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Mistakes I Made
Building Netflix
 for the iPhone
      Kent Brewster
In This Talk
About Me
About Life at Netflix
Mistakes I Made and Lessons I
View Source, Launch Movies,
and Roll Your Own UI
About Me
About Me
Seven-time Hugo and one-time
Nebula loser.
About Me
Seven-time Hugo and one-time
Nebula loser.
Atari, 1977.
About Me
Seven-time Hugo and one-time
Nebula loser.
Atari, 1977.
Invented the Learn-To-Type-Or-
Be-Blown-To-Bits Video Gaming
Genre, 1982.
My Qualifications
My Qualifications
No Degree or Training in
Anything Remotely Relevant
My Qualifications
No Degree or Training in
Anything Remotely Relevant
In the Right Place at the Right
Time, with the Right Amount of
Curiosity and OCD
My Qualifications
No Degree or Training in
Anything Remotely Relevant
In the Right Place at the Right
Time, with the Right Amount of
Curiosity and OCD
Living Proof that Just About
Anybody Can Do This
Even More About Me
 WebMD, 1984-2003. (Yeah,
 seriously, nineteen years.)
 Yahoo, 2004-2009.
 Netflix, 2009-2010.
 These days? Vurve.
Um ... "Vurve?"
Um ... "Vurve?"
Vurve makes the process of
advertising online suck a whole
lot less for small businesses.
Um ... "Vurve?"
Vurve makes the process of
advertising online suck a whole
lot less for small businesses.
Currently playing with: Big
Data, Hadoop/MapReduce, Hive/
Pig, Ruby, Python, HTML5, EC2,
Node.js, Redis, Mongo.
Um ... "Vurve?"
Vurve makes the process of
advertising online suck a whole
lot less for small businesses.
Currently playing with: Big
Data, Hadoop/MapReduce, Hive/
Pig, Ruby, Python, HTML5, EC2,
Node.js, Redis, Mongo.
Vurve, if IE < 8
Life at Netflix
Life at Netflix
They pay you what you're worth.
Life at Netflix
They pay you what you're worth.
They don't track your vacation.
Life at Netflix
They pay you what you're worth.
They don't track your vacation.
You can bring your dog to work.
Life at Netflix
They pay you what you're worth.
They don't track your vacation.
You can bring your dog to work.
When you tell your friends
where you work, they will all say
"Netflix! I love Netflix!"
Things I Worked On
Things I Worked On
Facebook Connect (v1)
Things I Worked On
Facebook Connect (v1)
OAuth Walk-Through
Things I Worked On
Facebook Connect (v1)
OAuth Walk-Through
Netflix Widgets
Things I Worked On
Facebook Connect (v1)
OAuth Walk-Through
Netflix Widgets
First API-Based Prototype
Things I Worked On
Facebook Connect (v1)
OAuth Walk-Through
Netflix Widgets
First API-Based Prototype
Trickplay in HTML
Things I Worked On
Facebook Connect (v1)
OAuth Walk-Through
Netflix Widgets
First API-Based Prototype
Trickplay in HTML
Netflix for iPhone
iPhone Chronology
iPhone Chronology
April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix
iPhone Chronology
April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix
April 4th: invited to lead iPhone
iPhone Chronology
April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix
April 4th: invited to lead iPhone
April 9th: working prototype
iPhone Chronology
April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix
April 4th: invited to lead iPhone
April 9th: working prototype
April 23rd: first design mocks
iPhone Chronology
April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix
April 4th: invited to lead iPhone
April 9th: working prototype
April 23rd: first design mocks
August 26th: champagne in the
War Room!
Surprise the First

       April 19th: iPhone 4
       on Gizmodo.
Surprise the Second

       June 7th: Reed shows
       the prototype at
       Apple's Worldwide
       Developer Conference,
       commits to "summer"
First Three Mistakes
First Three Mistakes
 I took on a ridiculous deadline.
First Three Mistakes
 I took on a ridiculous deadline.
 I let my manager (who wrote
 zero lines of code) make key
 architectural decisions.
First Three Mistakes
 I took on a ridiculous deadline.
 I let my manager (who wrote
 zero lines of code) make key
 architectural decisions.
 I shipped the prototype.
Netflix does incremental
updates and heavy A/B testing.
Netflix does incremental
updates and heavy A/B testing.
Entire UI can be overhauled
without requiring a trip to the
App Store.
Netflix does incremental
updates and heavy A/B testing.
Entire UI can be overhauled
without requiring a trip to the
App Store.
Bugs fix very quickly; the first
one we had was on launch day,
and was handled in 15 minutes.
How To Tell HTML
  from HTML5
How To Tell HTML
  from HTML5
Try it out on Internet Explorer.*
How To Tell HTML
  from HTML5
Try it out on Internet Explorer.*
Did it work?
How To Tell HTML
  from HTML5
Try it out on Internet Explorer.*
Did it work?
How To Tell HTML
  from HTML5
Try it out on Internet Explorer.*
Did it work?
It's HTML5.
*Except IE9
*Except IE9
IE9 launched the day after I
gave this talk at SxSW.
*Except IE9
IE9 launched the day after I
gave this talk at SxSW.
Everything I like to play with
(shadows, round corners,
gradients, canvas) works like a
*Except IE9
IE9 launched the day after I
gave this talk at SxSW.
Everything I like to play with
(shadows, round corners,
gradients, canvas) works like a
Now if we just had proper DOM-
compatible JavaScript, life
would be complete.
UI Mistake

I tried to use native form
Ratings Selector

      I liked this, but the
      designer hated the
      checkmark, and really
      wanted red and gold
      Failed on Android.
Search Box
Search Box
input type=search didn't work.
Search Box
input type=search didn't work.
Had to hand-whittle the borders,
the little magnifying glass, and
the progress indicator.
Search Box
input type=search didn't work.
Had to hand-whittle the borders,
the little magnifying glass, and
the progress indicator.
Goofy timing issues on focus()
and blur().
Search Box
input type=search didn't work.
Had to hand-whittle the borders,
the little magnifying glass, and
the progress indicator.
Goofy timing issues on focus()
and blur().
Blew up on Android.
The Damn Keyboard
The Damn Keyboard
Could not be raised or lowered
The Damn Keyboard
Could not be raised or lowered
(You'd think focus() and blur()
would do it, but you'd be wrong.)
The Damn Keyboard
Could not be raised or lowered
(You'd think focus() and blur()
would do it, but you'd be wrong.)
Shoved the UI up and failed to
shove it all the way back down.
The Damn Keyboard
Could not be raised or lowered
(You'd think focus() and blur()
would do it, but you'd be wrong.)
Shoved the UI up and failed to
shove it all the way back down.
Blew steaming chunks on
Really Enormous

I attempted to replicate native
scrolling using HTML, CSS, and
Had to provide native
performance, with a fixed
header and footer.
Had to provide native
performance, with a fixed
header and footer.
Had to perform awesomely on a
2G iPod Touch.
Had to provide native
performance, with a fixed
header and footer.
Had to perform awesomely on a
2G iPod Touch.
Was tested by launching the app,
immediately scrolling like crazy
before the data had loaded, and
declaring that it sucked.
I Stole From:
I Stole From:
PastryKit library (not public at
the time, hard to understand)
I Stole From:
PastryKit library (not public at
the time, hard to understand)
TouchScroll (basic framework)
I Stole From:
PastryKit library (not public at
the time, hard to understand)
TouchScroll (basic framework)
iScroll (excellent physics)
I Stole From:
PastryKit library (not public at
the time, hard to understand)
TouchScroll (basic framework)
iScroll (excellent physics)
Sencha Touch (did not officially
How Scrolling Works
How Scrolling Works
 Kill touchmove default actions
 with preventDefault().
How Scrolling Works
 Kill touchmove default actions
 with preventDefault().
 Listen and respond with CSS
 transitions, not JS positioning.
How Scrolling Works
 Kill touchmove default actions
 with preventDefault().
 Listen and respond with CSS
 transitions, not JS positioning.
 Independent three-window
 scrolling and sliding is really
Three Windows
Three Windows
Main list, gallery list, and details
Three Windows
Main list, gallery list, and details
Try not to re-render lists, but
also try not to rely on the DOM.
Three Windows
Main list, gallery list, and details
Try not to re-render lists, but
also try not to rely on the DOM.
iOS is optimized for translate3d.
(Android? Not so much....)
Home Position
      #viewport {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0; left: 0;
        height: 480px;
        width: 320px;
        overflow: hidden;

      #body, #main, #gallery,
      and #details all
      positioned absolutely
Drag to Scroll
      #main {
        2000ms ease-in;
        translate3d(0, -300px,

      Transform just the main
Tap to Slide
     #page {
       500ms ease-in;
       translate3d(320px, 0,

     Transform the entire
     page to the right.
Scroll Gallery Up
        #gallery {
          2000ms ease-in;
          translate3d(0, -200px,

        Scroll the gallery up.
        Leave main list alone!
Tap to Open Details
         #page {
           500ms ease-in;
           translate3d(320px, 0,

         Slide the entire page
         to the right again.
Going Back is Hard
        Sometimes we need to
        reset the list we're
        backing into, sometimes
        we don't.

        Sometimes the entire
        gallery has changed,
        from instant queue to a
        category gallery.

Yes, position:fixed works on
This is good, because scrolling
with JavaScript is kinda busted.
This is bad, because it's buggy.

Yes, but I have a feeling that
this won't roll out to everyone.
Webkit Scrolling?
Position header and footer
Listen for touchstart.
Hide the header and footer,
scroll the window, and replace
when done.
Headers in the App
Header and footer should be
part of the app's framework.
Body should be a Web view;
native scrolling will take care of
Throw title info over the wall to
native app using hacky
JavaScript bridge.
Why We Quit Working
  On The Scrolling
Why We Quit Working
  On The Scrolling
 The first 90% of the job takes the
 first 90% of the time.
Why We Quit Working
  On The Scrolling
 The first 90% of the job takes the
 first 90% of the time.
 The last 10% of the work takes
 the remaining 90% of the time.
Why We Quit Working
  On The Scrolling
 The first 90% of the job takes the
 first 90% of the time.
 The last 10% of the work takes
 the remaining 90% of the time.
 Manager got an iPhone 4.
Big Mistake

I tried to make the same
codebase work for Android. (See
also "I let my manager make key
architectural decisions.")
Um ... Android?
Um ... Android?
When you view source you will
discover multiple references to
"android," so it's an open secret.
Um ... Android?
When you view source you will
discover multiple references to
"android," so it's an open secret.
I have absolutely no idea when
or if Netflix will launch for
Um ... Android?
When you view source you will
discover multiple references to
"android," so it's an open secret.
I have absolutely no idea when
or if Netflix will launch for
I will say this: it was very, very
hard to work on.
More Mistakes
More Mistakes

I did not push back hard enough
on the design.
More Mistakes

I did not push back hard enough
on the design.
I ignored the application
More Mistakes

I did not push back hard enough
on the design.
I ignored the application
I failed to use some really
important tools.
data:URIs for CSS backgrounds
data:URIs for CSS backgrounds
local storage to cache API calls
(main list is regenerated daily)
data:URIs for CSS backgrounds
local storage to cache API calls
(main list is regenerated daily)
Multipart XHR for images that
never change but may be served
up in different order (box art).
data:URIs for CSS backgrounds
local storage to cache API calls
(main list is regenerated daily)
Multipart XHR for images that
never change but may be served
up in different order (box art).
cache-manifest to store code &
framework offline
Careful, Now:
Careful, Now:
border-image was very slow to
render at different widths.
Careful, Now:
border-image was very slow to
render at different widths.
Scrolling using CSS transitions
hit an absolute height limit on
iPod Touch and iPhone 3
Careful, Now:
border-image was very slow to
render at different widths.
Scrolling using CSS transitions
hit an absolute height limit on
iPod Touch and iPhone 3
box-shadow slowed things down
Big but Unavoidable

I used an inadequate API.
23+ API calls build
 the front page.
Get the master list.
For each item on the master list,
get a child list.
For each item in the child list,
make two calls, one for the title
and one for the user's rating.
Episodes and
bookmarks are hard.
 For each episode in a series,
 create a stand-alone call for that
 episode and append it to a very
 long bulk query.
 This query is too big to GET. Use
 Oh, wait. Use CORS, because we
 are in the cloud.
All calls must be
signed with oAuth.
Cannot be done on the fly by the
application; too slow.
Using JavaScript exposes your
key and secret.
Hack to fix: throw key/secret
over the wall with the app on
Good news: they may
  be fixing the API.
Netflix needs to build something
like Yahoo! Query Language.
Group related endpoints
together. Developers need to be
able to get everything Netflix
knows about a customer's front
page, or a season of South Park,
with a single call to the API.
Really happening?

Yep, looks like like it might be.
View Source?
View Source?
Netflix has taken great care to
obfuscate this application.
View Source?
Netflix has taken great care to
obfuscate this application.
I'd like to help you view source,
but I can't.
View Source?
Netflix has taken great care to
obfuscate this application.
I'd like to help you view source,
but I can't.
I strongly recommend you do
NOT do any of the following....
Do not search
    for "ipad open app."
Should you discover the nflx://
protocol, don't mess around with it.
Don't get all stubborn and try
nflx:// calls on an iPhone or iPad
 with the Netflix app installed.
If you try to hit an invalid nflx://
 URL, the app will drop you into
 Safari, pointed at the UI loader.
Do not copy this
URL into desktop Safari.
Don't inspect or follow any links to
Do not copy behavior.js to your
And whatever you do, do NOT run
it through
If You Accidentally Happen to
Glimpse Some Source, Please Avert
     Your Eyes, and Assume the
If You Accidentally Happen to
Glimpse Some Source, Please Avert
     Your Eyes, and Assume the

 Anything that looks broken or
 brain-damaged is my fault.
If You Accidentally Happen to
Glimpse Some Source, Please Avert
     Your Eyes, and Assume the

 Anything that looks broken or
 brain-damaged is my fault.
 Anything that works or is
 awesome was put in after I left, or
 in spite of my valiant efforts to
 fuck it up.
(awesome demo here)
Try It Yourself!

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Try It Yourself!
Please be gentle:

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Try It Yourself!
Please be gentle:
Remember, it's a two-hour hack.

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Try It Yourself!
Please be gentle:
Remember, it's a two-hour hack.
Fork Me On GitHub:

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Search Structure

<input id="query" /><ul id="results"></ul>
Search Loop
checkSearch : function() {
  var v = $.s.query.value;
  if (v) {
    if (v !== $.g.lastValue) {
    $.g.lastValue = v;

 function() {
 }, 500
Search Query
runSearch: function(q) {
  var n = $.f.fn.length;
  var id = $.a.k + '.f.fn[' + n + ']';
  var url = $ + '?expand=@title';
  url += '&max_results=20&output=json&v=2.0';
  url += '&term=' + encodeURIComponent(q);
  url += '&callback=' + encodeURIComponent(id);
  $.f.fn[n] = function(r) {
   var id = $.a.k + '.f.fn[' + n + ']';
Launching a Movie

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Launching a Movie

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Launching a Movie
?movieid=[box art movie ID]

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Launching a Movie
?movieid=[box art movie ID]
&episodeid=[episode ID]

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Launching a Movie
?movieid=[box art movie ID]
&episodeid=[episode ID]
&returnUrl=[your page]

Plays only on devices with the Netflix app
 installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
Launch Behavior
var playUrl = 'nflx://';
playUrl += 'movieid=' + id;
playUrl += '&returnUrl=';

var playButton = $.f.create({'A':{
 'href': playUrl

playButton.onclick = function() {
  $.w.location = this.href;
ASCII-art Starbars
li {
                                 .fullStars, .emptyStars
  text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff;
                                   position: absolute;
                                   width: 100px;
li p.starContainer {
                                   top: 0;
  display: inline-block;
                                   left: 0;
  position: relative;
  width: 100px;
  height: 32px;
                                 .fullStars {
  line-height: 32px;
                                   color: #a00;
  letter-spacing: 4.2px;
                                   overflow: hidden;
  text-align: center;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
Starbar JS
var starContainer = $.f.create({'P':{
var fullStars = $.f.create({'SPAN':{
}}); = (t.average_rating * 20) + '%';
var emptyStars = $.f.create({'SPAN':{
Starbar, Rendered
<p class="starContainer">
  <span class="fullStars" style="width:70%">
  <span class="emptyStars">
has the last

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Mistakes I Made Building Netflix for the iPhone

  • 1. Mistakes I Made Building Netflix for the iPhone Kent Brewster @kentbrew
  • 2. In This Talk About Me About Life at Netflix Mistakes I Made and Lessons I Learned View Source, Launch Movies, and Roll Your Own UI
  • 4. About Me Seven-time Hugo and one-time Nebula loser.
  • 5. About Me Seven-time Hugo and one-time Nebula loser. Atari, 1977.
  • 6. About Me Seven-time Hugo and one-time Nebula loser. Atari, 1977. Invented the Learn-To-Type-Or- Be-Blown-To-Bits Video Gaming Genre, 1982.
  • 8. My Qualifications No Degree or Training in Anything Remotely Relevant
  • 9. My Qualifications No Degree or Training in Anything Remotely Relevant In the Right Place at the Right Time, with the Right Amount of Curiosity and OCD
  • 10. My Qualifications No Degree or Training in Anything Remotely Relevant In the Right Place at the Right Time, with the Right Amount of Curiosity and OCD Living Proof that Just About Anybody Can Do This
  • 11. Even More About Me WebMD, 1984-2003. (Yeah, seriously, nineteen years.) Yahoo, 2004-2009. Netflix, 2009-2010. These days? Vurve.
  • 13. Um ... "Vurve?" Vurve makes the process of advertising online suck a whole lot less for small businesses.
  • 14. Um ... "Vurve?" Vurve makes the process of advertising online suck a whole lot less for small businesses. Currently playing with: Big Data, Hadoop/MapReduce, Hive/ Pig, Ruby, Python, HTML5, EC2, Node.js, Redis, Mongo.
  • 15. Um ... "Vurve?" Vurve makes the process of advertising online suck a whole lot less for small businesses. Currently playing with: Big Data, Hadoop/MapReduce, Hive/ Pig, Ruby, Python, HTML5, EC2, Node.js, Redis, Mongo.
  • 18. Life at Netflix They pay you what you're worth.
  • 19. Life at Netflix They pay you what you're worth. They don't track your vacation.
  • 20. Life at Netflix They pay you what you're worth. They don't track your vacation. You can bring your dog to work.
  • 21. Life at Netflix They pay you what you're worth. They don't track your vacation. You can bring your dog to work. When you tell your friends where you work, they will all say "Netflix! I love Netflix!"
  • 23. Things I Worked On Facebook Connect (v1)
  • 24. Things I Worked On Facebook Connect (v1) OAuth Walk-Through
  • 25. Things I Worked On Facebook Connect (v1) OAuth Walk-Through Netflix Widgets
  • 26. Things I Worked On Facebook Connect (v1) OAuth Walk-Through Netflix Widgets First API-Based Prototype
  • 27. Things I Worked On Facebook Connect (v1) OAuth Walk-Through Netflix Widgets First API-Based Prototype Trickplay in HTML
  • 28. Things I Worked On Facebook Connect (v1) OAuth Walk-Through Netflix Widgets First API-Based Prototype Trickplay in HTML Netflix for iPhone
  • 30. iPhone Chronology April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix
  • 31. iPhone Chronology April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix April 4th: invited to lead iPhone
  • 32. iPhone Chronology April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix April 4th: invited to lead iPhone April 9th: working prototype
  • 33. iPhone Chronology April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix April 4th: invited to lead iPhone April 9th: working prototype April 23rd: first design mocks
  • 34. iPhone Chronology April 1st: iPad ships with Netflix April 4th: invited to lead iPhone April 9th: working prototype April 23rd: first design mocks August 26th: champagne in the War Room!
  • 35. Surprise the First April 19th: iPhone 4 on Gizmodo.
  • 36. Surprise the Second June 7th: Reed shows the prototype at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference, commits to "summer" launch.
  • 38. First Three Mistakes I took on a ridiculous deadline.
  • 39. First Three Mistakes I took on a ridiculous deadline. I let my manager (who wrote zero lines of code) make key architectural decisions.
  • 40. First Three Mistakes I took on a ridiculous deadline. I let my manager (who wrote zero lines of code) make key architectural decisions. I shipped the prototype.
  • 42. Why HTML? Netflix does incremental updates and heavy A/B testing.
  • 43. Why HTML? Netflix does incremental updates and heavy A/B testing. Entire UI can be overhauled without requiring a trip to the App Store.
  • 44. Why HTML? Netflix does incremental updates and heavy A/B testing. Entire UI can be overhauled without requiring a trip to the App Store. Bugs fix very quickly; the first one we had was on launch day, and was handled in 15 minutes.
  • 45. How To Tell HTML from HTML5
  • 46. How To Tell HTML from HTML5 Try it out on Internet Explorer.*
  • 47. How To Tell HTML from HTML5 Try it out on Internet Explorer.* Did it work?
  • 48. How To Tell HTML from HTML5 Try it out on Internet Explorer.* Did it work? No?
  • 49. How To Tell HTML from HTML5 Try it out on Internet Explorer.* Did it work? No? It's HTML5.
  • 51. *Except IE9 IE9 launched the day after I gave this talk at SxSW.
  • 52. *Except IE9 IE9 launched the day after I gave this talk at SxSW. Everything I like to play with (shadows, round corners, gradients, canvas) works like a champ.
  • 53. *Except IE9 IE9 launched the day after I gave this talk at SxSW. Everything I like to play with (shadows, round corners, gradients, canvas) works like a champ. Now if we just had proper DOM- compatible JavaScript, life would be complete.
  • 54. UI Mistake I tried to use native form controls.
  • 55. Ratings Selector I liked this, but the designer hated the checkmark, and really wanted red and gold stars. Failed on Android.
  • 58. Search Box input type=search didn't work. Had to hand-whittle the borders, the little magnifying glass, and the progress indicator.
  • 59. Search Box input type=search didn't work. Had to hand-whittle the borders, the little magnifying glass, and the progress indicator. Goofy timing issues on focus() and blur().
  • 60. Search Box input type=search didn't work. Had to hand-whittle the borders, the little magnifying glass, and the progress indicator. Goofy timing issues on focus() and blur(). Blew up on Android.
  • 62. The Damn Keyboard Could not be raised or lowered programatically.
  • 63. The Damn Keyboard Could not be raised or lowered programatically. (You'd think focus() and blur() would do it, but you'd be wrong.)
  • 64. The Damn Keyboard Could not be raised or lowered programatically. (You'd think focus() and blur() would do it, but you'd be wrong.) Shoved the UI up and failed to shove it all the way back down.
  • 65. The Damn Keyboard Could not be raised or lowered programatically. (You'd think focus() and blur() would do it, but you'd be wrong.) Shoved the UI up and failed to shove it all the way back down. Blew steaming chunks on Android.
  • 66. Really Enormous Mistake I attempted to replicate native scrolling using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • 68. Scrolling Had to provide native performance, with a fixed header and footer.
  • 69. Scrolling Had to provide native performance, with a fixed header and footer. Had to perform awesomely on a 2G iPod Touch.
  • 70. Scrolling Had to provide native performance, with a fixed header and footer. Had to perform awesomely on a 2G iPod Touch. Was tested by launching the app, immediately scrolling like crazy before the data had loaded, and declaring that it sucked.
  • 72. I Stole From: PastryKit library (not public at the time, hard to understand)
  • 73. I Stole From: PastryKit library (not public at the time, hard to understand) TouchScroll (basic framework)
  • 74. I Stole From: PastryKit library (not public at the time, hard to understand) TouchScroll (basic framework) iScroll (excellent physics)
  • 75. I Stole From: PastryKit library (not public at the time, hard to understand) TouchScroll (basic framework) iScroll (excellent physics) Sencha Touch (did not officially exist)
  • 77. How Scrolling Works Kill touchmove default actions with preventDefault().
  • 78. How Scrolling Works Kill touchmove default actions with preventDefault(). Listen and respond with CSS transitions, not JS positioning.
  • 79. How Scrolling Works Kill touchmove default actions with preventDefault(). Listen and respond with CSS transitions, not JS positioning. Independent three-window scrolling and sliding is really hard.
  • 81. Three Windows Main list, gallery list, and details page.
  • 82. Three Windows Main list, gallery list, and details page. Try not to re-render lists, but also try not to rely on the DOM.
  • 83. Three Windows Main list, gallery list, and details page. Try not to re-render lists, but also try not to rely on the DOM. iOS is optimized for translate3d. (Android? Not so much....)
  • 84. Home Position #viewport { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 480px; width: 320px; overflow: hidden; } #body, #main, #gallery, and #details all positioned absolutely
  • 85. Drag to Scroll #main { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 2000ms ease-in; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -300px, 0); } Transform just the main list.
  • 86. Tap to Slide #page { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 500ms ease-in; -webkit-transform: translate3d(320px, 0, 0); } Transform the entire page to the right.
  • 87. Scroll Gallery Up #gallery { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 2000ms ease-in; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -200px, 0); } Scroll the gallery up. Leave main list alone!
  • 88. Tap to Open Details #page { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 500ms ease-in; -webkit-transform: translate3d(320px, 0, 0); } Slide the entire page to the right again.
  • 89. Going Back is Hard Sometimes we need to reset the list we're backing into, sometimes we don't. Sometimes the entire gallery has changed, from instant queue to a category gallery.
  • 90. position:fixed? Yes, position:fixed works on Android. This is good, because scrolling with JavaScript is kinda busted. This is bad, because it's buggy.
  • 91. webOS position:fixed? Yes, but I have a feeling that this won't roll out to everyone.
  • 92. Webkit Scrolling? Position header and footer absolutely. Listen for touchstart. Hide the header and footer, scroll the window, and replace when done.
  • 93. Headers in the App Header and footer should be part of the app's framework. Body should be a Web view; native scrolling will take care of everything. Throw title info over the wall to native app using hacky JavaScript bridge.
  • 94. Why We Quit Working On The Scrolling
  • 95. Why We Quit Working On The Scrolling The first 90% of the job takes the first 90% of the time.
  • 96. Why We Quit Working On The Scrolling The first 90% of the job takes the first 90% of the time. The last 10% of the work takes the remaining 90% of the time.
  • 97. Why We Quit Working On The Scrolling The first 90% of the job takes the first 90% of the time. The last 10% of the work takes the remaining 90% of the time. Manager got an iPhone 4.
  • 98. Big Mistake I tried to make the same codebase work for Android. (See also "I let my manager make key architectural decisions.")
  • 100. Um ... Android? When you view source you will discover multiple references to "android," so it's an open secret.
  • 101. Um ... Android? When you view source you will discover multiple references to "android," so it's an open secret. I have absolutely no idea when or if Netflix will launch for Android.
  • 102. Um ... Android? When you view source you will discover multiple references to "android," so it's an open secret. I have absolutely no idea when or if Netflix will launch for Android. I will say this: it was very, very hard to work on.
  • 104. More Mistakes I did not push back hard enough on the design.
  • 105. More Mistakes I did not push back hard enough on the design. I ignored the application framework.
  • 106. More Mistakes I did not push back hard enough on the design. I ignored the application framework. I failed to use some really important tools.
  • 107. HTML5
  • 108. HTML5 data:URIs for CSS backgrounds
  • 109. HTML5 data:URIs for CSS backgrounds local storage to cache API calls (main list is regenerated daily)
  • 110. HTML5 data:URIs for CSS backgrounds local storage to cache API calls (main list is regenerated daily) Multipart XHR for images that never change but may be served up in different order (box art).
  • 111. HTML5 data:URIs for CSS backgrounds local storage to cache API calls (main list is regenerated daily) Multipart XHR for images that never change but may be served up in different order (box art). cache-manifest to store code & framework offline
  • 113. Careful, Now: border-image was very slow to render at different widths.
  • 114. Careful, Now: border-image was very slow to render at different widths. Scrolling using CSS transitions hit an absolute height limit on iPod Touch and iPhone 3
  • 115. Careful, Now: border-image was very slow to render at different widths. Scrolling using CSS transitions hit an absolute height limit on iPod Touch and iPhone 3 box-shadow slowed things down tremendously
  • 116. Big but Unavoidable Mistake I used an inadequate API.
  • 117. 23+ API calls build the front page. Get the master list. For each item on the master list, get a child list. For each item in the child list, make two calls, one for the title and one for the user's rating.
  • 118. Episodes and bookmarks are hard. For each episode in a series, create a stand-alone call for that episode and append it to a very long bulk query. This query is too big to GET. Use XHR. Oh, wait. Use CORS, because we are in the cloud.
  • 119. All calls must be signed with oAuth. Cannot be done on the fly by the application; too slow. Using JavaScript exposes your key and secret. Hack to fix: throw key/secret over the wall with the app on launch.
  • 120. Good news: they may be fixing the API.
  • 121. NQL? Netflix needs to build something like Yahoo! Query Language. Group related endpoints together. Developers need to be able to get everything Netflix knows about a customer's front page, or a season of South Park, with a single call to the API.
  • 122. Really happening? Yep, looks like like it might be.
  • 124. View Source? Netflix has taken great care to obfuscate this application.
  • 125. View Source? Netflix has taken great care to obfuscate this application. I'd like to help you view source, but I can't.
  • 126. View Source? Netflix has taken great care to obfuscate this application. I'd like to help you view source, but I can't. I strongly recommend you do NOT do any of the following....
  • 128. Should you discover the nflx:// protocol, don't mess around with it.
  • 129. Don't get all stubborn and try nflx:// calls on an iPhone or iPad with the Netflix app installed.
  • 130. If you try to hit an invalid nflx:// URL, the app will drop you into Safari, pointed at the UI loader.
  • 131. Do not copy this URL into desktop Safari.
  • 132. Don't inspect or follow any links to JavaScript.
  • 133. Do not copy behavior.js to your clipboard....
  • 134. And whatever you do, do NOT run it through
  • 135. If You Accidentally Happen to Glimpse Some Source, Please Avert Your Eyes, and Assume the Following:
  • 136. If You Accidentally Happen to Glimpse Some Source, Please Avert Your Eyes, and Assume the Following: Anything that looks broken or brain-damaged is my fault.
  • 137. If You Accidentally Happen to Glimpse Some Source, Please Avert Your Eyes, and Assume the Following: Anything that looks broken or brain-damaged is my fault. Anything that works or is awesome was put in after I left, or in spite of my valiant efforts to fuck it up.
  • 139. Try It Yourself! Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 140. Try It Yourself! Please be gentle: Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 141. Try It Yourself! Please be gentle: Remember, it's a two-hour hack. Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 142. Try It Yourself! Please be gentle: Remember, it's a two-hour hack. Fork Me On GitHub: Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 143. Search Structure <input id="query" /><ul id="results"></ul>
  • 144. Search Loop checkSearch : function() { var v = $.s.query.value; if (v) { if (v !== $.g.lastValue) { $.f.runSearch(v); } $.g.lastValue = v; } } $.w.setInterval( function() { $.f.checkSearch(); }, 500 );
  • 145. Search Query runSearch: function(q) { var n = $.f.fn.length; var id = $.a.k + '.f.fn[' + n + ']'; var url = $ + '?expand=@title'; url += '&max_results=20&output=json&v=2.0'; url += '&term=' + encodeURIComponent(q); url += '&callback=' + encodeURIComponent(id); $.f.fn[n] = function(r) { var id = $.a.k + '.f.fn[' + n + ']'; $.f.destroy($.d.getElementById(id)); $.f.renderSearch(r); }; $.d.b.appendChild( $.f.create({'SCRIPT':{ 'src':$.f.oAuthRequest(url), 'type':'text/javascript', }}) ); }
  • 147. Launching a Movie Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 148. Launching a Movie nflx:// WiPlayer Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 149. Launching a Movie nflx:// WiPlayer ?movieid=[box art movie ID] Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 150. Launching a Movie nflx:// WiPlayer ?movieid=[box art movie ID] &episodeid=[episode ID] Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 151. Launching a Movie nflx:// WiPlayer ?movieid=[box art movie ID] &episodeid=[episode ID] &returnUrl=[your page] Plays only on devices with the Netflix app installed. Windows phone? Unknown....
  • 152. Launch Behavior var playUrl = 'nflx://'; playUrl += 'movieid=' + id; playUrl += '&returnUrl='; var playButton = $.f.create({'A':{ 'innerHTML':'Play', 'href': playUrl }}); playButton.onclick = function() { $.w.location = this.href; }
  • 153. ASCII-art Starbars li { .fullStars, .emptyStars text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff; { } position: absolute; width: 100px; li p.starContainer { top: 0; display: inline-block; left: 0; position: relative; } width: 100px; height: 32px; .fullStars { line-height: 32px; color: #a00; letter-spacing: 4.2px; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } margin: 0; padding: 0; }
  • 154. Starbar JS var starContainer = $.f.create({'P':{ 'className':'starContainer' }}); var fullStars = $.f.create({'SPAN':{ 'className':'fullStars', 'innerHTML':'&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;' }}); = (t.average_rating * 20) + '%'; starContainer.appendChild(fullStars); var emptyStars = $.f.create({'SPAN':{ 'className':'emptyStars', 'innerHTML':'&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;' }}); starContainer.appendChild(emptyStars); li.appendChild(starContainer);
  • 155. Starbar, Rendered <p class="starContainer"> <span class="fullStars" style="width:70%"> &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733; </span> <span class="emptyStars"> &#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734; </span> </p>
  • 157. Randall Munroe always has the last laugh.

Editor's Notes

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