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KISDI 자문 회의
                                              주제 발표
웹의 ‘자발성과 다양성’ 대 ‘책임성과 신뢰성’을
         부여할 수 있는
  ‘기술과 정책’의 참여 모형에 관한 발표

         Calm technology

                           Ph. D. Kang, Jang Mook
                           Email :
                           발표일 : 6월 23일 오후 4시-6시
1. 현 정부 사이트는 정책불신, 재미없다 등 정책 참여가 이루어지지 않음.
2. 국민과 정부가 웹을 통해 소통하지 못하고 구체적 실행방법도 제시되지 못함.
3. ‘정책공감’ 등 기존 블로그를 활용하거나 포털 민간 사이트와 연계된 방식 등.
최근 기사에서 트위터를 이용한 연동을 강조함.
촛불이후 이명박대통령 미니홈피 활동 중단 상태, 트위터 참여의사 밝힘)

1.   소셜 네트워크를 형성하여 참여를 이루는 메커니즘 부재.
2.   이를 위해 기술적 정책적 관점을 특정 매체, 신기술 중심에서 ‘관계’로 전향.
3.   ‘항의’, ‘불신’ 등 감정적 표현이 난무한 참여를 줄임.
4.   진정한 ‘인간’ 관계의 신뢰 형성이 가능한 소통 공간으로 승화.
5.   신뢰성, 책임성을 기반으로 참여의 자발성과 다양성 확보.
6.   기술적 요소와 사회적 요소의 긴밀하게 결합되는 참여 구조.

                                                    Kang, Jang Mook
                                                          JUNE. 2009.
                           Blog :
웹에서 신뢰는 어떻게 형성되는가?

         익명성 vs. 실명성
      OpenID vs. 주민등록번호
     선출판후검열 vs. 선검열후출판
새로운 매체인가? 관계인가?
                       지금 정부는 „관계‟를 이해하고 „SocialSphere‟를 생성하는가?
                                                                  The Twittersphere

Say hello in 140 characters
Barack Obama embraces Twitter

     관계-쇼셜 네트워크 서비스-참여
Evolution of Platforms + Successful Platform Monopolists

•       IBM = Big Iron (1970s-1990s)                           •     Google = Search Act II (2000-curr.)
•       Intel = Integrated Circuit (1980's-curr.)              •     PayPal = Online Payments (2000-curr.)
•       Microsoft = Desktop (1990's - mid 2000‟s)              •     Apple = iTunes + iPod (2003-curr.)
•       Cisco = Network (1990's-curr.)                         •     YouTube = Online Video (2006-curr.)

    •    AOL = Email + Gated Internet (1992-               •       Friendster = Social Networks vI (2002-2004)
         2001)                                             •       LinkedIn = Prof. Social Networks (2003-curr.)
    •    Yahoo = Search Act I (1994-2000)                  •       MySpace = Social Networks v2 (2005-2007)
    •    Amazon = Books/New Goods (1995-curr.)             •       Facebook = Social Networks v3 (2007-curr.)
    •    eBay = Used Goods (1995-2004)                     •       Twitter = Social Networks v3.5 (2008-?)
    •    Craigslist = Classifieds (1998-curr.)
              Social Networks: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Orkut, hi5, Friendster, etc
Cohesive social networks foster information diffusion
  Sparse Social Network        Cohesive Social Network

                                                             • The more cohesive a social network is the better
                                                               information can diffuse through it
                                                             • Hence, the more cohesive intrafirm social networ
                                                               ks are the more informed a firm‟s members are (
                                                               e.g., Reagens & McEvily 2003)

Central positions within social networks foster information brokering

 Low Control                  High Control
                                                             • Under network configurations where inform
                                                  A            ation flows are more likely to be controlled
                                                               , information brokering is also more likely t
                                                               o occur
                                      B           M      D
                                                             • Hence, individuals with decision making po
        M             B   D

                                                               wer are more likely to drive knowledge tran
                      C                            C
                                                               sformation the more central they are in intr
                                                               afirm social networks
Hence, different configurations of intrafirm social networks support different typ
                          es of knowledge integration

                                                                                                                                                 Firm Knowledge Assimilation Capabilities
  Low Assimilation Capabilities/Low                                           High Assimilation Capabilities/Low
  Transformation Capabilities                                                 Transformation Capabilities

                       A                     Mechanism: Fragmentation                             A                                            Mechanism: Convergence
                                             • Knowledge is becoming dis                                                                       • Knowledge is converging to
                                               persed                                                                                            ward a common base

         M             B              D      • Firm-level absorptive capaci        M              B                   D                        • Firm-level potential absorpti
                                               ty is relatively low                                                                              ve capacity is relatively high

                       C                                                                          C

  Low Assimilation Capabilities / High                                        High Assimilation Capabilities/High
  Transformation Capabilities                                                 Transformation Capabilities

                                          Mechanism: Recombination                                   A
                                                                                                                                                 Mechanism:              Generation
                                          • Knowledge is being recombin                                                                          • Knowledge is frequently exchan
                                            ed by managers                                                                                         ged and generated

       B              M               D
                                          • Firm-level realized absorptive          B                M                    D
                                                                                                                                                 • Firm-level absorptive capacity is
                                            capacity is relatively high                                                                            relatively high

                      C                                                                              C

                                                                                                         Intra-Firm Manager                                  Intra-Firm Network Member
                                                                                                 M                                                     C
                                                                                                         (e.g., group leader, division head)                 (e.g., employee)
Firm Knowledge Transformation Capabilities
소셜 네트워크 휠

The Social Media Participation Ladder
…..classifies people according                 Publish a blog
                                               Publish your own Web pages
to how they participate using     Creators     Upload video you created
                                               Upload audio/music you created
social technologies.                           Write articles or stories and post them

                                              Post ratings/reviews of products/services
                                              Comment on someone else’s blog
                                              Contribute to online forums
                                              Contribute to/edit articles in a wiki

                                               Use RSS feeds
                                 Collectors    Add “tags” to Web pages or photos
                                               “Vote” for Web sites online

                                              Maintain profile on a social networking site
                                              Visit social networking sites

                                              Read blogs
                                              Watch video from other users
                                 Spectators   Listen to podcasts
                                              Read online forums
                                              Read customer ratings/reviews

                                 Inactives    None of the above

                                              Groups include people participating in at least
                                                      one of the activities monthly.

                  Ethan Hein, „Creative Networking Topics,‟사이트 방문:2009.01.02)
                    Ethan Hein, „Visilink,‟사이트 방문:2009.01.02)
Arenamontanus, „Wordchain network for Lojban 5-letter words,‟사이트 방문:2009.01.02)
Social Intelligence Metrics
      Activity       • Web Analytics

                      Tone        • Sentiment

                                          • Spread over time,
                           Velocity       • URLs, Trackbacks    Phase 2

                          Attention       • Duration on site

                   Participatio       • Comments, trackbac
                        n               ks

      Qualitativ     • Comments, what did
           e           they say, what did
      attributes       they mean
Semantic Social Networks
• SSN, describes the notion of integrated and
   merged social networks.
  [Stephen Downes, 2004]:
   – “Network resources are expressed in XML or
     RDF, such as descriptions of persons
     (authors, readers, critics)
   – References to those descriptions employed in RDF or
     XML files describing resources.”
• potential solution for merging and integration of
   – The Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) Project
   [Dumbill, 2002]
Foaf: A framework ,a vocabulary and an
• FOAF is “a framework for representing
  information about people and their social
  connections”. Golbeck‟s definition
• The FOAF Vocabulary [Brickley, Miller, 2004]
  contains terms for describing and depicting
  personal information (such as name, surname
  and email address), membership in groups and
  social connections
• FOAF is represented as an ontology, using
  RDF and OWL
Sample Foaf profile
<foaf:Person rdf:ID="me">
          <foaf:name>Nima Dokoohaki</foaf:name>
<foaf:depiction rdf:resource=
          <foaf:schoolHomepage rdf:resource=""/>
          <foaf:name>Victor Duran Levin</foaf:name>
Ontology definition
• a structure capturing semantic knowledge
  about a certain domain by describing relevant
  concepts and relations between them

• a graph / network structure consisting from:
  – A set of concepts (vertices in a graph);
  – A set of relationships connecting concepts
    (directed edges in a graph);
  – A set of instances assigned to a particular
Semantic Web Ontology languages

•   RDF: the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
    and RDF Schema
    –    is essentially a data modeling language
    –    RDF is graph-based, but usually serialized as XML.
    –    it consists of triples: subject, predicate, object.
•   DAML+OIL: Defense Advanced Research Projects
    Agency (DARPA) Agent Markup Language (DAML)
    + Ontology Inference Layer (OIL)
    –    Fairly comparable to OWL
•   OWL: Web Ontology Language (OWL)
    –    the most expressive of the ontology languages
    –    provides mechanisms for creating all the components of
         an ontology
관계로 재편되는 매체
 How brands currently use Facebook
관계기반의 상호인증 모델링
밥과 엘리스의 신뢰 관계

<foaf:Person rdf:ID="Alice"/>
 <foaf:Person rdf:ID="Bob"/>
 <Relationship rdf:ID="Relationship_Alice_Bob">
   <hasTrustee rdf:resource="#Bob"/>
   <hasTruster rdf:resource="#Alice"/>
                  <MainProperties rdf:ID="MainProperties_Alice_Bob">
                            <Subject rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Driving</Subject>
                            <Value rdf:datatype="&xsd;float">0.95</Value>
                  <AuxiliaryProperties rdf:ID="AuxiliaryProperties_Alice_Bob">
                            <ContextType rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
                                              Social Network
Community developed services

Most interesting is the fact that it‟s the twitter community that have pushed new features and produc
ts through the public API. Hundreds of new products and services have been developed. Purely by t
he community and twitter have become a great tool for research.
Social Networking & Mobile Internet
 „This development is encouraging for the future of the mobile internet,‟ commented Hill.
„Social networking is taking the mobile internet out of the early adapter demographic and
                  Into the mainstream.‟ source : comSocre M: Metrics
Intelligent Domain Applications and Services

            Trust                     Security and Identity

   Reasoning and Proof                  Inference Engine

     Higher Semantics                   DAML+OIL,OWL

         Semantics                      RDF/RDF Schema

         Structure                        XML Schema

        Syntax Data                           XML

                     Domain NameSpace
Adopted from “The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web
   Services, and Knowledge Management” – Daconta et al., 2003
Calm Social Network Service
                                                                                        And/Or Benefits:
                                                                                       “Wisdom of Crowds”
                                         that gets smarter the
                                          more people use it
                                                                                       Blind Data Sharing
                                                                             e         Community
                           co u
                             ntr se                                   c om
                                ibu r                           out
                                   tio         Intentions                            increasing
                                      ns       Gestures
dee                                                                                  mass of hard to
      pen                                      Personal Data
            ing                                Shared Data                           recreate data
                     wor                       Secret Formula
                                     t          collective
                                               intelligence                             Fabric of Web
                                             Web Site                                         network

사례 1: Sun Microsystems
Lesson: Social media is a culture of transparency
and honesty that must be embraced, leading by
example is one of the best ways to introduce it to a
company. Few things are better than a CEO that            Jonathan Schwartz‟s blog
blogs or uses twitter.

                                                                     Also on
                              CEO                                     Other
                              Blog                                    Social

                             400,000                Negative        Facebook
                               hits                Comments
                                per              Transparency
                             month               Trickles down      Network
                              (2006)             •Employees         Of Blogs
사례 2: 별다방
 Lesson: Thinking
                                      My Starbucks Idea.”
   of ways to build
 your company are
  great, but directly
     asking your
  consumers what        Custom
they want, is better.   Tailored                Customer
    Acting on that        Site                    Lead
   information and                              Strategy
 doing it publicly is
 key to the success
  of this campaign.

                        Customer               Strengthen
                        Feedback               Corporate
사례 3: 컴케스트
                                              @Comcast cares

                          Add title text
 Target                       Real Time Customer Service
Problem                       Handle Customer Complaints

                              Change speed of delivery

                               Allow customers to solve problems

 Lesson: Being active on Twitter is great but tracking and
 seeing who‟s mentioning you, is the next step. Social media
 allows for the possibility of great customer service, and with
 it, better brand loyalty
사례 4: Blendtec
     YouTube Video Marketing

                                                                                            Add text title
     Various Attention Getting Videos

     Proving the point about the products
                                                                        2.7     MM
     Customer participation in marketing

                            Lesson: Social media marketing doesn‟t always need to cost
                            a lot of money. Creating funny, original video and leveraging
                            an already large user base can be used to increase sales.
                                          Add text title
사례 5: IBM

                                    Power                  Loyalty
Network of    Executive               To                     &
   Blogs     Participation         Employees             Commitment

                                               created an entire network.

             Lesson: Having a CEO that blogs is great, but increase the
             number ofAdd text title
                        blogs and you increase the number of
             connections. Leveraging your employees to write about
             what they love conveys the corporate dedication to the
사례 6: Zappos

  Empower                   Communication                   Employees
                                                             To Share
 Continued                  Interesting                     Thru Web
  Customer                  Trust                            Contact
 Interaction                Consistency
    With                    Routine                          Empower

Zappos               Relationship

                 Lesson: Take a CEO that twitters, add in a great personality
                 and you have a recipe for social success. Ingraining social
                 media into the culture of a corporation means that every
                 consumer interaction is personal.
                                  7: 도요타
                                                       Being a Second Life
                        Mall    Museum             resident, the possibilities of
                                                  this seem fairly limited. We are
                                                   used to living where we want
                                                      (or where we can afford
Possibility            Park      Music             rent), “razzing” whatever car
                                                   we want (if we own it), using
                                                    whatever transportation we
                                                      want (you can‟t think of
              Garage   Homes
                                                   anything that we can‟t drive!)

                               Toyota Metapolis
사례 8: Facebook platform과 오픈 ID
                Pros                               Cons
Allows third party apps to take    Dependent upon Facebook’s
advantage of pre-existing social   continuing good will/good fortune
graph, creating a quasi-open       – what if it goes bust or falls out of
social graph                       favour?

Massive user base                  Requirement to build upon
                                   Facebook fundamentally limits
Provides an excellent user         application possibilities
                                   Facebook graph can never be as
Provides a fairly capable API      ubiquitous as an open social graph
                                   encompassing all social network
Ad revenue earned is app           users, everywhere
developers’ to keep

Encourages viral app adoption
through news feed and directory
Extended OpenID

• Extended OpenID (xOpenID) is a develop
  ment of OpenID which could be the best v
  ehicle to achieve an open social graph
• It is OpenID which also holds information o
  n social relationships
• If we are serious about the future of social
  networking, surely relationship data is just
  as important as email and real name is tod
  ay when using a web app
How xOpenID could work
• xOpenID contains:
  – Personal ID data (such as email, real name et
  – Database of other xOpenIDs and the user‟s re
    lationship to them (probably via an XFN attrib
• Each user automatically maintains their ow
  n „master‟ list of contacts on xOpenID whic
  h can then become contacts on a given so
  cial networking site, depending on user ch
  oice and relationship to user
xOpenID use case

                                  Person Y
                                                        Person Y is added as a
                              accepts, provides
Person X adds person Y                                  contact on X‟s xOpenID
                         relationship data that they
 as friend on Facebook                                 with relationship data and
                              went to university
                                                               vice versa

                         Y‟s xOpenID queries X‟s        Y‟s xOpenID does not query
                         xOpenID and finds that X      person Z‟s xOpenID, because
Person Y joins MySpace     is also a member of             person Z is person Y‟s
                          MySpace. Added as a            boss, and a connection on
                            friend on MySpace                    LinkedIn
Advantages of the xOpenID approach

• Builds on pre-existing standards (OpenID and XFN)
• Achieves a good balance between centralisation (one place
  which can be queried for a user) and decentralisation (no o
  ne person can have a monopoly over the social graph)
• No reliance on direct inter-social network exchange of data
  , so no scope for a network to, for example, block a particul
  ar rival yet still accept imported data.
• A user is able to maintain multiple xOpenIDs (as many user
  s do now with OpenID) by interconnecting them with the “m
  e” XFN attribute
• Also solves the social networking fatigue problem (via Ope
  nID) of having to enter personal identity information into ev
  ery new social network
Open social networking

                                         Widgets, XML, ‘make public’
    xOpenID, XFN                               option, APIs etc

Relationship and identit   Social netw
        y data                 ork
Trust networks of small size
Increasing the length of the network structure,
Network contains 20 nodes and 34 edges)

       Trust /
       Cooking       Alice


                          Distrust /         0.46

 Bob                         0.96                       Clara

                           Trust / Drivin

                                               Distrust / Teachin
                                      0.80     g

 Increasing the width of the network structure,
 (Network contains 28 nodes and 54 edges)


       Bob                                            Clara

Trust networks of larger size
         Alice      Social

  Bob                         Clara



                                      Eric                       Ginger


Hybrid Networks - Connected networks of different contexts; a social and a
business network. Example Hybrid networks, contain 8 people and 12 relations. 8
links are interconnections (local), and 4 links are acting as glue connecting two
networks (foreign). Network contains 48 nodes and 92 edges.
Trust networks of larger size

         A               J

    B           C   I          K

         D               L


    M           O   E          G

         P               H

Meshed networks –Motivated from real-world network
formations, complex, combined networks of different sizes and different
contexts. Partial or fully connected meshed networks. In sample, A partial
meshed network made-up of two connected hybrid networks; This network
contains 16 people and 26 relations. (Network contains 98 nodes and 198 edges)
참여의 정책적 아키텍쳐
참여의 정책적 아키텍쳐
집단에 의해 생산되는 콘텐츠를 관리하는
  어플리케이션 참조한 정책 구현
Than                   Q

   The followings were made to supplement
            my shabby presentation.
           When you need anything,
 please e-mail me at this address at any time.
1장 : Hellogroup, „Thomas Petersen Twitter’,, 2009년 06월 방문.
3장 : hellogroup,„2009 06 08 Thomas Petersen Twitter‟,, 2009년 06월 방문.
4장 : Geeks On A Plane, „Overview of US Platforms & Social Networking(Startonomics Tokyo, June 2009)‟,, 2009년 06월 방문
7-8장, 19장 :Thomas Langenberg, „Information Sharing in Social Networks’, 2006., 2009년 06월 방문.
10장 : Josh Bernoff, „Social Technographics defined‟, forrester, 2007., 2009년 06월 방문.
23장 : “The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management” – Daconta et al., 2003
24장 :, 2009년 06월 방문.
32-37장 : Huw, „Open Social Networking‟, 2007,, 2009년 06월 방문.
12-20장, 38-40장 :
Nima dokoohaki, ’Modeling and Representing Trust Relations in Semantic Web-Driven Social Networks: An Ontological Analysis‟,
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, June 2007,, 2009년 06월 방문.

41장-나머지 : D. Allemang, J. Hendler, Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008,
G. Antoniou, F. van Harmelen, A Semantic Web Primer(2nd Edition), MIT Press, 2008 2009년 06월 방문.

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웹의 [자발성과 다양성] 대 [책임성과 신뢰성]을 부여할 수 있는 '기술과 정책'의 참여 모델에 관한 발표

  • 1. KISDI 자문 회의 주제 발표 웹의 ‘자발성과 다양성’ 대 ‘책임성과 신뢰성’을 부여할 수 있는 ‘기술과 정책’의 참여 모형에 관한 발표 Calm technology Ph. D. Kang, Jang Mook Email : 발표일 : 6월 23일 오후 4시-6시
  • 2. 1. 현 정부 사이트는 정책불신, 재미없다 등 정책 참여가 이루어지지 않음. 2. 국민과 정부가 웹을 통해 소통하지 못하고 구체적 실행방법도 제시되지 못함. 3. ‘정책공감’ 등 기존 블로그를 활용하거나 포털 민간 사이트와 연계된 방식 등. 최근 기사에서 트위터를 이용한 연동을 강조함. 촛불이후 이명박대통령 미니홈피 활동 중단 상태, 트위터 참여의사 밝힘) 1. 소셜 네트워크를 형성하여 참여를 이루는 메커니즘 부재. 2. 이를 위해 기술적 정책적 관점을 특정 매체, 신기술 중심에서 ‘관계’로 전향. 3. ‘항의’, ‘불신’ 등 감정적 표현이 난무한 참여를 줄임. 4. 진정한 ‘인간’ 관계의 신뢰 형성이 가능한 소통 공간으로 승화. 5. 신뢰성, 책임성을 기반으로 참여의 자발성과 다양성 확보. 6. 기술적 요소와 사회적 요소의 긴밀하게 결합되는 참여 구조. Kang, Jang Mook JUNE. 2009. Blog :
  • 3. 웹에서 신뢰는 어떻게 형성되는가?       익명성 vs. 실명성 OpenID vs. 주민등록번호 선출판후검열 vs. 선검열후출판
  • 4. 새로운 매체인가? 관계인가? 지금 정부는 „관계‟를 이해하고 „SocialSphere‟를 생성하는가? The Twittersphere Say hello in 140 characters
  • 5. Barack Obama embraces Twitter 관계-쇼셜 네트워크 서비스-참여
  • 6. Evolution of Platforms + Successful Platform Monopolists • IBM = Big Iron (1970s-1990s) • Google = Search Act II (2000-curr.) • Intel = Integrated Circuit (1980's-curr.) • PayPal = Online Payments (2000-curr.) • Microsoft = Desktop (1990's - mid 2000‟s) • Apple = iTunes + iPod (2003-curr.) • Cisco = Network (1990's-curr.) • YouTube = Online Video (2006-curr.) • AOL = Email + Gated Internet (1992- • Friendster = Social Networks vI (2002-2004) 2001) • LinkedIn = Prof. Social Networks (2003-curr.) • Yahoo = Search Act I (1994-2000) • MySpace = Social Networks v2 (2005-2007) • Amazon = Books/New Goods (1995-curr.) • Facebook = Social Networks v3 (2007-curr.) • eBay = Used Goods (1995-2004) • Twitter = Social Networks v3.5 (2008-?) • Craigslist = Classifieds (1998-curr.) Social Networks: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Orkut, hi5, Friendster, etc
  • 7. Cohesive social networks foster information diffusion Sparse Social Network Cohesive Social Network • The more cohesive a social network is the better information can diffuse through it • Hence, the more cohesive intrafirm social networ ks are the more informed a firm‟s members are ( e.g., Reagens & McEvily 2003) Central positions within social networks foster information brokering Low Control High Control • Under network configurations where inform A A ation flows are more likely to be controlled , information brokering is also more likely t o occur B M D • Hence, individuals with decision making po M B D wer are more likely to drive knowledge tran C C sformation the more central they are in intr afirm social networks
  • 8. Hence, different configurations of intrafirm social networks support different typ es of knowledge integration Firm Knowledge Assimilation Capabilities Low Assimilation Capabilities/Low High Assimilation Capabilities/Low Transformation Capabilities Transformation Capabilities A Mechanism: Fragmentation A Mechanism: Convergence • Knowledge is becoming dis • Knowledge is converging to persed ward a common base M B D • Firm-level absorptive capaci M B D • Firm-level potential absorpti ty is relatively low ve capacity is relatively high C C Low Assimilation Capabilities / High High Assimilation Capabilities/High Transformation Capabilities Transformation Capabilities A Mechanism: Recombination A Mechanism: Generation • Knowledge is being recombin • Knowledge is frequently exchan ed by managers ged and generated B M D • Firm-level realized absorptive B M D • Firm-level absorptive capacity is capacity is relatively high relatively high C C Intra-Firm Manager Intra-Firm Network Member M C (e.g., group leader, division head) (e.g., employee) Firm Knowledge Transformation Capabilities
  • 9. 소셜 네트워크 휠 인용
  • 10. The Social Media Participation Ladder …..classifies people according Publish a blog Publish your own Web pages to how they participate using Creators Upload video you created Upload audio/music you created social technologies. Write articles or stories and post them Post ratings/reviews of products/services Comment on someone else’s blog Critics Contribute to online forums Contribute to/edit articles in a wiki Use RSS feeds Collectors Add “tags” to Web pages or photos “Vote” for Web sites online Maintain profile on a social networking site Joiners Visit social networking sites Read blogs Watch video from other users Spectators Listen to podcasts Read online forums Read customer ratings/reviews Inactives None of the above Groups include people participating in at least one of the activities monthly.
  • 11. Nod-Hub-Connector Ethan Hein, „Creative Networking Topics,‟사이트 방문:2009.01.02) Ethan Hein, „Visilink,‟사이트 방문:2009.01.02) Arenamontanus, „Wordchain network for Lojban 5-letter words,‟사이트 방문:2009.01.02)
  • 12. Social Intelligence Metrics Activity • Web Analytics Tone • Sentiment • Spread over time, Velocity • URLs, Trackbacks Phase 2 Attention • Duration on site Participatio • Comments, trackbac n ks Qualitativ • Comments, what did e they say, what did attributes they mean
  • 13. Semantic Social Networks • SSN, describes the notion of integrated and merged social networks. [Stephen Downes, 2004]: – “Network resources are expressed in XML or RDF, such as descriptions of persons (authors, readers, critics) – References to those descriptions employed in RDF or XML files describing resources.” • potential solution for merging and integration of information – The Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) Project [Dumbill, 2002]
  • 14. Foaf: A framework ,a vocabulary and an ontology • FOAF is “a framework for representing information about people and their social connections”. Golbeck‟s definition • The FOAF Vocabulary [Brickley, Miller, 2004] contains terms for describing and depicting personal information (such as name, surname and email address), membership in groups and social connections • FOAF is represented as an ontology, using RDF and OWL
  • 15. Sample Foaf profile <foaf:Person rdf:ID="me"> <foaf:name>Nima Dokoohaki</foaf:name> <foaf:title>Mr</foaf:title> <foaf:givenname>Nima</foaf:givenname> <foaf:family_name>Dokoohaki</foaf:family_name> <foaf:depiction rdf:resource= ""/> <foaf:workplaceHomepage rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:schoolHomepage rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:knows> <foaf:Person> <foaf:name>Victor Duran Levin</foaf:name> </foaf:Person> </foaf:knows> </foaf:Person>
  • 16. Ontology definition • a structure capturing semantic knowledge about a certain domain by describing relevant concepts and relations between them • a graph / network structure consisting from: – A set of concepts (vertices in a graph); – A set of relationships connecting concepts (directed edges in a graph); – A set of instances assigned to a particular concepts
  • 17. Semantic Web Ontology languages • RDF: the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and RDF Schema – is essentially a data modeling language – RDF is graph-based, but usually serialized as XML. – it consists of triples: subject, predicate, object. • DAML+OIL: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Agent Markup Language (DAML) + Ontology Inference Layer (OIL) – Fairly comparable to OWL • OWL: Web Ontology Language (OWL) – the most expressive of the ontology languages – provides mechanisms for creating all the components of an ontology
  • 18. 관계로 재편되는 매체 How brands currently use Facebook
  • 20. 밥과 엘리스의 신뢰 관계 <foaf:Person rdf:ID="Alice"/> <foaf:Person rdf:ID="Bob"/> <Relationship rdf:ID="Relationship_Alice_Bob"> <hasTrustee rdf:resource="#Bob"/> <hasTruster rdf:resource="#Alice"/> <hasMainProperties> <MainProperties rdf:ID="MainProperties_Alice_Bob"> <Subject rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Driving</Subject> <Value rdf:datatype="&xsd;float">0.95</Value> </MainProperties> </hasMainProperties> <hasAuxiliaryProperties> <AuxiliaryProperties rdf:ID="AuxiliaryProperties_Alice_Bob"> <ContextType rdf:datatype="&xsd;string"> Social Network </ContextType> </AuxiliaryProperties> </hasAuxiliaryProperties> </Relationship>
  • 21. Community developed services Most interesting is the fact that it‟s the twitter community that have pushed new features and produc ts through the public API. Hundreds of new products and services have been developed. Purely by t he community and twitter have become a great tool for research.
  • 22. Social Networking & Mobile Internet „This development is encouraging for the future of the mobile internet,‟ commented Hill. „Social networking is taking the mobile internet out of the early adapter demographic and Into the mainstream.‟ source : comSocre M: Metrics
  • 23. Intelligent Domain Applications and Services Trust Security and Identity Reasoning and Proof Inference Engine Higher Semantics DAML+OIL,OWL Semantics RDF/RDF Schema Structure XML Schema Syntax Data XML Domain NameSpace Adopted from “The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management” – Daconta et al., 2003
  • 24. Calm Social Network Service And/Or Benefits: Software “Wisdom of Crowds” that gets smarter the Collaboration more people use it Blind Data Sharing e Community co u ntr se c om ibu r out tio Intentions increasing ns Gestures dee mass of hard to pen Personal Data ing Shared Data recreate data net wor Secret Formula ke ffec t collective intelligence Fabric of Web realized Web Site network potential 2009.06.방문
  • 25. 사례 1: Sun Microsystems Lesson: Social media is a culture of transparency and honesty that must be embraced, leading by example is one of the best ways to introduce it to a company. Few things are better than a CEO that Jonathan Schwartz‟s blog blogs or uses twitter. Also on CEO Other Transparency Blog Social Networks Positive & 400,000 Negative Facebook hits Comments Twitter per Transparency month Trickles down Network (2006) •Employees Of Blogs •Customers •Partners
  • 26. 사례 2: 별다방 Starbucks Lesson: Thinking My Starbucks Idea.” of ways to build your company are great, but directly asking your consumers what Custom they want, is better. Tailored Customer Acting on that Site Lead information and Strategy doing it publicly is key to the success of this campaign. Customer Strengthen Feedback Corporate Message
  • 27. 사례 3: 컴케스트 Comcast @Comcast cares Add title text Target Real Time Customer Service The Problem Handle Customer Complaints Change speed of delivery Allow customers to solve problems Lesson: Being active on Twitter is great but tracking and seeing who‟s mentioning you, is the next step. Social media allows for the possibility of great customer service, and with it, better brand loyalty
  • 28. 사례 4: Blendtec YouTube Video Marketing Add text title Various Attention Getting Videos Proving the point about the products 6.8 2.7 MM Customer participation in marketing MM 2.5 0.7 MM MM Lesson: Social media marketing doesn‟t always need to cost a lot of money. Creating funny, original video and leveraging an already large user base can be used to increase sales. Add text title
  • 29. 사례 5: IBM IBM Power Loyalty Network of Executive To & Blogs Participation Employees Commitment created an entire network. Lesson: Having a CEO that blogs is great, but increase the number ofAdd text title blogs and you increase the number of connections. Leveraging your employees to write about what they love conveys the corporate dedication to the industry.
  • 30. 사례 6: Zappos Zappos Empower Communication Employees To Share Engaging Insights Continued Interesting Thru Web Customer Trust Contact Interaction Consistency With Routine Empower Personnel Zappos Relationship Lesson: Take a CEO that twitters, add in a great personality and you have a recipe for social success. Ingraining social media into the culture of a corporation means that every consumer interaction is personal.
  • 31. 사례Toyota 7: 도요타 Being a Second Life Event Hall Mall Museum resident, the possibilities of this seem fairly limited. We are used to living where we want (or where we can afford Possibility Park Music rent), “razzing” whatever car we want (if we own it), using whatever transportation we want (you can‟t think of Garage Homes anything that we can‟t drive!) Belonging Toyota Metapolis
  • 32. 사례 8: Facebook platform과 오픈 ID Pros Cons Allows third party apps to take Dependent upon Facebook’s advantage of pre-existing social continuing good will/good fortune graph, creating a quasi-open – what if it goes bust or falls out of social graph favour? Massive user base Requirement to build upon Facebook fundamentally limits Provides an excellent user application possibilities experience Facebook graph can never be as Provides a fairly capable API ubiquitous as an open social graph encompassing all social network Ad revenue earned is app users, everywhere developers’ to keep Encourages viral app adoption through news feed and directory
  • 33. Extended OpenID • Extended OpenID (xOpenID) is a develop ment of OpenID which could be the best v ehicle to achieve an open social graph • It is OpenID which also holds information o n social relationships • If we are serious about the future of social networking, surely relationship data is just as important as email and real name is tod ay when using a web app
  • 34. How xOpenID could work • xOpenID contains: – Personal ID data (such as email, real name et c) – Database of other xOpenIDs and the user‟s re lationship to them (probably via an XFN attrib ute) • Each user automatically maintains their ow n „master‟ list of contacts on xOpenID whic h can then become contacts on a given so cial networking site, depending on user ch oice and relationship to user
  • 35. xOpenID use case Person Y Person Y is added as a accepts, provides Person X adds person Y contact on X‟s xOpenID relationship data that they as friend on Facebook with relationship data and went to university vice versa together Y‟s xOpenID queries X‟s Y‟s xOpenID does not query xOpenID and finds that X person Z‟s xOpenID, because Person Y joins MySpace is also a member of person Z is person Y‟s MySpace. Added as a boss, and a connection on friend on MySpace LinkedIn
  • 36. Advantages of the xOpenID approach • Builds on pre-existing standards (OpenID and XFN) • Achieves a good balance between centralisation (one place which can be queried for a user) and decentralisation (no o ne person can have a monopoly over the social graph) • No reliance on direct inter-social network exchange of data , so no scope for a network to, for example, block a particul ar rival yet still accept imported data. • A user is able to maintain multiple xOpenIDs (as many user s do now with OpenID) by interconnecting them with the “m e” XFN attribute • Also solves the social networking fatigue problem (via Ope nID) of having to enter personal identity information into ev ery new social network
  • 37. Open social networking Widgets, XML, ‘make public’ xOpenID, XFN option, APIs etc Relationship and identit Social netw UGC y data ork
  • 38. Trust networks of small size Increasing the length of the network structure, Network contains 20 nodes and 34 edges) Trust / Cooking Alice 0.76 Distrust / 0.46 Dishwashing Bob 0.96 Clara Trust / Drivin g Distrust / Teachin 0.80 g David Increasing the width of the network structure, (Network contains 28 nodes and 54 edges) Alice Bob Clara David
  • 39. Trust networks of larger size Alice Social Network Bob Clara David Frida Business Network Eric Ginger Henrik Hybrid Networks - Connected networks of different contexts; a social and a business network. Example Hybrid networks, contain 8 people and 12 relations. 8 links are interconnections (local), and 4 links are acting as glue connecting two networks (foreign). Network contains 48 nodes and 92 edges.
  • 40. Trust networks of larger size A J a B B C I K D L N F M O E G P H Meshed networks –Motivated from real-world network formations, complex, combined networks of different sizes and different contexts. Partial or fully connected meshed networks. In sample, A partial meshed network made-up of two connected hybrid networks; This network contains 16 people and 26 relations. (Network contains 98 nodes and 198 edges)
  • 43. 집단에 의해 생산되는 콘텐츠를 관리하는 어플리케이션 참조한 정책 구현
  • 44. Than Q The followings were made to supplement my shabby presentation. When you need anything, please e-mail me at this address at any time.
  • 45. References 1장 : Hellogroup, „Thomas Petersen Twitter’,, 2009년 06월 방문. 3장 : hellogroup,„2009 06 08 Thomas Petersen Twitter‟,, 2009년 06월 방문. 4장 : Geeks On A Plane, „Overview of US Platforms & Social Networking(Startonomics Tokyo, June 2009)‟,, 2009년 06월 방문 7-8장, 19장 :Thomas Langenberg, „Information Sharing in Social Networks’, 2006., 2009년 06월 방문. 10장 : Josh Bernoff, „Social Technographics defined‟, forrester, 2007., 2009년 06월 방문. 23장 : “The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management” – Daconta et al., 2003 24장 :, 2009년 06월 방문. 32-37장 : Huw, „Open Social Networking‟, 2007,, 2009년 06월 방문. 12-20장, 38-40장 : Nima dokoohaki, ’Modeling and Representing Trust Relations in Semantic Web-Driven Social Networks: An Ontological Analysis‟, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, June 2007,, 2009년 06월 방문. 41장-나머지 : D. Allemang, J. Hendler, Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008, G. Antoniou, F. van Harmelen, A Semantic Web Primer(2nd Edition), MIT Press, 2008 2009년 06월 방문.