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ICT Governance & Disaster Management
                                                        Marcus Vogt
                                                Bond University, QLD Australia

        Introduction                             Methods / Deliverables                                       Political                                                                                                           Organisational
Communication and information processes         • Analysis of the acceptance / awareness of ICT               Pressures                                                                                                           Needs

are playing an essential role in Disaster       Governance frameworks and tools in institutions
Management.                                                                                                                                                                                                         “Translation-Layer”
                                                that are involved in disaster control and emergency
                                                management. Comparisons between Australian and
Accurate information at the right time and
at the right place can save lives. Nowadays,    European organizations will be made.
Information and Communication                   • Analysis of damage and threat scenarios,
Technology (ICT) can significantly lower
                                                particularly communication and information
processing times between involved parties
and increase information richness and           channels including the used technologies, by the
reach.                                          means of ICT Governance tools and frameworks.                                                                                                           Communication Process
                                                (Qualitative and quantitative methods, particularly
                                                                                                        FIG.2: Transforming ICT Governance
However, the used technology has to be          narrative interviews with stakeholders of
reliable, appropriate and usable otherwise                                                              Frameworks and implement a “Translation-
                                                participating institutions (Australian & European) as
technology is more a hindrance than an          well as analyses of internal documents e.g.             Layer” for better acceptance and application of
improvement. Major failures of important        documentation of emergency drills) FIG. 1               ICT in Disaster Management (AS8015 2005)
infrastructure systems, caused accidentally,
                                                • Highlighting the limits of ICT Governance
by intent or by an act of nature beyond
control can result in serious consequences      frameworks and tools in Disaster Management.
                                                                                                                      Preliminary Results
for the population. (Barton 2007, Borodzicz     Suggestions for improvement. (Review of literature      Current literature review has shown that there is
2005)                                                                                                   minimal research done in the area of ICT Governance
                                                and case studies)
                                                                                                        in relation to Disaster Management. Van Den Eede
ICT Governance methods and frameworks           • Comparison of different scenarios by the means of     and Van de Walle (2005) were the first authors who
are proven tools to manage ICT in               serious game method to demonstrate effectiveness        investigated the effects and benefits of ICT
commercially driven organizations. Clear                                                                Governance Methods for Information Systems for
                                                of ICT Governance methods in disaster
responsibilities, optimized ICT portfolios,
                                                preparedness and disaster response. (A serious game     Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAMs).
strategic alignment, transparent risk
assessment, maturity models and managed         will be developed by the means of appropriate           Marich et al. (2008) examined the inter-organizational
services are the key factors for a successful   software. The test teams will have to solve random      ICT Governance structure by the means of a case
and effective ICT implementation to             emergency scenarios with and without the help of        study performed at a Medical Emergency Service
support and promote different business          the developed ICT Governance framework to show          Agency in California. Both references are showing the
models.                                         the limits and benefits of managed ICT services)        capability of ICT Governance. Particularly
                                                                                                        communication and information processes show high
Frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL, CMMI,           • Utilizing the Needs Driven Approach (NDA) to          potential for improvement (Dilmaghani & Rao 2009).
Val-IT, ISO27000, ISO20000 and ISO              develop optimised To-Be processes for
38500 provide such implementation               communication and information in particular             Preliminary interviews with a critical infrastructure
guidelines and best practices. However,                                                                 provider (power supplier), city governments,
                                                scenarios (Krcmar & Schwabe 1996).
most of these guidelines and best practices                                                             emergency response organisations (Red Cross, Air
are optimized for commercially driven            Design of an optimized ICT management                 Rescue) have shown that ICT Governance tools are
organizations.                                  framework towards the needs of Disaster                 either completely unknown or their potential towards
                                                Management by adaption of standard ICT-                 Disaster Management has not been taken into account.
General Research Question:                      Governance tools. Development of an adjusted            It also became clear that numerous “decision makers”
“How can existing ICT Governance
                                                “Translation-Layer” (FIG. 2) between technology         do not trust ICT-enabled processes because they
frameworks and methods be used,
                                                and management, as well as an inter-organisational      “can’t understand/estimate how reliable a service is”.
adapted and improved to meet the
                                                maturity model to enhance reliability of information    Thus an adapted management layer for ICT is needed.
general requirements of Disaster
Management and therefore optimize its           and communication processes. (FIG. 1)
                                                                                                         Therefore, it is planned in cooperation with some
communication and information
                                                                                                        interviewees to look further into the capabilities of
                                                                                                        ICT Governance in regard to their disaster processes.
The planned PhD thesis will investigate and
demonstrate the usability and limits of ICT                                                                                                        Conclusion
Governance tools to improve information                                                                 ICT Governance is a powerful tool and has proven its
flow and communication processes in                                                                     potential in commercial organizations. Preliminary
Disaster Management.                                                                                    results show similar capabilities in Disaster
                                                                                                        Management and thus more research is needed.
The major goal is to provide an adapted and                                                                                                                                    Bibliography
improved framework for optimized ICT                                                                    AS8015, 2005, Australian Standard for Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology, Standards Australia
                                                                                                        Barton, L., 2007, Crisis leadership now: A real-world guide to preparing for threats, disaster, sabotage, and scandal. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

management in crisis and disaster-related                                                               Borodzicz, E., 2005, Risk, Crisis and Security Management. West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
                                                                                                        Dilmaghani, R. B., Rao, R. R., 2009, A Systematic Approach to Improve Communication for Emergency Response, Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii
                                                                                                               ’        International Conference on System Sciences – 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3450-3/09
processes and therefore improve overall                                                                 Marich, M. J., Horan, T. A., Schooly, B. L., Understanding IT Governance within the San Mateo County Emergency Medical Service Agency, Proceedings of the 5th
                                                                                                               International ISCRAM Conference 2008, (F. Fiedrich and B. Van de Wall, eds), Washington, DC, USA

disaster preparedness and disaster response.     FIG.1: ICT in Disaster Management (NetDraw)            Schwabe, G., Krcmar, H., 1996, Needs Driven Approach (NDA), Proceedings of the DCSCW 1996. Springer, Heidelberg et al., 69-88
                                                                                                        Van Den Eede, G., Van de Walle, B. A., 2005, Operational Risk in Incident Management: a Crossfertilisation between ISCRAM and IT Governance, Proceedings of
                                                                                                               the 2nd International ISCRAM Conference (B. Van de Walle and B. Carlé, eds.), Brussels, Belgium

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  • 1. ICT Governance & Disaster Management Marcus Vogt Bond University, QLD Australia Introduction Methods / Deliverables Political Organisational Communication and information processes • Analysis of the acceptance / awareness of ICT Pressures Needs are playing an essential role in Disaster Governance frameworks and tools in institutions Management. “Translation-Layer” that are involved in disaster control and emergency management. Comparisons between Australian and Accurate information at the right time and at the right place can save lives. Nowadays, European organizations will be made. Information and Communication • Analysis of damage and threat scenarios, Technology (ICT) can significantly lower particularly communication and information processing times between involved parties and increase information richness and channels including the used technologies, by the reach. means of ICT Governance tools and frameworks. Communication Process (Qualitative and quantitative methods, particularly FIG.2: Transforming ICT Governance However, the used technology has to be narrative interviews with stakeholders of reliable, appropriate and usable otherwise Frameworks and implement a “Translation- participating institutions (Australian & European) as technology is more a hindrance than an well as analyses of internal documents e.g. Layer” for better acceptance and application of improvement. Major failures of important documentation of emergency drills) FIG. 1 ICT in Disaster Management (AS8015 2005) infrastructure systems, caused accidentally, • Highlighting the limits of ICT Governance by intent or by an act of nature beyond control can result in serious consequences frameworks and tools in Disaster Management. Preliminary Results for the population. (Barton 2007, Borodzicz Suggestions for improvement. (Review of literature Current literature review has shown that there is 2005) minimal research done in the area of ICT Governance and case studies) in relation to Disaster Management. Van Den Eede ICT Governance methods and frameworks • Comparison of different scenarios by the means of and Van de Walle (2005) were the first authors who are proven tools to manage ICT in serious game method to demonstrate effectiveness investigated the effects and benefits of ICT commercially driven organizations. Clear Governance Methods for Information Systems for of ICT Governance methods in disaster responsibilities, optimized ICT portfolios, preparedness and disaster response. (A serious game Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAMs). strategic alignment, transparent risk assessment, maturity models and managed will be developed by the means of appropriate Marich et al. (2008) examined the inter-organizational services are the key factors for a successful software. The test teams will have to solve random ICT Governance structure by the means of a case and effective ICT implementation to emergency scenarios with and without the help of study performed at a Medical Emergency Service support and promote different business the developed ICT Governance framework to show Agency in California. Both references are showing the models. the limits and benefits of managed ICT services) capability of ICT Governance. Particularly communication and information processes show high Frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL, CMMI, • Utilizing the Needs Driven Approach (NDA) to potential for improvement (Dilmaghani & Rao 2009). Val-IT, ISO27000, ISO20000 and ISO develop optimised To-Be processes for 38500 provide such implementation communication and information in particular Preliminary interviews with a critical infrastructure guidelines and best practices. However, provider (power supplier), city governments, scenarios (Krcmar & Schwabe 1996). most of these guidelines and best practices emergency response organisations (Red Cross, Air are optimized for commercially driven  Design of an optimized ICT management Rescue) have shown that ICT Governance tools are organizations. framework towards the needs of Disaster either completely unknown or their potential towards Management by adaption of standard ICT- Disaster Management has not been taken into account. General Research Question: Governance tools. Development of an adjusted It also became clear that numerous “decision makers” “How can existing ICT Governance “Translation-Layer” (FIG. 2) between technology do not trust ICT-enabled processes because they frameworks and methods be used, and management, as well as an inter-organisational “can’t understand/estimate how reliable a service is”. adapted and improved to meet the maturity model to enhance reliability of information Thus an adapted management layer for ICT is needed. general requirements of Disaster Management and therefore optimize its and communication processes. (FIG. 1) Therefore, it is planned in cooperation with some communication and information interviewees to look further into the capabilities of processes” ICT Governance in regard to their disaster processes. The planned PhD thesis will investigate and demonstrate the usability and limits of ICT Conclusion Governance tools to improve information ICT Governance is a powerful tool and has proven its flow and communication processes in potential in commercial organizations. Preliminary Disaster Management. results show similar capabilities in Disaster Management and thus more research is needed. The major goal is to provide an adapted and Bibliography improved framework for optimized ICT AS8015, 2005, Australian Standard for Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology, Standards Australia Barton, L., 2007, Crisis leadership now: A real-world guide to preparing for threats, disaster, sabotage, and scandal. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. management in crisis and disaster-related Borodzicz, E., 2005, Risk, Crisis and Security Management. West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Dilmaghani, R. B., Rao, R. R., 2009, A Systematic Approach to Improve Communication for Emergency Response, Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii ’ International Conference on System Sciences – 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3450-3/09 processes and therefore improve overall Marich, M. J., Horan, T. A., Schooly, B. L., Understanding IT Governance within the San Mateo County Emergency Medical Service Agency, Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference 2008, (F. Fiedrich and B. Van de Wall, eds), Washington, DC, USA disaster preparedness and disaster response. FIG.1: ICT in Disaster Management (NetDraw) Schwabe, G., Krcmar, H., 1996, Needs Driven Approach (NDA), Proceedings of the DCSCW 1996. Springer, Heidelberg et al., 69-88 Van Den Eede, G., Van de Walle, B. A., 2005, Operational Risk in Incident Management: a Crossfertilisation between ISCRAM and IT Governance, Proceedings of the 2nd International ISCRAM Conference (B. Van de Walle and B. Carlé, eds.), Brussels, Belgium