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Improving Sentences:
Choose the best way to revise the underlined part of the sentence.
Your choice should make the most effective sentence and express the
meaning of the original sentence. If no revision is needed, choose (A).
Anna Mary Robertson Moses sold her first painting and she was
seventy-seven years old at the time.

(A)and she was seventy-seven years old at the time
(B) at the age of seventy-seven years
(C)at the time she was seventy-seven
(D)upon the time she reached seventy-seven years
(E) when she was seventy-seven
“GCA: Working to provide an exemplary individualized and engaging
 educational experience for all students “

                                         ENG 403A
GCA VISION: GCA students will emerge as confident leaders in the 21 st century
global community through a holistic approach of rigorous academic standards, a
commitment to individualized learning paths, and attention to the growth of each
student as a civic minded contributor both within their local communities and

GCA MISSION: Our mission is to provide an exemplary individualized and
engaging educational experience for all students by incorporating school and
community/family partnerships coupled with a rigorous curriculum within a data-
driven and student-centered instructional model. Student success will be measured
by valid & reliable assessment data, parent and student satisfaction, and continued
institutional growth within the academic community.
Have you been to the library for your research? If
not, it might be fun to try it out!

• Review the assignment
• Look at the structure of our paragraphs
• Discuss how to draft and revise our paper


  • ELACC9-10RI11, 12, 13, 16,17
  • ELACC9-101, 2, 7, 8, 9
  • ELACC9-104

• Select a topic on an aspect of British literature. You
  have received a list of topics and a research
  question. Each topic connects a work of literature
  to the time and culture in which it was written. It is
  located in Doc Sharing or the announcements

1. Review the assignment instructions and grading criteria
   thoroughly. Keep in mind that the research project is divided
   into three major components spread across three units.
2. Choose a topic for your paper and submit 5.02.
3. Conduct research to help you narrow and develop your topic.
   Use both print and online sources for your research.
4. Cite at least four sources, at least one of which is a print
   source. Do not cite an encyclopedia, wikipedia, or
5. Your final paper should be between 2-3 pages with an
   additional page for the Works Cited. This is a difference from
   the LMS!
6. Complete the first assignment, Research Paper Planning
   Assignment, which includes writing a thesis statement and
   developing a formal outline. You will submit the completed
   plan for a grade (5.10)

1. Begin drafting your paper. Use your research notes to
   support your thesis.
2. Write in standard formal English, and use the third person
   and the present tense. Your ideas should be expressed
   objectively and be supported with your research. Avoid
   sentences that begin with “I think” or “I feel.”
3. Review the Checklist and Rubric. Your first draft will be
   graded against the checklist, so be sure that you have
   included everything that the checklist requires. Keep the
   rubric in mind as you draft because your final paper will be
   graded against the rubric.
4. Continue to work on your draft, referring to your research
   materials. Then submit the first draft of your Research Paper
   after you have double-checked it against the checklist
   that follows in this document. (File transfer checklist)

1. • Revise your research paper. Use the feedback on the first
   draft you received from your teacher. Also consider
   feedback you may have received from your mentor or
   other readers.
2. • The final paper will be graded against a rubric that
   assesses the essay in the following five categories: purpose
   and voice; ideas and content; structure and organization;
   language, word choice, and tone; and sentences and
   mechanics. The rubric appears at the end of this
   document. Keep the criteria listed on the rubric in mind as
   you revise your paper.
3. • Proofread your research paper. Use the proofreading
   checklist as a guide. Be sure you review how to cite sources
   correctly, both within your paper and on the Works Cited
   page before you hand in your paper.
4. • Make a final, clean copy of your Research Paper and
   submit it to your teacher.

• You should have submitted your Topic (5.02), your
  Planning (5.10), and your First Draft (7.01) already.

• The Final Draft (8.03) is due next Wednesday,
  December 5th.

• There are a few important things to remember
  when working through a writing project:
 •   ALWAYS read and work through all lessons in the LMS!
 •   Check the rubric – and then follow it.
 •   Check Doc Sharing for additional information.
 •   Do NOT procrastinate!
 •   Turn your work in on time.
 •   Ask questions.

• Your paper should contain all of these:
  •   Purpose
  •   Introduction, body, and conclusion
  •   Thesis statement
  •   Body paragraphs: facts and quotations
  •   In-text citations and Works Cited page
  •   Easy to follow organization
  •   Appropriate, clear language
  •   Consistent, serious tone
  •   Varied sentence structures and beginnings
  •   Length 2-3 pages, plus Works Cited

• The Introduction
  • Think of the introduction as an inverted triangle.

  • The top is the hook. It might be a historical event or a scene
    from the author's life. It may tell a story or provide background
    information. This is the largest part.

  • The connecting idea, the middle section of your triangle, helps
    explain the hook and connects the hook to the thesis. It may
    bring in a second piece of information that links to the first. This
    takes up a little less room in the paragraph.

  • The thesis is the smallest section because it is narrowed down
    to one statement.
           RESEARCH PAPER:
• In the Model Research Paper, the hook is a description of how
  England changed during the Industrial Revolution.

• The middle of the introduction narrows from the broad
  statement about the Industrial Revolution to a more limited
  focus: the Romantics' response to the Industrial Revolution.

• The end of the introduction further restricts the boundaries of
  the paper to focus on

• one Romantic: William Blake
• one idea: the thesis statement based on Blake's poetic
  response to the Industrial Revolution

•   Paragraph 1: Introduction (Use HABMAT)
•   Hook
•   Author
•   Background
•   A short summary
•   Thesis
If a British citizen had fallen asleep in 1750 and awakened in 1800, he or she
would have found upon arising a vastly different nation from the one in which the
slumber began. Britain began the eighteenth century as a mainly agricultural society
with a small urban population. However, the Industrial Revolution, a period of economic
growth in which the agrarian economy shifted to a machinepowered economy,
created a fundamental change in the way people lived and worked. Inventions such as
the fly shuttle (1733), the water frame (1769), the steam engine (1769), the spinning jenny
(1770), and the power loom (1783), along with an innovative method of refining iron by
using coal, transformed the textile and mining industries. New jobs and inventions
brought people out of the English countryside and into the cities, such as London, in
search of work in textile mills and factories. The Industrial Revolution had many positive
effects; for example, there were more jobs in industry than there were on farms, and
communications and transportation became faster as new roads and canals were built
(King 46). But industrialization also had negative consequences, and some of the artists,
writers, and thinkers of the age commented on the less desirable outcomes, including
poverty, disease, and child labor in their work.

• Unity

 • A research paper should be unified and coherent.

 • A unified paper has the following characteristics.

   • Every paragraph supports the thesis of the paper.
   • Every sentence supports the main idea of the paragraph to
     which it belongs.
   • The paper does not contain unnecessary details.

• Coherence

 • In a coherent paper, every sentence and paragraph flows
   naturally from what came before and into what comes

   • What does "flows naturally" mean? It means that the reader can
     see how each paragraph belongs in the place it occupies. The
     reader doesn't wonder, "Why is that here?"

   • To help achieve coherence, use transitions to link sentences,
     paragraphs, and ideas. When the connections between ideas are
     clear, the reader has an easier time understanding the content.

• Transitions can
 • show chronological or spatial order
 • show cause and effect
 • signal comparisons and contrasts
 • join ideas or examples

 • File transfer handout on transition words…

• Think of your outline as a compressed version of
  your paper.

  • Turn every outline heading into approximately a paragraph.
    The most important headings may require more than one
    paragraph; the smallest headings may only require a
    sentence or two.

  • Arrange your subtopics in the same order in your paper as
    they are in the outline.

  • Use your notes to flesh out what you say about each

• If you look back at your outline and don't recognize
  your paper in it, that means your draft is going off
  track. Regroup and get back on course.

• Using the outline as your guide, see which passages
  in your paper are out of position and which
  passages do not come from the outline. Remove
  passages not from the outline that should be cut,
  unless they're great new relevant ideas that you're

III.        Paragraph 2: First Body Paragraph
       A.      Topic sentence (what this paragraph will discuss,
       how it will prove your thesis)
       B.      Context for the quote
            1.   Who says it?
            2.   What’s happening in the text when they say it?
       C.        Quote from the text (cited appropriately)
       D.        Analysis of the quote: How does it prove your
       E.Closing sentence (wrap up the paragraph to effectively
       transition to the next paragraph)
topic sentence: Blake’s concern for people who are unable to
experience nature is also evident in his poem “The Chimney-Sweeper.”
example from text In fact, Blake wrote two poems by this same name—one
in Songs of Innocence and the other in Songs of Experience. Analysis
Perhaps the chimney sweepers were much on the poet’s mind because
they were prevalent in his London. In Blake’s era, homes and other buildings
were heated by fireplaces with chimneys, and the chimneys became filthy
from smoke and soot. Context set-up for quote: Chimney sweepers climbed
up chimneys to clean them. This dirty, dangerous job was an example of the
child labor practices that were common in England’s cities at the time. Very
small boys, often between four and seven years of age, were the preferred
chimney sweepers because they were agile enough to climb to the top.
The boys’ impoverished parents sold them as apprentices for periods of
seven years, so they had no other choice of livelihood. Ackroyd paints a
stark picture of the chimney sweepers’ working conditions: quote
        The average size of these vents was something like seven inches
        square, and the small child was prodded or pushed…or scorched
        with fire to make them climb with more enthusiasm. Of course
        many died of suffocation, while others grew deformed; many
        others suffered from what were known as ‘sooty warts,’ or
        cancer…. Concluding sentence
Chimney sweepers worked from before dawn till noon. At that hour, “they
were turned upon thestreets—all of them in rags…all of them unwashed,
poor, hungry” (124).

• The conclusion is your chance to make a final
  impression. It's important to wrap up your ideas in a way
  that leaves the reader with something to remember and
  think about.

• In your conclusion, be sure to restate your thesis in a
  new, fresh way. As you know from reading the Model
  Research Paper, the conclusion repeats the main idea
  that was present in the paper's introduction, but it
  doesn't repeat the same words. By restating the thesis,
  you prompt your readers to think about your ideas after
  they have finished reading the paper.

• To get started on your conclusion, reread your
  introduction and focus on your thesis statement.

• Then skim your supporting paragraphs for the material
  that you think is most important in conveying your thesis.

• Finally, reread the part of your formal outline that deals
  with the conclusion of the paper.

• All of these aspects of your work can help give you ideas
  for your conclusion.

• In addition to restating your thesis, consider using
  one or more of these strategies for concluding a
  research paper:

  • Elaborate on how the author's work fits into its historical
  • Make a generalization about the literary work having to do
    with the thesis.
  • Name specific works that you have discussed in your paper
    and link them to the thesis.

I. Conclusion (You do not necessarily have to follow this order,
   but include the following):
   A. Restate your thesis
   B. Summarize your argument.
   C. Extend the argument.
   D. Show why the text is important.

       restate thesis: Blake’s vision of a struggle
between industrialization and nature presents a
realistic conflict in his society. Summarize argument His
protest against the Industrial Revolution results in
poems that are sometimes angry and sometimes filled
with pastoral beauty. Why it is important/extend
argument The contrast between industrialization and
nature provides him with material for some of the most
memorable poems in British literature, such as
“London,” the two poems titled “The Chimney-
Sweeper,” and the “Jerusalem” hymn.

• Review the Research Paper Checklist and Rubric in the
  Research Paper Overview. Your first draft will be
  evaluated against the checklist. The rubric will be used
  to evaluate the final draft.
• To receive full credit, include each item on the checklist
  in your draft.
• Reread your outline. Have you included all the points
  from your outline in your draft? Did you adhere to your
  organizational structure?
• Reread the feedback your teacher gave you for the
  Planning a Research Paper Assignment. Did you follow
  the advice you received?
• Have you supported all of your assertions with evidence?
  If not, review your notes for evidence you can add.

• Make sure your research paper includes an introduction,
  a body of supporting paragraphs, and a strong
• Double-check to see that your introduction includes a
  hook as well as a thesis statement.
• Review your supporting paragraphs. Do they follow a
  logical organizational pattern?
• Does your conclusion make a general statement that
  echoes your thesis? In your conclusion, reiterate your
  thesis in different language.
• Notice your use of transitions. Although you haven't
  begun revising yet, consider adding some transitions

• We use MLA formatting in English papers.
• The citation rules are very exact, and must be done
• Depending on the type of resource you are citing,
  the rules change. In other words, you will cite
  differently for a web based article than you will for a
  print source.
• The easiest way to look up the proper way to cite
  your sources is to use an MLA handbook. You can
  find an electronic one at The Purdue University
  Online Writing Lab (OWL)

1. Use citations frequently. If you are unsure about whether
   a fact or idea requires a citation, cite it.
2. Do not cite widely available facts such as the birth and
   death dates of an author or the date and place of a
   historical event.
3. You will need to refer to Writing Resource: Citations as
   you draft. Remember that the key to in-text citations is
   clarity and conciseness.
4. Note: If you mention the name of your source's author in
   the sentence containing the in-text citation, you don't
   have to repeat the name in that citation.
5. Create a Works Cited page. The Works Cited listings
   contain more specific and detailed information than in-
   text citations.

• Internal or in-text citations appear within the main text of
  a research paper. When you read the Model Research
  Paper, you may have noticed notations in parentheses,
  such as (Kazin 179). These are internal citations. They
  appear immediately after items of information in the
  paper, and they tell the reader the source for the

• Citations are crucial for avoiding plagiarism. If you place
  a citation after a piece of information, you're giving the
  author credit. If you don't use a citation there, you're
  taking credit or claiming that you are the source for the
  information. That's plagiarism.

• The basic format is the author's last name and page number or
  numbers of the source inside parentheses. Do not write p. before
  the page number.

• Example: (Smith 87)

• If the source doesn't include an author's name--as may be the
  case for some magazine articles--use the title.

• Example: ("New Blake Manuscript Found" 153)

• Include the same information for both Internet and
  print sources. Include the author's name if available
  and the title if not, and the page number
  if available.
• If you use two consecutive citations from the same source, the second
  citation includes the page number only.

• First citation: (Jones 22)
• Second citation: (23)

• If the information in your passage came from two different places in the
  same source, list both page numbers, separated by a comma.

• Same source, different pages: (Williams 17, 29)

• If you gathered the information in your passage from two different
  sources, cite both sources within the same parentheses, separated by a

• Example: (Smith 96, Jones 105)

• The Works Cited page is a list of all the sources that
  you cited in your paper. It only includes the sources
  you cited. If you read a source but did not cite it in
  the paper, do not list that source on the Works
  Cited page.

  • Works Cited entries include more facts than in-text citations.
    They give
  • the reader complete publication information for each

• Include all the necessary information for readers to
  be able to track down the source on their own.

  • Don't include extra information. For example, a Works Cited
    entry for a book doesn't include page numbers.
  • If a piece of information, such as an author's name or a
    publication city, is not available, just do without it and use
    the rest of the format.
  • Always state the medium: Print or Web.
  • Follow the required punctuation.

 • 1. Begin a new page for the Works Cited list.

 • 2. Write the title "Works Cited," centered at the top of the

 • 3. Use "hanging indent" for the entries on the Works Cited
   page. That means that the first line of an entry begins at the
   left margin, and if the entry contains additional lines, they're
   indented half an inch.
• Use one and the same alphabetical sequence for all the sources
  on your list. In other words, don't make separate lists for print
  sources, Internet sources, books, articles, or other categories.

• Alphabetize items that start with the author's name and items
  that start with the title on the same list.

  • Examples:

    Ackroyd, Peter. Blake. New York: Knopf, 1996. Print.

    Blake, William. "London." Songs of Experience. The English
         Romantics: Major Poetry and Critical Theory. Ed. John L.
         Mahoney. Lexington: Heath, 1978. 40. Print.

    Strange, Hannah. "Blake's Jerusalem Banned by Leading British
         Church." Times Online. 10 Apr 2008. Web. 7 May 2009.

• The sequence of information in a Works Cited entry
  varies for different types of sources, but the rules are

  • For printed books, include the author's name, title of the
    work, city of publication, name of publication, and date of
    publication. Name the medium—Print--at the end.
  • Other forms of entries are variations on that.
  • Use the exact punctuation shown on your Citation
    Guidelines page.

Revising the Introduction

• Recall that the introduction contains two parts: the hook
  and the thesis statement. The introduction must also
  connect those two parts.

• Here are some tips for revising your introduction.

  • Reread the hook. Does it interest you? If not, consider using a
    different hook.
  • Reread the thesis statement. Is its meaning clear? If not, delete
    any unnecessary phrases and add phrases or details that
    clarify the idea.
  • Reread what's between the hook and the thesis statement.
    Make sure it explains how the two parts are related.

Revising the Conclusion

• The conclusion reminds the reader what he or she has learned.
  The way to do this is to restate the paper's thesis.

  • If your conclusion doesn't restate your thesis, the solution is simple: Reread
    your introduction and make the same point in your conclusion.

  • The trick is to not let the conclusion's restatement seem to simply repeat the
    introduction's thesis statement.

  • If you have this problem, read the statement and the restatement
    together. Wherever they use identical or nearly identical phrases, change
    the wording in the conclusion.

  • Use a thesaurus or dictionary to find different words. And change the
    sentence structure by combining short sentences, breaking long ones in
    two, or changing the beginnings of sentences.
Organizational problems in research papers may include
the following:

• The paper lacks an introduction.
• Some material in the introduction belongs in the
  supporting paragraphs.
• Supporting paragraphs are arranged in an order that
  seems random or illogical.
• Supporting paragraphs contain chunks of unnecessary
  or irrelevant material.
• The paper lacks a conclusion.
• Some material in the conclusion belongs in the
  supporting paragraphs.

1. Work with one category at a time, such as Purpose and
Voice or Ideas and Content.
2. Read the highest-score box for that category.
3. Reread the parts of your paper that relate to the
4. Ask yourself whether your paper meets the highest-score
5. If your paper doesn't meet the highest-score standard,
continue reading the scoring boxes to the right until you
find the box that best describes your paper.
6. Compare the description in that box to the description
in the highest-score box. Now you know what
improvement your paper needs.
  • Your language is not formal.
  • Your tone is not serious.
  • Your voice is not objective and impersonal.
  • Your word choices are vague or imprecise.
  • You express personal opinions.
  • Your sentences are not varied in structure and beginnings.
  • Transitions are needed between sentences, paragraphs, or
  • Details need to be added or deleted.

• When you discover such problems, take time to think of
  better alternatives. Use the dictionary and thesaurus for
  word choices. Return to your notes when you need to
  add details.

Checking Citations
• Proofreading citations may be the most demanding
  kind of proofreading you will ever do as a student.
  As you know, each type of source has its own
  formatting requirements for citations. Whenever you
  proofread a citation, you must make sure of two

 • The information in the citation must be accurate.
 • The formatting of the citation must be accurate.

Checking Citation Content
• For every citation, include each of the following elements, as

  • Titles
  • Spelling of authors' names
  • Publication dates and other publishing information
  • Page numbers
  • Website information, including site and page titles; names of authors,
    editors, and sponsors; access information; and URL, if applicable
  • Designation of Print or Web

• Check the accuracy of the information first. Then check the
  accuracy of your formatting.

Checking Citation Format
  • Check each of your citations against the Writing Resource: Citations
    page. All of the following must be correct each time:

  • Punctuation, such as when to use a period or comma
  • Use of italics or quotation marks for titles
  • Order of information, such as the author's name before the title
  • Completeness of information, such as when to include or not include
    page numbers
  • Spelling of all information
  • Parentheses for in-text citations
  • Alphabetization of the Works Cited page

• The secret to writing perfect citations is this: Be extremely
  careful. Double-check everything.
• Now proofread your research paper. The task
  consists of (1) proofreading the text and (2)
  proofreading the citations. This is the last stage in
  the writing process!

• You may prefer to proofread the entire text first and
  then go back to proofread the citations, or
  proofread both text and citations as you go along.
  It's up to you.

• Peer Mentor sessions are designed by students
  for students!
• Often having another student explain a
  concept is just what you need to help
  understand it.
• Each Peer Mentor Session has an advisor
  present to supervise and assist.
• British Literature Sessions take place Monday
  and Thursday, 4:30-5 and they are already in
  your daily/weekly plan.
• Attend the session and have the peer mentor
  help you with your thesis statement and
  outline. She is great!!!

• If you have questions, please make
  sure you are reaching out to your
  teachers…. Do not wait until the end
  or stay frustrated 
• We are here to help you.

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Research Paper Structure

  • 1. WARM UP! Improving Sentences: Choose the best way to revise the underlined part of the sentence. Your choice should make the most effective sentence and express the meaning of the original sentence. If no revision is needed, choose (A). Anna Mary Robertson Moses sold her first painting and she was seventy-seven years old at the time. (A)and she was seventy-seven years old at the time (B) at the age of seventy-seven years (C)at the time she was seventy-seven (D)upon the time she reached seventy-seven years (E) when she was seventy-seven
  • 2. “GCA: Working to provide an exemplary individualized and engaging educational experience for all students “ CRAFTING A RESEARCH PAPER ENG 403A 11/29/12
  • 3. GCA VISION: GCA students will emerge as confident leaders in the 21 st century global community through a holistic approach of rigorous academic standards, a commitment to individualized learning paths, and attention to the growth of each student as a civic minded contributor both within their local communities and beyond. GCA MISSION: Our mission is to provide an exemplary individualized and engaging educational experience for all students by incorporating school and community/family partnerships coupled with a rigorous curriculum within a data- driven and student-centered instructional model. Student success will be measured by valid & reliable assessment data, parent and student satisfaction, and continued institutional growth within the academic community.
  • 4. A LITTLE FUN BEFORE WE GET STARTED! Have you been to the library for your research? If not, it might be fun to try it out!
  • 5. TODAY WE WILL: • Review the assignment • Look at the structure of our paragraphs • Discuss how to draft and revise our paper • CCGPS: • ELACC9-10RI11, 12, 13, 16,17 • ELACC9-101, 2, 7, 8, 9 • ELACC9-104
  • 6. REVIEWING THE ASSIGNMENT • Select a topic on an aspect of British literature. You have received a list of topics and a research question. Each topic connects a work of literature to the time and culture in which it was written. It is located in Doc Sharing or the announcements section.
  • 7. PLANNING 1. Review the assignment instructions and grading criteria thoroughly. Keep in mind that the research project is divided into three major components spread across three units. 2. Choose a topic for your paper and submit 5.02. 3. Conduct research to help you narrow and develop your topic. Use both print and online sources for your research. 4. Cite at least four sources, at least one of which is a print source. Do not cite an encyclopedia, wikipedia, or 5. Your final paper should be between 2-3 pages with an additional page for the Works Cited. This is a difference from the LMS! 6. Complete the first assignment, Research Paper Planning Assignment, which includes writing a thesis statement and developing a formal outline. You will submit the completed plan for a grade (5.10)
  • 8. DRAFTING 1. Begin drafting your paper. Use your research notes to support your thesis. 2. Write in standard formal English, and use the third person and the present tense. Your ideas should be expressed objectively and be supported with your research. Avoid sentences that begin with “I think” or “I feel.” 3. Review the Checklist and Rubric. Your first draft will be graded against the checklist, so be sure that you have included everything that the checklist requires. Keep the rubric in mind as you draft because your final paper will be graded against the rubric. 4. Continue to work on your draft, referring to your research materials. Then submit the first draft of your Research Paper after you have double-checked it against the checklist that follows in this document. (File transfer checklist)
  • 9. FINALIZING 1. • Revise your research paper. Use the feedback on the first draft you received from your teacher. Also consider feedback you may have received from your mentor or other readers. 2. • The final paper will be graded against a rubric that assesses the essay in the following five categories: purpose and voice; ideas and content; structure and organization; language, word choice, and tone; and sentences and mechanics. The rubric appears at the end of this document. Keep the criteria listed on the rubric in mind as you revise your paper. 3. • Proofread your research paper. Use the proofreading checklist as a guide. Be sure you review how to cite sources correctly, both within your paper and on the Works Cited page before you hand in your paper. 4. • Make a final, clean copy of your Research Paper and submit it to your teacher.
  • 10. WHAT IS DUE? • You should have submitted your Topic (5.02), your Planning (5.10), and your First Draft (7.01) already. • The Final Draft (8.03) is due next Wednesday, December 5th.
  • 11. TIPS FOR EARNING A GOOD GRADE • There are a few important things to remember when working through a writing project: • ALWAYS read and work through all lessons in the LMS! • Check the rubric – and then follow it. • Check Doc Sharing for additional information. • Do NOT procrastinate! • Turn your work in on time. • Ask questions.
  • 12. OVERALL RESEARCH PAPER • Your paper should contain all of these: • Purpose • Introduction, body, and conclusion • Thesis statement • Body paragraphs: facts and quotations • In-text citations and Works Cited page • Easy to follow organization • Appropriate, clear language • Consistent, serious tone • Varied sentence structures and beginnings • Length 2-3 pages, plus Works Cited
  • 13. PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE • The Introduction • Think of the introduction as an inverted triangle. • The top is the hook. It might be a historical event or a scene from the author's life. It may tell a story or provide background information. This is the largest part. • The connecting idea, the middle section of your triangle, helps explain the hook and connects the hook to the thesis. It may bring in a second piece of information that links to the first. This takes up a little less room in the paragraph. • The thesis is the smallest section because it is narrowed down to one statement.
  • 14. LOOK IN THE LMS FOR A MODEL RESEARCH PAPER: • In the Model Research Paper, the hook is a description of how England changed during the Industrial Revolution. • The middle of the introduction narrows from the broad statement about the Industrial Revolution to a more limited focus: the Romantics' response to the Industrial Revolution. • The end of the introduction further restricts the boundaries of the paper to focus on • one Romantic: William Blake • one idea: the thesis statement based on Blake's poetic response to the Industrial Revolution
  • 15. OUTLINED • Paragraph 1: Introduction (Use HABMAT) • Hook • Author • Background • A short summary • Thesis
  • 16. If a British citizen had fallen asleep in 1750 and awakened in 1800, he or she would have found upon arising a vastly different nation from the one in which the slumber began. Britain began the eighteenth century as a mainly agricultural society with a small urban population. However, the Industrial Revolution, a period of economic growth in which the agrarian economy shifted to a machinepowered economy, created a fundamental change in the way people lived and worked. Inventions such as the fly shuttle (1733), the water frame (1769), the steam engine (1769), the spinning jenny (1770), and the power loom (1783), along with an innovative method of refining iron by using coal, transformed the textile and mining industries. New jobs and inventions brought people out of the English countryside and into the cities, such as London, in search of work in textile mills and factories. The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects; for example, there were more jobs in industry than there were on farms, and communications and transportation became faster as new roads and canals were built (King 46). But industrialization also had negative consequences, and some of the artists, writers, and thinkers of the age commented on the less desirable outcomes, including poverty, disease, and child labor in their work.
  • 17. CONTINUING THE PARAGRAPHS • Unity • A research paper should be unified and coherent. • A unified paper has the following characteristics. • Every paragraph supports the thesis of the paper. • Every sentence supports the main idea of the paragraph to which it belongs. • The paper does not contain unnecessary details.
  • 18. CONTINUING THE PARAGRAPHS • Coherence • In a coherent paper, every sentence and paragraph flows naturally from what came before and into what comes afterward. • What does "flows naturally" mean? It means that the reader can see how each paragraph belongs in the place it occupies. The reader doesn't wonder, "Why is that here?" • To help achieve coherence, use transitions to link sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. When the connections between ideas are clear, the reader has an easier time understanding the content.
  • 19. TRANSITIONS BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS • Transitions can • show chronological or spatial order • show cause and effect • signal comparisons and contrasts • join ideas or examples • File transfer handout on transition words…
  • 20. USING YOUR OUTLINE AND NOTES • Think of your outline as a compressed version of your paper. • Turn every outline heading into approximately a paragraph. The most important headings may require more than one paragraph; the smallest headings may only require a sentence or two. • Arrange your subtopics in the same order in your paper as they are in the outline. • Use your notes to flesh out what you say about each subtopic.
  • 21. IS YOUR DRAFT TURNING INTO A LONGER VERSION OF YOUR OUTLINE? IF SO, YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT! • If you look back at your outline and don't recognize your paper in it, that means your draft is going off track. Regroup and get back on course. • Using the outline as your guide, see which passages in your paper are out of position and which passages do not come from the outline. Remove passages not from the outline that should be cut, unless they're great new relevant ideas that you're adding.
  • 22. BODY PARAGRAPHS III. Paragraph 2: First Body Paragraph A. Topic sentence (what this paragraph will discuss, how it will prove your thesis) B. Context for the quote 1. Who says it? 2. What’s happening in the text when they say it? C. Quote from the text (cited appropriately) D. Analysis of the quote: How does it prove your thesis? E.Closing sentence (wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to the next paragraph)
  • 23. topic sentence: Blake’s concern for people who are unable to experience nature is also evident in his poem “The Chimney-Sweeper.” example from text In fact, Blake wrote two poems by this same name—one in Songs of Innocence and the other in Songs of Experience. Analysis Perhaps the chimney sweepers were much on the poet’s mind because they were prevalent in his London. In Blake’s era, homes and other buildings were heated by fireplaces with chimneys, and the chimneys became filthy from smoke and soot. Context set-up for quote: Chimney sweepers climbed up chimneys to clean them. This dirty, dangerous job was an example of the child labor practices that were common in England’s cities at the time. Very small boys, often between four and seven years of age, were the preferred chimney sweepers because they were agile enough to climb to the top. The boys’ impoverished parents sold them as apprentices for periods of seven years, so they had no other choice of livelihood. Ackroyd paints a stark picture of the chimney sweepers’ working conditions: quote The average size of these vents was something like seven inches square, and the small child was prodded or pushed…or scorched with fire to make them climb with more enthusiasm. Of course many died of suffocation, while others grew deformed; many others suffered from what were known as ‘sooty warts,’ or cancer…. Concluding sentence Chimney sweepers worked from before dawn till noon. At that hour, “they were turned upon thestreets—all of them in rags…all of them unwashed, poor, hungry” (124).
  • 24. FOCUS ON THE CONCLUSION • The conclusion is your chance to make a final impression. It's important to wrap up your ideas in a way that leaves the reader with something to remember and think about. • In your conclusion, be sure to restate your thesis in a new, fresh way. As you know from reading the Model Research Paper, the conclusion repeats the main idea that was present in the paper's introduction, but it doesn't repeat the same words. By restating the thesis, you prompt your readers to think about your ideas after they have finished reading the paper.
  • 25. APPROACHING THE CONCLUSION • To get started on your conclusion, reread your introduction and focus on your thesis statement. • Then skim your supporting paragraphs for the material that you think is most important in conveying your thesis. • Finally, reread the part of your formal outline that deals with the conclusion of the paper. • All of these aspects of your work can help give you ideas for your conclusion.
  • 26. ELEMENTS OF A CONCLUSION • In addition to restating your thesis, consider using one or more of these strategies for concluding a research paper: • Elaborate on how the author's work fits into its historical context. • Make a generalization about the literary work having to do with the thesis. • Name specific works that you have discussed in your paper and link them to the thesis.
  • 27. OUTLINED I. Conclusion (You do not necessarily have to follow this order, but include the following): A. Restate your thesis B. Summarize your argument. C. Extend the argument. D. Show why the text is important.
  • 28. CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH restate thesis: Blake’s vision of a struggle between industrialization and nature presents a realistic conflict in his society. Summarize argument His protest against the Industrial Revolution results in poems that are sometimes angry and sometimes filled with pastoral beauty. Why it is important/extend argument The contrast between industrialization and nature provides him with material for some of the most memorable poems in British literature, such as “London,” the two poems titled “The Chimney- Sweeper,” and the “Jerusalem” hymn.
  • 29. COMPLETING A DRAFT • Review the Research Paper Checklist and Rubric in the Research Paper Overview. Your first draft will be evaluated against the checklist. The rubric will be used to evaluate the final draft. • To receive full credit, include each item on the checklist in your draft. • Reread your outline. Have you included all the points from your outline in your draft? Did you adhere to your organizational structure? • Reread the feedback your teacher gave you for the Planning a Research Paper Assignment. Did you follow the advice you received? • Have you supported all of your assertions with evidence? If not, review your notes for evidence you can add.
  • 30. YOUR PAPER'S ORGANIZATION • Make sure your research paper includes an introduction, a body of supporting paragraphs, and a strong conclusion. • Double-check to see that your introduction includes a hook as well as a thesis statement. • Review your supporting paragraphs. Do they follow a logical organizational pattern? • Does your conclusion make a general statement that echoes your thesis? In your conclusion, reiterate your thesis in different language. • Notice your use of transitions. Although you haven't begun revising yet, consider adding some transitions now.
  • 31. CITATIONS • We use MLA formatting in English papers. • The citation rules are very exact, and must be done properly. • Depending on the type of resource you are citing, the rules change. In other words, you will cite differently for a web based article than you will for a print source. • The easiest way to look up the proper way to cite your sources is to use an MLA handbook. You can find an electronic one at The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
  • 32. CITATIONS: WHAT AND HOW TO CITE 1. Use citations frequently. If you are unsure about whether a fact or idea requires a citation, cite it. 2. Do not cite widely available facts such as the birth and death dates of an author or the date and place of a historical event. 3. You will need to refer to Writing Resource: Citations as you draft. Remember that the key to in-text citations is clarity and conciseness. 4. Note: If you mention the name of your source's author in the sentence containing the in-text citation, you don't have to repeat the name in that citation. 5. Create a Works Cited page. The Works Cited listings contain more specific and detailed information than in- text citations.
  • 33. INTERNAL CITATIONS • Internal or in-text citations appear within the main text of a research paper. When you read the Model Research Paper, you may have noticed notations in parentheses, such as (Kazin 179). These are internal citations. They appear immediately after items of information in the paper, and they tell the reader the source for the information. • Citations are crucial for avoiding plagiarism. If you place a citation after a piece of information, you're giving the author credit. If you don't use a citation there, you're taking credit or claiming that you are the source for the information. That's plagiarism.
  • 34. IN-TEXT CITATIONS: THE BASICS • The basic format is the author's last name and page number or numbers of the source inside parentheses. Do not write p. before the page number. • Example: (Smith 87) • If the source doesn't include an author's name--as may be the case for some magazine articles--use the title. • Example: ("New Blake Manuscript Found" 153) • Include the same information for both Internet and print sources. Include the author's name if available and the title if not, and the page number if available.
  • 35. IN-TEXT CITATIONS: VARIATIONS • If you use two consecutive citations from the same source, the second citation includes the page number only. • First citation: (Jones 22) • Second citation: (23) • If the information in your passage came from two different places in the same source, list both page numbers, separated by a comma. • Same source, different pages: (Williams 17, 29) • If you gathered the information in your passage from two different sources, cite both sources within the same parentheses, separated by a comma. • Example: (Smith 96, Jones 105)
  • 37. WORKS CITED PAGE • The Works Cited page is a list of all the sources that you cited in your paper. It only includes the sources you cited. If you read a source but did not cite it in the paper, do not list that source on the Works Cited page. • Works Cited entries include more facts than in-text citations. They give • the reader complete publication information for each source.
  • 38. WHAT NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED? • Include all the necessary information for readers to be able to track down the source on their own. • Don't include extra information. For example, a Works Cited entry for a book doesn't include page numbers. • If a piece of information, such as an author's name or a publication city, is not available, just do without it and use the rest of the format. • Always state the medium: Print or Web. • Follow the required punctuation.
  • 39. BUILDING THE WORKS CITED PAGE • 1. Begin a new page for the Works Cited list. • 2. Write the title "Works Cited," centered at the top of the page. • 3. Use "hanging indent" for the entries on the Works Cited page. That means that the first line of an entry begins at the left margin, and if the entry contains additional lines, they're indented half an inch.
  • 40. ALPHABETIZE THE LIST OF WORKS CITED • Use one and the same alphabetical sequence for all the sources on your list. In other words, don't make separate lists for print sources, Internet sources, books, articles, or other categories. • Alphabetize items that start with the author's name and items that start with the title on the same list. • Examples: Ackroyd, Peter. Blake. New York: Knopf, 1996. Print. Blake, William. "London." Songs of Experience. The English Romantics: Major Poetry and Critical Theory. Ed. John L. Mahoney. Lexington: Heath, 1978. 40. Print. Strange, Hannah. "Blake's Jerusalem Banned by Leading British Church." Times Online. 10 Apr 2008. Web. 7 May 2009.
  • 41.
  • 42. SEQUENCE OF INFORMATION • The sequence of information in a Works Cited entry varies for different types of sources, but the rules are logical. • For printed books, include the author's name, title of the work, city of publication, name of publication, and date of publication. Name the medium—Print--at the end. • Other forms of entries are variations on that. • Use the exact punctuation shown on your Citation Guidelines page.
  • 43. REVISING Revising the Introduction • Recall that the introduction contains two parts: the hook and the thesis statement. The introduction must also connect those two parts. • Here are some tips for revising your introduction. • Reread the hook. Does it interest you? If not, consider using a different hook. • Reread the thesis statement. Is its meaning clear? If not, delete any unnecessary phrases and add phrases or details that clarify the idea. • Reread what's between the hook and the thesis statement. Make sure it explains how the two parts are related.
  • 44. REVISING Revising the Conclusion • The conclusion reminds the reader what he or she has learned. The way to do this is to restate the paper's thesis. • If your conclusion doesn't restate your thesis, the solution is simple: Reread your introduction and make the same point in your conclusion. • The trick is to not let the conclusion's restatement seem to simply repeat the introduction's thesis statement. • If you have this problem, read the statement and the restatement together. Wherever they use identical or nearly identical phrases, change the wording in the conclusion. • Use a thesaurus or dictionary to find different words. And change the sentence structure by combining short sentences, breaking long ones in two, or changing the beginnings of sentences.
  • 45. COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMS Organizational problems in research papers may include the following: • The paper lacks an introduction. • Some material in the introduction belongs in the supporting paragraphs. • Supporting paragraphs are arranged in an order that seems random or illogical. • Supporting paragraphs contain chunks of unnecessary or irrelevant material. • The paper lacks a conclusion. • Some material in the conclusion belongs in the supporting paragraphs.
  • 46. HOW TO USE THE RUBRIC TO REVISE 1. Work with one category at a time, such as Purpose and Voice or Ideas and Content. 2. Read the highest-score box for that category. 3. Reread the parts of your paper that relate to the category. 4. Ask yourself whether your paper meets the highest-score standard. 5. If your paper doesn't meet the highest-score standard, continue reading the scoring boxes to the right until you find the box that best describes your paper. 6. Compare the description in that box to the description in the highest-score box. Now you know what improvement your paper needs.
  • 47. SMALL REVISION PROBLEMS TO LOOK FOR • Your language is not formal. • Your tone is not serious. • Your voice is not objective and impersonal. • Your word choices are vague or imprecise. • You express personal opinions. • Your sentences are not varied in structure and beginnings. • Transitions are needed between sentences, paragraphs, or ideas. • Details need to be added or deleted. • When you discover such problems, take time to think of better alternatives. Use the dictionary and thesaurus for word choices. Return to your notes when you need to add details.
  • 48. PROOFREADING Checking Citations • Proofreading citations may be the most demanding kind of proofreading you will ever do as a student. As you know, each type of source has its own formatting requirements for citations. Whenever you proofread a citation, you must make sure of two things: • The information in the citation must be accurate. • The formatting of the citation must be accurate.
  • 49. PROOFREADING Checking Citation Content • For every citation, include each of the following elements, as applicable: • Titles • Spelling of authors' names • Publication dates and other publishing information • Page numbers • Website information, including site and page titles; names of authors, editors, and sponsors; access information; and URL, if applicable • Designation of Print or Web • Check the accuracy of the information first. Then check the accuracy of your formatting.
  • 50. PROOFREADING Checking Citation Format • Check each of your citations against the Writing Resource: Citations page. All of the following must be correct each time: • Punctuation, such as when to use a period or comma • Use of italics or quotation marks for titles • Order of information, such as the author's name before the title • Completeness of information, such as when to include or not include page numbers • Spelling of all information • Parentheses for in-text citations • Alphabetization of the Works Cited page • The secret to writing perfect citations is this: Be extremely careful. Double-check everything.
  • 51. MAKING A FINAL COPY OF YOUR PAPER • Now proofread your research paper. The task consists of (1) proofreading the text and (2) proofreading the citations. This is the last stage in the writing process! • You may prefer to proofread the entire text first and then go back to proofread the citations, or proofread both text and citations as you go along. It's up to you.
  • 52. PEER MENTORING SESSION • Peer Mentor sessions are designed by students for students! • Often having another student explain a concept is just what you need to help understand it. • Each Peer Mentor Session has an advisor present to supervise and assist. • British Literature Sessions take place Monday and Thursday, 4:30-5 and they are already in your daily/weekly plan. • Attend the session and have the peer mentor help you with your thesis statement and outline. She is great!!!
  • 53. QUESTIONS • If you have questions, please make sure you are reaching out to your teachers…. Do not wait until the end or stay frustrated  • We are here to help you.