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Sugar Maple Acer saccharum “ Hard Maple”   Group:  Deciduous Trees   Leaf/Bud Arrangement:  Opposite   Identification: Winter-- Sharp terminal bud often with two side terminals Brown stem, often waxy, with light lenticels Buds get dramatically longer before they open Terminal buds often look like a castle   Summer--   Leaves are 5-lobed and not very serratey Leaves look like the leaf on the Canadian Flag Samaras have nearly parallel wings
Spread:  40 ft. Height:  60 ft. Hardiness:  Zones 4 to 8 Texture:  Medium Habit:  Large oval Cultivars:  ‘Legacy’ and ‘Bonfire’ are very popular Landscape value:  One of the best large shade trees.  Doesn’t do well in pollluted or crowded situations.  Slow grower. Great yellow, red and orange colors often  on the same tree.  This tree is used for syrup production. Best Season:  Fall

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Sugar maple show

  • 1. Sugar Maple Acer saccharum “ Hard Maple”   Group: Deciduous Trees   Leaf/Bud Arrangement: Opposite   Identification: Winter-- Sharp terminal bud often with two side terminals Brown stem, often waxy, with light lenticels Buds get dramatically longer before they open Terminal buds often look like a castle   Summer-- Leaves are 5-lobed and not very serratey Leaves look like the leaf on the Canadian Flag Samaras have nearly parallel wings
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