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Thomas Fuchs
avoid function calls
function  methodCall(){
    function  square(n){  return  n*n  };
    var  i=10000,  sum  =  0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  sum  +=  square(i);
function  inlinedMethod(){  
    var  i=10000,  sum  =  0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  sum  +=  i*i;
function  methodCall(){
    function  square(n){  return  n*n  };
    var  i=10000,  sum  =  0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  sum  +=  square(i);
function  inlinedMethod(){  
    var  i=10000,  sum  =  0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  sum  +=  i*i;
function  methodCall(){
    function  square(n){  return  n*n  };
    var  i=10000,  sum  =  0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  sum  +=  square(i);
function  inlinedMethod(){  
    var  i=10000,  sum  =  0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  sum  +=  i*i;
methodCall() inlinedMethod()
0.410s 0.150s
0.056s 0.045s
uhm,  hmm† 0.128s
0.027s 0.016s
methodCall() inlinedMethod()
0.410s 0.150s
0.056s 0.045s
uhm,  hmm† 0.128s
0.027s 0.016s
methodCall() inlinedMethod()
0.410s 0.150s
0.056s 0.045s
uhm,  hmm† 0.128s
0.027s 0.016s
methodCall() inlinedMethod()
0.410s 0.150s
0.056s 0.045s
uhm,  hmm† 0.128s
0.027s 0.016s
methodCall() inlinedMethod()
0.410s 0.150s
0.056s 0.045s
uhm,  hmm† 0.128s
0.027s 0.016s
IE8 throws this warning
after 1 second
embrace the
function  literals(){
    var  a  =  [],  o  =  {};
function  classic(){
    var  a  =  new  Array,  o  =  new  Object;
classic() literals()
0.291s 0.265s
0.020s 0.016s
0.220s 0.185s
0.024s 0.010s
classic() literals()
0.291s 0.265s
0.020s 0.016s
0.220s 0.185s
0.024s 0.010s
classic() literals()
0.291s 0.265s
0.020s 0.016s
0.220s 0.185s
0.024s 0.010s
classic() literals()
0.291s 0.265s
0.020s 0.016s
0.220s 0.185s
0.024s 0.010s
classic() literals()
0.291s 0.265s
0.020s 0.016s
0.220s 0.185s
0.024s 0.010s
>  parseInt(12.5);
>  ~~(1  *  "12.5")
1 * string coerces the
string into a float,
result = 12.5
double bitwise NOT*
floors the number
>  ~~(1  *  "12.5")
*good overview on
parseInt() weird  stuff
0.003s 0.002s
0.088s 0.081s
uhm,  hmm† 0.547s
0.109s 0.282s
parseInt() weird  stuff
0.003s 0.002s
0.088s 0.081s
uhm,  hmm† 0.547s
0.109s 0.282s
parseInt() weird  stuff
0.003s 0.002s
0.088s 0.081s
uhm,  hmm† 0.547s
0.109s 0.282s
parseInt() weird  stuff
0.003s 0.002s
0.088s 0.081s
uhm,  hmm† 0.547s
0.109s 0.282s
parseInt() weird  stuff
0.003s 0.002s
0.088s 0.081s
uhm,  hmm† 0.547s
0.109s 0.282s
parseInt() weird  stuff
0.003s 0.002s
0.088s 0.081s
uhm,  hmm† 0.547s
0.109s 0.282s
Firefox is 30x faster
than Safari
var  test  =  '';
for  (var  i  =  0;i<10000;i++)
  test  =  test  +  str;
var  test  =  '',  i  =  10000;
while(i-­‐-­‐)  test  =  test  +  str;
for  loop while  loop
0.12s 0.12s
0.13s 0.13s
0.6s 0.6s
0.04s 0.04s
for  loop while  loop
0.12s 0.12s
0.13s 0.13s
0.6s 0.6s
0.04s 0.04s
for  loop while  loop
0.12s 0.12s
0.13s 0.13s
0.6s 0.6s
0.04s 0.04s
for  loop while  loop
0.12s 0.12s
0.13s 0.13s
0.6s 0.6s
0.04s 0.04s
for  loop while  loop
0.12s 0.12s
0.13s 0.13s
0.6s 0.6s
0.04s 0.04s
var  test  =  '';
for  (var  i  =  0;i<10000;i++)
  test  =  test  +  str;
var  test  =  '',  i  =  10000;
while(i-­‐-­‐)  test  =  test  +  str;
3 expressions in “for”
1 expression in “while”
(when i equals 0, expression will be false)
function  normalLoop(){
    var  i=60,  j=0;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  j++;
function  unrolledLoop(){
    var  j=0;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
    j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;  j++;
normalLoop() unrolledLoop()
0.023s 0.010s
0.003s 0.001s
0.032s 0.015s
0.005s 0.001s
normalLoop() unrolledLoop()
0.023s 0.010s
0.003s 0.001s
0.032s 0.015s
0.005s 0.001s
normalLoop() unrolledLoop()
0.023s 0.010s
0.003s 0.001s
0.032s 0.015s
0.005s 0.001s
normalLoop() unrolledLoop()
0.023s 0.010s
0.003s 0.001s
0.032s 0.015s
0.005s 0.001s
normalLoop() unrolledLoop()
0.023s 0.010s
0.003s 0.001s
0.032s 0.015s
0.005s 0.001s
cache globals
function  uncached(){
    var  i  =  10000;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  window.test  =  'test';
function  cached(){
    var  w  =  window,  i  =  10000;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  w.test  =  'test';
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
Safari is 20x faster
than Firefox
uncached cached
1.440s 0.825s
0.07s 0.07s
2.22s 2.19s
0.48s 0.16s
Now IE works with >1s durations. WTF?
expression tuning
var  b  =  false,  n  =  99;
    return  n*n  &&  b;
    return  b  &&  n*n;
var  b  =  false,  n  =  99;
    return  n*n  &&  b;
    return  b  &&  n*n;
} b is false,
so n*n doesn’t need
to get evaluated
not  tuned tuned
0.005s 0.004s
0.011s 0.010s
0.906s 0.391s
0.037s 0.021s
not  tuned tuned
0.005s 0.004s
0.011s 0.010s
0.906s 0.391s
0.037s 0.021s
not  tuned tuned
0.005s 0.004s
0.011s 0.010s
0.906s 0.391s
0.037s 0.021s
not  tuned tuned
0.005s 0.004s
0.011s 0.010s
0.906s 0.391s
0.037s 0.021s
not  tuned tuned
0.005s 0.004s
0.011s 0.010s
0.906s 0.391s
0.037s 0.021s
>>>  var  n  =  1;
>>>  if(true  &&  (n=2))  ...;
>>>  n
>>>  if(true  ||  (n=3))  ...;
>>>  n
not a pure engine optimization,
the execution actually stops
here, n=2 needs to
be evaluated,
so n is set to 2
here it doesn’t
(expression must
be true), so n is
NOT set to 3
what not to use
    var  obj  =  {  prop:  'test',  str:  ''  };
        var  i  =  10000;
        while(i-­‐-­‐)  str  +=  prop;
        return  str;
    var  obj  =  {  prop:  'test',  str:  ''  },  i  =  10000;
    while(i-­‐-­‐)  obj.str  +=  obj.prop;
    return  obj.str;
with(obj){  p  } obj.p
0.071s 0.012s
0.039s 0.028s
0.078s 0.078s
0.077s 0.006s
with(obj){  p  } obj.p
0.071s 0.012s
0.039s 0.028s
0.078s 0.078s
0.077s 0.006s
with(obj){  p  } obj.p
0.071s 0.012s
0.039s 0.028s
0.078s 0.078s
0.077s 0.006s
with(obj){  p  } obj.p
0.071s 0.012s
0.039s 0.028s
0.078s 0.078s
0.077s 0.006s
with(obj){  p  } obj.p
0.071s 0.012s
0.039s 0.028s
0.078s 0.078s
0.077s 0.006s
var  a  =  0;
        a  +=  1;
    }  catch(e)  {}
    a  +=  1;
try/catch no  try/catch
0.006s 0.005s
0.287s 0.011s
0.460s 0.460s
0.123s 0.012s
try/catch no  try/catch
0.006s 0.005s
0.287s 0.011s
0.460s 0.460s
0.123s 0.012s
try/catch no  try/catch
0.006s 0.005s
0.287s 0.011s
0.460s 0.460s
0.123s 0.012s
try/catch no  try/catch
0.006s 0.005s
0.287s 0.011s
0.460s 0.460s
0.123s 0.012s
try/catch no  try/catch
0.006s 0.005s
0.287s 0.011s
0.460s 0.460s
0.123s 0.012s
Firefox 3.5
Safari 4.0
Chrome 3
IE 8
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
no try/catch try/catch
Firefox 3.5
Safari 4.0
Chrome 3
IE 8
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
no try/catch try/catch
Firefox 3.5
Safari 4.0
Chrome 3
IE 8
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
no try/catch try/catch
Firefox 3.5
Safari 4.0
Chrome 3
IE 8
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
no try/catch try/catch
Firefox 3.5
Safari 4.0
Chrome 3
IE 8
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
no try/catch try/catch
Modern JavaScript
engines have JIT
compilers, which don’t
support certain
features well
Avoid stuff
that’s not
available in
5th Edition
“strict” mode,
see John’s blog
Avoid stuff
that’s not
available in
5th Edition
“strict” mode,
see John’s blog
(function(){  return  2  *  3;  }).toString();
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  6;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  2  *  3;  }
function  ()  {  return  6;  } WTF?
More in
More in
And thanks!
@thomasfuchs on twitter

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