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CS443 Course
            Introduction To Entrepreneurship
                                 p         p
                    Spring 2009, Modern Science & Arts University

                     Chapter Four: Technology Life Cycles

Al-Motaz Bellah Alaa Al-Agamawi

Chapter Source, “chapter five: technology life cycles” from “customized management of
technology” book, by Tarek Khalil, 2000, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

          Technology Life Cycles            Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
The S-Curve of Technological Progress

    A technology' s improvement
of performance follows th S-
  f     f         f ll    the S
    When a technology
performance parameter (y axis)
is plotted against time (x axis),
the result resembles an s-shaped
diagram culled the S-curve.
    Technological performance can
he expressed in terms of any
attribute, such as density in the
electronics industry (number of
transistors per chip) or aircraft
      i          hi )      i    f
speed in miles per hour.
            Technology Life Cycles   Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Technology Progress Life Cycle- TLC

      (1) the new invention period, also known as the embryonic stage
           The new invention period is characterized by a period of slow initial growth . This is
        the time when experimentation and initial hugs are worked out of the system.
      (2) the technology improvement period, also known as the growth stage
            The technology improvement period is characterized by rapid and sustained
      (3) the mature-technology period . The technology becomes vulnerable to
    substitution or obsolescence when a new or better-performing techno logy emerges.
           Th mature-technology period starts when the upper limit of the technology is
           The             h l        i d          h h            li i f h      h l    i
         approached and progress in performance slows down, This is when the
         technology reaches its natural limits as dictated by factors such as physical
         limits .
               Technology Life Cycles              Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

     The vacuum tube technology was limited by the tube's size and the power
    consumption of the heated filament. Both of these factors were natural barriers to
    electron conduction in a vacuum tube, Electronic engineers could not overcome these
    limitations. The arrival of the solid-state technology, or transistor, which permitted
    electron conduction in solid material, changed the physical barriers of size and
    power. The t
             Th transistor t h l
                      i t technology started a new t h l
                                         t t d         technology life cycle and rendered
                                                                   lif      l    d   d d
    the vacuum-tube technology obsolete.

               Technology Life Cycles          Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Changes in Natural Limits of Technology

       A technology may progress on
    curve A or A' , depending on a
    number of factors, including the type
    of the technology itself and the cost
    and time devoted to its
    development. A newer technology
    d l          t           t h l
    (B) has a higher limit of performance
    for the same parameter.

               Technology Life Cycles       Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Changes in Natural Limits of Technology

      When a technology reaches its natural limits it becomes a mature technology
    vulnerable to substitution or obsolescence.
      A technology s rate of performance improvement is dependent on the effort
    devoted t0 its development.
      It may progress at a faster rate and will influence the progression of the older
    t h l

               Technology Life Cycles          Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

       Ceramics, which have higher operating temperatures and substitute for metals
    used in internal combustion engines; the newer technology permits better
    performance of the engines. The performance of the engines can continue to
    improve as a result of a sequence of newer technologies, each with a higher limit of
    th performance parameter of interest.
           f                  t   fi t     t

               Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Technology Life Cycle and Market growth

      When technology reaches the market, it generates income.
      Technology under development has no real income-producing value.
      Technology on the shelf (i.e., not being marketed) provides no return.
      As technology develops. following the recognized technology life cycle, market
    penetration occurs and so does market growth, expressed as market volume
                                             growth                      volume.

               Technology Life Cycles        Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Technology Life Cycle and Market growth

       The x axis represents time and
    th y axis represents th market
    the        i        t the     k t
    volume expected at six
    technology phases:
       ( I ) technology development
       (2) application launch phase,
       (3) application growth phase,
       (4) mature-technology phase,
       (5) technology substitution
            t h l        b tit ti
    phase, and
       (6) technology obsolescence
               Technology Life Cycles   Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Technology Life Cycle and Market growth

   During the technology development phase the market does not recognize the
 technology at all; it has zero response.
   However, this is the important period in which scientists and engineers are
 spending significant amounts of effort and money to create the technology,
 develop prototypes, and test the new technology.
   The goal of any R&D manager should be to reduce this time period as much as
        g            y           g                                p
 possible, since it is very expensive and does not produce revenue.
   Once the first wave of the new technology application is launched into the
 market the market volume follows the path of technological progress. This is
 characterized by slow initial growth during the launching period, followed by
 rapid growth.

           Technology Life Cycles        Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Technology Life Cycle and Market growth

     During the growth phase of the technology penetration into the market will
 depend on the rate of innovation and the market needs for the new technology.
     The growth rate slows down as the technology approaches its maturity.
     At some point, the market volume will peak and then start to decline.
     This will happen when the technology matures and enters its substitution phase.
 Companies that continue to use the old technology in this phase will be faced with
       p                                          gy       p
 a shrinking market share and a fall in revenues.
     The final phase is technology obsolescence, during which the technology has
 little or no value

            Technology Life Cycles          Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Multiple- Generation Technologies

    Technology like all systems
    Technology.         systems,
 has a hierarchy.
    A system can consist of a
 number of subsystems, and each
 subsystem may have a number
 of components.
    Technology need not consist of
 a single component or derive
 from a single innovation
    Technology can consist of
 multiple technologies and derive
 from different generations of
            Technology Life Cycles   Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

    The personal computer is a technology and has a technology life cycle. It consists of
 several sub technologies, One such sub technology is the microprocessor, which can also
 be defined as a technology with a technology life cycle all its own. In turn the
 microprocessor has its own multiple-generation technologies or sub technologies. For
 example, the microprocessor technology developed by a company such as Intel has
 undergone several generations of changes (8088, 286. 386, 486, Pentium). Each of
 these generations of innovation helped boost the technology life cycle of the
 microprocessor and, in turn. that of the PC.
    The same concept applies to software technology, Any software developed for a
 major application undergoes several generations of change. The changes improve the
 software and extend its useful life. If a company developing software stops its
 development after one generation and another company continues to develop new
 generations, the former wilt fi d it lf unable 10 compete with Ih l tt 's newer
         ti   th f         ilt find itself   bl          t ith Ihe latter
 generation technology.
             Technology Life Cycles           Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Technology and Market Interaction

    A very strong dynamic relationship exists between technological innovation and
 the marketplace.
    The presence of a market or the creation of a new market represents the reward
 for technological development.
    It is only when technological developments find a market that scientific research
 pays off and the development cost is reimbursed in economic or social terms.
          ff d h d l                  i i b       di        i         i l

            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Science-Technology Push

   we can say that science provides the base for the technological push. Innovations
 that ensued from the technologies caused major industry upheavals and totally
 changed the markets
   They brought major economic growth.
   Radical innovations of products within a technology area create similar effects.
   A example of a radical innovation that created a major change in the way we
              l f         di l i      i h           d      j   h     i h
 do business is xerography. When the Xerox machine was developed, it was dubbed
 an invention with little promise and a product concept without a mark et (Mort,
 1990). Observe where this copying industry is today. Radical innovations create new
 markets and expand existing markets.

            Technology Life Cycles        Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Market Pull

    Technological development is also stimulated by market pull. Technology is often
             g            p                           y        p           gy
 developed to meet a market need or demand.
    In the majority of cases, market pull is stimulated by consumers.
    Consumers may or may not know whether a new technology exists or is being
 developed, or if they do, they may not understand the technology.
    Most of the technological developments stimulated by market pull are of an
 incremental nature, or represent improvements to existing technologies.
    Incremental technological improvements have a cumulative effect , and they can
 have a tremendous impact on productivity and competitiveness.
                        p       p            y          p
    When there is a strong collective demand for a solution to a specific problem
 (such as a vaccine for AIDS), market pull may provoke major breakthroughs.
    Both mechanisms push and pull . contribute to stimulating innovation and
 technological change.
            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Integrating Technology Push and Market Pull

          Technology Life Cycles   Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
The Product Life Cycle

    A product life cycle closely
resembles the profile of the
technology life cycle and its
associated market-growth profile.
    A product emerges from a
concept. Which is translated into an
engineering design and usually
illustrated through an engineering
    A prototype is developed and
tested to make sure that the product
specifications are met and the
performance parameters achieved.
     f                  t      hi d

            Technology Life Cycles     Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
The Product Life Cycle

   I thi i iti l d i
   In this initial design-and-prototype- d l
                            d     t t    development phase. th product h not yet met
                                                    t h      the    d t has t t t
the market and has no wealth value to the company.
   The second phase is the product-launching phase. followed by the growth phase.
whose profile depends on the market response to the product.
   Typically, sales start slow and then accelerate as the product becomes known and
accepted in the marketplace.
   As the product is diffused in the market and the market becomes saturated with a
well-established mature-technology product, the growth rate is likely to slow down.
   N products threaten mature-technology products and may substitute for them and
              d t th t          t     t h l        d t     d        b tit t f th    d
eventually render them obsolete.

           Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Competition at Different Phases of Technology

   In the early stage of the technology life cycle, also known as the embryonic or
emerging technology stage, competition is based o n innovation. In this stage, the
technology is still developing and has not been fully accepted. Companies depend on
their innovation to add value to products and services they bring to their customers .
The introduced technology has not yet demonstrated its potential for changing the
bas is of competition.
   In the
   I th early phase of th growth stage of th technology life cycle , th i t d d
             l h        f the       th t     f the t h l      lif    l the introduced
technology helps expand the market size for the product or service offered. The
technology becomes a pacing technology in that it has the potential for changing the
basis of the competition. In this stage a company must be able to balance its growth
strategies with its marketing strategies.

            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Competition at Different Phases of Technology

  Once the innovation has proved itself in the market , it permits its Owner to take a
patented position or to define the industry standard. A dominant design of the
product emerges, and the technology has a major impact on the value -added stream
of performance, cost, and quality.
  Technology in this phase of the growth stage is known as key technology, and a
company should increase its capabilities in this area to compete.
  When the t h l
  Wh th technology reaches a stage of maturity and the rate of innovation
                             h       t     f     t it     d th   t fi        ti
declines, it becomes a commodity, available e to all competitors. Technologies in this
category are also recognized as base technologies and have little ability to give a
company a strong competitive edge.

            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Competition With Product and Process Innovation

   When a new product or process is introduced to the market, it creates certain
energy within the innovation community, triggering a series of changes to the product
or process.
   Over ti
   O     time, th rate of i
               the t f innovation of new products or processes increases, reaches a
                                ti    f         d t                i             h
plateau, and then decreases, creating the inverted V-shaped curve shown.
   At the early stages of product development, competition in innovation and
improvement delays agreement on a standard design.
   A leader in innovation has the opportunity to set the standard.
   A company should strive to be in such a position because once a dominant design is
established in the market by another company, it will be too late for the company to
set a different industry standard based on its own product.

            Technology Life Cycles        Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Competition With Product and Process Innovation

  It may have to settle for being a follower, in which case it will have to develop
another strategy to obtain a leading position in the marketplace.
  One approach is 10 rely on process innovation to reduce cost. Another is to rely o n
complementary assets. such as, name recognition, to increase market share .
      l    t          t     h                  iti t i               k t h
  Yet another is to use marketing innovation and improve customer service to lure
customers away from competitors .

            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Competition in Mature Technology

  The competition switches from being based on innovation to being based on price and
  Process innovations tend to dominate, and they assume greater importance In
achieving a competitive edge
  Companies compete by introducing product lines into segmented markets.
  Companies rely on economy of scale to reduce price .
  Specialization and production efficiency within companies assume greater importance.
  Only firms with dominant markets tend to survive. This favors large companies.
Mergers and acquisitions of companies assume greater importance in companies'
  Large organizations with mature technology tend to be rigid. bureaucratic, and
multilayered. Such a structure often impedes innovation and is a threat to sustainable
            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Competition in Mature Technology

  Companies with mature technology become subject to increased competition by
those who have lower production costs, lower labor rates, or lower overheads. This
introduces international competition as a major factor.
  Mature t h l
  M t     technology i continuously th t d by substitution of newer technology.
                      is   ti     l threatened b b tit ti       f       t h l
Management must be alert to emerging or competing technologies.

     A company's success in introducing a product innovation gives it a leading edge but
     does not guarantee sustained competitive advantage.
     Managing technological innovation requires that an organization continue to
     incremental innovations and forecast future changes in order to ensure continued
     existence in the face of discontinuous innovation.

             Technology Life Cycles           Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Diffusion of Technology

   A technological innovation. a new idea, or a new system is considered to be
successful when it is adopted by users and diffused through the user population.
   Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated, over time, through
certain channels t members or a social system
   t i h         l to     b           i l t
   Adoption of a certain type of technology is usually based on the possible efficacy
of that technology in solving a perceived problem.

            Technology Life Cycles         Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

     Technology Life Cycles   Chapter 4   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

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CS443 Course Chapter on Technology Life Cycles

  • 1. CS443 Course Introduction To Entrepreneurship p p Spring 2009, Modern Science & Arts University Chapter Four: Technology Life Cycles Instructor: Al-Motaz Bellah Alaa Al-Agamawi Chapter Source, “chapter five: technology life cycles” from “customized management of technology” book, by Tarek Khalil, 2000, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 2. The S-Curve of Technological Progress 2 A technology' s improvement of performance follows th S- f f f ll the S curve. When a technology performance parameter (y axis) is plotted against time (x axis), p the result resembles an s-shaped diagram culled the S-curve. Technological performance can he expressed in terms of any attribute, such as density in the electronics industry (number of transistors per chip) or aircraft i hi ) i f speed in miles per hour. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 3. Technology Progress Life Cycle- TLC 3 (1) the new invention period, also known as the embryonic stage The new invention period is characterized by a period of slow initial growth . This is the time when experimentation and initial hugs are worked out of the system. (2) the technology improvement period, also known as the growth stage The technology improvement period is characterized by rapid and sustained growth. growth (3) the mature-technology period . The technology becomes vulnerable to substitution or obsolescence when a new or better-performing techno logy emerges. Th mature-technology period starts when the upper limit of the technology is The h l i d h h li i f h h l i approached and progress in performance slows down, This is when the technology reaches its natural limits as dictated by factors such as physical limits . Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 4. Example 4 The vacuum tube technology was limited by the tube's size and the power consumption of the heated filament. Both of these factors were natural barriers to electron conduction in a vacuum tube, Electronic engineers could not overcome these limitations. The arrival of the solid-state technology, or transistor, which permitted electron conduction in solid material, changed the physical barriers of size and power. The t Th transistor t h l i t technology started a new t h l t t d technology life cycle and rendered lif l d d d the vacuum-tube technology obsolete. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 5. Changes in Natural Limits of Technology 5 A technology may progress on curve A or A' , depending on a number of factors, including the type of the technology itself and the cost and time devoted to its development. A newer technology d l t t h l (B) has a higher limit of performance for the same parameter. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 6. Changes in Natural Limits of Technology 6 When a technology reaches its natural limits it becomes a mature technology vulnerable to substitution or obsolescence. A technology s rate of performance improvement is dependent on the effort technology's devoted t0 its development. It may progress at a faster rate and will influence the progression of the older technology. t h l Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 7. Example 7 Ceramics, which have higher operating temperatures and substitute for metals used in internal combustion engines; the newer technology permits better performance of the engines. The performance of the engines can continue to improve as a result of a sequence of newer technologies, each with a higher limit of the th performance parameter of interest. f t fi t t Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 8. Technology Life Cycle and Market growth 8 When technology reaches the market, it generates income. Technology under development has no real income-producing value. Technology on the shelf (i.e., not being marketed) provides no return. As technology develops. following the recognized technology life cycle, market penetration occurs and so does market growth, expressed as market volume growth volume. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 9. Technology Life Cycle and Market growth 9 The x axis represents time and th y axis represents th market the i t the k t volume expected at six technology phases: ( I ) technology development phase, (2) application launch phase, (3) application growth phase, (4) mature-technology phase, (5) technology substitution t h l b tit ti phase, and (6) technology obsolescence phase. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 10. Technology Life Cycle and Market growth 10 During the technology development phase the market does not recognize the technology at all; it has zero response. However, this is the important period in which scientists and engineers are spending significant amounts of effort and money to create the technology, develop prototypes, and test the new technology. The goal of any R&D manager should be to reduce this time period as much as g y g p possible, since it is very expensive and does not produce revenue. Once the first wave of the new technology application is launched into the market, market the market volume follows the path of technological progress. This is progress characterized by slow initial growth during the launching period, followed by rapid growth. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 11. Technology Life Cycle and Market growth 11 During the growth phase of the technology penetration into the market will technology, depend on the rate of innovation and the market needs for the new technology. The growth rate slows down as the technology approaches its maturity. At some point, the market volume will peak and then start to decline. This will happen when the technology matures and enters its substitution phase. Companies that continue to use the old technology in this phase will be faced with p gy p a shrinking market share and a fall in revenues. The final phase is technology obsolescence, during which the technology has little or no value value. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 12. Multiple- Generation Technologies 12 Technology like all systems Technology. systems, has a hierarchy. A system can consist of a number of subsystems, and each subsystem may have a number of components. p Technology need not consist of a single component or derive from a single innovation innovation. Technology can consist of multiple technologies and derive from different generations of innovation. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 13. Example 13 The personal computer is a technology and has a technology life cycle. It consists of several sub technologies, One such sub technology is the microprocessor, which can also be defined as a technology with a technology life cycle all its own. In turn the microprocessor has its own multiple-generation technologies or sub technologies. For example, the microprocessor technology developed by a company such as Intel has undergone several generations of changes (8088, 286. 386, 486, Pentium). Each of these generations of innovation helped boost the technology life cycle of the microprocessor and, in turn. that of the PC. The same concept applies to software technology, Any software developed for a major application undergoes several generations of change. The changes improve the change software and extend its useful life. If a company developing software stops its development after one generation and another company continues to develop new generations, the former wilt fi d it lf unable 10 compete with Ih l tt 's newer ti th f ilt find itself bl t ith Ihe latter generation technology. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 14. Technology and Market Interaction 14 A very strong dynamic relationship exists between technological innovation and the marketplace. The presence of a market or the creation of a new market represents the reward for technological development. It is only when technological developments find a market that scientific research pays off and the development cost is reimbursed in economic or social terms. ff d h d l i i b di i i l Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 15. Science-Technology Push 15 we can say that science provides the base for the technological push. Innovations that ensued from the technologies caused major industry upheavals and totally changed the markets markets. They brought major economic growth. Radical innovations of products within a technology area create similar effects. An A example of a radical innovation that created a major change in the way we l f di l i i h d j h i h do business is xerography. When the Xerox machine was developed, it was dubbed an invention with little promise and a product concept without a mark et (Mort, 1990). Observe where this copying industry is today. Radical innovations create new markets and expand existing markets. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 16. Market Pull 16 Technological development is also stimulated by market pull. Technology is often g p y p gy developed to meet a market need or demand. In the majority of cases, market pull is stimulated by consumers. Consumers may or may not know whether a new technology exists or is being developed, or if they do, they may not understand the technology. Most of the technological developments stimulated by market pull are of an incremental nature, or represent improvements to existing technologies. Incremental technological improvements have a cumulative effect , and they can have a tremendous impact on productivity and competitiveness. p p y p When there is a strong collective demand for a solution to a specific problem (such as a vaccine for AIDS), market pull may provoke major breakthroughs. Both mechanisms push and pull . contribute to stimulating innovation and mechanisms, technological change. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 17. Integrating Technology Push and Market Pull 17 Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 18. The Product Life Cycle 18 A product life cycle closely resembles the profile of the technology life cycle and its associated market-growth profile. A product emerges from a concept. Which is translated into an engineering design and usually illustrated through an engineering drawing. A prototype is developed and tested to make sure that the product specifications are met and the performance parameters achieved. f t hi d Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 19. The Product Life Cycle 19 I thi i iti l d i In this initial design-and-prototype- d l d t t development phase. th product h not yet met t h the d t has t t t the market and has no wealth value to the company. The second phase is the product-launching phase. followed by the growth phase. whose profile depends on the market response to the product. Typically, sales start slow and then accelerate as the product becomes known and accepted in the marketplace. As the product is diffused in the market and the market becomes saturated with a well-established mature-technology product, the growth rate is likely to slow down. New N products threaten mature-technology products and may substitute for them and d t th t t t h l d t d b tit t f th d eventually render them obsolete. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 20. Competition at Different Phases of Technology 20 In the early stage of the technology life cycle, also known as the embryonic or emerging technology stage, competition is based o n innovation. In this stage, the technology is still developing and has not been fully accepted. Companies depend on their innovation to add value to products and services they bring to their customers . The introduced technology has not yet demonstrated its potential for changing the bas is of competition. In the I th early phase of th growth stage of th technology life cycle , th i t d d l h f the th t f the t h l lif l the introduced technology helps expand the market size for the product or service offered. The technology becomes a pacing technology in that it has the potential for changing the basis of the competition. In this stage a company must be able to balance its growth strategies with its marketing strategies. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 21. Competition at Different Phases of Technology 21 Once the innovation has proved itself in the market , it permits its Owner to take a patented position or to define the industry standard. A dominant design of the product emerges, and the technology has a major impact on the value -added stream of performance, cost, and quality. Technology in this phase of the growth stage is known as key technology, and a company should increase its capabilities in this area to compete. When the t h l Wh th technology reaches a stage of maturity and the rate of innovation h t f t it d th t fi ti declines, it becomes a commodity, available e to all competitors. Technologies in this category are also recognized as base technologies and have little ability to give a company a strong competitive edge. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 22. Competition With Product and Process Innovation 22 When a new product or process is introduced to the market, it creates certain energy within the innovation community, triggering a series of changes to the product or process. Over ti O time, th rate of i the t f innovation of new products or processes increases, reaches a ti f d t i h plateau, and then decreases, creating the inverted V-shaped curve shown. At the early stages of product development, competition in innovation and improvement delays agreement on a standard design. A leader in innovation has the opportunity to set the standard. A company should strive to be in such a position because once a dominant design is established in the market by another company, it will be too late for the company to set a different industry standard based on its own product. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 23. Competition With Product and Process Innovation 23 It may have to settle for being a follower, in which case it will have to develop another strategy to obtain a leading position in the marketplace. One approach is 10 rely on process innovation to reduce cost. Another is to rely o n complementary assets. such as, name recognition, to increase market share . l t t h iti t i k t h Yet another is to use marketing innovation and improve customer service to lure customers away from competitors . Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 24. Competition in Mature Technology 24 The competition switches from being based on innovation to being based on price and quality. Process innovations tend to dominate, and they assume greater importance In edge. achieving a competitive edge Companies compete by introducing product lines into segmented markets. Companies rely on economy of scale to reduce price . Specialization and production efficiency within companies assume greater importance. ff Only firms with dominant markets tend to survive. This favors large companies. Mergers and acquisitions of companies assume greater importance in companies' strategies. Large organizations with mature technology tend to be rigid. bureaucratic, and multilayered. Such a structure often impedes innovation and is a threat to sustainable success. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 25. Competition in Mature Technology 25 Companies with mature technology become subject to increased competition by those who have lower production costs, lower labor rates, or lower overheads. This introduces international competition as a major factor. Mature t h l M t technology i continuously th t d by substitution of newer technology. is ti l threatened b b tit ti f t h l Management must be alert to emerging or competing technologies. A company's success in introducing a product innovation gives it a leading edge but ' does not guarantee sustained competitive advantage. Managing technological innovation requires that an organization continue to introduce incremental innovations and forecast future changes in order to ensure continued existence in the face of discontinuous innovation. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 26. Diffusion of Technology 26 A technological innovation. a new idea, or a new system is considered to be successful when it is adopted by users and diffused through the user population. Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated, over time, through certain channels t members or a social system t i h l to b i l t Adoption of a certain type of technology is usually based on the possible efficacy of that technology in solving a perceived problem. Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 27. 27 Q&A… Technology Life Cycles Chapter 4 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi