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Beth Kanter
September 14, 2017
Running Effective Virtual Meetings:
Tools & Techniques for Engagement
Beth Kanter: Master Trainer, Speaker, Author and
Nonprofit Thought Leader
• Interactive
• Brevity
• Full attention
• Everyone participates
• Simulation exercises
Rules of
The Agenda
Implement one
small step to
improve your
virtual meetings
or webinar to
share on Oct.5
1: Opening (30 min)
Agenda Review, Intros, Context,
2: Before (30 min)
Designing for Engagement
Tech & Logistics Tips
3: During (30 min)
Facilitating for Engagement
4: After (5 min)
Follow Up
5: Recipes (5 min)
Interactive Webinars
6: Closing (10 min)
Resources and Slides:
Survey Results Snapshot: Types
Type Frequency Size
70% Working Group Meetings Regularly Recurring w/
same participants
64% Informal Check-Ins Regularly Recurring w/
same participants
47% Webinars Different speakers, groups L
30% Advisory Group Meetings Regularly Recurring w/
same participants
Opener: Survey Results Snapshot: Activities
Discussion 94%
Presentations 88%
Review project plans 65%
Asking for feedback on a proposal, report, or
Making Decisions 59%
Introductions 53%
Check-Ins 53%
Scheduling 47%
Brainstorming 47%
Strategy 41%
Collaboration on a document or other work product 41%
Committee Reports 29%
Close Outs 18%
Reflection 12%
Opening Exercise: Demo Word Cloud Technique and Tool
Opening exercise is used to help people connect
with their existing knowledge, learn about the
audience for a webinar. Can also be used as a
virtual icebreaker for a virtual team.
Model use of “word cloud” and simple online
polling tool called Slido
Introductions Using the Clock Technique for Audio Only
• Use this initially to create a speaking
sequence for intros, and then use it to
ensure everyone speaks.
• Draw a circle on a piece of paper and
mark the hours like a clock or use
• Each person is assigned a spot on the
“clock” as they join the conference
call. So the first person is 1 o’clock, the
second 2, etc. If there are more than
twelve, start adding 1:30, 2:30 etc.
• Participants can make notations by
names and use it as a visual tool to
match names/voices/input.
• If you are doing multiple rounds of
“speaking” vary the “starting position”
on the clock.
Template by Nancy White
A successful virtual meeting or webinar
Simulate Arriving for a Conference
More Audio Only Conference Call Tips
More Tips for Audio-Only Conference Call:
Participating in a virtual meeting is like being blind …
Chat, Screen Share, Polls
The Pyramid of Meeting Engagement
Adapted from Hassan Osman
The biggest challenges with virtual meetings is
a lack of engagement and group cohesion
• Move up the pyramid
• Use a mix
How do you balance technology
choices in low Internet bandwidth
places with need for engagement?
Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement
Before During After
Virtual Meeting Design
Scheduling Across Time Zones
Mitigating Tech Glitches
Rules of Engagement
Facilitation Techniques
Follow Up and Notes
Virtual Meeting Design: More Than Agenda Planning
Share Information
Advance the Thinking
Provide Input
Make Decisions
Improve Communication
Build Capacity
Build Community
Check-In and Agenda Review
Quick Business
Main Event
Meeting Goal
Short break every 90
Continue until goal is met
Action Plans
Identify action items
Who, What, By When
Meeting Evaluation
What went well, what
could be improved?
Discuss engagement
Virtual Meeting Design Checklist
How many?
Name, Contact Info, Time Zone
Rotating Roles
-Bridge Facilitator
-Note Taker
-Time Keeper
-Tech Support
Meeting Norms:
Participant Agenda w/ Times Background
Facilitator Agenda:
Based on the participant agenda, map out process steps
including framing, engagement, and technology tools
Participant /Host Call-In/Online Log In
Plan B
Dress Rehearsal for Facilitator Agenda
Technical support before/after meeting
Time Zones
Calendar Invitation
Follow Up Notes
Virtual Meeting Design: Common Meeting Roles
Time Keeping Tool
• Recurring meeting day/time, schedule all
• SOT (Start/Stop on Time), 5 minutes early
• Calendar invite w/ call-in, participant agenda
and reading material before the call
• Other Scheduling tools: Doodle and Time
Across Time Zones
• Is there a ground rule to establish?
• Use World Clock Meeting Planner to identify
“overlap windows”
• Use shared calendar to automate time zone
• Record meetings
• Increase awareness of participants’ time
zones ( (
World Meeting Clock
Use World Clock Meeting Planner To Identify “Overlap Windows”
-Tech Support from tech keeper – before or after meeting,
not during
-Platform Tech Support Number/Links
-Dress Rehearsals
-Send copies of documents to all participants screen shares
-Call-In: Participants and Hosts
The Missing Guide To Troubleshooting Audio and Video Conferencing
Be Camera
Make Sure Your Next Web Conference Is Not A Technical Disaster
Check Your Platform Support Documents and Resources
Rules of meeting
engagement or “meeting
norms” are stated
standards that refer to
processes, preparation
and communication
practices which can
apply to any meeting.
Virtual meetings have
some specific norms.
Examples of Norms For Virtual Meetings
• We will use the technology that most accessible to
everyone on our team.
• Test your technology before the meeting and
resolve any technical issues
• Use phone line with audio clarity and stability
• Do not multi-task (do other work) during the
• Follow an organized line up to ensure each person
has a chance to respond.
• Find a quiet space to participate
• Use the mute button at your site to prevent the
transmission of background noise.
• Speak up to get attention if you have something to
• Turn on your video whenever possible and be
camera ready
How To Use
• Share with your agenda
• Use different approaches to
• Less is more, aim for 6 and
transition after it becomes
standard behavior
More about meeting norms
Create Virtual Meeting Norms for Your Team
Step 1: Pre Work
Ask team members to reflect on these questions prior to the meeting
-What has enabled effective virtual meetings?
-What has hindered effectiveness?
Step 2: Meeting Discussion
Discuss the above questions for 20 minutes.
Step 3: Synthesis
Wrap up the discussion by asking each person contribute their top two essential principles or
norms. Capture this in a google document in bullet points. Share your screen. 10 minutes
Step 4: Create Heat Map
Share the google document link with the participants in chat or email ask them put a “red
asterisk” or “*” by six of the most important principles. Give people 5-10 minutes to “vote.”
Google doc sharing “anyone with a link”
Step 5: Reflect on Results
Spend 5-10 minutes reflecting on the results. Task someone to write up the draft meeting
norms to be shared at the next meeting.
Gifts & Hooks
Step 1: Frame
“Each person brings gifts to the table (skills, abilities,
characteristics) that are valuable for the team in getting
its work done.”
“Each person also has hooks that represent what the
individual needs to experience to remain fully engaged
and actively involved as the group progresses in its work.”
Step 2: Identify
Participants use sticky note app or word cloud to identify
their gifts and hooks.
Step 3: Reflection
What does this tell us about our team?
What do we need to keep in mind to keep everyone
engaged during virtual meetings?
Adapted for virtual meeting facilitation based on
Michele Wilkinson
Step 1: Frame
Information: What kind of information do you need for the
projects you work on?
Communication: What kinds of communication do you use
to get your work done?
Collaboration: How do you know what everyone is doing?
Step 2: Identify
Participants use sticky note app to discuss questions for 10
minutes each. Team members add sticky notes in each
Step 3: Reflection
What does this tell us about our team?
What do we need to keep in mind to be productive?
Step 4: Draft Charter
Task someone to write draft based on capture of the sticky
Step 5: Repeat When New People Added
Virtual Team Charter
-Used Zoom/Linoit
-Sticky note brainstorm using questions: Communications, Tools, Collaboration
-Synthesized draft of norms in a google document
Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement
Before During After
Virtual Meeting Design
Scheduling Across Time Zones
Mitigating Tech Glitches
Rules of Engagement
Facilitation Techniques
Follow Up and Notes
During: Techniques for Facilitating for Engagement
Kick Off Meeting With A Strong Opener
• Greet each participant as a they arrive
• Share time zone chart, if appropriate
• Use clock technique for audio-only
• Rules of Engagement should be visible and
pick one for the meeting
• Ask each participant to answer check-in
• Experiment with visual or fun check-ins for
team building
• Agenda review
Many more ideas and resources for openers:
Virtual Icebreaker: Share A Picture of Your Desktop
Facilitated Listening Skills: Chapter 4
Paraphrase: Repeating back in your own words what someone has said, often using phrasing
such as “Let me see if I’m understanding you.” This builds trust and establishes your objectivity.
You end your paraphrase with “Did I get it?”
Draw Out: After you listen and paraphrase, you ask open-ended or empowering questions to
draw people out. “Tell me more …” A simple hmm…. often works or intentional silence.
Stacking and Threading: Summarize key points made by participants and move to the next
question, ask someone who has not spoken yet.
Acknowledge Feelings: People communicate their feelings, sometimes not directly. Listen for
tone or watch facial expression on video, pose a question that names the feelings, and
paraphrase their responses.
Meta Listen: Listen for what the other person cares about, the value being created in the
conversation, for what you appreciate about the person, or for what is not being said.
How do you know if people are engaged in a face-
to-face meeting?
How do you know if people are staying engaged in a virtual
Establish A Line-Up and Call On People
Alphabetical Order: First or Last Name, Location
Clock Technique
Birthday Month
Area Code, Time Zone
Pass the Ball
Video Tip: Watch for eye or hand movement, typing sounds, bored
expressions, and remind people of meeting norms around engagement
or ask that person a direct question.
Hybrid Meetings: Assign Bridge Moderator
• A bridge moderator (someone in
the face meeting) ensures that there
is a linkage between virtual and real
time participants.
• Reminds people in the face-to-face
meeting that virtual participants are
part of the meeting.
• Checks to make sure that virtual
participants can hear, see, and
• If using video conferencing, project
remote participants on the screen or
give a seat at the meeting table.
My seat at the meeting table
My Bridge Moderator
Showed the Flip Chart
• Appoint a bridge moderator for those on speaker phone
• Name tags or table tents for those on speaker phone
• Call the speaker phone participants first
Voting on Video: Thumbs Up
Voting: Shared Document
Voting: Online Polls
Based on our discussion, should we add another
orientation event in October?
Use Online Chat To Support Engagement
• Participant questions
• Share insights
• Brainstorm
• Parking Lot
• Notetaking (if separate feature
does not exist)
• Share Pairs (DM)
• Feedback
Lead A Stretch Break
Closers: Evaluate the Meeting
Step 1: Frame
What worked well for this virtual meeting?
What could be improved?
Step 2: Think, Write, Share
Participants think quietly for one minute, timed by
facilitator. When time is up, facilitator asks
participants to type answers to question into the
chat. Facilitator summarizes responses. Facilitator
repeats for second question.
Step 3: Reflection
The facilitator leads discussion for 3-5 minutes to
get the group to identify one thing to improve the
next virtual meeting.
Step 4: Just One Action Step
The note taker captures the meeting
improvement action step for next meeting.
Closers: Evaluate the Meeting
Sad, Mad, Glad Meeting Retrospective
Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement
Before During After
Virtual Meeting Design
Scheduling Across Time Zones
Mitigating Tech Glitches
Rules of Engagement
Facilitation Techniques
Follow Up and Notes
Send A Short, Concise Follow Up Email Summarizing
Who Is Working On What
How To Take Notes in Meetings
Effective Virtual Meetings: Recap
Before During After
Virtual Meeting Design
Scheduling Across Time Zones
Mitigating Tech Glitches
Rules of Engagement
Facilitation Techniques
Follow Up and Notes
Webinar Recipe #1: Presentation
Timing Content
10 minutes -Welcome by Facilitator
-Ground Rules
-Tech Support – Ask in Chat
- Mute Lines
- Slides/Link to recording afterwards
- Ask speaker questions in chat or share insights
-User Poll – Question linked to content
-Introductions speaker and topic
10 minutes Topic 1: Speaker
Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions
5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker prepared question
Asks chat facilitator relay on relevant questions from audience in the chat
10 minutes Topic 2: Speaker
Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions
5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker prepared question
Asks chat facilitator relay on relevant questions from audience in the chat
10 minutes Topic 3: Speaker
Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions
5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker prepared question
Asks chat facilitator relay on relevant questions from audience in the chat
5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker to share final words or summary, thanks speaker, where to get slides and
recording. Thank you email w/links to recording and slides sent to participants
Webinar Recipe #2: Panel Discussion
Timing Content
10 minutes -Welcome by Facilitator
-Ground Rules
-Tech Support – Ask in Chat
- Audio Stream – Ask questions in the chat or share ideas
- Slides/Link to recording afterwards
-User Poll – Question linked to content
15 minutes Facilitator frames topic and introduces 3 panelists
Facilitator invites Panelist 1 to present for 4-5 minutes
Facilitator invites Panelist 2 to present for 4-5 minutes
Facilitator invites Panelist 3 to present for 4-5 minutes
Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions
15 minutes Facilitator asks prepared follow up question to panelists
Panelists respond
Facilitator asks Chat Facilitator for relevant audience questions
Chat Facilitator verbalizes questions from audience shared in chat
15 minutes Facilitator asks prepared follow up question to panelists
Panelists respond
Facilitator asks Chat Facilitator for relevant audience questions
Chat Facilitator verbalizes questions from audience shared in chat
5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker to share final words or summary, thanks speaker, where to get slides and
recording. Thank you email w/links to recording and slides sent to participants
Check-In Meetings: Recipe
• Schedule a regular time, if possible or schedule
next meeting at the end of your meeting
• Put informal agenda in meeting invite, allow
• Use video if possible
• Keep running shared document of notes
• Practice facilitated listening skills
Closing: Think, Write, Share
What is one idea, technique, or tool
that you can try out between now and
our next session that can help your
virtual meeting or webinar be more
Try it, reflect on it, and come ready to
share on 10/5/17 at 11:00 am
Just One Word …..

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Running Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement

  • 1. Beth Kanter September 14, 2017 Running Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement
  • 2. @kanter Beth Kanter: Master Trainer, Speaker, Author and Nonprofit Thought Leader
  • 3. AGENDA OUTCOMES • Interactive • Brevity • Full attention • Everyone participates • Simulation exercises Rules of Engagement The Agenda Implement one small step to improve your virtual meetings or webinar to share on Oct.5 1: Opening (30 min) Agenda Review, Intros, Context, Exercise 2: Before (30 min) Designing for Engagement Tech & Logistics Tips 3: During (30 min) Facilitating for Engagement 4: After (5 min) Follow Up 5: Recipes (5 min) Interactive Webinars Check-Ins 6: Closing (10 min) Evaluation Homework Resources and Slides:
  • 4. Survey Results Snapshot: Types Type Frequency Size 70% Working Group Meetings Regularly Recurring w/ same participants S/M 64% Informal Check-Ins Regularly Recurring w/ same participants S 47% Webinars Different speakers, groups L 30% Advisory Group Meetings Regularly Recurring w/ same participants S/M
  • 5. Opener: Survey Results Snapshot: Activities Activity Discussion 94% Presentations 88% Review project plans 65% Asking for feedback on a proposal, report, or concept 65% Making Decisions 59% Introductions 53% Check-Ins 53% Scheduling 47% Brainstorming 47% Strategy 41% Collaboration on a document or other work product 41% Committee Reports 29% Close Outs 18% Reflection 12%
  • 6. Opening Exercise: Demo Word Cloud Technique and Tool Opening exercise is used to help people connect with their existing knowledge, learn about the audience for a webinar. Can also be used as a virtual icebreaker for a virtual team. Model use of “word cloud” and simple online polling tool called Slido VirtualMeeting
  • 7.
  • 8. Introductions Using the Clock Technique for Audio Only Concept: • Use this initially to create a speaking sequence for intros, and then use it to ensure everyone speaks. • Draw a circle on a piece of paper and mark the hours like a clock or use template. • Each person is assigned a spot on the “clock” as they join the conference call. So the first person is 1 o’clock, the second 2, etc. If there are more than twelve, start adding 1:30, 2:30 etc. • Participants can make notations by names and use it as a visual tool to match names/voices/input. • If you are doing multiple rounds of “speaking” vary the “starting position” on the clock.
  • 9. Template by Nancy White Introductions Name Title Team A successful virtual meeting or webinar is [JUST ONE WORD] Simulate Arriving for a Conference
  • 10.
  • 11. More Audio Only Conference Call Tips More Tips for Audio-Only Conference Call:
  • 12. Participating in a virtual meeting is like being blind …
  • 13.
  • 14. Face Telepresence Video Audio Chat, Screen Share, Polls The Pyramid of Meeting Engagement More Engaging Less Engaging Adapted from Hassan Osman
  • 15. All Virtual Face- to-Face The biggest challenges with virtual meetings is a lack of engagement and group cohesion • Move up the pyramid • Use a mix How do you balance technology choices in low Internet bandwidth places with need for engagement?
  • 16. Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement Before During After Virtual Meeting Design Scheduling Across Time Zones Mitigating Tech Glitches Rules of Engagement Openers Facilitation Techniques Energizers Closers Follow Up and Notes
  • 17.
  • 18. Virtual Meeting Design: More Than Agenda Planning Purpose Share Information Advance the Thinking Provide Input Make Decisions Improve Communication Build Capacity Build Community Check-In and Agenda Review Quick Business Main Event Meeting Goal Process Proceed Short break every 90 minutes Continue until goal is met Action Plans Identify action items Who, What, By When Disseminate Meeting Evaluation What went well, what could be improved? Discuss engagement
  • 19. Virtual Meeting Design Checklist Purpose: Date/Time: Participants: How many? Name, Contact Info, Time Zone Rotating Roles -Facilitator -Bridge Facilitator -Greeter -Note Taker -Time Keeper -Tech Support Meeting Norms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Materials Participant Agenda w/ Times Background Reading Pre-Work Facilitator Agenda: Based on the participant agenda, map out process steps including framing, engagement, and technology tools needed. Technical Participant /Host Call-In/Online Log In Plan B Dress Rehearsal for Facilitator Agenda Technical support before/after meeting Communication/Scheduling: Recurring Time Zones Calendar Invitation Reminders Follow Up Notes
  • 20. Virtual Meeting Design: Common Meeting Roles Source: Time Keeping Tool
  • 21. SchedulingBasics • Recurring meeting day/time, schedule all • SOT (Start/Stop on Time), 5 minutes early • Calendar invite w/ call-in, participant agenda and reading material before the call • Other Scheduling tools: Doodle and Time Bridge Across Time Zones • Is there a ground rule to establish? • Use World Clock Meeting Planner to identify “overlap windows” • Use shared calendar to automate time zone conversions • Record meetings • Increase awareness of participants’ time zones ( (
  • 22. World Meeting Clock Use World Clock Meeting Planner To Identify “Overlap Windows”
  • 25. -Tech Support from tech keeper – before or after meeting, not during -Platform Tech Support Number/Links -Dress Rehearsals -Send copies of documents to all participants screen shares -Call-In: Participants and Hosts The Missing Guide To Troubleshooting Audio and Video Conferencing
  • 27. Make Sure Your Next Web Conference Is Not A Technical Disaster Check Your Platform Support Documents and Resources
  • 28. Rules of meeting engagement or “meeting norms” are stated standards that refer to processes, preparation and communication practices which can apply to any meeting. Virtual meetings have some specific norms.
  • 29. Examples of Norms For Virtual Meetings • We will use the technology that most accessible to everyone on our team. • Test your technology before the meeting and resolve any technical issues • Use phone line with audio clarity and stability • Do not multi-task (do other work) during the meeting • Follow an organized line up to ensure each person has a chance to respond. • Find a quiet space to participate • Use the mute button at your site to prevent the transmission of background noise. • Speak up to get attention if you have something to say. • Turn on your video whenever possible and be camera ready How To Use • Share with your agenda • Use different approaches to reinforce • Less is more, aim for 6 and transition after it becomes standard behavior More about meeting norms
  • 30. Create Virtual Meeting Norms for Your Team Step 1: Pre Work Ask team members to reflect on these questions prior to the meeting -What has enabled effective virtual meetings? -What has hindered effectiveness? Step 2: Meeting Discussion Discuss the above questions for 20 minutes. Step 3: Synthesis Wrap up the discussion by asking each person contribute their top two essential principles or norms. Capture this in a google document in bullet points. Share your screen. 10 minutes Step 4: Create Heat Map Share the google document link with the participants in chat or email ask them put a “red asterisk” or “*” by six of the most important principles. Give people 5-10 minutes to “vote.” Google doc sharing “anyone with a link” Step 5: Reflect on Results Spend 5-10 minutes reflecting on the results. Task someone to write up the draft meeting norms to be shared at the next meeting.
  • 31.
  • 32. Gifts & Hooks Step 1: Frame “Each person brings gifts to the table (skills, abilities, characteristics) that are valuable for the team in getting its work done.” “Each person also has hooks that represent what the individual needs to experience to remain fully engaged and actively involved as the group progresses in its work.” Step 2: Identify Participants use sticky note app or word cloud to identify their gifts and hooks. Step 3: Reflection What does this tell us about our team? What do we need to keep in mind to keep everyone engaged during virtual meetings? Adapted for virtual meeting facilitation based on Michele Wilkinson
  • 34. Step 1: Frame Information: What kind of information do you need for the projects you work on? Communication: What kinds of communication do you use to get your work done? Collaboration: How do you know what everyone is doing? Step 2: Identify Participants use sticky note app to discuss questions for 10 minutes each. Team members add sticky notes in each category. Step 3: Reflection What does this tell us about our team? What do we need to keep in mind to be productive? Step 4: Draft Charter Task someone to write draft based on capture of the sticky notes. Step 5: Repeat When New People Added Virtual Team Charter
  • 35. Steps -Used Zoom/Linoit -Sticky note brainstorm using questions: Communications, Tools, Collaboration -Synthesized draft of norms in a google document
  • 36. Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement Before During After Virtual Meeting Design Scheduling Across Time Zones Mitigating Tech Glitches Rules of Engagement Openers Facilitation Techniques Energizers Closers Follow Up and Notes
  • 37. During: Techniques for Facilitating for Engagement Kick Off Meeting With A Strong Opener • Greet each participant as a they arrive • Share time zone chart, if appropriate • Use clock technique for audio-only • Rules of Engagement should be visible and pick one for the meeting • Ask each participant to answer check-in question • Experiment with visual or fun check-ins for team building • Agenda review Many more ideas and resources for openers:
  • 38. Virtual Icebreaker: Share A Picture of Your Desktop
  • 39. Facilitated Listening Skills: Chapter 4 Paraphrase: Repeating back in your own words what someone has said, often using phrasing such as “Let me see if I’m understanding you.” This builds trust and establishes your objectivity. You end your paraphrase with “Did I get it?” Draw Out: After you listen and paraphrase, you ask open-ended or empowering questions to draw people out. “Tell me more …” A simple hmm…. often works or intentional silence. Stacking and Threading: Summarize key points made by participants and move to the next question, ask someone who has not spoken yet. Acknowledge Feelings: People communicate their feelings, sometimes not directly. Listen for tone or watch facial expression on video, pose a question that names the feelings, and paraphrase their responses. Meta Listen: Listen for what the other person cares about, the value being created in the conversation, for what you appreciate about the person, or for what is not being said.
  • 40. How do you know if people are engaged in a face- to-face meeting?
  • 41. How do you know if people are staying engaged in a virtual meeting?
  • 42. Establish A Line-Up and Call On People Alphabetical Order: First or Last Name, Location Clock Technique Birthday Month Area Code, Time Zone Pass the Ball Random
  • 43. Video Tip: Watch for eye or hand movement, typing sounds, bored expressions, and remind people of meeting norms around engagement or ask that person a direct question.
  • 44. Hybrid Meetings: Assign Bridge Moderator • A bridge moderator (someone in the face meeting) ensures that there is a linkage between virtual and real time participants. • Reminds people in the face-to-face meeting that virtual participants are part of the meeting. • Checks to make sure that virtual participants can hear, see, and speak. • If using video conferencing, project remote participants on the screen or give a seat at the meeting table.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. My seat at the meeting table
  • 50. • Appoint a bridge moderator for those on speaker phone • Name tags or table tents for those on speaker phone • Call the speaker phone participants first
  • 51. Voting on Video: Thumbs Up
  • 53. Voting: Online Polls Based on our discussion, should we add another orientation event in October?
  • 54. Use Online Chat To Support Engagement • Participant questions • Share insights • Brainstorm • Parking Lot • Notetaking (if separate feature does not exist) • Share Pairs (DM) • Feedback
  • 55.
  • 56. Lead A Stretch Break
  • 57. Closers: Evaluate the Meeting Step 1: Frame What worked well for this virtual meeting? What could be improved? Step 2: Think, Write, Share Participants think quietly for one minute, timed by facilitator. When time is up, facilitator asks participants to type answers to question into the chat. Facilitator summarizes responses. Facilitator repeats for second question. Step 3: Reflection The facilitator leads discussion for 3-5 minutes to get the group to identify one thing to improve the next virtual meeting. Step 4: Just One Action Step The note taker captures the meeting improvement action step for next meeting.
  • 58. Closers: Evaluate the Meeting Sad, Mad, Glad Meeting Retrospective
  • 59. Effective Virtual Meetings: Tools & Techniques for Engagement Before During After Virtual Meeting Design Scheduling Across Time Zones Mitigating Tech Glitches Rules of Engagement Openers Facilitation Techniques Energizers Closers Follow Up and Notes
  • 60. Send A Short, Concise Follow Up Email Summarizing Who Is Working On What How To Take Notes in Meetings
  • 61. Effective Virtual Meetings: Recap Before During After Virtual Meeting Design Scheduling Across Time Zones Mitigating Tech Glitches Rules of Engagement Openers Facilitation Techniques Energizers Closers Follow Up and Notes
  • 62. Webinar Recipe #1: Presentation Timing Content 10 minutes -Welcome by Facilitator -Ground Rules -Tech Support – Ask in Chat - Mute Lines - Slides/Link to recording afterwards - Ask speaker questions in chat or share insights -User Poll – Question linked to content -Introductions speaker and topic 10 minutes Topic 1: Speaker Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions 5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker prepared question Asks chat facilitator relay on relevant questions from audience in the chat 10 minutes Topic 2: Speaker Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions 5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker prepared question Asks chat facilitator relay on relevant questions from audience in the chat 10 minutes Topic 3: Speaker Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions 5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker prepared question Asks chat facilitator relay on relevant questions from audience in the chat 5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker to share final words or summary, thanks speaker, where to get slides and recording. Thank you email w/links to recording and slides sent to participants
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. Webinar Recipe #2: Panel Discussion Timing Content 10 minutes -Welcome by Facilitator -Ground Rules -Tech Support – Ask in Chat - Audio Stream – Ask questions in the chat or share ideas - Slides/Link to recording afterwards -User Poll – Question linked to content 15 minutes Facilitator frames topic and introduces 3 panelists Facilitator invites Panelist 1 to present for 4-5 minutes Facilitator invites Panelist 2 to present for 4-5 minutes Facilitator invites Panelist 3 to present for 4-5 minutes Chat Facilitator responds to technical questions in chat and keeps track of questions 15 minutes Facilitator asks prepared follow up question to panelists Panelists respond Facilitator asks Chat Facilitator for relevant audience questions Chat Facilitator verbalizes questions from audience shared in chat 15 minutes Facilitator asks prepared follow up question to panelists Panelists respond Facilitator asks Chat Facilitator for relevant audience questions Chat Facilitator verbalizes questions from audience shared in chat 5 minutes Facilitator asks speaker to share final words or summary, thanks speaker, where to get slides and recording. Thank you email w/links to recording and slides sent to participants
  • 67. Check-In Meetings: Recipe • Schedule a regular time, if possible or schedule next meeting at the end of your meeting • Put informal agenda in meeting invite, allow edits • Use video if possible • Keep running shared document of notes • Practice facilitated listening skills
  • 68. Closing: Think, Write, Share What is one idea, technique, or tool that you can try out between now and our next session that can help your virtual meeting or webinar be more engaging? Try it, reflect on it, and come ready to share on 10/5/17 at 11:00 am Just One Word …..