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Sefer Shemos-Perek 1
                             By Rabbi Joshua Cohen

Grade Level: High School

A comprehensive treatment of the first perek in Sefer Shemos. The information is
organized in question and answer format with footnotes that add relevant and important
information. Some of the meforshim which are dealt with are the Ibn Ezra, Ralbag,
Rashbam, Ramban, Seforno, Malbim and Abarbanel, among others. This outline will
give the students a feel for the different styles of the meforshim and will give them a
thorough analysis of the perek.

Students will analyze the various meforshim on the perek and will compare their
approaches to the pesukim.

1. Attempt to get the students to generate the questions.
2. Point out the difference between pshat and drash using Rashi when he brings
       examples of drash when applicable.
zeny xtq
                                               zeny zyxt
                                                 '` wxt

oFrnW o´¥ § a :E`«A Fzi¥ E Wi¬¦ aŸ r«© z´¥ dn§i®¨vn mi† Ad i''a ÆzFnW d¤ ` § `
   ½ § ¦ aE`           ¨ † a ` w£ i ` ¨ x § ¦ `¨ ©
                                        ½                         ¦          § N¥  À
i¬¥ vŸ W¤²¤Îl¨ id§i © d :x«¥ `e§ c¬¨ ilYt©e§ o¬¨ c :on¨paE o† f§ x¬¨ UV¦ b :dcEdi«e¦ i†¥
 ` § i« tp M À¦           W¨ B † ¨ § p¦               «¦ i § ¦ lEa k ¨
                                                                ª             «¨      e¦l
xFCd lŸe§ eig`Îl¨ e§ ÆsqFi z¨³¨ © e :m¦ixvna did s† e§ W¤®¨ mi´¦ aW aŸ r«©ÎKx«¤
    ¬© k ¨¤ k ¥
         † ½                      nI        «¨ § ¦ § ¬¨ ¨ qFi tp r § ¦ w£ i ¤ i
                                                              ¥                  †
                                          :`Edd «©

1. Why does zeny xtq begin with a xeagd "e" (a connecting vuv)?

         A. o''anx- explains that this is similar in nature to the `xfr mixtq and dingp as dingp
            continues the narrative of `xfr. Here too zeny xtq continues the narrative of xtq
            ziy`xa. (See question #2)

         B. `xfr oa`- explains that the beginning of zeny xtq is demonstrating that unlike sqei the
            mihay in ziy`xa xtq had few descendants. (See question #2)

         C. l`paxa`- explains that the stories here are connected to the previous stories.

2. Why does zeny xtq begin with listing the names of the those who descended with awri?

         A. m"ayx- explains that scripture wishes to emphasize the extant that Hashem had them
            cŸ n cŸ nA Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ as when they entered mixvn they were only 70
             ` § ` § ¦ †§ © I A § ² §
             ®    ´                                  ¯R
            descendants of awri.

         B. `xfr oa`- explains on b''k p ziy`xa that the verse states exclusively by sqei that `§³© ©
            mi®¦ NW ipA m¦ixt`§l ÆsqFi so the `xwn in zeny picked up with the children at the other
              W¥ ¦ † § ½© § ¤
                     ¥             ¥
            mihay in order to demonstrate that they also had descendants.

         C. o''anx-

                  1. first explains that ziy`xa xtq is a fnx1 to all that will happen to the children of
                     the zea` in the future. After the book of dxivi (formation- ziy`xa xtq) is
                     complete now we can begin to focus on the events that were generated from the
                     previous book. Therefore we reiterate the names of the tribes as the beginning
                     of the exile is a whole new beginning. This is why the zeny xtq opens with a

1. Be sure to review the idea of fnx (from the introduction to j''pz), specifically "mipal oniq zea`l dxiry dn lk".
connecting vuv (see question #1). He also points out that this exile doesn’ end
                    until l`xyi mr reaches the heights of their forefathers, and concludes with the
                    okyn wherein the Divine Presence dwells among l`xyi mr, as it did amongst
                    the zea`.
                 2. He also comments on the opinion of `xfr oa` and states simply that it is eppi`"
                    "oekp. l`paxa` gives three reasons to explain why o''anx rejects `xfr oa`:

                          a. In ziy`xa xtq the `xwn details all of the offspring of the other mihay
                             and we would never think that they did not have descendants;
                          b. here in zeny zyxt the `xwn states explicitly, Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ i''aE f
                                                                             †§ © I A § ² §              ¯R
                             :m«zŸ ux† d `lOY© cŸ n cŸ nA. Thus it is very clear that they have many
                                ¨ ` ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ` § ` § ¦
                                      ¨            ®   ´
                             descendants; and
                          c. `xfr oa` contradicts his own explanation as sqei is mentioned here with
                             the rest of the mihay.

                 3. Lastly, he quotes i''yx’ explanation that it “
                                           s                       demonstrates Hashem’ love”and
                    he notes that though the idea is true it is "dcb` ixac" and the plain reason is as
                    he stated.2

        D. epxetq- explains that all who are mentioned in d-` miweqt embody and teach ezxev"
           ziiyi`d”(the true form of humanity) as their generation never strayed from the 'd jxc
           unlike the generations that followed.

        E. l`paxa`- first rejects the opinion of o''anx for three reasons:

                 1. If this was the intention the proper place to connect zeny xtq to would be zyxt
                    ybie as the entry into mixvn would be directly juxtaposed to exile in mixvn;
                 2. One can not compare to separation of two zeiyxt in the dxez (even if they are
                    in different “ books” to other books in j''p as dingp ,`xfr ,minid ixac are
                    individual works and do not have an inherent connection to each other. For
                    example ilyn and zldw are not inherently connected though they are both
                    authored by jlnd dnely. Whereas, yneg is by its’unique authorship inherently
                    connected; lastly
                 3. The manner the miweqt present the information is different. In ziy`xa xtq the
                    names of the mihay and all their children are mentioned whereas in zeny xtq
                    only the mihay are mentioned. If the `xwn is teaching us that the two stories
                    are connected why is the presentation changed? If the focus is to connect the
                    stories by writing the same “  headline”it should not be abridged.

2. The words of the o''anx beautifully illustrate the coexistence of q''cxt:
 enk `ed e"`ea mxeage miweqtd xeyw la` ,xicz mzeny lteke oaagn d"awdy aeagd oipra zn` ly mixac mde ,dcb` ixac el`e"
l`paxa` explains that the weqt is teaching us new idea as to how awri and his family
             arrived in mixvn. The weqt states "dn§ ®¨vn mi`¨ d i''a ÆzFnW d¤ `e" and l`paxa` explains
                                                      ¨ ix § ¦ ¦ A©       § N¥ §
             that a catalyst for going to mixvn was the urging of the mihay. "mi`¨ d" is to be
                                                                                          ¦ A©
             understood as “   brought” He supports this translation by noting that the weqt says, z´¥
                                        .                                                              `"
             "aŸ r«© instead of "awri mr".3 "z`" serves grammatically as an indicator of a direct object.
               w£ i
             l`paxa` explains that the mihay brought (through their urging)... aŸ r«© z´¥
                                                                                    w£ i `.

         F. m''ialn- explains the description in ybie zyxt describes three traits of importance that
            the i''a possessed when they entered mixvn ux` whereas here in zeny zyxt these these
            traits dissolved and allowed for the slavery to begin.

                  1. "mnvr cvn zeaiyg" (they where inherently important)- in ybie zyxt the `xwn
                     states ...ei¨aE aŸ r«© dn§ x©vn mi¬¦ Ad i''a zFnW d¤ `e' g e''n . In ybie zyxt initially they
                                    ®p ¨ w£ i ¨ i† § ¦ `¨ ©
                                         ´                          ¯ § N¸ §¥
                     were aeyg as a single house (tribe) under the name of awri. Then their
                     importance increased as each of the mihay became their own house (tribe) as
                     the `xwn sates E`«A FziaE Wi¬¦ This importance dissolved when "sqFi z¨³¨e
                                                ¨ †¥      `.                                          Æ ¥        nI ©
                     `Edd xFCd lke§ eig`Îl¨ e";
                          « © ¬©            ¨ ¤ k§
                  2. They were also very important as "mi«¦ aW dn§ x©vn d`¬¨ d aŸ r«©Îzi¥ l W¤¯¤dÎl¨ ",
                                                                       r § ¦ ¨ i† § ¦ ¨ A © w£ i a§ tP © M
                     demonstrating they were few and precious. This status dissolved as EvxW¦ «e E¯ R"  ² § § I© x ¨
                     "E¬ x¦ e and "m«¨ ` u¤ `d `¬¥OY©" making i''a common; lastly
                       A § I©                  ¨ ¨ l¨ ¦ e
                  3. "m¦ixvna did s†
                           «¨ § ¦ § ¬¨ ¨ qFi"- sqei was the viceroy of drxt and this brought them great
                     honor and importance. This ended when c¨Î`«l x¬¤ ` m¦ixvnÎl© WcgÎK¤ n mw¬¨e
                                                                              ©i     W£ ®¨ § ¦ r ¨ ¨ l «¤ ¨ I ©
                       «¥        ¤

3. Who specifically are "`Edd xFCd lŸ
                           « © ¬ © k"?

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that the `xwn is referring to the people of mixvn as "`Edd xFCd lŸ
                                                                                       « © ¬ © k".
            This explains how they did not remember the greatness of sqei.

         B. m''ayx/epxetq- say it refers to the "ytp miray". epxetq adds xenb lewlw (complete
            [spiritual] deterioration) did not occur until after that generation.

           :m«zŸ u¤† d `lOY© cŸ n cŸ nA Envr«©e© E¬ x¦ e© Evx§W¦ «© Ex¨ i''aE f
              ¨ ` x` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ` § ` § ¦ †§ © I A §I ² § Ie ¯R
                   ¨            ® ´

4. Why does the `xwn need to tell us “ `n cŸ nA Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ i''aE" as in the end of zyxt
                                            cŸ § ` § ¦ †§ © I A § ² §
                                             ®      ´                              ¯R
   ybie we were already told "cŸ n EAx¦Ie© Ext¦Ie© Da E´ g`¥e© oW® ux´¤ A m¦ix©vn ux¬¤ A l²¥ xU¦i aWIe©" f''k f''n?
                               ` § †§ ¬ §
                                «                   ¨ f £ «¨ I ¤ B ¤ ` § † § ¦ ¤ ` § ` ¨ § ¤¯¥

         A. `xfr oa`- explains "Evx§W¦I«e©" teaches that woman gave birth to no less than twins and
                                    ² §
            doctors explain that it is possible for one woman to carry seven children. "E¬ x¦Ie©" refers
            to none of them being stillborn. "Envr«©e©" refers to the strong constitution of the
                                                      †§ © I
            offspring. "ux† d `lOY©" refers to oyeb ux`. He also notes that oyeb ux` is also called
                         ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e

3. `xfr oa` translates z` as mr and l`paxa` provides examples that this is not the case.

         B. b''alx- explains that "Evx§W¦I«e©" refers to quick pregnancies, "E¬ x¦Ie©" to number and "Envr«©e©"
                                     ² §                                      A§                       †§ © I
            to the strong constitution of the offspring. He explains that "Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie©" mentioned
                                                                                        †§ © I A §
            together are of great significance as naturally when many are born they tend to be
            weaker. Here we see "myd zkxa zewac wfeg" in that they were many and mighty. He
            also notes that "ux† d `lOY©" refers to oyeb ux`. Here b''alx mentions his first zlrez
                               ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e
            (benefit/lesson) and that is that we see that Hashem kept his promise to awri5

            despite the best attempts of the people of mixvn to stop it.

         C. m''ayx- explains that "Ex¨ " refers specifically to conception. "Evx§W¦I«e©" refers to giving
                                         ¯R                                       ² §
            birth and that woman never stopped conceiving. "E¬ x¦Ie©" refers to none of them dying as
            children. "Envr«©e©" refers to the strong constitution of the offspring and therefore `lOY©"
                        †§ © I                                                                     ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e
            "m«zŸ ux† d.6
               ¨ ` ¤` ¨

         D. epxetq- explain that after the ytp miray died out the i''a reproduced in a uxy (swarm)
            like manner.

         E. l`paxa`- explains the reiteration is necessary to tell us that the blessing of EAx¦Ie© Ext¦Ie©"
                                                                                            †§ ¬ §
            "cŸ n from the time of awri didn’ cease. He also quotes l''fg who state zclei dy`d"
               «                              t
            "cg` qxka dyy. He also explains the necessity of four expressions:

                  1. "Ex¨ "- teaches us that there were no barren woman and they had children in a
                     tree like fashion- every year they conceived and gave birth;
                  2. "Evx§W¦I«e©"- teaches us that always had multiple births and as l''fg say qxka dyy
                        ² §
                  3. E¬ x¦Ie©"- teaches that none of them died while they were babies. l`paxa` explains
                     that it is common that children generated from multiple births are weak for in
                     the womb they share limited resources;
                  4. "Envr«©e©" - teaches us that despite being generated from multiple births they all
                        †§ © I
                     grew with strong constitutions.

             As a result of the above traits "m«zŸ ux† d `lOY©".
                                                ¨ ` ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e

         F. m''ialn- noted in question #2 that this was an important thing to mention for it ushered
            in the slavery. Initially the i''a were few in number and were precious because of their
            rarity. Now the `xwn informs us now that "E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ and "m«zŸ ux† d `lOY©" they
                                                            A§ ² §         ¯R"           ¨ ` ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e
            were no longer precious. m''ialn also explains "Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ as l`paxa` (see
                                                                †§ © I A § ² §             ¯R"

4. b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
5. :m«¨ LniU£ lFc¨ iF¬ lÎi«¦ dn§ixvn d´¨x«¥ Æ`xiYÎl` Li®¦ ` i´¥ l` l† d i¬¦ p` xn`Ÿ© b e''n
      W ¬ § «¦ ` † b§ M ¨ ½© § ¦ c §n ¨ ¦ © a ¨ dŸ ¡ ` ¨ kŸ«¨ ¤ ¾
                  B                                                 ¥             I
6. According to m''ayx the yecig is only within the words "Evx§W¦I«©" and "E¬ x¦Ie©".
                                                                       ² § e          A§
                        qFiÎz` r† iÎ`«l x¬¤ ` m¦ ®¨vnÎlr W†gÎK¤ n mwI © g
                             ¤ c¨ Ÿ W£ ix § ¦ © c ¨ l «¤ ¨¬¨
                                 ©                        ¨

5. How is it that the "W†gÎK¤ n" didn’ know sqei?
                        c ¨ l «¤
                        ¨            t

        A. `xfr oa`- explains that that the word "mwIe©" is extra and it indicates that this king didn’
                                                   ¨¬¨                                                t
           come from the old dynasty.
        B. b''alx- states that “ didn’ recognize sqei”.
                                he   t

        C. epxetq- explains that there was certainly a record of sqei in the chronicles of the Egypt
           as there was the law set up by sqei in ziy`xa that sates m¬¤ z§ E zŸ YA Æd¨de" ck f''n
                                                                                           Y © p `Ea § © i ¨ §
           :"m«kRh§l lŸ¡«¤ e§ m† iY«aA x¬¤ `«© e§ m²¤ lk`§lE« d¯¤Vd rx¸¤l Ámk¨ did¦i zŸId r´© x§`e§ dŸx§t§l zi† n£ . This
               ¤ § © ¬ `l k ¥ ¨ § W£ l k§ § ¨
                      k        ¤                               c ¨ © ©f§ ¤ l ´¤ § c¨ © A © r ©
                                                                                      ¿              ®        Wi ¦ g
           drxt did believe that sqei was a member of this nation.

        D. l`paxa`- first cites the opinion of `xfr oa` that the new drxt was of a new dynasty.
           As noted earlier, `xfr oa` came to this conclusion based on the seemingly additional
           word "mwIe©". l`paxa` explains that every time there is a new king the "mw" is used to
           describe his ascent to power and does not inherently mean a new dynasty. l`paxa`
           explains that it is possible that after three or four kings they didn’ recall the ministers
           of the past. l`paxa` also points out that this weqt begins a new focus on how the
           mixvn began to plot against i''a, and is not connected to the previously stated death of
           the generation of the mihay.

                       :EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© i''a m©µ dÀ d FOrÎl` xn`Ÿ© h
                          O¦ † x  r              r ¥ ¦ ® © ¤ ¤ I†

6. Why is the `xwn detailing all the evil of mixvn?

        A. m''ialn- explains that the all the scheming of drxt and mixvn are present in the `xwn to
           demonstrate how evil they were. This is necessary as one could ask why should the
           mixvn be punished as this was Hashem’ will as zecar ,zelb and iepr were all
           prophesied to mdxa` during the mixzad oia zixa?

7. How could drxt say that the i''a were "EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© and 'i weqt say "dAx¦iÎoR" as "EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬©
                                            O ¦ † x"r                          ¤ § ¤
                                                                               À              O ¦ † x"r
   implies that they were out-numbered the mixvn?

        A. b''alx- explains that in terms of strength and rate of reproduction i''a were greater than
           the mixvn.

        B. l`paxa`- gives to possible explanations:

7. Perhaps this means he didn’ recognize the significance of sqei or of sqei’ achievements.
                             t                                              s
1. The word "EP«¤ n" modifies the word "mEv¨ ". This means that the i''a were
                                    O¦                           †r
                    physically stronger that the mixvn and not greater in quantity8; and
                 2. the i''a were a group of great number from "EP«¤ n" (the mixvn themselves). This is
                    a fitting thing for the mixvn to worry about as the i''a were their slaves.

        C. m''ialn- explains when the drxt said "EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© he meant relative to the rate that
                                                   O¦     † x"
           the mixvn were having children. drxt was, therefore, afraid "dAx¦iÎoR" and outnumber
                                                                              ¤ § ¤
           the mixvn.9

          Æ`EdÎm© s³© e§ Ædng§ln d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ dºde§ dAx¦ ÎoR F® d† Mgz«P d¨¬¨ i
                B qFp ¨ ¨ ¦ p x § ¦ M ¨ ¨ ¤ §i ¤ l n § © § ¦ a
                                                 i      À           ¨
                          :ux«¨ dÎon dlre§ Ep† Îmg§lpe§ Epi`§Ÿ r
                             ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ A © ¦
                                             ¨             ¥ pUÎl ©
                                                           ½ ´

8. What is meant by "F® d† Mgz«P"?
                      l n§ © § ¦

        A. m''ayx- explains that drxt was searching for a means to slow down the population
           growth of i''a.

        B. o''anx- explains that drxt and his advisers chose not kill i''a by the sword for that
           would be huge betrayal. i''a entered mixvn by kings decree and to kill them for no
           reason would be a clear injustice not to be tolerated by the people of mixvn. Also, If
           they were to wage open war on i''a it would be a huge and costly war as i''a were a©     x"
           "mEv¨ e. So drxt and his advisers sought a surreptitious way to deal with i''a so the
           mixvn and the i''a would not object. A qn (tax- sometimes labor as well as money)10
           was not something anyone would find objectionable as this was the normal procedure
           for kings. After the qn was set up drxt tried to quietly kill i''a through the midwives
           by having them claim all the boys were still born. Lastly, drxt specially stated o´¥dÎl¨ "
                                                                                                 A© M
           "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id to general population and not to the military. This allowed for a
               ª § © ¨` © À ©
               ½        ¸
           measure of plausible denialability, as drxt, after such an event, would send his
           officers to “ investigate”when i''a complained. While “     investigating” they would look
           for more children and pass the word onto the general population, so the drxt would
           not get his hands dirty.

        C. l`paxa`- explains that the intention of drxt was burden them to stop them from
           reproducing. This was done in gradual stages:

                 1. m®¨ laqA FzŸr or¬© l miQn i´¥U Æei¨ r Eni³¦ Ie©- This was setting up the qn (in grain) and
                      zŸ § ¦ § †P © © n§   ½¦ ¦ x ¨ l ¨ U¨
                    appointing collectors;
                 2. q«¥ nrxÎz`e§ mŸ RÎz` dŸx§t§l ÆzFpMqn i³¥r o¤ Ie©- This was hard labor for they had to
                      q § © «© ¤ z ¦ ¤ r ©
                                    †         ½         § § ¦ x¨ a¹   ¦
                    build cities to store the grain that they gave. l`paxa` explains that it follows

8. Similar to b''alx.
9. Similar to b''alx.
10.As with jlnd dnly and the building of the ycwnd zia (`''k 'h ` mikln).
that they were also building cities for the store of the ixvn grain as it was fitting
                       that they fulfilled the law of sqei11;
                    3. FzŸ E´ r§ - drxt made i''a essentially xwtd for any ixvn to use. This was the most
                        ½ ` P ©i
                       degrading. All the time that they were used for slaves they were kept from their

               Despite these tactics Hashem saw that as the affliction grew so did, miraculously, the
               population of i''a.

               D. epxetq- explains that the mixvn will be devious with the i''a and encourage them to
                  leave of their own accord by various means of oppression. They were motivated to
                  do this because "Ep† Îmg§lpe§ Epi`§Ÿ r Æ`EdÎm© s³© e§ Ædng§ln d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ as they were a
                                     A © ¦
                                      ¨            ¥ pUÎl ©
                                                   ½ ´         B qFp ¨ ¨ ¦ p x § ¦ M"
                  separate nation in their beliefs, language, and eating customs (they couldn’ eat   t
                  with the mixvn.)

9. It appears that drxt’ concerns are contradictory. At first the concern seems to be that i''a will
   join with an invading power and conquer mixvn as the weqt states d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ dºde§ dAx¦iÎoR
                                                                                     p x § ¦ M ¨¨ ¤ § ¤
                                                                                                i    À
   Ep† Îmg§lpe§ Epi`§Ÿ r Æ`EdÎm© s³© e§ Ædng§ln. Then the concern that follows is i''a leaving mixvn as the
     A © ¦
     ¨             ¥ pUÎl ©
                   ½ ´           B qFp ¨ ¨ ¦
   verse states ux«¨ dÎon dlre. What did the mixvn fear?
                      ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ §

          A. m''ayx- explains that the mixvn feared that the midst of a war the i''a would join their
             enemies and go back to orpk ux` and they would lose their slaves.

          B. o''anx- first brings the opinion of i''yx who quotes l''fg. i''yx first states "ux«¨ dÎon dlre"
                                                                                               ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ §
             is against the will of the mixvn. Then he brings l''fg who state "ux«¨ dÎon dlre" is like
                                                                                       ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ §
             someone “    who curses himself and puts the curse on others”12 o''anx says this can not
             be correct according to the hyt13, for if this were so the `xwn should say lr dlre"
             "ux`d. As "ux`d lr" in Hebrew indicates coming to make war. 14 o''anx does suggest that
             perhaps i''yx means that the i''a will be mixvn ux`d lr oyeb ux` on dlr.

          C. epxetq- explains that the mixvn were afraid that the i''a would act as a fifth column in
             the event that mixvn ux` was attacked. They had this fear as the i''a practiced dlin and
             would not eat with the mixvn. "ux«¨ dÎon dlre”was not a fear as this was their hope.15
                                              ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ §

11.The law set up by sqei in ziy`xa that sates d¯¤Vd rx¸¤l Ámk¨ did¦i zŸId r´© x§`e§ dŸx§t§l zi† n£ m¬¤ z§ E zŸ YA Æd¨de" ck f''n
                                                             c ¨ © ©f§ ¤ l ´¤ § c¨ © A © r ©
                                                                                     ¿          ®       Wi ¦ g Y © p `Ea § © i ¨ §
                                                                                                        ¦                ½
   :"m«kRh§l lŸ¡«¤ e§ m† iY«aA x¬¤ `«© e§ m²¤ lk`§lE.
        ¤ § © ¬ `l k ¥ ¨ § W£ l k§ § ¨ «
                 k      ¤
12.The individual in question speaks of a potential personal tragedy and in case his words have some binding power
   he speaks of the tragedy only in reference to someone else.
13.o''anx believes that intention of i''yx is to explain "ux«`dÎon dlre" as a synonym for making war against the mixvn
                                                                      ¤ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ §
   and not actually speaking about leaving mixvn ux`. In l`eny iwenp the attack of o''anx is dismissed as clearly this
   was not i''yx’ intent as indicated by the words “
                     s                                            against there will” as all invaders come against the will of their
14.As :m«¥ Rz¦Ie© zFx† Ad d²¨ i i¯¥rÎl¨ l´©ÆxEX`ÎK¤ n aixg§ q dºr dÀIwf§g K¤ ´¤ l d¹W d¸¥Ur ÁrAx§`aE b''i hi'' ` mikln and i´¥ A id§i © `
            U§ §       v § © cEd§ x¨ M r
                       ª                              © l «¤ ³¦ ¥ p © ¨ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¦ lO© ¨ ¨ x § ¤ © © §
                                                                      l                  p                                      ni ¦ ¿¦
   :di«¤ r m¬¥ Nd§l lŸi `¬le§ di¤ r d† g§lO© m©½ WEx§iÆl`xU¦iÎK¤ n EdilnxÎo¤ gw¸ mx`ÂÎK¤ n oi´¦ x§ dlr dcEd§i K¤ ´¤ Ed¹GªÎo¤ m¸ A fg`.
    ¨ l ¨ g¨ ¦ k¨ Ÿ ¨ ®l ¨ n ¨ ¦ l l ¨ ´ ¥ ¨ § l «¤ ³¨§ © § A © tE ¨£ l «¤ v ´¨ ¨ À¨
                     †               ¨                                            ¤                            ln ¨ ¦r A zFiÎo¤ ¨ ¨Â
                                                                                                                      I       ¨
15. See epxetq #8, D.
D. l`paxa`- explains that the mixvn feared two things. Firstly, they feared that the i''a
          would join the enemies of mixvn in a time of war. The mixvn didn’ fear the i''a taking
          over the land as it was tactically impossible. The main fear was that i''a would leave of
          their own accord.

       E. m''ialn- explains as l`paxa` and adds that i''a were trapped there by decree of drxt as
          we saw special permission needed to leave mixvn ux` and to bury awri. m''ialn also
          adds that the `xwn demonstrates the root of drxt’ fear. The weqt states "i''a m©µ dÀ d",
                                                              s                              r ¥¦
          indicating that they remain completely separate and didn’ intermarry with the mixvn.
          As noted (in #6 A) these miweqt demonstrate the evil of the mixvn and why they
          deserved to be punished. m''ialn notes three points of evil that are present here:

               1. "dAx¦iÎoR" - at this point i''a were not yet a threat as they were not daxn;
                     ¤ § ¤
               2. "Ædng§ln d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ the "dxwn" denotes an occurrence that goes against the
                     ¨ ¨ ¦ p x § ¦ M"-
                  normal flow of probability. mixvn was the superpower of its’time and any
                  defensive war was highly improbable; lastly
               3. "ux«¨ dÎon dlre"- if the i''a had been daxn and mixvn, however improbably, found
                     ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ §
                  themselves fighting a defensive war the only thing goal i''a had was to return to

          Based on these three points we see the the mixvn were very evil. They imprisoned a
          nation within their borders and employed various machinations to keep i''a imprisoned.

             ÆzFpMqn i³¥r oa¹e© m®¨ laqA FzŸr or¬© l miQn i´¥U Æei¨ r Eni³¦ I © `i
                 § § ¦ x¨ ¤ I zŸ § ¦ § †P © © n§
                            ¦                          ½¦ ¦ x ¨ l ¨ U¨
                               :q«¥ nrxÎz`e§ mŸ RÎz` dŸx§t§l
                                 q § © «© ¤ z ¦ ¤ r ©
                                               †         ½

10. How are "miQn i´¥U" (explained by `xfr oa`, i''yx, b''alx, m''ayx as tax collectors) connect to
                    ½¦ ¦ x ¨
    "m®¨ laqA FzŸr or¬© l"?
       zŸ § ¦ § †P © © n§

       A. `xfr oa`- explains that the purpose was to work the men until they were no longer

       B. o''anx- explains that the qn was initially men selected to work for the king to build
          storage cities on some days and then they would return to their homes. Then it became
          clear that his qn was not causing i''a any harm so it was expanded so that every citizen
          of mixvn could use them for labor. The decree was then expanded to make the building
          of the storage cities more difficult for initially they were given bricks and then they
          were only given straw and they had to make their own bricks. As the decree to build
          the storage cities became more difficult there other responsibilities were not removed.
          They still had to do field work, dig holes, remove waste, etc. o''anx also notes that i''a
          were considered to be the kings slaves. drxt gave them a small amount of bread,
          permission to catch fish, and permission to take from gardens cucumber and melon.
C. epxetq- explains that the tax collectors were foremen to supervise the construction of
            storage cities. Unlike all other miyxtn he explain the goal was to drive the i''a out of
            mixvn with the qn of building storage cities.

         D. l`paxa`- explains that the "miQn i´¥U" are actual tax collectors that collected weekly
                                          ½¦ ¦ x ¨
            and monthly taxes. The iepr was the burden of having the fruits of their labor taken

         C. m''ialn- explains that the "miQn i´¥U" are another example of the evil of the mixvn. i''a
                                           ½¦ ¦ x ¨
            paid a qn to the mixvn since they arrived there. This is why the `xwn says "miQn i´¥U"
                                                                                             ½¦ ¦ x ¨
            were appointed and not a qn as it was the norm for aliens to pay a qn. Now drxt
            appointed ministers to force taxes through torture. Since i''a were already willingly
            paying taxes the "miQn i´¥U" were only a pretext for torture. m''ialn cites l''fg who
                                  ½¦ ¦ x ¨
            maintain that the sites selected for storehouses were purposely chosen for their
            inability to support a structure. This would cause i''a to constantly need to rebuild the

                        :i''a ipRn Evw¨e© uŸt¦ o´¥e§ d† x¦ o¬¥ FzŸ E´ r§i ÆxW£ «© § ai
                              † § ¦ ¾ I x § i k A §i M ½ ` P © ¤ `k
                               ¥     ª ®              ¤

11. What is meant by the use of a double expression to describe the growth of i''a?

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that each word refers to a different aspect of the miraculous growth
            of i''a:

                  1. "d† x¦i"- they maintained their pace of reproduction as it was before the iepr; and
                  2. "uŸt¦i"- they broke the normal barriers of reproduction, as x†B u¬¥tE" 'i 'g zldw
                        ®                                                            c¨ xŸ
                     "W«g¨ EP¬¤ X¦i.
                        ¨p k §

12. The word "Evw¨e©" does not appropriately describe how the mixvn felt about i''a. cgt and d`xi
    describe a feeling off dread whereas xrv and dwevn are used to describe a present and actual

         A. b''alx- explains that now seeing that their plans to curtail the growth of i''a backfired
            they came to despise i''a? Here b''alx mentions his second zlrez (benefit/lesson)16.
            We see the poor character of the mixvn as they expressed jealousy and cruelty in
            response to the good fortune of i''a’ constitution and fertility. The poor character
            of the mixvn brought them to do all manner of atrocities mentioned in the

16.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
B. l`paxa`- explains that the more i''a were daxn the less the mixvn were able to control
            them. i''a were constantly trespassing through fields and stealing cucumber, melon,
            and fish. So i''a i¥Rn Evw¨e© for their fields and ponds were being plundered. In the weqt
                                  †§ ¦ ¾I
                                   p   ª
            the word "uŸt¦i" could also be referring to boundaries of private property, as 'i 'g zldw
            "W«g¨ EP¬¤ X¦i x†B u¬¥tE".
               ¨ p k § c¨ xŸ¥

         C. m''ialn- explains that initially the mixvn did not hate i''a as they only wished to keep
            them from leaving. Now the i''a were truly disgusting in the eyes of the mixvn.

  ÆxnŸ A dWw d´¨a£ A mdi¥gÎz` E¸ x«¨ i © ci :Kx«tA i''aÎz` m¦ xvn Ec¯¦ r«© © bi
    ¤ g § ¨ ¨ cŸr«© ¤ I © ¤ x £n§
      ¸      À           ¹                     ¤¨ §      ¤ i ²© § ¦ a£ I
      :Kx«tA m† a Eca«rÎxW£ mzcŸ£ Îl¨ z` d®¤VA d†a£ Îl¨ aE mi½¦ alaE
         ¤¨ § d¨ ¬ § ¨ ¤ ` ¨ ¨ar M ¥µ c ¨ © cŸr k § p ¥ § ¦
               ¤             ½ ´                       ¨
13. In b''i weqt we are told that the i''a served the mixvn with jxt and then c''i weqt tells us, again,
    that the i''a served the mixvn with jxt. Why is the `xwn being redundant?

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that after the initial ixvn plan of building storage cities failed the
            mixvn expanded the scope of the qn. They then permitted all mixvn to utilize the i''a
            for all types of labor. The permission went beyond i''a being normal micar. Permission
            was given for i''a to be jxt icaer- meaning all mixvn were permitted to use i''a beyond
            the scope of normative servitude.

         B. b''alx- cites `xfr oa` and says that the 17miqn ixy were permitted to expand the scope of
            their labor. b''alx explains "Kx«tA" as referring to impossible quotas and "dWw d´¨ar" as
                                             ¤¨ §                                         ¨ ¨ cŸ£
            harder physical labor (“ cVA d†a£Îl¨ aE mi½¦ alaE ÆxnŸ A” So according to b''alx, it would
                                      d®¤ ¨ © cŸr k § p ¥ § ¦ ¤ g § ).
                                               ¨                  ¸
            appear, b''i weqt is the llk and c''i weqt contains the mihxt.

         C. o''anx- as noted in question #10 ("ezepr ornl miqn ixy" d''c) explains in a manner similar
            to `xfr oa`. He explains that the decrees of drxt escalated as they failed.18

         D. l`paxa`- differs as to why drxt escalated the decrees, as noted in question #10. He
            understands the escalation as clandestine way slow down the population growth of

         E. epxetq- seemingly attributes all jxt to Divine retribution.20 As noted earlier (question
            #10) the mixvn tried motivating the i''a to leave with the qn. The mixvn saw that the i''a

17.It appears b''alx either had a different version of `xfr oa` or understood him differently. Our version states ozp"
   "micard wgn xzei mciardl mdixyle mixvnl zeyx, implying that the scope was expanded beyond the miqn ixy.
18.It is fair to assume that mentioning jxt twice refers to both the mixy and the people of mixvn. o''anx does not say
   this explicitly.
19.As Hitler (f''eyni) did. Also as with o''anx, though he doesn’ address it, it is fair to assume that mentioning jxt
   twice refers to both the mixy and the people of mixvn.
20.Again it would not be unfair to assume that mentioning jxt twice refers to both the mixy and the people of
were willing to debase themselves by building for drxt to enable them to remain in
            mixvn. This lack of "dvr" was a hg that caused the mixvn to take the i''a as slaves.
            epxetq goes on to explain the the i''a continued to sin in deeds and ideas enabling the
            mixvn to become harsher oppressors.

        F. m''ialn- also explains that the servitude of i''a was expanded from drxt to the common
           citizens. He describes i''a as "lkl xwtd eide micarl micar"21. He explains jxt zecear, as
           l''fg, to mean pointless work. He uses these miweqt to demonstrate why the people of
           mixvn were fit for punishment as drxt was. The people of mixvn were not just
           interested in stopping the population growth of i''a, rather the work that was forced
           was specifically to “make their lives bitter.”

 zi†Xd m¬¥ e§ dxtWÆzg`«¨ m³¥ x¸ ` zŸx¦ar«¨ zŸNin«© m¦ xvn K¤ ´¤ Æxn`¸I© eh
    p ¥ © W ½¨ § ¦ © © d W W£ ® § ¦ d c§ © § l i ½© § ¦ ln ¤ Ÿ
    ¦                               ¤ I          †
o´¤ n£«©Æ`Ed o¬¥ ` m¦i¨a`«¨ r o† `xE zF½Ix¦ar´¨ ` Æo¤ c¤ iA xn`Ÿ© fh :d«rER
 Y ¦ de       AÎm ¦ ®p § ¨ dÎl © zi ¦ §
                                    ¤       § ¦ dÎz ¤ k § N© § ¤ ÀI     ¨
                            :d¨g¨ `e† z¬© `e§ FzŸ
                              i «¨ e d AÎm ¦ ½ `

14. If the objective of drxt was genocide why use two midwives and why only the males?

        A. `xfr oa`- explains that these two woman were the chief midwives who represented
           and collected taxes from the midwives. He also explains that drxt’ objective was to
           secretly cause the population to decline as the murder of a nation was overt qng. This
           made gradual murder through the midwives, who would claim the baby as stillborn, a
           perfect machination.

        B. b''alx- explains as `xfr oa` regarding the gradual genocide22 but he doesn’ address
           why there were only two midwives.

        C. o''anx- in "el dnkgzp dad" d''c explains that this was part of the larger clandestine plan
           ("el dnkgzp dad") to curb the population of i''a as the officers gave council that people
           of mixvn would not tolerate outright slaughter.

        D. epxetq- explains that there were certainly more than two midwives for all of i''a. In this
           verse drxt began his plan with the two most trusted in the capital city.

        E. l`paxa`- makes six points:

                 1. in his questions dismisses the approach of l''fg as hyt. l''fg explain that
                    through astrology it was foretold that a son would be born to redeem the i''a.
                    l`paxa` asks that if this was so why was there no protest when drxt’ daughter

21. And again it would not be unfair to assume that mentioning jxt twice refers to both the mixy and the people of
22.Oddly he doesn’ cite `xfr oa`.
raised an ixar child as royalty?
                  2.   l`paxa` explains that this was another mechanization to slow the population
                       growth of i''a. Outright slaughter of i''a would be a disgrace whereas choking
                       the boys and claiming they were stillborn would cause population decline, not
                  3.   He further explains that the females would be left to be absorbed in the ixvn
                       population, were not firm in their ixar natures, and they did not pose a military
                       danger to the mixvn as woman didn’ fight in wars.
                  4.   He accepts that it is impossible that there were only two midwives for all of i''a.
                       He also rejects the premise that these were the chief midwives as then they
                       should have been called "zeclind zexy", as with the "miwynd xy", "mite`d xy",
                       and the "migahd xy". He explains that the names dxty and dret were two roles
                       that comprised a midwife “   team” The dxty’ job was was to make the child
                                                          .            s
                       look nice (clid z` xityl) and the dret’ job was was to assist and give strength
                       to the birthing mother.23
                  5.   According to l`paxa` there were many teams and each team of midwives was
                       instructed separately.
                  6.   Lastly, l`paxa` maintains that it is not conceivable that these midwives were
                       zeixar for how could he trust or consider that they would follow through with
                       his scheme? So he reads the verse as if it states zŸx¦ar«¨ z` zŸ† ©n«© , making the
                                                                           ® § ¦d
                                                                           I          c§Ni § l
                       zŸx¦ar«¨ the direct object.
                         ® § ¦d

         F. m''ialn- makes four points:

                  1. He accepts that there could not be only two midwives for all i''a. He explains
                     midwifery was a team effort. One to remove assist with labor on the birthing
                     stone and the other to cut the cord and tend to the newborn’ needs.
                  2. He cites `xfr oa` and l`paxa` and explains that these were the chief midwives
                     or midwife teams.
                  3. He also explains that the midwives were zixvn and reads the verse as if it states
                     zŸx¦ar«¨ z` zŸN©n«© , making the zŸx¦ar«¨ the direct object.
                       ® § ¦d
                        I         c§ i § l
                                   †                   ® § ¦d
                  4. He notes the peculiarity of the double expression of "xn`ie" in verses e''h and
                     f''h. He explains the the weqt very careful to note that this is an "dxin`" and not
                     a "ieev". As noted earlier drxt’ schemes were clandestine so as to avoid
                     outrage. drxt, here, advised them to kill the boys as part of the overall scheme.
                     Had this been a "ieev" the midwives would have been sentenced to death for
                     disobeying a royal decree.

23.As in cg«¨ s† W`e§ mŸ ` drt` d´¨lF« M w®¨ `z` Wi†g` m¨½ Fr«¥ ÆiziW¡ ¤ c''i a''n diryi (I have long time held my peace; I
           © i ` § ¤ X ¤ ¤ § ¤ c¥ I © R © § ¤ x£ «© l n ¦ ¸ g
                ©      ¬    ½                       ¦               ¥
   have kept still, and refrained myself; now will I cry like a woman in labor; I will gasp and pant together.) The
   crying referred to here is the prayer and the encouragement of the dret.
m¦ ®¨vn K¤ ´¤ o† l` x¬¤ C x²¤ `«© EU¨ `´le§ midŸ `´¨ ` ÆzŸNin«© ¨o`³¤ Y© fi
    ix § ¦ ln di¥ £ A ¦ W£ M ½ r Ÿ
                   ¤                              ½¦ l¡ dÎz ¤ c§ © § d xi ¦
                               :mic¨ idÎz` ¨oi¤gY©
                                    «¦ l § © ¤ † © § e

15. Why does the `xwn need to say both "o† l` x¬¤ C x²¤ `«M EU¨ `´le" and "mic¨ i§ dÎz` ¨oi¤gY©"?
                                         di¥ £ A ¦ W£ © ½ r Ÿ §
                                         ¤                                   «¦ l © ¤ † © § e

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that they kept the boys alive with all their might.

         B. b''alx- explains as that they made an effort to keep the boys alive. Here b''alx
            mentions his third zlrez (benefit/lesson)24 regarding the character of the
            midwives. We learn from them that we must fear God most of all, and disregard
            orders that are evil. For God is the “ruler of rulers.”

         C. m''ialn- explains as this was not jlnd zevn the punishment for murder would be
            entirely on their account "m¦i®¨vn K¤ ´¤ o† l` x¬¤ C x²¤ `«M EU¨ `´le". So they feared God and
                                            x § ¦ ln di¥ £ A ¦ W£ © ½ r Ÿ §
            they, as l''fg state, supplied the boys with food and water "mic¨ i§ dÎz` ¨oi¤gY©".
                                                                                 «¦ l © ¤ † © § e

   oi¤gY© d®¤d x´¨ Cd o† U£ rECn od¨ xn`Ÿe© zŸNin«© Æm¦ xvnÎK¤ n `³¨w¦ © gi
    † © § e G © a ¨ © zi ¦ r © ¬ © ¤ l ¤ ´I c§ © § l i¸© § ¦ l «¤ x § I
     I                 ¤            ½            ½
                                  :mic¨ idÎz`
                                      «¦ l § © ¤

16. What was drxt’ intention when he spoke to the midwives?

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that he intended to execute them as they violated his decree.

         B. epxetq- explains that drxt was firstly upset with the betrayal of the midwives as they
            didn’ refuse his order. Secondly, he was upset by their actions for they counseled the
            mothers how to properly care for the newborns.

         C. l`paxa`- explains in a similar manner to epxetq. He explains that drxt was as upset by
            their actions for they counseled the mothers how to properly care for the newborns.
            He also notes that drxt’ comments to the midwives were in keeping with the
            secretive nature of his command as he said "d®¤d x´¨ Cd o† U£ rECn" without specifying
                                                           G © a ¨ © zi ¦ r © ¬ ©
            "d®¤d x´¨ Cd".
              G © a¨©

         D. m''ialn- concurs with the l`paxa` about the secretive nature (see #14) of drxt’ dvr     s
            (see #14). He explains "d®¤d x´¨ Cd o† U£ rECn" as referring to "mic¨ i§ dÎz` ¨oi¤gY©" as this
                                      G © a ¨ © zi ¦ r © ¬ ©
                                                  ¤                            «¦ l © ¤ † © § e
            was an active disregard of drxt’ wish. The midwives not following the advice of
            drxt was a minor issue. The midwives openly flouting the will of drxt was something
            that drxt thought to be inexcusable.

24.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
d¨d zF´igÎi«¦ zŸx¦ar«¨ zŸx¦vOd mi²¦ Pk `¯ i´¦ dŸx§RÎl` ÆzŸNin«© ¨ox³© Y © hi
   ½     ¨ M ® § ¦ d I† § ¦ © W¨ © Ÿ M r © ¤ c§ © § d § n`Ÿ
                I                              l    ½
                       :Ec«¨ ¨e§ z¤† in«© o²¤ l` `FaY mx¸ A
                           li c¤ © § d d¥ £ ¯ ¨ ¤h §
                                    N                   ¤

17. When the midwives responded to drxt what was meant by o²¤ l` `FaY mx¸ A d¨d zF´igÎi«¦
                                                           d¥ £ ¯ ¨ ¤h § P ¥
                                                                        ¤     ½     ¨ M"
    "Ec«¨ ¨e§ z¤† in«©
        li c¤ © § d?

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that the midwives claimed that the woman of i''a were of
            exceptional strength ("zF´ig") and when they arrived the children were already born.

         B. b''alx- explains as `xfr oa` but doesn’ cite him. Here b''alx mentions his fourth
            zlrez (benefit/lesson) regarding the character of the midwives. We learn from
            them that one should not rely on a miracle to be saved. Though they acted
            correctly because they feared God the created alibis for drxt.

         C. m''ayx- explains as `xfr oa` but he adds that they were "zegwt".26

         D. epxetq- explains that the midwives claimed that the woman of i''a were expert
            midwives. Any attempt at sabotage would have been discovered and they no longer
            would be called for births.

         E. l`paxa`- explains:

                   1. that "zF´ig" refers to expertise in infant care;27 or
                   2. as like a dig they are able to handle the birthing process by themselves.

         F. m''ialn- explains that they explained that "zŸx¦ar«¨ zŸx¦vOd mi²¦ Pk `¯ " for they were
                                                                  ® § ¦ d I† § ¦ © W¨ © Ÿ
                                                                  I                     l
            experts in midwifery. The midwives also added that the couldn’ murder the children
            on the birthing stones because "Ec«¨ ¨e§ z¤†N©n«© o²¤ l` `FaY mx¸ A”
                                               li c¤ i § d d¥ £ ¯ ¨ ¤h § .    ¤

   zŸNin«© E¬ x«¨Îi«¦ id§i © `k :cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦ e© zŸNin«© mi† l¡ ahi¥ © k
    c§ © § d ` § i M ¾¦
     †                             ` § †§ © I r ¨ xI c§ © § l dŸ ` ¤ ¬I
                                   «                         ®        ¦
                            :miY¨ m† l U©¬©e© mi®¦ l¡ dÎz`
                               «¦ A d¨ rI dŸ ` «¨ ¤

18. In what way was Hashem “good”to the midwives? How does the increase of i''a connect to

25.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
26.Likely meaning that they were bright and trained in midwifery.
27.He explains the etymology as similar to z´¥ dMd `E´ l®¥ vaTn mi¦lrRÎa© [l¦ g] igÎWi`Îo¤ r¯¨iFd§iÎo¤ Ed¸¨¨aE" k b''k a l`eny
                                                     ` ¨ ¦ d `§ § © ¦
                                                          À                     ¨ § x i ²© ¦ ²© «¦ A c¨ « a ip §
   ":b¤ Xd mF¬iA x`Ÿd KF¬ A [ix£ d] dix£ dÎz«` d¯¨ de§ cºi `Ede§Â a`FnÆl`x£ ipW ((K) And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son
      l «¨ ©   § A © z § ²¦` «¨
                   †                  ²¦` «¨ ¤ M ¦ x¨   ©          ¨
                                                                   ½    ¥ ¦` ³¥ §
   of a brave man,of Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lion hearted men of Moab; he went down also
   and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in a time of snow;). The ixw is "l¦i²© and the aizk is "¦i²© l`paxa`, seemingly,
                                                                                     g"                  g".
   merges the two together to create a meaning of alacrity and competence in midwifery. "l¦i²© would be the alacrity
   and competence. "¦i²© would be the midwifery, as in keeping the newborn alive.
Hashem’ “
            s good” toward the midwives? What does the midwives’fear of God have to do
    with making houses? If the houses are for the midwives why does the verse say "m† l" and not

         A. `xfr oa`- explains that since the midwives feared Hashem and not drxt Hashem was
            good to them.

         B. m''ayx- explains that the houses were to keep the midwives from assisting with any

         C. b''alx- explains that Hashem made royal houses come from them. This was fitting as
            the role of a king is to enforce justice and, despite the decree of their king, they
            maintained the just path. Here b''alx mentions his fifth zlrez (benefit/lesson)28
            regarding Hashem’ reward to the midwives. We learn that Hashem
            appropriately rewards those who fear him.

         D. l`paxa`- offers a number of explanations:

                  1. He address the juxtaposition of "zŸN©n«© mi† l¡ ahi¥ © " and "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©".
                                                                       c§ i § l dŸ ` ¤ ¬I
                                                                        ®       ¦                 ` § †§ © I r ¨ x
                     Hashem was good to the midwives for i''a paid them double as they were aware
                     that they violated the decree of the king, allowing the i''a to grow.
                  2. He explains that, perhaps, Hashem was good to the midwives through divine
                     intervention. By their nature they were wicked29 and Hashem assisted them in
                     overcoming their wicked traits.
                  3. He suggests that "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" is another reward for their fearing Him. He
                                                 «¦ A d¨ rI
                     explains that the use of the word "zia" is a fnx to wealth, honor, children, etc. as
                     with cec the verse states l`xU¦i i´¦ rÎlr ÆmihtŸ izi³¦v x¸¤ ` mFÀIdÎon§lE" `i a l`eny
                                                            ¥ ¨§ O© ©
                                                             ½                   ¦ § W ¦ E ¦ W£
                                                                                      «             © ¦
                     ":d«eŸ i§ LNÎdU£«© z¦i† M d½eŸ i§ ÆL§l ci³¦ de§ Li®ai§Ÿ Mn Ll izŸ i¦ d«e©.
                         ¨d ¬ § ¤ ri aÎi ¦ ¨d
                                            ©                  B ¦ ¤ `Îl¨ ¦ †§ ¦ g p £
                                                                            «           ¬
                  4. He then suggests a completely different approach noting the use of "mdl"
                     instead of the gender appropriate "odl". He explains that the houses were the
                     houses of i''a as they filled with children, as a result of the midwives
                  5. He explains "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" as having no connection to either “
                                            «¦ A d¨ rI
                                                  ¤                                                         good” that
                     Hashem granted the midwives or the sustained birth rate of i''a. He explains
                     that "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" serves as a lead in to "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ ". drxt, in
                                 «¦ A d¨ rI
                                      ¤                                             ª § © ¨` © À © A © M
                                                                                    ½           ¸
                     response to the midwives claim that the woman often handled the delivery
                     before they arrived, set up birthing houses where mothers would go to the
                     midwives. Outside these homes drxt posted guards who would grab the

28.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
29.l`paxa` may be referring to their predispositions. The `xwn describes ixvn as a "adx", as ExŸr© wi†e l¤¬¤ m¦ixvnE" f l
                                                                                                    f § i x¨ ad ¾© § ¦
                                                                                                    ®      ¦
   ":z¤ W m† ad¬© z`Ÿl iz`´¨wÆo¥¨ (For the Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no purpose; therefore have I called this
       a «¨ d © x f¨ ¦ x ¨ kl
            ¥        ½
   people, Rahab who sits still.). "ad© translated by i''yx as "gexd iqb" (haughty/proud). All people begin with
                                        © x"
   certain predispositions and often have the ability to overcome them. Here as a reward for acting justly Hashem,
   perhaps, removed their predisposition to be “  Rahab”   .
children when they heard the sounds of birth and "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d". He explains
                                                                            ª § © ¨` ©
                                                                            ½          ¸
                      that this explanation sheds light on why the decree of "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d" begins
                                                                                   ª § © ¨` ©
                                                                                   ½         ¸
                      "mzq" (without any introduction or explanation) as "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" served as
                                                                               «¦ A d¨ rI
                      an introduction.
                   6. l`paxa` also cites the narratives of the dnegpz yxcn and xfril` iaxc iwxt.30

         E. m''ialn- explains that drxt understood that the excuse of the midwives was a lie, and
            wished to cause them harm. Nevertheless, "zŸN©n«© mi† l¡ ahi¥ © " and drxt was unable
                                                                  c§ i § l dŸ ` ¤ ¬I
                                                                  ®          ¦
            retaliate. In addition to Hashem making them “               untouchable” he was also "ahi¥e©" in
                                                                                                      ¤ ¬I
            terms of earthly reward as the i''a were "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©", allowing the midwives a
                                                              ` § †§ © I r ¨ x
            huge source of income. m''ialn explains that "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©" serves a dual purpose
                                                                  ` § †§ © I r ¨ x
            as it sets up the next verse. drxt saw, despite his plans, "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©". He
                                                                                    ` § †§ © I r ¨ x
            realized that covert means of population control were not effective, so he overtly
            decreed "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ ". m''ialn cites l`paxa`’ explanation of m† l U©¬©e©"
                         ª § © ¨` © À © A © M
                         ½        ¸                                               s                 d¨ rI
            "miY¨ , as drxt’ intent was to have guarded houses as the only places where the
                «¦ A         s
            midwives could work. When the guard heard the sound of birth ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ "
                                                                                          ¨` © À © A © M
                ª §©

   z† dÎl¨ e§ Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ id cFN¦ d o´¥dÎl¨ xŸ l FOrÎl¨ l 31dŸx§R e´© i © ak
    A © k ª § © ¨` § © À I © A © M n`¥ †© k§
     ©          ½         ¸                    ®               r © v§
                                    t :oE« gY
                                          I© §

19. Why does drxt now choose to give an overt order that demonstrates his desire to stifle the
    ixar population growth?

         A. b''alx- explains that since all else failed drxt was forced into overt action. He also
            cites l''fg who say that drxt’ astrologers predicted a redeemer would be born during
            this time period and it was only for a year, a month, or a day.32

         B. o''anx- explains ("el dnkgzp dad" d''c) that there was still a covert element within this
            decree. drxt didn’ order his officers to carry out this act, rather he quietly spread the
            decree only amongst the mixvn. When a ixvn carried out the decree drxt would send
            someone to “   investigate” This open neglect allowed the mixvn to freely search the
            homes of the i''a for children, thus with dyn the `xwn states "FpitSd cFr dlk«¨Î`Ÿ e" .
                                                                              ¦ § © » ´¨ § i l §

30.They involve the astrologers and the sorcerers predicting a redeemer and Hebrew and Egyptian children both
   being thrown in the river. Two interesting points stand out from xfril` iaxc iwxt: an “        hour” of Hashem’ is   s
   eighty-three and a third years (this was how long l`xyi ipa worked for the mixvn), and the decree of ÆdxŸ id"       ¨` § ©
   "Edki¦lWY was three and a third years.
       ª § ©
31.`xfr oa` notes here that drxt is a generic title for the king of mixvn and also notes for proof that in j''p the title of
    drxt is often followed by the name of the drxt.
32.b''alx does mention that the prediction was a "zil`xyi oa" would be the redeemer. This contradicts the miyxcn
   that write that drxt even killed the ixvn boys because of the decree.
C. m''ialn- explains that at this point drxt was left with no option but to publicly decree
           the murder as all of his clandestine machinations failed.

20. Why didn’ drxt decree Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d mixarl cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ ?
            t               ª § © ¨` ©
                            ½         ¸               À © A© M

        A. l`paxa`- first rejects l''fg’ approach to this question.33 He claims their approach is
           "miaezkd ihytn `ed wegx" and if it were so the verse should have mentioned that the
           decree was one day only. l`paxa` explains that it didn’ need to be stated as it was
           juxtaposed next to the decree of "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©". As noted earlier the objective of
                                                  «¦ A d¨ rI
           these houses was to ensure that woman didn’ give birth before the midwives arrived
           and have guards at the ready to dispose of the boys.

        B. m''ialn- explains as l`paxa`.

33.See note #31.
34.Perhaps it is "miaezkd ihytn `ed wegx" as all plans until this verse are focused on decreasing the population of
   l`xyi ipa and such a universal decree is not in keeping with drxt’ objective.

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Perek alef

  • 1. Sefer Shemos-Perek 1 By Rabbi Joshua Cohen Grade Level: High School Description: A comprehensive treatment of the first perek in Sefer Shemos. The information is organized in question and answer format with footnotes that add relevant and important information. Some of the meforshim which are dealt with are the Ibn Ezra, Ralbag, Rashbam, Ramban, Seforno, Malbim and Abarbanel, among others. This outline will give the students a feel for the different styles of the meforshim and will give them a thorough analysis of the perek. Goals/Objectives: Students will analyze the various meforshim on the perek and will compare their approaches to the pesukim. Instructions: 1. Attempt to get the students to generate the questions. 2. Point out the difference between pshat and drash using Rashi when he brings examples of drash when applicable.
  • 2. zeny xtq zeny zyxt '` wxt oFrnW o´¥ § a :E`«A Fzi¥ E Wi¬¦ aŸ r«© z´¥ dn§i®¨vn mi† Ad i''a ÆzFnW d¤ ` § ` ½ § ¦ aE` ¨ † a ` w£ i ` ¨ x § ¦ `¨ © ½ ¦ § N¥ À i¬¥ vŸ W¤²¤Îl¨ id§i © d :x«¥ `e§ c¬¨ ilYt©e§ o¬¨ c :on¨paE o† f§ x¬¨ UV¦ b :dcEdi«e¦ i†¥ ` § i« tp M À¦ W¨ B † ¨ § p¦ «¦ i § ¦ lEa k ¨ ª «¨ e¦l xFCd lŸe§ eig`Îl¨ e§ ÆsqFi z¨³¨ © e :m¦ixvna did s† e§ W¤®¨ mi´¦ aW aŸ r«©ÎKx«¤ ¬© k ¨¤ k ¥ † ½ nI «¨ § ¦ § ¬¨ ¨ qFi tp r § ¦ w£ i ¤ i ¥ † :`Edd «© 1. Why does zeny xtq begin with a xeagd "e" (a connecting vuv)? A. o''anx- explains that this is similar in nature to the `xfr mixtq and dingp as dingp continues the narrative of `xfr. Here too zeny xtq continues the narrative of xtq ziy`xa. (See question #2) B. `xfr oa`- explains that the beginning of zeny xtq is demonstrating that unlike sqei the mihay in ziy`xa xtq had few descendants. (See question #2) C. l`paxa`- explains that the stories here are connected to the previous stories. 2. Why does zeny xtq begin with listing the names of the those who descended with awri? A. m"ayx- explains that scripture wishes to emphasize the extant that Hashem had them cŸ n cŸ nA Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ as when they entered mixvn they were only 70 ` § ` § ¦ †§ © I A § ² § ® ´ ¯R descendants of awri. B. `xfr oa`- explains on b''k p ziy`xa that the verse states exclusively by sqei that `§³© © xI mi®¦ NW ipA m¦ixt`§l ÆsqFi so the `xwn in zeny picked up with the children at the other W¥ ¦ † § ½© § ¤ ¥ ¥ mihay in order to demonstrate that they also had descendants. C. o''anx- 1. first explains that ziy`xa xtq is a fnx1 to all that will happen to the children of the zea` in the future. After the book of dxivi (formation- ziy`xa xtq) is complete now we can begin to focus on the events that were generated from the previous book. Therefore we reiterate the names of the tribes as the beginning of the exile is a whole new beginning. This is why the zeny xtq opens with a 1. Be sure to review the idea of fnx (from the introduction to j''pz), specifically "mipal oniq zea`l dxiry dn lk".
  • 3. connecting vuv (see question #1). He also points out that this exile doesn’ end t until l`xyi mr reaches the heights of their forefathers, and concludes with the okyn wherein the Divine Presence dwells among l`xyi mr, as it did amongst the zea`. 2. He also comments on the opinion of `xfr oa` and states simply that it is eppi`" "oekp. l`paxa` gives three reasons to explain why o''anx rejects `xfr oa`: a. In ziy`xa xtq the `xwn details all of the offspring of the other mihay and we would never think that they did not have descendants; b. here in zeny zyxt the `xwn states explicitly, Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ i''aE f †§ © I A § ² § ¯R :m«zŸ ux† d `lOY© cŸ n cŸ nA. Thus it is very clear that they have many ¨ ` ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ` § ` § ¦ ¨ ® ´ descendants; and c. `xfr oa` contradicts his own explanation as sqei is mentioned here with the rest of the mihay. 3. Lastly, he quotes i''yx’ explanation that it “ s demonstrates Hashem’ love”and s he notes that though the idea is true it is "dcb` ixac" and the plain reason is as he stated.2 D. epxetq- explains that all who are mentioned in d-` miweqt embody and teach ezxev" ziiyi`d”(the true form of humanity) as their generation never strayed from the 'd jxc unlike the generations that followed. E. l`paxa`- first rejects the opinion of o''anx for three reasons: 1. If this was the intention the proper place to connect zeny xtq to would be zyxt ybie as the entry into mixvn would be directly juxtaposed to exile in mixvn; 2. One can not compare to separation of two zeiyxt in the dxez (even if they are in different “ books” to other books in j''p as dingp ,`xfr ,minid ixac are ) individual works and do not have an inherent connection to each other. For example ilyn and zldw are not inherently connected though they are both authored by jlnd dnely. Whereas, yneg is by its’unique authorship inherently connected; lastly 3. The manner the miweqt present the information is different. In ziy`xa xtq the names of the mihay and all their children are mentioned whereas in zeny xtq only the mihay are mentioned. If the `xwn is teaching us that the two stories are connected why is the presentation changed? If the focus is to connect the stories by writing the same “ headline”it should not be abridged. 2. The words of the o''anx beautifully illustrate the coexistence of q''cxt: enk `ed e"`ea mxeage miweqtd xeyw la` ,xicz mzeny lteke oaagn d"awdy aeagd oipra zn` ly mixac mde ,dcb` ixac el`e" ":izyxity
  • 4. l`paxa` explains that the weqt is teaching us new idea as to how awri and his family arrived in mixvn. The weqt states "dn§ ®¨vn mi`¨ d i''a ÆzFnW d¤ `e" and l`paxa` explains ¨ ix § ¦ ¦ A© § N¥ § À that a catalyst for going to mixvn was the urging of the mihay. "mi`¨ d" is to be ¦ A© understood as “ brought” He supports this translation by noting that the weqt says, z´¥ . `" "aŸ r«© instead of "awri mr".3 "z`" serves grammatically as an indicator of a direct object. w£ i ½ l`paxa` explains that the mihay brought (through their urging)... aŸ r«© z´¥ w£ i `. ½ F. m''ialn- explains the description in ybie zyxt describes three traits of importance that the i''a possessed when they entered mixvn ux` whereas here in zeny zyxt these these traits dissolved and allowed for the slavery to begin. 1. "mnvr cvn zeaiyg" (they where inherently important)- in ybie zyxt the `xwn states ...ei¨aE aŸ r«© dn§ x©vn mi¬¦ Ad i''a zFnW d¤ `e' g e''n . In ybie zyxt initially they ®p ¨ w£ i ¨ i† § ¦ `¨ © ´ ¯ § N¸ §¥ were aeyg as a single house (tribe) under the name of awri. Then their importance increased as each of the mihay became their own house (tribe) as the `xwn sates E`«A FziaE Wi¬¦ This importance dissolved when "sqFi z¨³¨e ¨ †¥ `. Æ ¥ nI © `Edd xFCd lke§ eig`Îl¨ e"; « © ¬© ¨ ¤ k§ ½ 2. They were also very important as "mi«¦ aW dn§ x©vn d`¬¨ d aŸ r«©Îzi¥ l W¤¯¤dÎl¨ ", r § ¦ ¨ i† § ¦ ¨ A © w£ i a§ tP © M ² demonstrating they were few and precious. This status dissolved as EvxW¦ «e E¯ R" ² § § I© x ¨ "E¬ x¦ e and "m«¨ ` u¤ `d `¬¥OY©" making i''a common; lastly A § I© ¨ ¨ l¨ ¦ e 3. "m¦ixvna did s† «¨ § ¦ § ¬¨ ¨ qFi"- sqei was the viceroy of drxt and this brought them great ¥ honor and importance. This ended when c¨Î`«l x¬¤ ` m¦ixvnÎl© WcgÎK¤ n mw¬¨e ©i W£ ®¨ § ¦ r ¨ ¨ l «¤ ¨ I © sqFiÎz`. «¥ ¤ 3. Who specifically are "`Edd xFCd lŸ « © ¬ © k"? † A. `xfr oa`- explains that the `xwn is referring to the people of mixvn as "`Edd xFCd lŸ « © ¬ © k". † This explains how they did not remember the greatness of sqei. B. m''ayx/epxetq- say it refers to the "ytp miray". epxetq adds xenb lewlw (complete [spiritual] deterioration) did not occur until after that generation. :m«zŸ u¤† d `lOY© cŸ n cŸ nA Envr«©e© E¬ x¦ e© Evx§W¦ «© Ex¨ i''aE f ¨ ` x` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ` § ` § ¦ †§ © I A §I ² § Ie ¯R ¨ ® ´ 4. Why does the `xwn need to tell us “ `n cŸ nA Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ i''aE" as in the end of zyxt cŸ § ` § ¦ †§ © I A § ² § ® ´ ¯R ybie we were already told "cŸ n EAx¦Ie© Ext¦Ie© Da E´ g`¥e© oW® ux´¤ A m¦ix©vn ux¬¤ A l²¥ xU¦i aWIe©" f''k f''n? ` § †§ ¬ § « ¨ f £ «¨ I ¤ B ¤ ` § † § ¦ ¤ ` § ` ¨ § ¤¯¥ ½ A. `xfr oa`- explains "Evx§W¦I«e©" teaches that woman gave birth to no less than twins and ² § doctors explain that it is possible for one woman to carry seven children. "E¬ x¦Ie©" refers A§ to none of them being stillborn. "Envr«©e©" refers to the strong constitution of the †§ © I offspring. "ux† d `lOY©" refers to oyeb ux`. He also notes that oyeb ux` is also called ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ¨ 3. `xfr oa` translates z` as mr and l`paxa` provides examples that this is not the case.
  • 5. qqnrx. B. b''alx- explains that "Evx§W¦I«e©" refers to quick pregnancies, "E¬ x¦Ie©" to number and "Envr«©e©" ² § A§ †§ © I to the strong constitution of the offspring. He explains that "Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie©" mentioned †§ © I A § together are of great significance as naturally when many are born they tend to be weaker. Here we see "myd zkxa zewac wfeg" in that they were many and mighty. He also notes that "ux† d `lOY©" refers to oyeb ux`. Here b''alx mentions his first zlrez ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ¨ (benefit/lesson) and that is that we see that Hashem kept his promise to awri5 4 despite the best attempts of the people of mixvn to stop it. C. m''ayx- explains that "Ex¨ " refers specifically to conception. "Evx§W¦I«e©" refers to giving ¯R ² § birth and that woman never stopped conceiving. "E¬ x¦Ie©" refers to none of them dying as A§ children. "Envr«©e©" refers to the strong constitution of the offspring and therefore `lOY©" †§ © I ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e "m«zŸ ux† d.6 ¨ ` ¤` ¨ ¨ D. epxetq- explain that after the ytp miray died out the i''a reproduced in a uxy (swarm) like manner. E. l`paxa`- explains the reiteration is necessary to tell us that the blessing of EAx¦Ie© Ext¦Ie©" †§ ¬ § "cŸ n from the time of awri didn’ cease. He also quotes l''fg who state zclei dy`d" `§ « t "cg` qxka dyy. He also explains the necessity of four expressions: 1. "Ex¨ "- teaches us that there were no barren woman and they had children in a ¯R tree like fashion- every year they conceived and gave birth; 2. "Evx§W¦I«e©"- teaches us that always had multiple births and as l''fg say qxka dyy ² § "cg`; 3. E¬ x¦Ie©"- teaches that none of them died while they were babies. l`paxa` explains A§ that it is common that children generated from multiple births are weak for in the womb they share limited resources; 4. "Envr«©e©" - teaches us that despite being generated from multiple births they all †§ © I grew with strong constitutions. As a result of the above traits "m«zŸ ux† d `lOY©". ¨ ` ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ¨ F. m''ialn- noted in question #2 that this was an important thing to mention for it ushered in the slavery. Initially the i''a were few in number and were precious because of their rarity. Now the `xwn informs us now that "E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ and "m«zŸ ux† d `lOY©" they A§ ² § ¯R" ¨ ` ¤ ` ¨ ¬¥ ¨ ¦ e ¨ were no longer precious. m''ialn also explains "Envr«©e© E¬ x¦Ie© Evx§W¦I«e© Ex¨ as l`paxa` (see †§ © I A § ² § ¯R" above). 4. b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative. 5. :m«¨ LniU£ lFc¨ iF¬ lÎi«¦ dn§ixvn d´¨x«¥ Æ`xiYÎl` Li®¦ ` i´¥ l` l† d i¬¦ p` xn`Ÿ© b e''n W ¬ § «¦ ` † b§ M ¨ ½© § ¦ c §n ¨ ¦ © a ¨ dŸ ¡ ` ¨ kŸ«¨ ¤ ¾ B ¥ I 6. According to m''ayx the yecig is only within the words "Evx§W¦I«©" and "E¬ x¦Ie©". ² § e A§
  • 6. :s«¥ qFiÎz` r† iÎ`«l x¬¤ ` m¦ ®¨vnÎlr W†gÎK¤ n mwI © g ¤ c¨ Ÿ W£ ix § ¦ © c ¨ l «¤ ¨¬¨ © ¨ 5. How is it that the "W†gÎK¤ n" didn’ know sqei? c ¨ l «¤ ¨ t A. `xfr oa`- explains that that the word "mwIe©" is extra and it indicates that this king didn’ ¨¬¨ t come from the old dynasty. 7 B. b''alx- states that “ didn’ recognize sqei”. he t C. epxetq- explains that there was certainly a record of sqei in the chronicles of the Egypt as there was the law set up by sqei in ziy`xa that sates m¬¤ z§ E zŸ YA Æd¨de" ck f''n Y © p `Ea § © i ¨ § ½ :"m«kRh§l lŸ¡«¤ e§ m† iY«aA x¬¤ `«© e§ m²¤ lk`§lE« d¯¤Vd rx¸¤l Ámk¨ did¦i zŸId r´© x§`e§ dŸx§t§l zi† n£ . This ¤ § © ¬ `l k ¥ ¨ § W£ l k§ § ¨ k ¤ c ¨ © ©f§ ¤ l ´¤ § c¨ © A © r © ¿ ® Wi ¦ g ¦ drxt did believe that sqei was a member of this nation. D. l`paxa`- first cites the opinion of `xfr oa` that the new drxt was of a new dynasty. As noted earlier, `xfr oa` came to this conclusion based on the seemingly additional word "mwIe©". l`paxa` explains that every time there is a new king the "mw" is used to ¨¬¨ describe his ascent to power and does not inherently mean a new dynasty. l`paxa` explains that it is possible that after three or four kings they didn’ recall the ministers t of the past. l`paxa` also points out that this weqt begins a new focus on how the mixvn began to plot against i''a, and is not connected to the previously stated death of the generation of the mihay. :EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© i''a m©µ dÀ d FOrÎl` xn`Ÿ© h O¦ † x r r ¥ ¦ ® © ¤ ¤ I† P 6. Why is the `xwn detailing all the evil of mixvn? A. m''ialn- explains that the all the scheming of drxt and mixvn are present in the `xwn to demonstrate how evil they were. This is necessary as one could ask why should the mixvn be punished as this was Hashem’ will as zecar ,zelb and iepr were all s prophesied to mdxa` during the mixzad oia zixa? 7. How could drxt say that the i''a were "EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© and 'i weqt say "dAx¦iÎoR" as "EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© O ¦ † x"r ¤ § ¤ À O ¦ † x"r implies that they were out-numbered the mixvn? A. b''alx- explains that in terms of strength and rate of reproduction i''a were greater than the mixvn. B. l`paxa`- gives to possible explanations: 7. Perhaps this means he didn’ recognize the significance of sqei or of sqei’ achievements. t s
  • 7. 1. The word "EP«¤ n" modifies the word "mEv¨ ". This means that the i''a were O¦ †r physically stronger that the mixvn and not greater in quantity8; and 2. the i''a were a group of great number from "EP«¤ n" (the mixvn themselves). This is O¦ a fitting thing for the mixvn to worry about as the i''a were their slaves. C. m''ialn- explains when the drxt said "EP«¤ n mEv¨ e§ a¬© he meant relative to the rate that O¦ † x" r the mixvn were having children. drxt was, therefore, afraid "dAx¦iÎoR" and outnumber ¤ § ¤ À the mixvn.9 Æ`EdÎm© s³© e§ Ædng§ln d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ dºde§ dAx¦ ÎoR F® d† Mgz«P d¨¬¨ i B qFp ¨ ¨ ¦ p x § ¦ M ¨ ¨ ¤ §i ¤ l n § © § ¦ a i À ¨ :ux«¨ dÎon dlre§ Ep† Îmg§lpe§ Epi`§Ÿ r ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ A © ¦ ¨ ¥ pUÎl © ½ ´ 8. What is meant by "F® d† Mgz«P"? l n§ © § ¦ ¨ A. m''ayx- explains that drxt was searching for a means to slow down the population growth of i''a. B. o''anx- explains that drxt and his advisers chose not kill i''a by the sword for that would be huge betrayal. i''a entered mixvn by kings decree and to kill them for no reason would be a clear injustice not to be tolerated by the people of mixvn. Also, If they were to wage open war on i''a it would be a huge and costly war as i''a were a¬© x" "mEv¨ e. So drxt and his advisers sought a surreptitious way to deal with i''a so the †§r mixvn and the i''a would not object. A qn (tax- sometimes labor as well as money)10 was not something anyone would find objectionable as this was the normal procedure for kings. After the qn was set up drxt tried to quietly kill i''a through the midwives by having them claim all the boys were still born. Lastly, drxt specially stated o´¥dÎl¨ " A© M "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id to general population and not to the military. This allowed for a ª § © ¨` © À © ½ ¸ measure of plausible denialability, as drxt, after such an event, would send his officers to “ investigate”when i''a complained. While “ investigating” they would look for more children and pass the word onto the general population, so the drxt would not get his hands dirty. C. l`paxa`- explains that the intention of drxt was burden them to stop them from reproducing. This was done in gradual stages: 1. m®¨ laqA FzŸr or¬© l miQn i´¥U Æei¨ r Eni³¦ Ie©- This was setting up the qn (in grain) and zŸ § ¦ § †P © © n§ ½¦ ¦ x ¨ l ¨ U¨ appointing collectors; 2. q«¥ nrxÎz`e§ mŸ RÎz` dŸx§t§l ÆzFpMqn i³¥r o¤ Ie©- This was hard labor for they had to q § © «© ¤ z ¦ ¤ r © † ½ § § ¦ x¨ a¹ ¦ build cities to store the grain that they gave. l`paxa` explains that it follows 8. Similar to b''alx. 9. Similar to b''alx. 10.As with jlnd dnly and the building of the ycwnd zia (`''k 'h ` mikln).
  • 8. that they were also building cities for the store of the ixvn grain as it was fitting that they fulfilled the law of sqei11; 3. FzŸ E´ r§ - drxt made i''a essentially xwtd for any ixvn to use. This was the most ½ ` P ©i degrading. All the time that they were used for slaves they were kept from their wives. Despite these tactics Hashem saw that as the affliction grew so did, miraculously, the population of i''a. D. epxetq- explains that the mixvn will be devious with the i''a and encourage them to leave of their own accord by various means of oppression. They were motivated to do this because "Ep† Îmg§lpe§ Epi`§Ÿ r Æ`EdÎm© s³© e§ Ædng§ln d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ as they were a A © ¦ ¨ ¥ pUÎl © ½ ´ B qFp ¨ ¨ ¦ p x § ¦ M" separate nation in their beliefs, language, and eating customs (they couldn’ eat t with the mixvn.) 9. It appears that drxt’ concerns are contradictory. At first the concern seems to be that i''a will s join with an invading power and conquer mixvn as the weqt states d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ dºde§ dAx¦iÎoR p x § ¦ M ¨¨ ¤ § ¤ i À Ep† Îmg§lpe§ Epi`§Ÿ r Æ`EdÎm© s³© e§ Ædng§ln. Then the concern that follows is i''a leaving mixvn as the A © ¦ ¨ ¥ pUÎl © ½ ´ B qFp ¨ ¨ ¦ verse states ux«¨ dÎon dlre. What did the mixvn fear? ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ § A. m''ayx- explains that the mixvn feared that the midst of a war the i''a would join their enemies and go back to orpk ux` and they would lose their slaves. B. o''anx- first brings the opinion of i''yx who quotes l''fg. i''yx first states "ux«¨ dÎon dlre" ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ § is against the will of the mixvn. Then he brings l''fg who state "ux«¨ dÎon dlre" is like ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ § someone “ who curses himself and puts the curse on others”12 o''anx says this can not . be correct according to the hyt13, for if this were so the `xwn should say lr dlre" "ux`d. As "ux`d lr" in Hebrew indicates coming to make war. 14 o''anx does suggest that perhaps i''yx means that the i''a will be mixvn ux`d lr oyeb ux` on dlr. C. epxetq- explains that the mixvn were afraid that the i''a would act as a fifth column in the event that mixvn ux` was attacked. They had this fear as the i''a practiced dlin and would not eat with the mixvn. "ux«¨ dÎon dlre”was not a fear as this was their hope.15 ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ § 11.The law set up by sqei in ziy`xa that sates d¯¤Vd rx¸¤l Ámk¨ did¦i zŸId r´© x§`e§ dŸx§t§l zi† n£ m¬¤ z§ E zŸ YA Æd¨de" ck f''n c ¨ © ©f§ ¤ l ´¤ § c¨ © A © r © ¿ ® Wi ¦ g Y © p `Ea § © i ¨ § ¦ ½ :"m«kRh§l lŸ¡«¤ e§ m† iY«aA x¬¤ `«© e§ m²¤ lk`§lE. ¤ § © ¬ `l k ¥ ¨ § W£ l k§ § ¨ « k ¤ 12.The individual in question speaks of a potential personal tragedy and in case his words have some binding power he speaks of the tragedy only in reference to someone else. 13.o''anx believes that intention of i''yx is to explain "ux«`dÎon dlre" as a synonym for making war against the mixvn ¤ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ § and not actually speaking about leaving mixvn ux`. In l`eny iwenp the attack of o''anx is dismissed as clearly this was not i''yx’ intent as indicated by the words “ s against there will” as all invaders come against the will of their , target. 14.As :m«¥ Rz¦Ie© zFx† Ad d²¨ i i¯¥rÎl¨ l´©ÆxEX`ÎK¤ n aixg§ q dºr dÀIwf§g K¤ ´¤ l d¹W d¸¥Ur ÁrAx§`aE b''i hi'' ` mikln and i´¥ A id§i © ` U§ § v § © cEd§ x¨ M r ª © l «¤ ³¦ ¥ p © ¨ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¦ lO© ¨ ¨ x § ¤ © © § l p ni ¦ ¿¦ :di«¤ r m¬¥ Nd§l lŸi `¬le§ di¤ r d† g§lO© m©½ WEx§iÆl`xU¦iÎK¤ n EdilnxÎo¤ gw¸ mx`ÂÎK¤ n oi´¦ x§ dlr dcEd§i K¤ ´¤ Ed¹GªÎo¤ m¸ A fg`. ¨ l ¨ g¨ ¦ k¨ Ÿ ¨ ®l ¨ n ¨ ¦ l l ¨ ´ ¥ ¨ § l «¤ ³¨§ © § A © tE ¨£ l «¤ v ´¨ ¨ À¨ † ¨ ¤ ln ¨ ¦r A zFiÎo¤ ¨ ¨Â I ¨ 15. See epxetq #8, D.
  • 9. D. l`paxa`- explains that the mixvn feared two things. Firstly, they feared that the i''a would join the enemies of mixvn in a time of war. The mixvn didn’ fear the i''a taking t over the land as it was tactically impossible. The main fear was that i''a would leave of their own accord. E. m''ialn- explains as l`paxa` and adds that i''a were trapped there by decree of drxt as we saw special permission needed to leave mixvn ux` and to bury awri. m''ialn also adds that the `xwn demonstrates the root of drxt’ fear. The weqt states "i''a m©µ dÀ d", s r ¥¦ P indicating that they remain completely separate and didn’ intermarry with the mixvn. t As noted (in #6 A) these miweqt demonstrate the evil of the mixvn and why they deserved to be punished. m''ialn notes three points of evil that are present here: 1. "dAx¦iÎoR" - at this point i''a were not yet a threat as they were not daxn; ¤ § ¤ À 2. "Ædng§ln d¨`³¤wzÎi«¦ the "dxwn" denotes an occurrence that goes against the ¨ ¨ ¦ p x § ¦ M"- normal flow of probability. mixvn was the superpower of its’time and any defensive war was highly improbable; lastly 3. "ux«¨ dÎon dlre"- if the i''a had been daxn and mixvn, however improbably, found ¤` ¨ ¦ ¬¨ ¨ § themselves fighting a defensive war the only thing goal i''a had was to return to orpk. Based on these three points we see the the mixvn were very evil. They imprisoned a nation within their borders and employed various machinations to keep i''a imprisoned. ÆzFpMqn i³¥r oa¹e© m®¨ laqA FzŸr or¬© l miQn i´¥U Æei¨ r Eni³¦ I © `i § § ¦ x¨ ¤ I zŸ § ¦ § †P © © n§ ¦ ½¦ ¦ x ¨ l ¨ U¨ :q«¥ nrxÎz`e§ mŸ RÎz` dŸx§t§l q § © «© ¤ z ¦ ¤ r © † ½ 10. How are "miQn i´¥U" (explained by `xfr oa`, i''yx, b''alx, m''ayx as tax collectors) connect to ½¦ ¦ x ¨ "m®¨ laqA FzŸr or¬© l"? zŸ § ¦ § †P © © n§ A. `xfr oa`- explains that the purpose was to work the men until they were no longer fertile. B. o''anx- explains that the qn was initially men selected to work for the king to build storage cities on some days and then they would return to their homes. Then it became clear that his qn was not causing i''a any harm so it was expanded so that every citizen of mixvn could use them for labor. The decree was then expanded to make the building of the storage cities more difficult for initially they were given bricks and then they were only given straw and they had to make their own bricks. As the decree to build the storage cities became more difficult there other responsibilities were not removed. They still had to do field work, dig holes, remove waste, etc. o''anx also notes that i''a were considered to be the kings slaves. drxt gave them a small amount of bread, permission to catch fish, and permission to take from gardens cucumber and melon.
  • 10. C. epxetq- explains that the tax collectors were foremen to supervise the construction of storage cities. Unlike all other miyxtn he explain the goal was to drive the i''a out of mixvn with the qn of building storage cities. D. l`paxa`- explains that the "miQn i´¥U" are actual tax collectors that collected weekly ½¦ ¦ x ¨ and monthly taxes. The iepr was the burden of having the fruits of their labor taken away. C. m''ialn- explains that the "miQn i´¥U" are another example of the evil of the mixvn. i''a ½¦ ¦ x ¨ paid a qn to the mixvn since they arrived there. This is why the `xwn says "miQn i´¥U" ½¦ ¦ x ¨ were appointed and not a qn as it was the norm for aliens to pay a qn. Now drxt appointed ministers to force taxes through torture. Since i''a were already willingly paying taxes the "miQn i´¥U" were only a pretext for torture. m''ialn cites l''fg who ½¦ ¦ x ¨ maintain that the sites selected for storehouses were purposely chosen for their inability to support a structure. This would cause i''a to constantly need to rebuild the structure. :i''a ipRn Evw¨e© uŸt¦ o´¥e§ d† x¦ o¬¥ FzŸ E´ r§i ÆxW£ «© § ai † § ¦ ¾ I x § i k A §i M ½ ` P © ¤ `k ¥ ª ® ¤ 11. What is meant by the use of a double expression to describe the growth of i''a? A. `xfr oa`- explains that each word refers to a different aspect of the miraculous growth of i''a: 1. "d† x¦i"- they maintained their pace of reproduction as it was before the iepr; and A§ ¤ 2. "uŸt¦i"- they broke the normal barriers of reproduction, as x†B u¬¥tE" 'i 'g zldw x§ ® c¨ xŸ ¥ "W«g¨ EP¬¤ X¦i. ¨p k § 12. The word "Evw¨e©" does not appropriately describe how the mixvn felt about i''a. cgt and d`xi ª ¾I describe a feeling off dread whereas xrv and dwevn are used to describe a present and actual discomfort. A. b''alx- explains that now seeing that their plans to curtail the growth of i''a backfired they came to despise i''a? Here b''alx mentions his second zlrez (benefit/lesson)16. We see the poor character of the mixvn as they expressed jealousy and cruelty in response to the good fortune of i''a’ constitution and fertility. The poor character s of the mixvn brought them to do all manner of atrocities mentioned in the narrative. 16.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
  • 11. B. l`paxa`- explains that the more i''a were daxn the less the mixvn were able to control them. i''a were constantly trespassing through fields and stealing cucumber, melon, and fish. So i''a i¥Rn Evw¨e© for their fields and ponds were being plundered. In the weqt †§ ¦ ¾I p ª the word "uŸt¦i" could also be referring to boundaries of private property, as 'i 'g zldw x§ ® "W«g¨ EP¬¤ X¦i x†B u¬¥tE". ¨ p k § c¨ xŸ¥ C. m''ialn- explains that initially the mixvn did not hate i''a as they only wished to keep them from leaving. Now the i''a were truly disgusting in the eyes of the mixvn. ÆxnŸ A dWw d´¨a£ A mdi¥gÎz` E¸ x«¨ i © ci :Kx«tA i''aÎz` m¦ xvn Ec¯¦ r«© © bi ¤ g § ¨ ¨ cŸr«© ¤ I © ¤ x £n§ ¸ À ¹ ¤¨ § ¤ i ²© § ¦ a£ I :Kx«tA m† a Eca«rÎxW£ mzcŸ£ Îl¨ z` d®¤VA d†a£ Îl¨ aE mi½¦ alaE ¤¨ § d¨ ¬ § ¨ ¤ ` ¨ ¨ar M ¥µ c ¨ © cŸr k § p ¥ § ¦ ¤ ½ ´ ¨ 13. In b''i weqt we are told that the i''a served the mixvn with jxt and then c''i weqt tells us, again, that the i''a served the mixvn with jxt. Why is the `xwn being redundant? A. `xfr oa`- explains that after the initial ixvn plan of building storage cities failed the mixvn expanded the scope of the qn. They then permitted all mixvn to utilize the i''a for all types of labor. The permission went beyond i''a being normal micar. Permission was given for i''a to be jxt icaer- meaning all mixvn were permitted to use i''a beyond the scope of normative servitude. B. b''alx- cites `xfr oa` and says that the 17miqn ixy were permitted to expand the scope of their labor. b''alx explains "Kx«tA" as referring to impossible quotas and "dWw d´¨ar" as ¤¨ § ¨ ¨ cŸ£ À harder physical labor (“ cVA d†a£Îl¨ aE mi½¦ alaE ÆxnŸ A” So according to b''alx, it would d®¤ ¨ © cŸr k § p ¥ § ¦ ¤ g § ). ¨ ¸ appear, b''i weqt is the llk and c''i weqt contains the mihxt. C. o''anx- as noted in question #10 ("ezepr ornl miqn ixy" d''c) explains in a manner similar to `xfr oa`. He explains that the decrees of drxt escalated as they failed.18 D. l`paxa`- differs as to why drxt escalated the decrees, as noted in question #10. He understands the escalation as clandestine way slow down the population growth of i''a.19 E. epxetq- seemingly attributes all jxt to Divine retribution.20 As noted earlier (question #10) the mixvn tried motivating the i''a to leave with the qn. The mixvn saw that the i''a 17.It appears b''alx either had a different version of `xfr oa` or understood him differently. Our version states ozp" "micard wgn xzei mciardl mdixyle mixvnl zeyx, implying that the scope was expanded beyond the miqn ixy. 18.It is fair to assume that mentioning jxt twice refers to both the mixy and the people of mixvn. o''anx does not say this explicitly. 19.As Hitler (f''eyni) did. Also as with o''anx, though he doesn’ address it, it is fair to assume that mentioning jxt t twice refers to both the mixy and the people of mixvn. 20.Again it would not be unfair to assume that mentioning jxt twice refers to both the mixy and the people of mixvn.
  • 12. were willing to debase themselves by building for drxt to enable them to remain in mixvn. This lack of "dvr" was a hg that caused the mixvn to take the i''a as slaves. epxetq goes on to explain the the i''a continued to sin in deeds and ideas enabling the mixvn to become harsher oppressors. F. m''ialn- also explains that the servitude of i''a was expanded from drxt to the common citizens. He describes i''a as "lkl xwtd eide micarl micar"21. He explains jxt zecear, as l''fg, to mean pointless work. He uses these miweqt to demonstrate why the people of mixvn were fit for punishment as drxt was. The people of mixvn were not just interested in stopping the population growth of i''a, rather the work that was forced was specifically to “make their lives bitter.” zi†Xd m¬¥ e§ dxtWÆzg`«¨ m³¥ x¸ ` zŸx¦ar«¨ zŸNin«© m¦ xvn K¤ ´¤ Æxn`¸I© eh p ¥ © W ½¨ § ¦ © © d W W£ ® § ¦ d c§ © § l i ½© § ¦ ln ¤ Ÿ ¦ ¤ I † o´¤ n£«©Æ`Ed o¬¥ ` m¦i¨a`«¨ r o† `xE zF½Ix¦ar´¨ ` Æo¤ c¤ iA xn`Ÿ© fh :d«rER Y ¦ de AÎm ¦ ®p § ¨ dÎl © zi ¦ § ¤ § ¦ dÎz ¤ k § N© § ¤ ÀI ¨ :d¨g¨ `e† z¬© `e§ FzŸ i «¨ e d AÎm ¦ ½ ` ¦ 14. If the objective of drxt was genocide why use two midwives and why only the males? A. `xfr oa`- explains that these two woman were the chief midwives who represented and collected taxes from the midwives. He also explains that drxt’ objective was to s secretly cause the population to decline as the murder of a nation was overt qng. This made gradual murder through the midwives, who would claim the baby as stillborn, a perfect machination. B. b''alx- explains as `xfr oa` regarding the gradual genocide22 but he doesn’ address t why there were only two midwives. C. o''anx- in "el dnkgzp dad" d''c explains that this was part of the larger clandestine plan ("el dnkgzp dad") to curb the population of i''a as the officers gave council that people of mixvn would not tolerate outright slaughter. D. epxetq- explains that there were certainly more than two midwives for all of i''a. In this verse drxt began his plan with the two most trusted in the capital city. E. l`paxa`- makes six points: 1. in his questions dismisses the approach of l''fg as hyt. l''fg explain that through astrology it was foretold that a son would be born to redeem the i''a. l`paxa` asks that if this was so why was there no protest when drxt’ daughter s 21. And again it would not be unfair to assume that mentioning jxt twice refers to both the mixy and the people of mixvn. 22.Oddly he doesn’ cite `xfr oa`. t
  • 13. raised an ixar child as royalty? 2. l`paxa` explains that this was another mechanization to slow the population growth of i''a. Outright slaughter of i''a would be a disgrace whereas choking the boys and claiming they were stillborn would cause population decline, not outrage. 3. He further explains that the females would be left to be absorbed in the ixvn population, were not firm in their ixar natures, and they did not pose a military danger to the mixvn as woman didn’ fight in wars. t 4. He accepts that it is impossible that there were only two midwives for all of i''a. He also rejects the premise that these were the chief midwives as then they should have been called "zeclind zexy", as with the "miwynd xy", "mite`d xy", and the "migahd xy". He explains that the names dxty and dret were two roles that comprised a midwife “ team” The dxty’ job was was to make the child . s look nice (clid z` xityl) and the dret’ job was was to assist and give strength s to the birthing mother.23 5. According to l`paxa` there were many teams and each team of midwives was instructed separately. 6. Lastly, l`paxa` maintains that it is not conceivable that these midwives were zeixar for how could he trust or consider that they would follow through with his scheme? So he reads the verse as if it states zŸx¦ar«¨ z` zŸ† ©n«© , making the ® § ¦d I c§Ni § l zŸx¦ar«¨ the direct object. ® § ¦d I F. m''ialn- makes four points: 1. He accepts that there could not be only two midwives for all i''a. He explains midwifery was a team effort. One to remove assist with labor on the birthing stone and the other to cut the cord and tend to the newborn’ needs. s 2. He cites `xfr oa` and l`paxa` and explains that these were the chief midwives or midwife teams. 3. He also explains that the midwives were zixvn and reads the verse as if it states zŸx¦ar«¨ z` zŸN©n«© , making the zŸx¦ar«¨ the direct object. ® § ¦d I c§ i § l † ® § ¦d I 4. He notes the peculiarity of the double expression of "xn`ie" in verses e''h and f''h. He explains the the weqt very careful to note that this is an "dxin`" and not a "ieev". As noted earlier drxt’ schemes were clandestine so as to avoid s outrage. drxt, here, advised them to kill the boys as part of the overall scheme. Had this been a "ieev" the midwives would have been sentenced to death for disobeying a royal decree. 23.As in cg«¨ s† W`e§ mŸ ` drt` d´¨lF« M w®¨ `z` Wi†g` m¨½ Fr«¥ ÆiziW¡ ¤ c''i a''n diryi (I have long time held my peace; I © i ` § ¤ X ¤ ¤ § ¤ c¥ I © R © § ¤ x£ «© l n ¦ ¸ g © ¬ ½ ¦ ¥ have kept still, and refrained myself; now will I cry like a woman in labor; I will gasp and pant together.) The crying referred to here is the prayer and the encouragement of the dret.
  • 14. m¦ ®¨vn K¤ ´¤ o† l` x¬¤ C x²¤ `«© EU¨ `´le§ midŸ `´¨ ` ÆzŸNin«© ¨o`³¤ Y© fi ix § ¦ ln di¥ £ A ¦ W£ M ½ r Ÿ ¤ ½¦ l¡ dÎz ¤ c§ © § d xi ¦ :mic¨ idÎz` ¨oi¤gY© «¦ l § © ¤ † © § e I 15. Why does the `xwn need to say both "o† l` x¬¤ C x²¤ `«M EU¨ `´le" and "mic¨ i§ dÎz` ¨oi¤gY©"? di¥ £ A ¦ W£ © ½ r Ÿ § ¤ «¦ l © ¤ † © § e I A. `xfr oa`- explains that they kept the boys alive with all their might. B. b''alx- explains as that they made an effort to keep the boys alive. Here b''alx mentions his third zlrez (benefit/lesson)24 regarding the character of the midwives. We learn from them that we must fear God most of all, and disregard orders that are evil. For God is the “ruler of rulers.” C. m''ialn- explains as this was not jlnd zevn the punishment for murder would be entirely on their account "m¦i®¨vn K¤ ´¤ o† l` x¬¤ C x²¤ `«M EU¨ `´le". So they feared God and x § ¦ ln di¥ £ A ¦ W£ © ½ r Ÿ § ¤ they, as l''fg state, supplied the boys with food and water "mic¨ i§ dÎz` ¨oi¤gY©". «¦ l © ¤ † © § e I oi¤gY© d®¤d x´¨ Cd o† U£ rECn od¨ xn`Ÿe© zŸNin«© Æm¦ xvnÎK¤ n `³¨w¦ © gi † © § e G © a ¨ © zi ¦ r © ¬ © ¤ l ¤ ´I c§ © § l i¸© § ¦ l «¤ x § I I ¤ ½ ½ :mic¨ idÎz` «¦ l § © ¤ 16. What was drxt’ intention when he spoke to the midwives? s A. `xfr oa`- explains that he intended to execute them as they violated his decree. B. epxetq- explains that drxt was firstly upset with the betrayal of the midwives as they didn’ refuse his order. Secondly, he was upset by their actions for they counseled the t mothers how to properly care for the newborns. C. l`paxa`- explains in a similar manner to epxetq. He explains that drxt was as upset by their actions for they counseled the mothers how to properly care for the newborns. He also notes that drxt’ comments to the midwives were in keeping with the s secretive nature of his command as he said "d®¤d x´¨ Cd o† U£ rECn" without specifying G © a ¨ © zi ¦ r © ¬ © ¤ "d®¤d x´¨ Cd". G © a¨© D. m''ialn- concurs with the l`paxa` about the secretive nature (see #14) of drxt’ dvr s (see #14). He explains "d®¤d x´¨ Cd o† U£ rECn" as referring to "mic¨ i§ dÎz` ¨oi¤gY©" as this G © a ¨ © zi ¦ r © ¬ © ¤ «¦ l © ¤ † © § e I was an active disregard of drxt’ wish. The midwives not following the advice of s drxt was a minor issue. The midwives openly flouting the will of drxt was something that drxt thought to be inexcusable. 24.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative.
  • 15. d¨d zF´igÎi«¦ zŸx¦ar«¨ zŸx¦vOd mi²¦ Pk `¯ i´¦ dŸx§RÎl` ÆzŸNin«© ¨ox³© Y © hi P¥ ½ ¨ M ® § ¦ d I† § ¦ © W¨ © Ÿ M r © ¤ c§ © § d § n`Ÿ I l ½ :Ec«¨ ¨e§ z¤† in«© o²¤ l` `FaY mx¸ A li c¤ © § d d¥ £ ¯ ¨ ¤h § N ¤ 17. When the midwives responded to drxt what was meant by o²¤ l` `FaY mx¸ A d¨d zF´igÎi«¦ d¥ £ ¯ ¨ ¤h § P ¥ ¤ ½ ¨ M" "Ec«¨ ¨e§ z¤† in«© li c¤ © § d? N A. `xfr oa`- explains that the midwives claimed that the woman of i''a were of exceptional strength ("zF´ig") and when they arrived the children were already born. ¨ B. b''alx- explains as `xfr oa` but doesn’ cite him. Here b''alx mentions his fourth t 25 zlrez (benefit/lesson) regarding the character of the midwives. We learn from them that one should not rely on a miracle to be saved. Though they acted correctly because they feared God the created alibis for drxt. C. m''ayx- explains as `xfr oa` but he adds that they were "zegwt".26 D. epxetq- explains that the midwives claimed that the woman of i''a were expert midwives. Any attempt at sabotage would have been discovered and they no longer would be called for births. E. l`paxa`- explains: 1. that "zF´ig" refers to expertise in infant care;27 or ¨ 2. as like a dig they are able to handle the birthing process by themselves. F. m''ialn- explains that they explained that "zŸx¦ar«¨ zŸx¦vOd mi²¦ Pk `¯ " for they were ® § ¦ d I† § ¦ © W¨ © Ÿ I l experts in midwifery. The midwives also added that the couldn’ murder the children t on the birthing stones because "Ec«¨ ¨e§ z¤†N©n«© o²¤ l` `FaY mx¸ A” li c¤ i § d d¥ £ ¯ ¨ ¤h § . ¤ zŸNin«© E¬ x«¨Îi«¦ id§i © `k :cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦ e© zŸNin«© mi† l¡ ahi¥ © k c§ © § d ` § i M ¾¦ † ` § †§ © I r ¨ xI c§ © § l dŸ ` ¤ ¬I « ® ¦ :miY¨ m† l U©¬©e© mi®¦ l¡ dÎz` «¦ A d¨ rI dŸ ` «¨ ¤ ¤ 18. In what way was Hashem “good”to the midwives? How does the increase of i''a connect to 25.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative. 26.Likely meaning that they were bright and trained in midwifery. 27.He explains the etymology as similar to z´¥ dMd `E´ l®¥ vaTn mi¦lrRÎa© [l¦ g] igÎWi`Îo¤ r¯¨iFd§iÎo¤ Ed¸¨¨aE" k b''k a l`eny ` ¨ ¦ d `§ § © ¦ À ¨ § x i ²© ¦ ²© «¦ A c¨ « a ip § ":b¤ Xd mF¬iA x`Ÿd KF¬ A [ix£ d] dix£ dÎz«` d¯¨ de§ cºi `Ede§Â a`FnÆl`x£ ipW ((K) And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son l «¨ © § A © z § ²¦` «¨ † ²¦` «¨ ¤ M ¦ x¨ © ¨ ½ ¥ ¦` ³¥ § of a brave man,of Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lion hearted men of Moab; he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in a time of snow;). The ixw is "l¦i²© and the aizk is "¦i²© l`paxa`, seemingly, g" g". merges the two together to create a meaning of alacrity and competence in midwifery. "l¦i²© would be the alacrity g" and competence. "¦i²© would be the midwifery, as in keeping the newborn alive. g"
  • 16. Hashem’ “ s good” toward the midwives? What does the midwives’fear of God have to do with making houses? If the houses are for the midwives why does the verse say "m† l" and not d¨ ¤ "odl"? A. `xfr oa`- explains that since the midwives feared Hashem and not drxt Hashem was good to them. B. m''ayx- explains that the houses were to keep the midwives from assisting with any births. C. b''alx- explains that Hashem made royal houses come from them. This was fitting as the role of a king is to enforce justice and, despite the decree of their king, they maintained the just path. Here b''alx mentions his fifth zlrez (benefit/lesson)28 regarding Hashem’ reward to the midwives. We learn that Hashem s appropriately rewards those who fear him. D. l`paxa`- offers a number of explanations: 1. He address the juxtaposition of "zŸN©n«© mi† l¡ ahi¥ © " and "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©". c§ i § l dŸ ` ¤ ¬I ® ¦ ` § †§ © I r ¨ x « Hashem was good to the midwives for i''a paid them double as they were aware that they violated the decree of the king, allowing the i''a to grow. 2. He explains that, perhaps, Hashem was good to the midwives through divine intervention. By their nature they were wicked29 and Hashem assisted them in overcoming their wicked traits. 3. He suggests that "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" is another reward for their fearing Him. He «¦ A d¨ rI ¤ explains that the use of the word "zia" is a fnx to wealth, honor, children, etc. as with cec the verse states l`xU¦i i´¦ rÎlr ÆmihtŸ izi³¦v x¸¤ ` mFÀIdÎon§lE" `i a l`eny ¥ ¨§ O© © ½ ¦ § W ¦ E ¦ W£ « © ¦ ":d«eŸ i§ LNÎdU£«© z¦i† M d½eŸ i§ ÆL§l ci³¦ de§ Li®ai§Ÿ Mn Ll izŸ i¦ d«e©. ¨d ¬ § ¤ ri aÎi ¦ ¨d © B ¦ ¤ `Îl¨ ¦ †§ ¦ g p £ « ¬ 4. He then suggests a completely different approach noting the use of "mdl" instead of the gender appropriate "odl". He explains that the houses were the houses of i''a as they filled with children, as a result of the midwives disobedience. 5. He explains "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" as having no connection to either “ «¦ A d¨ rI ¤ good” that Hashem granted the midwives or the sustained birth rate of i''a. He explains that "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" serves as a lead in to "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ ". drxt, in «¦ A d¨ rI ¤ ª § © ¨` © À © A © M ½ ¸ response to the midwives claim that the woman often handled the delivery before they arrived, set up birthing houses where mothers would go to the midwives. Outside these homes drxt posted guards who would grab the 28.b''alx at the end of every grouping of narrative he lists the lessons learnt from the narrative. 29.l`paxa` may be referring to their predispositions. The `xwn describes ixvn as a "adx", as ExŸr© wi†e l¤¬¤ m¦ixvnE" f l f § i x¨ ad ¾© § ¦ ® ¦ ":z¤ W m† ad¬© z`Ÿl iz`´¨wÆo¥¨ (For the Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no purpose; therefore have I called this a «¨ d © x f¨ ¦ x ¨ kl ¥ ½ people, Rahab who sits still.). "ad¬© translated by i''yx as "gexd iqb" (haughty/proud). All people begin with © x" certain predispositions and often have the ability to overcome them. Here as a reward for acting justly Hashem, perhaps, removed their predisposition to be “ Rahab” .
  • 17. children when they heard the sounds of birth and "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d". He explains ª § © ¨` © ½ ¸ that this explanation sheds light on why the decree of "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d" begins ª § © ¨` © ½ ¸ "mzq" (without any introduction or explanation) as "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©" served as «¦ A d¨ rI ¤ an introduction. 6. l`paxa` also cites the narratives of the dnegpz yxcn and xfril` iaxc iwxt.30 E. m''ialn- explains that drxt understood that the excuse of the midwives was a lie, and wished to cause them harm. Nevertheless, "zŸN©n«© mi† l¡ ahi¥ © " and drxt was unable c§ i § l dŸ ` ¤ ¬I ® ¦ retaliate. In addition to Hashem making them “ untouchable” he was also "ahi¥e©" in ¤ ¬I terms of earthly reward as the i''a were "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©", allowing the midwives a ` § †§ © I r ¨ x « huge source of income. m''ialn explains that "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©" serves a dual purpose ` § †§ © I r ¨ x « as it sets up the next verse. drxt saw, despite his plans, "cŸ n Envr«©e© m²¨d a¤¯¦Ie©". He ` § †§ © I r ¨ x « realized that covert means of population control were not effective, so he overtly decreed "Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ ". m''ialn cites l`paxa`’ explanation of m† l U©¬©e©" ª § © ¨` © À © A © M ½ ¸ s d¨ rI ¤ "miY¨ , as drxt’ intent was to have guarded houses as the only places where the «¦ A s midwives could work. When the guard heard the sound of birth ÆdxŸ i§ d cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ " ¨` © À © A © M ¸ "Edki¦lWY. ª §© ½ z† dÎl¨ e§ Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ id cFN¦ d o´¥dÎl¨ xŸ l FOrÎl¨ l 31dŸx§R e´© i © ak A © k ª § © ¨` § © À I © A © M n`¥ †© k§ © ½ ¸ ® r © v§ ½ t :oE« gY I© § 19. Why does drxt now choose to give an overt order that demonstrates his desire to stifle the ixar population growth? A. b''alx- explains that since all else failed drxt was forced into overt action. He also cites l''fg who say that drxt’ astrologers predicted a redeemer would be born during s this time period and it was only for a year, a month, or a day.32 B. o''anx- explains ("el dnkgzp dad" d''c) that there was still a covert element within this decree. drxt didn’ order his officers to carry out this act, rather he quietly spread the t decree only amongst the mixvn. When a ixvn carried out the decree drxt would send someone to “ investigate” This open neglect allowed the mixvn to freely search the . homes of the i''a for children, thus with dyn the `xwn states "FpitSd cFr dlk«¨Î`Ÿ e" . ¦ § © » ´¨ § i l § 30.They involve the astrologers and the sorcerers predicting a redeemer and Hebrew and Egyptian children both being thrown in the river. Two interesting points stand out from xfril` iaxc iwxt: an “ hour” of Hashem’ is s eighty-three and a third years (this was how long l`xyi ipa worked for the mixvn), and the decree of ÆdxŸ id" ¨` § © ¸ "Edki¦lWY was three and a third years. ª § © ½ 31.`xfr oa` notes here that drxt is a generic title for the king of mixvn and also notes for proof that in j''p the title of drxt is often followed by the name of the drxt. 32.b''alx does mention that the prediction was a "zil`xyi oa" would be the redeemer. This contradicts the miyxcn that write that drxt even killed the ixvn boys because of the decree.
  • 18. C. m''ialn- explains that at this point drxt was left with no option but to publicly decree the murder as all of his clandestine machinations failed. 20. Why didn’ drxt decree Edki¦lWY ÆdxŸ i§ d mixarl cFN¦Id o´¥dÎl¨ ? t ª § © ¨` © ½ ¸ À © A© M A. l`paxa`- first rejects l''fg’ approach to this question.33 He claims their approach is s 34 "miaezkd ihytn `ed wegx" and if it were so the verse should have mentioned that the decree was one day only. l`paxa` explains that it didn’ need to be stated as it was t juxtaposed next to the decree of "miY¨ m† l U©¬©e©". As noted earlier the objective of «¦ A d¨ rI ¤ these houses was to ensure that woman didn’ give birth before the midwives arrived t and have guards at the ready to dispose of the boys. B. m''ialn- explains as l`paxa`. 33.See note #31. 34.Perhaps it is "miaezkd ihytn `ed wegx" as all plans until this verse are focused on decreasing the population of l`xyi ipa and such a universal decree is not in keeping with drxt’ objective. s