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Successfully Navigating the
  International Job Market
                   Presented by

 Mohamed Ly,                                .
                      for the

    Georgetown-ESADE Inaugural
Global MBA Career Conference & Expo
       February 10, 2012 , Washington, DC
About Mohamed
 Refugee-Entrepreneur
 Founder and Executive Director



   – Refugee, Inc.
 Global Recruiter, Diversity Strategist,
  Leadership Development & International Career Coach
 Author: Going "Glocal": Local Jobs, Global Careers
AGENDA (Intense & Hands-on)
• Résumé or CV (Curriculum Vitae)–Localize or Go Standard?
• International Resume: SEO and Social Media.
• Top mistakes by International Candidates—Avoiding them.
• Getting Past the Gatekeepers/Leveraging Recruiters.
• Your Unique Value Proposition/Staging Techniques.
• Bridging the Language and Culture Gap—Connecting.
• International Employment Laws.
• Preview: Tools for Taking Your Career Global
            (from Going “Glocal”, the book)
• Next: 1-hour Resume Clinic.
• Record-high, and increasing International M&A activities
• “The world's strategic and economic center of gravity is
  shifting east”—U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heralded the United States
                 Source: PwC's Private Company Trendsetter Barometer

            • FDI is increasingly driven by emerging-market corporations,
              as evidenced by M&A activity as well as greenfield investments
            • In just two decades, emerging economies will have increased their
              share of global output from slightly over a quarter to close to one half
              Source: The World Bank Group
Sales 2 CPA 3 Tax 4 Business Development 5 Marketing 6 Controller 7 Healthcare 8 Human Resources 9 Insurance 10 Software 11 Manufacturing 12 Finance 13 Retail 14 CFO 15 Medical Device 16 Pharmaceutical 17 Sales Manager 18 Software Sales 19 Financial Advisor 20 Pharmacist 21 Medical 22 Supply Chain 23 SAP 24 Accounting 25 Medical Sales 26 Account Executive 27 Audit 28 Tax Manager 29 Food 30 Engineer 31 Recruiter 32 Product Manager 33 Construction 34 Manager
35 Project Manager 36 Oracle 37 HVAC 38 Java 39 Operations 40 Director 41 Inside Sales 42 Hospital 43 Attorney 44
Call Center 45 SEC 46 Packaging 47 Pharmacy 48 Physician 49 Outsourcing 50 International Tax 51 Logistics 52 Deloitte 53 FAS 109 54 Compliance 55 SAAS 56 Real Estate 57 Electrical Engineer 58 Nurse 59 SEC Reporting 60 Security 61 Technology 62 Storage 63 Energy 64 ERP 65 Aerospace 66 Procurement 67 Private Equity 68 RN 69 Business Intelligence 70 Compensation 71 Cisco 72 C++ 73 Engineering 74 Mechanical Engineer 75
Ikon 76 CPG
77 Chemical 78 ADP 79 Bank 80 Banking 81 Mortgage 82 Financial Services 83 IT 84 Business Analyst 85 Advertising 86 Accountant 87 KPMG 88 Product Development 89 Wealth Management 90 Transportation 91 Sales Engineer 92 Internal Audit 93 Benefits 94 BPO 95 Litigation 96 Lean 97 Series 7 98 Telecommunications 99 Government 100 CRM


                      When To Use a CV?

 Where to a Use CV?
•   Total Internships = ?
•   Late Start
•   The Culture Trap
•   Self-Praise /“Modesty Coat”
•   “Focus”, or Lack thereof
•   Poor Online Branding
•   Poor Research
•   Self-Eliminating…
•   What the Recruiters Won’t Tell You.
•   Job-Searching is a Sales Job.
•   You Can’t Sell a Resume You did not Write.
•   Think like a Hiring Manager.
•   Set the Stage before even Applying.
•   Gaining Back-Door Access
•   Building an Army of Insider-Advocates…
• Why You—and NOT the Other Candidates?
• They can Forget everything else, But your UVP!

•   Exhibit High Global IQ.
•   Exert Emotional & Cultural Intelligence.
•   Overcome Interview Fear/Anxiety.
•   New Challenges: High Tech Interviewing.
•   Educating (Not just Impressing) your Interviewer!
•   Global Presence, International Protocol and
    Business Etiquette (Avoid Cultural Faux Pas).
• Know Your Worth—Know Your Rights.
• Visas & Work Permits.
  – Working While Studying
  – OPT (Optional Practical Training)
  – H-1B (65,000 Annual Cap)
  – Other Migrant Work Visa Options: NT.
• Illegal Discrimination (INA, IRCA).
                The Law is on Your Side
                  Get Your Laptops out!
•   Resume-SEO.
•   Expanding Your Resume Real Estate.
•   Harnessing the power LinkedIn & Google.
•   The Thing with       …Big Risk for Brand!
•   Where & How to Find International Jobs.
    – Top Leadership Development Programs.
    – International Development/Business, Gov., NGO…
    – Connections – Agencies – Trends/National Programs.
     A Comprehensive Skills Assessment Tool:
• International Skills Assessment Tool™
  Helping globally-minded
  professionals gain insights
  to better integrate their
  core competencies into a
  successful international
  career and life.
  (From the book, Going “Glocal”)
          A One-Page Global Career Planner:

• Global Career Building Blocks™
  – With Milestone Marker
  (From the book, Going “Glocal”)
1. Abenaki                         624. Proven                                                          84. Brahui                  416. Lahnda                                                                       499. Mien
    292. Hieratic                                                                                            375. Kikongo               707. Sindhi                        167. Dakota                                    790. Tshiluba                         250. Garifuna
    583. Pakahn                        43. Babalia Creole                                                   666. Sangu                                                     458. Makonde                                                                         541. Nepali
                                        334. Jatvigian                                                                                  126. Chimba                        749. Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL)             209. Faeroese                         832. Wagiman
    2. Acateco                          625. Provencal                                                      85. Brazilero                417. Lakhota                                                                      500. Milanese
    293. Hiligaynon                                                                                          376. Kikuyu                 708. Sinhala                      168. Danish                                     791. Tsogo                           251. Gaulish
    584. Palauan                       44. Bafut                                                             667. Sanskrit                                                 459. Makua                                                                            542. Newari
                                        335. Javanese                                                                                   127. Chin                          750. Tajik                                     210. Fang                              833. Wakhi
    3. Adamorobe Sign Language         626. Prussian                                                        86. Breton                  418. Lakota                                                                       501. Mina
    294. Hindi                                                                                               377. Kimbundu              709. Sinhalese                     169. Dari                                      792. Tsonga                           252. Gbari
    585. Palenquero                    45. Bahasa Indonesian                                                 668. Santali                                                  460. Malagasy                                                                         543. Ngaju
                                        336. Jerriais                                                                                   128. Chinese                       751. Tajiki                                    211. Fante                             834. Walamo
    4. Adangme                          627. Pugliese                                                       87. Bribri                   419. Lao                                                                          502. Minangkabau
    295. Hindi-Lukiga                                                                                       378. Kingwana               710. Sisaala Gonja                 170. Deccan                                    793. Tsou                             253. Ge
    586. Pali                          46. Balante                                                          669. Sara                                                      461. Malagay                                                                          544. Ngulu
                                        337. Jinyu                                                                                      129. Chingpaw                      752. Taki-taki                                 212. Faroes                            835. Wali
    5. Adyghe                          628. Pulaar                                                          88. British Sign Language   420. Laotion                                                                      503. Minbei
    296. Hindustani                                                                                          379. Kingwanda             711. Siswati                       171. Dehu                                      794. Tswana                           254. Georgian
    587. Pamon                         47. Balinese                                                          670. Saraiki                                                  462. Malawi                                                                           545. Nguni

                                                                                                      CONTACT / CONNECT
                                        338. Jita Kalanga                                                                               130. Chinook                       753. Tamashek                                  213. Faroese                           836. Walloon
    6. Afaan                            629. Punjabi                                                        89. Bubi                     421. Lappish                                                                      504. Minnan
    297. Hittite                                                                                            380. Kinyarwanda            712. Slovak                        172. Demonh'ka                                 795. Tu                               255. German
    588. Pangasinan                    48. Balock                                                           671. Sarakole                                                  463. Malay                                                                            546. Nhirrpi
                                        339. Jivaro                                                                                     131. Chinyanja                     754. Tamasheq                                  214. Farsi                             837. Warlpiri
    7. Afar                             630. Punu                                                           90. Buginese                 422. Latin                                                                        505. Miskitu
    298. Hmong                                                                                               381. Kiowa                  713. Slovene                      173. Denya                                      796. Tuareg                          256. German Sign Language
    589. Panjabi                       49. Baluchi                                                          672. Saramacano                                                464. Malay Creole                                                                    547. Nicaraguan Sign Language (LSN)
                                        340. Juba Arabic                                                                                132. Chiquito                      755. Tamazight                                 215. Fijian                           838. Warumungu
    8. Afghan                           631. Pushtu                                                         91. Bukusu                   423. Latin                                                                        506. Mixtec
    299. Holoholo                                                                                            382. Kirghiz                714. Slovenian                    174. Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS)             797. Tukang Besi                     257. German-Swiss Sign Language
    590. Panoan                        50. Bambara                                                          673. Saramaccan                                                465. Malayalam                                                                       548. Niue
                                        341. Jula                                                                                       133. Chittagonian                  756. Tamil                                     216. Filipino                         839. Welsh
    9. Afrikaans                        632. Putonghua                                                      92. Bulgarian                424. Latvian                                                                      507. Mogol
    300. Hunanese                                                                                           383. Kiribati               715. Slovio                        175. Deutschschweizer Gebardensprache (DSGS)   798. Tulu                             258. Gevove
    591. Pao-An                        51. Bamileke                                                         674. Sardinian                                                 466. Malaysia                                                                         549. Nkole
                                        342. Kabardian                                                                                  134. Choctaw                       757. Tarahumara                                217. Finnish                           840. Wolof
    10. Ainu                            633. Puyi                                                           93. Buli                     425. Lenape                                                                       508. Mohawk
    301. Hungarian                                                                                           384. Kirmandji              716. Sogdian                      176. Devanagari                                 799. Tunesian                        259. Gilbertese
    592. Papia Kristang                52. Bamoun                                                           675. Sarnami                                                   467. Maldivian                                                                       550. Nobele
                                        343. Kabre                                                                                      135. Chokwe                        758. Tarok                                     218. Flemish                          841. Wu
    11. Ajie                            634. Quebec Sign Language                                           94. Bulu                     426. Li                                                                           509. Moldavian
    302. Hunsa                                                                                               385. Kirundi                717. Solresol                     177. Dimli                                      800. Tup                             260. Ginyama
    593. Papiamento                    53. Bamwe                                                             676. Sasak                                                    468. Malinka                                                                          551. Norfuk
                                        344. Kabye                                                                                      136. Ch'ol                         759. Tartar                                    219. Flemish Sign Language             842. Wyandot
    12. Akan                            635. Quechua                                                        95. Burgher                  427. Lingala                                                                      510. Mon
    303. Ibibio                                                                                              386. Kissi                  718. Somali                       178. Dinka                                      801. Tupi                            261. Glosa
    594. Papuan                        54. Banat                                                             677. Saudi                                                    469. Malinke                                                                          552. Northern
                                        345. Kabyle                                                                                     137. Chorti                        760. Tashkorghani                              220. Fon                               843. Xhosa
    13. Aklanon                         636. Quekchi                                                        96. Burmese                  428. Lithuanian                                                                   511. Mongo
    304. Ibo                                                                                                 387. Kiswahili              719. Songhai                      179. Diola                                      802. Turkic                          262. Gola
    595. Pashayi                       55. Banda                                                            678. Scots                                                     470. Maliseet                                                                        553. Norwegian
                                        346. Kachin                                                                                     138. Chuvash                       761. Tatar                                     221. Foo Chow                         844. Xhosa
    14. Alabama                         637. Quenya                                                         97. Bushman                  429. Lojban                                                                       512. Mongolian
    305. Icelandic                                                                                           388. Kituba                 720. Soninke                      180. Dioula                                     803. Turkish                         263. Gondi
    596. Pashto                        56. Bangla                                                            679. Scottish                                                 471. Maltese                                                                          554. Novial
                                       347. Kamba                                                                                       139. Cicilian                      762. Tedu                                      222. Frafra                           845. Xiang
    15. Albanian                       638. Quiche                                                          98. Butuanon                 430. Loma                                                                         513. Monguor
    306. Idiom                                                                                               389. Kiunguju               721. Sonsorolese                  181. Divehi                                     804. Turkmen                         264. Gothic
    597. Pashtu                        57. Bantu                                                            680. Sebuano                                                   472. Mam                                                                             555. Nubi
                                        348. Kamviri                                                                                    140. Cimbrian                      763. Teke                                      223. Franakalo                        846. Xibe
    16. Aleut                           639. Quichua                                                        99. Byelorussian             431. Lombard                                                                      514. Mordvinian
    307. Ido                                                                                                 390. Klallam                722. Sorbian                      182. Domani                                     805. Tuvaluan                        265. Greek
    598. Passamaquoddy                 58. Bariba                                                            681. Sema                                                     473. Mambwe                                                                           556. Nubian
                                       349. Kanarese                                                                                    141. Ciokwe                        764. Telugu                                    224. Frankish                         847. Yaghnobi
    17. Alsatian                       640. Rajasthani                                                      100. Cabecar                 432. Lozi                                                                         515. Mossi
    308. Igbo                                                                                                391. Klingon                723. Sotho                        183. Dominican Patois                           806. Tuvan                           266. Greenlandic
    599. Passamdy                      59. Basa                                                              682. Seneca                                                   474. Manchu                                                                           557. Nui
                                        350. Kanjobal                                                                                   142. Circassian                    765. Temne                                     225. French (Canadian)                 848. Yaka
    18. Ambo                            641. Rapa                                                           101. Cajun                   433. Luba                                                                         516. Motu
    309. Ijaw                                                                                                392. Kongo                  724. Spanish                      184. Duala                                      807. Twi                             267. Grishun
    600. Patois                        60. Bashkir                                                           683. Senoufo                                                  475. Mandarin                                                                         558. Nyambo
                                        351. Kannada                                                                                    143. Cispa                         766. Tetum                                     226. French (Creole)                   849. Yakut
    19. American Sign Language (ASL)    642. Rasta                                                          102. Cakchiquel              434. Luba-Shaba                                                                   517. Mpongwe
    310. Ilocano                                                                                             393. Konkani                725. Sranan                       185. Duma                                       808. Tzotzil                         268. Guadeloupe
    601. Pedi                          61. Basque                                                            684. Sepedi                                                   476. Mande                                                                            559. Nyamwesi
                                       352. Kanuri                                                                                      144. Cocos                         767. Tetun                                     227. French (Creole)                  850. Yao
    20. Amharic                        643. Rejang                                                          103. Cambodian               435. Lubu                                                                         518. Mundari
    311. Iloko                                                                                               394. Korean                 726. Sranang Tongo                186. Dutch                                      809. Ubykh                           269. Guaraginga
    602. Pende                         62. Batak Toba                                                        685. Serbian                                                  477. Mandingo                                                                         560. Nyanja
                                        353. Kaonda                                                                                     145. Comanche                      768. Thai                                      228. French (France)                   851. Yapese
    21. Angar                          644. Rhade                                                           104. Canadian French        436. Lucian                                                                       519. Muntenian
    312. Ilonggo                                                                                             395. Koromfé               727. Sudanese                      187. Dutch Sign Language                       810. Uigur                            270. Guarani
    603. Peninsular                    63. Batta                                                             686. Serbo-Croatian                                           478. Mandinka                                                                         561. Nyankole
                                       354. Kapampangan                                                                                 146. Comoran                       769. Thracian                                  229. French (Swiss)                   852. Yaunde
    22. Antillean Creole               645. Riff                                                            105. Cantonese               437. Luganda                                                                      520. Murmi
    313. Ilongo                                                                                              396. Kosali                 728. Sudovian                     188. Dyula                                      811. Ukrainian                       271. Gujarati
    604. Persian                       64. Bayash                                                            687. Serer                                                    479. Mangbeta                                                                         562. Nynorsk
                                        355. Karachay-Balkar                                                                            147. Coptic                        770. Tibetan                                   230. French Sign Language              853. Yazdi
    23. Apache                         646. Roman                                                           106. Carib                  438. Lunda                                                                        521. Murngin
    314. Indoeuropean                                                                                        397. Kota                  729. Sumerian                      189. Dzongkha                                  812. Ulwa                             272. Gullah
    605. Philipino                     65. Bedawi                                                            688. Seri                                                     480. Manx                                                                             563. Nzebi
                                        356. Karelian                                                                                   148. Coptic                        771. Tigre                                     231. Frisian                           854. Yazgulami
    24. Arabic                          647. Romani                                                         107. Castilian               439. Luo                                                                          522. Myene
    315. Indonesian                                                                                          398. Koyo                   730. Sunda                        190. Edo                                        813. Umbrian                         273. Gurage
    606. Phoenician                    66. Beja                                                              689. Sesotho                                                  481. Maori                                                                            564. Nzema
                                        357. Karen                                                                                      149. Cornish                       772. Tigrinya                                  232. Friulian                          855. Yemba
    25. Arabic creole                   648. Romanian                                                       108. Castilian Spanish       440. Luri                                                                         523. Nahua
    316. Ingush                                                                                              399. Kpelle                 731. Sundanese                    191. Efik                                       814. Umbundu                         274. Gurma
    607. Phrygian                      67. Belarussian                                                       690. Setswana                                                 482. Mapudungun                                                                       565. Occitan
                                        358. Karo-Dairi                                                                                 150. Corsican                      773. Tiv                                       233. Fula                              856. Yemenite
    26. Aramaic                        649. Romansch                                                        109. Catalan                441. Luval                                                                        524. Nahuate
    317. Innu                                                                                                400. Kreyol                732. Surani                        192. Eggon                                     815. Umerian                          275. Gusii
    608. Pidgin                        68. Bemba                                                             691. Shan                                                     483. Marathi                                                                          566. Ojibway
                                        359. Karuk                                                                                      151. Cree                          774. Tlingit                                   234. Fulani                            857. Yiddish
    27. Aranda                          650. Romansh                                                        110. Catawba                 442. Luwian                                                                       525. Nahuatl
    318. Interlingua                                                                                        401. Kreyol Lwiziyen        733. Suryoyo                       193. Ejagham                                   816. Unserdeutsch                     276. Hagen
    609. Piedmontese                   69. Bengali                                                          692. Shanghai                                                  484. Marshallese                                                                      567. Ojibwe
                                        360. Kasem                                                                                      152. Creole (all forms)            775. Toba                                      235. Fulfulde                          858. Yoruba
    28. Araucanian                     651. Romany                                                          111. Catullus               443. Luxembourgian                                                                526. Nama
    319. Inuit                                                                                               402. Krio                  734. Susu                          194. Ekegusii                                  817. Uqoi                             277. Haida
    610. Pilipino                      70. Berber                                                            693. Shanghaiese                                              485. Marwari                                                                          568. Olkola

                                                                                  “If You Need Help, Help Others”
                                       361. Kashmiri                                                                                    153. Creole (Cape Verde)           776. Tobi                                      236. Fulfulde                         859. Yucatec
    29. Arawak                         652. Ronga                                                           112. Cayuga                  444. Luxembourgish                                                                527. Nande
    320. Inuktitut                                                                                           403. Kriol                  735. Swabian                      195. Emakua                                     818. Urdu                            278. Haitian Creole
    611. Pirahã                        71. Bhili                                                            694. Shanghainese                                              486. Masaba                                                                          569. Olutec
                                        362. Katcha                                                                                     154. Creole (Germany)              777. Tocharian                                 237. Fuzhou                           860. Yucatec
    30. Armenian                        653. Rotuman                                                        113. Cebuano                 445. Luxemburgisch                                                                528. Nanticoke
    321. Inzebi                                                                                             404. Kumanji                736. Swahili                       196. English (American)                        819. Uyghur                           279. Hakka
    612. Pisin                         72. Bhojpuri                                                         695. Sherpa                                                    487. Masbatenyo                                                                       570. Oneida
                                        363. Kazak                                                                                      155. Creole (India)                778. Toda                                      238. Ga                                861. Yue
    31. Aromanian                       654. Roviana                                                        114. Chakma                  446. Lwena                                                                        529. Napolitan
    322. Irish                                                                                               405. Kumauni                737. Swazi                        197. English (Australian)                       820. Uzbek                           280. Hakka Sarawak
    613. Pitcairnese                   73. Bhutanese                                                        696. Shi                                                       488. Mawu                                                                            571. Onondaga
                                        364. Kazakh                                                                                     156. Creole (Martinique)           779. Toishanese                                239. Ga-Adangme                       862. Yukaghir
    32. Assamese                        655. Ruanda                                                         115. Cham                    447. Lycian                                                                       530. Nara Saho
    323. Irish Gaelic                                                                                        406. Kunama                 738. Swedish                      198. English (British)                          821. Valencian                       281. halh
    614. Plattdeutsch                  74. Bicol                                                             697. Shina                                                    489. Maya                                                                             572. Oriya
                                        365. Kekchi                                                                                     157. Creole (Mauritia)             780. Tojolabal                                 240. Gabri                             863. Yupik
    33. Assyrian                        656. Rundi                                                          116. Chamorro                448. Lydian                                                                       531. Nauruan
    324. Irish Sign Language (ISL)                                                                           407. Kung-ekoka             739. Swiss                        199. English (Creole)                           822. Venda                           282. Haryanvi
    615. Pocomchi                      75. Bihari                                                            698. Shluh                                                    490. Mayan                                                                            573. Orominga
                                        366. Kerewe                                                                                     158. Creole (Sao Tome &Príncipe)   781. Tok                                       241. Gabya                             864. Zande
    34. Asturian                        657. Russian                                                        117. Chaochow                449. Maba                                                                         532. Nauruan
    325. Ishkashmi                                                                                           408. Kurdish                740. Syriac                       200. Eritrean                                   823. Venetian                        283. Hasaniga
    616. Pohnpeian                     76. Bikol                                                            699. Shona                                                     491. Mayangna                                                                        574. Oromo
                                        367. Khakas                                                                                     159. Creole (Seychelles)           782. Tok Pisin                                 242. Gaelic                           865. Zang
    35. Auslan                          658. Saami                                                          118. Chavacano               450. Macaista Chapado                                                             533. Navajo
    326. Istriot                                                                                             409. Kurmanji               741. Szechuan                     201. Eskimo                                     824. Veps                            284. Hasaniya
    617. Polish                        77. Bilen
                                       368. Khalka
                                                                    Mohamed Ly                               700. Shor
                                                                                                                                        160. Crioulo
                                                                                                                                                                           492. Mbum
                                                                                                                                                                           783. Tonga                                     243. Gagauz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 575. Oscan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                866. Zarma
    36. Avar                           659. Saanich                                                         119. Chechen                 451. Macedonian                                                                   534. Naxi
    327. Istro-Romanian
    618. Ponapean                      78. Bisaya
                                                                                  410. Kuruku
                                                                                                            701. Shoshoni
                                                                                                                                         742. Ta Bedawie                   202. Esperanto
                                                                                                                                                                           493. Mbunou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           825. Vietnamese                      285. Hausa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                576. Oshivambo

    37. Avestan
                                        369. Khalkha
                                        660. Sabah
                                                                         120. Cherokee
                                                                                                                                        161. Croatian
                                                                                                                                         452. Macedonian
                                                                                                                                                                           784. Tongan                                    244. Galician
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           535. Ndebele
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                867. Zulu

    328. Italian                                                                                             411. Kusaal                 743. Tacana                       203. Estonian                                   826. Visayan                         286. Hawaiian
    619. Popoluca                      79. Bislama
                                       370. Khandeshi
                                                                                      702. Shuar
                                                                                                                                        162. Croatian Czech
                                                                                                                                                                           494. Megleno
                                                                                                                                                                           785. Torres Strait Creole                      245. Galla
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 577. Ossetian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ♦ Other Foreign & Local Sign/Languages
    38. Awadhi
    329. Jakartanese
                                       661. Sakao
                                                                          121. Chewa
                                                                                                             412. Kxoe
                                                                                                                                         453. Madura
                                                                                                                                         744. Tadzhik                      204. Ethiopic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           536. Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           827. Vlaamse Gebarentaal (VGT)
    620. Portuguese                    80. Bobangi                                                           703. Shuswap                                                  495. Melanesian

    39. Ayapathu
                                        371. Khmer
                                        662. Salish
                                                                            122. Cheyenne
                                                                                                                                        163. Czech
                                                                                                                                         454. Madurese
                                                                                                                                                                           786. Toucouleur                                246. Gamilaraay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           537. Neelan
    330. Jamaican Patois
    621. Portuguese Creole             81. Bojpoori
                                                             413. Kyrgyz
                                                                                                                                         745. Tagalog                      205. Etruscan
                                                                                                                                                                           496. Mende
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           828. Volap

                                        372. Khoisan                                                        704. Sicilian               164. Dagaari                       787. Transylvanian                             247. Gan
    40. Aymara
    331. Jangshung
                                        663. Samoan                             123. Chhattisgarhi
                                                                                                                                         455. Magahi
                                                                                                                                         746. Tahitian                     206. Ewe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           538. Nengone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           829. Volapuk
    622. Portunon                      82. Bokmal                                                            414. Ladin                                                    497. Miao
                                       373. Khowar                                                          705. Sindarin               165. Dagbani                       788. Trukese                                   248. Ganda
    41. Azerbaijani                    664. Sangho                                                                                       456. Maithili                                                                     539. Neomelanesian
    332. Japanese                                                                                           124. Chichewa                747. Taino                        207. Ewondo                                     830. Votic
    623. Potawatomi                    83. Bosnian                                                           415. Ladino                                                   498. Micmac
                                        374. Kiga                                                            706. Sindebele             166. Dagomba                       789. Tsangi                                    249. Garhwali
    42. Azeri                          665. Sango                                                                                       457. Majorcan                                                                     540. Nepalese
    333. Jarai                                                                                              125. Chicksaw               748. Taiwanese                     208. Fa d'Ambo                                 831. Vulcan

Mohamed Ly, MBA
Executive Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Talent Acquisition,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Leadership Development                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1250 Connecticut Avenue
Tel: 202-641-2322                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Suite 200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Washington, DC 20036
Successfully navigating the international job market final

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Successfully navigating the international job market final

  • 1. Successfully Navigating the International Job Market Presented by Mohamed Ly, . for the Georgetown-ESADE Inaugural Global MBA Career Conference & Expo February 10, 2012 , Washington, DC
  • 2. About Mohamed  Refugee-Entrepreneur  Founder and Executive Director – – – – Refugee, Inc.  Global Recruiter, Diversity Strategist, Leadership Development & International Career Coach  Author: Going "Glocal": Local Jobs, Global Careers
  • 3. AGENDA (Intense & Hands-on) • Résumé or CV (Curriculum Vitae)–Localize or Go Standard? • International Resume: SEO and Social Media. • Top mistakes by International Candidates—Avoiding them. • Getting Past the Gatekeepers/Leveraging Recruiters. • Your Unique Value Proposition/Staging Techniques. • Bridging the Language and Culture Gap—Connecting. • International Employment Laws. • Preview: Tools for Taking Your Career Global (from Going “Glocal”, the book) • Next: 1-hour Resume Clinic.
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  • 5. THE CASE FOR A GLOBAL CAREER (IF SUCH CASE HAD TO EVEN BE MADE) Source: PwC's Private Company Trendsetter Barometer • FDI is increasingly driven by emerging-market corporations, as evidenced by M&A activity as well as greenfield investments • In just two decades, emerging economies will have increased their share of global output from slightly over a quarter to close to one half Source: The World Bank Group
  • 6. RÉSUMÉ OR CV (CURRICULUM VITAE) Sales 2 CPA 3 Tax 4 Business Development 5 Marketing 6 Controller 7 Healthcare 8 Human Resources 9 Insurance 10 Software 11 Manufacturing 12 Finance 13 Retail 14 CFO 15 Medical Device 16 Pharmaceutical 17 Sales Manager 18 Software Sales 19 Financial Advisor 20 Pharmacist 21 Medical 22 Supply Chain 23 SAP 24 Accounting 25 Medical Sales 26 Account Executive 27 Audit 28 Tax Manager 29 Food 30 Engineer 31 Recruiter 32 Product Manager 33 Construction 34 Manager 35 Project Manager 36 Oracle 37 HVAC 38 Java 39 Operations 40 Director 41 Inside Sales 42 Hospital 43 Attorney 44 Call Center 45 SEC 46 Packaging 47 Pharmacy 48 Physician 49 Outsourcing 50 International Tax 51 Logistics 52 Deloitte 53 FAS 109 54 Compliance 55 SAAS 56 Real Estate 57 Electrical Engineer 58 Nurse 59 SEC Reporting 60 Security 61 Technology 62 Storage 63 Energy 64 ERP 65 Aerospace 66 Procurement 67 Private Equity 68 RN 69 Business Intelligence 70 Compensation 71 Cisco 72 C++ 73 Engineering 74 Mechanical Engineer 75 Ikon 76 CPG 77 Chemical 78 ADP 79 Bank 80 Banking 81 Mortgage 82 Financial Services 83 IT 84 Business Analyst 85 Advertising 86 Accountant 87 KPMG 88 Product Development 89 Wealth Management 90 Transportation 91 Sales Engineer 92 Internal Audit 93 Benefits 94 BPO 95 Litigation 96 Lean 97 Series 7 98 Telecommunications 99 Government 100 CRM LOCALIZE OR NOT?
  • 8. INTERNATIONAL JOB SEARCH COSTLY, YET, AVOIDABLE MISTAKES • Total Internships = ? • Late Start • The Culture Trap • Self-Praise /“Modesty Coat” • “Focus”, or Lack thereof • Poor Online Branding • Poor Research • Self-Eliminating…
  • 9. GETTING PAST THE GATE-KEEPERS LEVERAGING RECRUITERS • What the Recruiters Won’t Tell You. • Job-Searching is a Sales Job. • You Can’t Sell a Resume You did not Write. • Think like a Hiring Manager. • Set the Stage before even Applying. • Gaining Back-Door Access • Building an Army of Insider-Advocates…
  • 10. UVP YOUR UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION • Why You—and NOT the Other Candidates? • They can Forget everything else, But your UVP! BOLD. DIFFERENT. RESOLUTIONARY!
  • 11. CONNECTING BRIDGE THE LANGUAGE & CULTURE GAP • Exhibit High Global IQ. • Exert Emotional & Cultural Intelligence. • Overcome Interview Fear/Anxiety. • New Challenges: High Tech Interviewing. • Educating (Not just Impressing) your Interviewer! • Global Presence, International Protocol and Business Etiquette (Avoid Cultural Faux Pas).
  • 12. INTERNATIONAL WORKERS EMPLOYMENT LAW • Know Your Worth—Know Your Rights. • Visas & Work Permits. – Working While Studying – OPT (Optional Practical Training) – H-1B (65,000 Annual Cap) – Other Migrant Work Visa Options: NT. • Illegal Discrimination (INA, IRCA). The Law is on Your Side
  • 13. PRACTICAL JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES Get Your Laptops out! • Resume-SEO. • Expanding Your Resume Real Estate. • Harnessing the power LinkedIn & Google. • The Thing with …Big Risk for Brand! • Where & How to Find International Jobs. – Top Leadership Development Programs. – International Development/Business, Gov., NGO… – Connections – Agencies – Trends/National Programs.
  • 14. SELF-ASSESSMENT & INTERNATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A Comprehensive Skills Assessment Tool: • International Skills Assessment Tool™ Helping globally-minded professionals gain insights to better integrate their core competencies into a successful international career and life. (From the book, Going “Glocal”)
  • 15. SELF-ASSESSMENT & INTERNATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A One-Page Global Career Planner: • Global Career Building Blocks™ – With Milestone Marker (From the book, Going “Glocal”)
  • 19. 1. Abenaki 624. Proven 84. Brahui 416. Lahnda 499. Mien 292. Hieratic 375. Kikongo 707. Sindhi 167. Dakota 790. Tshiluba 250. Garifuna 583. Pakahn 43. Babalia Creole 666. Sangu 458. Makonde 541. Nepali 334. Jatvigian 126. Chimba 749. Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) 209. Faeroese 832. Wagiman 2. Acateco 625. Provencal 85. Brazilero 417. Lakhota 500. Milanese 293. Hiligaynon 376. Kikuyu 708. Sinhala 168. Danish 791. Tsogo 251. Gaulish 584. Palauan 44. Bafut 667. Sanskrit 459. Makua 542. Newari 335. Javanese 127. Chin 750. Tajik 210. Fang 833. Wakhi 3. Adamorobe Sign Language 626. Prussian 86. Breton 418. Lakota 501. Mina 294. Hindi 377. Kimbundu 709. Sinhalese 169. Dari 792. Tsonga 252. Gbari 585. Palenquero 45. Bahasa Indonesian 668. Santali 460. Malagasy 543. Ngaju 336. Jerriais 128. Chinese 751. Tajiki 211. Fante 834. Walamo 4. Adangme 627. Pugliese 87. Bribri 419. Lao 502. Minangkabau 295. Hindi-Lukiga 378. Kingwana 710. Sisaala Gonja 170. Deccan 793. Tsou 253. Ge 586. Pali 46. Balante 669. Sara 461. Malagay 544. Ngulu 337. Jinyu 129. Chingpaw 752. Taki-taki 212. Faroes 835. Wali 5. Adyghe 628. Pulaar 88. British Sign Language 420. Laotion 503. Minbei 296. Hindustani 379. Kingwanda 711. Siswati 171. Dehu 794. Tswana 254. Georgian 587. Pamon 47. Balinese 670. Saraiki 462. Malawi 545. Nguni CONTACT / CONNECT 338. Jita Kalanga 130. Chinook 753. Tamashek 213. Faroese 836. Walloon 6. Afaan 629. Punjabi 89. Bubi 421. Lappish 504. Minnan 297. Hittite 380. Kinyarwanda 712. Slovak 172. Demonh'ka 795. Tu 255. German 588. Pangasinan 48. Balock 671. Sarakole 463. Malay 546. Nhirrpi 339. Jivaro 131. Chinyanja 754. Tamasheq 214. Farsi 837. Warlpiri 7. Afar 630. Punu 90. Buginese 422. Latin 505. Miskitu 298. Hmong 381. Kiowa 713. Slovene 173. Denya 796. Tuareg 256. German Sign Language 589. Panjabi 49. Baluchi 672. Saramacano 464. Malay Creole 547. Nicaraguan Sign Language (LSN) 340. Juba Arabic 132. Chiquito 755. Tamazight 215. Fijian 838. Warumungu 8. Afghan 631. Pushtu 91. Bukusu 423. Latin 506. Mixtec 299. Holoholo 382. Kirghiz 714. Slovenian 174. Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) 797. Tukang Besi 257. German-Swiss Sign Language 590. Panoan 50. Bambara 673. Saramaccan 465. Malayalam 548. Niue 341. Jula 133. Chittagonian 756. Tamil 216. Filipino 839. Welsh 9. Afrikaans 632. Putonghua 92. Bulgarian 424. Latvian 507. Mogol 300. Hunanese 383. Kiribati 715. Slovio 175. Deutschschweizer Gebardensprache (DSGS) 798. Tulu 258. Gevove 591. Pao-An 51. Bamileke 674. Sardinian 466. Malaysia 549. Nkole 342. Kabardian 134. Choctaw 757. Tarahumara 217. Finnish 840. Wolof 10. Ainu 633. Puyi 93. Buli 425. Lenape 508. Mohawk 301. Hungarian 384. Kirmandji 716. Sogdian 176. Devanagari 799. Tunesian 259. Gilbertese 592. Papia Kristang 52. Bamoun 675. Sarnami 467. Maldivian 550. Nobele 343. Kabre 135. Chokwe 758. Tarok 218. Flemish 841. Wu 11. Ajie 634. Quebec Sign Language 94. Bulu 426. Li 509. Moldavian 302. Hunsa 385. Kirundi 717. Solresol 177. Dimli 800. Tup 260. Ginyama 593. Papiamento 53. Bamwe 676. Sasak 468. Malinka 551. Norfuk 344. Kabye 136. Ch'ol 759. Tartar 219. Flemish Sign Language 842. Wyandot 12. Akan 635. Quechua 95. Burgher 427. Lingala 510. Mon 303. Ibibio 386. Kissi 718. Somali 178. Dinka 801. Tupi 261. Glosa 594. Papuan 54. Banat 677. Saudi 469. Malinke 552. Northern 345. Kabyle 137. Chorti 760. Tashkorghani 220. Fon 843. Xhosa 13. Aklanon 636. Quekchi 96. Burmese 428. Lithuanian 511. Mongo 304. Ibo 387. Kiswahili 719. Songhai 179. Diola 802. Turkic 262. Gola 595. Pashayi 55. Banda 678. Scots 470. Maliseet 553. Norwegian 346. Kachin 138. Chuvash 761. Tatar 221. Foo Chow 844. Xhosa 14. Alabama 637. Quenya 97. Bushman 429. Lojban 512. Mongolian 305. Icelandic 388. Kituba 720. Soninke 180. Dioula 803. Turkish 263. Gondi 596. Pashto 56. Bangla 679. Scottish 471. Maltese 554. Novial 347. Kamba 139. Cicilian 762. Tedu 222. Frafra 845. Xiang 15. Albanian 638. Quiche 98. Butuanon 430. Loma 513. Monguor 306. Idiom 389. Kiunguju 721. Sonsorolese 181. Divehi 804. Turkmen 264. Gothic 597. Pashtu 57. Bantu 680. Sebuano 472. Mam 555. Nubi 348. Kamviri 140. Cimbrian 763. Teke 223. Franakalo 846. Xibe 16. Aleut 639. Quichua 99. Byelorussian 431. Lombard 514. Mordvinian 307. Ido 390. Klallam 722. Sorbian 182. Domani 805. Tuvaluan 265. Greek 598. Passamaquoddy 58. Bariba 681. Sema 473. Mambwe 556. Nubian 349. Kanarese 141. Ciokwe 764. Telugu 224. Frankish 847. Yaghnobi 17. Alsatian 640. Rajasthani 100. Cabecar 432. Lozi 515. Mossi 308. Igbo 391. Klingon 723. Sotho 183. Dominican Patois 806. Tuvan 266. Greenlandic 599. Passamdy 59. Basa 682. Seneca 474. Manchu 557. Nui 350. Kanjobal 142. Circassian 765. Temne 225. French (Canadian) 848. Yaka 18. Ambo 641. Rapa 101. Cajun 433. Luba 516. Motu 309. Ijaw 392. Kongo 724. Spanish 184. Duala 807. Twi 267. Grishun 600. Patois 60. Bashkir 683. Senoufo 475. Mandarin 558. Nyambo 351. Kannada 143. Cispa 766. Tetum 226. French (Creole) 849. Yakut 19. American Sign Language (ASL) 642. Rasta 102. Cakchiquel 434. Luba-Shaba 517. Mpongwe 310. Ilocano 393. Konkani 725. Sranan 185. Duma 808. Tzotzil 268. Guadeloupe 601. Pedi 61. Basque 684. Sepedi 476. Mande 559. Nyamwesi 352. Kanuri 144. Cocos 767. Tetun 227. French (Creole) 850. Yao 20. Amharic 643. Rejang 103. Cambodian 435. Lubu 518. Mundari 311. Iloko 394. Korean 726. Sranang Tongo 186. Dutch 809. Ubykh 269. Guaraginga 602. Pende 62. Batak Toba 685. Serbian 477. Mandingo 560. Nyanja 353. Kaonda 145. Comanche 768. Thai 228. French (France) 851. Yapese 21. Angar 644. Rhade 104. Canadian French 436. Lucian 519. Muntenian 312. Ilonggo 395. Koromfé 727. Sudanese 187. Dutch Sign Language 810. Uigur 270. Guarani 603. Peninsular 63. Batta 686. Serbo-Croatian 478. Mandinka 561. Nyankole 354. Kapampangan 146. Comoran 769. Thracian 229. French (Swiss) 852. Yaunde 22. Antillean Creole 645. Riff 105. Cantonese 437. Luganda 520. Murmi 313. Ilongo 396. Kosali 728. Sudovian 188. Dyula 811. Ukrainian 271. Gujarati 604. Persian 64. Bayash 687. Serer 479. Mangbeta 562. Nynorsk 355. Karachay-Balkar 147. Coptic 770. Tibetan 230. French Sign Language 853. Yazdi 23. Apache 646. Roman 106. Carib 438. Lunda 521. Murngin 314. Indoeuropean 397. Kota 729. Sumerian 189. Dzongkha 812. Ulwa 272. Gullah 605. Philipino 65. Bedawi 688. Seri 480. Manx 563. Nzebi 356. Karelian 148. Coptic 771. Tigre 231. Frisian 854. Yazgulami 24. Arabic 647. Romani 107. Castilian 439. Luo 522. Myene 315. Indonesian 398. Koyo 730. Sunda 190. Edo 813. Umbrian 273. Gurage 606. Phoenician 66. Beja 689. Sesotho 481. Maori 564. Nzema 357. Karen 149. Cornish 772. Tigrinya 232. Friulian 855. Yemba 25. Arabic creole 648. Romanian 108. Castilian Spanish 440. Luri 523. Nahua 316. Ingush 399. Kpelle 731. Sundanese 191. Efik 814. Umbundu 274. Gurma 607. Phrygian 67. Belarussian 690. Setswana 482. Mapudungun 565. Occitan 358. Karo-Dairi 150. Corsican 773. Tiv 233. Fula 856. Yemenite 26. Aramaic 649. Romansch 109. Catalan 441. Luval 524. Nahuate 317. Innu 400. Kreyol 732. Surani 192. Eggon 815. Umerian 275. Gusii 608. Pidgin 68. Bemba 691. Shan 483. Marathi 566. Ojibway 359. Karuk 151. Cree 774. Tlingit 234. Fulani 857. Yiddish 27. Aranda 650. Romansh 110. Catawba 442. Luwian 525. Nahuatl 318. Interlingua 401. Kreyol Lwiziyen 733. Suryoyo 193. Ejagham 816. Unserdeutsch 276. Hagen 609. Piedmontese 69. Bengali 692. Shanghai 484. Marshallese 567. Ojibwe 360. Kasem 152. Creole (all forms) 775. Toba 235. Fulfulde 858. Yoruba 28. Araucanian 651. Romany 111. Catullus 443. Luxembourgian 526. Nama 319. Inuit 402. Krio 734. Susu 194. Ekegusii 817. Uqoi 277. Haida 610. Pilipino 70. Berber 693. Shanghaiese 485. Marwari 568. Olkola “If You Need Help, Help Others” 361. Kashmiri 153. Creole (Cape Verde) 776. Tobi 236. Fulfulde 859. Yucatec 29. Arawak 652. Ronga 112. Cayuga 444. Luxembourgish 527. Nande 320. Inuktitut 403. Kriol 735. Swabian 195. Emakua 818. Urdu 278. Haitian Creole 611. Pirahã 71. Bhili 694. Shanghainese 486. Masaba 569. Olutec 362. Katcha 154. Creole (Germany) 777. Tocharian 237. Fuzhou 860. Yucatec 30. Armenian 653. Rotuman 113. Cebuano 445. Luxemburgisch 528. Nanticoke 321. Inzebi 404. Kumanji 736. Swahili 196. English (American) 819. Uyghur 279. Hakka 612. Pisin 72. Bhojpuri 695. Sherpa 487. Masbatenyo 570. Oneida 363. Kazak 155. Creole (India) 778. Toda 238. Ga 861. Yue 31. Aromanian 654. Roviana 114. Chakma 446. Lwena 529. Napolitan 322. Irish 405. Kumauni 737. Swazi 197. English (Australian) 820. Uzbek 280. Hakka Sarawak 613. Pitcairnese 73. Bhutanese 696. Shi 488. Mawu 571. Onondaga 364. Kazakh 156. Creole (Martinique) 779. Toishanese 239. Ga-Adangme 862. Yukaghir 32. Assamese 655. Ruanda 115. Cham 447. Lycian 530. Nara Saho 323. Irish Gaelic 406. Kunama 738. Swedish 198. English (British) 821. Valencian 281. halh 614. Plattdeutsch 74. Bicol 697. Shina 489. Maya 572. Oriya 365. Kekchi 157. Creole (Mauritia) 780. Tojolabal 240. Gabri 863. Yupik 33. Assyrian 656. Rundi 116. Chamorro 448. Lydian 531. Nauruan 324. Irish Sign Language (ISL) 407. Kung-ekoka 739. Swiss 199. English (Creole) 822. Venda 282. Haryanvi 615. Pocomchi 75. Bihari 698. Shluh 490. Mayan 573. Orominga 366. Kerewe 158. Creole (Sao Tome &Príncipe) 781. Tok 241. Gabya 864. Zande 34. Asturian 657. Russian 117. Chaochow 449. Maba 532. Nauruan 325. Ishkashmi 408. Kurdish 740. Syriac 200. Eritrean 823. Venetian 283. Hasaniga 616. Pohnpeian 76. Bikol 699. Shona 491. Mayangna 574. Oromo 367. Khakas 159. Creole (Seychelles) 782. Tok Pisin 242. Gaelic 865. Zang 35. Auslan 658. Saami 118. Chavacano 450. Macaista Chapado 533. Navajo 326. Istriot 409. Kurmanji 741. Szechuan 201. Eskimo 824. Veps 284. Hasaniya 617. Polish 77. Bilen 368. Khalka Mohamed Ly 700. Shor 160. Crioulo 492. Mbum 783. Tonga 243. Gagauz 575. Oscan 866. Zarma 36. Avar 659. Saanich 119. Chechen 451. Macedonian 534. Naxi 327. Istro-Romanian 618. Ponapean 78. Bisaya 410. Kuruku 701. Shoshoni 742. Ta Bedawie 202. Esperanto 493. Mbunou 825. Vietnamese 285. Hausa 576. Oshivambo 37. Avestan 369. Khalkha 660. Sabah 120. Cherokee 161. Croatian 452. Macedonian 784. Tongan 244. Galician 535. Ndebele 867. Zulu 328. Italian 411. Kusaal 743. Tacana 203. Estonian 826. Visayan 286. Hawaiian 619. Popoluca 79. Bislama 370. Khandeshi 702. Shuar 162. Croatian Czech 494. Megleno 785. Torres Strait Creole 245. Galla 577. Ossetian ♦ Other Foreign & Local Sign/Languages 38. Awadhi 329. Jakartanese 661. Sakao 121. Chewa 412. Kxoe 453. Madura 744. Tadzhik 204. Ethiopic 536. Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT) 827. Vlaamse Gebarentaal (VGT) 620. Portuguese 80. Bobangi 703. Shuswap 495. Melanesian 39. Ayapathu 371. Khmer 662. Salish 122. Cheyenne 163. Czech 454. Madurese 786. Toucouleur 246. Gamilaraay 537. Neelan 330. Jamaican Patois 621. Portuguese Creole 81. Bojpoori 413. Kyrgyz 745. Tagalog 205. Etruscan 496. Mende 828. Volap 372. Khoisan 704. Sicilian 164. Dagaari 787. Transylvanian 247. Gan 40. Aymara 331. Jangshung 663. Samoan 123. Chhattisgarhi 455. Magahi 746. Tahitian 206. Ewe 538. Nengone 829. Volapuk 622. Portunon 82. Bokmal 414. Ladin 497. Miao 373. Khowar 705. Sindarin 165. Dagbani 788. Trukese 248. Ganda 41. Azerbaijani 664. Sangho 456. Maithili 539. Neomelanesian 332. Japanese 124. Chichewa 747. Taino 207. Ewondo 830. Votic 623. Potawatomi 83. Bosnian 415. Ladino 498. Micmac 374. Kiga 706. Sindebele 166. Dagomba 789. Tsangi 249. Garhwali 42. Azeri 665. Sango 457. Majorcan 540. Nepalese 333. Jarai 125. Chicksaw 748. Taiwanese 208. Fa d'Ambo 831. Vulcan Mohamed Ly, MBA Executive Director Talent Acquisition, Leadership Development 1250 Connecticut Avenue Tel: 202-641-2322 Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036

Editor's Notes

  2. U.S. Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton: October 14, 2011 speech to the Economic Club of New York
  3. You Must NOT just Translate; there’s more to it than language!
  4. Self-elimination, Failure to leverage professional experience gained from consulting projects, thru curriculum. Lack of mentor/guide (LinkedIn career map), polluting the web with your resume. Lack of Industry Knowledge. Going it Alone (no mentor/coach)Accent /language limitations.Poor Company Research
  5. SWOT You!
  6. Sports, culture-specific lingo…Example: West Africa>> colleague offers polite lunch invite. Do you go or not?
  7. Illegal interview Qs: birth date? Place of birth? Marital Status? Kids?OPT: under F1 visaCompare & Contrast:Working for US MNC abroad, Working for foreign firm, abroad. Labor Laws. UN Convention on Migrant Workers RightsImmigration Reform and Control Act 1986.
  8. Just how many Biz started in college dorm? Or because someone was not happy with available options (or lack thereof)?
  9. Thanks to all participating schools & MBA students.
  10. “If you need help, Help Others– Mohamed Ly,