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   by Kelsey Innis / @kelseyinnis
                    I'm Kelsey.
I work at StackMob writing code that lets our users
 create & manage their applications, APIs, and data
  through the browser. I use Scala and the Lift web
               framework to do that.
To learn to write code with drive that don't take no
   Code, like Pam Grier, should be:
          Beautiful, and
          Tough to mess with.
Do big things
Do them easily
Do them quickly
Secure from outside manipulation
Hard to unintentionally make mistakes
Easy to maintain
Elegant, concise, and--yes--readable
Able to be easily reused
Fun to write
don't need parentheses for method calls
semicolons are optional
return value is the last line of the method
static typing with type inference
val   x: String = "a"
val   y = 2
val   z = 15.3
val   myThing = new Thing
val   theList = List("this", "sure", "is", "a", "list")
val   whatIsIt = theList(4)
def haggle(theirPrice: Int, myOffer: Int): String = {
        val theResponse: String =
                if (theirPrice <= myOffer + 5) {
                         "You've got a deal!"
                } else {
                         "I definitely wouldn't pay more than " +
                         (myOffer + (theirPrice - myOffer)/2) +
                         " for it."

val askingPrice = 100
val iWantToPay = 50
val letsMakeADeal = haggle(askingPrice, iWantToPay)
  Well, what is a program?

                 A computer
               program is a list

                of instructions
                   that tell a
              computer what to
Imperative programming:
a sequence of commands that the computer carries
                 out in sequence

          Object-oriented programming:
these instructions, and the data they manipulate, are
                organized into objects
If a program's not a series of commands, then
                  what is it?
“Functional programming is a style of
 programming that emphasizes the
evaluation of expressions rather than
    the execution of commands.”
   —comp.lang.functional FAQ
val theQueen = "Elizabeth II"

                          but also...
def theGovernor(state: State) = {
        val candidates = state.getCandidates

          A function is a relation
          between values where
          each of its input values
          gives back exactly one
           output value, playa.
Arrays.copyOf(original, newLength)
A function is pure if “the impact of a function on the
rest of the program [can] be described only in terms of
   its return type, and...the impact of the rest of the
program on the function be described only in terms of
            its arguments”. (Victor Nicollet)
This is our building block.

You will always get the same result if you run them
                with the same data.
             correctness is more clear
             unit tests are a breeze
             debugging is more directed

                    tough to mess with
“With a referentially transparent function, the interface-
     level activity is all one needs to know about its
            behavior.”. (Michael O. Church)


                       tough to mess with
val firstThing = doOneThing()
val secondThing = doAnotherThing()

val thirdThing = doTheLastThing(firstThing, secondThing)

                        lazy evaluation

Once an object is created, it cannot be changed.
If you need to change an object, make your own
                    a quick detour back to Java...

String s1 = "san dimas high school football rules"
String s2 = s1.toUpperCase

println("string 1: " + s1);
println("string 2: " + s2);

                       rollback of data

          powerful                               tough to mess with
Functions are deterministic
Functions are encapsulated
Functions are commutative
Data is immutable
                              Let's build.
val longSkinnyThing: String = "this is a string"
val listOfThem: List[String] = List("yarn","twine","thread")
val freshNewLongSkinnyThing: String = spinFromFiber("wool")

 class Rope(type:String) {
    override def toString(): String = "You've put me on a diet!";

val longSkinnyThing: Rope = new Rope("nautical")
val listOfThem: List[String] =
    List(longSkinnyThing, new Rope("climbing"),
    new Rope("clothesline"), new Rope("jump"))
val freshNewLongSkinnyThing: Rope = spinFromFiber("hemp")
val addSpam: (String) => String =
        { (x:String) => x + " and Spam" }
addSpam("Egg and Bacon")
        //result: "Egg and Bacon and Spam"
val menuOptions = List(addSpam, withoutSpam)
menuOptions(1)("Egg and Bacon and Spam")
        //result: "You can't have that"

   addSpam's type is (String) => String
(list of parameters' types) => return
def tagText(tag: String, text: String) = "<" + tag +">" + text +
val noReally = tagText("em", "pay attention!!!!")
        //result: <em>pay attention!!!!</em>

def tagText2(tag: String) = { (text:String) =>"<" + tag +">" + te
xt + "" }
val tagWithAndSpam = tagText2("andSpam")
val breakfast = tagWithAndSpam("Spam Bacon and Sausage")
        //result: <andSpam>Spam Bacon and Sausage</andSpam>




public void talkAboutFruit {
         Fruit[] fruits = {
                 new Fruit("apple"),
                 new Fruit("cherry"),
                 new Fruit("strawberry")
         for (int i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
                 System.out.println("Hey the other day I ate a " +


 def talkAboutFruit = {
        val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"),
                          new Fruit("cherry"),
                          new Fruit("strawberry"))
        for (i <- 0 until fruits.length) {
                System.out.println("Hey the other day I ate a " +
    a function that takes a list and a function
          (list of parameters' types) => return type

theFunction: (Fruit) => Unit): Unit
  def foreach(fruitList:List(fruits), theFunction: (Fruit) => Unit
) = {
         for (i <- 0 until fruitList.length) {

 def talkAboutFruit = {
        val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"),
                          new Fruit("cherry"),
                          new Fruit("strawberry"))
        val tellEm =
                { (f:Fruit) => System.out.println(
                        "Hey the other day I ate a " + f) }
        foreach(fruits, tellEm)
foreach(theList:List(A), theFunction:
         (A) => Unit): Unit
abstract class Collection[A] {
        def foreach(theFunction: (A) => Unit): Unit

 def talkAboutFruit = {
        val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"),
                          new Fruit("cherry"),
                          new Fruit("strawberry"))
        val tellEm =
                { (f:Fruit) => System.out.println(
                        "Hey the other day I ate a " + f) }
abstract class Collection[A] {
        def foreach(theFunction: (A) => Unit): Unit = {
                for (i <- 0 until this.length) {

                          tough to mess with

def makePies: List[Pie] = {
        val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"),
                          new Fruit("cherry"),
                          new Fruit("strawberry"))
        var pies = List()
        for (i <- 0 until fruits.length) {
                new Pie(fruits(i)) :: pies

           on a collection of A, you can
        map(theFunction: (A) => B):
def makePies: List[Pie] = {
        val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"),
                          new Fruit("cherry"),
                          new Fruit("strawberry"))
        val makePie = { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) }
val kindOfFruit: String = "blueberry"
val blueberryFruit = new Fruit(kindOfFruit)
val alsoBlueberry = new Fruit("blueberry")

val makePie = { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) }
//equivalent to { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } )

def makePies: List[Pie] = {
        val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"),
                          new Fruit("cherry"),
                          new Fruit("strawberry")) { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } )

def makePies(fruits: List[Fruit]) : List[Pie]
         = { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } )

val theList = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("pear"), new Fru
it("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry"), new Fruit("honeydew"))

scala> theList.filter( { (f: Fruit) => f.isDelicious } )
res0: List[Fruit] = List(apple, cherry, strawberry)

scala> theList.fold("The fruits on this list are: ")( { (stringSo
Far: String, f: Fruit) => stringSoFar + " " + } )
res1: String = "The fruits on this list are: apple pear cherry st
rawberry honeydew"

scala> theList.fold(0)( { (count: Int, f: Fruit) => count + " " +
 f.totalPieces } )
res2: Int = 42300

theList.reduce( { (f: Fruit) => f.totalPieces } )
res3: Int = 42300
  def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]):
List(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) {
         val servings = List[Serving[Pie,IceCream]]()
         for (p <- 0 until pies.length) {
                  for (i <- 0 until iceCreams.length) {
                          val serving = new Serving(p, i)
                          serving :: servings

  def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]):
List(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) { { (p: Pie) =>
        { (i: IceCream) =>
                         new Serving(p, i)
                 } )
         } )
def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): L
ist(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) {
        val servingsLists =
       { (p: Pie) =>
               { (i: IceCream) =>
                                new Serving(p, i)
                        } )
                } )

  def bakeAPie(f: Fruit, c: Crust): Pie
  def eatAPie(p: Pie): HappyKelsey

  def bakeAndEatAPie(f: Fruit, c: Crust): HappyKelsey = eatAPie com
  pose bakeAPie
          //could also be written bakeAPie andThen eatAPie

flatten compose map is flatMap, and it's MAGIC
  def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]):
List(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) {
         for {
                 p <- pies
                 i <- iceCreams
         } yield {
                 new Serving(p,i)

  def goodPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): Li
st(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) {
         for {
                 p <- pies
                 i <- iceCreams
                 val serving = new Serving(p,i)
                 if (serving.isGood)
         } yield {

  def pleaseEverybody(audience: List[Person], pies: List[Pie], ice
Creams: List[IceCream]): List(ThankYou) {
         for {
                 person <- audience
                 p <- pies
                 i <- iceCreams
                 val serving = new Serving(p,i)
                 if (serving.isGood)
         } yield {
partial application
higher order functions
function composition
 public Serving<Pie, IceCream> serveBestALaMode(Pie key, Map<Pie,
 IceCream> pairings) {
     if(pairings != null) {
         IceCream iceCream = pairings.get(key);
         if(iceCream != null) {
             return new Serving(key, iceCream)
         } else {
                  return null;

Option[T] is either a Some with a value of type T
     inside, or None representing nothing.
 val someOption: Option[String] = Some("this is a value")
 val noneOption: Option[String] = None

 val theSomeValue = someOption.get //returns "this is a value"
 val someIsDefined = someOption.isDefined //returns true

 val theNoneValue = noneOption.get //throws NoSuchElementException
 val someIsDefined = someOption.isDefined //returns false
def serveBestALaMode(key: Pie, pairings: Map[Pie, IceCream]): Op
tion[Serving[Pie,IceCream]] = {
         iceCream: Option[IceCream] = pairings.get(key);
         if (iceCream.isDefined) {
                  Some(new Serving(key, iceCream.get))
         } else {
                             .MAP {(str:String) => str + " SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FO
        //returns Some("this is a value SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOO
TBALL RULES") {(str:String) => str + " SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FO
        //returns None

val favoritePie: Option[Pie] = Some(rhubarb){ (pie: Pie) => pairings.get(pie) })
        //returns Some(Some(butterPecan))--whoops!
favoritePie.flatMap( { (pie: Pie) => pairings.get(pie) } )
        //returns Some(butterPecan)

val todaysSpecial: Option[Pie]
val myOrder = todaysSpecial.filter( { (pie: Pie) => (pie != butte
rPecan) }
 for {
         pie <- todaysSpecial
         bestIceCream <- pairings.get(pie)
         iceCream <- availableFlavors.get(bestIceCream) } yield {



                           tough to mess with
"Let’s look at what it is that makes Thing a monad.
The first thing is that I can wrap up a value inside of a
new Thing...We have a function of type A => Thing; a
  function which takes some value and wraps it up
                    inside a new Thing.
  We also have this fancy bind function, which digs
   inside our Thing and allows a function which we
supply to use that value to create a new Thing. Scala
             calls this function “flatMap“....
 What’s interesting here is the fact that bind is how
 you combine two things together in sequence. We
 start with one thing and use its value to compute a
                        new thing."
                    —Daniel Spiewak
 flatMap hides our boilerplate. For Lists, it abstracts
away a for-loop, letting us create a new List from an
   existing list. For Options, it abstracts away a null
check, letting us create a new nullable value from an
                       existing one.

                      tough to mess with
accumulating errors
a cursor position in a database or file
states in a state machine
an environment that changes


partial application
higher order functions
function composition
“Is Clojure code hard to understand? Imagine if every
   time you read Java source code and encountered
   syntax elements like if statements, for loops, and
   anonymous classes, you had to pause and puzzle
  over what they mean. There are certain things that
    must be obvious to a person who wants to be a
  productive Java developer. Likewise there are parts
   of Clojure syntax that must be obvious for one to
    efficiently read and understand code. Examples
 include being comfortable with the use of let, apply,
 map, filter, reduce and anonymous functions...”—R.
                     Mark Volkmann
class HelloWorldSpec extends Specification {

      "The 'Hello world' string" should {
        "contain 11 characters" in {
          "Hello world" must have size(11)
        "start with 'Hello'" in {
          "Hello world" must startWith("Hello")
        "end with 'world'" in {
          "Hello world" must endWith("world")

                             from specs2

“The truth is that good programmers mix the styles quite
   a bit. We program imperatively when needed, and
   functionally when possible.” - Michael O. Church

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Learning Functional Programming Without Growing a Neckbeard

  • 2. HI! I'm Kelsey. I work at StackMob writing code that lets our users create & manage their applications, APIs, and data through the browser. I use Scala and the Lift web framework to do that.
  • 3. WHY ARE YOU HERE? To learn to write code with drive that don't take no jive.
  • 4. THE PAM GRIER CRITERIA FOR CODE BADASSERY Code, like Pam Grier, should be: Powerful, Beautiful, and Tough to mess with.
  • 5. POWERFUL Do big things Do them easily Do them quickly
  • 6. TOUGH TO MESS WITH Secure from outside manipulation Hard to unintentionally make mistakes Easy to maintain
  • 7. BEAUTIFUL Elegant, concise, and--yes--readable Able to be easily reused Fun to write
  • 8. SCALA! don't need parentheses for method calls semicolons are optional return value is the last line of the method static typing with type inference
  • 9. BUT WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? val x: String = "a" val y = 2 val z = 15.3 val myThing = new Thing val theList = List("this", "sure", "is", "a", "list") val whatIsIt = theList(4)
  • 10. BUT WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? def haggle(theirPrice: Int, myOffer: Int): String = { val theResponse: String = if (theirPrice <= myOffer + 5) { "You've got a deal!" } else { "I definitely wouldn't pay more than " + (myOffer + (theirPrice - myOffer)/2) + " for it." } theResponse } val askingPrice = 100 val iWantToPay = 50 val letsMakeADeal = haggle(askingPrice, iWantToPay)
  • 12. WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING? Well, what is a program?
  • 13. ASK A KID (OR SIMPLE ENGLISH WIKIPEDIA) A computer program is a list WRONG of instructions that tell a computer what to do.
  • 14. Imperative programming: a sequence of commands that the computer carries out in sequence Object-oriented programming: these instructions, and the data they manipulate, are organized into objects
  • 15. If a program's not a series of commands, then what is it?
  • 16.
  • 17. “Functional programming is a style of programming that emphasizes the evaluation of expressions rather than the execution of commands.” —comp.lang.functional FAQ
  • 18. WHAT THINGS ARE val theQueen = "Elizabeth II" but also... def theGovernor(state: State) = { val candidates = state.getCandidates candidates(getTopVoteGetter) }
  • 19. WHAT IS A FUNCTION? A function is a relation between values where each of its input values gives back exactly one output value, playa.
  • 21. A function is pure if “the impact of a function on the rest of the program [can] be described only in terms of its return type, and...the impact of the rest of the program on the function be described only in terms of its arguments”. (Victor Nicollet)
  • 22. This is our building block. Sooooo....
  • 23. FUNCTIONS ARE DETERMINISTIC. You will always get the same result if you run them with the same data. correctness is more clear unit tests are a breeze debugging is more directed tough to mess with
  • 24. FUNCTIONS ARE ENCAPSULATED. “With a referentially transparent function, the interface- level activity is all one needs to know about its behavior.”. (Michael O. Church) readability reuse maintainability beautiful tough to mess with
  • 25. FUNCTIONS ARE COMMUTATIVE. val firstThing = doOneThing() val secondThing = doAnotherThing() val thirdThing = doTheLastThing(firstThing, secondThing) parallelization concurrency lazy evaluation powerful
  • 26. DATA IS IMMUTABLE. Once an object is created, it cannot be changed. If you need to change an object, make your own copy. a quick detour back to Java... String s1 = "san dimas high school football rules" String s2 = s1.toUpperCase println("string 1: " + s1); println("string 2: " + s2); concurrency rollback of data simplicity powerful tough to mess with
  • 27. Functions are deterministic Functions are encapsulated Functions are commutative Data is immutable Let's build.
  • 30. FIRST CLASS CITIZENS val longSkinnyThing: String = "this is a string" val listOfThem: List[String] = List("yarn","twine","thread") val freshNewLongSkinnyThing: String = spinFromFiber("wool") tieInAKnot(longSkinnyThing) class Rope(type:String) { override def toString(): String = "You've put me on a diet!"; } val longSkinnyThing: Rope = new Rope("nautical") val listOfThem: List[String] = List(longSkinnyThing, new Rope("climbing"), new Rope("clothesline"), new Rope("jump")) val freshNewLongSkinnyThing: Rope = spinFromFiber("hemp") tieInAKnot(longSkinnyThing)
  • 31. val addSpam: (String) => String = { (x:String) => x + " and Spam" } addSpam("Egg and Bacon") //result: "Egg and Bacon and Spam" val menuOptions = List(addSpam, withoutSpam) menuOptions(1)("Egg and Bacon and Spam") //result: "You can't have that" addSpam's type is (String) => String (list of parameters' types) => return type
  • 32. RETURNING FUNCTIONS FROM FUNCTIONS def tagText(tag: String, text: String) = "<" + tag +">" + text + "" val noReally = tagText("em", "pay attention!!!!") //result: <em>pay attention!!!!</em> def tagText2(tag: String) = { (text:String) =>"<" + tag +">" + te xt + "" } val tagWithAndSpam = tagText2("andSpam") val breakfast = tagWithAndSpam("Spam Bacon and Sausage") //result: <andSpam>Spam Bacon and Sausage</andSpam> beautiful powerful
  • 35. FOR LOOP Java public void talkAboutFruit { Fruit[] fruits = { new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry") }; for (int i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) { System.out.println("Hey the other day I ate a " + fruits[i]; } } Scala def talkAboutFruit = { val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry")) for (i <- 0 until fruits.length) { System.out.println("Hey the other day I ate a " + fruits(i); } }
  • 36. LET'S GET ABSTRACT a function that takes a list and a function (list of parameters' types) => return type foreach(fruitList:List(fruits), theFunction: (Fruit) => Unit): Unit def foreach(fruitList:List(fruits), theFunction: (Fruit) => Unit ) = { for (i <- 0 until fruitList.length) { theFunction(fruits(i)) } } def talkAboutFruit = { val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry")) val tellEm = { (f:Fruit) => System.out.println( "Hey the other day I ate a " + f) } foreach(fruits, tellEm) } }
  • 37. MORE ABSTRACTERER! foreach(theList:List(A), theFunction: (A) => Unit): Unit abstract class Collection[A] { ... def foreach(theFunction: (A) => Unit): Unit ... } def talkAboutFruit = { val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry")) val tellEm = { (f:Fruit) => System.out.println( "Hey the other day I ate a " + f) } fruits.foreach(tellEm) } }
  • 38. THIS: abstract class Collection[A] { ... def foreach(theFunction: (A) => Unit): Unit = { for (i <- 0 until this.length) { theFunction(this(i)) } } ... } IS NOT HOW SCALA IMPLEMENTED FOREACH tough to mess with powerful
  • 39. SOMETHING A LITTLE JUICIER def makePies: List[Pie] = { val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry")) var pies = List() for (i <- 0 until fruits.length) { new Pie(fruits(i)) :: pies } pies } on a collection of A, you can map(theFunction: (A) => B): Collection[B] def makePies: List[Pie] = { val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry")) val makePie = { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } }
  • 40. ANONYMOUS FUNCTIONS val kindOfFruit: String = "blueberry" val blueberryFruit = new Fruit(kindOfFruit) val alsoBlueberry = new Fruit("blueberry") val makePie = { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } //equivalent to { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } ) def makePies: List[Pie] = { val fruits = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry")) { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } ) } def makePies(fruits: List[Fruit]) : List[Pie] = { (f: Fruit) => new Pie(f) } ) beautiful
  • 41. COLLECTION HANDLING FILTER val theList = List(new Fruit("apple"), new Fruit("pear"), new Fru it("cherry"), new Fruit("strawberry"), new Fruit("honeydew")) scala> theList.filter( { (f: Fruit) => f.isDelicious } ) res0: List[Fruit] = List(apple, cherry, strawberry) FOLD scala> theList.fold("The fruits on this list are: ")( { (stringSo Far: String, f: Fruit) => stringSoFar + " " + } ) res1: String = "The fruits on this list are: apple pear cherry st rawberry honeydew" REDUCE scala> theList.fold(0)( { (count: Int, f: Fruit) => count + " " + f.totalPieces } ) res2: Int = 42300 theList.reduce( { (f: Fruit) => f.totalPieces } ) res3: Int = 42300
  • 42. NESTED FOR-LOOPS def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): List(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) { val servings = List[Serving[Pie,IceCream]]() for (p <- 0 until pies.length) { for (i <- 0 until iceCreams.length) { val serving = new Serving(p, i) serving :: servings } } servings } def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): List(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) { { (p: Pie) => { (i: IceCream) => new Serving(p, i) } ) } ) }
  • 43. IS THIS AN IMPROVEMENT? def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): L ist(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) { val servingsLists = { (p: Pie) => { (i: IceCream) => new Serving(p, i) } ) } ) servingsLists.flatten }
  • 44. FUNCTION COMPOSITION def bakeAPie(f: Fruit, c: Crust): Pie def eatAPie(p: Pie): HappyKelsey def bakeAndEatAPie(f: Fruit, c: Crust): HappyKelsey = eatAPie com pose bakeAPie //could also be written bakeAPie andThen eatAPie flatten compose map is flatMap, and it's MAGIC
  • 45. FOR-YIELD def tryAllPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): List(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) { for { p <- pies i <- iceCreams } yield { new Serving(p,i) } } beautiful!
  • 46. FUN WITH FOR-YIELD def goodPairings(pies: List[Pie], iceCreams: List[IceCream]): Li st(Serving[Pie, IceCream]) { for { p <- pies i <- iceCreams val serving = new Serving(p,i) if (serving.isGood) } yield { serving } } def pleaseEverybody(audience: List[Person], pies: List[Pie], ice Creams: List[IceCream]): List(ThankYou) { for { person <- audience p <- pies i <- iceCreams val serving = new Serving(p,i) if (serving.isGood) } yield { person.feed(serving) } }
  • 47. partial application higher order functions function composition for-yield
  • 49. NULL.
  • 50. YUCK public Serving<Pie, IceCream> serveBestALaMode(Pie key, Map<Pie, IceCream> pairings) { if(pairings != null) { IceCream iceCream = pairings.get(key); if(iceCream != null) { return new Serving(key, iceCream) } else { return null; } } } SCALA PROGRAMMING DOESN'T USE NULL. YIPPEE!
  • 51. OPTION Option[T] is either a Some with a value of type T inside, or None representing nothing. val someOption: Option[String] = Some("this is a value") val noneOption: Option[String] = None val theSomeValue = someOption.get //returns "this is a value" val someIsDefined = someOption.isDefined //returns true val theNoneValue = noneOption.get //throws NoSuchElementException val someIsDefined = someOption.isDefined //returns false
  • 52. def serveBestALaMode(key: Pie, pairings: Map[Pie, IceCream]): Op tion[Serving[Pie,IceCream]] = { iceCream: Option[IceCream] = pairings.get(key); if (iceCream.isDefined) { Some(new Serving(key, iceCream.get)) } else { None } }
  • 53. OPTION IS KIND OF LIKE A COLLECTION .MAP {(str:String) => str + " SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FO OTBALL RULES"} ) //returns Some("this is a value SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOO TBALL RULES") {(str:String) => str + " SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FO OTBALL RULES"} ) //returns None .FLATMAP val favoritePie: Option[Pie] = Some(rhubarb){ (pie: Pie) => pairings.get(pie) }) //returns Some(Some(butterPecan))--whoops! favoritePie.flatMap( { (pie: Pie) => pairings.get(pie) } ) //returns Some(butterPecan) .FILTER val todaysSpecial: Option[Pie] val myOrder = todaysSpecial.filter( { (pie: Pie) => (pie != butte rPecan) }
  • 54. FOR-YIELD OVER OPTION for { pie <- todaysSpecial bestIceCream <- pairings.get(pie) iceCream <- availableFlavors.get(bestIceCream) } yield { myDessert } beautiful powerful tough to mess with
  • 56. "Let’s look at what it is that makes Thing a monad. The first thing is that I can wrap up a value inside of a new Thing...We have a function of type A => Thing; a function which takes some value and wraps it up inside a new Thing. We also have this fancy bind function, which digs inside our Thing and allows a function which we supply to use that value to create a new Thing. Scala calls this function “flatMap“.... What’s interesting here is the fact that bind is how you combine two things together in sequence. We start with one thing and use its value to compute a new thing." —Daniel Spiewak
  • 57. FLATMAP IS MAGIC flatMap hides our boilerplate. For Lists, it abstracts away a for-loop, letting us create a new List from an existing list. For Options, it abstracts away a null check, letting us create a new nullable value from an existing one. tough to mess with
  • 58. OTHER MONADS accumulating errors a cursor position in a database or file states in a state machine an environment that changes powerful
  • 60. partial application higher order functions function composition for-yield monads
  • 62. READABILITY “Is Clojure code hard to understand? Imagine if every time you read Java source code and encountered syntax elements like if statements, for loops, and anonymous classes, you had to pause and puzzle over what they mean. There are certain things that must be obvious to a person who wants to be a productive Java developer. Likewise there are parts of Clojure syntax that must be obvious for one to efficiently read and understand code. Examples include being comfortable with the use of let, apply, map, filter, reduce and anonymous functions...”—R. Mark Volkmann
  • 63. DSLS class HelloWorldSpec extends Specification { "The 'Hello world' string" should { "contain 11 characters" in { "Hello world" must have size(11) } "start with 'Hello'" in { "Hello world" must startWith("Hello") } "end with 'world'" in { "Hello world" must endWith("world") } } } from specs2
  • 64. PURITY “The truth is that good programmers mix the styles quite a bit. We program imperatively when needed, and functionally when possible.” - Michael O. Church