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Lucky Kaul
The Sci-Tech Quiz – i.Fest ‘22
Crafted and hosted by – Lucky Kaul
 4 Rounds
 R1 –Written – 4 questions
 R2 – Dries – 11 questions
 R3 –Written – 4 questions
 R4 – Dries – 11 questions
 In the dries, questions alternate between Sci andTech, though
there is some overlap and crossover with other fields as well
 Written
 4 questions
 10 points for a correct answer, part points where applicable
 No negatives
 Theme – Nobel Prizes in this decade
 Karl Barry Sharpless was one of the Nobel Laureates in 2022. His
academic work and the reason for Nobel revolved around a field
involving highly selective, exothermic reactions in mild conditions.
 He coined an onomatopoeic term for this field as the joining of
molecular blocks of the ligand and surface groups was as easy as
joining two pieces of a seat belt buckle.
 Owing to this Nobel, he also got added to a prominent list of four
(that includes a female).
 What alliterative term did Sharpless coin?What list was he added to?
 George Kuo was aTaiwanese scientist who in 1989 co-solved the
mystery of a pathogen that was then designated as ‘non-A, non-B’.
 Around that time, he also designed a test that could detect the
presence of this pathogen in blood – as a result of which the risk of
acquiring a disease reduced from one in three to one in two million.
Japan was one of the first countries to authorise its use, but only
after it was first tested on a key benevolent person from the region.
 What did Kuo co-solve, today part of an existing set of five?Who
was the first recipient of blood from Kuo’s newly designed test?
 Giorgio Parisi is an Italian physicist who won the 2021 Nobel for his
contributions to the theory of complex systems.
 One of his other research endeavours is the STARFLAG Project, that
traced movements of individuals in certain groups of upto 4,000
members.The findings showed that the shape of the group
formations is quasi two-dimensional – with the shortest axis being
vertical so that the members are spread out on a thin horizontal
sheet, possibly because vertical movements expend more energy
than lateral ones and therefore a constancy in height is sought.
 What exactly was Parisi analysing in this research pursuit?
 Morten Meldal is a Danish chemist who was awarded along with
Karl Sharpless. One of his previous jobs involved leading the
synthesis department at a laboratory (founded by JC Jacobsen) that
isolated the species of yeast responsible for lager fermentation.
 The same laboratory was once headed by the chemist Soren
Sorensen, who propounded something while in the lab – the same
shown in a Google Doodle that paid tribute to him.
 Which laboratory was Meldal once with? What did Sorensen create?
 Image follows.
 Karl Barry Sharpless was one of the Nobel Laureates in 2022. His
academic work and the reason for Nobel revolved around a field
involving highly selective, exothermic reactions in mild conditions.
 He coined an onomatopoeic term for this field as the joining of
molecular blocks of the ligand and surface groups was as easy as
joining two pieces of a seat belt buckle.
 Owing to this Nobel, he also got added to a prominent list of four
(that includes a female).
 What alliterative term did Sharpless coin?What list was he added to?
 George Kuo was aTaiwanese scientist who in 1989 co-solved the
mystery of a pathogen that was then designated as ‘non-A, non-B’.
 Around that time, he also designed a test that could detect the
presence of this pathogen in blood – as a result of which the risk of
acquiring a disease reduced from one in three to one in two million.
Japan was one of the first countries to authorise its use, but only
after it was first tested on a key benevolent person from the region.
 What did Kuo co-solve, today part of an existing set of five?Who
was the first recipient of blood from Kuo’s newly designed test?
 Giorgio Parisi is an Italian physicist who won the 2021 Nobel for his
contributions to the theory of complex systems.
 One of his other research endeavours is the STARFLAG Project, that
traced movements of individuals in certain groups of upto 4,000
members.The findings showed that the shape of the group
formations is quasi two-dimensional – with the shortest axis being
vertical so that the members are spread out on a thin horizontal
sheet, possibly because vertical movements expend more energy
than lateral ones and therefore a constancy in height is sought.
 What exactly was Parisi analysing in this research pursuit?
 Morten Meldal is a Danish chemist who was awarded along with
Karl Sharpless. One of his previous jobs involved leading the
synthesis department at a laboratory (founded by JC Jacobsen) that
isolated the species of yeast responsible for lager fermentation.
 The same laboratory was once headed by the chemist Soren
Sorensen, who propounded something while in the lab – the same
shown in a Google Doodle that paid tribute to him.
 Which laboratory was Meldal once with? What did Sorensen create?
 Image follows.
 Dries, Clockwise
 11 questions
 +10/-5 on Pounce, +10/0 on Bounce
 No partial pounce allowed
 Unanswered question goes to next team
 In early 2022, many visitors saw the arrival of five living beings -
Pumba,Timon, Nemo, Swen and Mushu to aWestern Indian city.
 Weighing about 3.2kg and consuming sardine and mackerels in their
usual diet, they were moved from South Africa into their new habitat
in India, with special arrangements made for their living – including a
design to maintain their time-zone and an ambient temperature of
18-20 degrees Celsius, given their usual living conditions.
 Another of their type is named after a place travelled to as part of a
historic scientific study, making them unique due to their location.
 What am I talking about, and where exactly is the African ones’
present habitat? Which is the other type and why are they unique?
 Luigi Menabrea was an Italian general who served as its PM from
1867 to 1869. In 1840, he had the opportunity to attend a talk by a
polymath, specially invited to give one. He took notes from that
talk carefully and published them in French in a Swiss journal.
 The job of translating the notes into English was taken up by
someone, who in the process ended up attaching an even more
extensive appendix, earning handsome applause for it, though
some scholars dispute to what extent the (novel) ideas
incorporated in the appendix were that of the translator.
 What is the claim to fame of the appendix? Name the translator.
Image follows.
 Jacob Bernoulli was a mathematician most famously known for
deriving the law of large numbers in probability theory.
 In 1683, he discovered something while studying compound
interest. He performed calculations for annual periods, then semi-
annual, and so on – the discovery made as the number of periods
kept becoming larger in number.
 Interestingly, one of the statements in his grave reads “Eadem
Mutata Resurgo”, meaning “Though changed, I shall arise the same”.
 What did Bernoulli discover?What was the statement on his grave
a nod to?
 In an annual mela in 2017 in a University in Punjab, exhibits of items
such as DT-14, DT-28 and Belarus were kept on display.
 Citing it as part of their culture, many visitors were reminded of the
times when they were extensively used. In those times, DT-14 was
preferred by its users as it was less expensive than the Belarus
(typically used by landlords), economical in terms of consumption
and also powerful.
 What exactly were DT-14, DT-28 and Belarus?What necessitated
their extensive use more than five decades ago?
 The specimen of this spider named Lycosa ______ was collected by
an Iranian entomologist in 2016, and named after a creature in 2017,
not just because of the resemblance but also owing to a famous 20th
anniversary of the world that the creature lived in.
 What was the spider named after? OR Name its in-the-news owner.
 A certain kind of economic advantage for Norway stems from its
mountainous terrain and showery climate, one that it has harnessed
right from the end of the 19th century.
 In the last couple of years, this advantage has lured companies like
Bluebite, COWA and Arcane to establish centres in Norway in order
to operate efficiently in the face of increased complexity as well as
heightened public pressure and sustain their business given a market
size exceeding USD 2 bn, expected to rocket >28% annually by 2028.
 What business is this? Why exactly have they moved to Norway?
 The first part of an iconic work is titled De Motu Corporum.
 One section in this part applied to the Solar System – where
something was studied but not fully addressed.
 A specific instance to have first received extended study involved
the Moon, the Earth and the Sun.
 Which work?What exactly was studied in the section?
 Akamai is an American content delivery network, cybersecurity and
cloud service company.
 On its website, it talks about a success achieved for the first time
with an Indian client in 2018 to which it has provided services since
2015. According to experts, this success is partly attributable to
Akamai’s servers that are strategically located across multiple
locations (instead of centralized positioning), as well as a system by
the name of Project Hulk that helps the client simulate the entire
user journey and prepare for any sudden fluctuations in demand.
 What exactly is this success story, often in the news nowadays?
 On what occasion was it first achieved on 27 May 2018?
 On 24April 2016, London-basedTim Peake set a new GuinnessWorld
Record of 3 hours, 35 minutes – breaking that of X, who was its
previous holder at 4 hours, 23 minutes.
 In order to do this, he had to overcome the challenges posed by the
harness, through which his body was firmly attached to a treadmill,
which would rub with the shoulders and the waist.
 Who is X, whose paternal family is based in Jhulsana?
 What record didTim Peake break?
 On November 14, 2017, Google launched a doodle to honour a 131-
year old handy, portable invention that used a spring-supported
lever system to perform its intended job. As per Google:
 …the gentle rat-tat-tat on the table...The series of crisp, identical ___
it produces, And finally, the delightful surprise…an accidental
collection of colorful, circular leftovers.
 In the late 1880s, one American saw this tool in use as he showed his
ticket while boarding his train, inspiring a technological innovation.
 What tool is this? Which American and what did he come up with?
 Constructed in 1863, the Plongeur was the first of its kind to be
mechanically rather than humanly powered.
 Displayed at the International Exposition in Paris 1867, a local native
derived inspiration from it three years later for a project.
 In 1954, when the inspiration was pictured on the silver screen, its
producers changed a key feature of its internal functioning, possibly
owing to events that took place a decade ago.
 What inspiration? What feature was changed in the 1954 depiction?
 Image follows.
 Written
 4 questions
 10 points for a correct answer, part points where applicable
 No negatives
 4 questions from the World ofTechnology
 The first letters to all answers when arranged in order and mapped
as per a code, will output something well-known on the internet
 10 extra points for figuring the output at any point in the round
 Two words in the full name of a device come about because the
transmitted signals and data are available only to a small group of
people and hence remains fully within the system, instead of being
made available to the entire public (in the case of normal variants).
 What two words?
 Pictured is the Evoluon, originally built to be a science museum.
Located in Eindhoven, it closed in 1989 and reopened as a
conference center in 1998.
 Which electronics company established the Evoluon?
 What was its external design inspired by?
 Initially called electrophotography, its originator had hired a classical
language professor from Ohio State University who suggested a
name for this drying process using Greek word roots.
 What name? OR How is it better known now?
 A proposed name of which 1991 creation was The Information Mesh?
 Two words in the full name of a device come about because the
transmitted signals and data are available only to a small group of
people and hence remains fully within the system, instead of being
made available to the entire public (in the case of normal variants).
 What two words?
 Pictured is the Evoluon, originally built to be a science museum.
Located in Eindhoven, it closed in 1989 and reopened as a
conference center in 1998.
 Which electronics company established the Evoluon?
 What was its external design inspired by?
 Initially called electrophotography, its originator had hired a classical
language professor from Ohio State University who suggested a
name for this drying process using Greek word roots.
 What name? OR How is it better known now?
 A proposed name of which 1991 creation was The Information Mesh?
 Dries, Anticlockwise
 11 questions
 +10/-5 on Pounce, +10/0 on Bounce
 No partial pounce allowed
 Unanswered question goes to next team
 Owing to the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act that capped the
expansion of MNCs, Intel was forced to exit India in 1977 as the
government encouraged indigenous production.
 A direct consequence of the above was a producer of brands like
Kisan and Sunflower getting in touch with the Indian Institute of
Science and collaboratively fill the void in computer systems.
 What does the above explain?
 Pyral is a French company that works in manufacturing media
storage products. In the 2nd half of the last century, it was
approached by an organisation to provide it with something, which
was sent to a processing center in California, where they were cut
and plated with a metal, mounted in aluminium containers, had a
pure sample of Uranium-238 electroplated to them and then sent
to Pasadena, California in order to complete the intended task.
 What artefacts went through the above process?
 Why exactly do they have U-238 electroplated on them?
 A 1926 invention that was initially not adopted by car manufacturers
gained success duringWW2 as the major vehicles manufactured then
included heavy army trucks and other armoured vehicles.
 Chrysler then came up with the 1951 creation called ‘Hydraguide’.
 The above, now found in millions of vehicles is also the subject of the
17th in a series of unfortunate events in 2022 concerning anAmerican
car maker with a charismatic and in-the-news leader.
 What invention? What was this the 17th occurrence of?
 In Sep 2018, Dr Mandeep Mehra of the Brigham andWomen’s
Hospital in Boston offered an explanation for something that has
baffled the world for more than five centuries.
 His explanation was based on a simple medical diagnosis of
hypothyroidism – which was spurred as a result of not eating
enough dairy products, seafood and meat, and also her earlier
pregnancy – as a result of which her muscles weakened. So, if she
did suffer from the disease, the _____ is representative of a
psychomotor retardation, preventing a blossomed one.
 What exactly was being examined by Dr Mehra?
 In 2021, Netflix had partnered with a well-known app to come up
with the series titled _________ Guide to Sleep.
 According to a review by The Hollywood Reporter, the title was ironic
given a business-related comment by CEO Reed Hastings in 2017.
 Who did Netflix partner with? What was Reed Hastings’ comment?
 Video Follows.
 The story for a 1963 creation suggests that one of its visionaries did
not want them to have legs, and was inspired by a performance by
the Gregorian National Ballet, in which dancers in long skirts
appeared to glide on stage. Hence, a number of times, retired ballet
dancers wearing black socks were actually recruited for the purpose.
 The designer was only given an hour to come up with an output,
which was supposedly inspired by a pepper bottle – although the
designer claims that it was based on a man seated on a chair, with
the bottle shape only to demonstrate movement.
 What in the world of entertainment is being talked about?
 A March 1998 article by Business Standard described how Ambattur,
a sleepy industrial township had a 75,000 sqft facility with more than
a thousand software programmers scanning and repairing code –
capitalizing on a business opportunity with only a two-year lifespan.
 NIIT, a competitor of the firm, commented how it sensed another
business opportunity in Europe due to a scheduled unification,
implying work orders from institutional bodies in multiple countries.
 Which firm, the first name of its founder meaning a Muslim ascetic?
 Why were the programmers scanning and repairing code?What
scheduled unification was NIIT targeting?
 Used in scientific experimentation as well as in popular movies, the
airline companyAirbus opened the same for the public in 2021 by
engineering specially made Airbus A-310’s.
 The flight involves three stages: A pull-up where the nose of the
aircraft is lifted upward at an angle of 50 degrees; Reduction of
engine speed as the aircraft follows a parabolic trajectory followed
by a 22-second interval; Finally, tilting the nose of the aircraft
downward 42 degrees and increasing the aircraft speed.
 What exactly was Airbus offering, with the 22-second interval being
the key aspect?
 In early 2017, researchers at Strasbourg University in France
compared a large number of such locations in France to around 1600
in Japan with respect to a certain activity performed over there. It
was found out that its occurrence was an alarming 41.9% in France
but only 2.1% in Japan.
 Hence, French agency DIREA tied up with advertising agency
Serviceplan and introduced certain devices in Paris on a trial basis
that captured images of people after they performed the action.
 What was this action? ORWhat did these devices do?
 Images follow.
 Hugo Gernsback (of HugoAwards fame) is said to have pioneered a
technology when he filed a patent in 1923 for a device, that had an
apparatus to be bit by the teeth (attached to an electromagnet, in
turn attached to something suitable), thus creating a new pathway.
 It is believed that someone used a similar technique a little more
than a century ago from then by attaching a metal rod to a _____
and then biting the other end of the rod, which sailed them for a
decade, continuing to undertake their harmonious job.
 Which technology ORWhat did this device do? How did the same
supposedly sail someone a century back from then? Image follows.
 Strip photography is a type of photography where each frame is
recorded through a slit.The image can be loosely interpreted as a
collection of thin vertical or horizontal strips patched together.
 The constant need for monitoring positions mandates the use of the
above where many vertical strips are taken frequently and are joined
together to give a sense of displacement.
 As a result, where does this technique most commonly find use?
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Finals - The Sci-Tech Quiz, 2022 at DAIICT, Gandhinagar

  • 1. Lucky Kaul The Sci-Tech Quiz – i.Fest ‘22 Finals Crafted and hosted by – Lucky Kaul
  • 2.  4 Rounds  R1 –Written – 4 questions  R2 – Dries – 11 questions  R3 –Written – 4 questions  R4 – Dries – 11 questions  In the dries, questions alternate between Sci andTech, though there is some overlap and crossover with other fields as well
  • 3.  Written  4 questions  10 points for a correct answer, part points where applicable  No negatives  Theme – Nobel Prizes in this decade
  • 4.  Karl Barry Sharpless was one of the Nobel Laureates in 2022. His academic work and the reason for Nobel revolved around a field involving highly selective, exothermic reactions in mild conditions.  He coined an onomatopoeic term for this field as the joining of molecular blocks of the ligand and surface groups was as easy as joining two pieces of a seat belt buckle.  Owing to this Nobel, he also got added to a prominent list of four (that includes a female).  What alliterative term did Sharpless coin?What list was he added to?
  • 5.  George Kuo was aTaiwanese scientist who in 1989 co-solved the mystery of a pathogen that was then designated as ‘non-A, non-B’.  Around that time, he also designed a test that could detect the presence of this pathogen in blood – as a result of which the risk of acquiring a disease reduced from one in three to one in two million. Japan was one of the first countries to authorise its use, but only after it was first tested on a key benevolent person from the region.  What did Kuo co-solve, today part of an existing set of five?Who was the first recipient of blood from Kuo’s newly designed test?
  • 6.  Giorgio Parisi is an Italian physicist who won the 2021 Nobel for his contributions to the theory of complex systems.  One of his other research endeavours is the STARFLAG Project, that traced movements of individuals in certain groups of upto 4,000 members.The findings showed that the shape of the group formations is quasi two-dimensional – with the shortest axis being vertical so that the members are spread out on a thin horizontal sheet, possibly because vertical movements expend more energy than lateral ones and therefore a constancy in height is sought.  What exactly was Parisi analysing in this research pursuit?
  • 7.  Morten Meldal is a Danish chemist who was awarded along with Karl Sharpless. One of his previous jobs involved leading the synthesis department at a laboratory (founded by JC Jacobsen) that isolated the species of yeast responsible for lager fermentation.  The same laboratory was once headed by the chemist Soren Sorensen, who propounded something while in the lab – the same shown in a Google Doodle that paid tribute to him.  Which laboratory was Meldal once with? What did Sorensen create?  Image follows.
  • 8.
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  • 10.
  • 11.  Karl Barry Sharpless was one of the Nobel Laureates in 2022. His academic work and the reason for Nobel revolved around a field involving highly selective, exothermic reactions in mild conditions.  He coined an onomatopoeic term for this field as the joining of molecular blocks of the ligand and surface groups was as easy as joining two pieces of a seat belt buckle.  Owing to this Nobel, he also got added to a prominent list of four (that includes a female).  What alliterative term did Sharpless coin?What list was he added to?
  • 12.
  • 13.  George Kuo was aTaiwanese scientist who in 1989 co-solved the mystery of a pathogen that was then designated as ‘non-A, non-B’.  Around that time, he also designed a test that could detect the presence of this pathogen in blood – as a result of which the risk of acquiring a disease reduced from one in three to one in two million. Japan was one of the first countries to authorise its use, but only after it was first tested on a key benevolent person from the region.  What did Kuo co-solve, today part of an existing set of five?Who was the first recipient of blood from Kuo’s newly designed test?
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.  Giorgio Parisi is an Italian physicist who won the 2021 Nobel for his contributions to the theory of complex systems.  One of his other research endeavours is the STARFLAG Project, that traced movements of individuals in certain groups of upto 4,000 members.The findings showed that the shape of the group formations is quasi two-dimensional – with the shortest axis being vertical so that the members are spread out on a thin horizontal sheet, possibly because vertical movements expend more energy than lateral ones and therefore a constancy in height is sought.  What exactly was Parisi analysing in this research pursuit?
  • 17.
  • 18.  Morten Meldal is a Danish chemist who was awarded along with Karl Sharpless. One of his previous jobs involved leading the synthesis department at a laboratory (founded by JC Jacobsen) that isolated the species of yeast responsible for lager fermentation.  The same laboratory was once headed by the chemist Soren Sorensen, who propounded something while in the lab – the same shown in a Google Doodle that paid tribute to him.  Which laboratory was Meldal once with? What did Sorensen create?  Image follows.
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  • 22.  Dries, Clockwise  11 questions  +10/-5 on Pounce, +10/0 on Bounce  No partial pounce allowed  Unanswered question goes to next team
  • 23.  In early 2022, many visitors saw the arrival of five living beings - Pumba,Timon, Nemo, Swen and Mushu to aWestern Indian city.  Weighing about 3.2kg and consuming sardine and mackerels in their usual diet, they were moved from South Africa into their new habitat in India, with special arrangements made for their living – including a design to maintain their time-zone and an ambient temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius, given their usual living conditions.  Another of their type is named after a place travelled to as part of a historic scientific study, making them unique due to their location.  What am I talking about, and where exactly is the African ones’ present habitat? Which is the other type and why are they unique?
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  • 27.  Luigi Menabrea was an Italian general who served as its PM from 1867 to 1869. In 1840, he had the opportunity to attend a talk by a polymath, specially invited to give one. He took notes from that talk carefully and published them in French in a Swiss journal.  The job of translating the notes into English was taken up by someone, who in the process ended up attaching an even more extensive appendix, earning handsome applause for it, though some scholars dispute to what extent the (novel) ideas incorporated in the appendix were that of the translator.  What is the claim to fame of the appendix? Name the translator. Image follows.
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  • 33.  Jacob Bernoulli was a mathematician most famously known for deriving the law of large numbers in probability theory.  In 1683, he discovered something while studying compound interest. He performed calculations for annual periods, then semi- annual, and so on – the discovery made as the number of periods kept becoming larger in number.  Interestingly, one of the statements in his grave reads “Eadem Mutata Resurgo”, meaning “Though changed, I shall arise the same”.  What did Bernoulli discover?What was the statement on his grave a nod to?
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  • 36.  In an annual mela in 2017 in a University in Punjab, exhibits of items such as DT-14, DT-28 and Belarus were kept on display.  Citing it as part of their culture, many visitors were reminded of the times when they were extensively used. In those times, DT-14 was preferred by its users as it was less expensive than the Belarus (typically used by landlords), economical in terms of consumption and also powerful.  What exactly were DT-14, DT-28 and Belarus?What necessitated their extensive use more than five decades ago?
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  • 39.  The specimen of this spider named Lycosa ______ was collected by an Iranian entomologist in 2016, and named after a creature in 2017, not just because of the resemblance but also owing to a famous 20th anniversary of the world that the creature lived in.  What was the spider named after? OR Name its in-the-news owner.
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  • 42.  A certain kind of economic advantage for Norway stems from its mountainous terrain and showery climate, one that it has harnessed right from the end of the 19th century.  In the last couple of years, this advantage has lured companies like Bluebite, COWA and Arcane to establish centres in Norway in order to operate efficiently in the face of increased complexity as well as heightened public pressure and sustain their business given a market size exceeding USD 2 bn, expected to rocket >28% annually by 2028.  What business is this? Why exactly have they moved to Norway?
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  • 46.  The first part of an iconic work is titled De Motu Corporum.  One section in this part applied to the Solar System – where something was studied but not fully addressed.  A specific instance to have first received extended study involved the Moon, the Earth and the Sun.  Which work?What exactly was studied in the section?
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  • 50.  Akamai is an American content delivery network, cybersecurity and cloud service company.  On its website, it talks about a success achieved for the first time with an Indian client in 2018 to which it has provided services since 2015. According to experts, this success is partly attributable to Akamai’s servers that are strategically located across multiple locations (instead of centralized positioning), as well as a system by the name of Project Hulk that helps the client simulate the entire user journey and prepare for any sudden fluctuations in demand.  What exactly is this success story, often in the news nowadays?  On what occasion was it first achieved on 27 May 2018?
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  • 54.  On 24April 2016, London-basedTim Peake set a new GuinnessWorld Record of 3 hours, 35 minutes – breaking that of X, who was its previous holder at 4 hours, 23 minutes.  In order to do this, he had to overcome the challenges posed by the harness, through which his body was firmly attached to a treadmill, which would rub with the shoulders and the waist.  Who is X, whose paternal family is based in Jhulsana?  What record didTim Peake break?
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  • 58.  On November 14, 2017, Google launched a doodle to honour a 131- year old handy, portable invention that used a spring-supported lever system to perform its intended job. As per Google:  …the gentle rat-tat-tat on the table...The series of crisp, identical ___ it produces, And finally, the delightful surprise…an accidental collection of colorful, circular leftovers.  In the late 1880s, one American saw this tool in use as he showed his ticket while boarding his train, inspiring a technological innovation.  What tool is this? Which American and what did he come up with?
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  • 62.  Constructed in 1863, the Plongeur was the first of its kind to be mechanically rather than humanly powered.  Displayed at the International Exposition in Paris 1867, a local native derived inspiration from it three years later for a project.  In 1954, when the inspiration was pictured on the silver screen, its producers changed a key feature of its internal functioning, possibly owing to events that took place a decade ago.  What inspiration? What feature was changed in the 1954 depiction?  Image follows.
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  • 67.  Written  4 questions  10 points for a correct answer, part points where applicable  No negatives
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  • 69.  4 questions from the World ofTechnology  The first letters to all answers when arranged in order and mapped as per a code, will output something well-known on the internet  10 extra points for figuring the output at any point in the round
  • 70.  Two words in the full name of a device come about because the transmitted signals and data are available only to a small group of people and hence remains fully within the system, instead of being made available to the entire public (in the case of normal variants).  What two words?
  • 71.  Pictured is the Evoluon, originally built to be a science museum. Located in Eindhoven, it closed in 1989 and reopened as a conference center in 1998.  Which electronics company established the Evoluon?  What was its external design inspired by?
  • 72.  Initially called electrophotography, its originator had hired a classical language professor from Ohio State University who suggested a name for this drying process using Greek word roots.  What name? OR How is it better known now?
  • 73.  A proposed name of which 1991 creation was The Information Mesh?
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  • 76.  Two words in the full name of a device come about because the transmitted signals and data are available only to a small group of people and hence remains fully within the system, instead of being made available to the entire public (in the case of normal variants).  What two words?
  • 77.
  • 78.  Pictured is the Evoluon, originally built to be a science museum. Located in Eindhoven, it closed in 1989 and reopened as a conference center in 1998.  Which electronics company established the Evoluon?  What was its external design inspired by?
  • 79.
  • 80.  Initially called electrophotography, its originator had hired a classical language professor from Ohio State University who suggested a name for this drying process using Greek word roots.  What name? OR How is it better known now?
  • 81.
  • 82.  A proposed name of which 1991 creation was The Information Mesh?
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  • 86.  Dries, Anticlockwise  11 questions  +10/-5 on Pounce, +10/0 on Bounce  No partial pounce allowed  Unanswered question goes to next team
  • 87.  Owing to the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act that capped the expansion of MNCs, Intel was forced to exit India in 1977 as the government encouraged indigenous production.  A direct consequence of the above was a producer of brands like Kisan and Sunflower getting in touch with the Indian Institute of Science and collaboratively fill the void in computer systems.  What does the above explain?
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  • 90.  Pyral is a French company that works in manufacturing media storage products. In the 2nd half of the last century, it was approached by an organisation to provide it with something, which was sent to a processing center in California, where they were cut and plated with a metal, mounted in aluminium containers, had a pure sample of Uranium-238 electroplated to them and then sent to Pasadena, California in order to complete the intended task.  What artefacts went through the above process?  Why exactly do they have U-238 electroplated on them?
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  • 94.  A 1926 invention that was initially not adopted by car manufacturers gained success duringWW2 as the major vehicles manufactured then included heavy army trucks and other armoured vehicles.  Chrysler then came up with the 1951 creation called ‘Hydraguide’.  The above, now found in millions of vehicles is also the subject of the 17th in a series of unfortunate events in 2022 concerning anAmerican car maker with a charismatic and in-the-news leader.  What invention? What was this the 17th occurrence of?
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  • 100.  In Sep 2018, Dr Mandeep Mehra of the Brigham andWomen’s Hospital in Boston offered an explanation for something that has baffled the world for more than five centuries.  His explanation was based on a simple medical diagnosis of hypothyroidism – which was spurred as a result of not eating enough dairy products, seafood and meat, and also her earlier pregnancy – as a result of which her muscles weakened. So, if she did suffer from the disease, the _____ is representative of a psychomotor retardation, preventing a blossomed one.  What exactly was being examined by Dr Mehra?
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  • 103.  In 2021, Netflix had partnered with a well-known app to come up with the series titled _________ Guide to Sleep.  According to a review by The Hollywood Reporter, the title was ironic given a business-related comment by CEO Reed Hastings in 2017.  Who did Netflix partner with? What was Reed Hastings’ comment?  Video Follows.
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  • 108.  The story for a 1963 creation suggests that one of its visionaries did not want them to have legs, and was inspired by a performance by the Gregorian National Ballet, in which dancers in long skirts appeared to glide on stage. Hence, a number of times, retired ballet dancers wearing black socks were actually recruited for the purpose.  The designer was only given an hour to come up with an output, which was supposedly inspired by a pepper bottle – although the designer claims that it was based on a man seated on a chair, with the bottle shape only to demonstrate movement.  What in the world of entertainment is being talked about?
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  • 111.  A March 1998 article by Business Standard described how Ambattur, a sleepy industrial township had a 75,000 sqft facility with more than a thousand software programmers scanning and repairing code – capitalizing on a business opportunity with only a two-year lifespan.  NIIT, a competitor of the firm, commented how it sensed another business opportunity in Europe due to a scheduled unification, implying work orders from institutional bodies in multiple countries.  Which firm, the first name of its founder meaning a Muslim ascetic?  Why were the programmers scanning and repairing code?What scheduled unification was NIIT targeting?
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  • 115.  Used in scientific experimentation as well as in popular movies, the airline companyAirbus opened the same for the public in 2021 by engineering specially made Airbus A-310’s.  The flight involves three stages: A pull-up where the nose of the aircraft is lifted upward at an angle of 50 degrees; Reduction of engine speed as the aircraft follows a parabolic trajectory followed by a 22-second interval; Finally, tilting the nose of the aircraft downward 42 degrees and increasing the aircraft speed.  What exactly was Airbus offering, with the 22-second interval being the key aspect?
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  • 118.  In early 2017, researchers at Strasbourg University in France compared a large number of such locations in France to around 1600 in Japan with respect to a certain activity performed over there. It was found out that its occurrence was an alarming 41.9% in France but only 2.1% in Japan.  Hence, French agency DIREA tied up with advertising agency Serviceplan and introduced certain devices in Paris on a trial basis that captured images of people after they performed the action.  What was this action? ORWhat did these devices do?  Images follow.
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  • 122.  Hugo Gernsback (of HugoAwards fame) is said to have pioneered a technology when he filed a patent in 1923 for a device, that had an apparatus to be bit by the teeth (attached to an electromagnet, in turn attached to something suitable), thus creating a new pathway.  It is believed that someone used a similar technique a little more than a century ago from then by attaching a metal rod to a _____ and then biting the other end of the rod, which sailed them for a decade, continuing to undertake their harmonious job.  Which technology ORWhat did this device do? How did the same supposedly sail someone a century back from then? Image follows.
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  • 127.  Strip photography is a type of photography where each frame is recorded through a slit.The image can be loosely interpreted as a collection of thin vertical or horizontal strips patched together.  The constant need for monitoring positions mandates the use of the above where many vertical strips are taken frequently and are joined together to give a sense of displacement.  As a result, where does this technique most commonly find use?

Editor's Notes
