:*l'1,¡,1,t;utr, @ Sardy ,h" "*u.p¡es w¡th can for ab¡l¡ty. G¿ry can dr¡ve a car. r Vvi¿ne can't speak J¿panese. i Can Gary become the perfect driver? Yes, he can / No, he can't Sp Look at the examples aga¡n. comptete the (hart. l,¡/ou/He/S he,M/e/Th ey l,¡Yo u/He/She^//e/Th ey Yes, I No, I @ Write questions and short answers with can or can't. I A: you / read / map? 2. A: she / dñve / car? B: no 3. A: you / tt'pc / last? 4. A: he / speak / F¡ench well? 5. A: they / ñnish / the repoÍ on tinle? 6. A: Regina / read / Russian? lila ,J*t ra,¿ t t12N? 7. A; ihey / repair / all the computels? B:yes 8. A: you / design / websites? B: no 66
  • 72. ? t t:tz:,tt lnzr;,i i:t't;,2t::t't1l 4tllr;:titi't:::, - : :.: : {} O a'r,"n. Not¡ce the weak and strong pronunc¡ations of car. Not¡ce the strong pronunctatton ol (¿n t. lcan drive a truck, can you read a map? lcan't sing. Yes, I can. / No, lcan't. @ O rirt"n "no underl¡ne the word you hear. We can / can'trepair computers, I can / can't read a nrap. He can / cant design websites. l 2. 3. @ ',tr',.ltl:l, Take turns interv¡ew¡ng each other- C,an yoLr use a comp uter? Can lou type Jhst? C'an you spe(tk . ? Sp f) risten "g"in and repeat. j Adñ¡ristrat¡on use a computer/type speaka foreign langrage imanaqeyourtime i Technology write computet programs de5ign a website I repair a conputer 4. She can / can't speak Spanish. 5. Can / Can't you sing? 6. I can / can'f ¡lpe fast. E I tl E Yes E E Bus¡ness ñanaqe a compary write a business plan manage other p€ople Entertainment :in9 play an instrument No E l{o H tl IYés E I {$ wnicn type ot ¡ob can your partner do? Does your partner agr€€ with you? A r;'1"¡,itr:t%, q2 !iii;::,i ::..t1 : . : Think about your job sk¡lls. Wr¡te about the skills you have and the skills you don't have now, but want to l€arn. Use can and can't and some of the vocabulary in this unit. CoNvensarto¡,t ¡o ao 4:,att. you rr. l a maq? 61
  • 73. ":):i tt.'l'¡; ti"t "1 ":1,'',¡.X. t:tw rti'a'tl,¡;t'tt. i,',¿ íri,,!, qP ( ) Li'r"n ,o rhc muJe' ( o ,. Look at the pholos and the chart. W# t: :: ruJenr A.r'ortcn,,,,irnpror'p your eaiiDghabits. Student ts, you are a nu¡ritionist. Ask queslions to find out ¡bour stL,de,I A! earirg h¿hit. 1 Lpn make some recommer1datirrns, 't,'1'¡¡t7./taal//1. jl'¿¡lilnrity,r;,lr;'t¡,1,:,,,tr;tt;t' ffi O r:*"n n *"model conversarion and look ar the lisr ofabilities. ffi l.:t.,rt,:ili,,WolK uround the room and ask questions. Find someone ,vho . Name ffi tnokatnehstolabilities ard wrire ¡{o more. Job sk¡lls ca¡r design awebsite. can drive a tluck. can $Titc computer p¡ograms, Name Other sk¡lls can speak lhrce languages. can ride a bicycie. can play an instrument, can Client name: Client name: Recommendationsl i-¿t tr:)re i.l,'t, Recommendations: 7€,
  • 74. '',,)n2'/, 'r , 'h.zt,,¿r,r¿2u,'4t: '/ ,li',"ur,!t r:¡,¡. t:t. ilt, Choose three names. Say and spell each one. A: lenníJbr Conklin. I-e-n-n-í'f e r C o n k l-i-n ? lenn fer Conklin Lá!ren Altman Yuka Ham¿ f/l-" Fong Chen Lorena M¿rquez Nil'¡xtlt¡. fi, ri1x7,.r¿v,r;ll,st;1 () l;iThuvl /,tt Use the following informat¡on to wr¡te yeyivo quest¡ons for a quiz. Use the national¡t¡es on page 10. 1.Jl:h!L ü/1, 7:.%r,:!t/(:l,r:'t tr,/ ;r| ,4, / 'l::,'¿:1.tdrvt:/;ti lo r1,t:u.N. f, You need to order office suppl¡es. Call Professional Off¡ce Supplies. Order fiv€ ¡tems. LJse the item numbers. B: ProfessionaL Offi.ce Supplíes. May I help you? A:Yes,I'd like to oftler some supplies. B: OK. What's your last na me? B¡ian Anderso¡ W I ám McM l¿n Yosh Hamada Young la Kin'l Daniel D¿5iv¿ Le¡surq Sports, and Eñterta¡nment Chess is Indian. The 9¿mb¡ and bossa nov¿ are Br¿ziian Food and Dr¡nk Pita bread and keb¿bs are Turkish Pasta and gelato are ltalian. Famo¡rs People Peé is Brazili¿n. Tlger Woods js Ar¡erican. T36
  • 75. t t,t.;:) l::.1,,. t), .a i:, i. t t t.|t i t ri' i:, i:), Look at the picture of the Cormack family. Take turns asking quesüons to f¡nd f¡ve d¡fferences between your p¡(tu¡e and Student B's p¡cture. Take notes, A: Is the san utalching TW B: No, he ísn't. He's ... Role-play a conversation between a salesperson and a customer. You are the !álesp€rson. Follow the arrows to help create your conversation. Try to help the customer f¡nd and buy what he/she is look¡ng for. Use the items and pr¡ces on th¡s page. You can offer items in diff€rent colors and s¡zes. :(hn I help )0u? B:Yes- Da wu have this suit ínbrount? w$75.00 ñ1$39.00 $9.99 €s/No/Suits . i!!l!9.:!91,,' Try t on? $299 w,.:.r:1,:.4 $25.00 &S32.oo ws299.00 .. l Iw Stwder*Y's lLotLYe. ' t:.M!, .. .*t': !- 'j !l:.r" | ..tF. , , .:,4:, -.,-.. . .. $125.00 $35.00 131
  • 76. )/t/,) ;r, .. 'ixtirt't,i4nti ltl You are the waiter/waitress. Students B and C w¡ll choose what they want from the menu. Take their ordet A: Can I take your order? B: Yes, IA líke a cheese and tomato sandúich. C: I'll haue a ham santlwích. Can I haue a house salad uíth that, please? ,t ;i ll. i,ltit'tl'1,'1, iil,:,,,.t:,:t:, ::: i,t' it),ttl1t::i1i l:. Take turns asking and answering questions to complete Marc Anthony's bioqraphy. B: Irhere did he grow úp? A: He grea up in New York City. 1{ilr'r:iiii.i. Total llis early li{e MarcAnthonywas born in 1969. His parenis werefrom Puerto Rico, but he grew up in New York City. When he wa, a child, he loved Ilis career N¡arc Anthony had hG fkst Spanish hit in the year_. His popularity staned to grow He sanq a sonq w'th ie¡nifer Lopez in 199a. The nextyearwas a big yearfor M¿rc Anthony.ln 1999, hewo¡ a GrammyAward, he made a movie, and he made hk_. ilis Sersoí€l l¡fe But impoña¡tthiñgs happened ¡n 2000 ako: That year MarcAnthony made .He qot maried to D¿yanara Torret. Marc Anthonya¡d hiswife hád difficulttimes in . ln lulythey broke up, bur six months later they were together again and they had a second weddi¡q ceremonv in I 138
  • 77. t J't:,'i't:, ''l,li , l;;v,.4t/t,.i)tit:i/, /,i) ,tzuT I lil.t.t lt::tt1ti /'. 6¡ve Student B d¡rect¡ons to the places he/she asks for B: I/Vhere is thefrness center? A: Take the eleuator to the . . . Ask Student B for d¡rect¡ons to these places and lab€l each place oñ your hotelfloor plan. . café . swimming pool . room 204 . restaurant Are your flool plans the same now? ,,.ir,sir.itll,vii,ytt:'(,t:.i,'t:t,,;l)itntl"l ii4i'ttrr+)/x1 lto Student A, respond to Student B's quest¡ons. You can only say yet three times. B: Can you recommend a goorl restaufant? A: Surc. The Palm Café ís one of my f!:tt¡orítes. Now ask student B the fol¡owi¡g: . to recommend a good hotel . to use his/her computer this weekend . io borrow his/het car tomorrow . to make a dinner reservation for ionight . to pass a diclionary i,N'il;r i;, 1,, li;. 1¡l'U,i:ot¡: lj lLtr:tu)¿,:,¡1|¡ li choose three names. say and spell eaó one. B: Sydney Doalíng. S y-d-n-e-y D-o-u-l-i-n g ? Sydney Dowli¡g Rebecca Ortman Martha Sanchez Ae lin Yoon Samuel Rodr guez Benjar¡in Le Febre Marcos Sailes Hsa Matsunaga M n Wanq trlrii:';1,, /i:.:4.trt'i:.i t:;ti'!, I'x l:,tuttNt/il, Use the follow¡ng information to wr¡te feyivo questions for a qu¡z. LJse the nat¡onalitiet on page 10. Le¡sure, Sports, and Enterta¡nment Flamenco is Spanish. Ta chiis Chinese. Food and Drink Sauerkraut is German. Coqnac and champagne are French. Famous People celine Dion is c¿nad ¿rl. CoinFarreIsl¡sh. 139
  • 78. N/i Nit,'NtiU,,,,,,,/, /ii,, N;l: it.t¡tri t;i,¡ll,tr'l Ut¡t;i:'ii /i) l:.t tt::ll:, lt, ili1,,ll'ij Teams take turns. Team 1 goes first. Student C will ask what a Santo5 fam¡ly member is dojng. Student A, f¡nd the person in the picture on th¡s page and pantom¡me what he or she is doing. Student C w¡ll guess using the present conünuous tense. Student A, you (an only give two pantom¡me clues. Then Team 2. take yourturn. Each (orrect sentence receives one po¡nt. Keep score. ii' ! fltiitütt4it11:'i i'a, /,i;.i1,t 1 t|r;,¡'1¡t¡111i ''t l..i ;,tt ,t.1 'l i; ':,i1i.,,;t1i4?tta¡.t lr, i1nt:i'i:) Teams take turns. Team 1 goes first. took at the menu. Student A, g¡ve your order to Student C. Wr¡te a (/) next to the ¡tems you order. Ask Student C to repeat your order. Check to see how many ¡tems he/she remember5. Subtract a po¡nt for each item he/she forgets. Keep score. Then Team 2, take your turn. Who rem€mbered the moSt? Katfie's Good Food Café llLnten (rith !cttr,ce) S5 50 Hrm lrv l, ed..) S5 15 .h..n 11! ih l€ttn.c) 1'.i 00 sr rj 'r¿x srrh lemon s¡ull $l 25 adic. snxll $r ó0 Hlr .h.col¡te s Dll s1.711 soll drnrks stiill 51 J0 or¡ngÉ l!i.c s¡raL! S1.J0 {!F-tú.. r ]L il 1r h.,L L<L ¡ rl JI rlr 140
  • 79. til.rZUítl,n '1, V¡jy,t.¿::tf q'it,4.1, /t 'ii't.,Lrú/,:tnti. 2, You are a game show host. Name an ¡tem on this list. The players willtry to guess the pr¡(e. The person who guesses the closest w¡thout go¡ng over wins the item! briefcase $65.00 cell phone $50.00 desk $79.00 dictionary $ 6.75 fax machine $99.00 file cabinet $49.00 printer $89.00 stapler $ 7.99 I t, tlAl/l:t''ll ';1,, t|'4.?"(//,t/,!ii'/.1 I 9'turlri:,na,:. /i, Student A, say a 5entence w¡th the t¡me and someth¡ng that Talia d¡d. Student B, say what Talia didn't do at that t¡me. Then Student B, say a senten(e w¡th the time and something Tal¡a didn't do. Student A. say what Tal¡a d¡d do at that t¡me. Take turns saying whatTal¡a d¡d and didn'tdo. n,fu:tí /,. /), l/:r.¿tl',¡,t;.1ili"'tl' 2 /,t.:tt f,n ¿'tf l¡¡:t'/ Thanksgiv¡ng Day lnthe U.S.: ln Novenber, on the fourthThursday. Families gather fo¡ a traditional meal of turkey, potatoes, graw, and pie. In Canada: In Octobe¡, on t¡e second Monday. carnaval ln Brazil, rlsually in February (sonetimes in March). 'Ihe most famous celebration takes place in Rio de is always just befbre the Catholic holy period ofLent, which begins on Ash wednesday and ends with Easter. New Year's Day (Shogatsu) In japan, on ]anuary 1, 2, and 3. People eat speci¿l food called os¿¿hi ¡yori. The food is packed in a special box and is very colorful (see page 36). People also visit temples and pray for safetv, he¿lth, and Éiood fo¡tune. |,l,t:ti't.'ti7,,¿rt,r,¡.;,ir,r,t h /,;n //i',,u a!)'t h, tzv These three places olten have hurr¡canes: Flo da, Jalnaica, Mexico 3 00 do l¿undO X 9:00 cook bre¿kf¿st / -0 00 f ni5h the newsp¿p€r / - 1 00 ¡sk when l¡ne ¿trves X -2 00 orq¿nlz€ th€ pafty / p ay wth ihe doq / 8:00 F¿x ¿¡d re¿d / 9 00 t J pr¿Ltce test X 10:00 la¡e ¿rrve? / 5:00 prep¿re food / 7:00 ¿sk Tim for he p X 9 00 pl¿y oud mutc X 141
  • 80. Note: We don't wrte contr¿ctions with rnosl nouns X My name's Peter 4.|nVt¡,'t be present singular . Theve¡b b¿has different forms for the subject pronouns in the present, am Laura ¡/lart n. t Here ts my card. Long form Conlradion lam ,m ris heeis here's that ¡s t"Lt:ú|t; i/. be simple present indefin¡te art¡cles a/aD Subject pronouns s¡ngular PIurál you you he/she/ t they . Use contractions in conversation and inforrnal writing. Long Form Contract¡on yoLrafe you're he ts he's it is t's we are we're they are they're lndef¡nite artic'es a, an . Use awith singular nouns thai beginwith a consonant sound, afríend aan¡ue6it! professor .llse an with singular nouns lhat begin ü'ith a vowel sound. atu attbt an engü1eef an houly worker ,,llrztr't¿ lt be present negat¡ve sentencesi yeyrvo questions and short answers Notes: . Sorne verbs can be conf¿Cled two ways. you/welthey atent = you/we/they're not he/she/¡t isn't = he/she/¡t's not . Do not use contract ons in aff rmaiive short anSwers A: ls he Brit¡sh? B Yes, he ¡s. x Yes, he's. Neqative senten(es w¡th be Lonq form Contrad¡on am not Br tish. 're He/She/lt rs lle/She/ 's We/They afe We/They Yeefvo questions with be No. l'm not Canadi¿n? Yes, he/she/¡t is. No, he/she/ t 142
  • 81. a ¿ell phone ) three cell phones . Add -¿s to nouns that end in -clr, -slt, -s, or -¡. awatch ) ¡¡ue Luatches - fout destr.s ) t,oo dishes a gldss ) three gLússes > two Jhxes t1,!,'txi?,. /1, Plurals; be present: W',- quest¡ons Pluralnouns . Add -s to make most nouns plural. a urallet ) luo wallets Possess¡ve 's . Use possessive 's with singular nouns, Tltis is Sarah's Íauor¡te song. Basketball ís Darid's fauotíte spotl. B¡azíl's t)e1etables are excelle t. My dog's Iauorite food ís chícken. Tbl1li I ^ Hi l Pñm ) ^ H¿t I farol Lte mütt ts sata . IJse an apostrophe (') alone ,ilh regular plural nouns. The boy! fauotite sport h saccet. The Corrs' musíc is excelLent. Note: Use possessive 3with irrequ ar p ur¿l nouns. The ch¡ldren's favarite movie /5 fov Story 't,lrlir. h Therc ¡slThere arc . Ilse there is / there's w ith a singular noun. There is a hoteL. Therc's a museam. mere ísit ú ¡11arket- Is therc a Japúnese restautant? Yes, there ís. / No, therc ísn't. . Use tfi¿r¿ ¿rr¿ leith a p1uÉlnoun. lhere aÍe sont¿ market' There &rett a y bookstores. Are there any schools? Yes, there aÍe. I No, there aren't. Note: Use anywth neg¿tive statements ¿nd questions w th A¡e tñere. , ,? There isn't any caffee. Therc aten't any hotels. Are there any qoad restaurants? . Fornouns that end in consonalt + -/, change/to i and add -es. a dictíonary + tluo díctíonaúes &bíttery + three batleties Wrr- qu€st¡ons . Use ¡rtrdf to ask about things. What k yaú name? what are lout hoLtts? . Use lr¡¡¿r¿ to ask aboui places. Where b ny pen? where are my pens? . Use hou m¡rct¡ to ask about quantities. How much is a package of paper? Hour tu ch are the staples? 'üntrl;!') Possessive adject¡ves and possesSive '5 Posses5¡ve adje(t¡ves Subiect pronoun Possess¡ve adjective my you your he her t its WE they the r 143
  • 82. '1,!tz't't'1.. 'V Prepos¡t¡ons of lo(at¡on . Use prepositions o[]ocation inext to, above, under, opposite, in front of, in, on) to saywherc things are. There's ú computer on the desk. Is there a b6ll un ler the tabLe? The stereo ís n't ín [ront of the wínÍIoLu. túnit¡, lt) Simple present: aff ¡rmat¡ve statements . Use the simple present to ¡alk about routines and habits. Aff¡rmative /YouA /e/They play bal on Sund¿ys. He/5he/ t plays . Third pcrson (he/she/it): Add -s to mosiverbs in the third person singular. He plays football eu¿ryday. Add --¿s to do and go, andverbs ending in -cr, -sl¿, -s, and r. da + does wa,sh ) u)ashes She does her homeurork. He uashes the ¿líshes. Forverbs ending in consolant + -/, changc/to ¿ and add -€s. study ) stuLiies She studies Englísh. Note: The verb haye s ¡rregu ar in the s mple present. h¿ve J h¿s I have lunch at 1:0A She has breakfast at 8:AA llr,tit,t; r|t Simple present feslrvo quesüons, short aniwers, and negative statements YeilNo quest¡ons Do /you/we/they co ect souven rs? Does he/she/it Note: The b¿se form of the veÍb never changes in a qLrest on or negative stater¡ent Does he collect th¡ngs? X Daes he collects th¡ngs? He daesn't collect things X He doesn't collects things. 1iXr,.tí'r. '11,2 Simple present Wá- quegt¡ons . Use ¡r¡¿¿f to ask about Ihings. What do you do? What daes he do at Loork? Short answers Aff¡rmat¡ve Negative Yes, /yo u/we/they No, /yo u/we/ihey dont. does. he/she/t doesn't Negative rtatements /YouA /e/Th-"y don't have ¿ .o n co le.iion He/She/ t What How /you/we/they lbase form of the ve¡bl he/she/it 144
  • 83. ' Use ¡rt?¿n to ask about tlme. when do most people usually ú¡ tiue? [hen rloes she get to u)ork? .llse ¡¿¡¡¿¿r¿ to ask about locations, Where do LL'e keep the extftt supplies? wherc does she pat the füies? 'Use ¡rt¡l io ask about a aeason. Ithy rlo you conJirm your reseruotíons? wlry does the company ask Jbr a nwnber? . Use ho¡l to ask about aprocess. How do lou usually pay by cash or credit card? How does your boss comtnunicate? '..¡.L,il. /N/!, . Use ¿r or dr. to talk about one thing (singular). I take a book anÍ1 an umbrclla. . Use so¡ne to talk about more than one thing (plural) l,hen the number is not iñportant. IVe always take some baaks. , Use d¿y with questions and plural negatives. Doyou húle d ! crcdit cLlkls? Jack ¡loesit tuke an! books oñ üacat¡on. 'lote: Use an wlth a slnqu ar noun that a:g ns wjth a vowe sound: at umbÍela. :-i a universjty and a un forr¡ because :_ese beg n wth a consonant sound. .,tiL. li/t. Demonstrative adject¡vesi this, that, these, those 'lsethis, that, these, and f¡¡ose to indicate specific ¡eople or ihings. close Not close : ngul¿r ths that these 'r,i r¡i!¿ "l ii Count and non-count noans; How muchlHow manta Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of . Some nouns are countable.We can count them, and they have plural lbrms. ,ne nut tao nuts . Other nouns ale not countable-We can't count them, and they do not have plural forms. neat X two meats kel:chup X threeketchups . Use m¿¡¡v with count nouns in questions and negatives. There dren't many cookíes. Does she eat many patato chips? Hoú man! cmckers are on the plate? . Use r¿¡¿crr with non counl nouns in questions and negaiives. we don't haue much milk. Do you dri* much juíce? Hoú much soda ís on the t6ble? . U( d /ol o/w;lh .oun, ¿nd nor .our.10 rr ..r atTirmative senlences. There's alot offaad. There are a lot of apples. ,,:irtit;,'tt/i can for ability .Ilse canlcan't Io talk about abilities. 1is shirt ís too plain. tl it uith that jacket auer therc. . u ¡:¡nt to bLq these shoes, Those hools in tlrc carner are níce, too. Note: Canlcar't do not change in the third- person s ngular. He can Ape. X He cans t/pe Aff¡rmative subject + can + base fo¡m of lhe verb We can cammunicate easily. Negat¡ve subject + calrt + base form of the verb He can't dr¡ve a truck. Question can + subl,"ct + base forr¡ of the verb can yau arqan¡ze informatian? Short Yes+subject+ca, Yes, lcan. No+sublect+can't 145
  • 84. 'fu: r, ¡it'lXUlt,¡:'t:t U +r¡''r,ry; S¡mple preaent be become begin break build buy choose come cost do draw drink drive eat lal1 feel find fly get give go grow have hear know Simple present leave make meet put quit ¡un read say see sell send sing sit sleep speak spend swim take teach tell think underctand win write S¡mple past became began broke built bought chose came cost did drerv drank drove ate fell felt found flew got gave went grew had heard knew 5¡mple past 1eft made met put quit ran read said sold sent sang sat slept spoke spent swam took taught told thought understood 150
  • 85. tJm|t tr Hello. Hi. Bye. Goodbye. See you. So long. Thanlyou. Thanks. Excuse me, what'syour name again? Here's my (business) card. I'm. . . I'm so[y, could you ¡epeat that? I'mwith... It's nice meetingyou. Mynameis... Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, too. Pleased to meetyou. Umit 2 architect artist assistant businessman/businesswoman cashier doctor engineer flight attend¿nt graphic designer musician teacher waiter/wait¡ess zefo üree four frve six eight ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighieen nineteen tlnit 3 Australia/Australian Argentina/fugentinian Brazil/Brazilian Canada/ Canadian China/Chinese Fra¡ce / French Germany/ German India/Indian Japan/lapanese Korea/Korean Italy/Italian lreland/Irish Mexico/Mexican Spain/Spanish Thailand/Thai Turkey/Turkish the United Kingdom/Bitish the United States /Amedcan Unit & battery briefcase box ofpaper clips cellphone desk dictionary fa machine file cabinet folder notepad printer stapler twenty thifly forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety [!nit 5 baseball game book market magazine movie museum newspaper restaurallt store TV show tl¡tit 6 bad big boring cheap crowded delicious empty expensive friendly good interesting small terrible unftiendly wondeIful 151
  • 86. MnfrtV armchait bookcase cabinet c¿lendar chair computer desk lamp plant printer sofa stereo table telephone wastebasket jwüt& cook lunch dance to salsa music drinkjuice eat ice cream get up at 8:00 give a present go for a walk play a game visit a friend wash the dishes 43nát 9 book clock doll photo album picture plate postcard Poster stuffed animal toy T-shirt video one hundred one thousand ten thousand one hundred thoüsand one million 152 Wmltlfi book a hotel buybooks contact friends do your banking getyournews lisien to music use the Intemet 6Jmüt lX alarm clock bathing süit beachtowel books to read camera CDs credit card film guidebook hikingboots map phrasebook portable CD player sunglasses sweatets traveler's checks umbrella bicycle boat bus car motorcycle plane subway tLxi train trolley tlxrát12 boots coat jacket pants shirt shoes shorts skirt sneakers suit sweater T-shiÍ extra large extra small large medium srnall llutit"'83 beer bread hr11er cake candy cheese chocolate coffee cookies crackers fruit ice cream nuts porato chjps soda Llnüt"Ae¡ ¿lesign a ,¡ebsite drive a car manage a hotel read a story repair a car sing a song speal a language type a letter write a report